编号:复核日期:一、基本数据二、复核记录编号: _____________________检查人员检查地点检查时间一、基本情况二、检查项目记录项目记录情况注:计算实际总容积是用于判断吨位丈量是否有误,其中型容积VI所要求记录的参数误差较大可初步判断吨位丈量有误,V2(V3、V4)测量的数据可大致判断船图一致性。
督查人员直督查时间:填写说明:应依据《船舶国籍证书》、《检验证书簿》中的相关项目,填写《检查表》第1 项“船舶基本信息”和第2项“船舶吨位证书信息”;应按照《检查表》第3项“现场勘验记录”的内容,完成船舶现场勘测;依据“船舶吨位丈量计算参考指南”(见附件3)的办法,对船舶总吨、净吨进行简单计算,并将适用方法及计算过程填写在《检查表》第4项“吨位核准评估” 一栏中;对发现计算结果与证书标注吨位明显不符(误差超过10%),应在第5 项“是” 一栏标注否则在“否” 一栏标注“/”;在第5项“是”中标注的船舶,在第6项中标注“V”。
附件5专项检查缺陷船舶汇总表__________ 海事局附件6船舶吨位丈量计算参考指南“大船小证”问题的出现一般有两种方式:一是船检证书上的船舶尺度与实船不一致,本身就偏小,从而计算的吨位偏小,这是主要现象;另一种情况是船舶尺度没有太大的误差,但计算误差较大,结果偏小造成“大船小证”问题。
船舶吨位的定义和计算公式船舶吨位(Ship|s Tonnage)船舶吨位是船舶大小的计量单位,可分为重量吨位和容积吨位两种。
用重量来算吨位:通常是按船体在水中部分的容积,即以排水量来计算,海水每35立方米尺重1吨(或每0.9756立方米重1公吨),由此即可算出船舶的排水量吨位(Displacement tonnage).排水量吨位有轻载和满载之分,轻载排水量吨位只包括船体,全船的机器和设备以及压舱物等;而满载还须加上所装的货物,旅客,行李,燃料,物料,淡水等,满载排水量减减去轻载排水量后的余数,也就是船舶的载重吨位(Deadweight tonnage).用容积来算吨位:轮船的总吨位与船舶的重量完全无关,它是以船舶的容积来计算的.它以英制100立方尺或公制2.83立方米为1吨,两者计算出来的结果是一样的.所以总吨没有公制与英制的区别,它的计算方法是丈量舰艇各部围蔽空间的容积,如用英尺量的话,就以容积的总和用不100除;如用公尺量,则除以2.83,得出的商数就是船舶的总吨位(Gross tonnage).总吨位在船舶的各种吨位中占很重要的地位,因为船舶的登记,统计等都是以它作为根据央船舶计算出总吨位后,减去驾驶室,轮机舱以及船上其他设备或工作需要的地方外,也就是凡是可以装载货物,旅客等用的空间都是净吨位(Net tonnage).船舶吨位具体计算办法(一)船舶的重量吨位(Weight Tonnage)船舶的重量吨位是表示船舶重量的一种计量单位,以1000公斤为一公吨,或以2240磅为一长吨,或以2000磅为一短吨。
(二)排水量吨位(Displacement Tonnage)排水量吨位是船舶在水中所排开水的吨数,也是船舶自身重量的吨数。
(1)轻排水量(Ligth Displacement),又称空船排水量,是船舶本身加上船员和必要的给养物品三者重量的总和,是船舶最小限度的重量。
免除处所 :不计入围蔽处所容积之内。
总容积V按位置可分为:上甲板以下围蔽处所 容积V1和上甲板以上围蔽处所容积V2。
V2 V1
总布置图、型线图、静水力曲线图(或计算 书)、邦氏曲线图(或计算书)、基本结构 图、横剖面图、上层建筑及甲板室结构图。 V1、 V2的计算均根据图纸资料进行计算,所 有数据均取自图纸资料。
1.无舱盖的货舱口的容积 舱口围板的平均长度、平均宽度、平均高度相乘。 2.集装箱高出甲板或平台或舱口围板以上的容积 载货面积乘以最大装箱数时集装箱高出甲板或平台或舱口
围板以上的平均高度。只装运空集装箱的船舶,平均高度 大于5.2m时,取5.2m。 3.半舱船货舱口的容积 舱口围板的平均长度、平均宽度、0.1倍船宽相乘,舱口 围板平均高度大于0.1倍船宽时,取平均高度。
净吨位符号为NT,是Net Tonnage的缩写, NT =K2 GT,系数K2根据船舶种类选取。同 样NT是一个数值,不以m3作为单位。
(1)1959年船舶吨位丈量规范(适用于海船, 河船参照)
(2) 1977年船舶吨位丈量规范(适用于国 际航行船舶)
(3) 《海船吨位丈量规范》(1985)
满载排水量从重量方面表示船舶大小。满载排水量 主要用于军舰的分类。同类型军舰中满载排水量越 大,表示船舶越大,武器的攻击力越强。
吨位从容积方面表示船舶大小。船舶吨位越大,表 示船舶越大。
总吨位是表示丈量确定的船舶总容积。总吨位数值 根据丈量计算所得的船舶总容积(V)数值确定, 但不直接等于船舶总容积(V)数值。
如图1-l-1所示,船的前端叫做船首,后端叫做船 尾。而船首两侧船壳弯曲处叫做首舷,船尾两侧 船壳弯曲处叫做尾舷。船的两边叫做船舷。船舷 侧板与船底板交接的弯曲部分叫做舭部。
船舶的首尾连线称为首尾线(或纵中线、中央 线),它将船体分成左右两半,从尾向首看,在 首尾线右边的部分叫做右舷,在左边的部分叫做 左舷。
净载重量是指船舶具体航次所能装载货物的最大 重量,等于总载重量减去航次总储备量(包括航 次所需的燃润料、淡水、粮食、供应品、船员、 行李等重量)及船舶常数,即:
净载重量=总载重量一航次总储备量一船舶常数 其中,船舶常数是指船舶经过一段时间营运后
船舶最前端与最后端之间包括外板和两端永久性 固定突出物(如顶推装置等)在内的水平距离。 最大长度就是船舶的实际长度。
包括外板和永久性固定突出物(如护舷材、水翼 等)在内的垂直于中线面的船舶最大水平距离。 最大宽度就是船舶的实际宽度。
在船体的最宽处,由一舷的肋骨外缘量至另一舷 的肋骨外缘之间的水平距离,如图1-l-5所示。
在船长中点处,由平板龙骨上缘量至干舷甲板横 梁上缘的垂直距离;对甲板转角为圆弧型的船舶, 则由平板龙骨上缘量至横梁上缘延伸线与肋骨外 缘延伸线的交点,如图1-1-5所示。
第2章国际航行作业的渔业船舶第1节1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约的有关规定第2条定义(6) “新船”是指在本公约生效之日起安放龙骨,或处于相似建造阶段的船舶;(7) “现有船舶”是指非新船;(8) 长度:系指水线总长度的96%,该水线位于自龙骨上缘量得的最小型深的85%处;或者是指该水线从艏柱前缘量到上舵杆中心线的长度,两者取其较大者。
第3条适用范围(1) 本公约适用于从事国际航行的下列船舶:(a)在缔约政府的国家中登记的船舶;(b)在根据第20条扩大适用本公约的领土内登记的船舶;(c)悬挂某缔约国政府国旗而不在该国登记的船舶。
续航力(n mile,km):在规定的航速或主机功率下(民船通常按主机额定功率的85%~90%的螺旋桨设计点时),船上所携带的燃料储备可供航行的距离。
9.船舶的六大性能:浮性、稳性、抗沉性、快速性、适航性、操纵性第二章海船法规的相关内容10. 船舶稳性衡准公式1/≥=f q l l K 中,q l 和f l 分别指什么,如何确定?q l :最小倾覆力臂,m ,应用计及船舶横摇影响后的动稳性曲线来确定 f l :风压倾侧力臂,m ,按下式计算f l =p A f Z/9810Δ11. 船舶的横摇角主要与哪些因素有关?船宽、吃水、初稳性高度、船舶类型和舭龙骨尺寸12. 按照法规要求,对干货船、油船、客船、集装箱船规定各核算哪些载况?干货船:满载出港、满载到港、压载出港、压载到港客船:满载出港、满载到港、满客无货出港、满客无货到港、压载出港、压载到港油船:满载出港、满载到港、部分装载出港、部分装载到港、压载出港、压载到港集装箱船:满载出港、满载到港、压载出港、压载到港13. 客船分舱和破舱稳性常规计算的目的是什么?保证船舶在一舱或数舱破损进水后仍能保持一定的稳态和稳性14. 主船体水密舱室划分时,如何决定其舱长?船舶处于最深分舱吃水时,船舶在一层或数层限定垂向浸水范围的甲板及其以下部分最大投影型长度(不一定对)15. 计算船舱进水后船舶浮态和稳性的基本方法有(增加重量法)和(损失浮力法)16. 解释:舱室渗透率、船舶的可浸长度及其曲线、安全限界线、分舱因数、分舱指数舱室渗透率:舱室渗透率是船舶破损后,在限界线下的被水侵占的舱室容积与各舱室容积之比。
船舶通过运河一般需要9个小时,可以通航76 000吨级的轮船。
关键词:集装箱船舶 运河 安全操作0 引言 当前,巴拿马运河的通航能力为每日40艘船舶左右,以2012年11月29日为例,南下28艘,北上23艘,共41艘。
1 过河预备1.1 首次过河要求 办理《巴拿马运河船上油污应急计划》(PCSOPEP),船舶代理必须在抵达运河前办妥,自当局签发后,有效期为四年。
1.2 巴拿马运河最小能见距离要求 巴拿马运河海运规则(APC Maritime Regulation Book),巴拿马运河当局公告No.N-1-2012(此通告每年1月1日更新)Marine Technology 航海技术等规定,通过巴拿马运河的所有船舶必须遵守以下驾驶台最小能见距: 1)载有货物的船舶,在任何吃水和吃水差的情况下,任意的驾驶台指挥位(CONNING1、2、3、4、5,下同)向船首方向水面的能见距离不应小于一个船长; 2)压载状态的船舶,任意的驾驶台指挥位向船首方向水面的能见距离不应小于一个半船长; 3)如果由于货物设备或正前方其他物品的影响,正常指挥位的视角受到阻碍,受阻碍的整个弧度不应超过15°; 4)在驾驶台的两翼的指挥位应清楚船壳的水线标志; 5)如果运河当局认为驾驶台的能见距离存在危险,船舶应签署证明并承担责任。
经验分享船舶过巴拿马运河的注意事项1. 巴拿马简要介绍巴拿马运河(英语:Panama Canal;西班牙语:Canal de Panama)位于中美洲国家巴拿马,横穿巴拿马地峡,连接太平洋和大西洋,是重要的航运要道,巴拿马运河由美国建造完成,1914年开始通航。
1).旧闸Panamax Locks:1914年开始运行的原始船闸,船闸长304.8米宽32.3米深度12.8米。
从北到南共6道闸,可简单记忆为“3+1+2”,呈中高两低水位态势,即从大西洋侧驶入前3道闸(Gatun Locks),在Gatun 湖和航道航行约2-3小时后,再途径1道闸(Pedro Miguel Locks)后,最后再过2道闸(Miraflores Locks) 驶入太平洋。
通常可被当局接受通行的商船最大尺寸为: 船长294.13米, 船宽32.31米,限水尺是12.04米(热带淡水密度0.9954)。
2). 新闸Neopanamax Locks:2016年6月26日扩建后的运河船闸长427米,宽55米,深18.3米。
从北到南共6道闸,可简单记忆为“3+3”,从大西洋侧驶入前3道闸(Agua Clara Locks),过完Gatun湖后,再过3道闸(Cocoli Locks) 驶入太平洋。
通常可被当局接受通行的商船最大尺寸为: 船长367.28米, 船宽51.25米,限水尺是15.24米(热带淡水密度0.9954)。
2.过河前港口文件1)VUMPA - ELECTRONIC PRE-ARRIVAL 120HRS PRIOR ARRIVAL 简单一句话:尽可能早(120小时以上)的递交电子预到达声明,日后再补全修正信息。
The Pre-Arrival declaration must be submitted into VUMPA – Panama MaritimeMarine Portal 120hrs prior vessel arrival。
a pg
p pb
pg= p-pb
工程计算中,取pb=0.1MPa , 则 p = pg+0.1MPa
4、温度 (Temperature, T)
[ 35 ]
温度:表示物质冷热程度的状态参数。温度的数值表 示方法叫做温标 (Temperature Scale) 。
在国际上通用的是1节=1海里/小时, 1海里=1.852公里. 1.852公里/小时.
陆上的车辆和空中的飞机,以及江河船舶,其速度计 量单位多用千米(公里)/小时,而海船(包括军舰) 的速度单位却称作“节”.
2、功率:瓦特(W) 功率是指物体在单位时间内所做的功的多少
常用单位:1 kW=1×103W 1马力=735W
①总载重量(DW): 船舶允许装载的最大重量,表示船舶运输中的总
的载重能力。包括货物、旅客、船员、燃料、滑油、 淡水、粮食和供应品等重量。
②净载重量(NDW): 是指船舶可装载的能够盈利的货物和旅客,及旅
客行李和随身携带的物品等的最大重量。净载重量反 映了船舶的运输能力,影响船舶营运经济效益。
2 容积吨
②载重线圈 由三部分组成: 一是一个圆圈,圆圈中心位于船中处,圆圈中心到甲板线
上边缘的距离为夏季最小干舷; 二是一条上边缘通过圆圈中心的水平线段; 三是位于圆圈两侧的两个字母 。
上述的“夏季”“冬季”等季节非按 气温划分成的春夏秋冬,而是根据该 海区的风浪大小与频率来划分的---
烟囱标志:用以表示船舶所属公司的标志,该标志勘划 于烟囱左右两侧的高处。
第四章吨位丈量、载重线和完整稳性第四章吨位丈量、载重线和完整稳性第1节吨位丈量4.1.1一般要求4.1.1 1 船舶吨位丈量的目的是核定船舶总吨位和净吨位。上甲板系指水线以上的第一层连续甲板,对无甲板船,系指船舶的舷顶。
4.1.2计算取值4.1.2.1 吨位丈量计算的处所,金属船舶计量到各处所边界板的内表面;对非金属船舶,主船体要计入边界板的厚度,主船体以上,计量到边界板内表面。容积计算以m 为计算单位,取值精确到小数点后第2位。丈量的吨位值大于l 时,只取整数部分,舍去小数部分;丈量的吨位值小于1时,取值精确到小数点后第l 位,且不小于0.1。证书中吨位值填写数字,没有单位。
4.1.3吨位计算4.1.3.1总吨位GT 按下述公式计算:V k GT 1=式中:21V V V +=;1V ——按4.1.4.1计算的容积;2V ——按4.1.4.2计算的容积;V k lg 02.02.01+=,或按表4.1.3.1插值。
GT k NT =式中:GT ——按4.1.3.1计算的总吨位;k ——系数,渔船:k =0.35;驳船:k =0.84;运输船:k =0.56;其他船舶:k =0.30。
4.1.4容积计算4.1.4.1 上甲板以下处所容积1V 可用下述方法计算:.1用积分的方法精确计算;.2型线简单者,用几何法近似计算;.3用公式LBD V 72.01 计算,其中L 为上甲板长度,m ;.4验船机构同意的其他有效方法。 上甲板以上处所容积2V 的计算:.1 计算上甲板以上各围蔽处所及各露天舱口围板范围内的容积;.2将上述两项的容积累计,即为2V 。
第2节载重线4.2.1一般要求4.2.1.1 新船、现有船因航区或装载变化需要增加干舷者应当按本节规定核定、勘划载重线。如按本节规定核定的最小干舷与稳性、强度所决定的干舷不一致时,应取其中最大值载入船舶证书、勘划载重线。
January 1, 2003MR NOTICE TO SHIPPING No. N-1-2003To: Steamship Agents, Owners and OperatorsSubject: Vessel Requirements1. Effective Date and CancellationThis Notice is effective on the date of issue and cancels MR Notice to Shipping No. N-1-2002. A revised Notice will be issued in January of each year or when otherwise required.2. Purpose and Scopea. The purpose of this document is to inform the shipping community of the procedures and amplifications found necessary to implement the Maritime Regulations for the Operation of the Panama Canal (MROPC).It must be reminded that non-compliance with Panama Canal rules and regulations may subject vessels to unnecessary delays or denial of transit. The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) may order deviations from these rules if special circumstances so warrant. A Table of Contents appears in pages 11 through 13.b. Changes in the pricing structure of the Panama Canal appear on page 4 of this Notice.c. The requirement for transiting vessels to comply with the ISM Code is explained on page 6 of this Notice.d. The current review of the maximum above deck container carrying capacity (MDCC) for all vessels transiting the Panama Canal is explained on page 6 of this Notice.e. The tariffs that are charged for additional pilots to transiting vessels arriving with deficiencies and to handline vessels using transit advisors that are unable to complete the transit on the same day, appear on page 7 of this Notice.f. The tariff for re-inspection of transiting vessels appears on page 8 of this Notice.g. New security charge per transit, resulting from ongoing investments being made to improve security and reduce risk and vulnerability levels of Canal facilities, is explained on page 8 of this Notice.h. The definition of Maximum Allowable Start Time was added to Section 1 of this Notice, and Paragraph 4.o was added to indicate the maximum allowable start time for transiting vessels equipped with direct reversible main propulsion diesel engines.i. Paragraph 2.f(5)(d) of this Notice was modified to include information that should be submitted by vessels whose ballast draft does not meet the minimum draft requirements.j. Paragraph 4.b(4) of this Notice was modified to explain location of wipers in enclosed bridge wings.k. Paragraph 4.d(6) of this Notice was modified to indicate the conning positions at windows whose close approach should not be blocked by vessel equipment or instruments.l. The requirement for vessels needing towing services is explained in Section 6 of this Notice.m. The title of Section 7 was changed to Deck Cargo.n. The title of Section 11 was changed to: Deck-Loaded Containers on Ships not Built for Container Carriage.o. Anchor and deck machinery requirements were added to Section 8.p. Paragraph 14.j was added to explain the requirement for advance notification of shipments of fissionable materials.q. Paragraph 1 of Section 15 was eliminated.r. Section 17 was added to explain main source of electric power requirements for transiting vessels.s. Section 18 was added to incorporate the requirements f or sanitary facilities, discharging wastes, ballast and sewage.3. Organization and Responsibilitya. The Department of Maritime Operations (telephone: 272-4500, fax: 272-3892), under the Maritime Operations Director, is the organizational unit of the Panama Canal Authority responsible for the control of maritime traffic through the Canal and its terminal ports, and through which all ACP services to shipping are handled. Following is a summary of the Department of Maritime Operations units, which due to their functions, often require contact with agents, operators and owners:(1) The Admeasurement Unit (telephone: 272-4567, fax: 272-7901), headed by the Admeasurement Unit manager, is responsible for ascertaining the correct Panama Canal tonnage of vessels transiting the Canal, boarding and clearing of vessels for medical surveillance, general ship inspections, gathering information for the Ship Data Bank, and generating billing invoices for transits and related services.(2) The Board of Inspectors (telephone: 272-3403, fax: 272-3548), headed by the Board of Inspectors chairman, is responsible for the official inquiry and examination into the circumstances surrounding marine accidents which occur in the Canal operating area, harbors, anchorages and areas adjacent involving Authority personnel and/or equipment, and the certification of marine credentials of Authority employees.(3) The Transit Operations Division (telephone: 272-4211, fax: 272-7688), headed by the Transit Operations Division manager, is responsible for the immediate direction of daily maritime operations, emergency response and recovery, supervision and enforcement of rules and regulations governing the navigation of the Canal, approval of new construction compliance with chocks and bitts, boarding facilities, wheelhouse design features and visibility requirements, and for ensuring that vessels arriving for transit are properly equipped. Additionally, the unit is responsible for matters involving the safety aspects of vessel traffic flow and control, vessel material conditions and inspections, hazardous cargo, Canal physical conditions, and emergency response for fires or oil/chemical spills. The responsibilities of the Transit Operations Division manager are exercised through the Canal port captain on duty.(4) The Traffic Management Unit (telephone: 272-4220, fax: 272-3976, E-Mail: ETA@), headed by the Traffic Management Unit manager, is responsible for processing ETA information, preparation of the daily transit schedule, monitoring and coordinating all vessel movements within Canal operating areas, and administering the Panama Canal Transit Booking System.b. Vessel transits are a joint effort. In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, vessel owners, operators, agents, officers and crews are responsible for compliance with Canal rules and regulations. The cooperation of all concerned parties is necessary to ensure safe and efficient transits.4. Communication ChannelsDirect communication with the Department of Maritime Operations units may be established by the following means:a. MAIL - address to: Panama Canal Authority (ACP)(Name, position and title)ACP-MRP.O. Box 025543Miami FL 33102-5543b. FACSIMILE: (Name of Unit)(Fax numbers are listed in the previous page.)c. TELEPHONE: (Telephone numbers are listed in the previous page.)d. INTERNATIONAL ACCESS CODE - For fax and phone: 507e. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT E-mail address: ETA@f. RADIO PRATIQUE MESSAGES VIA E-mail: mrtd-rcp@mrtd-rca@g. DRAWING SUBMITALS: Electronic via E-mail to mrtc-pln@ or in compact disk, diskette or printed form by regular mail to the following address (see page 23 for more details):PANAMA CANAL AUTHORITY (ACP)Transit Operations Division PCA-MRT7801 NW 37 StreetMiami, FL 33166-6559U.S.A.5. Relevant Information for Canal Customersa. Changes in the Pricing Structure of the Panama CanalIn accordance with Agreement No. 3, Regulation on the Procedure to Revise the Panama Canal Tolls Rate and Admeasurement Rules, the Panama Canal Authority conducted a consultation and public hearing process on the proposal to increase tolls, change the tolls application system, and establish a new fee for the use of locomotives to transit the Canal.The public hearing was held in the Republic of Panama on July 19, 2002. Taking into consideration the comments submitted by the participants in the consultation and public hearing process, the Panama Canal Authority Board of Directors recommended, and the Cabinet Council of Panama approved, the following:The changing of the system for the application of Canal tolls to a differentiated tolls system based on the vessel’s PC/UMS that defines the main market segments served by the Canal.A general tolls increase was implemented in two steps. The first increase is in effect since October 1, 2002, and the second increase will be effective July 1, 2003, according to the tables on page 5.In addition, a new tariff for the use of towing locomotives based on the number of locomotive wires required by the vessels to transit through the locks, at the rate of $200.00 per wire used, is in effect since October 1, 2002.FIRST IMPLEMENTATION PERIODOCTOBER 1, 2002SECOND IMPLEMENTATION PERIODJULY 1, 2003 FORMER TOLLSRATENEW TOLLS RATE* First 10,000 tons (PC/UMS) Next 10,000 tons (PC/UMS) Remaining tons (PC/UMS) VESSEL TYPELadenBallast Laden Ballast Laden Ballast Laden Ballast General Cargo$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Refrigerated Cargo$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Dry Bulk$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Tankers$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Container Vessels$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Vehicle Carriers$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Passenger Vessels$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Others$2.57 $2.04 $2.80 $2.22 $2.78 $2.21 $2.75 $2.18 Displacement $1.43/displacement ton $1.56/displacement ton*Minimum tolls remained the same.b. ISM Code Compliance for Transiting VesselsOn 1 July 1998, the ISM Code became mandatory under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and from that date it applied to passenger vessels, including passenger high-speed craft, oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high-speed craft of 500 gross tons and above.On July 2002, the ISM Code became mandatory for all cargo vessels and mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) of 500 gross tons and above.The ISM Code establishes safety-management objectives and requires a safety management system (SMS) to be established by "the Company", which is defined as the ship owner or any person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer, who has assumed responsibility for operating the vessel.Following the international requirements established by the SOLAS Convention and the ISM Code, only vessels possessing a valid Safety Management Certificate (SMC) will be allowed to trade and only companies with a valid Document of Compliance (DOC) for the specific types of vessels they manage will be allowed to operate.A valid copy of the Safety Management Certificate (SMC) and a valid copy of the operator’s Document of Compliance (DOC) shall be kept on board and presented to ACP officials when requested.Safety is of the utmost concern to the Panama Canal, and as such, all vessels arriving for transit are expected to comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. Vessels that fail to comply with the ISM Code, as required by the international convention, will be denied transit of the Panama Canal.P R O P O S E D*F i r s t10,000t o n s(P C/U M S)N e x t10,000t o n s(P C/U M S)R e m a i n i n g t o n s(P C/U M S)VESSEL TYPELaden Ballast Laden Ballast Laden Ballast General Cargo $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Refrigerated Cargo $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Dry Bulk $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Tankers $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Container Vessels $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Vehicle Carriers $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Passenger Vessels $2.96 $2.35 $2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26Others$2.96 $2.35$2.90 $2.30 $2.85 $2.26 Displacement $1.64/displacement ton*Minimum tolls will remain the same.c. Review of Maximum Above Deck Container Carrying CapacitySince October 1, 2002, the Panama Canal Authority is reviewing the maximum above deck container carrying capacity (MDCC) for all vessels transiting the Panama Canal.In compliance with the 1994 Amendments to Chapters VI/5.6, VII/6.6 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), cargo units, including containers, shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with the vessel’s Cargo Securing Manual (CSM), approved by the Flag Administration of the vessel. These amendments entered into force on July 1, 2002.The Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) shall be prepared in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual” as established in the IMO Maritime Safety Committee Circular 745 (MSC/Circ.745), and shall be maintained on board and available as part of the r outine inspection by Panama Canal Authority Boarding Officers. Upon arrival to the Panama Canal, Masters should be prepared to present ACP Boarding Officers with a complete set of drawings and a complete copy of the Cargo Securing Manual, specifically the container stowage section.These documents will be taken ashore by Panama Canal Authority Boarding Officers to review the maximum above deck container carrying capacity. A receipt will be issued for these documents and they will be returned to the vessel through its local agent as soon as the review is completed.The MDCC form will be prepared by the ACP Admeasurement Office and taken to the vessel for the Master's signature on the vessel’s next arrival at the Panama Canal. A new PC/UMS Tonnage certificate will be issued when deemed necessary.d. Tariff for Additional Pilots(1) Some v essels arriving for transit with certain noted deficiencies or conditions have required the assignment of additional pilots in order to allow them to complete their transit. In the past, the cost of these additional pilots was absorbed by the Panama Canal; however, in light of increasing costs, the Panama Canal Authority now finds it necessary to charge for these additional resources.Since March 1, 2002, any vessel that requires the assignment of more pilots than the number that would normally be required by a vessel of her size, is assessed additional pilotage fees in accordance to established tariffs:• Pilots assigned before transit begins.....................................$2,250.00 each• Pilots assigned due to late discovery of deficiency................$4,500.00 eachSome deficiencies or conditions that could require additional pilots are:• Restricted visibility (excluding full-container vessels)• Inadequate sanitary facilities• Inability to relay• Clear channel restrictions due to cargo or ship design• Inability to develop and maintain the minimum full ahead speed required to completethe transit in standard times. The Panama Canal Authority has determined that the minimum full ahead speed required in order to complete transit in standard times is 8 knots.(2) In addition, handlines using transit advisors instead of pilots, which are unable to complete their transit on the same day, are assessed the tariff for transit delay of $440.00 for the additional transit advisor.Since May 1, 2002, whenever owners or representatives of handline vessels that would normally transit with transit advisors request the assignment of a regular pilot instead, that assignment is charged at the rate of $2,250.00 if sufficient notification has been provided, as specified on Tariff 1060.0040, or otherwise at the rate of $4,500.00, as specified on Tariff 1060.0045.Whenever handline vessels present some deficiency or condition that prevent the completion of their transit as scheduled, they are assessed the tariff for transit delay of $440.00 and other related charges, such as launch and moorage.Whenever owners or representatives of handline vessels request to stop in the Canal interrupting their transit, they are assessed the tariff for transit delay of $440 and other related charges, such as launch and moorage. However, if a transit is interrupted due to Canal scheduling considerations, these charges will not be applied.e. Vessel Re-inspection TariffAs was previously communicated to the Panama Chamber of Shipping, effective June 1, 2002, the tariff for re-inspection of transiting vessels has increased from $500.00 to $1,000.00.This charge only applies to vessels with previously identified deficiencies that have not been corrected by the time of the re-inspection.f. Panama Canal Security ChargesThe Panama Canal Authority is making significant investments to improve security in order to reduce the levels of risk and vulnerability of its facilities. These projects have enhanced security level at the Canal as a whole, through the expansion of electronic surveillance coverage, vessel tracking and other preventive actions.The Panama Canal Authority has determined that it will strengthen the Security Control Center, which operates 24 hours a day, and will establish another center to manage incidents and emergencies that will provide the means for the well-coordinated participation of Canal security personnel and members of Panama’s Police and National Civil Protection group.This enhanced security policy features programs that include additional patrols at Canal dams, lakes, and Canal shorelines, as well as new control posts on land. As part of this added security effort, the Canal is planning to purchase new equipment, such as special patrol boats and vehicles, and to install alarm and closed circuit TV systems to further expand the system, which is already in place in the Canal area. The program will also include the periodic contracting of security specialists as consultants to evaluate risks and provide permanent recommendations.Inasmuch as security, from a strategic point of view, is of the highest importance in our operation, it becomes necessary to improve the information and data collection systems on all vessels arriving in Canal waters. The Panama Canal is working on the deployment of the Automatic Identification System (AIS), which began operating on a test basis in 2002. Tentatively, it is planned that it will go into full operation asa requirement for transiting vessels in 2003. The AIS will permit identification and tracking of vessels before they enter Canal waters and allow monitoring throughout the vessels´ stay in Panama Canal waters.Another project geared to reduce risks and increase safety at the Canal is the installation of a Fixed Foam Fire-fighting System for Gatun Locks. This type of system is designed to provide the benefit of an automatic fixed mechanism to extinguish fires caused by flammable substances. The foam controls and extinguishes fires by suppressing, cooling, and suffocating vapors; and depending on the type of foam used, it can also suppress toxic vapors that may emanate due to a spill.In view of the significant investments that the Panama Canal Authority is making to improve security and the benefit that these investments will provide to our customers, some of which have been mentioned herein, effective June 1, 2002, a security charge per transit was established and applied based on the vessel’s PC/UMS net or displacement tonnage, whichever applies to a given vessel, as follows: • Less than 3,000 PC/UMS tons or 5,392 displacement tons: $50.00• From 3,000 PC/UMS tons or 5,392 displacement tons and over: $400.006. Procurement of ACP Maritime RegulationsPanama Canal Authority regulations require that a copy of the Maritime Regulations for the Operation of the Panama Canal be maintained onboard all transiting vessels. One free copy in book form will be made available to every transiting vessel from the Admeasurement Unit of the Transit Operations Division through the vessel’s agent. Additional copies of the book or copies in CD format are also available for a nominal fee.The request for the free copies must be made in writing and should list the name(s) of the vessel(s) that will receive a copy. This information will b e entered into the database we maintain for each vessel. Requests for additional copies for the same vessel, even under another agent or owner, will incur a cost.The following procedure must be used to acquire additional copies of these regulations in either format:A cost recovery fee of $5.00 for the hard copy and $3.00 for the CDs should be deposited at the Citibank in Balboa or Cristobal.A “Speed Collect” deposit slip should be used indicating the following:Beneficiary: Panama Canal Authority (ACP)Account Number: 0-550305-054Reference: 28.280101.4000999Depositor: Individual or organization making the depositBlank area: ACP Maritime RegulationsThis deposit slip should be taken to the Admeasurement Unit in order to pick up the copy of the regulations.The Admeasurement Unit is located on the first floor of Building 729, Balboa. This office can be contacted by e-mail at MRTD@ or by telephone at (507) 272-4567.These regulations are also available for download from the Panama Canal web page at /eng/maritime/regulations/ .7. Complaints regarding ACP servicesIn our effort to improve the quality of the service we provide our customers, we request that any complaints resulting from the services granted by the ACP, be addressed to the Maritime Operations Director through any of the following means:E-mail: mr@Fax : (507)272-3892Mail : Panama Canal Authority (ACP)Maritime Operations DepartmentBldg. 729Balboa-Ancon, PanamaORIGINAL SIGNEDJorge L. QuijanoMaritime Operations DirectorFULL DISTRIBUTIONVESSEL REQUIREMENTSTable of ContentsPAGE1. Definitions 14a. Barge (14)b. Commercial Vessel (14)c. Passenger Vessel (14)d. Dangerous Cargo (14)e. Integrated Tug-Barge Combination (14)f. Integrated Tug-Tank Combination (14)g. Maximum Authorized Transit Draft (14)h. Maximum Authorized Draft (14)i. Maximum Beam (14)j. Maximum Length (14)k. Maximum Width (15)l. Non-Self-Propelled Vessel (15)m. Protrusion (15)n. Published TFW Maximum Draft (15)o. Tropical Fresh Water (TFW) (15)p. PC/UMS (15)q. Maximum Allowable Start Time (15)2. Size and Draft Limitations of Vessels 15a. Maximum Length (15)b. Maximum Beam (16)c. Maximum Width (16)d. Protrusions (16)e. Maximum Height (17)f. Draft (17)g. Potential Seasonal Draft Restrictions (20)h. Release from Liability (20)i. Approval of Plans (23)j. Denial of Transit (24)k. Vessel Should Be Able to Relay at the Locks (24)3. Requirement for Pilot Platforms and Shelters on Certain Vessels 254. Navigation Bridge Features Required of Transiting Vessels 27a. Authority (27)b. Wheelhouse (27)c. Bridge Wings (28)d. Normal Conning Positions (28)e. Minimum Visibility Requirements (29)f. Indicators (31)g. Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio (32)h. Whistle Controls (32)i. Steering Light (32)j. Bow/Stern Thrusters (34)k. Compass (34)l. Course Recorders (34)m. Bridge Wing Spotlights (34)n. Radar (34)o. Maximum Allowable Start Time for (34)5. Requirements for Non-Self-Propelled Vessels 346 Vessels Requiring Towing Services 357. Deckload Cargo 368. Construction, Number and Location of Chocks and Bitts 379. Mooring Lines, Anchors and Deck Machinery 4110. Boarding Facilities 4211. Deck-Loaded Containers on Ships not Built for Container Carriage 48a. General (48)b. Approval for Transits (49)c. Advance Notice and Inspection (49)d. Calculation of PC/UMS for Vessels not Designed to Carry Containers on Deck (49)12. Unauthorized Modification to the PC/UMS Net Tonnage Certificate 4913. Calculation of PC/UMS Net Tonnage on Passenger Vessels 5014. Dangerous Cargo Requirements 50a. General (50)b. Test of Equipment on Board (51)c. Holding Due to Non-Compliance (51)d. Tankers Claiming Cargo Tanks as “Gas Free” or “Inert” (51)e. Reporting Shipments of Direct Reduced Iron (52)f. Precautionary Measures Due to Dangerous Cargo (52)g. Reporting Shipments of Hazardous Wastes (53)h. Reporting Radioactive Cargoes (53)i. Coverage Requirements for Transiting Vessels Carrying Radioactive Cargoes (54)j. Advance Notification of Shipments of Fissionable Materials (54)15. Hot Work Performed On Board Vessels 5516. Manning Requirements 5517. Main Source of Electric Power5618. Sanitary Facilities and Discharging Vessel Wastes, Ballast and Sewage 56NOTICE TO SHIPPING No. N-1-2003VESSEL REQUIREMENTS1. Definitionsa. Barge: A flat-bottomed vessel of full body and heavy construction without installed means of propulsion.b. Commercial Vessel: A self-propelled vessel other than a naval, military or other public vessel.c. Passenger Vessel: A vessel that principally transports passengers and runs on fixed published schedules. All the spaces that have been identified and certified for the use or possible use of passengers are to be included in the total volume calculation of the vessel.d. Dangerous Cargo: Any material which is explosive, flammable, radioactive or toxic to humans or the environment.e. Integrated Tug-Barge Combination: A pushing vessel and a non-tank barge pushed ahead rigidly connected to each other to form a composite unit. A composite unit means a pushing vessel rigidly connected by "mechanical means" to a barge being pushed so they react to the sea and swell as one vessel and as such considered a single power-driven vessel. "Mechanical means" does not include lines, hawsers, wires or chains. To be considered an ITB at the Panama Canal, such vessels must meet all current ACP regulations and requirements for transit and be able to operate in all conditions under which a ship of equivalent size can operate.f. Integrated Tug-Tank Combination: A pushing vessel and a tank barge pushed ahead rigidly connected to each other to form a composite unit. The composite unit must meet all specifications and requirements set forth for an Integrated Tug-Barge Combination.g. Maximum Authorized Transit Draft: Deepest point of immersion in TFW of a particular vessel permitted at anytime, Gatun Lake level and Canal restrictions permitting.h. Maximum Authorized Draft: Lesser of the maximum authorized transit draft or the maximum tropical freshwater draft by Load Line Certificate.i. Maximum Beam: The maximum breadth (width) of the hull between the outside surfaces of the shell plating.j. Maximum length: The distance between the forward and after extremities of a vessel, including the bulbous bow and protrusions (also length over-all - L.O.A.).k. Maximum Width: The extreme width of a vessel, including protrusions, at its widest point.l. Non-Self-Propelled Vessel: A vessel which either does not have installed means of propulsion, or has installed means of propulsion which does not function during transit. Also referred to as dead tow.m. Protrusion: Anything that extends beyond any portion of the hull of a vessel, whether it is permanent or temporary, except for the main anchors.n. Published TFW Maximum Draft: Deepest point of immersion in Gatun Lake waters as promulgated by the Maritime Operations Director, taking into account the water level of Gatun Lake and other limitations deemed necessary because of restrictions in the Canal.o. Tropical Fresh Water (TFW): Tropical Fresh Water of Gatun Lake, density 0.9954 gms/cc at 85ºF (29.4ºC). [Transition to fresh water frequently alters the trim of large vessels 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 centimeters) by the head.]p. Panama Canal Universal Measurement System (PC/UMS): The system based on the Universal Measurement System, 1969, using its parameters for determining the total volume of a vessel with the additional variations established by the Panama Canal Authority.q. Maximum Allowable Start Time: The maximum allowable amount of time that it takes for a vessel engine to start, which must be tested before the transit begins.2. Size and Draft Limitations of Vesselsa. Maximum Length(1) The maximum length overall including bulbous bow for commercial or non-commercial vessels acceptable for regular transit is 950 feet (289.6 m), except passenger and container ships which may be 965 feet (294.13 m) in overall length. Vessels transiting the Canal for the first time at an overall length exceeding 900 feet (274.32 m), whether newly-constructed or newly-modified are subject to the requirement of inspection and prior review and approval of vessel plans. Vessels not receiving advance approval and/or not complying with Canal requirements may be denied transit.(2) The maximum length for integrated tug-barge combination acceptable for regular transit is 900 feet (274.32 m) overall including the tug. A tug-barge combination must transit together as one unit with the tug supplying the propelling power.(3) The maximum aggregate overall length for non-self-propelled vessels acceptable for transit is 850 feet (259.1 m), including accompanying tugs. Accompanying tugs must lock through with the non-self-propelled vessel. One-time only transits that exceed these limitations may be permitted on a case-by-case basis with prior approval of the Transit Operations Division manager, and subject to additional requirements and limitations in accordance with Paragraph 2.j(9) of this section.b. Maximum Beam(1) The maximum beam for commercial or non-commercial vessels and the integrated tug-barge combination acceptable for regular transit measured at the outer surface of the shell plate is 106 feet (32.31 m).(2) Wider commercial vessels including integrated tug-barge combination up to a beam of 107 feet (32.61 m) may be permitted, with prior approval of the Transit Operations Division manager, or his。
1.国内航行非入级船舶吨位丈量申请的受理、吨位计算与现场丈量、吨位证书的打印发放由船检机构负责实施;船舶吨位复核和“临时船舶吨位证书”签发由各船舶安全技术分中心负责实施,其中, 对于业务量特别大或业务过于分散的船舶安全技术分中心,经批准后可设立工作站点或调派有资质的复核人员从事吨位复核工作,但“临时船舶吨位证书”签发须由船舶安全技术分中心负责实施。
总载重吨= 满载排水量- 空船排水量2)净载重吨是指船舶所能装运货物的量大限度重量,又称载货重吨,即从船舶的总载重量中减去船舶航行期间需要储备的燃料、淡水及其他储备物品的重量所得的差数。
OPNOTICE TO SHIPPING No. N-1-2016To: Shipping Agents, Owners and Operators 船舶代理,船东和操作员Subject: Vessel Requirements 船舶要求1. Effective Date and Cancellation生效日期和撤销This Notice is effective on the date of issue and cancels OP Notice to Shipping No. N-1-2015. A revised Notice will be issued in January of each year or when otherwise required. This revision includes the following changes: 本通报自发布之日起生效,并撤销了海事主任第N-1-2015号通报。
(1) The ACP-OP mailing address was updated, on p. 3. 更新了ACP-OP邮寄地址,在段落3(2) Items a, b, c, d, e and f were incorporated into the Relevant Information for Canal Customers section, on pages 4 to 7. a, b, c, d, e 和f 被纳入运河相关信息(3) Table I was modified, on p. 17. 修改了表格I,在段落17(4) Table II, III and V were updated, on pages 20, 21 and 22, respectively. 更新了表格II,III和V,分别在20,21,22页(5) Paragraphs 4.e (4) (e), (f) and (g) were eliminated, p. 31. 消除4.e (4) (e), (f) 和(g)(6) Subsection 4.o, Main Propulsion Systems, was modified on p. 36. 段落4.o主推进系统,在段落36修改。
吨位丈量 (江苏海事局2014)
![吨位丈量 (江苏海事局2014)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ba8d53a5d1f34693daef3e76.png)
.4 69公约的主要内容: —— 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量会议最终议定书 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— 附件1 附则I 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约 测定船舶总吨位和净吨位规则
附则Ⅱ 国际吨位证书(1969) 附件2建议 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约的应用 使用“总吨位”代替“吨总吨位” 对某些船舶吨位丈量的修正的暂行办法 在履行“73/78防污公约”时对某些船舶吨位丈量 的暂行办法
.2 1969公约的由来及制定原则 a、由于上述各种方法各有有缺点。吨位丈量涉及到船东 与港口国收费的矛盾,各国又不统一。故制订统一的国际 船舶吨位丈量法是政府间海事协商组织的主要任务之一。 b、1969年5月27日“海协”在伦敦召开吨位会议,参加会 议的有48个国家的代表,另有7个国家和4个非政府组织派 观察员参加,苏伊士运河当局和巴拿马运河公司亦派观察 员出席了会议。吨位会议开始阶段研讨了吨位丈量的几项 一致原则: (a)吨位丈量法不能影响船舶的设计,不能使船舶的构造 在安全和效用方面有所损减。 (b)吨位量计应尽可能简便,并在船舶的设计阶段就可以 进行,即可以在图纸上进行量计。
定 义 h.旅客—— 除下列人员外,均为旅客: (1)船长和船员,以及在船上雇用或从事该船任何业务 的其他人员; (2)一周岁以下的儿童。 I.载货处所——载货处所是指适宜于运载由船上起卸货 物的围蔽处所,这些处所均已列入总吨位之内。所有 载货处所应在易于看到的地方用字母 CC( 货舱 ) 作永久 性标志,字母的高度应不小于100mm,以便 查核。 j.风雨密—— 在任何海况下,水都不会浸入船内。