



筑易签产品供应商使用手册中建电子商务有限责任公司2021年08月目录1概述 (2)1.1概述 (3)1.2编写目的 (3)1.3预期读者 (3)1.4访问网址 (3)1.5用户环境要求 (4)2网站提供的业务说明 (4)2.1业务描述 (4)3网站附件上传要求 (4)4操作说明 (5)4.1分供商注册 (5)4.2登陆云筑网 (6)4.3分供商认证 (7)4.4实名认证 (13)4.4.1个人实名认证 (13)4.4.2企业实名认证 (14)4.5筑易签首页 (16)4.6证书管理 (17)4.6.1证书购买 (17)4.6.2证书新办 (30)4.6.3绑定电脑 (34)4.6.4证书解锁 (43)4.6.5修改PIN码 (46)4.6.6业务查询 (48)4.7印章管理 (52)4.7.1企业印章 (52)4.7.2个人签名 (54)4.8签约管理 (57)4.8.1执行合同确认 (57)4.8.2线上电子签章 (58)4.8.3线下纸质签章 (67)4.8.4签章完成 (67)4.9合同管理 (67)4.9.1合同查询 (67)1概述1.1概述筑易签是云筑网平台精心打造的一款电子合同签约产品,旨在帮助云筑网用户提升合同签约效率,提供无纸化、免邮寄、线上签的一站式电子合同服务。








二、供应商选择1. 供应商准入标准为确保供应商的稳定性和可靠性,公司将制定一套供应商准入标准,包括但不限于以下要素:a. 供应商的注册资金和经营资质;b. 供应商的生产能力和设备状况;c. 供应商的质量管理体系和认证情况;d. 供应商的环境保护和社会责任表现;e. 供应商的价格竞争力和交货能力。

2. 供应商评估在供应商准入后,公司将进行供应商的综合评估,以便更好地了解供应商的实力和潜力。

评估内容包括但不限于以下方面:a. 供应商的质量控制能力和质量记录;b. 供应商的交货准时率和库存管理能力;c. 供应商的服务态度和问题处理能力;d. 供应商的创新能力和技术支持;e. 供应商的合规性和合作意愿。

三、合同管理1. 合同签订公司与供应商之间的合作将通过签订正式的供应合同来明确双方的权益和责任。

合同内容应包括但不限于以下要素:a. 产品或服务的规格和数量;b. 价格和付款方式;c. 交货时间和地点;d. 质量标准和验收标准;e. 违约责任和解决争议的方式。

2. 合同履行公司将严格按照合同约定的要求履行自己的义务,并要求供应商按时交货、保质保量提供产品或服务。


四、绩效评估1. 绩效指标制定公司将制定一套科学合理的绩效指标体系,以评估供应商的绩效表现。

绩效指标包括但不限于以下要素:a. 产品或服务的质量;b. 交货准时率和库存管理;c. 问题处理和售后服务;d. 创新能力和技术支持;e. 合规性和合作意愿。

2. 绩效评估方法公司将根据绩效指标对供应商进行定期评估,并将评估结果以定量化的方式进行记录和分析。





二、岗位职责1. 供应商评估与选择:- 负责制定并实施供应商评估体系,以确保符合公司的要求和标准。

- 分析并评估供应商的综合能力、生产能力、质量管理体系等方面。

- 协助采购部门制定供应商选取的标准和流程,进行供应商谈判和合同签订。

2. 供应商合作与管理:- 跟进供应商的日常业务合作,协调并解决相关问题。

- 监督供应商的交货期、产品质量、价格等要求。

- 进行供应商绩效评估,及时跟进并改进供应商的不足之处。

- 主动了解市场动态,寻找新的供应商资源,保证供应链的稳定性。

3. 供应链优化与协调:- 通过供应链数据分析与管理,提升供应链的效率和质量。

- 与采购部门紧密合作,提供供应链管理建议和方案。

- 沟通协调内部各部门,确保供应链各环节的顺畅运作并有效协同。

4. 监督合规与风险防控:- 确保供应商符合相关法律法规和公司政策的要求。

- 定期监督和评估供应商的合规情况,及时发现和解决潜在的风险问题。

- 建立风险防控机制和应急预案,确保供应链的安全性和可持续性。

5. 团队协作与沟通:- 积极与内外部团队进行协作,保持良好的沟通和协调。

- 参与内部会议和供应商会议,及时传递和反馈相关信息。

- 培养和管理团队成员,提升整体绩效和工作效率。

三、任职要求1. 教育背景与专业技能:- 本科及以上学历,供应链管理、物流管理、工商管理等相关专业优先。

- 熟悉供应链管理理论和实践,具备供应商管理的经验与能力。

- 具备较强的数据分析和问题解决能力,熟练运用办公自动化软件。

2. 职业素养与能力:- 具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,能有效协调各方利益。

- 具备较强的逻辑思维和分析能力,能够全面评估供应商能力和风险。

- 具备较强的抗压能力和问题解决能力,能够处理紧急情况和突发事件。
























术语定义Page1Page21.0 与我们合作1.1我们公司在特灵科技(Trane Technologies) 我们大胆挑战实现可持续发展世界的一切可能性。



凭借旗下两大战略品牌特灵(Trane®)和冷王(Thermo King®)及其对环境负责的产品组合与服务,我们致力于为楼宇建筑、民用住宅和交通运输领域提供高效、可持续发展的温控系统解决方案。

我们也充分认可与提供优质零件和原材料的供应商建立牢固合作伙伴关系的重要性,以确保满足客户的期望, 并为可持续发展解决方案铺就一条更好的发展之路。

供应商请访问我们的网站(), 点击链接了解更多内容:https:///en/index/company/doing-business-with-us.html1.2 目标全球供应商质量手册详述了对所有特灵科技(Trane Technologies)直接物料供应商的期望。

只要提供了相关产品给特灵科技(Trane Technologies)及顾客,供应商需要满足或超过本手册的要求和规定。

秉承本手册的既定方针,对于供货给特灵科技(Trane Technologies)的产品,供应商应不断改善其设计和生产工艺。




Page31.3 业务伙伴行为准则供应商应接受和遵守买家的业务伙伴行业准则(BPCOC)。






1. 供应商信息- 供应商名称:- 供应商联系人:- 供应商联系方式:2. 产品/服务信息- 产品/服务名称:- 产品/服务描述:- 产品/服务用途:- 产品/服务特性:3. 技术规格- 基本要求:- 规格1:- 规格2:- 规格3:- ...- 性能要求:- 性能指标1:- 性能指标2:- 性能指标3:- ...- 安全性要求:- 安全性指标1:- 安全性指标2:- 安全性指标3:- ...- 兼容性要求: - 兼容性指标1: - 兼容性指标2: - 兼容性指标3: - ...4. 测试要求- 测试方法:- 测试方法1:- 测试方法2:- 测试方法3:- ...- 测试频率: - 测试报告要求:5. 安装和部署要求 - 硬件要求:- 硬件要求1:- 硬件要求2:- 硬件要求3:- ...- 软件要求: - 软件要求1:- 软件要求2:- 软件要求3:- ...- 部署步骤: - 步骤1:- 步骤2:- 步骤3:- ...6. 支持和维护- 技术支持:- 支持方式1:- 支持方式2:- 支持方式3:- ...- 维护计划:- 维护计划1:- 维护计划2:- 维护计划3:- ...- 更新和升级:- 更新和升级策略:- 更新和升级频率:- ...请根据实际情况,对每个部分进行详细填充。


BOMcheck 供应商及生产商用户指南说明书

BOMcheck 供应商及生产商用户指南说明书

供货商及生产商用户指南Release版 4.2,2014年1月目录1 绪言 (1)1.1 新REACH物质声明要求 (1)1.2 行业领先的解决方案 (2)1.3 使用BOMcheck降低供应商的成本的OEM厂商 (3)2 BOMcheck中的供应商帐户、生产商帐户和超级用户帐户 (5)2.1 为授权人设置供应商帐户 (6)2.1.1 供应商DUNS号 (7)2.1.2 为同一供应商指定多位授权人 (8)2.2 设置生产商帐户 (8)2.3 设置超级用户帐户 (9)3 供应商帐户的功能和特征 (10)3.1 创建件号清单声明 (10)3.1.1 100%全物质声明 (12)3.1.2 含5%保密物质的全物质申明 (12)3.2 创建制表符分隔文件格式的零件清单 (13)3.2.1 为监管合规申明创建零件列表 (14)3.2.2 为全物质申明创建零件列表 (15)3.3 完成零件清单合规声明 (15)3.3.1 随着越来越多的物质被列入REACH、RoHS指令等法规中,如何更新合规声明 (16)3.4 完成零件清单全物料声明 (18)3.4.1 设定全物质申明的保密性 (22)3.4.2 完成含5%保密物质的全物质申明 (22)3.4.3 NXP半导体的全物料声明示例 (24)3.4.4 如何更新全物料声明 (26)3.5 上传IPC 1752A XML合规声明数据文件 (27)3.6 创建包装合规声明 (28)3.7 创建运输过程中产品及包装排放的合规声明 (30)3.8 创建制造过程中使用的物质的合规声明 (31)3.9 供应商如何检查自己在BOMcheck中的符合性数据 (32)3.10 供应商如何以邮件形式发送其制造业客户清单给所有客户 (33)3.11 在BOMcheck中更新供应商的制造业客户清单 (34)3.12 映射供应商件号清单到客户件号清单 (35)3.13 以映射号重写件号,反之亦然 (37)3.14 BOMcheck上零件列表的申明状态,以及为何无法删除批准的申明 (38)3.14.1 Pending未决 (39)3.14.2 Approved已批准 (39)3.14.3 Planned已计划 (39)3.14.4 Out-of-Date过期 (40)4 生产商帐户的功能和特征 (41)4.1 通知生产商供应商加入BOMcheck的时间 (41)4.2 供应商添加或改变声明时,监视列表通知生产商 (41)4.3 检查物料清单零件清单符合性数据 (42)4.4 分析物料清单零件清单全物料声明数据 (44)4.5 请求供应商做漏件号声明 (47)4.6 把数据下载到生产商IT系统 (47)4.6.1 生产商API密钥 (47)4.6.2 必须在POST请求中指定的请求参数 (48)4.7 查看配件 (48)5 超级用户帐户的功能和特征 (50)5.1 创建配件号 (51)5.2 设置配件、次级配件、再次级配件等的保密性 (54)5.3 创建带有漏件号的配件 (55)5.4 提供配件的测量重量 (57)5.5 映射供应商件号清单到客户件号清单 (58)5.6 创建盒装产品编号 (59)5.7 创建销售包装零件合规声明 (61)5.8 创建包含销售包装件号的盒装产品编号 (62)附件1:合规标记报告的颜色代码 (67)附件2:不同类型零件号的颜色代码 (69)附录 3:术语表 (70)1绪言1.1 新REACH物质声明要求REACH法规生效之前,许多OEM厂商依靠要求他们的供应商签署一份声明,藉此促使他们遵守其在受限物质清单的中提出的全部要求。

Visteon MIC_OCS 供应商指南说明书

Visteon MIC_OCS 供应商指南说明书

ORIGIN CALCULATION SYSTEM SUPPLIER GUIDE INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO SUBMIT LONGTERM SUPPLIER DECLARATION/STATEMENT OF ORIGIN DECLARATIONS TO VITESCO TECHNOLOGIES.SUMMARY1.Vitesco Technologies uses the MIC Origin Calculation System to maintain the origin certificationprocess.2.Vitesco Technologies requests the long-term supplier’s declarations/origin declarations to be providedin an electronic format in a timely manner.3.The supplier must provide all relevant origin information of goods supplied to Vitesco Technologies inthe MIC OCS portal.4.To provide the origin data in MIC OCS supplier portal, the following steps must be taken:>Origin data input for requested products – PART NUMBERS>Approval of Origin Declaration (The supplier must approve origin information inserted into MIC OCS supplier portal)This instruction will guide suppliers on how to submit long-term supplie r’s declarations/Statement of origin declarations to Vitesco Technologies.Suppliers may print or save the declaration for their own records/documentation.1.RECEIVING REQUEST FROM VITESCO TECHNOLOGIESIf there is a new request to complete origin certification status for parts, the supplier will automatically receive an email request to complete task in OCS WEB.2.LOG-IN TO THE OCS SYSTEM1.Open the notification email received from MIC.2.Click on the link: https:///mic-server-test/rap provided in the notification email.3.The following “log-in screen” appears:4.To log-in for the first time the instruction below must be followed:>The s upplier needs to click on “Forgot your password?”>Following screen will open:>The supplier needs enter the email address for which an MIC account was created (email is now used as username, not MIC ID). Please ensure that no space at the beginning or at the end isincluded.>The supplier needs to click the “Submit” button which will generate an email with a link for the reset credentials.>The s upplier has got 5 minutes after clicking “Submit” to use the link from the reset credentials email and to reset the password.In case the link expires please try the reset password procedure again.>The supplier needs to follow the instructions received via email and must click on the “Back to Sign-In” link.>Once, your password has been successfully reset, supplier can log in to the application.Following screen will appear:>The s upplier needs to type a new password and confirm (repeat) it, then press “Submit” button.>Once everything is done, the following screen will appear:>The s upplier needs to click on “MIC-GTM OCS Web Prod”.The following screen will appear:>In case you would like to change the language, please add following text to the link (only en, de, fr):•?prefLanguage=en•?prefLanguage=de•?prefLanguage=fr•Example: https:///mic-server-test/rap?prefLanguage=en5.For the next log-in the supplier needs enter the email address as username and password createdduring the password reset procedure (please see point 4). If the password has been forgotten or has been expired, the password reset procedure needs to be repeated.6.Once the supplier logs in to the app the dashboard will show the number of open/closed requests foreach agreement:7.To complete the requests, the supplier needs to open them by clicking on the request/tiles visibleabove.The following screen appears:3.INPUT ORIGIN DATA3.1.MANUAL PROCESSOnce the open request is identified, the status of the part is showing a red dot. Then the origin data needs to be provided.To close the request, the supplier must:1.Assign the country of origin and the preferential status of the supplied goods.Country of Origin can be chosen via the magnifying glass icon or entered manually.Preferential Status needs to be chosen from the “Preferential Status” dropdown menu.Origin Criteria for Japan need to be chosen from the dropdown menu.Available statuses are as follows:>01 – CERTIFIED if the part has a preferential status>50 – NOT CERTIFIED if the part has a NON-preferential status>60 – UNKNOWN status is temporary unknown/please note that if the status is UNKNOWN the additional column “Comment” must be completed with the reason of unknowing origin status forthe requested part.>63 – NOT DELIVERED – The part is not delivered to Vitesco anymore.2.Excluding a country (only EUALL agreement)/if applicableThe supplier may define the part as preferential for a specific country with exclusion of other countries.Example:The part can be defined as preferential for EUALL Agreement with an exclusion of MEXICO. Then the part will have preferential treatment to all countries listed in EUALL Agreement but to MEXICO it will be non-preferential.To exclude a specific country, the supplier needs to:>Click the button “Define Exceptions” in the menu tab.>“Define Exceptions” button launches screen below where supplier can start to type the name of countrywhich will be a subject to exclusion:>The supplier needs to highlight for which country the exception should be applied and press the arrow afterwards. Then the specific country will be transferred to “Excepted Countries” box.The choice needs to be confirmed by pressing the “OK” button.>Once the supplier excludes certain countries, the final certification document in PDF-format, which is generated after completing the whole process, will show the list of countries that will (or will not)be certified based on exclusion.>Once the above information has been provided and saved, the status of part will change to orange dot.>The next step is to E-Sign the selected requests.Example below:3.E-signing document/Approving certification documentAfter providing all required information supplier must e-sign the document for system to be able togenerate final certification.>The supplier needs to highlight (double click) the part related to line (request) – status orange dot.>Next action is to click the “E-Sign Selected” button as shown below:The next screen which will appear is driven by the agreement:>For the EUALL agreement, all the fields with the star must be provided.>For the EUGB agreement, alongside all the fields with the star also the EORI number must be provided.>GB Suppliers: for goods exported to the European Union, the exporter must be identified under the EORI reference number – number assigned in accordance with the laws and regulations within theUnited Kingdom.According to specific agreement, the validation is allowed as follows:•EUALL – Validity up to 1 year. The Supplier is NOT allowed to change validity during Approval.•EGUB – Validity up to 1 year. The Supplier is NOT allowed to change validity during Approval.Supplier needs to verify validity dates and click on “Accept” button on th e bottom of the screen.4.Generating final certification/pdf documentAfter clicking the “Accept” button, the supplier generates a PDF-document which can be saved/printed.5.PDF-DOCUMENTBy clicking on the generated PDF, the supplier can review the final document/certification.Example below:6.REVOKING DOCUMENTIf the supplier needs to change the input/provided content within the E-signed document due to a mistake or any other required amendments, there is the possibility to revoke the document and make adjustments.To revoke the document the following steps must be completed:1. The supplier needs to press the “Revoke Request” button.2. The status of the part will visibly change as shown on the picture below and the system allows tomodify the included information, for example define exceptions to exclude the countries if previously forgotten.3. After completing the above activity, the new document must be E-signed again.4. Please follow the instructions from “3. Input of origin data” points 3 & 4.5. After completing the e-sign process the supplier needs to go back to the main dashboard and refresh status on the requests as per picture below. After refreshing, the number of the open requests will be updated.。



承包商及顾问本指南同样适用于合作伙伴GE 寄语通用电气公司(“GE”)始终将诚信置于不可动摇的地位,在从事每一项业务行为时我们始终坚持这项高标准,尤其是在我们和GE 供应商、承包商、合作伙伴和顾问(统称“供应商”)的交往中。

GE 在合法、高效和公平的基础上建立与供应商的关系,GE 的供应商在从事与 GE 相关的业务活动时务必根据本《GE 供应商、承包商及顾问诚信指南》(“指南”)遵守相关法律和法规要求。

供应商负责确保公司及其雇员、工人、代表、供应商、分包商遵守本指南所规定的行为准则以及相关合同规定的对 GE 承担的义务。

若您对本指南或其他GE 供应商必须遵守的业务准则有任何疑问,请联系为您提供支持的 GE 经理或任何 GE 合规顾问。

GE 供应商的责任作为 GE 供应商,您同意:具有互尊互敬氛围的工作场所:(i) 遵守关于工资报酬、工作时间、加班、招聘和雇佣合同的适用法律和法规;(ii) 根据当地法律法规规定,允许员工自由选择是否出于劳资谈判的目的,组织或者加入工会;(iii) 禁止歧视1、骚扰和报复;(iv) 公平对待所有员工,尊重每名员工。

环境、健康、安全:(i) 遵守适用的环境、健康和安全(EHS)法律法规以及 GE 承包商 EHS 要求;(ii) 向员工提供安全和健康的工作环境;(iii) 不会对当地社区产生不良影响。


强迫劳动:在从事与 GE 相关的业务运营和活动中尊重您的员工和其他人的人权,其中包括:(i) 不雇佣被强迫劳动、被关押的劳工或契约劳工,确保员工不受到任何形式的身体、性或心理强迫、剥削、暴力对待、压迫或不人道的对待或其他形式的人口贩卖;(ii) 不扣留或销毁员工的身份或移民文件;(iii) 允许员工在合理通知的前提下以任何理由终止雇佣关系;(iv) 不从员工的工资中扣除或向员工收取任何类型的招聘费;(v) 不进行欺诈性或误导性的招聘;(vi) 在雇佣关系结束时,为从境外招募的员工报销返程费用;(vii) 以员工能够理解的语言起草员工雇佣条款和条件。





















EKSP-2285,版本7.12021年6月8日柯达健康,安全和环境(HSE)产品,零件和包装规格目录1.0 目的 (2)2.0 范围 (2)3.0 供应商责任 (2)4.0 定义 (4)5.0 电气和电子设备(EEE)要求 (6)6.0 物品要求 (10)7.0 化学品要求 (12)8.0 包装要求 (15)9.0 附录 (19)附录A –电气和电子设备:受限材料 (19)附录B -物品:受限材料 (20)附录C -化学品:受限材料 (21)附录D –包装:限制材料 (22)附录E –扩展的化学物质清单,其化学文摘社(CAS)编号 (23)附录F –关键组件的安全可追溯性要求 (36)附录G –包装参考 (37)附录H –包装中重金属的测试和取样说明 (38)附录I –修订历史 (38)1.目的伊士曼柯达公司(柯达)期望柯达提供的产品在制造,分销和销售期间均符合所有适用的法律要求。






健康,安全和环境(HSE)供应商绩效标准中提供了有关柯达对供应商期望的其他指南,该指南可在以下网站找到:/go/hsesupplier2.范围EKSP-2285 适用于提供给柯达的所有产品以及制造这些产品所使用的材料,与生产地点无关。


EKSP-2285 为以下类型产品规定了HSE要求:•电气电子设备产品•物品•化工产品•包装3.供应商责任3.1.制造要求:3.1.1制造/出口许可:供应商必须从监管机构和其他政府组织获得并保持任何必要的批准和授权,才能在其制造国/从其制造国/地区进行出口。

MKS Instruments 供应商手册说明书

MKS Instruments 供应商手册说明书

MKS V&A 供應商手冊1.介紹1.1.文件用途及適用範圍:MKS 致力於與 (i) 有能力為 MKS 持續提供有競爭力的材料和服務,以及 (ii) 不斷提高其表現的供應商建立長期合作關係。


本文件的目的是提供 MKS 開展業務的概述,並指明我們對未來供應商的期望。


本文件適用於與 MKS 有業務往來關係,且為其提供產品或影響產品品質的服務的任何供應商。

這包括但不限於提供產品和/或服務的 OEM 經銷商和代理商。

本手冊如有任何例外,將全權由 MKS 酌情決定。

此類例外必須獲得 MKS 授權代表的書面批准。

「產品」在本文中均指由供應商提供給 MKS 的材料或零件。

1.2.公司簡介MKS Instruments, Inc. 是提供高級製造工藝中測量、控制、供電、監控和分析關鍵參數的儀器儀錶、子系統和工藝控制解決方案的全球供應商,旨在提高客戶的工藝性能和生產效率。




1.3.經營理念和供應商行為準則MKS 與供應商的合作關係遵循合法、高效和公平原則。

供應商需承諾完全遵守這些標準,這是與 MKS 建立互惠互利的業務合作關係的基礎。

供應商必須遵守其業務關係中所有適用的法律要求,包括但不限於與其自身員工、當地環境和 MKS 的相關要求。

供應商必須遵守所有 MKS 採購訂單和/或與 MKS 的協議,並遵循本文所描述業務行為的標準。

供應商應始終確保其遵守政策和程序的規定,包括但不限於 MKS 網站(/suppliers) 上的供應商行為準則。

Eaton 认证供应商程序 1.0说明书

Eaton 认证供应商程序 1.0说明书

Quality Control Procedures QCP 5.5 Page 1 of 5 Date of Issue Revisions1-18-93 | - L 12/02/13Prepared By |Approved“signature on file” D. Neville | “signature on file” G. LallathinCERTIFIED SUPPLIER PROGRAM1.0PURPOSETo establish quality requirements for the selection, implementation and maintenance of the Certified Supplier Program.2.0SCOPEThis procedure applies to suppliers that have been selected to participate in the Certified Supplier Program that will become a joint effort between Eaton and selected suppliers. This program will enable Eaton to stock received material without additional evaluation of product.3.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSQCP 5.7 Vendor Survey and Audit ProcedureQCP 5.8 Quality Requirements for the Suppliers BaseSOP 52-10-011.1-00-001 Supplier Request for Material Review Board ActionARG-3322 Supplier Corrective Action RequestARG 909 Certified Supplier MaterialARG 994-275S Stock LabelFC 9333 DSQR Documentation Review4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Certified Supplier - A supplier whose proven history of meeting Eaton FMC, Euclid quality requirements has enabled them to be authorized to self-release material and/or services to the purchaser.4.2 Certified Supplier Board - A board consisting of representatives from Eaton’s Quality Assurance and Purchasing to review and recommend potential candidates for the Certified Supplier Program.4.3 D.S.Q.R - Designated Supplier Quality Representative is a supplier representative that has beenempowered/authorized to self-release material and/or services to the purchaser. The self-release is validated on the shipped products being processed and controlled within the supplier's quality system as required by Eaton’s quality control procedure QCP System Corrective Action Request - A request for corrective action as a result of a major failure in the suppliers quality system which results in the inability to satisfactorily meet the Eaton quality requirements for self release of materials and or services.5.0 SELECTION5.1 The Certified Supplier Board will consider recommending potential candidates for the program; howevernot prior to a minimum of one year of deliveries.5.2 Consideration for acceptance in this program will be based upon, recognition for superior performance inthe following categories:▪Product Quality/DPPM (To be determined based on part complexity)▪Delivery▪Responsiveness to Eaton’s needs (response to corrective action requests, etc.)▪Support structure (quality, design, service, engineering, etc.)▪Commitment to continuous improvement.5.3 Selected suppliers must realize that it will be the supplier’s responsibility to implement a managementapproach that will result in continuous quality, productivity and cost improvements.5.4 Benefits of being a Certified Supplier are:▪Improved product quality and productivity▪Reduction of costs▪Reduction of inventory▪Shorten lead-time/elimination of shipping delays▪Promotes teamwork and pride in workmanship6.0 PROCEDURE6.1 Suppliers are selected per section 5.0 and are invited to participate in the program by the CertifiedSupplier Board.6.2 Upon acceptance of the invitation to participate in the program, the selected suppliers will appoint aDSQR candidate and alternate(s).Note: DSQR alternates shall actively participate in this program with involvement when issues are found on any of Eaton product or certification.6.2.1 The supplier shall submit a résumé for each DSQR candidate to the Eaton Certified Supplier programadministrator. The résumé should represent of the person’s experience and qualifications for theposition. It is subject to Eaton review and approval.6.3 The following are responsibilities of the DSQR:▪Serve as Eaton Quality point of contact for quality related issues.▪Assure castings meet the general casting requirements (machining suppliers).▪Assure material meets Eaton requirements (product acceptance).▪Serve as a focal point for implementation of continuous improvement process.▪Perform documentation review, verify certifications, process, inspection and test data is complete and correct.•Complete DSQR Documentation Review (form FC 9333).- When the suppliers’ own check sheet covers all items on form FC 9333, this may be utilized instead.▪Verify all listed discrepancies to be the same as reported on MRBA form (Requirements per SOP 52-10-011.1-00-001).▪Perform or witness First Article Inspection (FAI). Maintain FAI records and data (Machined components only).•Document nonconformances identified and corrective actions implemented while performing DSQR responsibilities.•Answer Corrective Action Requests (CAR's) when required.•Implement and verify corrective actions.•Conduct or assist product audits with or without Eaton assistance.•Apply DSQR stamp to all verified supporting documentation.The following applies to non-consignment inventory only:▪Complete and apply stock (ARG 995-275S) and Certified Supplier Material(ARG-909) Labels to containers.•Attach certification package envelopes to containers.6.4 The DSQR candidates will be trained at Eaton or the Suppliers own facility. The candidates will begiven a Designated Supplier Quality Handbook to be used as a training and reference guide. The training agenda will include the following:▪Review of Eaton’s specifications, procedures and documentation requirements.▪Review of Eaton’s test material requirements▪Shipping preparation (Stock and Certified Supplier Material labels)6.4.1 The candidates will be evaluated by examination to verify their familiarization with Eaton procedures andrequirements.7.0 EVALUATION OF SUPPLIERS7.1 Supplier and DSQR evaluation will be performed by Eaton Quality during "trial" source inspection visits.A variety of both "complex" and "simple" parts shall be presented during these visits.7.1.1 Prior to the "trial" source inspection visits the DSQR candidates will perform all applicable DSQRresponsibilities including the following:•Assure product meets Eaton requirements.•Verify all purchase order requirements are completed and correct including certifications, testing, layout, sectioning, etc.▪ Prepare product for shipment.Quality Control Procedures QCP 5.5 Page 4 of 5conformance and address areas which may require more instruction. Three consecutive sourceinspection visits without discrepancies will indicate satisfactory performance by the DSQR candidates.7.1.3 During the "trial" visits, Eaton Quality will review the suppliers procedures and work instructions toassure Eaton’s "quality concerns" are addressed.7.1.4 Upon successful completion of the Eaton Training evaluation the candidate supplier and DSQR will havethe following performed:7.1.5 The DSQR and alternate will be awarded a certification indicating they have met the requirementsestablished by Eaton for becoming a DSQR.7.1.6 The DSQR will be assigned acceptance stamps which will indicate they have verified compliance to allEaton requirements. The application of this stamp is to be on the following supporting documentation;(certificate of conformance, MRBA’s, and stock labels.)7.2 Certification Award7.2.1 After successful completion of the training and evaluation, Eaton Quality will notify the CertifiedSupplier Board, that the supplier has met the requirements for becoming an Eaton Certified Supplier.7.2.2 The Quality Department will update the "AVL" Approved Vendor List, indicating the supplier’s status asa Certified Supplier.7.2.3 The Purchasing Department will change the supplier’s status on future and amended current purchaseorders, thereby allowing dock to stock of the applicable product.7.2.4 The supplier will formally be awarded a plaque signifying their participation in this program.8.0MAINTENANCE OF SUPPLIER CERTIFICATION8.1 The Corrective Action Board CAB) will monitor the supplier’s performance to assure it is satisfactory.8.2Product Conformance AuditsA Product Conformance Audit may be conducted when indications warrant that they are needed. Suchindications may include:•Increased Corrective Action and / or MRBA Activity•Change in DSQR personnel•Increase in new program activity8.3 Major Escapes8.3.1 The Corrective Action Board (CAB) will issue corrective actions when escapes are identified. Majorescapes will necessitate a minimum of two source inspections at the supplier or two Certified SupplierEscape Audits at receiving inspection on the next two receivals.8.3.2 Escape audits will be performed at Eaton Corporation and will consist of a certification review,dimensional and visual inspection. The results will be recorded on the audit form. Escape audit findingswill be addressed by requesting corrective action with CAR Form ARG 3322.8.3.3 Additional Escape Audits or Source Inspection may be performed depending on Escape Auditor orQuality Control Procedures QCP 5.5 Page 5 of 58.3.4 Certified Supplier Status will be updated as required.8.4 Supplier DSQR Training Program Requirements8.4.1 The following requirements apply when a supplier requests certification of a new DSQR. The supplier shall select a DSQR designee and submit a detailed résumé to Eaton for review andapproval. The supplier shall submit a training plan to the administrator for the DSQR designee. The training is toinclude over inspection of at least three consecutive lots. This training plan is subject to Eaton reviewand approval. After approval of the designee and training plan, the supplier must perform the training then notify Eatonwhen the training has been completed. The administrator will interview the candidate and, when the administrator is satisfied that the traineehas been adequately prepared for his responsibilities administer an examination. The candidate mustreceive a passing grade on the examination. A grade will be considered “passing” only if the candidateanswers at least 80% of the questions correctly.9.0 TERMINATION9.1 Termination of a specific DSQRs' status can be subject to one or more of the following.▪Repeated failure to comply with Certified Supplier Program.▪Intentional or repeated unauthorized release of material.▪Failure to maintain DSQR duties and responsibilities as required by the purchaser.▪Transfer to job responsibilities outside of Quality Control.▪Termination of employment with the supplier.▪Termination of the Certified Supplier Program at Supplier.9.2Termination of the certified supplier status (De-Certification) will be based on the following:▪Repeated failure to comply with Certified Supplier Program▪Intentional or repeated unauthorized release of material.9.2.1 The supplier will be notified of the cause for de-certification, and will be instructed to return stamps.Supplier to be instructed to suspend use of certified supplier and stock labels. Subsequent shipments willbe subjected to source inspection or Eaton receiving inspection.9.2.3 After a supplier is de-certified, the decision to recertify that supplier will be made by the CertifiedSupplier Board. If the decision is made to pursue recertification, the supplier must summit a plandetailing remedial steps to be taken by the supplier to warrant recertification. The recertification processshall include on site training of DSQRs at Eaton Corporation.。















XX网供应商入库说明书一、供应商服务项目1.1 合作目的为适应XX网现在业务发展,满足公司全行业需要,诚邀请各类优质资源供应商参与加入,合作共赢。

1.2 合作说明1.2.1 入库方权益:1) 招募包括但不限于:公关活动执行、印刷制作、美陈设计制作、展会/展台设计搭建、视频/动画制作、礼品制作、网红经纪、撰稿采编、公众号运营、互联网软件及产品开发、智能硬软件集成商,以及在公司发展过程中新增各类需要的供应商,进入XX网资源库;2) 在本年度内,XX网负责的相关项目,均在入库资源中寻找对应的供应商提供服务;1.2.2 入库方义务:1) 接受并响应XX网发起的业务需求;2) 积极配合XX网实地走访及应标相关资料信息核查;1.2.3 服务内容:【公关活动类】根据XX网需求,负责公关活动全程策划及执行,包含但不限于主持人、模特提供、设计、全程协调、会议活动执行、氛围营造及搭建,并全程控制确保活动顺利进行。











全球供应商手册更新于2018年8月15日各区域用户还应查阅:“具体区域信息和要求”点击上述章节打开链接。 投产遏制过程 要求所有供应商开发一个内部遏制计划,以确保天纳克工厂接收到100%无瑕疵产品。





供应商必须在PPAP 提交之前在TITAN 指定文件夹C 中提交附带检验标准的遏制计划。


供应商应按照批准的控制计划以I-chart 图格式记录和保存遏制结果。

供应商应根据天纳克要求提供I-chart 图。




遏制期应在SOP 之后至少持续从首次发运后90天,且不少于10批货物(小批量)(天纳克工厂自主决定)。

(投产遏制标识)8-15-18 F如果在供应商定点时没有特别说明,日产能基于每天20小时,每周定义为5天(周一早上到周五晚上),每年基于48周(240天),如果供应商得到天纳克项目采购/产品采购和供应商质量工程师/供应商开发工程师的书面同意,可以使用不同的标准运营模式。






产能验证需要在正常的工作条件下进行:- 报价涉及的操作者数量,按照生产控制计划进行质量控制;- 所有使用的材料和零件应该是PPAP批准的;- 其它的证明过程能力的控制需要离线完成而不影响产能输出。

Avonade 供应商指南说明书

Avonade 供应商指南说明书

The Supplier’s Guide to Invoicing AvanadeDear Supplier,Thank you for providing goods or services to Avanade. This guide contains important information about: ∙Establishing and maintaining your Avanade supplier profile;∙Special instructions for purchase order invoices;∙Preparing invoices for Avanade;∙Submitting invoices to Avanade;Make sure the details we have on file remain current. Please notify Avanade immediately by contacting **************************if there are any changes to the following:▪Mailing address;▪Purchase order receipt email address;▪Contact information;▪Bank information;▪Phone or fax.It is very important when supplying goods or services to Avanade, to do so only upon receipt of an official Purchase Order (PO). At the discretion of Avanade, goods or services received without an official purchase order would risk non-payment, unless an alternative arrangement has already been agreed with our procurement function. You can contact Avanade Procurement at *****************.Avanade’s official Purchase Orders will be sent via email notifications from Avanade’s procurement tool, Ariba Buyer, bearing the sender’s address: ********************************. Please ensure you are able to receive emails from this address accordingly.Other special instructions▪If you are providing goods and services to Avanade under more than one Purchase Order, you must invoice for each separately. Only one Purchase Order can be referenced per invoice.▪The format of the invoice must match the format of the Purchase Order. The following guidelines should be observed:o Reference the appropriate purchase order line item number for each line item on the invoice;o For goods, the total for each line must represent the extended amount for that good;o Charge for services and expenses must be itemized on separate lines;o Always review the ‘comments’section on the Purchase Order for additional processing instructions;o Always quote the Purchase Order number (which starts with 45XXXXXXXX).Please do not:o Mark the purchase order number with a highlighter as this affects the quality of our invoice scanning;o Handwrite the Purchase Order numbers on the invoice (where possible);o Quote the Purchase Requisition number (which starts with PRXXXXXX).When preparing invoices, please ensure you include the following information:▪Title ‘Tax Invoice’ prominently displayed;▪Company’s full legal name and address;▪Correct Avanade Billing Entity Name;▪Correct Avanade address;▪Name of the Avanade contact who requested the goods or services (in email format preferably). The contact name needs to be mentioned above the Avanade Address (Note: this employee will be asked to confirm receipt of goods or services and verify the accuracy of the invoice);▪Contact details (i.e. email and phone) and name of your accounts receivable representative;▪Supplier tax invoice number or applicable reference number;▪Invoice date;▪Avanade Purchase Order number beginning with 45XXXXXXXX where the goods or services are provided against a purchase order;▪Itemized description and quantity of the goods or extent of services that were supplied or rendered;▪GST number if your entity is a registered company for GST▪Total amount due along with GST, where applicable▪Avanade’s standard payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice. Please ensure that thesepayment terms are stated on the invoice unless alternative payment terms have been agreed in writing with Avanade Procurement▪Complete banking details for Avanade to pay the invoice:o BSBo account numbero account nameo sort codeo swift codeo or other preferred payment method (e.g. cheque).Any incomplete information may result in delay in payment from Avanade.If you are issuing a credit note against a cancelled invoice, quote the corresponding invoice reference against which the credit note is being issued.Kindly submit your invoices within five business days from the invoice date. All invoices should be sent as a soft copy (in a non-manipulative format, e.g. PDF, TIF, JPEG) directly to **********************************.Soft copies will assist in reducing delays in processing and payment, therefore it is highly recommended you send soft copies of invoices to the above email address rather than hard copies.Alternatively you can post hard copy invoices to the following mailing address:Avanade Asia Pte Ltd250 North Bridge Road#33-00 Raffles City TowerSingapore 179101For more information and assistance regarding your Avanade Supplier Profile, invoice or payment processing or purchase orders, please contact **************************.Alternatively, our customer service representatives are available Monday-Friday from 8:30am –5:30pm to provide you with assistance on +65 6410 7743 (option 4, option 5).Kind regardsAvanade ProcurementAvanade is committed to conducting its business free from unlawful, unethical or fraudulent activity. Suppliers are expected to act in a manner consistent with the ethical and professional standards of Avanade set forth in the Avanade Code of Business Ethics, including reporting promptly unlawful, fraudulent or unethical conduct. Avanade has established reporting mechanisms and prohibits retaliation or other adverse action for reporting such conduct.。



MKS V&A 供应商手册1.简介1.1.文档目的和范围MKS 致力于追求与(1)可以提供给 MKS 可靠且有竞争力的原材料和服务,以及(2)不断提高其表现的供应商建立长期合作关系。


这文件的目的是提供 MKS 的运作概述,并清楚表达我们对供应商的期望。


本文档适用于与 MKS 有业务往来关系,且为其提供产品或影响产品品质的服务的任何供应商。


本手册如有任何特殊例外,将全权由 MKS 酌情决定。

这样的例外情况必须有 MKS 授权代表的书面批准。

“产品”在本文中均指由供应商提供给 MKS 的材料或配件。

1.2.公司简介万机仪器公司(下称 MKS)是提供高级制造工艺中测量、控制、供电、监控和分析关键参数的仪器仪表、子系统和工艺控制解决方案的全球供货商,旨在提高客户的工艺性能和生产效率。




1.3.经营理念和供应商行为准则MKS 与供应商的关系建立于合法、高效和公平的基础之上。

供应商需承诺完全遵守这些标准,这是与 MKS 建立互惠互利的业务关系基础。

供应商必须遵守其业务关系中所有适用的法律要求,包括但不限于与其员工、当地环境和 MKS 的关系。

供应商必须遵守所有 MKS 的采购订单和/或与MKS的协议,并遵循本文所描述业务行为的标准。

在任何时候,供应商必须始终确保其遵守政策和程序的规定,包括但不限于 MKS 网站(/suppliers) 上的供应商行为准则。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。




1 售后服务内容

2 售后服务方式和承诺

3 培训计划

4 交货、部署、安装调试

5 检查、集成、测试等必须的协助


1 人员

2 财务

3 质量进度

4 售后服务


1 项目分析
1.5 系统基本配置
1.6 接口与数据规范
2 配置和技术分析

1 概况

2 资质证书

3 业绩

4 供应商希望介绍的其他内容。
