



大理学院本科毕业设计酒店餐饮管理系统——菜谱管理、订单管理、用户管理、订餐管理HOTEL CARTING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMMENU MANAGEMENT、ORDER MANAGEMENT、USER MANAGEMENT、ORDERDINERMANAGEMENT学院:数学与计算机学院模块负责人:项目组成员:指导教师:专业:计算机科学与技术年级(班级):07级计算机1班起止日期:2010年8月1日—2010年12月30日制表日期: 2010 年 12 月 4 日大理学院学士学位论文摘要酒店餐饮管理系统软件为酒店餐饮公司带来了极大的方便,使得繁琐的酒店餐饮管理变得非常轻松,于是庞大的人力物力及时间消耗变成了简单快捷的计算机操作。



开发这个系统所采用的是当前较为流行的编程软件Microsoft Visual Studio 2005,以数据库SQL Server2000作为系统的后台操作,采用统一建模语言(UML)为辅助手段。





【关键字】:酒店管理;在线订餐;Microsoft Visual Studio 2005;软件工程;统一建模语言;数据库SQL Server2000 ;模块;酒店餐饮在线管理系统I酒店餐饮管理系统The Hotel Carting Management SystemAbstractThe Hotel Carting Management System software brings a great convenience for the hotel restaurant, making the complicated hotel carting management more convenient, and as a result the enormous human and material resources and consumption of time become a simple and quick computer operation. Now more well-known domestic and international online ordering site are OpenTable, rice Unification, a few years ago in Osaka Japanese restaurant listing website gurgle Mummy (Gudumami) and so on, and they are relatively successful online ordering site.We have developed a hotel catering management system that is based on the thought of online ordering site. We adopt more popular programming software like Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to develop this system. It’s a background operation with SQL Server 2000 and it takes uniform modeling language as tool. The source code complete within function directly. We just input datum by system requirements simply.According to the software engineering [1,3]thoughts and from the demand analysis [2], writing example, drawing use case diagram, drawing sequence diagram, drawing class diagram, object-oriented design, mapping object to programming, final testing, through constant testing system it is more perfect, we have developed a relatively complete Hotel Carting Management System. The system completes the whole process that customer order online and hotel Carting manage in the angle of simple, user friendly, flexible, practical and safe principle. That every Modules includes: customer registering, login, customer front-line ordering; hotel management, back very important people management, order management, billing management, announced management, employee information management, employee payroll management, message management, cooking culture management, and so on, meets the needs of hotel and catering management as far as possible.Key words:hotel management; online ordering; Microsoft Visual Studio 2005; software engineering; Unified Modeling Language; database SQL Server2000; module; hotel restaurant online management systemII大理学院学士学位论文目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)引言.......................................................... - 1 -第一章绪论................................................... - 1 -1.1酒店餐饮管理系统的概述 (1)1.2开发的背景 (1)1.3可行性的研究 (1)第二章系统开发工具和环境..................................... - 2 -2.1B/S模式简介 (2)2.2V ISUAL 2005编程环境介绍 (2)2.3数据库的概述 (3)2.4开发及运行环境 (3)第三章系统的需求分析......................................... - 4 -3.1编写目的 (4)3.1.1背景说明............................................... - 4 - 3.2任务概述.. (4)3.2.1 系统主要功能.......................................... - 4 -3.2.2目标................................................... - 4 - 3.3其它 (4)3.4处理流程 (5)3.5标志参与者 (5)3.5.1确定系统的参与者....................................... - 5 - 3.6主要的求精用例编写. (5)3.6.1确定系统的用例......................................... - 5 -3.6.2 绘制用例图............................................ - 9 -3.6.3用例术语表............................................ - 11 -3.6.4绘制时序图............................................ - 12 - 第四章对象设计.............................................. - 15 -4.1分析对象 (15)4.1.1 管理员对象设计....................................... - 15 - 4.2绘制类图. (17)4.2.1 管理员信息类类图..................................... - 17 -4.2.2 菜谱信息类类图....................................... - 17 -4.2.3 订单信息类类图....................................... - 17 -4.2.4 餐车信息类类图....................................... - 18 - 第五章映射................................................. - 19 -1酒店餐饮管理系统5.1映射的概述 (19)5.2将对象模型映射到编程环境 (19)5.2.1 对象cp_tb对象模型................................... - 19 -5.2.2对象dd_tb对象模型.................................... - 20 -5.2.3 对象user_tb对象模型................................. - 21 - 5.3将持久性数据对象映射到数据库.. (21)5.4将属性、方法映射到编程环境中 (23)5.4.1公共类DB_gg.cs类,提供一些主要的方法................. - 23 -5.4.2公共类checkcode.cs类,提供一些主要的方法............. - 25 -5.4.3 图片保存到指定文件夹代码............................. - 27 -第六章编程................................................. - 28 -6.1程序代码说明 (28)6.2程序页面以及功能代码 (28)6.2.1 前台顾客订餐页面..................................... - 28 -6.2.2 后台登录页面......................................... - 34 -6.2.3 后台菜谱管理页面..................................... - 36 -6.2.4 新增菜谱页面......................................... - 39 -6.2.5 编辑菜谱页面......................................... - 43 -6.2.6 订单管理页面......................................... - 46 -6.2.7 详细订单页面......................................... - 48 -6.2.8 用户管理页面......................................... - 49 -6.2.8 增加用户页面......................................... - 52 -6.2.9 编辑用户页面......................................... - 53 - 第七章测试................................................. - 56 -7.1测试用例编写的目的 (56)7.2主要的测试项目用列 (56)7.2.1 顾客前台订餐测试用例................................. - 56 -7.2.2 后台菜谱管理用例测试................................. - 58 -7.2.3 后台订单管理用例测试................................. - 60 -7.2.4 后台用户管理用例测试................................. - 62 - 总结..................................................... - 64 -参考文献..................................................... - 65 -致谢..................................................... - 68 -2引言现在的社会,网上购物很流行,而网上订餐也随着网络的普及正在流行起来,它带来的是方便、实惠和个性化。



International Journal ofGastronomy andFood ScienceAvailable online at International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 2(2014)3–13ReviewArticleA review of literature on restaurant menus:Specifying the managerial issuesBahattin Ozdemir,Osman Caliskan nGastronomy and Culinary Arts,Akdeniz University Tourism Faculty,Dumlupinar Bulvar ı,Konyaalt ı,Antalya 07058,TurkeyReceived 5September 2013;accepted 4December 2013Available online 13December 2013AbstractThis conceptual study speci fically aims at reviewing the critical managerial issues of menu,and demonstrating the conceptual structure of menu management.Based on the conceptual and empirical findings of menu literature,the major menu management issues are menu planning,menu pricing,menu designing,menu operating and menu development.Additionally,the paper makes a discussion on the conceptual relations between menu and meal experience.Given the scarcity of research that incorporates evidences and concepts of previous studies in one single study,the conceptual structure of menu management presented in this paper allows a comprehensive understanding of menu and forms a theoretical basis for future research.&2014AZTI-Tecnalia.Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Menu;Menu management;Restaurant firmsContentsIntroduction......................................................................................3Literature review.. (4)Theoretical underpinnings.........................................................................4Menu management issues. (5)Menu planning ......................................................................5Menu pricing .......................................................................7Menu designing......................................................................7Menu operating ......................................................................7Menu analysis.. (8)Discussion.......................................................................................9Conclusion . (10)Managerial implications ..........................................................................10Limitations and suggestions for future research ..........................................................11References.. (12)IntroductionMenu maintains its dominant position in restaurant firms,since it is the core of food and beverage operations.Speci fi-cally,menu is an instructor that clearly dictates (i)what will be produced,(ii)what type of equipment and ingredients are needed,and (iii)which quali fications employees should have.Menu also functions as a communicating and selling tool/locate/ijgfs1878-450X &2014AZTI-Tecnalia.Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.ijgfs.2013.12.001nCorresponding author.Tel.:þ902423102061.E-mail address:ocaliskan@.tr (O.Caliskan).Peer review under responsibility ofAZTI-Tecnalia.(Kincaid and Corsun,2003).More specifically,it commu-nicates not only the food and beverage offerings,but also the image of thefirm.Furthermore,menu is a base on which the customers make their food choices and a well designed menu can direct customers'attention to the items thefirm wants to sell more(Antun and Gustafson,2005).The critical qualifications attributed to menu describe its importance to restaurant operations and customer experiences. In fact,in contemporary understandings of menu,it has material and immaterial meanings.Materially,menu is a list or a card which documents the food and beverage options being offered by a restaurant.Immaterial meanings of menu highlight that it is a medium that affects customers'perceptions of restaurant experience(Wansink et al.,2005),and it is also an element of restaurant management that requires conducting critical managerial activities such as planning,pricing,design-ing and analyzing(Jones and Mifli,2001).It also differs from the main product of a restaurant.Prior research(Johns and Kivela,2001;Gustafsson,2004;Hansen et al.,2005)claim that the primary product of restaurants is meal experience and it is constituted by many components such as food and beverages,atmosphere,social factors and management.What customers receive from consumption in restaurants is their memories and overall perceptions of meal experience,and menu is part of that experience and has associations with customers'perceptions.Consequently,menu cannot be con-sidered as the overall product of a restaurant but it is an important component complementing atmosphere,interactions with servers and other customers,and managerial systems which are jointly available in a restaurant where a good, memorable meal experience is the main product.Since it is a key factor in attracting and satisfying customers and effecting performance of restaurantfirms,menu has been gaining a considerable academic attention from researchers. The previous studies on menu constitute a substantial body of literature and they primarily examined the issues including menu planning,menu pricing,menu designing,and menu analysis.For instance,Kivela(2003)investigated menu plan-ning through employing an experimental research design and proposed a menu item selection framework.Menu pricing was examined by several authors from a range of perspectives including the price perceptions of customers(Shoemaker, 1994;Iglesias and Guillen,2002),price sensitivity,pricing methods(Kelly et al.,1994;Raab et al.,2009;Kelly et al., 2009),and psychological pricing(Carmin and Norkus,1990; Naipaul and Parsa,2001;Parsa and Hu,2004).Menu design-ing has also gained a particular attention from menu research-ers who have particularly focused on positioning the menu item on the menu card(Bowen and Morris,1995;Kincaid and Corsun,2003;Reynolds et al.,2005),labeling(Lockyer, 2006;Wansink et al.,2001)and describing menu items (McCall and Lynn,2008;Hwang and Lorenzon,2008). In thefield of menu analysis,researchers have offered several models such as menu engineering(Kasavana and Smith,1982),analysis of menu items'profitability(Hayes and Huffman,1985),and more recently multi-dimensional analysis of menu items(Taylor and Brown,2007).From a practical perspective,menu is directly related to many func-tions of food and beverage operations and also absorbs a wide range of interrelated managerial decisions in the areas of planning,pricing,designing,operating,and developing menus. Despite the growing academic attention to restaurant menus, previous research has a certain drawback.Principally,there is an apparent lack of an attempt at incorporating the major thoughts and ideas of menu research into one single study. Given the above background,this conceptual study presents a review of relevant literature to frame the current discussion on menu with an attempt to identify critical managerial issues. Thus,the specific objectives of the current study are(i)to identify the critical managerial issues of menu,and(ii)to demonstrate the conceptual structure of menu management. As the menu is a key to influencing success offirms in foodservice industries,this study could assist restaurateurs in understanding the role of menu in their managerial decisions. From an academic perspective,this paper presents a holistic framework for menu researchers since it incorporates the conceptual and empiricalfindings of previous menu research into one single study.Literature reviewTheoretical underpinningsThe perspectives of organizational,marketing and strategic management theories provide a reliable theoretical groundwork to understand the important managerial aspects of menu.For instance,organization theory explicitly emphasizes the influ-ence of external environment both on the decisions offirm managers and the survival offirms on the long run.More specifically,external environment is one of the central themes of organization theory and the relevant studies(Duncan,1972; Jurkovich,1974;Dess and Beard,1984;Ashill and Jobber, 1999)primarily propose that managers essentially consider the influential external factors that create uncertainty,diversity and volatility while making their decisions.Planning and operating menus in a restaurant context involve considering external factors such as customers,rivals,and vendors that have a great potential in creating uncertainty,diversity and volatility in the restaurants'immediate business plementing this view,marketing theory recognizes the importance of identifying the needs and expectations of customers,and developing and improving products and service perfectlyfit to those needs and expectations.Additionally,pricing,promot-ing and distributing the products and services should also be consistent with the customers'needs and expectations on the one hand,and with thefirm's objectives on the other hand. Thus,in the restaurant context,it is imperative that menu as the food and beverage combinations offered by a restaurant reflects the expectations and needs of customers.Moreover, managing menus involves planning,pricing,designing,dis-tributing and promotional decisions which are also the main issues of marketing.Strategic management is another promising theoretical perspective that helps us understand the importance of menuB.Ozdemir,O.Caliskan/International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science2(2014)3–13 4and its associated managerial activities with reference to competitiveness of restaurants.Indeed,creating and sustaining a competitive advantage is the main focus of strategic manage-ment discipline.More specifically,strategic management principally investigates the phenomenon of sustainable com-petitive advantage as a source of performance differences among businessfirms(Nerur et al.,2008).Following this argument,it is plausible to consider the role of menu in creating sustainable competitive advantage for restaurants. In particular,offering a unique meal experience and assuring customer satisfaction are the main sources of competitive advantage for a restaurant.As one of the important compo-nents of meal experience,menu deserves a special attention to understand how a restaurantfirm can achieve its strategic goals,can create a sustainable competitive advantage,can satisfy its customers and can outperform the rivals. Strategic management literature currently encompasses a wide range of strategic management schools posing different strategy definitions and processes(Sarvan et al.,2003).As a result,there are various understandings of the meaning of strategy(Okumus,2002).For example,Mintzberg et al.(1998) define10schools of strategic thinking as design,planning, positioning,entrepreneurial,cognitive,learning,power,cultural, environmental and configuration schools.Among the10 strategy schools,positioning school provides a clear typology of strategy alternatives.For instance,Porter(1980)proposes well-known three generic strategies:low cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategies,those are also available for restaurantfirms.When considered in a restaurant context, each strategic alternative has associated implications for menu. For example,if the strategy is low cost leadership,then decisions on planning,pricing and designing menu reflect the strategy through selecting low cost menu items,pricing menu items at a lower price than rivals,and attractively presenting menu items with low prices on menu card,which probably result in customers'perceptions of a satisfactory meal experience with a reasonable quality.Conversely,when a differentiation strategy is chosen,a restaurant manager is expected to be attentive to(i)selecting or innovating unique menu items,(ii)setting higher prices with an expectation that customers are willing to pay premium for a differentiated product,and(iii)heavily concentrating on attractively present-ing unique items on menu card to create a positive image of a unique meal experience.Thus,all managerial decisions with reference to planning,pricing and designing menus are the reflections of the chosen strategy such as low cost leadership or differentiation.Menu management issuesMenu management is a relatively new concept which is not widely recognized by researchers or practitioners.Indeed,in the relevant literature very few studies have used the concept without providing a certain definition of it.Thus,the major aim of literature review in this section is to trace the variables investigated by menu researchers.The review purposely restricted to the journal articles which were subjected to a rigorous academic judgment process before publishing. The previous research includes empirical and conceptual studies examining various managerial aspects of menu.Table1 demonstrates the examples of those studies and their variables. As seen in Table1,there are different sets of variables corresponding to one or several of the menu management issues including menu planning,menu pricing,menu design-ing,and menu development.Indeed,among the articles referred in Table1,the empirical study of Jones and Mifli (2001),which also forms the conceptual base for the current study,jointly investigates planning,designing,developing, pricing and analyzing issues in seven hospitalityfirms.Jones and Mifli(2001:61–62)relate menu planning to identifying the product range of restaurantfirm,and menu design to the creation of menu card.They define menu development as subsequent alteration of the planned menu.Finally,menu analysis is associated with a range of techniques and proce-dures employed in order to analyze the menu performance. The following section elaborates on menu management issues by drawing evidence from the menu literature.Menu planningRecent studies on menu planning examine variables such as menu item selection process and criteria,menu changes and variety,and menu item innovation.Those studies primarily assume that menu planning is a critical managerial activity to the success of restaurantfirms.In this regard,Kivela(2003) describes menu planning as a menu item selection process. After heavily criticizing the traditional approach to menu planning which mainly relies on executive chefs'gastronomic knowledge,he proposes a Menu Planning Qualitative Vari-ables(MPQV)approach which considers gastronomic,finan-cial,marketing and menu mechanics variables.Morrison (1997)and Kwong(2005)also share the idea that menu planning is a process of selecting menu items and their research reports empirical evidences that the criteria of menu item selection are based on the cost of raw materials,cost of labor,profitability of menu item,the skill level of staff needed, availability of ingredients,space and equipment requirements, and customer demand.A valid alternative to selecting menu items from an existing items'pool based on some pre-determined criteria is to make menu item innovations. Recently,some researchers(Ottenbacher and Harrington, 2007,2009)have focused on innovation processes in restau-rant kitchens.The studies of those researchers empirically demonstrate how chefs create new menu items relying on innovation processes that are generally encompassing the stages such as idea generation,screening,concept development and tests,commercialization,implementation and evaluation. Glanz et al.(2007)emphasize that changing menu's content is also an important component of menu planning and their study reveals that the major criteria of menu changes are whether the new menu item will attract new customers or maintain the existing customer base,and how it will affect sales and profit.Furthermore,menu changes may lead to menu variety,and according tofindings presented by Bernstein et al.B.Ozdemir,O.Caliskan/International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science2(2014)3–135(2008),consumers value variety in their menu choices.After analyzing the recent trends in food preferences of consumers, DiPietro et al.(2004)conclude that healthy food items are becoming an increasingly important part of restaurant menus even in quick service segment.With respect to the growing trend towards healthy food choices,menu planning becomes more complicated due to associated activities for searching, selecting or innovating the healthy menu options.Menu planning researchers have contributed to establishing the conceptual structure of menu planning by introducing and exploring menu item selection,menu item innovation,menu variety,menu change and menu content variables.It seems that research on menu planning largely holds management theories' perspective and highlights the effects of external(customer, rivals,vendors)and internal(cost structure,employees,equip-ment)factors on menu planning decisions of managers. Considering thefindings and suggestions of the previous studies,it is possible to make an operational definition of menu planning.In this regard,menu planning refers to menu item selection and/or menu item innovation with a consideration of menu variety and menu change in order to generate a menu content of an optimum composition of foodTable1Examples of articles investigating menu issues.Article Main focus Corresponding menuissuePavesic(1983)Menu engineering model including weighted contribution margin and food cost percentage Menu analyzing Hayes and Huffman(1985)Menu item profitability analysis and goal value analysis Menu analyzingBayou and Bennett(1992)Menu item profitability analysis based on analysis of market segments(four levels of profitability analysis)Menu analyzing Kelly et al.(1994)The relationship between price elasticity and pricing Menu pricing Shoemaker(1994)The effect of a decoy item on the price value perception of a menu Menu pricing Bowen and Morris(1995)The relationship between menu item placement on the menu card and sales of menu items Menu designing LeBruto et al.(1995)Menu engineering model including labor costs as a menu analysis method Menu analyzing Morrison(1997)Development of menu engineering models and a study on upscale restaurants menu planning practices Menu analyzingMenu planning Jones and Mifli(2001)Menu planning,pricing,designing,analyzing and improving practices of seven hospitalityfirms Menu planningMenu pricingMenu designingMenu analyzing andimprovingNaipaul and Parsa (2001)The relationships between psychological pricing comprising odd and even number price endings,and valueand quality perceptions of customersMenu pricingWansink et al.(2001)The relationship between descriptive menu item labels and customer perceptions Menu designing Iglesias and Guillen(2002)Price perceptions of customers comprising monetary and non-monetary sacrifices Menu pricingKincaid and Corsun(2003)The relationship between the layout of menu item on menu card and item sales Menu designing Kivela(2003)Menu planning approaches and menu item selection variables Menu planning DiPietro et al.(2004)Consumer attitudes towards healthy menu items and investigation of sales trends in healthy menu items Menu planningAntun and Gustafson (2005)Menu design characteristics and pricing strategies used by restaurants and clubs Menu pricingMenu designingKwong(2005)Asian restaurants'practices of menu engineering and menu design Menu analyzingMenu designing Cohen et al.(2006)The menu item dependency and the effect of loss-leader pricing on menu items performances,and proposal ofa multidimensional menu analysis techniqueMenu analyzing Lockyer(2006)The relationships between the wording of menu items and customers'menu item choice Menu designingTaylor and Brown (2007)A review of menu analysis literature including improvements to menu item performance Menu analyzing andimprovementsOttenbacher andHarrington(2007)The menu item innovation process infine dining restaurants Menu planning Bernstein et al.(2008)The relationship between menu variability and consumers'restaurant preferences Menu planningHwang and Lorenzon (2008)Relationships among nutrition labeling of menu items,consumer perceptions and menu pricing Menu pricingMenu designingMcCall and Lynn(2008)The relationship between the complexity of menu item descriptions and potential customers'evaluations Menu designing Raab et al.(2009)Pricing approaches adopted by hospitalityfirms and price sensitivity measurement as a pricing method Menu pricing Taylor et al.(2009)Proposal of data envelopment analysis as menu analysis technique Menu analyzingOttenbacher and Harrington(2007)The menu item innovation process in quick service restaurants Menu planningB.Ozdemir,O.Caliskan/International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science2(2014)3–136and beverage offerings that are most likely to gratify both the customers'and restaurantfirm's expectations.Menu pricingMenu pricing is a quite popular topic among menu researchers and it seems that a wide range of variables such as price perceptions of customers,price sensitivity,price elasticity,pricing methods and specifically the psychological pricing have attracted their attention.For instance,Iglesias and Guillen(2002)specifically underline the importance of custo-mers'perceptions of menu item prices and suggest that total price perception of customers consists of perceived monetary price and perceived non-monetary price.Additionally,they indicate that customers also consider reference price and compare it to the actual price of menu item when making purchase decisions.Specifically,to some extent the assess-ment of the price of a menu item is based on the prices of alternatives.In a restaurant setting,for example,the prices of decoy items on the menu card may act as reference prices (Shoemaker,1994).Depending on the price sensitivity or price elasticity,customer demand to food and beverage offerings of a particular restaurant may change in response to an increase or decrease in the prices(Kelly et al.,1994;Raab et al.,2009). Moreover,presentation of price endings can affect customers' value or quality perceptions of associated menu items when they are exposed to psychological pricing methods(Naipaul and Parsa,2001).The researchers in thefield of menu pricing install a marketing theory perspective into menu management through emphasizing the perceptions and expectations of customers. Following the conceptual background provided by previous research,menu pricing can be described as the formulation of menu item prices in response to both sales,cost and profit objectives of thefirm,and perceptions and expectations of customers.Additionally,as suggested by the relevant litera-ture,setting the menu item prices is a complicated task since it requires becoming attentive to complex effects of the inter-related factors such as customers'perceptions,price elasticity and psychological pricing.Menu designingResearchers suggest that menu designing comprises man-agerial decisions regarding design of menu card characteristics, position,label,and description of menu items on the menu display(card or board).More specifically,the previous research on menu design has associated the menu item's position,label and description with item sales and customers' perceptions.Although there are theoretical explanations asserting that the menu card contains some sweet spots and a particular menu item placed on a sweet spot generates higher sales;the empirical evidences reported by Bowen and Morris(1995), Kincaid and Corsun(2003),Reynolds et al.(2005)do not support that assumption.However,recently Choi et al.(2010) and Yang(2012)report evidences that restaurant menus may consist of sweet spots where thefirst gazes of customers focus on.Some other researchers present empiricalfindings that verify the association between an item's sales and its label and description.For instance,thefindings of Wansink et al. (2001)and Lockyer(2006)evidence that labeling or wording of menu items'names significantly influences the customers' menu item choice and perceptions.More specifically,accord-ing to Wansink et al.(2005),evocative labels on a menu card attract customers'attention to specific items and positively affect their taste and value perceptions of those items. Additionally,the empirical study of McCall and Lynn(2008) demonstrate the importance of item descriptions on a menu card through thefinding that the complexity of menu item descriptions positively affects the customers'evaluations. Shoemaker et al.(2005)present a similarfinding and conclude that details provided in items'descriptions have a positive impact on customers'value perceptions.Alternatively,Hwang and Lorenzon(2008)advocate that nutritional information provided on the menu card can enhance the positive attitudes of customers by informing them about healthy options in the menu and further make them change their orders to healthy items.Menu design also relates to a variety of factors including background and text colors,texture,photos,fonts, the use of boxes,and menu size as characteristics of menu card (Reynolds et al.,2005)which also have considerable effects on customers'item choice as empirically supported by Guéguen et al.(2012)who found that pictures of sea on the menu card significantly increase the consumption offish dishes.The studies focusing on menu design seem to make consi-derable contribution to our understanding of menu manage-ment through clarifying the relationships between item sales and menu design variables.In this way,they introduce a merchandising approach to menu management and hold a marketing perspective which assists managers in attracting customer attention to particular menu items.Given the above background,menu design refers to designing menu card with respect to menu card characteristics,menu item layout, menu item descriptions and labels in order to create an attractive menu that not only provides information but also directs customers'attention to the items that thefirm wants to sell more.Menu operatingMenu operating is essentially included in menu management issues despite the fact that it very rarely appears in Table1.In fact,it is not possible to state that menu researchers have paid particular attention to operations of menu except Jones and Mifli(2001).However,the studies on subjects such as sales forecasting,budgeting,cost control,service failures,and food safety provides insightful contribution to our understanding of menu operating.In particular,menu operating involves management of menu items'production and service processes.Thus,it is expected that restaurant managers frequently consider three key factors as quality,hygiene and cost while making decisions and taking actions of menu operating.Accordingly,standardizing produc-tion,minimizing service failures,assuring food safety,forecasting demand to menu items,making budgets and controlling costs become critical activities of operational management of menus.B.Ozdemir,O.Caliskan/International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science2(2014)3–137These are also the major considerations of quality management approaches such as ISO:9001and ISO22000which are also adaptable to restaurant operations.When considered in the restaurant context,one of the main components of such a quality management system will be assurance of food quality and safety relying on standard production,minimum service failures, optimum demand and suitable cost structures;those are briefly explained below with reference to relevant literature.In the production process of menu items,development and implementation of some standards such as standard yields, standard purchasing specifications,standard recipes and stan-dard portions are useful tools for sustaining a quality level (Davis and Stone,1998).As found by Jones and Mifli(2001), especially in the chain restaurants portion control,standard recipes,quality control,and standard specifications are integral components of menu operations.Serving a meal in a restaurant(especially in a table service restaurant)is composed of several sequential service stages such as greeting and seating,order taking and delivery, consumption,and payment and exiting(Namkung et al., 2011).Inevitably,service failures may occur at any stage of service,and these failures may lead to negative customer perceptions.For example,customers may complain following a failure(Namkung et al.,2011).Service failures may also negatively affect the customers'satisfaction levels and their likelihood of returning(Namkung and Jang,2010).Conse-quently,menu operating decisions of managers need to consider serving menu items properly without any delays or defects in order to minimize service failures at all service stages.Restaurant customers are becoming increasingly concerned about possible risks stemming from unsafe food practices (Fatimah et al.,2011)and food safety is a critical restaurant selection attribute(Worsfold,2006).Thus,in menu operating stage restaurant managers are challenged by an urgency to produce and serve safe food.In order to ensure food safety, restaurant managers need to recognize the potential biological, physical and chemical hazards and take preventive actions to minimize the occurrence of these hazards(Fatimah et al., 2011).However,restaurant industry frequently faces food safety problems that mainly occur due to unsafe food sources, inadequate cooking,improper food handling,improper storage temperatures,contaminated equipment and poor personal hygiene(Sanlier et al.,2010).As a solution to the current food safety problems,it is widely advised that restaurantfirms should implement a food safety management system such as HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)which consists of principles and practices that encompass all aspects of processing,preparing,handling and serving food in a completely safe way(Eves and Dervisi,2005).Sales forecasts have a key role in operational management of menu due to the perishable nature of food products.More specifically,an accurate prediction of demand to menu items ensures the smooth functioning of production and service without falling behind the demand,which may cause customer dissatisfaction,or exceeding the demand,which increases the costs(Ryu et al.,2003).Previous studies on sales forecasting have documented the available forecasting methods such as simple moving average method,simple exponential smooth-ing method,time-series models,regression,and Delphi etc. (Green and Weaver,2008).Some researchers suggest the use of those quantitative techniques rather than merely intuitive assessments of managers since naïve intuitive approaches produce less accurate forecasts than do quantitative techniques (Miller et al.,1991).Besides,Ryu et al.(2003)also highlight the importance of using simple and timesaving forecasting methods.In menu operating,budgets and cost control systems assist restaurant managers in assuring that there is no serious deviation from profit and cost objectives of restaurantfirm in the entire process of procurement,storage,production and service.Underlying this notion,research by Jones(2008) evidences that hospitalityfirms produce budgets for cost control and performance evaluation purposes.Loss of profit due to the poor controls is a common concern in hospitality settings(Borchgrevink and Ancill,2003).As a result,restau-rant managers consider and implement a cost control system which encompasses purchasing,storage,issuing,production and service stages.The major aim of such a system is to minimize potential loss because of shrinkage,spoilage,spil-lage,waste and theft.However,as stated by Vaughn et al. (2010),the cost control system of many restaurantfirms is based solely on the control of food costs.As a result,the restaurant has no knowledge of ultimate cost of menu items. Alternatively,Vaughn et al.(2010)suggest the use of activity based costing method in order to accurately determine and control the cost of menu items.Given the above explanations,menu operating refers to smooth operation of menu with assistance of sales forecasts, standards,food safety practices,budgets and cost control systems in order to minimize deviations from quality,hygiene and cost objectives of restaurantfirms.Menu analysisResearchers have particularly dealt with developing some quantitative models to analyze the performance of menu items. Additionally,some of them also proposed improvement strategies to eliminate the performance deficiencies of menu items.In the1980s,early systematic menu analysis approaches based on matrixes were introduced by Miller(1980),Kasavana and Smith(1982)and Pavesic(1983).These matrix based models were criticized by subsequent studies and several weaknesses were noted(Taylor and Brown,2007).Among them is the notion that indicator of menu items'profitability is only the contribution margin which is computed through subtracting food cost from selling price.Consequently,this approach does not include other variable andfix costs such as labor and energy.Paying special attention to this deficiency of matrix models,LeBruto et al.(1995)attempt to include labor costs into the menu engineering model.Moreover,Hayes and Huffman(1985)and Bayou and Bennett(1992),known as the developers of menu item profitability analysis,seek to identify profit of menu item by subtracting total cost from sales of the item.Recently,some multi-dimensional analysisB.Ozdemir,O.Caliskan/International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science2(2014)3–13 8。



日本音乐餐厅管理制度英文范文Management System of a Japanese Music Restaurant Introduction:A music restaurant is a unique dining establishment that offers a combination of delicious food and live music performances. In Japan, these types of restaurants are quite popular, as they provide patrons with an immersive dining experience. Managing a music restaurant requires careful attention to detail and a well-structured management system. This article aims to provide an overview of the management system implemented in a Japanese music restaurant.1. Organizational Structure:The organizational structure of a music restaurant consists of different departments, each serving a specific purpose in ensuring the smooth operation of the establishment. The key departments include:1.1. Front of House (FOH):The FOH department handles all aspects of customer service, including reservations, greeting and seating guests, taking orders, and ensuring customer satisfaction. A team of hosts/hostesses and wait staff are responsible for managing the FOH department.1.2. Back of House (BOH):The BOH department is responsible for all activities that happen behind the scenes. This department includes the kitchen staff, dishwashers, and janitorial staff. The BOH department ensures that the kitchen operates efficiently, quality food is served, andcleanliness is maintained.1.3. Music Entertainment:The music entertainment department is responsible for organizing live performances. This department handles talent management, booking musicians, and coordinating their performances. Music selection is carefully curated to align with the theme and ambiance of the restaurant.2. Hierarchy and Communication:The hierarchy in a music restaurant follows a clear chain of command to ensure effective communication and decision-making. At the top of the hierarchy is the manager, followed by department heads, supervisors, and then staff members. Regular communication channels facilitate effective information flow within the organization.2.1. Manager:The manager oversees the entire operation of the music restaurant. They are responsible for setting goals, developing strategies, and making critical decisions. The manager is also tasked with coordinating staff training, monitoring financial performance, and maintaining customer satisfaction.2.2. Department Heads:Department heads, such as the FOH manager and head chef, are responsible for managing their respective departments. They ensure that departmental goals are achieved, monitor staff performance, and maintain quality standards. Department heads also communicate with the manager to provide updates and seekguidance as needed.2.3. Supervisors:Supervisors play a crucial role in managing day-to-day operations within their departments. They oversee the work of staff members, delegate tasks, and provide guidance and training. They serve as a point of contact for staff members to address any concerns or issues.2.4. Staff Members:Staff members are responsible for executing their assigned tasks efficiently and delivering excellent customer service. They communicate with their supervisors for guidance and report any issues or feedback from customers.3. Customer Service:Customer service is a key component of a successful music restaurant. The following practices are implemented to ensure exceptional customer service:3.1. Greeting and Seating:Customers are warmly greeted by hosts/hostesses upon arrival and escorted to their seats. The seating process considers both customer preferences and availability.3.2. Order Taking and Menu Knowledge:Wait staff are trained to effectively take orders and provide recommendations based on the menu offerings. They possess in-depth knowledge of the menu, including ingredients, cooking methods, and any dietary restrictions.3.3. Attentiveness and Timeliness:Wait staff continuously monitor customer needs, ensuring prompt refills of beverages, clearing empty dishes, and addressing any concerns. Timely delivery of food and beverages is crucial to ensure a seamless dining experience.3.4. Problem Resolution:In the event of an issue raised by a customer, staff members are trained to handle complaints professionally and promptly. Complaints are escalated to supervisors or the manager, if necessary, to ensure satisfactory resolution.4. Music Performance Management:Live music performances are central to the dining experience of a music restaurant. The following practices are implemented for effective management of music entertainment:4.1. Talent Sourcing and Selection:The music entertainment department actively seeks talented musicians who align with the restaurant's theme and target audience. Auditions and collaborations with agencies and local artists are conducted to discover new talent.4.2. Performance Scheduling:Music performances are scheduled at regular intervals throughout the week. The music entertainment department ensures a fair rotation of performers while considering customer preferences and peak dining hours.4.3. Performance Evaluation:Regular performance evaluations are conducted to assess the quality of the music performances. Feedback from customers, staff members, and management is collected to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.Conclusion:Managing a music restaurant in Japan requires a well-structured management system and attention to detail. Organizational structure, clear hierarchy, effective communication, exceptional customer service, and talent management are essential elements for success. By diligently implementing these practices, a music restaurant can create a unique dining experience that leaves customers satisfied and coming back for more.。



餐饮管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:A Comparative Study of Web Application Design ModelsUsing the Java TechnologiesAbstract.The Servlet technology has been the most widely used technology for building scalable Web applications. In the events, there are four design models for developing Web applications using the Java technologies: Model 1, Model2, Struts, and JavaServer Faces (JSF). Model 1 employs a series of JSP pages; Model 2 adopts the Model-View-Controller pattern; Struts is a framework employing the Model 2 design model; and JSF is a new technology that supports ready-to-use components for rapid Web application development. Model 1 is not recommended for medium-sized and large applications as it introduces maintenance nightmare. This paper compares and evaluates the ease of application development and the performance of the three design models (Model 2, Struts, and JSF) by buildingthree versions of an online store application using each of the three design models, respectively.1 IntroductionToday, Web applications are the most common applications for presenting dynamic contents. There are a number of technologies for building Web applications, the most popular of which is the Servlet technology . This technology gains its popularity from its superiority over other technologies such as CGI and PHP .Servlets are cumbersome to develop, however, because sending HTML tags requires the programmer to compose them into a String object and send this object to the browser. Also, a minor change to the output requires the servlet to be recompiled. To address this issue, Sun Microsystems invented JavaServer Pages (JSP) . JSP allows HTML tags to be intertwined with Java code and each page is translated into a servlet. A JSP page is a servlet. However, compilation occurs automatically when the page is first requested. As a result, changing the output does not need recompilation. In addition, JSP enables the separation of presentation from the business logic through the use of JavaBeans and custom tag libraries. The norm now in developing Javabased Web applications is to use servlets along with JavaServer Pages.In the later development, there are a number of design models for building servlet/JSP applications: Model 1, Model 2, Struts , and JSF . Model 1 and Model 2 were first mentioned in the early specifications of JSP. Model 1 strictly uses JSP pages, with no servlets, and Model 2 uses the combination of both servlets and JSP pages. The terms of Model 1 and Model 2 have been used ever since. Model 1 is suitable for prototypes and very small applications, and Model 2 is the recommended design model for medium sized and large applications.As Model 2 gained more acceptances in the industry, an open source initiative to build the Struts Framework was initiated. Struts perfects Model 2 by providing the controller part of the Model-View-Controller of Model 2. In addition, Struts provides better page navigation management and several custom tag libraries for more rapid development. Despite its steep learning curve and the fact that it was never defined in any specification, Struts has been gaining popularity as thealternative to Model 2.JavaServer Faces is built under the Java Community Process under JSR-127.Sun Microsystems proposed this technology in the hope that JSF will be the ultimate model for building Java Web applications. The most important feature of JSF is the availability of ready-to-use components such as extensible UI components, easy page navigation, input validators, data converters and JavaBeans management.The problem facing servlet/JSP programmers are to choose the most appropriate design model. Clearly, JSF provides a better solution in regard to development time. However, some people are not sanguine to adopt this technology for fear of performance penalty due to the overhead of the JSF implementation.We build three versions of an online store application named BuyDirect using Model 2, Struts and JSF. The parameters compared are the number of lines of code, the number of classes, and the performance measurement results. We investigate which of the design models allows the most rapid development process. We evaluate the performances of the applications built upon these models. We provide some suggestions to perfect the existing design models to make development more rapid.The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the issues in Web development. Section 3 explains how the three design models address these development issues. Section 4 provides the details of the hardware and software used in these experiments. Section 5 presents the experiment results and analysis. Section 6 reviews the related work. Section 7 concludes by offering some suggestions to improve the existing design models.2 Java Web Development IssuesAll Java Web development uses the Servlet technology as the underlying technology. As such, all Java Web applications have certain issues that need to be addressed:User Interface. The user interface is what the client browser renders as HTML tags. Any server-side component used in the application must be encoded intothe corresponding HTML elements. Besides for displaying the content and data, the user interface is also responsible in receiving input from the user.●Input Validation. User input needs to be validated. There are two types of inputvalidation, server-side and client-side. As the name implies, the server-side input validation is performed on the server after the input reaches the server.Client-side input validation is done on the browser, usually by using JavaScript or other scripting languages. The advantages of using client-side input validation are prompt response and reducing the server workload. The server-side input validation should always be performed regardless the presence of client-side validation because there is no guarantee the user browser's scripting feature is being on and malicious users can easily work around client-side validation.●Model Objects. Model objects in Java-based Web applications are in the formsof JavaBeans. Model objects make up the Model part of the MVC based design model. A model object can be used to bind a component value to be used at a later stage. In addition, it can encapsulate business logic required for processing.●Page Navigation. Almost all Web applications have multiple pages that the usercan navigate from one to another. All MVC-based design models use a servlet as the Controller part. This servlet also acts as the sole entry point to the application. Which page to be displayed after the current request is determined by the value of a specified request parameter. Managing page navigation is critically important.3 Web Application Design ModelsThe Model 2 design model is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. As explained by Burbeck , there are three main modules in MVC, the Controller, the View, and the Model. The Controller acts as the central entry point to the application. All user interactions go through this controller. The View contains the presentation part of the application, and the Model stores data or encapsulates business logic of the application. In the later development, the Struts Framework provides a common framework to easily build Model 2 applications.Then, the last initiative is the JavaServer Faces, which also employs the MVC design pattern.In the following sections, we discuss these three design models and explain how each design model addresses the development issues specified in the previous section.3.1 Model 2A Java Web application that is based on the Model 2 design model has one servlet(called the Controller servlet) that serves as the Controller part. All requests are first handled by this servlet, which immediately dispatches the requests to the appropriate views using RequestDispatcher objects. Views in the Model 2 design model are represented by JSP pages. To store data, a Model 2 application uses JavaBeans, which are the Model part of the application. In addition to storing data, the JavaBeans also encapsulate business logic. Each HTTP request carries an action parameter that indicates which view to dispatch this request to. The programmer must code the HTML tags for user interface in all JSP pages in the application and write input validation code. In addition, the model objects are managed by individual JSP pages.3.2 StrutsThe Struts Framework is an improvement of the Model 2 design model. It provides a default Controller servlet so that the user does not have to write and compile one. Struts alleviates the task of page navigation by allowing navigation rules to be present in its application configuration file (an XML document). Changes to the navigation rules do not require recompilation of a Java servlet class. In addition to easier page navigation, Struts provides custom tag libraries that define tags representing HTML elements. One of these tags is used for error handling and Struts is therefore capable of displaying localized error messages in support for internationalization. Struts applications use JavaBeans as their models, just like the Model 2 design model. In addition, Struts programmers have to write their own input validation code.3.3 JSFJSF also employs a controller servlet that is called FacesServlet. This servlet is the only entry point to a JSF application. JSF also uses JSP pages as its views and JavaBeans as its model objects. Unlike Model 2 and Struts, however, JSF provides ready-to-use user interface components that can be written on JSP pages. Upon an invocation of a page of a JSF application, the FacesServlet constructs a component tree that represents the JSP page being requested. Some of the components can also trigger events, making JSF event-driven. For page navigation, JSF uses an approach similar to Struts, i.e., by allowing navigation rules to be defined in an application configuration file (again, an XML document).What distinguishes a JSF application from non-JSF servlet/JSP application is that JSF applications are event-driven. The user interface of a JSF application is one or many JSP pages that host Web components such as forms and input boxes. These components are represented by JSF custom tags and can hold data. A component can be nested inside another, and it is possible to draw a tree of components. Just as in normal servlet/JSP applications, you use JavaBeans to store the data the user entered.4 Function EnvironmentThe software and hardware details for our experiments are described below.4.1 The Servlet ContainerA Java Web application runs in a servlet container, which is the engine that processes the incoming HTTP requests for the resources in the application. For this research project, we use Tomcat, an open source servlet container from the Apache Software Foundation. The version we use is 6.0.Basically, a servlet container processes a servlet by performing the following tasks:- Creating the HttpRequest Object- Creating the HttpResponse Object- Calling the service method of the Servlet interface, passing the HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects.4.2 Testing ClientsFor performance testing, we emulate multiple users using JMeter 1.9 , also from the Apache Software Foundation. JMeter allows the user to choose the number of threads to perform testing. Each thread emulates a different user. JMeter also lets us choose how many times a test will be done. To test a Web application using JMeter, you direct requests to certain IP address, context path, and port number. You can also specify request parameters to be included in each HTTP request. As the output, JMeter notifies the response time of the server in milliseconds for a test. From the response time, we derive the number of hits/seconds the server is capable of serving.4.3 HardwareWe use different computers for running the applications and for testing, so as to obtain maximum performance measurement accuracy. The computer running the application is a XP machine having the following hardware specifications: Intel Core 1GHz CPU with 1G RAM. The computer running the testing clients is a Windows 2000 machine running JMeter. The computer has the following specifications: Intel Core 1GHz CPU with 1G RAM.5 ResultsWe obtain experimental results in two categories: the ease of development and performance. The ease of development category compares the number of classes and the number of lines of code. These numbers indicate how easy it is to develop an application by following a certain design model. An application with the fewer number of classes or the number of lines of code indicates that the application is relatively easier to build. The application with the more number of classes indicates that the application takes more time to develop.The performance measurement results are obtained by comparing two operations. The Search operation is the most common operation in such an application,and the Browse operation.5.1 Ease of Application DevelopmentAs Table 1 shows, it takes the most effort to implement the Model 2 design model. Using Struts alleviates the problem a bit, and the best saving in the development comes if one uses JSF.Table 1. The number of classes and the number of lines for the applications under studyThe Model 2 design model is characterised by the presence of a Controller servlet and a number of JavaBeans classes (as the Model) and JSP pages (as the Views). The Controller servlet is responsible for page navigation rules that employ a series of if statements. Model 2 application programmers must also code for the input validation that in this research is implemented inside a number of custom tag libraries. The other classes in the Model 2 design model are custom tag library and the tag library descriptors responsible for input validation and data display. In fact, input validation takes 590 lines of code, or almost 30% of the total amount of code.In the Struts application, the Controller servlet is provided by the framework, therefore a Struts programmer saves time for not having to write one. However, he/she still needs to write page navigation rules in the Application Configuration file, which is easier than writing a servlet because the Application Configuration file can be edited using a text editor and no compilation is necessary. Input validation must still be done manually, even though the Struts Framework provides an error handling mechanism. The number of classes and the number of lines of code for input validation are almost similar to the Model 2 application. In Struts, the other classes are Action classes to which the default Controller servlet dispatches requests.In JSF input validation comes free through the availability of validatorcomponent. As a result, a JSF application developer can skip this task. In addition, page navigation takes the same course as Struts, i.e. by utilising an Application Configuration file. The other classes in JSF are a ContextListener, an ActionListener, and a Database utility class.5.2 Performance MeasurementFor each operation, we measure the server response time (in milliseconds) for 1 to 10 concurrent users. The number of users is specified by setting the number of threads in Jmeter. Each test is conducted 10 times and the average is taken. Each operation is discussed further is the following sub-sections.5.2.1 Search OperationThe Search operation whose name or description matches the keyword. There is one SQL SELECT statement performed. Figure 2 compares the three versions of applications for the Search operation.Fig. 2. The performance comparison for the Search operation For the Model 2 application, the average server response time for one user is 173 ms and for 10 users is 919 ms. For the Struts application, these numbers are 189 ms and 900 ms, respectively. For the application built using JSF, the average server response time is 210 ms for one user and 932 ms for 10 users. The increase of the response time is proportional to the increase of the number of concurrent users, which means that the server is still able to cope with the load.The Model 2 application has the least overhead, therefore the averageperformance should be better than the Struts and JSF applications. However, the Struts application performs as well as the Model 2 application. This is because the server has enough memory to load all Struts libraries required to run Struts. Also, note that page navigation rules in Struts are loaded and stored in an object called ActionMapping. Therefore, given an action request parameter, the next page of navigation is obtained through a look-up. On the other hand, the Model 2 application uses a series of if statements to find the next page of navigation, given the action request parameter.The JSF application performs slightly worse than the other applications in almost all numbers of concurrent users. This could be due to the time taken by the JSF implementation to construct a component tree for each page requested. However, the difference in server response time between JSF and other applications is not that significant.5.2.2 Browse OperationThe Browse operation,like the Search operation, there is one SQL SELECT statement performed. Figure 3 gives the test results for this operation.Fig. 3. The performance comparison for the Browse operation On average, the Model 2 application performs the best because it has the least overhead. The average server response time is 111 ms for one user and 899 ms for 10 users. The Struts application has comparable performance, with one user average server response time of 180 ms and 10 user response time of 920 ms. The JSF lacks a bit behind the two applications with these numbers being 190 and 1009ms respectively. The increase of the server response time is proportional to the increase of the number of concurrent users, which means the server is able to serve those users well. The average performance measurement results of the Browse operation are very similar to the ones for the Search operation because the database operations of both operations are also similar.6 Related WorkCompare the performance of database-based Web applications using Java servlets, PHP version 3, and Common Gateway Interface (CGI). After a series of benchmark tests that performs data retrieval from a MySQL database, find that the solution of Java servlets with persistent database connection has the best performance. PHP3 using persistent database connections performs fairly well when compared to the CGI solution,also mention the advantages of using Java servlets. According to these authors. Java servlets are an excellent choice to meet the requirement of e-commerce (such as online shopping) applications and are able to handle client requests in a highly interactive mode.Comparing PHP 4, Java servlets, and Enterprise JavaBeans. Measure the performance of these three architectures using two applications. Study reveals that PHP4 is more efficient than Java servlets, and the EJBs perform even worse than servlets. However, note that servlets, being part of the Java solution, provides the flexibility of being able to be ported to another system with a different operating system.7 ConclusionWe find that it is most rapid to build Web applications using JSF. Model 2 applications are the least rapid but give the best performance. Struts applications sit in the middle of the other two design models in both comparisons.We make some suggestions that could improve the Servlets technology in general and enhance the performance of applications based on both design models. Struts. Struts is not based on any specification and there is no documentation that discusses its internal working. Therefore, it is hard to know what have been implemented and what could be improved.●The Servlets Technology. The Servlet 2.3 Specification does not define anycaching mechanism. There is no mention of caching in the upcoming Servlet2.4 Specification either. Despite the dynamic nature of the content of a Webapplication, some contents do not change very often. For example, the categories of products that a user can browse in an online store application probably only change once in a month. If those semi-static contents must be generated from the database every time they are requested, a lot of programming resources will be wasted. Servlet programmers get around the absence of caching by writing an object that caches certain content. However, since there is no standard for caching, many programmers write the same piece of code again and again.●Model 2.The main drawback is that the page navigation rules are hard-coded inthe Controller servlet. This means any minor change to the program flow will require the Controller servlet to be re-compiled. The solution to this problem is to provide a mapper that reads the page navigation rules when the application starts. The code could be conveniently written in the init method of the Controller servlet. This method is only executed once, i.e. the first time the servlet is loaded into memory. If the properties file needs to be re-read every time it changes, the programmer can check the timestamp of the properties file for each request, and compares it with the previous read of this file. If the timestamp is more current than the previous read, the mapper can be re-constructed. This feature can be enabled and disabled by using an initial parameter in the Context object. At the development phase, this feature should be enabled. At deployment, this feature should be off. The use of the properties file to store the page navigation rules also makes it possible to avoid a series of if statements in the Controller Servlet, which can be time-consuming for every request. Instead, a HashMap can be used, with action request parameters as keys and the next JSP pages as values. The other disadvantage of this design model is the absence of standard components for input validation and user interface. However, this has been solved in JSF.●JSF. JSF provides solutions to common problems in Web development, such aspage navigation management, UI components and input validators. However, because this technology is still very young, there are not too many UIcomponents available, forcing programmers to combine JSF with non-JSF servlets/JSP pages. JSF is event-driven. JSF programmers determine the behavior of a JSF application by writing event listeners, just like those listeners in a Swing application. In JSF version 1.0, there are currently two types of events that can be triggered: ActionEvent and ValueChangedEvent. However, this is good enough to provide sufficient level of interactivity between the application and its users. Adding more types of events will definitely make JSF more appealing.References[1].Cecchet, E., Chanda A., Elnikety S., Marguerite J., Zwaenepoel W.: Performance Comparison of Middleware Architectures for Generating Dynamic Web Content. Proceeding of the 4th International Middelware Conference, 2003.[2].Cecchet, E., Marguerite, J., and Zwaenepoel, W.: Performance and Scalability of EJB Applications. Proceedings of OOPSLA’02, 2002.基于Java技术的Web应用设计模型的比较研究摘要Servlet技术在建立可扩展性Web应用中是被应用最广泛的技术。



Catering Management SystemIntroductionThe Catering Management System is a set of guidelines and principles that facilitate the smooth and efficient operation of a catering business. This system is designed to ensure that food safety and quality are maintained and that customer satisfaction is achieved. The objective of this document is to provide an outline of the Catering Management System.Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe Catering Management System outlines the roles and responsibilities of the people involved in the business. The system clearly defines who is responsible for what, and how tasks are delegated. The roles and responsibilities should be made clear to all employees to ensure that everyone understands their role in the business.Food SafetyFood safety is a key priority of the Catering Management System. All employees should be trained in food safety procedures and protocols to ensure that all food is prepared, cooked, and served safely. The system should include guidelines for food storage, handling, and preparation. The system should also outline how to handle and dispose of any food that is not safe for consumption, to prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses.Quality ControlThe Catering Management System should include quality control measures to ensure that the food being served is of the highest quality. This includes regular inspections of the kitchen, equipment, and food to ensure that everything is up to the highest standards. The system should also outline the process for dealing with any quality issues that arise.Customer ServiceCustomer service is an essential aspect of any catering business. The Catering Management System should include guidelines for how employees should interact with customers, how complaints are handled, and how feedback is collected. Excellent customer service can attract and retain customers, and is critical to the success of the business.Employee Training and DevelopmentThe Catering Management System should include a training and development plan for employees. This plan should ensure that all employees are trained in the necessary skills to carry out their jobs effectively. The system should also provide opportunities for employees to develop new skills and advance their careers.ConclusionThe Catering Management System is essential for the smooth and efficient operation of a catering business. Food safety and quality, customer service, employee training and development, and quality control are all important aspects of the system. By implementing this system, catering businesses can ensure that they are providing high-quality food and excellent customer service, which can lead to increased profitability and a strong reputation in the industry.。

THE ONE 大酒店餐饮管理系统.(第二版)doc

THE ONE 大酒店餐饮管理系统.(第二版)doc

THE ONE 大酒店餐饮管理系统需求规范说明书Version2.0文挡编号XXX--XXXXXXXXXXXX文挡名称需求规范说明书撰写人张勉王战吴波审核/批准创建时间2013年3月27日星期三表C1 软件需求修改情况记录郑州大学“卖豆”校内交易平台需求规范说明书编号:XXX--XXXXXXXXXXX目录1引言 ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.1编写目的............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2背景....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3定义....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.4参考资料............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2任务概述 ..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



餐饮管理系统外文文献Introduction to Restaurant Management SystemsA restaurant management system (RMS) is a software application designed to help restaurant owners and managers with the day-to-day operations of the restaurant. The system significantly increases the efficiency of the staff, saves time, and improves the customer experience. An RMS can automate several tasks, including:•Reservations•Table management•Waitlist management•Online ordering and delivery•Customer relationship management (CRM)•Inventory management•Employee schedules and payroll management•Sales and revenue reportingA typical RMS consists of two parts: one is the front-end, which is the user interface for the restaurant staff, and the second is the back-end, which is the server-side application that stores the data and manages the various functions.Front-End Restaurant Management SystemThe front-end system comprises four primary modules:1. Point-of-Sale (POS)The POS module is the first point of interaction with the customer as it is where the customer places their order. The module can be a touchscreen or keyboard system with a graphical user interface (GUI), and it can process different forms of payment, including cash, credit card, and mobile wallet. Besides processing transactions, the POS module can also generate invoices, split bills, and apply discounts.2. Table ManagementThe table management module displays an overview of the restaurant's dining areas, including the number of tables and their occupancy status. The module allows the restaurant staff to allocate tables for new customers, and it can also manage table reservations and waitlists. In case of special requests from customers, such as high chairs or specific table locations, the staff can easily accommodate those requests through the module.3. Waitlist ManagementThe waitlist management module enables the restaurant staff to manage waiting times and queue lengths actively. The module can notify customers via text, phone, or email when their table is ready, reducing the time they need to wait physically in the restaurant.4. Online Ordering and DeliveryThe online ordering and delivery module is a website or mobile application where customers can order food and beverages for delivery or pick-up. The module can also include a loyalty program and a customer feedback system to improve the customer experience.Back-End Restaurant Management SystemThe back-end system comprises the following components:1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)The CRM module builds customers' profiles, including their order history, preferences, and contact information. The module can send promotional emails and offers to customers and track their engagement.2. Inventory ManagementThe inventory management module is responsible for tracking the restaurant's food and beverage inventory. The module can generate low stock alerts and purchase orders to avoid stockouts. The module can also monitor waste and spoilage, reducing food costs and increasing profitability.3. Employee Schedules and Payroll ManagementThe employee schedules and payroll management module automatesemployee schedules and payroll processing. The module can generate employee schedules based on business volume and manage employee leave requests. The module can also calculate employee pay based on hours worked and tax deductions.4. Sales and Revenue ReportingThe sales and revenue reporting module generates financial reports, including daily sales reports, transaction reports, and revenue reports. The module can also provide insights into the restaurant's performance, such as revenue per table and revenue per employee.Conclusion:A restaurant management system is an essential tool for restaurant owners and managers as it improves the efficiency of restaurant operations, saves time, and improves the overall customer experience. RMS can automate several tasks, including reservations, table management, waitlist management, online ordering and delivery, CRM, inventory management, employee schedules and payroll management,and sales and revenue reporting. By using an RMS, restaurant owners and managers can improve the restaurant's performance and profitability.。



英文文献1、China food industry development prospects analysisThe catering industry in China as the tertiary industry is a traditional service industries, experienced reforming and opening starts, quantitative expansion, scale chain development and brand promotion strategy of 4phase, made make a spurt of progress in the development of.At present, the country has4 millions catering outlets. 2005/2006annual Chinese top 100 catering enterprises with total assets of about thirty-two billion yuan, total profit of about six billion yuan, employees about eight hundred thousand people, respectively, over the same period last year increased40.38%,28.84% and33.33% higher than that of the whole society, the catering industry average growth level.China's reform and opening up has gone through ups and downs in the30year, in the30 years of reforming and opening of China's catering industry along with the tide of reform has undergone three leap type development. In the past 30 years, China has experienced from fast food restaurants grabs beach China market to SARS impact, then to food safety ( tonyred event, apple events ), Chinese food and beverage industry in the impact, achieve sales growth.China population cardinal number is large, demand is exuberant, catering market development can not meet the needs of the market under the background of the implementation, and today, the food market is very prosperous, the basic balance of supply and demand, in the global economic crisis under the background of the catering industry to achieve new growth?About2008July to August, China Chain Management Association DDT Hua accounting firm common to Chinese chain catering industry development trend research, interviewed including Quanjude, Xibe, Qiao Jiangnan, Zhuang, Little Swan, small fat sheep, KFC, Yoshinoya, immortal trace forest industries such as the representative of the chairman or general manager. Inductive appear stage domestic chain catering industry development:first, chain catering industry development still maintain high speed. Survey of catering enterprises the development of chain operation mode to the outlets and stores the majority, accounted for 75%; the enterprise under investigation, a total of more than500chain stores, sales of more than 1more than 10 billion yuan only KFC stores, in 2007to reach 2400, sales of twenty-five billion one hundred million yuan, much more than the other catering enterprises. From the investigation analysis of chain stores, in100the following (66%), sales of one billion yuan (80%) for the majority of the business scale.From sales growth ratio analysis,95% enterprises have two digit growth, which grew10%,20% interval accounted for 42%, growth of 20% -30% interval31%, two interval growth ratio is the enterprise under investigation shows that the majority of mainstream, enterprise development in line with benign operation rule, can still maintain a relatively high growth rate.second, raw material rises quickly, gross margin is firm in have litre. 32% of thesurveyed companies of raw materials in 2007growth rate below 10%,52% enterprises of raw materials increase rate is amounted to10%,20%,16% of raw material of enterprise growth rate reached 20% -30%. The cost of raw materials rising under the premise of the enterprise under investigation, only 26% gross margin declined 5%in47% enterprises, gross margin is basically not changed, and 16% and 11% growth respectively the enterprises within 5% and5% above. Thus it can be seen, the majority of enterprises still keep firm in have litre gross margin, that surveyed enterprises chain operating profit pattern comparison of health, ability to resist risks, in the open source efficiency and mining space.Third, human resources, management cost, standardization is difficult to constitute the three major challenges. According to the survey, the current chain catering industry facing the development of the main problems include human resources, operating cost, standardization difficulty is great, malign competition, industry shortage of funds and policy support and other issues. Among them, human resources accounted for the highest proportion of choice, up to 80%, followed by the operating costs,60%, standardization difficulty big,45%, form chain catering industry development faces three challenges.In four, the company strategy adjustment based on Sustainable development. Aiming at the problems in the development of catering enterprises, the survey also relates to chain catering enterprises will have on the future development strategy to make the adjustment? Induction includes six aspects, adjust the straight camp shop and store ratio; upgrade the existing brand or create new brand; product innovation, realize the difference operation; the establishment of raw material production base, integration supply chain; establish the central kitchen; enhance internal operation efficiency and single-store profit level.Optimistic five, judge current economic developing situation of chain catering industry development influence. Although the CPI index in the short term it is difficult to fall, to enterprises operating pressure will continue to increase, but the vast majority of the enterprise under investigation thinks, from the country macroscopical economic development situation, the food and beverage industry will still maintain a relatively high growth rate, the enterprise operating pressure will be gradually ease, more than 90% of respondents expressed a positive optimistic attitude. Investigation shows, Quanjude, KFC, Dicos and other small fat sheep, most chain enterprises still maintain established open plan.The survey, in China's sustained and rapid economic development, food and beverage market continues to be active in the background, chain catering enterprises are continuously according to the external environment and oneself condition adjustment of development strategy, to realize the optimal development pattern.2、China food industry development trend analysisCatering industry in our country is developing very quickly, the national food industry turnover for 18 consecutive years to achieve two digit growth, in recent years thecatering industry growth rate higher than other industries out of more than ten percentage points, industry development prospects for many enterprises and good investment institutions, can say our country is welcoming a catering industry development the gold period, but the market is complex and changeable, will change with the social environment. The catering enterprises should according to their own conditions and environmental requirements, see the catering industry's development trend, select the appropriate marketing method, can be in the fierce competition in the market success. Therefore, the dining industry development trend of the future, opportunities and challenges to undertake brief analysis.China's economy in recent years of rapid development, GDP increased rapidly, is continuously driven home to consume demand growth factor. Historical data analysis indicates that, the catering industry retail sales growth in GDP and there is a strong positive correlation between, from the 5years development, catering industry growth amplitude is higher than the country's GDP growth rate, far higher than the social consumable total volume of retail sales growth rate, with the catering industry dimensions expands ceaselessly, to national economy presents increasingly significant role in driving.On 2004, the implementation of the catering industry retail sales of seven hundred and forty-eight billion six hundred million yuan, than going up year increase one hundred and thirty-three billion yuan, grow 21.6% compared to the same period, for 14 consecutive years to achieve the fast growth of two digit, than the same period of social consumable total volume of retail sales growth rate is 8.3 percentage points higher, accounting for13.9% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods, the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth contribution rate of 21%, pulling the social consumable total volume of retail sales growth of 2.79percentage points.On 2005, Chinese catering industry retail sales of eight hundred and eighty-eight billion six hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.7%, than going up year add one hundred and thirty-three billion six hundred million yuan, higher than the total retail sales of consumer goods increased 4.8 percentage points, accounted for the total retail sales of social consumer goods proportion to achieve 13.2%, the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth contribution rate and pulling rate is respectively 17.4% and2.3%. Achieve annual business tax forty-eight billion eight hundred million yuan, grow 17.8% compared to the same period.On 2006, Chinese food and beverage consumption annual retail sales exceeded trillion yuan to close greatly, achieve one trillion and thirty-four billion five hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.4%, than going up year add one hundred and forty-five billion eight hundred million yuan.In 2007 the national catering business retail sales totaled one trillion and two hundred and thirty-five billion two hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.4%, accounting for13.9% of the total retail sales of consumer goods, total retail sales of consumer goods led to an increase of 2.6 percentage points, social consumable total volume of retail sales growth contribution rate of 15.7%.2008 National Food Company retail amounts to one trillion and five hundred and five billion four hundred million yuan, grow 24.7% than 2007, for 18 consecutiveyears to maintain the speed of two digit. With China's per capita gross domestic product ( GDP ) of more than $2000, residents' consumption ability, consumption level, the Chinese high-end consumption proportion will increase continuously. In overseas, Chinese continue to attack cities and capture territories, in the first08 years of Chinese Olympic recipes, further moves towards the internationalization, the catering industry has been become pull move consumption, growth, expanding employment is one of the important factors.3、Consumer analysisWith China's per capita GDP rises quickly, per capita gross domestic product ( GDP ) of more than $2000, residents' consumption ability, consumption level and improve the level of Chinese dinner, high-end consumption proportion will increase continuously. But the food demand is complicated and changeable, the consumer tastes and consumption psychology, will change with the social environment. The catering enterprises should according to their own conditions and environmental requirements, see the catering market trend of development, choose appropriate marketing method, can be in the fierce competition in the market success.Chinese taste has apparent district sex, Chinese cuisine cooking in many schools. One of the most influential and representative for the society recognized: Lu, Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan, Su, Zhe, Xiang, Hui cuisine, namely" eight big cuisines". The cuisine of the formation and its long history and unique cooking characteristics inseparable. But also by the region's natural geography, climate conditions, resource specialty, diet habit has different effect, it is precisely because of these differences, the major cuisine products with a strong regional, occupy the major share of the local. Regional differences, and cause consumers strongly different psychology, willing to try a different flavor. Therefore, cross-boundary operation is the next hot, it can make the unique flavor diet between each other, learn from each other. At present, eight big cuisines appear cross-boundary operation, integration trend.Catering enterprises in different expansion, but with the standard of income or other standard, differentiate the whole nation for several economic zones, in each economy area at the center of the city set up flagship store; to stand firm, again with the flagship store for the base, to the surrounding medium and small city expansion strategy.First, market positioning, namely the regional consumer groups will be your target customers; followed by the taste, whether they agree with your dish flavors; third is the value of the brand, whether they will be your loyal supporter.They had two common characteristics: first, products single; secondly, regional characteristics, after leaving Beijing is very difficult to find the right people taste identification.Since 2008, China has 46city GDP of average per capita is in above of 3000 dollar, the city 's per capita consumption level is relatively high, become meals industry regional development growth points.Chinese have a herd mentality and skeptical Mentality -- conformity, more and more local people have more sense of security; doubt, is to believe your own surface judgment, listen to others explanation.In order to fired the first shot, food and beverage brands in different places toopen flagship store, large area, the seats, investment is high, the daily operation of the pressure is also big store. But all the catering enterprises have an import period. In the introduction period, both to business confidence, but also to give customers confidence. Once the introduction period to do good, attendance does not follow to go up, Chinese herd mentality came up: fewer people he does not go; more to people without a little less; he even doubt: This is it right? Straight camp shop? Taste and old whether same? Is it right? What's the problem? Cantonese cuisine since in the early 80 century in the popular date,20 years for all eternity, the main reason is the Pearl River Delta regional economic rapid development, pull the catering industry prosperity and revitalization; at the same time Cantonese broad odd miscellaneous materials. To adapt to the different needs of customers innovation, continuous innovation;, promote the sustainable development of Cantonese cuisine. With the development of economy of our country, the Cantonese cuisine in the beginning of 80's in last century to the end of 90's in the form of climate, gradually embarked on a major cuisine overlord position, become the metropolitan dishes faucet, leading the consumer trend, share growth. Food consumption behavior analysis.In recent years, the income level of Chinese dweller increases, the rhythm of life speeds up, renew the concept of consumption, promoting the rapid development of Chinese catering industry catering consumers has three major development trends. First is business consumption increase. Promoting the economic development of increased business activities, business entertainment activities promote the high-grade food development. Second is the replacement of consumption increase. With the development of economy, increase of resident income, more and more people choose to go to the hotel consumption instead of their own cooking, which is manifested in recent year 's hot. The third are forced to consumption increase. More and more white-collar workers and migrant workers migrant workers, time is close, and not their cooked, they are helpless, unable to be forced to at a restaurant, it promotes the fast food industry development.Dining choice not only pay attention to taste, the restaurant environment, atmosphere, sentiment has become a customer's selection of dining venue necessary conditions, consumers pay attention to enjoy, focus on food and beverage products and cultural integration, the Chinese food culture and cuisine culture broad and profound, long history, different regions show catering cultural differences also make food products with distinctive cultural characteristics. Consumers seeking" color, flavor and taste, shape, texture, temperature, sound, nutrition, health," at the same time, advocate culture and food, diet, eating habits of fusion. In recent years emerging needs of theme restaurants is developing rapidly, this concept into full play, whether it is the design of the restaurant decoration, functional layout, decor, and even its operating characteristics of cuisine, reflect a certain cultural theme and intension, catering to the product culture has the greatest degree of show. Seize the culture that a selling point, will enable the food products with infinite vitality.From the industry statistics, Chinese food industry market size is very large, and expanded very quickly, but China's catering company current situation, one is enterprise dimensions small, amount is much, modern level is low; industry standardsystem is not perfect; according to statistics, China's existing catering outlets 4000000, employees nearly 20000000 people,7000000 cook people, average every 185 people have1chef. The food market is relatively the most dispersed in a market, home does not have a large food group can occupy 1% of the market share. Can be said to the catering industry is perfectly competitive industry, industry concentration is very low, the future trend of development is the industry is spent centrally rise considerably, to be at a scale of enterprise integration. From the dining enterprise's competition and development pattern, the future of China's catering business competition will be more intense, and accompanied by more enterprises listed. However, in the restaurant industry high speed development at the same time, food raw material costs, labor costs increase, lack of management talent, the cost is difficult to control and other aspects of a problem to be highlighted increasingly, industry competition intensified, the catering industry entered the" era of meager profit", the traditional management mode, operation encounters serious challenges. Chinese catering industry has entered the industry reshuffle period, must exchange of new ideas, explore new pattern, quickly from the traditional" extensive type, fuzzy, experience management" to "intensive, process, chain scale management" in transition.The foreign-funded enterprises enjoy is the super national treatment, state-owned enterprises enjoy national treatment, private enterprises enjoy national treatment. In the restaurant industry, although not obvious, but also many examples. Domestic food business activities in addition to the normal tax, the cost of so many species, the lack of normative, area difference is bigger, the government management system is not perfect, bring about an enterprise to manage the various uncertain factors. With the further perfection of Chinese legal system construction, Chinese catering market will also further standardization. Catering industry competition pattern analysis show that, the future of domestic food industry competition situation of four great changes will take place in China, foreign fast food restaurants dominate the competition, brand has become the core competitiveness of food.At present, China's catering industry lack program guiding, the laws and regulations construction lag problem. In the rapid development of blind, disordered and low level of development of the phenomenon. Not applicable to the establishment of the catering industry of national laws and regulations system, the lack of strict market access rules and mandatory standards, catering enterprises standards uneven, incomprehensive contents, technical knowledge content is low, lack of national unity. The catering industry in our country is lack of unity within the profession of law enforcement, the market order is not standard, the dining environment is not health, food safety problems occur from time to time, market management and industry management can not keep up with the development needs of the situation, the market order to be standardized. However, countries to accelerate the service industry development strategy for the development of catering industry to bring the new opportunity. At present our country service industry gross is relatively small, the output value of the service industry the proportion of2007to40%, and the global service industry output value of the average specific gravity of 60% ( developed countries more than 70% ) far apart. In the seventeen Party Congress" to speed up thedevelopment of modern service industry, improve the proportion and level of service industry". The State Council" on accelerating the development of service industry opinions of the general office of the State Council" and" on accelerating the development of service industry in the implementation of policies and measures for advice", accelerating the development of the service sector has laid a good foundation for the development of catering industry policy, bring rare opportunity.4、From the" fast food" localization of Chinese catering industry development in future" Fast food" the localization process accelerated, the Chinese catering industry competition is intense with each passing day, and as a result of food production characteristics, just drop a " visual feast", its growth rate far less foreign fast food have. A food and beverage industry veterans have such fact: we Chinese dining culture history is long, can still sell but those " hamburger".Foreign fast food brand in China develops quickly because of its simple, reproducible, and its product localization and the theme restaurant strategy launched in China in the future, more be a trend which cannot be halted development trend. KFC launched the " tender cow five", but is Yum product localization strategy, and early in 2005April," Chinese fast food" as a slogan of" East Dawning" settled in Shanghai, has been demonstrated the yum brand localization strategy of whole body.In the face of such a break in in full fury "foreign fast-food invasion", Chinese food and beverage brands in this round of the contest has shown its advantage. For future development, China's catering industry will be faced with huge challenge.So to break the siege expand results will be aware of their own situation, at this stage of China's catering industry market situation ( for example of Beijing ), is basically in a complicated pattern.Then, how can the new round of competition advantage and expand results, we narrow the gap with foreign brand, we think, the brand building remains the primary task, the spoken Chinese catering industry has its own cultural characteristics, Chinese is inseparable from the" rushing water", so, Cola will not replace a cup of thick soup, Hamburg will replace traditional dumplings, and how to make such products with Chinese characteristics can yield, chain, is the next step to build brand of one of the important tasks.Catering to build the brand is the brand structure of fullness, also is in the main dining brand downstream to create a complete chain, from the business form echo, we see gladly Meizhou Dongpo work in this area has been done quite in place.Innovation changing, from becomes the system is the brand integration of the working key. Now food consumption has also entered the third stage, namely, the invisible, touched the overall consumer awareness stage, consumers in the left consumption places in mind to form the overall perception responds to what is, it reflects the restaurant brand culture, so the merchant's unique system is not only dishes, taste, service, environment, music, but the overall embodiment of comprehensive factors.Brand building is the Chinese food and beverage industry will break out of an encirclementis one of the important means, and real-time strategy and tactics are catering system it is important method, in order to" different region can create wonderful".Nowadays the world economic turmoil on China's catering industry development 's influence can not be ignored, China is still a developing country, in stimulating domestic demand under the premise, we still recommend Chinese catering industry occupied" Pyramid middle market", at the same time in the market to establish its own system, to make its own characteristics.中文翻译1、中国餐饮业的发展前景分析餐饮业作为我国第三产业中一个传统服务性行业,经历了改革开放起步、数量型扩张、规模连锁发展和品牌提升战略4个阶段,取得突飞猛进的发展。

餐饮业信息管理系统的设计与实现论文(doc 71页)

餐饮业信息管理系统的设计与实现论文(doc 71页)

餐饮业信息管理系统的设计与实现论文(doc 71页)硕士学位论文餐饮业信息管理系统的设计与实现摘要随着网络以及Web技术的迅速发展,B/S架构的系统应用越来越多的深入到各行各业中。

本文介绍的餐饮业信息管理系统是为日本电气株式会社开发的基于Web的餐Based on web dining industry information management systemdesign and relizationAbstractAlong with network as well as Web technology rapid development, B/S overhead construction system application more and more many penetrating to all the various trades and occupations in. This article introduced the dining industry information management system is develops for the Japanese electricity joint-stock company based on the Web dining profession synthesis information management service system. Erects the server by this company, builds the service platform to provide the synthesis information management service for the customer.This article thoroughly discussed has resulted in the performance history and its the correlation technology based on the Web technology application system, in the union actual engineering project the dining industry information management system function demand as well as the service flow analysis, utilized technology and so on , Javascript technology, database, system operation contact surface,construction of data, network correspondence, has designed this information management system solution. Has solved system system structure, system database, synthesis administration module, internal management module as well as systematic security and so on crucial with emphasis the question, effective has met the needs which the dining industry information management system scale demand as well as the future service will grow.The database system establishment completed this information system most foundation to be partial, the synthesis administration module as well as the internal management module has provided in the practical application user demand. The system security had guaranteed this information system normal operation, prevented the illegal visit as well as exceeds authority to operate and so on the question. This article elaborated the information management system is system with picks Microsoft in Microsoft WindowsXP under the Prof the platform, uses Microsoft the C# programming realization. This information management system at present is in the second issue of development.Key Words:Web;Dining industry;Service flow;;目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1 绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景及选题意义 (1)1.2 实施的原则及步骤 (2)1.3 软件系统的建设 (2)1.3.1 信息管理服务系统的基本需求 (2)1.3.2 大量数据信息的处理 (3)1.3.3 工作流的应用 (3)1.3.4 协同工作和移动办公 (3)1.3.5 完整的安全性 (3)1.4 课题的应用价值 (3)1.5 本论文所要解决的问题 (4)1.6 本论文的主要工作以及内容结构 (4)2 餐饮业信息管理服务系统总体方案设计 (6)2.1 系统的总体结构 (6)2.1.1 需求分析 (6)2.1.2 系统功能模块的划分 (7)2.2 系统开发模式的选择 (8)2.2.1 C/S开发模式 (8)2.2.2 B/S开发模式的优势 (9)2.3 基于B/S模式的餐饮业信息管理系统整体架构 (11)2.4 系统的运行环境和开发工具 (12)2.4.1 硬件环境 (12)2.4.2 软件环境 (13)2.4.3 系统的开发工具 (13)2.4.4 小组开发工具SourceSafe (16)3 系统数据库设计 (17)3.1 商业数据概述 (17)3.2 系统数据库功能要求 (17)3.3 概念模型设计 (18)3.3.1 E-R 图(Entity-Relationship) (19)3.3.2 局部E-R 模型的设计 (20)3.3.3 局部E-R 模型的综合 (21)3.4 数据库逻辑结构设计 (21)3.5 数据库的物理设计 (28)4 商品信息管理模块的设计与实现 (29)4.1 信息管理方案的选择 (29)4.2 商品信息管理模块的需求分析 (30)4.3 系统界面的设计 (30)4.3.1 界面设计概述 (31)4.3.2 界面设计原则 (31)4.3.3用户界面的设计步骤 (32)4.4 商品信息管理模块的设计与实现 (35)4.4.1 店铺总览 (35)4.4.2 商品信息的编辑 (36)4.4.3 商品信息的参照 (37)4.4.4 商品信息编辑的确认 (38)4.4.5 商品信息成功登录的显示 (39)5 餐饮业信息管理系统内部管理模块的设计与实现 (40)5.1 系统管理 (40)5.1.1 Facade模式下的N层架构 (40)5.1.2 数据访问策略 (43)5.1.3 数据访问模式 (45)5.2 用户管理 (46)6 信息管理系统的安全性设计 (49)6.1 系统安全隐患分析 (49)6.2 安全机制分析 (50)6.3 Web服务的安全体系 (50)6.4 Web服务的安全验证的实现 (51)6.5 信息传递过程中的加密措施 (53)6.5.1 SSL加密 (53)6.5.2 Web服务自定义加密机制的实现 (55)结论 (62)参考文献 (65)致谢 (69)大连电视大学学位论文版权使用授权书 (70)1 绪论1.1 研究背景及选题意义近年来,信息科技的迅猛发展为人们的生活带来越来越多的便利与快捷。



餐饮业论文外文参考文献参考文献1Title: Assessing the Impact of Online Reviews on Restaurant Performance: A Study of Fine Dining RestaurantsAuthors: Li, X., Wang, D., & Huang, J.Year: 2019Journal: Journal of Hospitality Marketing & ManagementAbstract: This study examines the impact of online reviews on the performance of fine dining restaurants. The authors collected data from a sample of fine dining restaurants in a major metropolitan area and analyzed the relationship between online reviews and various performance indicators, such as customer satisfaction, restaurant reputation, and financial performance. The study found a positive correlation between online reviews and restaurant performance, suggesting that positive online reviews can significantly enhance a restaurant’s reputation and financial success.参考文献2Title: Identifying Key Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in the Restaurant Industry: An Empirical AnalysisAuthors: Chen, M., & Gao, B.Year: 2020Journal: International Journal of Hospitality ManagementAbstract: This study aims to identify key determinants of customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. The authors conducted a survey among restaurant customers and collected data on various factors that contribute to customer satisfaction, such as food quality, customer service, ambiance, and price. The results of the study showed that food quality and customer service were the most influential factors in determining customer satisfaction. The study provides valuable insights for restaurant owners and managers to improve customer satisfaction and enhance their competitiveness.参考文献3Title: Food Safety Management Practices in the Restaurant Industry: A Comparative StudyAuthors: Liu, Y., Li, H., & Ma, R.Year: 2018Journal: Journal of Foodservice Business ResearchAbstract: This study compares food safety management practices in the restaurant industry in different countries. The authors collected data from a sample of restaurants in China, the United States, and Australia and examined their implementation of food safety management practices, such as hygiene training, HACCP implementation, and regular inspections. The study found significant differences in food safety management practices among the three countries, with China lagging behind in various aspects. The findings highlight the need for improved food safety regulations and practices in the restaurant industry.参考文献4Title: The Influence of Environmental CSR Practices on Customer Satisfaction in the Restaurant IndustryAuthors: Lee, H., & Hsu, L.Year: 2017Journal: Journal of Sustainable TourismAbstract: This study investigates the influence of environmental corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. The authors collected data from restaurant customers and analyzed the relationship between environmental CSR practices, customer satisfaction, and intention to revisit. The study found a positive correlation between environmental CSR practices and customer satisfaction, suggesting that environmentally responsible practices can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. The findings provide insights for restaurant owners and managers to embrace sustainability practices and improve customer satisfaction.参考文献5Title: The Impact of Online Food Delivery Services on Restaurant Business: A Case Study of UberEATSAuthors: Kim, H., Lee, B., & Han, J.Year: 2020Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality ManagementAbstract: This study examines the impact of online food delivery services on the restaurant business. The authors conducted a case study of UberEATS, a popular online food delivery platform, and analyzed its impact on restaurant operations,customer behavior, and financial performance. The study found that online food delivery services can significantly increase restaurant sales, attract new customers, and improve overall business performance. The findings suggest that adopting online food delivery services can be beneficial for restaurant owners seeking to expand their customer base and revenue.参考文献6Title: The Role of Menu Design in Enhancing Customer Experience in Fine Dining RestaurantsAuthors: Huang, S., & Li, Y.Year: 2019Journal: International Journal of Hospitality ManagementAbstract: This study explores the role of menu design in enhancing customer experience in fine dining restaurants. The authors conducted a survey among restaurant customers and collected data on their preferences and perceptions of menu design elements, such as layout, typography, descriptions, and pricing. The study found that menu design significantly influences customer experience and can affect customer satisfaction and willingness to revisit. The findings provide insights for restaurant owners and managers to optimize menu design and improve the overall dining experience for customers.•这些参考文献提供了关于餐饮业不同方面的研究成果,涵盖了在线评论对餐厅业绩的影响、顾客满意度的关键因素、餐饮行业的食品安全管理实践、环境企业社会责任对顾客满意度的影响、在线食品送餐服务对餐厅业务的影响以及菜单设计在精细餐饮餐厅中提升顾客体验的作用等。



餐厅管理系统外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:JSP APPLICATION FRAMEWORKS1 WHAT ARE APPLICATION FRAMEWORKSA framework is a reusable, semi-complete application that can be specialized to produce custom applications [Johnson]. Like people, software applications are more alike than they are different. They run on the same computers, expect input from the same devices, output to the same displays, and save data to the same hard disks. Developers working on conventional desktop applications are accustomed to toolkits and development environments that leverage the sameness between applications. Application frameworks build on this common ground to provide developers with a reusable structure that can serve as the foundation for their own products.A framework provides developers with a set of backbone components that have the following characteristics:Frameworks are the classic build-versus-buy proposition. If you build it, you will understand it when you are done—but how long will it be before you can roll your own? Ifyou buy it, you will have to climb the learning curve—and how long is that going to take? There is no right answer here, but most observers would agree that frameworks such as Struts provide a significant return on investment compared to starting from scratch, especially for larger projects.2 OTHER TYPES OF FRAMEWORKSThe idea of a framework applies not only to applications but to application components as well. Throughout this article, we introduce other types of frameworks that you can use with Struts. These include the Lucene search engine, the Scaffold toolkit, the Struts validator, and the Tiles tag library. Like application frameworks, these tools provide semi-complete versions of a subsystem that can be specialized to provide a custom component.Some frameworks have been linked to a proprietary development environment. This is not the case with Struts or any of the other frameworks shown in this book. You can use any development environment with Struts: Visual Age for Java, JBuilder, Eclipse, Emacs, and Textpad are all popular choices among Struts developers. If you can use it with Java, you can use it with Struts.3 ENABLING TECHNOLPGIESApplications developed with Struts are based on a number of enabling technologies. These components are not specific to Struts and underlie every Java web application. A reason that developers use frameworks like Struts is to hide the nasty details behind acronyms like HTTP, CGI, and JSP. As a Struts developer, you don’t need to be an alphabet soup guru, but a working knowledge of these base technologies can help you devise creative solutions to tricky problems.4 HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL (HTTP)When mediating talks between nations, diplomats often follow a formal protocol.Diplomatic protocols are designed to avoid misunderstandings and to keep negotiations from breaking down. In a similar vein, when computers need to talk, they also follow a formal protocol. The protocol defines how data is transmitted and how to decode it once it arrives. Web applications use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to move data between the browser running on your computer and the application running on the server.Many server applications communicate using protocols other than HTTP. Some of thesemaintain an ongoing connection between the computers. The application server knows exactly who is connected at all times and can tell when a connection is dropped. Because they know the state of each connection and the identity of each person using it, these are known as stateful protocols.By contrast, HTTP is known as a stateless protocol. An HTTP server will accept any request from any client and will always provide some type of response, even if the response is just to say no. Without the overhead of negotiating and retaining a connection, stateless protocols can handle a large volume of requests. This is one reason why the Internet has been able to scale to millions of computers.Another reason HTTP has become the universal standard is its simplicity. An HTTP request looks like an ordinary text document. This has made it easy for applications to make HTTP requests. You can even send an HTTP request by hand using a standard utility such as Telnet. When the HTTP response comes back, it is also in plain text that developers can read.The first line in the HTTP request contains the method, followed by the location of the requested resource and the version of HTTP. Zero or more HTTP request headers follow the initial line. The HTTP headers provide additional information to the server. This can include the browser type and version, acceptable document types, and the browser’s cookies, just to name a few. Of the seven request methods, GET and POST are by far the most popular.Once the server has received and serviced the request, it will issue an HTTP response. The first line in the response is called the status line and carries the HTTP protocol version, a numeric status, and a brief description of the status. Following the status line, the server will return a set of HTTP response headers that work in a way similar to the request headers.As we mentioned, HTTP does not preserve state information between requests. The server logs the request, sends the response, and goes blissfully on to the next request. While simple and efficient, a stateless protocol is problematic for dynamic applications that need to keep track of their users.Cookies and URL rewriting are two common ways to keep track of users between requests. A cookie is a special packet of information on the user’s computer. URL rewriting stores a special reference in the page address that a Java server can use to track users. Both approaches are seamless, and using either means extra work when developing a web application. On its own, a standard HTTP web server does not traffic in dynamic content. It mainly uses the request to locate a file and then returns that file in the response. The file is typically formatted using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) [W3C, HTML] that the web browser can format and display. The HTML page often includes hypertext links to other web pages and may display any number of other goodies, such as images and videos. The userclicks a link to make another request, and the process begins a new.Standard web servers handle static content and images quite well but need a helping hand to provide users with a customized, dynamic response.DEFINITION: Static content on the Web comes directly from text or data files, like HTML or JPEG files. These files might be changed from time to time, but they are not altered automatically when requested by a web browser. Dynamic content, on the other hand, is generated on the fly, typically in response to an individualized request from a browser.5 COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE (CGI)The first widely used standard for producing dynamic content was the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). CGI uses standard operating system features, such as environment variables and standard input and output, to create a bridge, or gateway, between the web server and other applications on the host machine. The other applications can look at the request sent to them by the web server and create a customized response.When a web server receives a request that’s intended for a CGI program, it runs that program and provides the program with information from the incoming request. The CGI program runs and sends its output back to the server. The web server then relays the response to the browser.CGI defines a set of conventions regarding what information it will pass as environment variables and how it expects standard input and output to be used. Like HTTP, CGI is flexible and easy to implement, and a great number of CGI-aware programs have been written.The main drawback to CGI is that it must run a new copy of the CGI-aware program for each request. This is a relatively expensive process that can bog down high-volume sites where thousands of requests are serviced per minute. Another drawback is that CGI programs tend to be platform dependent. A CGI program written for one operating system may not run on another.6 JA V A SERVLETSSun’s Java Servlet platform directly addresses the two main drawbacks of CGI programs. First, servlets offer better performance and utilization of resources than conventional CGI programs. Second, the write-once, run-anywhere nature of Java means that servlets are portable between operating systems that have a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).A Servlet looks and feels like a miniature web server. It receives a request and renders aresponse. But, unlike conventional web servers, the Servlet application programming interface (API) is specifically designed to help Java developers create dynamic applications.The Servlet itself is simply a Java class that has been compiled into byte code, like any other Java object. The Servlet has access to a rich API of HTTP-specific services, but it is still just another Java object running in an application and can leverage all your other Java assets.To give conventional web servers access to servlets, the servlets are plugged into containers. The Servlet container is attached to the web server. Each Servlet can declare what URL patterns it would like to handle. When a request matching a registered pattern arrives, the web server passes the request to the container, and the container invokes the Servlet.But unlike CGI programs, a new Servlet is not created for each request. Once the container instantiates the Servlet, it will just create a new thread for each request. Java threads are much less expensive than the server processes used by CGI programs. Once the Servlet has been created, using it for additional requests incurs very little overhead. Servlet developers can use the init () method to hold references to expensive resources, such as database connections or EJB Home Interfaces, so that they can be shared between requests. Acquiring resources like these can take several seconds—which is longer than many surfers are willing to wait.The other edge of the sword is that, since servlets are multithreaded, Servlet developers must take special care to be sure their servlets are thread-safe.7 JA V ASERVER PAGESWhile Java servlets are a big step up from CGI programs, they are not a panacea. To generate the response, developers are still stuck with using println statements to render the HTML. Code that looks like:out.println("<P>One line of HTML.</P>");out.println("<P>Another line of HTML.</P>");It is all too common in servlets that generate the HTTP response. There are libraries that can help you generate HTML, but as applications grow more complex, Java developers end up being cast into the role of HTML page designers. Meanwhile, given the choice, most project managers prefer to divide development teams into specialized groups. They like HTML designers to be working on the presentation while Java engineers sweat the business logic. Using servlets alone encourages mixing markup with business logic, making it difficult for team members to specialize.To solve this problem, Sun turned to the idea of using server pages to combine scriptingand templating technologies into a single component. To build Java Server Pages, developers start by creating HTML pages in the same old way, using the same old HTML syntax. To bring dynamic content into the page, the developer can also place JSP scripting elements on the page. Scripting elements are tags that encapsulate logic that is recognized by the JSP. You can easily pick out scripting elements on JSP pages by looking for code that begins with <% and ends with %>.To be seen as a JSP page, the file just needs to be saved with an extension of jsp.When a client requests the JSP page, the container translates the page into a source code file for a Java Servlet and compiles the source into a Java class file—just as you would do if you were writing a Servlet from scratch. At runtime, the container can also check the last modified date of the JSP file against the class file. If the JSP file has changed since it was last compiled, the container will retranslate and rebuild the page all over again.Project managers can now assign the presentation layer to HTML developers, who then pass on their work to Java developers to complete the business-logic portion. The important thing to remember is that a JSP page is really just a Servlet. Anything you can do with a Servlet, you can do with a JSP.8 JA V ABEANSJavaBeans are Java classes which conform to a set of design patterns that make them easier to use with development tools and other components.DEFINITION: A JavaBean is a reusable software component written in Java. To qualify as a JavaBean, the class must be concrete and public, and have a non-argument constructor. JavaBeans expose internal fields as properties by providing public methods that follow a consistent design pattern. Knowing that the property names follow this pattern, other Java classes are able to use introspection to discover and manipulate JavaBean properties.The JavaBean design patterns provide access to the bean’s internal state through two flavors of methods: accessors are used to read a JavaBean’s state; mutators are used to cha nge a JavaBean’s state.Mutators are always prefixed with lowercase token set followed by the property name. The first character in the property name must be uppercase. The return value is always void—mutators only change property values, they do not retrieve them. The mutator for a simple property takes only one parameter in its signature, which can be of any type. Mutators are often nicknamed setters after their prefix.The mutator method signature for a weight property of the type Double would be:public void setWeight(Double weight);A similar design pattern is used to create the accessor method signature. Accessor methods are always prefixed with the lowercase token get, followed by the property name. The first character in the property name must be uppercase. The return value will match the method parameter in the corresponding mutator. Accessors for simple properties cannot accept parameters in their method signature. Not surprisingly, accessors are often called getters.The accessor method signature for our weight property is:public Double getWeight();If the accessor returns a logical value, there is a variant pattern. Instead of using the lowercase token get, a logical property can use the prefix is, followed by the property name. The first character in the property name must be uppercase. The return value will always be a logical value—either boolean or Boolean. Logical accessors cannot accept parameters in their method signature.The boolean accessor method signature for an on property would be:public boolean isOn();The canonical method signatures play an important role when working with Java- Beans. Other components are able to use the Java Reflection API to discover a JavaBean’s properties by looking for methods prefixed by set, is, or get. If a component finds such a signature on a JavaBean, it knows that the method can be used to access or change the bean’s properties.Sun introduced JavaBeans to work with GUI components, but they are now used with every aspect of Java development, including web applications. When Sun engineers developed the JSP tag extension classes, they designed them to work with JavaBeans. The dynamic data for a page can be passed as a JavaBean, and the JSP tag can then use the bean’s properties to customize the output.JSP应用框架1 什么是应用框架框架(framework)是可以被重用的一种半成品的应用程序,我们可以用它来制作专门的定制程序。




























餐厅管理系统数据库外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)译文:数据库1.1 数据库的概念自20世纪60年代,数据库的概念演变以来,用来缓解在设计、建设日益困难的信息系统(通常是多个并发用户,并用大量不同的数据)。













1.2 数据库和DBMS的演变引进数据库的术语与直接访问存储的可能性(磁盘和鼓)正好都是从20世纪60年代以前开始。







餐饮企业管理制度举例英文1. Food Safety Management SystemFood safety is of utmost importance in any food and beverage enterprise. To ensure that the food served is safe for consumption, it is essential to implement a food safety management system. This system should include procedures for handling, storing, and preparing food, as well as regular inspections and audits to ensure compliance with food safety regulations. Training programs should also be provided to all staff members to ensure that they are aware of proper food handling procedures.2. Inventory Management SystemEfficient inventory management is essential for the smooth operation of a food and beverage enterprise. An inventory management system should be in place to track the use of ingredients and supplies, as well as to monitor stock levels and reorder when necessary. By keeping track of inventory levels, the enterprise can reduce waste and ensure that the necessary ingredients are always available.3. Customer Relationship Management SystemA customer relationship management system is essential for maintaining good relationships with customers and attracting repeat business. This system should include tools for tracking customer preferences, feedback, and purchase history. By understanding the needs and preferences of customers, the enterprise can tailor its offerings to meet their expectations and foster loyalty.4. Employee Training and Development SystemEmployee training and development are crucial for the success of a food and beverage enterprise. A training program should be in place to train new employees on food safety, customer service, and other essential skills. Continuous training and development opportunities should also be provided to existing employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.5. Quality Management SystemA quality management system should be implemented to ensure that the food and service provided meet the highest standards. This system should include procedures for monitoring and improving quality, as well as regular evaluations and feedback from customers. By maintaining high quality standards, the enterprise can build a reputation for excellence and attract more customers.6. Financial Management SystemA robust financial management system is essential for the success of any enterprise. This system should include procedures for budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting. Bymonitoring and managing finances effectively, the enterprise can maximize profits and ensure long-term sustainability.7. Marketing and Promotion SystemMarketing and promotion are essential for attracting new customers and promoting the enterprise's offerings. A marketing and promotion system should include strategies for advertising, social media marketing, and promotions. By implementing effective marketing strategies, the enterprise can increase its visibility and attract more customers.8. Procurement Management SystemA procurement management system is essential for sourcing high-quality ingredients and supplies at competitive prices. This system should include procedures for selecting vendors, negotiating contracts, and monitoring supplier performance. By establishing strong relationships with suppliers, the enterprise can ensure a stable supply chain and maintain high-quality standards.In conclusion, effective management systems are essential for the success of food and beverage enterprises. By implementing the management systems outlined above, food and beverage enterprises can ensure food safety, efficient operations, customer satisfaction, and long-term sustainability. By continuously improving and updating these systems, enterprises can stay competitive in the ever-changing food and beverage industry.。



基于net 的餐饮管理系统论文基于.NET 平台的餐饮治理系统设计THE DESIGN OF CATERING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BASED PLATFORM专业:软件工程姓名:指导教师姓名:申请学位级别:论文提交日期:2013年6月17日学位授予单位:摘要本文第一讲述了选题的背景、现实意义,列举了当前有代表性的研究成果。



本文所介绍的系统是针对餐饮企业开发的,选择Visual 作为开发平台,C#为开发语言,SQL server 2008为数据库治理系统。






关键词:.NET 平台;餐饮治理;点餐;结账ABSTRACTThe paper first discusses the background and the reality significanc e of the topic, and also the present research achievements. Secondly, it in troduces the IDE environment, programming language, and the database m anagement system. Then the feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, ove rall design and detailed design of the system are given. Finally, the proce ss of the system implementation is described in detail.Visual development platform is chosen as the IDE envi ronment, C # as programming language and SQL Server 2008 as database management system.This software implemented is simple and clear with full functions an d convenient operations. Users of different roles are assigned with certain administrative privileges accordingly. The management system mainly con tains login module, table management module, employee management mod ule, and dishes management module. The workflow of catering enterprise such as choosing table, ordering and checkout for customers is well supp orted by the system. Besides, the employee and dishes management modul es offer the operations of enquires and updates, which will help enhance t he operation efficiency.The catering management system can not only provide customers wit h high quality services, but also enhance the management efficiency of th e enterprise, which will promote the enterprise competence.Key words: The .NET platform ;Catering Managemen;t Ordering;Ch eckout目录第一章绪论0第一节研究意义0第二节研究现状1第二章系统开发有关技术1第一节Visual 平台概述4第二节开发语言概述6第三节数据库概述6第三章系统分析12第一节可行性分析12第二节需求分析13第四章系统设计15第一节系统模块总体设计15第二节系统各模块的功能结构图15 第五章代码实现17第一节主界面实现19第二节要紧功能模块实现19 结论24 参考文献致谢第一章绪论第一节研究意义一、研究意义中国是世界闻名的美食大国,有着五千多年的饮食文化积淀以及十分庞大的餐饮市场,传统的满足个人的食物需求已不是当今餐饮行业的热点,人们的生活需求正在逐步发生转变,饮食早已成为了一种时尚,一种享受。

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英文文献1、China food industry development prospects analysisThe catering industry in China as the tertiary industry is a traditional service industries, experienced reforming and opening starts, quantitative expansion, scale chain development and brand promotion strategy of 4phase, made make a spurt of progress in the development of.At present, the country has4 millions catering outlets. 2005/2006annual Chinese top 100 catering enterprises with total assets of about thirty-two billion yuan, total profit of about six billion yuan, employees about eight hundred thousand people, respectively, over the same period last year increased40.38%,28.84% and33.33% higher than that of the whole society, the catering industry average growth level.China's reform and opening up has gone through ups and downs in the30year, in the30 years of reforming and opening of China's catering industry along with the tide of reform has undergone three leap type development. In the past 30 years, China has experienced from fast food restaurants grabs beach China market to SARS impact, then to food safety ( tonyred event, apple events ), Chinese food and beverage industry in the impact, achieve sales growth.China population cardinal number is large, demand is exuberant, catering market development can not meet the needs of the market under the background of the implementation, and today, the food market is very prosperous, the basic balance of supply and demand, in the global economic crisis under the background of the catering industry to achieve new growthAbout2008July to August, China Chain Management Association DDT Hua accounting firm common to Chinese chain catering industry development trend research, interviewed including Quanjude, Xibe, Qiao Jiangnan, Zhuang, Little Swan, small fat sheep, KFC, Yoshinoya, immortal trace forest industries such as the representative of the chairman or general manager. Inductive appear stage domestic chain catering industry development:first, chain catering industry development still maintain high speed. Survey of catering enterprises the development of chain operation mode to the outlets and stores the majority, accounted for 75%; the enterprise under investigation, a total of more than500chain stores, sales of more than 1more than 10 billion yuan only KFC stores, in 2007to reach 2400, sales of twenty-five billion one hundred million yuan, much more than the other catering enterprises. From the investigation analysis of chain stores, in100the following (66%), sales of one billion yuan (80%) for the majority of the business scale.From sales growth ratio analysis,95% enterprises have two digit growth, which grew10%,20% interval accounted for 42%, growth of 20% -30% interval31%, two interval growth ratio is the enterprise under investigation shows that the majority of mainstream, enterprise development in line with benign operation rule, can still maintain a relatively high growth rate.second, raw material rises quickly, gross margin is firm in have litre. 32% of the surveyed companies of raw materials in 2007growth rate below 10%,52% enterprisesof raw materials increase rate is amounted to10%,20%,16% of raw material of enterprise growth rate reached 20% -30%. The cost of raw materials rising under the premise of the enterprise under investigation, only 26% gross margin declined 5%in47% enterprises, gross margin is basically not changed, and 16% and 11% growth respectively the enterprises within 5% and5% above. Thus it can be seen, the majority of enterprises still keep firm in have litre gross margin, that surveyed enterprises chain operating profit pattern comparison of health, ability to resist risks, in the open source efficiency and mining space.Third, human resources, management cost, standardization is difficult to constitute the three major challenges. According to the survey, the current chain catering industry facing the development of the main problems include human resources, operating cost, standardization difficulty is great, malign competition, industry shortage of funds and policy support and other issues. Among them, human resources accounted for the highest proportion of choice, up to 80%, followed by the operating costs,60%, standardization difficulty big,45%, form chain catering industry development faces three challenges.In four, the company strategy adjustment based on Sustainable development. Aiming at the problems in the development of catering enterprises, the survey also relates to chain catering enterprises will have on the future development strategy to make the adjustment Induction includes six aspects, adjust the straight camp shop and store ratio; upgrade the existing brand or create new brand; product innovation, realize the difference operation; the establishment of raw material production base, integration supply chain; establish the central kitchen; enhance internal operation efficiency and single-store profit level.Optimistic five, judge current economic developing situation of chain catering industry development influence. Although the CPI index in the short term it is difficult to fall, to enterprises operating pressure will continue to increase, but the vast majority of the enterprise under investigation thinks, from the country macroscopical economic development situation, the food and beverage industry will still maintain a relatively high growth rate, the enterprise operating pressure will be gradually ease, more than 90% of respondents expressed a positive optimistic attitude. Investigation shows, Quanjude, KFC, Dicos and other small fat sheep, most chain enterprises still maintain established open plan.The survey, in China's sustained and rapid economic development, food and beverage market continues to be active in the background, chain catering enterprises are continuously according to the external environment and oneself condition adjustment of development strategy, to realize the optimal development pattern.2、China food industry development trend analysisCatering industry in our country is developing very quickly, the national food industry turnover for 18 consecutive years to achieve two digit growth, in recent years the catering industry growth rate higher than other industries out of more than ten percentage points, industry development prospects for many enterprises and good investment institutions, can say our country is welcoming a catering industrydevelopment the gold period, but the market is complex and changeable, will change with the social environment. The catering enterprises should according to their own conditions and environmental requirements, see the catering industry's development trend, select the appropriate marketing method, can be in the fierce competition in the market success. Therefore, the dining industry development trend of the future, opportunities and challenges to undertake brief analysis.China's economy in recent years of rapid development, GDP increased rapidly, is continuously driven home to consume demand growth factor. Historical data analysis indicates that, the catering industry retail sales growth in GDP and there is a strong positive correlation between, from the 5years development, catering industry growth amplitude is higher than the country's GDP growth rate, far higher than the social consumable total volume of retail sales growth rate, with the catering industry dimensions expands ceaselessly, to national economy presents increasingly significant role in driving.On 2004, the implementation of the catering industry retail sales of seven hundred and forty-eight billion six hundred million yuan, than going up year increase one hundred and thirty-three billion yuan, grow 21.6% compared to the same period, for 14 consecutive years to achieve the fast growth of two digit, than the same period of social consumable total volume of retail sales growth rate is 8.3 percentage points higher, accounting for13.9% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods, the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth contribution rate of 21%, pulling the social consumable total volume of retail sales growth of 2.79percentage points.On 2005, Chinese catering industry retail sales of eight hundred and eighty-eight billion six hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.7%, than going up year add one hundred and thirty-three billion six hundred million yuan, higher than the total retail sales of consumer goods increased 4.8 percentage points, accounted for the total retail sales of social consumer goods proportion to achieve 13.2%, the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth contribution rate and pulling rate is respectively 17.4% and2.3%. Achieve annual business tax forty-eight billion eight hundred million yuan, grow 17.8% compared to the same period.On 2006, Chinese food and beverage consumption annual retail sales exceeded trillion yuan to close greatly, achieve one trillion and thirty-four billion five hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.4%, than going up year add one hundred and forty-five billion eight hundred million yuan.In 2007 the national catering business retail sales totaled one trillion and two hundred and thirty-five billion two hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.4%, accounting for13.9% of the total retail sales of consumer goods, total retail sales of consumer goods led to an increase of 2.6 percentage points, social consumable total volume of retail sales growth contribution rate of 15.7%.2008 National Food Company retail amounts to one trillion and five hundred and five billion four hundred million yuan, grow 24.7% than 2007, for 18 consecutive years to maintain the speed of two digit. With China's per capita gross domestic product ( GDP ) of more than $2000, residents' consumption ability, consumption level, the Chinese high-end consumption proportion will increase continuously. Inoverseas, Chinese continue to attack cities and capture territories, in the first08 years of Chinese Olympic recipes, further moves towards the internationalization, the catering industry has been become pull move consumption, growth, expanding employment is one of the important factors.3、Consumer analysisWith China's per capita GDP rises quickly, per capita gross domestic product ( GDP ) of more than $2000, residents' consumption ability, consumption level and improve the level of Chinese dinner, high-end consumption proportion will increase continuously. But the food demand is complicated and changeable, the consumer tastes and consumption psychology, will change with the social environment. The catering enterprises should according to their own conditions and environmental requirements, see the catering market trend of development, choose appropriate marketing method, can be in the fierce competition in the market success.Chinese taste has apparent district sex, Chinese cuisine cooking in many schools. One of the most influential and representative for the society recognized: Lu, Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan, Su, Zhe, Xiang, Hui cuisine, namely" eight big cuisines". The cuisine of the formation and its long history and unique cooking characteristics inseparable. But also by the region's natural geography, climate conditions, resource specialty, diet habit has different effect, it is precisely because of these differences, the major cuisine products with a strong regional, occupy the major share of the local. Regional differences, and cause consumers strongly different psychology, willing to try a different flavor. Therefore, cross-boundary operation is the next hot, it can make the unique flavor diet between each other, learn from each other. At present, eight big cuisines appear cross-boundary operation, integration trend.Catering enterprises in different expansion, but with the standard of income or other standard, differentiate the whole nation for several economic zones, in each economy area at the center of the city set up flagship store; to stand firm, again with the flagship store for the base, to the surrounding medium and small city expansion strategy.First, market positioning, namely the regional consumer groups will be your target customers; followed by the taste, whether they agree with your dish flavors; third is the value of the brand, whether they will be your loyal supporter.They had two common characteristics: first, products single; secondly, regional characteristics, after leaving Beijing is very difficult to find the right people taste identification.Since 2008, China has 46city GDP of average per capita is in above of 3000 dollar, the city 's per capita consumption level is relatively high, become meals industry regional development growth points.Chinese have a herd mentality and skeptical Mentality -- conformity, more and more local people have more sense of security; doubt, is to believe your own surface judgment, listen to others explanation.In order to fired the first shot, food and beverage brands in different places to open flagship store, large area, the seats, investment is high, the daily operation of the pressure is also big store. But all the catering enterprises have an import period. In the introduction period, both to business confidence, but also to give customers confidence. Once the introduction period to do good, attendance does not follow to goup, Chinese herd mentality came up: fewer people he does not go; more to people without a little less; he even doubt: This is it right Straight camp shop Taste and old whether same Is it right What's the problem Cantonese cuisine since in the early 80 century in the popular date,20 years for all eternity, the main reason is the Pearl River Delta regional economic rapid development, pull the catering industry prosperity and revitalization; at the same time Cantonese broad odd miscellaneous materials. To adapt to the different needs of customers innovation, continuous innovation;, promote the sustainable development of Cantonese cuisine. With the development of economy of our country, the Cantonese cuisine in the beginning of 80's in last century to the end of 90's in the form of climate, gradually embarked on a major cuisine overlord position, become the metropolitan dishes faucet, leading the consumer trend, share growth. Food consumption behavior analysis.In recent years, the income level of Chinese dweller increases, the rhythm of life speeds up, renew the concept of consumption, promoting the rapid development of Chinese catering industry catering consumers has three major development trends. First is business consumption increase. Promoting the economic development of increased business activities, business entertainment activities promote the high-grade food development. Second is the replacement of consumption increase. With the development of economy, increase of resident income, more and more people choose to go to the hotel consumption instead of their own cooking, which is manifested in recent year 's hot. The third are forced to consumption increase. More and more white-collar workers and migrant workers migrant workers, time is close, and not their cooked, they are helpless, unable to be forced to at a restaurant, it promotes the fast food industry development.Dining choice not only pay attention to taste, the restaurant environment, atmosphere, sentiment has become a customer's selection of dining venue necessary conditions, consumers pay attention to enjoy, focus on food and beverage products and cultural integration, the Chinese food culture and cuisine culture broad and profound, long history, different regions show catering cultural differences also make food products with distinctive cultural characteristics. Consumers seeking" color, flavor and taste, shape, texture, temperature, sound, nutrition, health," at the same time, advocate culture and food, diet, eating habits of fusion. In recent years emerging needs of theme restaurants is developing rapidly, this concept into full play, whether it is the design of the restaurant decoration, functional layout, decor, and even its operating characteristics of cuisine, reflect a certain cultural theme and intension, catering to the product culture has the greatest degree of show. Seize the culture that a selling point, will enable the food products with infinite vitality.The foreign-funded enterprises enjoy is the super national treatment, state-owned enterprises enjoy national treatment, private enterprises enjoy national treatment. In the restaurant industry, although not obvious, but also many examples. Domestic food business activities in addition to the normal tax, the cost of so many species, the lack of normative, area difference is bigger, the government management system is not perfect, bring about an enterprise to manage the various uncertain factors. With the further perfection of Chinese legal system construction, Chinese catering market willalso further standardization. Catering industry competition pattern analysis show that, the future of domestic food industry competition situation of four great changes will take place in China, foreign fast food restaurants dominate the competition, brand has become the core competitiveness of food.At present, China's catering industry lack program guiding, the laws and regulations construction lag problem. In the rapid development of blind, disordered and low level of development of the phenomenon. Not applicable to the establishment of the catering industry of national laws and regulations system, the lack of strict market access rules and mandatory standards, catering enterprises standards uneven, incomprehensive contents, technical knowledge content is low, lack of national unity. The catering industry in our country is lack of unity within the profession of law enforcement, the market order is not standard, the dining environment is not health, food safety problems occur from time to time, market management and industry management can not keep up with the development needs of the situation, the market order to be standardized. However, countries to accelerate the service industry development strategy for the development of catering industry to bring the new opportunity. At present our country service industry gross is relatively small, the output value of the service industry the proportion of2007to40%, and the global service industry output value of the average specific gravity of 60% ( developed countries more than 70% ) far apart. In the seventeen Party Congress" to speed up the development of modern service industry, improve the proportion and level of service industry". The State Council" on accelerating the development of service industry opinions of the general office of the State Council" and" on accelerating the development of service industry in the implementation of policies and measures for advice", accelerating the development of the service sector has laid a good foundation for the development of catering industry policy, bring rare opportunity.4、From the" fast food" localization of Chinese catering industry development in future" Fast food" the localization process accelerated, the Chinese catering industry competition is intense with each passing day, and as a result of food production characteristics, just drop a " visual feast", its growth rate far less foreign fast food have. A food and beverage industry veterans have such fact: we Chinese dining culture history is long, can still sell but those " hamburger".Foreign fast food brand in China develops quickly because of its simple, reproducible, and its product localization and the theme restaurant strategy launched in China in the future, more be a trend which cannot be halted development trend. KFC launched the " tender cow five", but is Yum product localization strategy, and early in 2005April," Chinese fast food" as a slogan of" East Dawning" settled in Shanghai, has been demonstrated the yum brand localization strategy of whole body.In the face of such a break in in full fury "foreign fast-food invasion", Chinese food and beverage brands in this round of the contest has shown its advantage. For future development, China's catering industry will be faced with huge challenge.So tobreak the siege expand results will be aware of their own situation, at this stage of China's catering industry market situation ( for example of Beijing ), is basically in a complicated pattern.Then, how can the new round of competition advantage and expand results, we narrow the gap with foreign brand, we think, the brand building remains the primary task, the spoken Chinese catering industry has its own cultural characteristics, Chinese is inseparable from the" rushing water", so, Cola will not replace a cup of thick soup, Hamburg will replace traditional dumplings, and how to make such products with Chinese characteristics can yield, chain, is the next step to build brand of one of the important tasks.Catering to build the brand is the brand structure of fullness, also is in the main dining brand downstream to create a complete chain, from the business form echo, we see gladly Meizhou Dongpo work in this area has been done quite in place.Innovation changing, from becomes the system is the brand integration of the working key. Now food consumption has also entered the third stage, namely, the invisible, touched the overall consumer awareness stage, consumers in the left consumption places in mind to form the overall perception responds to what is, it reflects the restaurant brand culture, so the merchant's unique system is not only dishes, taste, service, environment, music, but the overall embodiment of comprehensive factors.Brand building is the Chinese food and beverage industry will break out of an encirclement is one of the important means, and real-time strategy and tactics are catering system it is important method, in order to" different region can create wonderful".Nowadays the world economic turmoil on China's catering industry development 's influence can not be ignored, China is still a developing country, in stimulating domestic demand under the premise, we still recommend Chinese catering industry occupied" Pyramid middle market", at the same time in the market to establish its own system, to make its own characteristics.中文翻译1、中国餐饮业的发展前景分析餐饮业作为我国第三产业中一个传统服务性行业,经历了改革开放起步、数量型扩张、规模连锁发展和品牌提升战略4个阶段,取得突飞猛进的发展。
