



管理者要点胜任能力素质模型手册一、管理者要点胜任能力素质模型全貌:高层模型中层模型基层模型(8 项素质)(8 项素质)(6 项素质)战略导向影响感化兼备规划兼备规划管理人员素质模型执行推动执行推动( 10 项素质)团队建设团队建设团队建设组织认可组织认可组织认可全局看法全局看法全局看法清廉奉公清廉奉公清廉奉公组织协调组织协调监察控制监察控制仔细仔细、敬业负责、求真求实、正直诚信全员素质模型坦诚交流、团结协作、谦逊勤学、励志进步( 12 项素质)问题意识、创新改良、高效执行、坚韧执着二、管理者要点胜任能力素质指标(KCI )描绘:指标名称 1:战略导向指标定义:深入理解并认可吉利公司的发展目标和战略,以此作为工作的出发点,指导详细的决策与行动,保证各项经营管理活动与公司整体发展战略相一致。


行为等级行为等级要点词及典型行为示例4级(高层)3级2级1级思虑与参加战略剖析行业发展方向及外面环境变化对公司的影响,对公司战略调整提出专业性、建设性的建议和建议不断思虑和评估既定战略能否适应内外面环境(政策、市场、技术等)变化,并踊跃采纳行动防止或减少风险敏锐辨别自己分管领域的政策、制度、流程能否能有效支撑公司战略,并合时做出相应调整落实与推动战略联合公司战略对自己分管领域的前瞻性要求,制定本事域的工作要点和发展规划运用公司战略指导自己分管领域的详细经营管理工作,一直关注工作方向与战略的一致性,并进行及时调整依据公司阶段性战略要点,调整有关资源(如组织架构、人力资源、技术设施等),为公司战略实现供给支撑理解与认可战略关注公司发展战略的最新变化和动向调整,主动思虑公司战略变化对自己的最新要求踊跃学习公司最新战略文件,仔细领悟公司战略精神认可公司下一步的发展规划,并思虑自己工作怎样与公司整体战略相当合冷视与怀疑战略关于公司的将来战略定位不理解,不清楚公司战略发展的要点和中心关于公司的战略执行和落实不到位,只关注分管领域眼前利益不认可公司战略目标,关于公司的战略目标实现缺乏信心增补点指标名称 2:兼备规划指标定义:明确分管领域定位和工作要点,对业务和管理模式进行全面考虑,正确辨别并有效配置、整合内外面资源,以支撑组织的现实要乞降长久发展。



世界500强名企的KPI绩效管理操作手册——精华版KPI(Key Performance Indication)即关键业绩指标,是通过对组织内部某一流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可运作的远景目标的工具,是企业绩效管理系统的基础。






































图1 胜任素质辞典如图1所示,胜任素质辞典包括四个关键内容:岗位素质模型在企业中,表现优异与表现一般的管理人员的差距往往非常明显,岗位的胜任素质模型表达的正是表现优异的管理人员所具有的素质指标。

阳光电源 Insight 监控系统用户手册说明书

阳光电源 Insight 监控系统用户手册说明书
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版权所有©阳光电源股份有限公司 2023。保留所有权利。 本手册相关内容未经阳光电源股份有限公司(简称“阳光电源”)授权,不得私自扩散、复 制或转发给第三方,不得上传至公共网络等第三方平台。 商标
4.3.1 电站概览 ............................................................................................. 8 4.3.2 光伏方阵视图....................................................................................... 9 4.3.3 储能单元视图..................................................................................... 10 4.3.4 设备监控 ........................................................................................... 10 4.4 事件管理..................................................................................................... 11 4.5 远程控制..................................................................................................... 12

LCCI 认证 - 一份员工引导说明书

LCCI 认证 - 一份员工引导说明书

develop the bestLCCI qualifications help createskilled finance professionals,many of whom develop successfulcareers in Account ManagementThe majority of theassistant accountantsin our organisation are LCCI graduates, and they’re very fit for the job.Wai Hin Aung Win , DirectorLCCI offer qualificationsin the following subjects:Financial and quantitative MarketingBusiness English language3Digitalmarketing Basicaccountingaccount managementcommunications entrepreneurship BookkeepingData analysis anD analyticsriskmanagementinterpretingstatisticsEquipped with the skills that matterUpskill your workforce2In our firm the opportunities forpromotion, for example from cashier to accountant, are frequently filled by LCCIDiploma graduates, because of the perfect accounting knowledge provided by LCCI.Chit Paing Soe, Document Manager, The Great Andaman Co. LtdPromote a learning culture in the workplace Pearson LCCI qualifications can be introduced as part of an employee skills development programme, helping to increase motivation and morale.Improve employee personal effectiveness Pearson LCCI qualifications are assessed on evidence of competence and contextualised scenarios, providing knowledge and skills that are readilytransferable to the workplace.Add value to your business straight away Your employees acquireknowledge and then apply it immediately to yourbusiness while they’re studying. So whether you want to develop your employees’ all-roundbusiness skills or improve their business English, choosing a Pearson LCCIqualification makes good business sense.6Bookkeeper, Finance Assistant, Cost Accountant, Accounts Clerk, Management Accounting roles, Ledger Clerks, Payroll Assistants. Management positions within finance and other8Newly updated for 2019The Pearson LCCI Diploma covers many business types as well as the full range of required skills, and as such, graduates are equipped to join any company... Pearson LCCI students are talented and knowledgeable and are an asset to our department., Chief Finance Officer, Crown Advanced Construction Co. Ltd.For more information on LCCI Diplomas, download our Diploma Guide: /mbdiploma“I was an economics major and wanted to enter the accounting sector, so I was looking for a course that was practical in nature. LCCI was the only course that had what I was looking for in terms of giving me the practical edge in the working world.”The skills your business is looking forOur range of vocational qualifications focus on the practical skills and knowledge that employers around the world value in the workplace, so your employees can aspire to be the best they can be while contributing to your company’s success.E valuating and managing risk B usiness calculationsB ookkeepingS a l e s a n d p e r s o n a l s e l l i n gFINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVEBUSINESSMARKETINGC ost accounting B usiness statisticsM anagement accountingP e r s on a l sk il l sa n dp e r f o r ma n c eCo m mu ni c a ti on sMa rk et r es ea rc ha n ds e g m e nt a t i o nMe as ur i ngb u si n e ss s u cc e s sF in an ci al un de rs ta nd in gR is k ma na g e me nt an dgr owt hB us in es sdo cu me nt at i onB us in es sch al l en ge sa nd r i sk sDa taa na ly si sC u st ome rse rv ic eDi gi t al Ma rk e ti ngAn al yt i csM a r k e t i n g c h a ll e n ge s an d r i s k sA c c o u n t m a na ge m e n tC r ea ti ngc o py a nd c o nt en tC u s t o me r ex p er i e n ce P u b l i ca n dm e di ar e l at i on sMa rk e t r es ea rc han ds eg m e n t a t i onMe as ur i ng s uc c e s s a nd pe rf o r ma n c e11For more informationabout Pearson LCCI qualificationsor how to work with us,please visit our website:/lcciPearson LCCI qualifications are available at different levelsand across key areas of business, making them suitablefor employees from junior to management level.Set your organisation apart with qualifications that will engageand inspire your workers, enabling them to perform better.Pearson LCCI is highly regarded for its integrityand high standards and LCCI graduates arevery much sought after by employers. We arevery proud to have worked with LCCI for somany years and look forward to continuing ourpartnership in the future.”Yu Yu Tin, Chief Finance Officer, Crown Advanced Construction Co. Ltd.SEP 2018。



109110italiano1111Presa di alimentazione2Connettore di uscita digital audio 3Audio R; uscita audio destraAudio L; uscita audio sinistra 4Video (CVBS); uscita video5Cavo uscita DC Power (per modulatore RFesterno opzionale)6Euroconnector A/V7Deviatore NTSC/PAL (per i menu del riproduttore)AVVERTENZANon toccare i contatti interni dei connettori posti sul pannello posteriore. Le scariche elettrostatiche posso-no danneggiare l’apparecchio in modo irreversibile.1Telecomando attivo (lampeggiante)2FTS attivo3SHUFFLE attivo.4PAUSE attivo.5SCAN attivo6Modo A-B REPEAT/CHAPTER/TITLE/TRACK attivo.7Calendario capitoli o brani.8TOTAL/REM/TRACK TIME in ore, minuti e secondi 9Disco (V)CD inserito1OSD ........(On-Screen Display) attivazione/disattiva-zione 2ANGLE ....selezione camera di ripresa DVDSUBTITLE ..selettore lingua sottotitoli o sottotitoli -attivazione/disattivazioneAUDIO ............selettore lingua audio.30-9....................tastiera numerica4T-C ..................selettore modo titolo/capitolo 5MENU ............selezione MENU definito da DVD OK ....................conferma selezione menusinistra, destra; spostamento cursore65 J ............ricerca capitolo o brano precedente 6 K ............ricerca in avanti capitolo o brano succes-sivo 2......................play;......................pausa ; fermoimmagine /o visualizzazionedi un fotogramma per volta..................Ralentì (velocità 1/2, 1/4, 1/8)9......................stop7SETUP ............selezione menu impostazioni dell'appa-recchio (solo nel modo Stop)REPEAT*/A-B REPEAT capitolo, brano,titolo, disco SHUFFLE/SCAN*inserimento/disinserimento riproduzio-ne in ordine casuale o scansione 8RETURN ..........ritorno al punto menu precedente 9..................standby* Premere il tasto per circa 1 secondo.0Disco DVD inserito!Numero DVD CHAPTER o VCD/CD TRACK @Numero DVD TITLE....+j italiano112113114115tolo all’altro.117•Per la riproduzione di qualsiasi altro disco DVD, l'OSD richiede l'inserimento del codice PIN di controllo. Una volta inserito questo codice, la riproduzione comincia automati-camente.•Per attivare la funzione Parental Control e per le modalità di autorizzazione all'uso dei dischi, vedere la sezione "Attivazione della funzione Parental Control" (pag. 126).NOTA- Se si dimentica il proprio codice PIN, lo si può annullare nel momento in cui il sistema richiede di inserirlo: per far ciò èsufficiente premere 4 volte il tasto 9. In questo modo, la funzione Parental Control viene disattivata. Per riattivarla, vedere la sezione "Attivazione della funzione Parental FERMOIMMAGINE E VISUALIZZAZIONE DI UN FOTO-GRAMMA PER VOLTA•Per attivare il fermoimmagine, premere il tasto ;durante la riproduzione.•Per avanzare all’immagine successiva, premere nuovamente ;•Per tornare alla normale riproduzione, premere 2. SEARCH•Per attivare la ricerca in avanti o all'indietro nell'intero disco a velocità doppia, premere per circa un secondo dur-ante la riproduzione il tasto K oppure J.§ La ricerca ha inizio e l'audio viene silenziato.•Per passare alla velocità 32x, premere nuovamente il tasto K oppure J.•Per passare direttamente alla velocità 32x, premere il tasto K oppure J finché non compare l'icona oppure •Per tornare alla velocità 4x, premere nuovamente il tasto K oppure J§ La velocità e la direzione di ricerca compaiono sullo schermo per circa 2 secondi ogniqualvolta si premono itasti K oppure J.•Per interrompere la ricerca, premere il tasto 2, ;, oppure 9.RALENTI•Premere per riprodurre le immagini alla metà della velocità normale, senza audio.•Premere nuovamente per attivare la riproduzione a 1/4 della velocità normale.•Premere nuovamente per attivare la riproduzione a 1/8della velocità normale.•Premere nuovamente per tornare a riprodurre le immagini alla metà della velocità normale•La velocità di riproduzione compare sullo schermo per 2 secondi ogniqualvolta si preme il pulsante.•Per uscire dal modo Ralentì, premere il tasto 2, ;, 5/6 oppure 9.SHUFFLE (RIPRODUZIONE IN ORDINE CASUALE) Questo comando consente di riprodurre i capitoli all'interno di un titolo in ordine casuale, a condizione che il titolo sia costi-tuito da più capitoli.•Premere SHUFFLE durante la riproduzione.§ Sullo schermo compare l'icona per circa 2 secon-di.•Man mano che ogni capitolo viene riprodotto, il relativo numero scompare dal display del DVD.•Per tornare alla normale riproduzione, premere nuovamente SHUFFLE.RIPETIZIONE DI CAPITOLI/TITOLI/DISCHI•Per ripetere il capitolo corrente, premere il tasto REPEAT:§ sul display dell'apparecchio compare l'indicazione REPEAT CHAPTER.•Per ripetere il titolo corrente, premere due volte REPEAT: § sul display compare l'indicazione REPEAT TITLE.•Per ripetere l'intero disco, premere tre volte REPEAT:§ sul display compare l'indicazione REPEAT.•Per uscire dal modo Ripetizione, premere Repeat una quarta volta.A-B RIPETIZIONEPer ripetere più volte o in continuo una determinata sequenza all'interno di un titolo:•Premere A-B REPEAT nel punto iniziale desiderato;§ sul display dell'apparecchio compare l'indicazione A.•Premere nuovamente A-B REPEAT in corrispondenza del punto finale;§ sul display compare l'indicazione A-B, e la sequenza di ripetizione comincia.chaptershuffleitaliano118RIPRODUZIONE DI UN DISCO DVD-VIDEO119I CD Video sono riconoscibili dal logo. A seconda del materiale contenuto nel disco (film, videoclip, spettacoli teatrali,ecc.), questi dischi possono contenere uno o più brani e i brani possono esseresuddivisi in uno o più indici, come indicato sulla copertina del disco. Per consentire un agevole accesso, l'apparecchio con-sente di passare da un brano e da un indice all’altro.Alcuni CD Video sono dotati di una speciale funzione di con-trollo della riproduzione (Play Back Control, PBC), ovvero di una sequenza di riproduzione predefinita registrata sul disco.NOTA- Quando si selezionano le funzioni durante la riproduzione,sullo schermo della TV compaiono per 2 secondi delle icone.E' possibile cancellare queste icone premendo il tasto OSD.- In qualsiasi momento durante la riproduzione si può premere il tasto OSD per richiamare la funzione Play Banner, che mostra per circa 2 secondi quali funzioni sono attive al momento. Per mantenere sullo schermo la visualizzazione Play Banner. mantenere premuto il tasto OSD per alcuni secondi. Per annullare Play Banner, premere nuovamente il tasto OSD.........................................Play ........................................Pause ........................................Stop........................................A-B repeat............................Search forward ............................Search backward................Slow forward........................................Repeat disc........................................Repeat track ........................................Shuffle ........................................Track indication ........................................Index indication ........................................Remaining time of title........................................Elapsed time........................................Total timeRIPRODUZIONE DI UN DISCO•Se la funzione Autoplay è attiva, la riproduzione comincia non appena si chiude il vassoio di caricamento del disco.•Se la funzione Autoplay non è attiva, premere il tasto 2.•Durante la riproduzione del disco, il display dell'appa-recchio mostra il brano corrente e il tempo di riproduzione trascorso.•La riproduzione termina alla fine del disco.•Per interrompere la riproduzione in qualsiasi momento, pre-mere 9.•E' possibile anche riprendere la riproduzione dal punto in cui era stata interrotta.§ Premere due volte il tasto 2.•La funzione RESUME non si applica soltanto al disco inseri-to al momento nel riproduttore, ma anche agli ultimi quat-tro dischi riprodotti. E' sufficiente caricare il disco, premere il tasto 2se la funzione Autoplay non è attiva e, quando si vede l'icona Resume sullo schermo,premere nuova-mente il tasto 2.PASSAGGIO A UN ALTRO BRANOSe su un disco ci sono più brani (informazione visualizzata dall'OSD e dal display del riproduttore premendo 9), si puòpassare a un altro brano nel modo seguente:•Premere T-C e quindi brevemente K durante la riproduzione per passare al brano successivo.•Premere T-C, quindi premere brevemente J durante la ripro-duzione per tornare all'inizio del brano corrente. Premere di nuovo rapidamente lo stesso tasto per tornare al brano pre-cedente.•Per passare direttamente a un determinato brano, premere T-C, quindi digitare il relativo numero con i tasti numerici.NOTA- Se il numero è composto da più cifre, premere i tasti in rapi-da successione.PASSAGGIO A UN ALTRO INDICESe un brano contiene più indici (come indicato sulla copertina del disco), si può passare a un altro indice nel modo seguen-te:•Premere brevemente K durante la riproduzione per passare all'indice successivo.2:48:597:597:24:59INDEX004TRACK02shuffle11/81/41/2A - BRIPRODUZIONE DI UN VIDEO CDitaliano120RIPRODUZIONE DI UN VIDEO CD121•Per uscire dal modo Ralentì, premere il tasto 2, ;, 5/6 oppure 9.SHUFFLE (RIPRODUZIONE IN ORDINE CASUALE) Questo comando consente di riprodurre i vari capitoli di un titolo in ordine casuale, a condizione che il titolo sia costituito da più capitoli.•Premere il tasto SHUFFLE durante la riproduzione.§ Sullo schermo compare l'icona per circa 2 secon-di.•Man mano che ogni capitolo viene riprodotto, il relativo numero scompare dal display del DVD.•Per tornare alla normale riproduzione, premere nuovamente SHUFFLE.RIPETIZIONE DI BRANI/DISCHI•Per ripetere il brano corrente, premere il tasto REPEAT:§ sul display dell'apparecchio compare l'indicazione REPEAT TRACK.•Per ripetere l'intero disco, premere il tasto Repeat una seconda volta;§ sul display compare l'indicazione REPEAT.•Per uscire dal modo Ripetizione, premere il tasto REPEAT una terza volta.A-B RIPETIZIONEPer ripetere più volte o in continuo una determinata sequenza all'interno di un titolo:•Premere il tasto A-B REPEAT in corrispondenza del punto iniziale;§ sul display dell'apparecchio compare l'indicazione A.•Premere nuovamente A-B REPEAT in corrispondenza del punto finale;§ sul display compare l'indicazione A-B, e la sequenza di ripetizione comincia.•Per uscire dalla sequenza, premere nuovamente A-B REPEAT. SCANRiproduce i primi 10 secondi di ogni titolo del disco.•Premere SCAN (scansione) per circa 1 secondo.•Per riprodurre in continuo il titolo scelto, premere nuova-mente SCAN per circa un secondo, oppure premere 2.I CD audio contengono soltanto branimusicali. Questi CD sono riconoscibili dallogo.RIPRODUZIONE DI UN DISCO•Se la funzione Autoplay è attiva, la riproduzione comincia quando il vassoio di caricamento viene chiuso.•Se la funzione Autoplay non è attiva, premere il tasto 2.§La riproduzione del disco comincia; se il televisore èacceso, sull'OSD compare lo schermo Play CD.§ La riproduzione termina alla fine del disco,•Per interromperla in qualsiasi altro momento, premere il tasto 9.PAUSA•Press ;during play.•To return to play, press 2.SEARCH•Per effettuare la ricerca in avanti o all'indietro nell'intero disco a velocità 4x, premere il tasto K oppure J per circa 1 secondo durante la riproduzione.§ La ricerca ha inizio e l'audio viene parzialmente silenzia-to.•Per passare alla velocità 8x, premere nuovamenteK oppure J.§ La ricerca passa alla velocità 8x e l'audio viene silenzia-to.•Per passare direttamente alla velocità 8x, mantenere pre-muto il tasto K oppure J finché non compare l’iconaoppure .•Per tornare alla velocità 4x, premere nuovamente K o J.audio CDdurata brani1269:164:197:24235678910111241RIPRODUZIONE DI UN AUDIO CDshuffleitaliano122RIPRODUZIONE DI UN VIDEO CD RIPRODUZIONE DI UN AUDIO CD123124125126127128。

光辉国际-胜任力卡片-Lominger Competency

光辉国际-胜任力卡片-Lominger Competency

擅长+过度使用技能!不擅长- 1 以行动为导向喜欢努力工作;以行动为导向,对认为具有挑战性的事情干劲十足;即使计划很少,也不惧怕采取行动;抓住的机会会比别人多。



擅长+过度使用技能!不擅长- 2 应对不明朗局面能有效地处理变化;能灵活转变做事方式;即使不了解全部情况,也能下决心采取行动;当事情悬而未决时,不会因此坐立不安;不会因为事情没有全部解决而驻足不前;能从容地处理风险和事物地不确定性。



擅长+过度使用技能!不擅长- 3 亲和力别人容易接近和交谈;会努力让别人觉得轻松自在;热情、愉快和亲切;能敏锐地察觉并耐心对待别人在交往中的紧张感,并耐心地对待他们;建立起非常融洽的关系;是一个很好的听众;比别人更早知道情况,及时获得一些非正式的不完整的信息,从而作出适当的反应。





目录员工素质词库 (4)基本职业素养 (5)工作态度 (6)关键能力 (9)部分岗位素质要求 (22)一、员工素质词库二、基本职业素养(M)1.客户意识(MA)定义:一切工作以客户为关注的焦点,及时响应和跟踪客户的需求,想客户所想、急客户所急;客户的事情就是自己的事情,客户满意就是自己最大的成就;承诺客户的就必须办到。


























一名优秀的业通达员工,至少可以从以下三个方面来衡量:► 学历与专业 ► 通用知识 ► 专业知识1、 学历:按学历分初中、高中(包括中专和中技)、大专、本科、硕士、博士。

2、 公司知识:包括行业知识、产品知识、公司文化(发展历史、理念价值观等)、组织结构、基本规章制度和业务运作流程等。





XXX公司能力素养模型手册名目第一章能力素养模型概述第一节能力素养模型的概念1.1 什么是能力素养1.2 能力素养的分类1.3 什么是能力素养模型第二节能力素养模型与人力资源治理整体框架2.1 人力资源治理整体框架2.2 能力素养模型在人力资源整体框架中的运用第二章能力素养模型数据库制定/更新流程第二节范围第二节操纵目标第三节流程涉及部门第四节要紧操纵点第五节能力素养模型数据库制定/更新流程图第六节能力素养模型数据库制定/更新流程讲明〔略〕第七节能力素养模型数据库制定/更新流程涉及的表单流转及职责分工第八节核心能力素养模型数据库第九节能力素养模型数据库使用讲明第三章能力素养模型在职员考核治理流程中的运用第一节范围第二节操纵目标第三节能力素养模型的运用流程第四节职员考核治理流程涉及表单流转及职责分工第五节个人绩效评估表第六节个人绩效评估表填表讲明第七节评估打分依据评估级不建议表附件一:能力素养模型应用流程:能力素养模型数据库制定/更新流程附件二:职员考核治理流程图〔HR-FL-6〕附件三:能力素养模型表格核心能力素养数据库个人绩效考评表第一章能力素养模型概述“企业不应仅仅被瞧成产品和效劳的组合,更应该是能力的组合〞-?为了将来的竞争?,GaryHamel和C.K.Prahalad哈佛商学院出版社,1994年第一节能力素养模型的概念1.1什么是能力素养能力素养是一个组织为了实现其战略目标,获得成功,而对组织内个体所需具备的职业素养、能力和知识的综合要求。



顶康农业美国DIGI-STAR Scale Link 2000 ISO系列操作手册说明书

顶康农业美国DIGI-STAR Scale Link 2000 ISO系列操作手册说明书

DIGI-STARScale Link 2000 ISO SeriesOperator’s ManualTopcon Agriculture Americas, LLCW5527 Hwy 106Fort Atkinson, WI 53538USATel: 800-225-7695E-mail:*******************D4196-EN Scale Link 2000 ISO Operator’s Manual LA CAll rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without Topcon Agriculture Americas express written permission is forbidden. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. All efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be detected, Topcon Agriculture Americas would greatly appreciate being informed of these errors. The above notwithstanding, Topcon Agriculture Americas can assume no responsibility for errors© Copyright! 2017 Topcon Agriculture Americas, Fort Atkinson (U.S.A.).IntroductionTable of Contents1.0 INTRODUCTION (4)1.1 Additional Documents (4)2.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (5)3.0 SAFETY DURING USE (6)3.1 Exposure to Radio Frequency (6)3.2 Prior to Operation (6)3.3 Check System Before Use (6)3.4 Cleaning (6)3.5 Battery Charging and Welding (6)4.0 KEYS USED ON SCALE LINK ISO TERMINAL (7)5.0 SCALE LINK CONTROL OVERVIEW (8)6.0 OVERVIEW SCALE LINK ISOBUS SYSTEM (10)7.0 SETUP SCREENS FOR EACH SCALE DISPLAYED (11)7.1 Scale Setup Screen Overview (12)7.2 Scale Select (13)7.3 Enter Scale ID (13)7.4 Select Unit of Measure (14)7.5 Select Weigh Method (14)7.6 Enter/View Setup Number (15)7.7 Enter/View Calibration Number (15)7.8 Select Display Count (16)8.0 SYSTEM SETUP SCREEN OVERVIEW (17)8.1 Sum Weight Mode (18)8.2 Direct Access Numbers (18)9.0 OPERATION (20)9.1 Preset (20)9.2 Configure Main Screen Layout (23)9.3 Tare and Net/Gross (24)9.4 Using the M+, CM, RM, and Weight Averaging Functions (25)9.5 Troubleshooting Load Cells (26)10.0 OPTIONS CHANGED BY USER (27)10.1 Direct Access Numbers (D.A.N.) (27)1.0 INTRODUCTIONThank you for your purchase of a Scale Link model SL2110, SL2140, SL2210, SL2220, or SL2240 ISO system. (The abbreviation SL2 will used in places in this manual.)Your Scale Link ISO system is the culmination of more than 30 years of agricultural weighing engineering and expertise. With proper operation and preventive maintenance, the Scale Link will last for many years.The Scale Link ISO connects to an ISO Bus backbone and a UT (Universal Terminal) can communicate with the Scale Link ISO.Use of the Scale Link ISO system outside of its intended purposes may result in damage to instrument.1.1 Additional DocumentsAdditional Document information listed below;D4197- SL2 Operation ManualD4020- Direct Access Numbers (D. A. N.)D3986- ERM Operators ManualAdditional Documents for setup and troubleshooting;D4000- Digi-Star ISOBUS / CAN Application NotesD4204- SL2 Technical Manual2.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSVOLTAGE RANGE 11V – 36V DC (12V & 24V machinery) with reverse polarityprotection.*Limited to 11- 16V with SLC2810 or ISOBUScompliant implements.*************** OPTIONS <200mA base scale with 4 load cells to 5.0A maximum with all options. Internal self-resetting fuses for PCB protection & SLC remote protection.LOAD CELL PLATFORMS 16 Maximum 350 ohm transducers; 1 platform x 16 bars, 2 x 8,or 4 x 4.LOAD CELL EXCITATION Regulated 8.0VDC, current sensing and overcurrent protected. OPERATINGENVIRONMENT-29℃ to 60℃ (-20℉ to 140℉); 0 to 95% RH non-condensing. ENCLOSURE IP65 per IEC529REMOTE INPUT Active high or active low base on software setting; 0 –10,000Hz.OUTPUT CONTROL/ALARM Active high 3.0A continuous, with 5.0A surge.SERIAL PORT RS232 Com 1 & Com 2; 1200 – 115K baud; 7/8 bits; E/O/Nparity; Scoreboard/ streaming data; Serial Gross Weight; DSERM compatible.INTERNAL USB PORT USB 2.0 A port; FAT32; up to 4G. For settings Save/ Load,Software Update; ISOBUS update.SCALE LINK CONTROL SPI bus on 8 pin M12 supports SLC2810, SLC2400,custom SPI remotes.CAN 1 PORT General purpose CAN port; ISOBUS and Universal Terminal(UT) Compatible Typically connects with DT6, DT4, and otherstandard Connector types.CAN 2 PORT Proprietary CAN port for connection to other devices orsensors.Technical SpecificationsSafety During Use3.0 SAFETY DURING USEDanger: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, WILL result in death or very serious injury.Warning: Indicates a potential hazardous situation that, if not avoided, CAN result in death or very serious injury.Caution: Indicates a potential hazardous situation that, if not avoided, MAY result in a minor injury.IMPORTANT !: Signals special mechanical information3.1 Exposure to Radio FrequencyExposure to energy from radio frequencies is an important safety issue. As this product uses the Wi-Fi and Cellular system of a smartphone or tables please consult with the safety information provided with the device that the App operates with.3.2 Prior to OperationRead and understand this manual and learn all controls before you use the equipment.Check that the area is clear of people, animals, and obstacles before starting any work.Identify possible hazards.3.3 Check System Before UseIMPORTANT ! Before using the App with the Digi-Star weighing system read the Operator’s Manual for the scale indicator and the Wi-Fi system. Follow all instructions.3.4 CleaningDo not use pressurized running water (high pressure cleaners, hoses nozzles, etc.) to clean the indicator. Water ingress and damage to the indicator may result. Use soapy water and a sponge or cloth for best results.3.5 Battery Charging and WeldingDisconnect all cables from the ScaleLink2 system before charging the battery or welding on the machine. If cables are left connected, damage to the Scale Link and/or Load Cells may result.4.0 KEYS USED ON SCALE LINK ISO TERMINAL NOTE: Not all keys are shown on every screen--HOME:--ENTER SETUP SCREENS:--CLEAR MEMORY:--CONFIGURE MAIN SCREEN LAYOUT: --HOLD:--CANCEL:--TARE:--NET/GROSS:--ZERO:--PRESET:--ADD TO MEMORY:--SAVE TO USB:--LOAD FROM USB:--MOVE TO RIGHT:--MOVE TO LEFT:--ENTER:--MOVE UP:--MOVE DOWN:--RECALL MEMORY:--TO ENTER DIRECTACCESS NUMBERS: Keys Used on Terminal5.0 SCALE LINK CONTROL OVERVIEW- Pause - Cancel- Enter setup screens - Temporary zero (Net Mode)- Toggles between Net and Gross Weights- Press and hold for 3 seconds to zero balance indicator.- Enter preset weight- Add to memory1234567812345678910111213141516SL2 Control OverviewSummed Weight – Total weight of scale A+B+C+DScale A – Gross WeightScale B – Gross WeightScale C – Gross WeightScale D – Gross WeightMask Number – Mask version that is applied to screenSoftware Version – Displays current software versionHardware Detected – Displays which hardware is recognized by the SL2910111213141516Scale Link2 Control OverviewOverview Scale Link ISOBUS System 6.0 OVERVIEW SCALE LINK ISOBUS SYSTEMThe Scale Link is part of a weighing system. The Scale Link 2000 powers the Load Cells from one to 4 scale bins, hoppers, or platforms and monitors and filters the weight output signals which is converted into a weight. The weight information is sent via ISOBUS to the Universal Terminal.The ISOBUS Universal Terminal (UT) provides the interface to the Scale Link through a Scale Link mask that is brought up on the UT. This interface mask on the UT displays the weight of material in the chosen bin, hopper, or platform, and provides a means to change the selected bin, hopper, or platform, and to Tare the weight (set a temporary zero) to allow precise loading or unloading.In addition, the Scale Link interface mask provides the means for the operator to view, control, change settings, and to perform basic diagnostics of the scale system.Setup Screens7.0 SETUP SCREENS FOR EACH SCALE DISPLAYEDThis display shows the four scales,initially labelled: A, B, C, and D. Eachscale can have customized settings.The size and position of individual scaleinformation can be changed.Different scale names, setups (weightunits, count size, etc.) and calibrationsare possible.In the four-scale setup shown at left, thescale that is selected is shown with agreen background (Scale D) with largerview at the top of the display.7.1 Scale Setup Screen OverviewSelect Scale – Touch White box used to select scale.Scale ID – ID or name of selected scale. Example Tank 1, Bin 2, or AMS 3.Units – Select unit for weight to be measured in. Example LBS, KG.Weigh Method – Sensitivity as to how weight numbers move. General (default), Slow and Fast.Setup Number – View or edit Setup Number. The Setup Number is a quick-entry method to change multiple settings in one location. Includes: WeighMethod, Gain, Count Size, & CapacityCalibration Number – View or edit Calibration Number. Sets the Calibration of the scale.Adjusted to make the scale system more accurate.Display Counts – In the example above the system is set to 10 pounds. Weight will change bymultiples of 10, as in 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.Motion -Instructions on how to operate or modify these functions is shown in the following pages.12345677.2 Scale Select7.3 Enter Scale ID 1. Touch white box next to SelectScale and a drop down box will bedisplayed.2. Select scale “A” through “D”.3. Press green box to save setting.Press red box to cancel selection.1. Touch white box next to Sale IDand a drop-down box will bedisplayed.2. Using key pad enter desired scaleID or name.Example; TANK1, RIGHT, LEFTREAR.3. Press green button to savesetting. Press red button to cancelsetting.1212337.4 Select Unit of Measure7.5 Select Weigh Method 1. Press white box to select unit tobe used from drop down box.2. Press green to save setting.Press red box to cancel setting.1. Press white box to select weighmethod. Select General (default),Slow and Fast weighing (determineshow fast weight numbers changethat are displayed).Weigh Method is related tosensitivity. Switching to Fast willmake the scale more sensitive tochanges in weight. However, thismay result in a system that is toosensitive and the weight displayedwill easily be changed by movementor wind.2. Press green to save setting. Pressred to cancel setting.1212Setup Screens7.6 Enter/View Setup NumberThe Scale Link utilizes a shorthand “S etup” number that determines how the scale displays the weight .7.7 Enter/View Calibration NumberThe Scale Link utilizes a “Calibratio n” number for each scale system that matches the load cells to the Scale Link and determines the weight value that is displayed.1. Touch white box next to SetupNumber and a drop down box will be displayed.2. Using key pad, edit or viewsetup number.3. Press green button to save.Press red button to cancel.1. Touch white box next toCalibration Number and a drop down box will be displayed.2. Using key pad, edit or viewcalibration number.3. Press green button to save.Press red button to cancel.123123Setup Screens7.8 Selec t Display CountCounts are the increments in which the scale system will display changes in weight. For example; 0, 10, 20, 30, and so on.1. Touch white box next to DisplayCount and a dropdown box will be displayed.2. Select display count desired.3. Press green button to save.Press red button to cancel.Utilizing too small of a Count size will result in what appears to be an unstable weight as the weight will constantly change between two counts. Increase the Count until a stable number is displayed.1238.0 SYSTEM SETUP SCREEN OVERVIEWWt (Weight) Broadcast Interval – How often the scale sends a weight reading.Preferred Address – System will auto detect this address once connected to SL2.Preferred UT Number – System will auto detect this number once connected to SL2.Sum Weight Mode – Choose from Single, Total, or Combined.Sum Weight BAM – Sum weight is sent to specific equipment (for OEM’s). Serial Gross BAM – Serial weight is sent to specific equipment (for OEM’s). Direct Access Number – Access and Edit D.A.N Numbers.1234567123458.1 Sum Weight ModeSingle Scale Mode : Each scale will act independently. Each scale has its own weight and all operations apply to the currently selected scale.Total Scales Mode : The weight of all scales is summed together and displayed as a single weight. However, operations (ie. Tare, Zero, & Net/Gross) are only applied to the currently selected scale. Combined Scales Mode : The weight of multiple scales is summed together and displayed as a single weight. Operations (ie. Tare, Zero, & Net/Gross) are applied to all scales.8.2 Direct Access NumbersDirect Access Numbers (DAN) are used to change specific settings in the Scale Link. Changes to DAN settings should not be made without training or knowledge the system.1. Touch white box next to SumWeight Mode and a drop down box will be displayed.2. Select mode desired.3. Press green button to save.Press red button to cancel.1231. Touch grey box labelled DirectAccess Numbers.12. Touch white button and enterapplicable D.A.N Number.29.0 OPERATION 9.1 Preset4 3. Adjust options corresponding tothe D.A.N. number that wasentered.4. Use the Enter Setup Screensbutton to return to HomeScreen.3System Setup Screen Overview1. Touch Preset button in lowerright of screen.12. Touch white box under PresetValue and enter desired presetvalue.23. Press green button to savevalue. Press red button tocancel.34. Touch Run Preset.5. Begin unloading or loading.46. Screen will correspond with7unloading or loading process.7. Touch enter to print screen,Touch Cancel to return toHome.69.2 Configure Main Screen Layout1. Touch Configure Main ScreenButton.12. Screen will show 8 windows toconfigure options for each ofthe available 4 scales.(Net/Gross can be shown foreach of the 4 scales if needed.)9.3 Tare and Net/Gross3. Use the drop down menus toconfigure the main screen asdesired.1. When the selected scale displaysthe desired weight touch Tare. Atemporary “NET” Zero (0) weightwill be displayed.2. Add more weight. The weight ofthis additional weight will bedisplayed.3. To know the original weight, plusthe added weight, touchNet/Gross to show the total“GROSS” w eight.4. To toggle back to NET weightpress Net/Gross13Operation9.4 Using the M+, CM, RM, and Weight Averaging FunctionsThese functions can be used to save, add, recall, and clear stored values in the same way as when using an electronic calculator.1. Add Weight to selected scale.1Then press M+. This will addthis weight to the indicatormemory and return to theGROSS weighing mode.2. The RM (Recall Memory) andWeight Averaging features canbe accessed through the mainscreen layout. See section 9.2to configure main screen layout.29.5 Troubleshooting Load Cells3. Use the CM button to ClearMemory.31. Follow steps in section 8.2 toarrive at screen to enter directaccess numbers.2. Enter D.A.N. code 1997.3. Press up arrow and then enterto access information about theload cells.233Operation10.0 OPTIONS CHANGED BY USERFollow instructions as noted in Section 8.2 above. Direct Access Numbers (DAN) are used to change specific settings in the Scale Link. Changes to DAN settings should not be made without training or knowledge the system. It is recommended that before changing DAN settings that the original setting(s) be written down in case it is necessary to revert back.10.1 Direct Access Numbers (D.A.N.)SETTING [display] D.A.NNO.OPTIONS [displayed]DESCRIPTIONISOBUSISOBUSWEIGHT(ISO WT)2701 Select rate to broadcast ISOBUS weight data.ISOBUS BASE ADDRESS (ISOADR) 2702Assign starting base the ISOBUS gateway shouldaddress claim.USE ISOBUS DDI VALUES (ISODDI) 2704If ON –Send ISO WT using ISOBUS DDI’s 229 & 232.OFF –Use D/S legacy DDI’sISOBUS VTINSTANCENUMBER(ISOINT)2705 Preferred virtual terminal instance to display mask on.CAN MESSAGETYPE(CANMSG)2711 Allows for entry of a proprietary can message type.CAN MESSAGE INTERVAL (CANINT) 2712Allows for editing of the interval time for the CANMSGoutput.MOTION & WEIGHTA,B,C,DDISPLAY FORMAT (ABCDSP) 3091Select the single (A, B, C, D), Total (A+B+C+D), orCombined (1 scale, 2-4 inputs) for ABCD scales.ANALOG LOWWEIGHT(LOW WT)3201 Enter analog weight value to equal 4mA or 0 volts.ANALOG HIGHWEIGHT)3202 Enter analog weight value to equal 20mA or 5 volts.ANALOGSELECT(ANAOUT)3203 Select 0-5V or 0-20mA output.NEGATIVEANALOG OUTPUT (-ANALG) 3204Allow 4-20mA to output weight values less than Analoglow weight.ANALOG OUTPUT TEST (ANTEST) 3209 Select output for testing. Normal, Min, Max, or SawOptions Changed By User[display] NO.DESCRIPTIONCOMMUNICATION PORT MAPPINGOPSTAT PORT (OPSTAT) 5007 OFF, COM1, COM2, orCOM3Set opstat portDDL PORT (DDLPRT) 5009 OFF, COM1, COM2, orCOM3Sets DDL port.20MA MIRROR PORT(20MAMR) 5011 OFF, COM1, COM2, orCOM3Sets port for 20MA signal to mirror.RECIPE PORT (RECPRT) 5012 OFF, COM1, COM2, orCOM3Sets recipe output port.GPS PORT (GPSPRT) 5013 OFF, COM1, COM2,COM3, or COM4Sets GPS output port.CAN PORT(CANPSPRT)5111 Used to send a specific message via the CAN bus.DEBUG PORT (DBGPRT) 5999 OFF, COM1, COM2, orCOM3Sets internal debug port.SCALE SPECIFIC SETTINGS - SCALE PLATFORM ASCALE IDSETUP(SCALID)7101 Identity of scale location.WEIGH METHOD (WMTHD) 71031-General2-Slow3-Fast4-LockSelect weigh method.DISPLAY UNIT (LB-KG) 7104lb-poundsKg-KilogramsDisplay pounds or kilogramsCAPACITY(CAP)7106 Enter MAXIMUM weight measureable on scale.WM1 ADJUST 1(WMA1-1)7107 2-100 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM1 ADJUST 2(WMA1-2)7108 0 = off Use value less than WMA1-1 for quick weight response. WM1 ADJUST 3(WMA1-3)7109 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response.WM2 ADJUST 1(WMA2-1)7111 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM2 ADJUST 2(WMA2-2)7112 0 = off Use value less than WMA2-1 for quick weight response. WM2 ADJUST 3(WMA2-3)7113 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response. MOTION(MOTION)7114 If ON – motion arrow flashes for unstable weightMOTION WEIGHT (MOT WT) 7115Enter weight used to detect Motion. 0 = StandardMotion DetectionTARE AUTOPRINT(TAREAP)7116 If ON – tare will auto print displayed weight.SAVE TARE 7117 If ON – Indicator will save tare weight to non-volatileOptions Changed By User[display] NO.DESCRIPTION (SAVTAR) memory.SCALE PLATFORM BSCALE IDSETUP(SCALID)7151 Identity of scale location.WEIGH METHOD (WMTHD) 71531-General2-Slow3-Fast4-LockSelect weigh method.DISPLAY UNIT (LB-KG) 7154lb-poundsKg-KilogramsDisplay pounds or kilogramsCAPACITY(CAP)7156 Enter MAXIMUM weight measureable on scale.WM1 ADJUST 1(WMA1-1)7157 2-100 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM1 ADJUST 2(WMA1-2)7158 0 = off Use value less than WMA1-1 for quick weight response. WM1 ADJUST 3(WMA1-3)7159 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response.WM2 ADJUST 1(WMA2-1)7161 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM2 ADJUST 2(WMA2-2)7162 0 = off Use value less than WMA2-1 for quick weight response. WM2 ADJUST 3(WMA2-3)7163 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response. MOTION(MOTION)7164 If ON – motion arrow flashes for unstable weightMOTION WEIGHT (MOT WT) 7165Enter weight used to detect Motion. 0 = StandardMotion DetectionTARE AUTOPRINT(TAREAP)7166 If ON – tare will auto print displayed weight.SAVE TARE (SAVTAR) 7167If ON – Indicator will save tare weight to non-volatilememory.SCALE PLATFORM CSCALE IDSETUP(SCALID)7201 Identity of scale location.WEIGH METHOD (WMTHD) 72031-General2-Slow3-Fast4-LockSelect weigh method.DISPLAY UNIT (LB-KG) 7204lb-poundsKg-KilogramsDisplay pounds or kilogramsCAPACITY(CAP)7206 Enter MAXIMUM weight measureable on scale.WM1 ADJUST 1 7207 2-100 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.Options Changed By UserSETTING [display] D.A.NNO.OPTIONS [displayed]DESCRIPTION(WMA1-1)WM1 ADJUST 2(WMA1-2)7208 0 = off Use value less than WMA1-1 for quick weight response. WM1 ADJUST 3(WMA1-3)7209 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response.WM2 ADJUST 1(WMA2-1)7211 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM2 ADJUST 2(WMA2-2)7212 0 = off Use value less than WMA2-1 for quick weight response. WM2 ADJUST 3(WMA2-3)7213 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response. MOTION(MOTION)7214 If ON – motion arrow flashes for unstable weightMOTION WEIGHT (MOT WT) 7215Enter weight used to detect Motion. 0 = StandardMotion DetectionTARE AUTOPRINT(TAREAP)7216 If ON – tare will auto print displayed weight.SAVE TARE (SAVTAR) 7217If ON – Indicator will save tare weight to non-volatilememory.SCALE PLATFORM DSCALE IDSETUP(SCALID)7251 Identity of scale location.WEIGH METHOD (WMTHD) 72531-General2-Slow3-Fast4-LockSelect weigh method.DISPLAY UNIT (LB-KG) 7254lb-poundsKg-KilogramsDisplay pounds or kilogramsCAPACITY(CAP)7256 Enter MAXIMUM weight measureable on scale.WM1 ADJUST 1(WMA1-1)7257 2-100 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM1 ADJUST 2(WMA1-2)7258 0 = off Use value less than WMA1-1 for quick weight response. WM1 ADJUST 3(WMA1-3)7259 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response.WM2 ADJUST 1(WMA2-1)7261 Increase this number to smooth the weighing.WM2 ADJUST 2(WMA2-2)7262 0 = off Use value less than WMA2-1 for quick weight response. WM2 ADJUST 3(WMA2-3)7263 Enter the weight to activate quick weight response. MOTION(MOTION)7264 If ON – motion arrow flashes for unstable weightMOTION WEIGHT 7265Enter weight used to detect Motion. 0 = StandardMotion DetectionOptions Changed By UserSETTING [display] D.A.NNO.OPTIONS [displayed]DESCRIPTION(MOT WT)TARE AUTOPRINT(TAREAP)7266 If ON – tare will auto print displayed weight.SAVE TARE (SAVTAR) 7267If ON – Indicator will save tare weight to non-volatilememory.SETUP & CALIBRATIONDEAD WEIGHTCALIBRATION(CAL8121 Calibration method using weights.TEMPCALIBRATION(TCALB)8123 If ON – Scale adjusts for temperature changes.CALIBRATIONMATCH(CALMAT8124 Calibration method used for matching a known weight.SYSTEM DATE FORMAT (SYSDTF) 8719Allows date format to be changed when printing storedrecords.CALIBRATION MATCH (CALMAT) 8724Allows adjustment to the calibration number bu inputtingtwo weight values.LOAD DISPLAY POOL(L POOL) 8732Load a display pool from the USB device into internalmemory.DISPLAY POOLSTATUS(D POOL)8733 Show/Display pool status in internal memoryISOBUS VTENABLE(ISO VT)8745 Enable/Disable uploading mask (pool) data up to a VTSCALE PLATFORM ASETUP NUMBER (SETUP) 8771Quick entry value to select weigh method, gain, displaycounts and capacity.CALIBRATIONNUMBER(CAL)8781 Weight displayed at 0.4mV/V for these load cells.SCALE PLATFORM BSETUP NUMBER (SETUP) 8772Quick entry value to select weigh method, gain, displaycounts and capacity.CALIBRATIONNUMBER(CAL)8782 Weight displayed at 0.4mV/V for these load cells.SCALE PLATFORM CSETUP NUMBER (SETUP) 8773Quick entry value to select weigh method, gain, displaycounts and capacity.Options Changed By UserSETTING [display] D.A.NNO.OPTIONS [displayed]DESCRIPTIONCALIBRATIONNUMBER(CAL)8783 Weight displayed at 0.4mV/V for these load cells.SCALE PLATFORM DSETUP NUMBER (SETUP) 8774Quick entry value to select weigh method, gain, displaycounts and capacity.CALIBRATIONNUMBER(CAL)8784 Weight displayed at 0.4mV/V for these load cells.MISCELLANEOUS UTILITESKEYTEST 8888 Enables front panel key testCLOCK 8997 Enables clock – press any key to return to weighing modeOptions Changed By User。






















(是否考虑要满足并超过既定目标?为达所期好处肯冒一定风险?)这种人:1) 要把工作做好:努力把工作做好或做对。


2) 自创杰出衡量标准:面对他人强加的杰出标准,采用自己具体衡量结果的方法。



3) 业绩有改善:对某系统或自己个人工作方法作出具体改变以改进业绩(即把某事做得更好、更快、更省、更有效;改善其质量、客户满意度、精神面貌、收益),而没有预先设定任何具体目标。



)4) 作为于传统标准相竞争的证据。





”(如果目标不太难也不知达到与否,可作为2级计算分析5) 有做成本-效益分析:在仔细计算过投入和产出的基础上做决定、定先后或选定目标:对潜在利润、投资盈利率或成本效益分析做详细明确考虑。



6) 明知有风险仍一往无前:为提高效益调动最大资源和/或时间(明知不一定成功),(即改进业绩,达到一个有大难度的目标,等)。

JCB模926 模930维护清单说明书

JCB模926 模930维护清单说明书
Safety quiet cab or canopy, FOPS standard (falling object protective structure) to FEM Section IV and ANSI B56.6 – 1978. Cab: resiliently mounted, two door access, level floor with mat, safety glass all round with laminated roof window, bolt on roof bars. Fitments include: velour seat, rear view mirror and 2 speed heater/demister. Front/Rear screen wiper and washer, horn. Handbook. Instruments for hourmeter battery charge. Audible/Visual warning system for alternator charge, coolant temperature, engine oil pressure, blocked air filter, transmission oil pressure and temperature. Warning lights for: main beam, hazard warning, park brake on, direction indicators. Hydraulic control levers, gear lever, park brake, forward/reverse lever, 4WD disconnect, throttle, brake, and transmission disconnect pedal. Canopy: as above but with no glazing (screen wiper and heater/screen demister not applicable), and rear fenders are standard.

Wel-Bilt 手机动力测试站所有者手册说明书

Wel-Bilt 手机动力测试站所有者手册说明书

M O B I L E E N G I N E T E S T I N G S TAT I O NOWNER’S MANUALWARNING: Read carefully and understand allINSTRUCTIONS before operating. Failure to follow the safety rules and other basic safety precautions may result in serious personal injury.Thank you very much for choosing a Wel-Bilt™ product! For future reference, please complete the owner’s record below:Model: _______________ Purchase Date: _______________Save the receipt, warranty and these instructions. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This product is designed for certain applications only. The distributor cannot be responsible for issues arising from modification. We strongly recommend this product not be modified and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. If you have any questions relative to a particular application, DO NOT use the product until you have first contacted the distributor to determine if it can or should be performed on the product.For technical questions please call 1-800-222-5381.INTENDED USEThis mobile engine testing station designed for multipurpose engine testing; the station is ideal for leak detection, engine break-in, assembly and detailing. It can adjust to fit most engines.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & PACKING LISTItem DescriptionLoad Capacity 1000 Lbs. (454.5Kg)Fuel Tank Capacity 1 GallonEngine Mounting Holes ns Front: 7/16in. Inside Diameter, Rear: 3/4in. Inside Diameter GENERAL SAFETY RULESWARNING: Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in serious injury.CAUTION: Do not allow persons to use or assemble this engine testing station until they have read this manual in its entirety.WARNING:The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions or situations that could occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWORK AREAWhen assembling, installing, or removing the engine cradle•Keep work area clean, free of clutter and well lit.Cluttered and dark work areas can cause accidents.•Keep children and bystanders away while assembling, installing or removing the engine testing station. Distractions can cause loss of control, so visitors should remain at a safedistance from the work area.•Be aware of all power lines, electrical circuits, water pipes and other mechanical hazards near your work area, particularly those hazards below the work surface hidden from theoperator’s view that may be unintentionally contacted and may cause personal harm orproperty damage.PERSONAL SAFETY•Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when using the engine testing station.•Do not overload engine testing station beyond rated capacity of 1000 lbs.Overloading can cause damage or failure of the engine testing station.•Always use station on hard, level surface capable of sustaining the engine. Use station on other than hard level surface can result in station instability and possible loss ofengine.ASSEMBLYAttaching the Two Swivel Casters:•Secure the two Front Casters (1) to 1. t he Right Runner (12) and Left Runner (13) using two Hex Head Bolts (2), two Washers (3), and two Nuts (4) for each Front Caster.Attaching the Two Fixed Casters:•Secure the two Fixed Casters (30) to the Rear Engine Beam (21), using two Hex Head Bolts(2), two Washers (3), and two Nuts (4) for each Fixed Caster.•From underneath the Right Runner (12) and Left Runner (13), place the Battery Support Board (37) aligning one mounting hole at each end of the Battery Support Board with the mounting hole at each end of the Right and Left Runners.•Place the Rear Engine Beam (21) against the Right Runner (12) and Left Runner (13), aligning the mounting hole in each Fixed Caster (30) with the mounting holes in the Battery Support Board (37) and Right and Left Runners.•Secure the Fixed Casters (30) and Rear Engine Beam (21) to the Battery Support Board (37) and Right and Left Runners (12, 13) using one Hex Head Bolt (6), one Washer (3), and one Nut (4) for each Right and Left Runner.Attaching the Battery Support Board:•From underneath the Right Runner (12), Left Runner (13), and Battery Support Board (37), place the Battery Support Bar (16). Secure the Battery Support Bar to the Battery Support Board, Right and Left Runners using one Hex Head Bolt (6), one Washer (3), and one Nut (4) for each Right and Left Runner.Securing the Rear Engine Beam and Front Cross Beam to the Right Runner and Left Runner:•Insert one Washer (5) onto each Long Bolt (31). Insert one Long Bolt through the mounting hole at the end of the Rear Engine Beam (21), completely through the Right Runner (12), and through the mounting hole at the end of the Front Cross Beam (10). Secure the Long Bolt using one Washer (5) and one Nut (32). Repeat this procedure to secure the remaining Long Bolt to the other end of the Rear Engine Beam (21), Left Runner (13), and Front Cross Beam (10).Attaching the Front Mount Supports:•I nsert the two Front Mount Supports (24) onto the two upright columns of the 4in. Sleeve (14).Align the mounting hole in each Front Mount Support with the mounting hole in each column of the 4in. Sleeve. Secure the Front Mount Supports to the columns of the 4in. Sleeve using one Hex Head Bolt (7), one Washer (3), and one Nylon Lock Nut (8) for each Front Mount Support.Attaching the Rear Engine Bow Supports:1. The two Rear Engine Bows (9) have four mounting holes at their ends. Insert the Rear Engine Bows (with their four mounting holes downward) onto the two Sleeves with Pedestals (25). Secure the Rear Engine Bow Supports to the Sleeves with Pedestals using one Hex Head Bolt (7), one Washer (3), and one Nylon Lock Nut (8) for each Rear Engine Bow Support.Attaching the Fuel Tank Bow Supports:•Insert the two Fuel Tank Bow Supports (28) onto the two upright columns of the Rear Engine Beam (21), aligning the mounting hole in each Fuel Tank Bow Support with the mounting hole in each column of the Rear Engine Beam.•Align the mounting hole in each end of the two Support Straps (29) with the mounting hole at the ends of the Right Runner (12), Left Runner (13) and Fuel Tank Bow Supports (28).Secure the two Support Straps to the Right and Left Runners and Fuel Tank Bow Supportsusing two Hex Head Bolts (11), two Washers (3), and two Nylon Lock Nuts (8).Attaching the Rear Engine Bow:•Insert each end of the Rear Engine Bow (23) onto the two Rear Engine Bow Supports (9).•Align a mounting hole in the two Engine Straps (17) with a mounting hole in the Rear Engine Bow (23) and with the mounting hole at the top of the two Rear Engine Bow Supports (9).•Secure the Rear Engine Bows (23) and two Engine Straps (17) to the two Rear Engine Bow Supports (9) using two Hex Head Bolts (11), two Washers (3), and two Nylon Lock Nuts (8).Attaching the Meter Panel Support:•Insert the Meter Panel Support Bow (22) onto the two Fuel Tank Bow Supports (28), aligning the mounting holes of the Meter Panel Support with the mounting hole at the top of each FuelTank Bow Support. Secure the Meter Panel Support Bow to the two Fuel Tank Bow Supports using one Hex Head Bolt (11), one Washer (3), and one Nylon Lock Nut (8).•Attach the Meter Panel (33) to the Meter Panel Support Bow (22) using six Bolts (34). Attaching the Fuel Tank:•Place the Fuel Tank Strap (27) on the Fuel Tank (35), making sure to position a strap on each side of the Tank Cap (36). Also, make sure the Tank Cap is in an upward position.•Insert a Washer (3) onto each of the two Hex Bolts (26). Attach the Fuel Tank Strap (27), with its Fuel Tank (35), to the Meter Panel Support Bow (22) using the two Hex Bolts, two Washers (3), and two Nuts (4).Once this final step is completed, assembly is complete.OPERATION•The Mobile Engine Test Station is designed for use with most engines. Since there are alarge variety of engine makes and models, the following operation instructions are intended only as general operating procedures. Always follow engine testing procedures and precautions as specified by the engine manufacturer’s repair manual.•Attach a Hose Adapter (not included) to an inlet and outlet Radiator Hose on the engine.Then attach a Garden Hose (not included) to the two Hose Adapters.•Remove the engine’s Thermostat.•The engine’s Water Pump must remain stationary (not spinning).•The water must run in the correct direction. Otherwise, hot spots may occur inside the engine and cause damage.•Begin with a small amount of water. Observe the Temperature Gauge on the Test Station. If necessary, regulate the temperature to 160°, 170°, or 180° Fahrenheit.•Immediately turn off the water after turning off the engine. This will eliminate the risk of cracking the hot engine block or engine heads with cold water entering the engine. Then, allow the engine to completely cool on its own.•The Ballast Resister on the engine cuts Battery voltage down to approximately 7 volts for longer point life. If you need 12 volts either remove the Ballast Resister or bypass the Resister.•It is recommended that you install an inline, universal type Fuel Pump available, at most automotive parts retail stores.•Use Hose Clamps (not included) to clamp the in-line, universal type Fuel Pump, Coils, and Ballast Resister to the Rear Engine Bow Supports (9), under the Meter Panel Support Bow(22), with weather stripping (not included) between the engine parts and Rear Engine BowSupports.sideways or backwards on the Test Station.•An example of factory motor mount pockets of most engines.•An example of factory bell housing units of most engines.•Once the engine is connected to the Test Station, use the included Ignition Key to start the engine. Allow sufficient time for the engine to warm. Then observe the readings on the Test Station’s gauges to record the data required.MAINTENANCE•Keep the parts rack clean. A properly maintained engine cradle will work more effectively.Keep all of the parts dry, clean, and free from oil and grease.•e only soap and a damp cloth to clean your engine cradle.DIAGRAM & PARTS LISTPart#Description Qty. Part# Description Qty.1 Front Caster2 21 Rear Engine Beam 12 Hex Head Bolt(M8X20) 8 22 Meter Panel SupportBow13 Washer 28 23 Rear Engine Bow 14 Nut(M8) 8 24 Front Mount Support 25 Washer 4 25 Sleeve with Pedestal 26 Hex Head Bolt(M8X65) 6 26 Hex Bolt(M8X65) 27 Hex Head Bolt(M8X45) 6 27 Fuel Tank Strap 28 Nylon Lock Nut(M8) 20 28 Fuel Tank BowSupport29 Rear Engine BowSupport2 29 Support Strap210 Front Cross Beam 1 30 Fixed Caster 211 Hex Head Bolt(M8X55) 4 31 Long Bolt 212 Right Runner 1 32 Nut(M12) 213 Left Runner 1 33 Meter Panel 114 Sleeve(4-square tube) 2 34 Bolt(M4X8) 615 Slider 2 35 Fuel Tank 116 Battery Support Bar 1 36 Tank Cap Assy. 117 Engine Strap 2 37 Battery Support Board 118 Hex Head Bolt(M10X66) 2 38 Ignition Key 219 Washer 2 39 Sleeve with Pedestal 120 Nylon Lock Nut(M10) 2 40 Middle Beam 1For replacement parts and technical questions, please call 1-800-222-5381.WARRANTYOne-Year Limited WarrantyDistributed byNorthern Tool + Equipment Co., Inc.Burnsville, MN 55306Made in China11Page of 11。












绩效管理是通过管理者与员工之间持续不断地进行的业务管理循环过程,实现业绩的改进,所采用的手段为P DCA循环:图1:绩效管理的PDCA循环绩效管理的侧重点体现在以下几个方面:☆计划式而非判断式---着重于过程而非评价---寻求对问题的解决而非寻找错处---体现在结果与行为两个方面而非人力资源的程序---是推动性的而非威胁性☆绩效管理根本目的在于绩效的改进---改进与提高绩效水平---绩效改进的目标列入下期绩效计划中---绩效改进需管理者与员工双方的共同努力---绩效改进的关键是提高员工的能力与素质---绩效管理循环的过程是绩效改进的过程---绩效管理过程也是员工能力与素质开发的过程二、绩效管理过程在上述的绩效管理各环节过程中包括四个方面:计划、辅导、评价、报酬。



《能力素质模型咨询工具》领导职位胜任力数据库表6-1远见卓识的行为表现表6-2系统思考的行为表现表6-8管理变革的行为表现表6-9 沟通和影响力的行为表现表6-10 计划和控制的行为表现表6—12任务分配能力表6-13 影响力表6-15 判断能力表6-17个人驱动能力—18关系网建立表6表6—19 专业学习能力表6-21分析能力表6—25培训与发展他人的能力表6-27 组织内活动能力论提出要求时提供清晰的目标和参数检查员工是否知道组织对他们的期望给别人完成常规任务的自由,不乱加干涉为避免个人或工作小组的超负荷劳动,可以拒绝额外的任务分配分配工作时,给予充分的自主性根据被接受的标准和目标,检查并反馈进度进行一致性的交流以提供高质量的绩效、产品和服务好处,采取措施提高绩效问题采取明确的行动或坚定的立场,解决绩效问题,保证制订出可行性计划在适当时候,有效运用纪律/惩处制度表6—32 预期应对能力预期应对能力:对可预见的事件作出应对准备的能力第一级第二级第三级第四级表现出坚持性:在阻力面前要坚持住。



建立明确的长期目标、发动他人实干行为表现采取重复的行动以实现目标;当事情进展困难时千万不要轻易放弃表现出高度的毅力,确保按要求实现目标受阻时要克服阻碍行为表现在事情变得被动前行动在被问及或收到指示之前积极寻求解决办法迅速采取行动解决当前问题行为表现通过运用鼓励、支持等有效形式建立人们的信心提醒别人意识到问题所在促使别人不坐等指示,积极开始行动行为表现通过预测组织内外客户和关键市场的趋势,采取措施制定未来2~5年的战略定位鼓励和奖励为长远利益作出贡献者实施那些可以为长期战略打下坚实基础的事情和行为名称定义设计来源设计的方法和过程核心能力在公司里工作的所有人必须具备的价值观和工作信念企业价值观项目组与公司高级管理层探讨,并且借鉴其他公司的成功经验通用知识能力从事各项工作都需要的基本素质最佳实践项目组选取相关的参考材料并进行客户化设计领导能力管理团队所需要的能力最佳实践项目组与公司高级管理层探讨,并且借鉴其他公司的优秀经验专业能力提供产品和服务时所需的知识和技巧业务能力工作标准部门职责业务流程在项目组协助下,由各部门根据业务流程和部门职责中的关键工作,结合现有的工作标准设计图6-1能力素质库表6—33 核心能力素质模型数据库表6—35 销售胜任能力模型样例表6—39 财务工作人员的胜任能力模型表6-40部门技术人员的蹬胜任能力模型表6-42汽车销售顾问胜任能力模型计算机知识有基本的计算机技能,用以获取新闻信息以及相关的金融、市场和竞争数据;知道并了解可使用的资源,并能够用这些资源改善销售状况竞争了解主要竞争对手的基本信息,并清楚公司的产品与竞争对手相比有何优势性格社会交往渴望与他人交往,待人热情,并能够与各种各样的人相处自主性/自我激励在极少的支持和赞扬下,也能够长时间地独立工作,采取主动、积极的行事态度,渴望取得个人成功充沛的精力有优秀的职业道德,即使在压力下也能够保持快速的工作节奏,同时还能保持工作有的放矢好胜心表现出对取得和超过目标的渴望,面对阻挠和压力时,也能够坚持工作并获得成功自信心相信自己的能力;怀着对成功的期望进行工作,并意识到哪些是成功所必需的;积极地接受批评,并愿意承认错误,而不是指责别人可靠/值得信赖行为前后一致,并可以预测;在销售过程的各个阶段,都可以信赖;工作诚实、正直、守信,能够获得客户的信任职业道德有较高的专业和个人标准,公正地对待他人,尊重他人,就价格和报酬问题进行直截了当的讨论,并在所有交流中保持诚实;避免操纵或掩盖事实能力思维敏捷能够灵活地同时处理多项问题;能够持续地保持高度警惕性,并有较强的学习能力分析能力能够从事实和数据出发进行推理、分析并得出结论同情心对客户的需要和担忧非常敏感并表示理解,尽可能减少客户的焦虑和挫折感开明渴望考虑新观点、学习新事物;愿意接受变化和不确定性,并考虑各种选择以满足客户需要图6-1 能力素质库图6—2 能力素质图图6—3 人力资源管理整体框架与能力素质模型图6—4能力素质模型在人力资源整体框架中的运用图6-5 能力素质模型与人力资源结合示例图6-6能力素质模型更新流程图文件名称编制部门编制人员提交部门提交时限提交频率公司战略及公司年度运作计划董事会及总裁办公室董事会及总裁办公室成员人力资源部9月1日前的最后一个工作日每年一次核心能力素质模型数据库人力资源部人力资源部专门人员人力资源部总经理室9月12日前的最后一个工作日每年一次专业能力素质模型数据库人力资源部人力资源部专门人员各部门人力资源部总经理室9月5日前的最后一个工作日9月12日前的最后一个工作每年一次表6—44 能力素质模型数据库使用说明`表6-46公司员工季度绩效沟通/考核表公司员工季度绩效沟通/考核表部门: 职位:任职者:考核者:季度任务绩效得分=(各项定量绩效得分×各项权重)+(各项定性绩效得分×各项权重)任务确认栏考核结果签字栏绩效改进计划表6-48评估打分标准表。

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注意:必须安排给每位与会者适宜的空间,通常人们舒适区需保持61CM×91CM 的空间。












B: 重要




















J: 掌握



J: 掌握——2分


表1 人岗匹配度





