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The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. Honestly, one look at him and I became a lunatic. It's his eyes. Something in his eyes. They're blue, andframed in the blackness of his lashes, they're dazzling. Absolutely breathtaking. 遇见布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我就对他怦然心动。呃,好吧,实际上我对他完全是一见钟情。是因为他的眼睛。他的眼神里有某种东西。他有一双蓝色的眼睛,在黑色睫毛下一闪一闪的,让我忍不住屏住了呼吸。

It's been over six years now, and I learned long ago to hide my feelings, but oh, those first days. Those first years! I thought I would die for wantingto be with him. 六年了,我早就学会隐藏自己的感觉了。不过想想最初的日子,还是让人哭笑不得。最初的那几年,我想我大概是太执着地想跟他在一起了。

Two days before the second grade is when it started, although the anticipation began weeks before—ever since my mother had told me thatthere was a family with a boy my age moving into the new house 事情源于二年级开学的前两天,虽然几周之前就有了先兆——妈妈告诉我,有一家人要搬到对街的新房子,带着一个跟我同龄的男孩。

right across the street.Soccer camp had ended, and I'd been so bored because there was nobody, absolutelynobody, in the neighborhood to play with. Oh, there werekids, but every one of them was older. That was dandy for my brothers, but what it left me was home alone. 足球夏令营已经结束了,街坊邻居没有一个人陪我玩,真是无聊死了。附近也有几个孩子,可他们全都是大孩子。对我哥哥们来说当然不错,可我却只能一个人孤零零地留在家里。

My mother was there, but she had better things to do than kick a soccer ball around. So she said, anyway. At the time I didn't think there wasanything better than kicking a soccer ball around, especially not the likes of laundry or dishesor vacuuming, but my mother didn't agree. And thedanger of being home alone with her was that she'd recruit me to help her wash or dust orvacuum, and she wouldn't tolerate the dribbling of asoccer ball around the house as I moved from chore to chore. 妈妈也在家,不过她有的是比踢球更重要的事情要做。反正她是这么说的。对于当年的我来说,没有什么比踢球更好的了,尤其是跟洗衣服、刷盘子、拖地板比起来。但我妈妈不同意。单独跟妈妈待在家里就有这个危险,她会抓住我帮她洗衣服、刷盘子、拖地板。而且她绝对不能容忍我在做家务的间隙踢两脚球。

To play it safe, I waited outside for weeks, just in case the new neighbors moved in early. Literally, it was weeks. I entertained myself by playingsoccer with our dog, Champ. Mostly he'd just block because a dog can't exactly kick andscore, but once in a while he'd dribble with his nose. Thescent of a ball must overwhelm a dog, though, because Champ would eventually try tochomp it, then lose the ball to me. 为保险起见,我在屋子外边晃荡了几个星期,生怕邻居来早了。真的,足有几个星期。为了自娱自乐,我开始跟我的狗“冠军”踢球。大多数时间它只能把球扑住,毕竟狗不是真的会“踢”球。但它有时会用鼻子去捅。不过,球的气味对狗来说一定是难以抵挡的诱惑,因为到最后“冠军”总会试图把它吃下去,然后输球给我。

When the Loskis' moving van finally arrived, everyone in my family was happy. “Little Julianna” was finally going to have a playmate.当罗斯基家的卡车终于到来的那一天,我家里的每个人都欢欣鼓舞。“小朱莉安娜”终于有个玩伴了。

My mother, being the truly sensible adult that she is, made me wait more than an hour before going over to meet him. “Give them a chance tostretch their legs, Julianna,” she said. “They'll want some time to adjust.” She wouldn't evenlet me watch from the yard. “I know you, sweetheart.Somehow that ball will wind up in their yard and you'll just have to go retrieve it.”
