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司继文1 蒙坚玲1 龚 朴2



摘要:揭示了C0pula函数和KendaIl r统计量的内在关系,选择最优的Copula函数描述了两变量的相关性结构,并采用Copula函数建立了变量尾部相关性的表达式.实例分析表明,copula方法可以较好地描述国内外股票市场之间的相关性结构,便于计算尾部相关性参数,为风险量化管理提供了一种新途径.关键词:股票市场;相关性;Copula函数;尾部相关性

中图分类号:F830.91 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4512(2005)01-0114-03

A correlation analysis of stock markets with Copula method

Si Jiwen Meng Jianling Gong Pu

Abstract: The optimum Copula function was selected to describe the correlation structure of two variablesbased on the relationship of Copula and Kendall tau statistic. The expression of tail dependence was provid-ed with Copula function. The demonstration of correlation analysis between different stock markets wasproceeded. The results show that the correlation structures between different stock markets can be depictedby Copula technology and the calculation of tail dependence is easier with Copula. The analysis method oftail risk is presented from the view of correlation for risk manager.

Key words: stock market; correlation; Copula function; tail dependence

Si Jiwen Assoc. Prof. ; College of Civil Eng. & Mech., Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. , Wuhan 430074, China.
