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8. 自从那时以来,这座城市发生了巨大变化。 Since then ___________ ____________, great changes have taken place in the city. 9. 图书馆的左边是一栋学生宿舍。 On the _____ _________ of ______ _____ left the library stands a dormitory for the students.
10.除非马上采取一些措施,否则这里不断恶化的 环境对人们的生活有着极大的危害 ____________ some measures are taken right away, Unless the worsening environment here will do great harm to people’s life. 11. 尽管天气不好,但是他们还是去野炊了。 In spite of ________ ___________ ____________ the bad weather , they still went for a picnic.
14.毫无疑问,朋友在我们生活中起着重要作用。 ___________________, friends play an important Undoubtedly role in our life . 15.总之,教育的目的就是推动学生的全面发展。 In short/In conclusion/To conclude the aim of education ____________ ____________, is to promote students’ all---round development.
写作中的过渡语选词填空: 1.我们组织了各种各样的活动,如演讲比赛、绘画展等。 We organized various activities, _________ Such as __________ a speech contest and an exhibition of paintings. 2. 首先,在夏令营里他们结交了许多朋友。第二点, 他们也开阔了视野。最后一点,他们对生活的态度也变 得积极了。 Firstly __________, they made many friends in the summer camp.Secondly ________they broadened their horizons. _________ ,their attitude to life became more Lastly positive.
5. 生活中城市里的确方便。但相比之下,农村的空气 更为清新。 It’s really convenient to live in the city. But in contrast _________ ____________, the air in the countryside is fresher. 6.由于贫困,许多孩子都辍学了。 __________ __________poverty, many children Because of have dropped out of school. 7. 他有工作经验,因此他获得了那份工作。 He has working experience. __________, Therefore/Thus he has got the job.
3.就我而言,在现代社会里,人人应至少掌握 一门外语。 As far as _________ __________ __________ ___________concerned ______________, I’m everyone should master at least one foreign language in the modern society. 4.很多人认为去国外进修有必要。然而我却有着 不同的看法。 Many people think it’s necessary to go abroad for further education. However __________, I hold a quite different opinion about it.
12. 如上所述,校园安全十分重要。 ______ ______ _____ _________, As is mentioned above campus safety is of great importance. 13. 天天读报可以让我们了解国内外新闻, 而且对我们的写作也有帮助。 Reading newspapers every day can keep us informed of what is happening both at home and abroቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd._________ __________, it is helpful to What’s more/In addition our writing.