新编英语语法教程(第6版)第18讲 练习参考答案

新编英语语法教程(第 6 版)第 10 讲练习参考答案Ex. 10AWhen it comes to making a conscious effort to help keep a public place clean,most people just don ’ t make the effort.I’ m a maintenance man for a departmentstore.If people did make the effort, I probablywouldn ’ t haveob. a jThe area that I have to spend the most timecleaning is the employees ’lunchroom .Employees go there during breaks, lunch, and dinner. The maintenance department suppliescontainers for garbage andashtrays forcigarettebutts. Butwhenthey finish theirfood theemployees will either throw their papers on the floor or leave them on the table. Some employeeswill on occasion throw their papers in the garbage container, but mostof them who smoke willeithe r flicktheirashesonthefloor orinthehalf-filled soda cups. Cigarettebutts are foundanywhere other than in the ashtray, because the ashtrays may have been stolen or have been filledwith gum. Sometimes an employee will remark, “ Aren ’ t these people pigs?They don’ tevenup after themselves,” as they proceed to walk away fromtheir littered table.Ex. 10B1. its2. his, he3.them 4. it has 5. it, it has to 6. its / their7.its8.him / them9. he is / theyare 10. it 11. it 12. his / their 13.isn’ t it14. take / takes15. his / their16. has,her 17. their 18. has,his 19. they, themselves20. tends,itselfEx. 10C1. it / she2. It3. it / her4. her5. his /one ’ s, he / one, his / one ’ s6. himself7.she8. it /she9. he / he or she, he / he orshe10. it /she11. it / she 12. his / his or her, his / his orher13. it /him14. it / him, it /he15. It16. he / he or she 17. his /her 18. it / she19. he / he orshe 20. he / he orshe, he / he or sheEx 10D1.me 2.me 3.she 4.me 5.her6.she7.whom8.who9.who10.whoever11.him12.its 13.anyoneelse ’ s 14.his15.who16.whoever 17.his18.her19.whom, her 20.whom。

新编英语语法教程(第 6 版)第 12 讲练习参考答案Ex. 12A1.He is likely to let you down.2.Our team is certain to win.3.There appears to be no doubt about it.4.John happened to be the only witness.5.I chanced to be out of London at the time.6.John doesn ’ t seem to be coming after all.7.We’ re not supposed to play football on Sundays.8.He is supposed to have arrived at five.9.He’ s sure to be there.10.They are certain to need help.11.I think it’ s goingraintothis evening.12.How am I to pay my debts?13.The new building is going to be six storeys high.14.You’ re not to talk like that.15.He’ s likely to see her.16.You’ ve got to be joking.17.He tends to be stupid.18.I fail to see what you mean.19.We happened to be there.20.I chanced to meet him in the park.21.He appeared to enjoy the concert.22.They seemed not to notice it.23.The swimmer failed to reach the shore.24.We were to have been married in May.25.The purse was not to be found.26.He was never to see his wife or children again.27.It ’ s going to be a long time before we can reduce our prices.28.John is bound to be in the office.29.None of us can say what our future is to be.30.He did not fail to keep his word.12B2. called off3.carryout4.catch upwith5.cameround/to6.cuttingdown7.lookedinto 8.held up 9.turn up 10.Keep off 11.knocked him out 12.let you off 13.lea ve out 14.mix ed u p 15.bri ng up 16.blew it u p 17.Look out 18.put off 19.loo k on 20.p ut up 21.runni ng int o 22.run u p against 23.sold out 24.sen d for/c all in 25.taking ⋯ in 26.turned down 27.turned out 28.work out 29.wound up 30.took on, worn out, giv e ⋯ upEx. 12C1. This case is being looked into by the police.2.B efore long the children had taken to their new teacher.3.W e can ’ t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty.4.T he First World War broke out in 1914.5.W hen she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital.6.H e was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on.7.S ome new problems cropped up at the last minute.8.A s most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off.9.C an you figure out a way to solve this problem?10.When he was criticized, he flared up.11.Don ’ t be taken in.12.I got very angry that he should come out with that rude remark.13.You must work hard, or you won't be able to keep up with the rest of the class.14.Sophie is going to take a day off tomorrow; I must fill in for her.15.We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting.16.I ’ m looking forward to meeting you in Shanghai.17.We all look up to Doctor Lin, because she serves her patients selflessly.18.He worked in the United States for three years, and he made themost of the opportunity to improve his English.19.She was so lazy that she made a mess of her room.20.This is a used car; it has changed hands several times.Ex. 12D1. finding2.occurred3.waiting4.studied5.stood6.read 7.read8.decided9.satisfy 10.carried11.colored12.taste13.watching14.slipped15.took16.found 17.was 18.ran19.shouted20.drank21.tasted 22.was23.learned24.to question。

Answer to Exercise 16DThe heart, which is a muscular pump, beats 72 times a minute through a continuous and automatic process of muscular contraction and relaxation. It is about the size of a fist, weighs about 9-11 ounces and is placed snugly between the lungs, a little more to the left than to the right. A portion runs down the center of the heart, dividing it into left and right sections which work at the same time but deal with two different types of blood. Each section is again divided into upper and lower parts, the auricles and ventricles. The blood is pumped through all four chambers in turn in the course of being circulated through all parts of the body.The heart’s first purpose is to supply a steady flow of oxygen to all the body cells and to return carbon dioxide to the lungs. On its journey the blood distributes dissolved foods and carries away wastes.Two large veins pour the used blood into the first chamber, the right auricle, which passes it into the chamber below, the right ventricle. The muscle surrounding this part contracts in a beat that pushes the blood into the lungs where the carbon dioxide is removed and replaced with vital oxygen. Meanwhile, fresh scarlet blood from the lungs enters the left auricle to be transferred to the left ventricle. From there it is forced by the contracting muscle through a valve into the aorta, the body’s largest artery which distribute it all over the body.The heart beats about 100,000 times every 24 hours and pushes several quarts of blood through miles of arteries, veins and capillaries. A healthy heart keeps this up for a lifetime without faltering.。
新编英语教程6 练习与答案

高级英语(二)教与学指南Practice Testsfor Advanced English(2)主编张华鸿前言编写本书的目的:目前英语专业三年级所使用的由上海外国语大学李观仪教授主编的〈新编英语教程〉第五、六册本书的主要特点:1.紧扣精读课文编写练习,实用性、针对性强。
编者2003年1月于华南师范大学外文学院ContentsUnit One: VESUVIUS ERUPTS 3 Unit Two: THE FINE ART OF PUTTING THINGS OFF16 Unit Three: WALLS AND BARRIERS28 Unit Four: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?40 Unit Five: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?53 Unit Six: DULL WORK65 Unit Seven:BEAUTY 74 Unit Eight: APPETITE84 Unit Nine: A RED LIGHT FOR SCOFFLAWS98 Unit Ten: STRAIGHT-A ILLITERACY114131 Unit Eleven: ON CONSIGNING MANUSCRIPTS TOFLOPPY DISCS AND ARCHIVES TO OBLIVIONUnit Twelve: GRANT AND LEE147 Unit Thirteen: EUPHEMISM163 Unit Fourteen: THAT ASTOUNDING CREATOR---NA TURE175 Unit Fifteen: TEACHING AS MOUNTAINEERING191Unit OneTEXT IVESUVIUS ERUPTSI. Paraphrase the parts underlined in the following:So the letter which you asked me to write on my uncle’s death has made you eager to hear about the terrors and also the hazards I had to face 1when left at Misenum, for I 2broke off at the beginning of this part of my story.I took a bath, dined, and then dozed 3fitfully for a while. For several days past there had been earth 4tremors which were not particularly alarming because they are frequent in Campania: but that night the shocks were so violent that everything fell as if it were not only shaken but overturned.I don’t know whether I sh ould call this courage or 5folly on my part (I was only seventeen at the time) but I 6called for a volume of Livy and went on reading as if I had nothing else to do.Up came a friend of my uncle’s who had just come from Spain to join him. When he saw us sitting there and me actually reading, he scolded us both —me for my 7foolhardiness and my mother for allowing it.By now it was dawn [25 August in the year 79], but the light was still dim and 8faint. The buildings round us were already 9tottering, and the open space we were in was too small for us not to be in real and 10imminent danger if the house collapsed. This finally 11decided us to leave the town. We were followed by a panic- stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else’s decision 12in preference to their own (a point in which fear looks like 13prudence), who 14hurried us on our way by pressing hard behind in a dense crowd.We also saw the sea sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquake: at any rate it receded from the shore so that 15quantities of sea creatures were left 16stranded on dry sand. On the landward side a fearful black cloud was 17rent by forked and quivering bursts of flame, and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size.At t his point my uncle’s friend from Spain 18spoke up still more urgently: “If your brother, if your uncle is still alive, he will want you both to be saved; if he is dead, he would want you to survive him so why put off your escape?”Soon afterwards the cloud sank down to earth and covered the sea; it had already 19blotted out Capri and hidden the promontory of Misenum from sight. Then my mother 20implored, entreated, and commanded me to escape as best I couldI looked round: a dense black cloud was coming up behind us, spreading over the earth like a flood. “Let us leave the road while we can still see,” I said, “or we shall be knocked down and 21trampled underfoot in the dark by the crowd behind.”You could hear the shrieks of women, the 22wailing of infants, and the shouting of men; some were calling their parents, others their children or their wives, trying to recognize them by their voices. People 23bewailed their own fate or that of their relatives, and there were some who 24prayed for death in their terror of dying. Many 25besought the aid of the gods, but still more imagined there were no gods left, and that the universe was plunged into eternal darkness forevermore. There were people, too, who 26added to the real perils byinventing 27fictitious dangers: some reported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and though their tales were false they found others to believe them. A 28gleam of light returned, but we took this to be a warning of the approaching flames rather than daylight.I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear 29escaped me in these perils, 30had I not derived some poor consolation in my mortal lot from the belief that the whole world was dying with me and I with it.We returned to Misenum where we 31attended to our physical needs as best we could, and then spent an anxious night alternating between hope and fear.II. Rewrite the followingFor each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as close in meaning as possible to the original sentence by using the given words as the beginning.1. We were followed by a panic-stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else’s decision in preference to their own, who hurried us on our way by pressing hard behind in a dense crowd.Panic-stricken, the mob of people close behind us ___________ _ 2. We replied that we would not think of considering our own safety as long as we were uncertain of his.Unless we were ___________________________________3. There were people, too, who added to the real perils by inventing fictitious dangers: some reported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and though their tales were false they found others to believe them.By reporting that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, _______ 4. I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear escaped me in these perils, had I not derived some poor consolation in my mortal lot from the belief that the whole world was dying with me and I with it.Because I derived some poor consolation_____________________5. Several hysterical individuals made their own and other people’s calamities seem ludicrous in comparison with their frightful predictions.Compared with several individuals’ frightful predictions, the calamities____________ III. Translate the following into English1. 还未等我们坐下来喘息,夜幕已经降临,这黑暗使你觉得不是在无月色或多云的夜晚,而像是在灯火熄灭的紧闭的房间里。

《新编英语语法教程》(第6版)答案15新编英语语法教程第15讲练习参考答案Ex. 15A1. will just be coming out2. will be, will be wondering3. will come4. will be doing, will be working5. will get, will still be, will be going, will ask6. will be melting, will be7. won’t start, will give8. will tell9. will be reading, will be ringing10. will be cooking, will ring11. am going to shampoo12. is going to bake, will soon get13. will see14. am going to have15. am going to bottle16. Are you going to paint, am going to take17. am going to ring18. am going to start, Are you going to do, is going to help19. will start, will get, will bake20. am going to make, will burn21. is arriving, Is he spending, is he catching, is spending, is giving, is attending22. am going to dye, Are you going to do, are you going to have, am going to have23. is going to rain24. Are you doing, are coming, am going to show, Are youtaking, am going to take25. am going to send, am seeing26. am moving, Are you going to have, am going to paint27. am going to buy, is going to be28. are you going to do, Are you going to sell, am going to learn, am having29. am getting, are starting, is coming30. is going, is having, is looking, is coming31. will have finished, will be starting32. will have planted33. will have done, will be relaxing34. will have done, will soon be leaving35. will be trying, will have sent36. will be living, will have spent37. will be giving, will have given38. will be coming, will have picked39. will be fishing, will have been polluted, will be dying40. will be repairing, will have repairedEx. 15B1. would have/were going to have2. were going to swim/were swimming/were to swim3. was to discover4. (1)is going to catch/is catching/is to catch (2)is going to attend/is attending/is to attend5. was going to show./ was about to show6. was going to be/was to be7. were not to use8. (1)would be/was going to be/was to be (2)were going to discuss/were to discuss9. (1)Are … going to watch (2)was going to watch(3)is arriving (4)am going to meet (5)was going to arrive10. (1)are … to be (2)were to be (3)were to have got (4)was to have taken place (5)are … to haveEx. 15C1. We’ll start off as soon as the rain st ops.2. I’ll ring you up directly I hear the news.3. If you are leaving early tomorrow morning, you’ll haveto finish packing before bedtime.4. The committee are to gather next Thursday to settle the question.5. He is not to stay here any longer. He is to leave at once.6. She said that by the end of the week she would have been back to China.7. He told me yesterday that he was going to get married next month.8. He announced at the press conference that the prime minister of Japan was to visit China next Monday.9. If you go and see him at six, he will be taking morning exercises.10. What will you be doing at 7: 30 tomorrow evening?11. When you come back from Nanjing next week, the discussion will have finished.12. By next weekend, I’ll have been her e for a whole year.13. Don’t get off the bus till it stops.14. They are going to spend their holidays in Dalian next summer.15. Look! The dark clouds are gathering. It is going to rain.16. If I’m at lunch when he comes, please tell him to waita little while.17. We’ll stay here for a couple of days before we go on toXi’an.18. We’re having our dress rehearsal tomorrow evening. Are you coming?19. How many students are going? Are they going by boat?20. The Foreign Ministers were to have met on May 14 to discuss the proposals for easing the crisis, but the war broke out.Ex. 15D1.was2.started3.should be4.would find5.fell6.left7.met8.were driving9.led 10.climbed 11.became 12.began13. making 14. to see 15. Asked 16.to drive17. had travelled 18.was 19. was marked 20.began21.warning 22.stopped 23.showed 24.were running25.had 26.decided to spend 27.was 28.tried to go29. was 30.got 31.went 32. came running33.saw 34.were looking for 35. unloaded 36.managed37.were 38.found(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。

Ex. 21A1. I was sorry to learn…2. You will be sad to hear…3. They would be very surprised to receive…4. She is happy to have found…5. I was afraid to go…6. Bob was pleased to hear…7. I am very anxious to meet you.8. We were delighted to receive your telegram.9. You were sensible to stay indoors.10. The clerk was prompt to answer the call.11. This rule is easy to remember.12. We are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood.13. Our house is difficult to heat.14. Are you ready to leave?15. You would be foolish to go out in this weather.16. John is quick to see the point.17. He is very keen to get on.18. We are proud to have him as a friend.19. I was rude not to answer your letter.20. We are happy to have you with us this evening.Ex. 21B1. His decision to resign surprised all of us.2. He showed no inclination to leave.3. Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love.4. The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river.5. Their readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world.6. He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject.7. The people of a country should have the freedom to choose their own social system.8. There is no need for you to start so early.9. I am not under the obligation to render him any financial support.10. They have the ability to wage biological warfare.11. He is not a man to be frightened by the threat of war.12. There are plans to be made at once.13. This is a day never to be forgotten.14. Give me the names of the people to contact.15. The next train to arrive is from Edinburgh.16. The last problem to be considered at our next meeting is how to invest the money.17. Was Cortes the first European ever to see the Pacific Ocean?18. The best man to see for your eye trouble is the professor of ophthalmology.19. The way to get into the building is to slip in through the kitchen.20. The first man to fly non-stop across the Atlantic was John Alcock.Ex. 21C1. Environmental pollution is a hard problem to be coped with.2. There is no time to lose. We must start at once.3. This is an infectious disease to be wiped out in a few years.4. There was no sound to be heard.5. I’ve spent two days here. There is nothing to see.6. This is a good book in which there is much to be learnt.7. This is an item of information not to say to any other people.8. This is a difficult question to answer.9. At the sound of footsteps outside the window, I stole out of the room, but there was nothing to be seen.10. He is a man to be reckoned with.11. She was firm in her refusal to accept his offer of marriage.12. I have accepted the invitation to go to their school for an exchange of experience.13. I need a box to hold the chessmen.14. What is there to be proud of?15. He always thinks that the bed is a good place to read detective stories.16. Every day I have a lot of question to consider.17. The only way to deal with her is not to give an inch.18. She is not a woman to be trifled with.19. My brother was the third person to be interviewed.20. You have left me very little to say.Ex. 21D1. …supposed her to be a widow.2. …felt the plan to be unwise.3. …admit him to be a genius.4. …declared the book to be obscene.5. …found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid.6. …thought the film to be highly original.7. …conside red the speaker to have overstated his case.8. …showed the man’s alibi to be a complete fabrication.9. …assumed the construction of such a building to be impracticable whereas…believed it to be perfectly feasible.10. …revealed himself to b e a master of the keyboard.11. …knew him to be a man of integrity.12. …discovered £20,000 worth of precious stones to be missing.13. …thought it to be impossible…14. …understands it to be impossible…15. …acknowledge many of their predictions to have been over-optimistic.16. …that their informant was reliable.17. …that the situation is now under control.18. …that it was unlikely…19. …that it was cruel…20. …that what he said was based on fact.21. …that it was likely…22. …that his long-term optimism was justified.23. …that his party has little chance of…24. …that the ascent had taken nearly five and a half hours.25. …that his evidence had been perjured.26. …that earlier theories were incorrect.27. …the gain in reserves was / has been…28. …knowing that they had been stolen.29. …that their candidate was unacceptable to them.30. …that its implementation was desirable.Ex. 21Ea) 1. so that it should / might look2. so that there should be3. so as not to get4. so as not to leave5. so that the room should look6. so as to avoid7. so as to have8. so that we should not have9. so as to have10.So that I should not have11.so that it should not get12.so that it should be13.so as not to get14.so as to cover15.so that my arms should not get16.so as not to get17.So that the brush should not get18.so that it may / can be used19.so that it shall not get 20.so as to useb)1. so kind as to invite2. so (that) I was3. so happy that I danced4. to get5. so unfortunate as not to have6. for the snow to be7. so thick as to cover8. cold enough to freeze9. so (that) I had10.so kind as to send11.for it to arrive12.too excited to untie13.so (that) I cut14.for me to wear。

Answer to Exercise 16 A1. This topic has been talked about for years.2. It will then be dealt with more fully.3. The children were not properly looked after.4. Has this matter been looked into?5. Are you being attended to?6. Smith’s warehouse was broken into last night.7. My application has been turned down.8. This question will be brought up at our next meeting.9. The trains were held up by fog.10. Your argument is not borne out by the facts.11. Their stories are made up.12. The application has been filled in incorrectly.13. The scheme was thought out carefully.14. The prices were put up.15. Your photographs will be blown up well.16. The recorded programs can be played back.17. These interruptions were put up with.18. His retirement is being looked forward to very much.19. The responsibilities are being face up to badly.20. He was looked up to by everyone.21. This piece of legislation had been done away with reluctantly.22. They were not taken in by her story.23. I was got through the written papers by special coaching.24. He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers.25. If it rains, the match will have to be put off.。
新编英语语法教程(第6版)第16讲 练习参考答案

新编英语语法教程(第6版)第16讲练习参考答案Ex. 16A1. This topic has been talked about …2. It will then be dealt with …3. The children weren’t properly looked after.4. Has this matter been looked into?5. Are you being attended to?6. Smith’s warehouse was broken into …7. My application has been turned down. 8. This question will be brought up …9. The trains were held up by fog. 10. Your argument is not borne out by the facts.11. Their stories are made up. 12. The application has been filled in incorrectly.13. The scheme was thought out carefully. 14. The prices were put up.15. Your photographs will be blown up well. 16. The recorded programmes can be played back.17. These interruptions were put up with. 18. His retirement is being looked forward to very much.19. The responsibilities are being faced up to badly.20. He was looked up to by everyone.21. This piece of legislation had been done away with reluctantly.22. They weren’t taken in by her story.23. I was got through the written papers by special coaching.24. He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers.25. If it rains, the match will have to be put off …Ex.16B1. Couldn’t someone be asked to do the word privately without being known?2. They were shocked by the boy’s rudeness, which was put down to his having been spoiled by his parents.3. … that the picture had been stolen.4. The question was put to debate, but on very few occasions was a question fully debated in Parliament.5. … and martial law was declared. The army put down the rebellion and declared martial law.6. He wanted the information to be treated as confidential …7. … and the proceeds will be shared among his family.8. All the members should have an equal right to speak and to vote. Only in this way could they make the law effectively.9. Having been ignored for many years, …10. Should it be proved beyond doubt that the fire was caused by an accident, the man being held on suspicion of arson will be released.11. On being informed that he was wanted by the police, the man realized that he had been betrayed by his accomplice.12. … it was found that most of its fittings had been stripped and the air had been let out of the tyres.13. …, but it had to be cancelled at the last minute because of a cabinet crisis.14. The fire was finally got under control, but not before it had caused extensive damage / but notbefore extensive damage had been caused.15. … before you made any decision.16. Feudalism was not accepted, any more than capitalism is.17. … and two thousand pounds’ worth of jewellery had been stolen.18. Information about the source from which the startling news had been obtained was withheld by the reporter. The reporter withheld information about the source from which he had obtained the startling news.19. The army authorities needn’t have caused him so much distress by telling him that his brother had died in action, as they later discovered that they had made a mistake a s to the missing man’s identity.20. A kind of lid is fixed to the top of the pipe, and the oil is allowed to flow gently through taps.Ex.16C1. It is said that she can speak several foreign languages/ She is said to be able to speak foreign languages.2. It is known that many people are homeless after the earthquake? Many people are known to be homeless after the earthquake.3. It is understood that this is the result of recent negotiations/ This is understood to be …4. It is thought that she has recovered? She is thought to have recovered.5. It is expected that the President will make an announcement/The President is expected to make an announcement.6. Will this question be discussed tomorrow morning?7. It can be done right away.8. Has this motion been adopted?9. The reservoir is going to be completed ahead of schedule.10. Some new songs are being taught now over the radio.11. Quality must be guaranteed first.12. Another college has been set up at Pudong.13. It is suggested that the meeting be put off till next Thursday.14. It must be recognized that China is still a developing country.15. It must be pointed out that Taiwan problem is China’s internal affairs.16. This English Reader sells well.17. A porcelain sink cleans easily.18. This draw er won’t lock.19. Milk spoils easily.20. Will this fish keep till tomorrow?Ex. 16D1. beats2. weighs3. is placed4. work5. deal with6. divided7. is pumped8. circulated9. distributes10. carries11. pour12. passes13. contracts14. removed and replaced15. enters16. transferred17. forced18. distributes19. beats20. pushes21. keeps。

新编英语语法教程(第6 版)第 12 讲练习参考答案Ex. 12A1.He is likely to let you down.2.Our team is certain to win.3.There appears to be no doubt about it.4.John happened to be the only witness.5.I chanced to be out of London at the time.6.John doesn ’ t seem to be coming after all.7.We’ re not supposed to play football on Sundays.8.He is supposed to have arrived at five.9.He’ s sure to be there.10.They are certain to need help.11.I think it’ s goingraintothis evening.12.How am I to pay my debts?13.The new building is going to be six storeys high.14.You’ re not to talk like that.15.He’ s likely to see her.16.You’ ve got to be joking.17.He tends to be stupid.18.I fail to see what you mean.19.We happened to be there.20.I chanced to meet him in the park.21.He appeared to enjoy the concert.22.They seemed not to notice it.23.The swimmer failed to reach the shore.24.We were to have been married in May.25.The purse was not to be found.26.He was never to see his wife or children again.27.It ’ s going to be a long time before we can reduce our prices.28.John is bound to be in the office.29.None of us can say what our future is to be.30.He did not fail to keep his word.12B2. called off3.carry out4.catch up with5.came round/to6.cutting down7.looked into8.held up9.turn up10.Keep off11.knocked him out12.let you off13.leave out14.mixed up15.bring up16.blew it up17.Look out18.put off19.look on 20.put up21.running into22.run up against 23.sold out24.send for/call in 25.taking⋯ in 26.turned down27.turned out28.work out29.wound up30.took on, worn out, giv e⋯ upEx. 12C1. This case is being looked into by the police.2.Before long the children had taken to their new teacher.3.We can ’ t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty.4.The First World War broke out in 1914.5.When she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital.6.He was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on.7.Some new problems cropped up at the last minute.8.As most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off.9.Can you figure out a way to solve this problem?10.When he was criticized, he flared up.11.Don ’ t be taken in.12.I got very angry that he should come out with that rude remark.13.You must work hard, or you won't be able to keep up with the rest of the class.14.Sophie is going to take a day off tomorrow; I must fill in for her.15.We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting.16.I ’ m looking forward to meeting you in Shanghai.17.We all look up to Doctor Lin, because she serves her patients selflessly.18.He worked in the United States for three years, and he made the most of the opportunityto improve his English.19.She was so lazy that she made a mess of her room.20.This is a used car; it has changed hands several times.Ex. 12D1. finding2.occurred3.waiting4.studied5.stood6.read7.read8.decided9.satisfy10.carried11.colored12.taste13.watching14.slipped15.took 16.found17.was18.ran19.shouted20.drank21.tasted22.was23.learned 24.to question。

Answer to Exercise 16B1. Couldn’t someone be asked to do the work privately without being known?2. They were shocked by the boy’s rudeness, which was put down to his having been spoiled by his parents.3. They didn’t discover until later that the picture had been stolen.4. The question was put to debate, but on very few occasions was a question fully debated in Parliament.5. The rebellion was put down, and martial law was declared. / The army put down the rebellion and declared martial law.6. He wanted the information to be treated as confidential, but it was made public at a press conference.7. His property will be disposed of, and the proceeds will be shared among his family.8. All the members should have an equal right to speak and to vote. Only in this way could they make the law effectively.9. Having been ignored for many years, the writer suddenly became famous.10. Should it be proved beyond doubt that the fire was caused by an accident, the manbeing held on suspicion of arson will be released.11. On being informed that he was wanted by the police, the man realized that he hadbeen betrayed by his accomplice.12. When the stolen car was finally discovered, it was found that most of its fittings hadbeen stripped and the air had been let out of the tires.13. A speech to the nation was to have been made by the Prime Minister, but it had tobe cancelled at the last minute because of a cabinet crisis.14. The fire was finally got under control, but not before it had caused extensive damage/ but not before extensive damage had been caused.15. You should have obtained your lawyer’s advice before you made any decision.16. Feudalism was not accepted, any more than capitalism is.17. The house had been broken into, and two thousand pounds’ worth of jewelry hadbeen stolen.18. Information about the source from which the startling news had been obtained waswithheld by the reporter. / The reporter withheld information about the source from which he had obtained the startling news.19. The army authorities needn’t have caused him so much distress by telling him thathis brother had died in action, as they later discovered that they had made a mistake as to the missing man’s identity.20. A kind of lid is fixed to the top of the pipe, and the oil is allowed to flow gentlythrough taps.。

1A ,;1B -2AWithin the stricken area,not a single soul remained alive,and the city centre looked~as if it had been razed by a monster steam-roller.The bomb exploded 1,000 the ground.On August 6,1945,an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Japanese town of Hiroshima.Three days later,yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expanse of reddish rub-【ble.Within the fraction of a second,the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an im-mense mass of expanding gas,millions of degrees hot.A tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone,concrete,metal,and woodover the ground.2BPond,once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty,is now the site of manytourist stands.2. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast w ind swept through our bedroom windows, making air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome./ Sweep-#ing through our bedroom windows almost every summer night,the cooling northeastwind made...3. The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plungingdown to join in the valley below.the river on one side and a large tree providing shade,this is a good spot for a pic-nic,and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll.for breath after running up the stairs,Mr Wood stood at his neighbour's doorand knocked again and again till someone opened it.town folk envied Horace, who had come into a small fortune with which hebought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.in front of the mirror,Jim looked at his image,wondering at the big changethat had come over him in recent years.idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive himalmost drove him mad.9. The story, written in plain language, consists of three parts with an interesting plot cen-。

《新编英语语法教程》(第6版)答案15(总5页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除新编英语语法教程第15讲练习参考答案Ex. 15A1. will just be coming out2. will be, will be wondering3. will come4. will be doing, will be working5. will get, will still be, will be going, will ask6. will be melting, will be7. won’t st art, will give8. will tell9. will be reading, will be ringing10. will be cooking, will ring11. am going to shampoo12. is going to bake, will soon get13. will see14. am going to have15. am going to bottle16. Are you going to paint, am going to take17. am going to ring18. am going to start, Are you going to do, is going to help19. will start, will get, will bake20. am going to make, will burn21. is arriving, Is he spending, is he catching, is spending, is giving, is attending22. am going to dye, Are you going to do, are you going to have, am going to have23. is going to rain24. Are you doing, are coming, am going to show, Are you taking, am going to take25. am going to send, am seeing26. am moving, Are you going to have, am going to paint27. am going to buy, is going to be28. are you going to do, Are you going to sell, am going to learn, am having29. am getting, are starting, is coming30. is going, is having, is looking, is coming31. will have finished, will be starting32. will have planted33. will have done, will be relaxing34. will have done, will soon be leaving35. will be trying, will have sent36. will be living, will have spent37. will be giving, will have given38. will be coming, will have picked39. will be fishing, will have been polluted, will be dying40. will be repairing, will have repairedEx. 15B1. would have/were going to have2. were going to swim/were swimming/were to swim3. was to discover4. (1)is going to catch/is catching/is to catch (2)is going to attend/is attending/is to attend5. was going to show./ was about to show6. was going to be/was to be7. were not to use8. (1)would be/was going to be/was to be (2)were going to discuss/were to discuss9. (1)Are … going to watch (2)was going to watch(3)is arriving (4)am going to meet (5)was going to arrive10. (1)are … to be (2)were to be (3)were to have got(4)was to have taken place (5)are … to haveEx. 15C1. We’ll start off as soon as the rain stops.2. I’ll ring you up directly I hear the news.3. If you are leaving early tomorrow morning, you’ll have to finish packing before bedtime.4. The committee are to gather next Thursday to settle the question.5. He is not to stay here any longer. He is to leave at once.6. She said that by the end of the week she would have been back to China.7. He told me yesterday that he was going to get married next month.8. He announced at the press conference that the prime minister of Japan was to visit China next Monday.9. If you go and see him at six, he will be taking morning exercises.10. What will you be doing at 7: 30 tomorrow evening?11. When you come back from Nanjing next week, the discussion will have finished.12. By next weekend, I’ll have been here for a whole year.13. Don’t get off the bu s till it stops.14. They are going to spend their holidays in Dalian next summer.15. Look! The dark clouds are gathering. It is going to rain.16. If I’m at lunch when he comes, please tell him to wait a little while.17. We’ll stay here for a couple of days before we go on to Xi’an.18. We’re having our dress rehearsal tomorrow evening. Are you coming?19. How many students are going Are they going by boat20. The Foreign Ministers were to have met on May 14 to discuss the proposals for easing the crisis, but the war broke out.Ex. 15D1.was2.started3.should be4.would find5.fell6.left7.met8.were driving9.led 10.climbed 11.became 12.began13. making 14. to see 15. Asked 16.to drive17. had travelled 18.was 19. was marked 20.began 21.warning 22.stopped 23.showed 24.were running 25.had 26.decided to spend 27.was 28.tried to go 29. was 30.got 31.went 32. came running33.saw 34.were looking for 35. unloaded 36.managed 37.were 38.found。
新编英语语法教程(第6版)第16讲 练习参考答案

新编英语语法教程(第6版)第16讲练习参考答案Ex. 16A1. This topic has been talked about …2. It will then be dealt with …3. The children weren’t properly looked after.4. Has this matter been looked into?5. Are you being attended to?6. Smith’s warehouse was broken into …7. My application has been turned down. 8. This question will be brought up …9. The trains were held up by fog. 10. Your argument is not borne out by the facts.11. Their stories are made up. 12. The application has been filled in incorrectly.13. The scheme was thought out carefully. 14. The prices were put up.15. Your photographs will be blown up well. 16. The recorded programmes can be played back.17. These interruptions were put up with. 18. His retirement is being looked forward to very much.19. The responsibilities are being faced up to badly.20. He was looked up to by everyone.21. This piece of legislation had been done away with reluctantly.22. They weren’t taken in by her story.23. I was got through the written papers by special coaching.24. He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers.25. If it rains, the match will have to be put off …Ex.16B1. Couldn’t someone be asked to do the word privately without being known?2. They were shocked by the boy’s rudeness, which was put down to his having been spoiled by his parents.3. … that the picture had been stolen.4. The question was put to debate, but on very few occasions was a question fully debated in Parliament.5. … and martial law was declared. The army put down the rebellion and declared martial law.6. He wanted the information to be treated as confidential …7. … and the proceeds will be shared among his family.8. All the members should have an equal right to speak and to vote. Only in this way could they make the law effectively.9. Having been ignored for many years, …10. Should it be proved beyond doubt that the fire was caused by an accident, the man being held on suspicion of arson will be released.11. On being informed that he was wanted by the police, the man realized that he had been betrayed by his accomplice.12. … it was found that most of its fittings had been stripped and the air had been let out of the tyres.13. …, but it had to be cancelled at the last minute because of a cabinet crisis.14. The fire was finally got under control, but not before it had caused extensive damage / but notbefore extensive damage had been caused.15. … before you made any decision.16. Feudalism was not accepted, any more than capitalism is.17. … and two thousand pounds’ worth of jewellery had been stolen.18. Information about the source from which the startling news had been obtained was withheld by the reporter. The reporter withheld information about the source from which he had obtained the startling news.19. The army authorities needn’t have caused him so much distress by telling him that his brother had died in action, as they later discovered that they had made a mistake a s to the missing man’s identity.20. A kind of lid is fixed to the top of the pipe, and the oil is allowed to flow gently through taps.Ex.16C1. It is said that she can speak several foreign languages/ She is said to be able to speak foreign languages.2. It is known that many people are homeless after the earthquake? Many people are known to be homeless after the earthquake.3. It is understood that this is the result of recent negotiations/ This is understood to be …4. It is thought that she has recovered? She is thought to have recovered.5. It is expected that the President will make an announcement/The President is expected to make an announcement.6. Will this question be discussed tomorrow morning?7. It can be done right away.8. Has this motion been adopted?9. The reservoir is going to be completed ahead of schedule.10. Some new songs are being taught now over the radio.11. Quality must be guaranteed first.12. Another college has been set up at Pudong.13. It is suggested that the meeting be put off till next Thursday.14. It must be recognized that China is still a developing country.15. It must be pointed out that Taiwan problem is China’s internal affairs.16. This English Reader sells well.17. A porcelain sink cleans easily.18. This draw er won’t lock.19. Milk spoils easily.20. Will this fish keep till tomorrow?Ex. 16D1. beats2. weighs3. is placed4. work5. deal with6. divided7. is pumped8. circulated9. distributes10. carries11. pour12. passes13. contracts14. removed and replaced15. enters16. transferred17. forced18. distributes19. beats20. pushes21. keeps。

Answer to Exercise 16C1. It is said that she can speak several foreign languages.She is said to be able to speak several foreign languages.2. It is known that many people are homeless after the earthquake. Many people are known to be homeless after the earthquake.3. It is understood that this is the result of recent negotiations.This in understood to be the result of recent negotiations.4. It is thought that she has recovered.She is thought to have recovered.5. It is expected that the President will make an announcement.The President is expected to make an announcement.6. Will this question be discussed tomorrow morning?7. It can be down right away.8. Has this motion been adopted?9. The reservoir is going to be completed ahead of schedule.10. Some new songs are being taught now over the radio.11. Quality must be guaranteed first.12. Another college has been set up at Pudong.13. It is suggested that meeting be put off till next Thursday.14. It must be recognized that China is still a developing country.15. It must be pointed out that Taiwan question is China’s internal affairs.16. This English reader sells well.17. A porcelain sink cleans easily.18. This drawer won’t lock.19. Milk spoils easily.20. Will this fish keep till tomorrow?。

新编英语语法教程第六版讲习题答案--31讲习题题目答案10. She insisted that we tell her the truth.11. They requested that we sit down and have a cup of tea.12. The hostess urged that we all stay for dinner.13. The rules require that players wear tennis shoes…14. The boss suggests that his secretary learn shorthand.15. The policeman ordered that the men move on.16. The union leader urged that members accept the offer.17. The general commanded that his troops advance into the town.18. The real estate agent suggested that we sell the house.19. The captain ordered that the crew abondon ship.20. The editor insisted that we change the title of the book. Ex.31D1. Before John came home, I had finishned reading the newspaper.2. While we were eating dinner, ….3. …when Harry entered.4. Since I graduated from high school,…5. Before I read that book, I must….6. After Johnny finished his homework, he…7. Before I serve the dessert, you must…8. Before I came to the United States, I had…9. When I got to school yesterday, I found…10. …since you moved away from the neighborhood?11. I’ll be busy shopping until the store…12. While I’m studying, I like to…13. Where do you stay when you visit Washington?14. While I’m in this country to study, I hope to…15. While the baby is napping, her mother has a chance to rest.16. After the orchestra had played for several hours, the embassy…17. …until he got his B.A. degree.18. No sooner had the criminal found a shelter than he was…19. …until the weather is dry in the summer.20. I have been wearing glasses ever since I entered the university.Ex. 31E1. …looks like, for I have never met him.2. …simply because…3. …because / for all the shops have closed.4. …not because …but because…5. It was simply because…6. Since the weather…7. Just because he was….8. It must be early morning, because / for the birds are singing.9. …because he is poor?。
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Ex. 18A
a) 1. needn’t (= don’t have to, don’t need to, haven’t got to)
2. won’t have to
3. didn’t have to (= didn’t need to)
4. needn’t
5. didn’t have t
6. didn’t have to
7. needn’t
8. needn’t
9. won’t have to10. needn’t
b) 11. You had to…12. He wasn’t to…13. He wasn’t to…14. You had to…
15. He said I wasn’t to…16. They had to…17. We had to…18. I wasn’t t o…
19. He said you weren’t to…20. We had to…
Ex. 18B
1.He may be doing his homework.
2. She may have forgotten to call me back.
3. Could you lend me 5 pounds until tomorrow?
4. I wonder if I could leave now.
5. It might rain this evening.
6. Old Tom might have left San Diego.
7. If it should rain tomorrow, the football match would be put off.
8. You should do as he says.
9. If you should change your mind, please let me know.
10. I’m surprised that he should have an accident.
11. Shall I go with you?
12. You shan’t answer her back again.
13. You mustn’t violate the traffic regulations again.
14. He must have got lost in the mountains.
15. You needn’t go and see him.
16. You needn’t have written to her.
17. You should have helped her.
18. If you would change this car, I should be very grateful.
19. Would you mind shutting the door?
20. She shouldn’t have bought that house.
21. It’s odd that she should say that.
22. Don’t call him. He’ll be taking a nap.
23. Don’t write to him. He won’t be home now.
24. Don’t bother him. He will have heard the news.
25. A lion will attack people only when hungry.
26. What will you do after graduation?
27. Mary ought to be home by now.
28. You oughtn’t to have bought a new car.
29. He used to work in Shanghai, but now he is nowhere to be found.
30. How dare you say that in the presence of the principal?。