The Joy Luck Club(喜福会影评—东西方文化差异)
The Joy Luck ClubMost films these days are easy to describe because they fit into types such as love stories or thrilliers. But The Joy Luck Club is different. It is a story about love and conflicts between four daughters and their mothers.The joy club club is a film based on the best selling novel by Amy Tan of the same name.It shows us the lives of four Chinese women who were new immigrants to Sanfrancisco during the 1950s. The four women acquaint themselves with each other by playing mahjong. They became closed friends because they had similar experiences and they called themselves the Joy Luck Club. As a mother, each of them has a lot of problems with their daughter.The film describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters,and their cultural conflicts.It represents the process from misunderstandings, conflicts to understandings and harmony between mothers and their daughters.In this movie, the tender and complicated love betweenmothers and daughters certainly impressed and moved me a lot. Mother does not go to argue strongly on just grounds, argue with the daughter endlessly in the relation that the mother and daughter confront with each other, but adopt China's traditional forbearing and conciliatory method retreating in order to advance.It is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. It combines the stories of mothers and daughters to tell one sincere story of friendship. It is one of the finest pieces of acting collaberations among an ensemble cast. It also combines foreign film with American film in a way giving it a new style. I like the set up of the movie or the sequence rather, better than the book. It seemed to make more sense. Many of the performances were powerful. Even those who only spoke the Chinese language in the film should have gotten awards for performances that made me laugh and cry.Frankly speaking ,the film is worth watching. I believe , you will think a lot and feel a lot after watching it.。
同样,在爱情和婚姻中失去自我的罗丝被母亲的故事深深震撼。她嫁入豪门,努力做一个好妻子好母亲,为了丈夫和孩子,放弃了学业,更为重要的,放弃了自我,婚姻却濒临破裂。她常和母亲对抗,宁愿去找心理医生也不愿和母亲交流。母亲所回忆的往事唤醒了她的自我意识,那股流淌在她身体之中的中国人自强不息的血液让她彻底清醒,自己并不是社会家庭之外的“他者”,她就是一个完整的个体,是一个独立、自尊、自强的女性,她在最后关头喊出了自己的想法,让她的丈夫重新认识了她的价值,挽救了他们的婚姻。罗丝的觉醒最终获得了丈夫的爱情和尊敬,她也理解自己的母亲始终关注她的一颗心。弱者的地位,如果是预先在心里就为自己设定了,那就势必无法摆脱,而女性的抗争首先从认识自己的价值开始,意识到自己不是弱者,是平等Байду номын сангаас,才能有抗争的本钱。
Abstract: With The Joy Club as an entry point, the paper contrasts and compares the similarities and differences between China and America in many aspects of culture, mainly discussing from the following aspects: ways of education, views towards love and marriage, senses of values, ways of language expression and address terms. The article describes the combination of the differences and similarities between Chinese and western cultures according to different figure characters, living ways, and individual fates in the movie The Joy Luck Club, and also profoundly expresses people’s inspiration and thinking upon the differences and combination. The fates of several female figures in the movie are the realistic manifestation of the differences and combination of Chinese and western cultures.
电影《喜福会》影评——从主观幸福感来体验的跨文化差异201440105888 广升88 88888有一只鸭子,它一直觉得自己不幸福,因为它不甘心自己是鸭子,因此一直伸长脖子想作天鹅,没想到后来它真的成了天鹅。
然而她们的女儿虽会说一些汉语都在美国长大,在美国接受教育,说的是一口流利的美式英语,这就导致了母女之间的冲突: 她们因为母亲们“结结巴巴”的英语,总是认为母亲们“脑子不灵活”“没有见识”, 她们的话不值得认真地听,显得不耐烦;而母亲们用蹩脚汉式英语无法向女儿表达自己真正爱她们的情感。
The Joy Luck ClubThe Joy Luck Club is a novel from a Chinese-American author, Amy Tan and it was her magnum opus which winned her fame and fortune. Her works often contains traditional Chinese mythologies and the themes of the novels are often about the emotional conflicts from different culture and different views of life between China and America, between the old generation and the younger generation. The Joy Luck Club is the story of four girl and their Chinese mothers 。
The Joy Luck Club is a club founded by four Chinese mothers in order to play mah jong and communicate their life and reflect the Chinese lives. They all grew in China and had different miserable life experiences. By some means they came to America and began their seeming happy life. Then they gave birth to four girls of similar age. Even though these four girls were all born in America and received American education, the traditional thoughts from their mothers also had great influences on them. We can see the influences between each pair of mother and daughter. They have different values and they will have conflicts in many areas of life. What impressed me most is the story between Suyuan Woo and Jing-Mei Woo. Many years between them are passing through silence. When the girl was young, Suyuan did whatever she can in order to afford the piano class for her daughter and made her an elegant girl. But Jing Mei didn’t understand her mother. She used every possible methods to fight against her mother’s authority and power. At the piano compens ation in the community, she did very bad job and lost her mother’s face. She thought that her mother would be furious when she came home. But to her surprise, her mother said nothing. That was different from before. The daughter’s reaction was also astonis hing. She didn’t feel surprised, relaxed or fearful, but disappointed. Because in this circumstance, she could not cry for her pain and give the pain back to her mother. They used silence to torture each other.As a daughter who had experienced such disa ppointed moments, I can fully understand Jing Mei’s feeling. When I was at primary school, when I had some mistakes or made some troubles, my mother would use silence to punish me. She would do everything as usual except for saying a word to me. At that time, I was confused about that. After reading the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it may be different habits about parents to help their children to correct their mistakes. They use silence to make you reflect on yourself and then you will remember your mistakes and neverdo it again. That may also be the difference of educational methods between Chinese parents and American parents. Chinese parents prefer indirect methods to teach children especially something sensitive, while American parents used to make direct conversations with their children to solve the problems. I think the difference is mainly because the contrary between Chinese and American values.Through the whole story, we can see many conflicts between daughter and mother, daughter and daughter, mother and mother, especially, China and America. We should try to select the essence and discard the dross to enrich our own culture.。
1 《喜福会》的背景资料
《喜 福 会 》(The Joy Luck Club) 是 谭 恩 美 1989 年 发 表 的 第 一 部 小 说, 该书曾获“全美图书奖”、“全美图书评论奖”, 以及“1990 年海湾地 区小说评论奖”, 《喜福会》也是作者根据自身的经历,选取移民母亲和 生长在美国的女儿之间的矛盾冲突作为素材,表达了两种文化之间的 相互冲突、相互融合的心灵历程。 《喜福会》在美国掀起了一股华裔文 学的热潮。 华裔文学由此受到了全国文学界的关注。
教育是应由国家控制的 。 国家规定教育的方向 ,目的和性质 。 国家 控制教育的发展和序列,国家制定教育方针,国家为教育提供经费和 后盾。 没有国家的支持,教育是难以立足的。 国家是教育的主导者。 3.2 国家设立教育机构
教育机构由国家设立。 国家为教育的进程建立大致的框架,教育 根据自己的发展按照国家的要求成长,发展。 换句话说,如果国家时局 处于动荡不安的状态,教育机构很可能处于瘫痪状态。 没有国家的大 力支持,教育及其机构将形同虚设。 3.3 国家确立教育的目的、内容和形式
中国的传统中,儿女的婚姻大事至关重要,父母们都试图干涉,往往是 带着善意干涉。 钟林冬见薇弗莱的男朋友比薇弗莱小,中国有这样一 种 说 法 “宁 愿 男 大 十,不 愿 女 大 一 ”,加 之 他 又 是 美 国 白 人,她 对 美 国 白 人有一种本能的反感。 她作为一个华裔,自己并没有真正地融入主流 文化,还固执坚持守着中国古老的风俗习惯和思想,她喝茶而不愿喝饮 料或咖啡,吃中国菜饭而不愿用西餐。 她对薇弗莱男朋友的排斥,一部 分是对西方文化的排斥;另一方面是传统中国女性强大母爱在她身上 的突出表现。 然而,女儿却并不理解母亲,她认为她的第一次婚姻失败 可能是母亲施了什么妖术,她害怕母亲再一次破坏她的婚姻。 不同的 文化背景形成了不同的价值观念,钟林冬同女儿在婚姻上的冲突充分 地表明她们代表了不同的文化。 3.3 冲突三:顾映映与圣克莱尔.琳达
《喜福会》折射出的中西文化观念差异电影《喜福会》根据华裔美国女作家谭恩美(AmyTan)的成名作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)改编而成,和其小说畅销一样,改编的电影也在国内外引起了强烈的反响。
喜福会电影英语观后感英文回答:"The Joy Luck Club" is a poignant and heartwarming film that explores the complex relationships between mothers and daughters, as well as the challenges and triumphs of the immigrant experience. Through four interwoven stories, the film delves into the lives of four Chinese immigrant women and their American-born daughters, showcasing the cultural divide, generational differences, and the enduring bondsthat unite them.The film's strength lies in its authentic portrayal of the immigrant experience. Each character's journey is unique, yet they all share a common thread: the struggle to find their place in a new land while preserving their cultural heritage. The film sensitively explores the challenges of language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and the clash between traditional values and modern aspirations.The performances by the cast are uniformly excellent, with each actress bringing a unique depth to her character. The mother-daughter relationships are particularly well-developed, showcasing the complexities and contradictions that exist within these bonds. The film also features a beautiful score by Tan Dun that perfectly captures thefilm's emotional journey.Ultimately, "The Joy Luck Club" is a film about the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a story about the sacrifices made by mothers for their children, the challenges faced by immigrants, and the enduring bonds that connect us all.中文回答:《喜福会》是一部感人至深的电影,探讨了母女之间复杂的关系,以及移民经历中的挑战和胜利。
the joy luck club 喜福会论文
The Comparation of Cultural differences Between China andAmerica Based on The Joy Luck ClubAbstract:The Joy Luck club is a moving film which reflects the theme of love and conflicts between four pairs of mothers and daughters. The relationship of love between mothers and daughters runs through the whole film. However , the conflicts of cultural differences between mothers and daughters also arise very frequently. Because the four mothers are Chinese and they were born and grew up in China . After suffering a lot in China, they immgrated to the Amercia in the early time and started their new life. Even they have been living in America for a life-long time, they continue to cling to the Chinese culture. Althought their daughters were born and raised up in America, mothers still use Chinese ways to educate theirborn-in-America daughters. Thus, many conflicts of differnent cultures between China and America are showed in this film. Finally their daughters understand the differences and recognize the enternal love with their mother.Key words:love,conflicts,cultural differencesIntroduction:In the film “The Joy Luck Club” describes all kinds of life experiences of four pairs of mothers and daughters. The names of mothers are Suyuan, Lindo, Ying Ying and An Mei. Their daughters’ names are June,Waverly, Lena and Rose. The four mothers both suffer a lot of misfortunes in China and they come to America. The Joy Luck Club is a place where they can meet together and gather to talk and play Majiang. They laugh and play and want to forget past wrong. The most important thing is that they hope to be lucky. Because of their unluckiness, they put all their hope onto their daughters. They use their inherent and traditional Chinese way to cultivate daughters and hope them to be those women like them.However ,the daughters are born in America and they don’t understand their mothers’ culture,their ways of thinking,even their ways of education. So the conflicts between them arise frequently on the aspects of education,marriage and freedom of life. What’s more, there are some cultural differences in this film. Accoding to all of these,there are aspects to compare between Chinese and American culture.1.The different table manners between China and AmericaIn this film, Waverly takes her Amercian boyfriend Rich to attend her mother’s dinner party. Although Waverly has taught some Chinese manners to Rich,there are many different table manners between China and America from Rich’s behaviours.Firstly , Rich drink over the first cup of wine when others just have an inch of taste,and he even drink over the second one. He should drink another cup after others have drunk over in China.Secondly,he takes most of his favoriate shrimps into his own plate by himself. Actually ,he should take before everyone has taste it. Theworst thing happens later that is about Waverly’ mother, Lindo’specialty dish. When Lindo takes her specialty dish on the table and says “this dish not salty enough. No flavor,too bad to eat,but please try”. Rich can’t wait to tasting it and then says the dish should be put some soy on it. His behaviour astonishes all the guest,let alone Lindo. There is no doubt that his behaviour offend Waverly’ mother. In China, people will belittle their specialty at first in order to be modest. Surely ,they are willing to be complimented by their guests. On the contrary, people in America will tell the guests directly that this is his or her specialty. And they will compliment it if it is really delicious.In Chinese culture,guests should be treated by the host. They can have drink after host’s welcome. The guests should not help himself to the dishes before others have taste it. Obviously ,Rich’ s table behaviour is not polite in China.2.The different educational way between China and AmericaAs for the educational problem,the story between June and her mother Suyuan and between Waverly and her mother Lindo are very impressive.Suyuan have to discard her twin daughters in China because of war and her illness. After she immgrates to America,she still use Chinese way to teach her third daughter-June. Like other Chinese parents,she places all the hope onto June and hope that she can be a prodigy. She forces June to continue to play piano thought June has failedin a performance. June says “I’m not gonna play any more,why should i?I am not your slave,it isn’t in China,you can’t make me”.InChina,children are always listening to their parents and they follow what their parents tell them to do. They nearly dare to fight against their parents’thoughts. It is kind of filial piety dating back to the ancient times. However , American children are independent and free,they can do what they like to do. Parents are not willing to put their opinions to children and will not interfere into children’s private life. They hope their children to think and live independently. Another is about Waverly and Lindo,their conflicts on education is very common in China. Waverly are very good at playing chess and she even becomes the chess champion. Lindo is very proud of her daughter’s performance and show it to others. There is a scene that Lindo tells everyone she meets in the street that her daughter Waverly is a chess champion. This behaviour makes Waverly very unhappy and she says “Embrassing,why do you want to show me off? If you wanna to show off, why don’t you learn chess ?”In China, parents often use their children’s success to show off because they put all their hope to their children. And children’s success is the best return to their pay. In America, they don’t compare their children to others. They attach great importance on their children’s individual hobbies. They respect their children’s choice and won’t force them to do what they don’t like.3.The different traditional ideology between China and AmericaTraditional ideology has rooted deeply in the Chinese culture and the mothers are still following .Lena’s mother Ying Ying suffers a lot in China and she never knows how to comfort her mother. Still unfortunately, Lena is married to a man who is self-centred. Their life expense is going dutch except personal expenses. Day by day,Lena can’t stand her husband’s behaviour. In Chinese tradition, women take hold of the economic power and husband should give the money to their wife. In America,people like to go dutch and want to be fair to each other. Actually ,Lena is not willing to accept this lifestyle. Another example is the marriage of An Mei’s daughter Rose. Rose falls in love with a rich guy Ted and they marry finally no matter Ted’s mother’s disagreement. As an American born Chinese, Rose tries her best to devote herself to her huaband. Rose does everything she can to take care of and support Ted like most Chinese wives. She even give up her further study in order to support him. She thinks it is a way of devotion of love. For example,when Rose says “you have a hard day. I don’t really care. I just want you to be happy.” This is a traditional thought of Chinese wives. They place their husband to the first place. However ,Ted is not satisfied about these. He hopes his wife to be thoughtful and independent. He says “ I like to hear your voice.” Ted wants to hear her own opinions and express her ideas rather than follow him. This is traditional cultural difference between China and America.Conclusion:After watching over this film , i feel the enternal love given by their mother. Althought mothers and daughters have different cultural views and thoughts and have many conflicts, they still love each other. And their love fianlly get over all the differences.。
喜福会读后感观后感 中美文化差异
The Cultural Conflicts between America and ChinaReview of The Joy Luck ClubThe cultural conflicts and discrepancy between America and China, the "mainstream" culture of the United States and the "marginal" culture of China, has always been the most intense concern of Chinese American writers who stick in the two cultures. The Joy Luck Club, by Chinese American writer Tan Enmei, is one of this kind of novels.The conflicts between mothers and daughters in this movie mainly concentrate on the education problems and marital problems. The mothers take the Chinese traditional way to educate their daughters, enforcing their daughters to do what they think is “useful” without consulting with the children. Suyuan and her daughter June’s conflict of learning piano is the typical one. Suyuan sacrificed herself to enable June learn the piano, for this can bring June dignity and respect. But June deliberately screwed up to prove that she is not a genius. June told Suyuan that she wasn’t the slave of her mother because this is in America instead of China, but Suyuan emphasized only obedient child could live in the house. There are also obvious differences between mothers and daughters in their understanding of love and marriage. The mothers believed children's marriage must comply with their parents' opinions while daughters believe that marriage and love is a privacy that parents should not interfere. Lindo hurt Wally and her boyfriend with very aggressive behavior because she thought Wally was selfish, had no family values. In Chinese traditional culture, "family" doesn’t only represent the power and authority of parents to their children, but also means the close relationship that parents and children are mutual dependent. In their mind, the children must obey their parent without any resistance.But the daughters, who grow in America, reject this kind of relationship. In the American culture, every person is an independent individual and nobody can force others to accept his opinions.Another feature of The Joy Luck Club is its writing style and the language. The author use different kind of languages to describe the mothers and the daughters. The mothers use much of “Chinenglish” and usually called the children’s Chinese name, such as “So,Jing-mei,you go to school now?”. Those sentences are grammatically wrong and are formed in Chinese logic. But the daughters seldom use this kind of language. They tend to use “I mean…”, “I guess…”, “could”, and “should”or something like these, which reveals that the daughters were deeply influenced by American thought patterns: they expressed themselves directly and would not force other to accept their thoughts. Meanwhile, the author creative many word that do not exist in English originally, such as “mahjong”,“ayi”,“Ching” and so on. The book and the movie is full of this kind of Chinese elements, repeatedly remaining the readers that this is a story about Chinese people and Chinese culture.The Joy Luck Club recognizes the cultural differences between China and America but the most gratifying thing is that it firmly believes that the ultimate integration of different cultures is possible. As time goes by, the daughters, who had originally accepted American culture, experienced setbacks in their careers, marriages and families, gained a better understanding of their marginal cultural status in America. At the same time, they realized that Chinese culture had a profound impact on them, and the awakening of daughters led to the gradual easing of conflicts between two generations. In a word, The Joy Luck Club explores the conflicts between two different cultures in American society from a unique perspective, and presents the process of multiculturalism from exclusion, conflict to gradual integration, It also compares Chinese traditional culture with American mainstream culture, and further explores that Asian American how to build a new cultural identity between Chinese and American cultures.。
关键词:母女关系文化差异冲突融洽Analysis of The Joy Luck Club in the mother-daughter relationships reflects the Sino-US cultural differencesTANG Xian(School of foreign languages,Kunming University,YunnanKunming650214 ,China )Abstract: Based on Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club the essay analyses the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter. Respectively, in four aspects from the differences of language, differences of hosts and guests etiquette, differences of way of thinking and differences of filial piety. The conflicts between mother and daughter has always existed, until the daughters have grown up to the age of be mothers , the relationship between them is slowly becoming in harmony. As the proverb goes cultures have borders but love without borders. Understanding, sincerity and love are the best remedy to resolve the cultural differences.Keywords: mother-daughter relationships; cultural differences; conflicts ; harmony《喜福会》作为美国华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作,1989年一经出版,便在《纽约时报》上连续九个月成为销量冠军。
首先,让我们来看看中英礼貌用语的不同之处。在中文中,礼貌用语通常比 较间接,强调的是一种谦虚和尊重。例如,当别人称赞你时,你会说“哪里哪里, 还差得远呢”。而在英语中,礼貌用语往往更加直接和积极。当别人称赞你时, 英语中的礼貌用语通常包括“谢谢”或“非常感谢”。
这种差异在中英文化交流中造成了许多误解和冲突。在《喜福会》这部电影 中,这种跨文化冲突得到了生动的表现。故事讲述了四个中国移民在旧金山的生 活,他们在努力融入美国社会的同时,也不可避免地面临着文化差异带来的挑战。 其中最明与集体主义的角度来看,中美文化在《喜福会》中的体现 也有显著的区别。中国文化注重集体主义和家庭观念,强调的是群体利益和家庭 责任,而美国文化更注重个人主义和独立精神,强调的是个人权利和自由。这种 差异在电影中也有所体现,例如在中国,个人的命运往往与家庭、家族的命运紧 密相连,而在美国,个人的发展更为自由,也更容易得到社会的认可。
权力距离维度反映了一个社会中弱势群体对权力分配的接受程度。在《喜福 会》中,这一维度也表现得十分明显。中国文化注重尊重长辈和权威,强调等级 和秩序,而美国文化则更注重平等和自由。例如,在电影中,中国母亲们往往表 现出对长辈和权威的尊重,而美国长大的女儿们则更注重平等和自由,对长辈的 依赖程度较低。
综上所述,以霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论为框架分析中美文化之间的差异具 有重要意义。《喜福会》作为一部展现中美文化差异的电影,为我们的研究提供 了生动的例证。通过对比分析这部电影中的中美文化差异,我们可以更好地理解 霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论在中美文化研究中的应用。
在多元文化的背景下,礼貌用语是人们日常交流中不可或缺的一部分。它们 不仅反映了社会的习俗和价值观,而且也揭示了不同文化之间的差异。在这篇文 章中,我们将对比中英礼貌用语,并以《喜福会》为例,探讨跨文化冲突。
Analysis of the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter from the Cultural Perspective In "the Joy Luck Club"电影《喜福会》向我们讲述了中国母亲与美国女儿人之间沟通障碍以及她们在东方信仰与西方价值观及传统文化与现代文明之间的争执。
The movie "the Joy Luck Club" tells us communication obstacles between Chinese mother and American daughter and their belief in eastern and Western values and the dispute of traditional culture and modern civilization. Communication barriers between the mother and the daughter reflects not only the gap between two generations, but also reflects a cultural difference. The mother on behalf of the gradual disappearance ofthe traditional culture, the daughter is the representative of the newculture growing; mothers hold special national culture, they want to teachsome Chinese culture to the girls, but because the girls do not meet their expectations and disappointed. However, the daughters between the mothers about expectationsand American reality, finally accepted the mainstream culture, and ridiculed andrejected the non mainstream culture to their mother as the representative. In this seriesof conflicts, they continue to seek self and social status, and work hardto inherit their cultural value. Mothers try to mediate their "the past of China type" and "America contemporary", while the daughters try looking for autonomy and loyal to the balance between cultural heritage.2.1个人主义与集体主义对比2.1 the contrast of individualism and collectivism个人、集体主义是衡量文化变化的重要标尺,为人与人交流之间的文化异同提供了一个强有力的解说性框架。
关键词:母女关系文化差异冲突融洽Analysis of The Joy Luck Club in the mother-daughter relationships reflects the Sino-US cultural differencesTANG Xian(School of foreign languages,Kunming University,YunnanKunming650214 ,China )Abstract: Based on Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club the essay analyses the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter. Respectively, in four aspects from the differences of language, differences of hosts and guests etiquette, differences of way of thinking and differences of filial piety. The conflicts between mother and daughter has always existed, until the daughters have grown up to the age of be mothers , the relationship between them is slowly becoming in harmony. As the proverb goes cultures have borders but love without borders. Understanding, sincerity and love are the best remedy to resolve the cultural differences.Keywords: mother-daughter relationships; cultural differences; conflicts ; harmony《喜福会》作为美国华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作,1989年一经出版,便在《纽约时报》上连续九个月成为销量冠军。
Page: 2 November 23, 2011 Name: Literature StudyCultural gaps and conflicts between China and America inThe Joy Luck ClubName: Kang JinruNumber: 1108210477The Joy Luck Club was Amy Tan's first and perhaps the most well-known literary work. It brought her great success and it also made her name known in the world. The Joy Luck Club was written in 1989, a time of great changes in the world. It showed the western society, the culture and the traditions of China at that time. Amy Tan had thus written The Joy Luck Club in an attempt to unveil the mysteries of Chinese culture and to show the western society the traditions of China through the novel. The Joy Luck Club delves into the complicated relationship between four Chinese immigrant mothers and their first generation American born daughters. The novel alternates from the shocking lives of the mothers in pre-Revolutionary China to the complex life of the daughters in the 20th century San Francisco. This novel gives prominence to conflicts between mothers and daughters, husbands and wives owing to differences in cultures. In summary, The Joy Luck Club clearly shows the readers the cultural gaps and conflicts between Chinese and American cultures even within the family.In the novel, we can find the Chinese value——collectivism. A vivid character, mother Lindo Jong was a typical woman from a Chinese family. She possessed traditional notions of collectivism to some degree. When her daughter Waverly Jong was sponsored to participate in national chess tournaments, Lindo Jong decided that her daughter no longer had to do the dishes, but her brothers Winston and Vincent had to do her chores. Inorder to help daughter win at various chess tournaments and also win honor for the whole family, Lindo Jong made many concessions to allow Waverly to practice. It is obvious that for encouraging daughter Waverly to attain the good honor for the whole family, mother Lindo took many aspects into account. Besides, as a chess champion's mother, Lindo Jong had a proper sense of pride. For this reason, when Waverly had no tournament to play, she had to accompany her mother on Saturday market days. Mother Lindo Jong attempted to use this way to express her happiness and pride.The American value——Individualism can also be seen in the novel. The daughters were brought up in America and they accepted American education. They were more or less affected by the American culture and also tended to confirm and agree with the value of individualism. Faced with mothers' interference, they showed their unhappiness and dissatisfaction. When Jing-mei Woo failed to become a remarkable child, she had her own thoughts. The daughters emphasized their independent self-development with the influence of individualism.In the novel, The Joy Luck Club describes conflicts between mothers and daughters which often broke out because of their different values. In short, because of the different value system, when Chinese communicate with Americans, there are some gaps and conflicts. Different values lead to different attitudes, thoughts and means of solving problems.。
The Joy Luck Club(喜福会影评—东西方文化差异)
The Joy Luck ClubIn the movie, there are many conflicts between Chinese culture and American culture, such as teaching methods, relationships, traditions and customs.First of all, there is a tremendous difference between Chinese and American teaching methods. In China, parents decide what their children should study, which can benefit for children. For example, in June’s memory of child, she should spend two hours playing the piano and be supervised by her music teacher. In China, it is very efficient to prove child who is absorbing some skills in music, art or study. Chinese children often claim that they are forced by their parents. In other words, Chinese parents have no perception of considering children’s hobbies. But in American, children can choose anyone which they are interested in. And American children are more freedom. They can plan to how to practice it.Second, in the movie, Chinese have more complex relationships between each other. June’s aunts found her sisters who had been dropped by their mother twenty years ago. They tended June to China in order to tell them about her mother. Because aunts thought the daughter is the parents’best friends that can know about her parents. In America, the different person has different feelings and thoughts. Though you are the closest, you cannot know all about each other.Third, traditions are very clearly different in this movie. With our impression, Chinese is modest and kind, which contributes to they are not willing to show off what is they are good at. For example, Lin Duo was very good at cooking, but she always said “I am not good at cooking” or “This cake is not very tasty”. When her son-in-low heard this, he put a lot of salt in dishes directly, which made Lin Duo feel embarrassed. Actually, in Lin Duo’s heart, she was long for her relations’ compliment.In the end of this text, in Chinese customs, the king of the home is husband, which means the man decides everything, including woman’s happiness and life. And one man can have many wives; however, one woman pertains to only one husband, including her body and soul. But in America, husband and wife is independent, husband would like to listen to what his lover is thinking.。
解析《喜福会》中母女关系的冲突折射出的中美文化差异摘要: 美国华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club,1989)一发表,立即获得巨大成功。
关键词: 母女关系折射文化差异1 引言谭恩美是“土生土长”的美国人,血管里却流着中国人的血,美国的根源性让她不仅对美国文化有着切身的体会,父母生活习性的中国味道也让她对中国传统文化有着深刻的了解。
”[3]2 两种文化价值观的冲突——中美文化的隔阂2.1文化的冲突壳层小说中,随着对这四位女儿成长的描写,展示了四对母女间的代沟与文化隔阂。
” [2]母亲们望女成凤,把自己年轻时的遗憾用最美好的希望寄托在女儿们身上,无形中给女儿们施加了更大的压力。
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The Joy Luck Club
In the movie, there are many conflicts between Chinese culture and American culture, such as teaching methods, relationships, traditions and customs.
First of all, there is a tremendous difference between Chinese and American teaching methods. In China, parents decide what their children should study, which can benefit for children. For example, in June’s memory of child, she should spend two hours playing the piano and be supervised by her music teacher. In China, it is very efficient to prove child who is absorbing some skills in music, art or study. Chinese children often claim that they are forced by their parents. In other words, Chinese parents have no perception of considering children’s hobbies. But in American, children can choose anyone which they are interested in. And American children are more freedom. They can plan to how to practice it.
Second, in the movie, Chinese have more complex relationships between each other. June’s aunts found her sisters who had been dropped by their mother twenty years ago. They tended June to China in order to tell them about her mother. Because aunts thought the daughter is the parents’best friends that can know about her parents. In America, the different person has different feelings and thoughts. Though you are the closest, you cannot know all about each other.
Third, traditions are very clearly different in this movie. With our impression, Chinese is modest and kind, which contributes to they are not willing to show off what is they are good at. For example, Lin Duo was very good at cooking, but she always said “I am not good at cooking” or “This cake is not very tasty”. When her son-in-low heard this, he put a lot of salt in dishes directly, which made Lin Duo feel embarrassed. Actually, in Lin Duo’s heart, she was long for her relations’ compliment.
In the end of this text, in Chinese customs, the king of the home is husband, which means the man decides everything, including woman’s happiness and life. And one man can have many wives; however, one woman pertains to only one husband, including her body and soul. But in America, husband and wife is independent, husband would like to listen to what his lover is thinking.。