Le Creuset乐锅使用详解
Perfect Pro压力锅中文使用说明书-精简版

Perfect Pro 压力锅使用说明书(本人用PDF格式的压力锅使用说明书的截图制作的Word文档的封面)WMF压力锅主要部件示意图1 烹饪指示器2烹饪指示器垫圈 3 主阀门 4 安全阀5 锅盖手柄6 锅身手柄7 锅手柄橙色键8 金属旋转按钮9 锅身把手10 密封胶圈11 专利锅底13 残余压力安全装置垫圈14 排气孔径垫圈15 残余压力安全装置小孔WMF Perfect Pro 压力锅使用说明书1. 安全提示1. 使用压力锅之前请仔细阅读本说明,不适当的操作会导致锅具损坏。
2. 建议未阅读本操作说明之前不要使用压力锅。
3. 锅具使用时请不要让小孩靠近,以免发生意外。
4. 禁止将压力锅放进烤箱中,烤箱的高温会使压力锅的把手、主阀门和安全阀受损。
5. 压力锅尚未完全排压前必须小心移动,不要触碰烫热的金属表面,必要时戴上隔热手套。
6. 压力锅只能用于所属用途上,不可用作其它目的。
7. 压力锅利用压力烹饪,不适当的操作会烧毀压力锅。
8. 不要强行打开压力锅,不要在锅内压力没有完全排空前打开锅盖。
9. 不要无水空锅加热,会造成锅具严重损坏。
10. 不要在压力锅内加入超过容量2/3的食物。
11. 使用压力锅时请不要长时间走开,注意调节火力,确保烹饪指示器上升至相应橙色圈。
12. 请配套使用说明书中列明的炉具。
13. 如果烹饪带皮的肉类(如牛舌),请注意此类食品会在压力作用下发生膨胀,不要在表皮膨胀时刺穿肉块,否则容易引起烫伤。
Cuisinart 不粘锅使用和保养指南说明书

Non-St ick Cook ware Use and CareGuideNon-Stick CookwareCUISINART ® NON-STICK COOKWARECookware heats quickly and spreads heat evenly. Aluminum core ensures unsurpassed heat distribution, and eliminates hot spots.n TRIPLE-LAYER CONSTRUCTION DELIVERSDUR ABILIT Y AND PROFESSIONAL COOKING PERFORMANCE:1. Premium nonstick cooking surface provideslifetime food release, healthier cooking and easy cleaning.2. Aluminum core heats quickly and cooks at aneven temperature.3. Protective metallic finish guards the aluminum corefor lasting performance. Its exterior is finished for enhanced beauty and easy cleaning.CUISINART ® EASY GRIP ™ RIVETED SILICONEHANDLES ARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A SECURE AND COMFORTABLE GRIP. TIGHT-FITTING, TEMPERED GLASS COVERS SEAL IN FLAVORS AND NUTRIENTS. OVEN SAFE TO 350˚F (177˚C).Congratulations on your purchase of Cuisinart ®Non-Stick Cookware! Designed from the inside out for today’s lifestyles, your Cuisinart ® Non-Stick Cookware combines uncompromising superiorcooking performance with a professional look. We guarantee you a lifetime of healthier cooking with your Cuisinart ®Non-Stick Cookware.BEFORE USING FOR THE FIRST TIME Remove all labels. Wash cookware and covers in warm water with a mild dishwashing soap. Rinse thoroughly in warm water and wipe dry with a soft dish towel.HEAL THIER COOKING, EASY CLEANING When cooking with your Cuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware, you do not need to add oil or butter to prevent foods from sticking. If you wish to enhance the flavour and appearance of foods, you need add only a minimum amount to the nonstick surface of your cookware. Use of cooking spray is not recommended, as it may cause buildup of residue on the cooking surface.STOVETOP COOKINGSelect a burner size that matches the diameter of the pan bottom. When cooking over a gas burner, make certain that the flame touches only the bottom of the pan. If the flame extends up the sides of the pan, energy is wasted and flames may permanently discolour the cookware exterior. Please use caution or care when using this cookware on smooth-top cooking surfaces to avoid scratching or damage.COOKING ON A GLASS STOVETOPTo avoid scratching a glass cooktop, do not slide cookware onthe glass surface. Please consult your glass cooktop manual for information and recommendations on use.ESSENTIAL PRECAUTIONSNever use Cuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware on high heat or food will burn. The aluminum core of this cookware heats quickly and its even heat distribution prevents hot spots. The dark interior colour also allows food to cook more quickly with less heat. We recommend using a low to medium setting for most cooking.To boil water, medium-high is sufficient. Never leave Cuisinart®Cookware or any pan empty over a hot burner. Doing so can ruin the pan and cause damage to the stovetop.OVEN COOKING TEMPERATURECuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware and glass lids can be used in the oven up to 350˚F (177˚C) for short amounts of time, not to exceed 20 minutes. Using Cuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware in the oven will cause the handles as well as the pan to become hot. Use potholders or oven mitts when removing the cookware from the oven. DO NOT place Cuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware under the broiler.PROPER COOKING UTENSILSWe recommend using plastic or wooden utensils in your Cuisinart®Non-Stick Cookware to maintain its appearance and performance. Refrain from cutting foods or using sharp utensils such as forks, knives, mashers or whisks that can scratch the cooking surface.EASY MAINTENANCELet your Cuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware cool before cleaning. The reinforced nonstick system and the smooth exterior ensure easy cleaning. Cookware should be washed by hand with hot, sudsy water and a sponge or soft dishcloth. Do not use steel wool or other metal or abrasive pads that can scratch your cookware. After washing, rinse thoroughly and dry immediately to maintain your Cuisinart® Cookware’s finish. You may place the Cuisinart®Non-Stick Cookware in the dishwasher; be sure to use a non-lemon detergent.CONVENIENT STORAGEHanging pans by their handles on a cookware rack provides convenient, safe storage for your Cuisinart® Cookware. Use care if you store your cookware in cabinets or drawers. Careless stacking and crowding may cause scratches.CUISINART® KITCHEN TOOLSKitchen tools are heat resistant up to 400°F (200°C) and safe for nonstick cookware.Dishwasher safe for top rack only. Hand-wash for best results.LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTYYour Cuisinart® Non-Stick Cookware is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship with normal home use from the date of original purchase throughout the original purchaser’s lifetime. If your cookware should prove to be defective within your lifetime, we will repair it (or, if we think it necessary, replace it) without charge to you, except for shipping and handling. To obtain warranty service, please call our Consumer Service Center toll-free at 1-800-472-7606. Or write to Consumer Service Center, Cuisinart, 100 Conair Parkway, Woodbridge, ON L4S 0L2.To facilitate the speed and accuracy of your return, please enclose $10.00 for shipping and handling of the product. Besure to include a return address, description of the product problem, phone number, and any other information pertinent to the product's return. Please pay by check or money order made payable to Cuisinart. NOTE: For added protection and secure handling of any Cuisinart product that is being returned, we recommend you use a traceable, insured delivery service. Cuisinart cannot be held responsible for in-transit damage or for packages that are not delivered to us. Lost and/or damaged products are not covered under warranty.©2018 Cuisinart100 Conair ParkwayWoodbridge, ON L4H 0L2Made and printed in China 18CC033715。
Le Creuset酷彩深烧锅/炒锅/中式炒锅使用注意事项

Le Creuset酷彩深烧锅/炒锅/中式炒锅使用注意事项
3.煎炸食物时, 食物表面一定要保持干燥.煎鱼,肉的时候,一定

LeCreuset黑色琺瑯锅的保养和使用文章网络 / 整编:Niuniuyumami这锅和之前的那口le creuset有什么不同呢?这锅最大的不同就是,内部是黑色的,没有白色的涂层。
使用下来,觉得le creuset锅最牛逼的地方就是它能够保证食物的原汁原味在烹调过程中不流失。
这是因为le creuset的铸铁工艺,让整个锅都均匀受热,这样就不会出现热力集中在锅底而容易糊底或者水分挥发很厉害的问题。

劲创奶酪蒸煮搅拌浓缩锅安全操作及保养规程1. 前言劲创奶酪蒸煮搅拌浓缩锅是一种用于生产奶酪、奶粉、乳制品等产品的专用设备,严格按照操作规程操作并定期维护保养,可确保设备正常运行,生产出优质产品,保障生产安全。
2. 安全操作规程2.1 设备操作前的准备1.确保设备与电源连接正常,电气接地完好。
2.2 设备操作过程1.打开进料阀门,将原料加入锅内并锁紧阀门。
2.3 设备操作注意事项1.操作者应该经过专业技能培训并持有相关证书。
3. 设备保养规程3.1 每日、每周保养1.每日应该拆卸搅拌机,清洗传动部件、密封圈和锅体内部,尤其注意清洗锅底、壁等死角处。

1. 确定使用娃娃家厨具的场景,例如厨房、餐厅等。
2. 将娃娃家厨具放置在合适的位置,确保娃娃能够方便地使用。
3. 打开娃娃家厨具的功能部件,例如炉灶、水龙头等。
4. 使用娃娃家厨具前,先检查其是否完好无损,不存在松动或损坏的部件。
5. 根据需要,选择相应的娃娃家厨具,例如平底锅、勺子、碗、杯子等。
6. 在使用娃娃家厨具前,准备好所需食材和调料。
7. 将食材放入容器或准备好食物。
8. 根据使用的娃娃家厨具,比如炉灶,可以打开炉灶旁的开关或按钮,使其具备加热功能。
9. 将食材或调料放入娃娃家厨具中,例如将平底锅放在炉灶上,将勺子搅拌食材等。
10. 根据需要,可以使用其他厨具进行搅拌、切割、煮沸等操作。
11. 完成使用后,关闭娃娃家厨具的功能部件,清理和整理所使用的厨具。
12. 及时清洁娃娃家厨具,保持其整洁和卫生。
仿铸铝Le Creuset酷彩TNS锅特性

仿铸铝Le Creuset酷彩TNS锅特性
Le creuset酷彩 铸铁锅菜谱【精品做菜教程】

Le creuset酷彩铸铁锅菜谱的做法

Toshiba Electric Hot Pot (For household use) Instruction ManualModelPLK-45SD PLK-45SDIPLK-45SDR PLK-45SDRIPLK-45SE PLK-45SEIPLK-45SF PLK-45SFIPLK-45SFE PLK-45SFEIS[Thank you for buying Toshiba electric hot pot today.[The electric hot pot is used for boiling water only.T o apply this product safely and properly, please readthe manual thoroughly and well understand before use.[After reading, please keep the manual handy.2SAFETY PRECAUTION[This page is mainly referred to the safety precaution to prevent the property damage and the danger to the users and others. After understanding these details clearly (the indication and the symbols), please read and follow the specifi ed items.SIGNAL EXPLANATIONSYMBOL EXPLANATIONWARNINGIndicating “when the product is used wrongly, it may cause severe injuries ∗1 and death.”PROHIBITEDindicates prohibition (must not do).The details of the prohibition will be instructed by sentences or illustration nearby or in the symbol.CAUTIONIndicating “when the product is used wrongly, the user may get injured ∗2 or the product may cause the property damage ∗3.”MANDATORYindicates mandatory (must do). The details of the mandatory will be instructed by sentences and illustration near or in the symbol.∗1 : Severe injuries mean to get blind, wound, burnt (high and lowtemperature), an electric shock, broken bones, and poison, etc. Consequently, there may be some symptoms and you may go to the hospital and it takes a long time to cure.∗2 : Getting injured means you get wound, burnt, an electric shock.However, you do not have to go to the hospital for long cure.∗3 : Property damages mean the damage to the accommodations,properties, farmland, and pets, etc.CAUTIONindicates caution.The details of the caution will beinstructed by sentences or illustration nearby or in the symbol.WARNING3(WARNING continued)IMPORTANT DOCUMENT ON SAFETY PRECAUTION56HOW TO INSTALL EARTH LEAD WIRE(Model PLK-45SD, PLK-45SDR, PLK-45SE, PLK-45SF, PLK-45SFE)1.Remove Screw. Spring washer and Flat washer on Earth connecting plate.Earth connecting plate2. Set Earth lead wire on Earth connecting plate then put Flat washer and Spring washer respectively on Earth lead wire and fi xing screw tightly.Earth connecting plateScrewEarth lead wire7[Do not use the appliance near the radio,etc. Please keep it away from the place affected by a radio, television, etc.It may cause a loud noise.[Do not use it near the fire.The pot may be damaged and deformed.[Do not directly supply the water from the tap into the pot.[ Do not pour out all the hot water remaining using the button on the control panel.[ Please pour out the hot water remaining after usage every time.If the water is left inside the pot, it may discolor the water or the water may be smelly.[ When pouring out the hot water, do not touch the dispenser.How to open and detach the lid1[Install the lid in the reverse order of removal. When closing thelid, please press it until the clicking sound is heard.2Hold the lid release lever up. While pressing the lid detach lever, lift the lid slantwise upwards.PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONSFilterthere is some dirt, it is easily removed.)Regarding the power cord.For the figure, the power cord 3 pins plug is for grounded socket version.Press the lid lock button, then lift the lid release lever and lift it up.8i nd i catorUNLOCK button PUMP buttonCLEAN i nd i cator ()BOIL i nd i cator SAVE MODE Ind i catorW i ndow sensorAbout buzzer 9When press i ng the buttons,“beep beep ” or “beep ” w i ll be heard . These sounds s i gnal the correct operat i on .“98”, “85” and “60” w i ll l i ght up .9FOR THE FIRST TIME USE (In case of not us i ng the pot for a long t i me)Once bo i l the water at the temperature of “98”. After that, press the PUMP button to pour some water . Then, pour out all the water rema i n i ng from the pot . And the pot can be used generally.1Put the water i nto the i nner pot and close the l i d .[For example, pour the water from the kettle .2Connect the power plug . Then bo i l the water at the temperature of “98”.4Pour out all the water rema i n i ng .[After unpluggi ng, detach the l i d and pour outthe water as shown i n the p i cture .Please do not pour out the water us i ng the button on the control panel .BOILING/POURING BOILINGPut the water in the pot and close the lid. Connect the plug. Then press the TEMP.CLEAN button to select thetemperature.:The BOIL indicator will lightup. And after the selectedTEMP. indicator ( )fl ashes about 2 seconds,the display will light upinstead.• The display will show theraising water temperatureby 5°C at a time. If the temperature is lower than15°C, “Lo” will appear.The displayed temperature is as a measure. It maychange depending on the amount of water or theroom temperature.L When selecting the temperature of “98”:When the water boils, theBOIL indicator will light off,the WARM indicator willlight up and “bee bee bee”will be heard noticeably.L When selecting the temperature of “85”and “60”:When the water boils, thethe selected TEMP. indicator will fl ash:When reaching the selected temperature, the WARMindicator will light up and“bee bee bee” will be heardnoticeably.[The time range of water boiling • 4.5L: About 40 minutes[The range of time after boiling to the temperature of “85”• 4.5L: About 1 hours and 30 minutes [The range of time after boiling to the temperature of “60”• 4.5L: About 4 hours and 30 minutes NOTICE• Although the power cord is unplugged, theprevious set temperature will not change until the temperature is adjusted next time.• The boiling point will change depend on high from sea level and the pressure. Then the selectedkeep warm temperature will concern also. (In case the selected keep warm temperature is “98”.)• If the room temperature is higher after the water boils, it will take more time to reach the selected temperature.•The warming temperature can be altered although the water is being warmed. The boiling point willdepend on the water temperature at that time.NOTE[Do not fi ll the water while the electric pot is decreasing temperature to keep warm atselected (98, 85, 60). Due to the quantity of fi lled in the inner pot may be not enough toreboil.1011When the pot i s nearly emptyF i ll the water before the water reaches the water level gaugeWhen not i n useUnplug the power cord and detach the l i d . After that, pour out all the water .L Regard i ng the prevent i on to warm the empty potT o prevent the acc i dent from overheat i ng, i f i t i s found that the empty pot i s warmed (for example,there i s the d i str i but i on of power supply when the pot i s empty .), the electr i c current d i str i buted to the heater w i ll be cut off and i t i s not i ceable from the “bee bee bee, bee bee bee, bee bee bee ” s i gnal sound and the i nd i cator flash i ng ..[coated fluorocarbon-res i n may d i scolor or peel away .POURING 1Press the UNLOCK button, then.2Place the cup under the waterd i spenser and press the PUMP button .Then, the water w i ll pour out ..conta i ner such as a cup, etc .NORMAL :For pour i ng a great amount of watersuch as for cook i ng, etc .[The UNLOCK i nd i cator w i ll l i ght up .When want i ng to lock r i ght after pour i ng water Press the UNLOCK button and the UNLOCK i nd i cator w i ll l i ght offReduc i ng Chlor i nePress the REBOIL TIMERbutton once wh i le bo i l i ng and press i t tw i ce wh i le warm i ng . Then, the REDUCECHLORINE i nd i cator ( ) w i ll l i ght up .:The BOIL i nd i cator w i llflash and the REDUCE CHLORINE i nd i cator( ) w i ll l i ght up .[Wh i le the water has been bo i l i ng for 3 m i nutes,the amount of chlor i ne w i ll be reduced .[When the water i s rebo i led[Please press the button tw i ce .Example : In case of warm i ng at thetemperature of “98”12REBOILING/WARMING (TIMER AND SAVING MODE)TIMER MODETh i s mode cannot be used at the warm i ng temperature of “60”.When keep i ng the temperature of “98”or “85”, press thebutton and the TIMER i nd i cator ( )w i ll l i ght up .:“6” w i ll be d i splayed as the hour t i mer and theWARM i nd i cator w i ll flash .The hours rema i n i ng unt i lsett i ng t i mer i s ended w i ll be d i splayed by 1 hour .(In case sett i ng t i mer wh i le the water i s be i ng bo i led,the WARM i nd i cator w i ll flash after the water bo i ls .:The TIMER i nd i cator ( )w i ll l i ght off and thetemperature i nd i cator w i ll d i splay . After that, the water w i ll be rebo i led .When at the selected warm temperature, the WARM i ndi cator w i ll l i ght up not i ceably .After about 6 hours L To cancel the t i merPress thebutton once . It w i ll sw i tch to BOIL .SAVING MODETh i s mode cannot be used at the warm i ng temperature of “60”.Press the SAVING MODEbutton wh i le i n the warm i ng temperature of “98”or “85”.:The SAVE MODE i nd i cator w i ll l i ght up NOTE[Wh i le i n sett i ng t i mer, select i ng the temperature of “60” w i ll cancel the operat i on .When gett i ng dark...When gett i ng l i ght ...(The l i ght stays for 4m i nutes .):The mode sw itches automati cally to the sav i ng mode by 5 seconds and the WARM i nd i cator w i ll flash slowly .(The control panel shows the warm i ng status .):The WARMi nd i cator flashes rap i dly . And at the selected warm i ng temperature, the WARM i nd i cator w i ll l i ghts the s i gnal w i ll sound .L To cancel the sav i ng modePlease press the SAVING MODE button aga i n .The SAVE MODE i nd i cator w i ll l i ght off .∗ In sp i te of unplugg i ng, the sav i ng mode st i ll operates unt i l i t i s cancelled .L To rebo i l the water i n sav i ng modePress the REBOIL TIMERbutton once to l i ght up the BOILi nd i cator .NOTE[In sav i ng mode, select i ng the warm temperature at “60” or sett i ng the t i mer w i ll cancel the operat i on .[ The save mode cannot be used dur i ng t i mer sett i ng mode .T o return to the sav i ng mode operat i onWhen the pot i s moved to another locat i on and the sav i ng mode does not operate, please follow the sett i ng procedure below :1.Cancel the sav i ng mode .2.Ad j ust the l i ghtness where the save mode operates .3.Keep press i ng the SAVING MODE button for 5seconds . When the “bee bee bee ” i s heard,release the button . (The sett i ng i s complete .)Rebo i l i ng water wh i le warm i ngPress the buttononce .:The BOIL i nd i cator w i ll l i ght up .[The t i me range of water rebo i l i ng[At the temperature of “98”: About 3 - 6 m i n [At the temperature of “85”: About 9 - 10 m i n [At the temperature of “60”: About 15 - 18 m i n [In the sav i ng mode : W i th i n about 18 m i n (The amount of water : max i mum water/the room temperature : 20°C)13MAINTENANCEDa i ly Ma i ntenanceRegard i ng the water sl i me (wh i ch i s colored) or wh i te sta i ns[Do not use benzene, cleanser, or the scrubb i ngbrush .These w i ll erode the surface or the coated fluorocarbonras i n .[Do not clean the pot w i th the d i sh washer or the d i sh dryer .Such appl i ances may d i stort the pot .[Do not wash i t w i th the detergent .The pot may be smelly.Accord i ng to the example on the left, these are caused by the m i nerals i n the water . So these are not the changes of color or the bad smell caused by the pot,and the peel i ng of fluorocarbon .∗ Though here does not concern the health prob lem, please be aware of the ma intenance w ith the c i tr i c ac i d accord i ng to the spec i f i ed per i od .CAUTION[Wh i te part i cles (crystall i zed m i neral)[The changes of water color to m i lky,black or red, etc .[Rust-l i ke spots (sl i ghtly rusty)[Roughness[Be aware of the pot clean i ng .If the d i rt i s left i n the pot, there w i ll be some no i se when bo i l i ng or i t w i ll cause the problem of pour i ng water .[In case of not i n use for a long t i me, please leave i t naturally dry after the ma i ntenance .14How to clean the pot with the citric acid1Put the water into the pot at the level of maximum water. Then fill about 50 grams of citric acid into the water and close the lid.2Connect the power cord and press the TEMP .CLEANbutton to select“CLEAN ”.: The CLEAN indicator ( ) flashes and then lights up to start cleaning.[ It takes about 90 minutes for cleaning.3Unplug and pour out all thewater. Wipe away the dirt from the pot and wash it with water.4To remove the smell of the citric acid, fill the water at the level of maximum water and select the temperature of “98”. After that,boil the water and then pour out all the boiled water.During the cleanindicators will flash.The remained time of the cleaning will flash in the display of minutes.This means the pot cleaning is finished.:The “bee bee bee bee bee” will be heard and WARM indicator,BOIL indicator, anddisplay will flash quickly.Regarding the PUSH POSITION for open the lid How to open the lid1st step, Push down on the LID LOCK LEVER at the “ ” push position.2ndstep, Lift up the LID LOCK LEVER, then lift the lid up.15SPECIFICATIONSNENL10000000172 REV.00。

E l e c t r i c W a t e r H e a t e rOWNER’S MANUALFORCE 10 MARINE COMPANY23080 HAMILTON ROADRICHMOND, BC CANADA V6V 1C9TEL: (604) 522-0233FAX: (604) 522-9608If your water Heater is Damaged or you have questions regardinginstallation, performance or operation please contact Force 10********************************************************. INTRODUCTIONThank you for selecting a Force 10 Marine Electric Water Heater. Your unit was carefully inspected and tested at our factory. We take pride in producing one of the finest Water Heaters for marine use. Please take the time to read this manual carefully; many of its instructions are essential to the safe operation of your unit. Because of the continuing refinement of our product designs, your Water Heater may possess features not discussed in the manual. We have tried to supply all the information you might need, so please take time to read this manual before using your Water Heater.Force 10 advises strongly against unauthorized modification of this product, but wedo encourage you to correct problems which may arise.Please make note of the model and serial number of your Water Heater for future reference.Model # ____________ Serial # __________________Any recommendation or advice by Force 10 Marine Company, or any of its employees, is given with the understanding that it is solely as an accommodation to the customer, and should not be relied upon by the customer without an independent verification of its applicability to the customer’s particular situation.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons should be followed, including:•Read all Instructions before Operating.•This water heater must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded circuit. •Install or locate this water heater only in accordance with the provided installation instructions.•Use this water heater only for its intended use as described in this manual.•Do not use an extension cord set with this water heater.•Do not operate this water heater if it has a damaged power line, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.•This water heater should be serviced only by qualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, or adjustment. WARNING:This is an electrical appliance that requires a specific energy source. Each unit is manufactured to run on either 120 OR 240 volt circuitry. Be sure you have purchased the correct unit based on your power source.This heater is equipped with a heat exchanger so that the water may be heated by the coolant from your engine. This may cause the water temperature to get excessively hot unless your unit is equipped with a Temperature Control Valve which holds the temperature at approximately 140 deg F.Do not operate this water heater if there is damage to the heater or if not performing properly. Contact Force 10 for assistance.The tank and heat exchanger are aluminum. Do not use any chemicals in the heat exchanger that may cause damage to it. Use only the engine manufacturer’s recommended coolant. Do not use raw water in heat exchanger circuit. Damage caused by a damaging chemical or salt reaction is not covered under warranty. CAUTIONHydrogen gas is produced in a hot water system served by this heater that has not been used for a long period of time (2 weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable. To reduce the risk of injury under these conditions, it is recommended that the hot water faucet be opened for several minutes at the kitchen sink before using any electrical appliance connected to the hot water system. When hydrogen is present, there will probably be an unusual sound such as air escaping through the pipe as the water begins to flow. There should be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time it is open.NOTE: Small DC electric currents move between boat and shore through the safety ground wire in the shore cord, causing galvanic damage to your water heater. To prevent galvanic damage, this product should be used in conjunction with a galvanic isolator. These devices are inexpensive and easily installed. Galvanic corrosion is not covered by warranty.INSTALLATIONCAUTIONTo reduce the risk of excessive pressures and temperatures in this water heater, install temperature and pressure protective equipment required by local codes and no less than a combination temperature and pressure relief valve certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems, ANSIZ21.22-1986. This valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to exceed the marked maximum working pressure of the water heater. Install the valve into an opening provided and marked for this purpose in the water heater, and orient it or provide tubing so that any discharge from the valve exits only within 6 inches above, or at any distance below, the structural floor, and does not contact any live electrical part. The discharge opening must not be blocked or reduced in size under any circumstances.) For your convenience, this device has already been installed on you unit.MOUNTING1.If you are using the heat exchange feature, locate the water heater as close to theengine as possible. The heat exchanger port (or TCV inlet if equipped) must be lower that the coolant output port of the engine.2.Your unit is equipped with mounting brackets located either on the sides of thetank or the front and back of the tank. Use stainless steel screws to securely fasten the heater.PLUMBING1.Connect cold water supply and hot water outlet to the heater as indicated on thefront of the tank. (The tank is supplied with 1/2” NPT Female fitting) Force 10 recommends the installation of a check valve on the cold water inlet. Seal all pipe fittings with Teflon tape or Loctite thread sealant.Thermal Expansion: When a Water Heater is installed in a closed water-supply system, such as one having a back flow preventer in the cold watersupply, means shall be provided to control thermal expansion.2.The heat exchanger inlet or TVC inlet (if equipped) and the outlet is a 5/8” hosebarb fitting. Connect hoses to the hose barb fitting using stainless steel hoseclamps.3.If your unit is equipped with a TCV (Temperature Compensation Valve) thecoolant loop to the water heater exchanger must be an auxiliary loop in the engine coolant circulation system. The TCV can not be installed inline with the engine coolant system. Figure 1 on page 5PLUMBING CONNECTIONSHEAT EXCHANGER INSTALLATION DIAGRAM(Figure1)4. A Temperature / Pressure relief valve (SRV) is factory installed. A drain hoseshould be installed to comply with ABYC standards. (Section H-23 ( in the Installation of Potable Water Systems chapter.) Due to thermal expansion the SRV may weep slightly. This is normal operation.ELECTRICAL1.Remove the AC wiring access cover by unscrewing the screw at the top of thecover. The bottom is held in by a tab. The tab should be between the front case and the insulation.2.Connect the electrical supply by a qualified electrician. The electrical supply shallbe armored cable or conduit per NEC code ANSI/NFPA 70-1993. See figure 2 on page 7 for Wiring Diagrams.Note: Wiring diagram is located on the inside of the removable accesspanel.3.Connect Line (Hot) to the pigtail wire coming from the High TemperatureLimiter. Connect the Neutral to the unused screw terminal on the heating element marked with a white “N”.4. A strain relief should be installed in the hole on the front of the access panel tosecure the AC wire.5.Ground the water heater using the ground connection screw on the inside of theaccess cover. Do not use a switch in the grounding circuit.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSWIRING DIAGRAMS(Figure 2)DO NOT CONNECT LINE (HOT) DIRECTLY TO THE ELEMENT OPERATIONELECTRICWhen the Water Heater is operating from the AC Power, water temperature in the tank is regulated at 140 deg F (60 deg C). The thermostat is non-adjustable.HEAT EXCHANGERWhen the Water Heater is operating from the Heat Exchanger, water temperature in the tank will approach the temperature of the engine coolant. If the Heater is equipped with a Temperature Control Valve (TCV) the water temperature in the tank will be regulated at approximately 140 deg F (60 deg C).The Temperature Control Valve (TCV) regulates the flow of coolant through the Heat Exchanger by sensing the output temperature of the water in the tank. As the output water temperature rises, the thermal actuator closes the valve and restricts the coolant flow through the Heat Exchanger limiting the water temperature to approximately 140 deg F (60 deg F) . When the output water temperature cools the valve opens and allows engine coolant to flow through the heat exchanger.START-UPpletely fill the tank and entire water system. Flush water through the tank toeliminate any trapped air.2.Check all connections for leaks.3.Apply power to the Water Heater and check to ensure the water is hot. The waterwill meet maximum temperature within (2) hour.Caution: Do not operate water heater without the heating element submerged in water.MAINTENANCE1.Disconnect AC Power prior to draining the water system.2.Flush Tank periodically.3.If the temperature in the tank environment is going to drop below 32 deg F (0 C),drain the tank to prevent freezing and possible damage.TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDECAUSE SOLUTION PROBLEMNo output from the tank Air Lock in the system Bleed all the water linesHigh Limiter switch has tripped Cycle AC PowerWater does not get hot whenplugged into AC PowerFailed Thermostat Replace ThermostatElement has burned out Replace ElementWater Dripping from SRV Thermal Expansion Install Expansion tankValve poppet not seated properly Lift leaver to flush valve andreseat.Leaking from TCV Connection Loose Connection Tighten the collar hex nut on theTCV.Bad seal Replace “O” RingLeak from TCV vent hole Failed temperature sensor seal Replace TCVLeaking shaft seal Replace TCVSPECIFICATIONS405XXX406XXX411XXX418XXXCapacity 5 Gallon 6 Gallon11 Gallon20 GallonTank Material Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum AluminumCase Material Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Weight (Dry)22 lb25 lb30 lb 47 lbOverall Size includingmounting plate (W/D/H)Front /Back Mount N/A13.6" / 20" / 13.6"16" / 22.5" / 16"N/AFront /Back Mount w/ TCV N/A13.6" / 20.5" / 13.6"16" / 23" / 16"N/ASide Mount15.5" / 16.5" / 13.6"15.5" / 19.5" / 13.6"18.75" / 21.5" / 16"N/ASide Mount w/ TCV15.5" / 16.75" / 13.6"15.5" / 20" / 13.6"18.75" / 22" / 16"N/ACross Mount N/A N/A N/A18.75" / 18.75" / 29.5"Standard HeatExchanger Location Front Front Front FrontElectrical Rating120 V1500 Watts / 12.5A1500 Watts / 12.5A1500 Watts / 12.5A1500 Watts / 12.5A 240 V1500 Watts / 6.25A1500 Watts / 6.25A1500 Watts / 6.25A1500 Watts / 6.25AIgnition Protection Yes Yes Yes YesCertification120 V UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2No. 110-94UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2No. 110-94UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2No. 110-94UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2 No.110-94240 V CE CE CE CEFittings Water Inlet1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F Water Outlet1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT FHeat Exchanger5/8" Hose Barb5/8" Hose Barb5/8" Hose Barb5/8" Hose BarbSRV3/4" NPT F3/4" NPT F3/4" NPT F3/4" NPT F Warranty 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years Specifications sugject to change without noticeLimited WarrantyForce 10 Marine Company warranties the Hot Water tank to the original consumer to be free from defective material(s) and workmanship while under normal use and service for a period of (2) year.During the warranty period, Force 10 Marine Company will, at its option and without charge, repair and/or replace but not remove or re-install the faulty product.The purchaser will return defective products to the address stated below. No product will be accepted by Force 10 Marine Company without a Return Authorization Number. Return of defective products must be accompanied by written details of the problems and proof of purchase.The buyer shall be responsible for shipping and insurance charges, if any, on the products returned for repair under the terms of this warranty. Force 10 Marine Company will pay shipping of products returned to the buyer.This limited warranty applies only to products that have been installed and used in accordance to printed instructions of Force 10 Marine Company and does not cover improper use, vandalism, negligence or accidents.FORCE 10 MARINE COMPANY23080 HAMILTON ROADRICHMOND, BCCANADA V6V 1C9TEL: (604) 522-0233FAX: (604) 522-9608WEB: Page 10 of 10ENG-0092.6WARRANTYREGISTRATIONName:Address:City:State/Province:Country:Code:Postal/ZipTelephone:address:EmailDate: MODEL # Purchase#SERIALBoat:ofManufactureofBoat:ModelName):(DealerfromPurchasedDate:Signature:Mail to: Force 10 Marine CompanyRd.23080HamiltonCanadaRichmond,BC1C9V6VFax to: (604) 522-9608。


九阳电热锅的使用方法英文回答:How to Use a Joyoung Electric Hot Pot.1. Unpack the hot pot and its accessories. This should include the pot itself, a lid, a power cord, and a varietyof cooking utensils.2. Wash the hot pot and its accessories with warm soapy water. This will remove any dust or debris from the manufacturing process.3. Place the hot pot on a level, heat-resistant surface. This could be a countertop, a table, or even the floor.4. Add water to the hot pot. The amount of water youadd will depend on the size of the hot pot and the amountof food you are cooking.5. Plug the hot pot into an electrical outlet. The hot pot will begin to heat up immediately.6. Add food to the hot pot. You can cook a variety of foods in a hot pot, including meats, vegetables, and noodles.7. Cook the food until it is done. The cooking time will vary depending on the type of food you are cooking.8. Unplug the hot pot when you are finished cooking. This will prevent the hot pot from overheating.9. Allow the hot pot to cool down before cleaning it. This will prevent you from burning yourself.10. Wash the hot pot and its accessories with warm soapy water. This will remove any food residue from the cooking process.中文回答:九阳电热锅使用方法。

包饭锅的使用流程1. 准备工作在使用包饭锅之前,需要进行一些准备工作,以确保使用过程顺利进行。
2. 洗涤内胆在首次使用包饭锅或长时间未使用之前,需要对内胆进行洗涤以确保清洁卫生。
3. 加水、加米在准备好内胆后,可以开始加水、加米的操作了。
4. 设置烹饪模式和时间包饭锅通常具有多种烹饪模式,可以根据不同的需求设置不同的模式和时间。
5. 开始烹饪一切准备就绪后,可以开始烹饪了。
6. 等待烹饪完成在烹饪过程中,需要耐心等待烹饪完成。
7. 保温和晾饭烹饪完成后,包饭锅会自动进入保温模式,保持米饭温热。


58在厨房的时间越来越少,但投入的钱却越来越多发烧厨房——厨具比宝马车贵文 | 王维嘉当高端厨具变成了休闲嗜好,就为消费提供了丰富的幻想和无穷的欲望。
在他的“厨具兵器谱”上,光厨房刀具就有60把,厨房锅具31件,其中德国双立人不锈钢锅就有5口……再让我们看看今年五一期间,双立人品牌在北京最高端的新光天地商场的促销活动:4.5升压力锅,原价2100元,特价:1470元;瑞士火锅原价2288元 ,特价1373元 ……如此昂贵的厨具,难怪说着迷于精品厨具,等于把宝马开进厨房。
但更诡异的是,许多酷爱厨具↑ 对高端厨具的嗜好如同传染病,感染的人越来越多。
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.世界博览 WORLD VISION2011年第12期的人却并不热爱烹饪。
现代厨房反烹饪“上餐桌(Sur La Table )”是美国一家大型厨具餐具销售连锁店。
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Le Creuset乐锅使用详解这阵子没怎么做菜,写个用锅报告吧。
自从丑天使推荐我看sueziq姐姐的博客,那篇关于锅的文章将我引向了Le Creuset 的大门。
以前的锅架子上是一套kitchenaid 10 piece set,现在全换成LC了。
这张照片中,深蓝色(Classic Blue)的是5.5 Qt的Round French Oven, 黄色的(Dijon)是4.5 qt 的Round French Oven,墨绿的(忘记叫啥了)是6.75 qt的Risotto Pot.白色的是12 Qt stock pot,这只不是铸铁锅。
绿色的(kiwi)这只是2.75 qt的soup pot, 橘黄色的(flame)是3.5 qt的Oval French Oven.LC的优点,大家公认的有四个:1. 锅盖严实,有密封效果,可以缩短煮菜时间。
2. 耐高温,从炉灶到烤箱,一锅搞定。
4. 颜色选择多,好看。
·5.5 Qt的锅,很多人觉得对家庭来说是最实用的。
还能做很多one pot meal. 但是我卤牛肉的时候发现,锅盖的严实度好像被神化了。
烤鸡,烤面包(比如用来烤那个著名的免揉面包).还有有很多菜式需要先sauté, 再进烤箱---我用它作过酒醋迷迭香鸡块,葡萄猪扒,还不错。
另发现两个优点,1:French Oven的深度,让你煎东西的时候不会四处溅油。
在William Sonoma 买锅的时候,Sales说,LC的好处就是When you sauté onion, it really smells like onion. 当时我心里暗笑,这不是废话么。
用这个锅煎东西,brown 得很漂亮,食物本身的味道好像可以加倍的散发。
还有,这种蓝色没有Cobalt blue 漂亮,我琢磨着换一只cobalt,嘿嘿。
喜爱度:7 ,实用度:5.5·这只risotto pot. 它比French Oven浅,比braiser深。
Bake pasta,poach fish也都很合适。
为了risotto 买这么个锅,不值。
喜爱度:4,实用度:2 (我自己一次还没用过呢)/·这个4.5Qt的锅,我个人认为对中国家庭是最实用的。
我还用这个煮甜汤,银耳莲子羹,红枣茶等等,任何需要slow cook的东西都可以。
给我的解释是:only until supplies last... 这个颜色多看几眼我头都疼,太炫目。
而且3.5 oval太不实用。
据说这个弧度是“shaped to circulate ingredients' flavor while they simmer.”喜爱度:9,实用度:9.2/对我们两个人来说,size正正好。
(除了汤水,这个锅用来做stew,炖豆子,煮corned beef 也可行。
)/还有这只Stock Pot,就是普通的搪瓷,用来熬汤底,煮面,煮饺子,煮pasta都可以。
喜爱度:4.5,实用度:3-5(depends on 你是否有其他大锅)下面介绍Staub我真要好好感谢天使姐姐!是她介绍这款锅给我,还告诉我在哪里买deal最好。
在网上搜了搜,有人说,"Le Creuset is for the masses, Staub is for those in the know." (听上去像Yamaha 和Kawai的钢琴,谁都知道Yamaha,但相同价位的Kawai其实只好不差。
我反正从小就更喜欢Kawai. Sorry,话说岔了。
)也有人说,LC在美国更popular,Staub在欧洲更popular. 总之,我用了之后,觉得和LC相比,丝毫不逊色,甚至有更多优势。
第三个优势,就是盖子上的knob. LC的knob如果不upgrade, 在烤箱里只能受350华氏度的热。
这只是2.5 Qt的Round Cocotte. 本来想买LC 2.75的小汤锅找不到好的deal, 天使姐姐说,要不你买这个代替吧。
附送的recipe book上有好些french ragout recipes.Ragout貌似和有些中国菜也挺像,反正都是saute一下,加点水煮一煮。
喜爱度:9.5, 实用度:8.5/在火上多煮5-10分钟(30分钟instead of 25分钟),就有了锅巴,哈哈。
第二天做成泡饭,过着毛豆炒萝卜干,和小时后的味道一个样!/还有这只5.75-quart Oval Dutch Oven,烤过一次鸡,很棒。
作过一次红酒牛肉,大概酒不够好,所以味道so so而已。
还有2 Bonus Mini Dutch Ovens,很可爱。
还没用过,以后可以做洋葱汤,cheese foudue,Crème brûlée,嘻嘻。
现在打算向Swiss Diamond和All Clad进军,同时再收集一个LC 的Braiser,组成一个彩虹色就齐全啦,哈哈。
P.S. 看了很多的review, LC的grill pan不值得买。