



新编英语语法教程(第6版)第21讲练习参考答案Ex. 21Awas sorry to learn…will be sad to hear…would be very surprised to receive…is happy to have found…was afraid to go…was pleased to hear…am very anxious to meet you.were delighted to receive your telegram.were sensible to stay indoors.clerk was prompt to answer the call.rule is easy to remember.are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood.house is difficult to heat.you ready to leavewould be foolish to go out in this weather.is quick to see the point.is very keen to get on.are proud to have him as a friend.was rude not to answer your letter.are happy to have you with us this evening.Ex. 21Bdecision to resign surprised all of us.showed no inclination to leave.resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love.City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river. readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world.refused the invitation to write another article on the subject.people of a country should have the freedom to choose their own social system.is no need for you to start so early.am not under the obligation to render him any financial support.have the ability to wage biological warfare.is not a man to be frightened by the threat of war.are plans to be made at once.is a day never to be forgotten.me the names of the people to contact.next train to arrive is from Edinburgh.last problem to be considered at our next meeting is how to invest the money.Cortes the first European ever to see the Pacific Oceanbest man to see for your eye trouble is the professor of ophthalmology. way to get into the building is to slip in through the kitchen.first man to fly non-stop across the Atlantic was John Alcock.Ex. 21Cpollution is a hard problem to be coped with.is no time to lose. We must start at once.is an infectious disease to be wiped out in a few years.was no sound to be heard.’ve spent two days here. There is nothing to see.is a good book in which there is much to be learnt.is an item of information not to say to any other people.is a difficult question to answer.the sound of footsteps outside the window, I stole out of the room, but there was nothing to be seen.is a man to be reckoned with.was firm in her refusal to accept his offer of marriage.have accepted the invitation to go to their school for an exchange of experience.need a box to hold the chessmen.is there to be proud ofalways thinks that the bed is a good place to read detective stories. day I have a lot of question to consider.only way to deal with her is not to give an inch.is not a woman to be trifled with.brother was the third person to be interviewed.have left me very little to say.Ex. 21D1.…supposed her to be a wido w.2.…felt the plan to be unwise.3.…admit him to be a genius.4.…declared the book to be obscene.5.…found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid.6.…thought the film to be highly original.7.…considered the speaker to have overstated h is case.8.…showed the man’s alibi to be a complete fabrication.9.…assumed the construction of such a building to be impracticablewhereas…believed it to be perfectly feasible.10.…revealed himself to be a master of the keyboard.11.…knew him to be a man of integrity.12.…discovered £20,000 worth of precious stones to be missing.13.…thought it to be impossible…14.…understands it to be impossible…15.…acknowledge many of their predictions to have been over-optimistic.16.…that their informant was reliable.17.…that the situation is now under control.18.…that it was unlikely…19.…that it was cruel…20.…that what he said was based on fact.21.…that it was likely…22.…that his long-term optimism was justified.23.…that his party has little chance of…24.…tha t the ascent had taken nearly five and a half hours.25.…that his evidence had been perjured.26.…that earlier theories were incorrect.27.…the gain in reserves was / has been…28.…knowing that they had been stolen.29.…that their candidate was unacceptabl e to them.30.…that its implementation was desirable.Ex. 21Ea)1. so that it should / might look2. so that there should be3. so as not to get4. so as not to leave5. so that the room should look6. so as to avoid7. so as to have8. so that we should not have9. so as to havethat I should not havethat it should not getthat it should beas not to getas to coverthat my arms should not getas not to getthat the brush should not getthat it may / can be usedthat it shall not getas to useb)1. so kind as to invite2. so (that) I was3. so happy that I danced4. to get5. so unfortunate as not to have6. for the snow to be7. so thick as to cover8. cold enough to freeze9. so (that) I had kind as to send it to arriveexcited to untie (that) I cutme to wear。



Contents第一部分语法讲解第一讲词类、句子成分、构词法 (3)第二讲名词 (4)第三讲代词 (6)第四讲数词 (9)第五讲冠词 (10)第六讲形容词和副词 (12)第七讲介词 (19)第八讲动词(一)动词概述 (21)第九讲动词(二)动词时态和语态 (25)第十讲动词(三)非谓语动词及动词辨析 (29)第十一讲连词 (35)第十二讲简单句 (36)第十三讲句子成分 (39)第十四讲简单句句式 (42)第十五讲并列句和主从复合句 (43)第二部分巩固与提高测评测评一名词 (47)测评二代词 (48)测评三数词 (51)测评四冠词 (52)测评五形容词和副词 (54)测评六介词 (58)测评七动词 (60)测评八连词 (69)测评九句子 (70)测评十交际用语 (75)第三部分语法网络图第一讲:词类、句子成分和构词法:2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。

如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。

如:good, right, white, orange .4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。

如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。

如:am, is,are,have,see .6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。

如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。

如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。

如in, on, from, above, behind.9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。

如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。



英语语法教程第版练习参考答案SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#新编英语语法教程(第6版)第12讲练习参考答案Ex. 12A1.He is likely to let you down.2.Our team is certain to win.3.There appears to be no doubt about it.4.John happened to be the only witness.5.I chanced to be out of London at the time.6.John doesn’t seem to be coming after all.7.We’re not supposed to play football on Sundays.8.He is supposed to have arrived at five.9.He’s sure to be there.10.They are certain to need help.11.I think it’s going to rain this evening.12.How am I to pay my debts?13.The new building is going to be six storeys high.14.You’re not to talk like that.15.He’s likely to see her.16.You’ve got to be joking.17.He tends to be stupid.18.I fail to see what you mean.19.We happened to be there.20.I chanced to meet him in the park.21.He appeared to enjoy the concert.22.They seemed not to notice it.23.The swimmer failed to reach the shore.24.We were to have been married in May.25.The purse was not to be found.26.He was never to see his wife or children again.27.It’s going to be a long time before we can reduce our prices.28.John is bound to be in the office.29.None of us can say what our future is to be.30.He did not fail to keep his word.12B2. called off out up with round/to down into up up off him out you off out up up it up out off on upin to up against out for/call in … in down out out up on, worn out, give … upEx. 12C1. This case is being looked into by the police.2. Before long the children had taken to their new teacher.3. We can’t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty.4. The First World War broke out in 1914.5. When she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital.6. He was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on.7. Some new problems cropped up at the last minute.8. As most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off.9. Can you figure out a way to solve this problem?10. When he was criticized, he flared up.11. Don’t be taken in.12. I got very angry that he should come out with that rude remark.13. You must work hard, or you won't be able to keep up with the rest of the class.14. Sophie is going to take a day off tomorrow; I must fill in for her.15. We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting.16. I’m looking forward to meeting you in Shang hai.17. We all look up to Doctor Lin, because she serves her patients selflessly.18. He worked in the United States for three years, and he made the most of the opportunity to improve his English.19. She was so lazy that she made a mess of her room.20. This is a used car; it has changed hands several times.Ex. 12D1. finding question。



Contents第一部分语法讲解第一讲词类、句子成分、构词法 (3)第二讲名词 (4)第三讲代词 (6)第四讲数词 (9)第五讲冠词 (10)第六讲形容词和副词 (12)第七讲介词 (19)第八讲动词(一)动词概述 (21)第九讲动词(二)动词时态和语态 (25)第十讲动词(三)非谓语动词及动词辨析 (29)第十一讲连词 (35)第十二讲简单句 (36)第十三讲句子成分 (39)第十四讲简单句句式 (42)第十五讲并列句和主从复合句 (43)第二部分巩固与提高测评测评一名词 (47)测评二代词 (48)测评三数词 (51)测评四冠词 (52)测评五形容词和副词 (54)测评六介词 (58)测评七动词 (60)测评八连词 (69)测评九句子 (70)测评十交际用语 (75)第三部分语法网络图第一讲:词类、句子成分和构词法:2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。

如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。

如:good, right, white, orange .4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。

如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。

如:am, is,are,have,see .6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。

如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。

如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。

如in, on, from, above, behind.9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。

如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。



《新编英语语法教程》第28讲练习参考答案Ex. 28A1. There was a ready…2. There’a man sitting…3. There was a student who came…4. There’s another student (that) I ought to see.5. There’s at least one book … in our library.6. There’ll be a good film on…7. There’s certain to be trouble…8. There were several trains coming…9. There were things called firesquirts used…10. Is there anyone waiting…11. There were people who believed that…12. There was an old cellar with a thick flint wall…13. There was a boy named George Sampeter sitting…14. There were monkeys under the trees, …15. There was a strange caller yesterday who…16. There is likely to be…17. There should be…18. There must have been a mistake…19. There are several thousand little islands in the Maldives.20. There was a bolt on my front door…Ex. 28B1. there to be2. there being3. there to be4. there being5. there to be6. thereto be 7. There being 8. there being 9. there to be 10. there to beEx. 28C1. On the top of the hill there stood / there was…2. There will be / will come a time when…3. Mary didn’t agree about there being no need for…4. Were you disappointed at there not having been…5. John asked for there t o be…6. There was a cow crossing…7. There is no plant that doesn’t need…8. We don’t want there to be any disturbance.9. There being an index to this book is…10. I’m surprised at there not being an index / being no index.11. We have no objection to there being a meeting here.12. It’s impossible for there to be … For there to be…13. It’s not uncommon for there to be… / For there to be…14. There’s an important message just being decoded. / There is just being decoded…15. There wer e quite a number of…jewels stolen.16. There was expected to be…17. There is / are believed to be…18. There was a meeting about the new building yesterday.19. There have been three accidents at…20. There’s a lawn that extends…21. There is said to be t rouble on…22. I can just remember the trouble there was about it a year ago.23. There will be people anxious that…24. There seems to be a widespread change…25. There was a day when it rained…《新编英语语法教程》第29讲练习参考答案Ex. 29A1. It is possible that the Joneses will come to the party as well.2. It doesn’t matter very much whether they will come or not.3. It is quite likely that he will let you down.4. It seems that you have taken a dislike to him.5. It happens that I have had some nasty experiences in dealing with him.6. It was rather complicated getting the car on the boat.7. It would be a good idea to get up a petition. / I think it a good idea to get up a petition.8. It is a great pleasure to be here with you this evening.9. It was so kind of you to invite us.10. It doesn’t matter in the least what you say.11. It is / remains a mystery how he came to have such a valuable painting.12. It is regretted that you should feel obliged to resign at this point.13. It would be a pity to spoil such a fine drawing.14. It makes me feel sad seeing you sitting here all alone.15. Is it very dull living here? / Do you find it very dull living here?16. It is impossible for me to forgive him.17. It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine.18. It looks as if the park is very small.19. It seems as though our plan is perfect.20. It was clearly indicated that he didn’t want to speak to me.Ex. 29B1. It gets dark early in winter.2. It’s no use asking her. She doesn’t know anything.3. It’s two miles to the station from here.4. Have you seen it hail?5. We leave it to you to decide what must be done.6. It is said that the spy slipped arsenic into his tea.7. It’s a pity (that) you missed that concert.8. It looks as if he were very afraid.9. It is no use crying over spilt milk.10. It was several months before we met again.Ex. 29C1. 迟早我要跟他说个明白。



Contents第一部分语法讲解第一讲词类、句子成分、构词法 (3)第二讲名词 (4)第三讲代词 (6)第四讲数词 (9)第五讲冠词 (10)第六讲形容词和副词 (12)第七讲介词 (19)第八讲动词(一)动词概述 (21)第九讲动词(二)动词时态和语态 (25)第十讲动词(三)非谓语动词及动词辨析 (29)第十一讲连词 (35)第十二讲简单句 (36)第十三讲句子成分 (39)第十四讲简单句句式 (42)第十五讲并列句和主从复合句 (43)第二部分巩固与提高测评测评一名词 (47)测评二代词 (48)测评三数词 (51)测评四冠词 (52)测评五形容词和副词 (54)测评六介词 (58)测评七动词 (60)测评八连词 (69)测评九句子 (70)测评十交际用语 (75)第三部分语法网络图第一讲:词类、句子成分和构词法:2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。

如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。

如:good, right, white, orange .4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。

如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。

如:am, is,are,have,see .6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。

如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。

如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。

如in, on, from, above, behind.9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。

如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。



Contents第一部分语法讲解第一讲词类、句子成分、构词法 (3)第二讲名词 (4)第三讲代词 (6)第四讲数词 (9)第五讲冠词 (10)第六讲形容词和副词 (12)第七讲介词 (19)第八讲动词(一)动词概述 (21)第九讲动词(二)动词时态和语态 (25)第十讲动词(三)非谓语动词及动词辨析 (29)第十一讲连词 (35)第十二讲简单句 (36)第十三讲句子成分 (39)第十四讲简单句句式 (42)第十五讲并列句和主从复合句 (43)第二部分巩固与提高测评测评一名词 (47)测评二代词 (48)测评三数词 (51)测评四冠词 (52)测评五形容词和副词 (54)测评六介词 (58)测评七动词 (60)测评八连词 (69)测评九句子 (70)测评十交际用语 (75)第三部分语法网络图第一讲:词类、句子成分和构词法:2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。

如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。

如:good, right, white, orange .4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。

如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。

如:am, is,are,have,see .6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。

如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。

如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。

如in, on, from, above, behind.9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。

如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。



新编英语语法教程第23讲练习参考答案Ex. 23A1. sunken2. molten3. lighted or burning4. rotten5. shrunk6. bounden7. blessed8. Drunken9. shaved, well-shaven, shaving 10. bent 11. blessed 12. binding 13. bound 14. drunk 15. lighted 16. molten 17. melted 18. rotting, rotted 19. rotten 20. sunken, sunkEx. 23B1. charming2. troubling3. increased4. suggested5. encouraging6. attempted7. fallen8. widened9. burned / burnt 10. loaded 11. raging 12. approaching 13. signed 14. returned 15. refreshing 16. navigating 17. shackled 18. paid, specified 19. furnished 20. terrifying 21. adopted 22. standing 23. crowded 24. surprising 25. perfumedEx. 23C1. (to be) brought2. said3. to keep4. to do5. mixed up6. laughing7. come8. stealing9. visited 10. to finish up 11. going 12. thinking 13. sent 14. drink 15. known 16. to settle 17. sitting 18. left standing 19. unsaid 20. to be desired 21. doubting 22. to be 23. working 24. informed 25. gone 26. weighing 27. taken off 28. grow 29. criticized 30. talking / talk 31. spring up 32. lying 33. knocked down, driving 34.doing 35. crossed out 36. paid 37. said 38. shouting 39. understand 40. saidEx. 23D1. … Eurydice was bitten in the heel by a snake.2. … her foot was caught by a rug and she fell.3. … a notice pinned to the door by a knife.4. …‘Beware’written in large letters.5. … you should never point it at anyone.6. … you must take care not to damage the roots.7. … the dog was led out of the room.8. … After I have paid my taxes, …9. … the boat was being tossed up and down by the sea.10. … tree uprooted by the gale.11. … He was cleaning his gun when it went off unexpectedly.12. … As she was wondering where to go, …13. … I was knocked over by a bike.14. … I saw a long streamer towed behind the aeroplane, marked ‘V ote for Jones’.15. … Since he has been weakened by his last illness, …16. … I suddenly thought of an idea.17. When I was dropped by parachute, …18. When a woman is depressed, a new hat will make her feel happier.19. … he suddenly saw an old man starting to across in front of him.20. … I felt a taxi was a welcome sightEx. 23E1. Knowing that he was poor, I offered…2. Having barricaded the windows, we assembled…3. Becoming tired of my complaints, she turned off…4. Finding/ Having found no one at home, he left…5. Hoping to find the will, she searched…6. Having removed all traces of his crime, the criminal left…7. Realizing that he had missed the last train, he began…8. Exhausted by his work, he threw…9. Having spent all his money, he decided…10. Having escaped from prison, he looked…11. Having heard the story before, she didn’t want…12. Having found the treasure, they began…13. Entering the room suddenly, she found…14. Turning/ Having turned on the light, I was…15. Having visited the museum, we decided…16. Thinking we were lost, he offered…17. Having found his revolver and loaded it, he sat…18. Realizing/ Having realized that she couldn’t move it alone, she asked…19. Having fed the dog, he sat…20. Addressing the congregation, he said…21. … the characters, lying face downwards in a sea of mud, have an unintelligible conversation.22. Looking/ Having looked through the fashion magazines, I realize…23. The tree, uprooted by the gale, had fallen…24. People sleeping in the next room were…25. Knowing that the murderer was still at large, I was…26. Having been accommodated in an inn, he looked…27. Soaked to the skin, we reached…28. Sitting/ Seated in the front row and equipped with…, I saw…29. Knowing that the bull was bad-tempered, I didn’t like…30. Believing that she could trust him, she gave…31. Slates, ripped off by the gale, fell…32. The lion, finding his cage door open and seeing no sign of his keeper, left…33. The government, trying to tax people according to the size of their houses, put a tax…34. Having heard that the caves were dangerous, I didn’t like…35. Wearing extremely fashionable clothes and surrounded by photographers and pressmen, she swept…。



《新编英语语法教程》1-18讲参考答案新编英语语法教程第01讲练习参考答案Ex. 1A1. A. his home workB. quickly, to play2. A. The huge black horseB. the race3. A. have thought aboutB. going into space4. A. warms up and crawlsB. out of the bag5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescopeB. because of the many rings that surround it6. A. 165 yearsB. to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun7. A. you and your brotherB. How many pairs of shorts8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menuB. What9. A. an “Outdoor Code”B. their members10. A. can blowB. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist airB. to twist and grow and spin12. A. The direction a hu rricane’s spiral movesB. counterclockwise13. A. does not shineB. At the north pole: for half of the year14. A. The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic OceanB. a very cold place15. A. might have beenB. guilty of murderEx. 1B1. SVCWithin the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller.2. SVThe bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the groun.3. SVOOn August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima.4. SvoOThree days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.5. SVOCThe explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble.6. SV AWithin the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of enpanding gas, millions of degrees hot.7. SVOAA tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, cencrete, metal, and wood over the ground. Ex. 1C1. Walden Pond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is now the site of many tourist stands.2. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. / Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made…3. The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.4. With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade, this is a good spot for a picnic, and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll.5. Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr wood stood at his neighbour’s doo r and knocked again and again till someone opened it.6. The town folk envied horace, who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.7. Standing in front of the mirror, Jim looked at his image, wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years.8. The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad.9. The story, written in plain language, consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in 17th century France.10. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over a bowl of hot broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.11. Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep ofa hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions.12. Farther down the street, the old man stopped and leaned against a lamp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite side of the street.13. Sarah sank in the nearest chair, completely exhausted, her limbs stiff with cold, her mind a piece of blank.14. Throughout the day Mrs Rymer behaved very properly, her pleasant, refined face wearing a grave look, her elegant figure wrapped in deep mourning while occasionally she uttered a sigh or a sob.15. Tony thought it necessary to break the news to his family, that Mr Jacob, his former employer, had promised him a half-day job at 20 pounds a week. 16. The thought that he might have wronged his friend who had rendered him good services on many occasions troubled his mind, already overburdened with worries and cares.17. The men of the disbanded royal bodyguard, suddenly turned loose onto the street of a capital seething with unrest, unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, were a potentially dangerous element.18. For many years London has been a business centre with hotel accommadation for visiting businessmen toghter with well-to-do travellers but completely inadequate for the swarms of shour-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover.19. Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly faser and faster, his eyes already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled pile of arms and legs.20. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons who have received both the Order of Merit, which was conferred on him by the British government in 1949, and the Nobel Prize for literature, conferred in Norway in 1950.新编英语语法教程第02讲练习参考答案Ex. 2A1. come2. are3. has / have4. are5. are6. are7. was / were8. is9. costs 10. were 11. are 12. are 13. was 14. are 15. lie 16. were 17. are 18. is 19. is 20. was 21. Has 22. were 23. is 24. is 25. are 26. is 27. are 28. cover, are 29. is / are 30. was/wereEx. 2B1. were2. have3. is, is4. was5. were6. is7. is8. are9. is 10. are, are11. have 12. are, their, their 13. was, It, was 14, It / They, is / are 15. are, their, they, disapprove 16. were, they 17. was 18. are 19. were 20. were新编英语语法教程第03讲练习参考答案Ex. 3A1. is2. was3. is4. has5. were6. means7. is8. is9. is 10. is 11. were 12. sells 13. is 14. are 15. are 16. are 17. is 18. is 19. was 20.provides 21. are 22. was 23. stops 24. is 25. is 26. does 27. produces 28. is 29. is 30. was Ex. 3B1. ’s2. are3. is4. are5. is6. was7. is8. were9. is 10. ’s 11. is 12. is, is, is 13. are 14. is 15. have 16. is 17. are 18. looks 19. are 20. are 21. understand 22. has 23. was 24. have 25. was 26. was 27. are 28. is 29. is 30. was 31. is 32. is / are 33. leaves 34. is / are 35. are 36. are 37. is 38. comes 39. is 40. live 41. are 42. points / point 43. are 44. is 45. are 46. was 47. is / are 48. is 49. has 50. wasEx. 3C1. is / are2. is / are3. is4. is / are5. is / are6. remain7. is8. are9. has / have 10.care / cares 11. is 12. plays 13. is 14. am 15. are / is 16. was 17. is, has 18. was 19. come 20. is新编英语语法教程第04讲练习参考答案Ex. 4A1. description2. arrangement3. attendance4. peculiarity5. expectation6. argument7. dependence 8. originality 9. exaggeration10. measurement 11. purity 12. persistence 13. extension 14. statement 15. generosity 16. entrance 17. loneliness18. forgetfulness 19. happiness 20. seriousness Ex. 4B1. strange sounds2. foods are3. chief, tribes, their, salmon (s)4. The runners-up were given pound notes / The runners-up were each given a pound note.5. bodies, their heroes6. mice, tooth-marks7. Crises, occur, families8. / 9. / 10. these businesses 11. / 12. fruits are13. / 14. these articles are well written 15. / 16. several personal kindnesses17. / 18. sufferings 19. professors 20. children are playing, sandsEx. 4C1. experience2. waters3. for advice4. an important piece of information5. for it is fun6. were not numerous7. Poultry8. directors are9. militia 10. geniuses 11. merchandise has 12. sympathies 13. experiences 14. were times, rivalry 15. clippings, were 16. lookers-on 17. foliage is 18. photos 19. 12-pages 20. Luggage isEx. 4D1. blade2. piece3. choir4. flash5. lump6. gang7. grain8. head9. staff 10. collection 11. fleet 12. cluster 13. bundle 14. bunch 15. team 16. piece 17. ear 18. bar 19. herd 20. pack 21. flock 22. crowd / swarm 23. troupe 24. bench 25. grove 26. collection 27. suite 28. squadron 29. band 30. libraryEx. 4E1-5 BCADC 6-10 CBDAB 11-15 ADBBC 16-20 BDCAB新编英语语法教程第05讲练习参考答案Ex. 5A1. my father has a car2. the bull has horns3. the prisoner escaped4. her parents consented5. somebody released the prisoner6. somebody assassinated the President7. a letter from the general / the general sent a letter8. the crowd felt sympathy9. a college for women10. a summer day, a day in the summer11. the earth has a (rough) surface12. the absence lasted ten days13. a doctoral degree, a doctorate14. the bird made the nest15. the committee made a report16. a story told by the girl / the girl told a story17. the volcano erupted18. the victim had courage / the victim was courageous19. somebody punished the boy20. the critics recevied the play in a hostile manner Ex. 5B1. The comedian performed, and he was well received by a huge audience.这位喜剧演员的演出很受广大观众的欢迎。



精品文档新编英语语法教程第17 讲练习参考答案Ex. 17A1.went2.had3.had done4.began5.knew6.had7.had nibbled 8.were addressing9.were 10.stayed, looked11.had tied 12.hadn ’ t given13.had, would 14.were15.drove 16.had been17.had not taken 18.had kept19.paid 20.did not know21.had never been 22.stooped, started23.had brought 24.were coming25.had taken 26.took27.had had/had 28.had not tried29.had not had 30.gotEx. 17B1. I would certainly take you there if need be.if i were to do this , i would adopt a different method.2.3.the president ordered that all the armed forces be mobilized at once.4.the board decided that Johnson be appointed general manager.5.if I were you, I would face up to the problem.6.If I were in better health, I would have long left this place.7.far be it from me to see him make a mistake.8.how i wish our factory were better equipped.9.if we weren ’ t to have our test tomorrow, I wouldangdo see a filmthis evening.10.it is essential that all the applicants be interviewed one by one.11.it was suggested that another session be held to discuss the problem of inflation.12.I insisted that she stay in Shanghai for another day or two.13.the steel workers demanded that their wages be increased by 10 per sent.14.i second their motion that the discussion be put off.15.I prefer that my secretary accompany me to Beijing.16.it has been decided that more time be allotted for extensive reading.19. we unanimously recommended that neutral chairman be17.suffice it to say that without national independence there is no democracy or freedom.18.if you do not listen to my advice, so be it.19. we unanimously recommended that neutral chairman beappointed.20.he has become, as it were, an utterly self-centred man.Ex. 17C1.She insists that he take his vacation now.2.I had recommended that he be placed in a more responsible position.3.I suggested that he finished up that project quickly.3.I demanded that he accompany that the soldiers advance immediately.4.The general commanded that the soldiers advance immediately.6.I prefer that Mary type the letters.7.It was necessary that he leave immediately.8.It ’ s important that he be nominated.9.He advised that she wait for a few weeks.10.The board has instructed that the manager quit.11.He ordered that the troops march to the front at once.12.Congress has voted that this law be abolished.13.It is absolutely essential that all the applicants be interviewed one by one.14.I think it advisable that a secretary be appointed at once.15.We propose that somebody neutral take the chair.16.Long live our great motherland.17.Be it understood that …18.Suffice it to say that …19.It is necessary that every member get informed of these rules.20.-if need be.Ex. 17D1.be2.were3.were4.have5.be6.be7.weren ’ 8t .be appointed9.were 10.were11.be examined 12.were13.were 14.apply15.were feeling 16.be increased17.be made, economize 18.were19.be 20.be dropped21.were 22.were23.were to rain 24.were to see25.(not) be started 26.suffice27.tell 28.be excused29.be adjourned 30.were 31.continue 32.be33.be rm35.were 36.bee 38.perish39.were 40.forget。



练习题和答案I. Multiple choice1. T om’s mother kept asking him to read English aloud in the morning, but did nothelp.A. heB. whichC. itD. they2. you will come is none of my business.A. WhatB. IfC. ThatD. Whether3. They love their hometown. must be very beautiful.A. ThereB. ItC. ThatD. They4. —What’s made you so upset?— my wallet and credit card.A. LostB. LosingC. Because of losingD. Since I lost5. It is no use over the spilt milk.A. cryB. cryingC. criedD. to cry6. It took us years the city.A. reconstructB. to reconstructC. reconstructedD. reconstructing7. The football team in our school the strongest all over the county.A. isB. areC. beD. being8. My class been to take part in the speech contest in different ways.A. hasB. isC. areD. have9. How without friends is the most difficult challenge.A. to surviveB. surviveC. survivingD. survived10. M ost of the furnituve in the house designed by his father himself three years ago.A. isB. areC. wereD. was11. S wimming and running slowly us a lot in keeping fit.A. helpB. helpsC. helpingD. to help12. T he disabled the financial support of the government.nglish Grammar:A New Coursebook 新编 英语语法教程003练习题和答案A. areB. isC. beD. to be 29. B read and butter my favorite breakfast. A. is B. are C. be D. to be 30. T he unexpected not prevented in the old days.A. to beB. areC. beD. isII. Error correction1. To her, happy lies in earning more money.2. For teachers, with students is a great pleasure.3. The committee is for the proposal put forward by him.4. Tom with Jerry are working on the project for a long time.5. Herself will go to visit the people in need.6. All of the rest milk are bound to be made into yoghourt.7. Everybody want to be somebody.8. The majority of my classmates is going abroad during the summer vocation. 9. Your mother or you is to take the responsibility for the accident.10. B oth Xiao Li and Xiao Wang has been there.11. N ot only he but also I are attracted by the movie.12. A ttend the meeting is very important.13. G et up late not only affects your body but also is a bad habit. 14. T o complete the assignment today need time.15. I t is a waste of time to argue with him.16. T ake exercises in the afternoon usually does have more benefits for your body.17. T o play the piano and to play the violin is quite different.18. I t is worthwhile work hard for our nation.19. H e smoking caused a lot problem for us.20. T hat is a great honor for us to be invited to the party.21. H e finished the work in such a short time surprised us all. 22. I n my opinion, we need most is the practice in social activities. 23. T he next day, Tom did not come again, which was often the case. 24. I t was really a pity he missed the last train. 25. W e will study for whom is of great importance.新编 英语语法教程nglish Grammar:A New Coursebook28. T his annoyed me much that I failed to pass the exam.29.S till today in America, the colored is looked down upon.30. W hat is unknown whether he will attend the party.III. Sentence pattern transformation1. Reading aloud in the public is not polite. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)2. To understand his words is not so easy. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)3. Giving your mother a telephone frequently is advisable. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)4. To lose the game is a great disgrace for his family. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)5. Requiring him to come is no use. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)6. To help you is a great honor for us. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)7. To get his signature is out of the question. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)8. T o study a foreign language can help you with your job hunting. (Use “it” as the grammaticalsubject)9. T o hear that you were leaving surprised us. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)10. T o listen and to think at the same time make you a good listener. (Use “it” as the grammaticalsubject)11. T hat he left in such a hurry is uncommon. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)12. T hat we should tell him is necessary. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)13. W hen the new semester will begin is not decided yet. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)14. T hat she left without telling anyone angered his father. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)15. W hy he refused our invitation confused us. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)16. T hat Mr. Li failed to meet the manager at the airport was a pity for him. (Use “it” as thegrammatical subject)17. W here we will have a picnic is a question. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)18. W hoever will be responsible for the job has not been declared. (Use “it” as the grammaticalsubject)19. T hat there will be an increase in the price of oil has been widely rumored. (Use “it” as thegrammatical subject)20. W hether the over-boiled water is harmful is not certain. (Use “it” as the grammatical subject)004练习题和答案21. T o keep your body fit is necessary. (Transform the infinitive as the subject into “that” clause asthe subject)22. T o grasp this opportunity is beyond him. (Transform the infinitive as the subject into “that”clause as the subject)23. M aking decisions by himself brings Mr. Wang a lot of difficulties. (Transform the gerund as thesubject into “that” clause as the subject)24. W ho will take over the job is none of our business. (Transform the “who” clause as the subjectinto the infinitive as the subject)25. W here to get the necessary information is still under discussion. (Transform the infinitive asthe subject into the “where” clause as the subject)26. H ow we should arrive there is still unknown. (Transform the “how” clause as the subject intothe infinitive as the subject)27. W hen to give them the order has confused us for a long time. (Transform the infinitive as thesubject into the “when” clause as the subject)28. H ow to increase the net income is a big problem for every online shop. (Transform theinfinitive as the subject into the “how” clause as the subject)29. H is coming encouraged us a lot. (Transform the gerund as the subject into the “that” clause asthe subject)30. T hat his parents wrote to him encouraged him a lot. (Transform the “that” clause as thesubject into the gerund as the subject)nglish Grammar:A New Coursebook新编 英语语法教程I. Multiple choice1. Jack in the lab when the power cut occurred.A. worksB. has workedC. was workingD. would work2. —Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for?—The new Star W ars. We here for more than two hours.A. waitedB. waitC. would be waitingD. have been waiting3. I half of the English novel, and I’ll try to finish it at the weekend.A. ReadB. have readC. am readingD. will read4. T he students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts success in the end.A. rewardedB. were rewardedC. will rewardD. will be rewarded5. Why didn’t you tell me about your trouble last week? If you me, I could have helped.A. toldB. had toldC. were to tellD. would tell6. When walking down the street, I came across David, whom I for years.A. didn’t seeB. haven’t seenC. hadn’t seenD. wouldn’t see7. I was wearing a seatbelt. If I hadn’t been wearing one, I .A. were injuredB. would be injuredC. had been injuredD. would have been injured8. H ad the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS related deaths since their highest in 2005.A. had not fallenB. would not fallC. did not fallD. would not have fallen9. M ore efforts, as reported, in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.A. are madeB. will be madeC. are being madeD. have been made007练习题和答案10. D ashan, who crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix itup with the Western stand-up tradition. A. will be learningB. is learningC. had been learningD. has been learning11. M any a professor looking forward to visiting Germany now. Many scientistsstudied animals and plants in the last two years. A. is; have B. is; has C. are; have D. is; are 12. A knife and a fork on the table. A knife and fork on the table.A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are13. H er family much larger than mine four years ago. Her family dancing andsinging when I came in last night. A. were; was B. was; were C. was; was D. were; were 14. N ow Tom together with his classmates football on the playground.A. playB. are playingC. playsD. is playing 15. T wo hundred and fifty pounds too unreasonable a price for a second-hand car.A. isB. areC. wereD. beII. F ill in the blanks with the proper forms of the wordsgiven in the brackets.1. T hree years (have) passed since they met last time, and for them, three years(be) really a long time.2. (be) everybody going to take part in the game this afternoon?3. M y family (be) the largest one in our village. Besides, my family (be) allParty members.4. —If he (warn), he (take) that food.—Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately. 5. I n the spoken English of some areas in the US, the “r” sounds at the end of the words(drop).6. T he population of Jiangsu (grow) to more than twice what it was in 1949. Thefigure is now approaching 74 million.nglish Grammar:A New Coursebook新编 英语语法教程III. Error correction1. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she has been lying there.2. N ot until recently they encouraged the development of tourist-related activities in the ruralareas.3. A lot of people often forget that oral exams are designing to test our communicative ability.4. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it breaks.5. I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she came, she would have met my brother.6. Just outside the ruins are a castle surrounded by high walls and huge trees.7. P erhaps surprisingly the main difficulties to realize this dream is neither technical norcommercial.8. O n each side of the highway was hundreds of billboards advertising everything from modernmotels to roadside stands that sell fresh fruit and vegetables.9. I t is the communication between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, thatpromote their understanding of each other.10. I t is reported that many a new house are built at present in the disaster area.练习题和答案I. F ill in the blanks with the words in brackets to complete thefollowing sentences, change the form where necessary.1. The soldiers were made (march) 50 miles a day.2. The college recommends (send) applications early.3. The workers are made (work) all day long.4. I decided (take) a risk of (travel) from the west coast to the east coast ofthe US.5. You might get in trouble for (fake) an illness to avoid work.6. I hope that you appreciate my (offer) you this opportunity.7. The storm kept him (wait for) another 3 hours.8. They have the water (run into) the field along the channel.9. T he teacher saw her students (enter) the classroom, (take) something and(go) out.10. P lease have these boxes (carry) to the office right now.11. T he two boys found an old woman (lie) on the ground.12. P erhaps her eyes need (wash) by her tears once in a while, so that she can see thebeautiful life with a clearer view again.13. D uring the football match, Joy kept (clench) her fist.14. P orter did what he could do to keep his marriage from (fall apart).15. T hink twice when you buy financial products, otherwise, you might get (take).16. I n the class, the teacher motioned her (sit) down when she failed (answer)his questions.17. W e managed (overcome) the difficulties in our work.18. I still could not forget how (cook) the dish which my mother taught me.19. W hy has the company delayed (answer) my application?20. Y ou’d better get a dentist (pull) out your bad tooth.21. T he staff were made (work) extra hours every day.新编 英语语法教程nglish Grammar:A New Coursebook(miss).he director is planning (put on) a new play.24. W e must try our best to avoid (make) the same mistake.25. Y esterday I had my blonde curly hair (cut).26. T he little boy denied (smash) the car windows.27. T he worker has found out how (operate) the new machine.28. S he couldn’t resist (buy) the new-style handbag.29. H e is considering (put) in an offer on a house.30. She was obliged (abandon) the idea.II. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 我们认为将理论与实践结合很重要。



新编英语语法教程(第6版)第21讲练习参考答案Ex. 21A1.I was sorry to learn…2.You will be sad to hear…3.They would be very surprised to receive…4.She is happy to have found…5.I was afraid to go…6.Bob was pleased to hear…7.I am very anxious to meet you.8.We were delighted to receive your telegram.9.You were sensible to stay indoors.10.The clerk was prompt to answer the call.11.This rule is easy to remember.12.We are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood.13.Our house is difficult to heat.14.Are you ready to leave?15.You would be foolish to go out in this weather.16.John is quick to see the point.17.He is very keen to get on.18.We are proud to have him as a friend.19.I was rude not to answer your letter.20.We are happy to have you with us this evening.Ex. 21B1.His decision to resign surprised all of us.2.He showed no inclination to leave.3.Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love.4.The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on theriver.5.Their readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised thediplomatic world.6.He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject.7.The people of a country should have the freedom to choose their ownsocial system.8.There is no need for you to start so early.9.I am not under the obligation to render him any financial support.10.They have the ability to wage biological warfare.11.He is not a man to be frightened by the threat of war.12.There are plans to be made at once.13.This is a day never to be forgotten.14.Give me the names of the people to contact.15.The next train to arrive is from Edinburgh.16.The last problem to be considered at our next meeting is how to investthe money.17.Was Cortes the first European ever to see the Pacific Ocean?18.The best man to see for your eye trouble is the professor ofophthalmology.19.The way to get into the building is to slip in through the kitchen.20.The first man to fly non-stop across the Atlantic was John Alcock. Ex. 21C1.Environmental pollution is a hard problem to be coped with.2.There is no time to lose. We must start at once.3.This is an infectious disease to be wiped out in a few years.4.There was no sound to be heard.5.I’ve spent two days here. There is nothing to see.6.This is a good book in which there is much to be learnt.7.This is an item of information not to say to any other people.8.This is a difficult question to answer.9.At the sound of footsteps outside the window, I stole out of the room,but there was nothing to be seen.10.He is a man to be reckoned with.11.She was firm in her refusal to accept his offer of marriage.12.I have accepted the invitation to go to their school for an exchange ofexperience.13.I need a box to hold the chessmen.14.What is there to be proud of?15.He always thinks that the bed is a good place to read detective stories.16.Every day I have a lot of question to consider.17.The only way to deal with her is not to give an inch.18.She is not a woman to be trifled with.19.My brother was the third person to be interviewed.20.You have left me very little to say.Ex. 21D1.…supposed her to be a widow.2.…felt the plan to be unwise.3.…admit him to be a genius.4.…declared the book to be obscene.5.…found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid.6.…thought the film to be highly original.7.…considered the speaker to have overstated his case.8.…showed the man’s alibi to be a complete fabrication.9.…assumed the construction of such a building to be impracticablewhereas…belie ved it to be perfectly feasible.10.…revealed himself to be a master of the keyboard.11.…knew him to be a man of integrity.12.…discovered £20,000 worth of precious stones to be missing.13.…thought it to be impossible…14.…understands it to be impossible…15.…acknowledge many of their predictions to have been over-optimistic.16.…that their informant was reliable.17.…that the situation is now under control.18.…that it was unlikely…19.…that it was cruel…20.…that what he said was b ased on fact.21.…that it was likely…22.…that his long-term optimism was justified.23.…that his party has little chance of…24.…that the ascent had taken nearly five and a half hours.25.…that his evidence had been perjured.26.…that earlier theories were incorrect.27.…the gain in reserves was / has been…28.…knowing that they had been stolen.29.…that their candidate was unacceptable to them.30.…that its implementation was desirable.Ex. 21Ea) 1. so that it should / might look2. so that there should be3. so as not to get4. so as not to leave5. so that the room should look6. so as to avoid7. so as to have8. so that we should not have9. so as to have10.So that I should not have11.so that it should not get12.so that it should be13.so as not to get14.so as to cover15.so that my arms should not get16.so as not to get17.So that the brush should not get18.so that it may / can be used19.so that it shall not get20.so as to useb) 1. so kind as to invite2. so (that) I was3. so happy that I danced4. to get5. so unfortunate as not to have6. for the snow to be7. so thick as to cover8. cold enough to freeze9. so (that) I had10.so kind as to send11.for it to arrive12.too excited to untie13.so (that) I cut14.for me to wear。



《新编英语语法教程》1-18讲参考答案新编英语语法教程第01讲练习参考答案Ex. 1A1. A. his home workB. quickly, to play2. A. The huge black horseB. the race3. A. have thought aboutB. going into space4. A. warms up and crawlsB. out of the bag5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescopeB. because of the many rings that surround it6. A. 165 yearsB. to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun7. A. you and your brotherB. How many pairs of shorts8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menuB. What9. A. an “Outdoor Code”B. their members10. A. can blowB. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist airB. to twist and grow and spin12. A. The direction a hu rricane’s spiral movesB. counterclockwise13. A. does not shineB. At the north pole: for half of the year14. A. The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic OceanB. a very cold place15. A. might have beenB. guilty of murderEx. 1B1. SVCWithin the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller.2. SVThe bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the groun.3. SVOOn August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima.4. SvoOThree days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.5. SVOCThe explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble.6. SV AWithin the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of enpanding gas, millions of degrees hot.7. SVOAA tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, cencrete, metal, and wood over the ground. Ex. 1C1. Walden Pond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is now the site of many tourist stands.2. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. / Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made…3. The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.4. With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade, this is a good spot for a picnic, and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll.5. Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr wood stood at his neighbour’s doo r and knocked again and again till someone opened it.6. The town folk envied horace, who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.7. Standing in front of the mirror, Jim looked at his image, wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years.8. The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad.9. The story, written in plain language, consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in 17th century France.10. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over a bowl of hot broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.11. Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep ofa hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions.12. Farther down the street, the old man stopped and leaned against a lamp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite side of the street.13. Sarah sank in the nearest chair, completely exhausted, her limbs stiff with cold, her mind a piece of blank.14. Throughout the day Mrs Rymer behaved very properly, her pleasant, refined face wearing a grave look, her elegant figure wrapped in deep mourning while occasionally she uttered a sigh or a sob.15. Tony thought it necessary to break the news to his family, that Mr Jacob, his former employer, had promised him a half-day job at 20 pounds a week. 16. The thought that he might have wronged his friend who had rendered him good services on many occasions troubled his mind, already overburdened with worries and cares.17. The men of the disbanded royal bodyguard, suddenly turned loose onto the street of a capital seething with unrest, unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, were a potentially dangerous element.18. For many years London has been a business centre with hotel accommadation for visiting businessmen toghter with well-to-do travellers but completely inadequate for the swarms of shour-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover.19. Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly faser and faster, his eyes already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled pile of arms and legs.20. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons who have received both the Order of Merit, which was conferred on him by the British government in 1949, and the Nobel Prize for literature, conferred in Norway in 1950.新编英语语法教程第02讲练习参考答案Ex. 2A1. come2. are3. has / have4. are5. are6. are7. was / were8. is9. costs 10. were 11. are 12. are 13. was 14. are 15. lie 16. were 17. are 18. is 19. is 20. was 21. Has 22. were 23. is 24. is 25. are 26. is 27. are 28. cover, are 29. is / are 30. was/wereEx. 2B1. were2. have3. is, is4. was5. were6. is7. is8. are9. is 10. are, are11. have 12. are, their, their 13. was, It, was 14, It / They, is / are 15. are, their, they, disapprove 16. were, they 17. was 18. are 19. were 20. were新编英语语法教程第03讲练习参考答案Ex. 3A1. is2. was3. is4. has5. were6. means7. is8. is9. is 10. is 11. were 12. sells 13. is 14. are 15. are 16. are 17. is 18. is 19. was 20.provides 21. are 22. was 23. stops 24. is 25. is 26. does 27. produces 28. is 29. is 30. was Ex. 3B1. ’s2. are3. is4. are5. is6. was7. is8. were9. is 10. ’s 11. is 12. is, is, is 13. are 14. is 15. have 16. is 17. are 18. looks 19. are 20. are 21. understand 22. has 23. was 24. have 25. was 26. was 27. are 28. is 29. is 30. was 31. is 32. is / are 33. leaves 34. is / are 35. are 36. are 37. is 38. comes 39. is 40. live 41. are 42. points / point 43. are 44. is 45. are 46. was 47. is / are 48. is 49. has 50. wasEx. 3C1. is / are2. is / are3. is4. is / are5. is / are6. remain7. is8. are9. has / have 10.care / cares 11. is 12. plays 13. is 14. am 15. are / is 16. was 17. is, has 18. was 19. come 20. is新编英语语法教程第04讲练习参考答案Ex. 4A1. description2. arrangement3. attendance4. peculiarity5. expectation6. argument7. dependence 8. originality 9. exaggeration10. measurement 11. purity 12. persistence 13. extension 14. statement 15. generosity 16. entrance 17. loneliness18. forgetfulness 19. happiness 20. seriousness Ex. 4B1. strange sounds2. foods are3. chief, tribes, their, salmon (s)4. The runners-up were given pound notes / The runners-up were each given a pound note.5. bodies, their heroes6. mice, tooth-marks7. Crises, occur, families8. / 9. / 10. these businesses 11. / 12. fruits are13. / 14. these articles are well written 15. / 16. several personal kindnesses17. / 18. sufferings 19. professors 20. children are playing, sandsEx. 4C1. experience2. waters3. for advice4. an important piece of information5. for it is fun6. were not numerous7. Poultry8. directors are9. militia 10. geniuses 11. merchandise has 12. sympathies 13. experiences 14. were times, rivalry 15. clippings, were 16. lookers-on 17. foliage is 18. photos 19. 12-pages 20. Luggage isEx. 4D1. blade2. piece3. choir4. flash5. lump6. gang7. grain8. head9. staff 10. collection 11. fleet 12. cluster 13. bundle 14. bunch 15. team 16. piece 17. ear 18. bar 19. herd 20. pack 21. flock 22. crowd / swarm 23. troupe 24. bench 25. grove 26. collection 27. suite 28. squadron 29. band 30. libraryEx. 4E1-5 BCADC 6-10 CBDAB 11-15 ADBBC 16-20 BDCAB新编英语语法教程第05讲练习参考答案Ex. 5A1. my father has a car2. the bull has horns3. the prisoner escaped4. her parents consented5. somebody released the prisoner6. somebody assassinated the President7. a letter from the general / the general sent a letter8. the crowd felt sympathy9. a college for women10. a summer day, a day in the summer11. the earth has a (rough) surface12. the absence lasted ten days13. a doctoral degree, a doctorate14. the bird made the nest15. the committee made a report16. a story told by the girl / the girl told a story17. the volcano erupted18. the victim had courage / the victim was courageous19. somebody punished the boy20. the critics recevied the play in a hostile manner Ex. 5B1. The comedian performed, and he was well received by a huge audience.这位喜剧演员的演出很受广大观众的欢迎。



新编英语语法教程第五版第26讲习题题目126A1. Jerry is very generous_______ (at, in, on, with) his money.2. Please don’t get mad ________ (on, to, at, against) me.3. Dane was quite agreeable_______ (with, to, in, about) my suggestion.4. He was always attentive _______ (to, with, on, at) my ideas.5. Fruit is rich_____ (with, in, of, for) vitamins.6. She was very quick______ (about, at, on, in) bringing the dinner.7. John was understandably awkward_____ (with, in, on, at) washing up. 8. She was eligible______ (to, at, for, about) an increase in salary. 9. His secret was safe_____ (from, on, with, in) them.10. That book is identical_______ (in, for, with, of) an American one. 11. Donna was very quick________ (in, with, on, at) English. 12. She was deaf______ (of, to, at, on) his request to do her work.13. Mr. Jones is very orthodox______ (with, at, of, in) his attitude to Shakespeare.14. It was most presumptuous________ (of, at, in, on) them to behave like that. 15. Canned food may be deficient_______ (with, in, on, about) vitamins. 16. The weather is favorable__________ (to, in, on, for) football.17. No one is exempt_______ (in, about, from, with) taxation in the United States. 18. The amount stated was exclusive_______ (from, of, in, on) tax. 19. Is the city noted_______ (in, about, on, for) its champagne?20. They were averse_______ (on, to, at, after) my suggestion for free tickets. 21. Jock was completely devoid______ (of, at, in, to) humor.22. My daughter was very sensible______ (to, at, of, with) his kindness.23. His attitude was very destructive_______ (in, towards, about, to) achievement.24. The bed was alive______ (in, with, to, on) bugs.25. Mary is still inseparable______ (to, with, about, from) her mother. 26. Jim was impatient______ (of, with, at, on) his daughter.27. Cathy was particular_______ (on, at. about, in) the jewellery she wore. 28. She is sick______ (in, for, on, with) flu.29. I believe they are related_______ (on, by, with, at) marriage. 30. It is evident______ (of, at, to, from) his words that he is honest.31. The director was critical______ (at, of, in, for) the way we were doing the work.32. I’m useless______ (at, on, of, to) anything electrical. 33. You were right_______ (at, about, in, of) Jim.34. She’s marvelous_______ (on, of, at, with) grammar.35. My friend is very liberal______ (on, with, of, in) his thinking about that subject.36. This small suitcase is perfect______ (at, for, in, on) weekend trips.37. The man was positive______ (at, on, with, of) the time the accident happened.1138. The thought of war was repugnant_______ (at,with, to, on) Jack.39. Our new house is very convenient______ (for, to, at, in) the office as I can get there in five minutes.40. John got a job, so that he could be independent______ (with, of, from, at) his parents.41. Vain people are susceptible_______ (for, to, at, on) flattery.42. You can never be happy if you feel envious______ (at, with, of, to) other people.43. Jack feels homesick______ (for, to, with, at) his own country. 44. I think Mr. Waugh is quite honest______ (at, in, of, with) you. 45. The dog seemed suspicious_______ (to, of, at, on) everybody.46. Laura is very enthusiastic________ (on, to, about, of) her new job. 47. Mark isn’t deaf, but sheis very hard______ (on, to, at, of) hearing. 48. The dialect was one peculiar______ (to, on, with, at) the North.49. The jury decided that Susan was guilty_____ (on, by, of, with) murder. 50. Is this line parallel______ (at, to, on, of) that one?26B1. 2. 3. 4. 5.The card entitled them______ (in, on, at, to) certain privileges. The tides vary______ (at, on, with, to) the moon. She admitted him_______ (into, to, in, at) her plans. The word derives______ (at, in, from, on) Latin.He asked the operator not to trouble herself______ (on, about, in, at) looking up the number..6. Harry swore______ (at, in, by, on) the Bible he was telling the truth.7. He ruled_______ (on, under, over, in) the case very carefully.8. Everyone blames you_______ (on, for, in, against)a certain mistake. 9. We have assigned you_______ (with, for, to, on) a particular task. 10. The surgeon operated_______ (on, at, with, for) him for appendicitis.11. Miss Coleman hinted________ (on, in, at, for) the idea that she was wealthy. 12. The question admits_________ (on, at, in, of) several answers. 13. It’s rude to point_________ (for, at, in, on) someone.14. She joined_________ (in, on, with, for) us in singing the song.15. The movies actor does not try to conceal himself_____ (by, on, to, from) his admirers.16. I disprove_______ (with, at, on, of) people who make all sorts of promises which they have no intention of keeping.17. We are planning _______ (to, on, at, of) speaking to Mrs. Li next week. 18. I shall exempt them ______ (to, from, at, in) certain duties. 19. They will consult us _______ (with, at, in, on) the plan.20. We can substitute garlic__________ (for, into, of, on) onion in that sauce. 21. She surrendered herself _______ (on, of, to, at) despair.22. Some fool crashed _______me from behind at the traffic lights.1123. The congress in the United States corresponds_________ (with, for, to, at) the Parliament in England.24. It was a long time before I could dissuade him _____ (from, for, in, at) his projected course.25. Julia went______ (for, into, on, about) the mana fit of temper.26. At first they didn’t see______(out, through. Over, to) his deception.27. I won’t ever do it again .I swear .Please don’t tell _______ (from, over, at, on) me.28. Mrs. Robert got_____her sickness very quickly.29. The nurses must see _______ (for, to, into, out) the comfort of their patients. 30. Mrs. Jackson dotes ______(at, on, in, about) her husband 31. He provided ______ her in his will. 32. Ralph broke himself ___ smoking.33. The man inculcated all his children _____ the spirit of patriotism. 34. He compared the girl ____ a flower.35. We arm ourselves ______ possible danger. 36.A greengrocer deals ____ vegetables。



Ex. 16A1. She insists that he take his vacation now.2. I had recommended that he be placed in a more responsible position.3. I suggested that he finished up that project quickly.3. I demanded that he accompany that the soldiers advance immediately.4. The general commanded that the soldiers advance immediately.6. I prefer that Mary type the letters.7. It was necessary that he leave immediately.8. It’s important that he be nominated.9. He advised that she wait for a few weeks.10. The board has instructed that the manager quit.11. He ordered that the troops march to the front at once.12. Congress has voted that this law be abolished.13. It is absolutely essential that all the applicants be interviewed one by one.14. I think it advisable that a secretary be appointed at once.15. We propose that somebody neutral take the chair.16. Long live our great motherland.17. Be it understood that…18. Suffice it to say that…19. It is necessary that every member get informed of these rules.20. …if ne ed be.Ex. 16B1.be2.were3.were4.have5.be6.be7.weren’t8.be appointed9.were10.were11.be examined 12.were 13.were 14.apply 15.were feeling 16.be increased 17.be made, economize 18.were 19.be 20.be dropped 21.were 22.were 23.were to rain 24.were to see 25.(not) be started 26.suffice 27.tell 28.be excused 29.be adjourned 30.were 31.continue 32.be 33.be rm 35.were 36.be e 38.perish 39.were 40.forgetEx. 16C1.went2.had3.had done4.began5.knew6.had7.had nibbled8.were addressing9.were 10.stayed, looked 11.had tied 12.hadn’t given 13.had, would 14.were 15.drove16.had been 17.had not taken 18.had kept 19.paid 20.did not know 21.had never been 22.stooped, started 23.had brought 24.were coming 25.had taken 26.took 27.had had/had 28.had not tried 29.had not had 30.gotEx. 16D1. I would certainly take you there if need be.2. if i were to do this , i would adopt a different method.3. the president ordered that all the armed forces be mobilized at once.4. the board decided that Johnson be appointed general manager.5. if I were you, I would face up to the problem.6. If I were in better health, I would have long left this place.7. far be it from me to see him make a mistake.8. how i wish our factory were better equipped.9. if we weren’t to have our test tomorrow, I would go and see a film this evening.10. it is essential that all the applicants be interviewed one by one.11. it was suggested that another session be held to discuss the problem of inflation.12. I insisted that she stay in Shanghai for another day or two.13. the steel workers demanded that their wages be increased by 10 per sent.14. i second their motion that the discussion be put off.15. I prefer that my secretary accompany me to Beijing.16. it has been decided that more time be allotted for extensive reading.17. suffice it to say that without national independence there is no democracy or freedom.18. if you do not listen to my advice, so be it.19. we unanimously recommended that neutral chairman be appointed.20. he has become, as it were, an utterly self-centred man.新编英语语法教程第17讲练习参考答案Ex. 17A1. can type2. can answer3. could never understand4. could solve5. (What you say) might be6. Shall I open…?7. will come8. Would you have…?9. will put 10. will sit 11. would hit 12. sould sit 13. You should read 14. We must read 15. You must not smoke 16. Can you do 17. Should we wait?18. We need not attend 19. That will be 20. that must beEx. 17Ba) 1. needn’t (= don’t have to, don’t need to, haven’t got to)2. won’t have to3. didn’t have to (= didn’t need to)4. needn’t5. didn’t have to6. didn’t have to7. needn’t8. needn’t9. won’t have to10. needn’tb)11. You had to…12. He wasn’t to…13. He wasn’t to…14. You had to…15. He said I wasn’t to…16. They had to..17. We had to…18. I wasn’t to…19. He said you weren’t to…20. We had to…Ex. 17C1. should2. should3. Would, should4. would5. should6. would7. should, would8. should9. should 10. would, would 11. should 12. would, would 13. should 14. would, would 15. should 16. should 17. Should 18. would, should 19. would 20. should, should / wouldEx. 17D1. He may be doing his homework.2. She may have forgotten to call me back.3. Could you lend me 5 pounds until tomorrow?4. I wonder if I could leave now.5. It might rain this evening.6. Old Tom might have left San Diego.7. If it should rain tomorrow, the football match would be put off.8. You should do as he says.9. If you should change your mind, please let me know.10. I’m surprised that he shou ld have an accident.11. Shall I go with you?12. You shan’t answer her back again.13. You mustn’t violate the traffic regulations again.14. He must have got lost in the mountains.15. You needn’t go and see him.16. You needn’t have written to her.17. You should have helped her.18. If you would change this car, I should be very grateful.19. Would you mind shutting the door?20. She shouldn’t have bought that house.21. It’s odd that she should say that.22. Don’t call him. He’ll be taking a nap.23. D on’t write to him. He won’t be home now.24. Don’t bother him. He will have heard the news.25. A lion will attack people only when hungry.26. What will you do after graduation?27. Mary ought to be home by now.28. You oughtn’t to have bought a new car.29. He used to work in Shanghai, but now he is nowhere to be found.30. How dare you say that in the presence of the principal?Ex. 17E1. He may be working for Simons.2. He may have been working for Simons.3. He may be retiring next year.4. He won’t be working now.5. He’ll have heard it by now.6. They may have been wondering what to do.7. He can’t have lost it.8. They must be waiting.9. That might be true.10. She should be home by now.11. She may have left it at home.12. I may have been mistaken.13. You must have been disappointed.14. She won’t have heard the news yet.15. There must have been a mistake.16. He won’t be there.17. He can’t be there.18. He couldn’t have made that mistake.19. Will this be the one you want?20. You will have been wondering all this time how it works.Ex. 17F1. may2. might have3. may have4. possibly5. possible6. perhaps7. might8. can9. may have had 10. could 11. might be新编英语语法教程第18讲练习参考答案Ex. 18A1. He is likely to let you down.2. Our team is certain to win.3. There appears to be no doubt about it.4. John happened to be the only witness.5. I chanced to be out of London at the time.6. John doesn’t seem to be coming after all.7. We’re not supposed to play football on Sundays.8. He is supposed to have arrivedat five.9. He’s sure to be there.10. They are certain to need help.11. I think it’s going to rain this evening.12. How am I to pay my debts?13. The new building is going to be six storeys high.14. You’re not to talk like that.15. He’s lik ely to see her.16. You’ve got to be joking.17. He tends to be stupid.18. I fail to see what you mean.19. We happened to be there.20. I chanced to meet him in the park.21. He appeared to enjoy the concert.22. They seemed not to notice it.23. The swimmer failed to reach the shore.24. We were to have been married in May.25. The purse was not to be found.26. He was never to see his wife or children again.27. It’s going to be a long time before we can reduce our prices.28. John is bound to be in the office.29. None of us can say what our future is to be.30. He did not fail to keep his word.Ex. 18BJ:Mary has…, but she dose not…D:/J:I do not… It is… She would…D:If she does not…she will…J:Yes, I am…D:I should…she would…Are they not…J:….she would…D:…there is…J:…there is not…You would…, would you not?D:I would not…But nobody has…J:You need not…You have got…D:…if I had…, I would…J:….Mary does not…D:Is there not…she will not…J:….she will not…D:…she isJ:…If it had…, she would…D:And you a re…we cannot…J:I should not…Let us…It is…D:…you are…But it is…Ex. 18CA:I can’t come and I don’t want to come. I don’t like picnics.B:Why don’t you like them?A:I haven’t the slightest desire to sit on wet grass and eat dry sandwiches.B:You mustn’t be so unsociable.A:I’m not being unsociable, but I shan’t ever go on another picnic. B:You aren’t serious, are you?A:Of course I’m serious. I usedn’t to like them as a child and I don’t like them now. Please don’t ask me again.B:All right, I won’t. But you won’t have anything to do on Sunday? A:That needn’t worry you. I can amuse myself.B:Jane won’t like it, will she?A:She knows I can’y stand picnics. She won’t expect me to come.B:Won’t she?A:No. In fact, she mayn’t go herself. She isn’t very keen on p icnics either.B:I didn’t know that.A:She wouldn’t enjoy herself very much, so it’s really better is she stays at home with me.B:All right. Then we shan’t expect to see either of you on Sundays. Ex. 18DA:If I were you I’d leave as soon as possible. You’ve a long way to go and it’s a bad road.B:Yes, I’m sure you’re right. I’d have left earlier if I’d been able to.A:They’ll finish repairing the car in half an hour or so. They’ve been working on it all morning.B:I know. They’ve worked hard. They’re good chaps, and they’re doing all they can. It’s lucky for me you’ve got such a good garage here. I‘d never get away otherwise.A:No. You’d still be here tomorrow.Ex. 18E(略)新编英语语法教程第19讲练习参考答案Ex. 19A1. /2. /3. /4. /5. /6. /7. to8. / ;to9. to 10. to 11. / 12. / 13. / 14. to 15. to 16. / 17. (to) 18. / 19. / 20. (to) 21. / 22. (to) 23. / 24. / ;to 25. to 26. / 27. to 28. to 29. / ;/ 30. / 31. (to) 32. / 33. to 34. / 35. / 36. / 37. / 38. / ;/ 39. / 40. / ;/Ex. 19B1. Let me see2. let drop3. make believe4. let it pass5. Let her be6. let fly at7. let go of8. lets slip9. go hang 10. live and let live 11. make both ends meet 12. make do with 13. make do on 14. make…work 15. let sleeping dogs lieEx. 19C1. begging2. coming3. running4. (doing)5. playing6. marrying7. buying8. improving9. meeting 10. eating 11. having seen 12. lending 13. speaking 14. staying 15. smoking 16. increasing 17. having made 18. travelling 19. following 20. restrainingEx. 19D1. write, beginning2. doing, doing3. leaving, going4. having, told5. being separated6. building7. speak, being8. getting, closing9. going 10. belling, say 11. trying, answer 12. increasing 13. becoming 14. trying, make 15. having heard 16. dislike, living 17. try, discuss, speaking 18. teaching 19. increasing 20. travelling新编英语语法教程第20讲练习参考答案Ex. 20Aa) 1. The two girls are attractive to look at.2. The film was easy to follow.3. The monkey was amusing to watch.4. Reference books are useful to have.5. The form is complicated to fill in.6. Wet grass is difficult to burn.7. A spring mattress is comfortable to sleep on.8. Petrol is dangerous to set fire to.9. Roast beef is nice to eat.10.New countries are often exciting to go to.11.The main road was busy to cross.12.The twins are alike to look at.13.One patch of ground was damp to walk on.14.The music was gay to listen to.b) 1. /2. It was easy to follow…3. It was amusing to watch…4. It is useful to have…5. It is complicated to fill in…6. It is difficult ti burn…7. It is comfortable to sleep on…8. It is dangerous to set fire to…9. It is nice to eat…10.It is often exciting to go to…11. /12. /13. /14. /Ex. 20B1. I was sorry to learn…2. You will be sad to hear…3. They would be very surprised to receive…4. She i s happy to have found…5. I was afraid to go…6. Bob was pleased to hear…7. I am very anxious to meet you.8. We were delighted to receive your telegram.9. You were sensible to stay indoors.10. The clerk was prompt to answer the call.11. This rule is easy to remember.12. We are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood.13. Our house is difficult to heat.14. Are you ready to leave?15. You would be foolish to go out in this weather.16. John is quick to see the point.17. He is very keen to get on.18. We are proud to have him as a friend.19. I was rude not to answer your letter.20. We are happy to have you with us this evening.Ex. 20C1. His decision to resign surprised all of us.2. He showed no inclination to leave.3. Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love.4. The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river.5. Their readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world.6. He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject.7. The people of a country should have the freedom to choose their own social system.8. There is no need for you to start so early.9. I am not under the obligation to render him any financial support.10. They have the ability to wage biological warfare.11. He is not a man to be frightened by the threat of war.12. There are plans to be made at once.13. This is a day never to be forgotten.14. Give me the names of the people to contact.15. The next train to arrive is from Edinburgh.16. The last problem to be considered at our next meeting is how to invest the money.17. Was Cortes the first European ever to see the Pacific Ocean?18. The best man to see for your eye trouble is the professor of ophthalmology.19. The way to get into the building is to slip in through the kitchen.20. The first man to fly non-stop across the Atlantic was John Alcock. Ex. 20D1. Environmental pollution is a hard problem to be coped with.2. There is no time to lose. We must start at once.3. This is an infectious disease to be wiped out in a few years.4. There was no sound to be heard.5. I’ve spent two days here. There is nothing to see.6. This is a good book in which there is much to be learnt.7. This is an item of information not to say to any other prople.8. This is a difficult question to answer.9. At the sound of footsteps outside the window, I stole out of the room, but there was nothing to be seen.10. He is a man to be reckoned with.11. She was firm in her refusal to accept his offer of marriage.12. I have accepted the invitation to go to their school for an exchange of experience.13. I need a box to hold the chessmen.14. What is there to be proud of?15. He always thinks that the bed is a good place to read detective stories.16. Every day I have a lot of question to consider.17. The only way to deal with her is not to give an inch.18. She is not a woman to be trifled with.19. My brother was the third person to be interviewed.20. You have left me very little to say.Ex. 20E1. …supposed her to be a widow.2. …felt the plan to be unwise.3. …admit him to be a genius.4. …declared the book to be obscene.5. …found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid.6. …thought the film to be highly original.7. …considered the speaker to h ave overstated his case.8. …showed the man’s alibi to be a complete fabrication.9. …assumed the construction of such a building to be impracticable whereas…believed it to be perfectly feasible.10. …revealed himself to be a master of the keyboard.11. …knew him to be a man of integrity.12. …discovered £20,000 worth of precious stones to be missing.13. …thought it to be impossible,…14. …understands it to be impossible…15. …acknowledge many of their predictions to have been over-optimistic.16. …that t heir informant was reliable.17. …that the situation is now under control.18. …that it was unlikely…19. …that it was cruel…20. …that what he said was based on fact.21. …that it was likely…22. …that his long-term optimism was justified.23. …that his party has little chance of…24. …that the ascent had taken nearly five and a half hours.25. …that his evidence had been perjured.26. …that earlier theories were incorrect.27. …the gain in reserves was / has been…28. …knowing that they had been stolen.29. …that their candidate was unacceptable to them.30. …that its implementation was desirable.新编英语语法教程第21讲练习参考答案Ex. 21A1. going2. to murder3. putting4. to explain, to understand, to say5. going6. wondering, going7. being8. biting9. going, to appreciate, to start 10. working, spending 11. to learn, saying 12. to put, to prevent, climbing 13. seeing 14. telling 15. staying 16. being 17. getting 18. to build 19. wanting, to help 20. doing 21. paying 22. needing 23. waiting 24. to understand 25. writing 26. pooh-poohing 27. having seen 28. seeing 29. writing 30. correcting 31. flying, to come, to go, go, flying 32. shopping 33. making 34. to take 35. selling 36. to eat, trying 37. calling, letting, decide 38. travelling, standing / to stand, queuing, waiting, to go 39. keeping, to fill, asking, to keep, making 40. smoking, to risk, setting, smokeEx. 21B1. to solve2. to meet3. receiving / having received4. seeing / having seen5. him / his saying / having said6. to have7. to close down8. receiving / having received9. to be 10. not to understand 11. my trying 12. actually promising 13. the Government setting up 14. there being 15. to resign 16. to do 17. being 18. never to follow 19. to look into 20. to know 21. his being 22. him / his ever agreeing 23. having made 24. to have read 25. putting people out of workEx. 21C1. into believing2. from going3. into obeying4. out of telling5. into admitting6. into giving up7. into doing8. out of marrying9. from having to 10. from speaking 11. from doing 12. from going 13. into doing 14. into giving 15. into thinking 16. into believing 17. into accepting 18. from losing 19. about leaving 20. from attending 21. on making 22. of driving 23. against keeping 24. into taking 25. into buying 26. from being 27. from giving 28. from attending 29. into buying 30. to travelling 31. from being burnt 32. about starting 33. for playing 34. with obstructing 35. of obstructing 36. for having 37. into paying 38. out of going 39. from taking 40. from taking upEx. 21D1. spending, earning2. smoking3. hitting4. to do / doing5. to be looked into6. watching7. taking8. putting9. lying / to lie, staring / to stare 10. to help, (to) prepare, holding 11. telling 12. to double / doubling 13. to get 14. to understand 15. to remind, watering / to be watered 16. being, to apologize 17. working, to age, lose 18. hearing, say, cutting / to be cut 19. cooking, washing, sweeping, cleaning 20. to risk, getting 21. to drink 22. working 23. acting, to see, wearing, reciting 24. trying, to make 25. pressing / to be pressed 26. to give 27. to mention 28. to tell 29. to wait, deciding, to accept 30. arriving 31. to think 32. practising 33. knitting 34. pretending 35. being, attempting, to learn, skiing 36. spelling, being 37. your wanting, to help, to practise, doing 38. my saying, giving, to spell 39. allowing, to play, asking 40. him to start, takingEx. 21E1. a. He ought to be shot first.b. He deserves to be the first who will shoot.2. a. That boy ought to be watched.b. That boy wants to see what is happening.3. a. I paid the bill, and remember having done so.b. I remembered that I had to pay the bill, so I paid it.4. a. The man experimented by turing the key another way.b. The man made an attempt to turn the key another way.5. a. I told you that David stole the money and regret having done so.b. I have to tell you that David stole the money, and I’m sorry I must do so.6. a. When did they stop working?b. When did they leave some place in order to work.7. a. I put i t there, but I’ve quite forgotten what I did.b. It hasn’t occurred to me that I should put it there.8. a. I cannot but apologize.b. I can’t help him to apologize for his wrong doing.9. a. We won’t build the dam any longer.b. We’ll stop something els e and begin to build the dam.10. a. The meaning of revolution is the liberation of the productive forces.b. They intended to liberate the productive forces.Ex. 21F1. He is to study mathematics.makes me study; lets me study; had better study2. I happened to meet him.avoided meeting; postponed meeting; insisted on meeting3. Do you dare to go hom alone?mind going; persist in going; object to going4. He promised to calculate how much it might cost.suggested calculating; is used to calculating; succeeded in calculating 5. I should like to have played with trains as a child.remember playing; deny having played; missed playing6. He is learning to play chess.knows how to play; spends time playing; would rather play7. The retired boxer means to buy a public house.suggests buying; thinks he will buy; had better buy8. The harbour master thinks that the boat will arrive early.wants the boat to arrive; will allow the boat to arrive; prefers the boat to arrive9. He has decided to eat a ham sandwich.feels like eating; had finished eating; enjoys eating10. He seldom suggests sending news to his brother abroad.fails to send; forgets to send; troubles to send11. I regret that I am late.apologize for being; cannot help being; prefer to be12. I long to ski through the forest.am looking forward to skiing; enjoy skiing; imagine myself skiing新编英语语法教程第22讲练习参考答案Ex. 22A1. sunken2. molten3. lighted or burning4. rotten5. shrunk6. bounden7. blessed8. Drunken9. shaved, well-shaven, shaving 10. bent 11. blessed 12. binding 13. bound 14. drunk 15. lighted 16. molten 17. melted 18. rotting, rotted 19. rotten 20. sunken, sunkEx. 22B1. charming2. troubling3. increased4. suggested5. encouraging6. attempted7. fallen8. widened9. burned / burnt 10. loaded 11. raging 12. approaching 13. signed 14. returned 15. refreshing 16. navigating 17. shackled 18. paid, specified 19. furnished 20. terrifying 21. adopted 22. standing 23. crowded 24. surprising 25. perfumedEx. 22C1. (to be) brought2. said3. to keep4. to do5. mixed up6. laughing7. come8. stealing9. visaed 10. to finish up 11. going 12. thinking 13. sent 14. drink 15. known 16. to settle 17. sitting 18. left standing 19. unsaid 20. to be desired 21. doubting 22. to be 23. working 24. informed 25. gone 26. weighing 27. taken off 28. grow 29. criticized 30. talking / talk 31. spring up 32. lying 33. knocked down, driving 34. doing 35. crossed out 36. paid 37. said 38. shouting 39. understand 40. said Ex. 22D1. … Eurydice was bitten in the heel by a snake.2. … her foot was caught by a rug and she fell.3. … a notice pinned to the door by a knife.4. …‘Beware’written in large letters.5. … you should never point it at anyone.6. … you must take care not to damage the roots.7. … the dog was led out of the room.8. … After I have paid my taxes, …9. … the boat was being tossed up and down by the sea.10. … tree uprooted by the gale.11. … He was cleaning his gun when it went off unexpectedly.12. … As she was wondering where to go, …13. … I was knoc ked over by a bike.14. … I saw a long streamer towed behind the aeroplane, marked ‘Vote for Jones’.15. … Since he has been weakened by his last illness, …16. … I suddenly thought of an idea.17. When I was dropped by parachute, …18. When a woman is depressed, a new hat will make her feel happier.19. … he suddenly saw an old man starting to across in front of him.20. … I felt a taxi was a welcome sight新编英语语法教程第23讲练习参考答案Ex. 23A1. favourable2. plentiful3. momentous4. hurried5. valuable6. thoughtful7. mischievous8. spiced9. dependable 10. restful 11. disastrous 12. packaged 13. breakable 14. mournful 15. courteous 16. fenced 17. laughable 18. forgetful 19. dangerous 20. lined 21. preferable 22. powerful 23. mountainous 24. striped 25. lovable 26. doubtful 27. mysterious 28. coloured 29. agreeable 30. truthful 31. melodious 32. detailed 33. noticeable 34. hopeful 35. courageous 36. different 37. patient 38. independent 39. important 40. urgentEx. 23B1. well-read2. well-beahved3. over-cautious4. well-equipped5. overloaded6. well-trained7. tear-filled8. storm-battered9. Fur-lined 10. well-worm 11. over-excited 12. well-informed 13. horse-drawn 14. well-developed 15. ink-stained 16. hard-topped 17. smoke-filled 18. snow-covered 19. Blue-eyed 20. grief-strickenEx. 23C1. This is a piece of very alarming news.2. That was a most astonishing story.3. They are well-behaved children.4. There were many bored faces in the room.5. Don’t play with the burning candle.6. This is a very ebcouraging report.7. This will be a lasting agreement.8. We have a limited supply of fuel.9. Those are reserved seats.10. This lawyer has a number of very satisfied clients.11. That was a totally unexpected result.12. These are very worrying circumstances.13. The writer made his point with terrifying emphasis.14. Sheila is the adopted daughter of a well-known writer.15. He gave a boring lecture.Ex. 23D1. beautiful long hair2. a lovely green hilly slope3. the unusual new Chinese restaurant4. the cloudy gray morning sky5. a very large steel bridge6. three very healthy, intelligent children / three healthy, very intelligent children7. new black oak furniture8. the first ten cardboard boxes9. a very important political speech10. Twenty original African wood carvings11. a rather fascinating electronic device12. My brother’s first long public concert13. A really beautiful pale pink sunset14. a rather difficult Indian language15. that big, new classical-style house16. delicious white French wine / delicious French white wine17. my large black Japanese car18. three very comfortable dark blue chairs19. many huge industrial buildings20. a small modern agricultural laboratoryEx. 23E1. The Countess was amused at…2. He was annoyed at the way…3. E verybody was astonished at…4. He was obviously not bothered with…5. He was not contented with…6. The Countess, however, eas delighted with…7. I am not disappointed in / with you.8. Don’t get excited by…9. He was fascinated by…10. He was already inte rested in…11. The Countess was very pleased with…12. She was completely satisfied with…13. … she had been shocked by…14. His old father would have been surprised at…15. Now, his father would not have been worried about…Ex. 23F1. We are adamant that you should resign.2. We are afraid that you have…3. I’m ashamed that you should have behaved…4. I an certain that there will be…5. We are concerned that you should feel…6. It is curious that you should say…7. We’re delighted that you see…8. It is es sential that you should have…9. The Captain is furious that you (should have) revealed…10. We feel greatly honoured that you (should) have received us…11. Everyone is insistent that we should prolong…12. We are greatly relieved that we shall have…13. I’m not sure yet that I’ll be able to come…14. Is it true (that) you should said that?。



新编英语语法教程第六版讲习题答案--31讲习题题目答案10. She insisted that we tell her the truth.11. They requested that we sit down and have a cup of tea.12. The hostess urged that we all stay for dinner.13. The rules require that players wear tennis shoes…14. The boss suggests that his secretary learn shorthand.15. The policeman ordered that the men move on.16. The union leader urged that members accept the offer.17. The general commanded that his troops advance into the town.18. The real estate agent suggested that we sell the house.19. The captain ordered that the crew abondon ship.20. The editor insisted that we change the title of the book. Ex.31D1. Before John came home, I had finishned reading the newspaper.2. While we were eating dinner, ….3. …when Harry entered.4. Since I graduated from high school,…5. Before I read that book, I must….6. After Johnny finished his homework, he…7. Before I serve the dessert, you must…8. Before I came to the United States, I had…9. When I got to school yesterday, I found…10. …since you moved away from the neighborhood?11. I’ll be busy shopping until the store…12. While I’m studying, I like to…13. Where do you stay when you visit Washington?14. While I’m in this country to study, I hope to…15. While the baby is napping, her mother has a chance to rest.16. After the orchestra had played for several hours, the embassy…17. …until he got his B.A. degree.18. No sooner had the criminal found a shelter than he was…19. …until the weather is dry in the summer.20. I have been wearing glasses ever since I entered the university.Ex. 31E1. …looks like, for I have never met him.2. …simply because…3. …because / for all the shops have closed.4. …not because …but because…5. It was simply because…6. Since the weather…7. Just because he was….8. It must be early morning, because / for the birds are singing.9. …because he is poor?。



新编英语第二册练习册答案一、词汇练习1. 根据所给单词的首字母填空。

- I am very happy to see you.- She is singing a beautiful song.- The cat is sleeping on the sofa.2. 将下列单词连成句子。

- Book - The book is on the table.- Children - The children are playing in the park.- Home - I go home after school.3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

- She is reading a book. (read)- They are playing football. (play)- He watches TV every evening. (watch)二、语法练习1. 将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并给出肯定和否定回答。

- I am a student.- Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.- She likes apples.- Does she like apples? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.2. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。

- I have (have) a new bicycle.- They are (be) my friends.- She doesn't like (like) swimming.3. 将下列句子变为被动语态。

- We make the cake.- The cake is made by us.- They will build a new school.- A new school will be built by them.三、阅读理解阅读以下短文,回答问题。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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新编英语语法教程第27讲练习参考答案Ex. 27A1. You’re an American, I suppose.2. I’m afraid she…3. …tea, if you please.4. …some help, if I’m not mistaken.5. …man, if I might say so.6. …open, if you don’t mind.7. I’m sorry to say you…8. I suspect no less than…9. I guess you…10. …yet, if I’m not mistaken.11. …chimney, he does.12. Without any question the rogue…13. Never have I seen…14. I was indeed very glad to…15. He will certainly give…16. I’m not at all interested…17. … no doubt whatever about it.18. I’ll be hanged if that’s true.19. You won’t catch him smoking again.20. Not a single soul was seen…Ex. 27B1. I never have much to do in the morning.2. …have not finished it ye t.3. I have not much to do in the morning either.4. His wife didn’t ever make him any curry.5. I didn’t tell anybody anything.6. We have not enough evidence yet.7. There isn’t anybody doing research in this field.8. Smoking has not a nything…9. …didn’t produce skin cancer on any of them.10. This doesn’t apply to any of the people here yet.11. …hasn’t revealed anything of importance.12. It does not help us at all in our daily work either.13. We need not / don’t have to go far to find anyone…14. …is not yet living at this address.15. He has not been away very long.16. …cannot find anywhere…17. …hasn’t ever given me any…18. There are not many people…yet.19. I cannot understand either of…20. I cannot understand a ny of…Ex. 27C2. a) All the people were not at work. (ie Everyone was absent.)b) Not all the people were at work. (ie Not everyone was there. Some were at work;some not.)3. a) Everyone here doesn’t agree with you. (ie All the people here disagree.)b) Not everyone here agrees with you. (ie Some of the people here agree with you;some not.)4. a) Much of the food was not bad. (ie Most of the food was good; only a smallportion was bad.)b) Not much of the food was bad. (ie Only a small portion was bad.)5. a) One of the runners did not hear the starting pistol. (ie Only one of them didn’thear; the others did.)b) Not one of the runners heard the starting pistol. (ie None heard.)6. a) Another reason for the delay was not given. (ie There was another reason for thedelay, but it was not given.)b) No other reason for the delay was given. (ie There was only one reason for thedelay.)7. a) A little of the money was not spent on this project. (ie Most of the money wasspent on this project; only a little was not.)b) Little of the money was spent on this project. (ie Almost no money was spent onthis project.)8. a) A few of you will not have heard the warning. (ie Most of you, I suppose, haveheard the warning.)b) Few of you will have heard the warning. (ie Most of you, I suppose, have notheard the warning.)9. a) Half of the work has not yet been completed. (ie Only half of the work wasdone.)b) Not half of the work has already been completed. (ie Only a small portion of thework was done.)10. a) The least of our problems has not been solved. (ie Almost no problem wassolved.)b) Not the least of our problems has been solved. (ie A good number of ourproblems have been solved.)Ex. 27D1. What was sprayed over the area?2. Who wrote an account of the fire?3. What did he write?4. What did he write an account of?5. Where did the fire start?6. How did it burn?7. How long did it burn?8. When and where did that happen?9. Whose account of the fire is the best?10. How often did fires break out during the war?11. How many people were killed on the roads yesterday?12. How much rain fell last night?13. How far is it from here to the station?14. How long will it take me to get there by car?15. During which century was this castle built?16. Why / For what purpose was the Aswan Dam built?17. Why have you not yet finished it?18. Who did an idea occur to while Benjamin Hall was speaking?19. What do you believe he wants to do?20. What should we do it if we haven’t renewed our licence?Ex. 27E1. doesn’t she / (hasn’t she)2. usedn’t he / didn’t he3. wouldn’t you4. isn’t it5. mayn’y we6. didn’t you7. mustn’t I 8. could you 9. don’t they 10. doesn’t he 11. don’t you 12. oughtn’t we / shouldn’t we 13. didn’t you 14. wouldn’t she 15. mustn’t you / haven’t you 16. doesn’t it 17. would he 18. wasn’t he19. doesn’t he 20. need I 21. haven’t you / don’t you 22. should he 23. mustn’t they / didn’t they 24. wouldn’t you 25. aren’t they 26. is there 27. will it28. can it 29. did they 30. will there31. will they / won’t they 32. won’t it 33. didn’t you34. aren’t I 35. mustn’t you / aren’t you 36. don’t you37. do they 38. can’t they 39. would you / will you 40. will you / would you 41. have you 42. can one / can you 43. don’t you 44. didn’t they 45. wouldn’t he46. would he 47. have we 48. will you49. does he 50. shall weEx. 27F (略)新编英语语法教程第28讲练习参考答案Ex. 28A1. There was a car ready…2. There’s man sitting…3. There was a student who came…4. There’s another student (that) I ought to see.5. There’s at least one book … in our library.6. There’ll be a good film on…7. There’s certain to be trouble…8. There were several trains coming…9. There were things called firesquirts used…10. Is there anyone waiting…11. There were peop le who believed that…12. There was an old cellar with a thick flint wall…13. There was a boy named George Sampeter sitting…14. There were monkeys under the trees, …15. There was a strange caller yesterday who…16. There is likely to be…17. There should be…18. There must have been a mistake…19. There are several thousand little islands in the Maldives.20. There was a bolt on my front door…Ex. 28B1. there to be2. there being3. there to be4. there being5. there to be6. there to be7. There being8. there being9. there to be 10. there to be Ex. 28C1. On the top of the hill there stood / there was…2. There will be / will come a time when…3. Mary didn’t agree about there being no need for…4. Wer e you disappointed at there not having been…5. John asked for there to be…6. There was a cow crossing…7. There is no plant that doesn’t need…8. We don’t want there to be any disturbance.9. There being an index to this book is…10. I’m surprised at there not being an index / being no index.11. We have no objection to there being a meeting here.12. It’s impossible for there to be … For there to be…13. It’s not uncommon for there to be… / For there to be…14. There’s an im portant message just being decoded. / There is just beingdecoded…15. There were quite a number of…jewels stolen.16. There was expected to be…17. There is / are believed to be…18. There was a meeting about the new building yesterday.19. There hav e been three accidents at…20. There’s a lawn that extends…21. There is said to be trouble on…22. I can just remember the trouble there was about it a year ago.23. There will be people anxious that…24. There seems to be a widespread change…25. T here was a day when it rained…新编英语语法教程第29讲练习参考答案Ex. 29A1. It is possible that the Joneses will come to the party as well.2. It doesn’t matter very much whether they will come or not.3. It is quite likely that he will let you down.4. It seems that you have taken a dislike to him.5. It happens that I have had some nasty experiences in dealing with him.6. It was rather complicated getting the car on the boat.7. It would be a good idea to get up a petition. / I think it a good idea to get up a petition.8. It is a great pleasure to be here with you this morning.9. It was so kind of you to invite us.10. It doesn’t matter in the least what you say.11. It is / remains a mystery how he came to have such a valuable painting.12. It is regretted that you should feel obliged to resign at this point.13. It would be pity to spoil such a fine drawing.14. It makes me feel sad seeing you sitting here all alone.15. Is it very dull living here?/ Do you find it very dull living here?16. It is impossible for me to forgive him.17. It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine.18. It looks as if the park is very small.19. It seems as though our plan is perfect.20. It was clearly indicated that h e didn’t want to speak to me.Ex. 29B1. It gets dark early in winter.2. It’s no use asking her. She doesn’t know anything.3. Its two miles to the station from here.4. Have you seen it hail?5. We leave it to you to decide what must be done.6. It is said that the spy slipped arsenic into his tea.7. It’s a pity (that) you missed that concert. 8. It looks as if he were very afraid.9. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 10. It was several months before we met again. Ex. 29C1. 迟早我要跟他说个明白。
