英语国家概况 第四课 爱尔兰概况 The Republic of Ireland
爱尔兰英⽂导游词爱尔兰英⽂介绍Republic of Ireland⽤英语介绍爱尔兰As far as tourist appeal goes, the small island of Ireland punches far above its own weight. The country is so packed with delights that visitors are often reduced to describing its charms in hyperbolic clichés: it is the greenest country, full of the friendliest people, all of whom would be geniuses if they weren't distracted by the lure of the pub.Ireland is indeed a green country - so much rainfall must have its benefits - and the people are justifiably renowned for their friendliness. As for the geniuses, well, the Irish will proudly point to their four Nobel Laureates for Literature and declare that the success rate is unmatched in any other country of its size, all the while ensuring that the sacred 'round' system (where everyone buys a drink for everyone else in turn) is strictly adhered to.Yet Ireland's charms run far deeper than the legendary craic of the pub or the accomplishments of a bunch of (mostly) dead writers. It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything, from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots, men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend, Britain.It has a vibrant and dynamic capital, Dublin, which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of Europe. As a result, the Irish have grown in worldliness that continues to propel them to greater heights of achievement. Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.位于欧洲西部的爱尔兰岛南部。
02. Climate
03. Major Cities
Major Cities
The capital city of Ireland is Dublin, which is located in Dublin Bay. With one-fourth of the country's total population living there, Dublin is the largest city in Ireland. It is also the country's chief port, the commercial and financial center, and the seat of culture.
The The Republic of Ireland
The island of Ireland is the third largest island in Europe. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean, separated from the island of Great Britain by the Irish Sea and from mainland Europe by the Celtic Sea.
The island of Ireland is epublic of Ireland, which is an independent country, and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.
Cork (科克) is the second largest city in Ireland. The city has a reputation for independence dating back to 1491, when its people fought to overthrow the English rule. The people of Cork are proud of their participation in the Irish War of Independence
2. Celts – 600 BCE 3. St. Patrick , 432– Catholicism
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Stone circle in County Cork, ca 3500BC
St. Patrick and Catholicism
Republic of Ireland
GREEN: represents the catholics who want an unit Ireland
WHITE: represents the hope for peace
ORANGE: represents the protestant community
1916, the Easter Rising 1919 ,the Irish War of Independence
- Declared 24 April 1916 - Ratified 21 January 1919 - Recognised 6 December 1922 - Constitution 29 December 1937 - Left the Commonwealth 18 April 1949 - European Union Membership 1 January 1973
4. Total land area: 81,421 Sq km.
5. The highest peak is Carrauntoohil 1,041
m. The River Shannon, at 386 km is the longest river in Ireland.
After the defeat of the 1798 rebellion, the London government took drastic action to curtain any notions of Irish independence. 1798年反抗被镇压后,伦敦 政府采取了强硬措施压制爱尔兰的独立运动 6) The Irish parliament was voted out of existence in 1800. 1800年,爱尔兰国会被取缔。(1801年, 爱尔兰与大不列颠联合为一体。)
It rains a lot in Ireland, making everything very green. It is often called “The Emerald Isle.”
Photo by David Holmes:
the Emerald Isle
Irish Independence in 1921 (1921年爱尔兰的独立 ) In December, 1921 the Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed, with the result that 26 counties gained independence as the new Irish Free State. Six counties in Ulster are known as Northern Ireland. 1921年12月,签订了“盎格鲁-爱尔兰”条约,南 方的26个郡获得独立,形成新的爱尔兰自由邦, 北方的6个郡被称为北爱,仍是英国的一部分。
The Republic of Ireland
Society and Culture
国家领袖:迈克尔·希金斯,恩达·肯尼 人口数量:4203200人(2009年7月) 人口密度:60人/平方公里(2009年7月) 主要民族:凯尔特人 主要宗教:天主教 国土面积:70282平方公里 GDP总计:1646亿美元(2005年) 人均GDP:41000美元(2005年) 国际电话区号:+353 国际域名缩写:.ie
爱尔兰是一个西欧国家,西临大西洋东靠爱尔 兰海(Muir éireann),与英国隔海相望,爱尔兰为 北美通向欧洲的通道。
爱尔兰人属于凯尔特人,是欧洲大陆第一代居 民的子嗣。它有5000多年历史,是一个有着悠久 历史的国家。该国的风景非常美丽迷人。尽管爱尔 兰也有自己的语言——盖尔语(Gaeilge),但它却是 欧洲除英国之外唯一一个英语国家。
爱尔兰共和国于1922年从英国殖民统治下独立 出来,也是个和平宁静的国家。爱尔兰北部被称为 北爱尔兰,至今仍属于英国。因此,爱尔兰共和国 与电视新闻中经常出现的暴力冲突频频的北爱尔兰 是有所不同的。
中文名称:爱尔兰共和国 英文名称:the Republic of Ireland 所属洲:欧洲 首都:都柏林 主要城市:科克,多尼戈尔 国庆日:3月17日 国歌:《战士之歌》 国家代码:IRL 官方语言:盖尔语,英语 货币:欧元
爱尔兰是一个以农牧业为主、经济发达的国家。 被称为“欧洲的农村”。在1995~2004间,每年以 7%的平均增长速度发展起来的,小而现代的,依赖 贸易的经济体系。
爱尔兰的人均GDP位居世界前列, 达到51356美元(2009年数据)。 GDP(购买力平价):$1646亿 (2005年)
GDP(官方兑换率):$1884亿(2005年) GDP(实际增长率):4.7%(2005年) GDP(人均):$41000(2005年) 失业率:4.3%(2005年) 贫困人口:10%(1997年) 家庭收入或消费所占的百分比: 最低10 % : 2 % 最高的10 % : 27.3 % ( 1997年) 分配家庭收入-基尼指数: 35.9 (1996年) 通货膨胀率(消费物价指数) 2.4 % ( 2005年) 投资(总固定) 27 %的国内生产总值( 2005年) 预算: 收入: 0.46亿元 支出: 0.4亿美元;包括基本建设支出0.5亿元(2005年)
英语国家概况 Ireland people ppt
the 16th century,Irish Catholics migrated to the Catholic countries of continental Europe,people's life is very difficult.
Emigration,a characteristic of the Irish ,was first begin at Irish missionaries. With the overthrow of the Gaelic political order by the English in 17th century the first major emigration of the modern period began.
the early 19th century Ireland a great famine occurred on an unprecedented scale,this great famine makes the population declined around 25 percent.About one million people s t a rve t o dea t h,one million people flee from their homes.
were destroyed by pest ,however,the British government didn't take any treatures to help the Ireland people.Under the circumstances,about one million peoplLeabharlann emigrated. It
IrelandClimate:Ireland is not very hot during summer,nor very cold in winter, actually it has a quite temperate climate_ does not vary from one season the next.Ireland had a quite unspoiled landscape, due to the comparative poverty of the country. Conflicts often arise between those who seek development and those who seek to protect the environment.Environmentthe third—largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island in the world, it lies to the northwest of continental Europe . To the east of Ireland is Great Britain.Relatively low—lying mountains surrounding a central plain,the island has lush vegetation, a product of its mild but changeable oceanic climate. Thick woodlands covered the island until the 17th century。
Today,it is the most deforested area in Europe.Twenty-six mammal species are native to Ireland, with some, such as the red fox, hedgehog and badger, being very common. Others, like the Irish hare,red deer,and pine marten are less so。
爱尔兰是哪个国家以及具体介绍爱尔兰是哪个国家以及具体介绍导语:爱尔兰全称:the Republic of Ireland(爱尔兰共和国) 它是典型温带海洋性气候,位于欧洲西部爱尔兰岛的中南部爱尔兰的婚姻是实行期限制的。
爱尔兰西临大西洋东靠爱尔兰海(Muir éireann),与英国隔海相望,爱尔兰为北美通向欧洲的通道。
1、都柏林都柏林(英文:Dublin;爱尔兰语:Baile tha Cliath)是爱尔兰的首都,位处都柏林郡丽妃河(River Liffey)河口,陆地面积超过115平方公里,南边被山环绕,而西边和北边则为农作物平原。
Here is the same beach in the late afternoon. The Irish coastline is dotted with softly sandy beaches which are very popular in the summer.
The third most populous city The second largest city “the Rebel County”
Along the west coastline, there are a few areas of pasture(牧场) in what is essentially a rocky landscape.
Castles and ruins are found all over Ireland.
The Republic of Ireland
Ireland is a Western Europe country, It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Irish sea on the west. The five-sixths of the island of Ireland belong to the Republic, with the remainder constituting Northern Ireland (UK).
The Irish Flag
The current flag is the Tricolour of Green, White and Orange. This represents the partition of the country.
Irish Symbol: The Harp
英语国家概况名词解释——美国爱尔兰Rupert MurdochAustralian-born US newspaper publisher. he became a us citizen in 1985.Pilgrims Thanksgiving DayThe Pilgrims in 1620, 201 of them sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. The first winter after their arrival was very cold and when spring came, half of them were dead. Then the Indians came to their help and taught them how to grow corn. They had a good harvest that year. So they invited the Indians and held the first Thanksgiving celebration in America to give thanks to God.Republic of Ireland—the Republic of Ireland is an independent country situated in western Europe. It occupies four-fifths of the island of Ireland. Its capital is Dublin. The republic of Ireland is also known as Eire in Irish.Irish Catholicism—Ireland is one of the most catholic countries of Europe. Catholicism is an integral and pervasive influence on national life. Today 93.1% of the Irish population are Roman Catholics. About half the Catholic bishops in the United States are of Irish origin.爱尔兰裔。
英美概况 爱尔兰介绍
Campaigns for Home Rule (自治运动)
A constitutional movement seeking Home Rule was instituted up (提出) by Isaac Butt in 1870. The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914. 1870年,艾萨克 ·巴特提出地方自治的口号,于是 掀起了一场宪政运动,号召建立在帝国制度内的爱 尔兰国会 。自治法案最终于1914年得以通过。
The Celtic and English Colonisation of Ireland
(英国人对爱尔兰的殖民统治) 1) Ireland has been invaded by Celts, Christians, Vikings, Normans and English. Celtic invaders may have come to Ireland as early as the 6th century BC. Celts were a warrior culture (尚武文化), making swift attacks in horse-drawn chariots (马拉战车). Much like the Homeric warriors in the Iliad, they had their own saga. Celts’ language survived through history and Irish is the first official language of the Republic of Ireland. •凯尔特人尚武、爱好冒险, 有着许多充满幻想的古老传奇 , 坐着马拉的 战车快速对敌人发起进攻. 就象古希腊荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中的勇士 一样,他们也有自己的英雄传奇。 •凯尔特人的语言和文化幸存下来了,爱尔兰的第一官方语言是爱尔兰 语. 2) English invasion of Ireland: in 1541, Henry VIII declared himself king of Ireland---the first English monarch to do so. 英格兰人入侵爱尔 兰: •1541年,亨利8世宣称自己是爱尔兰的国王,这是英格兰国王中第一 个这么做的。
第十一章Part Two The Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国地理与历史Geography and History不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛构成。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islandsare Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic ofIreland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independentcountry.I.Geographical Features地理特点爱尔兰共和国的面积为70 , 282 平方公里。
与北爱尔兰接壤的界限为434 公里。
The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km.国都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin.爱尔兰向来被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。
英语国家概况 第四课 爱尔兰概况 The Republic of Ireland
Ireland as Part of Britain
• The Normans invaded Ireland in the 10th century.
• In 1541, Henry Ⅷ declared himself King of Ireland.
• In 1800, the Act of Union created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989 )
Seamus Heaney (1839)
Beautiful Landscape Sceneries Makes Ireland an Attraction for Film-Shooting
King Arthur Brave Heart The Wind That Shakes the Barley Saving Private Rynn Quiet Man Once P.S. I love you Becoming Jane the Count of Monte Cristo Far and Away Leap Year
Movie Recommended
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
• Winner of Cannes Film Festival.
• Irish is the first official language according to the Constitution.
• English is by far the predominant language spoken
throughout the country.
6.4 People and Religion
Population: 4,156,119 (July 2008 est.) Population in Dublin: 495,781 The basic ethnic group is Celtic, with an admixture of Norse 挪威人, French, Norman and English. There are no significant ethnic minorities. Historically Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts because of its racial homogeneity [7hCmEudVe5ni:iti]同种.
29 December 1937; amended 1999 (theoretically applicable to Constitution the whole of Ireland. Actually it consists of 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland.) Supreme Court (Irish law is Highest court based on English common law and its constitution.)
Relations with Other Countries: Ireland attaches special importance to its relations with the United States and Australia, where people of Irish descent are numerous. Ireland’s relations with its European neighbors have become increasingly important as a result of its membership in EU. However, unlike most western European states, Ireland is not a member of NATO. Ireland, which is not part of any military alliance, strives to maintain a neutral position in world affairs.
• Modern Ireland
The great famine took place in 1845—1848. By 1851,the population had been reduced by at least 2 million due to starvation, disease, and emigration to Britain and North America. The shadow of the famine and the English indifference or even cruelty led to campaigns for national independence and land reform in the latter half of the 19th century.
Ireland is a representative democracy, that is to say, most of its offices are filled through election, either direct or indirect, by the Irish people. The Irish republic has a prime minister and a deputy prime minister who appoints a cabinet to execute the daily business of government. The president is only a symbolic head of state and does not have executive power. The president’s term of office is seven years.
➢ The Labor Party工党 ➢ liberalization of laws on divoce and contraception, an active role for
Circuit courts巡
District courts地区
Company name
Company slogan here
Political Parties
➢ Fianna Fáil共和党 It pursues a policy of cpmplete political separation from Britian and supports peaceful reunofication of the island.
the state in managing the economy, and a moderate position on the question of eventual unification with Northen Ireland.
Company name Company slogan here
Company name
Company slogan here
Executive branch
The head of state
The head of government
The Cabinet
The President
The Prime Minister
Visual Culture
If one looks at Ireland’s accomplishments (成就) they are in literature and music— arts of the ear, particularly as they are manifest(表演) in the old oral culture—not of the eye.
Chapter 14:
Irish Culture: Language, Literature and Arts
The issue of language is heavily politicized. Traditionally, the Irish people spoke their own language, called Irish or Erse. It is a very ancient (and difficult) language with a rich oral culture.
What Is Irish about Irish Culture
Ireland is a culture where art flourishes, although the arts that flourish most vigorously are those associated with the ear, not the eye. Ireland is also a very people-oriented (以人 为本)society, which regards the family as central to its values. What is clear today is that Ireland is still a nation that is making itself—and the first place a nation makes itself is in its imagination.
爱尔兰位于欧洲西部的 爱尔兰岛中南部。面积7 0282平方公里。西濒 大西洋,东北与英国的北 爱尔兰接壤,东隔爱尔兰 海同英国相望。属于温带 海洋性气候(temperate maritime climate). 首都位都柏林(Dublin)。 全省分为26个郡和4个郡 级市及7个非郡级市。郡 下设市区和镇。第一官方 语言为爱尔兰语(Irish, Gaelic),属于卡尔特语系 (Celtic),第二官方语言 为英语。爱尔兰人多为卡 尔特人的后裔。
Ⅳ. Economy
历史上,爱尔兰是个以农牧业为主的国家, 有“欧洲庄园”之称,曾被誉为“欧洲小虎 ” (Celtic Tiger)。爱尔兰以软件、生物工程等高 科技产业带动国民经济发展,并以良好的投 资环境吸引了大量海外投资,完成了由农牧 经济向知识经济的过渡。经济的81%集中在 东部和南部沿海地区,特别是都柏林及附近 的中东部地区。
在爱尔兰最受欢迎的体育运动是传统运动项 目有盖尔式足球(Gaelic football )、爱尔兰式 曲棍球(Gaelic Hockey )和只有爱尔兰人玩 的Camogie (a women game similar to Hurling )。
三.政府(Government) 现任政府由共和党(Fianna Fail)和进步民主党 (Progressive Democrats)联合组成。
四.司法机构(Judiciary) 最高法院(Supreme Court)即终审法院为最高 司法机关,下设高等法院(High Court)、巡回 法院(Circuit Court)和地区法院(District Court)。法官由政府推荐,总统任命。另设特 别刑事法院(Special Criminal Court)。
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Sinn Fein
After the Easter Rebellion of 1916, Sinn Fein won
majority seats allotted to Ireland in the British
Sinn Fein was founded in 1905 by Arthur Griffith. The party strongly opposed British rule and fought for self-government.
The Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921
• 26 counties in the south gained independence as Irish Free State. • 6 counties in the north remained as part of the United Kingdom.
Blue: Sea and Sky Angel Harp
National Anthem
歌曲:影音文件 歌词:Word文档
Geographical Features
The coast of Ireland mostly consists of cliffs, hills and low mountains, while the interior of the country is relatively flat plain.
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989 )
Seamus Heaney (1839)
Beautiful Landscape Sceneries Makes Ireland an Attraction for Film-Shooting
King Arthur Brave Heart The Wind That Shakes the Barley Saving Private Rynn Quiet Man Once P.S. I love you Becoming Jane the Count of Monte Cristo Far and Away Leap Year
• Irish is the first official language according to the Constitution.
• English is by far the predominant language spoken
throughout the country.
• Process toward Independence • Republic of Ireland
Early History
• Early Settlers
• The Celts • The Coming of Christianity
• Ireland as Part of Britain
Early Settlers
Easter Uprising of 1916
In 1916, the Irish rebelled against British rule on Easter. The actual revolt resulted in defeat, however, the rebels were regarded as heroes to the cause of Irish Freedom.
An Introduction to EnglishSpeaking Countries
QQ:1772708276 邮箱: 1772708276@
The republic of Ireland
Size: 70, 280 sqk Population: 4, 156, 000 Urbanization: 65% GDP: 204, 164 MUSD(42ed) GDP/capital: 38, 816 USD
Political Leaders
President of Ireland, who serves as head of state, is elected for a seven-year term and can be
re-elected only once.
Mary McAleese 1997-2011
The Highest Peak in Ireland Carrantuohill
Carrantuohill in the county of Kerry is the highest peak in Ireland, rising to 1,041 meters above sea level.
National Symbols of Ireland
Green: Catholic Irishmen White: Protestant Irishmen Orange: friendship between Catholics and Protestants
National Flag National Emblem
(approx. 1.8 million abroad).
• The people in Ireland is mainly of Celtic origin. • Ireland has a long history of emigration.
Languages in Ireland
The Irish and English are two official languages.
The Longest River in Ireland the Shannon River 香农河
The Shannon River (370 km) divides the west of the island of Ireland from the eook office on 7 May 2008,
Enda Kenny
Taoiseach since 9th, Mar 2011
Fianna Fáil party
Irish Nobel Literary Laureates
W. B. Yeats
(1865-1939 )
G. Bernard Shaw (1856-1950 )
In 1949, Ireland declared itself a republic, completely independent of Britain and no longer a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Republic of Ireland
Process toward Independence
• Easter Uprising of 1916 • Irish War of Independence (1919-1921) • The Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 • Irish Civil War (1922-1923)
Ireland has one of the highest rates of church attendance in the world.
Ireland has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world.
• Early History
In 1949, Ireland declared itself a republic, completely independent of Britain and no longer a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Republic of Ireland
Climate in Ireland
The Republic of Ireland has a temperate maritime climate with excessive rainfall.
People in Ireland
• The population of Ireland in 2008 is 6.2 million
• 7000 BC Mesolithic or middle Stone Age Hunter-gatherers from Britain
• 3000 BC Neolithic or new Stone Age Farmers raising animals and cultivating soil • 2000-1200 BC Bronze Age Prospectors and metal workers
The Celts
In the 6th century BC, the Celtic tribes invaded Ireland and established a unified Irish culture and language.
The Coming of Christianity
Christianity was introduced into Ireland by Saint Patrick in 432. Ireland became a center of learning and Christian culture.
Irish Civil War
The divergence between the pro-treaty and anti-treaty factions resulted in a bloody Irish Civil War (28 June 1922 – 24 May 1923).
Republic of Ireland
Ireland as Part of Britain
• The Normans invaded Ireland in the 10th century.