Haier 海尔公司 英文

近日,在工作中您经常会看到一些英文缩写,您知道它们是什么意思吗?PSI: Process and Systems Innovation: 流程与系统创新
WGG: White Goods Group: 白电集团
DPG: Digital Products Group: 数码及个人产品集团
CSG: Consumer Solution Group: 客户解决方案集团
EPG: Equipment Product Group: 装备部品制造集团
BCG: Business Circulation Group: 商业流通集团(日日顺)
FSG: Finance Service Group: 金融集团
GO: Global Operation: 全球运营部
CM: Corp Marketing: 市场创新部
CST: Corporate Strategy and Technology: 战略技术部
HR: Human Resource: 人力资源部
FIN: Finance: 财务管理部
Legal: 法律事务部
BCP: Best Costing Program: 最优成本实践项目
CTCP: Customer to Cash Program: 业务运营模式实践项目
GTMP: Go To Market Program: 营销模式实践项目
ICP: Internal Control Program: 内控体系建设项目
ITP: IT Program: 持续信息化建设项目。

HMS(Haier Market Severs)北京中心成立于2000年。
北京海尔工贸————北京海尔呼叫中心三年规划全面整合海尔呼叫中心“变形记”从分散在全国的36个分中心,到互联互通的5大中心; 从简单的电话咨询服务,到先进的客户关怀联络中心和价值创造中心,海尔的呼叫中心体系正经历一次化蛹成蝶的大“变身”。

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国家机关是指国家为行使其职能而设立的各种机 构,包括国家权力机关、行政机关、审判机关、 检察机关、军事机关等。部(Department, Ministry)、局(Bureau, Administration)、委( Committee, Commission)、司(Department) 、厅(Department)、处(Division)、科( Section)、 室(Section, Unit)、站(Station )、所(Institute, Office, Center)、管委会( Management Committee)等等。
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含义 联号、联营公司 公司、分公司、办事处
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SECTION 3 企业组织
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名称 Company 含义 已经登记注册、具有法人 资格的各种规模的公司, 通常缩写为Co.,较 corporation小,翻译为 “公司”。 举例 Union International Co.联合国际 公司 Beijing Hongda Industry Company 北京宏大实业公司
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stores services

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. by the U.S. retail legend Sam. Mr. Walton was established in 1962 in Arkansas.
After forty years of development, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc has become the largest private employer and the world's largest retailer.
As a good corporate citizen, Wal-Mart from entering China to actively carry out community service and charitable activities, more than eight years total to charitable, public interest groups donated more than 19.74 million yuan of goods. June 2004, Wal-Mart China won issued by the Guangming Daily Guangming CSR Awards (TNCs) in the Best Community Award.
H a ie r ra p id d e v e lo p m e n t is th e m a in d riv e r o f in n o v a tio n , H a ie r S p irit - "d e d ic a tio n a n d th e p u rs u it o f e x c e lle n c e " 8-w o rd is in n o v a tio n s p irit .

总部目前位于加州硅谷Palo Alto市,2002年与康柏公司合并,是全球仅次于IBM的计算机及办公设备制造商。
弗莱森电讯(verizon)——弗莱森电讯公司是由贝尔大西洋公司(Bell Atlantic)与美国通用电话电气公司(GTE)于2000年5月合并而成(兼并金额600亿美元),是美国第一大地方电话公司和第二大电信服务商。
介绍一个中国品牌英文作文 70词

介绍一个中国品牌英文作文70词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Chinese Brand - Li-NingHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite Chinese brand - Li-Ning! It's a really cool sportswear and sports equipment company.Li-Ning was started in 1990 by a super famous Chinese gymnast named Li Ning. He was the most awesome gymnast ever and won tons of medals, including 3 gold medals at the 1984 Olympics! After he retired from gymnastics, he started his own company to make sporty clothes and shoes and stuff.Their logo is really neat - it's supposed to look like a running person. And their slogan is "Anything is Possible" which I think is so inspiring! It reminds me to never give up and always try my best.Li-Ning makes the coolest basketball shoes! My favorites are the Way of Wade line that they do with Dwyane Wade from the Miami Heat. Those shoes look so fresh and come in awesomecolorways. I've got a pair of Way of Wades in bright green that I just love.They also have wicked shoes for running, training, badminton and loads of other sports too. All their shoes have really advanced technology to give you boost and support when you play. My dad has some Li-Ning running shoes and he says the cushioning is amazingly bouncy.But Li-Ning doesn't just do shoes - they've got all kinds of sporty apparel too. Their basketball jerseys are so fly, with bold graphics and colors. And their shorts and warm-up jackets look super sharp. I've got a couple Li-Ning t-shirts that are crazy comfortable for sports days at school.What's also awesome about Li-Ning is that they sponsor some of the biggest names in Chinese sports. Like the entire Chinese national basketball team wears Li-Ning gear! How cool is that? And badminton superstars like Chen Long are Li-Ning athletes. It's so awesome to see top Chinese athletes repping a Chinese brand.Another thing I love about Li-Ning is their basketball camps and programs for kids. Every summer they host these epic week-long basketball camps across China where you getcoached by pro players and learn so many skills. I went to one last year and had a total blast!So yeah, Li-Ning is my absolute favorite sportswear brand from China. Their gear looks so fly, performs amazingly, and represents Chinese sports pride. Whenever I lace up my Li-Ning kicks, I feel ready to take on any challenge. Li-Ning definitely lives up to their "Anything is Possible" motto!I hope you enjoyed learning about the awesome Li-Ning brand. Be sure to rep some Li-Ning gear next time you hoop or hit the gym! Thanks for reading, guys!篇2My Favorite Chinese Brand: Li-NingHave you ever heard of Li-Ning? It's a super cool Chinese brand that makes all kinds of awesome sports stuff! Li-Ning is named after a famous Chinese gymnast who won lots of medals at the Olympics. He started the company in 1990 to make the best sportswear and gear for athletes like him.Li-Ning has everything you need for sports - shoes, clothes, bags, even equipment! Their shoes are my favorite. They come in so many bright colors and fun designs. I have a pair of Li-Ningbasketball shoes that are bright red with yellow stripes. They make me feel like a pro player when I wear them!But Li-Ning doesn't just make stuff for basketball. They've got gear for running, training, badminton, and even cool casual clothes to wear when you're not playing sports. My dad has some Li-Ning running shoes that he says are really comfy and help him run faster. My mom loves their yoga pants because they're stretchy and breathable.One of the coolest things about Li-Ning is their mascot - a little red bunny called the Air Bunny! He's so cute and funny. The Air Bunny is always doing silly stunts and tricks in their commercials and ads. Sometimes he even wears little Li-Ning outfits! I have an Air Bunny plushie that I sleep with every night.Li-Ning has stores all over China, and even some in other countries too. Whenever we go to the mall, I always beg my parents to take me to the Li-Ning store so I can try on the latest shoes and clothes. The stores are always so bright and colorful, with big screens playing videos of athletes doing awesome moves in their Li-Ning gear.My friends and I are all obsessed with Li-Ning. We love comparing our latest Li-Ning purchases and trading Air Bunnykeychains or stickers. Sometimes we even have little fashion shows at recess, showing off our favorite Li-Ning outfits!I'm so proud that Li-Ning is a Chinese brand. It makes me happy to see Chinese companies making such cool, high-quality products that kids like me love. Whenever I play sports in myLi-Ning gear, I feel energized and ready to run faster, jump higher, and play harder than ever before!Li-Ning is the best athletic brand for active kids like me. With their fun designs, high-performance products, and adorable mascot, they'll always be my number one choice when it comes to sportswear. I can't wait until I'm older so I can collect even more amazing Li-Ning stuff! Go Li-Ning!篇3My Favorite Brand: Li-NingHave you ever heard of Li-Ning? It's one of my favorite Chinese brands! Let me tell you all about it.Li-Ning is a sports brand that makes really cool clothes and shoes for all kinds of activities like running, basketball, and even badminton! It was started by a really amazing guy named Li Ning. He was a gymnast who won lots of medals for China in theOlympics. After he stopped being a gymnast, he decided to make his own sports company so that everyone could have great clothes and shoes for playing sports and exercising.The thing I love most about Li-Ning is their shoes. They have the coolest designs with bright colors and funky patterns. Some of their shoes even light up when you walk or have special soles that help you jump higher! Isn't that awesome? My favorite pair has red and yellow stripes and looks like it's from the future.But Li-Ning doesn't just make shoes. They also have really nice clothes for working out or playing sports. Their t-shirts are super soft and breathable, which means they don't make you all sweaty and gross when you're running around. And their shorts and pants have special pockets to hold your water bottle or snacks. So handy!Another cool thing about Li-Ning is that they sponsor some of the best athletes in the world. Like, do you know the really tall basketball player Yi Jianlian? He wears Li-Ning shoes and clothes when he plays! And there are lots of other famous athletes from China and other countries who love Li-Ning too.But you don't have to be a professional athlete to wearLi-Ning. Lots of regular kids like me love their stuff too! Whenever I go to the park or have P.E. class at school, I alwayswear my Li-Ning gear. It makes me feel like a total sports superstar.Li-Ning is more than just a brand though. They also try to help kids get more active and healthy. They have programs where they donate sports equipment to schools and run camps to teach kids how to play different games. I went to one of their basketball camps last summer and it was so much fun! The coaches were really nice and helped me improve my dribbling and shooting.I could go on and on about how great Li-Ning is, but I don't want to make this essay too long. Just know that if you're looking for awesome sports clothes and shoes, you have to check outLi-Ning. They have the coolest designs, the best quality, and they're a Chinese brand that we can all be proud of. Li-Ning rocks!篇4My Favorite Chinese Brand: Li-NingHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about one of my favorite Chinese brands - Li-Ning. They make really cool sneakers, clothes, and sports equipment. I love everything they make!Li-Ning is a sportswear company that started in 1990. It's named after the founder, Li Ning. He was a famous Chinese gymnast who won 3 gold medals in the 1984 Olympics! After retiring from gymnastics, he started his own sportswear business.At first, Li-Ning only made shoes. But now they sell all kinds of athletic clothing and gear for running, basketball, badminton, and more. Their products are really popular in China and lots of other countries too.What I like most about Li-Ning are their awesome sneakers. They have so many fun colors and designs! My current favorite pair has bright green laces and a cool dragon pattern. The soles are super bouncy and grippy too, perfect for playing basketball.But Li-Ning doesn't just make sneakers for kids. They have professional level shoes for serious athletes. Some of China's best basketball and badminton players wear Li-Ning gear when they compete. How cool is that?The clothes Li-Ning makes are great too. Their shirts and shorts are made from lightweight, breathable fabrics that wick away sweat. They have lots of bright neon colors that make you stand out on the court or field. I have an electric blue Li-Ning hoodie that's my favorite thing to wear when I play sports.One of the newest Li-Ning products I'm really excited about is their smart shoes! These sneakers have a special chip inside that connects to an app on your phone. The app can track how many steps you take, your running speed, and more. It's like having a fitness tracker built right into your shoes. So high-tech!Li-Ning is very focused on innovation. They have big research labs where they test out new fabric technologies and designs. A few years ago, they even made a shoe out of lightweight bamboo that was really eco-friendly. Protecting the environment is important to the Li-Ning brand.In addition to clothes and shoes, Li-Ning also sells sports equipment like basketballs, jump ropes, yoga mats, and more. Basically anything you need to work out or play sports, they've got you covered. You can find all their stuff at big sporting goods stores.But what I think is really cool about Li-Ning is that it celebrates Chinese culture and sports history. The iconic Li-Ning logo features the Chinese characters for "spirit" and "energy." And many of their designs incorporate traditional Chinese symbols like dragons, phoenixes, and cloud patterns. It makes me feel proud of my heritage when I wear their clothes.Li-Ning sponsors some of my favorite Chinese athletes too, like the Olympic badminton champion Chen Long. Seeing star athletes wearing the Li-Ning brand inspires me to train hard and never give up on my dreams, just like they didn't.Overall, I'm a huge Li-Ning fan because their products are stylish, high-quality, and unique. They honour China's rich sports traditions while also embracing the latest innovations. Whether I'm shooting hoops, running laps, or just hanging out, Li-Ning's activewear always keeps me comfortable and confident. I can't wait to see what cool new products they come up with next!For anyone who loves sports, fashion, and celebrating Chinese culture, you've got to check out Li-Ning. Let me know if you end up trying any of their awesome gear! Okay, that's all from me today. Thanks for reading, friends!篇5My Favorite Chinese Brand: HaierHi there! I'm so excited to tell you about my favorite Chinese brand, Haier. It's a really cool company that makes all kinds of amazing home appliances and electronics. From fridges and washing machines to air conditioners and TVs, Haier has got it all!First of all, let me tell you a little bit about the company itself. Haier was founded way back in 1984 in the city of Qingdao, which is in the eastern part of China. Can you believe it's been around for almost 40 years? That's like, forever in kid years! The company's name actually means "sea air" in Chinese, which I think is a pretty cool name for a brand that makes household gadgets.Now, let me tell you why I love Haier so much. My family has a bunch of Haier products at home, and they're all super awesome! We have a Haier fridge in our kitchen, and it's not only huge but also has this really neat feature where you can get ice and cold water straight from the door. It's like having a personal drink dispenser right in your own home! How cool is that?Speaking of cool, our Haier air conditioner is a total lifesaver during those hot and sticky summer days. It keeps our house nice and cool, no matter how scorching it gets outside. And the best part? It's super energy-efficient, which means it doesn't waste a lot of electricity. My parents love that because it helps us save money on our utility bills.But that's not all! We also have a Haier washing machine that makes doing laundry a breeze. It has all these fancy settings for different types of clothes, and it even has a special cycle for mymom's delicate silk blouses. Plus, it's really quiet, so I can barely hear it running when I'm playing in my room.And let's not forget about our Haier TV! It's a massiveflat-screen with the most incredible picture quality. Watching movies and shows on it is like being right there in the action. My friends always want to come over to our house to watch the latest superhero flicks because our TV is just that awesome.But you know what I love most about Haier? It's a Chinese brand that's known all over the world. Haier products are sold in tons of different countries, which means people everywhere get to experience the same great quality that we do here in China. It makes me feel really proud that a company from my country is doing so well globally.Plus, Haier is always coming up with new and innovative products. They've got smart home appliances that can be controlled with your phone or voice commands, and they're even working on robots and other cool futuristic stuff. I can't wait to see what they come up with next!So, there you have it – my all-time favorite Chinese brand, Haier. Whether you're looking for a fancy new fridge, a powerful air conditioner, or the latest and greatest TV, Haier has got you covered. And the best part? You can trust that you're gettingtop-notch quality from a company that's been around for decades and knows what they're doing.Alright, I've got to run now – my friends and I are going to watch the new Avengers movie on our awesome Haier TV. But remember, if you ever need a recommendation for a great Chinese brand, Haier is the way to go!篇6My Favorite Brand - Li-NingHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite brand - Li-Ning! It's a really cool Chinese company that makes sports clothing and shoes. I love everything they make because it's comfy, stylish, and perfect for an active kid like me.Li-Ning was started in 1990 by a guy named Li Ning. He was a famous gymnast who won lots of medals for China in the Olympics. After he retired from gymnastics, he decided to start his own sportswear company. His dream was to createhigh-quality athletic gear that could compete with big international brands.And you know what? He totally succeeded! Li-Ning has become one of the biggest names in sports fashion not just inChina, but around the world. Whenever I'm at the playground or in gym class, I see tons of other kids wearing Li-Ning too. We all think their clothes and sneakers are the best.What I really like about Li-Ning is how bright and fun their designs are. All their products come in awesome colors like neon green, pink, bright blue and my personal favorite - red! The shirts and shorts have really cool patterns and graphics too, like lightning bolts or flames. Wearing Li-Ning gear makes me feel energetic and ready to play hard.Their shoes are also amazing. I have a few different pairs for different sports. For basketball, I have these sick red high-tops that help me jump super high. For running, I've got some lightweight mesh sneakers that feel like you're walking on air. And for just kicking around outside, I rock a pair of bright green skate shoes. No matter what, Li-Ning shoes always keep my feet comfortable and supported.But Li-Ning doesn't just make athletic clothes and shoes. They've got all kinds of cool accessories too! I use their water bottle every day at school. It's transparent so you can see the liquid inside and has a really neat graphic of a basketball player doing a slam dunk. My Li-Ning backpack is also super tough and roomy for carrying all my books and supplies. And when I'mplaying sports, I always wear one of their sweatbands to keep sweat out of my eyes.Another reason why I'm such a big Li-Ning fan is because of their values. The company says it wants to promote a healthy, active lifestyle - especially for kids. That's why a lot of their ads and marketing is all about having fun through sports and movement. As their slogan says, "Anything is Possible!" Whenever I see Li-Ning's bright red logo with the dynamic figure, it motivates me to get out there and play.Li-Ning also seems to really care about the environment and sustainability. I learned that they try to use eco-friendly materials in their products whenever possible. They have strict policies about reducing waste and pollution too. My mom says it's great that even as a big corporation, they're doing their part to protect the planet.So to sum it all up, Li-Ning is the total package - fashionable gear, amazing quality, fun branding, and a mission I can get behind. No wonder it's become one of China's most popular homegrown brands! Wherever I go, I always represent Li-Ning pride. Hopefully this essay could convince some of you to check them out too. Just scroll through their website or step into one of their stores, and I'm sure you'll understand why Li-Ning is theultimate athletic brand for active kids like me. Thanks for reading, everyone!。

DELL戴尔IBM HP惠普TCLLENOV联想ASUS华硕BENQ!基LG (不用翻译)UNIS (清华紫光)sony (索尼)海尔HAIER可口可乐(Coca-cola )、索尼(Sony)、金利来(Goldlion )、奔驰(Benz)、耐克(Nike)“翻得好(Findhow)” Vitasoy (维他奶)Johnson 婴儿护肤用品由原译名“庄臣”到现在译名“强生” ;Reebok运动鞋由“雷宝”更名为“锐步”;Hewelette Packare 电脑公司由冗长的“休利特一一帕卡德公司”简化为如今的惠普公司Head& Shoulders 译为“海飞丝”。
Panten 译为“潘婷”。
Safeguard 译为“舒肤佳”。
Kiss Me (化装品品牌)奇士美。
锐步-Reebok 彪马-Puma吉旺希-givenchy 慕诗-MOISELLE欧时力-OCHIRLY阿勒锦-A.LerGin 阿桑娜-azona瓦伦蒂诺-ntino 卡西欧CASIO背靠背-Kappa欧莱雅-L"Oreal 兰蔻-Lancome 香奈儿-Chanel 资生堂-Shiseido 高丝-KOSE 倩碧-Clinique 玉兰油-OLA丫兰芝-LANEIGE水之奥-H2Q za 姬芮。
娇兰-guerlain 。
POND'S旁氏,迪奥-Dior,head-shoulders海飞丝head-shoulders 舒蕾slek曼秀雷敦mentholatum 宝洁pg爱家家居aika 飘柔纳爱斯屈臣氏watso ns联合利华uni lever 高露洁colgate 欧尚auchan丝宝集团.c-bons.家乐福carrefour 沙宣佳洁士同仁堂安利amway沃尔玛wal-mart 特百惠tupperware 易初莲花lotus* 吉列Gilleffe 博朗braun 护舒宝佳洁士crest 欧乐-B oral--b 帮宝适pampers汰渍tide 兰诺lenor 金霸王duraceli OLAY SK-II 伊奈美illume 潘婷pantene 飘柔海飞丝沙宣vs伊卡璐威娜wella“福士伟根”“ Volkswagen”,Bayerische MotorenWerke(拜耶里奇飞机引擎生产厂),简称为BM,“宝马”名牌手机"诺基亚",芬兰文原名"Nokia",。


海尔智家股份有限公司 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 海尔智家 600690 上海证券交易所 1994-03-31 1993-11-19 青岛市崂山区海尔工业园内 87447
海尔智家股份有限公司(原名:青岛海尔股份有限公司)是一 家主要从事家用电器的研发、生产和销售业务的中国公司。该 公司主要产品包括冰箱/冷柜、洗衣机、空调、热水器、厨电 、小家电和U-home智能家居产品等。该公司还为顾客提供智能 家电成套解决方案。该公司还从事提供渠道综合服务业务,包 括物流以及家电与其他产品的分销业务。该公司的产品销往中 国国内市场与海外市场。
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
公司基本信息 资产负债表-BS(本币) 资产负债表-BS(人民币) 资产负债表-BS(美元) 利润表-IS(本币) 利润表-IS(人民币) 利润表-IS(美元) 现金流量表-CF(本币) 现金流量表-CF(人民币) 现金流量表-CF(美元) 报表货币换算汇率表
报表期间: 2015-2019
说明 — 原始财报,可登陆原点参数"全球上市企业数据库"查看。 — 文件格式为EXCEL,按表分开存放,详见附表。 — 所有科目为中文 — 所有货币换算为报告期当期汇率
— 本币为公司财报原始的货币
公司名称 公司英文名称 公司简称 股票代码 交易所 成立时间 上市时间 注册地址 员工数

海尔智家(600690)2016-2020年二Hale Waihona Puke 度财务报表数据-原点参数目录
公司基本信息 资产负债表-BS(本币) 资产负债表-BS(人民币) 资产负债表-BS(美元) 利润表-IS(本币) 利润表-IS(人民币) 利润表-IS(美元) 现金流量表-CF(本币) 现金流量表-CF(人民币) 现金流量表-CF(美元) 报表货币换算汇率表
报表期间: 2016-2020
说明 — 原始财报,可登陆原点参数"全球上市企业数据库"查看。 — 文件格式为EXCEL,按表分开存放,详见附表。 — 所有科目为中文 — 所有货币换算为报告期当期汇率
— 本币为公司财报原始的货币
公司名称 公司英文名称 公司简称 股票代码 交易所 成立时间 上市时间 注册地址 员工数
海尔智家股份有限公司 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 海尔智家 600690 上海证券交易所 1994-03-31 1993-11-19 青岛市崂山区海尔工业园内 87447
海尔智家股份有限公司(原名:青岛海尔股份有限公司)是一 家主要从事家用电器的研发、生产和销售业务的中国公司。该 公司主要产品包括冰箱/冷柜、洗衣机、空调、热水器、厨电 、小家电和U-home智能家居产品等。该公司还为顾客提供智能 家电成套解决方案。该公司还从事提供渠道综合服务业务,包 括物流以及家电与其他产品的分销业务。该公司的产品销往中 国国内市场与海外市场。

品牌名称是商品的语言文字符号, 品牌名称是商品的语言文字符号,是区别于其他商品 的标记, 但它指称的又不是个体事物, 的标记, 但它指称的又不是个体事物,而是许多个具有 共同属性和特征的商品事物。 共同属性和特征的商品事物。 品牌名称作为商品的记号, 品牌名称作为商品的记号,从一种语言的名称转换为 另一语言的名称, 另一语言的名称,可以按照不同民族的命名方式和命 名习惯转换,并不一定追求它的译文转换。 名习惯转换,并不一定追求它的译文转换。 各种品牌的中英文商标作为一种文化现象, 各种品牌的中英文商标作为一种文化现象,广泛的存 在于生活中。随着时代的发展, 在于生活中。随着时代的发展,品牌的命名和互译结 合各种命名的原则和方针,朝着更加简洁、形象, 合各种命名的原则和方针,朝着更加简洁、形象,更 加注重内涵的方向发展。 加注重内涵的方向发展。
2、语音相关策略与语义相关策略 、
语义相关策略的品牌翻译大致有语义直译、语义衍译两种。语 义直译是根据原品牌的词汇义翻译成汉语名称。一个品牌名称在 语言上往往有好几个义项,一个义项也往往有几个释义的词语,译者 选取其中一个汉语词语作为译名,如Shell———壳(牌)、Nestle— ——雀巢、Apple———苹果、Green Giant———绿巨人,等等。 语义衍译是沿着原品牌的语言意义衍生拓展,翻译为意义相近或相 关的名称,如seven up。up本身意为“向上,昂扬,激扬”等,将up翻 译“喜”并不死扣字面意义,而是依据它相关的衍生含义或联想意 义。悲、喜在汉民族观念中是两种不同方向的情绪活动,悲是低落 趋向情绪,喜是高扬趋向情绪。seven up译作“七喜”,既出乎意 料,又在情理之中。电池Energizer译为“劲量”、Head & shoulders译作“海飞丝”、Smart译为(醒目)等。

海尔公司简介英文版Haier is the world's fourth largest white goods manufacturer and is the official home appliances sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.As of 2007, the Haier Group has established a total of 64 trading companies (19 located overseas), 29 manufacturing plants (24 overseas), 8 design centers (5 overseas) and 16 industrial parks (4 overseas). Consistent with Haier's position as a global brand, the company employs over 50,000 people around the world. In addition, Haier boasts a 58,800-strong sales network which last year accounted for a global turnover of 118 billion RMB (16.2 billion USD). Guided by the branding strategy of CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier has advanced through the 'brand building,' 'diversification,' and'internationalization' stages, and since 2005 has embarked on the fourth stage: "Global Branding." Haier has enjoyed a growing international reputation over the past 24 years. 19 of the companies products, including refrigerators, air conditioners,washing machines, televisions, water heaters, personal computers, mobile phones, and kitchen appliances have been rated as "Top Brands" in China, and China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has named Haier refrigerators and washing machines as among China's "Top Global Brands." In 2006, for the fourth consecutive year, Haier was ranked first in terms of overall leadership among mainland Chinese companies in the Wall Street Journal Asia's annual survey of Asia's 200 Most Admired Companies. In March 2008, the Financial Times once again added Haier to its list of Top 10 Chinese Global Brand Names with survey respondents ranking Haier number one in terms of product quality, trust, innovation, management, and branding. In May 2008, Haier ranked 13th on Forbes' Reputation Institute Global 200 list.As of June 2008, the company has been awarded 8333 patents, with 1996 for Haier design team inventions. In 2007 alone Haier obtained 875 patents; 502 were invention patents.Haier has participated in theinstitution and modification of nine international standards, as well as 152 national and 425 industry standards, with three international standards set to launch in the near future. Of all the Chinese household appliance companies, Haier by far leads the way in the creation of international, national, and industry standards. Haier management models such as "OEC," "market chain," and "Integration of Individuals and Goals" have been case studies at Harvard Business School, the University of Southern California; IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland; INSEAD in France, and Kobe University. Haier's "market chain" management model has been included in the European Union's case study library.TCL集团有限公司简介TCL Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981, in just 20 years time, TCL from a name without the propagation of local state-owned enterprises have developed into a more than 100 billion yuan in totalassets, the brand value of 7.5 billion and employs more than 30,000 people in large state-controlled enterprise groups. In 1999 TCL sales reached 15 billion yuan and exports worth 240 million U.S. dollars, the annual growth rate for 10 consecutive years remained at 50%. Today, TCL has been across the home appliances, communications, information, electrician four industries, starting from the traditional communications, electronics company to a "3C" integrated into the core of the information industry as the leading mainstream Internet access equipment suppliers and service providers transfer, and become the most competitive one of the top three electronics.In the long-term practice, TCL Group, in order to advance ideas and action, take the initiative to recognize and cultivate the market, creating a "marketing plans", "Services Marketing" and "Regional market development strategy" to expand in markets such as new ideas, covering the establishment of nationwide marketing network, formed its own core competitiveness. TCL advocatecorporate culture is also productive business philosophy, emphasized that "today's culture is tomorrow's economy", the system refined the "famous Chinese brand, building first-class enterprise", "create value for customers, creating opportunities for employees, creating benefits for the community" and the "dedication, teamwork, innovation," the core of Values. TCL is China's outstanding corporate culture based on traditional culture, absorbing the essence of the Western scientific management formed with eclectic ability to "Alloy culture" and "immigrant culture."TCL集团有限公司简介TCL集团有限公司创办于1981年,在短短的20年时间里,TCL从一个名不经传的地方国有企业发展成为一家拥有100多亿元总资产,品牌价值75亿元,员工超过30000人的大型国有控股企业集团。

介绍海尔公司的英语作文English: Haier Group Corporation is a multinational home appliances and consumer electronics company headquartered in Qingdao, China. Founded in 1984, Haier has become one of the world's largest and most innovative companies in its industry. With a focus on innovation and quality, Haier has expanded its product lineup to include a wide range of home appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and televisions. Haier is known forits customer-centric approach, striving to meet the needs and preferences of consumers around the world. In recent years, Haier has also made significant investments in smart home technology, digital transformation, and sustainable practices to stay ahead of the competition.中文翻译: 海尔集团是一家总部位于中国青岛的跨国家电器和消费电子公司。

1984:being established Turnover:135,700,000,000 CNY Employees:70,000 Patent :more than 10,000 Brand value:8,000,000,000 CNY The Internet’s World Famous Brand(互联网
Occupy 6.1% in the white applicant market under the marketing survey of Euromonitor (欧睿国际)in 2010
The first brand of global white applicants, refrigerator and wine cabinet
Company’s brief introduction Reputation in the world Main products Development Strategy Culture service, welfare undertaking(公
时代的知名品牌):satisfy customers’ needs One Single Integrated Mode(人单合一模式):
sell service instead of products -----rewarding: “China Innovative Company”
The key of management ---you must confirm his or her value, provided employees create value for clients.

Content outline:pany profile2.the company introduced CEOpany industry4.the products of the company5.how to promote Haier products6.the modes of transport7.Haier washing machine Questionnairecompany profileHaier Group is a leading global set of home appliance solutions provider and virtual-real fusion distributors. The company was founded in Qingdao in 1984.Since the venture, Haier adhere to the user demand as the center of the innovation system to drive the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, from an insolvent, was on the verge of collapde of the collective small plant development to become the world’s largest household appliance manufacturersOn 2011, Haier Group global turnover of 150900000000yuan,17countries in the world with more than 80000emplyees,Haier users around the world more than 100 countries and regions. In the domain of white goods. Haier Group holds a number of consumer life brand .Which, according to the statistics of Haier brand, has won for three consecutive years the world’s largest sales of household appliances brand(data source: Euromonitor International Euromonitor).In the era of Inter, Haier build open innovation system to support the brand market development, as of 2011,has declared 12318 patents, or 8350authorized patens; cumulative reported77international standard proposal, of which 27 have been published and implemented, is China’s paten applications and submit to international standards of the largest home appliance enterprises. In the gobal domain of white home appliance, Haier is growing as the industry leader and regulators.the company introduced CEO唐浩Haier Group CEOZhang Ruimin, Shandong, Laizhou, a senior economist, University of Science and Techonlogy of China master of business administration, the Haier Group party secretary, the chairman of the board of directors, chief exeutive officer Zhang Ruimin is the founder of Haier Group, the sixteen CPC Central Committee, alternate member.On 1984,Zhang Ruimin from Qingdao City, former home appliance company manger as the Qingdao Refrigerator General factory. He established the “famous brand strategy”,and lead the staff to seize opportunity, accelerate development, created from weak to strong development of a miracle. In 26 years, Haier Group has grown from a deficit of 1470000yuan collective small plant, become the 2007 global turnover of 118000000000yuan of China home appliances brand, and in the world and gained high reputation. In 2008 March, Haier capped second times by “England Financial Time”named “China’s top ten world-class brand”.Haier mottoThe essence of management is not known, but action Forever, trembling with fear, always to be very careful attitudeA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step Do not discount the quality, the service dose not discount, credit.Capital is a boat, the brand is sail, business is the people, culture is the soulTo seek truth from facts, is to change the mindset problemDare to seek truth from facts, is the problem of improving the ideological realm11. Haier mottoThe essence of management is not known , but action Forever , trembling with fear, always to be very careful attitudeA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,the world famous brand in the Do not discount the quality , the service does not discount, credit .Capital is a boat , the brand is sail , business is the people, culture ids the soulTo seek truth from facts, is to change the mindset problemDare to seek truth from facts , is the problem of improving the ideological realmcompany industry1.Haier industryWhite electric productsDigital and personal products groupThe whole kitchenResidentialHome appliances2.White electric productsAs the world's largest white goods group ,Haier's goal is to provide global consumers to enjoy better living life and provide the perfect solution . In order to achieve the global commitment to consumers ,Haier white group relies on own refrigerator , air-conditioner ,washing machine ,water heater, kitchen electric products such as white goods, continuously for consumers around the world to create the new life experience and wonderful life style.3.Digital and personal products groupHaier digital and personal products goup Haier Group to implement the brand strategy of globalization is one of the pillar industries , Haier digital and personal products group line across the appliance ,computer and mobile phone and other fields, is currently the only television big screen, can cover al computer screen and small screen mobile phone manufacturers, By taking the family as the unit of the web end solutions to help users to achieve the Intelligent Cloud Televisions to help users toachieve the Intelligent Cloud Television Center for computer , mobile phone, home appliances, interconnection control , interactive, in order to bring the novel and unique personalized video entertainment intelligent home furnishing life solutions.realized the consumers for high quality living the dream.4.The whole kitchenQingdao Haier galley equipment limited company in 1996 October 1997,mainly engaged in the development ,production and sales of cabinets and integration of Haier househole appliances for the market to provide high-quality kitchen overall, investment 183000000 yuan to build a world-class, Asia's leading digital production base , in the domestic first proposed the ' one cabinet appliances, a service station satisfaction " sales philosophy, known as "the Chinese kitchen bathroom industry leader "5.ResidentialHaier estate adhering to the "creation of resources, reputation as a global "Haier spirit , though the "product innovation, create value ,to create a system " strategic approach, and strive to achieve "tamp foundation,integrated innovation , speed rise " development strategy. 2009 Haier estate continuous implementation of fast development, has become the strong cavalcade .Haier estate in 2011 "Chia top 100 real estate enterprise thirty-sixth ", the growth of TOP 10 second, for four condecutive years won the Chinese real estate enterprises, won the "2010 China estate Lu leader " first name , in Chinese real estate brand value second in North China area .6.Home appliancesThe scope of business environment, the kitchen, personal care in three areas , including the vacuum cleaner, induction cooker ,rice cookers , electric pressure cooker,microwave oven, soya-bean milk machine, water machine, hanging ironing machine such as the 14 major categories of more than 200 products . Fully meet the diverse needs of customers , to provide users with the various forms of life quality solution , the rapid development of the Haier home appliances is committed to the growth of the industry the first brand of high -end home appliances !the products of the company7.Haier products海尔的形象术语——真诚到永远Product technology1.Break the traditional refrigerator two district pattern multi zone precise temperature controlFood temperature preservation requirements vary.Haier refrigerator precision control area technology,can be different according to different storage temperature food positioned on each temperature area,according to need to be able to control temperature precisely,accurate fresh smell.2.Induction of Vc from fresh fresh freshA general refrigerator storage vegetable & fruit usually encounter water and nutrient loss,perishable.Haier refrigerator unique Vc induced preservation technology,sustained release induced by Vc preservation factor can neutralize the vegetable & fruit due torespiration releases ethylene gas,reduce the loss of the nutrient components of fresh vegetable & fruit,more durable.3.Air frost free technology to achieve the best preservation effectHaier high-end refrigerators using advanced fully air cooling technology,so that the refrigerator each corner can rapid and uniform cooling, without defrosting;air through the multiplexer controlled precision air duct system,seal water in skin,does not destroy nutrients,achieve the best preservation effect.4.The utility is convenient science and technologyA general refrigerator storage of frozen meat is often very hard,after thawing nutrition with blood flow lost.Haier refrigerator has a 007fresh frozen zone,fresh meat into, open-18c cryogenic frozen ,not the loss of nutrition juice.Food frozen after appearing,automatically transferred to-7c thermostatic preservation,without thawing readily cut.Protection measuresRefrigerator placedRefrigerator placed position is chosen should avoiddirect sunlight,good ventilation,and the wall to keep at a distance,to facilitate the operation of refrigerators produced heat can circulateCheck the tightnessAlways check the refrigerator seal,if the deformation will affect the degree of closure,dovetail,caused by cold air leakage,thereby increasing the power consumption.If the distortion is serious,should be timely repair replacement In addition to regular cream.The refrigerator is used for a period of time,will produce some frost,if not regularly defrosting,it will influence the refrigeration effect,and power consumption will also increase,even easy danage of compressor.Therefore,whenever see frost thickness more than 7cm,it should be for defrostingReduce the time of opening door.Whenever you open a door,there will be air conditioning heat exposed,invasion,so it must be running again refrigeration compressor.So as far as possible once took the diverse needs of ingredients,and must act quickly,a box door also do not pull too much angle,as far as possible to reduce the loss of cold air.23.Haier washing machineAccording to the latest consumer survey data shows;Haier washing machine current brand attention reached 4.7%,ranking first in all brand;in the one or two,three level of market and the lock channel in Dalian,Haier washing machine are top, a market share of nearly40%,all this comes from Haier washing machine to be consistent from beginning to end consumers attention24.Haier washing machine introductionThe world as the only one available at the same time scale production of Asian wave wheel,European roller,America stirring type and double power washing machine of professional production enterprises,Haier washing machine has twenty-six series, more than 6000 varieties,annual production capacity of 13000000 units,annual sales volume,sales are up,is the most steady development,the most competitive brand of washing machine,known as China's washing machine industry leader.In September 1,2005,by the State Quality Inspection Administration and the Chinese famous brand strategy promotion committee jointly organized the firstChinese world famous brand product is announced,Haier washing machine successfully selected for China to create the first world famous brand of washing machine.25.The technology of washing machine:V6steam ironing technology ease fold reduction elastic With the development of science and technology,drying technology development.Haier washing machine technology innovation,following the wind drying,hot air drying,drying steam three generation of V6 steam ironing technology,smooth folds,restore elasticity,completely solve the traditional drying method takes too much time,not all,drying clothes damage and other problems,intimate care of your life.26."Zero carbon core"static frequency low carbon life Haier washing machine combined with GE 's first"zero carbon core"frequency conversion technology,realize the drive and motor structure technical innovation,into the revolutionary zero carbon conversion era,by outer driving upgrades for the inner drive,efficient washing,energy efficiency and carbon reduction,bring natural quiet green low carbon life.Constant power technology360'uniform cleanHaier united world home appliance giant fisherand common R & D uniform power washing machine,to subvert the traditional horizontal vortex type washing machine,innovation of tumbling washing mode,even deep fiber,water,winding prevention,low wear,initiated the new era of uniformly washing washing machine industry.The technology of washing machine:V6steam ironing technology ease fold reduction elastic With the development of science and technology, drying technology develoment.Haier washing machine technology innovation,following the wind drying,hot air dring,drying steam three generation technology of the new generation of V6 steam ironing technology,smooth folds,restore elasticity completely solve the traditional drying method takes too much time,not all,drying clothes damage and other problems,intmate care of your life.How to promote Haier products1.Haier Group brand value2.the development history of Haier refrigerator3.EER value of Haier refrigerator4.Haier refrigerator configuration5.Haier refrigerator products after sale service6.at the same time we must grasp the related knowledge of other brand refrigeratorModes of transportThe haier refrigerator belongs to large objects so we can use the railroad and highway transportation.Raliway transportation1)Transport capacity2)Running speed3)Low transportation cost4)Transport often is good5)With low energy consumption6)Good generalityHighway transportaion1)Flexibility,strong adaptability2)Can realize the “door to door”directtransportation3)In the mid or short-distance transport,deliveryspeedHaier washing machine questionnaire:1.Do you like what type of washing machine?A.)The impellerB.)DrumC.)Double cylinder washing machine2.Do you think the washing machine wear is the major cause of what?A.)Washing process clothing with the water,turning around,fricyion around the barrel causes wearB.)During washing,clothes are piled up in the bottom of the washing machine,and the bottom of the barrel rotates about friction caused by wear and tearC.) Washing clothes piled together in a small space,leading to clothing and clothing wear. 3.Do you think what kind of washing machine wear more?A.)The impellerB.)DrumC.) Double cylinder washing machine4.)Are you aware of the problem of uneven washing machineA.)YesB.)No5.You buy the washing machine is the most important?A.)Evenness and cleannessB.)The clothes wear degreeC.)Energy efficiency ratingD.)Washing efficiencyE.)PriceF.)Appearance6.If the recent organization of Haier washing machine group purchase,do you have a plan?If you want ,the washing machine is what kind if?Hoping to get preferential?Please fill in the:(______________)Name(______)Sex(___)Female(___)Age(___) Occupation(____)E-mail(______)Telephone(_______)Income(__ ____)GOOD BYE HAIER I LOVE YOU!21。

阿尔卡特ALCATEL 飞利浦PHILIPS 摩托罗拉MOTOROLA 诺基亚NOKIA西门子SIEMENS 三菱MITSUBISHI 三星SAMSUNG 三洋SANYO松下PANASONIC 索尼SONY 索尼爱立信SONYERICSSON波导BIRD 东信EASTCOM 海尔HAIER 海信HISENSE康佳KONKA 科健KEJIAN 联想LEGEND 斯达康UT STARCOM 托普TOP 厦华XOCECO 厦新AMOISONIC 熊猫PANDA 中兴ZTEAmway Tupperware MARY KAY AVONANNA SUI 安娜·苏avene 雅漾Biotherm 碧欧泉Borghese 贝佳斯Chanel 香乃尔Christian Dior(CD)迪奥Clarins 娇韵诗Clinique 倩碧DECLEOR 思妍丽Estée Lauder 雅诗兰黛Guerlain 娇兰Helena Rubinstein 郝莲娜· H2O+ 水之奥IPSA IPSA JUVEN 柔美娜Kanebo 嘉纳宝KOSE 高丝Lancome 兰蔻L'Oréal 欧莱雅LG DeBON LG蝶妆MAC MAC Max Factor 蜜丝佛陀MAYBELLINE 美宝莲Nina Ricci 莲娜丽姿Olay 玉兰油Revlon 露华浓RMK RMK rutina 若缇娜(KOSE的一个系列产品)Shiseido 资生堂Sisley 希思黎SK II SK II VICHY 薇姿yve ssaint laurent(ysl)依夫·圣罗郎ZA 姬芮雪碧(饮料)Sprite 小妖精,调皮鬼乐百氏(饮料)Robust 健壮的金利来(领带)Goldlion 金狮子司麦脱(衬衫)Smart 潇洒的舒肤佳(香皂)Safeguard 保护者纳爱斯(香皂)Nice 美好的英克莱(自行车)Incline 喜爱四通(打字机)Stone 石头汰渍(洗衣粉)Tide 潮流雷达(电蚊香)Raid 袭击,搜捕飘柔(洗发水)Rejoice 欣喜立士洁(卫生纸)Luxury 奢侈品富绅(衬衫)Virtue 美德神浪(服装)Sunland 太阳地苏泊尔(压力锅)Super 特级品天能(领带)Talent 天才爱多(无绳电话)Idle 闲着的雅戈尔(衬衫)Younger 更年轻的美登高(冰淇淋)Meadowgold 金草地耐克(鞋)Nike 胜利女神捷安特(自行车)Giant 巨人联想(电脑)Lenovo 创新德芙(巧克力)Dove 鸽子海飞丝(洗发水)head & shoulders 头和肩膀护舒宝(女性用品)whisper 私语倩碧(化妆品) clinique(发音同clinic) 门诊部哈根达斯Haagen-Dazs卡布奇诺(Cappuccino)绿色食品(green food)、肯德基(Kentucky)、麦当劳(McDonald's)、自助餐(buffet)、奶昔(milkshake)、热狗(hot dog)、奶酪(cheese)、土司(toast)、三文鱼(salmon)、沙丁鱼(sardine)、配司(paste)、西冷牛排(sirloin steak)、培根(bacon)、速溶咖啡(instant coffee)、扎啤(a jar of beer)、雪碧(Sprite)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、百事可乐(Pepsi-cola)、软饮料(soft drink)。
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• April 14, 1992, Qingdao refrigerator factory through the ISO9001 certification, and to be the home appliance industry the first through the authentication of the factory. • November 16, 1992, haier group in Qingdao high-tech park 800 mu of land requisition, build China's largest production base of home appliance haier industrial park. • On November 19, 1993, Qingdao haier refrigerator Co., LTD shares on the Shanghai stock exchange listing.
In the course of development of haier group
• On January 1, 1984, Qingdao, Shanghai economic committee approved formally established Qingdao refrigerator factory. • In April, 1985, made by the factory director ZhangRuiMin host, there will be serious quality problem of 76 sets a brand electric water tank smashed up in public. • In June 1985, the production of our first Taiwan four-star refrigerators "jean island liebherr" brand BCD-212 type. • In 1988, "jean island-liebherr" brand BCD-212 type refrigerator won the Chinese history of refrigerator first medal in GuoYou gold medal.
• In February 1996, haier Sally only ROM (Indonesia) Co., LTD. Was established in Indonesia Jakarta, haier first multinational management.
• June 26, 1996, haier group winner of the high quality service issued by the science association number five diamond award, become the first Asian won the honor of home appliance enterprise, President ZhangRuiMin become the first won the "five-star diamond personal lifelong awards" entrepreneurs. • In February 1992, in cologne in Germany at the home appliance exposition, the haier group President ZhangRuiMin to 12 a haier dealers presented a "haier specializes in certificate".
Functional institutions
Household appliance Digital products
Medical equipment
Household appliance
Digital products
Medical equipment
Development Strategy
• Brand strategy(1984~1991):produce refrigerator only, accumulate management experience of enterprises • Diversification(多元化)strategy(1992~1998): one product to various product • International strategy(1998~2005):being sold in the main global economic area market • Global strategy(2006~now):creating different kinds of Haier Brand------adjust to different countries in the world
Annual Report
In 2012, the global macroeconomic downturn on export markets pose serious challenges appliance, domestic appliance market is subject to macroeconomic growth Slowdown in the real estate market continues to control the home appliance industry gradually withdraw stimulus policies and other factors, industry growth rate fell significantly. According to Beijing in the PRC, market research Ltd Retail monitoring report shows that in 2012 refrigerators, washing machines, home air conditioning products Product sales were down 12.62%, 11.42%, 15.82%.
Company's brief introduction
• • • • • • 1984:being established Turnover:135,700,000,000 CNY Employees:70,000 Patent :more than 10,000 Brand value:8,000,000,000 CNY The Internet’s World Famous Brand(互联网时代的 知名品牌):satisfy customers’ needs • One Single Integrated Mode(人单合一模式):sell service instead of products ------ rewarding: “China Innovative Company”
Main Product Info
Main products
Name:BCD-216TAS Dimensions:630*564*1648 Materials: Imitation stainless steel Technical: Volume 216L ,0.49 kwh/24h Features: Insurance Energy,Artificial Intelligence,Failure alarm,LED
Company Objectives
• 1984 —1991 Brand strategy • 1992 —1998 Diversification strategy phase • 1998 —2005 Internationalization strategy
• 2005 —Now Global brand strategy
Haier company structure
Haier Group Board of Directors Strategy Committee Board Secretariat
Group President
Vice President
Promotion Headquarters
Product Headquarters
• On dec. 20, 1991, the government decided to Qingdao, Qingdao refrigerator factory, Qingdao ice general factory, Qingdao haier group formed air conditioner factory.
Group: ZHAO JUNZHE 553644 HUANG JUNZHONG 564145 LI JIAQI 553255
Producer:ZHAO JUNZHE 553644 Orator:
pany's brief introduction pany Objectives 3.Main Product Info pany strategy 5.Annual Report pany Philosophy
(1) Entrepreneurship: pursuit of excellence (2) Working style: rapid response, immediate action. (3) Group Mode: combined fleet type, 1 +1> 2 performance. (4) Management philosophy: high quality products from quality people out. (5) Market Outlook: brand strategy, create the market. Involved in any field, "Either quit, we should be doing the first fight.“ (6) Internal management mode: OEC management, market chains. (7) Quality: all work is absolutely central to the user and products, and strive to use the lowest cost, most leading design, research improvement, development, production and customer satisfaction of products to meet the needs of potential users.