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1. 当你给朋友果汁时,你会说:__________

A. Thank you.

B. Here you are.

C. I’d like some juice.

2. His name _____ Li Lin.


B. is

C. are

3. 你想知道小明班里有多少女生,你应问:__________

A. How many boys?

B. How many girls?

4. _______ A. seven B. five

5. 你告诉别人我妈妈30岁,你怎么说?_________

A. How old is my mom?

B. My mom is 30 years old.

C. My dad is 30.

6. 找出不同类的单词,把序号填在题前的括号内。

( )1. A. yellow B. red C. apple

( )2. A. desk B. three C. chair

( )3. A. book B. girl C. boy

( )4, A. brother B. policeman C. sister

( )5. A. leg B. pencil box C. foot

7. My father ______ a teacher in a middle school. A. is B. am C. are

8. 根据单词选择正确的汉语意思。

( ) (1) Hi A .你好 B .再见 C .永远

( ) (2) book A .书 B .书包 C .男孩

( ) (3) Goodbye A .尺子 B .再见 C .名字

( ) (4) Name A .再见 B .名字 C .你的

( ) (5) Me too! A .我是! B .我有一个! C .我也是!

9. My eyes are __________.

A. long B .short C .big

10.A: Let’s paint !

B: ____________.

A. Great.

B. Let's paint.

C. Sure, here you are.

11.—How old are you?


A .I’m ten.

B .I’m fine, thank you.

12.—What’s this?( )

—________ a desk.

A .This

B .It’s

C .It

13.朋友递给你东西说“Here you are!”,你应该回答: 班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

A. Here you are.

B. You're welcome.

C. Thank you. 14.— Are you happy?

— Yes, ________

A. She is

B. I am



16.今天是Zoom的生日,小动物们都来给它过生日: 读对话,根据对话内容填空Zip: Where are you from?

Panda: I’m from China.

Zip: What’s your lucky number?

Panda: Our lucky number is six.

Zip: I’m from Canada. Our lucky number is seven.

Panda: Who’s there?

Zip: Oh! There is Zoom.

Panda: How many gifts do you have?

Zip: I have two gifts.

Pig: I have three gifts.

( )⑴brown A、眼睛

( )⑵leg B、尺子

( )⑶eye C、绿色

( )⑷crayon D、腿

( )⑸ruler E、铅笔盒

( )⑹head F、橡皮

( )⑺ear G、蜡笔

( )⑻pencil-box H、棕色

( )⑼eraser I头

( )⑽green J耳朵

Duck: I have one gift.

Panda: Me too.


Duck: Happy birthday to you!

Zip: This cake is for you, Zoom.

Zoom: Thank you. Let’s eat the cake!

17.H________ are you, Amy?


(1)________ ________

(2)________ ________

(3)________ ________

(4)________ ________

19.=________ 20.照例子,帮每个气球写上它们的数字。

six ten nine eight seven


(1)What is this?

(2)It is a car.

(3)It is a door.
