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What’s more, we can pour out the troubles we are faced with.
4. 我坚定地认为旅客的数量应得到限制。 I am firmly convinced that the number of tourists should be limited. 5. 有时,我们通过网上聊天来交流观点。 Once in a while, we chat online to exchange our opinions. 6. 逛了一天商店,我都累坏了。 I was worn out after a day of shopping.
9. 英语对我来说是日常生活中与他人交流所 必备的。 English is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life. 10. 这篇文章深深地吸引了我。 The article appeals to me greatly.
表达求新立异1: 1. 应该立即采取行动来改善环境。 Immediate actions should be taken to better the environment. 2. 为什么他们不敢负责任? Why are they afraid of shouldering the responsibility? 3. 我们的期末考试即将来临。 Our final exam is around the corner.
1. 在校期间,我们应衣着整洁。 We are supposed to be neatly dressed when at school. 2. 目前的环境问题令人担忧。
The environmental problem at present is of great concern. 3. 更重要的是,我们可以倾诉我们面临的 困难。
6. 我没能劝说他把烟戒掉。 I failed to persuade him to give up smoking. 7. 你需要解释一下你是如何想到这个主意 的。 You need to explain how the idea occurs to you. 8. 买车的人越来越多。 An growing number of people are buying cars.
4. 旅程本身比到达目的地更重要。 It is not the arrival but the journey that counts. 5. 我想找一份能充分发挥我的才能的工 作。 I’m looking for a job which will enable me to develop my talents fully.
6.大量阅读英语文章有助于提升我们的语感。 Reading a lot of English articles is very beneficial to improving our language sense.
7. 专家们在研究儿童如何习得语言。 Experts are examining how children acquire language. 8. 在现代社会,我们至少要精通两门语言。
10. 摩拜单车日益盛行。 Mobike is becoming increasingly popular. 11. 只要你愿意,我会不遗余力地帮助你。 I’ll spare no effort to help you as long as you are willing. 12. 我忙于研究,很少关注我女儿的感受。 I was occupied in my study and pay little attention to my daughter’s feelings.
In the modern society, we should have a good command of at least two languages.
9. 除了学习,我们还要求学生加强身体锻炼。 Besides study, we also require the
students for their physical exercise.
4.作为准(expectant)高三学生,我意识到我必须努 力学习了。
As a would-be grade 3 student in senior high, I’m aware that I should study hard. 5.我们站在她身边,仔细地看着。
We stood around her and watched attentively.
1.请提前告知我们你的决定。 Please inform us of your decision in advance. 2.我写这封信是要表达对您真诚的感谢。 I’m writing to convey my sincere thanks to you. 3.我想为年纪更小的孩子改写这篇故事。 I intend to rewrite the story for younger children.