



单片机课程设计报告(电气工程学院)设计题目:倒计时计时器设计专业班级:指导教师:学生姓名:设计地点:第二实验楼设计日期: 2016.6.12—2016。

6.19设计任务书目录摘要 (1)第一章设计方案 (1)1.1 设计任务书分析 (1)1。

2 设计思路 (1)1。

3 设计方案 (1)第二章硬件设计 (3)2.1 功能模块设计 (3)2.2 芯片介绍 (3)第三章程序设计 (5)3.1 程序设计思路 (5)3.2 程序设计工具简介 (5)3。

3 程序流程框图 (5)第四章系统调试 (6)4。

1 调试思路 (6)4.2 调试方法及过程 (6)4。

3 问题及解决措施 (6)第五章总结 (7)5.1硬件 (7)5。

2 程序 (7)心得体会 (8)参考文献 (9)附录一电路原理图 (10)附录二源程序清单 (11)倒计时计数器设计摘要近年来随着计算机在社会领域的渗透,单片机的应用正在不断地走向深入,同时带动着传统控制检测日新月异的更新。







In recent years, with the penetration of computer in the social field, SCM applications are constantly go, drive the traditional control detection update changing at the same time。



课程设计课程设计说明书题目:洗衣机定时器学生姓名:学号: 200806030125 院(系):电气与信息工程学院专业:电子信息科学与技术指导教师:20010年12月 4日目录1、设计要求 (3)2、设计思路 (3)3、基本原理与设计框图 (4)4、电路设计 (4)4、1 芯片74ls192的逻辑功能 (4)4、2 1HZ脉冲产生电路 (5)4、3 递减计数器与时间显示 (5)4、4 洗涤时间设置电路 (8)4、5 工作状态显示电路 (8)5、总路图 (9)6、分析与改进 (10)7、小结与体会 (10)8、元器件清单 (11)参考文献 (12)正文1、设计要求洗衣机定时器设计说明:洗涤常规模式为:停机(1) 洗涤时间在20分钟内由用户自行设定。

(2) 用两位数码管显示洗涤的预置时间(以分钟为单位),对洗涤过程作计时显示,直到时间到而停机。

(3) 当定时时间达到终点时,一方面使电机停机,同时发出音响信号提醒用户注意。



2、如此则需要为计数器设置一个合适的脉冲,设计中的秒计数器所需的脉冲必为1HZ 脉冲,因此可以考虑555定时器,利用其构成多谐振荡器产生矩形脉冲信号。





数字定时器的设计与实现Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】学术诚信声明本人声明:所呈交的报告(含电子版及数据文件)是我个人在导师指导下独立进行设计工作及取得的研究结果。




本人签名: 日期:年月日沈阳航空航天大学课程设计任务书目录1 总体设计方案设计原理数字定时器是由计时电路、定时电路,清零电路和报时电路等几部分组成的。





定时电路也是采用寄存器的方法来保存时,分,通过改变寄存器的里的数据来定时,然后报时电路通过对比定时电路中的数据与计数器中的数据来达到准确报时的目的,清零电路,如果清零开关信号为1,清空所有计时电路设计环境设计软件:Altera公司的综合性PLD/FPGA开发软件Quartus II。














其中1HZ 频率用于计时器电路,2HZ频率用于校分、清零电路,500HZ和1KHZ用于整点报时电路。







XXX系统有的程式编写是能过GX Developer以语句表的形式写入,经编译成C++代码后,再写入PLC内部EEPROM。期形式如下:



555定时器构成的占空比可调的方波发生器----实验报告电子技术课程设计说明书题目:系部:专业:班级:学生姓名: 学号:指导教师:年月日目录1 设计内容: (1)1.1 给出集成电路芯片的主要技术参数,熟悉555 IC芯片各引脚的功能,并逐个说明. (1)1.2 简要说明电路的工作原理及本电路能达到的实用功能.. (1)1.3 完成下列参数要求的电路设计。

(其中,实验室提供1000Hz的频率信号).. 12.1 设计电路原理图; (1)2.2 在实验室提供的设备上安装电路并模拟运行; (1)2.3 撰写实验报告。

(1)3 实验目的: (1)3.1 熟悉555型集成时基电路结构、工作原理及其特点。

(1)3.2 掌握555型集成时基电路的基本应用。

(1)3.3 掌握由555集成时基电路组成的占空比可调的方波信号发生器。

(1)4 实验器材: (1)5 实验原理: (2)5.1 555电路的工作原理 (2)5.1.1 555芯片引脚介绍 (2)5.1.2 上述CB555定时器的工作原理可列表说明: (4)5.1.3 占空比可调的方波信号发生器 (4)6 实验内容及实验数据 (6)6.1 设计内容及任务 (6)6.2 实验数据 (6)6.2.1 100HZ仿真电路图 (6)100HZ 仿真电路结果 (7)6.2.2 1000HZ仿真电路图 (9)1000HZ 仿真电路结果 (10)7 结论: (11)8 参考文献 (11)1 设计内容:1.1 给出集成电路芯片的主要技术参数,熟悉555 IC芯片各引脚的功能,并逐个说明.1.2 简要说明电路的工作原理及本电路能达到的实用功能..1.3 完成下列参数要求的电路设计。

(其中,实验室提供1000Hz的频率信号)A.当方波输出频率f=100HZ时,占空比D=50%、D<50%、D>50%时的输出波形;B.当方波输出频率f=1KHZ时,占空比D=50%、D<50%、D>50%时的输出波形;2 任务如下:2.1 设计电路原理图;2.2 在实验室提供的设备上安装电路并模拟运行;2.3 撰写实验报告。



Application Note AC336January 20131© 2013 Microsemi CorporationDesigning a High-Speed Timer in SmartFusion FabricTable of ContentsIntroductionThis document explains how to implement an independent timer in SmartFusion ® customizable system-on-chip (cSoC) devices using FPGA fabric. The design example uses a timer with an advanced high-performance bus lite (AHB-Lite) interface. This has been implemented so that the timer can be run with an independent clock that is asynchronous to the microcontroller subsystem (MSS) clock. The independent clock can run at a much higher speed than the MSS clock, allowing applications in which an event must be captured that has a much higher resolution than the MSS clock. This timer can be started with a programmable FPGA I/O. The MSS can initialize the timer, load the timer value, and also start the timer. The fabric logic is used to customize the external interface. The logic that interfaces the timer with the MSS takes care of synchronization so that this timer can act as a standard slave to the MSS; running with an independent clock.Design Example OverviewThe design example shows a 24-bit timer module with an AHB-Lite interface. It acts as a slave to the MSS and can be connected to the MSS via the fabric interface controller (FIC). Figure 1 on page 2 shows how the timer can be connected to the MSS.Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Design Example Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Description of the Timer Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Interface and Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Hardware Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Running the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Appendix A – Design Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9List of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Designing a High-Speed Timer in SmartFusion Fabric2Description of the Timer BlockThe timer has a decrementing counter and its count value is loaded from the MSS. It has several registers that can be accessed through the AHB-Lite interface. The timer can be started by the MSS or the FPGA I/O. The counter uses FABTIMER_CLK, which can run at a separate frequency than the MSS clock. The maximum MSS clock frequency is 100 MH z . However, this design example allows running FABTIMER_CLK at a much higher speed than the MSS clock. Figure 2 shows the top-level block diagram of the timer. It has several unit/components: sync block, prescale, interrupt, sampling, and decrementing counter.Sync BlockThis block performs the clock synchronization. It monitors AHB-Lite bus signals and passes various register settings from the MSS clock to the FABTIMER_CLK clock. It also allows reading the register settings from the FABTIMER_CLK clock domain and passing it to the MSS clock domain. This block decodes the AHB-Lite address and depending on the HWRITE signal, performs a read or write operation. The design example assumes that the MSS clock and the FABTIMER_CLK are asynchronous to each other. It uses the handshake protocol to transfer data between these two asynchronous clock domains.Figure 1 • Fabric Timer Connected to MSS via FICFigure 2 • Fabric Timer Top-Level Block DiagramDescription of the Timer Block3A handshake protocol circuit uses less logic and guarantees that all bits of a data bus crossing an asynchronous clock domain are registered by the same clock edge in the receiving clock domain. The two domains exchange data via the reg_load_en signal, which is the request signal from HCLK to the FABTIMER_CLK domain, and the reg_load_ack signal, which is the acknowledge signal from FABTIMER_CLK to the HCLK domain. Figure 3 shows this state simplified. The basic operation sequence has the following steps:1.The HCLK domain sends a reg_load_en0 signal to the FABTIMER_CLK domain, which isregistered at FABTIMER_CLK domain, to generate reg_load_en2.2.The FABTIMER_CLK domain at this point reads the AHB_lite bus signals from the HCLK domainand updates the appropriate registers.3.After this read operation has finished, the FABTIMER_CLK domain sends a reg_load_ack0signal, which gets registered by HCLK domain, to generate reg_load_ack2.4.The HCLK domain turns off the reg_load_en0, which eventually turns off the reg_load_en2.5.Once the FABTIMER_CLK domain sees a low reg_load_en2 signal, it turns off the reg_load_ack0signal to the FABTIMER_CLK domain.6.Once the HCLK domain sees the low reg_load_ack2 signal, the data transfer between the twoasynchronous domains is complete.Figure 3 • Handshaking Protocol Between HCLK and FABTIMER_CLK DomainDesigning a High-Speed Timer in SmartFusion Fabric4PrescaleThe prescale component is used to provide a clock enable pulse for the decrementing counter. It allows dividing the counter clock (FABTIMER_CLK) by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1,024. Note that the FABTIMER_CLK can be driven for the clock condition circuit (CCC) or it can be driven by the FPGA I/O.Decrementing CounterThe decrementing counter is a 24-bit down counter. The counter can operate in two modes: Continuous mode and One-shot Timer mode. In Continuous mode, when the counter reaches zero, the counter is reloaded with the start value, which is stored in a programmable register, and continues to count down. In One-shot Timer mode, the counter decrements from its high value and halts on reaching zero. The timer must be reprogrammed from the MSS to begin counting down again.InterruptThe interrupt unit handles the interrupt generation. Two output ports, TIMINT and TIMINT_pending, show two types of interrupts. TIMINT is generated every time the counter reaches zero. TIMINT_pending holds the interrupt and is only cleared when the interrupt clears the register to which TIMERINTCLRA is written. Since the counter is running in the FABTIMER_CLK domain, this block stretches the interrupt pulse so it can be captured by HCLK and also synchronizes the interrupt signals with HCLK. SamplingThe sampling block samples Pulse_in input and detects the rise and fall condition. The counter starts when Pulse_in has a falling edge.Interface and Register DescriptionTable1 gives the port descriptions for the design example.Table 1 • Interface DescriptionSignal Direction DescriptionHCLK Input AHB bus clock. This clock times all bus transfers.HRESETn InputReset.Thebus reset signal is active Low and is used to reset the system and the bus.This is the only active Low AHB signal.HADDR[4:0] InputAHBaddress.HWRITE Input Transfer direction. When High, this signal indicates a write transfer and when Low, aread transfer.HSIZE[2:0] InputTransfersize.Indicates the size of the transfer, which can be byte (8-bit), half-word(16-bit), or word (32-bit). 000 – Byte, 001 – Half-word, and 010 – Word. Only word sizetransfer is used in the design example.HWDATA[31:0] Input 32-bit data from the masterHREADY Input Ready signal from all other AHB slaves.HSEL Input Combinatorial decode of HADDR, which indicates that this slave is currently selected. HRDATA[31:0] Output 32-bit data written back to the master.HREADYOUT Output Transfer done. When High, the HREADY signal indicates that a transfer has finishedon the bus. This signal can be driven Low to extend a transfer.Interface and Register Description5Several registers are available to dynamically control the operation of the timer. Table 2 shows the register settings.HRESP[1:0] Output Transfer response, which has the following meanings:00 = Okay 01 = Error 10 = Retry 11 = Split HTRANS[1:0]InputTypes of transfer: 00 = Idle 01 = Busy10 = Non-sequential 11 = SequentialTIMINTOutput Interrupt output for timer. This signal indicates that an interrupt has been generated by the counter having decremented to zero.TIMINT_pending Output Pending interrupt output for timer. This signal indicates that a pending interrupt has been generated by the counter having decremented to zero.Pulse_in Input Input pulse.FABTIMER_CLK Input Fabric clock, can come from Fabric I/O or clock conditioning circuit.FAB_RESETnInputFabric reset, can be driven from the MSS.Table 1 • Interface Description (continued)Table 2 • Register Map Offsets Type Reset Values Name Description 0x00W 0x0000TIMERLOADA Load address 0x04R 0x0000TIMERVALUEA Timer load value 0x08R/W0x0000TIMERCONTROLAControl register Bit 2: Timer operation mode 0 = Continuous operation 1 = One-shot count Bit 1: Interrupt enable 0 = Interrupt disabled 1 = Interrupt enabled Bit 0: Enable bit for timer 0 = Timer disabled 1 = Timer enabled0x0CR/W0x0000TIMERPRESCALEAPrescale settingBit 3: 0 Prescale field, based on FAB_CLK0000 = Divide by 1 (default)0001 = Divide by 20x10R/W 0x0000TIMERINTCLRA Interrupt clear register. Any write to this register will clear(deassert) the TIMINT_pending interrupt output.0x14R 0x0000TIMERTIMINT1Input pulse start value 0x18R0x0000TIMERTIMINT2Input pulse stop valueDesigning a High-Speed Timer in SmartFusion Fabric6Hardware ImplementationThe design example is available as a VHDL source file (refer to "Appendix A – Design Files" on page 9).This HDL file can be imported to any existing SmartFusion cSoC project or any new project. Here are the important steps for using the HDL file in a Libero ® System-on-Chip (SoC) software:1.Import the HDL files (AHB_timer.vhd and Decrementor.vhd) into the Libero SoC project.2.Configure the fabric interface inside the MSS configurator by double-clicking the Fabric Interfacesub-configurator. 3.Configure the FIC with an AHB-Lite interface (Figure 4), and check Use Master Interface .4.Select MSS_Master_AHB bus interface on the fabric interface and promote to top level.5.Configure the other block inside the MSS configurator as needed and generate the MSS.Figure 4 • Configuring the Fabric Interface ControllerRunning the Design76.Add a bus interface to AHB_timer logic. Right-click on the AHB timer HDL file in the DesignHierarchy and select Create Core from HDL . Click on Add Bus Interface and select AHB slave .The Edit Core Definition widow is displayed as shown in Figure 5. Click Map by Name to map the signals automatically and the configurator attempts to map any similar signal names between the bus definition and pin names on the instance. Map other signals manually that are not mapped by Map by Name and click OK .7.Instantiate the AHB_timer.vhd in SmartDesign.8.Connect all other subsystem signals as needed and generate a top-level HDL file.9.Run BFM simulation . Use the user.bfm to add BFM to exercise the AHB timer block.10.Run synthesis with appropriate Synopsys Design Constraint (*.sdc) file during synthesis.11.Run place-and-route with appropriate pin assignment.Running the DesignBoard SettingsThe design example works on the SmartFusion Development Kit Board and the SmartFusion Evaluation Kit Board with default board settings. Refer to the following user’s guides for default board settings:•SmartFusion Development Kit User’s Guide •SmartFusion Evaluation Kit User’s GuideFigure 5 • Add Bus Interface Dialog BoxDesigning a High-Speed Timer in SmartFusion Fabric8Program the Design and Running the ApplicationProgram the SmartFusion Evaluation Kit Board or the SmartFusion Development Kit Board with the generated/provided STP file (refer to "Appendix A – Design Files" section on page 9) using FlashPro and then power cycle the board. Invoke the SoftConsole IDE from the Libero SoC project (refer to "Appendix A – Design Files" section on page 9) and launch the debugger.Start a HyperTerminal with a baud rate of 57600, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control. If your computer does not have the HyperTerminal program, use any free serial terminal emulation program such as PuTTY or Tera Term. Refer to the Configuring Serial Terminal Emulation Programs tutorial for configuring the HyperTerminal, Tera Term, and PuTTY .When you run the debugger in SoftConsole, the PuTTy window provides the user interface to select Timer mode. Figure 6 shows the screenshot of the PuTTy.Release modeThe release mode programming file (STAPL) is also provided. Refer to the Readme.txt file included in the programming zip file for more information.Refer to Building Executable Image in Release Mode and Loading into eNVM tutorial for more information on building an application in release mode.ConclusionSmartFusion cSoC FPGA devices have a programmable high-performance analog block, FPGA fabric,and a hardened ARM ® Cortex ™-M3 processor microcontroller block. The microcontroller block is composed of a 100 MHz Cortex-M3 processor and standard microcontroller peripherals, including two timers. Similar to a standard microcontroller, these timers are clocked with the PCLK0 that is generated from a microcontroller clock, also called MSS clock. This maximum PCLK0 frequency is 100 MHz.Figure 6 • PuTTy WindowAppendix A – Design Files9However, the FPGA fabric allows creating a custom timer with an independent clock that can be asynchronous to the MSS clock. This clock can run at a much higher speed than the MSS clock and help applications, where an event with higher resolution than the MSS clock is needed, to be captured. This application note shows the design example for that timer.Appendix A – Design FilesYou can download the design files from the Microsemi SoC Products Group website:/soc/download/rsc/?f=A2F_AC336_DF. The design zip file consists of Libero SoC projects, programming file (*.stp) for A2F500, and A2F200. Refer to the Readme.txt file included in the design file for directory structure and description.You can download the programming files (*.stp) in release mode from the Microsemi SoC Products Group website: /soc/download/rsc/?f=A2F_AC336_PF. The programming zip file consists of STAPL programming files (*.stp) for A2F500, A2F200, and a Readme.txt file.List of ChangesThe following table lists critical changes that were made in each revision of the document.Revision*Changes PageRevision 4(January 2013)Added "Board Settings" section and modified "Running the Design" section (SAR 43469).7Revision 3(February 2012)Removed ".zip" extension in the links (SAR 36763).9Revision 2(January 2012)Modified point 5 and 6 listed under "Hardware Implementation" section (SAR 35817).6Added new Figure 5 and Figure 6 (SAR 35817).7, 8Added new sections - "Running the Design" and "Release mode" (SAR 35817).7, 8Modified "Appendix A – Design Files" section (SAR 35817).9Revision 1(September 2010)Modified Table 2 (SAR 27468).5Note:*The revision number is located in the part number after the hyphen. The part number is displayed at the bottomof the last page of the document. The digits following the slash indicate the month and year of publication.51900204-4/01.13© 2013 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi Corporation (NASDAQ: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor solutions for: aerospace, defense and security; enterprise and communications; and industrial and alternative energy markets. Products include high-performance, high-reliability analog and RF devices, mixed signal and RF integrated circuits, customizable SoCs, FPGAs, and complete subsystems. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, Calif. Learn more at .Microsemi Corporate HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo CA 92656 USA Within the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996。



地址:上海市虹口区四川北路1851号8楼 邮编:200081 销售热线:(021)51053127/28 传真:(021)51053123TP 系列可编程定时器使用说明书概 述TP 系列数显定时器是我公司推出的新一代预置式定时器。

TP 系列数显定时器采用性能优异的单片微机作为主控部件,具有精度高、定时范围宽、多种定时工作模式(6种)、数字显示、轻触键盘操作、停电预置数据保存永久、抗干扰性能强、外形美观等特点。

TP 系列数显定时器可广泛应用于包装、印刷、制药、食品、纺织、造纸、陶瓷、石油、化工、冶金等行业作延时、定时时间显示和控制,并能实现循环控制输出,满足多种时间控制场合的需要,投放市场以来深受用户欢迎。

:A 、12~42V B 、187~242VAC D 、72×、85~264VAC E 、48×1、1组触点输出 G 、48×、2组触点输出3、1组触点+1组瞬动输出、2组触点+1组瞬动输出1、1路2、2路 4、4路技术参数及功能1.继电器输出组态:1组、2组、带瞬动功能订货确定;2.定时分辨率:10ms ;3.定时精度:±1%+50ms ; 1模式:延时释放(T1定时);2模式:延时T1吸合,再延时T2后释放,结束; 4模式:延时T1吸合,再延时T2后释放,重复循环;5模式:延时T1释放,再延时T2后吸合,重复循环; 6.复位(清零)方式:复位时显示值、控制输出均复位。

⑴.面板清零键复位(仅计时状态时);⑵.端子复位(RST,COM 脚短接):复位信号脉宽≥20ms ,NPN 型无触点信号(0V ≤V L <1V ,2.5V ≤V H ≤5V)或触点信号。

⑶. 断电复位间隔时间≥1s ;7.暂停方式: 暂停时计数显示值保持不变。

端子暂停(PAS,COM 脚短接):暂停信号脉宽≥20ms ,NPN 型无触点信号(0V ≤V L <1V ,2.5V ≤V H ≤5V)或触点信号。

882565 定时器说明书.pdf_1697569090.94913

882565 定时器说明书.pdf_1697569090.94913

Curves 2 poles
Connections 2 poles
Connections 2 poles
Legend Red Blue White
Connections 2 polesห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
Unless otherwise specified, the characteristics given are applicable to all or part of the product range selected
Dimensions (mm) Panel cut-out

Dimensions (mm)
Dimensions (mm) Inverter for DC supply 84 861 501 : 24 48 V DC 84 861 503 : 110 127 V DC Weight 150 g

Manual reset 882565 Part number 88256511
Relay output Mono-function Mono-range Mono-voltage Manual reset Progress of cycle displayed Output : 1,2 or 3 changeover contacts (max of 16 A per contact) Mounting option
Protection : terminal Operating position- any Connection : Tags Connection : Motor leads Mounting by screw Weight (g)



科德TW 268电子定时插座说明书科德TW-268电子定时插座说明书2011-06-01 1919 -- 科德TW-268电子定时插座产品说明★液晶屏设定显示具有操作提醒功效为家庭安全而设计的随便协能。


★高导电率铜片镀镍处理防铜锈发热更小铜片结构优化设计寿命更长. ★外壳选用进口ABS阻燃材料制造使产品的安全性能更高。



技术参数1.电源220V50Hz2.电流102A3.功耗〈3W 4.最大负荷才气2200W所控制的电器最大合计功率不得超过2200W 5.定时器功效显示与控制电源充电电池产品特点24组可编程开关最小设定时间1分钟最大设定时间7天专利外观设计铜片结构优化设计寿命更长--- ★产品操作实例★为饮水机设置周一到周五早8点到11点和周一到周五下午13点到17点的2个时间段开启步骤★校正当今的时刻同时按下时钟和小时即可调剂时钟的小时显示按一次增加一小时长按可快速调剂采用同样的方法能够设置当前的星期分钟。


★、设定第一时间段的开与关20组中的一组A、按设定键液晶显示时间段1、开字样第一组开的时间B、调剂定时开的分钟按分钟键设定分钟为00 C、调剂定时开的小时按小时键设定小时为8 D、调剂定时开的星期连续按星期键直到液晶屏显示星期模式为星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五。

E、再按设定键液晶显示时间段1、关字样第一组关的时间间F、调剂定时关的分钟按分钟键设定分钟为00 G、调剂定时关的小时按小时键设定小时为11 H、调剂定时关的星期连续按星期键直到液晶屏显示星期模式为星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五。


★、将定时器插入电源插座注意此时通电灯应处于熄灭状态否则请将控制模式先调剂为关再将模式切换到主动关注当今时间在设置时段内放到主动开当今时间在设置时段外放到主动关这样就设置完成了请将饮水机的插头插到定时器的万能输出插座就能够了. 产品举例说明1出门.出差或旅游定时热水器常常出差或偶尔出门这时一回到家就想洗热水澡假如向来开着热水器会不停地加热即不安全而且又费电这时幸好有了微电脑定时开关想让它几点加热都能办到能够按照你的恳求去实现. 2定时煮饭出门逛街830回家精疲力尽真不想开锅做饭可是饭还得吃.抵牾怎么解决微电脑定时开关解决方案出门前淘好米洗好菜定好1800时开始通电煮饭回到家便有饭吃。

电子计时器 CT-APS.12 延时开关说明书

电子计时器 CT-APS.12 延时开关说明书

Electronic timer CT-APS.12OFF-delayed with 1 c/o (SPDT) contactThe CT-APS.12 is an electronic timer from the CT-S range with OFF-delay and 10 time ranges.All electronic timers from the CT-S range areavailable with two different terminal versions. You can choose between the proven screw connection technology (double-chamber cage connection terminals) and the completely tool-free Easy Connect Technology (push-in terminals).Characteristics–Rated control supply voltage 24-48 V DC, 24-240 V AC –OFF-delay timer with auxiliary voltage –10 time ranges (0.05 s - 300 h)–Control input with voltage-related triggering to start timing –Precise adjustment by front-face operating elements –Screw connection technology orEasy Connect Technology available–Housing material for highest fire protection classificationUL 94 V-0–Tool-free mounting and demounting on DIN-rail – 1 c/o (SPDT) contact –Width of 22.5 mm– 2 LEDs for status indication Order Data Electronic TimersType Rated control supply voltage Connection technology Time ranges Order codeCT-APS.12P 24-48 V DC, 24-240 V AC Push-in terminals 0.05 s - 300 h 1SVR 740 180 R3100CT-APS.12S24-48 V DC, 24-240 V ACScrew type terminals0.05 s - 300 h1SVR 730 180 R3100AccessoriesType DescriptionOrder codeADP .01Adapter for screw mounting 1SVR 430 029 R0100MAR.01Marker label1SVR 366 017 R0100COV.11Sealable transparent cover1SVR 730 005 R0100Approvals A UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14C GL D GOST K CB scheme ECCCKennzeichnungen aCE bC-Tick2C D C 251 037 V 00112 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetConnection technologyMaintenance free Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminalsType designation CT-xxS.yyPApproved screw connection technology with double-chamber cage connection terminals Type designation CT-xxS.yySPush-in terminals–Tool-free connection of rigid and flexible wires withwire end ferrule according to DIN 46228-1-A 4-9, DIN 46228-4-E 4-10Wire size: 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm², (2 x 20 - 16 AWG) –Easy connection of flexible wires without wire endferrule by opening the terminals –No retightening necessary–One operation lever for opening both connectionterminals–For triggering the lever and disconnecting of wiresyou can use the same tool (Screwdriver according to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in))–Constant spring force on terminal point independentof the applied wire type, wire size or ambientconditions (e. g. vibrations or temperature changes) –Opening for testing the electrical contacting –Gas-tightDouble-chamber cage connection terminals–Terminal spaces for different wire sizes:fine-strand with/without wire end ferrule: 1 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 14 AWG), 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 16 AWG) rigid:1 x 0.5-4 mm² (1 x 20 - 12 AWG), 2 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 14 AWG)–One screw for opening and closing of both cages –Pozidrive screws for pan- or crosshead screwdriversaccording to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in)Both the Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminals and screw connection technology with double-chamber cageconnection terminals have the same connection geometry as well as terminal position.2C D C 253 025 F 00112C D C 253 026 F 0011Data sheet | Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 3Functions Operating controlsRotary switch for the preselection of the time range Fine adjustment of the time delay3 Indication of operational statesU: green LED - control supply voltage / timing R: yellow LED - status of output relay4 Marker labelApplicationThe CT-S range timers are designed for use in industrial applications. They operate over an universal range of supplyvoltages and a large time delay range, within compact dimensions. The easy-to-set front-face potentiometers, with direct reading scales, provide accurate time delay adjustment.Operating modeThe CT-APS.12 with 1 c/o contact offers 10 time ranges, from 0.05 s to 300 h, for the adjustment of the time delay. The time delay range is rotary switch selectable. The fine adjustment of the time delay is made via an internal potentiometer, with a direct reading scale, on the front of the unit.Timing is displayed by a flashing green LED labelled U/T.2C D C 251 037 V 0011Function diagramOFF-delay with auxiliary voltageThis function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing.If control input A1-Y1/B1 is closed, the output relay energizes immediately. If control input A1-Y1/B1 is opened, the time delay starts. The green LED flashes during timing. When the selected time delay is complete, the output relay de-energizes and the flashing green LED turns steady.If control input A1-Y1/B1 recloses before the time delay is complete, the time delay is reset and the output relay does not change state. Timing starts again when control input A1-Y1/B1 re-opens.If control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay is reset.Electrical connectionWiring instructionsControl input (voltage-related triggering)The control input Y1/B1 is triggered with electric potential against A2. It is possible to use the control supply voltage from terminal A1 or any other voltage within the rated control supply voltage range.4 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetTechnical DataData at T a = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicatedInput circuitsSupply circuit A1‑A2Rated control supply voltage U S24-48 V DC, 24-240 V ACRated control supply voltage U S tolerance24-48 V DC-15...+10 %24-240 V AC-15...+10 %Rated frequency DC n/aAC50/60 HzFrequency range AC47-63 HzTypical current / power consumption24 V DC230 V AC115 V AC24-48 V DC12 mA /on request- / -- / -24-240 V AC- / -50 mA /on request33 mA / on requestPower failure buffering time24 V DC min. 15 ms230 V AC min. 20 msControl circuitControl input, control function A1-Y1/B1start timing externalKind of triggering voltage-related triggeringRestistance to reverse polarity yesPolarized noCapable for switching a parallel load yesMaximum cable length to the control inputs50 m - 100 pF/mMinimum control pulse length20 msControl voltage potential see rated control supply voltage U SCurrent consumption of the control input24 V DC 1.2 mA230 V AC8 mATiming circuitKind of timer Single-function timer OFF-delay with auxiliary voltageTime ranges 0.05 s - 300 h0.05-1 s, 0.15-3 s, 0.5-10 s, 1.5-30 s, 5-100 s,15-300 s, 1.5-30 min, 15-300 min, 1.5-30 h, 15-300 h Recovery time< 80 msRepeat accuracy (constant parameters)Δt <± 0.2 %Accuracy within the rated control supply voltage toleranceΔt < 0.004 %/VAccuracy within the temperature rangeΔt < 0.03 %/°CUser interfaceIndication of operational statesControl supply voltage / timing U/T: green LED V: control supply voltage appliedU/T: green LED W: timingRelay status R: yellow LED V: output relay energizedData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 5Output circuitsKind of output15-16/18Relay, 1 c/o (SPDT) contact Contact material Cd-freeRated operational voltage U e250 VMinimum switching voltage / Minimum switching current12 V / 10 mAMaximum switching voltage / Minimum switching current see ‘Load limit curves’ on page 8 Rated operational current I e (IEC/EN 60947-5-1)AC12 (resistive) at 230 V 4 AAC15 (inductive) at 230 V 3 ADC12 (resistive) at 24 V 4 ADC13 (inductive) at 24 V 2 AAC rating (UL 508)utilization category (ControlCircuit Rating Code)B 300max. rated operational voltage300 V ACmax. continuous thermalcurrent at B 3005 Amax. making / breakingapparent power at B 3003600/360 VAMechanical lifetime30 x 106 switching cycles Electrical lifetime AC12, 230 V, 4 A0.1 x 106 switching cyclesMaximum fuse rating to achieve short-circuit protection (IEC/EN 60947-5-1)n/c contact 6 A fast-acting n/o contact10 A fast-actingGeneral dataElectrical connection6 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetEnvironmental dataAmbient temperature ranges operation-25...+60 °Cstorage-40...+85 °CDamp heat, cyclic (IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 6 x 24 h cycle, 55 °C, 95 % RH Vibration, sinusoidal (IEC/EN 60068-2-6)functioning40 m/s2, 10-58/60-150 Hzresistance60 m/s2, 10-58/60-150 Hz, 20 cycles Vibration, seismic (IEC/EN 60068-3-3)functioning20 m/s²Shock, half-sine (IEC/EN 60068-2-27)functioning100 m/s2, 11 ms, 3 shocks/directionresistance300 m/s2, 11 ms, 3 shocks/direction Isolation dataRated insulation voltage U i input circuit / output circuit500 VRated impulse withstand voltage U imp between allisolated circuits (IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)4 kV; 1.2/50 µsPower-frequency withstand voltage test between all isolated circuits (test voltage)routine test: 2.0 kV; 50 Hz, 1 s type test: 2.5 kV; 50 Hz, 1 minBasic insulation (IEC/EN 61140)input circuit / output circuit500 VProtective separation (IEC/EN 61140; IEC/EN 50178;VDE 0106 part 101 and part 101/A1)input circuit / output circuit250 VPollution degree(IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)3Overvoltage category(IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)IIIStandards / DirectivesProduct standard IEC 61812-1, EN 61812-1 + A11,DIN VDE 0435 part 2021Low Voltage Directive2006/95/ECEMC Directive2004/108/ECRoHS Directive2002/95/ECElectromagnetic compatibilityInterference immunity to IEC/EN 61000-6-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2electrostatic discharge IEC/EN 61000-4-2Level 3, 6 kV / 8 kVradiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-3Level 3, 10 V/m (1 GHz) / 3 V/m (2 GHz) /1 V/m (2.7 GHz)electrical fast transient / burst IEC/EN 61000-4-4Level 3, 2 kV / 5 kHzsurge IEC/EN 61000-4-5Level 4, 2 kV A1-A2conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fieldsIEC/EN 61000-4-6Level 3, 10 Vharmonics and interharmonics IEC/EN 61000-4-13Level 3Interference emission IEC/EN 61000-6-3, IEC/EN 61000-6-4high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class Bhigh-frequency conducted IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class BData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 7Technical diagramsLoad limit curves8 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetDimensionsin mm and inchesAccessoriesin mm and inchesFurther documentationDocument title Document type Document numberElectronic Products and Relays Technical catalogue2CDC 110 004 C020xCT-APS, CT-ERS, CT-MVS, CT-SDS Instruction manual1SVC 730 020 M0000You can find the documentation on the internet at /lowvoltage -> Control Products ->Electronic Relays and Controls -> Time RelaysData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 9ABB STOTZ‑KONTAKT GmbHP. O. Box 10 16 8069006 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25E-mail:*****************.comYou can find the address of your local sales organization on theABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and Systems Contact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in wholeor in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.Copyright© 2011 ABBAll rights reserved D o c u m e n t n u m b e r 2 C D C 1 1 1 1 1 5 D 0 2 0 1 p r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y ( 0 4 / 2 0 1 1 )。

ABB CT-AHE电子计时器数据表说明书

ABB CT-AHE电子计时器数据表说明书

1S V R 550 111 F 1100Electronic timer CT-AHEOFF-delayed with 1 c/o (SPDT) contactThe CT-AHE is an electronic time relay with OFF-delay. It is from the CT-E range.The CT-E range is the economic range of ABB‘s time relays and offers a cost effectiveprice-performance ratio for OEM users. This is achieved by simplified functionality and results in the simplest of setup procedures. The CT-E range is ideally suited for repeat applications.Characteristics –9 versions:3 different single time ranges (0.1-10 s, 0.3-30 s and 3-300 s) and3 different rated control supply voltage ranges (24 V AC/DC, 110-130 V AC and 220-240 V AC) –Single-function OFF-delay timer without auxiliary voltage–Timing can be started via an external, voltage-related control input – 1 c/o (SPDT) contact –22.5 mm (0.89 in) width– 2 LEDs for the indication of operational statesOrder dataType Rated control supply voltage Time range Order codeCT-AHE24 V AC/DC0.1-10 s 1SVR 550 118 R11000.3-30 s 1SVR 550 118 R41003-300 s1SVR 550 118 R2100110-130 V AC0.1-10 s 1SVR 550 110 R11000.3-30 s 1SVR 550 110 R41003-300 s1SVR 550 110 R2100220-240 V AC0.1-10 s 1SVR 550 111 R11000.3-30 s 1SVR 550 111 R41003-300 s1SVR 550 111 R21002 - Electronic timer CT-AHE | Data sheetFunctions Operating controls1S V R 550 111 F 1101 Indication of operational statesU: green LED – Control supply voltage applied R: red LED – Output relay energized2 Thumbwheel for the fine adjustment of the time delayApplicationTheir conception makes the CT-E range timers ideal for repeat applications.Operating modeThe fine adjustment of the time delay is made via the front-face thumbwheel.Function diagramB OFF-delay with auxiliary voltage (Delay on break)This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing. Timing is controlled by control input A1-Y1. If the control input is closed, the output relay energizes. If control input A1-Y1 is opened, the selected time delay starts. When the time delay is complete, the output relay de-energizes. If control input A1-Y1 is closed before the time delay is complete, the time delay is reset. Timing starts again when the control input re-opens.Electrical connectionWiring notesData sheet| Electronic timer CT-AHE - 3Data at T a = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicatedInput circuitsSupply circuitRated control supply voltage U s A1-A2depending on device: 24 V AC/DC, 110-130 V AC, 220-240 V AC Rated control supply voltage U s tolerance-15...+10 %Rated frequency AC/DC version DC or 50/60 HzAC version50/60 HzTypical current / power consumption24 V AC/DC approx. 1.0 VA/W110-130 V AC approx. 2.0 VA220-240 V AC approx. 2.0 VARelease voltage> 10 % of the minimum control supply voltageControl circuitControl input, control function A1-Y1start timing externalKind of triggering voltage-relatedParallel load noPolarized yesControl voltage potential rated control supply voltageMinimum control pulse length20 msTiming circuitTime range depending on device: 0.1-10 s, 0.3-30 s or 3-300 sRecovery time< 50 msRepeat accuracy (constant parameters)D t < 1 %Accuracy within the rated control supply voltage tolerance D t < 0.5 % / VAccuracy within the temperature range D t < 0.1 % / °CSetting accuracy of time delay± 10 % of full-scale valueUser interfaceIndication of operational statesControl supply voltage U: green LED V: control supply voltage appliedRelay status R: red LED V: output relay energizedOutput circuitKind of output15-16/18relay, 1 c/o (SPDT) contactContact material silver alloyRated operational voltage U e250 VMinimum switching voltage / current12 V / 100 mAMaximum switching voltage / current see ‚Load limit curves‘Rated operational current I e AC-12 (resistive) at 230 V 4 AAC-15 (inductive) at 230 V 3 ADC-12 (resistive) at 24 V 4 ADC-13 (inductive) at 24 V 2 AAC rating (UL 508)Utilization category(Control Circuit Rating Code)B 300max. rated operational voltage300 V ACMaximum continuous thermal current at B300 5 Amax. making/breaking apparent power at B3003600 VA / 360 VAMechanical lifetime10 x 106 switching cyclesElectrical lifetime AC-12, 230 V, 4 A0.1 x 106 switching cyclesFrequency of operation with/without load360/72000-1Maximum fuse rating to achieve short-circuit protection n/c contact10 A fast n/o contact10 A fast4 - Electronic timer CT-AHE | Data sheetMTBF on requestDuty time100 %Dimensions see ‘Dimensional drawings’Weight net weight1SVR550118R11000.064 kg (0.141 lb)1SVR550118R41000.070 kg (0.154 lb)1SVR550118R21000.064 kg (0.141 lb)1SVR550110R11000.067 kg (0.148 lb)1SVR550110R41000.068 kg (1.450 lb)1SVR550110R21000.067 kg (0.148 lb)1SVR550111R11000.067 kg (0.148 lb)1SVR550111R41000.067 kg (0.148 lb)1SVR550111R21000.068 kg (1.450 lb)gross weight1SVR550118R11000.077 kg (0.170 lb)1SVR550118R41000.081 kg (0.179 lb)1SVR550118R21000.077 kg (0.170 lb)1SVR550110R11000.080 kg (0.176 lb)1SVR550110R41000.081 kg (0.179 lb)1SVR550110R21000.080 kg (0.176 lb)1SVR550111R11000.080 kg (0.176 lb)1SVR550111R41000.080 kg (0.176 lb)1SVR550111R21000.081 kg (0.179 lb)Mounting DIN rail (IEC/EN 60715), snap-on mounting without any toolMounting position anyMinimum distance to other units not necessaryMaterial of housing lower section UL 94 V-0upper section UL 94 V-2Degree of protection housing IP50terminals IP20Electrical connectionConnecting capacity fine-strand with wire end ferrule 2 x 0.75-1.5 mm2 (2 x 18-16 AWG)fine-strand without wire end ferrule 2 x 1-1.5 mm2 (2 x 18-16 AWG)rigid 2 x 0.75-1.5 mm2 (2 x 18-16 AWG)Stripping length10 mm (0.39 in)Tightening torque0.6-0.8 Nm (5.31-7.08 lb.in)Environmental dataAmbient temperature ranges operation -20...+60 °Cstorage-40...+85 °CRelative humidity range 4 x 24 h cycle, 40 °C, 93 % RHVibration, sinusoidal IEC/EN 60068-2-620 m/s², 10-58/60-150 HzShock, half-sine IEC/EN 60068-2-27150 m/s², 11 ms, 3 shocks/directionIsolation dataRated insulation voltage U i between all isolated circuits Control supply voltage up to 240 V: 300 VControl supply voltage up to 440 V: 500 VRated impulse withstand voltage U imp between all isolated circuits 4 kV / 1.2-50 μsbetween all isolated circuits 2.5 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min.Power frequency withstand voltage(test voltage)Basic insulation (IEC/EN 61140)input/output300 VProtective separation (IEC/EN 61140, EN 50178)input/output-Pollution degree3Overvoltage category IIIData sheet| Electronic timer CT-AHE - 56 - Electronic timer CT-AHE | Data sheetStandards / DirectivesStandardsIEC/EN 61812-1Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU EMC Directive 2014/30/EU RoHS Directive2011/65/EUElectromagnetic compatibilityInterference immunity toIEC/EN 61000-6-2electrostatic discharge IEC/EN 61000-4-2Level 3 (6 kV / 8 kV)radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic fieldIEC/EN 61000-4-310 V/m (1 GHz), 3 V/m (2 GHz), 1 V/m (2.7 GHz)electrical fast transient / burst IEC/EN 61000-4-4Level 3 (2 kV / 5 kHz)surgeIEC/EN 61000-4-5Level 4 (2 kV L-L)conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields IEC/EN 61000-4-6Level 3 (10 V)Interference emissionIEC/EN 61000-6-3high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class B high-frequency conductedIEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class BTechnical diagrams Load limit curvesAC load (resistive)DC load (resistive)Derating factor F for inductive AC loadContact lifetime /switching cycles N 220 V AC 50 Hz AC1, 360 cycles/hDimensionsin mm andinchesFurther documentationDocument title Document type Document numberElectronic relays and controls Catalog2CDC 110 004 C02xxYou can find the documentation on the internet at /lowvoltage-> Automation, control and protection -> Electronic relays and controls -> Time relays.CAD system filesYou can find the CAD files for CAD systems at -> Low Voltage Products & Systems -> Control Products -> Electronic Relays and Controls.Data sheet| Electronic timer CT-AHE - 7ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbHP. O. Box 10 16 8069006 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25E-mail:*****************.comYou can find the address of your local sales organisation on theABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and Systems Contact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in wholeor in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.Copyright© 2017 ABBAll rights reserved D o c u m e n t n u m b e r 2 C D C 1 1 1 1 3 6 D 0 2 0 1 ( 0 3 . 2 0 1 7 )。






二、硬件电路设计AT89C52是一个低电压,高性能CMOS 8位单片机,片内含8k bytes的可反复擦写的Flash只读程序存储器和256 bytes的随机存取数据存储器(RAM),器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统,片内置通用8位中央处理器和Flash存储单元,AT89C52单片机在电子行业中有着广泛的应用。

AT89C52引脚图主要功能特性:1、兼容MCS51指令系统2、8k可反复擦写(大于1000次)Flash ROM;3、32个双向I/O口;4、256x8bit内部RAM;5、3个16位可编程定时/计数器中断;6、时钟频率0-24MHz;7、2个串行中断,可编程UART串行通道;8、2个外部中断源,共8个中断源;9、2个读写中断口线,3级加密位;10、低功耗空闲和掉电模式,软件设置睡眠和唤醒功能;11、有PDIP、PQFP、TQFP及PLCC等几种封装形式,以适应不同产品的需求。








1•Time range 0.1 s to 100 h •Knob selection of time range •Knob-adjustable time setting •Repeatability: ≤0.2%•Output: 5 A SPDT relay•For mounting on DIN-rail in accordance with DIN/EN 50 022•17.5 mm DIN-rail housing•Combined AC and DC power supply•LED indication for relay status and power supply ONMulti-voltage d elay on release timer with 7 knob selectable time ranges with-in 0.1 s and 100 h.For mounting on DIN-rail.TimersDelay on Release Type DBA52Product DescriptionType SelectionMounting Output Housing Supply: 24 VDC and 24 to 240 VAC DIN-railSPDTD-HousingDBA 52 C M24Time SpecificationsOutput SpecificationsSupply Specifications2DimensionsOperating DiagramDBA52The relay operates as soon as the trigger contact is close d . The time perio dbegins when the trigger contact is opened. The relay releases at the end of the set d elay time or when the power supply is disconnect-ed. The relay operates again when the input contact is closed again. If it is closed before the end of the d elay time the relay keeps ON, anew time period begins as soon as the trigger contact is opened again.Additional LoadIt's possible to wire an addi-tional loa d (i.e. a relay)between pins Y1 and A2driven by the trigger contactwithoutd amaging the d evice (see wiring diagram).Yellow LED working mode Timing: Slow blinking Relay ON: See operation diagrams Incorrect knobs position:Fast blinking General SpecificationsTime SettingMode of OperationWiring DiagramCentre knob:Time setting on relative scale: 1 to 10 with respect to the chosen range.Lower knob:Setting of time range.。



24 小时程控定时器使用说明书1 概述24 小时程控定时器是一种能定时。


能在24 小时内,预先设定把握时间范围,从而有效地把握用电器具的开启和关闭。

2技术数据电源AC220V50HZ 最大负载电流:10A 定时范围;15min-23h45min 最小设定单位:15mim 开关把握数最大48 次工作方式:连续工作制3工作原理与特点程控器系用同步电机驱动齿轮减速,实现24 小时转一圈,由定时插片处于上,下的不同位置,把握定时器内微动开关的接通或断开,从而到达把握用电器具的电源自动开启和关闭。






就OK 了注:1 定时插片必需上下按到位。

2 用电器具的功l 率不得超过规定值。


例如:现在是上午9:00 钟,我想在下午16:00 钟煮饭大约煮30 分钟。

我在16:00—16:30 之间的定时插片按下两片.插上电源往顺时针方向旋转,箭头对准9:00 钟就好了。




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目录一、定时器概述 ...................................... - 1 -定时器的种类 (2)二、定时器设计要求 (3)三、定时器设计步骤 (3)4.1 计时装置...................................... - 5 -4.2 复位电路...................................... - 5 -4.3 计数电路...................................... - 6 -4.4 动作装置...................................... - 7 -五、球阀控制电路设计................................. - 7 -5.1 继电器接口电路设计............................ - 7 -5.2 继电器控制电路设计............................ - 8 -六、设计小结 (11)七、参考书目 (12)一.定时器概述:定时器是一个多任务定时提醒软件,安装于电脑上。

它全面支持WINDOWS 9X/ME/NT/2K/XP按时执行程序、播放声音、关机、待机、拨号、断开连接、关闭显示器等等操作。









现在的不少家用电器都安装了定时器来控制开关或工作时间定时器的种类:1、接通延时型定时器:接通延时型定时器是各种PLC中最常见最基本的定时器,这种定时器在 SIEMENS的PLC中,称为SD型定时器2、断开延时型定时器:这种定时器是当输入条件00000为ON时无延时作用,只有在输入条件00000为OFF时产生延时作用。

















图 3.2是定时器的示意时序图。

















一般微机电路正常工作需要供电电源为5V±5%,即 4.75~5.25V 。

由于微机电路是时序数字电路,它需要稳定的时钟信号,因此在电源上电时,只有当VCC 超过4.75V 低于5.25V 以及晶体振荡器稳定工作时,复位信号才被撤除,微机电路开始正常工作。














电源为三节1.5V 电池。

十进制计数器使用CMOS4000B 系列中的4017B 集成电路。

此外,驱动电子蜂鸣器的集成电路也消耗电能,这里使用大电流高速CMOS74HC 系列,其耗用电流可达20mA。

4000B 系列CMOS 的耗用电流为10mA。


4.1 计时装置定时器的基准时间,和数字表等一样使用频率稳定度非常好的晶体振荡器。

由于晶体振荡器的振频率在数十KHz 以上,有必要使用分频器来分频,使其频率下降。

基准时间发生集成电路使用的是可编程晶体振荡器 SPG8651B 芯片。


1:H0:OPEN以上是8651B 控制端设定表。

CTL1~CTL6按表中给出的那样设定,能够输出100KHz ~1/1200Hz 的频率,上表中1表示接高电平,0表示接地。


4.2 复位电路电源接通电源接通时DD图4.2复位电路 (1)图3.2是电源接通后产生复位脉冲的电路。

当电源开关接通后,在电容C 和电阻R的串联电路中有充电电流流过。




图 3.3是电源断开时的电路图。




图4.3复位电路 (2)4.3 计数电路计数电路中使用的十进制计数器是CMOS4000B 系列中的4017B 集成电路。








另外,计数器(1)的cappy out,即进位输出端每10个时钟向计数器(2)输出一次,也就是每五十分钟升起一次,完成五十分钟的计数。

