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Unit 3 Business Meals


Ss are introduced to the vocational skills covered in this unit and learn how to treat clients appropriately over business meals.


重点:Language summary, Extensive listening, intensive listening

难点:Extensive listening, Intensive listening


2 periods


1.Discussing, listening, reading by the students;

2.Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.


Multimedia, blackboard


Listening 1

Task 1 Telephone Invitation

Step 1 Warming-up

Suppose you’re going to invite your friends to dinner. Make some preparations before you send an invitation by filling in the following blanks.

Step 2 Extensive Listening

New words and expressions

informal a.非正式的;日常使用的

I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I intended. 我本想随便商量一下,结果事与愿违。

economic a.经济学的;经济的

the government’s economic policy 政府的经济政策

forum n.论坛;讨论会

The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers’ views. 读者来信版是读者们交换意见的有益园地。

get-together n.聚会

We’re having a little get-together to celebrate David’s promotion.


pick sb. up 接人

I’ll pick you up at 7 o’clock. 7点钟我开车来接你。

●Extensive Listening ---Bill Smith invites Susan Jones to attend a dinner party. Listen to the

conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.

Step 3 Intensive Listening

Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.

Step 4 Language Summary

Read the following sentences, paying special attention to the use of modal verbs (情态动词) to soften request.

1. ... if I could visit your company while I’m here.

2. It would be an honor to have you visit us!

3. I would like to invite you to a dinner party that evening.

4. ... that would be great!

5. Would Friday 6:00 p.m. be OK with you?

Task 2 Restaurant Reservation

Step 1 Warming-up

Different people have different eating habits or requirements. Tick (√) the proper food in the right column for the people in the left column.

Step2 Extensive Listening

●New words and expressions

Muslim a. 穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的n. 穆斯林(即伊斯兰教信徒)

Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries. 在伊斯兰教国家中星期五是假日。

taboo n. 禁忌;忌讳

Any mention of politics is taboo in his house. 在他家里一提政治就犯忌。

absolutely ad. 完全地;绝对地

I trust his discretion absolutely. 我完全相信他的判断。

vegetarian a. 吃素的;素食者的n. 素食者

Many of my friends are vegetarian. 我朋友中有不少是素食者。

cater v. 提供饮食及服务;迎合

Fifty is a lot of people to cater for! 承办50人的饮食可够多的!

buffet n. 自助餐;快餐

Dinner will be a cold buffet, not a sit-down meal.


beverage n.饮料

We do not sell alcoholic beverages. 我们不卖酒精饮料。

non-drinker n.不饮酒的人

I am a non-drinker. 我不喝酒。

mineral a.矿物的;含有矿物质的

We are digging for mineral deposits. 我们正在掘地探矿。

neat a.巧妙的;整洁的

She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat. 她把连衣裙放在床上以保持平整。

cater for 提供饮食及服务;迎合

TV must cater for many different tastes.
