-30℃冷库试验(交替6小时、停放12小时)中国储运网H t t p ://w w w .c h i n a c h u y u n .c o m 63X H系列重工况高压锂电专用车是基于杭叉几十年对电动叉车和内燃叉车的深刻理解,突破传统设计理念,首创专用架构,采用新能源汽车电压平台,自主研发新系列电动平衡重式叉车。
时尚外观沿袭X C系列锂电专用车外观风格,线条刚劲且流畅,整车精致且紧凑,整体时尚且沉稳有力。
MS D维修开关一键断电,维保更安心。
杭叉X H系列高电压系统锂电池叉车(2-3.5T )亮点介绍内燃工况采用内燃车驱动桥、转向桥和轮胎,整车离地间隙大、车身强度高,可满足内燃车般高强度工况的使用。
整车防水等级可达I P X 4级,轻松抵挡暴雨级别降水。
舒适体验整车沿用X C锂电风格,视野好、操作空间大、人机工程优良。
CI N D U S T R I A L T R U C K 工业车辆专栏淋雨试验(15分钟、5000L 暴雨)整车涉水试验(深200m m 、10分钟). All Rights Reserved.。
22.0 D
15.2 KW
10 KW
4.7 E
1.1 KW
1.3.1 Assembly Charge room basic data
用途 Usage
充电间主要用于给电池充电及存放电池,以及进行电池维护和保养,同时内部有加液装置、洗眼池和消防设施。 Charging Room is mainly used to charge, storage and maintenance the batteries. Inside the room, also would equipped with adding liquid advice, eye washing pool and fire-fighting facilities. 说明 Basic Data 1、叉车型号 Forklift Type: 电动平衡重式叉车 Electric Forklift Trucks: E20P X 26 units, E30S X 45 units, E50 X 10 unit 5吨电动牵引叉车 5T Electric Towing Trucks: P50C X 89 units2、充电机型号 Charger Type: DELONG D48/100P(E20P), D80/80P(E30S), D80P/125P(E50), E24/45P(P50C)3、电池型号 Battery Type: 48V/700AH(E20P), 80V/575 Ah (E30S), 80V/840AH(E50), 24V/330AH(P50C),
Q/SY三一集团有限公司企业标准三一集团生产区6S标准2009-6-20发布 2009-7-1实施三一集团有限公司发布前言《三一集团生产区6S标准》是结合集团精益制造变革战略目标和三一发展现状形成的一套具有现场指导意义的标准。
目录一、适用范围 (1)二、公司6S区域划分 (1)三、术语和定义 (2)四、三一集团生产区6S标准 (3)1、生产区通用模块 (3)1.1人的6S标准 (3)1.2工位牌的6S标准 (8)1.3看板的6S标准 (9)1.4工具柜的6S标准 (15)1.5门窗的6S标准 (19)1.6叉车的6S标准 (21)1.7行车的6S标准 (29)1.8风扇的6S标准 (32)1.9立柱编号的6S标准 (33)1.10电控柜的6S标准 (35)1.11饮水机的6S标准 (37)1.12吊具的6S标准 (37)1.13厂房主管线的6S标准 (40)1.14垃圾箱的6S标准 (43)1.15地面亮化的6S标准 (44)1.16 通风照明的6S标准 (46)1.17配电房的6S标准 (47)1.18维修间的6S标准 (50)1.19卫生间的6S标准 (57)1.20班组园地的6S标准 (63)1.21培训园地的6S标准 (75)2、物流通道模块 (81)2.1物流通道布局 (81)2.2厂房通道门 (82)2.3 车间通道 (93)3、仓储中心模块 (97)3.1仓储中心各区域的分类 (97)3.2通用型小件库的6S标准 (98)3.3钢材库6S标准 (108)3.4 直供上线区6S标准 (111)3.5待检区(或理货区)的6S标准 (115)3.6超市6S标准 (119)3.7油库6S标准 (125)3.8呆滞物料库的6S标准 (127)3.9集中供气系统6S标准 (129)3.10集中供油系统6S标准 (132)3.11成品库6S标准 (135)4、工作中心模块 (138)4.1备料工作中心6S标准 (138)4.2焊接工作中心6S标准 (166)4.3机加工作中心6S标准 (179)4.4组装工作中心6S标准 (192)4.5调试工作中心6S标准 (199)4.6涂装工作中心6S标准 (213)三一集团生产区6S标准一、适用范围1、适用范围本标准规定了生产区6S的基本要求和内容,适用于三一集团。
1、生产用5吨叉车:大连叉车CPCD50内燃平衡重叉车参数叉车型号:C PCD50设备代码: C D-AA额定起重量(Kg):5000最大起升高度(mm):3000载荷中心距(mm):600满载:530 空载:560最大起升速度(满载)(mm/s):门架倾角前/后(deg):6/12行驶速度(空载)(Km/h):26最小转弯半径(mm):3250爬坡度(%):(满载/空载)33/22全长(G)(mm):4765全宽(H)(mm):2000全高(J)(mm):2500护顶架高度(mm):2500轴距(L)(mm):2200轮距(mm):前轮: 1490后轮: 1520自重(Kg):8200发动机:型号: 朝柴CY6102BG额定功率: 81/2500 Kw/rpm最大扭矩: 353/1700 Nm/rpm油箱容量:100L轮胎:前轮: 8.25×20-14PR后轮: 8.25×15-14PR传动形式:液力传动2、保洁用清扫车:ZLJ5100TXSE3型洗扫车简介ZLJ5100TXSE3型洗扫车是中联重科股份有限公司引领市场需求、创新开发的一款集扫路车和高压清洗车功能于一体的高效环卫设备。
- 块状堆垛
- 水平搬运
- 装/卸货物
- 先进的根据人机工程学原理布置的驾驶室使操作者集中精力在手头的工作中。
- 三套独立制动系统结合静压转向,使叉车操作更灵活。
- 节能的林德数字控制,再生电流制动降低维修成本,提高运行有效率。
- 双电路监测系统及全封闭铝合金结构保证了电控系统不受尘土与水气的影响,保证了电气控制系统高标准的可靠性。
E35H E40HL E45HL E50HL
承载能力kg 3500 4000 4800 5000
载荷中心mm 600 600 600 600
带电池自重kg 6875 7285 7740 7895
失载高度mm 5500 5550 5500 5500
护顶架高度mm 2360 2360 2360 2360
mm 2712 2867 2867 2867
车体宽度mm 1440&1278 1440&1278 1440&1278 1440&1278
mm 3954 4109 4109 4109
转弯半径mm 2216 2361 2361 2361
行驶速度.满/空载km/h 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20。
1. 最大起重量:1.6吨
2. 最大载荷中心:根据具体配置和用途而定
3. 最小转弯半径:2500mm
4. 最大行驶速度:25km/h
5. 最大起升速度:根据具体配置和用途而定
6. 最大下降速度:根据具体配置和用途而定
7. 最小前后倾角:根据具体配置和用途而定
8. 最大爬坡能力:根据具体配置和用途而定
9. 电池充电时间:根据具体电池类型和充电条件而定
10. 电池容量:根据具体电池类型而定
11. 电机功率:根据具体配置而定
12. 外形尺寸:长×宽×高(mm)
13. 轴距:根据具体配置而定
14. 前轮距:根据具体配置而定
15. 后轮距:根据具体配置而定
16. 自重:根据具体配置和用途而定。
生产部3吨叉车技术参数及安全操作规程一、3吨叉车技术参数和技术要求(一)主要技术参数1、额定起重量:3T;2、动力形式:柴油;3、最大起升高度;3500mm4、货叉长度:≥1500 mm;5、发动机输出功率:≥36kW;6、货叉调节方式:手动调节7、货叉调节范围(最大/最小):1060mm/250mm8、最大行驶速度(满载/空载):18/19km/h9、最大牵引力(满载/空载):≥17kN/13kN(二)主要技术要求1、叉车驱动装置采用静压传动系统,能够实现无级变速。
7、当有机械问题的时候, 不能自己进行修理。
供应南通台励福5吨叉车,内燃引擎式,柴油/汽油•上一件•下一件商品价格:询问最新价格供货总量:5台•发货地点:江苏南通崇川区•想了解产品详情,请•和我联系•或•查看联系方式••••分享o QQ空间o新浪微薄o淘江湖o人人网o旺旺/QQ•收藏商品•详细信息•订购说明•联系方式是否提供加工定制:是额定起重量:5000(kg)类型:燃料叉车型号:FD50/FG50 货叉长度:1220(mm)载重量:5000(kg)货叉最低位:0(mm)行走方式:内燃式叉车工业车辆:内燃叉车特种行业:叉车品牌:台励福制造厂:台励福型号:FD50/FG50载荷重量:5000Kg载荷中心:600mm动力形式:柴油/汽油驾驭形式:坐式轮胎类型:充气胎车轮(x驱动轮)数量:2X/2(前/后)最大货叉高度:3000mm货叉尺寸:1220*150*60mm门架倾角(前/后):6-12后悬:540mm叉距宽(外):1310mm全宽:1450mm门架高度(货叉落地):2190mm车顶护驾高:2250mm最小回转半径(外侧):3050mm最大高度:4220mm前悬:570mm货叉架高:1220mm全车长:4530mm行驶速度:(全负荷/无负荷):20/22km/h 上升速度:(全负荷/无负荷):400/500mm/s 下降速度:(全负荷/无负荷):400/400mm/s 最大牵引力(全负荷):33203N最大爬坡能力(全负荷/空负荷):23/19%叉车总重:6700kg轮胎数量(前/后):2/2前轮尺寸:300-15-20P.R后轮尺寸:7.0-12-12P.R轴距:2200mm轮距(前/后):1150/1190mm距地面高度最低点:140mm距地面高度车中心:230mm刹车操作方式:脚制动油压式刹车刹车手刹车制动方式:手制动机械式刹车发动机:潍柴4105,可选进口发动机传动系统:自动排挡系统/手动排挡系统伺服压力:160kg/cm2。
Hyster 2000-3.5XT系列电动叉车产品介绍说明书
2000-3500 KGH2.0-3.5XT SERIES IC FORKLIFT TRUCKSn Hydrostatic Steer AxleMaximum durability, increased steer angle and steering control for easy manoeuvring and lower maintenance. New steer knob synchroniser system returns the steer knob to the same position when travelling in a straight line – improves operator comfort and control.n H yster ® Stability Mechanism ™The patented stability system reduces truck sway during turns, improving lateral stability. This innovative design allows for confident travel over uneven surfaces.n Engine CoverT he tough steel engine cover is hinged at the rear, offering excellent service access to the engine compartment.Each of these advancements demonstratesHyster’s commitment to be a strong partner and provide the toughest trucks for even the most challenging applications.HYSTER ®2.0-3.5XT SERIES FEATURESnI ntegral SideshiftThe optional Hyster-designed integral sideshift provides excellent visibility and affords greater capacities than carriage-mounted sideshifts.nH eavy-Duty Drive AxleThe full floating drive axle enhances dependability and reliability for a longer service life. Hyster premium self-adjusting brakes provide excellent inching and stopping power.nR emovable Floor PlateOne piece, steel floor plate removes for easy service access. A thick moulded rubber mat reduces noise and vibration.n Advanced Dash DisplayAmonochrome LCD displays all status – mounted on the steer column for easy operator viewing.nH assle-Free HydraulicsIn-tank hydraulic filter for cleaner fluid, longer life componentry.n Steer ColumnThe steering column is offset to the left and the standard synchronous steering function returns the spinner knob to the same position when driving ahead to give a consistent and comfortable driving position.n Hyster ® Vista ™ MastThe new range of Vista™ masts are wider for improved forward visibility. The masts are trunnion mounted for less wear and easier maintenance.EQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT:Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifi cations: Complete truck with 3000mm TOF 2-stage limited free lift mast, with standard hook type carriage, 1070mm forks with manual hydraulics, overhead guard and standard pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyres.Specification data is based on VDI 2198.D I S T I N G U I S H I N G M A R K1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designation Model Engine / transmission1.3 Drive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, fuel gas1.4 Operator type: hand, pedestrian, standing, seated, order-picker 1.5 Rated capacity/rated load Q (t)1.6 Load centre distancec (mm)1.8 Load distance, centre of drive axle to fork x (mm)1.9 Wheelbasey (mm)5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen km/h 5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen † N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen †† % 5.10 Service brake 7.1 Engine manufacturer/type 7.2 Engine power according to ISO 1585 6 kW 7.3 Rated speed min–1 7.3.1 Torque at 1/min Nm/min–1 7.4 Number of cylinders/displacement (-)/cm 3 7.5 Fuel consumption according to MIL 268C cycle l/h or kg/h 7.1 Battery voltage/nominal capacity S (V)/(Ah) 8.1 Type of drive unit 8.11 Service brake 8.12 Parking brake 10.1 Operating pressure for attachments bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments ³ l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l 10.4 Fuel tank, capacity l 10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat < J dB (A)10.8Towing coupling, type DIN3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic, V = solid, SE = pneumatic-shaped solid 3.2 Tyre size, front (standard tread)3.2.1 Tyre size, front (dueal tread) 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels)3.6 Tread, front (standard/dueal tread) b 10 (mm) 3.7 Tread, rearb 11 (mm)4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a /b (°)4.2 Height, mast lowered h 1 (mm) 4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm) 4.4 Lift ¶ h 3 (mm) 4.5 Height, mast extended è h 4 (mm) 4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) h 6 (mm) 4.8 Seat height relating to SIP/stand height ¢ h 7 (mm) 4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm) 4.19 Overall length l 1 (mm) 4.20 Length to face of forks l 2 (mm) 4.21 Overall width G b 1/b 2 (mm) 4.22 Fork dimensions ISO 2331 s/e/l (mm) 4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B 4.24 Fork carriage width l b 3 (mm) 4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm) 4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase m 2 (mm) 4.34.1 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.35 Turning radius W a (mm) 4.41 90° intersecting aisle (with pallet L = 1000mm x W = 1200mm) (mm) 4.42 Step height (from ground to running board) (mm) 4.43 Step height (between intermediate steps and floor) (mm)P E R F O R M A N C E D A T A C O M B U S T I O N E N G I N E A D D I T I O N A L D A T AD I ME N S I O N ST Y R E S /C H A S S I SH2.0XT - AD H2.5XT - ADH3.0XT - BD H3.5XT - BD Yanmar 2.6LYanmar 2.6LYanmar 3.3LYanmar 3.3L Basic Basic Basic Basic Powershift Powershift Powershift Powershift 1-speed 1-speed 1-speed 1-speed Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Seated Seated Seated Seated 2 2.5 3 3.5 500 500 500 500 480 480 505 520 1625162517001700HYSTER HYSTERHYSTERHYSTER3480 3610 3810 3940 4350 4435 4940 5055 4755 725 5500 810 6525 825 7450 990 1565 1915 1515 2295 1780 2570 1880 3060 L L L SE 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 28x9-15-12PR 28x9-15 SOLID 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 6.00-15 SOLID 6.0-9-10PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 6.50-10 SOLID 2x 2 2x 2 2x 2 2x 2 970 1405 970 1405 1010 1405 1010 1330 1000 1000 1000 1000 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 1995 1995 2060 2140 155 155 160 165 3050 3050 3055 3060 4120 4120 4125 4125 2130 2130 2150 2150 990 990 1010 1010 350 350 350 350 3470 3685 3835 3905 2550 2615 2765 2835 1160 1590 1160 1590 1230 1590 1230 1490 40 / 122 / 1070 40 / 122 / 1070 45 / 122 / 1070 50 / 150 / 1070 II II III III 1020 1020 1070 1070 120 120 140 140 190 190 210 210 3845 3905 4050 4115 3645 3705 3850 3915 2185 2245 2365 2415 2025 2090 2195 2235 410 410 430 430 290 290 290 29017.5 19 17.5 19 17.5 18.5 17.5 18 17.5 19 17.5 19 17.5 18.5 17.5 18 620 670 610 670 560 570 475 490 495 520 495 520 495 520 495 520 16700 16700 22300 20400 26 26 22 23 27 22 21 19 Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Yanmar/4TNE92 Yanmar/4TNE92 Yanmar/4TNE98 Yanmar/4TNE98 29 29 43 43 2050 2050 2300 2300 143 1400 143 1400 189 1600 189 1600 4 2659 4 2659 4 3319 4 3319 2.7 2.8 3.4 3.6 12 64 12 64 12 64 12 64 AutomaticAutomatic Automatic Automatic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hand Hand Hand Hand 181 181 181 157 71 71 82 71 38.0 38.0 40.0 40.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 - - - - HookHookHookHookEQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT:Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifi cations: Complete truck with 3000mm TOF 2-stage limited free lift mast, with standard hook type carriage, 1070mm forks with manual hydraulics, overhead guard and standard pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyres.Specification data is based on VDI 2198.5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen km/h 5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen † N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen †† % 5.10 Service brake 7.1 Engine manufacturer/type 7.2 Engine power according to ISO 1585 6 kW 7.3 Rated speed min–1 7.3.1 Torque at 1/min Nm/min–1 7.4 Number of cylinders/displacement (-)/cm 3 7.5 Fuel consumption according to MIL 268C cycle l/h or kg/h 7.1 Battery voltage/nominal capacity S (V)/(Ah) 8.1 Type of drive unit 8.11 Service brake 8.12 Parking brake 10.1 Operating pressure for attachments bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments ³ l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l 10.4 Fuel tank, capacity l 10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat < J dB (A)10.8 Towing coupling, type DIN3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic, V = solid, SE = pneumatic-shaped solid 3.2 Tyre size, front (standard tread)3.2.1 Tyre size, front (dueal tread) 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels)3.6 Tread, front (standard/dueal tread) b 10 (mm) 3.7 Tread, rearb 11 (mm)4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a /b (°)4.2 Height, mast lowered h 1 (mm) 4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm) 4.4 Lift ¶ h 3 (mm) 4.5 Height, mast extended è h 4 (mm) 4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) h 6 (mm) 4.8 Seat height relating to SIP/stand height ¢ h 7 (mm) 4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm) 4.19 Overall length l 1 (mm) 4.20 Length to face of forks l 2 (mm) 4.21 Overall width G b 1/b 2 (mm) 4.22 Fork dimensions ISO 2331 s/e/l (mm) 4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B 4.24 Fork carriage width l b 3 (mm) 4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm) 4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase m 2 (mm) 4.34.1 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.35 Turning radius W a (mm) 4.41 90° intersecting aisle (with pallet L = 1000mm x W = 1200mm) (mm) 4.42 Step height (from ground to running board) (mm) 4.43 Step height (between intermediate steps and floor) (mm)P E R F O R M A N C E D A T AC O M B U S T I O N E N G I N EA D D I T I O N A L D A T AD I ME N S I O N ST Y R E S /C H A S S I SH2.0XT - AL H2.5XT - AL H3.0XT - BL K21 2.1L K21 2.1L K25 2.5L Basic Basic Basic Powershift Powershift Powershift 1-speed 1-speed 1-speed L PG L PG L PG Seated Seated Seated 2.0 2.5 3.0 500 500 500 465 465 490 1625 1625 1700 HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER3390 3520 3720 3850 4260 4345 4730 660 5455 765 6335 925 1530 1850 1470 2250 1635 2670 L L L 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 28x9-15-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 2x 2 2x 2 2x 2 970 1405 970 1405 1010 1405 1000 1000 1000 6 10 6 10 6 10 1995 1995 2060 155 155 160 3050 3050 3055 4120 4120 4125 2130 2130 2150 990 990 1010 350 350 350 3470 3685 3835 2550 2615 2765 1160 1590 1160 1590 1230 1590 40 / 122 / 1070 40 / 122 / 1070 45 / 122 / 1070 II II III 1020 1020 1070 120 120 140 190 190 210 3845 3905 4050 3645 3705 3850 2185 2245 2365 2025 2090 2195 410 410 430 290 290 29018 19.5 18 19.5 19 20 18 19.5 18 19.5 19 20 525 580 515 580 515 575 495 520 495 520 495 520 18900 18900 19000 30 26 26 22 24 22 Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic GCT/K21 GCT/K21 GCT/K25 31 31 34 2250 2250 2100 144 1600 144 1600 173 1600 4 2065 4 2065 4 2488 1.8 1.9 2.3 12 28 12 28 12 28 AutomaticAutomatic Automatic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hand Hand Hand 181 181 181 65 65 74 38.0 38.0 40.0 - --- 78 78 80 HookHookHookEQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT:Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifi cations: Complete truck with 3000mm TOF 2-stage limited free lift mast, with standard hook type carriage, 1070mm forks with manual hydraulics, overhead guard and standard pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyres.Specification data is based on VDI 2198.D I S T I N G U I S H I N G M A R K1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designation Model Engine / transmission1.3 Drive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, fuel gas1.4 Operator type: hand, pedestrian, standing, seated, order-picker 1.5 Rated capacity/rated load Q (t)1.6 Load centre distancec (mm)1.8 Load distance, centre of drive axle to fork x (mm)1.9 Wheelbasey (mm)5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen km/h 5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen † N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen †† % 5.10 Service brake 7.1 Engine manufacturer/type 7.2 Engine power according to ISO 1585 6 kW 7.3 Rated speed min–1 7.3.1 Torque at 1/min Nm/min–1 7.4 Number of cylinders/displacement (-)/cm 37.5 Fuel consumption according to MIL 268C cycle l/h or kg/h 7.1 Battery voltage/nominal capacity S (V)/(Ah) 8.1 Type of drive unit8.11 Service brake8.12 Parking brake 10.1 Operating pressure for attachments bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments ³ l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l 10.4 Fuel tank, capacity l 10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat < J dB (A)10.8Towing coupling, type DIN3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic, V = solid, SE = pneumatic-shaped solid 3.2 Tyre size, front (standard tread)3.2.1 Tyre size, front (dueal tread) 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels)3.6 Tread, front (standard/dueal tread) b 10 (mm) 3.7 Tread, rearb 11 (mm)4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a /b (°)4.2 Height, mast lowered h 1 (mm) 4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm) 4.4 Lift ¶ h 3 (mm) 4.5 Height, mast extended è h 4 (mm) 4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) h 6 (mm) 4.8 Seat height relating to SIP/stand height ¢ h 7 (mm) 4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm) 4.19 Overall length l 1 (mm) 4.20 Length to face of forks l 2 (mm) 4.21 Overall width G b 1/b 2 (mm) 4.22 Fork dimensions ISO 2331 s/e/l (mm) 4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B 4.24 Fork carriage width l b 3 (mm) 4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm) 4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase m 2 (mm) 4.34.1 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.35 Turning radius W a (mm) 4.41 90° intersecting aisle (with pallet L = 1000mm x W = 1200mm) (mm) 4.42 Step height (from ground to running board) (mm) 4.43 Step height (between intermediate steps and floor) (mm)P E R F O R M A N C E D A T A C O M B U S T I O N E N G I N E A D D I T I O N A L D A T AD I ME N S I O N ST Y R E S /C H A S S I SH2.0XT - AG H2.5XT - AG H3.0XT - BG K21 2.1LK21 2.1LK25 2.5L Basic Basic Basic Powershift Powershift Powershift 1-speed 1-speed 1-speed Petrol Petrol Petrol Seated Seated Seated 2.0 2.5 3.0 500 500 500 465 465 490 1625162517003390 3520 3720 3850 4260 4345 4730 660 5455 765 6335 925 1530 1850 1470 2250 1635 2670 L L L 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 28x9-15-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 2x 2 2x 2 2x 2 970 1405 970 1405 1010 1405 1000 1000 1000 6 10 6 10 6 10 1995 1995 2060 155 155 160 3050 3050 3055 4120 4120 4125 2130 2130 2150 990 990 1010 350 350 350 3470 3685 3835 2550 2615 2765 1160 1590 1160 1590 1230 1590 40 / 122 / 1070 40 / 122 / 1070 45 / 122 / 1070 II II III 1020 1020 1070 120 120 140 190 190 210 3845 3905 4050 3645 3705 3850 2185 2245 2365 2025 2090 2195 410 410 430 290 290 29018 19.5 18 19.5 19 20 18 19.5 18 19.5 19 20 525 580 515 580 515 575 495 520 495 520 495 520 18900 18900 19000 30 26 26 22 24 22 Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic GCT/K21 GCT/K21 GCT/K25 31 31 34 2250 2250 2100 144 1600 144 1600 173 16004 2065 4 2065 4 2488 2.7 2.9 3.3 12 28 12 28 12 28 Automatic Automatic Automatic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hand Hand Hand 181 181 181 65 65 74 38.0 38.0 40.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 78 78 80 HookHookHookHYSTER HYSTERHYSTEREQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT:Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifi cations: Complete truck with 3000mm TOF 2-stage limited free lift mast, with standard hook type carriage, 1070mm forks with manual hydraulics, overhead guard and standard pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyres.Specification data is based on VDI 2198.5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen km/h 5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen † N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen †† % 5.10 Service brake 7.1 Engine manufacturer/type 7.2 Engine power according to ISO 1585 6 kW 7.3 Rated speed min–1 7.3.1 Torque at 1/min Nm/min–1 7.4 Number of cylinders/displacement (-)/cm 37.5 Fuel consumption according to MIL 268C cycle l/h or kg/h 7.1 Battery voltage/nominal capacity S (V)/(Ah) 8.1 Type of drive unit8.11 Service brake8.12 Parking brake 10.1 Operating pressure for attachments bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments ³ l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l 10.4 Fuel tank, capacity l 10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat < J dB (A)10.8Towing coupling, type DIN3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic, V = solid, SE = pneumatic-shaped solid 3.2 Tyre size, front (standard tread)3.2.1 Tyre size, front (dueal tread) 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels)3.6 Tread, front (standard/dueal tread) b 10 (mm) 3.7 Tread, rearb 11 (mm)4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a /b (°)4.2 Height, mast lowered h 1 (mm) 4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm) 4.4 Lift ¶ h 3 (mm) 4.5 Height, mast extended è h 4 (mm) 4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) h 6 (mm) 4.8 Seat height relating to SIP/stand height ¢ h 7 (mm) 4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm) 4.19 Overall length l 1 (mm) 4.20 Length to face of forks l 2 (mm) 4.21 Overall width G b 1/b 2 (mm) 4.22 Fork dimensions ISO 2331 s/e/l (mm) 4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B 4.24 Fork carriage width l b 3 (mm) 4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm) 4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase m 2 (mm) 4.34.1 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 crossways u Ast (mm) 4.35 Turning radius W a (mm) 4.41 90° intersecting aisle (with pallet L = 1000mm x W = 1200mm) (mm) 4.42 Step height (from ground to running board) (mm) 4.43 Step height (between intermediate steps and floor) (mm)P E R F O R M A N C E D A T A C O M B U S T I O N E N G I N E A D D I T I O N A L D A T AD I ME N S I O N ST Y R E S /C H A S S I SH2.0XT - AT H2.5XT - ATH3.0XT - BT K21 2.1LK21 2.1LK25 2.5L Basic Basic Basic Powershift Powershift Powershift 1-speed 1-speed 1-speed Dual fuelDual fuelDual fuel Seated Seated Seated 2.0 2.5 3.0 500 500 500 465 465 490 1625162517003390 3520 3720 3850 4260 4345 4730 660 5455 765 6335 925 1530 1850 1470 2250 1635 2670 L L L 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 28x9-15-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 7.00-12-12PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.0-9-10PR 6.50-10-10PR 2x 2 2x 2 2x 2 970 1405 970 1405 1010 1405 1000 1000 1000 6 10 6 10 6 10 1995 1995 2060 155 155 160 3050 3050 3055 4120 4120 4125 2130 2130 2150 990 990 1010 350 350 350 3470 3685 3835 2550 2615 2765 1160 1590 1160 1590 1230 1590 40 / 122 / 1070 40 / 122 / 1070 45 / 122 / 1070 II II III 1020 1020 1070 120 120 140 190 190 210 3845 3905 4050 3645 3705 3850 2185 2245 2365 2025 2090 2195 410 410 430 290 290 29018 19.5 18 19.5 19 20 18 19.5 18 19.5 19 20 525 580 515 580 515 575 495 520 495 520 495 520 18900 18900 19000 30 26 26 22 24 22 Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic GCT/K21 GCT/K21 GCT/K25 31 31 34 2250 2250 2100 144 1600 144 1600 173 16004 2065 4 2065 4 2488 2.7 1.8 2.9 1.9 3.3 2.3 12 28 12 28 12 28 Automatic Automatic Automatic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hand Hand Hand 181 181 181 65 65 74 38.0 38.0 40.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 78 78 80 HookHookHookHYSTER HYSTERHYSTERNOTESValues shown are for standard equipment. When using non-standard equipment, these values may change. Please contact your Hyster dealer for information.The rated capacities shown are for masts in a vertical position on trucks equipped with standard or sideshift carriage, and nominal length forks.Masts above the maximum fork heights shown in the mast table are classified as high lift, and depending on the tyre/tread configuration may require reduced capacity, restricted back tilt or wide tread.Specification data based on standard carriage, load backrest and 1070mm forks.2-stage Full Free Lift2-stage Limited Free Lift3-stage Full Free LiftMaximum fork height (mm)Back tilt Overalllowered height (mm)Overall Extended height (mm)v Overall Extended height (mm)♦Free lift (top of forks) (mm) v2140229023902490269028402940309031902190234024402590279020402110219023402440259026902790294010 3060 38454125 165 10 3360 4145 4425 165 10 3560 4345 4625 165 10 3760 4545 4825 165 10 4060 4845 5125 165 6 4360 5145 5425 165 6 4560 5345 5625 165 6 4860 5645 5925 165 6 50605845612516510 3085 3850 4150 1070 10 3385 4150 4450 1220 10 3585 4350 4650 1320 10 3835 4600 4900 1470 6 4185 4950 5250 1670 6 4125 4970 5190 920 6 4335 5180 5400 990 6 4575 5420 5640 1070 6 4825 5670 5890 1220 6 5025 5870 6090 1320 6 5325 6170 6390 1470 6 5525 6370 6590 1570 6 5725 6570 6790 1670 66025 6870 7090 1775H3.0-3.5XT - Capacity Chart in kgMaximum fork height (mm)Maximum fork height (mm)Maximumfork height (mm)Maximumfork height (mm)2-stage Full Free Lift2-stageLimited Free Lift30503350355037504050435045504850505030003390359038404190413543454585484050355335553556856035306033603560376040604360456048605060308533853585383541854130434045804830503053305530573060303055335535553755405543554555485550553080338035803830418041254335457547055025532555255725602530603360356037604060436045604860506030853385358538354185413043404580483050305330553057306030500 LC 600 LC 700 LC 3000 2920 2680 3000 2920 2680 3000 2910 2670 3000 2910 2670 3000 2900 2660 3000 2890 2650 2950 2860 2610 2880 2770 2540 2830 2720 2490 3000 2920 2670 3000 2910 2670 3000 2900 2660 3000 2900 2660 3000 2890 2650 3000 2890 2650 3000 2890 2650 2950 2830 2610 2930 2810 2560 2860 2720 2490 2770 2630 2430 2720 2590 2380 2680 2520 2310 2590 2450 2240500 LC 600 LC 700 LC 3500 3390 3110 3500 3380 3100 3500 3380 3100 3500 3380 3100 3500 3360 3090 3500 3360 3080 3450 3310 3040 3380 3240 2970 3330 3170 2930 3500 3380 3100 3500 3380 3100 3500 3370 3090 3500 3370 3090 3500 3350 3080 3500 3340 3070 3500 3340 3060 3450 3290 3020 3380 3220 2950 3330 3150 2900 3240 3080 2810 3020 2990 2770 2790 2790 2720 2470 2490 2470500 LC 600 LC 700 LC3000 2800 2580 3000 2800 2570 3000 2790 2570 3000 2790 2560 3000 2780 2550 3000 2770 2550 2950 2720 2520 2880 2650 2450 2830 2610 2400 3000 2800 2570 3000 2790 2570 3000 2790 2560 3000 2780 2560 3000 2770 2550 3000 2780 2550 3000 2770 2550 2950 2720 2490 2930 2700 2470 2860 2610 2400 2770 2540 2340 2720 2490 2290 2650 2430 2220 2560 2340 2150500 LC 600 LC 700 LC 3500 3250 2990 3500 3240 2980 3500 3240 2980 3500 3240 2980 3500 3220 2970 3500 3220 2960 3450 3170 2930 3380 3110 2860 3330 3060 2810 3500 3250 2990 3500 3240 2980 3500 3240 2980 3500 3230 2970 3500 3220 2960 3500 3230 2970 3500 3220 2960 3450 3170 2900 3380 3110 2860 3330 3060 2810 3240 2970 2720 3020 2900 2680 2810 2790 2630 2490 2490 24703-stageFull Free LiftPneumatic Shaped Solid TyresH3.0XTH3.5XTH3.0XTH3.5XTWithout sideshiftWithout sideshiftWith integral sideshiftWith integral sideshift10l l b b b xWa100mma 2100mma 2Asth h h h sQcαll y l h h h m m βb x40003500300025002000150010005000250500750100012501500H3.5XT H3.0XT H2.5XT H2.0XT40003500300025002000150010005000250500750100012501500H3.5XTH3.0XT H2.5XT H2.0XTTRUCK DIMENSIONS= Centre of gravity of unladen truck Ast = W a + x + l 6 + a (see lines 4.34.1 & 4.34.2) a = Minimum operating clearance(VDI standard = 200 mm BITA recommendation = 300 mm) l 6= Load lengthRATED CAPACITIESLoad centreDistance from front of forks to centre of gravity of load.Rated loadBased on vertical masts up to 4310 mm.Load centre (mm)Standard CarriageIntegral Sideshift CarriageLoad centre (mm)R a t e d l o a d (k g )R a t e d l o a d (k g )NOTE:Specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as the nature and condition of the operating area. Inform your dealer of the nature and condition of the intended operating area when purchasing your Hyster T ruck.GStandard / wide / dual ¶Top of forksè add 32mm with load backrest¢ Full suspension seat in depressed position l Without load backrest, add 32mm with load backrestuStacking aisle width (lines 4.34 & 4.34.1 &4.34.2) are based on the V .D.I. standard calculation as shown on illustration. The British Industrial Truck Association recommends the addition of 100 mm to the total clearance (dimension a) for extra operating margin at the rear of the truck 6Engine power entries are shown as net values ††at 1.6 km/h†at 4.8km/h. Gradeability figures are provided for comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended toendorse the operation of the vehicle on the stated inclines. Follow instructions in the operating manual regarding operation on inclines.q to 15m (per VDI 2198 December 2012)SBattery ampere hour (Ah) nominal capacity ratings are estimated.³ Variable< With and without cab.♦Noise levels are reduced by 3dB(A) with ECO-eLo mode engaged.JLpaz, Measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053¬Lwaz, Measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053.MAST TABLES:v without load backrest♦ with load backrestNOTICECare must be exercised when handling elevated loads. When the carriage and/or load is elevated, truck stability is reduced. It is important that the mast tilt in either direction is kept to a minimum when loads are elevated.Operators must be trained and must read, understand and follow the instructions contained in the Operating Manual.All values are nominal values and they are subject to tolerances. For further information, please contact the manufacturer.Hyster products are subject to change without notice.Lift trucks illustrated may feature optional equipment. Values may vary with alternative configurations.STANDARD FEATURES & OPTIONSSTANDARD EQUIPMENTComplete truck equipped with:n2-Stage limited free lift Vista™ mast with lift height of 3035mmn Hook-type carriage with 1070mm high load backrest (LBR) n1070mm long forksn Y anmar 2.6L Diesel or GCT K21 Petrol / LPG engine (H2.0-2.5XT)n Y anmar 3.3L Diesel or GCT K25 Petrol / LPG engine (H3.0-3.5XT)n Powershift transmission+ Mechanical inching+ Neutral start function+ Heavy duty clutch platesn Directional control levern Single pedal inch braken N on-suspension vinyl seat (not available with seat side hydraulic control Mini levers)n Pneumatic tyresn 2 Hydraulic leversn Standard integrated dash display+ Monochrome LCD panel– Real time clock– Hour meter– Fasten seatbelt– F uel level with low fuel warning buzzer (Petrol & Dieselfuel only)+ Service Indicators– Service required– Coolant temperature with high temp warning buzzer– Alternator with warning buzzer– Transmission oil temperature with warning buzzer– Engine oil pressure with low pressure warning buzzer– Glow lamp (Diesel fuel engine only)– Error messagen Key starting with anti-restart functionn Hydrostatic steering with steer knob synchronisern Adjustable vinyl seatn Electric Hornn Infinitely adjustable steering columnn Rubber floor matn High air intaken Counterweight exhaustn Integral tie downsn Operator’s seat beltn Serpentine radiatorn Hyster Stability Mechanism™ (HSM)n Swing down LPG tank bracket Cabinn S tandard Over Head Guard (OHG) with rain gutter and cup holdern 78 dB(A) standard noise level for Petrol/LPG engine optionn 83.5 dB(A) standard noise level for Diesel engine optionn 12 months / 2000 hours manufacturer’s warrantyn Operator’s manualn Compliance with ISO 3691 / JIS D 6202OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTMastsn 2-Stage limited free lift Vista™ masts with up to 4855mm lift heightn 2-Stage full free lift Vista™ masts with up to 3390mm lift height n 3-Stage full free lift Vista™ masts with up to 6035mm lift heightCarriagesn Integral side shift (ISS) carriageHydraulic Valve and Leversn 3-function cowl mounted hydraulic levers with or without interlock for clampingn 4-function cowl mounted hydraulic levers with or without interlock for clampingForksn Fork lengths are available from 1070mm to 1520mmControlsn S eparate Inch brake and brake pedals for sure handling on steep inclinesn Mini levers with adjustable armrestDash Displayn Speedometer with speed alarm and warning buzzern Travel speed limitern Digital load weight displaySeatsn Full suspension vinyl seatBrakesn Heavy duty drum brakesEnvironmentaln Vertical exhaustn 2-way catalytic mufflern Spark arrestor mufflern High capacity radiatorn High mount pre-cleanern Dual element air filter for Petrol/LPG engine optionn Tandem air filter for Diesel engine optionOthern H ydraulic cut-out seat interlock (prevents travel when operator seatbelt is not used)n L ight Kit consisting of 2 Halogen front head lights, 2 front turn indicators plus rear combination (turn indicators, reversingand brake) lights and reverse alarmn 2 rear vision mirrorsn Rear work light (switch or reverse operated)。
各系列堆高车的适用范围:载重范围最大扬高适用高度巷道宽度平面利用串合货架叁轮平衡重叉车l 252 t 6500 mm 3000 mm 3300 mm 40%室内外运搬,集装箱卸货四轮平衡重叉车L65 0t 70001Ttrl2 3000mm 33500mm 30%室外装卸搬运电动堆垛机1,01.6t 5350tam 3000 4000咖 2300roan 50%楼层式仓库,较矮仓库,集装箱内部装卸,不能使用双面板前伸式叉车1.02.5t 11510咖 6000 8000 mm 2800 mm 45%各种室内环境VNA 1,251.5 t 14240 mm 1000014000 mm 1600 mm 60%高架堆垛,拣货配货,地坪状况较好的仓库每一种叉车都有其相应的运搬能力,表现为每小时或者每天操作托盘的数量。
T:完成一个工作循环所需时间(测试值) T=TI十T2十T3十Th TI:长度方向一个工作循环所需时间 T2:宽度方向一个工作循环所需时间 T3:进入方向一个工作循环所需时间Th:高度方向一个工作循环所需时间一、假设A点至B点为一个标准测试距离,则测试。
二、叉车的尺寸规格参数1. 车身尺寸叉车的车身尺寸主要包括长、宽和高。
2. 车轮尺寸叉车的车轮尺寸对其通过条件和操作稳定性有重要影响。
3. 起升高度叉车的起升高度指叉抬起货物的最大高度。
4. 载重能力1吨叉车的载重能力是指叉车能够承载的最大货物重量。
5. 驾驶室尺寸驾驶室的尺寸对操作员的舒适性和安全性有直接影响。
三、为什么选择1吨叉车1吨叉车作为中小型叉车,具有以下优点: 1. 尺寸适中:1吨叉车的尺寸适中,适用于不同场地和环境。
2. 负载能力合理:1吨叉车的载重能力在1-1.5吨之间,能够满足大部分中小型物料搬运需求。
3. 机动性好:1吨叉车的尺寸小巧灵活,可以在狭小的通道和仓库中操作,提高搬运效率。
4. 价格相对较低:与大吨位叉车相比,1吨叉车具有较低的购买和维护成本。
1. 承载能力:1.5吨(1500千克)
2. 最大起升高度:通常在3-6米之间
3. 起升速度和下降速度:
4. 驱动方式:
5. 动力系统和电池容量:
6. 转弯半径:
7. 整体尺寸和重量:
电 控 电 器
电 控 电 器
电 控 电 器
蓄 电 池
Mm/ s
最大运仃速 度
Km/ h
2.5吨位叉车详详参数 叉车型号: CPCD25 传动形式:液力传动额定起重量(Kg):2500 最大起升高度(mm): 3000 载荷中心距(mm): 500门架倾角 前/后 (deg) :6/12 最大起升速度(mm/s): 满载:550 空载:580 行驶速度(空载)(Km/h): 20 最小转弯半径(mm): 2245 爬坡度 (%):15 全长(G)(mm): 3608 全宽(H)(mm): 1145 全高(J)(mm): 2070 护顶架高度(mm):2070轴距(L)(mm): 1600 轮距(mm): 前轮:970 后轮: 980 自重(Kg): 3710前轮轮胎: 7.00×12-12PR 发动机型号:五十铃 4JG2PKJ (CD-RB) 新昌 490BPG-50 (CD-DB) 新昌 A490BPG-50A (CD-EB) 燃油箱容量:52L后轮轮胎:6.00-9-10PR货叉基本规格型号:1T 0.9型号:3T 1.2尺寸:35×100×900尺寸:45×130×1200型号:3T 1.5型号:6T 1.3尺寸:45×130×1500尺寸:65×150×1300型号:10T 1.8型号:12T 1.5尺寸:80×180×1800尺寸:100×180×1500型号:18T 1.5型号:30T 1.8尺寸:100×200×1500尺寸:130×280×1800型号:大连式 7T 1.4型号:合力式 7T 1.4尺寸:70×150×1400尺寸:70×150×1400其他挂钩式1.5T 1.07M其他套筒式8T 1.6M2T 1.2M 9T 1.6M 3T 1.07M 10T 1.6M 4T 1.07M 14T 2M14T 2M。
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- 块状堆垛
- 水平搬运
- 装/卸货物
- 先进的根据人机工程学原理布置的驾驶室使操作者集中精力在手头的工作中。
- 三套独立制动系统结合静压转向,使叉车操作更灵活。
- 节能的林德数字控制,再生电流制动降低维修成本,提高运行有效率。
- 双电路监测系统及全封闭铝合金结构保证了电控系统不受尘土与水气的影响,保证了电气控制系统高标准的可靠性。
E35H E40HL E45HL E50HL
承载能力kg 3500 4000 4800 5000
载荷中心mm 600 600 600 600
带电池自重kg 6875 7285 7740 7895
失载高度mm 5500 5550 5500 5500
护顶架高度mm 2360 2360 2360 2360
mm 2712 2867 2867 2867
车体宽度mm 1440&1278 1440&1278 1440&1278 1440&1278
mm 3954 4109 4109 4109
转弯半径mm 2216 2361 2361 2361
行驶速度.满/空载km/h 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20。