液力变矩器是一种机械传动装置,主要用于汽车、船舶和工程机械等领域。 它能使发动机的转速稳定在一个合适的范围内,具有防止过载、减少磨损和 提高起步加速度等作用。
液力变矩器是一个重要的启 动装置。通过变换扭矩比, 它可以在驱动轮与负载之间 提供平滑的动力传递。
2 建筑机械
3 农业机械
液力变矩器在建筑机械中 也非常常见。例如,装载 机、挖掘机等设备,使用 液力变矩器可以有效地提 高操作效率和工作稳定性。
农业机械中,液力变矩器 主要用于拖拉机和收割机 等设备中。容易掌握和使 用,而且使用寿命较长。
常见故障包括液压系统漏油、齿轮和轴承损坏、控制阀故障等。这些故障要及时维修,否则 会影响装置的性能。
维修液力变矩器需要注意细节,例如:更换密封件、修复齿轮或轴承等。维修过程必须按照 液力变矩器的设计图纸和维护手册来进行,以确保维修质量。
液力变矩器的日常保养方法包括更换液压油、润滑油、清洗液压系统、定期检查设备等。这 些措施可以帮助提高液力变矩器的寿命和性能。
• 起步平稳,减少功率亏损; • 自动变速,适合各种工况; • 液力变矩器寿命比机械变速箱更长。
• 效率较低,消耗油量多; • 液压控制成本高,维护成本较高; • 效果会受外界因素影响。
1 混合动力汽车
混合动力汽车中,液力变 矩器的作用非常突出。它 可以与发动机和电动机配 合,在高效转换和节省能 源方面发挥重要作用。
当发动机启动时,液力泵便开始工作。液压系统从油箱中吸取液体,并将其压送 到液力泵。
液力变矩器(Fluid Coupling)是一种能将输入和输出轴传递到旋转机械的扭 矩传递装置。通过利用液体的流体动力转换能力,实现了转矩的自动变功, 保护了机械的传动系统。
1 定义
液力变矩器的外壳,内部容纳几乎全部的组 件。
均压器位于油量调节阀和输油腔之间,用于 平衡液力传递的压力。
连接变矩器和发动机的一根轴,通过其中的 凸轮套与转子相连接。
传动轴想要转动液力变矩器, 需要驱动内部液体旋转,形成 池流。
涡流是液体在旋转容器中形成 的一个环流,是液压变矩器传 递功率的关键。
液力变矩器减少了传动系统中的冲击和振动,保护了机械设备的运行。它 的高效和广泛应用成为了动力传输领域的重要组成部分,也对未来机械制 造产业发展提供了重要的启示。
液力变矩器将发动机的扭矩放大,提供更大的 动力输出。
液力变矩器内部的液体循环可以进行自冷却, 延长使用寿命。
1 汽车
2 工程机械
3 船舶
动力轮和涡轮转动,但液流的转动受到 定子的限制,实现低速启动。
当车辆达到一定速度时,液力变矩器 (通过锁止装置)锁定液流,实现直接 机械传动。
液力变矩器的传动过程平滑,无级变速过程流 畅。
液力变矩器通过启动辅助功能,降低了发动机 起动时的负载和冲击。
液力变矩器是一种重要的传动装置,通过液体传递动力,用于汽车、工程机 械和船舶等领域。它的结构和工作原理决定了其在动力传递中的重要作用。
1 扭矩放大器
2 无级变速
3 启动辅助
确保液力变矩器内的液体处于适当的液 位,保证正常运行。
保持液力变矩器的运行温度在适宜范围 内,避免过热和过冷。
导轮的作用:改变涡轮的 输出力矩。
涡流: 从泵轮→涡轮→导轮→泵轮的液体流动 环流: 液体绕轴线旋转的流动
液力变矩器不仅能传递转矩,而且能在泵轮转矩不变的情 况下,随着涡轮的转速(反映着汽车行驶速度)不同而改变涡轮 输出的转矩数值。
导环 涡轮毂 叶片
发动机机械能 液体能量
2.2 涡轮
变矩器的动力输出元件,涡轮上也装有与泵轮结构一样的许 多叶片及导环。涡轮与泵轮的叶片相对安置,中间有3~ 4mm的间隙。但涡轮叶片的扭曲方向与泵轮叶片的扭曲的 方向相反。涡轮中心有花键孔与变速器输入轴花键配合。
➢汽车高速运行 :
涡轮转速nw继续增大,液流冲击导轮的背面,导轮转矩方 向与泵轮转矩方向相反,即变矩器输出转矩反而比输入转矩 小。 Mw=Mb-Md
当发动机低速运转时,泵轮和 涡轮的转速差较大时:液流打 到导轮叶片的正面,促使导轮 反方向转动,由于单向离合器 作用,导轮被锁止,液流便按 导轮叶片的方向而改变自己的 运动方向,反射的液流,冲击 到泵轮的背面。其冲击方向与 旋转方向相同,此时从导轮反射 的扭矩与发动机输入的扭矩共 同驱动泵轮、对泵轮起到增扭 作用。呈现变矩特性。
变矩器锁止离合器的主要功能是: ➢ 在汽车低速时,利用变矩器低速扭矩增大的特性,提
高汽车起步和坏路的通过性; ➢ 在高速时,变矩器锁止离合器作用,使其处于直接的
转速差 液力损失
传动效 率低
变矩器工作时,发动机带动泵轮转动,叶轮带动液流冲向涡轮,从而驱动涡轮转动,刚起动时扭矩最大,此时冲击力为F1,冲到涡轮的液流驱动涡轮后,由于叶片形状,冲向导轮,而导轮不动,冲击导轮的液流受到妨碍,可使涡轮受到反作用力F2,由于F1、F2 都作用于涡轮,所以使涡轮所受扭矩得到增大。
锁止离合器的主动盘即为变矩器壳体,从动盘是一个可作轴向挪移的压盘,它通过花键套与涡轮连接(如图 2.3) .压盘背面(如图 2.3 右侧)的液压油与变矩器泵轮、涡轮中的液压油相通,保持一定的油压(该压力称为变矩器压力) ;压盘左侧(压盘与变矩器壳体之间) 的液压油通过变矩器输出轴中间的控制油道与阀板总成上的锁止控制阀相通。
液力变矩器结构与原理液力变矩器(Torque Converter)是一种被广泛应用于汽车、船舶等动力传动系统中的液力传动装置。
1. 泵轮(Pump Impeller)泵轮是液力变矩器的输入元件,它由一定数量的楔形叶片组成,其主要作用是将发动机输出的动力转化成液力。
2. 涡轮(Turbine Runner)涡轮是液力变矩器的输出元件,它与泵轮相对应,也由楔形叶片组成。
3. 导叶轮(Stator)导叶轮是液力变矩器的第三个组成部分,它位于泵轮和涡轮之间,主要用于改变流体的流向。
4. 油封(Oil Seal)油封是用于保持液力变矩器内压力稳定的部件,它位于泵轮和涡轮之间,防止液体泄漏。
1. 冲击区当发动机启动并带动泵轮开始旋转时,泵轮产生的涡旋流体流向涡轮,但此时导叶轮的叶片处于开启状态。
简述液力变矩器的组成及工作原理液力变矩器(torque converter)是一种广泛应用于自动变速器中的液压传动装置。
3.输出转矩——随着涡轮转速的变化而变化。 a.涡轮转速低时(nw=0),nB>nw,液体流向导轮正面,涡轮 转矩大于泵轮转矩,MD>0,MW=MB+MD, b.随着涡轮转速的升高(nw>0),接近0.85nB时,涡轮出口 处工作油流向与导轮叶片相切,涡轮转矩等于泵轮转矩, MD=0,Mw=MB(耦合点) c.涡轮转速继续升高,涡轮出口处工作油冲击导轮叶片背面, 此时涡轮转矩小于泵轮输入转矩,MD<0,Mw=MB-MD
d.当涡轮转速与泵轮转速( nB=nw )时,不再传递扭矩, Mw=0
泵轮内的工作油在离心力的作用下,由泵轮叶片外缘冲 向涡轮,并沿涡轮叶片流向导轮,再经导轮叶片流回泵 轮叶片内缘,形成循环的工作油。
从而使涡轮输出力矩不同于泵轮输入力矩,具有“变矩” 功能。
使发动机机械能 液体能量
将液体能量 机械能 涡轮轴上
③导轮 通过改变工作 油的方向而起变 矩作用
液力变矩器—工作原理 ①发动机运转时带动液力变矩器的壳体和泵轮一同旋转,
Torque Converter principles and structure by moment1)The form of torque converter and characteristicsTorque converter fluid as the working medium is a non-rigid torque variable Converter is one type of hydraulic transmission. orque converter has excellent features, automatic adaptive, variable speed, good Good low speed performance and stability, vibration isolation, and no mechanical wear, is the other transmission element Pieces of irreplaceable. After centuries of development, continuous expansion of the application of torque converter Large, from automobiles, engineering machinery to the petroleum, chemical, mining, metallurgy and machinery, and other areas Has been widely used. Torque converter flow field theory, design and manufacturing, real Testing and other research work, in recent years, has also been rapid development.Abroad have Generally the hydraulic transmission for cars, buses, luxury buses, heavy-duty gas Cars, some tractors and construction machinery. The widely used torque converter are the following forms: (1) General Working through three rounds of closed type hydraulic torque converter. Simple structure, starting and low speed vehicles Exercise, the main advantage of the increased torque performance torque converter, shift when the use of torque converter Buffer capacity, high-speed torque converter lock will make full use of efficient mechanical transmission Performance; (2) Multi-wheel torque converter work. Mainly for applications that require high starting torque Construction machinery and vehicles, and the need for more torque converter on the mechanical conditions of work; (3) guide vane torque converter. When the load required for two-way movement, on the dynamic performance With a constant speed or constant force requirements and other special traction characteristics, with a torque converter must be Has an adjustable feedback control functions, and dynamic indicators meet certain Requirements. Main application areas, with special traction requirements of the various military and civil machinery, Such as air refueling hose reel drag around machinery, active and passive two-way movement Constant load test Inspection machinery, large fixed elevator machinery, land or ship based around the mechanical drag of underwater objects Etc.; (4) a brake hydraulic torque converter traction. Towing capacity, while ensuring, Full use of the deceleration torque converter performance. Russia developed a slight Cited a brake hydraulic torque converter.2)The construction of hydraulic torque converterTorque converter to the liquid as the medium, increased from the engine transmission and Torque. By the rotating torque converter pump and turbine wheel, and stationary Three components, the guide wheel. The pieces of aluminum alloy casting, or stamping and welding steel plate Made. Pump wheel and the torque converter shell into one. Bolted to the flywheel, turbo Through the driven shaft and the transmission system connected to the piece. After all the work round the assembly, the formation of Circular ring of circular cross section body. It has a closed working chamber, the liquid in the cavity Circulation, in which the pump wheel, turbine and guide rollers, and the input shaft, output shaft and shell Associated bodies. Power grasp internal combustion engine, electric motor, etc.) drive the input shaft rotates, the liquid Body turns out from the centrifugal pump, in turn through the turbine, and then return pump idler pulley wheel, Week Re beginning to circulate. Axis of impeller mechanical energy input passed to the liquid. High-speed Liquid drive a turbinerotation, the energy to the output shaft. By the torque converter fluid Interaction of angular momentum and leaves the change of torque transmission.Torque converter Different from the coupling of the main features is that it has a fixed guide wheel.Guide wheel Diversion effect of the liquid so that the torque converter output torque can be higher or lower than the input Torque, which is called torque converter. And moment coefficients with the output speed rises. Torque converter input shaft and output shaft by the fluid between the contact among the components do not work A rigid connection. Torque converter is characterized by: to eliminate shock and vibration, overload Protection performance and good starting performance; the output shaft speed can be greater than or less than the input shaft Speed, the speed difference between the two axes with the size of the different transfer torque; have a good self- Dynamic speed performance, load increases output speed automatic decline, and vice versa automatically increased; Power machine to ensure a stable work area, the basic load transients will not be reflected To the power machine on. Torque converter efficiency in the vicinity of the higher rated operating conditions. Impeller is Torque converter core. The type and arrangement of its location and shape of leaves, Decision on the role of the performance of torque converter. Some have two or more hydraulic torque converter Turbo, idler pulley or pump wheel, so as to get different performance. The most common is being transferred, Single-stage (only one turbine) torque converter. Performance of both converter and coupler Characteristics of integrated-type torque converter as, for example, can be fixed guide wheel can also be with With the rotating impeller torque converter. To torque converter to work properly, to avoid The avoidance of cavitation and ensure heat dissipation, need some auxiliary fuel system supply pressure System and cooling system.3)The torque converter worksTorque converter equipment currently used widely used by the pump wheel, turbine and guide Round consisting of three components of a single-stage two-phase integrated torque converter Lockup. Pump wheel and the vortex Are basin-shaped wheel. Even with the torque converter impeller housing as one of the active device; vortex Wheels suspended in the torque converter, through the splined output shaft connected to a slave device; guide Suspended in the pump wheel and turbine wheel between the axle through one-way clutch and the guide sleeve fixed In the transmission housing. After starting the engine, crankshaft driven pump wheel rotation, the centrifugal force generated by rotation The pump wheel blades along the blade between the working fluid from the inner to the outer edge thrown; this division As a liquid pump with both wheels turn together with the park's sub-circumferential speed, but also toward the vortex Wheel speed of the axial points. The impact of the working fluid turbine blade, turbine and pump drive the direction of wheel rotation Division. Working fluid flow from the turbine speed can be seen as the working liquid for the turbine Sub-surface flow speed of the turbine turn together with the sub-speed synthesis.When the vortex Comparison of hours of wheel speed, the working fluid flowing from the turbine is backward, the impact of the working fluid Front guide wheel blades. Because the guide wheel is limited to one-way clutch can not turn back, So guide wheel blades will guide the working fluid flows back to move forward pump blades, For the pump wheel rotation, so that the torque acting on the turbine increases. As the turbine speed increases, sub speed bigger, when the turbine blade surface flow Points out with the turbine speed and the speed with the velocity of rotation starting points that guide wheel The back of the blade, the torque converter to reach the critical point. When the turbine speed to furtherincrease The working solution will impact the back of guide wheel blades. Because one way clutch allows guide Forward together with the pump wheel wheel rotation, so the working fluid, driven along the guide pulley wheel pump Free rotation direction of rotation, the working fluid back to the pump wheel smoothly.When the flow from the turbine Just out of the working fluid exit to roller blade in the same direction, the torque converter does not produce By torsion (where the torque converter fluid coupling condition is called condition) o One-way clutches are commonly used one-way roller clutch and wedge two. When the one-way clutch outer seat within the seat relative to the direction of rotation to an outer Seat and was stuck between the seat refuses to move; when the outside relative to the seat to another seat within A direction of rotation, the outer seat ring can rotate relative to the seat. Passed by the working fluid torque converter torque transmission efficiency than mechanical transmission Rate is low. Set in the torque converter clutch lock, you can high-speed conditions Lock the pump wheel and turbine together to achieve a direct transfer power to enhance the transmission torque converter Dynamic efficiency. Lock the torque converter clutch in front of the turbine, by locking the piston, reducing Vibrating plate and the turbine drive board composition. Automatic locking clutch in the hydraulic control system Under the control of energy at the right time to lock switch.4)Increasing of the torque converter principle momentsGeneral, thevehicle at low speeds, the need to increase the torque, the pump wheel pass Red wizard flow turbine wheel, idler pulley and driven toward the turbine flow again, so V ortex Wheel torque has been increased. As the speed increases, the guide pulley driven flow again The impact of changes in the angle of the turbine, the turbine torque are smaller increase. Finally, the impact of The flow guide wheel guide wheel of the negative impact, one-way rotating guide wheel, no longer played by Add the function of torque. Specifically, before the car started, the turbine speed is 0, the engine through the Torque converter pump housing driven wheel rotation, and the hydraulic oil with a size of Mp of torque, the torque is the torque converter input torque. Hydraulic oil pump Wheel blades, driven to a certain speed toward the edge of the blade on the turbine, on the vortex Round of an impact torque, the torque is the torque converter output torque. This time Turbine stationary andinto the turbine of the hydraulic oil flow along the turbine blade under the edge of the vortex Round the lower edge of a certain speed, along with the exit of the turbine blade under the edge of the same side Guide to the red wheel, also produced a guide wheel on the impact of torque, and along the stationary guide Back into the impeller wheel blades. When the hydraulic oil on the turbine and the guide wheel torque an impact, Turbine and the guide wheel hydraulic oil also produces a torque of equal size and shock direction Mt and opposite reaction torque Ms, where M t the direction of the direction and phase Mp Instead, the direction of Ms and M p the same direction. According to the force balance of the original hydraulic oil Management, available: Mt = Mp + Ms. Since the reaction turbine of the hydraulic oil, torque Mt And the impact of hydraulic oil on the turbine torque, equal and opposite. So we know that Torque converter output torque is numerically equal to the input torque and the guide wheel of the hydraulic And the reaction torque of the oil. Obviously the torque is greater than the input torque, the solution Power converter with increased torque effect. Increasing torque converter output torque Is the stationary part of the guide wheel hydraulic oil circulating the role of torque, Its value depends not only on red wizard from the turbine wheel flow rate, also depends on the solution Flow direction and the angle betweenthe guide wheel blades. When the flow rate is constant, leaves and The larger the angle between flow, reaction torque is also greater, increasing torsion torque converter The greater. This is the torque converter by moment theory.5) The development of manufacturing methods of torque converter status.The manufacture of hydraulic torque converter, with the form and structure of the torque converter should be Vary together. The manufacture of the impeller can be divided into two categories: assembly Overall casting style. The former impeller inner, outer and gold leaf were used Stamping or milling from the system, then, by welding, riveting way, the three-part group Complete impeller, the method is low cost, single-piece, precision and flow channel The advantages of high surface roughness, but the tooling costs. Which the impeller inner ring, outer ring Film directly from the die casting into one, typically aluminum castings. According to the formation of flow Core of the system of law is different from the work of the whole round of the casting method is divided into core law and Core method, suitable for a curved surface shape of the leaf thickness and not so Manufacturing. According to different materials to form the mold cavity, the work of the casting wheel Can be divided into sand casting and metal casting. Metal type, gypsum core Casting aluminum impeller torque converter production methods to improve casting Surface roughness to ensure dimensional accuracy, and can cast the blade root of the fillet.Implementation of components (such as hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors) which isthe pressure of the liquid can be converted to mechanical energy to drive the load for a straight line reciprocating movement or rotational movement.Control components (that is, the various hydraulic valves) in the hydraulic system to control and regulate the pressure of liquid, flow rate and direction. According to the different control functions, hydraulic pressure control valve can be divided into valves, flow control valves and directional control valve. Pressure control valves are divided into benefits flow valve (safety valve), pressure relief valve, sequence valve, pressure relays, etc.; flow control valves including throttle, adjusting the valves, flow diversion valve sets, etc.; directional control valve includes a one-way valve , one-way fluid control valve, shuttle valve, valve and so on. Under the control of different ways, can be divided into the hydraulic valve control switch valve, control valve and set the value of the ratio control valve.Auxiliary components, including fuel tanks, oil filters, tubing and pipe joints, seals, pressure gauge, oil level, such as oil dollars.Hydraulic oil in the hydraulic system is the work of the energy transfer medium, there are a variety of mineral oil, emulsion oil hydraulic molding Hop categories.The role of the hydraulic system is to help humanity work. Mainly by the implementation of components to rotate or pressure into a reciprocating motion.Hydraulic system and hydraulic power control signal is composed of two parts, the signal control of some parts of the hydraulic power used to drive the control valve movement.Part of the hydraulic power means that the circuit diagram used to show the different functions of the interrelationship between components. Containing the source of hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor and auxiliary components; hydraulic control part contains a varietyof control valves, used to control the flow of oil, pressure and direction; operative or hydraulic cylinder with hydraulic motors, according to the actual requirements of their choice.In the analysis and design of the actual task, the general block diagram shows the actual operation of equi - pment. Hollow arrow indicates the signal flow, while the solid arrows that energy flow.Basic hydraulic circuit of the action sequence - Control components (two four-way valve) and the spring to reset for the implementation of components (double-acting hydraulic cylinder), as well as the extending and retracting the relief valve opened and closed . For the implementation of components and control components, presentations are based on the corresponding circuit diagram symbols, it also introduced ready made circuit diagram symbols.Working principle of the system, you can turn on all circuits to code. If the first implementation of components numbered 0, the control components associated with the identifier is 1. Out with the implementation of components corresponding to the identifierfor the even components, then retracting and implementation of components correspondingto the identifier for the odd components. Hydraulic circuit carried out not only to deal with numbers, but also to deal with the actual device ID, in order to detect system failures.DIN ISO1219-2 standard definition of the number of component composition, which includes the following four parts: device ID, circuit ID, component ID and component ID. The entire system if only one device, device number may be omitted.Practice, another way is to code all of the hydraulic system components for numbers at this time, components and component code should be consistent with the list of numbers. This method is particularly applicable to complex hydraulic control system, each control loop are the corresponding number with the systemWith mechanical transmission, electrical transmission compared to the hydraulic drive has the following advantages:1, a variety of hydraulic components, can easily and flexibly to layout.2, light weight, small size, small inertia, fast response.3, to facilitate manipulation of control, enabling a wide range of stepless speed regulation (speed range of 2000:1).4, to achieve overload protection automatically.5, the general use of mineral oil as a working medium, the relative motion can beself-lubricating surface, long service life;6, it is easy to achieve linear motion /7, it is easy to achieve the automation of machines, when the joint control of the use of electro-hydraulic, not only can achieve a higher degree of process automation, and remote control can be achieved.The shortcomings of the hydraulic system:1, as a result of the resistance to fluid flow and leakage of the larger, so less efficient. If not handled properly, leakage is not only contaminated sites, but also may cause fire and explosion.2, vulnerable performance as a result of the impact of temperature change, it would be inappropriate in the high or low temperature conditions.3, the manufacture of precision hydraulic components require a higher, more expensive and hence the price.4, due to the leakage of liquid medium and the compressibility and can not be strictly the transmission ratio.5, hydraulic transmission is not easy to find out the reasons for failure; the use and maintenance requirements for a higher level of technology.In the hydraulic system and its system, the sealing device to prevent leakage of the work of media within and outside the dust and the intrusion of foreign bodies. Seals played the role of components, namely seals. Medium will result in leakage of waste, pollution and environmental machinery and even give rise to malfunctioning machinery and equipment for personal accident. Leakage within the hydraulic system will cause a sharp drop in volumetric efficiency, amounting to less than the required pressure, can not even work. Micro-invasive system of dust particles, can cause or exacerbate friction hydraulic component wear, and further lead to leakage.Therefore, seals and sealing device is an important hydraulic equipment components. The reliability of its work and life, is a measure of the hydraulic system an important indicator of good or bad. In addition to the closed space, are the use of seals, so that two adjacent coupling surface of the gap between the need to control the liquid can be sealed following the smallest gap. In the contact seal, pressed into self-seal-style and self-styled self-tight seal (ie, sealed lips) two.From:Nonlinear Dyn (2007)液力变矩器增矩原理与构造一、液力变矩器的特性及形式液力变矩器是以液体为工作介质的一种非刚性扭矩变换器,是液力传动的型式之一。
3 定期检查油封
及时更换磨损的油封, 防止液体泄漏。
1 高效能
2 轻量化
3 电力化
3 传达动力
由叶片和驱动轴组成,将动力 从发动机传递给液体。
由叶片和驱动轴组成,接收液 体动力并将其传递给传动系统。
用于调整液体的流动方向,增 加能量转换效率。
3 发电设备
1 定期更换液体
保持液力传动系统的正 常运行,延长液力变矩 器的使用寿命。
2 注意冷却系统
保持冷却系统的良好状 态,避免液力变矩器过 热。
液力变矩器是一种智能变速装置,由泵轮、涡轮和导向叶片组成。它通过液 体的流动将动力传递给驱动轴,实现起动、换挡和减速。液力变矩器在汽车 和工程机械中广泛应用。
1 平滑启动
2 变速传输
液力变矩器能够自动调整齿轮比例,提供高扭矩和低速度的启动,同时保证高速行驶时 的经济性。
液力变矩器(Hydraulic Torque Converter)是一种运用液体介质传递扭矩和变 速的机械变速装置。
2 热平衡检查
3 空载试运
当前,我国正在积极开发适用于节能环保的新型液力变矩器技术。近期研发的静压流变机理的液力变矩器已经 实现了轻量化和降噪两大突破,未来在空间自适应、跨终端多模引领下将实现更高效率、更安全可靠的液力变 矩器应用。
逆向工作流体流出,通过反作用力制动液力涡轮,使其受到更大的阻力,实现制 动效果,将功率转移到固定轮上,从而将动力输出。
• 优点:传递平稳无级变速,能够适应多种工况;比机械变速器结构简 单、体积小、质量轻;无摩擦零件,摩擦损失小,效率较高。
• 缺点:变效率随输入转速和负载的不同而变化,部分载荷下效率较低; 其建造和维护成本高。
液 力变 矩器 的特 性及 形式
体 相联 。动力 抓 内燃 机 、 电动 机等 ) 动输 入 轴旋转 时 , 带 液 体从 离心 式泵轮 流 出 , 次经过 涡轮 、 顺 导轮再 返 回泵 轮 , 而 周 复始地循 环流动 。泵轮将输入轴 的机械能传递 给液体 。高速 液体 推动 涡轮旋 转 , 将能量 传给输 出轴 。液力变 矩器靠液 体
保护 性能 和起 动性 能 好 ; 出轴 的转速可 大于或 小于输入 轴 输 车、 某些牵 引车及工程机 械等 。 的转速 , 两轴 的转速差 随传递 扭矩 的大小 而不 同; 良好的 自 有 目前广泛使用 的液力变 矩器主要有 下列几种形式 :1 普 () 动变 速性能 , 荷增 大时输 出转 速 自动下 降 , 载 反之 自动上升 ; 通三工作 轮 闭锁式 液力 变矩器 。结 构简单 , 车辆起 动和低 速 保证 动力机 有稳定 的工作 区, 载荷 的瞬态 变化基 本不会反 映 行使时, 主要 利用 变 矩 器 的增矩 性 能 , 档 时利 用变 矩器 的 换 到动力机 上。液力 变矩器在额定工 况附近效率较 高。叶轮是 缓 冲性 能 , 速 时将 变矩 器 闭锁 , 分利 用机 械 传动 的高 效 高 充 液力 变矩器 的核 心。 它的型式 和布置 位置 以及 叶片的形状 , 性 能 ;2) ( 多工 作 轮液 力 变矩 器 。主要 用 于需要 起动 转矩 大 对变矩器 的性能有决 定作用 。有 的液力变矩器有 两个 以上的 的工程机械和 车辆 , 和需要液 力变矩 器多工况 工作 的机械上 ; 涡轮 、 轮或泵 轮 , 以获得 不 同的性 能 。最常见 的是正转 、 导 借 ( ) 叶式 液 力变 矩器 。 当负 载需 作双 向运 动 , 3导 对动 力性 能 单级( 只有一个 涡轮 ) 液力 变矩 器。兼有变矩 器和耦 合器性能 具 有恒速 或恒 力等 特殊牵 引特 性要 求 时 , 液力变矩 器必 须具
液力变矩器中的叶片通过改变液 体的流动状态,来控制扭矩输出 的大小和稳定性。
刹车片式液力变矩器中的刹车片 通过摩擦来控制液体的流动,从 而实现扭矩的变换。
花键连接使刹车片与转动部件直 接连接,以实现液体的流动控制 和扭矩传递。
卡盘离合器是刹车片式液力变矩 器的核心部件,通过控制刹车片 与转动部件的接触或分离,来实 现扭矩的传递。
随着技术的不断进步,液力变矩器将继续优化,在环保、高效、智能化等方 面取得更大的突破与发展。
通过调节液体的流量和阻力,液力变矩器可以实现可变的扭Leabharlann 输出。液力变矩器的结构原理
液力变矩器是一种用于传递动力的设备,通过液体的介质来实现扭矩的变换 和传递。
液力变矩器是一种常用于自动变速器中的装置,用于平滑地传递动力,降低 驱动系统的震动和噪音。
通过改变废气流动的方向,控制涡轮上液体的 流量。
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随着电动汽车的普及,液力变矩器也面临着电动化与智能 化的挑战。需要与电动汽车的动力系统相匹配,同时也需 要融入智能化的控制策略。
通过调节液力变矩器内部 的液体流量和叶片角度, 可以实现扭矩的调节。
效率定义 效率影响因素
特性曲线 高效区域
液力变矩器的效率是指输出功率与输入功率之比,反映了液力 变矩器的能量转换效率。
液力变矩器的效率受多种因素影响,包括液体黏性、叶片角度 、转速比等。
液力变矩器的特性曲线描述了其输入输出扭矩、转速比和效率 之间的关系,为液力变矩器的选型和匹配提供依据。
在特性曲线上存在高效区域,液力变矩器在该区域内工作时效 率较高,应优先考虑工作在该区域。
04 液力变矩器的应用与发展
液力变矩器是自动变速器中的核 心部件,通过液体的动量传递来 实现发动机与变速器之间的无级
液力变矩器能够吸收发动机的扭 矩振动,提供平稳的输出。同时 ,其内部叶轮的设计也影响着变
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T orque Converter principles and structure by moment1)The form of torque converter and characteristicsTorque converter fluid as the working medium is a non-rigid torque variable Converter is one type of hydraulic transmission. orque converter has excellent features, automatic adaptive, variable speed, good Good low speed performance and stability, vibration isolation, and no mechanical wear, is the other transmission element Pieces of irreplaceable. After centuries of development, continuous expansion of the application of torque converter Large, from automobiles, engineering machinery to the petroleum, chemical, mining, metallurgy and machinery, and other areas Has been widely used. Torque converter flow field theory, design and manufacturing, real Testing and other research work, in recent years, has also been rapid development.Abroad have Generally the hydraulic transmission for cars, buses, luxury buses, heavy-duty gas Cars, some tractors and construction machinery. The widely used torque converter are the following forms: (1) General Working through three rounds of closed type hydraulic torque converter. Simple structure, starting and low speed vehicles Exercise, the main advantage of the increased torque performance torque converter, shift when the use of torque converter Buffer capacity, high-speed torque converter lock will make full use of efficient mechanical transmission Performance; (2) Multi-wheel torque converter work. Mainly for applications that require high starting torque Construction machinery and vehicles, and the need for more torque converter on the mechanical conditions of work; (3) guide vane torque converter. When the load required for two-way movement, on the dynamic performance With a constant speed or constant force requirements and other special traction characteristics, with a torque converter must be Has an adjustable feedback control functions, and dynamic indicators meet certain Requirements. Main application areas, with special traction requirements of the various military and civil machinery, Such as air refueling hose reel drag around machinery, active and passive two-way movement Constant load test Inspection machinery, large fixed elevator machinery, land or ship based around the mechanical drag of underwater objects Etc.; (4) a brake hydraulic torque converter traction. Towing capacity, while ensuring, Full use of the deceleration torque converter performance. Russia developed a slight Cited a brake hydraulic torque converter.2)The construction of hydraulic torque converterTorque converter to the liquid as the medium, increased from the engine transmission and Torque. By the rotating torque converter pump and turbine wheel, and stationary Three components, the guide wheel. The pieces of aluminum alloy casting, or stamping and welding steel plate Made. Pump wheel and the torque converter shell into one. Bolted to the flywheel, turbo Through the driven shaft and the transmission system connected to the piece. After all the work round the assembly, the formation of Circular ring of circular cross section body. It has a closed working chamber, the liquid in the cavity Circulation, in which the pump wheel, turbine and guide rollers, and the input shaft, output shaft and shell Associated bodies. Power grasp internal combustion engine, electric motor, etc.) drive the input shaft rotates, the liquid Body turns out from the centrifugal pump, in turn through the turbine, and then return pump idler pulley wheel, Week Re beginning to circulate. Axis of impeller mechanical energy input passed to the liquid. High-speed Liquid drive a turbinerotation, the energy to the output shaft. By the torque converter fluid Interaction of angular momentum and leaves the change of torque transmission.Torque converter Different from the coupling of the main features is that it has a fixed guide wheel.Guide wheel Diversion effect of the liquid so that the torque converter output torque can be higher or lower than the input Torque, which is called torque converter. And moment coefficients with the output speed rises. Torque converter input shaft and output shaft by the fluid between the contact among the components do not work A rigid connection. Torque converter is characterized by: to eliminate shock and vibration, overload Protection performance and good starting performance; the output shaft speed can be greater than or less than the input shaft Speed, the speed difference between the two axes with the size of the different transfer torque; have a good self- Dynamic speed performance, load increases output speed automatic decline, and vice versa automatically increased; Power machine to ensure a stable work area, the basic load transients will not be reflected To the power machine on. Torque converter efficiency in the vicinity of the higher rated operating conditions. Impeller is Torque converter core. The type and arrangement of its location and shape of leaves, Decision on the role of the performance of torque converter. Some have two or more hydraulic torque converter Turbo, idler pulley or pump wheel, so as to get different performance. The most common is being transferred, Single-stage (only one turbine) torque converter. Performance of both converter and coupler Characteristics of integrated-type torque converter as, for example, can be fixed guide wheel can also be with With the rotating impeller torque converter. To torque converter to work properly, to avoid The avoidance of cavitation and ensure heat dissipation, need some auxiliary fuel system supply pressure System and cooling system.3)The torque converter worksTorque converter equipment currently used widely used by the pump wheel, turbine and guide Round consisting of three components of a single-stage two-phase integrated torque converter Lockup. Pump wheel and the vortex Are basin-shaped wheel. Even with the torque converter impeller housing as one of the active device; vortex Wheels suspended in the torque converter, through the splined output shaft connected to a slave device; guide Suspended in the pump wheel and turbine wheel between the axle through one-way clutch and the guide sleeve fixed In the transmission housing. After starting the engine, crankshaft driven pump wheel rotation, the centrifugal force generated by rotation The pump wheel blades along the blade between the working fluid from the inner to the outer edge thrown; this division As a liquid pump with both wheels turn together with the park's sub-circumferential speed, but also toward the vortex Wheel speed of the axial points. The impact of the working fluid turbine blade, turbine and pump drive the direction of wheel rotation Division. Working fluid flow from the turbine speed can be seen as the working liquid for the turbine Sub-surface flow speed of the turbine turn together with the sub-speed synthesis.When the vortex Comparison of hours of wheel speed, the working fluid flowing from the turbine is backward, the impact of the working fluid Front guide wheel blades. Because the guide wheel is limited to one-way clutch can not turn back, So guide wheel blades will guide the working fluid flows back to move forward pump blades, For the pump wheel rotation, so that the torque acting on the turbine increases. As the turbine speed increases, sub speed bigger, when the turbine blade surface flow Points out with the turbine speed and the speed with the velocity of rotation starting points that guide wheel The back of the blade, the torque converter to reach the critical point. When the turbine speed to furtherincrease The working solution will impact the back of guide wheel blades. Because one way clutch allows guide Forward together with the pump wheel wheel rotation, so the working fluid, driven along the guide pulley wheel pump Free rotation direction of rotation, the working fluid back to the pump wheel smoothly.When the flow from the turbine Just out of the working fluid exit to roller blade in the same direction, the torque converter does not produce By torsion (where the torque converter fluid coupling condition is called condition) o One-way clutches are commonly used one-way roller clutch and wedge two. When the one-way clutch outer seat within the seat relative to the direction of rotation to an outer Seat and was stuck between the seat refuses to move; when the outside relative to the seat to another seat within A direction of rotation, the outer seat ring can rotate relative to the seat. Passed by the working fluid torque converter torque transmission efficiency than mechanical transmission Rate is low. Set in the torque converter clutch lock, you can high-speed conditions Lock the pump wheel and turbine together to achieve a direct transfer power to enhance the transmission torque converter Dynamic efficiency. Lock the torque converter clutch in front of the turbine, by locking the piston, reducing Vibrating plate and the turbine drive board composition. Automatic locking clutch in the hydraulic control system Under the control of energy at the right time to lock switch.4)Increasing of the torque converter principle momentsGeneral, thevehicle at low speeds, the need to increase the torque, the pump wheel pass Red wizard flow turbine wheel, idler pulley and driven toward the turbine flow again, so V ortex Wheel torque has been increased. As the speed increases, the guide pulley driven flow again The impact of changes in the angle of the turbine, the turbine torque are smaller increase. Finally, the impact of The flow guide wheel guide wheel of the negative impact, one-way rotating guide wheel, no longer played by Add the function of torque. Specifically, before the car started, the turbine speed is 0, the engine through the Torque converter pump housing driven wheel rotation, and the hydraulic oil with a size of Mp of torque, the torque is the torque converter input torque. Hydraulic oil pump Wheel blades, driven to a certain speed toward the edge of the blade on the turbine, on the vortex Round of an impact torque, the torque is the torque converter output torque. This time Turbine stationary andinto the turbine of the hydraulic oil flow along the turbine blade under the edge of the vortex Round the lower edge of a certain speed, along with the exit of the turbine blade under the edge of the same side Guide to the red wheel, also produced a guide wheel on the impact of torque, and along the stationary guide Back into the impeller wheel blades. When the hydraulic oil on the turbine and the guide wheel torque an impact, Turbine and the guide wheel hydraulic oil also produces a torque of equal size and shock direction Mt and opposite reaction torque Ms, where M t the direction of the direction and phase Mp Instead, the direction of Ms and M p the same direction. According to the force balance of the original hydraulic oil Management, available: Mt = Mp + Ms. Since the reaction turbine of the hydraulic oil, torque Mt And the impact of hydraulic oil on the turbine torque, equal and opposite. So we know that Torque converter output torque is numerically equal to the input torque and the guide wheel of the hydraulic And the reaction torque of the oil. Obviously the torque is greater than the input torque, the solution Power converter with increased torque effect. Increasing torque converter output torque Is the stationary part of the guide wheel hydraulic oil circulating the role of torque, Its value depends not only on red wizard from the turbine wheel flow rate, also depends on the solution Flow direction and the angle betweenthe guide wheel blades. When the flow rate is constant, leaves and The larger the angle between flow, reaction torque is also greater, increasing torsion torque converter The greater. This is the torque converter by moment theory.5) The development of manufacturing methods of torque converter status.The manufacture of hydraulic torque converter, with the form and structure of the torque converter should be V ary together. The manufacture of the impeller can be divided into two categories: assembly Overall casting style. The former impeller inner, outer and gold leaf were used Stamping or milling from the system, then, by welding, riveting way, the three-part group Complete impeller, the method is low cost, single-piece, precision and flow channel The advantages of high surface roughness, but the tooling costs. Which the impeller inner ring, outer ring Film directly from the die casting into one, typically aluminum castings. According to the formation of flow Core of the system of law is different from the work of the whole round of the casting method is divided into core law and Core method, suitable for a curved surface shape of the leaf thickness and not so Manufacturing. According to different materials to form the mold cavity, the work of the casting wheel Can be divided into sand casting and metal casting. Metal type, gypsum core Casting aluminum impeller torque converter production methods to improve casting Surface roughness to ensure dimensional accuracy, and can cast the blade root of the fillet.Implementation of components (such as hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors) which isthe pressure of the liquid can be converted to mechanical energy to drive the load for a straight line reciprocating movement or rotational movement.Control components (that is, the various hydraulic valves) in the hydraulic system to control and regulate the pressure of liquid, flow rate and direction. According to the different control functions, hydraulic pressure control valve can be divided into valves, flow control valves and directional control valve. Pressure control valves are divided into benefits flow valve (safety valve), pressure relief valve, sequence valve, pressure relays, etc.; flow control valves including throttle, adjusting the valves, flow diversion valve sets, etc.; directional control valve includes a one-way valve , one-way fluid control valve, shuttle valve, valve and so on. Under the control of different ways, can be divided into the hydraulic valve control switch valve, control valve and set the value of the ratio control valve.Auxiliary components, including fuel tanks, oil filters, tubing and pipe joints, seals, pressure gauge, oil level, such as oil dollars.Hydraulic oil in the hydraulic system is the work of the energy transfer medium, there are a variety of mineral oil, emulsion oil hydraulic molding Hop categories.The role of the hydraulic system is to help humanity work. Mainly by the implementation of components to rotate or pressure into a reciprocating motion.Hydraulic system and hydraulic power control signal is composed of two parts, the signal control of some parts of the hydraulic power used to drive the control valve movement.Part of the hydraulic power means that the circuit diagram used to show the different functions of the interrelationship between components. Containing the source of hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor and auxiliary components; hydraulic control part contains a varietyof control valves, used to control the flow of oil, pressure and direction; operative or hydraulic cylinder with hydraulic motors, according to the actual requirements of their choice.In the analysis and design of the actual task, the general block diagram shows the actual operation of equi - pment. Hollow arrow indicates the signal flow, while the solid arrows that energy flow.Basic hydraulic circuit of the action sequence - Control components (two four-way valve) and the spring to reset for the implementation of components (double-acting hydraulic cylinder), as well as the extending and retracting the relief valve opened and closed . For the implementation of components and control components, presentations are based on the corresponding circuit diagram symbols, it also introduced ready made circuit diagram symbols.Working principle of the system, you can turn on all circuits to code. If the first implementation of components numbered 0, the control components associated with the identifier is 1. Out with the implementation of components corresponding to the identifierfor the even components, then retracting and implementation of components correspondingto the identifier for the odd components. Hydraulic circuit carried out not only to deal with numbers, but also to deal with the actual device ID, in order to detect system failures.DIN ISO1219-2 standard definition of the number of component composition, which includes the following four parts: device ID, circuit ID, component ID and component ID. The entire system if only one device, device number may be omitted.Practice, another way is to code all of the hydraulic system components for numbers at this time, components and component code should be consistent with the list of numbers. This method is particularly applicable to complex hydraulic control system, each control loop are the corresponding number with the systemWith mechanical transmission, electrical transmission compared to the hydraulic drive has the following advantages:1, a variety of hydraulic components, can easily and flexibly to layout.2, light weight, small size, small inertia, fast response.3, to facilitate manipulation of control, enabling a wide range of stepless speed regulation (speed range of 2000:1).4, to achieve overload protection automatically.5, the general use of mineral oil as a working medium, the relative motion can beself-lubricating surface, long service life;6, it is easy to achieve linear motion /7, it is easy to achieve the automation of machines, when the joint control of the use of electro-hydraulic, not only can achieve a higher degree of process automation, and remote control can be achieved.The shortcomings of the hydraulic system:1, as a result of the resistance to fluid flow and leakage of the larger, so less efficient. If not handled properly, leakage is not only contaminated sites, but also may cause fire and explosion.2, vulnerable performance as a result of the impact of temperature change, it would be inappropriate in the high or low temperature conditions.3, the manufacture of precision hydraulic components require a higher, more expensive and hence the price.4, due to the leakage of liquid medium and the compressibility and can not be strictly the transmission ratio.5, hydraulic transmission is not easy to find out the reasons for failure; the use and maintenance requirements for a higher level of technology.In the hydraulic system and its system, the sealing device to prevent leakage of the work of media within and outside the dust and the intrusion of foreign bodies. Seals played the role of components, namely seals. Medium will result in leakage of waste, pollution and environmental machinery and even give rise to malfunctioning machinery and equipment for personal accident. Leakage within the hydraulic system will cause a sharp drop in volumetric efficiency, amounting to less than the required pressure, can not even work. Micro-invasive system of dust particles, can cause or exacerbate friction hydraulic component wear, and further lead to leakage.Therefore, seals and sealing device is an important hydraulic equipment components. The reliability of its work and life, is a measure of the hydraulic system an important indicator of good or bad. In addition to the closed space, are the use of seals, so that two adjacent coupling surface of the gap between the need to control the liquid can be sealed following the smallest gap. In the contact seal, pressed into self-seal-style and self-styled self-tight seal (ie, sealed lips) two.From:Nonlinear Dyn (2007)液力变矩器增矩原理与构造一、液力变矩器的特性及形式液力变矩器是以液体为工作介质的一种非刚性扭矩变换器,是液力传动的型式之一。