



成本会计术语及英文表述成本会计直接人工成本差异d ir ec t la b or v ar ia nc e直接材料成本差异d ir ec t m at er ia l va r ia nc e在产品计价w o rk-in-p roc ess c ost in g联产品成本计算jo in t pr od uc ts c ost in g生产成本汇总程序ac c um u la t ion pr oc ess o f p ro duc t ion c ost 制造费用差异m an uf ac t ur in g ex p ens es v ar ia nc e实际成本与估计成本ac t ua l c o st a nd es t ima t ed c ost工资费用分配s a la ry c osts a llo c at io n成本曲线c os t c u rv e农业生产成本a gr ic u ltu r e p ro duc t ion c ost原始成本和重置成本or ig in a l c ost a nd r ep lac e m en t c os t直接成本与间接成本d ir ec t c ost a n d ind ir ec t c ost可控成本c o nt ro lla b le c o st制造费用分配m an uf ac t ur in g ex p ens es a llo c a t io n理论成本与应用成本t h eo ry c ost a nd pr ac t ic e c os t辅助生产成本分配au x ilia r y pro d uc t io n c os t a lloc at io n成本控制程序pr oc e d ur e o f c os t c o nt ro l成本记录c os t en tr y, c os t r ec ord e r c os t ag e nd a成本计算分批法jo b c ost in g me th o d成本控制方法c ost c on tr o l m et ho d生产费用要素e le m en ts of pro d uc t io n ex p ens es历史成本与未来成本h is tor ic a l c ost a nd fu tu re c ost可避免成本与不可避免成本a v o ida b le c ost a n d u n av o id ab le c os t 成本计算期c o st p er io d平均成本与个别成本av er a g e c os t an d in d iv idu a l c os t社会成本s oc iet y c os t铁路运输成本ra ila g e c os t废品损失s p lod g e an d d e fec t iv e w or k loss es单位成本与总成本u n it c os t an d to t a l c ost成本开支范围a llow a b le c ost成本转账c os t t r ansf e r全面成本控制to t a l c ost c on tr o l商品销售成本c ost of m erc h a nd is e so ld价格差异p r ic e va r ia nc e存置成本h o ld in g c os t or c arr y ing c os t已耗成本与未耗成本ex p ire d c ost a nd u ne x-p ire d c ost相关成本与非相关成本r e le v a nt c ost a nd irr e le v an t c ost因素分析法f ac t or a n a lys is a pp ro ac h目标成本t ar g et c ost成本计算分类法gr o up c ost in g me th o d定额成本n or m c os t跨期摊提费用分配int er-p er io d ex p ens es a llo c a t io n计划成本p la n n ed c ost数量差异q u an t it y v ar ia nc e燃料费用分配fu e l e x pe ns es a lloc a t ion定额成本控制制度n or m c os t c o nt ro l sy st em定额管理m a n ag e me nt n orm可递延成本与不可递延成本d ef er ra b le c ost a nd u nd ef e rr ab le c os t 成本控制标准s t an d ar d o f c os t c o ntr o l副产品成本计算b y-pro d uc t c o st in g责任成本r es po ns ib ilit y c os t生产损失核算pr od uc t io n loss ac c o u nt in g生产成本p ro d uc t io n c os t预计成本p r ed ic t ed c ost意志在于磨练,成功在于坚持。



环境会计我们现在在哪里,我们将走向何方作者:Joy E. Hecht国民收入核算制度不断改变,利率处于上升趋势,增加对经济和环境之间联系的理解。













































外文文献翻译译文原文:Environmental CostsToday, the importance of the environment is widely recognized by companies. With an increase in environmental legislation, corporations realize that they have to factor the environment into their everyday management decisions. However, because some corporations are too focused on earnings and financial costs, the impact of their operations on the environment can only be taken into account if it is quantified in dollar terms —this is significant since environmental costs are often grossly underestimated. According to a 2006 Statistic Canada study, Canadian firms are estimated to have spent a total of $8.6 billion on environmental protection, including 44per cent for capital expenditures and 56 per cent for operating expenditures. This underestimation is due to widespread “hidden” costs. In a study published in 2001, U.S. researcher revealed that for every dollar of environmental costs identified as such by companies, there were hidden environmental costs of $10. Companies can’t manage what they can’t measure; therefore, they need to measure their environmental costs in order to manage and reduce them; or perhaps, turn environmental management into a strategic advantage.What to include in environmental costsThe first challenge is how to define environmental costs. One solution is to use a classification developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1995. This classification makes a distinction between internal costs (borne by a company) and external costs (assumed by society as a whole, but generated by the company’s operations). Internal costs include conventional costs (e.g., direct and indirect materials, energy, etc.), potentially hidden costs (e.g., site investigation and preparation, audit, disclosure of information, follow-up of data, etc.), potential costs (e.g., penalties, fines, legal fees, etc.) and costs related to corporate image and relationships (e.g., reputation, campaign to influence perceptions, etc.). Moreover, external costs refer to environ mental degradation and to adverse impacts forhumanbeings, their property and their welfare. There is a debate about whether or not external costs should be part of corpora cost management. However, more stringent regulations in terms of environmental liability are increasingly internalizing costs that have heretofore been considered external. This distinction between internal and external costs is crucial to measuring environmental costs.Life-cycle costing, environmental balance, full-cost accounting, total-cost accounting and activity-based costing are costing methods used by companies. These methods are not mutually exclusive and a number of parameters are common to several methods.Life-cycle costingLife-cycle costing is based on a more global approach of life-cycle analysis. There are two major methods based on a product’s life cycle, e.g. from research and development to disposal (the “cradle to grave” approach) or its reuse/ recycling by the producer (the “cradle to cradle” or C2C approach), tak ing into account factors such as transportation. Life-cycle analysis, a method recognized by ISO 14000 standards, consists in analyzing each and every flow of input and output materials for each product. More specifically, in environmental terms, this approach analyzes the actual and potential impacts of these flows on the environment. As such, it includes three stages: (i) an inventory of all flows related to energy, water, raw materials, air and emissions; (ii) a follow-up of the qualitative or quantitative measure of the induced environmental impact; and (iii) an interpretation of the results and an assessment of opportunities for reducing environmental impacts. This approach only makes it possible to include environmental impacts, and not environmental costs.Life-cycle costing recognizes the environmental costs generated by a company throughout a product’s life cycle, using two types of analysis jointly (on a weighted or unweighted basis) or individually: (i) the financial life-cycle cost that discounts monetary impacts from the environment to the firm, and (ii) the environmental life-cycle cost that monetizes all environmental impacts that were identified during the life-cycle analysis, e.g., impaired resources. Life-cycle costing demonstrates that costs can be several times higher than investments over a product’s life cycle. Thismakes life-cycle costing especially relevant for products with a long lifespan or with relatively high operating costs, such as real estate and highways. In addition, the discounting of costs, e.g. the recognition of time, makes it possible to compare the costs of two products. However, this advantage may also be the main drawback of this method, as it raises the problem of correctly planning for future costs and selecting an appropriate discount rate. In fact, discounting specific environmental costs is controversial, since environmental impacts increase over time. It is therefore not unusual for costs to be nil today, but exceedingly high a few years from now, which is contrary to the very principle of discounting. Accordingly, discounting environmental costs could lead to minimizing financial interest for projects that reduce future environmental costs.Moreover, these two methods raise the same problem of uncertainty as to future repercussions. It may be a good idea to use sensitivity analyses, scenarios, and ranges to allow for the probability that certain contingencies will occur. A more meaningful restriction relates to the fact that these methods exclude consideration of all types of costs. Intangible costs, including those driven by relations with stakeholders, are not considered, nor are contingent costs, since it is not easy to relate such costs to a specific phase in the life-cycle of a product, making it highly improbable that they will be included in life cycle methods.Environmental balanceThe environmental balance method consists in identifying, and then measuring, the flows of inputs and outputs of a firm, a service, a process or a product in terms of energy, water, materials, waste or emissions. It can therefore be used at the inventory stage of the life-cycle analysis or as an initial step of many other methods. The underlying assumption of this method is based on the law of conservation of thermodynamic masses—total inputs are by definition equal to total outputs plus the net accumulation of materials in the system. All inputs become outputs, hence the term “balance.” The part of a flow that actually goes into the production of goods can be used to indicate the percentage loss of materials and, accordingly, the opportunities to improve the production process. Similarly, a large number ofenvironmental performance indicators can be determined from the data produced by an environmental balance. Traditionally, an environmental balance is performed in physical, non-monetary terms (kilograms, kilowatts, etc.). Moreover, a sub-category of environmental balance, called material flow analysis (MFA), allows a company to include an allocation stage of flows to each of its various products.Two major criticisms have been levelled at the environmental balance method. First, its input/output analyses fail to measure environmental impacts, as they relate strictly to a company’s use of natural resources without regard to their valu e for the environment. The second major criticism is that this method fails to provide monetary information. However, the value of flows could be estimated in monetary terms if required. In addition, the environmental balance is generally used only as a prerequisite to the use of other methods.Full-cost accountingThe full cost represents an allocation of all costs to a product (materials, labour, overhead, etc.) including potential and actual environmental costs. With this approach, it is possible to obtain enhanced operational knowledge and to select products with a lower cost (whether it be environmental or not). However, in environmental terms, full cost often refers to a consideration of the monetary value of external costs. This raises the problem of how complex it is to monetize the cost of externalities.Total-cost assessmentThe total-cost assessment method, developed by the Tellus Institute, is similar to full-cost accounting. Whereas the latter approach is generally used to measure the cost of products, total-cost assessment is often carried out to measure the cost of capital investments. Additionally, the classification of costs used for a total-cost assessment requires the identification of costs that are specifically related to the environment. The full-cost accounting method deals with all of the costs related to a product, and does not require that environmental costs be identified.The major advantage of total-cost assessment is that it includes more of the costs relating to a capital investment or a product than life-cycle costing, e.g. intangible and contingent costs, while still taking the entire life cycle into account. Thus, it measuresdirect and indirect costs, contingent and intangible costs with due consideration for risks and, accordingly, the related probabilities that they will occur. In addition, external costs can be included in a total-cost assessment, and this method can be applied simply by using software containing a database to assess external costs related to pollutants and compute them according to the probability that they will occur. Activity-based costingOne of the primary problems with measuring and managing environmental costs is related to the allocation of such costs to the activities or products that generated them. In fact, many companies treat environmental costs as overhead and don’t identify them as related to the environment, which contributes heavily to the underestimation of environmental costs. Activity-based costing can therefore enable a firm to allocate environmental costs to activities, and then to products, overcoming any inaccuracies related to their inclusion in overhead. It should be noted, though, that using this approach requires the prior identification of environmental costs. Activity-based costing can be used the traditional way or by inserting an “environmental” driver to allocate environmental costs either to activities first and products second, or from an “environmental” activity to the products that generate the costs.How to measure external environmental costsAlthough there are several methods to measure external costs, the three major methods are: 1) control costs, 2) restoration costs and 3) damage costs.1) Control costsThe underlying assumption for this method is that the cost of environmental impacts (including pollution) for a company would be equal to the cost of installing, operating and maintaining technologies that might have enabled the company to avoid such damage to the environment. The logic is based on marginal cost, e.g. the cost of an additional unit of damage is estimated by the cost that the company would have been required to spend to avoid such damage. This is the most simple method of measuring external costs, and the easiest to justify, as it generates the cost that a company would actually have incurred to avoid the production of externalities or thatit will incur in future should regulations require it to reduce the damage that it causes. One way to obtain these costs is to refer to the costs incurred by businesses in countries where regulations are more stringent or to engineering or environmental consultant studies. However, this method does not really estimate the cost of environmental damages, but rather a theoretical value for the company.2) Restoration costsIt is also possible to estimate externalities based on the cost of restoration or treatment of the damage that has been caused. For instance, when the Exxon Valdez struck a reef in 1989, the 11 million gallons of oil that were spilled generated over $1.25 billion in restoration costs. Still, the applicability of this method is restricted by the lack of data on costs incurred by the company and other firms in the industry.3) Damage costsThis methodology is used to estimate the cost of the damage per se. It includes a number of methods designed to estimate, scientifically or economically, the cost of damages to the environment. The methods include, notably a) the market price method and b) the conditional assessment method.a) Market price method: The cost is equal to the value of similar goods on the market. One example would be the difference in price between two perfectly identical homes, on perfectly identical lots, one of which is polluted. The difference in the selling price of the two homes (and of all other homes in the vicinity) would constitute, under this method, an estimate of the cost of the pollution-related damage. However, the absence of a market for most environmental assets makes this method hard to apply.b) Conditional assessment method: This method implies that an affected population is asked directly how much it would be willing to pay (willingness to pay) or to accept (willingness to avoid) for an improvement or a deterioration in the quality of its environment. The sum of the amounts provided is deemed to represent the cost of the externalities. This method is therefore based on a survey and remains highly subjective.Selecting methods of measurementThere are a large number of differences between these various methods. Indeed, not all of them make it possible to monetize environmental costs or to consider all types of costs. Similarly, some methods only allow for the identification and/or allocation of environmental costs.Environmental costs represent an increasingly large portion of the costs incurred by companies (internal costs) and society as a whole (external costs). Several methods exist to measure the costs incurred by companies, including those based on a product’s life cycle, environmental balance, full-cost accounting, total-cost accounting and activity-based costing. Moreover, the environmental costs borne by society, but related to a company’s operations, can also be taken into consideration using a method such as cost of control, of restoration or of the damage itself. The selection of these methods should be combined with the company’s existing methods to avoid excessive costs that relate to a change in method. A cost-benefit analysis on whether to change or modify a cost-management method should be performed. However, it is important to realize that the measurement and management of environmental costs allow companies to allocate such costs to activities and to the products that generated them and, accordingly, to avoid making non-optimal decisions about selling prices, product mix and capital investment. Similarly, they also enable the company to increase stakeholders’ awareness of the costs incurred by the company and to encourage management and employees alike to reduce environmental costs.Source:Rannou.clemenceHenri,Henri.Jean-Francois. Environmental Costs[J].CMA Management,2010,(84):28-32.译文:环境成本现今,公司环境的重要性被广泛的认可。

成本会计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中小企业环境成本会计的实施

成本会计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中小企业环境成本会计的实施

成本会计外文翻译外文文献英文文献中小企业环境成本会计的实施IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL COSTACCOUNTING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZEDCOMPANIES1(ENVIRONMENTAL COST ACCOUNTING IN SMESSince its inception some 30 years ago, Environmental Cost Accounting (ECA) has reached a stage of development where individual ECA systemsare separated from the core accounting system based an assessment of environmental costs with (see Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe and Wagner , 2002).As environmental costs are commonly assessed as overhead costs, neither the older concepts of full costs accounting nor the relatively recent one of direct costing appear to represent an appropriate basisfor the implementation of ECA. Similar to developments in conventional accounting, the theoretical and conceptual sphere of ECA has focused on process-based accounting since the 1990s (see Hallay and Pfriem, 1992, Fischer and Blasius, 1995, BMU/UBA, 1996, Heller et al., 1995, Letmathe, 1998, Spengler and H.hre, 1998).Taking available concepts of ECA into consideration, process-based concepts seem the best option regarding the establishment of ECA (see Heupel and Wendisch , 2002). These concepts, however, have to becontinuously revised to ensure that they work well when applied in small and medium-sized companies.Based on the framework for Environmental Management Accounting presented in Burritt et al. (2002), our concept of ECA focuses on two main groups of environmentally related impacts. These areenvironmentally induced financial effects and company-related effects on environmental systems (see Burritt and Schaltegger, 2000, p.58). Each of these impacts relate to specific categories of financial and environmental information. The environmentally induced financial effects are represented by monetary environmental information and the effects on environmental systems are represented by physical environmental information. Conventional accounting deals with both – monetary as well as physical units – but does notfocus on environmental impact as such. To arrive at a practical solution to the implementation of ECA in a company’s existingaccounting system, and to comply with the problem ofdistinguishing between monetary and physical aspects, an integrated concept is required. As physical information is often the basis for the monetary information (e.g. kilograms of a raw material are the basis for the monetary valuation of raw material consumption), the integration1of this information into the accounting system database is essential. From there, the generation of physical environmental and monetary (environmental) information would in many cases be feasible. For manycompanies, the priority would be monetary (environmental) informationfor use in for instance decisions regarding resource consumptions and investments. The use of ECA in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) is still relatively rare, so practical examples available in the literature are few and far between. One problem is that the definitions of SMEs vary between countries (see Kosmider, 1993 and Reinemann, 1999). In our work the criteria shown in Table 1 are used to describe small and medium-sized enterprises.Table 1. Criteria of small and medium-sized enterprisesNumber of employees TurnoverUp to 500 employees Turnover up to EUR 50mManagement Organization- Owner-cum-entrepreneur -Divisional organization is rare- Varies from a patriarchal management -Short flow of information stylein traditional companies and teamwork -Strong personal commitment in start-up companies -Instruction and controlling with- Top-down planning in old companies direct personal contact- Delegation is rare- Low level of formality- High flexibilityFinance Personnel- family company -easy to survey number of employees- limited possibilities of financing -wide expertise-high satisfaction of employeesSupply chain Innovation-closely involved in local -high potential of innovationeconomic cycles in special fields- intense relationship with customersand suppliers2Keeping these characteristics in mind, the chosen ECA approachshould be easy to apply, should facilitate the handling of complex structures and at the same time be suited to the special needs of SMEs.Despite their size SMEs are increasingly implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems like SAP R/3, Oracle and Peoplesoft. ERP systems support business processes across organizational, temporal and geographical boundaries using one integrated database. The primary use of ERP systems is for planning and controlling production and administration processes of an enterprise. In SMEs however, they are often individually designed and thus not standardized making the integration of for instance software that supports ECA implementation problematic. Examples could be tools like the “eco-ef ficiency” approach ofIMU (2003) or Umberto (2003) because these solutions work with the database of more comprehensive software solutions like SAP, Oracle, Navision or others. Umberto software for example (see Umberto, 2003)would require large investments and great background knowledge of ECA –which is not available in most SMEs.The ECA approach suggested in this chapter is based on anintegrative solution –meaning that an individually developed database is used, and the ECA solution adopted draws on the existing cost accounting procedures in the company. In contrast to other ECA approaches, the aim was to create an accounting system that enables the companies to individually obtain the relevant cost information. The aim of the research was thus to find out what cost information is relevant for the company’s decision on environmental issues andhow to obtain it.2(METHOD FOR IMPLEMENTING ECASetting up an ECA system requires a systematic procedure. Theproject thus developed a method for implementing ECA in the companiesthat participated in the project; this is shown in Figure 1. During the implementation of the project it proved convenient to form a core team assigned with corresponding tasks drawing on employees in various departments. Such a team should consist of one or two persons from the production department as well as two from accounting and corporate environmental issues, if available. Depending on the stage of theproject and kind of inquiry being considered, additional corporate members may be added to the project team to respond to issues such as IT, logistics, warehousing etc.Phase 1: Production Process Visualization3At the beginning, the project team must be briefed thoroughly on the current corporate situation and on the accounting situation. To this end, the existing corporate accounting structure and the related corporate information transfer should be analyzed thoroughly. Following theconcept of an input/output analysis, how materials find their ways into and out of the company is assessed. The next step is to present the flow of material and goods discovered and assessed in a flow model. To ensure the completeness and integrity of such a systematic analysis, any input and output is to be taken into consideration. Only a detailed analysisof material and energy flows from the point they enter the company until they leave it as products, waste, waste water or emissions enables the company to detect cost-saving potentials that at later stages of the project may involve more efficient material use, advanced process reliability and overview, improved capacity loads, reduced wastedisposal costs, better transparency of costs and more reliable assessment of legal issues. As a first approach, simplified corporate flow models, standardized stand-alone models for supplier(s), warehouse and isolated production segments were established and only combinedafter completion. With such standard elements and prototypes defined, a company can readily develop an integrated flow model with production process(es), production lines or a production process as a whole. From the view of later adoption of the existing corporate accounting to ECA,such visualization helps detect, determine, assess and then separate primary from secondary processes.Phase 2: Modification of AccountingIn addition to the visualization of material and energy flows, modeling principal and peripheral corporate processes helps prevent problems involving too high shares of overhead costs on the net product result. The flow model allows processes to be determined directly or at least partially identified as cost drivers. This allows identifying and separating repetitive processing activity with comparably few options from those with more likely ones for potential improvement.By focusing on principal issues of corporate cost priorities and on those costs that have been assessed and assigned to their causes least appropriately so far, corporate procedures such as preparing bids, setting up production machinery, ordering (raw) material and related process parameters such as order positions, setting up cycles of machinery, and order items can be defined accurately. Putting several partial processes with their isolated costs into4context allows principal processes to emerge; these form the basisof process-oriented accounting. Ultimately, the cost drivers of the processes assessed are the actual reference points for assigning and accounting overhead costs. The percentage surcharges on costs such as labor costs are replaced by process parameters measuring efficiency (see Foster and Gupta, 1990).Some corporate processes such as management, controlling and personnel remain inadequately assessed with cost drivers assigned to product-related cost accounting. Therefore, costs of the processes mentioned, irrelevant to the measure of production activity, have to be assessed and surcharged with a conventional percentage.At manufacturing companies participating in the project, computer-integrated manufacturing systems allow a more flexible and scope-oriented production (eco-monies of scope), whereas before only homogenous quantities (of products) could be produced under reasonable economic conditions (economies of scale). ECA inevitably preventseffects of allocation, complexity and digression and becomes a valuable controlling instrument where classical/conventional accounting arrangements systematically fail to facilitate proper decisions.Thus, individually adopted process-based accounting produces potentially valuable information for any kind of decision about internal processing or external sourcing (e.g. make-or-buy decisions).Phase 3: Harmonization of Corporate Data – Compiling andAcquisitionOn the way to a transparent and systematic information system, it is convenient to check core corporate information systems of procurement and logistics, production planning, and waste disposal with reference to their capability to provide the necessary precise figures for the determined material/energy flow model and for previously identified principal and peripheral processes. During the course of the project, afew modifications within existing information systems were, in most cases, sufficient to comply with these requirements; otherwise, a completely new software module would have had to be installed without prior analysis to satisfy the data requirements.Phase 4: Database conceptsWithin the concept of a transparent accounting system, process-based accounting can provide comprehensive and systematic information both on corporate material/ energy flows5and so-called overhead costs. To deliver reliable figures over time, it is essential to integrate a permanent integration of the algorithms discussed above into the corporate information system(s). Such permanent integration and its practical use may be achieved by applying one of three software solutions (see Figure 2).For small companies with specific production processes, anintegrated concept is best suited, i.e. conventional andenvironmental/process-oriented accounting merge together in one common system solution.For medium-sized companies, with already existing integrated production/ accounting platforms, an interface solution to such a system might be suitable. ECA, then, is set up as an independent software module outside the existing corporate ERP system and needs to be fed data continuously. By using identical conventions for inventory-datadefinitions within the ECA software, misinterpretation of data can be avoided.Phase 5: Training and CoachingFor the permanent use of ECA, continuous training of employees onall matters discussed remains essential. To achieve a long-term potential of improved efficiency, the users of ECA applications and systems must be able to continuously detect and integrate corporate process modifications and changes in order to integrate them into ECA and, later, to process them properly.6中小企业环境成本会计的实施一、中小企业的环境成本会计自从成立三十年以来,环境成本会计已经发展到一定阶段,环境会计成本体系已经从以环境成本评估为基础的会计制度核心中分离出来(参考Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe和 Wagner , 2002)。



国际企业中英文对照一、损益表INCOME STATEMENTAggregate income statement 合并损益表Operating Results 经营业绩FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 财务摘要Gross revenues 总收入/毛收入Net revenues 销售收入/净收入Sales 销售额Turnover 营业额Cost of revenues 销售成本Gross profit 毛利润Gross margin 毛利率Other income and gain 其他收入及利得EBITDA 息、税、折旧、摊销前利润(EBITDA)EBITDA margin EBITDA率EBITA 息、税、摊销前利润EBIT 息税前利润/营业利润Operating income(loss)营业利润/(亏损)Operating profit 营业利润Operating margin 营业利润率EBIT margin EBIT率(营业利润率)Profit before disposal of investments 出售投资前利润Operating expenses: 营业费用:Research and development costs (R&D)研发费用marketing expensesSelling expenses 销售费用Cost of revenues 营业成本Selling Cost 销售成本Sales and marketing expenses Selling and marketing expenses 销售费用、或销售及市场推广费用Selling and distribution costs 营销费用/行销费用General and administrative expenses 管理费用/一般及管理费用Administrative expenses 管理费用Operating income(loss)营业利润/(亏损)Profit from operating activities 营业利润/经营活动之利润Finance costs 财务费用/财务成本Financial result 财务费用Finance income 财务收益Change in fair value of derivative liability associated with Series B convertible redeemable preference shares 可转换可赎回优先股B相关衍生负债公允值变动Loss on the derivative component of convertible bonds 可換股債券衍生工具之損失Equity loss of affiliates 子公司权益损失Government grant income 政府补助Other (expense) / income 其他收入/(费用)Loss before income taxes 税前损失Income before taxes 税前利润Profit before tax 税前利润Income taxes 所得税taxes 税项Current Income tax 当期所得税Deferred Income tax 递延所得税Interest income 利息收入Interest income net 利息收入净额Profit for the period 本期利润Ordinary income 普通所得、普通收益、通常收入Comprehensive income 综合收益、全面收益Net income 净利润Net loss 净损失Net Margin 净利率Income from continuing operations 持续经营收益或连续经营部门营业收益Income from discontinued operations 非持续经营收益或停业部门经营收益extraordinary gain and loss 特别损益、非常损益Gain on trading securities 交易证券收益Net Profit attributable to Equity Holders of the Company 归属于本公司股东所有者的净利润Net income attributed to shareholders 归属于母公司股东的净利润或股东应占溢利(香港译法)Profit attributable to shareholders 归属于股东所有者(持有者)的利润或股东应占溢利(香港译法)Minority interests 少数股东权益/少数股东损益Change in fair value of exchangeable securities 可交换证券公允值变动Other comprehensive income — Foreign currency translation adjustment 其他综合利润—外汇折算差异Comprehensive (loss) / income 综合利润(亏损)Gain on disposal of assets 处分资产溢价收入Loss on disposal of assets 处分资产损失Asset impairments 资产减值Gain on sale of assets 出售资产利得Intersegment eliminations 公司内部冲销Dividends 股息/股利/分红Deferred dividends 延派股利Net loss per share: 每股亏损Earnings per share(EPS)每股收益Earnings per share attributable to ordinaryequity holders of the parent 归属于母公司股东持有者的每股收益-Basic -基本-Diluted -稀释/摊薄(每股收益一般用稀释,净资产用摊薄)Diluted EPS 稀释每股收益Basic EPS 基本每股收益Weighted average number of ordinary shares: 加权平均股数:-Basic -基本-Diluted -稀释/摊薄Derivative financial instruments 衍生金融工具Borrowings 借貸Earnings Per Share, excluding the (loss)gain on the derivative component of convertible bonds and exchange difference 扣除可换股债券之衍生工具评估损益及汇兑损失后每股盈Historical Cost 历史成本Capital expenditures 资本支出revenues expenditure 收益支出Equity in earnings of affiliatesequity earnings of affiliates 子公司股权收益附属公司股权收益联营公司股权收益equity in affiliates 附属公司权益Equity Earning 股权收益、股本盈利Non-operating income 营业外收入Income taxes-current 当期所得税或法人税、住民税及事业税等(日本公司用法)Income taxes-deferred 递延所得税或法人税等调整项(日本公司用法)Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interest 所得税及少数股东权益前利润(亏损)Equity in the income of investees 采权益法认列之投资收益Equity Compensation 权益报酬Weighted average number of shares outstanding 加权平均流通股treasury shares 库存股票Number of shares outstanding at the end of the period 期末流通股数目Equity per share, attributable to equity holders of the Parent 归属于母公司所有者的每股净资产Dividends per share 每股股息、每股分红Cash flow from operations (CFFO)经营活动产生的现金流量Weighted average number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding:加权平均普通流通股及等同普通流通股Equity Compensation 权益报酬Weighted Average Diluted Shares 稀释每股收益加权平均值Gain on disposition of discontinued operations 非持续经营业务处置利得(收益)Loss on disposition of discontinued operations 非持续经营业务处置损失participation in profit 分红profit participation capital 资本红利、资本分红profit sharing 分红Employee Profit Sharing 员工分红(红利)Dividends to shareholders 股东分红(红利)Average basic common shares outstanding 普通股基本平均数Average diluted common shares outstanding 普通股稀释平均数Securities litigation expenses, net 证券诉讼净支出Intersegment eliminations 部门间消减ROA(Return on assets)资产回报率/资产收益率ROE(Return on Equit) 股东回报率/股本收益率(回报率)净资产收益率Equit ratio 产权比率Current ration (times) 流动比率ROCE(Return on Capital Employed)资本报酬率(回报率)或运营资本回报率或权益资本收益率或股权收益率RNOA(Return on Net Operating Assets)净经营资产收益率(回报率)ROI(Return on Investment)投资回报率OA(Operating Assets)经营性资产OL(Operating Liabilites)经营性负债NBC(Net Borrow Cost) 净借债费用OI(Operating Income) 经营收益NOA(Net Operating Assets) 净经营性资产NFE(Net Financial Earnings) 净金融收益NFO(Net Financial Owners) 净金融负债FLEV(Financial leverage) 财务杠杆OLLEV(Operating Liabilites leverage) 经营负债杠杆CSE(Common Stock Equity) 普通股权益SPREAD 差价RE(Residual Earning) 剩余收益二、资产负债表balance sheet 资产负债表aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表Assets 资产Current assets 流动资产Non-current assets 非流动资产Interests in subsidiaries 附属公司权益Cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物Hong Kong listed investments, at fair value 于香港上市的投资,以公允价值列示Investment deposits 投资存款Designated loan 委托贷款Financial assets 金融资产Pledged deposits 银行保证金/抵押存款Trade accounts receivable 应收账款Trade and bills receivables 应收账款及应收票据Inventories 存货/库存Prepayments and other receivables 预付款及其他应收款Prepayments, deposits and other receivables 预付账款、按金及其它应收款Total current assets 流动资产合计Tangible assets 有形资产Intangible assets 无形资产Investment properties 投资物业Goodwill 商誉Other intangible assets 其他无形资产Available-for-sale investments 可供出售投资Prepayments for acquisition of properties 收购物业预付款项fair value 公允价值Property, plant and equipment 物业、厂房及设备或财产、厂房及设备或固定资产Fixed Assets 固定资产Plant Assets 厂房资产Lease prepayments 预付租金Intangible assets 无形资产Deferred tax assets 递延税/递延税项资产Total assets 资产合计Liabilities 负债Current liabilities 流动负债Short-term bank loans 短期银行借款Current maturities of long-term bank loans 一年内到期的长期银行借款Accounts and bills payable 应付账款及应付票据Accrued expenses and other payables 预提费用及其他应付款Total current liabilities 流动负债合计Long-term bank loans, less current maturities Deferred income Deferred tax liabilities 长期银行借款,减一年内到期的长期银行贷款Deferred income 递延收入Deferred tax liabilities 递延税Financial Net Debt 净金融负债Total liabilities 负债合计Commitments and contingencies 资本承诺及或有负债三、股东权益Donated shares 捐赠股票Additional paid-in capital 资本公积Statutory reserves 法定公积Retained earnings 未分配利润Accumulated other comprehensiveincome 累积其他综合所得Treasury shares 库存股票Total shareholders’ equity股东权益合计Equity 股东权益、所有者权益、净资产Shareholder’s EquityStockholder's EquityOwner's Equity股东权益、所有者权益Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity负债和股东权益合计Capital and reserves attributable to the Company’s equity holders本公司权益持有人应占资本及储备Issued capital 已发行股本Share capital 股本Reserves 储备Cash reserves 现金储备Inerim dividend 中期股息Proposed dividend 拟派股息Proposed special dividend 拟派末期股息Proposed special dividend 拟派特别股息Proposed final special dividend 拟派末期特别股息Convertible bonds 可换股债券Share holders’ fund股东资金四、现金流量表STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSCash flow from operating activities 经营活动产生的现金流Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities 经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net income /loss 净利润或损失Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities: 净利润之现金调整项:Depreciation and amortization 折旧及摊销Addition of bad debt expense 坏账增加数/(冲回数)Provision for obsolete inventories 存货准备Share-based compensation 股票薪酬Deferred income taxes 递延所得税Exchange loss 汇兑损失Loss of disposal of property,plant and equipment 处置固定资产损失Changes in operating assets and liabilities: 经营资产及负债的变化Trade accounts receivable 应收账款Inventories 存货Prepayments and other receivables 预付款及其他应收款Accounts and bills payable 应付账款及应付票据Accrued expenses and other payables 预提费用及其他应付款Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities 经营活动产生/(使用)的现金Free cash flow 自由现金流Cash flow from investing activities 投资活动产生的现金流Net cash used in investing activities 投资活动产生的现金流量净额Purchases of property, plant and equipment 购买固定资产Payment of lease prepayment 支付预付租金Purchases of intangible assets 购买无形资产Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 处置固定资产所得Government grants received 政府补助Equity in the income of investees 采权益法认列之投资收益Cash flow from financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金流Net cash provided by financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额Proceeds from borrowings 借款所得Repayment of borrowings 还款Decrease / (increase) in pledged deposits 银行保证金(增加)/ 减少Proceeds from issuance of capital stock 股本发行所得Net cash provided by financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物的汇率变更的影响Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物的净(减少)/ 增加Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 期初现金及现金等价物Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 期末现金及现金等价物Investments (incl. financial assets)金融资产投资Investments in acquisitions 并购投资Net cash flow 现金流量净额。



ContentsAbstract (I)Introduction (Ⅱ)Efficient Accounting Systems (1)Chapter 1 Accounting (1)1.1 The decision of accounting (2)1.2 The functions of accounting (4)Chapter 2 Accounting environment (7)2.1 The goal of accountant is the starting point in which accounting environment affects the accounting information system (9)2.2 Accounting assumed reveals close link between accounting and its interdependent external environment (10)2.3 Accounting standards disclose the request of accounting environment to accounting information (13)Chapter 3 Accounting system (15)Conclusion (30)References (31)Thanks (32)Efficient Accounting SystemsThe existence and development of everything are under certain environmental conditions. Accounting, as one of the most important practice of human activities is not a cases outside. Accounting environment have the base sense for the smooth conduct of the activities of accounting, while various accounting environmental factors will have isolated impact on total activity of the accounting system. The study of the structure of the accounting environment system and the relations between the various elements in this system made us to be much more realistic in this area of accounting theory and practice, to build a harmonious Environmental System for clear direction, so as to promote the accounting cause of sustainable development.Chapter 1 Accounting1.1 The decision of accountingAccounting is one of the fastest growing fields in the modern business world. Every new shore, school, restaurant, or filling station indeed, any new enterprise of any kind increases the demand for accountants. Consequently, the demand for accountants is generally much greater than the supply. Government official often have a legal background: similarly, the men and women in management often have a background in accounting. They are usually familiar with the methodology of finance and fundamentals of fiscal and business administration.Today’s account ants are as diverse as their job assignments. Accountants may be male or female, outgoing or conservative, but they are all analytical. They may have backgrounds in art history or computer programming. They come from every ethnic and cultural background.The accounting backgrounds can open doors to most lines of business. In short, accounting deals with all facets of an organization —purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. This is why accounting provides such an excellent basis for business experience. Accounting is an information system necessitated by thegreat complexity of modern business.1.2 The functions of accountingOne of the most important functions of accounting is to accumulate and report financial information that shows an organ ization’s financial position and the results of its operations to its interested users. These users include managers, stockholders, banks and other creditors, governmental agencies, investment advisors, and the general public. For example, stockholders mus t have an organization’s financial information in order to measure its management’s performance and to evaluate their own holdings. Banks and other creditors must consider the financial strength of a business before permitting it to borrow funds. Potential investors need financial data in order to compare prospective investments. Also many laws require that extensive financial information be reported to the various levels of government. Businesses usually publish such reports at least annually. To meet the needs of the external users, a framework of accounting standards, principles and procedures known as “generally accepted accounting principles” have been developed to insure the relevance and reliability of the accounting information contained in these external financial reports. The subdivision of the accounting process that produces these external reports is referred to as financial accounting.Another important function of accounting is to provide the management inside an organization with the accounting information needed in the organization’s internal decision-making, which relates to planning, control, and evaluation within an organization. For example, budgets are prepared under the directions of a company’s controller on an annual basis and express t he desires and goals of the company’s management. A performance report is supplied to help a manager focus his attention on problems or opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Furthermore, cost-benefit data will be needed by a company’s management in deciding among the alternatives of reducing prices, increasing advertising, or doing both in attempt to maintain its market shares. The process of generating and analyzing such accounting information for internal decision –making is often referred to as managerialaccounting and the related information reports being prepared are called internal management reports. As contrasted with financial accounting, a management accounting information system provides both historical and estimated information that is relevant to the specific plans on more frequent basis. And managerial accounting is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles.Chapter 2 Accounting environmentThe growth of organizations, changes in technology, government regulation, and the globalization of economy during the twentieth century have spurred the development of accounting. As a result, a number of specialized fields of accounting have evolved in addition to financial accounting and managerial accounting, which include auditing, cost accounting, tax accounting, budgetary accounting, governmental and not –for-profit accounting, human resources accounting, environmental accounting, social accounting, international accounting, etc. For example, tax accounting encompasses the preparation of tax returns and the consideration of the tax consequences of proposed business transactions or alternative courses of action. Governmental and not-for-profit accounting specializes in recording and reporting the transactions of various governmental units and other not-for-profit organizations. International accounting is concerned with the special problems associated with the international trade of multinational business organizations. All forms of accounting, in the end, provide information to the related users and help them make decisions.Accountant the environment has, the development closely with accountant related, and decided that accountant the thought that the accounting theory, accountant organize, accountant the legal system as well as the accountancy level of development historic condition and the particular case.Studies accountant the environment the influence which develops to accountant, should take accountant the goal, accountant suppose, the accounting standards as the clue.2.1 The goal of accountant is the starting point in which accounting environmentaffects the accounting information systemEach kind of accountant under the pattern accountant the goal concrete difference may sum up as accountant the environment different result. Looking from longitudinal, the different historical period, accountant the environment is different, accountant the goal is also different, from this causes the accounting information existence huge difference; Looking from crosswise, different national accountant the environment is different, accountant the goal content has the difference, its accounting information is also unique. About accountant the goal, the theorists have “the policy-making useful view” and “the management responsibility view” the struggle. What policy-making useful view interdependence is the developed capital market, the resources request and is entrusted with something the relations are establishes through the capital market. Thus, the resources entrusting party and is entrusted with something the side responsibility relations intermediary becomes because of the capital market fuzzy. But the responsibility view to base the resources request which forms in the direct intercourse with is entrusted with something the relations. Western various countries and the international accounting standards committee approve the policy-making useful view. If the international accounting standards committee said that “must focus the attention to provide to the economic decision-making useful information”. Comparatively speaking, the management responsibility view depends on each other accountant the environment and the Chinese present stage economic reform and the development actual situation even more tallies. The current our country financial inventory accounting's essential target, should locate, in approaches the trustee to report the fiduciary duty in the fulfillment situation. Because of from the time, the management responsibility view mainly faces the future, but faces in the past and the present. But in accountant confirmed that the standard and the measurement foundation's choices aspect, the foothold in the past and the present must be easier than in the future the foothold, provided the information quality even more drew close to the goal the request.Because just accountant the goal affects the accounting information system's basic reason, therefore, the environment embarks from accountant to accountant thegoal locates, can cause the accounting theory to move toward the accounting practice from Yu the accounting practice.2.2 accountants supposed has promulgated accountant between the external environment close relations which depended on each other with it.Accountant supposes is the accounting personnel the reasonable judgment which locates to the accounting the change which does not decide accountant who the environment makes, is the accounting basic premise Accountant supposes to financial inventory accounting has the overall importance influence, it is the behavior main body and the general situation embarks from accountant constructs the system info, American Accounting standards Committee Respective Accountant Research department's first memoir is “accountant's fundamental assumption”. Although theoretically speaking, the sound value information will have the guidance compared to the historical costs information regarding the user future economic decision-making, just like but US Chartered accountant the Association financial report Technical committee will publish the topic will be "Improvement Enterprise Reported that - - Customer Guidance" said that the numerous users did not advocate by the sound value pattern substitution historical costs pattern, its reason will mainly be stems from the guarantee financial report information consistency, reliable and the cost - benefit principle consideration. However, they advocate many kinds of measurement attribute mix valuation.Accountant supposes is based on the external environment uncertainty proposed that therefore, may say that accountant supposes is the accounting theory and accountant the environment connected border meeting point, depends on each other accountant with it the environment to have the extremely close relationship.2.3 The accounting standards disclose accountant the environment to the accounting information requestAccountant the environment to accounting standards' influence, may manifest in the accounting standards technical nature, the social two aspects.1. Technical nature. The accounting standards were considered that is one kind of pure objective restraint organization, one merely technical's standard method, itsgoal is enables accounting practice processing the science, to be reasonable, to be consistent. Since produces the behavior has universal restraint accountant after accountant the standard system, accountant reforms mainly displays in accountant the standard system's reform, but accountant standard system's reform, displays for concrete accountant the computing technique innovation.2. Sociality. The different accounting standards will have the different accounting information, thus affects the different main body benefit, it will cause part of people to profit, but another part of people possibly suffer injury. The accounting standards produce the economic consequences prove its and impure objective. Accounting standards' sociality materially is the economic interest question, immediate influence to economic interest between related various aspects assignment. One of market economy's base elements is the fair competition;All market economy participants cannot different form the rank difference because of the right status. If the administrative right trades the behavior with the market economy to unify in together, will destroy the market mechanism, will be unable to realize the market economy effective disposition resources function. Therefore accounting standards' formulation organization must be the neutral organization, guarantees the accounting standards fairness and the rationality.Chapter 3 Accounting SystemAccounting system refers to establish accounting and accounting supervision procedure and method of business activities. Effective accounting system should do: 1. Confirmed and record all real business, timely and detailed description of economic business, so in the financial and accounting reports of economic business appropriately classified.2. Measurement value of economic business, so in the financial and accounting reports records in the appropriate monetary value.3. Determine the time, business to business records in the appropriate accounting period.4. In the financial and accounting reports, business and proper disclosure of expression related matters.有效会计体系任何事物都是在一定的环境条件下存在和发展的, 作为人类重要实践活动之一的会计活动也不例外。



外文翻译Cost Management of CorporateMaterial Source:http: 《Cost Management》Author: Don R. Hansen,Maryanne M. Mowen1 the concept of financial control needs to redefineThe need to redefine the financial controls, because the theory of financial management, financial management environment and people's expectations have changed. First of all, compared with the traditional system, financial management, financial management has been separated from and independent existence, as in the separate government administration from enterprise to legal status after the independent governments, in other words, the microstructure of financial management is its basic property. Discussion of financial control to be under the guidance of agent theory, based on "clear property rights, power and responsibility, separation of enterprise management science" of modern enterprise system and corporate governance requirements. Specifically include the following:1.the main body of corporate financial control board first.According to agency theory, "agency relationship exists in all organizations, all cooperative activities exist in every enterprise management level." Empirical analysis shows that the economic agent is based on the operators to grant shareholders the right management can reduce operating costs, because a large number of shareholders by a company directly involved in decision-making, management, production control cost is staggering. But the agent must lead to the establishment of another agency costs. This cost ultimately borne by the shareholders only, and its presence will affect the company's operating efficiency, and may even threaten the survival of the company. In the modern enterprise system, corporate governance structure is an important feature of the board of the operator (CEO) to strengthen financial discipline and control. According to our "Company Law" the relevant provisions of the Board or the shareholders by the creation of the Assembly elections. Mandate from the Board of Directors of view, we are very easy to make this conclusion: corporate governance structure to the board for the center building, the board outside the main activities on behalf of thecompany for Ge Zhong, internal management of the company's financial and operating,Board can Quanfang Wei Fuze financial decision-making and control, essentially decided the company's financial position.This paper emphasizes the financial control board in the modern enterprise's dominant position is by no means deny the CEO (chief executive) and the CFO in the financial control system of a certain position, in fact, multi-agency relationships as business generation and operation of the main body of financial control is layered and multi-level (in the internal control serious business, general manager of the financial control actually occupy "the Chief"). At the same time in the modern corporate board decision-making and control of the financial position of the subject is not no CEO position in the enterprise value creation in the corporate strategic decision-making and tactical implementation of these two areas, both the need for a strategic retreat, policy makers, need implementation experts, the CEO. Gates on quite emotionally said: "When the strategic master is not worth mentioning, when the CEO side was hard effort."From the point of view of the mechanism, the financial control of the first things not just the financial sector, not the responsibility of enterprise managers, but investors were integrated enterprise financial and comprehensive management. A sound corporate financial control system, in fact, is the perfect embodiment of corporate governance structure. In turn, innovation and deepening of financial control will promote the establishment of modern enterprise system and sound corporate governance structure.2.financial control goal is to maximize the value of corporate finance, agency costs and financial returns are balanced, is the business reality and the future high-yield low-cost, unified, rather than the traditional control of the financial activities of the reality of compliance, effectiveness. Financial control board for the primary objective is to reduce agency costs (defined by the operators, employees and other agents lazy, irresponsible, deviate from the shareholders of target and to various means to obtain wealth from the company incurred costs, such costs ultimately Shareholder). The presence of agency costs affect operational efficiency, and may even threaten the survival of the company. Second, the financial control objectives to promote enterprise readiness goals, the financial control process must be around the business strategy formulation, implementation, control the whole process of a series of measures. Finally, the financial control efforts will beintegrated enterprise resource optimization, to minimize resource consumption, resource use efficiency, the maximum business value.3.financial control is the object of the first people (managers, financial managers and other managers, staff) and the resulting internal and external financial relations, it should be followed by a variety of corporate financial resources (capital, technology, human resources, information ) or cash flow.4.way to achieve financial control should be a series of incentives and constraints as method. In order to reduce agency costs and achieve financial goals, we must design a comprehensive incentive and restraint mechanisms, such mechanisms include the "internal mechanism" and "external mechanism." "Internal mechanism" of the factors or means, including: dismissal or replacement of underperforming managers; through the Board of Directors consists of the various Committee and Corporate Board of Directors of the operator control functions; clearly defined general meeting of shareholders, board of directors, managers, decision-making between power, control limits; the implementation of the operators, employees and business performance-related pay "incentive system", including annual salary, profit sharing system, stock options plans; implementation of budget management; through organization design and restructuring, improve the internal organization of the control and responsibility for control, performance evaluation system. "External mechanisms" factors or means, including: managers and labor market regulation, a rational operators, employees under the influence in the talent market, may not be too contrary to the interests of shareholders; control of the market potential M & A's threats; government law; capital market regulators, such as government, intermediary organizations, professional security analysts.2 financial control systems in financial management is the core ofWe know that financial management content from different angles have different expression: analysis from the movement of funds, financial management, including financing, capital invested, fund operations, income distribution; from the management link analysis, financial management including financial forecasting, financial decision-making, financial control and financial analysis; from the analysis of financial elements, the contents of the financial management of funds, cash flow, securities, capital (property) management and other various ideas. In the above part of the core content of what is it? Theoretically, there are different points of view: Some people think that is the funding, investment and distribution; also suggested that the financial decision-making (this view may be well-knownmanagement theorists H. Simon's words, "management is decision-making" effect); and still others cash (money) in circulation and turnover. But the view is more focused on the financing of the capital structure decision-making process in the use of capital investment decisions and dividend decisions on the allocation of funds, such as: "Financial management is through investment decisions, financing decisions and dividend policy to increase the rate of return reduce the risk to achieve their goals. "Financial decision-making is the core idea of financial management, financial management will undoubtedly economic life in the real position is increased, the financial staff accountant not only belong to the class of the housekeeper. But in theory to financial decision-making placed in the financial management system, the primacy of function, I think that may be contrary to the financial management of the most essential meaning, is not conducive to effectively achieve financial goals, the practice of financial management to play the most effective guidance Nanyi role. For two reasons: first, the most effective financial decision-making in particular the long-term financial decisions, is a corporate strategic planning, this decision-making power in planning corporate governance structure are Gudong the General Assembly or Dongshi Hui Jin Jin, Bao Kuo Financial Budget Shenpi so right Yeshi In other words, "prior" financial management authority essentially investor, is not only the implementation of the operators and the level of financial manager, the latter two levels of financial management in terms of content focused on "things" stage . As the company's internal financial management of multi-agent relation to those classified as investment finance, financial managers and financial managers financial multiple levels. Managers and financial managers who are primarily tasked to implement the strategic decision-making, implementation of the company budget, so it called for the implementation of type, rather than decision-making model. From the perspective of the enterprise, financial management is largely level operators and financial managers, because under the modern enterprise system management problems mainly related to the specific operator (CEO), certain specific financial management and chief financial officer (CFO) linked ; Second, the concept of decision-making analysis, decision-making that determination, though no decision-making are also includes a complex analysis and comparison, and selection process, but, if the financial management of the major duties or functions of the provisions in the funding decision-making, investment dividend policy decisions and then, as the central figure in the CFO financial management functions of financialmanager, the core department's financial sector will keep in the "unemployed" or "closed" state. As a business investment, financing, and allocation decisions, especially long-term investment decisions, capital structure, dividend policy and decision-making in the management of complex business activities, after all, belong to even in the event, more a non-programmed decision. From a practical analysis, CEO and CFO is a means of corporate governance structure more by refining the management system, specific management tools, balanced enterprise logistics, capital flow and information flow, to complete the financial decision-making, budgetary and financial matters. One obstacle is the organizational behavior management theory, solving among various actors within the enterprise, corporate and external interests, conflicts of interests between the relevant groups and coordination problems, that the resolution of the principal or the interests of the different management contract between subjects relations leading to a way to coordinate the financial management system actors (such as shareholders, board of directors, managers, financial managers, creditors and other interested groups) the responsibility, authority, and Profit, It is with this understanding, Corporate Finance are mainly management Xue The scope of it to the system as the main features of the financial system to solve business management from the various actors in the incentive and restrictive asymmetry, coordinate and guide all departments and units to achieve corporate financial activities of the overall objectives, financial control tasks is the adoption of regulation, communication and cooperation so that individual, decentralized integration of unified financial operations and pursue short-term or long-term financial goals.译文企业成本管理资料来源:《Cost Management》作者:Don R. Hansen,Maryanne M. Mowen一、财务控制的概念需要重新定义之所以需要对财务控制进行重新定义,是因为财务管理的理论、环境以及人们对财务管理的预期都发生了变化。



外文翻译外文出处Business & Economic Review,2006(4):21-27外文作者布莱恩.斯坦科,艾琳.布罗根,艾琳,亚历山大,约瑟芬.蔡.梅齐原文:Environmental AccountingHere's why projected cleanup costs from hazardous waste sites will be findingtheir way onto the balance sheets of Corporate America.Monitoring the production and disposal of hazardous waste has been a top priority of the United States government and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since the mid-1970s, largely as a result of the Love Canal environmental disaster. Unfortunately, the remediation of hazardous waste sites is not finished, and cleanup cost estimates range anywhere between $500 billion and $1 trillion. American corporations will ultimately be held accountable for these costs. What remains to be seen, however, is exactly who, when, and how much.In terms of corporate responsibilities, this article discusses requirements regarding the financial reporting of environmental liabilities and current initiativesthat should improve the measurement and disclosure of these liabilities. Investors and business professionals alike must understand the significance of these obligations asthey relate to current and future corporate financial statements.Financial ReportingFinancial reporting requirements have evolved over time under several governing bodies. The Securities Act of 1934 created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and gave it the authority to administer federal securities laws and prescribe accounting principles and reporting practices. Companies that are considered under the jurisdiction of the SEC include any company whose stock is publicly traded. As a result, these companies are required to follow SEC disclosure requirements in their filings.The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is responsible for establishing the current standards of financial accounting and reporting. The standards or pronouncements that the FASB issues, "Statements of Financial Accounting Standards" (SFASs), are officially recognized as authoritative by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the national professional organization of CPAs.Until recently, the AICPA played a prominent role in the accounting and reporting environment. But as a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the AlCPA's Auditing Standards Board (ASB) was limited in its role of establishing Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. Auditing and related professional practice standards as they pertain to public companies are now established by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), a private-sector, nonprofit corporation created to oversee the auditors of public companies in order to protect the interests of investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit reports.Evolution of Environmental Accounting StandardsThe common definition of "environmental accounting" is "the identification, measurement, and allocation of environmental costs, the integration of these environmental costs into business decisions, and the subsequent communication of the information to a company's stakeholders" (AICPA).Typical environmental costs include off-site waste disposal costs, cleanup costs, litigation costs, and other related costs.The first accounting standards or interpretation of standards that could be applied to environmental liabilities were enacted by the FASB in 1975 and 1976. These rules covered a generic grouping of contingent liabilities (including environmental liabilities). Initially the FASB stated that contingent liabilities arising from environmental cleanup costs should be accounted for and disclosed according to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 5, "Accounting for Contingencies" (FASB 1975). One year later, the FASB issued Interpretation (FIN) No. 14, "Reasonable Estimation of the Amount of a Loss" (FASB 1976), offeringadditional guidance regarding loss contingencies. Essentially, the standard required losses to be accrued for when they became "probable and reasonably estimable." SFAS No. 5 is still followed today by accountants who are considering the measurement and disclosure of environmental liabilities.SuperfundPrior to Congress passing legislation granting the EPA authority to identify and sanction Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs), most reported environmental liabilities were minimal. That changed in 1980 when Congress passed the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), commonly known as the Superfund Act. CERCLA established strict regulatory requirements regarding the release of hazardous substances from existing or future waste sites.Six years later, Congress amended CERCLA with the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA).This strengthened the EPA’s authority and increased the agency’s fund balance. Under the new Superfund Act, the EPA became responsible for identifying and listing those locations throughout the United States where hazardous substances or waste either have caused or may cause damage to the environment. The EPA, through administrative or legal action, seeks to require PRPs to accept responsibility for the remediation of contaminated sites.Under CERCLA, a PRP is defined as any individual or company that is potentially responsible for, or contributed to, the contamination problems at a Superfund site. According to Paul D. Hutchinson, this can include:• Current owners or operato rs of facilities where hazardous substances have been deposited• Owners or operators of facilities at the time hazardous substances were deposited• Generators of hazardous substances deposited at facilities• Transporters of hazardous substances to facilities• Persons who arranged for disposal or treatment of hazardous substances at facilitiesOnce the EPA identifies a PRP, a liability-based program is used to address the cleanup of the site. Under the liability-based program, a potentially responsible party is classified into one of three categories:• Strict Liability - the PRP is liable for cleanup costs even when there was no negligence• Joint and Several Liability – any one party can be forced to bear the full cost of the remedy, even if several parties contributed to the waste at a site• Retroactive Liability - the provisions apply to actions that took place before CERCLA was passedAfter the EPA identifies the PRPs and their respective liability, it sends notification to the SEC and the respective companies or individuals.Regulation S-K and FRR 36With the increased environmental regulation, the accounting regulatory bodies began to issue standards regarding the reporting and disclosure of environmental liabilities. In 1982, the SEC integrated all of its environmental disclosure requirements into Regulation S-K, requiring disclosure if pollution expenditures had a material effect on the company's earnings. Regulation S-K Item 101, known as the Description of Business, requires registrants to disclose, among other things, the material effects of complying or failing to comply with environmental requirements on the capital expenditures, earnings, and competitive position of the registrant and its subsidiaries. S-K Item 103 requires registrants to describe any material concerning pending legal proceedings unless the legal proceedings involve ordinary routine litigation incidental to the business. S-K Item 303, often referred to as Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, requires the disclosure of environmental contingencies that may reasonably have a material impact on net sales, revenue, or income from continuing operations.In 1989, the SEC provided further guidance by issuing Financial Reporting Release (FRR) 36. FRR 36 discusses and illustrates various disclosure requirements for the Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) component of the SEC annual report 10-K filing and the shareholder annual report.Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 92Even with this increase in regulation, companies were still finding it difficult to estimate liabilities that needed to be disclosed. In response, the SEC issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No.92 (SAB 92) to further clarify its disclosure requirements. SAB 92 specifically discussed the disclosure of environmental liabilities in the balance sheet. The SEC's position on the disclosure of environmental liabilities was strengthened through an agreement with the EPA in 1990. Essentially, the EPA would provide the SEC with certain quarterly information, including names of PRPs, a list of all cases filed under CERCLA, and a list of civil and criminal cases under federal environmental laws. In exchange for this information, the SEC agreed to target the enforcement of environmental disclosures.AICPA Statement of Position 96-1By 1996, the EPA had identified more than 36,000 hazardous waste sites in the United States. The EPA then took what they considered to be the most severe of the contaminated sites and developed the National Priorities List (NPL). This list contained 1,405 sites, each referred to as a Superfund site. From these Superfund sites alone, the EPA proceeded to identify 15,000 PRPs connected to these sites. These PRPs would eventually be responsible for cleanup costs that would range from $35 million to $1 billion per site. The release of this information revealed to the accounting profession that the remedial liabilities of the PRPs were significant and, therefore, required better accounting and disclosure. As a result, the AICPA issued Statement of Position (SOP) 96-1, "Environmental Remediation Liabilities," which provided specific guidance on estimation and the financial reporting of environmental accruals and contingencies.Analysis of the Standards (Past and Present)(A) Recognition of Environmental LiabilitiesRecognition pertains to when a liability should be reported in the financial statements. Contingent liabilities are obligations that are dependent upon the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more future events to confirm the amount payable, the payee, the date payable or its existence. The most significant liability thata firm faces in relation to environmental accounting comprises the remediation costs. Remediation costs typically include cleanup costs, litigation costs, and other costs associated with legal compliance.FAS No. 5,mentioned earlier,requires that a provision for a loss contingency be recorded and a liability recognized in financial statements when both of the following conditions are met:• It is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred at the date of the financial statements• The amount of the loss can be reasonably estimatedFASB Interpretation (FIN) No. 14 provides additional guidance on how to recognize a loss contingency when the estimated loss is within a specified range. It recommends that the minimum amount of the range be accrued, unless some amount within the range appears at the time to be a better estimate than any other amount within the range.The AICPA SOP 96-1 expands the types of costs that may be appropriately accrued and the ability to consider technologies under development in order to help assess the ultimate cost of remediation efforts more accurately. PRPs must now use a more conservative approach (increase the probability of loss recognition) than under the prior provisions of SFAS No. 5 to ascertain if they should accrue such liabilities. According to the SOP 96-1, the probability criterion of SFAS No. 5 is met if the EPA has decided (or probably will) that the company must participate in remediation. Liabilities must now be recognized when litigation has commenced or an assertion of a claim is probable whenever the PRP is associated with that site. In addition, PRPs must now accrue potential environmental remediation liabilities "up front," all at once, rather than recognize the expenses when they are actually paid.(B) Accounting for Recognized Environmental LiabilitiesWhen a company has determined that an environmental obligation exists, it must be measured and accounted for based on available information. Key accounting issues related to the recognition of environmental liabilities are highlighted below: Estimates of the Environmental LiabilityAccording to AlCPA's SOP 96-1, once a liability is determined, its magnitude must be estimated. In developing the estimates, according to Kathleen Blackburn Hethcox, Richard Riley, and Jan R. Williams writing in National Public Accountant, the factors below should be considered:• The extent and type of hazardous substances at the site, and the costs to be included in the estimate• The effect of expected future events or developments• The range of technologies that can be used in remediation• The number and financial condition of other PRPs• T he effect of potential recoveriesEarly estimates of loss can be revised later if new information gives cause for a change. The revisions should be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate, thereby only affecting current and future financial reporting. No retroactive restatement of prior year financial statements is allowed under SOP 96-1. The SOP 96-1 also recommends that for various stages of remediation, benchmarks be used to evaluate the extent of the amount that can be estimated. At a minimum, the estimate should be evaluated as each benchmark occurs; which includes identification of the company as a PRP, receipt of a unilateral administrative order requiring a removal action, participation in a remedial investigation (Rl) or feasibility study (FS) as a PRP, completion of a feasibility study, and issuance of a record of decision.Source: Brian B Stanko, Erin Brogan, Erin Alexander, and Josephine Choy-Mee Chay.Environmental Accounting[J]. Buinese & Economic Review, 2006,(4):21-27. 译文:环境会计本文讲述了,为什么从预算有害废物的清除成本可以看出美国公司编制资产负债表的方式。


资本公积(capital reserves)
自然资源(natural resources)
偿债基金(sinking fund)
长期应付款(long-term payables)
长期投资(long-term investments)
债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of debt)
账户编号(Account number)
账户对应关系(debit-credit relationship)
账项调整(adjustment of account)
专用记账凭证(special-purpose voucher)
理论成本与应用成本(theory cost and practice cost)
辅助生产成本分配(auxiliary production cost allocation)
成本控制程序(procedure of cost control)
成本记录(cost entry, cost recorder cost agenda)
工厂成本(factory cost)
成本考核(cost assess)
制造费用(manufactruing expenses)
动力费用分配(power expenses allocation)
趋势分析法(trend analysis approach)
成本计算简单法(simple costing method)
产品成本计划(the plan of product costs)
产品成本(product cost)



【财务会计管理】环境会计方面的外文文献xxxx年xx月xx日xxxxxxxx集团企业有限公司Please enter your company's name and contentvEVOLUTION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT PROGRAMJ. H. MadayT. L. KuusinenOctober 1991Presented at theEnvironmental Auditing ConferenceOctober 22-23, 1991Seattle, WashingtonWork supported bythe U.S. Department of Energyunder Contract DE-ACO6-76RLO 1830Pacific Northwest LaboratoryRichland, Washington 99352DISCLAIMERThis report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States。

Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.Evolution of an Environmental Audit ProgramJoseph H. Maday, Jr. (ASQC-CQA)Technical Group Leader - Quality Verification DepartmentandTapio KuusinenSenior Research ScientistEnvironmental Policy and Compliance GroupPacific Northwest LaboratoryRichland, Washington 99352ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis document was prepared under the direction of the U.S. Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA)Small Business Division. There were numerous reviewers from government and private organizations.Additionally, the following provided important advice and/or reference materials:* Small Business Ombudsman, Maine Department of Environmental Protection* Tennessee Small Business Assistance Program* New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection* Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance for Toxics Use Reduction (OTA)* Iowa Waste Reduction Center, University of Northern Iowa* Florida Small Business Assistance ProgramThe products and services included in this document were contributed for review by commercial andgovernment sources. The project team is thankful for their timely cooperation.ABSTRACTInternational and national standards, and in some cases corporate policies require that planned and scheduled audits be performed to verify all aspects of environmental compliance and to determine effective implementation of the environmental management program. An example of this can be found in the definition of auditing as provided by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Policy Statement on Environmental Auditing. It defines environmental auditing as follows:"Environmental auditing is a systematic, documented, periodic and objective review by regulated entities of facility operations and practices related to meetingenvironmental requirements. Audits can be designed to accomplish any or all of the following: verify compliance with environmental requirements, evaluate the effectiveness of environmental management systems already in place, or assess risksfrom regulated and unregulated materials and practices.Auditing serves as a quality assurance check to help improve the effectiveness of basic environmental management by verifying that management practices are in place, functioning and adequate. ''Many specifications further emphasize that the audit be performed to written procedures or checklists (to provide later documentation) by personnel who do not have direct responsibility for performing the activities being audited. The results of such audits are generally required to be documented, reported to, and reviewed by, responsible management. Follow-up action will be taken where indicated. The responsible organization can then take follow-up action as needed.An effective auditing program is a useful tool for improving environmental compliance. If developed properly, the program will point out areas of weakness and areas ofpotential problems. An auditing program will also identify environmental compliance activities that meet or exceed expectations.At the Pacific Northwest Laboratory(PNL), Environmental Audits used to consist of nontechnical auditors auditing to findings published in General Accounting Office reports. Today's practice of deploying a composite team of technical specialists and nontechncial auditors to audit to specific environmental programmatic requirements provides, we believe, a significant improvement.国际和国家的标准, 而且在一些情形企业的政策需要那计划了的和预定的稽核是运行到查证所有的环境服从的方面和决定环境管理的有效落实计画。



成本会计中英文术语非正常毁损Abnormal spoilage生产成本法Absorption costing账户分析法Account analysis method会计回报率Accounting rate of return权责发生制下会计回报率Accrual accounting rate of return作业Activity作业基础的预算管理Activity-based budgeting作业成本法Activity-based costing作业管理Activity-based management实际成本Actual cost实际成本法Actual costing调整分配率途径Adjusted allocation-rate approach允许的成本Allowable cost鉴定成本Appraisal costs拟构成本Artificial costs注意力导向Attention directing自治Autonomy平均成本Average cost平均等候时间Average waiting time反冲成本法Backflush costing平衡记分卡Balanced scorecard批次级成本Batch-level costs观念系统Belief systems标杆管理Benchmarking账面价值Book value瓶颈Bottleneck边界系统Boundary systems盈亏平衡点Breakeven point预算Budget预算成本Budgeted cost预算松弛Budgetary slack预算间接成本分配率Budgeted indirect-cost rate捆绑产品Bundled product业务功能成本Business function costs副产品Byproducts资本预算Capital budgeting储囤成本Carrying costs现金预算Cash budget 因果图Cause-and-effect diagram财务管理认证Certified in financial management注册管理会计师Certified management accountant财务总监Chief financial officer决定系数Coefficient of determination共谋定价Collusive pricing共同成本Common cost完整往复成本Complete reciprocated costs 合成单位Composite unit商讨会法Conference method遵循质量Conformance quality常数Constant固定毛利率NRV法Constant gross-margin percentage NRV method约束条件Constraint滚动预算Continuous budget, rolling budget 贡献收益表Contribution income statement 边际贡献Contribution margin单位边际贡献Contribution margin per unit 边际贡献率Contribution margin percentage 边际贡献比例Contribution margin ratio控制Control控制图Control chart可控性Controllability可控成本Controllable cost主计长Controller加工成本Conversion costs成本Cost成本会计Cost accounting成本会计标准委员会Cost accounting standards board成本汇集Cost accumulation成本分配Cost allocation成本分配基础Cost-allocation base成本分配基础Cost-application base成本归集Cost assignment成本-收益权衡Cost-benefit approach成本中心Cost center成本动因Cost driver成本估计Cost estimation成本函数Cost function成本层级Cost hierarchy成本流入Cost incurrence成本领先Cost leadership成本管理Cost management成本对象Cost object资本成本Cost of capital产品制造成本Cost of goods manufactured成本库Cost pool成本预测Cost predictions成本追溯Cost tracing质量成本Costs of quality, quality costs本量利分析Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis累计平均时间学习模型Cumulative average-time learning model当前成本Current cost客户成本层级Customer cost hierarchy客户生命周期成本Customer life-cycle costs 客户盈利分析Customer-profitability analysis 客户回应时间Customer-response time客户服务Customer service分权Decentralization决策模型Decision model决策表Decision table经营杠杆水平Degree of operating leverage 分母水平Denominator level生产数量差异Denominator-level variance, Output-level overhead variance,Production-volume variance因变量Dependent variable产品或服务设计Design of products, services, or processes设计质量Design quality设计锁定成本Designed-in costs, locked-in costs诊断控制系统Diagnostic control systems差异成本Differential cost差异收入Differential revenue直接分配法Direct allocation method直接成本法Direct costing成本对象的直接成本Direct costs of a cost object直接生产人工成本Direct manufacturing labor costs直接材料成本Direct material costs 直接材料存货Direct material inventory直接材料混合差异Direct material mix variance直接材料产量差异Direct material yield variance直接法Direct method折现率Discount rate现金流量折现法Discounted cash flow (DCF) methods酌量性成本Discretionary costs发送Distribution减少规模Downsizing向下需求旋转Downward demand spiral双重定价Dual pricing双成本分配率法Dual-rate cost-allocation method, dual-rate method倾销Dumping次优化决策制定Dysfunctional decision making, Incongruent decision making, suboptimal decision making经济订单数量Economic order quantity (EOQ)经济增加值Economic value added有效性Effectiveness效率Efficiency效率差异Efficiency variance, usage variance 努力Effort技术成本Engineered costs约当产量Equivalent units事项Event预期货币价值Expected monetary value, expected value经验曲线Experience curve外部失败成本External failure cost设施支持成本Facility-sustaining costs工厂间接费用Factory overhead costs有利差异Favorable variance反馈Feedback财务主管Finance director财务会计Financial accounting财务预算Financial budget财务计划模型Financial planning models产成品存货Finished goods inventory先进先出分步法First-in, first-out (FIFO)process-costing method固定成本Fixed cost固定间接费用弹性预算差异Fixed overhead flexible-budget variance固定间接费用耗费差异Fixed overhead spending variance弹性预算Flexible budget弹性预算差异Flexible-budget variance产品全部成本Full costs of the product目标一致性Goal congruence毛利率Gross margin percentage增长构成Growth component高低法High-low method同质的成本库Homogenous cost pool基本报酬率Hurdle rate混合成本核算系统Hybrid costing system空置时间Idle time假设成本Imputed costs增量成本Incremental cost增量成本分配法Incremental cost-allocation method增量收入Incremental revenue增量收入分配法Incrementalrevenue-allocation method增量单位时间学习模型Incrementalunit-time learning model自变量Independent variable成本对象的间接成本Indirect costs of a cost object间接成本分配率Indirect-cost rate间接制造成本Indirect manufacturing costs 工业工程法Industrial engineering method, Work-measurement method通货膨胀Inflation价格差异Input-price variance, price variance, rate variance内制Insourcing检验点Inspection point管理会计师协会Institute of Management Accountants交互式控制系统Interactive control systems 截距项Intercept中间产品Intermediate product内部失败成本Internal failure costs 内含报酬率法Internal rate-of-return (IRR) method产品存货成本Inventoriable costs存货管理Inventory management投资Investment投资中心Investment center批次Job分批成本记录Job-cost record, job-cost sheet 分批法Job-costing system联合成本Joint costs联产品Joint products即时制生产Just-in-time (JIT) production, lean production即时制采购Just-in-time (JIT) purchasing改进法预算Kaizen budgeting人工时间记录Labor-time record学习曲线Learning curve生命周期预算Life-cycle budgeting生命周期成本法Life-cycle costing业务管理Line management线形成本函数Linear cost function线性规划Linear programming主产品Main product自产/外购决策Make-or-buy decisions管理会计Management accounting例外管理Management by exception管理控制系统Management control system 制造单元Manufacturing cells生产周期时间Manufacturing cycle time, Manufacturing lead time分配的制造费用Manufacturing overhead allocated, Manufacturing overhead applied制造类企业Manufacturing-sector companies 安全边际Margin of safety市场营销Marketing市场分额差异Market-share variance市场规模差异Market-size variance全面预算Master budget全面预算生产能力利用Master-budget capacity utilization材料需求规划Materials requirements planning用料单Materials-requisition record商业类企业Merchandising-sector companies混合成本Mixed cost, semivariable cost道德风险Moral hazard动机Motivation多重共线性Multicollinearity多变量回归Multiple regression净利润Net income净现值法Net present value (NPV) method 净可实现值法Net realizable value (NPV) method名义回报率Nominal rate of return非线性成本函数Nonlinear cost function非价值增加成本Nonvalue-added cost正常生产能力利用Normal capacity utilization正常成本法Normal costing正常毁损Normal spoilage目标函数Objective function准时表现On-time performance一次性特殊订单One-time-only special order 经营预算Operating budget营业部门Operating department营业利润Operating income经营杠杆Operating leverage经营Operation经营成本核算系统Operation-costing system 机会成本Opportunity cost资本机会成本Opportunity cost of capital采购订单成本Ordering costs组织架构Organization structure结果Outcomes产出单位成本Output unit-level costs外部采购Outsourcing分配过多的间接成本Overabsorbed indirect costs, Overapplied indirect costs, overallocated indirect costs加班奖金Overtime premium帕累托图Pareto Diagram局部生产力Partial productivity回收期法Payback method最大负荷定价Peak-load pricing完全竞争市场Perfectly competitive market 期间成本Period costs实物计量法Physical measure method计划Planning 现实的生产能力Practical capacity掠夺性定价Predatory pricing预防成本Prevention costs转入成本Previous department costs, transferred-in costs价格折扣Price discount区别定价Price discrimination价格恢复构成Price-recovery component主要成本Prime costs预测报表Pro forma statements概率Probability概率分布Probability distribution问题解决Problem solving分步成本核算系统Process-costing system 产品Product产品成本Product cost产品成本互补Product-costcross-subsidization产品差异化Product differentiation产品生命周期Product life cycle产品组合决策Product mix decisions成本高计的产品Product overcosting产品支持成本Product-sustaining costs成本少计的产品Product undercosting生产Production生产部门Production department生产量水平Production-denominator level 生产力Productivity生产力构成Productivity component利润中心Profit center按比例分配Proration采购订单提前量Purchasing-order lead time 采购成本Purchasing costsPV图PV graph定性因素Qualitative factors质量Quality定量因素Quantitative factors真实回报率Real rate of return交互分配法Reciprocal allocation method, reciprocal method业务流程再造Reengineering精练化成本系统Refined costing system回归分析Regression analysis相关成本Relevant costs相关范围Relevant range相关收入Relevant revenues再订购点Reorder point要求的回报率Required rate of return研发Research and development剩余收益Residual income剩余项Residual term责任会计Responsibility accounting责任中心Responsibility center投资报酬率Return on investment收入分配Revenue allocation收入中心Revenue center收入动因Revenue driver收入对象Revenue object收入Revenues返工Rework合适规模Rightsizing安全库存Safety stock销售组合Sales mix销售组合差异Sales mix variance销售数量差异Sales-quantity variance分离点销售价值法Sales value at splitoff method销售数额差异Sales-volume variance业务记录Scorekeeping废料Scrap销售价格差异Selling-price variance敏感性分析Sensitivity analysis可分离成本Separable costs阶梯法Sequential allocation method,step-down allocation method, step-down method顺序追溯Sequential tracing服务部门Service department, supporting department服务类企业Service-sector companies服务支持成本Service-sustaining costs单变量回归Simple regression单一成本分配率法single-rate cost-allocation method, single-rate method斜率系数Slope coefficient原始凭证Source document设定分析Specification analysis分离点Splitoff point 毁损Spoilage人事管理Staff management单一个体成本分配法Stand-alonecost-allocation method单一个体收入分配法Stand-alonerevenue-allocation method标准Standard标准成本Standard cost标准成本法Standard costing估计系数标准差Standard error of the estimation coefficient标准投入Standard input标准价格Standard price静态预算Static budget静态预算差异Static budget variance阶梯式成本函数Step cost function脱销成本Stockout costs战略成本管理Strategic cost management战略Strategy沉没成本Sunk costs超级变动成本法Super-variable costing, throughput costing供应链Supply chain单位目标成本Target cost per unit单位目标营业利润Target operating income per unit目标价格Target price目标投资回报率Target rate of return on investment理论生产能力Theoretical capacity约束理论Theory of constraints物料贡献Throughput contribution时间动因Time driver货币时间价值Time value of money全要素生产力Total factor productivity (TFP) 全部间接费用差异Total-overhead variance 转移价格Transfer price触发点Trigger point不确定性Uncertainty分配不足的间接成本underabsorbed indirect costs, underapplied indirect costs, underallocated indirect costs不利差异Unfavorable variance单位成本Unit cost未用生产能力Unused capacity价值增加成本Value-added cost价值链Value chain价值工程Value engineering变动成本Variable cost变动成本法Variable costing变动间接费用效率差异Variable overhead efficiency variance变动间接费用弹性预算差异Variable overhead flexible-budget variance变动间接费用耗费差异Variable overhead spending variance差异Variance加权平均的分步法Weighted-average process-costing method在产品存货Work-in-process inventory在产品Work-in-process。



环境会计核算模式研究外文文献翻译最新译文字数3000多字文献出处:Mount R. Environmental reporting and accounting in Australia: Progress, prospects and research priorities [J]. Science of the T otal Environment, 2015, 7(3): 338-349.原文The Research of Environmental Accounting ModeMount RAbstractEnvironmental accounting research began in the 1970 s. Bemons wrote the social cost of pollution control research on conversion and marin's article 1973 accounting problems of pollution, has opened the prologue of environmental accounting research. Into the 80 s countries have serious consequences for the environmental pollution, more alert, intuitive understanding, many large multinational companies began to prepare the annual environmental special expense budgets, to solve the problem of environmental protection. In June 1992, the United Nations held a conference on environment and development in Brazil, through the convention on environmental protection, "21st century agenda", will determine the sustainable development as a guide to the common development of the global strategy and action. Was held in March 1995, the international accounting and reporting standard thirteenth session of the intergovernmental expert working group, the main issue is the environment accounting; it marks the environmental problems in the development of the world as a important subject has to depth development.Keywords: Environmental accounting; Measurement; The internalization of external costs. Information disclosure1 IntroductionWith the progress of science and technology, the development of productivity, the surge of population, more and more serious damage to natural, human caused global warming, acid rain, flood, abnormal climate phenomena, such as have constitute a serious threat to human survival and development. These widespread environmental problems derived from the social and economic activities of the whole world, and as the main economic activities of enterprises lack by accounting systemarrangement, etc, necessary constraints, did not effectively take responsibility to society, natural environment pollution. It caused the world attention to people of insight, hope to carry out international cooperation norms and constraints in enterprise production and business operation activities affect the environment resources. Then, in 1998 Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations international accounting and reporting standard intergovernmental expert working group on the 15th meeting, discuss and passed about environmental accounting and reporting system, complete the international guide - the announcement of the position of environmental accounting and reporting. Out of this guide pointed out the direction for the research of environmental accounting. After that, to solve the problem of environmental accounting, many experts and scholars put forward the view of the environmental accounting system should be established.Environmental accounting system is generally divided into two aspects of macroscopic and microscopic. Macro environment accounting is a social perspective to look at the value of resources and environment and ecological environment balanceproblems. At the same time, the micro environmental accounting as a macro environment accounting support, reflected the enterprise as a member of the society, should assume due to the business activities on the environment pollution caused by the responsibility and obligation. This requires the micro field should reflect the enterprise environment accounting system, adopts appropriate recognition and measurement method, comprehensive, continuous, systematically reflect the enterprise's environmental expenditure and income, and the environmental behavior of enterprises to supervise and analysis of information relevant to the user to provide comprehensive enterprise information, meet the requirements of the public enterprise shall bear the obligation of environmental protection demands.2 The overview of current researchEnvironmental accounting as a new branch of accounting is a combination of environment, environmental economics and development economics, accounting concepts and knowledge. Accordingly, environmental accounting in addition to adhering to the basic principle and basic method of accounting, it at the same time toabsorb and reference to include the environment, environmental economics (and its branch disciplines such as economics and pollution hazards economics, resource economics, ecological economics), in the field of development economics and other disciplines and a series of concepts and methods, on this basis to form a set of environmental accounting theory and method system. Environmental accounting theory and method of system involves the environment accounting hypothesis, accounting target, environment accounting object,etc. Core at the same time, involved in the field of environmental accounting measurement problem, given the environment accounting measurement are different from the traditional accounting, environment accounting measurement basis has the characteristics of multiplicity: opportunity cost, marginal cost and replacement costs can act as environmental accounting measurement basis. In addition, in view of the fuzziness of environmental accounting measurement can be reference to the principle of environmental economics explained; About environmental accounting report, there are two main types: supplementary report mode and independent mode. In addition, about the content of the environmental cost accounting management involves both environmental financial accounting recognition, measurement, and embodies the environmental management accounting cost control, investment decision-making, and the requirements of performance evaluation. Environmental accounting is an important part of implementing sustainable development strategy. Under the concept of sustainable development, the enterprise should be the environmental protection work through to the whole process of production and operation of the enterprise. At the same time, the assessment on the operator's fiduciary duty, should not only consider the economic accountability, should also include the social and environmental accountability.2.1 Environmental accounting research in the United StatesThe research and application of the environmental accounting is in the leading level in the world. This is mainly due to the United States environmental protection agency (hereinafter referred to as the EPA) strong impetus. Under the impetus of the EPA, many research institutions and associationreleased the stakeholders actionagenda: studio of environmental cost accounting and capital budget of a report. The report, for the development of environmental accounting, needs to solve the problem of four centers: (1) the good understanding of related terms and concepts;(2) to create internal and external management incentives;(3) education, guidance and promotion;(4) the development and dissemination of analysis tools, methods and systems. Since then, the EPA environmental accounting project along the direction of theoretical research and practical experience summed up two. In the first, first expounds the significance of environmental accounting, define the basic concepts of environment accounting. Second, EPA within the enterprise environment cost can be divided into traditional costs, hidden costs, or costs, image and public relations costs four categories, in addition to the external social costs. Finally, analyzes how the environment accounting for cost allocation, capital budgeting, process or product design, etc. The EPA argues that successful environmental management system must carry on the measurement of all environmental costs, and applied to a variety of decision-making; In the second aspect, the EPA has obtained results can be further divided into three types: one is the individual case study, to summarize the successful experience of the world's leading enterprises. Two is case set, is mainly the study of some of the same industry company; it is through the field observation and interview, questionnaire survey form a benchmark study. The combination of theory with practice to make the environment more accurately find out the problems existing in the accounting job, determine the direction of further improvement.2.2 South Korea's environmental accountingSince the mid - 1990 - s, South Korean some company began to research environmental accounting. This is mainly originated from South Korea the increased cost of environmental pollution prevention. South Korean company’s pollution p revention and control of cost from 1993 to 1999 at double-digit rate has increased dramatically, which makes the enterprise product cost rising, seriously affected the market competitiveness. On the other hand, due to the government regulation force increasing environmental regulations make financial institutions such as the external creditors more focus on enterprise environmental risk and performance, underpressure to companies to look for cost effective optimization method to improve environmental performance. Based on this, many companies have begun to realize the advance of the importance of environmental management strategy and environmental performance report, but the practice is in its infancy. Environmental accounting practice in order to promote South Korea, South Korea's environment ministry (KMOE) issued a covering the scope of environmental accounting related about "the accounting standards of environmental costs and liabilities" report, the purpose is to provide theoretical basis and the introduction of environmental accounting in South Korea relevant methods, mainly includes the definition of environmental accounting, environmental accounting conceptual framework, and the field environment accounting practices and environmental accounting in South Korea, and other standard draft.3 Environmental accounting theory basisEnvironmental accounting is closely connected withaccounting, the accounting profession of the environmental accounting mainly embodied in environmental accounting as a branch of accounting, the recognition and measurement should be the product of the multi-discipline together, its basic value can be activities to the environment and related economic activity provides reflect and control. Mainly embodied in five aspects:3.1 Environmental accounting is a new branch of accountingHere involves three levels of content: first, the environmental accounting as a branch of enterprise accounting, on the whole reflects the existing enterprise accounting (including financial accounting, management accounting, etc.), the basic principle and basic methods, and only in special cases should be considered the influence of environmental factors; Second, the economic development, the more important accounting, this concept applies not only to environmental accounting, but also in the environmental accounting factors coordination, balance social interests, enterprise and play an important role in environmental effects; Third, environment accounting is aimed at companies, administrative institution of environmental effect and influence is relatively small, or only play the role of enterprises andenvironmental work, so in the future a period of administrative institutions to establish the necessity of environmental accounting is low. This from another Angle, interpretation of environmental accounting is a branch of accounting.3.2 Environmental accounting is the product of the combination of interdisciplinary developmentEnvironmental accounting is the environment, environmental economics and development economics, theproduct of the combination of accounting. Accordingly, environmental accounting in addition to adhering to the basic principle and basic method of accounting, it at the same time to absorb and reference to include the environment, environmental economics (and its branch disciplines such as economics and pollution hazards economics, resource economics, ecological economics), in the field of development economics and other disciplines and a series of concepts and methods, on this basis to form a set of environmental accounting theory and method system.3.3 Environmental accounting to make the scope of the accounting entity is broaderEnvironmental accounting and financial accounting is the same need to consider the concept of accounting entity. This due to the accounting entity concept as the main body of accounting in the enterprises, to undertake the rights and obligations of assets and liabilities. For environmental accounting, the body is not just a for-profit economic organization, and should be considered a social unit and link in the total system, need a certain amount of social responsibility, and environmental accounting entity concept is beyond the scope of general enterprise accounting entity and should as far as possible from the perspective of social and environmental control of the enterprise the management activities. Otherwise, environmental accounting will be established. At the same time, the accounting should not only on the enterprise's economic benefit, but also examine environmental benefits as well as the reflection of the enterprise the combination of two kinds of benefits, which is reflected in the environmental accounting measurement model selection. Concrete embodiment in should adopt the method ofmonetary measurement, and to use the real measurement. In the monetary measurement should not only use the strong historical cost, reliabilityand need to consider the adoption of other measurement model.译文环境会计核算模式研究作者:Mount R摘要环境会计的研究始于70 年代。



有关环境的会计英文Environmental accounting refers to the incorporation of environmental costs and benefits into an organization's financial reporting and decision-making processes. It involves tracking and assessing the environmental impact of an organization's activities, as well as the costs associated with environmental compliance and conservation efforts.There are several types of environmental accounting, including:1. Environmental cost accounting: This involves identifying and accounting for the costs associated with environmental protection and compliance, such as pollution control measures, waste disposal, and environmental remediation.2. Environmental performance accounting: This focuses on measuring and tracking an organization's environmental performance, such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste generation, and reporting this information both internally and externally.3. Natural capital accounting: This involves valuing and accounting for the economic contribution of natural resources, such as forests, ecosystems, and biodiversity, and their depletion or degradation due to an organization's activities.4. Environmental risk accounting: This identifies and assesses the financial risks associated with an organization's exposure to environmental risks, such as climate change, natural disasters, and regulatory changes.Environmental accounting provides a comprehensive picture of an organization's environmental impact and helps address sustainability challenges. It can inform strategic decision-making, resource allocation, and risk management, and also allows organizations to demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship to stakeholders, investors, and customers.。



1 资产assets11~ 12 流动资产current assets111 现金及约当现金cash and cash equivalents1111 库存现金cash on hand1112 零用金/周转金petty cash/revolving funds1113 银行存款cash in banks1116 在途现金cash in transit1117 约当现金cash equivalents1118 其它现金及约当现金other cash and cash equivalents112 短期投资short-term investment1121 短期投资-股票short-term investments - stock1122 短期投资-短期票券short-term investments - short-term notes and bills1123 短期投资-政府债券short-term investments - government bonds1124 短期投资-受益凭证short-term investments - beneficiary certificates1125 短期投资-公司债short-term investments - corporate bonds1128 短期投资-其它short-term investments - other1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market 113 应收票据notes receivable1131 应收票据notes receivable1132 应收票据贴现discounted notes receivable1137 应收票据-关系人notes receivable - related parties1138 其它应收票据other notes receivable1139 备抵呆帐-应收票据allowance for uncollec- tible accounts- notes receivable 114 应收帐款accounts receivable1141 应收帐款accounts receivable1142 应收分期帐款installment accounts receivable1147 应收帐款-关系人accounts receivable - related parties1149 备抵呆帐-应收帐款allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - accounts receivable 118 其它应收款other receivables1181 应收出售远汇款forward exchange contract receivable1182 应收远汇款-外币forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies 1183 买卖远汇折价discount on forward ex-change contract1184 应收收益earned revenue receivable1185 应收退税款income tax refund receivable1187 其它应收款- 关系人other receivables - related parties1188 其它应收款- 其它other receivables - other1189 备抵呆帐- 其它应收款allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - other receivables 121~122 存货inventories1211 商品存货merchandise inventory1212 寄销商品consigned goods1213 在途商品goods in transit1219 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market1221 制成品finished goods1222 寄销制成品consigned finished goods1223 副产品by-products1227 物料supplies1228 在途原物料materials and supplies in transit1229 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market125 预付费用prepaid expenses1251 预付薪资prepaid payroll1252 预付租金prepaid rents1253 预付保险费prepaid insurance1254 用品盘存office supplies1255 预付所得税prepaid income tax1258 其它预付费用other prepaid expenses126 预付款项prepayments1261 预付货款prepayment for purchases1268 其它预付款项other prepayments128~129 其它流动资产other current assets1281 进项税额V AT paid ( or input tax)1282 留抵税额excess V AT paid (or overpaid V AT)1283 暂付款temporary payments1284 代付款payment on behalf of others1285 员工借支advances to employees1286 存出保证金refundable deposits1287 受限制存款certificate of deposit-restricted1291 递延所得税资产deferred income tax assets1292 递延兑换损失deferred foreign exchange losses1293 业主(股东)往来owners'(stockholders') current account1294 同业往来current account with others1298 其它流动资产-其它other current assets - other13 基金及长期投资funds and long-term investments131 基金funds1311 偿债基金redemption fund (or sinking fund)1312 改良及扩充基金fund for improvement and expansion1313 意外损失准备基金contingency fund1314 退休基金pension fund1318 其它基金other funds132 长期投资long-term investments1321 长期股权投资long-term equity investments1322 长期债券投资long-term bond investments1323 长期不动产投资long-term real estate in-vestments1324 人寿保险现金解约价值cash surrender value of life insurance1328 其它长期投资other long-term investments1329 备抵长期投资跌价损失allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments14~ 15 固定资产property , plant, and equipment141 土地land1411 土地land1418 土地-重估增值land - revaluation increments142 土地改良物land improvements143 房屋及建物buildings1431 房屋及建物buildings1438 房屋及建物-重估增值buildings -revaluation increments1439 累积折旧-房屋及建物accumulated depreciation - buildings144~146 机(器)具及设备machinery and equipment1441 机(器)具machinery1448 机(器)具-重估增值machinery - revaluation increments1449 累积折旧-机(器)具accumulated depreciation - machinery151 租赁资产leased assets1511 租赁资产leased assets1519 累积折旧-租赁资产accumulated depreciation - leased assets152 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1521 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1529 累积折旧- 租赁权益改良accumulated depreciation - leasehold improvements156 未完工程及预付购置设备款construction in progress and prepayments for equipment 1561 未完工程construction in progress1562 预付购置设备款prepayment for equipment158 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment1581 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment1588 杂项固定资产-重估增值miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment - revaluation increments1589 累积折旧- 杂项固定资产accumulated depreciation - miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment16 递耗资产depletable assets161 递耗资产depletable assets1611 天然资源natural resources1618 天然资源-重估增值natural resources -revaluation increments1619 累积折耗-天然资源accumulated depletion - natural resources17 无形资产intangible assets171 商标权trademarks1711 商标权trademarks172 专利权patents1721 专利权patents173 特许权franchise1731 特许权franchise174 著作权copyright1741 著作权copyright175 计算机软件computer software1751 计算机软件computer software cost176 商誉goodwill1761 商誉goodwill177 开办费organization costs1771 开办费organization costs178 其它无形资产other intangibles1781 递延退休金成本deferred pension costs1782 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1811 债券发行成本deferred bond issuance costs1812 长期预付租金long-term prepaid rent1813 长期预付保险费long-term prepaid insurance1814 递延所得税资产deferred income tax assets1815 预付退休金prepaid pension cost1818 其它递延资产other deferred assets182 闲置资产idle assets1821 闲置资产idle assets184 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 1841 长期应收票据long-term notes receivable1842 长期应收帐款long-term accounts receivable1843 催收帐款overdue receivables1847 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款-关系人long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables- related parties1848 其它长期应收款项other long-term receivables1849 备抵呆帐-长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款allowance for uncollectible accounts - long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables185 出租资产assets leased to others1851 出租资产assets leased to others1858 出租资产-重估增值assets leased to others - incremental value from revaluation1859 累积折旧-出租资产accumulated depreciation - assets leased to others186 存出保证金refundable deposit1861 存出保证金refundable deposits188 杂项资产 miscellaneous assets1881 受限制存款certificate of deposit - restricted1888 杂项资产-其它miscellaneous assets – other2 负债liabilities21~ 22 流动负债current liabilities211 短期借款short-term borrowings(debt)2111 银行透支bank overdraft2112 银行借款bank loan2114 短期借款-业主short-term borrowings - owners2115 短期借款-员工short-term borrowings - employees2117 短期借款-关系人short-term borrowings- related parties2118 短期借款-其它short-term borrowings - other212 应付短期票券short-term notes and bills payable2121 应付商业本票commercial paper payable2122 银行承兑汇票bank acceptance2128 其它应付短期票券other short-term notes and bills payable2129 应付短期票券折价discount on short-term notes and bills payable213 应付票据notes payable2131 应付票据notes payable2137 应付票据-关系人notes payable - related parties2138 其它应付票据other notes payable214 应付帐款accounts pay able2141 应付帐款accounts payable217 应付费用accrued expenses2171 应付薪工accrued payroll2172 应付租金accrued rent payable2173 应付利息accrued interest payable2174 应付营业税accrued V AT payable2175 应付税捐-其它accrued taxes payable- other2178 其它应付费用other accrued expenses payable218~219 其它应付款other payables2181 应付购入远汇款forward exchange contract payable2182 应付远汇款-外币forward exchange contract payable - foreign currencies2183 买卖远汇溢价premium on forward exchange contract2184 应付土地房屋款payables on land and building purchased2185 应付设备款Payables on equipment2187 其它应付款-关系人other payables - related parties2191 应付股利dividend payable2192 应付红利bonus payable2193 应付董监事酬劳compensation payable to directors and supervisors2198 其它应付款-其它other payables - other226 预收款项advance receipts2261 预收货款sales revenue received in advance2262 预收收入revenue received in advance2268 其它预收款other advance receipts227 一年或一营业周期内到期长期负债long-term liabilities -current portion2271 一年或一营业周期内到期公司债corporate bonds payable - current portion2272 一年或一营业周期内到期长期借款long-term loans payable - current portion2273 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项long-term notes and accounts payable due within one year or one operating cycle2277 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项-关系人long-term notes and accounts payables to related parties - current portion2278 其它一年或一营业周期内到期长期负债other long-term lia- bilities - current portion 228~229 其它流动负债other current liabilities2281 销项税额V AT received(or output tax)2283 暂收款temporary receipts2284 代收款receipts under custody2285 估计售后服务/保固负债estimated warranty liabilities2291 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities2292 递延兑换利益deferred foreign exchange gain2293 业主(股东)往来owners' current account2294 同业往来current account with others2298 其它流动负债-其它other current liabilities - others23 长期负债long-term liabilities231 应付公司债corporate bonds payable2311 应付公司债corporate bonds payable2319 应付公司债溢(折)价premium(discount) on corporate bonds payable232 长期借款long-term loans payable2321 长期银行借款long-term loans payable - bank2328 长期借款-其它long-term loans payable - other233 长期应付票据及款项long-term notes and accounts payable2331 长期应付票据long-term notes payable2332 长期应付帐款long-term accounts pay-able2333 长期应付租赁负债long-term capital lease liabilities2337 长期应付票据及款项-关系人Long-term notes and accounts payable - related parties 2338 其它长期应付款项other long-term payables234 估计应付土地增值税accrued liabilities for land value increment tax2341 估计应付土地增值税estimated accrued land value incremental tax pay-able235 应计退休金负债accrued pension liabilities2351 应计退休金负债accrued pension liabilities238 其它长期负债other long-term liabilities2388 其它长期负债-其它other long-term liabilities - other28 其它负债other liabilities281 递延负债deferred liabilities2811 递延收入deferred revenue2814 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities2818 其它递延负债other deferred liabilities286 存入保证金deposits received2861 存入保证金guarantee deposit received288 杂项负债miscellaneous liabilities2888 杂项负债-其它miscellaneous liabilities - other3 业主权益owners' equity31 资本capital311 资本(或股本)capital3111 普通股股本capital - common stock3112 特别股股本capital - preferred stock3113 预收股本capital collected in advance3114 待分配股票股利stock dividends to be distributed3115 资本capital32 资本公积additional paid-in capital321 股票溢价paid-in capital in excess of par3211 普通股股票溢价paid-in capital in excess of par- common stock3212 特别股股票溢价paid-in capital in excess of par- preferred stock323 资产重估增值准备capital surplus from assets revaluation3231 资产重估增值准备capital surplus from assets revaluation324 处分资产溢价公积capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets3241 处分资产溢价公积capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets325 合并公积capital surplus from business combination3251 合并公积capital surplus from business combination326 受赠公积donated surplus3261 受赠公积donated surplus328 其它资本公积other additional paid-in capital3281 权益法长期股权投资资本公积additional paid-in capital from investee under equity method3282 资本公积- 库藏股票交易additional paid-in capital - treasury stock trans-actions332 特别盈余公积special reserve3321 意外损失准备contingency reserve3322 改良扩充准备improvement and expansion reserve3323 偿债准备special reserve for redemption of liabilities3328 其它特别盈余公积other special reserve335 未分配盈余(或累积亏损) retained earnings-unappropriated (or accumulated deficit)3351 累积盈亏accumulated profit or loss3352 前期损益调整prior period adjustments3353 本期损益net income or loss for current period34 权益调整equity adjustments341 长期股权投资未实现跌价损失unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments3411 长期股权投资未实现跌价损失unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments342 累积换算调整数cumulative translation adjustment3421 累积换算调整数cumulative translation adjustments343 未认列为退休金成本之净损失net loss not recognized as pension cost3431 未认列为退休金成本之净损失net loss not recognized as pension costs35 库藏股treasury stock351 库藏股treasury stock3511 库藏股treasury stock36 少数股权minority interest361 少数股权minority interest3611 少数股权minority interest4 营业收入operating revenue41 销货收入sales revenue411 销货收入sales revenue4111 销货收入sales revenue4112 分期付款销货收入installment sales revenue417 销货退回sales return4171 销货退回sales return419 销货折让sales allowances4191 销货折让sales discounts and allowances46 劳务收入service revenue461 劳务收入service revenue4611 劳务收入service revenue47 业务收入agency revenue471 业务收入agency revenue4711 业务收入agency revenue48 其它营业收入other operating revenue488 其它营业收入-其它other operating revenue4888 其它营业收入-其它other operating revenue - other5 营业成本operating costs51 销货成本cost of goods sold511 销货成本cost of goods sold5111 销货成本cost of goods sold5122 进货费用purchase expenses5123 进货退出purchase returns5124 进货折让charges on purchased merchandise 513 进料materials purchased5131 进料material purchased5132 进料费用charges on purchased material5133 进料退出material purchase returns5134 进料折让material purchase allowances514 直接人工direct labor5141 直接人工direct labor515~518 制造费用manufacturing overhead5151 间接人工indirect labor5152 租金支出rent expense, rent5153 文具用品office supplies (expense)5154 旅费travelling expense, travel5155 运费shipping expenses, freight5156 邮电费postage (expenses)5157 修缮费repair(s) and maintenance (expense ) 5158 包装费packing expenses5161 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)5162 保险费insurance (expense)5163 加工费manufacturing overhead - outsourced 5166 税捐taxes5168 折旧depreciation expense5169 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization5172 伙食费meal (expenses)5173 职工福利employee benefits/welfare5176 训练费training (expense)5177 间接材料indirect materials5188 其它制造费用other manufacturing expenses56 劳务成本制ervice costs561 劳务成本service costs5611 劳务成本service costs57 业务成本gency costs571 业务成本agency costs5711 业务成本agency costs58 其它营业成本other operating costs588 其它营业成本-其它other operating costs-other 5888 其它营业成本-其它other operating costs - other 6 营业费用operating expenses61 推销费用selling expenses615~618 推销费用selling expenses6151 薪资支出payroll expense6152 租金支出rent expense, rent6153 文具用品office supplies (expense)6154 旅费travelling expense, travel6159 广告费advertisement expense, advertisement6161 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)6162 保险费insurance (expense)6164 交际费entertainment (expense)6165 捐赠donation (expense)6166 税捐taxes6167 呆帐损失loss on uncollectible accounts6168 折旧depreciation expense6169 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization6172 伙食费meal (expenses)6173 职工福利employee benefits/welfare6175 佣金支出commission (expense)6176 训练费training (expense)6188 其它推销费用other selling expenses62 管理及总务费用general & administrative expenses625~628 管理及总务费用general & administrative expenses6251 薪资支出payroll expense6252 租金支出rent expense, rent6253 文具用品office supplies6254 旅费travelling expense, travel6255 运费shipping expenses,freight6256 邮电费postage (expenses)6257 修缮费repair(s) and maintenance (expense)6259 广告费advertisement expense, advertisement6261 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)6262 保险费insurance (expense)6264 交际费entertainment (expense)6265 捐赠donation (expense)6266 税捐taxes6267 呆帐损失loss on uncollectible accounts6268 折旧depreciation expense6269 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization6271 外销损失loss on export sales6272 伙食费meal (expenses)6273 职工福利employee benefits/welfare6274 研究发展费用research and development expense6275 佣金支出commission (expense)6276 训练费training (expense)6278 劳务费professional service fees6288 其它管理及总务费用other general and administrative expenses 63 研究发展费用research and development expenses635~638 研究发展费用research and development expenses6351 薪资支出payroll expense6352 租金支出rent expense, rent6353 文具用品office supplies6354 旅费travelling expense, travel6361 水电瓦斯费utilities (expense)6362 保险费insurance (expense)6364 交际费entertainment (expense)6366 税捐taxes6368 折旧depreciation expense6369 各项耗竭及摊提various amortization6372 伙食费meal (expenses)6373 职工福利employee benefits/welfare6376 训练费training (expense)6378 其它研究发展费用other research and development expenses7 营业外收入及费用non-operating revenue and expenses, other income(expense)71~74 营业外收入non-operating revenue711 利息收入interest revenue7111 利息收入interest revenue/income712 投资收益investment income7121 权益法认列之投资收益investment income recognized under equity method7122 股利收入dividends income7123 短期投资市价回升利益gain on market price recovery of short-term investment713 兑换利益foreign exchange gain7131 兑换利益foreign exchange gain714 处分投资收益gain on disposal of investments7141 处分投资收益gain on disposal of investments715 处分资产溢价收入gain on disposal of assets7151 处分资产溢价收入gain on disposal of assets748 其它营业外收入other non-operating revenue7481 捐赠收入donation income7482 租金收入rent revenue/income7483 佣金收入commission revenue/income7484 出售下脚及废料收入revenue from sale of scraps7485 存货盘盈gain on physical inventory7486 存货跌价回升利益gain from price recovery of inventory7487 坏帐转回利益gain on reversal of bad debts7488 其它营业外收入-其它other non-operating revenue- other items75~ 78 营业外费用non-operating expenses751 利息费用interest expense7511 利息费用interest expense752 投资损失investment loss7521 权益法认列之投资损失investment loss recog- nized under equity method7523 短期投资未实现跌价损失unrealized loss on reduction of short-term investments to market753 兑换损失foreign exchange loss7531 兑换损失foreign exchange loss754 处分投资损失loss on disposal of investments7541 处分投资损失loss on disposal of investments755 处分资产损失loss on disposal of assets7551 处分资产损失loss on disposal of assets7885 存货盘损loss on physical inventory7886 存货跌价及呆滞损失loss for market price decline and obsolete and slow-moving inventories7888 其它营业外费用-其它other non-operating expenses- other8 所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)81 所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)811 所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense (or benefit)8111 所得税费用(或利益)income tax expense ( or benefit)9 非经常营业损益nonrecurring gain or loss91 停业部门损益gain(loss) from discontinued operations911 停业部门损益-停业前营业损益income(loss) from operations of discontinued segments 9111 停业部门损益-停业前营业损益income(loss) from operations of discontinued segment 912 停业部门损益-处分损益gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segments9121 停业部门损益-处分损益gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segment92 非常损益extraordinary gain or loss921 非常损益extraordinary gain or loss9211 非常损益extraordinary gain or loss93 会计原则变动累积影响数cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles931 会计原则变动累积影响数cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles9311 会计原则变动累积影响数cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles94 少数股权净利minority interest income941 少数股权净利minority interest income9411 少数股权净利minority interest income。



AAbsorption costing 完全成本法Accelerated Depreciation Method 加速折旧法Account 科目,账户Account form 账户式Account payable 应付账款Account receivable 应收账款Accounting 会计Accounting cycle 会计循环Accounting equation 会计等式资产 Assets= 负债 Liabilities + 所有者权益Owner’s EquityAccounting period concept 会计期间Accounting system 会计制度Account payable subsidiary ledger 应付款明细分类账Accounts receivable analysis 应收账款分析Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger 应收账款明细分类账Accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转率Accrual basis accounting 应记制,债权发生制Accrued expenses 应记费用Accrued revenues 应记收入Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧Accumulated other comprehensive income 累计其他综合收入Activity base drive 作业基础/动因Activity—based costing ABC 作业成本计算法Adjusted trial balance调整后试算平衡表Adjusting entries调整分录Adjusting process调整过程Administrative expenses general expenses管理费用一般费用Aging the receivables应收账款账龄分析Allowance for doubtful accounts 坏账准备Allowance method备抵法Amortization摊销Annuity年金Assets资产Available—for—sale securities可供出售证券Average inventory cost flow method 平均库存成本流法Average cost method平均成本法Average rate of return平均回报率BBad debt expense 坏账费用Balance of the account账户余额Balance sheet资产负债表Balanced scorecard平衡记分卡Bank reconciliation银行存款余额调节表Bank statement 银行报表Bond债券Bond indenture债券契约Book value账面价值Book value of the asset资产的账面价值Boot补价Break-even point盈亏临界点Budget预算Budget performance report预算业绩报告Budgetary slack预算松弛Budgeted variable factory overhead 预算变量工厂开销Business企业Business combination 企业合并Business entity concept企业主体概念Business stakeholder企业利益相关者Business strategy企业战略Business transaction经济业务CCapital account 资本性账户Capital expenditures资本性支出Capital expenditures budget资本支出预算Capital investment analysis资本投资分析Capital leases资本性租赁Capital rationing资本分配Carrying amount账面金额Cash现金Cash basis of accounting现金制;收付实现制Cash budget现金预算Cash dividend现金股利Cash equivalents现金等价物Cash flow per share 每股现金流量Cash flows from financing activities筹资活动现金流量Cash flows from investing activities投资活动现金流量Cash flows from operating activities经营活动现金流量Cash payback period现金回收期Cash payments journal现金付款日记账Cash receipts journal现金收款日记账Cash short and over account现金余缺账户Certified public accountant CPA注册会计师Chart of accounts会计科目表Clearing account 清理账户Closing entries结账分录Closing process结账程序Closing the books 结账Common stock普通股Common—size statement通用报表Compensating balance 补偿性余额Comprehensive income全面收益Consigned inventory 寄售库存Consignee 收货人承销人Consignor 发货人寄件人Consolidated financial statements合并财务报表Contingent liabilities 不确定债务Continuous budgeting滚动预算Continuous process improvement 持续过程改进Contra accountor contra asset account抵减账户Contract rate约定利率Contribution margin 贡献毛益Contribution margin ratio贡献毛益率Contribution margin ratio 边际贡献率Controllable expenses可控费用Controllable revenues 可控收入Controllable variance可控差异Controller主计长Controlling 管理控制Controlling account控制账户Conversion costs加工成本Copyright版权Corporation公司Correcting journal entry 调整分录Cost成本Cost accounting system成本会计系统Cost allocation成本分配Cost behavior成本性态Cost center成本中心Cost concept 成本概念Cost method 成本法Cost object 成本对象Cost of finished goods available 已完工产品的成本Cost of goods manufactured 产品成本Cost of goods sold产品销售成本Cost of goods sold budget产品销售成本预算Cost of merchandise sold商品销售成本:商业企业所销售商品的成本.Cost of merchandise purchased 产品购买成本Cost of merchandise sold 销货成本Cost of production report 生产成本报告Cost per equivalent unit单位约当产量成本Cost price approach成本价格法Cost variance成本差异Cost-volume-profit analysis本-量-利分析Cost-volume-profit chart本-量-利图Credit memorandumcredit memo贷项通知单Credit period 贷款期限Credit terms 赊销付款条件,信用证条款Credits 贷记Cumulative preferred stock累积优先股Currency exchange rate货币汇率Current assets流动资产Current liabilities流动负债Current position analysis 流动财务状况分析Current ratio流动比率Currently attainable standards当前可达标准DDebit memorandum 借项通知单Debits借记debt securities债务证券,债券decision making 决策,判定;作出判定Deficiency 亏损Deficit 亏损Defined benefit plan 固定收益计划:Defined contribution plan 固定缴款计划:Depletion 折耗:Depreciate:贬值Depreciation 资产等折旧;货币贬值;跌价Depreciation expense 折旧费用Differential analysis 差异分析Differential income or less 差别收入或更少Differential cost 差异成本Differential revenue 差异收入Differential strategy 差异化战略Direct labor cost 直接人工成本Direct labor cost budget 直接人工成本预算Direct labor rate variance 直接人工工资率差异Direct labor time variance 直接人工工时差异Direct materials cost 直接材料成本Direct materials price variance 直接材料价格差异Direct materials purchases budget 直接材料采购预算Direct materials quantity variance 直接材料数量差异Direct method 直接法:Direct write—off method 直接注销法:Directing 指导Discount 贴现息;折价:Dishonored note receivable 拒付应收票据:Dividend yield 股利收益率:Dividends 股息,红利Dividends per share每股股利Double-declining—balance method双倍余额递减法Double—entry accounting system 复式会计模式:Drawing 提款:DuPont formula 杜邦公式EEarnings per common share EPS on common stock 普通股每股收益E—commerce 电子商务:Effective interest rate method 实际利率法Effective rate of interest 实际利率:债券发行时的市场利率。



【企业成本管理】中英文对照,专业名词,财务成本管理完整版PART I Fundamentals to Financial Management第一部分财务管理导论Section I Fundamentals to Financial Management第一节财务管理概述1.profit maximization*利润最大化1-1 EPS maximization* 每股收益最大化【讲解】EPS, earnings per share 每股收益1-2 Maximization of shareholders wealth* 股东财富最大化e.g. Shareholder wealth maximization is a fundamental principle of financial management. In financial management we assume that the objective of the business is to maximize shareholder wealth. This is not necessarily the same as maximizing profit.【讲解】(1)maximization [,mæksimai'zeiʃən] n.最大化,极大化(2)minimization [,minimai'zeiʃən, -mi'z-] n.最小化(3)maximize ['mæksɪmaɪz] v. 最大化,取……最大值,达到最大值(4)minimize ['mɪnɪmaɪz] v. 最小化(5)minimum n.最小值,最小量adj.最小的,最低的(6)maximum n. 极大,最大限度,最大量adj.最高的,最多的(7)the same as 和……一样,与……相同学习成果回顾【译】股东财富最大化是财务管理的基本原则。

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【财务会计管理】企业环境成本会计外文翻译xxxx年xx月xx日xxxxxxxx集团企业有限公司Please enter your company's name and contentvIMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL COSTACCOUNTING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZEDCOMPANIES1.ENVIRONMENTAL COST ACCOUNTING IN SMESSince its inception some 30 years ago, Environmental Cost Accounting (ECA) has reached a stage of development where individual ECA systems are separated from the core accounting system based an assessment of environmental costs with (see Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe and Wagner , 2002).As environmental costs are commonly assessed as overhead costs, neither the older concepts of full costs accounting nor the relatively recent one of direct costing appear to represent an appropriate basis for the implementation of ECA. Similar to developments in conventional accounting, the theoretical and conceptual sphere of ECA has focused on process-based accounting since the 1990s (see Hallay and Pfriem, 1992, Fischer and Blasius, 1995, BMU/UBA, 1996, Heller et al., 1995, Letmathe, 1998, Spengler and H.hre, 1998).Taking available concepts of ECA into consideration, process-based concepts seem the best option regarding the establishment of ECA (see Heupel and Wendisch , 2002). These concepts, however, have to be continuously revised to ensure that they work well when applied in small and medium-sized companies.Based on the framework for Environmental Management Accounting presented in Burritt et al. (2002), our concept of ECA focuses on two maingroups of environmentally related impacts. These are environmentally induced financial effects and company-related effects on environmental systems (see Burritt and Schaltegger, 2000, p.58). Each of these impacts relate to specific categories of financial and environmental information. The environmentally induced financial effects are represented by monetary environmental information and the effects on environmental systems are represented by physical environmental information. Conventional accounting deals with both –monetary as well as physical units –but does not focus on environmental impact as such. T o arrive at a practical solution to the implementation of ECA in a company’s existing accounting system, and to comply with the problem of distinguishing between monetary and physical aspects, an integrated concept is required. As physical information is often the basis for the monetary information (e.g. kilograms of a raw material are the basis for the monetary valuation of raw material consumption), the integration of this information into the accounting system database is essential. From there, the generation of physical environmental and monetary (environmental) information would in many cases be feasible. For many companies, the priority would be monetary (environmental) information for use in for instance decisions regarding resource consumptions and investments. The use of ECA in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) is still relatively rare, so practical examples available in the literature are few and far between. One problem is that the definitions of SMEs vary between countries (see Kosmider, 1993 and Reinemann,1999). In our work the criteria shown in Table 1 are used to describe small and medium-sized enterprises.Table 1. Criteria of small and medium-sized enterprisesNumber of employees TurnoverUp to 500 employees Turnover up to EUR 50mManagement Organization- Owner-cum-entrepreneur -Divisional organization is rare- Varies from a patriarchal management -Short flow of information stylein traditional companies and teamwork -Strong personal commitmentin start-up companies -Instruction and controlling with- Top-down planning in old companies direct personal contact- Delegation is rare- Low level of formality- High flexibilityFinance Personnel- family company -easy to survey number ofemployees- limited possibilities of financing -wide expertise-high satisfaction of employeesSupply chain Innovation-closely involved in local -high potential of innovationeconomic cycles in special fields- intense relationship with customersand suppliersKeeping these characteristics in mind, the chosen ECA approach should be easy to apply, should facilitate the handling of complex structures and at the same time be suited to the special needs of SMEs.Despite their size SMEs are increasingly implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems like SAP R/3, Oracle and Peoplesoft. ERP systems support business processes across organizational, temporal and geographical boundaries using one integrated database. The primary use of ERP systems is for planning and controlling production and administration processes of an enterprise. In SMEs however, they are often individually designed and thus not standardized making the integration of for instance software that supports ECA implementation problematic. Examples could be tools like the “eco-efficiency” approach of IMU (2003) or Umberto (2003) because these solutions work with the database of more comprehensive software solutions like SAP, Oracle, Navision or others. Umberto software for example (see Umberto, 2003) would require large investments and great backgroundknowledge of ECA – which is not available in most SMEs.The ECA approach suggested in this chapter is based on an integrative solution –meaning that an individually developed database is used, and the ECA solution adopted draws on the existing cost accounting procedures in the company. In contrast to other ECA approaches, the aim was to create an accounting system that enables the companies to individually obtain the relevant cost information. The aim of the research was thus to find out what cost information is relevant for the company’s decision on environmental issues and how to obtain it.2.METHOD FOR IMPLEMENTING ECASetting up an ECA system requires a systematic procedure. The project thus developed a method for implementing ECA in the companies that participated in the project; this is shown in Figure 1. During the implementation of the project it proved convenient to form a core team assigned with corresponding tasks drawing on employees in various departments. Such a team should consist of one or two persons from the production department as well as two from accounting and corporate environmental issues, if available. Depending on the stage of the project and kind of inquiry being considered, additional corporate members may be added to the project team to respond to issues such as IT, logistics, warehousing etc.Phase 1: Production Process VisualizationAt the beginning, the project team must be briefed thoroughly on thecurrent corporate situation and on the accounting situation. To this end, the existing corporate accounting structure and the related corporate information transfer should be analyzed thoroughly. Following the concept of an input/output analysis, how materials find their ways into and out of the company is assessed. The next step is to present the flow of material and goods discovered and assessed in a flow model. T o ensure the completeness and integrity of such a systematic analysis, any input and output is to be taken into consideration. Only a detailed analysis of material and energy flows from the point they enter the company until they leave it as products, waste, waste water or emissions enables the company to detect cost-saving potentials that at later stages of the project may involve more efficient material use, advanced process reliability and overview, improved capacity loads, reduced waste disposal costs, better transparency of costs and more reliable assessment of legal issues. As a first approach, simplified corporate flow models, standardized stand-alone models for supplier(s), warehouse and isolated production segments were established and only combined after completion. With such standard elements and prototypes defined, a company can readily develop an integrated flow model with production process(es), production lines or a production process as a whole. From the view of later adoption of the existing corporate accounting to ECA, such visualization helps detect, determine, assess and then separate primary from secondary processes.Phase 2: Modification of AccountingIn addition to the visualization of material and energy flows, modeling principal and peripheral corporate processes helps prevent problems involving too high shares of overhead costs on the net product result. The flow model allows processes to be determined directly or at least partially identified as cost drivers. This allows identifying and separating repetitive processing activity with comparably few options from those with more likely ones for potential improvement.By focusing on principal issues of corporate cost priorities and on those costs that have been assessed and assigned to their causes least appropriately so far, corporate procedures such as preparing bids, setting up production machinery, ordering (raw) material and related process parameters such as order positions, setting up cycles of machinery, and order items can be defined accurately. Putting several partial processes with their isolated costs into context allows principal processes to emerge; these form the basis of process-oriented accounting. Ultimately, the cost drivers of the processes assessed are the actual reference points for assigning and accounting overhead costs. The percentage surcharges on costs such as labor costs are replaced by process parameters measuring efficiency (see Foster and Gupta, 1990).Some corporate processes such as management, controlling and personnel remain inadequately assessed with cost drivers assigned to product-related cost accounting. Therefore, costs of the processes mentioned, irrelevant to the measure of production activity, have to be assessed and surcharged with aconventional percentage.At manufacturing companies participating in the project, computer-integrated manufacturing systems allow a more flexible and scope-oriented production (eco-monies of scope), whereas before only homogenous quantities (of products) could be produced under reasonable economic conditions (economies of scale). ECA inevitably prevents effects of allocation, complexity and digression and becomes a valuable controlling instrument where classical/conventional accounting arrangements systematically fail to facilitate proper decisions.Thus, individually adopted process-based accounting produces potentially valuable information for any kind of decision about internal processing or external sourcing (e.g. make-or-buy decisions).Phase 3: Harmonization of Corporate Data – Compiling and Acquisition On the way to a transparent and systematic information system, it is convenient to check core corporate information systems of procurement and logistics, production planning, and waste disposal with reference to their capability to provide the necessary precise figures for the determined material/energy flow model and for previously identified principal and peripheral processes. During the course of the project, a few modifications within existing information systems were, in most cases, sufficient to comply with these requirements; otherwise, a completely new software module would have had to be installed without prior analysis to satisfy the data requirements.Phase 4: Database conceptsWithin the concept of a transparent accounting system, process-based accounting can provide comprehensive and systematic information both on corporate material/ energy flows and so-called overhead costs. To deliver reliable figures over time, it is essential to integrate a permanent integration of the algorithms discussed above into the corporate information system(s). Such permanent integration and its practical use may be achieved by applying one of three software solutions (see Figure 2).For small companies with specific production processes, an integrated concept is best suited, i.e. conventional and environmental/process-oriented accounting merge together in one common system solution.For medium-sized companies, with already existing integrated production/ accounting platforms, an interface solution to such a system might be suitable. ECA, then, is set up as an independent software module outside the existing corporate ERP system and needs to be fed data continuously. By using identical conventions for inventory-data definitions within the ECA software, misinterpretation of data can be avoided.Phase 5: Training and CoachingFor the permanent use of ECA, continuous training of employees on all matters discussed remains essential. T o achieve a long-term potential of improved efficiency, the users of ECA applications and systems must be able to continuously detect and integrate corporate process modifications andchanges in order to integrate them into ECA and, later, to process them properly.中小企业环境成本会计的实施一、中小企业的环境成本会计自从成立三十年以来,环境成本会计已经发展到一定阶段,环境会计成本体系已经从以环境成本评估为基础的会计制度核心中分离出来(参考Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe 和Wagner , 2002)。
