世界大地测量系统 WGS-84(World Geodetic System--GPS )
GPS测量坐标系有哪些1. 地球坐标系(WGS84)地球坐标系(World Geodetic System 1984,简称WGS84)是一种全球通用的地球坐标系统。
WGS84使用经纬度(latitude 和 longitude)来表示地球上任意一个点的位置。
2. 大地坐标系(NAD83)大地坐标系(North American Datum 1983,简称NAD83)是在北美地区广泛使用的坐标系统。
3. 区域坐标系(UTM)区域坐标系(Universal Transverse Mercator,简称UTM)是一种广泛使用的地理坐标系统,特别适用于大范围地图的制作和测量。
4. 相对坐标系相对坐标系是相对于已知点或基准点的坐标系统。
4.1 局部坐标系局部坐标系是以某个已知点为基准点建立的坐标系统。
4.2 工程坐标系工程坐标系是一种与工程建设相关的坐标系统,常用于工程测绘和定位。
5. 其他坐标系除了上述提到的坐标系,还存在一些特定的坐标系,如:•地心坐标系(Geocentric Coordinate System):在地球内部使用的三维坐标系,常用于地震学和地球物理学研究。
•极坐标系(Polar Coordinate System):使用极角和极径来表示点的位置,适用于某些特定的测量场景。
1. WGS84(World Geodetic System 1984)WGS84是目前最常用的大地坐标系,被广泛应用于全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)定位和测绘工作中。
2. UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator)UTM是全球通用的投影坐标系统,适用于局部地理区域的测量和绘制。
3. 地方坐标系统地方坐标系统又称为本地坐标系统,主要用于小范围的地理测量和地方性的工程项目。
4. 坐标系统转换在实际测绘工作中,经常需要将不同的坐标系统进行转换。
什么是WGS84坐标系1.概述WGS84坐标系,全称为世界大地测量系统(英语:World Geodetic System)是一种用于地图学、大地测量学和导航(包括全球定位系统)的大地测量系统标准。
GPS观测站1996年,National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) 为美国国防部 (U.S.Departemt of Defense, DoD)做了一个新的坐标系统。
其因为加入了USNO站和北京站的改正,其东部方向加入了31-39cm 的改正。
海军导航卫星系统第三次精化:WGS84(G1150),于2002年1月20日启用,它是全球定位系统使用的参考系统,整体误差在±1 m之内。
1. WGS84坐标系WGS84坐标系是GPS系统主要采用的坐标系之一,全称为“World Geodetic System 1984”。
2. UTM坐标系UTM坐标系是一种通用的地理坐标系统,广泛应用于地形图制作和工程测量等领域。
3. 高精度测量除了上述常见的坐标方式外,对于一些特殊的应用场景或者测量需求,可能需要更高精度的坐标测量。
例如,对于建筑物精确定位、导弹精确制导等需要非常高精度的场景,可以使用更精确的坐标方式,如RTK(Real-time Kinematic)技术来实现。
目前国内所用GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)即全球卫星导航系统,已经发展到多星,尤其随着北斗导航系统的逐步完善,正在向CGCS2000椭球过渡,但还是以WGS-84 坐标系统为主流,即仍以美国GPS为主,所发布的星历参数也是基于此坐标系统。
WGS-84 坐标系统(World Geodetic System-84,世界大地坐标系-84) 的坐标原点位于地球的质心,Z 轴指向BIH1984.0定义的协议地球极方向,X 轴指向BIH1984.0的启始子午面和赤道的交点,Y 轴与X轴和Z 轴构成右手系。
WGS-84 系所采用椭球参数为:长半轴6378137;扁率1:298.25 7223563。
而我国目前广泛采用的大地测量坐标系有3种:①北京1954 坐标系。
②1980 年国家大地坐标系。
该坐标系是参心坐标系,采用地球椭球基本参数为1975 年国际大地测量与地球物理联合会第十六届大会推荐的数据,大地原点设在我国中部的陕西省泾阳县永乐镇,也称西安80 坐标系。
③2000 中国大地坐标系。
长半轴6378137.0;扁率1:298.257 222 101。
如果用七参数法来实现WGS84 坐标系与1980 年国家大地坐标系的转换,求解前必须确定控制网中各点对的距离。
如果两点间距离超过15 公里,必须考虑曲面因素即两种不同坐标系的椭球参数,避免因椭球的差异,导致转换后所得坐标残差过大,精度过低,为了保证精度必须采用七参数法。
kml文件默认坐标系 -回复
kml文件默认坐标系-回复标题:深入理解KML文件默认坐标系KML(Keyhole Markup Language)是一种基于XML的语言,主要用于在Google Earth、Google Maps等地图应用程序中表示地理数据。
一、KML文件的默认坐标系KML文件的默认坐标系是WGS84(World Geodetic System 1984)。
在KML文件中,地理位置通常以经纬度的形式表示,如下所示:<Placemark><name>Example Location</name><Point><coordinates>-122.0822,37.4218</coordinates> </Point></Placemark>在这个例子中,"-122.0822"是经度值,表示位置位于西经122.0822度;"37.4218"是纬度值,表示位置位于北纬37.4218度。
WGS84坐标系,全名为世界测绘系统1984(World Geodetic System 1984),是国际上广泛采用的地心坐标系,其几何定义具有深远的科学意义和应用价值。
wgs84坐标系 原理
wgs84坐标系原理世界大地测量系统 1984 (WGS84)WGS84 是一种全球大地测量系统,为测量地球形状和地球上位置提供框架。
它由美国国防部于 1984 年开发,旨在为定位和导航系统(如全球定位系统 (GPS))提供统一的参考框架。
原理WGS84 基于地球椭球体的数学模型。
WGS84 使用以下参数定义地球椭球体:赤道半径:6,378,137.0 米极半径:6,356,752.314245 米扁率:1/298.257223563WGS84 坐标系使用三个坐标来唯一标识地球上的位置:纬度(φ):赤道以北或以南的角度,从 -90°(南极点)到+90°(北极点)经度(λ):格林威治经线以东或以西的角度,从 -180°(国际日期变更线)到+180°(国际日期变更线)高度 (h):以米为单位,从椭球体表面到指定点的垂直距离坐标转换由于地球不是完美的椭球体,不同的数据集(例如航空照片或地形图)可能会使用不同的坐标系。
WGS84 是一个广泛使用的坐标系,因此通常不需要从其他坐标系转换到 WGS84。
但是,当需要从其他坐标系转换到 WGS84 时,可以使用椭球体参数(赤道半径、极半径和扁率)来进行转换。
应用WGS84 坐标系广泛用于全球定位和导航系统、制图、测绘和地球科学等应用中。
局限性WGS84 坐标系是一个近似的地球模型。
wgs84转平面坐标系的参数WGS84转平面坐标系的参数WGS84(World Geodetic System 1984)是全球通用的地理坐标系统,它采用经纬度坐标表示地球上的点。
1. 椭球体参数(a和f):WGS84采用的是椭球体模型,其中a表示椭球体的长半轴,f表示扁率。
2. 坐标系原点(经度和纬度):在将WGS84转换为平面坐标系时,需要确定平面坐标系的原点。
3. 投影方式:平面坐标系的转换还需要选择合适的投影方式。
4. 偏移量:在进行WGS84转换时,由于地球的形状和椭球体模型的差异,可能会出现偏差。
5. 单位选择:在进行WGS84转平面坐标系的转换时,还需要选择合适的单位。
简述wgs-84坐标系的几何定义WGS-84坐标系是世界地理坐标系统(World Geodetic System)的一种,被广泛用于地理信息系统(GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)中。
什么是WGS84坐标系WGS84(World Geodetic System 1984)坐标系是由世界测绘组织(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service)于1984年推荐的一种用于描述地球上任意位置的地理坐标系。
UTM投影UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator)投影是一种广泛使用的投影方法,将地球划分为60个独立的投影带,每个投影带覆盖6度的经度范围。
全球定位系统地理参考系 WGS 84说明书
•Changes to NGA processes are coordinated with GPS OCS
6 Approved for Public Release 09-478
WGS 84 Aligned to ITRF
Comparison of NGA and IGS GPS orbits (~ 6 cm)
•NGA contributes its GPS observational data to IGS
–Supports consistency between WGS 84 and ITRF
8 Approved for Public Release 09-478
GPS Reference Frame
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) ― Reference for Positioning and Navigation ― Aligned to International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) ― Consistent with international standards ― Supports GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS)
Prime Meridian
• GPS coordinates tie WGS 84 to physical Earth
• Key component for interoperability
3 Approved for Public Release 09-478
gcs_wgs_1984与wgs_84区别GCS_WGS_1984(Geographic Coordinate System World Geodetic System 1984)与WGS_84(World Geodetic System 1984)是地理坐标系统中常用的两个标准。
1. 定义和历史背景GCS_WGS_1984和WGS_84都是由“1984”年版本定义的地球坐标系统。
2. 地球形状和尺寸GCS_WGS_1984和WGS_84都采用了与椭球体相关的形状来近似地球的形状。
3. 经纬度的表示方式GCS_WGS_1984和WGS_84都采用了经度和纬度来表示地球上的位置。
GCS_WGS_1984使用了十进制度(Decimal Degree)的方式来表示经纬度,即将度数以小数形式表示。
而WGS_84则使用了度、分和秒(Degree, Minute, Second)的方式来表示经纬度。
4. 精度和坐标转换GCS_WGS_1984和WGS_84的精度和坐标转换方法也有所不同。
World Geodetic System----世界大地测量系统(主要参量、历史演变和基本原理)The World Geodetic System is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation. It comprises a standard coordinate frame for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface (the datum or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational equipotential surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level. The latest revision is WGS 84 (dating from 1984 and last revised in 2004), which was valid up to about 2010[1]. Earlier schemes included WGS 72, WGS 66, and WGS 60. WGS 84 is the reference coordinate system used by the Global Positioning System.Main parametersThe coordinate origin of WGS 84 is meant to be located at the Earth's center of mass; the error is believed to be less than 2 cm [2].The WGS 84 meridian of zero longitude is the IERS Reference Meridian[3], 5.31 arc seconds or 102.5 metres (336.3 ft) east of the Greenwich meridian at the latitude of the Royal Observatory[4]&[5].The WGS 84 datum surface is an oblate spheroid (ellipsoid) with major (transverse) radius a = 6378137 m at the equator and flattening f = 1/298.257223563[6]. The polar semi-minor (conjugate) radius b then equals a times (1−f), or 6356752.3142 m.[6]Presently WGS 84 uses the EGM96 (Earth Gravitational Model 1996) geoid, revised in 2004. This geoid defines the nominal sea level surface by means of a spherical harmonics series of degree 360 (which provides about 100 km horizontal resolution)[7]. The deviations of the EGM96 geoid from the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid range from about −105 m to about +85 m[8]. EGM96 differs from the original WGS 84 geoid, referred to as EGM84.HistoryEfforts to supplement the various national surveying systems began in the 19th century with F.R. Helmert's famous books Mathematische und Physikalische Theorien der Physikalischen Geodäsie (Mathematical and Physical Theory of Physical Geodesy). Austria and Germany founded the Zentralbüro für die Internationale Erdmessung (Central Bureau of International Geodesy), and a series of global ellipsoids of the Earth were derived (e.g., Helmert 1906, Hayford 1910/ 1924).A unified geodetic system for the whole world became essential in the 1950s for several reasons:(1)International space science and the beginning of astronautics.(2)The lack of inter-continental geodetic information.(3)The inability of the large geodetic systems, such as European Datum (ED50), North AmericanDatum (NAD), and Tokyo Datum (TD), to provide a worldwide geo-data basis(4)Need for global maps for navigation, aviation, and geography.(5)Western Cold War preparedness necessitated a standardised, NATO-wide geospatial referencesystem, in accordance with the NATO Standardisation AgreementIn the late 1950s, the United States Department of Defense, together with scientists of otherinstitutions and countries, began to develop the needed world system to which geodetic data could be referred and compatibility established between the coordinates of widely separated sites of interest. Efforts of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force were combined leading to the DoD World Geodetic System 1960 (WGS 60). The term datum as used here refers to a smooth surface somewhat arbitrarily defined as zero elevation, consistent with a set of surveyor's measures of distances between various stations, and differences in elevation, all reduced to a grid of latitudes, longitudes, and elevations. Heritage surveying methods found elevation differences from a local horizontal determined by the spirit level, plumb line, or an equivalent device that depends on the local gravity field (see physical geodesy). As a result, the elevations in the data are referenced to the geoid, a surface that is not readily found using satellite geodesy. The latter observational method is more suitable for global mapping. Therefore, a motivation, and a substantial problem in the WGS and similar work is to patch together data that were not only made separately, for different regions, but to re-reference the elevations to an ellipsoid model rather than to the geoid.In accomplishing WGS 60, a combination of available surface gravity data, astro-geodetic data and results from HIRAN [9] and Canadian SHORAN surveys were used to define a best-fitting ellipsoid and an earth-centered orientation for each of initially selected datum. (Every datum is relatively oriented with respect to different portions of the geoid by the astro-geodetic methods already described.) The sole contribution of satellite data to the development of WGS 60 was a value for the ellipsoid flattening which was obtained from the nodal motion of a satellite.Prior to WGS 60, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force had each developed a world system by using different approaches to the gravimetric datum orientation method. To determine their gravimetric orientation parameters, the Air Force used the mean of the differences between the gravimetric and astro-geodetic deflections and geoid heights (undulations) at specifically selected stations in the areas of the major datums. The Army performed an adjustment to minimize the difference between astro-geodetic and gravimetric geoids. By matching the relative astro-geodetic geoids of the selected datums with an earth-centered gravimetric geoid, the selected datums were reduced to an earth-centered orientation. Since the Army and Air Force systems agreed remarkably well for the NAD, ED and TD areas, they were consolidated and became WGS 60.Gravimetric datum orientationThe United States Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1966Steps to the improvement of a global system were the Astrogeoid of Irene Fischer and the astronautic Mercury datum. In January 1966, a World Geodetic System Committee composed of representatives from the United States Army, Navy and Air Force, was charged with the responsibility of developing an improved WGS needed to satisfy mapping, charting and geodetic requirements. Additional surface gravity observations, results from the extension of triangulation and trilateration networks, and large amounts of Doppler and optical satellite data had become available since the development of WGS 60. Using the additional data and improved techniques, WGS 66 was produced which served DoD needs for about five years after its implementation in 1967. The defining parameters of the WGS 66 Ellipsoid were the flattening (1/298.25), determined from satellite data and the semimajor axis (6,378,145 meters), determined from a combination of Doppler satellite and astro-geodetic data. A worldwide 5° × 5° mean free air gravity anomaly field provided the basic data for producing the WGS 66 gravimetric geoid. Also, a geoid referenced to the WGS 66 Ellipsoid was derived from available astrogeodetic data to provide a detailed representation of limited land areas.The United States Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1972After an extensive effort extending over a period of approximately three years, the Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1972 was completed. Selected satellite, surface gravity and astrogeodetic data available through 1972 from both DoD and non-DoD sources were used in a Unified WGS Solution (a large scale least squares adjustment). The results of the adjustment consisted of corrections to initial station coordinates and coefficients of the gravitational field.The largest collection of data ever used for WGS purposes was assembled, processed and applied in the development of WGS 72. Both optical and electronic satellite data were used. The electronic satellite data consisted, in part, of Doppler data provided by the U.S. Navy and cooperating non-DoD satellite tracking stations established in support of the Navy's Navigational Satellite System (NNSS). Doppler data was also available from the numerous sites established by GEOCEIVERS during 1971 and 1972. Doppler data was the primary data source for WGS 72 (Figure 38). Additional electronic satellite data was provided by the SECOR (Sequential Collation of Range) Equatorial Network completed by the U.S. Army in 1970. Optical satellite data from the Worldwide Geometric Satellite Triangulation Program was provided by the BC-4 camera system (Figure 39). Data from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory was also used which included camera (Baker Nunn) and some laser ranging.Doppler satellite ground stations providing data for WGS 72 developmentWorldwide geometric satellite triangulation network, BC-4 camerasThe surface gravity field used in the Unified WGS Solution consisted of a set of 410 10° × 10° equal area mean free air gravity anomalies determined solely from terrestrial data. This gravity field includes mean anomaly values compiled directly from observed gravity data wherever the latter was available in sufficient quantity. The value for areas of sparse or no observational data were developed from geophysically compatible gravity approximations using gravity-geophysical correlation techniques. Approximately 45 percent of the 410 mean free air gravity anomaly values were determined directly from observed gravity data.The astrogeodetic data in its basic form consists of deflection of the vertical components referred to the various national geodetic datums. These deflection values were integrated into astrogeodetic geoid charts referred to these national datums. The geoid heights contributed to theUnified WGS Solution by providing additional and more detailed data for land areas. Conventional ground survey data was included in the solution to enforce a consistent adjustment of the coordinates of neighboring observation sites of the BC-4, SECOR, Doppler and Baker-Nunn systems. Also, eight geodimeter long line precise traverses were included for the purpose of controlling the scale of the solution.The Unified WGS Solution, as stated above, was a solution for geodetic positions and associated parameters of the gravitational field based on an optimum combination of available data. The WGS 72 ellipsoid parameters, datum shifts and other associated constants were derived separately. For the unified solution, a normal equation matrix was formed based on each of the mentioned data sets. Then, the individual normal equation matrices were combined and the resultant matrix solved to obtain the positions and the parameters.The value for the semimajor axis (a) of the WGS 72 Ellipsoid is 6 378 135 meters. The adoption of an a-value 10 meters smaller than that for the WGS 66 Ellipsoid was based on several calculations and indicators including a combination of satellite and surface gravity data for position and gravitational field determinations. Sets of satellite derived station coordinates and gravimetric deflection of the vertical and geoid height data were used to determine local-to-geocentric datum shifts, datum rotation parameters, a datum scale parameter and a value for the semimajor axis of the WGS Ellipsoid. Eight solutions were made with the various sets of input data, both from an investigative point of view and also because of the limited number of unknowns which could be solved for in any individual solution due to computer limitations. Selected Doppler satellite tracking and astro-geodetic datum orientation stations were included in the various solutions. Based on these results and other related studies accomplished by the Committee, an a-value of 6 378 135 meters and a flattening of 1/298.26 were adopted.In the development of local-to WGS 72 datum shifts, results from different geodetic disciplines were investigated, analyzed and compared. Those shifts adopted were based primarily on a large number of Doppler TRANET and GEOCEIVER station coordinates which were available worldwide. These coordinates had been determined using the Doppler point positioning method.A new World Geodetic System: WGS 84In the early 1980s the need for a new world geodetic system was generally recognized by the geodetic community, also within the US Department of Defense. WGS 72 no longer provided sufficient data, information, geographic coverage, or product accuracy for all then-current and anticipated applications. The means for producing a new WGS were available in the form of improved data, increased data coverage, new data types and improved techniques. GRS 80 parameters together with available Doppler, satellite laser ranging and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations constituted significant new information. An outstanding new source of data had become available from satellite radar altimetry. Also available was an advanced least squares method called collocation which allowed for a consistent combination solution from different types of measurements all relative to the Earth's gravity field, i.e. geoid, gravity anomalies, deflections, dynamic Doppler, etc.WGS 84 reference frameThe new World Geodetic System was called WGS 84. It is currently the reference system being used by the Global Positioning System. It is geocentric and globally consistent within ±1 m. Current geodetic realizations of the geocentric reference system family International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) maintained by the IERS are geocentric, and internally consistent, at the few-cm level, while still being metre-level consistent with WGS 84.The WGS 84 originally used the GRS 80 reference ellipsoid, but has undergone some minor refinements in later editions since its initial publication. Most of these refinements are importantfor high-precision orbital calculations for satellites but have little practical effect on typicalThe very small difference in the flattening thus results in a—very theoretical—difference of 0.105 mm in the semi polar axis. For most purposes, the differing polar axes can be merged to 6 356 752.3 m, with the inverse flattening rounded to 298.257.Longitudes on WGS 84WGS 84 uses the IERS Reference Meridian as defined by the Bureau International de l'Heure,[3] which was defined by compilation of star observations in different countries. The mean of this data caused a shift of about 100 metres east away from the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, UK.[5]The longitude positions on WGS 84 agree with those on the older North American Datum1927 at roughly 85° longitude west, in the east-central United States.Updates and new standardsThe latest major revision of WGS 84 is also referred to as "Earth Gravitational Model 1996" (EGM96), first published in 1996, with revisions as recent as 2004. This model has the same reference ellipsoid as WGS 84, but has a higher-fidelity geoid (roughly 100 km resolution versus 200 km for the original WGS 84).Many of the original authors of WGS 84 contributed to a new higher fidelity model, called EGM2008[10]. This new model will have a geoid with a resolution approaching 10 km, requiring over 4.6 million terms in the spherical expansion (versus 130,317 in EGM96 and 32,757 in WGS 84).Handheld GPS receiver indicating its reference meridian is 0.084 arcminutes (or 5.3 arcseconds) east in theWGS84 datumReferences[1] "World Geodetic System website of the NGA (archived April 2012)". National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.[2] "The EGM96 Geoid Undulation with Respect to the WGS84 Ellipsoid". NASA.[3]European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and IfEN: WGS 84 Implementation Manual, p. 13.1998[4] History of the Prime Meridian -Past and Present[5] National Maritime Museum: "The Longitude of Greenwich"[6] National Imagery and Mapping Agency Technical Report TR 8350.2 Third Edition, Amendment 1, 1 Jan 2000,"Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984"[7] NGA/NASA EGM96, N=M=360 Earth Gravitational Model[8] EGM96 15' × 15' Geoid Undulation Plot[9] /stories_tales/ak7.html[10] Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) - WGS 84 VersionExternal Links[1] NIMA Technical Report TR8350.2 Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984,Its Definition and Relationships With Local Geodetic Systems, Third Edition, National Geospatial-IntelligenceAgency. This is the official publication of the standard, including addenda. Note this report actually documents the EGM 96 model (a revision of WGS 84). The original WGS 84 is documented in versions prior to 1996.[2] Main NGA (was NIMA) page on Earth gravity models[3] Technical Manual DMA TM 8358.1 - Datums, Ellipsoids, Grids, and Grid Reference Systems at the NationalGeospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)[4] Description of the difference between the geoid and the ellipsoid from the US NOAA National GeodeticSurvey GEOID page[5] NASA GSFC Earth gravity page[6] GeographicLib provides a utility GeoidEval (with source code) to evaluate the geoid height for the EGM84,EGM96, and EGM2008 earth gravity models. Here is an online version of GeoidEval.[7] Spatial reference EPSG Projection 4326 - WGS 84[8] GPS Coordinates (/)----All the materials are from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia28-Mar-2013@ Beijing, China。
WGS-84坐标系WGS-84坐标系(World Geodetic System一1984 Coordinate System)一种国际上采用的地心坐标系。
坐标原点为地球质心,其地心空间直角坐标系的Z轴指向BIH (国际时间)1984.O定义的协议地球极(CTP)方向,X轴指向BIH 1984.0的零子午面和CTP赤道的交点,Y轴与Z轴、X轴垂直构成右手坐标系,称为1984年世界大地坐标系统。
WGS-84椭球及其有关常数:介绍WGS-84采用的椭球是国际大地测量与地球物理联合会第17届大会大地测量常数推荐值,其四个基本参数公式长半径:a=6378137±2(m);地球引力和地球质量的乘积:GM=3986005×108m3s-2±0.6×108m3s-2;正常化二阶带谐系数:C20=-484.16685×10-6±1.3×10-9;地球重力场二阶带球谐系数:J2=108263×10-8地球自转角速度:ω=7292115×10-11rads-1±0.150×10-11rads-1 扁率f=0.003352810664意义:建立WGS-84世界大地坐标系的一个重要目的,是在世界上建立一个统一的地心坐标系。
部分各地WGS84坐标系转换BJ54坐标系参数WGS84坐标系(World Geodetic System 1984)是由美国国防部制定的一种全球地理坐标系。
BJ54坐标系(Beijing 1954)是中国国家标准的地理坐标系,主要用于中国大陆境内的测绘和地理信息应用。
二、GCS_WGS_1984与WGS_84的定义与区别1.GCS_WGS_1984简介GCS_WGS_1984(Global Coordinate System)是一种全球坐标系,基于WGS_84椭球基准面。
2.WGS_84简介WGS_84(World Geodetic System)是一种全球大地测量系统,用于描述地球表面上的点的位置。
wgs 84 utm 的分带规则
wgs 84 utm 的分带规则下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。
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WGS84(World Geodetic System 1984)是由美国国防部和国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)共同研发的一套地球测量系统。
1. WGS84标准的地球赤道半径的确定在确定地球赤道半径时,WGS84采用了从赤道到极地的大量测量数据,包括地球的形状、地球自转引起的离心率和重力场等因素。
2. 地球赤道半径的重要性地球赤道半径的准确性对于地图绘制、导航系统、航空航天、地球科学研究等领域具有重要意义。
3. 地球赤道半径的变化因素地球赤道半径并非是一个固定的数值,它受到多种因素的影响而发生微小的变化。
4. 地球赤道半径的测量方法测量地球赤道半径的方法是多种多样的,主要包括地面测量、卫星测量和地球物理测量等。
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World Geodetic System----世界大地测量系统(主要参量、历史演变和基本原理)The World Geodetic System is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation. It comprises a standard coordinate frame for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface (the datum or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational equipotential surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level. The latest revision is WGS 84 (dating from 1984 and last revised in 2004), which was valid up to about 2010[1]. Earlier schemes included WGS 72, WGS 66, and WGS 60. WGS 84 is the reference coordinate system used by the Global Positioning System.Main parametersThe coordinate origin of WGS 84 is meant to be located at the Earth's center of mass; the error is believed to be less than 2 cm [2].The WGS 84 meridian of zero longitude is the IERS Reference Meridian[3], 5.31 arc seconds or 102.5 metres (336.3 ft) east of the Greenwich meridian at the latitude of the Royal Observatory[4]&[5].The WGS 84 datum surface is an oblate spheroid (ellipsoid) with major (transverse) radius a = 6378137 m at the equator and flattening f = 1/298.257223563[6]. The polar semi-minor (conjugate) radius b then equals a times (1−f), or 6356752.3142 m.[6]Presently WGS 84 uses the EGM96 (Earth Gravitational Model 1996) geoid, revised in 2004. This geoid defines the nominal sea level surface by means of a spherical harmonics series of degree 360 (which provides about 100 km horizontal resolution)[7]. The deviations of the EGM96 geoid from the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid range from about −105 m to about +85 m[8]. EGM96 differs from the original WGS 84 geoid, referred to as EGM84.HistoryEfforts to supplement the various national surveying systems began in the 19th century with F.R. Helmert's famous books Mathematische und Physikalische Theorien der Physikalischen Geodäsie (Mathematical and Physical Theory of Physical Geodesy). Austria and Germany founded the Zentralbüro für die Internationale Erdmessung (Central Bureau of International Geodesy), and a series of global ellipsoids of the Earth were derived (e.g., Helmert 1906, Hayford 1910/ 1924).A unified geodetic system for the whole world became essential in the 1950s for several reasons:(1)International space science and the beginning of astronautics.(2)The lack of inter-continental geodetic information.(3)The inability of the large geodetic systems, such as European Datum (ED50), North AmericanDatum (NAD), and Tokyo Datum (TD), to provide a worldwide geo-data basis(4)Need for global maps for navigation, aviation, and geography.(5)Western Cold War preparedness necessitated a standardised, NATO-wide geospatial referencesystem, in accordance with the NATO Standardisation AgreementIn the late 1950s, the United States Department of Defense, together with scientists of otherinstitutions and countries, began to develop the needed world system to which geodetic data could be referred and compatibility established between the coordinates of widely separated sites of interest. Efforts of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force were combined leading to the DoD World Geodetic System 1960 (WGS 60). The term datum as used here refers to a smooth surface somewhat arbitrarily defined as zero elevation, consistent with a set of surveyor's measures of distances between various stations, and differences in elevation, all reduced to a grid of latitudes, longitudes, and elevations. Heritage surveying methods found elevation differences from a local horizontal determined by the spirit level, plumb line, or an equivalent device that depends on the local gravity field (see physical geodesy). As a result, the elevations in the data are referenced to the geoid, a surface that is not readily found using satellite geodesy. The latter observational method is more suitable for global mapping. Therefore, a motivation, and a substantial problem in the WGS and similar work is to patch together data that were not only made separately, for different regions, but to re-reference the elevations to an ellipsoid model rather than to the geoid.In accomplishing WGS 60, a combination of available surface gravity data, astro-geodetic data and results from HIRAN [9] and Canadian SHORAN surveys were used to define a best-fitting ellipsoid and an earth-centered orientation for each of initially selected datum. (Every datum is relatively oriented with respect to different portions of the geoid by the astro-geodetic methods already described.) The sole contribution of satellite data to the development of WGS 60 was a value for the ellipsoid flattening which was obtained from the nodal motion of a satellite.Prior to WGS 60, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force had each developed a world system by using different approaches to the gravimetric datum orientation method. To determine their gravimetric orientation parameters, the Air Force used the mean of the differences between the gravimetric and astro-geodetic deflections and geoid heights (undulations) at specifically selected stations in the areas of the major datums. The Army performed an adjustment to minimize the difference between astro-geodetic and gravimetric geoids. By matching the relative astro-geodetic geoids of the selected datums with an earth-centered gravimetric geoid, the selected datums were reduced to an earth-centered orientation. Since the Army and Air Force systems agreed remarkably well for the NAD, ED and TD areas, they were consolidated and became WGS 60.Gravimetric datum orientationThe United States Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1966Steps to the improvement of a global system were the Astrogeoid of Irene Fischer and the astronautic Mercury datum. In January 1966, a World Geodetic System Committee composed of representatives from the United States Army, Navy and Air Force, was charged with the responsibility of developing an improved WGS needed to satisfy mapping, charting and geodetic requirements. Additional surface gravity observations, results from the extension of triangulation and trilateration networks, and large amounts of Doppler and optical satellite data had become available since the development of WGS 60. Using the additional data and improved techniques, WGS 66 was produced which served DoD needs for about five years after its implementation in 1967. The defining parameters of the WGS 66 Ellipsoid were the flattening (1/298.25), determined from satellite data and the semimajor axis (6,378,145 meters), determined from a combination of Doppler satellite and astro-geodetic data. A worldwide 5° × 5° mean free air gravity anomaly field provided the basic data for producing the WGS 66 gravimetric geoid. Also, a geoid referenced to the WGS 66 Ellipsoid was derived from available astrogeodetic data to provide a detailed representation of limited land areas.The United States Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1972After an extensive effort extending over a period of approximately three years, the Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1972 was completed. Selected satellite, surface gravity and astrogeodetic data available through 1972 from both DoD and non-DoD sources were used in a Unified WGS Solution (a large scale least squares adjustment). The results of the adjustment consisted of corrections to initial station coordinates and coefficients of the gravitational field.The largest collection of data ever used for WGS purposes was assembled, processed and applied in the development of WGS 72. Both optical and electronic satellite data were used. The electronic satellite data consisted, in part, of Doppler data provided by the U.S. Navy and cooperating non-DoD satellite tracking stations established in support of the Navy's Navigational Satellite System (NNSS). Doppler data was also available from the numerous sites established by GEOCEIVERS during 1971 and 1972. Doppler data was the primary data source for WGS 72 (Figure 38). Additional electronic satellite data was provided by the SECOR (Sequential Collation of Range) Equatorial Network completed by the U.S. Army in 1970. Optical satellite data from the Worldwide Geometric Satellite Triangulation Program was provided by the BC-4 camera system (Figure 39). Data from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory was also used which included camera (Baker Nunn) and some laser ranging.Doppler satellite ground stations providing data for WGS 72 developmentWorldwide geometric satellite triangulation network, BC-4 camerasThe surface gravity field used in the Unified WGS Solution consisted of a set of 410 10° × 10° equal area mean free air gravity anomalies determined solely from terrestrial data. This gravity field includes mean anomaly values compiled directly from observed gravity data wherever the latter was available in sufficient quantity. The value for areas of sparse or no observational data were developed from geophysically compatible gravity approximations using gravity-geophysical correlation techniques. Approximately 45 percent of the 410 mean free air gravity anomaly values were determined directly from observed gravity data.The astrogeodetic data in its basic form consists of deflection of the vertical components referred to the various national geodetic datums. These deflection values were integrated into astrogeodetic geoid charts referred to these national datums. The geoid heights contributed to theUnified WGS Solution by providing additional and more detailed data for land areas. Conventional ground survey data was included in the solution to enforce a consistent adjustment of the coordinates of neighboring observation sites of the BC-4, SECOR, Doppler and Baker-Nunn systems. Also, eight geodimeter long line precise traverses were included for the purpose of controlling the scale of the solution.The Unified WGS Solution, as stated above, was a solution for geodetic positions and associated parameters of the gravitational field based on an optimum combination of available data. The WGS 72 ellipsoid parameters, datum shifts and other associated constants were derived separately. For the unified solution, a normal equation matrix was formed based on each of the mentioned data sets. Then, the individual normal equation matrices were combined and the resultant matrix solved to obtain the positions and the parameters.The value for the semimajor axis (a) of the WGS 72 Ellipsoid is 6 378 135 meters. The adoption of an a-value 10 meters smaller than that for the WGS 66 Ellipsoid was based on several calculations and indicators including a combination of satellite and surface gravity data for position and gravitational field determinations. Sets of satellite derived station coordinates and gravimetric deflection of the vertical and geoid height data were used to determine local-to-geocentric datum shifts, datum rotation parameters, a datum scale parameter and a value for the semimajor axis of the WGS Ellipsoid. Eight solutions were made with the various sets of input data, both from an investigative point of view and also because of the limited number of unknowns which could be solved for in any individual solution due to computer limitations. Selected Doppler satellite tracking and astro-geodetic datum orientation stations were included in the various solutions. Based on these results and other related studies accomplished by the Committee, an a-value of 6 378 135 meters and a flattening of 1/298.26 were adopted.In the development of local-to WGS 72 datum shifts, results from different geodetic disciplines were investigated, analyzed and compared. Those shifts adopted were based primarily on a large number of Doppler TRANET and GEOCEIVER station coordinates which were available worldwide. These coordinates had been determined using the Doppler point positioning method.A new World Geodetic System: WGS 84In the early 1980s the need for a new world geodetic system was generally recognized by the geodetic community, also within the US Department of Defense. WGS 72 no longer provided sufficient data, information, geographic coverage, or product accuracy for all then-current and anticipated applications. The means for producing a new WGS were available in the form of improved data, increased data coverage, new data types and improved techniques. GRS 80 parameters together with available Doppler, satellite laser ranging and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations constituted significant new information. An outstanding new source of data had become available from satellite radar altimetry. Also available was an advanced least squares method called collocation which allowed for a consistent combination solution from different types of measurements all relative to the Earth's gravity field, i.e. geoid, gravity anomalies, deflections, dynamic Doppler, etc.WGS 84 reference frameThe new World Geodetic System was called WGS 84. It is currently the reference system being used by the Global Positioning System. It is geocentric and globally consistent within ±1 m. Current geodetic realizations of the geocentric reference system family International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) maintained by the IERS are geocentric, and internally consistent, at the few-cm level, while still being metre-level consistent with WGS 84.The WGS 84 originally used the GRS 80 reference ellipsoid, but has undergone some minor refinements in later editions since its initial publication. Most of these refinements are importantfor high-precision orbital calculations for satellites but have little practical effect on typicalThe very small difference in the flattening thus results in a—very theoretical—difference of 0.105 mm in the semi polar axis. For most purposes, the differing polar axes can be merged to 6 356 752.3 m, with the inverse flattening rounded to 298.257.Longitudes on WGS 84WGS 84 uses the IERS Reference Meridian as defined by the Bureau International de l'Heure,[3] which was defined by compilation of star observations in different countries. The mean of this data caused a shift of about 100 metres east away from the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, UK.[5]The longitude positions on WGS 84 agree with those on the older North American Datum1927 at roughly 85° longitude west, in the east-central United States.Updates and new standardsThe latest major revision of WGS 84 is also referred to as "Earth Gravitational Model 1996" (EGM96), first published in 1996, with revisions as recent as 2004. This model has the same reference ellipsoid as WGS 84, but has a higher-fidelity geoid (roughly 100 km resolution versus 200 km for the original WGS 84).Many of the original authors of WGS 84 contributed to a new higher fidelity model, called EGM2008[10]. This new model will have a geoid with a resolution approaching 10 km, requiring over 4.6 million terms in the spherical expansion (versus 130,317 in EGM96 and 32,757 in WGS 84).Handheld GPS receiver indicating its reference meridian is 0.084 arcminutes (or 5.3 arcseconds) east in theWGS84 datumReferences[1] "World Geodetic System website of the NGA (archived April 2012)". National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.[2] "The EGM96 Geoid Undulation with Respect to the WGS84 Ellipsoid". NASA.[3]European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and IfEN: WGS 84 Implementation Manual, p. 13.1998[4] History of the Prime Meridian -Past and Present[5] National Maritime Museum: "The Longitude of Greenwich"[6] National Imagery and Mapping Agency Technical Report TR 8350.2 Third Edition, Amendment 1, 1 Jan 2000,"Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984"[7] NGA/NASA EGM96, N=M=360 Earth Gravitational Model[8] EGM96 15' × 15' Geoid Undulation Plot[9] /stories_tales/ak7.html[10] Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) - WGS 84 VersionExternal Links[1] NIMA Technical Report TR8350.2 Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984,Its Definition and Relationships With Local Geodetic Systems, Third Edition, National Geospatial-IntelligenceAgency. This is the official publication of the standard, including addenda. Note this report actually documents the EGM 96 model (a revision of WGS 84). The original WGS 84 is documented in versions prior to 1996.[2] Main NGA (was NIMA) page on Earth gravity models[3] Technical Manual DMA TM 8358.1 - Datums, Ellipsoids, Grids, and Grid Reference Systems at the NationalGeospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)[4] Description of the difference between the geoid and the ellipsoid from the US NOAA National GeodeticSurvey GEOID page[5] NASA GSFC Earth gravity page[6] GeographicLib provides a utility GeoidEval (with source code) to evaluate the geoid height for the EGM84,EGM96, and EGM2008 earth gravity models. Here is an online version of GeoidEval.[7] Spatial reference EPSG Projection 4326 - WGS 84[8] GPS Coordinates (/)----All the materials are from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia28-Mar-2013@ Beijing, China。