Philips 基本LED灯泡说明书

Philips EssentialLED Bulb 3000K/6500K 230VPhilips Essential LED Bulb is a sustainable green light bulb to ensure direct replacement of GLS bulbs in indoor application.With latest LED technology, Essential LED Bulb o ers over 83% energy saving and lasts 10 years (if lit 2.7 hours per day across 365 days) to save your total investment cost.From LED chips chosen to the nal assembly, di erent kinds of professional quality control methods are adopted to guarantee the light quality consistency through product lifetime.The product is professionally designed to endure surge and environmental tests to make sure it can be adapted into di erent indoor application situations.Design highlights• Form factor is designed as a direct retrofit into A60 fixtures • Over 85% energy-saving compared with GLS• Long lifetime of 10 years (if lit 2.7 hours per day across 365 days)• Warm white CCT 3000K and cool daylight CCT 6500K available • Environmental friendly, no Mercury or any other hazardous substances • Low Carbon FootprintApplication areasApplication notes• Operating temperature range is between -20 °C and 45 °C ambient• Only to apply in dry or damp locations and most of open fixtures with E27/B22 lamp- holders that offer sufficient space (10 mm free air space)• Not intended for use with emergency light fixtures or exit lights • Not intended for enclosed luminaires The qualified light makes it suitable for general indoor applications such as:• Elite shops• Corridors / Stairways / Washrooms • Lobby / Reception areas • Hotel rooms / Bars• HomeProduct type Voltage Wattage Cap Bulb CCT Lumen Luminous Lifetime CRI EEIshape e cacy label(V) (W) (K) (Lm) (=lm/W) (hours)ESS LEDBulb 4W E27 3000K 230V A60 TR 220-240V 4.0 E27 A60 3000 300 75 10000 80 A+ ESS LEDBulb 4W E27 6500K 230V A60 TR 220-240V 4.0 E27 A60 6500 310 78 10000 80 A+ ESS LEDBulb 6W E27 3000K 230V A60 TR 220-240V 6.0 E27 A60 3000 490 82 10000 80 A+ ESS LEDBulb 6W E27 6500K 230V A60 TR 220-240V 6.0 E27 A60 6500 510 85 10000 80 A+ ESS LEDBulb 8W E27 3000K 230V A60 TR 220-240V 8.0 E27 A60 3000 610 76 10000 80 A+ ESS LEDBulb 8W E27 6500K 230V A60 TR 220-240V 8.0 E27 A60 6500 640 80 10000 80 A+ ESS LEDBulb 4W E27 3000K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 4.0 E27 A60 3000 300 75 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 4W E27 6500K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 4.0 E27 A60 6500 310 78 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 6W E27 3000K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 6.0 E27 A60 3000 490 82 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 6W E27 6500K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 6.0 E27 A60 6500 510 85 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 8W E27 3000K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 8.0 E27 A60 3000 610 76 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 8W E27 6500K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 8.0 E27 A60 6500 640 80 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 4W B22 3000K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 4.0 B22 A60 3000 300 75 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 4W B22 6500K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 4.0 B22 A60 6500 310 78 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 6W B22 3000K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 6.0 B22 A60 3000 490 82 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 6W B22 6500K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 6.0 B22 A60 6500 510 85 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 8W B22 3000K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 8.0 B22 A60 3000 610 76 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 8W B22 6500K 230V A60 UAE 220-240V 8.0 B22 A60 6500 640 80 10000 80 4 star ESS LEDBulb 4W E27 3000K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 4.0 E27 A60 3000 300 75 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 4W E27 6500K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 4.0 E27 A60 6500 310 78 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 6W E27 3000K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 6.0 E27 A60 3000 490 82 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 6W E27 6500K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 6.0 E27 A60 6500 510 85 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 8W E27 3000K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 8.0 E27 A60 3000 610 76 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 8W E27 6500K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 8.0 E27 A60 6500 640 80 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 4W B22 3000K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 4.0 B22 A60 3000 300 75 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 4W B22 6500K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 4.0 B22 A60 6500 310 78 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 6W B22 3000K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 6.0 B22 A60 3000 490 82 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 6W B22 6500K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 6.0 B22 A60 6500 510 85 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 8W B22 3000K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 8.0 B22 A60 3000 610 76 10000 80 C ESS LEDBulb 8W B22 6500K 230V A60 SA 220-240V 8.0 B22 A60 6500 640 80 10000 80 CLEDbulbB22E27Spectral Power DistributionSpectrum Essential LED Bulb 3000KTemperature300/310lm T c Max: 102 o C 490/510lm T c Max: 90 o C610/640lm T c Max: 105 o CTc pointSpectrum Essential LED Bulb 6500KEssential LEDBulb 4W E27/B22 3000K 230V A601 x 300 lmLight output ratio 1.00Service upward 0.81Service downward 0.19CIE ux code7 26 56 19 100UGRcen (4Hx8H, 0.25H )16Essential LEDBulb 4W E27/B22 6500K 230V A601 x 310 lmLight output ratio 1.00Service upward 0.81Service downward 0.19CIE ux code7 26 56 19 100UGRcen (4Hx8H, 0.25H )16Essential LEDBulb 6W E27/B22 3000K 230V A601 x 490 lmLight output ratio 1.00Service upward 0.81Service downward 0.19CIE ux code7 26 56 19 100UGRcen (4Hx8H, 0.25H )17Light output ratio 1.00Service upward 0.81Service downward 0.19CIE ux code7 26 56 19 100UGRcen (4Hx8H, 0.25H )18Essential LEDBulb 6W E27/B22 6500K 230V A601 x 510 lmLight output ratio 1.00Service upward 0.81Service downward 0.19CIE ux code7 26 56 19 100UGRcen (4Hx8H, 0.25H )18Light output ratio 1.00Service upward 0.81Service downward 0.19CIE ux code7 26 56 19 100UGRcen (4Hx8H, 0.25H )18Essential LEDBulb 8W E27/B22 3000K 230V A601 x 610 lmEssential LEDBulb 8W E27/B22 6500K 230V A601 x 640 lmLifetime + SustainabilityFailure Rate Curve of Essential LED bulb 3000K/6500K50%45%40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%500010000T o t a l F a i l u r e R a t eHoursEssential LED Bulb has a lifetime exceeding 10,000 hours de ned as (F50L70), where:F50L70, meaning 50% in total of whole population of lamps either fail without light output or lumen maintenance lower than 70% of initial value.Lifetime estimation based on the application environment condition: at room temperature (25°C), free air burning,baseup burning position, and at rated voltage.© 2016 Philips LightingAll rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights.。
LED灯管 & IECEN 62560

3.Extreme Electrical Condition 旧:达到150%的额定电压,功率或者功率的状态(其 中最恶劣的),达到热稳定状态后坚持15分钟 (热稳定状态:Tc点温度一小时内波动不超过5K) 新:施加生产商指定的最恶劣状态或者150%额定功率 状态,达到热稳定状态后坚持15分钟(稳定状态:cap 温度一小时波动不超过1K)
retrofit LED lamp
UL 1993: Self-Ballasted Lamps and Lamp Adapters UL8750: Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment for Use in Lighting Products
IEC 34A/1642/CDV (IEC62776)
IP65测试: 条件:1.1倍电压和35°环境温度下的10天耐久。 然后做IP65测试
新:IEC 60598-1 table 10.2 for Class II luminaire 4U+2000V
2.绝缘电阻测试 旧:
Current carrying part – accessible part(载流部件与可触及部件之间)
Live part-accessible part(带电部件与可触及部件之间) 带电部件的判定需要按照IEC 61347-1 Annex A执行
Thank you !
灯头温升测试:Δt≤95K 材料实验:球压和灼热丝。
三一照明 SY-L5N300R6W3528 LED灯条 说明书

无噪音,发热少:LED 灯具使用时不会产生噪音,发热也比传统灯少很多。 无噪音, 响应时间快:没有了传统灯启动时的闪烁,即开即亮。
1、 室内安装:LED 灯带用于室内装饰时,由于不必经受风吹雨打,所以安装就非常简单。 以光虹电子生产的 LED 灯带为例,每款 LED 灯带的背后都贴有自粘性 3M 双面胶,安装 时可以直接撕去 3M 双面胶表面的贴纸,然后把灯条固定在需要安装的地方,用手按平 就好了。至于有的地方需要转角或者是长了怎么办?很简单,LED 灯带是以 3 个 LED 为 一组的串并联方式组成的电路结构,每 3 颗 LED 即可以剪断单独使用。 2、 户外安装:户外安装由于会经受风吹雨淋,如果采用 3M 胶固定的话,时间一久就会造 成 3M 胶粘性降低而致使 LED 灯带脱落,因此户外安装常采用卡槽固定的方式,需要剪 切和连接的地方,方法和室内安装一样,只是需要另外配备防水胶,以巩固连接点的防 水效果。 3、 电源连接方法:LED 灯带一般电压为直流 12V,因此需要使用开关电源供电,电源的大 小根据 LED 灯带的功率和连接长度来定。 如果不希望每条 LED 灯带都用一个电源来控制, 可以购买一个功率比较大的开关电源做总电源,然后把所有的 LED 灯带输入电源全部并 联起来(线材尺寸不够的话可以另外延长) ,统一由总开关电源供电。这样的好处是可 以集中控制,不方便的地方是不能实现单个 LED 灯带的点亮效果和开关控制,具体采用 哪种方式可以由自己去衡量。 4、 控制器连接方式:LED 跑马灯带和 RGB 全彩灯带需要使用控制器来实现变幻效果,而每 个控制器的控制距离不一样,一般而言,简易控制器的控制距离为 10 到 15 米,遥控控 制器的控制距离为 15 到 20 米,最长可以控制到 30 米距离。如果 LED 灯带的连接距离 较长,而控制器不能控制那么长的灯带,那么就需要使用功率放大器来进行分接。 5、 注意 LED 灯带的连接距离:一般来说,3528 系列的 LED 灯带,其连接距离最长为 20 米, 5050 系列的 LED 灯带,最长连接距离为 15 米。如果超出了这个连接距离,则 LED 灯带 很容易发热,使用过程中会影响 LED 灯带的使用寿命。因此,安装的时候一定要按照厂 家的要求进行安装,切忌让 LED 灯带过负荷运行。
Kingbright 蓝色LED灯的数据手册说明书

Part NumberEmitting Color (Material)Lens TypeIv (mcd) @ 20mA [2] Viewing Angle [1]Min. Typ. 2θ1/2L-7104PBC-A■ Blue (InGaN)Water Clear 400 30°900DESCRIPTIONSzThe Blue source color devices are made with InGaN on SiC Light Emitting Diodez Electrostatic discharge and power surge could damage the LEDsz It is recommended to use a wrist band oranti-electrostatic glove when handling the LEDs z All devices, equipments and machineries must be electrically groundedFEATURESzLow power consumptionz Popular T-1 diameter package z General purpose leads z Reliable and ruggedz Long life - solid state reliability z Available on tape and reel z RoHS compliantAPPLICATIONSz Status indicator z Illuminatorz Signage applicationsz Decorative and entertainment lightingzCommercial and residential architectural lightingATTENTIONObserve precautions for handlingelectrostatic discharge sensitive devicesPACKAGE DIMENSIONSL-7104PBC-AT-1 (3mm) Solid State LampSELECTION GUIDENotes:1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 of the optical peak value.2. Luminous intensity / luminous flux: +/-15%.3. Luminous intensity value is traceable to CIE127-2007 standards.Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches).2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted.3. Lead spacing is measured where the leads emerge from the package.4. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS at T A =25°CELECTRICAL / OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A =25°CNotes:1. 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width.2. 2mm below package base.3. 5mm below package base.4. Relative humidity levels maintained between 40% and 60% in production area are recommended to avoid the build-up of static electricity – Ref JEDEC/JESD625-A and JEDEC/J-STD-033.Notes:1. The dominant wavelength (λd) above is the setup value of the sorting machine. (Tolerance λd : ±1nm. )2. Forward voltage: ±0.1V.3. Wavelength value is traceable to CIE127-2007 standards.4. Excess driving current and / or operating temperature higher than recommended conditions may result in severe light degradation or premature failure.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Power Dissipation P D 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R 5 V Junction Temperature T j 125 °C Operating Temperature T op -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature T stg -40 to +85°C DC Forward Current I F 30 mA Peak Forward CurrentI FM [1]100 mA Electrostatic Discharge Threshold (HBM) -1000VLead Solder Temperature [2] 260°C For 3 Seconds Lead Solder Temperature [3]260°C For 5 SecondsParameterSymbol Emitting ColorValue Unit Typ. Max. Wavelength at Peak Emission I F = 20mA λpeak Blue 468 - nm Dominant Wavelength I F = 20mA λdom [1] Blue 465 - nm Spectral Bandwidth at 50% Φ REL MAX I F = 20mA Δλ Blue 21 - nm CapacitanceC Blue 100 - pF Forward Voltage I F = 20mA V F [2] Blue 3.2 4 V Reverse Current (V R = 5V)I RBlue-10uATECHNICAL DATABLUERECOMMENDED WAVE SOLDERING PROFILENotes:1. Recommend pre-heat temperature of 105°C or less (as measured with a thermocoupleattached to the LED pins) prior to immersion in the solder wave with a maximum solder bath temperature of 260°C2. Peak wave soldering temperature between 245°C ~ 255°C for 3 sec (5 sec max).3. Do not apply stress to the epoxy resin while the temperature is above 85°C.4. Fixtures should not incur stress on the component when mounting and during soldering process.5. SAC 305 solder alloy is recommended.6. No more than one wave soldering pass.PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONSPRECAUTIONSStorage conditions1. Avoid continued exposure to the condensing moisture environment and keep the product away from rapid transitions in ambient temperature.2. LEDs should be stored with temperature ≤ 30°C and relative humidity < 60%.3. Product in the original sealed package is recommended to be assembled within 72 hours of opening. Product in opened package for more than a week should be baked for 30 (+10/-0) hours at 85 ~ 100°C.2. When soldering wires to the LED, each wire joint should be separately insulated with heat-shrink tube to prevent short-circuit contact. Do not bundle both wires in one heat shrink tube to avoid pinching the LED leads. Pinching stress on the LED leads may damage the internal structures and cause failure.3. Use stand-offs (Fig.1) or spacers (Fig.2) to securely position the LED above the PCB.4. Maintain a minimum of 3mm clearance between the base of the LED lens and the first lead bend (Fig. 3 ,Fig. 4).5. During lead forming, use tools or jigs to hold the leads securely so that the bending force will not be transmitted to the LED lens and its internal structures. Do not perform lead forming once the component has been mounted onto the PCB. (Fig. 5 )LED Mounting Method1. The lead pitch of the LED must match the pitch of the mounting holes on the PCB during component placement.Lead-forming may be required to insure the lead pitch matches the hole pitch.Refer to the figure below for proper lead forming procedures.Note 1-3: Do not route PCB trace in the contact area between the leadframe and the PCB to prevent short-circuits." ○" Correct mounting method " x " Incorrect mounting methodLead Forming Procedures1. Do not bend the leads more than twice. (Fig. 6 )2. During soldering, component covers and holders should leaveclearance to avoid placing damaging stress on the LED duringsoldering.(Fig. 7)3. The tip of the soldering iron should never touch the lens epoxy.4. Through-hole LEDs are incompatible with reflow soldering.5. If the LED will undergo multiple soldering passes or face otherprocesses where the part may be subjected to intense heat,please check with Kingbright for compatibility.PRECAUTIONARY NOTES1. The information included in this document reflects representative usage scenarios and is intended for technical reference only.2. The part number, type, and specifications mentioned in this document are subject to future change and improvement without notice. Before production usage customer should refer tothe latest datasheet for the updated specifications.3. When using the products referenced in this document, please make sure the product is being operated within the environmental and electrical limits specified in the datasheet. Ifcustomer usage exceeds the specified limits, Kingbright will not be responsible for any subsequent issues.4. The information in this document applies to typical usage in consumer electronics applications. If customer's application has special reliability requirements or have life-threateningliabilities, such as automotive or medical usage, please consult with Kingbright representative for further assistance.5. The contents and information of this document may not be reproduced or re-transmitted without permission by Kingbright.6. All design applications should refer to Kingbright application notes available at /application_notes。
T8 LED灯管技术规格书(型号EL-T8-120CM-320W)

Input : AC200 - AC265V/AC100-120V.
h 输入为 AC220-AC230V/AC100-110V. g 4.Dimensions 外形尺寸图
i 1212±0.5(mm)
l 1138±0.5(mm) ge26mm Ed 5. Assembly Technology Drawing 安装原理图
gh ※Use Range:For family, Hotel, Supermarket, Offices, Parking, Factory , Advertising box,Cars, Shipsstairs and other places use as decorative lighting, give you a green environment. i 应用范围: 适用于大部分室内照明应用,如家庭、宾馆、商场、超市、办公场所、停车场、工厂、广告箱 Edgel 体、汽车,轮船之类交通工具等等,可以明显降低能耗,给你一个绿色照明的环境。
Edgelig 9.Products Application Cases 产品应用实例............................................................................................................. 9
※ It’s simple-designed and easy to use. 容易安装,使用方便。
※ Environmental protection, not heavy metals and harmful gas. 环保,没有重金属和有害气体。

Agradecemos su compra!Por favor, lea el manual de instrucciones antes de la instalación y consérvelo a mano para consultas futuras.Luminaria con disipador térmico de aluminio fundido de alta pureza, alta luminosidad, chip SMD Nichia, con un driver Sosen de corriente constante. La campana lineal LED LEN-Y, es una campana lineal que en los momentos más comprometidos actúa como una luz de emergencia. Diseño del PCB para media y gran altura en industria: producción, almacenes diáfanos con estanterías a media altura, talleres, gasolineras, centros comerciales, mercados, peajes de autopistas y otras aplicaciones.ProblemaPosible CausaSolucionesLED no funciona El cable de red no está conectado Conecta el cable de red.El enchufe está sueltoConéctelo firmemente a la toma de corriente. El driver del LED tiene una avería Reemplace el driver con uno nuevo.El chip LED está dañado Puede ser reparado sólo por Venalsol. La luz LED se enciende y apaga La salida del driver es anómala Reemplace el driver por uno nuevo.El chip LED tiene una averíaPuede ser reparado sólo por Venalsol.Venalsol garantiza sus productos, dentro de las condiciones generales de suministro, siempre que se trate de un defecto de fabricación o materiales por un período de cinco años a partir de la fecha de compra. La garantía consiste en la reparación/sustitución de las partes o conjuntos que se consideren defectuosos. No se aplicará por lo tanto a los artículos que presenten daños como consecuencia de no haber seguido correctamente las instrucciones de uso, o cuando la instalación haya sido realizada por personal no especializado. Así mismo, quedan excluidos los daños ocasionados por uso indebido del aparato y averías producidas en el transporte.Para realizar una reclamación de garantía, es necesario notificarlo por escrito a su vendedor, aportar factura de compra y cumplir con los demás requisitos de garantía. Siempre será necesario la devolución del producto averiado con su original placa identificativa de Venalsol Smart Light y su número de serie. Los costes de transporte están excluidos.1. La decisión de si el producto es defectuoso será tomada por Venalsol, que comprobará el mal funcionamiento del producto. SiVenalsol comprueba que el producto es defectuoso, decidirá si se ha de reparar o reemplazar por uno nuevo. Venalsol se reserva el derecho de utilizar productos nuevos o reparados en el proceso de reparación o sustitución del producto en garantía. El producto que se haya reparado o reemplazado, se garantizará durante el período de garantía original que le quede. El coste de personal y el coste de la maquinaria necesaria para la sustitución queda excluido. La responsabilidad total de Venalsol respecto al producto defectuoso estará siempre limitada al dinero pagado por el comprador por ese producto originalmente.2. En caso de solicitud de un producto en buen estado, previo al envío del producto defectuoso, con el fin de facilitar las labores de sustitución, Venalsol podrá aceptar suministrarlo y éste será facturado. Esta factura será abonada si procede, una vez sea recibido y verificado el producto supuestamente averiado. De no cumplir los requisitos de garantía, o no recibirse el material averiado, pasados 60 días de la reposición previa, se procederá al cobro de la factura.La garantía no cubrirá las siguientes circunstancias:1. Daños causados por fuerza mayor como guerras, revueltas, sabotajes, ciclones, terremotos, inundaciones explosiones, incendios, etc.2. Daños causados por uso inapropiado durante el período de entrega, defectos causados por su mal uso, tratamiento erróneo o destrucción de la maquinaria.3. Desmontaje, modificación o mantenimiento inapropiado productos reparados sin autorización del proveedor.4. Daños causados por el comprador o instalador usando cableado de baja calidad o otros componentes no compatibles con el producto.5. Esta garantía no es válida si el producto es usado para propósitos diferentes para los que está originalmente diseñado.150W - 200WVenalsol Smart Light S.L.C/ Garbí nº15. - Polígono Industrial Palma de Gandía - 46724 - Palma de Gandía Valencia (España) - Atención al cliente: +34 962 808 219 *****************< VER FICHA TÉCNICATodos los derechos reservados - Copyright ©2017Manual de instruccionesRegulable 1-10Vcc1.Desconecte el suministro de energía antes de la instalación o del mantenimiento de la luminaria.2. Es estrictamente obligatorio conectar el cable de tierra (Amarillo/Verde) con el conexionado de tierra de la instalación.3. No toque la fuente de alimentación cuando la lámpara esté en funcionamiento.4. Para evitar daños, descargas eléctricas o incendios, no desmonte o reemplace la lámpara (PCB CHIP LED).5.Para evitar daños, caídas, descargas eléctricas o incendios, por favor no modifique o reemplace los accesorios originales por otros que no lo sean, sin consultar y estar autorizado por Venalsol con anterioridad.6. Sólo personal cualificado puede realizar la sustitución o instalación de la luminaria y asegúrese de que sigue las instrucciones del manual. Si la instalación no se realiza adecuadamente, puede causar caídas, descargas eléctricas, incendios u otros daños.7. Desconecte el suministro de energía si sale humo o produce olor, ya que podría producirse un incendio o descarga eléctrica.8. Consulte a personal cualificado para la inspección y mantenimiento de la lámpara.9. Si el cableado propio de la luminaria está dañado, sólo puede ser reemplazado por Venalsol.Normativa aplicableHa pasado los test y verificaciones necesarios para la obtención del Marcado CE. Este producto cumple con los estándares de aplicación sobre Baja Tensión (LVD) 2014/35/EU: EN60598-1:2015, EN60598-2-24:2013, EN60598-2-1:1989, EN62031:2008, EN62471:2008, EN62493:2010 y Compatibilidad Electromagnética (EMC)2014/30/EU: EN61000-3-2:2014, EN61000-3-3:2013, EN61547:2009, EN55015:2013.Este símbolo indica que el producto al final de su vida útil deberá eliminarse por separado de los demás desechos, puesto que se identifica como un aparato de uso eléctrico o electrodoméstico según el Real Decreto 208/2005. Por lo tanto, al final del uso, deberá hacerse cargo de entregar el producto a un centro de recogida selectiva o a un gestor de residuos autorizado. Venalsol está registrado en el Registro Nacional de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos con número de inscripción registral 3493 y se encuentra adherida a un Sistema de Gestión de Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos para los productos con la categoría de "aparatos de alumbrado".Las luminarias LED Venalsol son respetuosas con el Medio Ambiente. No contienen mercurio y los componentes electrónicos utilizados cumplen con lo establecido en la normativa RoHS de transposición al Real Decreto 208/2005.Parámetros TécnicosEspecificaciones del producto 150W200WVoltaje de entrada AC100-277V 50/60Hz Clase I ( Necesita toma de tierra )CRIRa80Ángulo del Haz de Luz 30x70º, 120º, 90º, 40x120º, 50x90ºClasificación IP IP20Dimensiones (mm) 137 x 718 x 102 mm137 x 948 x 102 mmPeso neto de la luminaria 5.7 ±0.3kg6.7 ±0.3kgFactor de potencia 0.92Vida útil≥50000Hrs (LM70@35°C)Temperatura de funcionamiento 0 ~ +40°C Humedad de funcionamiento 15% ~ 90%RH Temperatura de almacenaje-40 ~ +70°CAmarillo/VerdeAzulAzul137mmB2. Extraer1. Presiona el candadoInsertar el hilo2 PCS102mmPulsador para deshabilitar la función de emergencia.Indicador de funcionamiento Insertar el hilo。

第8页光源系列 LAMP Series闪射系列 FLASHING SERIES外形设计美观、烟尘式散热排气孔Beautiful and decent appearance design, Smoke-Dust cooling exhaust hole产品特性 PRODUCTS FEATURES灯体采用6063航空铝材,冷锻式一体成型,外形新颖,美观大方;独有烟尘式散热设计,通过散热排气孔能更快的带走热量,散热效率高;电源采用美国BCD方案设计,高精度智能控制电路,具有过载欠压等保护,使用更安全;进口一体化透镜,透光率高达93%,表面鳞面设计,更好的防止眩光;新型EMC超导热大功率灯珠,具有高光效,高显指,采用陶瓷支架,散热效果更好,将低光衰。
The lamp body is made of 6063 aviation aluminum with novel and beautiful appearance. Product Category: Cold Forging, Integrated molding.Cooling Design: Unique Smoke-Dust Type, it can take away heat faster through the vent holes, so the cooling efficiency is very high.Power source: Using BCD solution design from US with precision smart control circuit, overload & under voltage protection, keeps it more secure.Lens: Integrated lens imported from abroad, light transmission rate is as high as 93%, and the surface design uses Scaly surface, so it can prevent glare much better;New EMC Lamp beads: superconducting heat and high power, high luminance, and high color render index.Ceramic bracket: provides better heat dissipation and low light decay.应用范围商业重点照明、酒店重点照明、装饰照明、专卖店、咖啡厅、KTV、超市、写字楼、书房、面包店、书店、家居等场所。
WS9442P LEDconstant current driver IC商品说明书

特点⏹临界模式工作,无需电感补偿⏹内置500V 功率MOSFET ⏹栅极驱动,无需辅助绕组供电⏹高达±3%的LED 电流精度⏹高达93%以上的系统效率⏹LED 短路保护⏹CS 采样电阻短路保护⏹智能温度控制技术,避免高温灯闪⏹芯片过温保护⏹外部可调输出开路/过压保护⏹外置PWM 调光功能应用领域⏹球泡灯⏹面板灯⏹LED 灯管概述WS9442P 是一款高精度的LED 恒流驱动芯片,适合于85V-265V 全范围交流输入电压的非隔离降压型LED 恒流电源系统。
WS9442P 内部集成500V 功率MOSFET ,只需要很少的外围元件,即可实现优异的恒流特性。
芯片工作在电感电流临界模式,系统输出电流不随电感量和LED 工作电压的变化而变化,实现优异的负载调整率。
芯片工作电流只有200uA ,无需辅助绕组供电,简化设计,降低系统成本。
具有外置调光引脚,此引脚输入PWM 信号,可通过改变PWM 信号占空比来调光。
具有多重保护功能,包括LED 开路/短路保护、电流采样电阻短路保护和芯片过温保护。
WS9442P 提供7-Pin 的DIP7封装。
典型应用图非隔离降压型LED 恒流驱动芯片引脚定义与器件标识WS9442P 提供了7-Pin 的DIP-7封装,顶层如下图所示:引脚功能说明电路内部结构框图引脚名引脚号功能说明1GND 芯片地2ROVP 输出开路保护电压调节端,必须接电阻到地,不可以悬空3DIM 调光端,不用时悬空。
4VCC 芯片电源端5,6DRAIN内部功率管漏端7CS电流采样端,接电流检测电阻到地WS9442PD7P :Product Code A :产品编码X :内部代码BCY :内部品质管控代码YMX :D/C订购信息封装形式芯片表面标识采购器件名称7-Pin DIP-7,Pb-free WS9442PD7P WS9442PD7P输出功率范围型号封装形式输入电压最大输出功率WS9442PD7P DIP7单电压(175VAC-264VAC)120V/280mA160V/220mA 全电压(90VAC-264VAC)80V/300mA极限参数符号(symbol)参数(parameter)极限值单位(unit)V DS内部高压MOSFET漏极到源极峰值电压-0.3~500VI CC_MAX最大电源电流10mAV ROVP LED开路保护电压调节端-0.3~7VV CS CS电流采样端电压-0.3~7VP DMAX功耗0.9WT J最大工作结温150℃T STG最小/最大储藏温度-55~150℃注意:超过上表中规定的极限参数会导致器件永久损坏。
LED 日光灯使用手册

TINMY LED 日光灯管系列说明书产品特点1. 采用先进工艺,LED 采用优质芯片和先进的封装工艺。
2. 散热能力好,外壳采用铝合金型材和高透光外罩。
3. 恒流驱动,低功耗,功率因素高达90%以上,相同照明效率比传统日光灯节电75%以上4. 长寿命,达到5万小时以上,是传统日光灯寿命的10倍以上。
5. 显色指数高达85%以上。
6. 安装或替换方便(普通支架不用更改线路,只需取下启辉器)。
7. 本系列产品已通过CE RoHS认证。
产品性能LED 灯管是一种新型的室内照明灯管,亮度及显色指数高,光线柔和。
1. 安装方便:外型、尺寸与传统日光灯一样,可适用传统日光灯支架,直接替换传统日光 灯(去除启辉器即可),降低使用成本,方便操作。
2. 散热效果:散热器采用高导热系数铝合金型材,确保产品的散热能力,保证了产品的稳定性和超长寿命。
3. 环保节能,寿命长,低耗电能仅为传统灯管的1/4,正常使用寿命高达5万小时。
4. 无闪烁,无紫外线,不干扰高精度电器设备的使用。
5. 是替代普通照明灯管的理想选择。
产品型号功率(W)LED数量工作电压流明(lm)功率因数色温TM-T8-8W6008SMD108AC85-265V 6000.953000K-7000K TM-T8-9W6009SMD120AC85-265V 6800.953000K-7000K TM-T8-10W60010SMD144AC85-265V7900.953000K-7000K TM-T8-13W60013SMD204AC85-265V11200.953000K-7000K TM-T8-15W60015SMD228AC85-265V12500.953000K-7000K TM-T8-13W60218SMD276AC85-265V15600.953000K-7000K TM-T8-13W60320SMD288AC85-265V16000.953000K-7000K TM-T8-13W60423SMD336AC85-265V19000.953000K-7000K TM-T8-13W60525SMD360AC85-265V20000.953000K-7000K 节能效益LED 日光灯有着良好的节能效果,一般情况下较传统荧光灯节能70%左右。

Proof 1 — December 28, 2021 12:34 PMExpand your dimming universeEaton’s W iring Devices Universal dimmers2Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersDimming done right.Eaton’s universal dimmers are ergonomically designed and provide flicker-free dimming for seamless ambiance.Highly versatileCompatible with dimmable LED/CFL, INC, HAL, dimmable FLR, EL V and ML V light sources.Adjustable high and low-end trimSet the minimum and maximum light levels for each switch using a simple control Flicker-free dimmingLatest technology enhances performance and delivers seamless dimming.Visit /led-dimming for compatibility informationUniversal dimmer familyUniversal dimmers intro 4Universal decorator dimmer 5Universal full slide dimmer 6Universal slide dimmer7Universal phase selectable slide dimmer 8Universal toggle dimmer 9Universal dimmer sensors10Universal decorator dimmer Universal full slide dimmer Universal slide dimmer Universal toggle dimmer Universal phase selectable dimmer Universal dimmer sensor3Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersRated for common lighting loadsDimmable Light-Emitting Diodes (LED)Dimmable Compact Fluorescent (CFL)Electronic & Magnetic Low-Voltage (ELV & MLV)Incandescent/Halogen (INC/HAL)Fluorescent (FLR)Eaton's Wiring Devices Universal dimmers offer a versatile option for any dimming application - fine tune the dimming performance to match your exact needs and change colors as needed to suit any décor.Flexibility & innovationColor flexibility•Single pole or 3-way wiring in one unit •Separate ON/OFF and DIM/BRIGHT controls allow easy return to favorite light levels •Interchangeable faceplates available in 3 different color change kit optionsColor change kits come with three color faceplates, offering design flexibility within one product. Select models are available in 4 different color combination packs.Enjoy flexibility and optimal dimming performance with a variety of light sources and functionalityUniversal dimmers provide rating flexibilityDUL06P SUL06P SUF7Dimmer featuresDecoratordimmer (DUL06P)Slidedimmer (SUL06P)Phase selectable dimmer (SUF7)T oggledimmer (TUL06P)Full slidedimmer (FSUL06)Adjustable low-end trim ✓✓✓✓✓Adjustable high-end trim ✓✓–✓–Wiring configurations Single pole or 3-waySingle pole or 3-waySingle pole or 3-way Single pole or 3-waySingle pole Color change kits ✓✓–✓–De-rating required––– (LED/CFL)–– (INC/FLR/HAL)TUL06P Eaton’s universal dimmers offer flexibility in design with the latest dimming technologyLA (Light Almond), W (White), V (Ivory)LA C2 Color Change KitC6 Color Change KitSG (Silver Granite), W (White), RB (Oil Rubbed Bronze)WC7 Color Change KitBK (Black), B (Brown), GY (Gray)BKFSUL064 Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmerssingle pole/3-way preset back and side wireDUL06P-___600120INC, HAL, FLR, MLV, ELV _________DUL06P Color change faceplateB, BK, GY, LA, V, WDCK1-___See instruction sheet for de-rating informationColor ordering informationFor ordering devices, include Catalog no. followed by the Color suffix: B (Brown), BK (Black), GY (Gray), LA (Light Almond), V (Ivory), W (White), C2 (Color Change Kit: LA, W, V), C6 (Color Change Kit: W, RB, SG), C7 (Color Change Kit: BK, B, GY)DUL06PSingle pole and 3-way•Preset feature allows user to return to previous light level when turning lights ON•Adjustable high and low level trim setting for additional energy savings and optimal lamp compatibility •Integrated full-slide control for easy, precise operationUniversal decorator dimmersFeatures• Device can be wired into either 3-way location (load side or line side)• Radio frequency interference filtering is standard on all models • Neutral is not required for installation of device• Compatible with most common dimmable light loads (Forward phase-cut)• Compatible with any decorator wallplate or screwless decorator wallplate •Color change kits are available with packout of 3 different colors for increased flexibility and convenience • Soft gradual ON feature •CA Title 24 compliantDUL06P(PJS26W wallplate sold separately)Universal series dimmersLA (Light Almond), W (White), V (Ivory)C2 Color Change Kit(Brown)(Black)(Gray)(Light Almond)(Ivory)(White)C6 Color Change KitC7 Color Change KitC7 Color Change Kit(Black, Brown, Gray)(Light Almond, White, Ivory)(White, Silver Granite, Oil Rubbed Bronze)W (White), RB (Oil Rubbed Bronze),SG (Silver Granite)BK (Black), B (Brown), GY (Gray)5Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersFSUL06Single pole• Neutral is not required for installation of device • Integrated full-slide control for easy, precise operation •Adjustable low- level trim setting for additional energysavings and optimal lamp compatibilityCompatible lamp typesDimmable LED/CFL and side wire FSUL06-___600120INC, HALSee instruction sheet for de-rating informationColor ordering informationFor ordering devices, include Cat. no. followed by the color code: LA (Light Almond), W (White)Universal full slide dimmersFeatures• Radio frequency interference filtering is standard on all models• Compatible with any decorator wallplate or screwless decorator wallplate • Compatible with incandescent, halogen, LED, and CFL (forward phase-cut)• Soft gradual ON feature •CA Title 24 CompliantFSUL06P(PJS26W wallplate sold separately)Full slide series dimmers(Lt. Almond)(White)6 Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersSUL06P(PJS26W wallplatesold separately)SUL06PSingle pole and 3-way•Adjustable high and low- level trim setting for additional energy savings and optimal lamp compatibility •Integrated ergonomic full-slide control for easy, precise operation•Reduced ON/OFF switch size for a more aesthetic designUniversal slide dimmersFeatures• Compatible with any decorator wallplate or screwless decorator wallplate • Soft gradual ON feature • No de-rating required• Compatible with most common dimmable lighting loads (Forward phase-cut)• Radio frequency interference filtering is standard on all models • Neutral is not required for installation of device•Device can be wired into either 3-Way location (load side or line side)• Preset feature allows user to return to previous light level when turning lights ON •CATile 24 compliantCompatible lamp TypesDimmable LED/CFL single pole/3-way preset,back and side wireLA, W SUL06P-___600120INC, HAL, FLR, MLV, ELVSee instruction sheet for de-rating informationUniversal series dimmersColor ordering informationFor ordering devices, include Cat. no. followed by the color code: B (Brown), BK (Black), GY (Gray), LA (Light Almond), V (Ivory), W (White)C2 (Color Change Kit: LA, W, V), C7 (Color Change Kit: BK, B, GY)(Brown)(Black)(Gray)(Lt. Almond)(Ivory)(White)C7 Color Change KitLA (Light Almond), W (White), V (Ivory)C2 Color Change KitBK (Black), B (Brown), GY (Gray)7Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersUniversal series dimmers450277LA, V, W 6501000120277INC, HAL, ELVSUF7Universal phase selectable slide dimmersFeatures• Compatible with most common dimmable lighting loads (Forward or Reverse phase-cut)• Neutral is required for installation of device• Radio frequency interference filtering is standard on all models • Precise color matching•Preset feature allows user to return to previous light level when turning lights ONSingle pole and 3-way•Select between forward and reverse phase cut dimming for the most optimal dimming compatibility. Integrated full-slide control for easy, precise operation•Adjustable low-level trim setting for additional energy savings and optimal lamp compatibility•Dual rated for 120V/AC and 277V/AC. Suitable for commercial and residential applicationsSUF7(PJS26W wallplate sold separately)Color ordering informationFor ordering devices, include Cat. no. followed by the color code: B (Brown), BK (Black), GY (Gray), LA (Light Almond), V (Ivory), W (White)B(Brown)Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.8 Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersUniversal series dimmersTUL06PSingle pole and 3-way•Preset feature allows user to return to previous light level when turning lights ON• Integrated full-slide control for easy, precise operation •Adjustable high and low- level trim setting for additional energy savings and optimal lamp compatibilityColor change kit optionsC2 Color Change Kit(Light Almond/White/Ivory)C7 Color Change Kit(Black/ Brown/Gray)Compatible lamp typesDimmable LED/CFL single pole/3-way preset, back and side wire600120INC, HAL, FLR, MLV, ELV _________TUL06P Color change faceplateB, BK, GY, LA, V, WSee instruction sheet for de-rating informationColor ordering informationFor ordering devices, include Cat. no. followed by the color code: B (Brown), BK (Black), GY (Gray), LA (Light Almond), V (Ivory), W (White), C2 (Color Change Kit: LA, W, V), C7 (Color Change Kit: BK, B, GY)Universal toggle dimmersFeatures• Soft gradual ON feature• Device can be wired into either 3-way location (load side or line side)• Neutral is not required for installation of device • Faceplate is removable to allow for color changes• Radio frequency interference filtering is standard on all models•Compatible with any traditional toggle wallplate or screwless toggle wallplate • Compatible with most common dimmable lighting loads (Forward phase-cut)••CA TUL06P(PJS1W wallplate sold separately)(Brown)(Black)(Gray)(Lt. Almond)(Ivory)(White)C7 Color Change KitLA (Light Almond), W (White), V (Ivory)C2 Color Change KitBK (Black), B (Brown), GY (Gray)9Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersOSUL06D/VSUL06USingle pole and 3-way•Provides 180 degree field of view and 1000 sq. ft. of major motion coverage•Preset light level change is easily shown with horizontal row of green LEDs•Single green LED indicates load status and motion detectionUniversal series dimmersMotion sensorsRating W/VA V/ACCompatible lamp loadsDescriptionColor suffixCatalog no.300600120120LED/CFL/Fluorescent INC, HAL, ELV, MLV Motion sensor with dimmer C2, C4, C5, C7 OSUL06D-__•300600120120LED/CFL/Fluorescent INC, HAL, ELV, MLVVacancy sensor with dimmerC2, C4, C5, C7VSUL06D-__•Note: Sensors are rated for 120V/AC unless otherwise noted. cULus Listed to UL773A, file no. E1916390SUL06D(PJS26W wallplate sold separately)Universal dimmer sensorsFeatures• Soft ON/fade OFF• Convenient patented built-in wire strippers allow for fast installation•Selectable time delay of 5 seconds (test), 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 20 minutes for lights to remain ON after room is vacated•Occupancy Sensors time delay default set to 5 minutes; Vacancy Sensors time delay default set to 20 minutes•Occupancy Sensor provides a selectable ambient light override preventing lights from switching ON when there is acceptable natural light•Occupancy Sensor allows to toggle between Auto ON/Auto OFF or Manual ON/Auto OFF mode with a simple press and hold of switch•Occupancy Sensor provides for a bypass feature to allow the sensor to perform as a traditional switch (Manual ON/Manual OFF)• Electrostatic discharge protection • No leakage to load in OFF mode• Color change faceplate kits provide for a simple in field change • Neutral required for installation of device •CA Title 24 compliantLA (Light Almond), W (White), V (Ivory)LAWVC2 Color Change KitC4 Color Change KitBK (Black), W (White), V (Ivory)BKWVC5 Color Change KitW (White), BK (Black), GY (Gray)WBKGYC7 Color Change KitBK (Black), B (Brown), GY (Gray)BKBGYColor ordering information:For ordering devices, include Catalog no. followed by the Color suffix: C2 (Color Change Kit: LA, W, V), C4 (Color Change Kit: BK, W, V), C5 (Color Change Kit: W, BK, GY), C7 (Color Change Kit: BK, B, GY)Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.CA Title 24 compliant10 Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmers11 Eaton’s Wiring Devices Universal dimmersAt Eaton, we believe that power is a fundamental part of just about everything people do. Technology, transportation, energy and infrastructure-these are things the world relies on every day. That’s why Eaton is dedicated to helping our customers find new ways to manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. To improve people’s lives, the communities where we live and work, and the planet our future generations depend upon. Because that’s what really matters. And we’re here to make sure it works.See more at /whatmatters*We make what matters work.*Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2021 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. BR610065EN June 2021Electrical Sector 203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269United States /wiringdevices Electrical Sector Canada Operations 5925 McLaughlin Road Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8Canada EatonCanada.ca /wiringdevices Electrical Sector Mexico Operations Carr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlan Km 17.8 s/n Col. Villa Jardin esq.Cerrada 8 de Mayo Cuautitlan, Mexico CP 54800Mexico Eaton.mx /wiringdevices。

LED智能灯具说明书20XX深圳市无线创意光电科技有限公司LED智能灯具说明书一: LED红外感应+声控+光控球泡灯,吸顶灯,灯管图片LED infrared induction + voice + light bulb lamp, ceiling lamp, lamp picture红外感应球泡灯红外感应灯管红外感应吸顶灯二:适用范围:楼道,走廊,酒店,超市,家庭,会所,商场,医院,大厦等地方。
Intelligent LED bulb: automatic sensing switch, convenient, no manual turn on andoff.1、 LED光控球泡 (light sensing LED bulb)功能介绍 (Function)当环境亮度低于25LUX,球泡自动点亮;当环境亮度高于25LUX,球泡自动退出灭掉。
Light turns on automatically when ambient brightness is below 25 Lux and it turns off when ambient brightness is above 25 Lux.2、 LED红外感应球泡 (infrared sensing LED bulb)功能介绍 (Function)①通电时感应球泡温机30秒,然后灭掉进入感应状态。
Light turns up for 30 seconds after power on, then enters the sensing status (light off).②当环境亮度低于10LUX时,人进入感应球泡的感应范围内灯会自动亮,亮一次的时间为2分钟(可以设置时间)。
At ambient brightness below 10 Lux (twilight status), the LED light turns on automatically for 2 minutes whenever there is a person within sensing area. Different light-up time can be set. ③感应球泡感应范围为半径5M。
LT-600 LED 灯光控制系统 说明书

LT-600 LED灯光控制系统使用说明书第 1 页共 8 页LT-600LED灯光控制系统(联机/脱机/WiFi/定时/DMX五合一)使用说明书使用本系统前,敬请通读本手册感谢您选择我公司的LT-600控制器。
系统简介LT-600 LED灯光控制系统是我公司最新推出的一项世界先进的LED灯光产品视频显示控制系统。
尤蓝谱科技 UPEC II UV LED 点光源照射机 说明书

UPEC II UV LED点光源照射机UPEC II UV LED Spot Light Source用户使用手册Users Guide版本 V1.1发布日期:2010-04-05给用户的说明:本产品通过UV LED能发出高强度的紫外线,如果使用不当,紫外线可能会对人造成某种伤害,尤其是对视觉的伤害,在使用中应当采取必要的保护,并遵守相关操作规定。
目录1.主要性能及参数 (4)1.1 UPEC II主要技术参数 (4)1.2 UV LED主要技术参数 (4)1.3 主要使用领域 (4)1.4 UPEC II UV LED的特征 (4)1.5 UV LED功率与镜头参数 (5)1.6 主控制器说明 (6)2.主控制器操作说明 (10)2.1开机界面: (10)2.2运行界面: (10)2.3系统菜单: (10)2.4查询照射总时间: (11)2.5控制方式设定: (11)2.6 照射方式设定: (13)2.7固定功率查询: (14)3.启动系统与关闭 (15)3.1 启动UPEC II控制器 (15)3.2 关闭UPEC II控制器 (15)4.UV LED光管的安装与维护 (15)4.1 UV LED光管的安装 (15)4.2 UV LED光管的取出 (16)4.3 UV LED光管的维护 (17)4.4 脚踏开关的控制方式与连接 (17)5.EPEC II外观尺寸 (18)5.1 UPEC II主机外观尺寸 (18)5.2 UPEC II LED照射头外观尺寸 (18)1.主要性能及参数1.1 UPEC II主要技术参数【电源要求】220VAC 50Hz 1A【耗电功率】约30W【外型尺寸】270Lx135Dx210Hmm【LED配置】单头至8头配置自选【连 接 器】6P连接器【采用光源】高功率LED紫外二极管 (进口)【控制方式】自动或手动控制【使用环境】常规室温(0-45℃,湿度20-80%), 净化操作环境均可适用1.2 UV LED主要技术参数【耗电功率】约3W(多芯片除外)【电缆直径】Φ4mm【电缆长度】1m,2m,3m,5m,7m,【连 接 器】6P连接器【采用光源】高功率LED紫外二极管 (进口)【输出波长】365±5nm【光源功率】最大8000mW/cm2【光强调整】0—100%模拟调光性能【照射距离】5—30mm【使用环境】常规室温(0-45℃,湿度20-80%)1.3 主要使用领域光电行业、手机行业、电子、精密零件、DVD/VCD机光头、光学镜片、液晶显示板、微电机、医疗用品、工艺品、光纤连接器、液晶、LCD、马达、硬盘以及其它新兴领域有广范的应用。

Tube (DC) 1200mm LED Lamp 2031050105 2800 K 2031070105 4000 K 2031060105 2031070305 ∆ NEW Daylight 6000 K Natural White 4000 K Warm White Natural White
Tube (AC) 895mm LED Lamp 2034050105 2800 K 2034070105 4000 K 895 mm (3ft) 2034060105 Daylight 6000 K Warm White Natural White
1.高效 2.长寿命 3.标准T8规格 4.无需镇流器 5.启动无频闪 6.精密扩散罩
C90 C270
= 92%
C0-C180 (Half-value Angle: 132.8°) C0-C270 (Half-value Angle: 100.4°)
Natural White
名 称 型 号. 颜 色 色 温 长 度 接 口 显色指数 输入电压 额定电流 额定频率 光通量 功 率 光 效 发光角度 寿 命 工作温度 存放温度 应用范围 可否调光 认 证
220V AC
外 壳 堵 头 光学器件 ∆ Tube (DC) in high lumen output
220V PSU Input
尺 寸
尺 寸
up to 35,000 hours
50/60 Hz
Operating Temp -20°C ~ 55°C
Tube (AC)
1,500mm (5ft)

规格书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客户:Company Name:产品名称:Product Name: LED Tube产品型号:Part No:LED Tube T10 _-_1.2M 产品描述:Description:1、产品介绍LED灯管也俗称光管、日光灯管,其光源采用LED作为发光体。
功率:20W;输入电压: AC85-265V;LED灯数量:120颗;光通量: 2280lm±5%;色温: 2700K-7000K材质:优质环保铝型材、PCB铝合金板和PC罩2、产品特点绿色照明:产品不含汞铅等对人体有害的重金属,工作时无频闪,启动快,发光时不会产生紫外线,不会吸引蚊虫,不会因频繁开关电而损坏。
使用寿命: 点点引进日本先进的LED热管理技术,使产品的光衰非常小,使用寿命在常温(25℃)下使用最长可达到50000小时以上3、应用场所本产品主要适用于室内商业照明和居家照明,广泛应用于办公室、工厂、学校、商场、医院、超市、居室、等场所。
4、质量保证4年保修,3个月包换.如果是由于产品本身的质量问题,我们将承担货物运回的运费. (同行业保修三年)5、流明光衰测试条件: 常温25℃灯管每天24小时点亮测试测试时间光衰率500小时0%1000小时0%2000小时1%4000小时 2.4%6000小时4%6、电性参数测试条件:常温25℃参数符号单位最小值平均值最大值输入电压Vin V 85 -- 265输出电压Vin V 35 -- 45输出电流Iin mA -- 480 --功率消耗P W 16.8 20 21.6功率因数cosΦ-- -- 0.9 --输入频率 f Hz 50 -- 60工作温度Topr ℃-20 -- +50存储温度Tstg℃-25 -- +75 7、光色参数测试条件:常温25℃参数符号单位最小值平均值最大值光通量flux lm 2180 2280 2380 1m高中心照度 E lx 682 696 7102m高中心照度 E lx 240 256 2723m高中心照度 E lx 105 113 121 发光角度θdeg -- 160 --色温TC K 2700 7000显色指数CRI -- -- 80 -- 8、照度图9、光强分布图10、安装示意图11、产品尺寸图12、产品外型图13、包装规格外箱规格:1240*210*210 mm 每箱数量:25支产品净重:0.64 KG/支产品毛重: 17 KG/箱14、安装实际效果图。

DRT8-600 Operation ManualWarning: For correct installation of these lights, this Operation Manual shall be specifically read and wellpreserved after the case is unwrapped.Ⅰ.The Main Structures and Application Scope of the Lights1.The light housings are all made of alloyed aluminum, whose surfaces are polished, wiredrawn, and electrostatically oxidation treated, and isothermally cured, so they have the features of strong adhesion, water resistance, dust protection, and new structures.2.These lights are mainly used for lighting in work places, shopping centers, and public spaces.Ⅱ. Main Structural Parameters1.Rated voltage: 100-120V 50/60Hz 220-240V 50/60Hz2.Rated power9W☐18W☐3.Level of electric shock protection : Level 14.Level of housing protection: IP685.LED quantity: 906.Product sizes:7.Luminous flux: 90LM/W8.Beam angle: 270°□9. Service environment: temperature ≥90%; operating temperature: -40℃~+55℃Ⅲ. Installation Requirements and Maintenance1.Firstly, sort up all kinds of components and accessories matching with these lights.2.Power supply must be cut off before installation.3.In turn, fix the accessory plastic expansion tubes (1) on the surface of the object to be installed, reeve the tapping screws (2) in through the screw holes of the lights in turn according to the sketch, and fix them on the surface of the object to be installed.4.If you use this product to replace ordinary lights, please carefully check the compliance between the product adapter and old light holder, and never misuse it.5.Connect the electric line of the light to the power line matching with it.6.Make sure that this product is fastened to the surface of the object to be installed, then conduct the following operations, finally connect it to the power supply and light it up.Ⅳ. Precautions◆Dangers may occur if the operation is against this Manual.◆Your articles may be damaged, or even your personal security may be harmed, if the operation is against this Manual.Warranty CommitmentDear Customers,Thanks for your choosing and using Qingbo products, and we will provide you with the following services in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Consumers' Rights and Interests and relevant regulations of the State Bureau of Technical Supervision as well as this Manual and effective invoice:A.Free warranty period is two years.B.In case of failure that can not be eliminated in the process of using, please contact us for maintenance according to the following methods:◆During warranty period, please contact the after-sale service centers or authorized service spots of our company, and ask for services by carrying this Manual and effective invoices.◆Out of warranty period, please contact the after-sale service centers or authorized service spots of our company,and the services will be charged based on relevant regulations.The following cases shall not be included in the warranty scope:◆No Manual or invoice can be presented.◆Damages caused by accidents or misuses.◆Damages caused by self-repairing without the consent of our company.◆The product is beyond warranty period, but can still be used after being repaired.。

UV5K说明书1. 产品简介UV5K是一款高性能的紫外线灯。
2. 产品特点•高效紫外线发光二极管:采用最新一代的紫外线发光二极管,具有更高的发光效率和更长的寿命。
3. 使用方法3.1 开关机按下开关按钮即可打开或关闭UV5K。
3.2 模式切换UV5K具有多种工作模式可供选择: - 消毒模式:适用于家庭、办公室等场所的空气消毒。
- 杀菌模式:适用于医院、实验室等场所的杀菌操作。
- 除臭模式:适用于厨房、卫生间等场所的除臭处理。
- 空气净化模式:适用于室内空气净化,去除异味和有害物质。
3.3 使用注意事项•当UV5K工作时,不要直接注视紫外线灯管,以免对眼睛造成伤害。
4. 维护与保养4.1 清洁在清洁UV5K之前,请先断开电源,并确保灯管冷却后再进行操作。
4.2 更换灯管当灯管寿命结束或出现故障时,需要更换新的灯管。
请按照以下步骤进行更换: 1. 断开电源并等待灯管冷却。
2. 打开产品壳体,取出旧灯管。
3. 将新灯管插入产品内部,确保灯管与插座完全贴合。
4. 关闭产品壳体,并重新连接电源。
5. 常见问题解答5.1 UV5K是否对人体有害?UV5K产生的紫外线属于UVC波段,对人体有一定的辐射风险。
5.2 UV5K的寿命是多久?UV5K的寿命取决于紫外线发光二极管的使用时间和频率。
木林森 E2835UN24 平面发光二极管 使用说明书

Model:E2835UN24Customer Special Design Design Number:批准Approval 审核Audit制作production客户会签Customersignature客户意见Customercomment地址:广东省中山市小榄镇龙山工业区木林森大道Address: XiaoLan town LongShanProvince总机(switchboard):*************电话(TEL)**************传真(FAX)**************E-mail:*************胶体(Colloid)材质(Material黄色荧光粉InGaNYellow phosphor备注(Remarks):1、所有尺寸单位为毫米All dimensions are in millimeters2、未注明公差为±0.25毫米Tolerance of + or -3、规格若有变更恕不另行通知Specifications subject to change without prior notice温度为25℃时的最大参数值( Absolute Maximum Rating Value Temperature at 25℃)参数(Parameters) 极限参数(Maximum Rating)单位(Units)功耗(Power) 200 mW 顺向直流电(Forward Current)75 mA反向电压(Reverse V oltage)7 V 正向脉冲电流≦10ms,工作周期=1/10(PulseForward Current(tp≦10ms,Duty cycle=1/10))188 mA温度为25℃时的光电特性参数( Optical Parameters Temperature at 25℃)参数Parameter符号Symbols最小值Min标准值Typical最大值Max单位Units测试条件Testing Conditions发光角度(Viewing Angle)2θ1/2 ﹍120 ﹍Deg IF=60mAX ﹍0.381 ﹍﹍IF=60mA 色度坐标Chromaticity CoordinatesY ﹍0.379 ﹍﹍IF=60mA 色温(Color Temperature)Tc ﹍4000 ﹍K IF=60mA 显色指数Color Rendering IndexRa 80 ﹍﹍﹍IF=60mA 正向电压(Forward voltage)VF 2.8 ﹍ 3.4 V IF=60mA 反向电流(Reverse Current)IR ﹍﹍10 uA VR=6V 结温(Junction temperature)Tj ﹍﹍115 ℃IF=60mA 热阻(Thermal Resistance)R th﹍﹍15 ℃/W IF=60mA 备注(Remarks):1、1/2的角度是从光学中心线处的发光强度为1/2光学中心线值。

L E D T 8节能灯管产品使用说明书一、应用范围二、功能特点四、安装说明LED 节能灯是采用LED 半导体作为光源,它是一种新型的绿色环保节能照明光源,可全面替代白炽灯、节能灯等传统照明灯具。
►集成多个高亮度SMD 光源,形成线型组合 ►节能效率高,比白炽灯节能90%,比荧光灯节能60% ►经特殊工艺封装,坚固耐用,寿命可达30000小时►绿色环保,无紫外线、红外线、热辐射及汞污染 ►作为冷光源,LED 灯光不会使物品因照射产生褪色现象 ►采用优质扩光罩,光色柔和,出光率高,光效全面超越传统荧光灯管 ►显色指数高,显示最直观、最清晰,且在多种色温可供选择 ►响应快,无频闪、眩光小,点亮后瞬间达到全光通量输出 ►固体光源,抗震性强,便于运输及安装,安全性高 ►发光方向性强,易于控制光线,有效提高照明系统的效率 ►造型新颖时尚,紧贴客户需求及感受,融入更多科技元素及人性化设计灯管安装前请注意区分灯管进电方式,按产品进电方式连接线路。
L E D T 8外置电源灯管产品使用说明书一、应用范围二、功能特点四、安装说明LED 外置电源灯管是采用LED 半导体作为光源,外置恒流电源,拥有300°发光角度,可全面替代白炽灯、节能灯等传统照明灯具。
►集成多个高亮度SMD 光源,形成线型组合 ►节能效率高,比白炽灯节能90%,比荧光灯节能60% ►经特殊工艺封装,坚固耐用,寿命可达30000小时 ►外置恒流电源,300°发光角设计 ►绿色环保,无紫外线、红外线、热辐射及汞污染 ►作为冷光源,LED 灯光不会使物品因照射产生褪色现象 ►采用优质扩光罩,光色柔和,出光率高,光效全面超越传统荧光灯管 ►显色指数高,显示最直观、最清晰,且在多种色温可供选择 ►响应快,无频闪、眩光小,点亮后瞬间达到全光通量输出►固体光源,抗震性强,便于运输及安装,安全性高 ►发光方向性强,易于控制光线,有效提高照明系统的效率 ►造型新颖时尚,紧贴客户需求及感受,融入更多科技元素及人性化设计灯管安装前请注意区分灯管进电方式,按产品进电方式连接线路。