3. 画“
”的句子中,第一个分句将“浪潮”比作“ 千万匹白色战马 ”,
一、阅读《观潮》片段,完成练习。 午后一点左右,从远处传来隆隆的响声,好像闷雷国家滚中小动学课程。资源顿时人声鼎沸,有 人告诉我们,潮来了!我们踮着脚往东望去,江面还是风平浪静,看不出有什么 变化。过了一会儿,响声越来越大,只见东边水天相接的地方出现了一条白线, 人群又沸腾起来。 那条白线很快地向我们移来,逐渐拉长,变粗,横贯江面。再近些,只见白 浪翻滚,形成一堵两丈多高的水墙。浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头 并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来;那声音如同山崩地裂,好像大地都被震得颤动起来。
3. 画“
的谷物,最后都记录下来并带回去造福百姓。 观点+理由
2.神农氏是一位百折不挠、敢于冒险、甘于奉献的人。文中神 农氏为了给百姓解决充饥、治病的问题,他带领臣民走向大山。 虽然腿走肿了,脚起茧了,遭遇狼虫虎豹,但他依然不放弃; 为了给百姓治病,他亲自尝草药,即使自己中毒,他依然坚持
以下是一些语文阅读理解的答题技巧复习资料:1. 仔细阅读题目,明确要求。
2. 快速浏览全文,把握大意。
3. 精读重点段落,寻找细节。
4. 利用题目中的关键词。
5. 理解作者的观点和态度。
6. 注意文章中的修辞手法。
7. 学会归纳和总结。
8. 检查答案的完整性和准确性。
9. 练习和反思。
10. 保持耐心和细心。
经典英语高考复习资料-阅读理解120篇第21篇From goodreadingwecanderivepleasure,companionship,experience,andinstruction.Agoodbookabsorbourattentionso completely thatforthetimebeingweforgetour surroundings andevenour identity. Reading goodbooksoneofthe greatest pleasuresinlife.It increases our contentment whenweare cheerful, andlessensour troubles whenwesad. Whatever maybeourmain purposein reading, our contact with good books should neverfailtogiveus enjoymentsatisfaction.With agoodbookinourhandsweneedneverbelonely.Whetherthecharacters portrayedaretakenfromreallifearepurely imaginary, theymay becomeour companions and friends. Inthepagesofbookswecanwalkwiththewisethe goodofall lands andall times. The people wemeetin books may delight useither because they resemblefriendswhomweholddearorbecausetheypresent unfamiliar typeswhomwearegladtowelcomeasnew acquaintances. Ourfriends sometimes mayboreus,butthe friends wemakeinbooks need never wearyuswiththeir company. Byturningthepagewecan dismiss them without anyfearofhurting their feelings. When human friends desert us,good booksare alwaysreadytogiveusfriendship, sympathy,and encouragement. Oneofthemostvaluablegifts bestowedbybooksis experience. Fewofuscantravelfarfromhomeorhaveawiderangeof experiences, butallofuscanleadvariedlives throughtheof books. Whether wewishto escape fromthe seemingly dull realities of everyday lifeor whether welongtovisitfar-off place, abook will helpus when nothing else can.To travel bybook we neednobank account toourway;noairshiporoceanlinerorstream-lined traintotransport us;nopassporttoenterthelandofourheart's desire. Through bookswemaygetthethrillof hazardous adventure without danger.Wecanclimblofty mountains, bravetheperilsan Antarctic winter, orcrossthe scorching sandsofthe desert, all without hardship. Inbookswemayvisitthe studiosHollywood; wemayminglewiththegaythrongsoftheParis boulevards; wemayjointhe picturesque peasantsinanAlpinevillage orthe kindly natives onaSouth Sea island. Indeed, through books the whole worldisoursforthe asking. Thepossibilities ofourliterary experiences arealmost unlimited. Thebeautiesofnature,the enjoymentofmusic,thetreasuresofart,thetriumphsarchitecture, themarvelsof engineering, areallopentothewonderand enjoymentofthosewhoread.1.Whyisitthatsometimes forgetour surroundings andevenouridentity while reading?A. Noonehascometodisturb you.B. Everything issoquietcalmaroundyou.C.Thebookyouarereadingissointeresting and attractive.D. Yourbookisoverdue;youarefinishingitaveryfastspeed.2.Howwouldyouaccountforthefactthatpeopleliketheir acquaintances inbooksevenmore?A.Theyresemble human friends exactly. B.Theyare unfamiliar typeswelike.C. Theynever desertus.D.Theyneverhurtour feelings.3. Whichthe following istrue?A. Yourwishtovisit somefar-off placecanbe realized through the pagesofthe books. B.escape fromthedull realities of everyday lifeyou should takeup reading.C.Bookscan always helpyoutolivecolorfullife.D.Youmayobtainvaluable experiencefromreadinggoodbooks.4.Theword“weary〞means______.A.“toattract someone’sattention〞B.“todistract someone’s attention〞C.“tomakesomeoneverytired〞D.“tomakesomeone interested〞5.thewholeworldisoursfortheasking〞impliesthat____________.A. inbookstheworldismoreaccessibletousB.wecanasktogoanywhereintheworldC.wecanmakeaclaimtoeverythinginthisworldD.wecanmakearound-the-world tripfreeofcharge经典英语高考复习资料-阅读理解120篇第22篇Have youeverpickedajobbasedonthefactthatyouweregoodatitbutlaterfounditmadeyoufeelvery uncomfortable overtime?Whenyouselectyourcareer,there'sawholelotmoretoitthan assessing yourskillsandmatching themwithaparticular position.Ifyouignoreyour personality, itwillhurtyoulong-term regardless ofyourskillsorthejob's pay.Thereareseveral areasofyour personality thatyouneedtoconsidertohelpyoufindagoodjob.Hereafewofthosemainareas;After onlyoneterm, however,theappealoffortuneandadventure proved uncontrollable. Londongaveupstudies and traveled tothe Alaskan Yukonin1897in search of gold. Jack London was among thefirstoftheseminers. Hemayhave searched formorethan gold, however. London once commented, True,thenewregion wasmostly poor;butitsseveral hundred thousand square milesof coldness atleast gave breathing spacetothose whoelse would have chokedat home.〞Althoughhewas unsuccessful asaminer,London’s experiencesinAlaskataughthimaboutthehumandesireforwealthandpowerandabouthumankind’s inabilitytocontroltheforcesofnature.WhileinAlaska,Londonalsoabsorbed memoriesandstoriesthatwouldmakehimknownone hundred years later.Once backin California, London became determined toearnalivingasawriter.Herentedatypewriter anduptofifteenhoursaday,spinninghisAlaskan adventuresintoshortstoriesandnovels.According tolegend,London’s pilesofrejectionfrom publishers grewtofivefeetinheight! Evenso, London preserved. In1903,heearned national famewhenhe publishedthepopular novelParents inthereward groups offeredtheir childrenatasteofthe “target〞vegetable everydayof12days,Soonchildreninthestickergroupweregivinghigherratingstothevegetables-and werewillingtoeatmoreintheresearchlab,fromanaverageof5gramsatthestarttoabout10gramsafterthe12-day experience. The turnaround also seemedlast,with preschoolers inthesticker groupstillwillingtoeatmoreoftheoncedisliked vegetable three months later.Why didn’tverbalpraisework?Wardlesaidtheparents’ wordsmayhaveseemed “insincere〞totheirchildren.16.The purposeofwritingthepassageis.A.tointroduceapractical methodofmakingchildreneat vegetablesB.to showtheprocedureofanexperimentonchildren’s dietC.to explainwhychildren。
阅读理解答题模板+课件 初中语文中考复习
• 1.对比:文章.........进行对比,形成强烈的反差,加深了读者的印象,突出表现了(人物形象、文章的 中心)表达了....的情感。
篇 中 句 段 篇 尾 句 段
结构作用 内容作用
1、承上启下 2、推动情节发展,为后文作铺垫、埋下伏笔 3、前后照应 1、承接了(上文).....引出了(下文)…… 2、插叙句段补充说明某内容
1、总结全文 2、首尾照应,照应标题 1、交代结局,使文章情节完整
变,形成波澜起伏,收到出人意料的感人效果。 • 8.悬念:设置悬念能引起读者注意,引出文章的说明内容等。使文章情节曲折。
• 公式:词语本义+句子含义+深层含义 • (1)词语本义:①近义词法②拆解法 • (2)所在句子含义:就是结合词语在原文中的语境(句子)
去回答 • (3)深层含义:表达了……情感/表现了人物……形象特点
例1:但愿人们在聆听美妙的蛙鸣时能有爱护之心。(句 中“聆听”一词用得是否妥当?)
(其他人物) ……的情感。 • 拟人:运用拟人的修辞手法,将……以人化,赋……以人的思想、感情、动作,生动形象描写
了……情景(或特点),抒发了……情感。 • 排比:运用排比的修辞手法,强调了事物的……特点,抒发了……的强烈感情或使……观点更鲜明,
整齐优美,气势磅礴。 • 夸张:运用夸张的修辞手法,突出(强调了)……事物……的特点,表达了……的情感。 • 对比:运用对比的修辞手法,把……与……进行对比,突出了……的特点,表达了……情感。 • 反复:运用反复的修辞手法,突出表现了……(句子描绘的内容),强烈地表达了……情感。
(二)小说三要素:人物(根据能否表现小说主题思想确定主要人物)情节(开端/发展/高潮/结局)环境(自然环境/ 社会环境。
英语阅读(一)复习资料1、语法与词汇1.—“What courses are you going to do next semester?”—“I don’t know. But it’s about time _B_on something.”A. I’ d decideB. I decidedC. I decideD. I’ m deciding2.The police have offered a large__D_ for information leading to the robber’s arrest.A. awardB. compensationC. prizeD. reward3.I arrived at the airport so late that I _C__missed the plane.A. onlyB. quiteC. narrowlyD. seldom4.The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely__A_.A. unjustifiedB. unjustC. misguidedD. unaccepted5. The head of the Museum was _D__ and let us actually examine the ancientmanuscripts.A. promisingB. agreeingC. pleasingD. obliging6. ___B__ their policy can be changed the future for that country will be indeed bleak.A. Even ifB. UnlessC. Now thatD. As long as7. She said she would work it out herself __D___ ask me for help.A. and not toB. but notC. and prefer notD. rather than8. —“I bought this shirt for 35 dollars yesterday.”—“It’s on sale today for only 29. You should have waited.”—“On really? But how __A___ I know?”A. wouldB. canC. didD. do9. They were pushed into battle ___A__.A. unpreparedB. unpreparedlyC. not preparing itD. without preparing it10. She asked that she __C___ allowed to see her son in police custody.A. would beB. could beC. beD. was11. __B__ the sight of the police officers, the men ran off.A. InB. AtC. OnD. With12. __D__ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.A. Making upB. Doing upC. Putting upD. Sizing up13. __C___ the whole, early American city planning was excellent.A.InB. FromC. OnD. Above14. _C___ we are having these days!A. What a lovely weatherB. What lovely weathersC. What lovely weatherD. What lovely a weather15. _A___, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly thana man whose command of language is poor.A. Other things being equalB. Were other things equalC. To be equal to other thingsD. Other things to be equal16. After a concert tour in Asia, Canada and the U.S., he will __C___ work on a five-language opera.A. confineB. indulgeC. resumeD. undergo17. After briefly __C__ the history of the author, Prof. Li turned to the novel itself immediately.A. dipping inB. dipping atC. dipping intoD. dipping to18. After negotiation, the two countries __D__ the terms of peace.A. agreed withB. agreed inC. agreed toD. agreed on19. A man has to make ___C__ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live onwhen old.A. supplyB. assuranceC. provisionD. adjustment20. A writer has to __D__ imagination as well as his experiences for his writing.A. drawing back fromB. draw inB.draw up D. draw on二、段落阅读理解1. Running is one of the best exercises of all. Next time you have to go to the store for aloaf of bread, try running instead of walking. You will be building up your leg muscles and giving your heart and lungs a good workout.The Topic: ________Running______________.2. There are many ways to invest your hard-earned savings cautiously. In fact, there are somany ways that it all becomes a little confusing. One way through the confusion, which financial advisers recommend, is to know what you want to achieve, know how much risk you are prepared to take and go from there. But which way? Two common answers to this question are investment funds and investment-led insurance for the long term.The Topic: ____Ways of investment___________.3.A relationship is an invisible link that brings people closer. Cooperation and truststrengthen a good relationship, and help both sides grow and prosper.The Topic: Human relationships_.4. The most important breakthroughs are coming in cancer, heart disease, brain afflictionssuch as stroke, and autoimmune diseases such as Type I (juvenile) diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Here are some treatments that could reach patients within five to ten years.The Topic: Medical breakthroughs__.5. However, because of recent changes in coffee production and marketing, shade coffeeplantations are a threatened habitat. In the past twenty years, coffee has begun to be grown with no shade canopy at all. While this manner of cultivation produces increased yields, these cannot be kept for many years without intensive management (additions of chemical fertilizers and a range of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides).The Topic: ___Change____.6. Philip Coates-Wright freely admits that his obsession with Napoleon rules his life. It hascost him his marriage, eats up all his spare money, and dominates his spare time. Philip, 29, a lecturer in modern history, is a founder member of the Napoleonic Association, which re-enacts battles all over England. On field, he is a French Brigade Commander andwears authentic uniforms. The orders he gives his troops are in 18th century French.Philip even got married in a French Hussar’s uniform.The Main Idea: _Coates-Wright’s obsession with Napoleon rules his life.三、篇章阅读理解We had just started a round of Bloody Marys. My girl friend took a sip, looked idly around the room and suddenly, with more vivacity (轻松活泼) than I had seen in weeks, exclaimed, “Isn’t that Ernest Hemingway?”At the end of the bar, talking on the telephone, was a tall man with a white beard, handsome and imposing.“It’s Hemingway all right,” I said.“Why don’t you ask him to have a drink with us?” she said, knowing I wouldn’t dare.What matter if the barman at the Ritz threw me out? My life was over anyway. “I’ll ask him,” I said.“No, no, don’t ,” she said. “I was just kidding.”“I wasn’t,” I said, squaring my shoulders and striding to the bar. Hemingway had just ended his phone call.“Mr. Hemingway,” I said, “the young lady at the far table and I would like you to join us for a drink, if you have time.”He looked at me, then across the room at her. Whether it was because I was so obviously on the spot or because she was so pretty-she really did look like a cross between Gene Tierney and Audrey Hepburn, as people often remarked-he said, “I’ve got another phone call to make, and then I’ll join you.”When I returned to the table, my girl friend asked: “What’d he say? What’d he say?”“He said he’d join us for a drink. Maybe he was just kidding.”A few minutes later, with both of us studiously not looking toward the end of the bar,a shadow loomed over the table and Hemingway sat down. We ordered another roundof Bloody Marys.Hemingway told us he was going down to Spain for the bullfights. He said he had fully recovered from injuries suffered when his small plane had crashed in the African jungle a few months before. He asked me what kind of car I drove, and when I told him I had a Triumph TR-2-a big engine for a small chassis (汽车底盘) -he remarked, “Get us the manifold pressure in one of those and you can really roll.”We chatted for a few moments. Then he looked at his watch and said: “I’d like to stay longer, but I’ve got a dinner date. Nice talking to you.”My girl friend took my hand and smiled warmly at me for the first time in weeks.“You’ve got nerve,” she said.I signaled for the check. “Monsieur Hemingway a paye,” the waiter said. Mr.Hemingway had paid for the drinks.1. When they first saw Hemingway, the latter _________C______.A. was drinking Bloody MarysB. was talking to the barmanC. was talking on the phoneD. was walking idly around the room2. The girl suggested that the author go and ask Hemingway to have a drink with thembecause ___A___.A. she was not speaking seriouslyB. she was sure Hemingway would comeC. she wanted to talk to Hemingway very muchD. she was sure the author would do as she suggested3. After the author went to invite Hemingway, the latter ___B__.A. said he didn’t have timeB. promised to join them laterC. first said no and then said yesD. went to join them immediately4. Hemingway talked with the two people about the following except ___D__.A. the car the author was drivingB. the recovery of his healthC.the place he was goingD. the book he was writing5. Which of the following is NOT true with Hemingway according to the passage? AA. Hemingway was polite and considerate.B. Hemingway was injured a few months before.C. Hemingway thought people needed pressure in life.D. Hemingway was too busy to find time to talk to common people.四、书面表达。
(一).主旨大意加工与浓缩信息的能力标题类常见的题型:1.The best title/ headline for this passage might be____.2.The text (passage) could be entitled .3.What is the best title for the passage?4.Which of the following would be suitable as a title for the passage?大意类常见题型1. This passage chiefly deals with____.2. What’s the topic of the article?3. What is the subject discussed in the text?4. With what topic is the passage chiefly concerned?目的主旨大意常见题型The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is______.The passage is meant to _____The purpose of this article is _______主题句呈现的形式A. 文首提出主题, 随之用细节来解释, 支撑或发展主题句所表达的主题思想. 最常见的演绎法方式。
Sample 1The panda is a popular animal. Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children, and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.Sample 2Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious. The world population is rising, so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are pollutingour environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.Sample 3Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions. People with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value.They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them. Q:What is the topic of the text?A. Young Thieves.B. An Unusual Illness.C. Reasons for StealingD. A Normal Child’s Actions.B. 文尾在表述细节后, 归纳要点, 印象, 结论建议或结果, 以概括主题. 这是英语中最常见的归纳法写作方式。
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阅读理解复习资料1、八下M21. Why was the smile an important gift?A. It made Zhang Bei fell happy, livel and warmB. Zhang Bei didn’t know who the boy wasC. Zhang Bei’s old school was far away.D. The smile didn’t mean anything to the boy2. Why couldn’t Zhang Bei talk to anyone about her problem?A. Because she was in the first year at a junior high school.B. Because she didn’t have any friends in her new schoolC. Because she didn’t want her parents to worry about her.D. Because she was always unhappy3. Why do you think the boy smiled?A. He really liked Zhang Bei.B. He saw Zhang Bei was unhappyC. He was happy to see his friendsD. He was a very friendly boy and smiled at everyone4. How did the smile change her life?A. Her parents didn’t worry about her any more.B. She became best friends with the boy.C. She began to make friendsD. She realised that it’s important to smile at people5. Where does she now think her feeling of unhappiness came from?A. From herselfB. From other people in the worldC. From her old schoolD. From the children at the new school2、八下M41.When the snake bit Mr Jackson, it was_______A.Hiding in a box of bananasB. climbing out of a box of bananasC.Lying under a dishD. climbing into the fridge2. Mr Jackson threw the snake across the room probably because____.A. he was surprisedB. his chest began to hurtC. he wanted to get a better photoD. the fridge door was open3. Mr Jackson closed the frdge door so that______.A. he could take a photoB. the snake couldn’t go back to the zooC. the snake became coolD. he was safe from the snake4. The doctors gave Mr Jackson the right medicine when______.A. London zoo told them what kind of snake it wasB. Mr Jckson sent the photo to the hospitalC. the snake bit himD. he left hospital the next day3、八上M5后1.What type of music does Vanessa-Mae like?A.Only pop musicB. lots of different kinds of musicC. only classical music2.Who listen to classical music because they like Vanessa-Male?A.Pop starsB. young peopleC. classical musicians3.What has Vanessa-Mae played with?A.The violinB. the pianoC. the drums4.. Who has Vanessa-Mae played with?A.Beethoven and the BeatlesB. Many young peopleC. pop stars and classical musicans4、八下后M7.1. Why does Jamie say “It’s no use”?A. He can’t understand the mapB. the path isn’t on the mapC. He’s got the wrong mapD. He can’t work out where they are2. Why are the writer and Jamie lost?A. They took a wrong turningB. They threw their map awayC. it’s too dark to see where they’re goingD. They are a long way from home.3. What do they decide to do?A. To follow the pathB. To make a good planC. To walk along the riverD. Not to worry about it\4. What happens to Jamie?A. He can’t see where he’s going.B. He falls and hurts his legC. He falls into the riverD. He runs into danger5、九上M11. Where may the passage come from?A. a guidebookB. a grammar bookC. a dictionaryD. a diary2. Why was there nothing to see?A. Because there was nothingB. Because it was too darkC. Because it was rainingD. Because it was in the moring3. Where was the writer facing on the edge of the Grand Canyon?A. To the southB. To the northC. To the eastD. To the west4 What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?A. To give facts about the Grand Canyon.B. To tell how he feels about the Grand CanyonC. To describe the Grand CanyonD. To tell people to visit the Grand Canyon6、九上M111. The writer wants to _______.A. show the disadvantages of how cities have grown over the years.B. show that life in the city can be enjoyableC. describe the dangers of city lifeD. explain what cities need to give the people who live there.2. Parkville became a suburb of Arnwick because______.A. no one wanted to live in a villageB. people wanted better places to liveC. Arnwick grew largerD. people feel safer in large cities3. “ But it’s not her fault” means Jo_______.A. doesn’t want to add to the traffic and pollutionB. is unhappy about adding to the problemsC. doesn’t choose to go to a school so far awayD. feels bad about the traffic and pollution4. The writer has written a story probably because______.A. he’s not interested in factsB. it’s more interestingC. it’s too dangerous to talk about a real cityD. it’s clearer that if he describes a real city7、九上后M8.1. You cannot enter the competition if you are _____ years old.A. 16B. 17C.182. You must sign a form to say that____ have taken the photographs.A. youB. your parentsC. yo0u and your parents3. Each photograph must have______.A. a descriptionB. one or two sentencesC. a form4. The winning photographs can be______.A. black and whiteB. 22* 22 cm in sizeC. 21*21cm in size5. The prizes are cameras______.A./B. and a jobC. and photos6. To find out who the winner is, you must go to _____.A. the Danford MirrorB. Longbrige SchoolC. 45 Wingate street7. The prizes will be presented by_____.A. Mike BronsonB. another winnerC. a top photographer8、九下M11. How old was Lin?A. He was 16 years oldB. He was 26 years oldC. He was 10 years oldD. He was older than his brother.2. What was it like on the train?A. It was almost emptyB. It was full of people and bagsC. there were few peopleD. There were a number of empty seats3. The man sitting in Lin’s seat_____.A. was bigger and stronger thatn LinB. was very braveC. needed the seat more than LinD. was more interesting than the other passengers4. What did the man with glasses do?A. He looked out of the windowB. He shouted at Lin.C. He told the young man to moveD. he disappeared down the train5. The young man in Lin’s seat woruld get off the train at______.A. BeijingB. the next stopC. Lin’s villageD. Hangzhou6. How long would Lin stay on the train?A. 10 minutesB. One dayC. 12 hoursD. More than seven hours.7.What did the young man sitting in Lin’s seat od in the end?A. He gave up the seatB. He found another seat for LinC .He shouted at the man with glassesD He looked at Lin’s ticket9、九下M51. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food____.A. in a treeB. on the groundC. in the tentD. by a stream2. They put the food in the tree to______.A. keep it away from the rubbishB. make it easier to open the bagC. stop the bears from smelling itD. stop the bears from seeing it3. You should make lots of noise because bears______>A. can run faster than peopleB. may be afraid of peopleC. may not know where people areD. shouldn’t come too close to humans4. The writer tried to go to sleep, but______.A. was worried about the bearsB. wasn’t triedC. wanted to see the bearsD. there was too much noise5. The writer’s blook went cold because he_____.A. thought the mother bear was coming backB. was afraid of noiseC. liked bearsD. felt ill after running so fast10、九下M61. Kate is writing to her father because_____.A. he has stopped smokingB. she likes smokingC. she wants him to stop smokingD. she misses her uncle2. Kate has found out that smoking______.A. isn’t so badB. is worse than she had thoughtC. helps you think betterD. outside does no harm3. Kate’s mother doesn’t like_____.A. smoking outsideB. beautiful smellsC. the smell in the houseD. the smell of smoke in the house4. Kate is afraid that______.A. she and her mother will fall ill because of her father’s smokingB. her clothes will smell of smokeC. she will start to smokeD. she can’t help her father11、九下M9.(1)1. In a country like India, English is______.A. not taught in schoolB. spoken by everyoneC. the most important froeigh languageD. not the language everyone speaks at home2. English became more common because_______.A. of the growth of the UkB. it’s an easy language to learnC. it was used in television, films and the InternetD. it was sold like an industrial product3. English has many words which____.A. are difficult to rememberB. first cam from other languagesC. look as if they come from another languageD. are important to remember4. In the middle of the twenty-first century, Chinese_______.A. may replace English as an international languge.B. will be taught in all schools as a foreign languageC. will be used as widely as EnglishD. won’t be used as widely as English12、九下M9(2)1. English is a world language because____.A. there are 5.8 billion people who don’t speak itB. 180 million people in China are learning itC. noboby speaks Lantin any moreD. speakers of all languages, from all over the world, use it2. In the future,people won’t need to learn English, because______.A. most people will have learnt itB. more and more Chinese people are learning itC. it will no longer be as widely spoken as it is todayD. educated people will prefer Latin3. If most children learn English at school_______.A. the number of English beginners in the world will increase.B. the level of English will be higher around the worldC. they will want to learn other languages as wellD. languages like Arabic and Chinese will be less popular4. English may not always be the world language, because_____.A. many people speak other languagesB. Lantin is going to be the common language againC. people want to learn other languagesD. it is too difficult to learn.13、九下M10(1)1. Who is likely to be thanked?A. familyB. schoolmatesC. teachersD. strangers2. What is the speaker likely to say?A. thank youB. good luckC. I’m sorryD. cheers!3. Which personal qualities are likely to be mentioned?A. good behaviorB. bad temperC. patienceD. good fun4. What’s the purpose of the speech?A. to thank peopleB. to say sorryC. to look forward to the futureD. to dscribe personal achiveenments14、九下M10(2)1. These days,_____ students in the UK take a gap year.A. manyB. someC. allD. a few2. Travelling can teach you values such as learning about _____.A. flightsB. relationshipsC. moneyD. jobs3. Working on projects in poorer countries is all about ___people.A. payingB. entertainingC. managingD. helping4. To help poorer people, you have to be prepared____.A. to live in another countryB. to be paid very wellC. to work for freeD. to be paid very little5. University graduates with some work experience often get ___ than graduates without experience.A. more moneyB. jobs more easilyC. more important jobsD. more jobs in other countries15、九下revision B1. In order to become a horse dentist, Charlene_______.A. worked on farms for several yearsB. studied in college for several yearsC. was out of workD. worked in a hospital2. Charlene doesn’t want to be a dentist for people because______.A. the pay is lowB. she has to buy special toolsC. she likes working with horsesD. she will be out of work3. To become a robot engineer, Mike_______.A. had to study hardB. didn’t have to go to collegeC. needed to worryD. bought a lot of robots4. Mike got top marks in all his maths exams, although_______.A. he had to study maths to be an engineerB. he could break into the world of robot engineeringC. he made up his mind to study science , maths and computersD. maths was not easy to study16、九下后M61. Why is sleep good for your health?A. Sleep is good for the brain as well as the body.B. Sleeping helps you relaxC. Sleeping makes you need less energyD. You can solve more problems while you sleep2. What happens to children at school if they don’t get enough sleep?A. they walk more slowlyB. They can relax.C. They watch more TVD. They do less well at school3. How does a bedtime story help children get a good night?A. It helps children to relaxB. Children lose less sleepC. Children have more energyD. Children get to sleep earlier4. Why is it better to sleep in a room without a TV or computer?A. You can read stories before you go to sleepB. You sleep better and get more sleep.C. You have less energyD. Your brain works better5. What did the German scientists’ experiment show?A.Sleep helps children learn to readB. Losing sleep means children don’t learn wellC. Your brain works while you sleepD. Parents should read bedtime stories17、九下M71. Who is the passage written for?A. Westerner eating a Chinese mealB. Westerner eating in a Chinese homeC. Chinese person eating a Chinese mealD. Chinese person eating a western meal2. What is the tone of the passage?A. SerousB. strictC. FormalD. Conversational3. Where might you see a passage like this?A. in a travel magazineB. In a news magazineC. In an instruction manualD. In a dictionary1. ABDCA2. CADA3. BBBC4. DACB5. DBDB6. ACCD7. CAACABB8. ABACDDA9. BCBAA 10.CBDA 11. DCBC 12. DABC 13. DBCC 14. ABDCB 15. BCAD16. BDABC 17. ABA。