



考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案(一)Directions:Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)一、经济学史Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. (46) Other fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed, history records changes in human objectives, and sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts.Standard economics can be divided into two major fields. (47) The first, price theory or microeconomics, explains how the interplay of supply and demand in competitive markets creates a multitude of individual prices, wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally. Consumers try to spend their income in ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. As economists say, they maximize utility. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operations.The second field, macroeconomics, deals with modern explanations of national income and employment. Macroeconomics dates from the book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British economist John Maynard Keynes. His explanation of prosperity and depression centers on the total or aggregate demand for goods and services by consumers, business investors, and governments, (48) Because, according to Keynes, inadequate total demand increases unemployment, the indicated cure is either more investment by businesses or more spending and consequently larger budget deficits by government.Economic issues have occupied people’s minds throughout the ages.(49) Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth, property, and trade, both of whom were prejudiced against commerce, feeling that to live by trade was undesirable. The Romans borrowed their economic ideas from the Greeks and showed the same contempt for trade.(50) During the Middle Ages the economic ideas of the Roman Catholic church were expressed in the law of the church, which condemned the taking of interest for money loaned and regarded commerce as inferior to agriculture.Economics as a subject of modern study, distinguishable from moral philosophy and politics, dates from the work, Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), by the Scottish philosopher andeconomist Adam Smith. Mercantilism and physiocracy were precursors of the classical economics of Smith and his 19th-century successors.答案46.其他领域的研究也有助于对此的理解:心理学和伦理学试图解释目标是如何形成的,历史记录着人们所追求的目标的变化,社会学则从社会环境的角度来解释人们的行为。



考研翻译测试题及答案一、英译汉1. The rapid development of science and technology has brought about significant changes in the way people live and work.答案:科学技术的快速发展已经给人们的生活和工作方式带来了重大的变化。

2. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development, we need to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection.答案:为了实现可持续发展的目标,我们需要在经济增长和环境保护之间取得平衡。

3. The government has implemented a series of measures to promote social equity and justice.答案:政府已经实施了一系列措施来促进社会公平和正义。

二、汉译英1. 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式发生了根本性的变化。

答案:With the widespread of the internet, the way people obtain information has undergone fundamental changes.2. 教育是提高国家竞争力的关键因素之一。

答案:Education is one of the key factors in enhancing a country's competitiveness.3. 保护环境是每个公民的责任。

答案:Protecting the environment is the responsibility of every citizen.三、段落翻译1. The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family, share experiences, and access information from around the world.答案:技术的进展已经彻底改变了我们的沟通方式。






真题一:The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities参考译文:几个世纪以来,在欧洲的大学里,对法律的研究一直被认为是一门基础的知识学科。



“intellectual discipline”翻译为“知识学科”;“feature”在这里是“特色”的意思。

句子结构方面,“However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities”是一个倒装句,正常语序为“However, it has become a feature of undergraduate programsin Canadian universities only in recent years” 翻译时要注意调整语序,以符合中文的表达习惯。

真题二:While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults参考译文:在与年轻人接触时,我们很容易忽视自己的行为对他们性格的影响,但在与成年人打交道时,就不那么容易忽视了。



考研英语翻译练习题练习一:原文:The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.翻译:技术的快速发展给我们的日常生活带来了重大变化。

练习二:原文:Despite the heavy rain, the marathon runners continued their race with determination.翻译:尽管大雨倾盆,马拉松选手们依然坚定地继续比赛。

练习三:原文:The novel explores the complexities of human relationships and the struggle for identity in a rapidly changing world.翻译:这部小说探讨了人际关系的复杂性以及在一个快速变化的世界中寻求身份认同的斗争。

练习四:原文:The government has implemented a series of measures to combat climate change and protect the environment.翻译:政府已经实施了一系列措施来对抗气候变化和保护环境。

练习五:原文:In order to achieve success, one must be willing to take risks and embrace challenges.翻译:为了取得成功,一个人必须愿意冒险并迎接挑战。

练习六:原文:The ancient city, with its rich history and cultural heritage, attracts numerous tourists every year.翻译:这座古城以其丰富的历史和文化遗产每年吸引着众多游客。



考研英语一翻译真题汇总1.But even as the number of English speakers expands further there are signs that the global predominance of the language may fade within the foreseeable future.该句式在结构上相对比较简单:前半部分是由even 引导的让步状语从句,后半部分则为 嵌套了signs的同位语从句,用来对signs 的内容进行解释说明:而在同位语从句中,从句内部的主语为 the global predominance of the language,谓语部分为 may fade;词汇方面predominance在之前的真题阅读中曾数次出现过,因此考生不会对该词陌生;再将其他的修饰成分进行语序调整,句子的大意就可以得出:但是即使当下英语使用者的人群还在进一步扩大,有迹象表明:在可预见的未来,英语可能会逐渐失去其全球主导地位。

2.His analysis should therefore end any self-contentedness among those who may believe that the global position of English is so stable that the young generation of the United Kingdom do not need additional language capabilities.该句式在结构上考察了结果状语从句结构 so...that...”句式。

句子的主干为His analysis should end any self-contentedness among those,而在其后跟着一个由who 引导的是个定语从句among those who ...additional languages capabilities,用以限定修饰前面的those。


科技类篇章翻译。科技类篇章涉及专业领域的知 识和技术,考生需具备相关背景知识,并注意专 业术语的翻译和表达。
经济类篇章翻译。经济类篇章涉及市场经济、国 际贸易、金融投资等内容,考生需注意经济术语 的准确翻译和表达。
在翻译过程中,考生需注意处理 中西方文化差异,避免因文化背 景不同而造成的误解或歧义。
政治类篇章翻译。政治类篇章通常涉及国家政治 、经济、社会等方面的内容,考生需注意政治术 语的准确翻译和表达。
文化类篇章翻译。文化类篇章涉及不同国家和地 区的文化传统、历史背景等内容,考生需注意文 化差异的处理和表达方式的转换。
分析并列连词(and, but, or等)连接的句子成分,分别进行翻译 ,再根据逻辑关系进行组合。
识别主句和从句,先翻译主句,再翻译从句。注意从句的引导词 和时态,确保译文的准确性。
理解倒装结构,还原句子正常语序进 行翻译。注意保持译文与原文的语气 和语调一致。



考研英语一翻译真题及答案考研英语一翻译真题Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Within the span of a hundred years, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, a tide of emigration -one of the great folk wanderings of history-swept from Europe to America. (46) This movement,driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.(47) The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. Of necessity, colonial America was a projection of Europe. Across the Atlantic came successive groups of Englishmen, Frenchmen,Germans, Scots, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Swedes, and many others who attempted to transplant their habits and traditions to the new world. (48) But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheerdifficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. These changes were gradual and at first scarcely visible. But the result was a new social pattern which, although it resembled European society in many ways, had a character that was distinctly American.(49)The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century explorations of North America. In the meantime, thriving Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico,the West Indies, and South America. These travelers to North America came in small, unmercifully overcrowded craft. During their six- totwelve-week voyage, they subsisted on meager rations. Many of the ships were lost in storms, many passengers died of disease, and infants rarely survived the journey. Sometimes tempests blew the vessels far off their course, and often calm brought interminable delay.To the anxious travelers the sight of the American shore brought almost inexpressible relief. Said one chronicler,“ The air at twelve leagues distance smelt as sweet as a new-blown garden.” The colonists first glimpse of the new land was a vista of dense woods. (50) The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia in the south. Here was abundant fuel and lumber. Here was the raw material of houses and furniture, ships and potash, dyes and naval stores.考研英语一翻译真题参考答案:46.在多种强大的动机驱动下,这次运动在一片荒野上建起了一个国家,其本身塑造了一个未知大陆的性格和命运。



英译汉考研英语一级真题翻译讲究信、达、雅,第一步的“信”就是,你要“精准”地知道每个单词的意思,不行以模棱两可,所以再经过全文翻译这一遍,下文是我为你细心编辑整理的英译汉考研英语一级真题,盼望对你有所关心,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,感谢!英译汉考研英语一级真题1It is speculated that gardens arise from a basic need in the individuals who made them: the need for creative expression. There is no doubt that gardens evidence an impossible urge to create, express, fashion, and beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge; (46) Yet when one looks at the photographs of the garden created by the homeless, it strikes one that , for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak os various other fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.One of these urges had to do with creating a state of peace in the midst of turbulence, a “still point of the turning world,” to borrow a phrase from T. S. Eliot. (47)A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need. This distinction is so much so that where the latter is lacking, as it is for these unlikely gardens, the foemer becomes all the more urgent. Composure is a state of mind made possible by the structuring of one’s relation to one’s environment. (48) The gardens of the homeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. In so doing they give composure to a segment of the inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abidingclaims on us. When we are deprived of green, of plants, of trees, (49)most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on some psychological conditions, until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the expression vanish as if by magic. In most of the homeless gardens of New York City the actual cultivation of plants is unfeasible, yet even so the compositions often seem to represent attempts to call arrangement of materials, an institution of colors, small pool of water, and a frequent presence of petals or leaves as well as of stuffed animals. On display here are various fantasy elements whose reference, at some basic level, seems to be the natural world. (50)It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature that fully justifies the use of word garden though in a “liberated” sense, to describe these synthetic constructions. In them we can see biophilia- a yearning for contact with nonhuman life-assuming uncanny representational forms.46. yet, when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless, it strikes one that, for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.【参考译文】然而,看着无家可归者绘制出的花园图片时,人们会突然想到,尽管这些花园风格多样,它们都显示了人类除了装饰和制造性表达之外的其他各种基本诉求47. A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need.【参考译文】无论地方多么简陋不堪,寻求一片静谧圣土是人类特有的需求,而动物需要的仅是仅是避难栖息之地。



一. 1980考研英语翻译真题及答案Section VI Chinese-English Translation将下列句子译成英语:(本大题共20分,第1题2分,其余各题均3分)Section VI: Chinese-English Translation (20 points)1.水一煮沸请立即把开关关掉。

1. Please turn off the switch (switch off) as soon as the water boils.2. 在八十年代,中国人民将以更大的步伐向前迈进。

2. The Chinese people will forge ahead (march on, march onward, march forward) with greater strides in 1980’s.3. 我们都同意李同志已作出的决定。

3. We all agree to the decision comrade Li has made (made).4. 这个结果比我们预期的要好得多。

4. The result is much (far) better than we expected.5. 在过去的三年中,在恢复我国国民经济方面做了大量的工作。

5. During the past three years a lot (of work) has been done in the recovery (restoration) of our national economy (in recovering our national economy; in restoring our national economy).6. 我们把英语作为学习西方先进科学技术的一种工具。

6. We use English as a tool in learning Western advanced science and technology.7. 没有党的领导,我国的社会主义现代化是不可能实现的。



考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案(一)Gandhi ’ s pacifism can be separated to some extent from his other teachings.(1)(Its motive was religious, but he claimed also for it that it was a definitive technique, a method, capable of producing desired political results. Gandhi ’ s attitude was not that of most Western pacifists. Satyagraha,) (2(the method Gandhi proposed and practiced, first evolved in South Africa, was a sort of non-violent warfare, a way of defeating the enemy without hurting him and without feeling or arousing hatred.) It entailed such things as civil disobedience, strikes, lying down in front of railway trains, enduring police charges without running away and without hitting back, and the like. Gandhi objected to “ passiveresistance as” a translation of Satyagraha:in Gujarati, it seems, the word means in the truth ” .(3(In his early days Gandhi served as a str-ebtecahreerr on the Britishfirmness side in the Boer War, and he was prepared to do the same again in thewar of 1914-1918.) Even after he had completely abjured violence he was honest enough to see that in war it is usually necessary to take sides. Since his whole political life centred round a struggle for national independence, he could not and, (4)(indeed, he did not take the sterile and dishonest line of pretending that in every war both sides are exactly the same and it makes no difference who wins.) Nor did he, like most Western pacifists, specialize in avoiding awkward questions. In relation to the late war, one question that every pacifist had a clear obligation to answer was: “ What about the Jews? Are you prepared to see them exterminated? If not, how do you propose to save them without resorting towar? ” (5)(I must say that I have never heard, from anyWestern pacifist, an honest answer to this question, though I have heard plenty of evasions, usually of the “ yo’u re another ” type.) But it so happens that Gandhi was asked a somewhat similar question in 1938 and that his answer is on record in Mr. Louis Fischer ’ s Gandhi and Stalin. According to Mr. Fischer, Gandhi’ s view was that the German Jews ought to commit collective suicide, which “ would have aroused the worland the people of Germany to Hitler’ s violence. ”总体分析本文是一篇介绍甘地的和平主义的文章。



最新考研英语一翻译模拟试题及答案考研英语一翻译模拟试题及答案为广大考生整理了考研英语一翻译模拟试题及答案,供广大考生参考:Whether or not animals are due equal consideration is an unresolved issue. 46) I have defended a moral presumption in favour of equal consideration, and it is clear that appeals to species will not overturn that presumption. Almost as certainly, contract theory will not do so either. But, while no published discussions of the appeals to moral agency and to social bonds have carried the burden of proof on the inegalitarian, it may be premature to preclude the possibility that the relevant argument could be developed more successfully. 47) Among the various challenges to equal consideration, the strategy of appealing to the common-sense moral differences regarding assistance and killing seems strongest. Combining this approach with either, or both, of the suitably developed appeals to moral agency and social bonds may offer the most formidable possible challenge to equal consideration. 48) But the very real possibility the our intuitions regarding assistance and killing are shaped by pro-human, anti-animal prejudice justifies a continued presumption in favour of equal consideration. Only a challenge that was explicit, coherent, and more compelling than any produce so far could overturn that presumption.Suppose that the presumption favouring equal consideration foranimals were successfully overturned, how should we understand animal moral status? As we have seen, the view that animals have moral status is not plausible, in view of thearguments we have canvassed. 49) But there is a position that falls in between that extreme one and the equal-consideration approach, a view that is intuitively fairly plausible and no doubt tacitly accepted by many people.To get a handle on this view, one needs to imagine two particular scales and then merge them. The first is the phylogenetic scale, or at least one way of construing it. This scale is an evolutionary hierarchy with animal species that are more biologically and cognitively complex closer to the top. The second scale is a hierarchy of moral status. Being at the very top have the highest moral status and deserve full consideration. Beings somewhat lower deserve very serious consideration but less that what the beings on the top deserve. 50) As one moves down this scale of moral status or moral consideration, the amount of consideration one owes to beings at a particular level decreases. At some point one reaches beings who deserve just a little consideration.答案及译文主要引用了外研社的斑斓阅读系列的《动物权利》中杨通进的译文。



2023年考研英语一真题及答案(含翻译)一、完形填空考察了丝绸之路上的驿站话题,选项没有什么特别难的词或者短语,文章逻辑也很好懂,考到了并列逻辑和举例逻辑,只要考生认真读题应该拿到不错的分数Use of English英语的使用Caravanserais were roadside inns that were built along the Silk Road in areas including房车是沿着丝绸之路修建的路边旅馆,其中包括China,North Africa and the Middle East.They were typically__1__outside the walls of a city or village and were usually funded by governments of__2__.中国、北非和中东地区。


This word“Caravanserais”is a__3__of the Persian word“karvan”,which means a group of travellers or a caravan,and seray,a palace or enclosed building. The Perm caravan was used to__4__groups of people who travelled together across the ancient network for safety reasons,__5__merchants,travellers or pilgrims.“商队”是波斯语“karvan”的__3__,意思是一群旅行者或商队,以及seray,宫殿或封闭的建筑。




1. 请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:
"In the realm of artificial intelligence, machine learning stands out as a pivotal technology that enables computers to learn from experience and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed to do so."
2. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文:


1. 在人工智能领域,机器学习作为一种关键技术脱颖而出,它使计算机能够从经验中学习,并随着时间的推移提高其性能,而无需被明确编程去做这些事情。

2. "With the development of Internet technology, online education has gradually become an important way for people to acquire knowledge. Online courses not only enrich educational resources but also break the geographical and temporal limitations, making learning more flexible and convenient."。



2023考研英语一翻译部分试题答案2023考研英语一翻译部分试题答案:Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)There has been some exploration around the use of Al in digital marketing. For example, Al can be used to analyse what type of advertising content or copy would be appropriate to ‘speak’ specific target customer group by revealing information about trends and preferences through the analysis of big data. (46) Al can also be used to identify the lifestyle choices of customers regarding their hobbies, favourite celebrities, music choices and fashions to provide unique content in marketing messages put out through social media. At the same time Al can also be used to generate content for social media posts and chat sites. Al can also provide a bridge between the need of the brand to communicate emotionally with the customer and identifying their rapidly changing needs.The main disadvantage of using Al to respond to customers is that there are concerns about trusting personal interactions to machines, which could lead not only to the subsequent loss of interpersonal connections, but also to a dec rease in marketing personnel. (47) Some believe that Al is negatively impacting on the marketer’s role by reducing creativity and removing jobs, but they are aware that it is a way of reducing costs and creating new information. By allowing AI to develop content some brand marketers may find that they are losing control over the brand narrative. (48) Algorithms that are used to simulate human interactions are creating many of these concerns, especially as no-one is quite sure what the outcomes of using AI to interact with customers will be.For Al to be successful, data needs to be accessible, but the use of personal data is becoming more regulated and the automated sharing of data is becoming more difficult. (49) If customers are not willing to share data, Al will be starved of essential information and will not be able to function effectively or employ machine learning to improve its marketing content and communication. Therefore, unless customers are prepared to sign release agreements, the use of Al may become somewhat restricted in the future. Not only can Al help to create the marketing content, but it can also provide a non-intrusive way of delivering the content to the target customers. Data can be gathered on where the customer can be engaged, such as location, devices used, website interactions, and sites visited, to display marketing messages inappropriate forms, including emails, social media posts, pop-up advertisements, and banners at an appropriate frequency. (50) The non-intrusive delivery of the marketing messages in a way that is sensitive to the needs of the target customer is one of the critical challenges to the digital marketer. Understanding humans may be complicated, but we reveal a considerable amount about what appeals to us through our browsing history.【参考译文】46. 人工智能还可以用于识别客户生活方式的选择,包括他们的业余爱好、最喜欢的名人、选择的音乐以及时尚,从而在通过社交媒体发布的营销信息中提供独特信息。








People are often busy, and time is precious to everyone. In our increasingly hectic lives, time flies by. But have you ever thought about how time is defined? How do people make use of their time? Smart individuals always strive to make the most of their time.










英语笔译考研考试题目及答案### English Translation and Interpreting Postgraduate Entrance Examination Questions and Answers#### Section A: Vocabulary and Grammar (20 points)Question 1: Choose the best word to fill in the blank.The novel is set in the 19th century, reflecting the social conditions of the era.A. periodB. timeC. ageD. epochAnswer: C. ageQuestion 2: Translate the following sentence into English.“尽管困难重重,我们仍然决定继续前进。

”A. Despite the difficulties, we still decided to go forward.B. Although the difficulties, we still decided to go ahead.C. Even if there are many difficulties, we still decided to continue.D. Even though the difficulties, we still decided to proceed.Answer: A. Despite the difficulties, we still decided to go forward.#### Section B: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Passage 1:In the field of translation studies, the concept of "dynamic equivalence" has been widely discussed. It refers to the translator's effort to convey the same effect on the target audience as the original text had on its source audience.Question 1: What does "dynamic equivalence" mean in the context of translation?A. The translator's effort to make the text sound natural in the target language.B. The translator's effort to maintain the original meaning without changing the structure.C. The translator's effort to convey the same effect on the target audience as the original had on its source audience.D. The translator's effort to change the structure to make the text more understandable.Answer: C. The translator's effort to convey the same effect on the target audience as the original had on its source audience.Passage 2:The role of interpreters in international conferences iscrucial. They facilitate communication between speakers of different languages, ensuring that the message is accurately conveyed without any loss of meaning.Question 1: Why are interpreters important in international conferences?A. They help in organizing the conference.B. They provide a record of the proceedings.C. They ensure accurate communication between speakers of different languages.D. They act as cultural advisors to the participants.Answer: C. They ensure accurate communication between speakers of different languages.#### Section C: Translation (30 points)Question 1: Translate the following paragraph from English to Chinese."The art of translation is not merely a mechanical process of converting words from one language to another. It requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural nuances that may affect the meaning of the text."Answer:翻译艺术不仅仅是将单词从一种语言转换为另一种语言的机械过程。





一、2000年真题1. Though inflation has been relatively low, we must be prepared for an______ increase in price.参考译文:尽管通货膨胀相对较低,但我们必须为价格的激增做好准备。

分析:根据题目中的"relatively low",我们可以确定是要使用一个与之相对的形容词。

此外,考虑到价格的激增,"dramatic" 是一个比较适合的选项。

2. The speech was characterized by ______ of usual political phrases.参考译文:这篇演讲以非常的政治词藻为特点。



二、2003年真题1. Instead of recognizing the things that led to the crisis, he _______ them.参考译文:与其承认导致危机的事物,他选择了忽视它们。



2. The economic recession has ________ the unemployment rate in this country.参考译文:经济衰退使得这个国家的失业率增加了。






答案:Since the reform and opening-up policy was implemented in China, remarkable achievements have been made in economic development.解析:这个句子是一个简单的陈述句,要求考生将其翻译成英文。


句子中的“中国改革开放以来”可以翻译为“Since the reform and opening-up policy was implemented in China”,“经济发展取得了巨大的成就”可以翻译为“remarkable achievements have been made in economic development”。

真题二:请将以下句子翻译成中文:The Internet has greatly changed people's lives and brought about many conveniences.答案:互联网极大地改变了人们的生活,带来了许多便利。



句子中的“The Internet has greatly changed people's lives and brought about many conveniences”可以翻译为“互联网极大地改变了人们的生活,带来了许多便利”。






Translation(46) AI can also be used to identify the lifestyles choices of customers regarding their hobbies,favorite celebrities,and fashions to provide unique content in marketing messages put out through social media.【参考译文】人工智能还可以用来识别出消费者生活方式的选择,包括他们的爱好、最喜欢的名人和时尚,从而通过社交媒体发布的营销信息来提供独特的内容。

(47) Some believe that Al is negatively impacting on the marketer's role by reducing creativity and removing jobs,but they are aware that it is a way of reducing costs and creating new information.【参考译文】一些人认为,人工智能通过减少创造力和工作机会对营销人员产生了负面影响,但他们也意识到,这是一种降低成本和创造新信息的方式。

(48) Algorithms used to stimulate human interactions are creating many of these concerns,especially as no-one is quite sure what the outcomes of using Al to interact with customers will be.【参考译文】用于刺激人际互动的算法正在引发许多此类担忧,尤其是在没有人非常确定使用人工智能与客户互动的结果会是什么情况下。



大学英语考研试题翻译—英译汉及答案一、考研英语翻译英译汉1. It is better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.A.最好的工作要慢慢找,不要太着急。




【答案】C【解析】本题的翻译要点是“It is better to do sth. than to do sth. ”和“take yore time”。

“It is better to do sth. than to do sth. ”这个句型表示是两件事情的比较,“最好采取……,而不是……”选项A理解出错,选项B没有把这种比较的意思表达出来,选项D 没有翻译出“this job”。

知识模块:英译汉2. Not until the problem 0f talents and funds is solved, is our talking about the project meaningful.A.不到解决人才和资金问题的时候,无须讨论这项工程的。




【答案】C【解析】本题的翻译要点是对“Not until…”这个句型的理解。




知识模块:英译汉3. us of the overcharge on your account and we have contacted the store on your behalf and are awaiting their reply.A) 承蒙告知您受到恶意透支的指控,我们已经派代表与商店联系并正在等待回音。

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Part 1:Sentence Translation











Part 2:Paragraph Translation







03. 她自己就蹲在我旁边,不住地打量我。

“来过了, 给妈妈打了一针……她现在很好。


Part 3:Text Translation
01. “万”字






02. 出版前言




