



Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Today,modern approaches and traditional beliefs come paradoxically hand in hand in Chinese culture
Traditional creeds and modern approaches
team member :
曹佳鑫 王佳均
何津娜 徐超
• Guanxi and professionalism
• Importance of face and self-expression
• contradictory family education concept
• Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Many problems can be solved easily rely on relationship
Guanxi and professionalism
Today,guanxi and proessionalism seem to be intertwined with each other and both remain important and meaningful in revealing the dynamics of business and social life in China
Importance of face and self-expression
• Be a person to stay a line, in the future to meet(做人留一线,日后好相见)



中国人认为“六”是最吉利的数字。中国古时就有崇尚“六”的传统 观念。如先秦时期六部儒家经典称为“六经”或“六艺”,诸子百家 中最著名的阴、阳、儒、明、法、道的总称为“六家”,周代兵书现 存六卷称为“六韬”,政区分为“六乡”,周礼有“六典”,官制设 有“六部”,朝廷军队统称“六军”或“六师”,皇后寝宫称为“六 宫”;把亲属关系归纳为“六亲”,妇女怀孕称为“身怀六甲”,天 地四方称为“六合”或“六幽”;中医将人的心、肺、肝、肾、脾、 胆称为“六府”,佛教认为凡人有“六情”。民间也有“六六大顺”、 “六畜兴旺”、“眼观六路,耳听八方”的俗语。“六”在中国人看 来是个最吉利不过的数字:农历初六、十六、二十六被视为举行婚礼 的黄道吉日。在使用电话号码或车牌号时,人们尤其钟爱尾数为 “66”、“666”、“666”这几组数字,因为它们象征着顺顺利利,万 事如意。 然而,“six”在英语中却是一个不受欢迎的数字。人是在第六天被创 造出来的,还有许多缺点,所以我们要和上帝呆在一起,才能洗尽身 上的罪恶。我们来看看下面的习语即可了解:at sixes and sevens (七上八下,乱七八糟;迷糊的);hit/knock sb. for six(给某人 以毁灭性的打击);six to one(相差悬殊);six of the best(以 藤鞭击六下———学校的一种惩罚手段);six penny(不值钱); six of one and half a dozen of the other(半斤八两,差不多); six of one and half a dozen of the other(五十步笑百步)。还 有谚语:“If you have done no ill the six days,you may play the seventh.”(好好干六天,尽情玩一天。)


Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage. These terms are used after the surname to show politeness and respect. (pg. 23)
第 7/277页
◦ The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.
◦ Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.
第 5/257页
Characteristics of Culture
Culture is shared.
Culture is learned.
◦ Enculturation(文化习得) : all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation.
Communication is systematic. Communication is transactional. (pg. 8) Communication is contextual. (pg. 8)
第 121/227页
Unit 2-4 Verbal Communication
Cultural Diversity: the mix of people from
various backgrounds in the labor force with a


3. Space and Distance
3.1 Proxemics 3.2 Attitudes Toward Crowding
3.1 Proxemics
✓ Definition: the study of people’s perception and use of space.
✓ Four categories: intimate, personal, social, and public distance.
Categories of Distance (cont’d)
• Social Distance (1.3-3m) - colleagues, business partners, people at social gatherings
• Public Distance (beyond 3m) - speaking in public
- direct intrusion into others’ affairs • Shrugging shoulders
- indifferent, powerless, having no secret to conceal
Postures (cont’d)
• Follow one’s natural habits so often go unnoticed (subconscious in nature)
• May damage your image if you neglect your postures
2.4 Eye Contact
Direct eye contact • Chinese: avoid • North Americans: appreciate • The British: avoid


Intercultural Communication
Chapter 4
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
▪ “Culture Shock”, first identified in 1958 by anthropologist Kalvero Oberg, is a long term psychological stress that all human beings experience when they move to a
2. Symptoms of culture shock
▪ a. physical symptoms over-concerned about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes, extreme stress on health and safety; fear of physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin
The first stage of initial contact, sometimes called the “honeymoon” stage or initial euphoria [ju:'fɔ:riə] (幸福 愉快感), is where everything is new and exciting. -- eager to please s and poverty-wealth extremes
Class distinctions do exist in many countries, but are so complicated and subtle that visitors from other countries often miss the nuances [nju:'ɑ:ns] (细微差别) and even the existence of a class structure.



Three special questions:

1) What is intercultural communication ?
2)Why 3)
should we study this course?
How should we study this course?
1) What is intercultural communication ?
2) Why should we study this course?
improve the efficiency of interpersonal communication in the global era To find the new characteristics and principles of interpersonal communication

Case 1
Kathy and David, a couple from the US, signed a oneyear contract to work in China. Both were extroverted and soon made some Chinese friends. Before long, people started calling them at home. David was sometimes away on business trips for a few days, and if someone looked for him, Kathy often would find the conversation awkward. “Where did he go?” The caller typically would ask. “Can I pass on any message?” Kathy asked politely, trying to avoid the question. “Is he out of town?” The caller was usually very persistent. “Yes, can I help you in any way?” Kathy tried to be polite, but she could not help feeling uncomfortable.



euphoria 过度兴奋的情绪
utopia 乌托邦(理想中最完美的地方) ecstasy 狂喜
fantasy 幻想,空想 pervade 蔓延,渗透
scoff at 嘲弄 national 国民
outburst 突发,爆发
expatriate 侨民
snapshot 快照,快拍
Four phases of cultural adaptation
Predeparture Stage Before entering the host cultrue, you feel
excited and face the future with optimism. Stage one: everything is beautiful
Comprehension question
Question 1: What are the terms that can be applied to the
concept of “culture shock”?
Terms that can be applied to theconcept of―culture shock are culture stress, adaptation, transition shock, adjustment, socialization, and so on.
Question 7:
What do you think of the author‟s suggestion of using the native language to compliment people inthe host culture?



Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Summary: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Detailed description • Catering habits: ts from different cultural backgrounds may have
different dining habits and preferences. For example, some cultures may prefer spicy food, while others may place more emphasis on a light and healthy diet. • Etiquette and Customs: During the tourism process, tourists need to understand and abide by local etiquette and customs. For example, in some cultures, touching someone's head or using the left hand is considered impolite and disrespectful behavior. • Language expression: In cross-cultural communication, differences in language expression may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. For example, some languages may have specific expressions or implicit meanings, which may lead to communication barriers if not understood.


the issues concerning intercultural communication .
III. Plan.
1.Required Textbook :Communication Between Cultures (Third Edition)By Larry A. Samovar Richard E. Porter Lisa A. Stefani 2000 2. Time schedule: 36 periods in one term. 1).Introduction to Intercultural Communication ;4periods 2).Part I Communication and Culture; 8 periods 3).Part II The Influence of Culture ; 8 periods 4).Part III From Theory of Practice; 8 periods 5).Part IV Knowledge into Action; 8 periods 3. Evaluation will be based on: 1)Attendance and participation. 2)Project presentation and handout (the required essay ). 3)Final examination.
The book is divided into four interrelated parts, including 10 chapters: (Look at P.F28)
Part I introduces the study of communication and culture(Chapter1-2);

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际(课堂PPT)

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际(课堂PPT)

CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
Dominant Culture
• It's the one in power -
• They are numerous.
• Distinct and unique
• Meanwhile, aging population in more developed countries – Could bring more communication issues between older generations and younger generations (this can be treated as co-culture).
ethnic background, age, sex,
media, monetary systems,
or other factors.
• We learn our culture through proverbs
– Offer an important set of instructions
Our goal in this class is to answer some of the following questions: • Why do we often uncomfortable when encountering people who are different from yourself? • Why do people from different cultures behave in ways that seem strange to you? • How do cultural differences influence communication? • Which cultural differences are important and which are inconsequential? • Why is it difficult to understand and appreciate cultural difference?

跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)PPT课件

跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)PPT课件
Title +Surname
Neutral Relationship Surname +Title
Title +Surname Given Name
Close Relationship /Informal Situation
Given Name
Given Name
III. Apologizing
• When to apologize • Who to apologize • How to apologize and how to respond
[Case 1] A calls B, but B doesn’t answer the Conversation 1 cal l A: Why didn’t you take upitmhe mphoenedjiuast tneowl?y. Compare the f o l l o w i n g t wo B: I just came in. I was in the office downstairs. c o n ve r s a ti ons . A: Sorr y, I should have phoned your office first.
I. Addressing
• A: Teacher Liu, could you come over to our par ty this Saturday? • A: Manager Smith, could I schedule your presentation on our new design for Friday
• Jennifer: I am really sorry for all this. • 此种情景若发生在一个中国家庭?……



Key Terms

The Adaptation Stage 适应阶段 适应阶段是指“外乡人”的沮丧、烦恼和焦虑消失了 的阶段。他们基本上适应了新的文化环境,适应了当 地的风俗习惯,能与当地人和平相处。 The Reverse Culture Shock 逆向文化冲击 逆向文化冲击是指归国者归国初期表现出对自己祖国 环境的种种不适应状况。
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
Learning Objectives In this chapter, you should be able to Basic knowledge about culture shock. The elements that cause culture shock. The five stages of culture shock. How do the people feel and react when they are experiencing culture shock. How to alleviate culture shock.
Comprehension Questions

initial enchantment fascination cordial superficial embrace invariably idiosyncrasies competent overwhelmed adj. 最初的;字首的 n. 魔法;着迷 n. 魅力;入迷 adj. 兴奋的;热忱的 adj. 表面的;肤浅的 vt. 包含;信奉 adv. 不变地;总是 n. 气质;风格 adj. 能干的;足够的 adj. 压倒性的, 无法抵抗的


A Monumental Figure
• Edward Twitchell Hall, (1914 –2009) , American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.
• Hall introduced a number of new concepts, including proxemics, polychronigh and low context cultures.
Cross-cultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar and Porter, 2004:47)
Cross-cultural Communication Vs
his Linguistic Across Cultures(《跨文化语言学》). He discussed the cultural comparison in three aspects: form, meaning and distribution(顾嘉祖,4). • In 1959,the Silent Language by Edward T. Hall initiated the cross-cultural studies. • R.Oliver , 1962, Culture and communication • A.G.Smith, 1966,Culture and communication • In 1970s, ICA (International Communication Association) accepted Cross-cultural Communication as a branch discipline. as a discipline) • Journals: International and Intercultural Journal of Intercultural Relations.


A_____ P_____
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or
3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective
According to the social scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception—including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective



like a bee pupa.
Yunnan people eat ant eggs
April, around the water-sprinkling festival, is a good season to dig out
ant eggs.
When visiting the dai family of menglian (dai lahu nationality wa
growth state of plants. For example, a piece of grass is very bright, or a certain Chinese herbal medicine suddenly grows out, which are all characteristics of the egg hiding.
7. Not using enough milk.没放够 牛奶
A survey reveals that the average British
person will say 'sorry' more than 1.9
million times in their lifetime.

say ‘sorry’
Of course, 'sorry' has a multitude of uses in this country.Interestingly, the
attention to oneselft,these are the
characteristics that linguists often refer to as NEGATIVE POLITENESS(负面礼貌)
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