Phonics song 的歌词带图片和音标




1. “A is for Apple”系列儿歌:这首儿歌以字母表为主题,每个字母都有一个对应的单词。


2. “ABC Song”:这首儿歌以26个英文字母为主题,每个字母都有一个对应的单词,可以帮助孩子们记住每个字母的发音和顺序。

3. “Phonics Song”:这首儿歌以自然拼读法为主题,包含了常见的元音和辅音组合的发音,可以帮助孩子们学习字母和音标的对应关系。

4. “B is for Ball”系列儿歌:这首儿歌以字母表为主题,每个字母都有一个对应的单词,可以帮助孩子们学习自然拼读法。








以下是几首受欢迎的英语音标儿歌顺口溜:1. The ABC Song这首儿歌顺口溜是非常经典的英语音标儿歌。




2. Phonics Song这首儿歌顺口溜主要介绍英语元音的发音。




3. Consonant Song这首儿歌顺口溜是为了帮助孩子们学习英语辅音的发音。




4. Vowel Song这首儿歌顺口溜是为了帮助孩子们学习英语元音的发音。









The Alphabet Phonics Song for Kids 歌词

The  Alphabet Phonics Song for Kids 歌词

The Alphabet Phonics Song for Kids---- Wild Animals A a is for anteater a a anteaterBb is for bear b b bearCc is for crocodile c c crocodileWatch out the following crocodile run run run d is for dog d d dogEe is for elephant e e elephantFf is for fish f f fishGg is for goat g g goatHh is for hyena h h hyenaWatch out the following hyena run run run is for iguana i i igunaJj is for jaguar j j jaguarKk is for kangaroo k k kangarooLl is for lion l l lionWatch out the following lion run run run is for monkey m m monkeyNn is for newt n n newtOo is for owl o o owlPp is for penguin p p penguinQq is for quail q q quailRr is for rabbit r r rabbitSs is for snake s s snakeWatch out the following snake run run run is for tiger t t tigerUu is for urchin u u urchinVv is for vulture v v vultureWw is for walrus w w walrusXx is for x-ray fish x x x-ray fishYy is for yak y y yakZz is for zebra z z zebraThis is the animai alphabet, This is the animai alphabet.A a anteater Bb bear c crocodile d dog Ee elephant Ff ish Gg goatHh hyena Ii iguana Jj jaguar Kk kangaroo Ll lion Mm monkeyNn newtOo owl Pp penguin Qq quail Rr rabbit Ss snake Tt tigerUu urchin Vv vulture Ww walrus Xx x-ray fish Yy yak Zz zebra。


E is for elephant e e elephant
F is for fish f f fish
G is for gorilla g g gorilla大猩猩
H is for hat h h hat
I is for igloo i i igloo雪屋
J is for juice j j juice
W is for watch w w watch
X is for box x x box
Y is for yellow y y yellow
Z is for zoo z z zoo
So many things for you to learn about,
so many ways to sing your song.
K is for kangaroo k k kangaroo袋鼠
L is for lion l l lion狮子
M is for monkey m m monkey
N is for no n n no
O is for octopus o o octopus章鱼
P is for pig p p pig
So many things for you to learn about,
so many ways to sing your song.
Q is for question q q question问题
R is for ring r r ring圆形,戒指
S is for sun s s sun
T is for train t t train火车
U is for umbrella u u umbrella
V is for van v v van厢式货车

Phonics song发音歌歌词

Phonics song发音歌歌词

I is for igloo i i igloo I是圆形屋顶的首字母 圆形屋顶 J is for juice j j juice J是果汁的首字母 果汁 K is for kangaroo k k Kangaroo K是袋鼠的首字母 袋鼠 L is for lion l l lion L是狮子的首字母 狮子
Phonics song 发音歌
A is for apple a a apple A是苹果的首字母 苹果 B is for ball b b ball B是球的首字母 球 C is for cat c c cat C是猫咪的首字母 猫 D is for dog d d dog D是狗狗的首字母 狗
M is for monkey m m monkey M是猴子的首字母 猴子 N is for no n n no N是不的首字母 不 O is for octopus o o octopus O是章鱼的首字母 章鱼 P is for pig p p pig P是猪的首字母 猪
Q is for question q q question Q是问题的首字母 问题 R is for ring r r ring R是戒指的首字母 戒指 S is for sun s s sun S是太阳的首字母 太阳 T is for train t t train T是火车的首字母 火车
Y is for yellow y y yellow Y是黄色的首字母 黄色 Z is for zoo z z zoo Z是动物园的首字母 动物园

So many things for you to learn about 还有许多东西需要你去学习 So many ways to sing a song 唱一首歌有很多的方式 So many things for you to learn about 还有许多东西需要你去学习 So many ways to sing a song 唱一首歌有很多的方式

Phonics Song(自然拼读法)

Phonics Song(自然拼读法)

Phonics Song(自然拼读法)这首歌是用来教刚刚开始学英语的小朋友的,这是从美国传入中国的一种教学方法,是美国人用来教以英语为母语的小孩子的,提倡的就是让小孩子通过多唱,多练,多用,逐渐掌握英语的读音规则,目的是让小孩在通过一两年的学习后,能够具备基本的听读能力,对于不认识的单词,也能通过学过的规律认读出,并能基本写出单词的构成,这也是一种帮助小孩记单词的方法,避免刚刚接触英语的孩子只能靠死记硬背来记单词,提高孩子的学英语热情。








a a apple,b b ball,c c cat,d d dog,e e elephant,f f fish This is phonics song, because I like that.The names of letters are A B C, the sounds of letters are a b c.g g gorilla, h h hat, i i igloo, j j jacket, k k kagroo, l l lionLet’s do the phonics song one more time.The names of letters are E F G, the sounds of letters are e f g.m m monkey, n n nose, o o octopus,p p pain, q q question, r r rainThis is phonics song, are you ready to say?The names of letters are N O P, the sounds of letters are n o ps s sun, t t tiger, u u umbrella,v v violin, w w watch, x x foxThis is phonics song, are you ready to write?The names of letters are R S T, the sounds of letters are r s t The names of letters are X Y Z, the sounds of letters are x y z. y y yellow, z z zebra ,That’s the end of the phonics song.。



Phonics Songs 字母歌歌词The alphabet songI know the letter a say A and a,i know the letter b says bbb,i know the letter c says kkk,i know my alphabet, i know the letter d says ddd,i know the letter e says E and e,i know the letter f says fff,i know my alphabet,i know the letter g says ggg,i know the letter h says hhh,i know the letter i says I and i,i love my alphabet, i know the letter j says jjj,i know the letter k says kkk,i know the letter l says lll,i know my alphabet, you bet.i know the letter m says mmm,i know the letter n says nnn,i know the letter o says O and o,i know my alphabet.i know the letter p says ppp,i know the letter q says kw kw kw,i know the letter r says rrr,i know my alphabet.i know the letter s says sss,i know the letter t says ttt,i know the letter u says U and u,i love my alphabet, i know the letter v says vvv,i know the letter w says www,i know the letter x says ks ks ks,i know my alphabet.i know the letter y says yyy,i know the letter z says zzz,i know the sound each letter makes a to z,i know my alphabet.No sweat!Track one Long AThe long sound of A(A A A long A is fun to say, I say it every day, A AA In Angel, Apron, Acorn, Apricot, A A A long A is fun to say, I say it every day A A A)-(kids repeat) Track Two The ABC songTrack Three The letter aa a a a a a a a a a a a I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a like apple antlers, ant, alligator, a a a a I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a, would you like to sing along with me, great a a a a I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a like apple you say it –apple- good job, antlers- antlers ant-ant, yep alligator-alligator, great! a a a a, I sing a song of a and here’s what a can say a a a a, Thanks that was fun.Track Four the letter bb b b b b b b b says the letter b, boy! How I like the sound of b, b, b says letter b boy! How I like the sound of b, with words like baby, bear, bouncing-ball, b says b, boy! how I like the sound of b letter b b says letter b boy! How I like thesound of b.Let’s say some b’s together-here we go b says letter b, boy! how I like the sound of b, with words like baby-your two-baby, bear-bear. Bouncing-bouncing. Ball-ball. B says letter b, boy! how I like the sound os b. You’re brilli ant.Track Five The letter cc c c c c c c c I cry hooray for c, come call it out with me c, c, c, c like cat, card, corn candy-cane, c c c c I cry hooray for c some call it out with me, c c c c can you sing it? Come on let’s go, c c c c I cry hooray for c come call it out with me c c c c like cat-cat card-card corn-corn, candy cane-candy cane.C c c c I cry hooray for c come call it out with me c c c c congratulations.Track six The letter dd d d d d d d d d, Let’s sing words that start start with d delicious as can be, d d d d like dolphin,donut, dog, dinosaur, d d d d, let’s sing words that start with a delicious as can be d d d d. Do you want to do the a song with me? d d d d, Let’s sing words that start with d, delicious as can be d d d d like dolphin, do it! –dolphin. donut donut, dog-dog, dinosaur-dinosaur.Track seven the long sound of EE, E, (E, has a long sound, my goodness it’s E, E, E, E, E, and E starts some words that are easy for me. like E E C S, Easel Easel, evening and eleven, Ehas a lo ng sound my goodness it’s E, E, E, E) I’m eager to sing this with you now, Ready? Here we go-(Repeat with kids) I have so much fun singing with you! Thank you.Track eight The letter e(e e e I love the letter e say it now with me e e e like exit, elf egg, escalator e e e, I love the letter e,say it now with me e e e ) Here we go e e e (Repeat with kids) I love you!Track nine The letter fF f says letter f friends how I like the sound of f, f f says letter f friends how I like the sound of f. With words like frog and fish foot and fork f f says letter f, friends how I like the sounds of f. f f says letter friends how I like the sound of f, let’s have some fun! F f says letter f friends how I like the sound of f. f f says letter f, friends how I like the sounds of f with words like frog-frog, fish-fish, foot-foot, fork-fork, f f says letter f, friends how I like the sound of f, f f says letter f, friends how I like the sound of f –FANTASTIC.Track ten The letter gG g g g says the letter g, grabbing my attention, giving words to me like ghost, girl, gift, gate, g g says the letter g grabbing my attention g g, good,get ready, here we go! G g says the letter g, grabbing my attention giving words to me like ghost now you-Ghost, girl-girt, gift-gift, gate-gate, good g g says the letter g grabbing my attention g g. Goodness gracious, that was gorgeous you are gifted singers.Track eleven The letter hH h h h h is the sound of the letter h h h h and h has some words that are really great, like head, hair, hat, humming bird and horse h is the sound of the letter h h h h. How about singing h with me, Here we go, h is the sound of the letter h, h, h, h and h has some words that are really great, like head, your turn-head, hair-hair, hat-hat. Humming bird and horse-humming birds and horse h is the sound of the letter h h h h-Hooray.Track 12 The long sound of II (I, I, I, I like to try long I, I sing it with a sigh. I I II like Ice cream, island luy I cicles, I I I I I like to try long I, I sing it with a sigh. I I I I ) I think its time for you to sing along with me, here we go. (Repeat with kids) –I think you’re terrific.Track 13 The letter ii i (i i says the i interesting letter on which I do rely in igloo itch, insect, iguana, i i says the letter I interesting letter i i ) Its about time for you to join me in saying the letter i. (Repeat with kids)-incredible!Track 14 The letter jj j (j j says the letter J, just a little letter that makes me want to say. Jellybeans Jeuels, Jack in the box, Jam J J says the letter J, just a little letter J J ) Join me now, Jump on in and sing, (Repeat with kids)-just right.Track 15 The letter kk k k is the sound of the letter k k k k k and kbegins words that are so fun to say, like king, kite, kangaroo and kitten k is the sound of the letter k k k k) okay it’s your turn to sing along. (Repeat with kids)-kind a fun eh?Track 16 The letter LL L L L L (L says letter L I like to hear the lilt of L L L says letter L, I like to hear the lilt of L with words like lion, lamp, leaf and lamb, L says letter L, I like to hear the lilt of L, L says letter L I like to hear the lilt of L) I love it when you sing with me, would you like to sing L. (Repeat with kids)-That was luscious.Track 17 The letter MM m m I live the letter m, here’s the sound of m, m m m like munching muffins, macaron, m m m I love the letter m, here’s the sound of m m m m. m! m! m m m I love the letter m here’s the sound of m m m m like munching, your turn-munching goodmuffins, your turn-muffins ah! ah! mushrooms-mushr ooms, you’ve got it, macaroni-macaroni great! m m m I love the letter m here’s the sound of m m m m, that was great!Track 18 The letter nN n n n n n is the sound of the letter n, n n nn and n starts some words that I use now and then, like nose, nails nest nut, n is the sound of the letter n n n n n n. Now let’s sing it together, n is the sound of the letter n, n n n n and n starts some words that I use now and then, like nose, now you, -nose, nails-nails, nest-nest, nut-nut, n is the sound of the letter n, n n n n n, Nice work.Track 19 The long sound of o(o o o long o’s the way to go! I’m overjoyed and so, I sing o o o like oatmeal, overalls, ogre, overcoat, o o o long o’s the way to go, I’m overjoyed and so, I sing o o o) okay here we go! (Repeat with kids) ohoh singing about oatmeal makes me hungry. Excuse me!Track 20 The letter o(o o o I love the letter o, here’s how o can go, o o o like olive, ostrich, officer, octopus, o o o I love the letter o here’s how o can go o o o ) obviously you know w hat’s coming up. (chorus with kids) I could just go on and on about you.Track 21 The letter pP p p (p is the sound of the letter p p p p and p starts some words that are perfect for me, like puddles, puppies, popcorn, pizza and potatoes, p is the sound of the letter p, p p p) please sing along with me. (Repeat with kids)-practically perfect. Track 22 The letter QQ Q (Q says letter Q how quickly can you find a Q Q Q says letter Q how quickly can you find a Q, with words like quiver, queen, quarter, quilt. Qsays letter Q, how quickly can you find a Q, Q Q says letter Q how quickly can you find a Q) Alright everybody, ready? Quickly, here we go. (Repeat with kids) That was wonderful.Track 23 The letter RR R R I live the letter R here’s the sound of R R R R, like Rabbit, rocket, river, rock n’ roll R R R, I love the letter R, R R R I love the letter R, here’s the sound of R, R R R, Like Rabbit, repeat-Rabbit, rocket-rocket, river-river, rock n’ Rock-Rock n’ Roll, Great, R R R I love the letter R, here’s th e sound of R, R R R –Really, Remarkable.Track 24 The letter sS s s s says the letter s softly, slowly, sighing, starting words like this, slip, slide send snake s s says the letter s, softly slowly sighing, s s sounds sensational, lets sing it again, s s says the letters softly, slowly, sighing, starting words like this, slip,say it-slip. Good slide-slide it’s wonderful, send-send, snake-snake, oh yes, s s says the letters, softly, slowly, sighing s s, such super singers.Track 25 The letter TT T T T is the sound of the letter T T T T, and T starts some words that are fauourites for me, like tiny, turtle, tickly, twist and twirl and tumble T is the sound of the letter T T T T Do you like to says that sound? Says it with me now, here we go! T is the sound of the letter T T T T and T start some words that are fauourites for me, like tiny, your turn, -tiny, turtle, go ahead-turtle, tickle-tickle, good, twist and twirl and tumble. T is the sound of the letter T T T T Terrific.Track 26 The Two Vowel RuleTrack 27 The long sound of UU U (U U nothing else will do long U is fun to use so sing it with me too, in unicorn, uniform, unitedstates, unicycle, U U nothing else will do, long U is fun to use, U U) as usual let’s sing his together, Ready? Here we go. (Repeat with kids)Track 28 The letter uu u (u u u u I love the sound of u and here’s what you can do u u u u , there’s uncle, under, umbrella, upside-down, u u u u I love the sound of u and here’s what you can do u u u) Alright everybody, now all of us can sing it together. (Repeat with kids)Track 29 The letter vV v (v v says the letter v, revving like an engine, starting words for me, like van, vegetables, violets, violin, v v says the letter v, revving like an engine v v) very nice, now use your best voices and sing with me. (Repeat with kids) see how valuable ‘v’ can be.Track 30 The Vowel songTrack 31 The letter wW w w w w (w says w well w is warm and wild w w says w well w is warm and wild, with words like witch and wand, worm and water melon, w says w, well w is warm and wild) well well well, you know what to do. (Repeat with kids) Wow! That was wonderful.Track 32 The letter xX x x x (x is the sound of the letter x x x x x and x ends some words that I love to the max, like box, axe, fox, chicken pox, x is the sound of the letter x x x x ) This would be and excellent time to sing with me. (Repeat with kids) you are so good at x’s. Track 33 The letter yY y (y says letter y, I love to yell the letter y, y y says letter y, I love to yell the letter y, with words like yellow, yam, yo yo, yacht y says letter y, I love to yell the letter y, y y says letter y, love to yell theletter y) yep you guessed if it’s time to sing along. (Repeat with kids) yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!Track 34 The letter zz z (z z z z I sing of letter z as buzzy as can be z z z z like zipper, zig zag zebra, zoo and zero z z z z I sing of letter z as buzzy as can be z z z z ) Pretend you’re a bee and z z z with me. (Repeat with kids) z z z z z分享:3。



[教学]26个字母韵律歌26个字母phonics发音Aa 大朋友,紧紧挨,伸出三指 a a aBb 小老鼠,琴弦拨,抱着琵琶 b b bc c c Cc 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来Dd 北风吹,穿得多,寒风之中 d d dEe 小朋友,紧紧挨,伸出两指 e e eFf 小伙伴,摸皮肤,相互嬉戏 f f fGg 小飞鸟,不唱歌,千里捎书 g g gHh 天气热,口好渴,拿起水杯 h h hIi 要漂亮,穿花衣,五颜六色 i i iJi 秋天到,毛衣织,手指不停 j j jKk 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来 k k kLl 胖小猪,开心乐,捂着肚子 l l lMm 小朋友,捉迷藏,蒙起眼睛 m m mNn 打电话,同意了,不住点头 n n nOo 兽中王,大声吼,震动山林 o o oPp 大狗熊,把水泼,拿起大盆 p p pQq 练身体,把胸扩,边跑边练 q q qRr 绿化草,不示弱,叶子分开 r r rSs 大花蛇,围钢丝,口中不住 s s sTt 百花丛,唯她特,辨别不同 t t tUu 小笨熊,怎么啦,石头打得 u u uVv 打棒球,要出屋,棒起风声 v v vWw 小太阳,要叫我,公鸡急忙 w w wXx 各一半,分真丝,拿起剪刀 x x xYy 贪吃鹅,脖子噎,翅膀忙按 y y yZz 推开门,门带字,发出声响 z z z26个英文字母歌Aa 大A双手合上方,小a圆脸辫子长 a a a Bb 大B掐腰又弯腿,小b弯腿手垂放 b b b Cc 大C手腿像月亮,小c单手虎口张 c c c Dd 大D肚子圆又胖,小d单腿弯着长 d d d Ee 大E手腿一侧放,小e空拳拇指长 e e e Ff 大F双臂上下放,小f右手顶后方 f f f Gg 大G勾手拇指上,小g辫子真正长 g g g Hh 大H举臂叉双腿,小h垂手屈腿旁 h h h Ii 大I分腿臂头上,小i握拳头顶放 i i i Ji 大J单腿撤后方,小j撤退拳上方 j j j Kk 大K侧退臂斜上,小k臂圆无力样 k k k Ll 大L侧退小腿上,小l脚尖离地长 l l l Mm 大M像雁在飞翔,小m分腿臂下方 m m m Nn 大N曲臂上下放,小n手开向下望 n n n Oo 大N 合手头上方,小o弯手合着长o o o Pp 大P敬礼臂曲弯,小p敬礼娃娃样 p p p Qq 大Q脸前手斜放,小q曲臂脚跟扬 q q q Rr 大R敬礼侧踢腿,小r禾苗渐渐长 r r rSs 大S如蛇环形绕,小s依然左右荡 s s s Tt 大T铁锤铛铛响,小t侧腿单腿扬 t t t Uu 大U合手指上方,小u五指朝天上 u u u Vv 大V手腕对着放,小v两指胜利样 v v v Ww 大W手开并列张,小w两个胜利样 w w w Xx 大X两臂胸前叉,小x交臂手低样 x x x Yy 大Y双臂斜上方,小y胜利又延长 y y y Zz 大Z抬腿又曲腿,小z睡觉呼噜响 z z z。



自然拼读字母歌汇总PhonicsABCSong最近后台很多妈妈留言,想要自然拼读的字母歌曲资源,所以小编就把以前整理的资源翻出来,希望对妈妈们有用哦!自然拼读法又称“Phonics” 它是以英语为母语的国家的孩子学习英语读音与拼字,增进阅读能力的教学法。




(注意:字母歌仅仅是针对字母的一个基本发音引导孩子入门,一些字母除了字母基本的发音letter sound,还有另外的发音。




下面就是2015年毛妈分享的Phonics ABC Song 自然拼读字母歌,点击以下对应标题链接即可跳转查看:Phonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 APhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 BPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 CPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 DPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 EPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 FPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 GPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 HPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 IPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 JPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 KPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 LPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 MPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 NPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 OPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 PPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 QPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 RPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 SPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 TPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 UPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 VPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 WPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 XPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 YPhonics ABC Song自然拼读字母歌 Z编辑| 毛妈团队。

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