



UNIT 7 THE IGNITION SYSTEM背景知识:点火系统的基本功用是在发动机各种工况和使用条件下,在气缸内适时、准确、可靠地产生电火花,以点燃可燃混合气,使发动机作功。











There are many different types of ignition systems. Most of these systems can be placed into one of three distinct groups: the conventional breaker point type ignition systems (in use since the early 1,900s); the electronic ignition systems (popular since the mid 70s); and the distributorless ignition system (introduced in the mid 80s).点火系统有多种不同类型的。



• •
More Examples:
Feature deletion can also be applied to verbs. e.g.
such verbs as kill yields die, teach yields learn, feed yields eat, show yields see, etc. The deletion of the feature [+Volitive] from the verb listen yields hear, look yields see respectively. It should be noted that feature-deletion takes precedence over feature-additon.
Other frequent single-feature contrasts include:
B. The Feature-deletion and Feature-addition Rules
These are rules that either delete features from, or add features to, the end of the feature list. e.g. Deletion of features generally produces superordinates, like fruit from apple, Addition of features produces subordinates, like apple from fruit.
• On the lexical level, paradigmatic contrasts indicate which words



1. Lead in Video conferencing (VC): It is the conduct of a videoconference by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. It has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware.
1. Lead in A modem (modulator-demodulator) I encode digital information and demodulates signals to decode the transmitted information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Modems can be used with any means of transmitting analog signals, from light emitting diodes to radio.
1. Lead in Fiber-optic communication It is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry information. First developed in the 1970s, fiber-optic communication systems have revolutionized the telecommunications industry and have played a major role in the advent of the Information Age.


important to a company?
❖ 1One of the most significant changes of modern business management is that individual businesses no longer compete as sole entities, but rather as supply chains. Business management has entered the era of internet work competition. Instead of brand versus brand or store versus store, it is now suppliers-brand-store versus suppliers brand store, or supply chain versus supply chain. In this competitive environment, the final success of the single business will depend on management’s ability to integrate the company’s network of business relationships. (Christopher, 1998)
❖ is typically an organization that buys from producers and sells to consumers. In addition to product promotion and sales, other functions the distributor performs are inventory management, warehouse operation, product transportation as well as customer support and post-sales service.

自动化专业英语 Unit7

自动化专业英语   Unit7

A Electric Power SystemsElectric Power Systems, components that transform other types of energy into electrical energy and transmit this energy to a consumer. The production and transmission of electricity is relatively efficient and inexpensive, although unlike other forms of energy, electricity is not easily stored and thus must generally be used as it is being produced.Components of an Electric Power SystemA modern electric power system consists of six main components:1The power station2 A set of transformers to raise the generated power to the high voltagesused on the transmission lines3The transmission lines4The substations at which the power is stepped down to the voltage on the distribution lines5The distribution lines6the transformers that lower the distribution voltage to the level used by the consumer's equipment.Power StationThe power station of a power system consists of a prime mover, such as a turbine driven by water, steam, or combustion gases that operate a system of electric motors and generators. Most of the world's electric power is generated in steam plants driven by coal, oil, nuclear energy, or gas. A smaller percentage of the world’s electric power is generated by hydroelectric (waterpower), diesel, and internal-combustion plants.TransformersModern electric power systems use transformers to convert electricity into different voltages. With transformers, each stage of the system can be operated at an appropriate voltage. In a typical system, the generators at the power station deliver a voltage of from 1,000 to 26,000 volts (V). Transformers step this voltage up to values ranging from 138,000 to 765,000 V for the long-distance primary transmission line because higher voltages can be transmitted more efficiently over long distances. At the substation the voltage may be transformed down to levels of 69,000 to 138,000 V for further transfer on the distribution system. Another set of transformers step the voltage down again to a distribution level such as 2,400 or 4,160 V or 15, 27, or 33 kilovolts (kV). Finally the voltage is transformed once again at the distribution transformer near the point of use to 240 or 120 V.Transmission LinesThe lines of high-voltage transmission systems are usually composed of wires of copper, aluminum, or copper-clad or aluminum-clad steel, which are suspended from tall latticework towers of steel by strings of porcelain insulators. By the use of clad steel wires and high towers, the distancebetween towers can be increased, and the cost of the transmission line thus reduced. In modern installations with essentially straight paths, high-voltage lines may be built with as few as six towers to the kilometer. In some areas high-voltage lines are suspended from tall wooden poles spaced more closely together. For lower voltage distribution lines, wooden poles are generally used rather than steel towers. In cities and other areas where open lines create a safety hazard or are considered unattractive, insulated underground cables are used for distribution. Some of these cables have a hollow core through which oil circulates under low pressure. The oil provides temporary protection from water damage to the enclosed wires should the cable develop a leak. Pipe-type cables in which three cables are enclosed in a pipe filled with oil under high pressure (14 kg per sq cm/200 psi) are frequently used. These cables are used for transmission of current at voltages as high as 345,000 V (or 345 kV).Supplementary EquipmentAny electric-distribution system involves a large amount of supplementary equipment to protect the generators, transformers, and the transmission lines themselves. The system often includes devices designed to regulate the voltage or other characteristics of power delivered to consumers. T o protect all elements of a power system from short circuits and overloads, and for normal switching operations, circuit breakers are employed. These breakers are large switches that are activated automatically in the event of a short circuit or other condition that produces a sudden rise of current. Because a current forms across the terminals of the circuit breaker at the moment when the current is interrupted, some large breakers (such as those used to protect a generator or a section of primary transmission line) are immersed in a liquid that is a poor conductor of electricity, such as oil, to quench the current. In large air-type circuit breakers, as well as in oil breakers, magnetic fields are used to break up the current. Small air-circuit breakers are used for protection in shops, factories, and in modern home installations. In residential electric wiring, fuses were once commonly employed for the same purpose. A fuse consists of a piece of alloy with a low melting point, inserted in the circuit, which melts, breaking the circuit if the current rises above a certain value. Most residences now use air-circuit breakers.Power Failures :In most parts of the world,local or national electric utilities have joined in grid systems.The linking grids allow electricity generated in one area to be shared with others. Each utility that agrees to share gains an reserve capacity, use of larger, more efficient generators, and the ability to respond to local power failures by obtaining energy from a linking grid.These interconnected grids are large, complex systems that contain elements operated by different groups.The reasons for a power failure can for instance be a defect in a power station, damage to a power line or other part of the distribution system, a short circuit, or the overloading of electricity mains.While the developed countries enjoy a highly uninterrupted supply of electric power all the time, many developing countries have acute power shortage as compared to the demand. Countries such as Pakistan have several hours of daily power-cuts in almost all cities and villages except the metropolitan cities and the state capitals. Wealthier people in these countries may use a power-inverter or a diesel-run electric generator at their homes during the power-cut.Despite the potential for rare widespread problems, the interconnected grid system provides necessary backup and alternate paths for power flow, resulting in much higher overall reliability than is possible with isolated systems. National or regional grids can also cope with unexpected outages such as those caused by storms, earthquakes,landslides ,and forest fires or due to human error or deliberate acts of sabotage.Power QualityIn recent years electricity has been used to power more sophisticated and technically complex manufacturing processess,computers and computer networks,and a variety of other high-technology consumer goods.These products and processes are sensitive not only to the continuity of power supply but also to the constancy of electrical frequency and voltage.Consequently,utilities are taking new measures to provide the necessary reliability and quality of electrical power ,such as by providing additional electrical equipment to assure that the voltage and other characteristics of electrical power are constant.Voltage Regulation Long transmission lines considerable inductance and capacitance.When a current flows through the line,inductance and capacitance have the effect of varying the voltage on the line as the current varies.Thus the supply voltage varies with the load.Several kinds of devices are used to overcome this undesirable variation in an operation called regulation of the voltage.The devices include induction regulators and three-phase synchronous motors,both of which vary the effective amount of inductance in the transmission circuit.Inductance and capacitance react with a tendency to nullify one another.When a load circuit has more inductive than capacitive reactance,as almost invariably occurs in large power systems,the amount of power deliver a given voltage and current is less than when the two are equal.The ratio of these two amounts of power is called the power factor.Because transmission-line losses are proportional to current,capacitance is added to the circuit when possible,thus bringing the power factor as nearly as possible to 1.For this reason,large capacitors are frequently inserted as a part of power-transmission systems.World Electric Power Production Over the period from 1950 to 2003,the most recent year for which data are available,annual world electric power production and consumption rose from slightly less than 1 trillion kilowatt-hours to 15.9trillion kW.H.A chang also took place in the type of power generation. In1950about two-thirds of the world.Power outage may also be the cause of sanitary sewer overflow, a condition of discharging raw sewage into the environment. Other life-critical systems such as telecommunications are also required to have emergency power. T elephone exchange rooms usually have arrays of lead-acid batteries for backup and also a socket for connecting a diesel generator during extended periods of outage.ConservationMuch of the world eltricity is produced from the use of nonrenewable resources, such as natural gas,coal,oil,and uranium.Coal,oil,and natural gas contain carbon,and burning these fossil fuels contributes to global emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.Scientists believe that carbon dioxide is the principal gas responsible for global warming, a steady rise in Earth surface temperature. Consumers of electricity can save money and help protect the environment by eliminating unnecessary use of electricity,such as turning off lights when leaving a room.Other conservation methods include buying and using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs,and using appliandes,such as washing machines and dryers,at off-peak production hours when rates are lower.Consumers may also consider environmental measures such as purchasing green power when it is offerde by a local utility.Green power is usually xpensive but relies on renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources,such as wind turbines and geothermal power plants.Power System AutomationOverviewPower providers constantly deal with demands to increase productivity and reduce cost.This ranslates into the need for administrators,engineers,operators,planners . A surge of excess current was transmitted through the northeastern United States. Generator safety switches from Rochester, New Y ork, to Boston, Massachusetts, were automatically tripped, cutting generators out of the system to protect them from damage.Power system automation refers to using devices to perform automatic decision making and control of the power system.Data aquisition Data acquisition refers to acquiring,or collecting,data.This data is collected in the form of measured analog current or voltage values or the open or close statrs of contact points.Acquired data can be used locally within the device collecting it,sent to another device in a substation,or sent from the substation to one or several databases for use by operators,engineers,planners,and administrators.Power System Supervision Computer processes and personnel supervise,or monitor,the conditions and status of the power system using this acquired data.Operators and engineers monitor the information remotely on computer displays and graphical wall displays or locally,at the device,on front-panel displays and laptop computers.Power System Control Control refers to sending command messages to adevice to operate the I@C and power system devices.Traditional supervisory conerol and data acquisition systems rely on operators to supervise the system and initiate commands from an operator console on the master computer.Field personnel can also conerol devices using front-panel push buttons or a laptop computer.Power System Automation System automation is the act of automatically controlling the power system via automated processes within computers and intelligent I&C devices.The processes rely on data acquisition,power system supervision,and power system control all working together in a coordinated automatic fashion. The ommands are generated automatically and then transmittedin the same fashion as operator initiated commands.I&C System IEDs I&C devices built using microprocessors are commonly referred to asitelligent electronic devices.Microprocessors are single chip computers that allow the devices into which they are built to process data,accept commands,and communicate information like a computer.Automatic processes can be run in the IEDs,and communications are handled through a serial port like the communications ports on a computer.IEDs are found in the substation and on the pole-top.。

(专业英语)unit 7 Section A 修改

(专业英语)unit 7 Section A 修改

Sold copies of a university final exam
Faced criminal charge
Main idea & structure
Part I (Para.1)
Main Ideas of the Parts
The phenomenon of the ___c_o_rr_u_p_ti_o_n_a_n_d_d_is_hownidesetsypread
modern technology
demanding task of
writing a term
easy access to
Resist the temptation to
recahseoant sand
improve the capability
great resources on internet
To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the paragraph writing skill
Section A When hones ty disappears
Warming-up activities Text study Language application Summary
Main idea & structure
Main Ideas of the Parts
What are the negative effects cheating and dishonest behavior will exert on the person who practices cheating as well as on others? (Para.6)


费用。当然,这是一个建造结构而必需的材 料和劳动力费用的函数。但是,总费用经常 同样地或更多地受总的建造时间的影响,因 为承包商和业主必须分配资金来进行建造, 并直到建筑物可以使用才能收回投资。因快 速施工而使财务的节约可足以抵消增加的材 料费用。设计者为使设计和加工标准化所采 取的任何措施通常都将在降低的总费用中得 益。
The choice of whether a structure should be built of concrete, steel, masonry, or timber(木 材)depends on the availability(可得性)of materials and on a number of(许多)value decisions(价值判断).
混凝土受压强、受拉弱。因此,每当受 荷、收缩受阻或温度变化引起的拉应力超过 混凝土的抗拉强度时,便会发生开裂。在素 混凝土梁中,因外力引起的力矩由内部的拉 -压形成的力偶来抵抗,此力偶中包含了混 凝土的拉力。当第一条裂缝形成时,此梁会 突然、完全地失效。在钢筋混凝土梁中,钢 筋埋置在混凝土内的方式应能使混凝土开裂 后在钢筋中产生平衡力矩所需的拉力。
costs. Any measures designer can take to standardize the design and forming(加工)will generally pay off(使人 得益)in reduced overall costs.
经济性 最重要的考虑常常是该结构的总
The construction(施工)of a reinforced concrete member involves building a form or mold(模具)in the shape of the member being built. The form must be strong enough to support the weight and hydrostatic pressure(静水压力)of the wet concrete, and any forces applied to it by workers, concrete buggies(料 车), wind, and so on. The reinforcement(钢筋)is placed in this form and held in place(固定就位) during the concreting(用混凝土浇筑)operation. After the concrete has hardened, the forms are removed(拆除).


1.Engine Lathes [1]Engine lathes,of course,are general purpose
machines used in production and maintenance shops all over the world. Sizes range from small bench models to huge heavy duty pieces of equipment. Many of the larger lathes are equipped with auxiliary parts which are not commonly available in ordinary shops,such as automatic stops for the carriage.
Text & Translation
The first screw machines were designed to feed bar stock and wire used in making small screw parts. At present,however, the turret lathe is frequently used with a collet attachment,and the automatic screw machine can be equipped with a chuck to hold castings.
Text & Translation
In the single spindle automatic screw machine,a specific length of stock is automatically fed through the spindle to a machining area. At this point,the turret and cross slide move into position and automatically perform whatever operations are required. After the machined piece is cut off,stock is again fed into the machining area and the entire cycle is repeated.



P 7 Electric Engon of Power System
I.课文内容简介: 主要介绍关于电力系统的基本知识。
P 7 Electric Engineering II.New Words
1. dam [dæm] 2. fluctuate ['flʌktjueit]
3. momentarily ['məumən.terili] 4. corrective [kə'rektiv]
5. governor ['gʌvənə] 6. combustion [kəm'bʌstʃən] 7. respective [ri'spektiv] 8. interconnect [.intəkə'nekt]
符合(一致于,与……重合) 季节性变动,季节性波动 柴油机 燃气涡轮
气动电动机,风动发动机 抽水蓄能 煤矿 电气系统
P 7 Electric Engineering
[1]Such a system comprises all the apparatus used in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy, starting from the generating station and ending up in the most remote summer home in the country. 这样一个系统包含从发电站开始到偏远农村的避暑别墅用于发电、传输和分配电 能的所有设备。 [2]The total power drawn by the customers of a large utility system fluctuates between wide limits, depending on the seasons and time of day. 大电力系统广阔区域用户一个季节和一天分时需要的总电能是变化。 [3]Nevertheless, both peaks occur about 17:00 (5 P.M.) because increased domestic activity at this time coincides with industrial and commercial centers that are still operating at full capacity. 不过,因为逐渐增加的居民活动与仍然满负荷运行的工业和商业用电同时使用, 两个峰值负荷都发生在下午5点左右。 [4]Peak-generating stations that deliver power for brief intervals during the day: such stations must be put into service very quickly. 在白天短时间内发电的峰值发电站要求必须快速投入运行。 [5]Consequently, peak power is very expensive because the stations that produce it are idle most of the time. 所以,峰值电能是非常昂贵的,因为产生峰值电能的电站大多数时间是闲置的。






这些现象和它们的主要机理如下:a. 粘性流动,聚合物材料的不可逆形变,与分子从一个到另一个的不可逆滑移有关。

b. 类橡胶弹性形变,与小范围分子链节运动有关的局部自由运动被保留,但大范围的流动被保留的扩散网状结构阻止了。

c. 粘弹性,当聚合物的形变是可逆的,但具有依时性,而且与高聚物链段通过,包括化学键旋转的活性链接运动而偏离平衡态构型的形变有关。

d. 胡克弹性,链段的运动被严格限制,同时可能只有键的延伸和键角的形变。






粘性流动对小分子液体,粘度与温度的依赖关系被发现依照简单的指数关系η=Ae E/RT其中E是粘流活化能,A是一个常数。









汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第7章 电动汽车与混合动力电动汽车

汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第7章 电动汽车与混合动力电动汽车

Chapter 7 Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles第7章电动汽车与混合动力电动汽车7.1 Electric Vehicles (EVs)电动汽车最近几年,采用电驱动装置(由作为动力源的蓄电池或燃料电池和作为原动机的电动机组成)的汽车(见图7-1)引起了广泛的关注。

图7-1 电动汽车组成示意图1-电动机2-蓄电池组3-电机控制器4-接触开关5-熔断器6-真空泵7-DC/DC变换器8-仪表9-动力转向泵10 蓄电池充电器纯电动汽车(BEV)特斯拉是最早的锂离子电池驱动的汽车。





该公司目前生产Model S、Model X 和Model 3三款电动汽车。

其中Model S在仅仅2.5秒的时间内可从静止加速到60英里/小时。












UNIT 7有许多不同类型的点火系统。



点式点火系统汽车点火系统分为两个电路- 初级和二次回路(图7-1)。






















专业英语 第七章

专业英语 第七章



7.1 译成被动句译文可加译“被、供、由、让、给、受、遭、得到、为……所、加以……、予以……”等助词,再译谓语。



(1) The atomic theory was not accepted until the last century.原子学说直到上个世纪才为人们所接受。

(2) Purified hydrogen is passed over a liquid metal halide.让纯化氢气通过液态金属卤化物。

(3) The laws of thermodynamics will be discussed in the next articles.热力学定律将在下文予以讨论。

(4) Considerable use is made of these data.这些资料得到充分的利用。

(5) Since methane is its first member, it is also known as the methane series.因为甲烷是该系列的第一个成员,因此该系列也被称为甲烷系。

(6) The heated water is thus cooled as it goes through the radiator.当热水流过散热器时就被冷却了。

7.2 译成汉语主动句(Ⅰ)译成汉语的无主语句这种译法一般是将英语句中的主语译成汉语中的宾语,即先译谓语,后译主语(主谓变序)。

(1) Measures have been taken to diminish friction.已经采取了一些措施来减少摩擦。

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Fig. 3-2 Clutch
1-pressure plate; 2-driven disk; 3-flywheel; 4-clutch cover
II. Text Explanation
Most cars equipped with a manual transmission use a single clutch disc, a diaphragm type spring,a pressure plate and clutch cover assembly, a clutch release bearing, and a clutch release fork. single clutch disc 单片离合器盘 diaphragm type spring 膜片式弹簧
release levers
release yoke
II. Text Explanation
The clutch has a clutch disc as its major part, and the clutch disc consists of a circular metal plate attached to a reinforced splined hub. circular [’sə:kjulə]adj. 圆形的, 环形的; 循环的 reinforce [’ri:ɪn,fɔ:s]vt. 增强; 加强 splined hub 花键毂 译文:离合器有一个离合器盘作为主要部件,离合器盘包 括一个圆形的金属盘,它与强化的花键毂连接在一起。 attached to a reinforced splined hub 是过去分词短语作状语 修饰metal plate
driving members control mechanisms pressing mechanisms
driven members
II. Text Explanation
In a car, you need a clutch because the engine spins all the time, but the car's wheels do not.

pressure plate 压盘
clutch cover 离合器盖 release bearing 分离轴承 release fork 分离叉
driven disk
Pressure plate and cover pressure plate
release levers and release yoke
I. Pre-questions
What is the function of the clutch?
Connect or disconnect the power from the engine to the drive line.
I. Pre-questions How many main parts does the clutch consist of ?
Depress the clutch pedal Neutral position
First gear Depress the clutch pedal second gear
Start the car
First gear Release parking brake and the clutch pedal and push down gas
II. Text Explanation
The clutch ( shown in Fig. 3-2 ) allows us to smoothly
engage a spinning engine to a non-spinning transmission by controlling the slippage between them. slippage [’slipidʒ] n. 滑动 译文:离合器(图 3-2 所示)允许我们将旋转的发动机和 不转的变速器平稳地连接起来,这种连接通过控制它们之 间的相对滑动来实现。
spin [spin] vt. & vi. 使…旋转
译文:汽车上需要一个离合器,因为发动机一直在旋转, 而车轮却不是(一直旋转)。
II. Text Explanation
In order to stop without killing the engine, the wheels need to be disconnected from the engine somehow.
Unit 7 Clutch
Specialized English for Automobile
I. Pre-questions
II. Text Explanation III. Exercises
What will you do when you move the car?
What will you do when you change gears?
Release the clutch pedal
I. Pre-questions
Where is the clutch in the automobile?
A-engine B-clutch C-clutch pedal D-manual transmission
Diagram of car showing clutch location
somehow 以某种方式,不知怎么
这句话中killing the engine 表示使发动机熄火
我们必须设法在明天早上以前把工作做完。 We must get the work finished somehow by tomorrow morning. 不知怎么地我们迷了路。 Somehow we lost our way.