五峰山位于湘东西南边缘,五峰相连,最高峰海拔644米。景区 内有山林面积5。3万亩,森林覆盖率居全市前列。该景区不仅风光 秀丽,民风纯朴,而且历史悠久,人文荟萃。早在北宋时期,庐山 东林寺住持慧远衣钵教徒密老和尚,沿赣江而上,来萍乡阐扬佛法, 居五峰隐迹修真。自此,五峰山名声更振,引来不少文人墨客寻芳 揽胜。被称为苏门四学士的江西诗派创始人黄庭坚与密老关系很好, 曾登上五峰山,在福寿庵门前留下一联:“梵宇起平腰,万千翠峦 齐俯地;后峰凌绝顶,九重碧落不知天”。山上茂林修竹,古木参 天,犹如林海。 每至春季,鲜艳的映山红,满山遍野。据《昭萍志略》记 载,福寿庵建于周幽王年间,距今有二千六、七百年的历史,经唐、 元、清数度修缮,至今保存完好。该庵占地1500平方米,庵内有圣 母殿、大雄宝殿、观音殿、关圣殿,殿高达十余米,神像逼真,栩 栩如生。庵门侧下,满山方竹,有“南海紫竹林、五峰方竹山”之 说。
湘东地处赣湘交界处,地势西南高东北低,属山地、 丘陵地貌。古属荆楚,历史悠久。属亚热带季风气候。旅 游资源十分丰富,自然景观和人文景观星罗棋布。境内山 川秀美,人文荟萃,四季分明,气候宜人,是赣西旅游佳 地。 自然景观方面,山主要有婆婆岩、五峰山、大屏山; 水主要有萍水河、草水河;洞主要有金山曹源洞和泉陂土 壕龙王洞。文化景观方面,主要有五岳寺、“吴楚古刹”、 “傩”庙“福崇庵”、福寿庵、云程岭抗日阵亡将士骸骨 塔。湘东还是全国著名的“傩文化之乡”、“农民铜管乐 之乡”、“农民绘画之乡”和“花锣鼓之乡”。此外,还 有鸳鸯树、方竹山、棋盘山、水洋洞、天婆岩等名胜和善 洲石拱桥、金鱼石惜字亭、通天庵等古迹。
奇:石、松、藤、雾、尽情展 现,大石笋高264米,天公削成。 小石笋成百上千,雨后破出, 栩栩如生的金鸡迎春为神奇之 笔,怪石上飞来之松礼迎天下 客,百鸟腾飞古松巧夺天工, 巨藤爬壁绕树,有如情人生死 相依。石盆装古松,天送地得, 美妙绝伦,非巧手精心设计所 能及。雾若云时云若雾,云海 茫茫,日出东方,雾漫群山, 淹没也,时云时雨时雾,五光 十色
用英文介绍萍乡作文Title: Pinxiang: A Vibrant Hub of Culture and Progress in ChinaPinxiang, a city nestled in the heart of Jiangxi Province, China, is a captivating destination that boasts a rich history, diverse culture, and a thriving economy. As a prominent industrial and commercial center, Pinxiang has undergone remarkable transformations, emerging as a shining example of China's rapid development and modernization.Rooted in a Storied PastPinxiang's origins can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, when it served as a strategic military outpost. Over the centuries, the city has witnessed the ebb and flow of dynasties, each leaving an indelible mark on itsarchitectural landscape and cultural traditions. The ancient Lingxiu Pagoda, a towering Buddhist structure dating back tothe Tang Dynasty, stands as a testament to the city's deep-rooted spiritual heritage.Embracing Its Natural WondersPinxiang is blessed with a stunning natural environment, offering a perfect blend of verdant landscapes and serene waterways. The city's picturesque Xiushui River winds its way through the urban center, its tranquil waters reflecting the surrounding mountains and forests. The nearby Lushan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts, who come to admire its captivating peaks, lush valleys, and cascading waterfalls.Thriving Industrial and Commercial HubPinxiang's strategic location and abundant natural resources have transformed it into a thriving industrial and commercial center. The city's manufacturing sector, which produces a wide range of goods from textiles to machinery,has been a driving force behind its economic growth. Pinxiangis also a hub for the mining industry, with rich deposits of nonferrous metals and minerals that have fueled the region's industrial development.In recent years, the city has embraced the digital revolution, with the establishment of several high-tech parks and the advancement of its e-commerce industry. Pinxiang's bustling commercial districts, such as the lively Xin'an Street, offer a vibrant array of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, catering to the diverse needs of both locals and visitors.Nurturing a Vibrant Cultural LandscapePinxiang's cultural heritage is as rich and diverse asits natural beauty. The city is home to a wide array of historic sites, including ancient temples, traditional gardens, and well-preserved ancestral homes. The Pinxiang Museum, a state-of-the-art facility, showcases the region'sarchaeological treasures, offering visitors a glimpse intothe city's storied past.Beyond its tangible heritage, Pinxiang also boasts a thriving performing arts scene. The city is renowned for its traditional opera, which has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by the Chinese government. Local artisans also create exquisite handicrafts, such as the intricate wood carvings and delicate porcelain pieces, which have gained international acclaim.Investing in Education and InnovationPinxiang has long recognized the importance of education and innovation in driving its development. The city is hometo several prestigious universities and research institutions, which have produced a pool of talented individuals who contribute to the local economy and social progress.In recent years, Pinxiang has made significantinvestments in promoting scientific research andtechnological advancements. The city's science and technology parks have attracted leading companies and startups,fostering a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.Furthermore, Pinxiang has placed a strong emphasis on sustainable development, implementing eco-friendly policies and initiatives to address environmental challenges. Thecity's commitment to green growth has earned it recognition as a model for sustainable urban development in China.A Promising Future AheadAs Pinxiang continues to evolve, it remains steadfast in its pursuit of progress and prosperity. The city's strategic location, robust infrastructure, and skilled workforce have made it an attractive destination for domestic and international investors alike. With a focus on diversifying its economic base, Pinxiang is poised to capitalize on emerging industries and opportunities in the years to come.Equally important is the city's dedication to preserving its rich cultural heritage and natural assets. Pinxiang has implemented comprehensive policies to protect its historic landmarks, promote traditional arts and crafts, and safeguard its environmental resources. This holistic approach ensures that the city's development is balanced and sustainable, benefiting both its residents and visitors.In conclusion, Pinxiang is a dynamic and multifacetedcity that seamlessly blends its storied past with a promising future. Its vibrant culture, thriving economy, and commitment to innovation and sustainability make it an exemplary model of China's continued transformation and growth. As Pinxiang continues to evolve, it stands as a testament to the remarkable progress and potential of this remarkable region.。
如何介绍一个城市 PPT课件
今年一季度,全市工业经济开局良好。工业经济增长保持较快增速,经济效益稳步 提高,全市实现地区生产总值77.8亿元,增长11.8%,增幅比去年同期提高3个百分点。其 中:第一产业实现增加值13.6亿元,增长3.5%。第二产业实现增加值42.6亿元,增长 16.4%,其中:工业实现增加值38.3亿元,增长16%,占全市生产总值的比重达49.2%, 所占GDP比重比去年同期提高3个百分点,增长速度比去年同期提高9.2个百分点; 第三 产业实现增加值21.6亿元,增长10.2%。
曲 靖 府 , 年 南 宁 县 ( 原 味 县 ) 改 为 曲 靖
治 、 经 济 中 心 , 先 后 设 置 过 石 城 郡 、 曲 靖 路 、
云 南 的 政 治 中 心 西 移 后 , 这 里 仍 是 滇 东 的 政
获 后 。 置 建 宁 郡 。 唐 天 宝 年 间 , 南 诏 崛 起 ,
名 相 诸 葛 亮 率 师 南 征 , 降 服 当 地 大 姓 首 领 孟
我的家乡萍乡市是一座非常美丽的城市,为 了让大家更好的了解它,我将从以下几个方面 为大家做详细的介绍:
3.现状; 4.特点; 5.经济; 6.文化; 7.人文景观 .
萍乡市位于江西省西部。地理坐标北纬27°20′-28°01′,东 经113°35′-114°17′。东、北与宜春市相邻,南、东南与吉 安市相接,西与湖南省相连。总面积3827平方千米。
宣威火 腿
花卉特点 :
曲靖优越的自然环境,适宜 兰花生长和繁衍。各县市区均有 分布,绝大部分乡镇的山区、半 山区都有兰花生长,资源比较丰 富,有着广阔的开发利用前景。 其中以春兰、蕙兰、豆瓣兰的分 布最广。
萍乡文化B1411 04 肖卡萍乡民俗文化萍乡历史悠久,文化灿烂,有着辉煌的文化遗产。
介绍江西萍乡的英语作文Pingxiang, a city nestled in the heart of Jiangxi province, is a captivating destination that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant cultural traditions. As the birthplace of the Communist revolution in China, Pingxiang holds a significant place in the nation's history, while its stunning landscapes and fascinating attractions make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the diverse wonders of China.Situated in the northern part of Jiangxi, Pingxiang is surrounded by breathtaking mountain ranges that provide a stunning natural backdrop to the city. The Luoxiao Mountains, which stretch across the region, are a dominant feature of the local landscape, offering a myriad of hiking trails and outdoor recreational opportunities for adventurous visitors. One of the most popular destinations within the Luoxiao range is Mount Longhu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is revered as the birthplace of Taoism. The mountain's serene temples, ancient rock carvings, and panoramic vistas attract countless pilgrims and nature enthusiasts each year, providing a peaceful respite from the bustle of modern life.In addition to its natural splendor, Pingxiang is also renowned for its rich cultural heritage. The city is home to a number of well-preserved historical sites that offer insights into its storied past. One of the most significant is the Pingxiang Revolutionary Memorial, which commemorates the city's pivotal role in the early stages of the Communist revolution. Visitors can explore the museum's exhibits, which chronicle the heroic efforts of the local revolutionaries who played a crucial part in the establishment of the People's Republic of China.Another important cultural landmark in Pingxiang is the Longhua Temple, a magnificent Buddhist complex that dates back to the Tang Dynasty. The temple's ornate architecture, including its intricate carvings and stunning murals, showcases the region's artistic and spiritual traditions. Visitors can participate in traditional ceremonies, observe the daily rituals of the resident monks, and immerse themselves in the serene atmosphere that permeates the temple grounds.Beyond its historical and cultural attractions, Pingxiang is also renowned for its vibrant local cuisine. The city's proximity to the Yangtze River basin and the Luoxiao Mountains has endowed it with a diverse array of fresh, high-quality ingredients, which the local chefs skillfully incorporate into a wide range of delectable dishes.From the signature Pingxiang-style steamed buns to the fragrant and flavorful local teas, the city's culinary offerings are a true delight for the senses.One of the most unique aspects of Pingxiang's culinary culture is its emphasis on the use of locally sourced, seasonal ingredients. The city's thriving agricultural sector produces an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are seamlessly integrated into the local cuisine. This commitment to sustainability and seasonality not only ensures the highest quality of the dishes but also reflects the deep connection between the people of Pingxiang and the land they call home.In addition to its rich cultural and culinary offerings, Pingxiang is also a hub of economic activity in the region. The city is a significant center of manufacturing, with a strong focus on industries such as machinery, electronics, and textiles. This economic vitality has contributed to the city's rapid development in recent years, with the construction of modern infrastructure, including high-speed rail connections and state-of-the-art transportation networks.Despite this progress, Pingxiang has managed to maintain a strong sense of its unique identity and heritage. The city's historic districts, with their traditional architecture and quaint alleyways, stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of the local community. Visitors canimmerse themselves in the daily life of the city by exploring these neighborhoods, engaging with the friendly locals, and discovering the hidden gems that make Pingxiang such a captivating destination.In conclusion, Pingxiang is a city that seamlessly blends its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant cultural traditions to create a truly captivating experience for visitors. Whether you're drawn to the city's historical landmarks, its breathtaking natural landscapes, or its delectable culinary offerings, Pingxiang has something to offer every traveler. As a gateway to the wonders of Jiangxi province, Pingxiang is a must-visit destination that promises to leave a lasting impression on all who venture there.。
介绍萍乡的演讲稿英语作文Ladies and gentlemen,。
Good morning/afternoon/evening! It is my great pleasure to stand here today and introduce to you the beautiful city of Pingxiang.Pingxiang is a charming city located in the Jiangxi Province of China. With a history dating back over 2,000 years, it is known for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Let me take you on a virtual tour of this remarkable city.First and foremost, Pingxiang is blessed with stunning natural landscapes. The city is surrounded by picturesque mountains, with the famous Wugong Mountain being one of the most popular tourist attractions. Its majestic peaks, lush greenery, and tranquil atmosphere make it a paradise for nature lovers and hikers. Additionally, the Ganjiang River flows through the city, providing a serene backdrop for leisurely walks or boat rides.Apart from its natural beauty, Pingxiang is also home to numerous historical and cultural sites. One of the must-visit places is the Anyuan Coal Mine, which played a significant role in the Chinese labor movement. It was here that the famous strike led by Mao Zedong took place, marking a turning point in Chinese history. The Anyuan Coal Mine Museum offers a glimpse into this important chapter of the nation's past.Another notable attraction is the Pingxiang Museum, where visitors can explore the city's history and cultural heritage. The museum houses a vast collection of artifacts, including ancient pottery, bronze ware, and calligraphy. It provides a comprehensive overview of Pingxiang's development from ancient times to the present day.In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Pingxiang is also known for its vibrant festivals and traditional customs. The Dragon Boat Festival, celebrated annually in June, is one of the most exciting events in the city. During this festival, dragon boat races are held on the Ganjiang River, accompanied by traditional music and lively cheering from the spectators. It is a spectacle not to be missed.Furthermore, Pingxiang is famous for its delicious cuisine. The local cuisine is characterized by its bold flavors and use of fresh ingredients. Some of the must-try dishes include Ganjiang River fish, Wugong Mountain bamboo shoots, and Anyuan braised pork. These delicacies will surely satisfy your taste buds and leave you craving for more.In terms of infrastructure and transportation, Pingxiang has seen significant development in recent years. The city boasts a modern and efficient transportation system, making it easily accessible for visitors. The Pingxiang Railway Station provides convenient connections to major cities in China, while the Pingxiang High-Speed Rail Station offers quick access to other parts of the country. Additionally, the city has a well-developed road network, making it easy to explore the surrounding areas.In conclusion, Pingxiang is a city that seamlessly blends natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural richness. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, history buff, or food lover, Pingxiang has something to offer for everyone. I hope that my introduction has piqued your interest in this remarkable city, and I encourage you to visit and experience its wonders firsthand.Thank you for your attention!。
Located in the western part of Jiangxi Province, Pingxiang is a picturesque and historically rich city known for its strategic location and cultural heritage. Known by its Mandarin name "Pingxiang," the city serves as the gateway to the west of Jiangxi, sharing borders with Yichun City to the northeast, Jiaxing City to the south and southeast, and neighboring cities across the provincial boundary to the west, namely Liling City in Hunan Province and Liuyang City to the north. Its geographical coordinates span from 27°20′ to 28°00′ North latitude and 113°35′ to 114°17′ East longitude.With a total area of approximately 3,827 square kilometers, Pingxiang boasts a population of around 1.8 million residents. The city is administratively divided into five districts, including Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, Shangli County, Luxi County, and Lianhua County, with the municipal government seated in Anyuan District. Notably, Pingxiang houses a state-level economic development zone, contributing significantly to the city's economic vitality.The region's landscape is characterized by a mix of hilly terrain, mountainous areas, and smaller proportions of plains. Rich in natural resources and blessed with breathtaking scenery, Pingxiangis home to several tourist attractions that highlight its ecological beauty and historical significance.Economically, Pingxiang has been experiencing steady growth. According to recent data, its GDP reached nearly CNY 96.36 billion in 2020, with a marked increase from the previous year. The economy is diversified, with agriculture, industry, and services sectors forming a balanced structure. In terms of industries, the city has developed strengths in manufacturing, mining, and tourism, among others.Culturally, Pingxiang carries a profound legacy. It takes its name from the aquatic plant called "pingcao," which once thrived in the area, signifying its connection to the land and waterways. The city's history dates back thousands of years, and it has contributed significantly to the tapestry of Chinese culture, evident in its local customs, festivals, and architecture.In summary, Pingxiang is not only a thriving urban center in South-central China but also a living testament to the harmonious coexistence of human endeavor and natural splendor. Its strategic position at the crossroads of Jiangxi and Hunan provinces makes it a pivotal point for regional trade and exchange, further underliningits importance as a dynamic and integral part of China's economic and cultural fabric.。
介绍并推荐你的家乡萍乡英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to Pingxiang, My HometownPingxiang is a charming city in Jiangxi Province, located in southeastern China. As my hometown, Pingxiang holds a special place in my heart due to its rich history, beautiful scenery, and friendly people. In this essay, I will introduce and recommend my hometown to visitors who are interested in exploring the hidden gems of China.First and foremost, Pingxiang is known for its historical significance. The city has a long history dating back to the Han Dynasty and has been an important cultural and economic center in the region. Visitors can explore historic sites such as the Longhushan National Geological Park, which is home to ancient ruins, temples, and stunning natural landscapes. Additionally, the city is famous for its porcelain production, with many traditional kilns still in operation today.In terms of natural beauty, Pingxiang offers a diverse range of landscapes for visitors to enjoy. The city is surrounded by lushmountains, crystal-clear rivers, and picturesque rice paddies. One of the most popular attractions is the Wugong Mountain, a sacred Taoist site known for its majestic peaks, dense forests, and serene temples. Hiking enthusiasts can explore the many trails that lead to scenic viewpoints and hidden waterfalls.Moreover, the people of Pingxiang are known for their warm hospitality and strong sense of community. Visitors will find that the locals are always willing to share their traditions, stories, and delicious cuisine. Be sure to sample local specialties such as pickled vegetables, rice noodles, and freshwater fish dishes. The city also hosts vibrant cultural events, including traditional music performances, dance shows, and food festivals.In conclusion, Pingxiang is a hidden gem in China that offers a unique blend of history, nature, and culture. I highly recommend visiting my hometown to experience its beauty and charm firsthand. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or a foodie, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Pingxiang. Come and explore this wonderful city and create memories that will last a lifetime.篇2Welcome to Pingxiang!Pingxiang is a beautiful and charming city located in Jiangxi province, China. It is well-known for its rich history, natural landscapes, and friendly people. As a native of Pingxiang, I would like to introduce and recommend my hometown to everyone.First of all, Pingxiang boasts a long history and cultural heritage. The city has a history of over 2000 years and has been an important cultural and political center in ancient China. There are many historical sites and relics in Pingxiang, such as the Pingxiang Ancient City Wall, the Pingxiang Museum, and the Wangpengshan Mountain. These attractions offer visitors a glimpse of Pingxiang's glorious past.Secondly, Pingxiang is blessed with breathtaking natural landscapes. The city is surrounded by lush mountains,crystal-clear rivers, and picturesque countryside. Wangpengshan Mountain is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers, offering stunning views of the city and the surrounding area. The Xiangshan National Forest Park is another must-visit spot, with its dense forests, tranquil lakes, and diverse wildlife.Moreover, Pingxiang is a city of vibrant culture and traditions. The locals are known for their hospitality and warmth, making visitors feel right at home. Pingxiang's traditional festivals, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-AutumnFestival, are celebrated with great enthusiasm and provide a unique insight into the city's customs and beliefs.In addition, Pingxiang is also a culinary paradise. The city is famous for its delicious local dishes, such as spicy hot pot, braised pork with bamboo shoots, and crispy fried fish. Visitors can sample these mouth-watering delicacies at the numerous restaurants and street stalls scattered throughout the city.In conclusion, Pingxiang is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Its rich history, stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic Chinese experience. I highly recommend visiting Pingxiang and exploring all that this charming city has to offer. Come and experience the magic of Pingxiang for yourself!篇3Pingxiang, my hometown, is a beautiful city located in Jiangxi Province, China. With a long history and rich cultural heritage, Pingxiang is known for its stunning landscapes, delicious food, and welcoming people. In this essay, I will introduce and recommend my hometown Pingxiang to you.First and foremost, Pingxiang is blessed with beautiful natural scenery. The city is surrounded by lush mountains, clear rivers, and serene lakes. The famous Wugong Mountain, with its five peaks and ancient temples, is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The Yujiang River, flowing through the city, offers stunning views and is a great spot for fishing and boating. In addition, Pingxiang is home to several well-preserved ancient villages, such as Xinyu Village and Lianhua Village, where visitors can experience traditional Chinese architecture and culture.Moreover, Pingxiang is a food lover's paradise. The city is known for its delicious local cuisine, including spicy hotpot, freshwater fish dishes, lotus root soup, and crispy duck. Pingxiang's street food scene is also vibrant, with vendors selling a variety of snacks such as rice noodles, grilled squid, and steamed buns. For those with a sweet tooth, Pingxiang is famous for its unique desserts, such as osmanthus cake and tangyuan (glutinous rice balls). Be sure to try these local delicacies when visiting Pingxiang!Furthermore, the people of Pingxiang are known for their warmth and hospitality. The locals are friendly and welcoming, always eager to help visitors and share their culture. Pingxiang isa community-oriented city, with many festivals and events throughout the year that celebrate traditions and promote unity. Whether you're a solo traveler or with a group, you will feel at home in Pingxiang.In conclusion, Pingxiang is a hidden gem in China that deserves to be explored. From its breathtaking landscapes to its delectable cuisine and friendly residents, there is something for everyone to enjoy in my hometown. I highly recommend visiting Pingxiang to experience the charm and beauty of this special city. Come and discover the magic of Pingxiang for yourself!。
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仙境”的宽敞洞室里,美景之多,大有顾盼不暇之感:其中央水面 上,三山屹立,陡石 岩,小中见大,气势超脱;其右侧,有一白纱状石 乳从半壁流挂而下,如一顶硕大的圆帐;再往前看,斜坡上则是互相映 掩的柱群,宛若古罗马的神庙遗迹。洞室的后顶,却是另番景象,千姿 百态的石乳,似繁华吊灯,似串串挂饰,似帏幕,似流苏,令人叹为观 止。在被称为“音乐厅”的洞室里,众多的钟乳石成片状低垂,如同重 重幔幕,有的薄如瓷片,暗弱的灯光也能透过,轻击之下,竟能发出美 妙的音响。洞内还有不少的石笋、石柱,形态各异,千奇百怪,有的平 地而起,有的从天而降,有的天地相连,在五彩灯光的照耀下,玲珑剔 透,色彩缤纷,令人目不暇接,流连忘返。 孽龙洞水景独特,声色俱备,洞内常年溪水相伴,水随洞转,洞因 水活。“洞天飞瀑”为世间奇景,只见清泉从洞中峭壁飞湍而下,直注 碧潭,潭水被激起飞沫,形成湍流,在潭中辗转回旋;春夏之交多雨季 节,水势如银河倒垂,瀑声如雷,声撼天地,十分壮观。“灵泉”是一 椭圆形同浴缸的清池,面积约三、四平方米,水深约一米;薄薄的池边, 均匀似人工砌筑,池的前面,一组钟乳石形成屏幕,似是浴室前的遮幕, 堪称天工人意的绝妙巧合,池水高出地下河半米而终年不溢不落,令人 费解 。
在离市区25公里的南坑坪村,一道50米高的大坝,将安福、 莲花、萍乡交界处分水岭流出的水拦住,一座水面达1050亩、 总库容1820万立方米的人工湖象一轮明月镶嵌在群山之中,这 就是明月湖。 明月溯湖水明澈,湖面粼粼波光,象丝绸上的细纹一般: 岸边树木繁茂,郁郁葱葱:山是青翠欲滴,水是波光倒影:湖 因山色秀,山因湖水活;山环水绕,山水一色。人绕湖转,景 随人移,处处是景,令人目不暇顾。著名景观有“瀑布群”、 “婆婆岩”和半原始森林、映山红王国。明月湖气温低,平常 要比市区气温低8一9度,入山便息汗,是夏季避暑和休养的好 场所、人称明月湖度假村是萍乡的“北戴河”。在平静的、琉 璃似的湖面上,配有机帆船、快艇和小船,供游人们游览。可 乘快艇在宽阔的水面上任意畅行,也可泛小舟于碧水之上潇洒 漫驶,任清风呼呼在耳边吹过,要多惬意有多惬意。
安源路矿工人运动纪念馆是纪念性革命博物馆。位于中国江西省萍 乡市安源镇。前身是安源路矿工人俱乐部遗址陈列室。创办于1956年, 1968年兴建陈列馆,1969年开放,1984年8月改现名。当时该馆占地面 积200亩。建筑面积3245 平方米,陈列面积2400平方米。 该馆基本陈列系统地介绍中国共产党领导安源路矿工人,开展罢工 斗争、农民运动和武装斗争,反对帝国主义,封建主义的历史。负责保 护和宣传的在辖文物有安源路矿工人俱乐部旧址等国家级、省级和市级 重点文物保护单位14处。 该馆藏品近千件,一级藏品约200件。其中有《安源旬刊》、工人 消费合作社的股票和购物证。安源工人集体创作的长达1600多行的长篇 叙事歌谣《劳工记》(手抄本),在中国现代文学史上占有一定地位, 是很珍贵的藏品。 该馆陈列内容共分6个部分,主要介绍1921~1930年安源工人运动 的历史,反映这个时期中国共产党及其优秀代表毛泽东、刘少奇、李立 三、陈潭秋等把马克思列宁主义与安源工人运动具体实践相结合,建立 党、团、工会组织,领导工人罢工,开展农民运动,建立革命统一战线, 参加武装斗争,走农村包围城市武装夺取政权道路的历史过程 。
杨岐山山势蜿蜓跌宕,林木蔚然深秀。张口岭、万仞峰、龙峰如笔 架横亘,张口岭雄居中央,宛如雄狮昂首,张口滚球,万仞峰、龙峰护 卫其侧。万仞峰高峰冲列,陡峭崎岖;龙峰盘旋夭矫,势若游龙。从张 口岭远眺,丘陵起伏,阡陌纵横,村落如星,栗水似带,百里风光,尽 收眼底;回望“万杉窝”,一片密密匝匝的杉林,遮荫蔽日,雾气氤氲。 杨岐山地势扼要,古代关卡很多。位于寒婆岭的“寒婆关”、黄泥坳的 “同庆关”、新坝水库之上的“案山关”,统称为“杨岐三关”,案山 关两峰高耸,左右并峙,中平如案,前人曾有《案山关诗》写道:“楚 界连吴界,前山复后山。升平风日好,云影漾空关”。 杨岐的历史悠久,古迹颇多,风景秀丽,气候宜人,享有盛名。据 有关史料记载,早在唐朝时期这里就创建了杨岐寺,是佛教禅宗“五家 七宗”临济杨岐禅宗的发源地。声岐禅宗在中国佛教史上享有着崇高的 地位和深远影响,并远传日本。在古代农民革命战争中和我国近代史上, 杨岐山也是个光芒四射的红色根据地。它是一座革命的山,是值得人们 永远纪念的,又是一座旅游的名山。杨岐山风景旅游区景点有:杨岐寺、 唐碑、唐塔、唐柏、狮子口、千丘田、寒婆岩、子午泉、方竹林等。该 景区风景秀丽、气候宜人,它以峰峦之巍峨,溪流之蜿蜒,岩石之突兀, 山洞之幽深,成为江西省重点风景名胜区。
充足,雨量充沛,四季分明。极端最高气温达41.0℃,极端最低气温 为—9.3℃,年平均气温为17.3℃。全年平均降水量为1603毫米,日照数 约1600小时,无霜期270天。
水文Байду номын сангаас
水径流量为26.46亿立方米/年,水能源可开发量5万千瓦,地下水储量为 10亿立方米。
“蘑菇山”山高数米,“峰峦”重叠,好似一幅立体山水画轴,其 下清流淙淙,环山而下,迭次汇成无数小瀑,飞沫泻练,水汽氤氲,水 声轰隆,百步之外即闻其吼,给“山峦”增色不少。“仙山池”为洞内 名景,一块巨如两层楼高的大顽石,色带赭黄,山顶却奇异地“凿”有 一个“天池”;山的左右有两根石柱,高盈四尺,状如“华表”,柱身 龙纹隐约可辩。池的边沿,薄如瓷碟,形同荷花花瓣叠砌而成,边缘嵌 满雪白晶莹的小珍珠,池水深约一米,清澈见底,池底几株石花,洁白 如霜,似海中珊瑚,璀璨绚丽,伸出水面的几株,恰似片片浮萍,令人 抚掌叫绝。 洞内还有众多的景观,如“仙女下凡”、“梯田接云”、“芙蓉含 苞”、“瓜果飘香”、“海狮出水”、“蛟龙探首”、“石钟长鸣”、 “深洞晴雪”等等,无不神奇妙绝,意趣横生。孽龙洞以其深幽奇美而 闻名遐迩,吸引了众多中外游客前来观光游览
武功山位于罗霄山脉北段,位于江西西部,地跨吉安市安福县、萍 乡市的芦溪县、宜春市袁州区三地,是以自然风光为主要特色的山岳型 风景区,同时也为国家AAAA级风景名胜区。武功山已成功入选首批世 界自然遗产预备名单,未来将向联合国教科文组织申报《世界自然遗产》 武功山2009年武功山入围“中国大学生最喜欢的旅游景区”金奖。 山体博大,景区面积360多平方公里,长约150公里,大部在江西省中、 西部,从江西宜春向西南延伸到湖南茶陵。主要由花岗岩、片麻岩构成, 海拔1000~1500米,主峰白鹤峰(金顶)海拔1918.3米。武功山历史 上曾与衡山、庐山并称江南三大名山,被冠以“衡首庐尾武功中”。武 功山奇峰罗列。瑰崎 壮丽;怪石林立,形态诡异处处深壑幽谷,美妙绝 伦;峰峰悬崖峭壁,涌泉飞瀑。站立远眺,村庄、田野尽收眼底,大有 “万里云山齐到眼,九霄日月可摩肩”之意境。其风景名胜遍及全山, 有“一湖、二泉、五瀑、七潭、七岩、八峰、十六洞、七十五里景”之 称。景区内连绵十万亩的高山草甸,红岩峰瀑布群,金顶古祭坛群,堪 称江南三大绝景,令人神往。早在宋代,武功山就小有名气。
湘赣两省边界。东与本省宜宜春、南与吉安相毗邻,西与湖 南醴陵、北与湖南浏阳接壤。紧靠长株潭,对接长珠闽,是 江西对外开放的西大门。地处东经113°35′~114°17′,北 纬27°20′~28°0′之间。因古代萍乡生有一种水面浮生植物 萍草,是萍草之乡而得市名。全市总面积3802平方千米, 人口187万。丘陵、山地和平原各占土地面积的66.4%、 27.3%、6.3%。市中心城区面积58平方千米,城市绿化率 46%。辖安安源、湘东两个市辖区和莲莲花、芦溪、上栗三 个县。煤储量丰富,因此享有“江南煤都”之美称。
武功山保留下来的古木大树37种, 珍贵、稀有、濒危树种也有150余种。
萍乡是秋收起义策源地。1927年初,毛泽东在安源主持召开秋收起 义军事会议,并于9月9日亲自发动和领导了震撼全国的秋收起义,第一 次高举起工农革命军的旗帜召告天下.为纪念秋收起义这一在中国革命史 上占有重要地位的伟大历史事件,秋收起义纪念碑于一九九八年六月经 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅批准在萍乡。 秋收起义广场是为纪念秋收起义而建设的纪念性广场,位于萍乡城 北新区,占地300多亩,以新建的昭萍桥为中心,萍水河为纽带,四个 块面组合而成。广场以秋收起义纪念碑为重点,南向中轴线上设置五彩 缤纷的音乐喷泉和气势恢宏的秋收起义纪念馆,园林小品将广场装点成 多处供活动、休闲的场所,使广场兼有娱乐、展览、购物和集会等综合 功能,成为萍乡市区活动中心和市区风貌的重要标志。
武功山为赣江水系的袁水、泸水、禾水和湘江水系的洣水、渌水 的分水岭。北侧的袁水、渌水谷地为断裂谷地,分水岭低缓,浙赣铁路 沿此通过。山地两侧煤藏丰富,以萍乡、安源煤矿最著名。武功山也是 天然的动植物园。多少珍禽异兽,奇花宝树生长在这里。如黄腹角雉、 华南虎、短尾猴、水鹿、白鹇、娃娃鱼等就属于国家级重点保护动物。 珍稀植物有黄杉松,台湾松、云锦杜鹃、猴 头杜鹃、粗榧、水 桠木、独花兰等。被誉为“植物三元老”的银杏树连片成林,最大的一 株高达24.5米,树围12.1米,直径3.63米,年逾千载,相传乾隆帝曾名 这曰“山中树王”。武功山的松品种繁多,古老巷劲,浓绿幽美,盘根 错节,形态奇特,十进而台湾松更给人以浩瀚无边之感。武功山主要景 观有:龙王潭、 尽心桥、仙池、风火洞、三包岩、吊马栓、鸡冠岩、千 丈崖、万松岩、潭口瀑、三叠泉、鸟龙潭、迎宾松等。 武功山历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,特别以道教文化内涵最为突出。 武功山森林覆盖率达88.1%,高于中国、以至世界平均水平。目前,
杨岐山位于江西省萍乡市上栗县境内,国家级AAAA级风景区,距 县城25公里,是一个以优美的自然景观为外延,以丰厚的人文景观为内 涵,构成融自然风光和宗教文化为一体的省级重点风景名胜区。2010年 被列为市重点开发旅游区,已成立杨岐山风景区、杨岐山风景管理处。 杨岐山古称翁陵山、漉山,海拔约1000米。相传战国时期的著名哲 学家杨朱到此,因山大路杂,面临岐途,迷失方向,凄怆泪下,后人因 此而将此山名为杨岐山。这种说法有无根据,现在已经无从查考了。 杨岐山层峦叠翠,山势嵯峨,四时秀色,气候宜人,素有“二十四 景”之称。它以峰峦之旖旎,溪涧之蜿蜒,岩石之突兀,云雾之缠绕, 岚光之掩映,成为古今游人的慕游之处。杨岐山“普通寺”,是我国佛 教禅宗五家七宗临济宗下一大支派—杨岐宗祖庭,殿宇巍峨,梵音缥渺; 寺周围青山环列,古木参天,佛迹胜景,珠连玉串。自唐至明清,香火 鼎盛不衰,每岁之春或佛诞时节,善男信女前往顶礼膜拜者络绎不绝。