



Receiver Indicators Emitter Indicators System Operation, Diagnostics and TroubleshootingBoth emitter and receiver feature 7-segment Diagnostic Displays and individual Status LEDs to provide continuous indication of operating status, configuration and error conditions. Active Alignment (Segment) Indicators provide for beam block information and easier installation.Run Mode: Indicated by the sensor’s status LEDs:• Solid RED (Blocked condition, OSSDs OFF), • Solid GREEN (Defined area clear, OSSDs ON; Emitter transmitting) •Flashing GREEN (Blanking enabled, Defined area clear, OSSDs ON); Lockout condition: Indicated by the sensor’s status LED• Flashing RED (Lockout, in conjunction with displayed error code, see below) See EZ-SCREEN LS instruction manual p/n 179480 for complete installation, operational, and troubleshooting information, and applicable cautions and warnings.ReceiverStatus Indicators•A single red/green Status indicator shows when the OSSD outputs are ON (GREEN) or OFF (RED), blanking is enabled (flashing GREEN), or the System is in Lockout status (flashing RED).• An amber RUN Mode indicator shows when the system is operational (not in lockout).Diagnostic Display(Multiple-digit codes are sequential, followed by a pause)Operational Codes (RUN Mode, amber LED is ON) Code Description-RUN Mode (single dash) C 1Sensor configured for Scan code 1 C 2Sensor configured for Scan Code 2 Note: both emitter and receiver must be configured for the same Scan CodeC H 1The first sensing beam (CH1 synchronization beam) at the display end of sensor is blocked (must remain clear) or the receiver Scan Code does not match the emitter Scan Code. n n nThe number of blocked beams. HCascade Stop Input open (stop command)Error Codes (with flashing RED status indicator)Code Problem Solution1 Output Error Error is caused by:•one or both outputs being shorted to a power supply (high or low)•by shorting OSSD 1 to OSSD 2•by an overload (greater than 0.5 A)Possible corrective action(s):•Disconnect the OSSD loads and cycle power to the receiver.•If the error clears, the problem is in the OSSD load(s) or in the load wiring.•If the error continues with no load connected, replace the receiver.4 Receiver Error This error occurs because of either excessive electrical noise or an internal failure.This error can also occur when the remote fixed blanking RUN/PROGRAM switch isin the PROGRAM position during power-up.Possible corrective action(s):•Cycle power, See Recovery Procedures in the instruction manual.•If the error clears, perform a Daily Checkout procedure (per EZ-SCREENCheckout Procedures: Shift and Daily Checkout Procedure; Daily CheckoutCard) and if the System checks out, resume operation. If the System failsthe Daily Checkout procedure, replace the receiver.•If the error continues, check the ground connection (pin 7).•If the sensor has a good earth ground connection to pin 7, perform the InitialCheckout procedure (per Initial Checkout Procedure in the instructionmanual).•If the error clears, check the external connections and configuration settings.•If remote fixed blanking is used, ensure RUN/PROGRAM is in the RUNposition and cycle power.•If the error continues, replace the receiver.7 Receiver Error This error can be caused by intermittent connections between cascaded receivers orexcessive electrical noise.Possible corrective action(s):•Verify the cordset connections between the cascaded receivers.•If the error continues, replace the cordset(s).•If the error still continues, replace the receiver with the error code.8 EDM Error This error can occur when the EDM input is open at power up or if the signal fails torespond within 250 ms of the OSSDs changing state (On to Off).Possible corrective action(s):•Verify that the EDM wiring is correct and that the external devices meet therequirements described in Machine Primary Control Elements and EDMInput in the instruction manual•If the error continues, remove power to the guarded machine, disconnect theOSSD loads, disconnect the EDM input signals, configure EDM for NoMonitoring (per Machine Primary Control Elements and EDM Input in theinstruction manual) and conduct the Initial Checkout procedure•If the error clears, the problem is in the External Device contacts or wiring,or is a response-time problem of the external devices. Verify that the EDMwiring is correct and that the external devices meet the requirementsdescribed in Machine Primary Control Elements and EDM Input in theinstruction manual.•If the error continues, check for noise on the EDM inputs (see Electrical andOptical Noise in the instruction manual).1 0 Fixed BlankingError This error occurs when beam(s) that have been blanked (programmed to ignore a fixed object) become clear when the object is removed or moved.Possible corrective action(s):Code Problem Solution•Reposition the object and cycle power.•Re-program (teach) the fixed blanked object(s), see Remote Fixed BlankingProgramming Procedures in the instruction manual.1 2 ProgrammingTimeout Error This error occurs when the Fixed Blanking programming mode (teach) exceeds the ten minute limit.Possible corrective action(s):•Re-program (teach) the fixed blanked object(s), see Remote Fixed Blanking Programming Procedures in the instruction manual.1 3 Cascade Error This error occurs when a cascade receiver is not terminated properly or if the EDMwiring to a cascade receiver is not terminated properlyPossible corrective action(s):•Verify that the last receiver in the cascade is terminated properly (seeCascadeable EZ-SCREEN LS in the instruction manual).•Verify that the EDM wiring is correct.•Verify the cordset connections between cascaded receivers.•If the error continues, replace the receiver.NOTE: In a cascaded system, all receivers are connected together, and all emittersare connected together.6 4 Excessive NoiseError – CascadeInput This error can occur due to excessive levels of electrical noise.Possible corrective action(s):•Cycle power (see Recovery Procedures in the instruction manual).•If the error clears, perform the daily checkout procedure (per EZ-SCREEN Checkout Procedures: Shift and Daily Checkout Procedure; Daily CheckoutCard) and if the System checks out, resume operation. If the System failsthe Daily Checkout procedure, replace the receiver.•If the error continues, check the ground connection (pin 7).•If the sensor has a good earth ground connection to pin 7, perform the Initial Checkout procedure (Trip Test) in the instruction manual.•If the error clears, check for sources of electrical noise (see Electrical and Optical Noise in the instruction manual).•If the error continues, replace the receiver.H Cascade InputSimultaneity Operation of channels A and B mismatch > 3 seconds.Possible corrective action(s):•Check operation of Channel A and Channel B of cascade input.•Cycle power or cycle the input. See Emergency Stop Buttons in Cascaded Systems and Interlock Switches in Cascaded Systems in the instructionmanual.EmitterStatus Indicators• A single bi-color red/green Status indicator shows when the emitter is in RUN mode (GREEN transmitting), or the System is in Lockout status (flashing RED).Diagnostic Display(Multiple-digit codes are sequential, followed by a pause)Operational Codes (RUN Mode, amber LED is ON)Code Description- RUN Mode (single dash)Code DescriptionC 1 Sensor configured for Scan code 1C 2 Sensor configured for Scan Code 2Note: both emitter and receiver must be configured for the same Scan Code2 7 Emitter LED Problem - This is not an error that would immediately result in a lockout. Thisindication can occur due to a potential problem with an LED and is provided as an early warningindicator.Error Code (with flashing RED status indicator)Code Problem Solution2 5 Emitter Error This error can occur if the ID Input (pin 3, Orange) is not connected to +24 V dc.Excessive electrical noise or an internal failure can also cause this error.Possible corrective action(s):•Verify that the ID Input (ID_in) wiring is connected to +24 V dc. See GenericWiring Diagram—5-pin and 8-pin Emitter in the instruction manual•Cycle the power to the emitter per Recovery Procedures in the instructionmanual•If the error clears, perform the daily checkout procedure (per EZ-SCREENCheckout Procedures: Shift and Daily Checkout Procedure; Daily CheckoutCard). If the System checks out, resume operation. If the System fails,replace the emitter•If the error continues, check the ground connection (see Cordsets in theinstruction manual)•If the sensor has a good earth ground connection, check for electrical noise(see Electrical and Optical Noise in the instruction manual)•If the error persists, replace the emitter。












三、使用环境⒈环境温度:-20℃~+40℃;⒉相对湿度:不大于93% (40℃±2℃);⒊使用场所:无腐蚀气体,无强烈冲击、振动的安全场所。




五、安装⒈外形安装尺寸:a) 外形尺寸:94mm×14mm×63mm(以PH-A-101为例,见图一)。

b) 安装孔距:93 mm(以PH-A-101为例,见图一)。

c) 安装位置:无腐蚀性气体,无强烈冲击、振动的安全场所。




输入,以实现所需的控制功能。键盘安全栅上的接线排 T1、T2 和 T3 是接地端,一定
4.4 接线排的接线端子的定义
键盘和键盘安全栅、键盘安全栅和仪表间的连接示意见图 7。
1 C2

10 盘 .
T1 安 .
T2 T3 全

至控制设备 转接导带
图 7. 键盘和键盘安全栅、键盘安全栅和仪表间的连接示意
仪表键盘导带的 9 芯连接器插入键盘安全栅的插头 C1,注意导带连接器的脚 1 和
4.0 内部连线
4.1 仪表和传感器安全栅 9506-0031 的连接 见图 5
4-20mA 电流
端子 11---14 用于串行接口连线,端子功能定义如下,见表 2。
表 2 串行接口连线
RS232 和 20mA 电流环



该安全栅应用在本安 系统中。可作为危险 区的两线制变送器,也 可作为电流源。该安全 栅视为独立电流值将AI 信号传输到安全区域。 支持双向通信,智能变 送器可以用电流传送数 据,用电压调制接收数 据。该装置安装在HIC 终端板上。
拨片开关设置 拨片开关位于安全栅背面,安全栅输出可以通过DIP 开关设置为有源4~20mA信号、有源1~5V信号、无源 4~20mA信号。 (出厂设置为有源4~20mA信号)
打开程序,右键HOST PC,点Add device;
弹窗选中P2P RS232FDT ,OK;
右键HOST PC的下一级,点Add device,弹窗里选中相应的安全栅型号,OK;
电流隔离单元包括变压器隔离组件、模频转换和频模转 换电路。 信号处理单元则根据各品种隔离栅的功能要求实施信号 处理。
隔离式安全栅有许多保护功能电路,意外损坏的可能性较小, 允许现场仪表带电检修,这样可缩短工程开车准备时间和减 少停车时间。 回路供电隔离式安全栅既保持有源隔离式安全栅的优点,又 有齐纳式安全栅一样的接线方便,不需要另外24V电源供电, 特别适合配I/O卡直接供电的DCS系统。 安全栅的主要功能为限流限压,保证现场仪表可得到的能量 在安全范围内。隔离安全栅是以高频作为基波,将信号进行 调制解调,信号有了变动,精度会受到安全栅电路的影响。 隔离安全栅由于具有高频震荡电路,将产生出射频干扰,对 系统不利,而且隔离安全栅也比较容易损坏。但隔离安全栅 不需要本安接地,这是它比齐纳安全栅优越的地方。

美国优倍 安全栅样本及技术手册

美国优倍 安全栅样本及技术手册


1 概述 .................................................................................. 1 2 产品适用标准 .......................................................................... 1 3 复合型防爆模拟式电子车辆衡 ............................................................ 2 3.1 概述 ................................................................................ 2 3.2 主要技术性能 ........................................................................ 2 3.3 复合型防爆模拟式电子车辆衡主要部件介绍............................................... 2 3.3.1 模拟传感器 ........................................................................ 2 3.3.2 模拟接线盒 ........................................................................ 2 3.3.3 安全栅 ............................................................................ 2 3.3.4 称重仪表 .......................................................................... 3 3.4 系统实现 ............................................................................ 4 3.4.1 传感器与接线盒、安全栅、仪表连接................................................... 4 3.4.2 仪表与电源防浪涌保护器、打印机、大屏幕连接......................................... 4 3.5 配置表 .............................................................................. 7 4 本安型防爆模拟式电子车辆衡 ............................................................ 8 4.1 概述 ................................................................................ 8 4.2 技术性能 ............................................................................ 8 4 . 3 本安型防爆模拟式电子车辆衡主要部件介绍.............................................. 8 4.3.1 模拟传感器和接线盒 ................................................................ 8 4.3.2 本安型 PUMA 仪表.................................................................. 8 4.3.3 PUMA 仪表的电源 .................................................................. 8 4.3.4 光纤通讯接口套件的设置和连接 ...................................................... 8 4.4 系统实现 ........................................................................... 10 4.4.1 传感器与接线盒、仪表连接 ......................................................... 10 4.4.2 仪表与隔爆电源、电源浪涌保护器、打印机、大屏幕连接................................ 11 4.5 配置表 ............................................................................. 13 5 复合型防爆数字式电子车辆衡 ........................................................... 14 5.1 概述 ............................................................................... 14 5.2 主要技术性能 ....................................................................... 14 5.3 复合型防爆数字式电子车辆衡主要部件介绍.............................................. 14 5.3.1 数字式传感器 ..................................................................... 14 5.3.2 数字式接线盒 ..................................................................... 14 5.3.3 数字安全栅 ....................................................................... 14 5.3.4 称重仪表 ......................................................................... 15 5.4 系统实现 ........................................................................... 15 5.4.1 传感器与接线盒、安全栅、仪表连接.................................................. 15 5.4.2 仪表与电源浪涌保护器、打印机、大屏幕连接.......................................... 16 5.5 复合型防爆数字式车辆衡系统配置表.................................................... 18 6 系统安调 ............................................................................. 19 6.1 秤体 ............................................................................... 19 6.2 布线 ............................................................................... 19 6.3 接地 ............................................................................... 19 7 维护保养 ............................................................................. 20 8 用户订货须知 ......................................................................... 20



456 12 3
绿 色:正 常工 作
红 色:故 障信 号 EVT
78 9 10 11 12
EVT:工作指示灯: 仪表正常工作时,指示灯为绿色;输入信号有故障报警时,指示灯为红色 35mm导轨式安装,安装时请注意卡位稳定、牢固,请尽可能垂直安装,以利于仪表内部热量散发
24V±10% DC 模拟量输出:≤1.7W(单路),≤2.1W(双路)
频率信号(正弦波、方波、三角波) ≥2M 200mV~9V ≤1S 1~10000Hz 0.1Hz
模拟量输出 电流输出时:RL≤500Ω,电压输出时:RL≥250KΩ 0.2%FS±1字
2500V,a.c;ຫໍສະໝຸດ min 0~50℃ 5%~95%RH(非结露) ≤50ppm/ ℃ 18.5*109*116.5mm(宽*高*深)

JP1 1 2 3
H R21
6 认证参数
证书号 防爆标志 认证参数 端子 最大允许电压 电压 电流 功率 电容 电感
GYB081134 【Exia】IIC(国家级仪器仪表防爆安全监督检验站认证)
9-8-7 Um=250V Uo=28V Io=116mA Po=0.82W Co=0.083μF Lo=2.4mH
4 接线图



Out1 mA/V
+ _
1 2
Out2 mA/V
+ _



MSB302E 检测端配电隔离栅(高配电)
功能 向危险场所的 2 线制变送器提供工作电源,采样变送器输出的 2 线制电流信号,经过隔离处理后转换为 4 线制电流信号输出。可选 1 入 1 出、1 入 2 出、2 入 2 出。隔离栅限制从本安端子窜入危险场所的能量, 从而确保系统本安防爆。
型号规格 产品型号 MSB302E-C0C0(3 线制) MSB302E-C0CC(3 线制)
输入 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
防爆标志:[Exia Ga]ⅡC 认证参数:(端子 4/6 间)
Um=250V Uo=28V Io=93mA
Po=655mW Co=50nF 端子 6/3 间
的大电流、火花、强电磁感应等影响,空气中不得含有对金属、塑料起严重腐蚀作用的气体。 2. 安全栅本安端(蓝色端)和非本安端电路的接线导线配在汇线槽中应分开铺设,各自采用独立的保护
套管。本安侧的配线套管内不允许有其它电源线,包括其它本安电路使用的电源线。 3. 通往危险场所的导线应选用蓝色的本安导线,导线的软铜面积必须大于 0.5mm2,绝缘强度应大于 500V。 4. 在对安全栅进行通电调试时,必须注意安全栅的型号、接线方法、线路极性等是否符合设计及产品要
型号规格 产品型号 MSB302E-C0C0 MSB302E-C0CC MSB302E-CCCC
输入 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输入 2 信号 无输入 2 无输入 2
输出 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输出 2 信号 无输出 2 4~20mADC 4~20mADC



CCC防爆认证号:2019312316000002开关量输出型隔离式安全栅通用使用说明书[1.0]EXDO 系列开关量输出型安全栅,接收现场安全区域的干节点、集电极开路信号,经过隔离和线性化处理,转换为开关量电流或电压信号输出至危险区域的控制系统或其它单元组合仪表。


■通道形式:1进1出、1进2出、2进2出;■电源-输入-输出之间电气隔离;■防爆标志:[Ex ia Ga]IIC [Ex ia Da]IIIC;■适用设备:防爆电磁阀、声光报警器、等现场执行器;主要技术参数■输入(安全区)输入端子号:端子5/6,7/8输入信号:干接点,晶体管,集电极,逻辑电平输入形式:干接点、湿接点■输出(ExiaIIC 危险区)输出端子号:端子1/2,3/4输出信号开路电压:≤28V输出特性:负载45mA 时,输出电压不小于12V可向危险区输出信号:输出驱动电磁阀或报警器等■供电电源电源接线:端子9+,10-(热插拔)供电电压范围:18V~32VDC 额定供电电压:24VDC满载功耗:1.1W(单通道)、1.6W(双通道)■性能指标温度漂移:<30ppm/℃响应时间:<1ms隔离方式:输入-输出-电源三端隔离绝缘电阻:≥100MΩ(输入/输出/电源)介电强度:≥2500VAC(输入/输出/电源间漏电流1mA)隔离能力:1500VAC/1min50HZ 电磁兼容:EMC 符合IEC61326-3-2017■防爆参数(国家防爆电气产品质量监督检验中心)防爆等级标志:[Ex ia Ga]IIC [Ex ia Da]IIIC 安全认证参数:Um=250VAC/DC(1-2)(3-4)Uo=28VDC,Io=93mA,Po=650mW,Co=0.05uF,Lo=2.4mH■认证/标准防爆证号:CNEx19.5140CCC 防爆认证号:2019312316000002强制实施标准:符合CNCA-C23-01:2019生产标准:符合GB/T 3836.1-2021、GB/T 3836.4-2021认证体系:符合ISO9001、ISO14001■产品结构尺寸:W13×D110×H119(mm)重量:130g 材质:ABS 防护等级:IP20阻燃等级:UL94/V0安装方式:DIN35mm 导轨安装■型号命名规则举例:①型号EXDO-11-1F24-C规格为:开关量输出型,1进1出,输入:干接点、继电器,输出:24V,2.0版本。

上海科林牌 PA1D 系列信号安全栅说明书

上海科林牌 PA1D 系列信号安全栅说明书

概述结构/外形尺寸图A 结构和外形尺寸图保护电源反接时,串联于电源回路中的二极管反向阻断1、电源反接保护3、上电冲击保护4、输出保护5、端口保护6、电磁兼容性(EM C)7、供电电源要求。

上电缓启动>20mS 。


输出钳位电流28m A(±2m A),保护后继设备。

出现浪涌电压或者误接线时:• 电源,输入,输出自身回路的两个端口之间, 可承受<±24V 有效值的外回路电压,不损坏。

• 输入、输出、电源三者之间, 可承受2500V 有效值/1分钟,不损坏。

• 端子误接形成的短路或开路,不损坏。

静电(E S D ): 接触6000V 无影响 空气8000V 无影响 浪涌: 500V 线-线无影响 1000V 地-地无影响 群脉冲: I.O 1000V 无影响辐射: 10V /m AM 80~1K M 1%• 采用双冗余电源确保电源不中断。

• 电源有故障自诊断能力, 供电输出电压超出高限和小于低限自动开路,确保故障时冗余电源正确进入。

• >20mS 的缓启动过程,限制启动过程电感性负载在电源线上产生高压,以及电容性负载产生过流。

• 电源输出配接防雷栅, 可使被供电负载都具备电源防雷功能。

安装•安装在安全场所, 并满足仪表 技术规格所要求的环境条件。

•可以卡装在标准的35mm D IN 导轨上(见图B )。

导轨应符合标 准号为: GB /T19334- 2003的国 家标准中TH35-7.5型导轨的尺寸 规范。

该标准等同于国际电工委员 会I EC60715-1981的国际标准。


建议使用 导轨堵头防止仪表安装在导轨上 滑动和安装不稳。


端子接线• 接线电缆采用截面为0.5~2.5mm²的单芯或者多芯电缆,剥去电缆防护层的线芯长度约为6~8 mm 。

•建议使用管状预绝缘端头套在已剥去 电缆防护层的线芯上(见图C ),并用压线钳将管状预绝缘端头的小头端 (插入端 子接线孔中的导电部分)压成四边形或者 六边形。








典型代表为正压型防爆方法Ex p 。




典型代表为隔爆型防爆方法 Ex d 。




典型代表为本质安全防爆方法Ex i 。


依照中国国家标准和国际标准,当安全栅安全区一侧所接设备发生任何故障(不超过 250V电压)时,本质安全防爆方法能确保现场的防爆安全。

Ex ia级本质安全设备在正常工作、发生一个故障、发生两个故障时均不能点燃爆炸性气体混合物。

R Presence Sensing Safety Devices 安全光感光栅说明书

R Presence Sensing Safety Devices 安全光感光栅说明书

2-S e l e c t i o n C r i t e r i a Point of Operation Control (POC) Light CurtainsPerimeter Access Control (PAC) Light CurtainsApplicationsCommon Misapplications y Used on full revolution machinery y Mounted too close to hazardApplicationsy Conveyor Systems with muting y Robot cellsy Opto-electronic fencey Washdown with IP 67 tubeCommon Misapplicationsy Conveyorsy Electronic fences y Forming operations y Robot Cells y Pressesy Workstationsy Washdown applications (use IP 67 tube accessory)Perimeter Access Control light curtains are an easy-to-install, Category 4 solution for full-body or access detection. Designed to create a safety perimeter around a machine that does not require frequent interaction between personnel and the hazard during regularoperation (i.e. for maintenance and troubleshooting), PAC light curtains provide large object pass-through sensing with detection ranges up to 70 meters. Like their POC counterparts,PAC light curtains are not floor dependent and can be easily interfaced with other safety systems or used as standalone units without a dedicated control unit/safety relay. However,it is important to note that these light curtains do not detect people or objects once they have passed through the light curtain.y Used as POC devicey Used on machine that does not stop until completing a full revolution y Horizontal installationFeatures/BenefitsFeatures/BenefitsPoint of Operation Control light curtains are placed close to the hazard, at the point of operation where personnel may frequently interact with the machine as part of a process.POC light curtains are designed for partial-body detection—finger, hand and arm detection—and are offered in multiple resolutions and protective heights with ranges up to 16 meters.An easy-to-install Category 4 solution, these light curtains are easily connected to other safety systems, but require no separate controller and can therefore be operated asstandalone units (i.e. without a safety relay). Since they are located at the machine’s point of operation, POC light curtains eliminate the need for gates, allowing frequent and easy access to the hazardous area, and can be used as an ergonomic workstation control that increases safety while enhancing productivity. These light curtains can be mounted vertically or horizontally. However, it is important to note that these light curtains do not detect people or objects once they have passed through the light curtain.POC light curtains are also suitable for use in washdown applications when used in conjunction with the IP67 light curtain enclosure accessory.OverviewIntroductionTypical System ConfigurationComponents required for a "Guard only" system:Receiver Dip Switch Functions or GuardShield Type 4 POCInterlock Mode Activ a tion B u tton Fixed Bl a nking2 Be a m Flo a ting Bl a nking (14 mm only)Un us edDoor S t a t us S witch G ua rd Only MPCE/EDM1 Be a m Flo a ting Bl a nking Be a m CodingThe Allen Bradley Guardmaster GuardShield is offered as a Type 2and a Type 4 POC (Point of Operation Control) safety light curtain as well as a Type 4 PAC (Perimeter Access Control) safety light curtain.The Type 4 POC GuardShield is offered in both 14 mm and 30 mm resolutions while the Type 2 is offered in 30 mm resolution only. The GuardShield PAC is offered with multiple beam configurations with varying beam spacings. All GuardShield family safety light curtains meet the requirements of IEC/EN 61496.Point of operation safety light curtains are designed to detect the presence of an opaque object of a minimum resolution. These devices are usually positioned in front of the point of operation hazard, however, they may also be used for perimeter guarding applications.Perimeter access control safety light curtains are typically used as opto-electronic fences or as whole body detection devices to detect personnel or large objects when they pass through the sensing field.These PAC safety light curtains are typically positioned around an area or in front of a process entry or exit area.The Allen Bradley Guardmaster GuardShield is a two box safety light curtain, consisting of a nonmatched transmitter and receiver pair. Any GuardShield transmitter of the same family (POC, PAC)and same resolution will work with any receiver of the same family and resolution. The synchronization between transmitter andreceiver is achieved optically. The first beam adjacent to the receiver LEDs is the synchronization channel. This synchronization beam cannot be blocked in a fixed or floating blanking application.The GuardShield safety light curtain has two transistor type PNP safety outputs, referred to as OSSDs (Output signal switchingdevices). These outputs may be connected to a safety relay module or directly to the primary control element of a machine if the EDM connection within the GuardShield receiver is also connected and configured.The GuardShield receiver's also have an auxiliary nonsafety output which can be connected to a PLC for status of the OSSDs, to a stack light for signaling or to control an in-feed motor, etc.The GuardShield’s require separate transmitter and receiver cables.The transmitter cable utilizes a 4-pin micro quick-disconnect (M12)connector and is offered in lengths from 2 meters to 30 meters. The receiver cable has an 8-pin micro quick-disconnect (M12) connector and is also offered in lengths from 2 meters to 30 meters.1.Optic heads (operate on 24V DC—ordered as a pair (transmitter/receiver)2.Cable—two required per pair—specify transmitter cable and receiver cable3.Mounting brackets—included4.Safety Relay Module—optional (Note:A Category 3 system may be possible by connecting the GuardShield OSSDs directly to two safety contactors and connecting and configuring the EDM mode of operation in the GuardShield's receiver.)GuardShield™The Allen-Bradley Guardmaster GuardShield Type 4 is a two box,light curtain with dip switch selectable operating modes.Overview2-O p t o -e l e c t r o n i c sTypical System Configurations1.Optic heads (operate on 24V DC)—ordered as a pair(transmitter/receiver)2.Cables—two required per pair—specify length (SafeShield usesa standard 12 conductor cable with M23 quick disconnect for both XMTR receiver)3.Mounting brackets—various styles availableThe Allen-Bradley Guardmaster SafeShield family of safety light curtains are software configurable, Type 4 AOPDs per IEC 61496.SafeShield is available in resolutions of 14mm and 30mm and offers many advanced features such as fixed blanking, floating blanking,reduced resolution, beam coding, EDM, as well as a seven-segment status and diagnostic display on both transmitters and receivers.It is possible to connect up to three segments in a cascaded configuration, with each of these segments having the advanced features individually programmed. Cable lengths between segments can be up to a maximum of three meters.Optional components (customer or Allen-Bradley Guardmaster supplied):4.Safety RelaysThe Allen-Bradley Guardmaster SafeShield safety light curtainsystem is a two box design. This means the safety light curtain does not need a separate controller to operate. Therefore, the safety outputs of the light curtain (OSSDs) can be connected directly to any safety relay that will accept two PNP inputs.The following are some common configurations of light curtainsystems. The numbers on the drawing indicate the ordering steps to follow to ensure that a complete system is ponents required for a “Guard only” system:The GuardShield has dip-switches located in both the Transmitter and Receiver endcaps. The dip-switches are accessible through a hinged door which is secured to the endcap with a security screw. The Transmitter dip-switches provide for the configuration and activation of Beam Coding and Machine Test Signal.The Receiver dip-switches provide for configuration of all of theGuardShield's modes of operation.SafeShield™A communication cable is required to link your laptop to theSafeShield’s transmitter and receiver, allowing the programming and configuration of your system. Password protection assures that once a system is configured, it is securely stored in the system’s memory and is accessible only to authorized personnel. This versatile safety light curtain system provides maximum flexibility in solving simple to complex machine guarding applications.OverviewConveyorized mutingMuting sensors are typically used in pairs and depending upon the sensor configuration and muting module, allow either uni-directional or bi-directional travel of material through the safety light curtain.Figure 1: Two sensor bi-directional mutingTwo sensor muting allows material to move through the safety light curtain in either direction.Notice that the two muting sensors are arranged in a skewed X pattern. The optical paths of the two sensors intersect in the safety light curtain’s sensing field. This reduces the possibility that a person can manipulate the two sensors and activate the mutingfunction.Allen-Bradley Guardmaster PAC safety light curtains consist of two families, the GuardShield PAC family and the original PAC family.The GuardShield PAC family is offered with multiple beams with various beam spacings for short range applications (16 meters or less). The original PAC family is offered with multiple beams (1, 2, 3,4) with various beam spacings for long range (70 meters) and short range (18 meters) applications. This family of PAC safety lightcurtains allows the integration of a muting module to the receiver for 2- and 3-beam models.Perimeter Access (PAC) safety light curtains are opto-electronic through-beam devices typically used to detect personnel around hazardous equipment or machinery. PAC safety light curtains are usually used as an opto-electronic fence and when used with corner mirrors, can provide two- or three-sided detection around the perimeter of hazardous machinery.PAC safety light curtains are also used in conveyorized processes and very often are used in conjunction with a muting module.Muting is the temporary automatic suspension of the protective function of the PAC safety light curtain.Muting modules can be integrated into the light curtain's receiver or external to the light curtains.This muting function allows material to move through the safety light curtain’s sensing field without stopping the machine, however, if a person attempts to pass through the safety light curtain, they will be detected and the machine will stop. The differentiation between material and personnel is determined by the use of muting sensors.These muting sensors create a particular switching sequencetogether with the safety light curtain as the material passes through the process.Figure 2: Four sensor, uni-directional mutingPerimeter Access ControlPAC safety light curtains are generally of resolutions that provide detection of limbs and bodies of personnel, i.e. 50mm, 70mm,90mm and up. It is also common for PAC safety light curtains to be offered with a limited number of infrared beams spaced at consistent distances from one another such as 3 beams with400mm spacing between beams, or 2 beams with 500mm beam spacing.Overview2-O p t o -e l e c t r o n i c s The muting sensors must be spaced appropriately from the safety light curtain and each other in order that the sensors cannot be interrupted by personnel, causing the activation of the muting function.A requirement of muting in machine applications is for indication that the muting function is activated. This is typically accomplished by the use of a muting lamp. The various muting modules offered by Rockwell Automation have inputs for the connection of a muting lamp.Four sensor muting for this particular muting module allows a single direction of travel. A particular sequence is also required in this configuration; muting sensor 1 must be interrupted first followed by muting sensor 2 and then the safety light curtain, then muting sensor 3 and finally muting sensor 4. It is necessary with this particular muting module to have the light curtain’s sensing field interrupted within 3 seconds of muting sensor two beinginterrupted. Also, the material must block muting sensor 3 and muting sensor 4 before clearing muting sensors 1 and 2 or the muting function is overridden and the safety light curtain would become active causing a nuisance shutdown of the machine if the material is within the light curtain sensing field.An interruption of the safety light curtain sensing field would cause the machine or the hazardous motion to be turned off. The muting cycle is completed when the material clears muting sensor 4. GuardShield Perimeter Access Control (PAC)The Allen-Bradley Guardmaster GuardShield Perimeter Access Control (PAC) safety light curtain system is a two box design. This means the safety light curtain does not need a separate controller to operate in a guard only mode with manual reset. Therefore, the safety outputs of the light curtain (OSSDs) can be connected directly to any safety relay that will accept PNP inputs.The following are some common configurations of light curtainsystems. The numbers on the drawing indicate the ordering steps to follow to ensure that a complete system is specified.Components required for a multiple-beam Perimeter Access Control system (PAC), see Figure 3:1.Optic heads (operate on 24V DC)—ordered as a pair (transmitter/receiver) mounting brackets included2.Cables—separate 4-pin transmitter and 8-pin receiver3.Safety relay4.Mirror columns (for multiple side protection)T oOverviewComponents Required for Perimeter Access Control (PAC) with Muting, see Figure 4:1.Optic heads (operate on 24V DC) with muting module—orderedas a pair (transmitter/receiver)2.440R-P23071—MSR22LM muting module3.Power supply4.Cables for light curtains5.Muting indication6.Sensors for muting7.Sensor accessories8.Sensor cordsetsFigure 4: PAC with Muting⎯Two and four sensor muting shown using external muting module, MSR22LMOverview2-O p t o -e l e c t r o n i c s Typical System ConfigurationsThe Allen-Bradley Guardmaster Perimeter Access Control (PAC)safety light curtain system is a two box design. This means thesafety light curtain does not need a separate controller to operate in a guard only mode with manual reset. Therefore, the safety outputs of the light curtain (OSSDs) can be connected directly to any safety relay that will accept PNP inputs.This PAC family allows the integration of the muting module to the PAC receiver.The following are some common configurations of light curtainsystems. The numbers on the drawing indicate the ordering steps to follow to ensure that a complete system is specified.Components required for a multiple-beam Perimeter Access Control system (PAC), see Figure 5:1.Optic heads (operate on 24V DC)—ordered as a pair (transmitter/receiver)2.Cables—7-pin cable for transmitter and 8-pin cable for receiver3.Safety relay4.Power supply—120V AC to 24V DC5.Mounting brackets—minimum of 4 per optic head pair6.Mirror columns (for multiple side protection)Figure 5Components required for a single-beam Perimeter Access Control system (PAC), see Figure 6:1.Optic head—transmitter and receiver are contained in same optic head (operates on 24V DC)2.Cables—one required—specify length (8-pin quick disconnect cable)3.Safety relay4.Power supply—120V AC to 24V DC (if required)5.Mounting brackets6.Passive mirror columnActive S ideFigure 6: Single Beam PACPerimeter Access Control Overview。



EB3L-N 型指示灯安全栅 防爆使用说明书EB3L-N 型指示灯安全栅(指示灯・蜂鸣器信号转换器)必须遵守使用说明书№B-2272以及下述适用标准规范,和所有图文记载的内容,才能确保本安防爆性能。

●适用标准规范GB/T3836.1,GB/T3836.4●认证合格的触点信号转换器型号 指示灯安全栅:E B 3L -a b c d -e N “EB3L-N ”= 系列型号a = 输出类型; S : (固定字母)b = 电路数;单独/公共接线兼用 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 08, 10 公共接线专用 08C , 16C c = 输入; S : 源, K : 沉d = 电源; A : 100-240V AC, D : 24V DCe = 连接; 無 : 端子型, C : 连接器型B-2272-5(0)●服务 –更换和维修 –指示灯继电器安全栅及指示灯的检查和更换必须在切断电源后实施。而且,所有更换的指示灯安全栅等必须在重新安装妥当后才能再次接通电源。发生故障的指示灯安全栅等需要维修时,请务必送回本公司维修。 ●安 装请务必对所有螺栓、螺帽、螺丝(包括未使用的接线端子)及其他固定方法实施适当的固定拧紧。主体的安装,请通过35mm 宽的DIN 导轨安装或者使用螺丝直接安装。 ●设 置指示灯安全栅必须依据本安额定值、参数及有关记载安装在,可防电气性冲击、且只有用工具才能打开的壳体内。


例如,可将本安电路和非本安电路隔开50mm 、或者用无间隙的金属隔离板将其隔开。



为了保持本安性能,信号输出端子(Pn-Nn )只能连接到对地绝缘为 500V 的本安电路。




WS1521三端口电压输出隔离端子输入 输出 电源三端口隔离mV V mA 多种直流输入信号DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图:定货指南:例:WS1521E输入0-5VDC 输出0-5VDC主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:电压型≥100K Ω电流型≤100Ω输出负载电阻:≥10K Ω外形尺寸:(mm) 精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<10mS(可选<1mS)隔 离:输入 输出 电源三端口间相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%1W(max)尾标 输入 输出 0-75mV 0-5V 0-250V 0-5V 0-10V 0-10V -10-10V -10-10V 0-5V 0-5V 4-20mA 1-5V 4-20mA 0-10V A B C D E F GS 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1522三端口电流输出隔离端子输入 输出 电源三端口隔离mV V mA 多种直流输入信号DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图:定货指南:例:WS1522E输入4-20mA 输出4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:电压型≥100K Ω电流型≤100Ω外形尺寸:(mm) 输出负载电阻:0~500Ω精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<10mS(可选<1mS)隔 离:输入与输出隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%0.72W(输出20mA)尾标 输入 输出 0-75mV 4-20mA 0-10V 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-10mA 0-10mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 1-5V 4-20mA 0-5V 4-20mA A B C D E F GS 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1523 WS1524模入模出隔离端子输入 输出二端口隔离适于模入模出方式使用DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: WS1523功能框图:WS1524功能框图: WS1523-模入 WS1524-模出定货指南:例:WS1524E-模出型输入4-20mA 输出4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:电压型≥100K Ω电流型≤100Ω外形尺寸:(mm) 输出负载电阻:0~500Ω精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<10mS(可选<1mS)隔 离:输入与输出隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%0.72W(输出20mA)尾标 输入 输出 0-75mV 4-20mA 0-10V 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-10mA 0-10mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 1-5V 4-20mA 0-5V 4-20mA A B C D E F GS 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1525二线制隔离配电器为变送器配独立的隔离电源低功耗低热量低漂移DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:二线制变送器④配电电源正极 ③配电电源负极 定货指南:例:WS1525A输入4-20mA 输出4-20mA功能框图:主要技术参数:配 电 电 压:16.0V~24.5VDC配电电源负载能力:25mA(max)输 入 短 路:无限输出负载电阻:电压型≥10k Ω电流型250Ω(typ)外形尺寸:(mm) 精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<100mS(可选<1mS)隔 离:输入 输出 电源三端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%1W(输出20mA)尾标 输入 输出 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 1-5V 4-20mA 0-10V A B C S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1526全隔离交流电流信号变换端子将交流电流信号变换为工业仪表的标准信号输入 输出 电源三者间相互隔离DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图: 定货指南:例:WS1526D输入0-5A AC 输出4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 负 载:0.5VA(max) 输出负载电阻:电压型≥10k Ω电流型0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm) 精 度:0.5%输入信号频率范围:40~60Hz 温 度 系 数:<150ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<300mS隔 离:输入 输出 电源 三端口相互隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%0.72W(输出20mA)尾标输入 输出 0-1A AC 0-5V0-5A AC 0-5V0-1A AC 4-20mA 0-5A AC 4-20mA A B C D S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1528全隔离频率信号变换端子将频率信号转换为标准电压 电流信号 输入 输出 电源三者间相互隔离DIN T 型导轨安装输入范围: 应用连接:输入方式(尾标1):OC:集电极开路 PS:脉冲方波及正弦波功能框图: 输出范围(尾标4): A 0-5V B 0-10V C 0-10mA E 4-20mA定货指南:例:WS1528PS3AE输入0-10KHz 幅度5V 脉冲方波 输出4-20mA主要技术参数: 外形尺寸:(mm) 输 入 阻 抗:≥100k Ω输出负载电阻:电压型≥10k Ω 电流型0~500Ω 精 度:0.5%温 度 系 数:<150ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 隔 离:输入 输出 电源 三端口相互隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 压:24VDC±10%0.72W(输出20mA)尾标2输入 尾标3 输入幅度 0-50Hz A 0-5V0-1KHz B 0-24V0-10KHz C 220VAC 1 2 3 S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1520全隔离交流电压信号全隔离交流电压信号变换端子变换端子工频交流电压信号变换为工业仪表的标准信号输入 输出 电源三者间相互隔离DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图:定货指南:例:WS1520A输入0-265VAC 输出0-5V主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:≥100K Ω输出负载电阻:电压型≥10K Ω电流型0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm)精 度:0.5%输入信号频率范围:40~60Hz 温 度 系 数:<150ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<300mS隔 离:输入 输出 电源三端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%0.72W(输出20mA)尾标输入 输出 0-265VAC 0-5V0-465VAC 0-5V0-265VAC 4-20mA 0-465VAC 4-20mA A B C D S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS1562无源无源过程过程过程电流隔离电流隔离电流隔离器器无需外接电源可正常工作输入 输出隔离 传输精度好DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图:定货指南:例:WS1562B输入输出均为4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗: 200Ω+输出负载电阻值输出负载电阻:0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm)精 度:0.1%(R L =250Ω)输入和输出间的电压损失约3.5V温 度 系 数:<50ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃隔 离:输入与输出隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟尾标输入 输出 0-10mA 0-10mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-20mA 0-20mA 0-5mA 0-5mAA B C D S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS15622双路无源电流信号隔离端子无需外接电源输入 输出隔离 二通道相互独立DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图:定货指南:例:WS15622B 双路输入输出均为4-20mA主要技术参数:(每一路)输 入 阻 抗: 200Ω+输出负载电阻值输出负载电阻:0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm)精 度:0.1%(R L =250Ω)输入和输出间的电压损失约3.5V温 度 系 数:<50ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃隔 离:输入与输出隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟尾标输入 输出 0-10mA 0-10mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-20mA 0-20mA 0-5mA 0-5mAA B C D S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS15242全隔离双输出信号分配器将输入信号变换为二路相互隔离的信号低功耗 低热量 低漂移DIN T 型导轨安装 接线端子可插拔输入输出范围: 应用连接:功能框图:定货指南:例:WS15242B 输入4-20mA输出二路均为4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗: 电压型 ≥100K Ω 外形尺寸:(mm) 电流型 ≤100Ω 输出负载电阻:电压型 ≥10K Ω电流型 0~350Ω~500Ω精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<100mS(可选<1mS)隔 离:输入 输出1 输出2 电源四端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%1W(输出两路20mA)输出尾标 输入OUT1 OUT2 0-10V 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-10V 4-20mA 1-5V4-20mA 4-20mA 1-5V0-10V 0-10V 0-10V A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS15252全隔离双输出变送器配电器为每个变送器配独立的隔离电源 将现场变送器信号隔离输出二路信号低功耗 低热量 低漂移DIN T 型导轨方式 接线端子可插拔输入输出范围: 应用连接:二线制变送器④配电电源正极 ③配电电源负极定货指南:例:WS15252B输出二路均为4-20mA 功能框图:主要技术参数:配 电 电 压:17.0V~26.5VDC 配电电源负载能力:23mA(max) 输 入 短 路:无限输出负载电阻:0~350Ω~500Ω 精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 外形尺寸:(mm) 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<100mS隔 离:工作电源 配电电源 输出1输出2 四端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10%1.8W(输出两路20mA)输出尾标OUT1 OUT2 4-20mA 1-5V 4-20mA 4-20mA A B S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS15272 全隔离双输出脉冲/脉冲变换端子将脉冲 正弦波信号整形 隔离输出二路脉冲方波 DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:输入方式:(尾标2)OC :集电极开路 功能框图: PS :脉冲及正弦波 输出方式:(尾标3) OC :50VDC30mA PS 电平:0-5V定货指南:例:WS15272CPSPS 输入0-10KHz 脉冲输出二路均为0-10KHz 脉冲主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗: >100K Ω 外形尺寸:(mm)脉冲传递系数:1:1工作温度范围:-20~+55℃隔 离:输入 输出1 输出2电源 四端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%1.2W(max)尾标输入 输出二路 0-50Hz 0-50Hz 0-100Hz 0-100Hz 0-10KHz 0-10KHz 0-100KHz 0-100KHz A B C D S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS15244四输出全隔离四输出全隔离信号信号信号分配分配分配器器将输入信号变换为四路相互隔离的信号输入 输出1-4 电源六者间相互隔离低功耗 低热量 低漂移DIN T 型导轨安装 接线端子可插拔输入范围: 应用连接:定货指南:例:WS15244B输入4-20mA 输出四路4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗: 电压型 ≥100K Ω 外形尺寸:(mm) 电流型 ≤100Ω输出负载电阻:电流型 0~350Ω精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<100mS隔 离:六组端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC±10%2W(输出四路20mA)尾标输入 0-5V 4-20mA 0-10V 0-10mA A B C D S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS21522双通道信号隔离器双路信号隔离器mV V mA 多种直流输入信号 DIN T 型导轨方式 接线端子可插拔输出范围: 功能框图:定货指南:例:WS21522E输入4-20mA 输出4-20mA 外形尺寸:(mm)主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗: 电压型 ≥100K Ω 电流型 ≤100Ω 输出负载电阻:电压 ≥10K Ω 电流 0~500Ω 精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<10mS(可选<1mS) 隔 离:输入1 输入2 输出1 输出2 电源相互隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC±10% 1.5W(双路)尾标输入 输出 0-75mV 4-20mA 0-10V 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-10mA 0-10mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 1-5V 4-20mA 0-5V 4-20mA A B C D E F G S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS21525双路二线制隔离配电器双路隔离配电器为每个变送器配独立的隔离电源 DIN T 型导轨方式 接线端子可插拔输出范围: 功能框图:定货指南:例:WS21525A输入4-20mA 输出4-20mA ① ④配电电源正极 ② ⑤配电电源负极主要技术参数:配 电 电 压:16.0V~24.5VDC 外形尺寸:(mm) 配电电源负载能力:25mA(max) 输 入 短 路:无限输出负载电阻:250Ω(typ) 精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<100mS隔 离:输入1 输入2 输出1输出2 电源 相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 2W(双路)尾标输出 4-20mA 1-5V A B S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS9020电位计电位计全隔离全隔离全隔离位移位移位移信号调理器信号调理器内含传感器恒压源将电位计 滑线电阻位置信号转换为过程信号 DIN T 型导轨安装输入电位器电阻总值:500Ω~10K Ω输出范围: 应用连接:定货指南: 功能框图: 例: W9020A输入电位器 输出0-5V主要技术参数:输入激励电压:恒压2.5V 输出负载电阻:电压型≥10K Ω电流型0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm)精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<10mS(可选<1mS) 隔 离:输入 输出 电源三端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 0.72W(max)尾标输出 0-5V 4-20mA 1-5V A B C S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS9050/WS9010 热电阻热电阻全隔离信号调理器全隔离信号调理器Pt100 Cu50 Ni1000传感器直接接口内含线性化 长线补偿三端口隔离 DIN T 型导轨安装输入输出范围: 应用连接:WS9010-Cu50 WS9050-Pt100 功能框图:定货指南:例: W9050C4 三线 Pt100 输入0-150 ℃输出1-5V主要技术参数:热电阻激励电压:恒压1.2VRTD 断线指示:默认≥24mA(5.5V)热电阻输入线路电阻:100Ω(max) 外形尺寸:(mm) 输出负载电阻:电压型≥10K Ω电流型0~500Ω精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入 输出 电源三端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 0.72W(max)尾标1输入 尾标2 输出 -20-100℃ 1 -1-5V 0-100℃ 3 0-5V 0-150℃ 4 1-5V 0-200℃ 5 4-20mA 0-400℃ 6 0-20mA A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS9050I/WS9010I 热电阻热电阻电流输出隔离变送器电流输出隔离变送器Pt100 Cu50 Ni1000传感器直接接口内含线性化 长线补偿DIN T 型导轨安装 接线端子可插拔输入输出范围: 应用连接: 尾标1 输入温度范围 -20-100℃ 0-100℃ 0-150℃ 0-200℃ 0-400℃ A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格 输出4-20mAWS9010I-Cu50 WS9050I-Pt100 功能框图:定货指南:例: W9050IC输入0-150 ℃三线 Pt100主要技术参数:热电阻激励电压:恒压1.2V RTD 断线指示:默认≥24mA热电阻输入线路电阻:100Ω(max) 外形尺寸:(mm) 输出负载电阻:0~500Ω 精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入 输出 电源三端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 0.72W(max)WS9060热电偶热电偶全隔离全隔离全隔离信号调理器信号调理器热电偶K E J T B R S N 直接接口冷端补偿 线性化三端口隔离 DIN T 型导轨安装输入温度范围: 应用连接:功能框图: 定货指南:例:WS9060KA1,输入K 型热偶 测量范围0-400℃ 输出0-5V主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:≥50K Ω输出负载电阻:电压型≥10K Ω电流型0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm)断 偶 状 态:默认≥24mA(5.5V) 外 置 冷 补:传感器端子①处 精 度:0.2%(对温度) 温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入 输出 电源 三端口相互隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 0.72W(max)尾标1输入 尾标2 输出 0-400℃ 1 0-5V 0-600℃ 2 0-10V 0-800℃ 3 1-5V 0-1300℃ 4 4-20mA 0-1600℃ A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格Pt100 Cu50 Ni1000传感器直接接口内含线性化 长线补偿 四端口隔离 输出二路相互隔离 DIN T 型导轨安装 接线端子可插拔输入输出范围: 尾标1 输入 尾标2 输出1 输出2 -20-100℃ 3 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-100℃ 4 0-20mA 0-20mA 0-150℃ 5 1-5V 1-5V 0-200℃ 6 4-20mA 1-5V 0-400℃ A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS90102-Cu50 WS90502-Pt100 功能框图:定货指南:例: W90502C3输入0-150 ℃三线 Pt100 输出1 4-20mA 输出主要技术参数:热电阻激励电压:恒压1.2VRTD 断线指示:默认≥24mA(5.5V) 外形尺寸:(mm) 热电阻输入线路电阻:100Ω(max) 输出负载电阻:电压型≥10K Ω电流型0~500Ω精 度:0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入 输出1/2 电源四端口相互隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 1.5W(max)热电偶K E J T B R S N 直接接口冷端补偿 线性化四端口隔离 DIN T 型导轨安装 接线端子可插拔输入温度范围: 功能框图:定货指南:例:WS90602KA6,输入K 型热偶 测量范围0-400℃输出1 4-20mA 输出2 1-5V 外形尺寸:(mm)主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:≥50K Ω输出负载电阻:电压型≥10K Ω电流型0~500Ω断 偶 状 态:默认≥24mA(5.5V) 外 置 冷 补:传感器端子④ ⑤处 精 度:0.2%(对温度) 温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入 输出1/2 电源 四端口相互隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC ±10% 1.5W(max)尾标1输入 尾标2 输出1 输出2 0-400℃ 3 4-20mA 4-20mA 0-600℃ 4 0-20mA 0-20mA 0-800℃ 5 1-5V 1-5V 0-1300℃ 6 4-20mA 1-5V 0-1600℃ A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS2020二线制隔离电位计信号变换端子电位计输入二线制4-20mA输出内含传感器恒压源DIN T型导轨安装输入电位器电阻总值:应用连接:500Ω~10KΩ定货指南:例:WS2020输入电位器主要技术参数:功能框图:输入激励电压:0.25V输出负载电阻:0~500Ω精度:0.2%温度系数:<100ppm/℃外形尺寸:(mm)工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响应时间:<500mS隔离:输入与输出隔离绝缘电阻:>100MΩ(500VDC)绝缘强度:1500VDC/1分钟工作电源:24VDCWS2022二线制隔离信号变换端子二线制4-20mA 输出 mV V mA 多种输入范围 DIN T 型导轨安装输入范围: 应用连接:功能框图: 定货指南:例:WS2022E 输入4-20mA主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:电压型 ≥100K Ω 电流型 ≤100Ω 输出负载电阻:0~500Ω精 度:0.2% 外形尺寸:(mm) 温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入与输出隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDC尾标输入 0-75mV 0-5V 0-10V -10-10V 4-20mA 0-10mA 1-5V A B C D E F G S 用 户 特 定 规 格WS2025输出环路供电隔离配电器二线制4-20mA输出为变送器配独立的隔离电源DIN T型导轨安装输入范围:应用连接:输入输出4-20mA 4-20mA定货指南:例:WS2025输入二线制变送器信号输出二线制环路供电4-20mA 二线制变送器④配电电源正极 ③配电电源负极功能框图:主要技术参数:配电电压:14.0V~20.5VDC配电电源负载能力:25mA(max)输出负载电阻:0~500Ω外形尺寸:(mm)精度:0.3%温度系数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响应时间:<500mS隔离:输入与输出隔离绝缘电阻:>100MΩ(500VDC)绝缘强度:1500VDC/1分钟工作电源:24VDCWS2026二线制隔离二线制隔离交流电流交流电流交流电流信号变换端子信号变换端子二线制4-20mA 输出将交流电流变换为工业仪表的标准信号DIN T 型导轨安装输入范围: 应用连接: 尾标 输 入0-1A 0-5A A B S 用 户 特 定 规 格定货指南:例:WS2026B 功能框图: 输入0-5AAC主要技术参数:输 入 负 载:0.5VA(max)输出负载电阻:0~500Ω精 度:0.5% 外形尺寸:(mm)输入信号频率范围:40~60Hz温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响 应 时 间:<300mS隔 离:输入与输出隔离绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC)绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟工 作 电 源:24VDCWS2050/WS2010二线制隔离热电阻信号调理器二线制4-20mA 输出Pt100 Cu50 Ni1000传感器直接接口内含线性化和长线补偿 DIN T 型导轨安装输入温度范围: 应用连接: 尾标 输入 -20-100℃ 0-100℃ 0-150℃ 0-200℃ 0-400℃ A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格 WS2010-Cu50 WS2050-Pt100定货指南:例: W2050C 功能框图: 输入0-150 ℃三线 Pt100主要技术参数:热电阻激励电压:1.2V RTD 断线指示:约25mA热电阻输入线路电阻:100Ω(max) 外形尺寸:(mm) 输出负载电阻:0~500Ω 精 度:<0.2%温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入与输出隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDCWS2060二线制隔离热电偶信号调理器二线制4-20mA 输出热电偶K E J T B R S N 直接接口冷端补偿 线性化 DIN T 型导轨安装输入温度范围: 应用连接:定货指南: 功能框图: 例:WS2060KA 输入K 型热偶 测量范围0-400℃主要技术参数:输 入 阻 抗:≥50K Ω输出负载电阻:0~500Ω 外形尺寸:(mm) 断 偶 状 态:约25mA外 置 冷 补:传感器端子①处 精 度:<0.2%(对温度) 温 度 系 数:<100ppm/℃ 工作温度范围:-20~+55℃ 响 应 时 间:<500mS隔 离:输入与输出隔离 绝 缘 电 阻:>100M Ω(500VDC) 绝 缘 强 度:1500VDC/1分钟 工 作 电 源:24VDC尾标输入 0-400℃ 0-600℃ 0-800℃ 0-1300℃ 0-1600℃ A B C D E S 用 户 特 定 规 格隔离端子输出环路供电隔离端子WS9030输入环路/输出环路供电切断现场仪表电源和接口板电源实现二线制电流隔离传送DIN T型导轨安装输入输出范围:应用连接:输入输出4-20mA 4-20mA主要技术参数:输入等效阻抗:<100Ω输入端电压:≤2V输出负载电阻:0~500Ω功能框图:精度:0.2%温度系数:<100ppm/℃工作温度范围:-20~+55℃响应时间:<500mS隔离:输入与输出隔离绝缘电阻:>100MΩ(500VDC) 外形尺寸:(mm)绝缘强度:1500VDC/1分钟工作电源:24VDC应用:一些接收设备的信号接收端带有24V电源,而现场传送来的信号(二线或四线方式)为有源信号,二者对接将发生电源“冲突”,WS9030既切断电源关系,又实现信号隔离。

AeronBrady 模拟信号安全栅说明书

AeronBrady 模拟信号安全栅说明书

模拟信号安全栅概述Avaon 系列模拟信号输入安全栅能够确保现场信号跟连接设备实现高压电气隔离,在系统电源、输入、输出信号三者之间,形成零电流或零电位差属性的简单连接关系。

并且拥有将信号,经隔离传送到控制系统,同时支持HART 数字信号双向传输的特性。



相关产品・GSD (General Station Description)文件・EDDL (Electronic Device Description Language)文件可从本公司的网站上下载GSD 文件、EDDL文件。

主要的功能与特长・适用于USB 接口的调制解调器只能在安全区域使用。


注)此软件的运作状况是在O S 上确认的。

●支持HART 通信协议的超高精度2线制变换器●通用信号输入型(直流电流、电压)●本质安全型防爆●可使用SIL2安全装置系统●可使用的温度范围广●通过手持设定器及PC 组态软件可随时改变输入及输出的设定●备有自我诊断功能●宽度仅12.5mm ,可高密度安装●可使用用户指定的温度表●备有超低温度漂移型(20ppm/℃typ.)●CE 标准(ATEX 指令及EMC 指令)通信规格通信规格:HART 通信规格HART 地址范围:0~15(出厂时设定为0) 传输速度:1200bps通信时的数字量电流输出:约1m Ap-p 字符格式・起始位:1・数据位:8・校验位:1 (奇数)・停止位:1传输距离:1.5km通信方式:主从模式、定时发送模式(出厂时设定为主从模式) 网络模式:点对点模式、多支路模式(地址设定在0以外时,网络模式将会自动变为多支路模式)机器规格连接方式・输入・输出:弹簧夹持式端子连接・供电电源:弹簧夹持式端子连接或由底座供电适用电缆线:0.2~2.5mm 2、露线长度为8mm 机壳材质:黑色耐燃性树脂隔离:输入-输出-电源间输出范围:-2~+102%零点调整范围:-2~+2%(通过PC 设定)量程调整范围:98~102%(通过PC 设定)电源显示灯:绿色LED 、电源供电时亮灯状态显示灯:橙色LED 、用LED 的闪烁状态显示变换器的工作状态设定:通过PC 设定设定可能项目・输入类型・输入范围・输出类型・输出范围・零点及量程的调整・客户指定的线性表(最多101点、输入输出的可设定范围均为-2~+102%)・其它PC 设定的具体方法请参照组态软件的使用说明书。

fafnir sb安全栅使用说明书

fafnir sb安全栅使用说明书

根据GB/T 3836.1的指示2021322316003665 安全栅使用说明书SB ...版本: 04.2023 I 应用范围SB 1型安全栅最好与经过认证的防火罩一起使用,例如HPH Ex d…,用于将本安型传感器(两线制)与非本安型电路连接。

SB 3型安全栅用于连接本安型传感器(四线制)和非本安型电路。

II 标准安全屏障是根据以下标准设计的GB/T 3836.1-2021 设备--一般要求GB/T 3836.2-2021 通过防火罩 "d "来保护设备GB/T 3836.4-2021 本质安全 "i "的设备保护III 关于安全的说明III.a 使用SB 1型安全屏障作为防火封装的本质安全设备,适合在危险区域使用。

SB 3型安全栅作为相关设备,不适合在危险区域使用。


该批准适用于以下设备版本SB 1 单通道安全护栏罐装在衬套中SB 3 围墙内的三通道安全屏障III.b 装配和拆卸装配或拆卸只能在无电压的情况下进行!只有拆除墙体外壳,才能安装SB 3型安全护栏。


III.c 安装接线只能在断电的情况下进行。

必须遵守特殊规定,如GB/T 3836.15或当地的安装规定。


SB 1输入侧的外螺纹M24 × 1.5最好是用于拧入经批准的防火罩。

本质安全传感器(输出)的连接是通过一个M28 × 1.5的外螺纹进行的。







FB-L 安全栅说明书

FB-L 安全栅说明书

概 述FB—L齐纳安全栅(以下简称安全栅)安装在安全区,将危险区的一次仪表和安全区的二次仪表衔接。


一旦供电电压或输出电流大于安全栅阀值,安全栅立刻进入限能状态安全栅经国家级石油和化工防爆质检中心审查,防爆安全性能符合 GB3836.1-2000 和GB3836.4-2000国家标准的有关要求,防爆标志为[Exia]IIC,防爆合格证号为___CE102107__。







技术指标U(V) I(mA) Um Uo(V) Io(mA) Co(μF) Lo(mH) 电源回路 24V ≤20mA 250VAC/DC 28V 93 0.083 4.2信号回路 / ≤20mA 250VAC/DC 14V 100 0.73 3.5 U: 供电电压 I: 工作电流 Um:最高电压(交流有效值) Uo:最高输出电压Io:最大输出电流 Po:最大输出功率 Co:最大外部电容 Lo:最大外部电感·安装要求安全使用温度:-10℃~50℃储存温度:-10℃~70℃相对湿度:≤85%RH大气压力:80kPa~110kPa安装于无爆炸危险性气体混合物的安全区,无腐蚀性的场地,应避免强电磁波的干扰。

产品重量:150g安装方式滑轨安装接线两线制接线 三线制接线注意事项1. 安全栅必须置于安全场所。

2. 系统调试过程中应把安全栅的全部接线断开,待一次仪表和二次仪表正常工作后再接安全栅。

3. 安全栅和一次仪表及连线组成本质安全防爆系统时,安全栅最大外部电容Co应大于导线分部电容与变送器最大外部电容之和。

安 全栅最大外部电感Lo应大于导线分部电感与变送器最大外部电感之和。


TCP0030 AC DC 电流探头数据手册说明书

TCP0030 AC DC 电流探头数据手册说明书

TCP0030AC/DC Current ProbeTCP0030DataSheetFeatures &Bene fitsEasy-to-use and Accurate AC/DC Current Measurements Connects Directly to DPO7000and DPO4000Series Oscilloscopes Using the New TekVPI™Probe InterfaceProvides Automatic Units Scaling and Readout on the Oscilloscope DisplaySplit-core Construction Allows Easy Circuit Connection DC to >120MHz Bandwidth30A RMS Maximum Current Capability 50A Peak Pulse Current CapabilityHigh Accuracy with Typically Less than 1%DC Gain Error Accurately Measures Current Levels as Low as 1mA Low Noise and DC Drift Easy to Degauss and AutozeroSetup Controls and Probe Status/Diagnostic Indicators are Provided on Both the Probe Hardware,and through an Easy-to-Access Oscilloscope UI Display MenuSafety Certi fied for U.S.and CanadaApplicationsPower Supplies Semiconductor Devices Power Inverters/Converters Electronic BallastsIndustrial/Consumer Electronics Mobile Communications Motor DrivesTransportation SystemsTCP0030TCP0030is a high-performance,easy-to-use AC/DC current probe designed for use and direct connection (without the need of an additional power supply)to the TekVPI™probe interface used on Tektronix’new DPO7000and DPO4000Series Oscilloscopes.This AC/DC current measurement probe provides greater than 120MHz of bandwidth with selectable 5A and 30A measurement ranges.It also provides exceptional low-current measurement capability and accuracy to current levels as low as 1mA,important for meeting today’s challenging current measurementneeds.Data SheetCharacteristicsBandwidth–DC to≥120MHzRise Time–≤2.92nsMax RMS Current–30AMax Peak Pulse Current–50AMinimum Sensitivity–1mA(on oscilloscopes that support1mV/div setting)AC Coupling(on oscilloscopes that support AC/DC coupling)Current Ranges–5A and30AMax Bare-wire Voltage–Use insulated wire onlyTypical CharacteristicsDC Accuracy–±1%typical±3%warrantedMax Amp-second Product–500A*µs(in30A Range)Insertion Impedance–1mΩat10kHz3.5mΩat100kHz0.08Ωat1MHz0.15Ωat10MHz0.7Ωat100MHz0.85Ωat120MHzSignal Delay–14.5nsEnvironmentalTemperature–Operating:0ºC to+50ºCNonoperating:-40ºC to+75ºCHumidity–Operating:5%to95%Relative Humidity(RH)at up to+30°C;5%to85%RH above 30°C up to+50°C,noncondensingNonoperating:5%to95%Relative Humidity(RH)at up to+30°C;5%to85%RH above30°C up to+75°C,noncondensingAltitude–Operating:Up to3,000m(10,000ft.)Nonoperating:Up to12,192m(40,000ft.)RegulatoryCompliance Labeling–CE(European Union)WEEE(European Union)Physical CharacteristicsProbe Head Size cm in.Height 3.2 1.25Width 1.60.625Length207.77Other DimensionsCable Length20079Max Conductor Diameter0.380.15Weight kg lb. Shipping 1.55 3.44Power RequirementsTCP0030is powered directly by the DPO7000and DPO4000Series Oscilloscopes using TekVPI™interfaceRecommended OscilloscopesDPO7000and DPO4000Series Oscilloscopes with TekVPI™probe interface. Standard WarrantyOne year parts and labor.Ordering InformationTCP0030AC/DC Current ProbeIncludes:Instruction manual(071-1812-xx English,or071-1813-xx Japanese,or 071-1814-xx Simplified Chinese)*1,Protective Cover(016-1923-xx),Probe Ground Lead–6in.length(196-3120-xx),Nylon Carrying Case(016-1952-xx).*1Specify manual language when ordering.Language OptionsOpt.L5–Japanese instruction manual.Opt.L7–Simplified Chinese instruction manual.Service OptionsOpt.C3–Calibration Service3Years.Opt.C5–Calibration Service5Years.Opt.D1–Calibration Data Report.Opt.D3–Calibration Data Report3Years(with Opt.C3).Opt.D5–Calibration Data Report5Years(with Opt.C5).Opt.R3–Repair Service3Years.Opt.R5–Repair Service5Years.Recommended AccessoriesCurrent Loop,1Turn,50Ωwith BNC connector used for Performance Verification–Order015-0601-50.Product(s)are manufactured in ISO registered facilities.AC/DC Current Probe—TCP00303Data Sheet Contact Tektronix:ASEAN/Australasia(65)63563900Austria+41526753777Balkans,Israel,South Africa and other ISE Countries+41526753777Belgium078160166Brazil+55(11)40669400Canada1(800)661-5625Central East Europe,Ukraine,and the Baltics+41526753777Central Europe&Greece+41526753777Denmark+4580881401Finland+41526753777France+33(0)169868181Germany+49(221)9477400Hong Kong(852)2585-6688India(91)80-42922600Italy+39(02)250861Japan81(3)6714-3010Luxembourg+44(0)1344392400Mexico,Central/South America&Caribbean52(55)54247900Middle East,Asia,and North Africa+41526753777The Netherlands09002021797Norway80016098People’s Republic of China86(10)62351230Poland+41526753777Portugal800812370Republic of Korea82(2)6917-5000Russia&CIS+7(495)7484900South Africa+27112068360Spain(+34)901988054Sweden020*******Switzerland+41526753777Taiwan886(2)2722-9622United Kingdom&Ireland+44(0)1344392400USA1(800)426-2200For other areas contact Tektronix,Inc at:1(503)627-7111Updated30October2008For Further Information.Tektronix maintains a comprehensive,constantly expandingcollection of application notes,technical briefs and other resources to help engineers workingon the cutting edge of technology.Please visit Copyright©Tektronix,Inc.All rights reserved.Tektronix products are covered by U.S.and foreign patents,issued and rmation in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material.Specification and price change privileges reserved.TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks ofTektronix,Inc.All other trade names referenced are the service marks,trademarks,or registered trademarksof their respective companies.05Jun200951W-19042-1TCP0030。



简介本使用手册提供了有关 SL-V 系列安全光栅(“SL-V”)的装卸、操作与安全预防措施等方面的信息。

操作 SL-V 之前应认真阅读本手册以了解该装置的有关功能,并将其妥善保管以备随时查阅。


在本使用手册中,“SL-VH” 代表具有 φ25mm 检测能力的手保护类型,“SL-VHM”代表具有 φ25mm 检测能力的手保护和坚硬外壳类型,“SL-VL” 代表具有 φ45mm 检测能力的主体保护类型,“SL-VF”代表具有 φ14mm 检测能力的手指保护类型以及“SL-V”代表包含 SL-VH,SL-VHM,SL-VL 和 SL-VF 的所有型号。




不遵守这项指示,可能损坏 SL-V 或其所应用的机器。




•如果未按照本使用手册中 SL-V 的规格进行使用,或私自对其进行改造,KEYENCE 公司将不对 SL-V 的功能与性能进行任何担保。

•当使用 SL-V 来保护机器操作人员远离危险区域或危险部位、或无论出于什么目的将它用作安全装置时,应始终注意遵守 SL-V 使用所在国家或地区的法律的所有适用要求、规则、规定和标准。


•根据安装 SL-V 的机器类型的不同,还必须遵守涉及 SL-V 的使用、安装、维护和操作等方面的一些特殊安全规定。

负责安装 SL-V 的人员必须严格遵守这些安全规定。

•本装置负责人须对指定从事 SL-V 的使用、安装、维护与操作的人员进行有关培训。




Zone 2 方案
Internal usage only
Zone 0 爆炸性气体连续出现或长时间存在的场所.
Zone 1 在正常运行时,可能出现爆炸性气体环境的场 所. Zone 2 在正常运行时,不可能出现爆炸性气体环境,如果出也是偶然发生并且 是短时间存在的场所.
防爆称重显示仪培训教程 Overview 王宁 2005/12
仪表定位 防爆2区介绍 PANTHER 防爆等级 硬件选件 应用控制图 应用条件和注意事项 JAGXTREME 防爆等级 硬件选件 应用控制图 应用条件和注意事项 2区防爆仪表典型配置 防爆2区产品的应用 订货信息
Internal usage only
危险区1区 危险区2区 Jaguar
High End
隔爆箱 PUMA IND560
9506-0030/0032 安全栅 Ex200 (Q4/05) Panther
型号 JXPA 0000X 描述 2区防爆JAGXTREME,面板式,有显示,基本型 BOM 72188489
JXPB 0000X
JXHA 0000X
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