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My Thoughts
The novel is full of irony , The woman was
hypocritical and greedy, The waiter seek nothing but profits.The protagonist was
hard up of money ,but he was shy to say. I have to admire the woman, She was so thick-skinned. In short, The novel can be summed up in one sentence :hypocrisy is:” I never eat luncheon,unless it is delicious ”
The Life of O.Henry
1.Birthplace:Greensboro,North California
2.Family Background:his father,a physician 3.Education:did not receive much formal schooling
--By 1908 Maugham had four plays running at the same time in London. --On the outbreak of the First World War, Maugham, now aged forty, joined a Red Cross ambulance unit in France. --While serving on the Western Front he met the 22 year old American, Gerald Haxton. --The two men became lovers and lived together for the next thirty years. --Maugham had sexual relationships with both men and women and in 1915, Syrie Wellcome, the daughter of Dr. Thomas Barnardo, gave birth to his child. --Her husband, Henry Wellcome, cited Maugham as corespondent in divorce proceedings. --After the divorce in 1916, Maugham married Syrie but continued to live with Gerald Haxton.
A Friend in Need
By William Somerset Maugham
I read the newspaper, know the news of Edward Hyde Burton death, so some reflections have occurred to me:Don't judge people by outward appearance, especially when on the first meeting, appearances can be deceptive
The main structure
I caught sight of her at the play, She addressed me brightly ,we talk about the first time we met I asked her to luncheon.
Twenty years ago, she wrote to me:she was spending the morning at the Luxembourg and would I give her a little luncheon at Foyot„s afterwards?I complied. She told me she ate only a dish for lunch,but she pretended to be casual,ordered dish after dish,and the dish were most expensive…
--William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris on 25th Janu ary, 1874. --William's father was a wealthy solicitor, worked for the E mbassy in France. --By the time he was ten, both William's parents were dead and he was sent to live with his uncle. --After an education at King's School, Canterbury, and Heildelberg University in Germany, Maugham became a medical student at St. Thomas Hospital, London. --While training to be a doctor Maugham worked as an obstetric clerk in the slums of Lambeth. --He used these experiences to help him write his first novel, Liza of Lambeth (1897). --The book sold well and he decided to abandon medicine and become a full-time writer. --Maugham achieved fame with his play Lady Frederick (1907), a comedy about money and marriage.
Bill and Sam wanted to buy a peice of land in Western Illinois, but they didn't have enough money to carry out the plan,so the kidnapping idea strucked them.
But Sam and Bill was wrong. Ebenezer Dorset wrote back:”if they want to send Resd Chief to come back,they should give him $250.”
Sam and Bill very angry, but in the end ,it was because of they can‟t bear the child anymore, they send him back, and give his father $250.
Last years were shadowed by alcoholism, ill health ,and financial problems.died virtually penniless on Jun5,1910.in New York. In 1919 the O.Henry Memorial Awards for the best American short stories published each year were founded by the Society of Arts and Science.
The Luncheon
By William Somerset Maugham
William Somerset Maugham
(Jun 25,1874-Dec 15, 1965)
A famous English author. Novelist and playwright. Many of his stories are about human waknesses
The main structure
They decided to kidnap the Ebenezer Dorset‟s son for ransom,but they didn‟t know they kidnapped a little imp. Sam and Bill‟s nightmare was began.
succeed,and lost money. This not only reflects the boy ' s natural naughtiness and at the same time also reflects how incompetent they were. Benezer Dorset who stayed calm even after the child was kidnapped, was also worthy of our admiration.
Bill was going mad because of the naughty boy,.They decide to send him away, and in exchange for ransom,they writed to Ebenezer Dorset,and demand fifteen hundred dollars .
The main structure
We had known each other at the club, we played bridge together ,from his appearance,his family‟s attitude and his kindliness, I had come to a conclusion:” You felt that he could not bear to hurt a fly “ But…
4.Working Experiences:did a variety of odd jobs
Charged with embezzling funds from the bank in Texas. fled to Honduras When his wife was dying, he returned to Texas in 1897;he turned himself to the authorities and served three years in prison,he began to write short stories use the pseudonym O.Henry.
The Ransom of Red Chief
O.Henry (Sep 11,1862-Jun 5,1910) was a prolific American shortstory writer,a master of surprise endings,who wrote about the life of ordinary people in New York City,A twist of plot,which turns on an ironic or coincidental circumstance,is topic of O.Henry‟s stories. O.Henry is the pen of William Sydney Porter.
After reading this novel, the first feeling is, do not do bad things.Bill and Sam
are two examples, they want to make money by kidnapping, but they didn‟t