离人愁(抖音热门歌曲)李袁杰(新流行)钢琴谱 钢琴双手简谱 钢琴简谱 数字谱


钢琴谱 I Just Wanna Stay With You 双手简谱_共3张(全)

钢琴谱 I Just Wanna Stay With You 双手简谱_共3张(全)
ith You双手简谱和五线谱完全对应。
I Just Wanna Stay With You是Never Too Early 2018演唱会主题曲,由陈咏谦、陈考威作词,陈考威作曲 ,JW(王灏儿)演唱,发行于2017年12月29日。王灏儿,中国香港流行女歌手,毕业于英国伦敦国王学院 地理系。虽然身形娇小,但唱功了得,她的身形与声线不成比例,人小肺大。
歌词下方是I Just Wanna Stay With You钢琴谱,大家可以学习。
I Just Wanna Stay With You歌词:
一天一天等今晚 修身选歌试衫 一刻都不可偷懒 要变最抢眼 不开心不准解散 秒秒钟极糜烂 没法比天高 亦有条件出众 想庆祝 我们该庆祝 没有真烟花 亦有场面英勇 别退缩 cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you 一杯一杯很想碰 差不多想发疯 冰封的急需解冻 个个也起哄 一双肩即使很重 有眼波在流动 让我数三声 万有停于这里 不结束 旅程不结束 让我花一生 为了离开真相 可脱俗 cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Yeah cause I just wanna stay with you 当身份 都不顾 Just wanna stay with you 谁在谁在叫 谁在谁在呼 谁在谁在叫 谁在谁在呼 Cause I just wanna stay with you 谁在谁在叫 谁在谁在呼 谁在谁在叫 cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Stay with you Stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you Stay with you Stay with you Cause I just wanna stay with you





一、经典流行歌曲篇1. 《演员》薛之谦这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词深情,适合口琴演奏。


2. 《遥远的她》张学友这首歌曲旋律动人,歌词充满思念之情。


3. 《小幸运》田馥甄这首歌曲旋律欢快,歌词温暖人心。


二、流行摇滚歌曲篇1. 《平凡之路》朴树这首歌曲旋律激昂,歌词充满力量。


2. 《光辉岁月》 Beyond这首歌曲旋律动感,歌词充满激情。


3. 《岁月神偷》金玟岐这首歌曲旋律悠扬,歌词充满哲理。


三、流行情歌篇1. 《岁月神偷》金玟岐这首歌曲旋律悠扬,歌词充满哲理。


2. 《十年》陈奕迅这首歌曲旋律感人,歌词描述了十年间的爱情故事。


3. 《遥远的她》张学友这首歌曲旋律动人,歌词充满思念之情。





(完整版)流行歌曲口琴简谱集四、流行民谣歌曲篇1. 《平凡之路》朴树这首歌曲旋律激昂,歌词充满力量。

钢琴谱 Let Me Down Slowly-C调简单版-国外音乐榜排名第一的治愈歌 五线谱_共2张

钢琴谱 Let Me Down Slowly-C调简单版-国外音乐榜排名第一的治愈歌 五线谱_共2张
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly Let me down down Let me down down Let me down let me down Down let me down down Let me down If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly
Let Me Down Slowly是Alec Benjamin与Alessia Cara共同合作演绎的爆款歌曲。同时也是国外音乐榜排名第一的治愈 歌曲。伴随新歌曲的发布,当天Alec还登上了James Corden在美国电视台首度亮相!
Let Me Down Slowly双手简谱是网友提供的,由网友NGERN制作,感谢NGERN对EOP的支持!
Let Me Down Slowly歌词:
Alec Benjamin: This night is cold in the kingdom I can feel you fade away From the kitchen to the bathroom sink and Your steps keep me awake Don't cut me down throw me out leave me here to waste I once was a man with dignity and grace Now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace So please please Could you find a way to let me down slowly A little sympathy I hope you can show me If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly Let me down down Let me down down Let me down let me down Down let me down down Let me down If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly Alessia Cara: I hold on to little pieces of what we were I know we're long gone but take it easy Because it hurts Don't cut me down throw me out leave me here to waste I once was a girl with dignity and grace Now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace So please please Could you find a way to let me down slowly A little sympathy I hope you can show me If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly Let me down down Let me down down Let me down let me down Down let me down down Let me down If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely If you're leaving baby let me down slowly Both: And I can't stop myself from falling down And I can't stop myself from falling down And I can't stop myself from falling down And I can't stop myself from falling down Both: Could you find a way to let me down slowly A little sympathy I hope you can show me

钢琴谱 Dancing with Your Ghost-纯粹又干净的女声 五线谱_共4张(全)

钢琴谱 Dancing with Your Ghost-纯粹又干净的女声 五线谱_共4张(全)
歌词下方是Dancing with Your Ghost钢琴谱,大家可以学习。
Dancing with Your Ghost歌词:
Yelling at the sky Screaming at the world Baby why'd you go away I'm still your girl Holding on too tight Head up in the clouds Heaven only knows where you are now How do I love how do I love again How do I trust how do I trust again I stay up all night Tell myself I'm alright Baby you're just harder to see than most I put the record on Wait 'til I hear our song Every night I'm dancing with your ghost Every night I'm dancing with your ghost Never got the chance To say your last goodbye I gotta move on But it hurts to try How do I love how do I love again How do I trust how do I trust again I stay up all night Tell myself I'm alright Baby you're just harder to see than most I put the record on Wait 'til I hear our song Every night I'm dancing with your ghost Every night I'm dancing with your ghost How do I love how do I love again How do I trust how do I trust again I stay up all night Tell myself I'm alright Baby you're just harder to see than most I put the record on Wait 'til I hear our song Every night I'm dancing with your ghost Every night I'm dancing with your ghost Every night I'm dancing with your ghost



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钢琴谱 人间不值得-拈杯酒眯着眼说专心看人间-抖音热歌 五线谱_共7张(全)

钢琴谱 人间不值得-拈杯酒眯着眼说专心看人间-抖音热歌 五线谱_共7张(全)

渡口爱上深山 薄雪中意晚莲 夕阳熬红双眼 想等来晨钟聊聊天 心上人在梅边柳边 偏不在身边 小白蛇浇透临安 许仙却没带伞 少女压坏秋千 书生十年落选 命运总是挑挑拣拣 诸事不成全 小和尚没化到缘 又路过烧鸭店 拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间 看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾 神仙掐指算 此去少圆满 得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全 借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟 管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖 好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关 兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看 竹马去寻竹马 青梅意兴阑珊 伯牙琴弦摔断 叔夜刚绝交山巨源 知己半路就散 结发总另结新欢 小情侣恰好遇见 喜鹊没来上班 长生岂能如愿 古稀尚靠垂怜 老病倒比莺莺燕燕 多陪二十年 小嫦娥偷吃灵药 却反而羡人间 拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间 看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾 神仙掐指算 此去少圆满 得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全 借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟 管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖 好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关 兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看 人生在世不称意呀 失眠或失恋 只劝你来把个盏 侃呀么侃大山 喝完大酒撑条船 说今生不靠岸 去天涯海角浪个遍 失意当尝鲜 这一路手握剑 身侧有千帆 时不时~回头看看 百味是人间 时不时~也睡个懒觉 醒来多加餐!
人间不值得由万象凡音出品,中国内地唱作人黄诗扶演唱的歌曲,是其同名专辑《人间不值得》的主打曲和 收尾曲。该曲特色鲜明,尤因黄诗扶独具代表的戏腔唱法演绎得淋漓尽致。
虽然这首歌叫人间不值得,字字却都在表达人间值得。纵使它不够完美,会有许许多多的小挫折,兜兜转转八 十一难,走走看。

钢琴谱 江上清风游-C调简单版-宁静悠远的轻音乐 双手简谱_共4张(全)

钢琴谱 江上清风游-C调简单版-宁静悠远的轻音乐 双手简谱_共4张(全)
变奏的梦想的《江上清风游》是一首唯美轻音乐。一人静听曲,夜深风凉拂身,凭栏处,弯月如弓。感萧 瑟秋韵,天地一色长净。
曲子开始轻柔的声音便能将听着带进一个清幽的世界,轻轻的曲声如江水与船桨的轻声诉说,如水的月色 穿过身体,为大家带走尘世的纷扰。慢慢的,小舟流进了江中,似乎与周围的景色融合成为一副名家的山 水画,是那样的宁静悠远。
接着,曲子更上一个台阶,在朦胧的月色中似有佳人从远方而来,“兰为舟兮桂为浆,望美人兮天一方 ”。谈天说地的默பைடு நூலகம்,与明月共饮的洒脱弥漫在整条江上。
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