



英文毕业论文答辩演讲稿经典五篇英文毕业论文答辩演讲稿经典五篇_毕业用英文答辩演讲稿★英文毕业论文答辩演讲稿1Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am _______ and my supervisor is ____. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction. The title of my paper is On Transformation of Parts of Speech in Translation.Ichoose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Different languages have different standards to distinguish parts of speech. Each language has its own special structure. And there are no equivalent parts of speech between different languages. In order to make the target version more idiomatic and standard, the transformation of parts of speech is always used by translators.So the transformation of parts of speech is playing a more important role in English to Chinese based on different characteristics of English and Chinese. For the above facts, I select the subject of“On Transformation of parts of speech”as the title of my paper.Ihope by studying this topic we can know the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in English to Chinese translation. Through transformation, we can get the better version and improve the translation skills.The way of thinking and expressing is quite different between Chinese and English. English is a kind of static languages which tends to use more nouns. While Chinese is a dynamic one in which verbs are often used.So when we make translation in English to Chinese, we should know this point and shift the parts of speech.Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.Part one presents an introduction to the basic concepts of parts of speech and transformation.Part two discusses the definition of translation and emphasizes the importance of transformation of parts of speech in the course of translation.Part three gives four basic ways of transformation of parts of speech through illustrative examples. There are transformed English words into Chinese verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.Part four presents some problems about transformation and gives some advise to solve the problems.Part five draws some conclusions that transformation between parts of speech is necessary for us to achieve good translation. It is demonstrated that we can have a good master of transformation and improve the translation. In addition, we must continuously study and explore in all kinds of translation practices. OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions。



Basic Parts of a Summary
A statement of the problem简单回顾问 题 A statement of the paper说明文章内容 A statement of the approach to solving the problem and the principal result说明 所做工作及获得的结果 Conclusions结论
A statement of the paper
介绍文章涉及范围 常用词 consist of, contain, cover, include… 常用句型 This article consists of four parts:…
contains includes
… are covered in the scope of the research.
Types of Abstracts
Descriptive(介绍性、陈述性)abstract A descriptive abstract usually tells readers what information the paper contains, outlines the purpose, methods, and the scope of the paper, and introduces the subject. 只简要介绍论文的论题,或概括地表述研究 目的,仅使读者对论文的主要内容有一概括 的了解。一般不介绍方法、结果、结 论的具体内容,不包含任何数据。
Approach and Result
介绍所做的工作 常用词 analyze, consider, develop, discuss, investigate, construct… 常用句型 The relation between … is discussed



大学英语新视野3课后词汇练习sectionAUnit11. With his index finger, Patterson pointed toward a plain color-coded box beneath a longwooden table.2. He disguised himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around.3. He often whistles a tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not around.4. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to restrainherself, "I can not stand any more."5. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to grasp whatI was saying.6. During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of earlychildhood.7. I'm just praying that the board of directors will take step before it is too late.8. She was the director's faithful assistant in whom he could have absolute confidence.9. These developers pledge to build low-income housing units when the supply of affordablehousing for poor people continues to shrink.10. People have been mobilized to build defenses and drain flooded land as heavy rainscontinue to fall.Unit21. Church Mill, although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbors, is adelightful two-story building of stone.2. If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories, but if you aregaining weight then some of the calories you consume are being stored as fat.3. I don't think it advisable that Tim be assigned to the job since he has no experience.4. Meals also have to be modified from their original state so that they will have a beneficialeffect on the body.5. His face was very red, which was clear evidence of his fever.6. Families with children tend to be restricted as to when they can take their vacations.7. They calculate that the aging population is adding one per cent yearly to health servicecosts.8. In the case of a polluted river, the remedy lies in the hands of the national government.9. The change in leadership will have a huge impact on government policy.10. Given sufficient time with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages wouldeventually be adjusted and full employment may be achieved.Unit31. Education should aim to cultivate a child's mind to its utmost potential.2. We have tried to make the test simple but comprehensiveso that it will give us a basic ideaof what you do and do not understand.3. This controversial book was both praised and criticized, but whether it was read by artistsI leave to further research.4. Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to suspend publication.5. They offered me only $5 for a whole day's work—I felt really insulted6. The lab director said that the experiment was at its preliminary stage and they would needmore time to come to a final result.7. They must know how to make use of and, when necessary, to replace the old conventionalrules.8. It is made quite clear in the report that China will stick to its reform and opening-up policy.9. One of the things many of us hope for is a chance to contribute something worthwhile tothe world.10. The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of thereports have been debated in the House.Unit41. This means they have been inspected by a team of professional experts and the standard of their work has been approved.2. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived.3. This reaction to the event is rather exaggerated but on the other hand there's something in it.4. Police had trouble understanding who was responsible for the accident, because everyone who saw it made different versions of what happened.5. It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.6. His appointment has not been formally approved yet.7. It's getting more and more difficult to recruit experienced staff.8. He insisted that the idea evolved out of work done by British scientists.9. They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honors system was designed—people who dedicated their lives to duty.10. His expression became very solemn when we told him what had happened.Unit51. A very promising football player back home, Kamte decided to switch to golf and turnedprofessional in 2002.2. The cabbages have already started to decay and we have to throw them away.3. Many elderly people feel more secured knowing that if they need help, there is alwayssomeone with them, caring for them.4. The Toyota Matrix that we was driving was shaking vigorously, and some of its screws weregetting loose5. They went up to the gate, which slid open at the push of abutton.6. During the colonial period, the church was closely allied with the government, giving fullsupport to the government and, in return, receiving special privileges.7. The baby had woken up for another feed after a(n) interval of three or four hours.8. In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.9. I knew that he had been in Cuba the preceding year because he constantly mentionedHavana.10. If he is only interested in your looks, that just shows how shallow he is.Unit61. It would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes.2. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003degrees.3. The doctor advised us to take every precaution so as not to catch cold.4. It was the strangest occurrence I can remember in my university days.5. The government demands that the bridge be built to withstand an earthquake of 8.3magnitudes.6. On a long-term basis they may contribute to developing crops which are resistant todrought.7. In some places the cliff was almost vertical, and much too dangerous to climb.8. The accidental discharge of the poisonous gas caused some chaos.9. Please find enclosed the application information you requested.10. Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.Unit71. They need more funds to modernize the country's telephone system.2. Three interpreters looked the passage over for about three or four minutes and found thatthey could not interpret half of it.3. He is promoted to manager because he has done a very good job in distributingvideophones to the local customers.4. Participants are expected to be seated by 8:30 a.m. so that the meeting can beginpunctually.5. In China, as in many parts of the world, energy conservation is an issue which gets a lot ofattention these days.6. Although they might have IQs of 10 or 50 at the maximum, they should not be treatedunfairly.7. The products not only meet the need of the domestic market, but also are exported tomany parts of the world.8. Because of the high interest rate needed to conquerinflation, Brazil's economy has notbeen growing as fast as it could.9. Job evaluation and classification is the basis for determining the salary for a position.10. In China now more and more people are visiting the countryside for holidays, dayexcursions and recreation on weekends.Unit81. They were running through thickly forested country, and nervousness began to mount inthe car.2. Most animals, including fish, look for a mate which resembles their parents.3. The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every otheroccupation.4. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.5. The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.6. Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate.7. Broadly speaking, interpretations can be classified into two groups: judgments andopinions.8. Today most people in charge of city planning observe fairly strict guidelines on newhouses.9. We are coming toward the conclusion of a transaction that will split the company in half.10. The computer industry has generated hundreds of new jobs in the area.。



Terminal Examination on Fundamentals of International Business(Paper B )Part I Match the Words and their expressions on the left with their explanations on the right (10%)1. accord A. a combination of independent often international companiesintended to limit competition and increase profit.2. cartel B . an act of placing money in a bank or a safe3. dividend C. the paying back to a person who has spent money as one’sagent or employee4 deposit D. the study or science of beauty, esp. in art5. subsidiary E. the physical or social conditions in which people live, esp. asthey influence their feelings and development6. aesthetics F. the act of putting things in case or boxes7. environment G. punishing others for harm done to oneself, esp. of a politicalor military kind8. reimbursement H an agreement9. reprisal I. something connected, but of less importance, esp. a companycontrolled by another10. packaging J. that part of the money made by a business which is dividedamong those who own shares in the business1. H2. A3.J4.B5.I6. D7. E8. C9. G 10. FPart II Explain the following terms in English and then give the Chinese version for each of them (10%)1.growth market2.monetary policy3.GA holiday5.visible tradePart III Cloze: Fill in the blanks with one of the four choices given to each (10%)What Does an Economist Do?An economist is someone who _____1_____ a lot about how goods and wealth are produced and used. Food, ______2_____, is a kind of goods. Everyone eats food, but the average person doesn’t think ___3____ about all the things that must happen before food appears on ____4____ plate._____5_____ example is the paper this article _____6_____. It started _____7_____ wood on a tree very far from here. Men and machines made the wood into paper, ____8____ had to be packaged and carried by trucks and put into stores. At every step in the process people had __9___ their work; money had to be used ____10____ buying and repairing the machines, and so on. Of course, everyone concerned had to make _____11_____, too. Even a very simple thing _____12_____ a piece of paper has a long story behind it. Economists try to understand how allthe parts of the long story _______13_____.An economist learns how to guess ___14__ will happen in the future, as far as goods and prices _____15_____. If fruit growers in Florida lose part of their crops ___16___ bad weather this month, what will happen _____17____ the price of oranges in New York two months later from now? If banks ________18_____ higher interest on loans to builders, how will that ______19____ the cost of a new home?These are ____20____ a few of the questions economists learn how to answer.1. a. know b. knows c. learn d. learned2. a. for an example b. for the example c. for a example d. for example3. a. many b. a few c. a lot of d. much4. a. its b. his c. her d. him5. a. Another b. An c. The d. A6. a. is printed b. was printed c. is printed on d. in printed in7. a. with b. at c. by d. from8. a. that b. which c. who d. what9. a. to pay for b. paid for c. to be paid by d. to be paid for10. a. at b. during c. for d. on11. a. income b. profit c. salary d. wage12. a. as b. like c. the same d. similar to13. a. is related b. are related c. has related d. have related14. a. what b. it c. which d. why15. a. are concerning b. are concerned c. concerned d. is concerned16. a. because b. because of c. as d. in case17. a. to b. on c. at d. with18. a. change b. got c. had d. charge19.a. effect b. affect c. effects d. affects20. a. quite b. those c. the d. justKeys: bddba cbbdc bbbab badbdPart IV Reading Comprehension (20%)Reading comprehensionPassage 1.Yesterday we discussed the problem of rising prices, or, in the economist’s terms, inflation. We noted that, during periods of inflation, all prices and incomes do not rise at the same rate. Some incomes rise more slowly than the cost of living.We concluded that persons with fixed incomes as, for example, the elderly who depend upon pensions, and persons with slow-rising incomes as, for example, an employee with a salary agreed to in a long-term contract, will be most seriously affected by inflation. Please recall that while their dollar incomes stay the same, the cost of goods and services rises, and in effect, real income decreases, that is, they are able to purchase less with the same amount of money.We also talked about the fact that stockholders and persons with business interests and investments would probably benefit most from inflation, since high prices would increase sales receipts, and profits would likely rise faster than the cost of living.And now, before we begin today’s lecture, are there any questions about the term inflation or any of the examples given in our discussion so far?1.What is the main purpose of the talk?a.To introduce the concept of inflationb.To discuss the cause of inflationc.To review yesterday’s lecture on inflationd.To argue in favor of inflation2.According to the lecturer, what is inflation?a. Rising pricesb. Fixed incomec. Real incomed. Cost of living3.What happens when income rises more slowly than the cost of livinga. Inflation is controlledb. Real income decreasesc. Purchasing power stays the samed. Dollar income increases.4.Who can benefit from inflationa. People with fixed incomesb. People with slow-rising incomesc. Stockholdersd. Everybody5.During periods of inflation,a. all prices and incomes stay at the same levelb. all prices and incomes rise at the same ratec. prices and incomes rise at different ratesd. prices and incomes are fixedKeys c a b c cPassage 2.The importance of statistics in human affairs is obvious from our tendency to associate ‘facts’closely with ‘figures’. However, raw, undigested(未经整理的) and voluminous(庞大的)figures that are carelessly accumulated are useless and even meaningless. A long list of bus-ticket numbers amassed from tickets found in dustbin would be of no service to anyone. But figures that are systematically collected and properly analyzed can be used as the basis for rational decisions and conclusions.A table that shows the quantity of bus-tickets of each denomination (命名)sold will, for example, help the bus proprietor(所有者)to decide on whether he should have more buses running short or long distance. Indeed, in an age of science when men tries to be rational, objective and systematic in as many activities as possible, the art and science of statistics is an indispensable(绝对必要的)analytical tool.6. People tend to associate ‘facts’a. with peopleb. with numbersc. with raw materials c. with human affairs7. Figures, by themselves have noa. meaningb. factsc. tendencyd. accumulation8. In order for figures to be used for decision-making, they need to bea. carelessly accumulatedb. slowly digestedc. systematically collected and analyzedd. rationally associated9. In the example of the bus-tickets, the author assumes thata. the amount of the fares depends on the distance of the rideb. the number of bus-tickets sold will increase profitsc. more buses are needed for short distance ridesd. a table is needed in the bus10. The author believes that statisticsa. does not reflect human affairsb. should be left in the dustbinc. can be the basis for irrational decisionsd. is a tool needed in today’s worldKeys b a c a dpassage 3.This country, as Lincoln said, belongs to the people, so do the natural resources which make it rich. They supply the basis of our prosperity (繁荣)now and hereafter. In preserving (保留) them, which is natural duty, we must not forget that monopoly (控制;垄断) is based on the control of natural resources and natural advantages, and that it will help the people little to conserve (保存)our natural wealth unless the benefits of which it can yield are given back to the people. Let us remember, also, that conservation does not stop with natural resources. The principle of making the best use of all we have requires that people stop the waste of human life in industry and prevent the waste of human welfare which flows from the unfair use of concentrated power and wealth in the hands of men whose eagerness for profit blinds them to the cost of what they doWe have no higher duty than to promote the efficiency of the individual. There is no surer way to the efficiency of nation.11. What makes a nation prosperous?a. Its moneyb. Its tradec. Its natural resourcesd. Its people12. Who should benefit from the natural resources?a. Monopoliesb. The peoplec. The governmentd. Businessmen13. What should be preventeda. Power in the hands of a fewb. Eagerness for conservationc. High costsd. welfares benefits14. What is the most important in a nation?a. The workerb. The profiteerc. The businessmend. Everyone15. On what does the efficiency of a nation depend?a. Each individualb. Its machinesc. Its wealthd. Its powerKeys: c b a d aPassage 4Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit (居住于) them. City-dwellers are obliged (被迫) by their environment to adopt (采取)a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and rhythm (节奏) of nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious ofthe seasons. A few flowers in a public park (if you have time to visit it) may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to (依附) the pavement may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium (极其珍贵). Tall buildings block out the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. Even the difference between day and night is lost.16.Which is not one of the reasons why city life is not preferable?a. The dwellers are not in regular communications with the rhythm of nature.b. The dwellers can’t enjoy sunshine and fresh airc. Modern cities offer better schools, more chances of employmentd. Traffic fumes pollute the air17. What are highly esteemed (看重) in big cities?a. Living conditionsb. Sunshine and fresh airc. Air-conditioned housesd. A few flowers and a few leaves18. It is not easy to see much difference between day and night becausea. city-dwellers are obliged to adopt a wholly unnatural way of existenceb. the sun was hidden from view by tall buildingsc. the noise made by traffic never stopsd. large modern cities are too big to control19. If you want to know what season it is,a. it is advisable for you to cling to the pavementb. you had better visit a parkc. you can remind yourself that it is spring or summerd. you should be barely conscious of the season20. Which statement is not true according to the passage?a. Large modern cities are too good to live inb. Living in large modern cities has a lot of disadvantagesc. All the simple, goods things of life are imposed on people who inhabit large citiesd. Many things that are going on in nature are not related to large modern cities.Keys: a b b b cPart V Translate the following passages into Chinese (50%)Passage 1Culture is a concept that fills our thinking. Books, magazines, periodicals, and newspapers are filled with articles that include the word culture. It is difficult, however, to define specifically what the concept means. Generally speaking, culture is a learned, shared, compelling, interrelated set of symbols whose meaning provides a set of orientations for members of a society. It covers the ways of thinking of the members of a society, as well as their knowledge, beliefs, and values. It also includes a society’s legal and social institutions, and its art, music, and other forms of aesthetic expression.文化是我们头脑中的观念。



如何制作一幅画像的英语作文初中全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Make a Cool Portrait PaintingDo you want to learn how to paint an awesome portrait? Painting portraits is super fun and lets you capture what someone looks like in a creative way. I'm going to teach you the steps to make your own portrait painting. Get ready to be an artist!First, you need to gather all the supplies. For painting portraits, you'll need things like paints, brushes, a canvas or paper to paint on, a cup of water to rinse your brushes, and something to protect your clothes and surfaces from spills. You can use any kind of paints you like - acrylics, oils, or watercolors all work great.Next, you have to pick who you want to paint a portrait of. You could paint yourself by looking in a mirror. Or you could paint a family member, friend, celebrity, or even your pet! Once you decide, you'll need to get a reference photo to look at whileyou paint. The photo is really important because it lets you see all the details and colors you need to capture.Before you start painting, you have to prepare your canvas. If you're using a pre-stretched canvas, it's ready to go. But if you're using paper or a canvas panel, you'll need to put a layer of gesso on first. Gesso is a kinda chalky paint primer that helps the colors go on smoothly.Okay, now you're finally ready to start painting! Using your reference photo, first sketch out the outline and basic shapes on your canvas. Don't worry about details yet - just get the head shape, facial features, and big areas blocked in. You can use a pencil for this sketching part.Once you have the sketch done, it's time to start painting! Squeeze out some paint colors you'll need onto a palette. Look at your reference photo carefully - what color is the skin? The eyes? The hair? The background? Match those colors as best you can with your paints.Start painting the bigger areas with flat brushes. Do the background first, then block in the skin tones. Use shorter brushstrokes to capture the facial features and details. Look at your photo a lot to see how the shadows and highlights makethe face look 3D. Those details are what makes a portrait look realistic!Don't forget to rinse your brushes when switching colors. And take breaks when you need them - portraiture is challenging so go slow and be patient with yourself. If you make a mistake, no biggie! Let it dry and then paint over it.Keep looking back and forth between your painting and the photo reference. See if you got the colors right, the proportions correct, and all the little details captured. Make adjustments and refinements to your painting until you're satisfied. The last details to add are usually the eyes since they are the trickiest part of the face to get right.Once your portrait is all painted, you have to let it fully dry before adding any finishing touches like a varnish or frame. Then you can hang up your masterpiece or gift it to the person you painted!Wasn't that fun? Painting portraits takes a lot of practice and patience, but the results are so rewarding. You created a unique piece of artwork that captured someone's likeness. Be proud of your hard work and creativity! The more portraits you make, the better you'll get at it over time.I hope these steps helped explain how to make a cool portrait painting. Break out those paints and brushes because you're ready to be a master portrait artist now! Have fun putting a face on the canvas.篇2How to Make a Really Cool Portrait PaintingHi friends! Today I'm going to teach you how to paint a super awesome portrait of someone. Portraits are pictures of people's faces and heads that show what they look like. Making portraits is really fun and creative!First, you need to get all the supplies you'll need. For paints, I like to use acrylic paints because they are bright and colorful. You'll want to get a few different skin tone colors like tan, brown, pink, etc. And you'll also need colors for the hair, eyes, lips, and clothes the person is wearing. My favorite colors to use are red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, black and white.You'll also need some brushes in different sizes - smaller brushes for details and larger brushes for big areas. Make sure to get some stiff brushes and some soft, fluffy brushes. And you can't forget the most important supply - something to paint on!You can use a canvas, thick paper, cardboard, or wood board. Just make sure it is nice and smooth.Okay, now that you have your paints, brushes, and surface, you're ready to start! The first step is to sketch out the shape of the person's head and face really lightly with a pencil. Try to make it pretty big so you have lots of room for details. Don't worry if it's not perfect!Next, use your paints to fill in the main colors and shapes you see. Start with the biggest areas first like the skin color, hair color, clothing colors, and background color. Don't stress about the details yet, just get those main areas covered in color. It's okay if the colors overlap a bit, you can fix that later.Once you have those big areas done, it's time to start adding details! Look closely at the person's features. What shape are their eyes? Nose? Mouth? Use your smaller brushes to carefully outline and fill in these details. The eyes are extra important to make them look alive and realistic. Add little white dots for the shine in their eyes.Keep layering on the details with your brushes - eyelashes, eyebrows, lips, wrinkles, freckles, textures in their hair and clothes. The more details you add, the more it will start to lookjust like the real person! If you make a mistake, don't panic, you can go over it with more paint. Have fun with it!When you're happy with how it looks, you can add some finishing touches. Maybe put their name underneath in fancy letters. Or add a cool background pattern or colors around them. You can even add sparkles or glitter if you want to make it extra fancy!Making portraits takes a lot of time and patience. But it's so rewarding when you step back and see the person's face looking just like them on your canvas. I hope these instructions help you create an amazing portrait that you're really proud of. Happy painting!篇3How to Make a Portrait PaintingHi friends! Today I'm going to teach you how to make your very own amazing portrait painting. It's really fun and you can make a painting of your mom, dad, grandparents, teacher or even your pet! I love art class and painting is my favorite thing to do.First, you need to gather all your supplies. You'll need:A canvas (you can get these at an art supply store or online)Acrylic paints in lots of colors (get the basic colors like red, yellow, blue, white, black, green, etc.)Paintbrushes in different sizes (get a couple big brushes for the background and smaller detail brushes)A cup of water to rinse your brushesA paper towel or rag to wipe your brushesA palette or plate to mix your paint colorsA picture of who you want to paint (you can use a photo)Once you have all your supplies ready, it's time to start painting! The first step is to paint the background color on your canvas. What color background do you want for your portrait? You could do a solid color like blue or green. Or maybe a colorful sunset sky. Use one of your big brushes to paint the background color all over the canvas. Let it dry completely before moving to the next step.Now it's time to start on the face! Look closely at your picture and start by painting the shape of the person's face. Use a skin tone color made by mixing paints. Is their skin light or dark? You might need to mix different colors of paint together to getthe perfect skin tone. Once you have the face outline painted, let it dry a bit.Next, paint the eyes. The eyes are one of the most important parts of a portrait. Look closely at the shape and color. You'll probably need to use very small detail brushes for the eyes. Don't forget the eyelashes, pupils, and any other small details.After the eyes, move on to the nose and mouth. The nose can be kind of tricky because of the shading. Start with the basic shape outline and then add shading with darker paint where the shadows would be. The mouth is made up of two lip shapes. Make sure the top and bottom lips are slightly different colors.Now for the hair! This part is really fun because you can make the hair any color you want - even bright blue or purple if you like. Look at the picture and paint the overall hair shape first. Then go back and add details like strands of hair using a small brush. If the person has curly hair, make sure to paint lots of curves.The last step is to add any smaller details like earrings, freckles, wrinkles, etc. You can even paint a cool shirt or dress on the person if you want. Take your time and keep looking back at the picture so you get all the little details right.When you're all done, clean up your supplies and let your amazing portrait completely dry. You can even put it in a frame to hang on your wall or give as a gift. I'm so proud of you for making your very first portrait painting! Doesn't it look just like the real person? You are such a great artist.Making portraits is one of my favorite kinds of painting. Once you get the hang of it, you can paint all your friends and family members. I can't wait to see your next masterpiece! Thanks for following along. Keep practicing and having fun. See you later, art buddies!篇4How to Make a Cool Portrait PaintingDo you like drawing pictures of people? Making a portrait painting is lots of fun and lets you create awesome art! It takes some practice, but if you follow these steps, you'll be an expert portrait artist in no time.First, you need to gather your supplies. For a portrait, you'll want to use a canvas or thick paper to paint on. You'll also need some brushes in different sizes, a set of acrylic or oil paints, a cup of water to rinse your brushes, and a paper towel or rag to wipethem off. It's a good idea to protect your work surface with some old newspapers too, since painting can get messy.Next, you have to pick who you want to paint a picture of. The easiest option is to look in a mirror and paint a self-portrait. Or you could ask a friend or family member to model for you by sitting very still while you paint them. You can also use a photograph as a reference if you don't have someone to pose for you.Once you've chosen your subject, spend some time just looking at their face and planning your painting in your mind. Notice the basic shapes that make up their features like the oval of their face, the circles of their eyes, the triangles of their nose and mouth. These simple shapes will form the foundation of your portrait.Now you're ready to start painting! Use a pencil to lightly sketch the basic outline and shapes onto your canvas or paper. Don't press too hard - you'll be painting over these lines. For the face shape, lightly draw an oval or egg shape tilted slightly.Within that face shape, map out where the eyes, nose, mouth and other features will go using the simple shapes you observed earlier. The eyes are two almond or oval shapes set about an eye-width apart. The nose is a triangle shape with twocurves on either side. The mouth is another curved shape like a upside-down 3.Once you have the basic features mapped out, you can start painting the colors you see. Use a big brush to paint the skin tone first, leaving spaces for the eyes, nose and mouth. Don't worry about details yet - just get the big areas of color blocked in.For the eyes, use white paint to fill in the whites, then dab in colored paint for the iris and pupil. The iris is the colored part around the pupil. Brown, blue and green are common iris colors. Add a dot of black or dark color for the pupil in the center.The nose and mouth are trickier because they have lots of shadows and details. Use a small brush to outline the shapes first in a darker color. Then fill them in with the right colors, leaving some areas lighter for highlights and shadows.Don't forget about the rest of the face! Paint rosy cheeks using pinks and reds. Add shading and contouring under the cheekbones, nose, and jawline using browns and grays. These shadows and highlights will make your portrait look 3D and realistic.Details like eyelashes, eyebrows, hair, ears and clothing will really make your portrait pop. Use tiny brushes to carefully add in all those small but important elements. Take your time and don't rush this part.Finally, take a step back and look at your finished painting. Is anything missing or looking a bit off? Make any final tweaks and touch-ups. When you're happy with it, set it aside to dry completely.Ta-da! You did it! You created an amazing portrait painting all by yourself. Wasn't that fun? With more practice, you'll only get better and better at capturing people's likenesses on canvas.Why not give your portrait as a gift to the person you painted? They're sure to treasure your thoughtful, hand-made artwork. Or hang it up with pride to show off your incredible talent! Portrait painting is such a cool way to create beautiful pictures of your friends, family or even yourself. Get creative and see what masterpieces you can make!篇5How to Create an Awesome Portrait PaintingHave you ever looked at a really cool painting of someone and thought, "Wow, I wish I could do that!"? Well, guess what?You totally can! With a little practice and by following some simple steps, you'll be able to create your very own amazing portrait paintings. Let me walk you through how it's done.First things first, you need to get yourself some supplies. For painting portraits, you'll want to use acrylic or oil paints. They look way better and more realistic than stuff like watercolors or colored pencils. You'll also need some different sized paintbrushes - get a variety of smaller brushes for details and bigger ones for covering larger areas. Don't forget to pick up a canvas or sturdy paper to actually paint on. A palette for mixing colors is handy too.Once you've got your supplies, it's time to pick your subject. The best portraits capture someone's true character and personality. So you could paint a friend, family member, celebrity you admire - anyone whose face you find interesting! You'll want to work from a reference photo, so take or find one that shows the person's face really clearly from a straight-on angle in nice lighting.Now the fun part - actually painting! Start by sketching out the basic shape of the face and laying in the main areas like skin tones, hair, and background colors. Don't worry about details yet, just block in the bigger components. When that's done, startadding more specific colors and details like eyes, nose, mouth, etc. Use your smaller brushes to carefully put in all the little areas.The most important thing is getting the values and colors right for skin tones. Study your reference photo closely, noting the different shades and hues in the highlights and shadows on their face. Mix up the exact colors you see and apply them to the right spots. This will really make your portrait look realistic and three-dimensional.As you're painting, constantly check back against your photo to make sure you've got all the details and proportions accurate. Pay close attention to things like the shape and size of the facial features in relation to each other. It's also crucial to capture the unique lighting and shadows that define that person's face structure.Take your time on this step and keep making little adjustments until you're happy with how realistic it looks. Don't be afraid to fix mistakes by painting over areas - that's what makes acrylic and oil so great for portraits. Just keep tweaking and refining as you go.The last step is adding final details and textures to really make your portrait pop off the canvas. Use a tiny brush to put infiner lines, wrinkles, folds in clothing, etc. You can even add a texture effect to backgrounds or hair by dabbing and dragging the brush in certain ways. Let your creativity flow here!Once you've put those finishing touches on, step back and admire your handiwork. If you followed all the steps carefully, you should have an awesome, ultra-realistic portrait painting that captures the essence of your subject. Nice work!Of course, getting portraits to look really polished takes a ton of practice. But don't get discouraged - the more you paint, the better you'll get at things like values, proportions, colors, and details. Just keep at it, have fun with it, and before you know it, you'll be a master portrait artist! Who knows, maybe your paintings will end up in a world-famous museum one day. How cool would that be?。



高三英语信息技术单选题50题6.She often _____ documents in the office software.A.editsB.makesC.createsD.designs答案:A。




7.He _____ a new folder to store his files.A.buildsB.makesC.createsD.forms答案:C。



8.She _____ a file by mistake and had to restore it.A.deletedB.removedC.lostD.discarded答案:A。



9.He _____ the file to another location.A.movedB.shiftedC.transferredD.carried答案:C。





中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Bridge research in EuropeA brief outline is given of the development of the European Union, together with the research platform in Europe. The special case of post-tensioned bridges in the UK is discussed. In order to illustrate the type of European research being undertaken, an example is given from the University of Edinburgh portfolio: relating to the identification of voids in post-tensioned concrete bridges using digital impulse radar.IntroductionThe challenge in any research arena is to harness the findings of different research groups to identify a coherent mass of data, which enables research and practice to be better focused. A particular challenge exists with respect to Europe where language barriers are inevitably very significant. The European Community was formed in the 1960s based upon a political will within continental Europe to avoid the European civil wars, which developed into World War 2 from 1939 to 1945. The strong political motivation formed the original community of which Britain was not a member. Many of the continental countries saw Britain’s interest as being purelyeconomic. The 1970s saw Britain joining what was then the European Economic Community (EEC) and the 1990s has seen the widening of the community to a European Union, EU, with certain political goals together with the objective of a common European currency.Notwithstanding these financial and political developments, civil engineering and bridge engineering in particular have found great difficulty in forming any kind of common thread. Indeed the educational systems for University training are quite different between Britain and the European continental countries. The formation of the EU funding schemes —e.g. Socrates, Brite Euram and other programs have helped significantly. The Socrates scheme is based upon the exchange of students between Universities in different member states. The Brite Euram scheme has involved technical research grants given to consortia of academics and industrial partners within a number of the states— a Brite Euram bid would normally be led by an industrialist.In terms of dissemination of knowledge, two quite different strands appear to have emerged. The UK and the USA have concentrated primarily upon disseminating basic research in refereed journal publications: ASCE, ICE and other journals. Whereas the continental Europeans have frequently disseminated basic research at conferences where the circulation of the proceedings is restricted.Additionally, language barriers have proved to be very difficult to break down. In countries where English is a strong second language there has been enthusiastic participation in international conferences based within continental Europe —e.g. Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and Switzerland. However, countries where English is not a strong second language have been hesitant participants }—e.g. France.European researchExamples of research relating to bridges in Europe can be divided into three types of structure:Masonry arch bridgesBritain has the largest stock of masonry arch bridges. In certain regions of the UK up to 60% of the road bridges are historic stone masonry arch bridges originally constructed for horse drawn traffic. This is less common in other parts of Europe as many of these bridges were destroyed during World War 2.Concrete bridgesA large stock of concrete bridges was constructed during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. At the time, these structures were seen as maintenance free. Europe also has a large number of post-tensioned concrete bridges with steel tendon ducts preventing radar inspection. This is a particular problem in France and the UK.Steel bridgesSteel bridges went out of fashion in the UK due to their need for maintenance as perceived in the 1960s and 1970s. However, they have been used for long span and rail bridges, and they are now returning to fashion for motorway widening schemes in the UK.Research activity in EuropeIt gives an indication certain areas of expertise and work being undertaken in Europe, but is by no means exhaustive.In order to illustrate the type of European research being undertaken, an example is given from the University of Edinburgh portfolio. The example relates to the identification of voids in post-tensioned concrete bridges, using digital impulse radar.Post-tensioned concrete rail bridge analysisOve Arup and Partners carried out an inspection and assessment of the superstructure of a 160 m long post-tensioned, segmental railway bridge in Manchester to determine its load-carrying capacity prior to a transfer of ownership, for use in the Metrolink light rail system..Particular attention was paid to the integrity of its post-tensioned steel elements. Physical inspection, non-destructive radar testing and other exploratory methods were used to investigate for possible weaknesses in the bridge.Since the sudden collapse of Ynys-y-Gwas Bridge in Wales, UK in 1985, there has been concern about the long-term integrity of segmental, post-tensioned concrete bridges which may b e prone to ‘brittle’ failure without warning. The corrosion protection of the post-tensioned steel cables, where they pass through joints between the segments, has been identified as a major factor affecting the long-term durability and consequent strength of this type of bridge. The identification of voids in grouted tendon ducts at vulnerable positions is recognized as an important step in the detection of such corrosion.Description of bridgeGeneral arrangementBesses o’ th’ Barn Bridge is a 160 m long, three span, segmental, post-tensionedconcrete railway bridge built in 1969. The main span of 90 m crosses over both the M62 motorway and A665 Bury to Prestwick Road. Minimum headroom is 5.18 m from the A665 and the M62 is cleared by approx 12.5 m.The superstructure consists of a central hollow trapezoidal concrete box section 6.7 m high and 4 m wide. The majority of the south and central spans are constructed using 1.27 m long pre-cast concrete trapezoidal box units, post-tensioned together. This box section supports the in site concrete transverse cantilever slabs at bottom flange level, which carry the rail tracks and ballast.The center and south span sections are of post-tensioned construction. These post-tensioned sections have five types of pre-stressing:1. Longitudinal tendons in grouted ducts within the top and bottom flanges.2. Longitudinal internal draped tendons located alongside the webs. These are deflected at internal diaphragm positions and are encased in in site concrete.3. Longitudinal macalloy bars in the transverse cantilever slabs in the central span .4. Vertical macalloy bars in the 229 mm wide webs to enhance shear capacity.5. Transverse macalloy bars through the bottom flange to support the transverse cantilever slabs.Segmental constructionThe pre-cast segmental system of construction used for the south and center span sections was an alternative method proposed by the contractor. Current thinking suggests that such a form of construction can lead to ‘brittle’ failure of the ent ire structure without warning due to corrosion of tendons across a construction joint,The original design concept had been for in site concrete construction.Inspection and assessmentInspectionInspection work was undertaken in a number of phases and was linked with the testing required for the structure. The initial inspections recorded a number of visible problems including:Defective waterproofing on the exposed surface of the top flange.Water trapped in the internal space of the hollow box with depths up to 300 mm.Various drainage problems at joints and abutments.Longitudinal cracking of the exposed soffit of the central span.Longitudinal cracking on sides of the top flange of the pre-stressed sections.Widespread sapling on some in site concrete surfaces with exposed rusting reinforcement.AssessmentThe subject of an earlier paper, the objectives of the assessment were:Estimate the present load-carrying capacity.Identify any structural deficiencies in the original design.Determine reasons for existing problems identified by the inspection.Conclusion to the inspection and assessmentFollowing the inspection and the analytical assessment one major element of doubt still existed. This concerned the condition of the embedded pre-stressing wires, strands, cables or bars. For the purpose of structural analysis these elements、had been assumed to be sound. However, due to the very high forces involved,、a risk to the structure, caused by corrosion to these primary elements, was identified.The initial recommendations which completed the first phase of the assessment were:1. Carry out detailed material testing to determine the condition of hidden structural elements, in particularthe grouted post-tensioned steel cables.2. Conduct concrete durability tests.3. Undertake repairs to defective waterproofing and surface defects in concrete.Testing proceduresNon-destructi v e radar testingDuring the first phase investigation at a joint between pre-cast deck segments the observation of a void in a post-tensioned cable duct gave rise to serious concern about corrosion and the integrity of the pre-stress. However, the extent of this problem was extremely difficult to determine. The bridge contains 93 joints with an average of 24 cables passing through each joint, i.e. there were approx. 2200 positions where investigations could be carried out. A typical section through such a joint is that the 24 draped tendons within the spine did not give rise to concern because these were protected by in site concrete poured without joints after the cables had been stressed.As it was clearly impractical to consider physically exposing all tendon/joint intersections, radar was used to investigate a large numbers of tendons and hence locate duct voids within a modest timescale. It was fortunate that the corrugated steel ducts around the tendons were discontinuous through the joints which allowed theradar to detect the tendons and voids. The problem, however, was still highly complex due to the high density of other steel elements which could interfere with the radar signals and the fact that the area of interest was at most 102 mm wide and embedded between 150 mm and 800 mm deep in thick concrete slabs.Trial radar investigations.Three companies were invited to visit the bridge and conduct a trial investigation. One company decided not to proceed. The remaining two were given 2 weeks to mobilize, test and report. Their results were then compared with physical explorations.To make the comparisons, observation holes were drilled vertically downwards into the ducts at a selection of 10 locations which included several where voids were predicted and several where the ducts were predicted to be fully grouted. A 25-mm diameter hole was required in order to facilitate use of the chosen horoscope. The results from the University of Edinburgh yielded an accuracy of around 60%.Main radar sur v ey, horoscope verification of v oids.Having completed a radar survey of the total structure, a baroscopic was then used to investigate all predicted voids and in more than 60% of cases this gave a clear confirmation of the radar findings. In several other cases some evidence of honeycombing in the in site stitch concrete above the duct was found.When viewing voids through the baroscopic, however, it proved impossible to determine their actual size or how far they extended along the tendon ducts although they only appeared to occupy less than the top 25% of the duct diameter. Most of these voids, in fact, were smaller than the diameter of the flexible baroscopic being used (approximately 9 mm) and were seen between the horizontal top surface of the grout and the curved upper limit of the duct. In a very few cases the tops of the pre-stressing strands were visible above the grout but no sign of any trapped water was seen. It was not possible, using the baroscopic, to see whether those cables were corroded.Digital radar testingThe test method involved exciting the joints using radio frequency radar antenna: 1 GHz, 900 MHz and 500 MHz. The highest frequency gives the highest resolution but has shallow depth penetration in the concrete. The lowest frequency gives the greatest depth penetration but yields lower resolution.The data collected on the radar sweeps were recorded on a GSSI SIR System 10.This system involves radar pulsing and recording. The data from the antenna is transformed from an analogue signal to a digital signal using a 16-bit analogue digital converter giving a very high resolution for subsequent data processing. The data is displayed on site on a high-resolution color monitor. Following visual inspection it is then stored digitally on a 2.3-gigabyte tape for subsequent analysis and signal processing. The tape first of all records a ‘header’ noting the digital radar settings together with the trace number prior to recording the actual data. When the data is played back, one is able to clearly identify all the relevant settings —making for accurate and reliable data reproduction.At particular locations along the traces, the trace was marked using a marker switch on the recording unit or the antenna.All the digital records were subsequently downloaded at the University’s NDT laboratory on to a micro-computer.(The raw data prior to processing consumed 35 megabytes of digital data.)Post-processing was undertaken using sophisticated signal processing software. Techniques available for the analysis include changing the color transform and changing the scales from linear to a skewed distribution in order to highlight、突出certain features. Also, the color transforms could be changed to highlight phase changes. In addition to these color transform facilities, sophisticated horizontal and vertical filtering procedures are available. Using a large screen monitor it is possible to display in split screens the raw data and the transformed processed data. Thus one is able to get an accurate indication of the processing which has taken place. The computer screen displays the time domain calibrations of the reflected signals on the vertical axis.A further facility of the software was the ability to display the individual radar pulses as time domain wiggle plots. This was a particularly valuable feature when looking at individual records in the vicinity of the tendons.Interpretation of findingsA full analysis of findings is given elsewhere, Essentially the digitized radar plots were transformed to color line scans and where double phase shifts were identified in the joints, then voiding was diagnosed.Conclusions1. An outline of the bridge research platform in Europe is given.2. The use of impulse radar has contributed considerably to the level of confidence in the assessment of the Besses o’ th’ Barn Rail Bridge.3. The radar investigations revealed extensive voiding within the post-tensioned cable ducts. However, no sign of corrosion on the stressing wires had been found except for the very first investigation.欧洲桥梁研究欧洲联盟共同的研究平台诞生于欧洲联盟。



Paper cuttingCatalogueHistory andDevelopmentMeaningsUsesHistory ana DevelopmentThe first paper cutting can be tracked back to the Northern andSouthern Dynasties (386-581) period. The earliest paper cutting works in China is five pieces of Tuanhua paper cutting in the Northern Dynasty, and they were found in Xinjiang.History ana Development童疳»»»»»»Tang Dynastya period of greatdevelopme nt»»»»»»Ming and Qing dynastiesbecame mature and reached thepeakSouthern Song Dynasty appeared artists who took paper cutting as theirIn modern timesappear new theme: real life»)»»»»>7-2. GenresGenresRepresentative of paper cutting art in north ChinaTwo Sortsdelicate papercut (精巧型)Shandong folk paper cutting Bold and vigorous (粗犷豪放)Wngzh@u f@lk ^apei^ciittingRepresentative of paper cutting art in south ChinaFourteen hundred years of historydated from Emperor yangdi of sui dynastybeautiful, delicate and exquisite (玲珑的) artisticstyle3. MethodsMethods船Method-Fold:This is the most basic kind of paper cutti ng technique .It canI fold the paper to produce a duplicate pattern.■■I The different effects it produces depends on the number-and angle of the fold.: Folding paper cuts are more symmetrical because of their Isymmetrical patterns.Method-Yin and Yang carvingThe basic effect of paper cutting is obtained through the use of yin and Yang lines alone or in combi nation.> Yin carving is the way to represent the outline of object structure, and to show lines in large blocks・> On the contrary, the engraving is to cut the blank part and preserve the outline・阴刻阳刻-Spiny hole scissors to cut the basic outline on the paper; then use theneedle to pierce the pattern, mainly by making the multilayer paper connected, and at the same time see the details in the rough. > This technique is often used in embroidery patterns.鲂 Methodse a knife orMeaningsEnriching Chinese cultural lifeMeaningsShowing us the way of life ofancient Chinese peopleMeaningsShowing Chinese culture toother countries in the world5. UsesPractical PurposeArtistic UseWindow - cut f used for decorating Windowses common with the north. At the feast people will replace the paper and put a new window. to show used orientation.Gift flowers, paper cutting attached to cakes, birthday noodles, eggs and other gifts. In chaozhou area of guangdong province, it is called "cake cake" and "fruit flower".Shoe flower used as a paper-cut for the embroidery base of the cloth shoe upper.Thank Ybu。



《大学英语(4)》14秋在线作业1试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100单选题判断题包括本科在内的各校各科复习资料,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者”一、单选题(共15 道试题,共60 分。

)得分:60V 1. I ______ to speak to you all thesedays.A. wantedB. have wantedC. shall wantD. shall be wanting满分:4 分得分:42. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ tobe a great disappointment.A. turned upB. turned inC. turned outD. turned down满分:4 分得分:43. Whenever I met him, _____________ was fairly frequent, ___________ Iliked his sweet and hopeful smile.A. which...不填B. that...ThatC. it...thatD. what...不填满分:4 分得分:44. If you ___________ in your rent again, you may get thrown out.A. fallbehindB. account forC. charge forD. come to满分:4 分得分:45. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough moneyto start a school.A. Some other tenB. An other tenC. Other tenD. Ten others满分:4 分得分:46. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _______ buying some expensiveequipment .A. toB. aboutC. intoD. on满分:4 分得分:47. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learnEnglish well if he _______abroad.A. had,will goB.has,wants to goC. has,want to goD.have,shall go满分:4 分得分:48. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in ________.A. residentsB. settlersC. lodgersD. inhabitants满分:4 分得分:49. Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?A. verifyB. identifyC. justifyD. clarify满分:4 分得分:410. ----- Did you say you like the film TINATIC? ----- _______. I saidit's not bad .A. Not exactlyB. I don't know whyC. You're greatD. That's all right满分:4 分得分:411. _______ hostels (招待所) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to travelling studentsand young people.A. WhenB. WhileC. NowthatD. If满分:4 分得分:412. "____________ through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem."A. AsleepB. To be asleepC. SleepingD. To sleep满分:4 分得分:413. After several months' study, I was able to read Japanese novels inthe ______ at ease.A. originB. sourceC. referenceD. original满分:4 分得分:414. ----- What's wrong with the book? ----- One page is ________ .A.disappearedB. losingC. missingD. disappearing满分:4 分得分:415. It is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive.A.reactionsB. viewsC. ideasD. opinions满分:4 分得分:4二、判断题(共10 道试题,共40 分。



中考英语说明文阅读练习题30题1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of technology.B. The history of culture.C. The ways to protect the environment.D. The development of education.答案:C。


A 选项科技的重要性不是文章主旨;B 选项文化的历史与文章内容不符;D 选项教育的发展也不是文章重点。

2. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. Technology is harmful to the environment.B. Culture has nothing to do with the environment.C. Everyone should take action to protect the environment.D. Education is the only way to solve environmental problems.答案:C。


A 选项科技不一定对环境有害;B 选项文化与环境也有一定关系;D 选项教育不是解决环境问题的唯一方法。

3. The author mentions technology in the passage to show that...A. it is the most important thing in our life.B. it can help us solve environmental problems.C. it always causes environmental pollution.D. it has nothing to do with the environment.答案:B。

Basic Outline 3

Basic Outline 3

Posted as a Sample Work with permission by student. Do not copy or reproduce.Faculty as Facilitators: Facilitating Interaction in an Asynchronous OLEProposalMary A. RaglandUser name: raglandMCTE 661Winter Term 2003February 2, 2003Table of ContentsIntroduction: Learning Theory 1 Significance to the OLE Area of Study 1 Problem Statement 2Research Questions 3Basic Outline 3References 4Introduction: Learning TheoryThe constructivist perspective points to the importance of students creating their own knowledge in an individual and personal way. This learning theory emphasizes the need for activity and engagement by the student in order for learning to take place (Stephenson, ed., 2001; Heinich, Molenda, Russell & Smaldino, 2002). Two other theories also support the importance of student activity and engagement, although with a slightly different perspective than constructivism. The social-psychological approach emphasizes the importance of learning in a cooperative, learner-centered environment. The cognitivist perspective postulates how the processing of information occurs. One important part of this processing is assimilation, which results from the active experiences of the student (Heinich et al., 2002). One way that this activity, deemed vital to learning based on all three learning perspectives, takes place is through the interaction of the student with peers and instructor. Thus, the importance of faculty knowing how to foster this kind of learning in an online environment is essential to the success of the online learning experience.Significance to the OLE Area of StudyAn integral part of the definition of an online learning environment refers to the interaction component. Dringus and Terrell (1999) refer to eight interrelated elements that form the core of the online learning environment, one of which is interaction. Thorpe (2002) writes about the “learner support” role, which depends on the interaction between the learner and the instructor. Tait (2000) brought up questions of retention rates in online learning environments and related the low retention rates his university was experiencing to the many factors related to interaction, including authenticity, attachment, and tone of asynchronous communication. Much discussion has also revolved around the difference between an online course and an onlinelearning environment, with the interaction component being a major distinguishing factor (Dringus & Terrell, 1999). There are basically three types of interaction involved in an OLE: student to content, student to student and instructor to student. This paper will concentrate on the instructor to student component.Problem StatementInspiring interaction in an OLE is a very different form of pedagogy than most faculty have learned (Salmon, n.d.; Pyle & Dziuban, 2001; Quitadamo & Brown, 2001). Faculty members are put in the position of functioning as a facilitators to learning, inspiring students to create their own learning, rather than as a lecturers who are providing the information to the students (McFadzean & McKenzie, 2001; Berge, 2001; Brabazon, 2000). Even where faculty members are known to inspire active discussions and much interaction in live classroom environments, their skills do not necessarily translate well in the online learning environment (Palloff & Pratt, 2001). These factors may be exacerbated in asynchronous OLE’s, where the communication between participants is not real time (Tait, 2000).Adding to the problem is the issue of faculty development in the area of online learning. Many schools and university have minimal support for new online faculty, and those that do provide faculty development in this area often do not address the interaction issues (Palloff & Pratt, 2001). Where faculty development is offered, it generally concentrates on the technological aspects of online teaching, not the pedagogy. As a result, faculty are often inclined to approach OLE’s as a online version of the classroom experience. When this happens, based on the learning theories previously discussed, the learning of the students in that class is compromised. This paper proposes to examine these issues, synthesizing literature on the topic, and, based on that literature, arrive at some recommendations to address this problem.Research QuestionsSome questions to be explored include:•What is facilitation?•What constitutes a good facilitator?•What defines positive interaction in an asynchronous OLE?•What are the special factors to consider when facilitating interaction in an asynchronous environment?•What are the barriers to facilitating interaction in an asynchronous OLE?•What are some ways a faculty member can successfully inspire interaction from students in an asynchronous OLE?•How can a school or university foster these skills for faculty in a development program?Basic OutlineI.IntroductionA.Statement of the ProblemB.Philosophical issues1.Learning theories2.Learner centered environmentC.SignificanceII.DefinitionsA.FacilitationB.InteractionIII.Characteristics of a Good FacilitatorA. Qualities Needed for Online FacilitationB.Application to Online FacultyIV.Special Issues in an Asynchronous EnvironmentA.BarriersB.BenefitsV.Methods for Facilitating Interaction in an Asynchronous OLEVI.Facilitation and Faculty DevelopmentVII.Conclusion and Future ResearchReferencesBerge, Z. L. (2001, September 9). The Role of the Online Instructor/Facilitator.Retrieved January 25, 2003 from /moderators/teach_online.html. Bennett, S., Priest, A., & McPherson, C. (1999). Learning about online learning: an approach to staff development for university teachers. Australian Journal of EducationalTechnology 15(3), 207-221.Brabazon, T. (2000, January). ‘From crayons to perfume’ to content providers: teaching in the informatic age. Social Alternatives. 19(1), 40-47.Collison, G. (2000). Facilitating online learning: Effective strategies for moderators.Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.Dringus, L. P. & Terrell, S. (1999) The framework for DIRECTED online learning environments. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(1), 55-67.Ellis, A. & Phelps, R. (2000). Staff development for online delivery: a collaborative, team based action learning model. Australian Journal of Educational Technology. 16(1),26-44.Heinich, R. Molenda, M. Russell, J. & Smaldino, S. (2002). Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.Hiltz, S. R. (1998). Collaborative learning in asynchronous learning networks: building learning communities (Report No. IR019256). New Jersey: WebNet 98 World Conference of the WWW, Internet, and Intranet. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.ED427705).Kearsley, G. (2000). On-line education: Learning & teaching in cyberspace. New York, NY: Wadsworth Publishing Company.Knowlton, D. S. (2001, April). Promoting durable knowledge construction through online discussion. Paper presented at the meeting of the Mid-South Instructional TechnologyConference, Murfreesboro, TN. Retrieved January 25, 2003 from the Middle TennesseeState University Web site: /~itconf/proceed02/index.html. Knowlton, D. S. (2001, Winter). Discussions: A student-centered approach. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 5(4), 162-168.McFadzean, E. (2002). Developing and supporting creative problem solving teams: part 2-facilitator competencies. Management Decision, 40, 537-551.McFadzean, E. & McKenzie, J. (2001). Facilitating virtual learning groups: a practical approach. The Journal of Management Development. 20(6), 470-494.Misanchuk, M., Anderson, T., Craner, J., Eddy, P. & Smith, C. (2000). Strategies for creating and supporting a community of learners (Report No. IR020741) Bloomington, IN:National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications andTechnology. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED455785).Misanchuuk, M. & Anderson, T. (2001). Building community in an online learningenvironment: communication, cooperation and collaboration (Report No. IR021144).Bloomington, IN: Annual Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference. (ERICDocument Reproduction Service No. ED463725).Palloff, R. M. & Pratt, K. (2001). Lessons from the cyberspace classroom: The realities of online teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Peters, O. (2001). Learning and teaching in distance educatio n. London: Kogan Page, Ltd.Pyle, R. C. & Dziuban, C. D. (2001, Summer). Technology: servant or master of the online teacher? Library Trends. 50(1), 130-145.Quitadamo, I. & Brown, A. (2001, July). Effective teaching styles and instructional design for online learning environments. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Educational Computing Conference, Chicago, IL.Salmon, G. (n.d.). Masters or slaves to the technology? The role of the E-moderator in E-learning. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved January 25, 2003 from/subpage/sub_page.cfm?section=4 .Salmon, G. (2000). E-moderating: The key to online teaching and learning. Pittsburgh, PA: Stylus Publishing.Sims, R. (2000). An interactive conundrum: constructs of interactivity and learning theory.Australian Journal of Educational Technology. 16(1), 45-57.Soo, K. & Bonk, C. (1998). Interaction: what does it mean in online distance education?(Report No. IR019385). Bloomington, IN: ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 98 WorldConference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference onEducational Telecommunications. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.ED428724).Spector, J. M. & de la Teja, I. (2001). Competencies for online teaching (Report No.EDO-IR-2001-09). New York. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED456841). Stephenson, J. (ed.). (2001). Teaching & learning online : new pedagogies for new technologies. London: Kogan Page.Tait, A. (2000, June). 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research paper outline

research paper outline

RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINEBelow is a basic outline for any research paper and a description of what should be found in each section.I. Introduction. An introduction introduces the reader to your research paper. It does so by:A. communicating what your research question is (not in question form);B. explaining why that question is interesting and important to a general reader as well as to a political scientist, i.e. by identifying the debates it will illuminate; andC. providing a “road map” to the re st of the paper, i.e., your introduction contains at least one sentence summarizing each major section of your paper.II. Literature Review. A literature review presents to the reader the most important scholarly answers to date to your general research question. You should group the answers to your question into schools of thought, where the schools are defined by the different factors (or sets of factors) that are the most important for answering your question. Literature reviews necessarily uncover debates in the field and show exactly where and why the participants disagree. In the conclusion of your literature review, you should choose which school of thought you find most convincing and justify your answer. In addition, you should identify the most compelling alternative argument. To summarize, a literature review:A. explains the different possible answers to your general research question;B. develops a label or name for each school of thought;C. concludes by explaining to the reader which approach appears best and which seems second best. These choices are clearly justified.There are several common mistakes students make when writing the literature review:i) “I can’t find any literature….” How to find the “right places?” Make sure that you’ve stated the general form of your question properly. Once you’re satisfied that you have, a good place to start is ALWAYS your introductory textbook If, for example, the general question is why or under what conditions has voter participation in the U.S. declined, go to the table of contentsand/or index and look up voting and voter participation and see what your textbook authors say, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, what sources they cite. Your textbook authors will, undoubtedly, identify the schools of thought for you and tell you who the leading proponents of these views are. Then you need to read those works for yourself to get a better understanding of the arguments and debates.ii) “There is only one answer….” Students often think that their job in writing a research paper is to show that they have found THE ANSWER to the question. Therefore, when they find the answer they’re looking for, they stop looking for others. Very few questions in political science, however, are settled; there is almost always debate. Moreover, our understanding of any phenomenon improves when we acknowledge that debate exists and try to learn from the various participants in it. Again, if you go to your textbook, you’ll be able to find the debate easily; otherwise, if you happen upon a good scholarly article or book, you can use that author’s literature review to help you understand what the different possible answers to your question are. iii) Perspectives but not answers. As you may have noticed from some of your courses or your research, there are several general perspectives out there – institutionalism, the political culture school, constructivism, materialism, the rational choice perspective, or realism, to name a few. Any one of these general perspectives might be helpful to you in answering your question. But if you choose to put forth an answer consistent with one of these perspectives, be sure that you do more than simply explain the philosophical underpinnings of that approach. You must answer your question in a manner consistent with the perspective.iv) Summary of sources. Sometimes students take the first few sources they find on the subject,write a paragraph summary of each source, and call that a literature review. There are a couple of problems with that approach. First, while there may be one leading exponent of a particular view, most of the time you want to cite several sources for each approach. Remember, you’re looking for a school of thought. That phrase implies that several different people share a particular view. Second, sometimes in presenting summaries, students don’t realize that several of their articles actually make similar arguments and belong in the same school. A good way to avoid the literature-review-as-summary mistake is to give your schools of thought names that focus attention on the key explanations. For instance, in the case of voter decline, you could identify “The Satisfied Citizen,” “The Disgusted Citizen,” and “The Registration is Too Easy” schools. III. Model and Hypothesis. The ideas developed in this section follow directly from the Literature Review. For your preferred school of thought and the most compelling challenger, you need to generate a model. In other words, you need to determine what causes (independent variables) lead to what outcomes (dependent variable). You can actually indicate your model in the text as:Model for the Abstract School:XYZ(or less abstractly for a paper on ethnic conflict):Model of the “Clash of Civilizations” Schoollevels of globalization in a stateintensity of ethnic conflictgeographical closeness of different ethnic groupsThe hypothesis then provides in words the way in which these variables are related.Continuing with the example above, the hypothesis would be: the higher the levels ofglobalization within a state and the geographically closer are its different ethnic groups, the more intense is ethnic conflict. You must develop a model and hypothesis for your preferred school of thought and its best challenger. To summarize, the Model and Hypothesis section:A. identifies two different models. Each share the same dependent variable (outcome), butoffer different independent variables (causes). You should actually include flow diagrams or causal chains in your paper.B. develops two competing hypotheses. Each explains how variations in the independentvariables from competing models affect the dependent variable. (Typically, the statement of a hypothesis looks something like “the more of X, the more of Y” or “the less of X, the less o f Y.”)III. Research Design. In this section, you explain exactly how you are going to conduct your research and why your research strategy will help you answer your question as accurately as possible. In this section, social science researchers often acknowledge the imperfections in their definitions, data, or cases and explain why these choices were the best possible given real-world constraints. For our purposes, you research design section will consist of the followingA. Variables: Exactly what are you trying to explain (dependent variable) and what factors (independent variables) do you think cause or are correlated with this outcome.B. Measurement: How are you going to measure your variables? Not necessarily a simple question to answer. If national income or inflation or voter participation rates are your variables, you’ve got an easy job, but what if you are trying to measure levels of power in the international system or citizen efficacy? You need to come up with ways to measure these variables. Most of the time you’ll borrow a measurement strategy from an established scholar, but you still need toexplain it and justify your choice in your own words.C. Case Selection: What case(s) are you studying and why? (In other words, exactly what instances of the general phenomenon are you going to study. If your question is about voting behavior, for example, which elections, which voters, etc. and why . If your question is about the conflict and peace process in Northern Ireland, exactly what time periods and why.) To what extent does this choice help you understand the general phenomenon under investigation? (Will your study allow you to apply your insights to related cases? Why or why not?)D. Data Sources: Where are you going to get your information? What kinds of information are you going to seek? Why are you confident that these are the best possible sources of data on your topic?IV. Data Analysis. In this section, you evaluate the performance of your hypothesis and its best competitor across th e cases you have identified. This is the “meat” of the paper, what you are used to spending most of your time on. For instance, if you are investigating why the Gulf War occurred, the data analysis section would be where you explained exactly what happened on the eve of the Gulf War. But what is different in this paper from what you are used to doing is that here you are evaluating the quality of two different hypotheses. In other words, you are looking to see whether the factors you’ve identified as the mo st important really are correlated with the outbreak of war and whether the logical connection appears to hold. Moreover, you also look to see whether the challenger could be correct. So, to write this section you need to find out the “values” (these need not be quantitative) for your variables (independent and dependent). This can entail tracking down information from government or international agencies (inflation rates, poverty rates, income levels, numbers of wars) or it can mean examining the historical record and determining (given your measurement strategy) these factors (levels of violence, citizen efficacy) during a particular time period. Then, you need to present this data to the reader to show clearly how (or whether) factors are related to resul ts. You should use text to tell the “story” and charts, where possible, to summarize your findings.V. Conclusion. What can you conclude from all your work? What did you learn? In other words: A. Which answer/hypothesis looks best to you now? Examine how hard you had to work to make the data/facts “fit” the different hypotheses. The one in which the data fits with the least work is your better explanation. While you may find that one is clearly better, you may also discover that neither is very good, both are good, or that one works in some cases and the other works in others. This is OK. Just think carefully about why what you found is so and explain it.B. What are the implications of your findings? If your findings are right, what does that mean for other similar instances? (Can you extend your findings to other time periods, other states, elections, parts of the world, etc?)C. What are the limitations of your findings? What about your research design and access to data raises questions about the generalizability of your findings?D. If you had the time, money, and/or desire, what other questions would you ask to continue this line of research in a fruitful and interesting manner?。



常用的制图专业术语,中、英文对照 A-LAA/C across corners 对角距A/F across flats 对边距above stuffing上填料accumulation of energy储能accumulation积聚性acme thread梯形(爱克姆)螺纹across corner 对角距across flat 对边距actual size实际尺寸acute angle 锐角addendum 齿顶高addendum circle 齿顶圆admiralty metal含锡黄铜affiliation从属性(关系)ageing treatment时效处理AL aluminum 铝aligned sectional view旋转剖视图allowance容差、加工余量analytical method of line and plane线面分析法analytical method of shape形体分析法analyzable assembly分析装配图ANG angle 角angle bar or L-bar (beam)角钢angle between axonometric axes轴间角angular dimension 角度尺寸angular gear人字齿轮angular section斜剖面angularity倾斜度anneal退火anti-clockwise逆时针方向的arrow or arrowheads 箭头asbestos packing石棉填料ASM assembly 装配(图)、部件assembly drawing number装配图图号assembly drawings装配(组装)图assembly for installation安装图assembly parts装配组合零件assembly sketches装配草图auxiliary circle辅助圆auxiliary plane辅助平面auxiliary sectional view斜(辅助)剖视图 aligned and developed展开视图AVG average 平均axial coefficients of foreshortening轴向变形系数axis line 轴线axis of rotation转轴axis轴线axonometric axes轴测轴axonometric drawing轴测图axonometric projection轴测投影BBAB Babbitt 巴氏(轴承)合金back (rear) view后(背)视图bar杆base line 基准线base parts机座base plane底平面basic deviation基本偏差basic hole基准孔basic shaft基准轴basic size基本尺寸BB ball bearing 滚动轴承bearing cover轴承盖bearing set轴承座 bearing轴承bell metal青铜(锡铜)合金belt wheel带轮bevel gear斜齿轮BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值bisector 平分线blade spring板簧blind hole 盲孔(不通的孔)blind hole盲孔blind threaded hole螺纹盲孔blunt angle 钝角body of revolution回转体bolt joint螺栓连接bolt螺栓border 图框border line 图框线boring machine or boring镗床boring镗孔boss club凸台bottom shell 下轴瓦box箱体brazing metal铜锌合金bright washer平垫圈Brinell hardness布氏(HB)硬度broacher拉床、绞孔机broaching拉床、扩孔机broach拉光broken line 断裂线broken view (local view)局部视图BRS brass 黄铜BRZ bronze 青铜burnish or polishing磨光butterfly valve蝶形阀buttress (screw) thread锯齿形(枪膛)螺纹caliper卡尺(钳)cap screw带帽螺钉(栓)capital letters 大写字母carburizing (carbon infiltration)渗碳case hardened硬化、表面淬火casting defect铸件缺陷casting processes铸造工艺casting铸造、铸件castle nut内六角圆螺母cavity空腔(穴)CBORE counterbore 沉孔、埋头孔center to center distance 中心距centerline (central line) 中心线center-to-center spacing中心距central projection中心投影CH HD cheese head 开槽圆柱头CHAM chamfer 倒角chamfer倒角channel bar槽钢characteristics of projection 投影特性CHD checked (by) (由) …校对check drawings校(核)图cheese head圆柱头Chinese characters 汉字chrome plating镀铬CI cast iron 铸铁CIR circular 圆的circular arc 圆弧、弧circular pitch 齿距circular pitch周节circular runout圆跳动CL or centerline 中心线clamping夹紧clearance fit间隙配合clockwise顺时针方向的CM centimeter 厘米coarse pitch thread粗牙普通螺纹coarse wheel粗砂轮加工coating涂覆coincidence (revolved) section重合断面coincident point重影(合)点color-hardening着色硬化、发蓝、发黑combination solids组合体commom tangent公切线common axis公共轴线common point 共有点compass 圆规component构件compound sectional view复合剖视图concave millstone凹面磨盘concentric circle同心圆concentricity and coaxiality同轴(心)度conic (miter) gear圆锥(伞)齿轮connecting bar连杆construction line 作图线contact surfaces接触表面continuous straight thin line with zig zags 折线continuous thick line 粗实线continuous thin irregular line 波浪线continuous thin line 细实线contour arithmetic mean deviation轮廓算术平均偏差contour element外形素线conventional breaks折断规定画法conventional representation规定画法converge聚为一点convex millstone凸面磨盘coordinate axis坐标轴COP copper 铜copper plating镀铜corrosion腐蚀cotter (split) pin 开口(尾)销counterbore hole 阶梯沉孔、埋头孔counterboring tool 平底扩孔钻counter-drill 阶梯钻countersunk hole锥形沉孔、埋头孔coupling or union连轴器covering external thread套扣CP circular pitch 周节crank摇把cross rib十字肋cross section shape横断面形状crossing line交叉线crossing point交叉点CRS (C to C) centers 中心距CSK countersunk 锥孔、埋头孔CU cubic 立方的CU FT cubic foot 立方英尺CU IN cubic inch 立方英寸CU YD cubic yard 立方码cube立方体cuboid长方体cup packing皮碗密封curve template 曲线板curved line of intersection曲交线curved slot 曲线槽cutting plane symbol剖切平面符号cutting plane剖切平面cut断面图cycloidal gear摆线齿轮CYL cylinder (cylindrical) 圆柱、圆柱体的cylindricity圆柱度Ddashed thin lines 虚线datum feature基准要素datum line基准线datum plane基准面datum point基准点datum symbo基准代号 ldeburring去毛刺dedendum circle 齿根圆dedendum 齿根高DEG or ? degree 度delineator制图者descriptive geometry 画法几何descriptive geometry solution 图解法design datum设计基准DET DWG detail drawing 零件图detail drawing零件图detailing (an assembly drawing) (由装配图)拆画零件图deviation尺寸偏差(偏差)DIA or φ diameter 直径DIAG diagonal 对角线(的)diagonal line 对角线diagram assembly drawing装配工作图diagrammatic drawing示意图diameter 直径diamond knurling网纹滚花dimension 尺码dimension figure 尺寸数字dimension form 尺寸格式dimension line 尺寸线dimension text 尺寸数值dimension tolerance尺寸公差dimetric drawing正二轴测图dividers 分规dome圆顶状double-start thread双线螺纹dowel pin 圆柱销draft or draught起模斜度drafting paper 绘图纸drafting tape 胶带纸drawing board 图板drawing number图号DRG drawing 制图、图样drilling钻孔drive gear主动齿轮driven gear从动齿轮driven shaft从动轴DRN drawn (by) (由) …绘图ductile cast iron球墨铸铁dynamometry测力Eedge line棱线effective diameters弹簧中径effective length有效长度EI or ei 来自法文ecart inferieur 下偏差代号elbow肘形弯管(头)element circle素线圆element symbol基本符号elementary unit基本体ellipse椭圆elongated hole延长孔、拉伸孔end cover端盖end face端面end point端点engineering requirements技术要求enlarged partial view局部放大图enlargement scale 放大比例EQUI SP or EQS equally spaced 均布erasing shield 擦图片ES or es 来自法文ecart superieur 上偏差代号EXT external 外部的extension line 尺寸界线external (male) thread外(阳)螺纹external diameter弹簧外径external dimension外形尺寸external tangency 外切external thread lathing车外螺纹external view外形视图extreme position of moveable part 活动极限位置extruding挤压FFAB fabricate 制造、装配faucet旋塞、水龙头feed spiral送料螺旋felt ring毡圈ferrous metal黑色金属FIG. figure 附图、插图FIL fillister 凹槽file锉filing margin 装订边fill in填写fillet铸造(内)圆角fine boring精镗fine broaching精拉fine grinding精磨fine milling精铣fine pitch thread细牙普通螺纹fine planning精刨fine turning精车finish all over全部加工fissure裂纹fit symbol配合代号fit system配合制fit配合55? non sealing pipe thread 55?非密封管螺纹55? sealing pipe thread 55?密封管螺纹fixed body固定钳身flange法兰盘、凸缘flat bar扁钢flat heads平顶flat or plane平面flatness平面度follower从动(大齿)轮font 字体font cavity缩孔、铸口forging锻压fork拨叉form error形状误差forth quadrant第四象限four quadrants四个象限45? mitre line 45?斜线free hand 徒手(画)free height自由高度frontal line正平线frontal plane (or V-plane)正投影面frontal plane正平面frustum of a cone圆锥台frustum of a cone截头圆锥frustum of a pyramid棱锥台FT or ′foot 英尺full sectional view全剖视图full size 原值比例full thread全螺纹functional dimensions功能尺寸Ggasket密封垫(圈)gauge calipers卡(量)规gear box (case)齿轮箱gear train齿轮传动gear齿轮general fit class配合种类general-plane 一般位置平面general-position line一般位置直线generating circle母线圆generator (generation) line母线Geometric construction 几何作图geometrical solid几何体geometrical tolerance symbol形位公差符号geometrical tolerance形状位置公差GI galvanized iron 马口铁、镀锌铁gib-head key钩头楔键gland压盖gland密封压盖globe valve球阀good-quality carbon steel优质碳素钢grade 坡度grade A and grade B of type one hexagon nutI 型六角螺母A级和B级graduated scale 比例(分度)尺graphical representation 图示法Graphics 图学GRD grind 磨削grey cast iron灰口铸铁grinding machine磨床grinding研磨grinding磨削groove 凹槽、沟纹guard valve安全阀guide pin定位销guide screw丝杠Hhalf sectional view半剖视图half view半视图hand valve手压阀hard casting白口铁hard metal硬质合金hardened and tempered调质的harden淬火hardness number硬度值Hatching 剖面线heat-treatment热处理heavy lines 加深图线heavy metal重金属helical compression spring圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧helical spring螺旋弹簧helical spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical tension spring圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧herringbone gear人字形圆柱齿轮HEX hexagon 六角(边)形HEX HD hexagon head 六角头hex nut六角螺母hex slotted nut六角开槽螺母hexagon head 六角头hexagon head bolt六角头螺栓hexagon head bolt六角头螺栓hexagon socket cap screw内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon thin nut六角薄螺母hidden edges 不可见轮廓线high-carbon steel高碳钢high-speed steel高速钢hole-basis system of fits基孔制配合horizontal (level) plane水平面horizontal line水平线horizontal projection plane (H-plane)水平投影面hot-rolled steel热轧钢HP horsepower 马力H-perpendicular line铅垂线H-perpendicular plane铅垂面HR hour 小时hub轮毂hub轮毂、中心hyperbola双曲线Ihypotenuse直角三角形之斜边(弦)I/D inside diameter 内径、内形尺寸I-beam工字钢imaginary line 假想线IN or ″ inch 英寸incenter 内(切圆)心included angle夹角inflexion拐点ingot iron低碳钢(工业纯铁)initial outline 初始轮廓线inlet side入口端inner race内圈inside diameter内径instruction book说明书instrumental drawing 用仪器画的图INT internal 内部的interchangeability互换性interference fit过盈配合internal (female) thread内(阴)螺纹internal (inside) caliper内卡尺(钳)internal diameters弹簧内径internal tangency 内切internal thread lathing车内螺纹interpenetration相贯intersecting plane截平面intersection line截交线intersection of plane surfaces平面之交线intersection of surfaces表面之交线intersection point交点Intersection相交Intuitive illustrations直观图involute gear渐开线齿轮iron铁ISO standards ISO国际标准ISO=International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织isometric drawing (diagram)正等轴测图isometric projection正等测投影isometric sectional view正等轴测剖视图Italic font 斜体Jjack千斤顶、起重器jig body夹具体junction surface结合面Kkey diagram原理草图key joint键连接key seat键座key types键的型式key way (slot)键槽key键knobbled (wrought) iron熟(锻)铁knurling 滚花knurling nut滚花螺帽Llamp plank钳口板LAT lateral 侧(横)向的lathe车床LB pound 磅lead distance导程leader line 指引线lead导程leaf spring叶(薄)片弹簧left hand-thread左旋螺纹left-hand side (end) view左(端)视图length of thread engagement螺纹旋合长度letter 字母lever arm长臂杠杆LG long .length 长度、长的LH left hand 左旋、左方向light metal轻金属limit size极限尺寸limiting deviations极限偏差limiting element转向轮廓素线LIN linear 线性的、直线的line segment 线段line styles 线型linearity直线性lines in planes线在面上L-iron角铁local (broken-out) sectional view局部剖视图location by dimension 定位尺寸location dimension尺寸定位lock nut防松螺母lock screw锁紧螺钉locking device锁紧装置LONG longitude 经度(线)long dashed dotted thin line 点画线long dashed double dotted thin line 双点画线lower-case letters 小写字母lower deviation下偏差lower limit下限(值)lubricant pump齿轮油泵。



《如何写好科研论⽂》章节答案(清华)学堂在线(2020秋最新⽹课答案)《如何写好科研论⽂》章节答案(清华)学堂在线(2020秋最新⽹课答案)第⼀章 如何造就优秀的学术论⽂--Quiz 11.多选题 (2分)根据本周所讲内容,对于论⽂标题的撰写,以下描述正确的是?A 标题应尽量精炼简洁B 标题需注意保护知识产权C 标题应反映核⼼技术D 标题可以尽量起的宽泛正确答案:ABC什么样的论⽂能被称为优秀的论⽂?A 论⽂能开辟⼀个新的⽅向B 论⽂能获得学术界重视,获得⾜够的引⽤C 论⽂有⼀定的研究价值D 论⽂有⼀定的创新意义正确答案:ABCD根据本周所讲内容,对于论⽂摘要的撰写,以下描述正确的是?A 摘要应覆盖⽂章的亮点及效果B 摘要是标题的扩充C 摘要内容尽量多,字数在400-500字为佳D 摘要应覆盖⽂章的出发点正确答案:ABD关于论⽂写作,以下说法正确的是?A 写论⽂时应换位思考,从读者的⾓度出发B 写论⽂时可以描述分析思路,从⽽扩充论⽂长度C ⼀篇好的论⽂从初稿到终稿应⾄少改10遍D 论⽂的语⾔表达应尽量简洁正确答案:ABCD根据本周所讲内容,关于总结和参考⽂献说法正确的是?A 以完成了所有⼯作的⼝⽓来撰写B 可以提出未来研究⽅向C 参考⽂献需要包括刊物名称、卷号、年份D 总结需注意与摘要的区别正确答案:ABCD论⽂写作语法练习1.判断题 (1分)语法判断1. Compared to the existing techniques, the proposed one requires less variables to train images, so makes the learning procedure much easier。

正确答案:错误语法判断2. If it is set to “NULL”, means the instance is the first simple pattern of its corresponding regex.正确答案;错误语法判断3. Hence, the input characters are mapped according to Table 2.5, which results the buffer shown in Figure 2.7, where the left array represents the disjoint character set and the right boxes are buffer nodes including string position.正确答案:错误语法判断4. The next step is to deeply analyzed malicious time intervals to extract attack flows.正确答案:错误语法判断5.Similarly, the upper bound A<B for the number of collected candidate vectors also holds as well.正确答案:错误语法判断6.The channel vectors are normalized by a global normalization value A that is the largest absolute value in the whole dataset, and can be expressed as A=B+C.正确答案:错误语法判断7.With the reflecting elements, an RIS can constructively combine the reflected signals to achieve a high level of energy, and further reconstruct the radio scattering environment into an intelligent one.正确答案:错误语法判断8.The complexity of ESD by means of the number of visited nodes is upper bounded by n< A*B.正确答案:错误语法判读9.In this paper, a novel framework with respect to sphere decoding is established by the proposed ESD algorithm.正确答案:错误语法判断10.To start with, according to Lemma 2, the number of saved candidate nodes at each searching layer is upper bounded by the summation of searching sizes at the previous layer.正确答案:错误语法判读11.Similarly, the same result about the choice of j can also be derived through ESD正确答案:错误第⼆章 如何撰写学术论⽂(⽂科)--Quiz 21.单选题 (1分)下⾯哪个选项,最符合本课程所介绍的写好科研论⽂主要步骤的顺序:a、找到值得研究的问题b、转变学习观念和学习⽅式c、发表⽂章d、逐步加深对学术研究的认识e、写出较⾼⽔平的学术⽂章f、结合专业,学会⽅法AabcdefBbafdecCbfdaecDbafdec正确答案:C2.单选题 (1分)本讲授课教师认为,研究⽣阶段,应该转变为以下哪种学习⽅式:A接收式的学习⽅式B创造性的学习⽅式C探索式的学习⽅式D体验性的学习⽅式正确答案:B3.单选题 (1分)以下哪种说法,不符合本讲授课教师的观点:A给⼤学⽣常识,给硕⼠⽣⽅法,给博⼠⽣视野B研究⽣的科研能⼒训练,可以和课程学习结合起来C相对于本科阶段来说,研究⽣阶段才真正进⼊了更具体的专业学习D研究⽣不应该模仿正确答案:D4.多选题 (2分)本讲授课教师认为,评判学术论⽂质量的最主要标准,包括以下哪些?(可多选):A学术论⽂的形式标准B材料的丰富程度C论⽂的创新性,主要体现在新观点、新材料、新⽅法三个⽅⾯D只要在⾼规格期刊上发表过的⽂章,就⼀定是优质的学术论⽂正确答案:AC5.单选题 (1分)本讲授课教师认为,学会做科研最关键的⼀步是:A转变学习观念和学习⽅式B结合专业,学会⽅法C找到值得研究的问题D成功发表⽂章正确答案:C第三章 SCI论⽂写作经验分享--Quiz 31.多选题 (2分)电⼦期刊订阅的⽅式有哪些?ARSS源订阅B邮箱订阅C给编辑发邮件订阅直接购买正确答案:AB2.多选题 (2分)⽂献管理的专业软件有哪些A PPTB endnoteC officeD NoteexpressE Zotero正确答案:BDE3.多选题 (2分)你如何选择投稿的期刊?A参考你⾃⼰经常读的⽂献所在的期刊B从Nature开始投,逐渐降低档次C参考已有成功经验的同学都投了哪些期刊D咨询导师的意见正确答案:ACD4.单选题 (1分)⽂章经过同⾏评议后,审稿⼈的意见⽐较负⾯,但是你觉得有可能是审稿⼈没有理解你的⼯作,你会怎么做?A直接不管,去相关论坛、⽹站吐槽B直接回复,批评审稿⼈没有理解我⽂章的要义C委婉回复,将⾃⼰⽂章的创新点说清楚D猜猜可能是哪个审稿⼈,伺机报复正确答案:C第四章 论⽂写作与投稿技巧--Quiz 41.多选题 (2分)You are writing the Results section of your article. Which of the following guidelines should you follow?AInclude data of primary and secondary importanceUse sub-headings to keep results of the same type togetherCDo not highlight findings that differ from previous findingsDInclude illustrations and figuresEE. Use scale markers for every photograph and image正确答案:BDE2.单选题 (1分)You are writing the References section of your article. Which of the following guidelines should you follow?ACite as many references as possibleBAvoid citations of your own workCFocus your references on one regionDEnsure that you fully understand the material you are referencing正确答案:D3.单选题 (1分)Who is responsible for checking the language quality used in a research paper?AJournal editorBAuthorCPublisherDJournal Manager正确答案:B4.单选题 (1分)You are working on your first scientific paper. Which of the following is an acceptable sentence structure for your article?AIt was found that study subjects responded well to the infusion of compound X in repeated tests, but they did not respond consistently to the infusion of compound Y.BIt was found that the study subjects responded well to compound X in repeated tests. It was also found that the response to compound Y was not consistent.CWe found that the study subjects responded well to compound X in repeated tests. We also found that the response to compound Y was not consistent.正确答案:C5.单选题 (1分)You are sending a paper to a publisher. Which of the following sentences represent good grammar for your manuscript?AWe didn’t find any correlation between diabetes and consumption of nutrient Y.BThe study subject’s ECG pattern was within normal range.CThe cholesterol levels were greatly reduced.DWhen we added an additional compound Z, the results remained the same.正确答案:B第五章 学术伦理道德--Quiz 51.单选题 (1分)You are a researcher wanting to publish a study undertaken in human beings. Do you need to provide detail about which organization gave ethical approval and how consent was obtained?AYESBNO正确答案:A2.单选题 (1分)You are working on a study and the results are not coming out the way you want them to. You just cannot confirm the hypothesis no matter how many times you rerun the tests. You're the one conducting the research and the only one managing the data analysis. You want to successfully resolve this. What are your options?AYou make very minor modifications to the data and slightly alter the images to keep it consistent. The likelihood of anyone challenging the results are slim.BYou leave out the problematic data and only use findings that support your hypothesis.CYou consult with your supervisor and/or lab team to troubleshoot, even if it means going back to the drawing board.There are no short cuts in science.正确答案:C3.单选题 (1分)You are preparing a paper that involves a complex concept but you're having difficulty putting into words precisely how this concept works. You see an excellent explanation in another published paper. Is it okay to use this explanation word for word in your paper without referring to the other paper?AYesBNo正确答案:B4.单选题 (1分)Let's say Cell accepts your paper for publication. Is it always okay to submit a version of that paper in a language other than English to a journal in a different country or does that count as duplicate submission?AYES, it's okay. It does not count as duplicate submission.BNO, it's not okay. It counts as duplicate submission.正确答案:B5.单选题 (1分)What situation might be considered a conflict of interest? A researcher who (select all that apply):AOwns stock of the pharmaceutical company commissioning the research work.BIs also a consultant to the company commissioning the research work.CIs asked to review a manuscript submitted by a colleague.DAll of the above.正确答案:D。



学术英语写作课后答案第一篇1、Academic Writing----A Handbook for International Students (Fourth Edition) and Writing Research Papers (Fifteenth Edition)中提到,我们可以用两种形式来罗列大纲,它们是:A、The outline might be informalB、The outline might be a listC、The outline might be a mind mapD、The outline might follow up答案:B2、Academic Writing----A Handbook for International Students (Fourth Edition) and Writing Research Papers (Fifteenth Edition)中提到,大纲有两种类型,分别是:A、Informal outlineB、List outlineC、Running outlineD、Formal outline答案:C;D3、在formal outline 中,显示等级的常规做法是:A、SymbolsB、IndentationC、ParalleliD、ConsistencyE、Content-rich headings答案:B;A;C;D4、正式大纲的三种形式是:A、Sentence outlineB、Topic outlineC、Combination outlineD、Phrase outline答案:A;B;C5、我们有可能对working outline进行以下哪些修改?A、You will choose a new topic.B、You will add some topics and delete others.C、You will reevaluate topics.D、You will rearrange the order of topics and subtopics to facilitate transitions and improve coherence.答案:B C D6、Working outline不是暂定的,一旦制定下来,就不能再修改了。



Unit 1 Outline

Write an outline (sentence or topic) according to the title “Should Private Cars Be Encouraged?”
Suggested outline Thesis: Private cars shouldn’t be encouraged. Ⅰ Introduction: a sign of modernization

Ⅱ Three reasons 1. the most populous country 2. air pollution and sound pollution 3. various kinds of trouble a: high maintenance fees b: petrol fees c: traffic accidents
Ⅲ Conclusion: government policy
Ⅱ. Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between nations. A. No nation has all the commodities it needs. B. A nation may not have enough of certain commodities. C. A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit. D. Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary.
Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations.







答案:对5.W3C 最重要的工作是发展Web 规范,也就是描述 Web 通信协议(比如HTML 和 XML)和其他构建模块的“推荐标准”。

答案:对6.Web 标准的制定者是______。


答案:Web8.万维网的网址以http为前导,表示遵从______ 协议。


答案:HTML10.HTML 的中文名是______。



答案:对3.HTML是HyperText Markup Language(超文本标记语言)的缩写。



答案:对5.HTML的段落标记中,标注文本以原样显示的是标记 P答案:错6.< hr color=red >表示______。

答案:水平线的颜色是红色7.表示跳转到页面的”bn”锚点的代码是______ 。

答案:<a href="#bn"> ... </a>8.下列说法正确的是______ 。





那笔的英文是什么呢?下面是店铺为你整理的笔的英文,希望大家喜欢!笔的英文pen;pencil;technique of writing;calligraphy or drawingpen的用法n.笔,笔尖; 笔法,文笔; 作家; 围栏vt.写; 把…关入栏中; 关押,囚禁;1. He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.他在和国民阵线领袖让-马里·勒庞的正面交锋中获得了胜利。

2. This cuttlefish has a horny internal shell like a pen.这只乌贼有一个笔状的角质内壳。

3. Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.用不同颜色的毡头笔画草图,以免搞混。

4. Draw the basic outlines in black felt-tip pen (see fig. 4).用黑色毡头笔画出基本轮廓(见图4)。

5. He sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an Army issue pen.他坐在书桌后吃力地写着,用的是一支部队发的钢笔。

6. Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen.斯内普用金笔开了一张收据。

7. She sat at the table with pen and paper.她拿着纸笔坐在桌旁。

8. Could you hold the line and I'll just get my pen.能否请您稍等一会儿,我拿支笔?9. He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger.他用拇指和食指捏着笔。



科技英语写作试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the most common method of communication in scientific research?A. EmailB. ConferenceC. Journal publicationD. Social media2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic ofscientific writing?A. ObjectivityB. ClarityC. SubjectivityD. Precision3. In scientific writing, what is the purpose of an abstract?A. To provide a detailed description of the research methods.B. To summarize the main points of the research.C. To list all the references used in the paper.D. To give a comprehensive review of the literature.4. What does APA stand for in academic writing?A. American Psychological AssociationB. Association of Professional AuthorsC. Academic Publishing AssociationD. Advanced Publishing Association5. Which of the following is the correct order of a scientific paper?A. Introduction, Results, Discussion, ConclusionB. Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, DiscussionC. Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, ReferencesD. Abstract, Results, Methodology, Introduction, Discussion答案:1. C2. C3. B4. A5. C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. The _______ is a vital part of a scientific paper that provides a brief overview of the research.[Answer: Abstract]7. When writing a scientific paper, it is essential to use _______ language to ensure clarity and precision.[Answer: technical]8. The _______ section of a scientific paper details the procedures used to carry out the research.[Answer: Methodology]9. Scientific papers are often peer-reviewed to ensure_______ and reliability.[Answer: validity]10. Proper citation of sources in scientific writing helps to avoid _______ and gives credit to the original authors.[Answer: plagiarism]三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. Explain the importance of using correct citation formats in scientific writing.[Answer: Using correct citation formats in scientific writing is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to avoid plagiarism by giving proper credit to the original authors. Secondly, it allows readers to locate the original sources easily for further reading or verification. Lastly,it maintains the integrity and credibility of the scientific community by upholding academic standards.]12. What are the key elements of a scientific abstract?[Answer: The key elements of a scientific abstract include the background or context of the research, the purpose or objective, the methodology used, the main results, and a brief conclusion or implication of the findings.]13. Describe the role of peer review in the publication process of scientific papers.[Answer: The role of peer review in the publicationprocess of scientific papers is to ensure the quality, validity, and originality of the research. Peer reviewers,who are experts in the field, evaluate the paper for its scientific merit, methodology, and presentation. They provide feedback and recommendations that can help the authorsimprove their work before it is published.]14. Discuss the ethical considerations in scientific research and writing.[Answer: Ethical considerations in scientific researchand writing include honesty in reporting results, avoiding fabrication or falsification of data, maintainingconfidentiality when necessary, and ensuring that theresearch has been conducted with informed consent and adherence to ethical guidelines. Researchers must also avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that their work does notharm the participants or the environment.]四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)15. Discuss the impact of technology on scientific communication and the challenges it presents.[Answer: Technology has significantly impacted scientific communication by enabling faster and more efficient dissemination of research findings through digital platforms. It has also facilitated collaboration among researchersacross the globe through tools like cloud computing andvirtual labs. However, it presents challenges such as information overload, the need for data security, and the potential for misinformation or "fake news" to spread rapidly.Researchers must be adept at navigating these challenges to ensure that their communication remains accurate and trustworthy.]16. Analyze the role of language in scientific writing and the strategies to enhance clarity and precision.[Answer: Language plays a crucial role in scientific writing as it is the medium through which researchers convey their findings and ideas. To enhance clarity and precision, writers should use concise and unambiguous language, avoid jargon when unnecessary, and employ active voice whenever possible. Additionally, structuring the text logically, using appropriate headings and subheadings, and carefully proofreading for grammar and spelling errors are essential strategies to improve the quality of scientific writing.]。

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The Basic Outline of a PaperThe following outline shows a basic format for most academic papers. No matter what length the paper needs to be, it should still follow the format of having an introduction, body, and conclusion. Read over what typically goes in each section of the paper. Use the back of this handout to outline information for your specific paper.I. IntroductionThe introduction should have some of the following elements, depending on the type of paper: Start with an attention grabber: a short story, example, statistic, or historicalcontext that introduces the paper topicGive an overview of any issues involved with the subjectDefine of any key terminology need to understand the topicQuote or paraphrase sources revealing the controversial nature of the subject(argumentative papers only)Highlight background information on the topic needed to understand the direction of the paperWrite an antithesis paragraph, presenting the primary opposing views(argumentative paper only)The introduction must end with a THESIS statement (a 1 to 2 sentences in length):Tell what the overall paper will focus onBriefly outline the main points in the paperII. BodyClearly present the main points of the paper as listed in the thesisGive strong examples, details, and explanations to support each main pointsIf an argumentative paper, address any counterarguments and refute those argumentsIf a research paper, use strong evidence from sources—paraphrases, summaries, and quotations that support the main pointsIII. ConclusionRestate your thesis from the introduction in different wordsBriefly summarize each main point found in the body of the paper (avoid going over 2 sentences for each point)Give a statement of the consequences of not embracing the position (argumentative paper only)End with a strong clincher statement: an appropriate, meaningful final sentence that ties the whole point of the paper together (may refer back to the attention grabber)Additional TipsDecide on the thesis and main points firstYou do not need to start writing your paper with the introductionTry writing the thesis and body first; then go back and figure out how to best introduce the body and conclude the paperUse transitions between main points and between examples within the main pointsAlways keep your thesis in the forefront of your mind while writing; everything in your paper must point back to the thesisUse the back of this handout to make an outline of your paperPaper Topic:____________________________________________________ Audience:__________ I. IntroductionPossible ideas for the introduction (see front side of handout for suggestions):_____________________________________________________________________________________________Thesis Statement (Usually the last sentence(s) in the introduction):_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ II. Body (A paper may have a few or many main points; decide how many your paper will need) Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________ Examples/Details/Explanations:a. ______________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________ Examples/Details/Explanations:a. ______________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________ Examples/Details/Explanations:a. ______________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________ Examples/Details/Explanations:a. ______________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________ III. ConclusionReworded Thesis (Usually found near the beginning of the conclusion):_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Other Ideas to Conclude:________________________________________________________________Clincher Ideas: _________________________________________________________________。
