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第一单元········1.A Letter to Jim

第二单元········1.A Letter of Recommendation

第三单元········1.A Letter to the Sunday Mai

第四单元········1.My Opinions on After-school Classes for Children


An Important that I Remember Well

An important that I remember well was the 2010 World Exposition. It happened on May 1st, 2010 to October 31st, 2010. And it happened in Shanghai Expo Held.

When I heard the news of this event, I was talking with my parents, my best friend was reading books. We were very surprised. This event is very important because it was the first World Expo in China and China spent forty-five billion Yuan on

that. I remember this event well because I went there in October.

I studied many things and made some friends there. It was wonderful!


Last Night Our Neighborhood Was Powered Last night our neighborhood was powered cut at 8:00. Now I’ll tell you what were some people do.

Our neighbor Mr. Wang was watches a basketball match before the power cut. When it was power cut, he was listening to the radio. My sister Sally was playing the piano when it was power cut. Then she stopped playing to have a rest. While the power cutting, my friend Tom was doing some reading. After that, he went to bed earlier.

And my aunt Mrs. Wang was in the lift when the power cut. She was so afraid because she couldn’t get out. So she called to the policemen, they came and save her. And while it was power cutting, I was doing my homework. Then I used the flashlight to help me finish my homework.


The Biggest Animal in the World The biggest animal in the world is whales. They live in the

sea. They eat small fish and other sea life. Some kinds of them have teeth, and they can eat the seal. The whales can jump high out of the water and sing beautiful songs. If people train them, they can be very cute and they can do other interesting things. But these days, whales are in great dangerous. Humans catch whale for meat, fat and oil because these parts of whales can be made delicious food or other things like candles and soap. The water pollution also makes whales die.

So we should protect whales. We should make rules on whale protection, and we must stop putting rubbish into the sea.

I think people should learn more about whales that we can realize the importance of saving the whales. We should try our best to save the whales.

Thailand’s Symbol

One of Thailand’s symbols is the elephant. It is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. And they can also remember places with food and water. But elephants are in great danger now. People cut down so many trees to make paper, furniture or other things made of wood. And because of these, many elephants lost their home. People also kill them for their
