和感冒说拜拜 Say ByeBye to Mr Cold(final)


byebye song 英文儿歌

byebye song 英文儿歌

byebye song 英文儿歌
The Goodbye Song
Goodbye, goodbye
It's time to go
Goodbye, goodbye
I don't want to go
The More We Get Together
The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
'Cause your friends are my friends 因为你的朋友也是我的朋友
And my friends are your friends 我的朋友也是你的朋友
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Bye Bye Baby Bunting
Bye bye Baby Bunting
Daddy's gone a-hunting
To get a little rabbit skin
To wrap his Baby Bunting in 把他的宝贝娃娃裹起来。

bye bye song英文儿歌

bye bye song英文儿歌

bye bye song英文儿歌"Bye Bye Song" 是一首非常受欢迎的英文儿歌,歌词简单易懂,旋律欢快活泼。

以下是"Bye Bye Song"的歌词:Bye bye, bye bye再见,再见It's time to say goodbye是时候说再见了Wave your hands and say goodbye挥挥手说再见Bye bye, bye bye再见,再见See you later, alligator待会见,鳄鱼先生In a while, crocodile一会儿见,鳄鱼小姐See you later, alligator待会见,鳄鱼先生After 'while, crocodile待会儿见,鳄鱼小姐Bye bye, bye bye再见,再见It's time to say goodbye是时候说再见了Wave your hands and say goodbye挥挥手说再见Bye bye, bye bye再见,再见See you later, alligator待会见,鳄鱼先生In a while, crocodile一会儿见,鳄鱼小姐See you later, alligator待会见,鳄鱼先生After 'while, crocodile待会儿见,鳄鱼小姐(重复以上歌词)这首歌通常用于幼儿园和学校中,帮助孩子们学习如何与他人道别。

歌曲中的"See you later,alligator"和"In a while, crocodile"是押韵的短语,使歌曲更加有趣和易于记忆。


Moulin Rouge!《红磨坊(2001)》完整中英文对照剧本

Moulin Rouge!《红磨坊(2001)》完整中英文对照剧本

红磨坊巴黎一九零零年从前有个男孩There was a boy.一个怪异的着了魔的男孩A very strange enchanted boy.他们说他穿越大♥陆♥和海洋They say he wandered very far,流浪到很远的very far,很远的地方over land and sea.不要上当恶魔Don't be fooled! Evil!有些害羞A little shy,回头吧远离这个充满罪恶的村庄Turn away from this village of sin!蒙马特眼神又有些忧郁and sad of eye.但是他却But very wise很聪明was he.后来有一天And then one day,神奇的一天A magic day.我们相遇了He passed my way.于是我们说了很多事情And while we spoke of many things.关于蠢人和王公贵族的事Fools and kings.他对我说的这些事情中This he said to me,你将学习到的the greatest thing最美好的事情you'll ever learn就是去爱is just to love以及被爱and be loved作为回报in return.红磨坊The Moulin Rouge.那是一间夜♥总♥会♥A nightclub...也是舞厅和妓院a dance hall and a bordello...哈罗德·西德勒掌管那里ruled over by Harold Zidler.那是夜幕降临后的快乐王国A kingdom of nighttime pleasures...有钱有权的人在那里where the rich and powerful played with...玩弄那些社会底层年轻漂亮的女人the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld.而我爱过The most beautiful of all these...那些女人中最漂亮的一位was the woman who I loved.萨婷Satine.高级妓♥女♥ 她把她的爱情卖♥♥给男人A courtesan, she sold her love to men.他们叫她闪亮的钻石They called her the "Sparkling Diamond".她是And she was the star...红磨坊的明星of the Moulin Rouge.这个我爱过的女人已经The woman I loved is...离开了人世dead.一年前I first came to Paris...我第一次来到巴黎one year ago.那是一八♥九♥九年充满爱的夏天lt was 1♥8♥9♥9, the Summer of Love.我对红磨坊I knew nothing of the Moulin Rouge,哈罗德·西德勒和萨婷一无所知Harold Zidler or Satine.波西米亚革命已经横扫世界The world had been swept up in a Bohemian revolution,我从伦敦回来参与其中and l had travelled from London to be a part of it.蒙马特尔村庄在巴黎近郊On the hill near Paris was the village of Montmartre.它不像我父亲说过的那样It was not, as my father said,是个充满罪恶的村庄"A village of sin."那里是波西米亚人的世界but the center of the Bohemian world.音乐家画家作家Musicians, painters, writers.他们作为革命之子而被大家知晓They were known as the children of the revolution.是的我贫穷的生活在这里Yes. I had come to live a penniless existence.我来这儿书写♥真♥理美好自♥由♥I had come to write about truth, beauty, freedom书写我所最坚信的事情那就是爱and that which l believed in above all things: love.你总是荒唐的痴迷于爱中Always this ridiculous obsession with love!但是有一个问题There was only one problem.我从来没有和谁相爱过I'd never been in love.幸运的是正在那时Luckily, right at that moment,一个失去意识的阿根廷人从楼上掉下来了an unconscious Argentinean fell through my roof.很快就有一个穿得像修女的矮个子人来找他He was quikly joined by a dwarf dressed as a nun.你好How do you do?我叫亨利·马瑞·雷蒙德·图卢兹·劳特雷克·蒙特法My name is Henri Marie Raymond Toulouse-Lautrec-Montfa.非常对不起我们正在楼上排练一部剧I'm terribly sorry. We were upstairs rehearsing a play.什么一部现代剧What? A play.名字叫壮美的景色Something very modern called "Spectacular Spectacular".这个故事发生在瑞士And it's set in Switzerland.不幸的是他那个失去意识的阿根廷朋友Unfortunately, he unconscious Argentinean嗜眠症开始发作suffered from narcolepsy.前一秒还表现完美下一刻就失去意识了Perfectly fine one moment, then suddenly unconscious the next. 他怎么样了How is he?太棒了得失眠症的阿根廷人失去意识了Wonderful. The narcoleptic Argentinean is unconscious.这样明天戏剧脚本就不能完成Therefore the scenario will not也就无法给赞助者看了be finished to present to the financier tomorrow.图卢兹他是对的He's right, Toulouse.我还是要写完音乐I still have to finish the music.我们只需要找个人来读这部分We just find someone to read the part.我们去哪里Where in heaven's name are找一个人来读这个we going to find someone to read the role...年轻感情丰富的瑞士牧羊诗人的角色呢of the young, sensitive Swiss poet goat herder?在我还没察觉到时我就已经在楼上了Before I knew it, I was upstairs,代替那个失去意识的阿根廷人standing in for the unconscious Argentinean.高山充满生机The hills animate悦耳的交响乐回荡其中with the euphonious symphonies of descant.停不要再制♥造♥令人难以忍♥受的声音了Oh, stop! Stop that insufferable droning!它都淹没我的台词了It's drowning out my words!我们难道不能只用钢琴曲作背景音乐吗Can we please just stick to a little decorative piano?奥德丽的词和萨蒂的曲There seemed to be artistic differences over风格迥然不同Audrey's lyrics to Satie's song.我不认为一个修女会那样去形容一座山I don't think a nun would say that about a hill.他如果唱山峦是高音部的吟诵曲怎么样What if he sings, "The hills are vital intoning the descant"?高山在颤抖"The hills quake and shake..."不不高山是No, no, no. "The hills..."高山是交响乐旋律的化身"The hills are incarnate with symphonic melodies"!-不高山是 -高山是- No. "The hills..." - "The hills..."-高山是 -高山是- "The hills..." - "The hills..."高山啊The hills因为are alive音乐飘荡其中with the sound of而变得生动music高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中而变得生动"The hills are alive with the sound of music."我喜欢这句I love it!高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中The hills are alive with the sound....而变得生动of music.这句实在太完美了It fits perfectly!他们所唱的歌♥曲With songs they have sung千年以来一直传唱for a thousand years.太棒了Incandiferous!奥德丽你们应该一起写完这部剧Audrey, you should write the show together.你说什么I beg your pardon?但是奥德丽并不喜欢But Toulouse's suggestion that Audrey and I write together... 图卢兹让我和他一起写剧本的建议was not what Audrey wanted to hear.再见Goodbye!这会是你在巴黎的第一份工作Here's to your first job in Paris.图卢兹西德勒是不会同意的Toulouse, Zidler will never agree.无意冒犯但是你以前写过这样的剧本吗No offense, but have you ever written anything like this before? -没有 -这个男孩太有才华了- No. - Ah! The boy has talent!我喜欢他I like him.没别的意思我只是欣赏你的才华Nothing funny. I just like talent.高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中而变得生动"The hills are alive with the sound of music."让克里斯丁来写我们就能With Christian, we can write...得到我们梦想中的真正的波西米亚革命戏剧the truly Bohemian revolutionary show we always dreamt of. 可是我们怎么说服西德勒How will we convince Zidler?图卢兹有个计划Toulouse had a plan.萨婷Satine.他们给我穿上阿根廷人最好的西服They would dress me in the Argentinian's best suit...让我装成英国有名的作家and pass me off as a famous English writer.一旦萨婷听到我作的诗Once Satine heard my poetry,她会惊讶于我的才华然后就会让西德勒she'd be astounded and insist to Zidler that...同意由我来写壮美的景色I write "Spectacular Spectacular".唯一困扰我的事情就是我总是听见父亲的声音The only problem was I kept hearing my father's voice: 你和红磨坊跳康康舞的舞♥女♥在一起You'll end up wasting your这是浪费你的生命life at the Moulin Rouge with a cancan dancer!我不能为红磨坊写剧本I can't write the show for the Moulin Rouge!为什么不能Why not?我连自己是不是波西米亚革命者都不确定I don't even know if I am a true Bohemian revolutionary. -你相信美好吗 -相信- Do you believe in beauty? - Yes.-相信自♥由♥吗 -相信当然相信- Freedom? - Yes, of course.-那真理呢 -也相信- Truth? - Yes.那爱呢Love?爱爱啊Love? Love?在这些事情中我最相信爱情Above all things, I believe in love.爱就像氧气爱是许多美好的事情Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing.爱让我们远离世俗爱就是一切Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!你愚弄不了我们See, you can't fool us.你就是革命之子的代表人You're the voice of the children of the revolution.我们是不会上当的We can't be fooled!让我们敬这位新作者Let's drink to the new writer他将是波西米亚革命戏剧的第一位作者of the world's first Bohemian revolutionary show!那是一个完美的计划It was the perfect plan.我要去让萨婷给我面试I was to audition for Satine我将喝到我人生中第一杯苦艾酒and I would taste my first glass of absinthe.从前有个男孩There was a boy.我是绿精灵I am the green fairy.高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中The hills are alive而变得生动with the sound of music.自♥由♥ 美好Freedom, beauty,真理爱情truth and love.高山啊因为音乐飘荡其中The hills are alive而变得生动with the sound of music.我们要去红磨坊了We were off to the Moulin Rouge.而我将为萨婷朗诵我的诗And I was to perform my poetry for Satine.红磨坊The Moulin Rouge.有哈罗德·西德勒和他那些声名狼藉的舞♥女♥Harold Zidler and his infamous girls.人们称他们为钻石狗They called them his "Diamond Dogs."今晚你会和我睡觉吗Voulez-vous coucher avec moi Ce soir?姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ Hey, sister, go, sister,黑人姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ soul sister, go, sister.如果生活很无趣If life's an awful bore,那么活着也只是被琐事困扰and living's just a chore.而你这样活着也仅仅是因为死亡也很无趣That you do 'cause death's not much fun.我就是你的解药I've just the antidote.尽管我不应该幸灾乐祸的观看And though I mustn't gloat.在红磨坊你将拥有快乐At the Moulin Rouge you'll have fun.挠一挠那些琐事So scratch that little niggle.让身体不断地摇摆Give a little wiggle.你知道你能行You know that you can.因为我们Because we可以跳康康舞can cancan.不要说你不能Don't say you can't can't can't.你知道你可以跳康康舞的You know you can cancan.不要说你不能因为你能的Don't say you can't because you can.现在我们在这里Here we are now.愉悦我们自己Entertain us.我们感觉很愚蠢We feel stupid.我们被感染了And contagious.拥有邪恶的想法Got some dark desire .爱上玩火的感觉Love to play with fire.既然生活这样琐碎为什么不彻底放纵Why not let it rip? Live a little bit.我们跳康康舞We can cancan.不要说你不能Don't say you can't can't can't.你知道你可以跳康康舞的You know you can cancan.你能跳康康舞You can cancan.外面也许会风雨交加Outside, it may be raining.但是在这里我们要愉悦自己But in here it's entertaining!如果你要爱就自♥由♥的去爱If you love love love to be free free free.红磨坊就是这样的地方The Moulin Rouge is the place to be.因为我们能跳康康舞Because we can cancan.是的我们跳康康舞Yes, we can cancan!我们在这里Here we are now.愉悦自己Entertain us.外面的世界让你感到悲伤Outside, things may be tragic.但是在这里所有的事情都很神奇But in here we feel it's magic.康康舞The cancan.因为我们跳康康舞Because we can cancan.去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ 黑人姐♥妹♥们♥ Go, sister, soul sister,姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ hey, sister, go, sister.黑人姐♥妹♥们♥ 去吧姐♥妹♥们♥ Soul sister, go, sister.因为我们跳康康舞Because we can cancan是的我们能跳康康舞Yes, we can cancan克利奥尔人玛尼雷德女士Creole Lady Marmalade因为我们能跳康康舞Because we can cancan.因为它让你思维活跃'Cause it's good for your mind.克里斯丁Christian.任务完成了我们已经说服了西德勒Mission accomplished. We've successfully evaded Zidler.是她闪亮的钻石It's her. The Sparkling Diamond.法国人愿意The French are glad to为爱牺牲die for love.他们为能决斗They delight而感到高兴in fighting duels.但是那天晚上还有另一个人看见了萨婷But someone else was to meet Satine that night.但是我更喜欢But I prefer活生生的人a man who lives.西德勒的投资者Zidler's investor.并且他能给我名贵的And gives expensive珠宝Jewels.公爵先生The Duke.吻手礼很欧化A kiss on the hand may be quite continental.但是只有钻石是女孩最好的朋友But diamonds are a girl's best friend.亲吻是很美好A kiss may be grand.但是它支付不了你那狭小房♥子的租金But it won't pay the rental on your humble flat.也不能帮你喂养你的猫Or help you feed your pussycat.男人会越来越冷漠就像女人会越来越老Men grow cold as girls grow old.到最后我们都会失去魅力And we all lose our charms in the end.但是正方形或者圆润梨花型切割的钻石永远不会变形But square cut or pear-shaped these rocks don't lose their shape. 钻石是女人最好的朋友Diamonds are a girl's best friend.我什么时候才能见到她When am l going to meet the girl?蒂凡尼的珠宝Tiffany's.她唱完歌♥以后我会安排一个特别的见面After her number, I've arranged a special meeting,只有你和萨婷小姐just you and Mademoiselle Satine.就你们俩人Totally alone.卡地亚手表Cartier.她唱完歌♥以后我安排了一个私人见面After her number, I've arranged a private meeting.就只有你和萨婷小姐只有你们两人Just you and Mademoiselle Satine. Totally alone.两个人吗Alone?是的就你俩Yes, totally alone.因为我们生活在一个物质的世界中'Cause we are living in a material world.而我就是一个拜金女And I am a material girl.过来找我吧男孩们Come and get me, boys.失陪一下Excuse me.黑钻石罗斯柯Black Star. Roscor.哈里·西德勒和我说话吧告诉我这些事情Talk to me, Harry Zidler. Tell me all about it!也许有的时候女孩需要律师There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer.但是钻石是女孩最好的朋友But diamonds are a girl's best friend.也许有时冷酷的上司会认为There may come a time when a hard-boiled employer thinks 你实在好的过分you're awful nice Oh!不用担心我把所有的事情都安排好了Don't worry. I'll sally forth and tee things up!公爵来了吗Is the Duke here?亲爱的老爹让你失望过吗Liebchen, would Daddy let you down?非常对不起Terribly sorry.他在哪Where is he?图卢兹对着摇手帕的那个人He's the one Toulouse is shaking a hanky at.打扰一下克里斯丁这个借我Excuse me, Christian. May I borrow?-你确定吗 -让我再看一下- Are you sure? - Let me peek.非常对不起真是太尴尬了I'm ever so sorry! How embarrassing!就是那个人That's the one.我希望他别被那个小个子蠢货给吓走I hope that demonic little loon doesn't frighten him off. 你自己擦吧你这个资产阶级的猪Clean yourself up, you bourgeois pig!对不起Sorry.-他会投资吗 -傻瓜- Will he invest? - Pigeon!在和你共度一晚后After spending the night with you,他怎么还能忍♥心拒绝how could he refuse?他喜欢什么风格调萎的小花What's his type? Wilting flower?朝气蓬勃的或者是妩媚妖娆的Bright and bubbly? Or smoldering temptress?妩媚妖娆的吧I'd say smoldering temptress.我们就指望你了小美妞We're all relying on you, gosling.记着站在真实的舞台上Remember, a real show in a real theater,面对现场的观众with a real audience那你就是and you'll be一个名符其实的演员a real actress.因为那是那些卑鄙的家伙'Cause that's when those louses回到他们配偶身边的时刻go back to their spouses.钻石Diamonds我有振奋人心的消息I have exciting news!是女孩的are a girl's最好的best朋友我想你正在等我I believe you were expecting me.是的Yes. Yes.这就是我的选择I'm afraid it's lady's choice.你见过我的这位英国朋友了I see you've met my English friend...我会关照他的I'll take care of it.跳起来吧Let's dance.跟她吟诵你最新的诗Hit her with your most modern poem!感受夜晚跳动的旋律Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night.跳舞到天亮Dance until the morning light.忘掉心中的烦恼Forget the worries on your mind.把它们统统忘到脑后You can leave them all behind.感受夜晚跳动的旋律Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night.跳舞到天亮Dance until the morning light.-进展得很顺利嘛 -真是不可思议- That went well. - Incredible.他对女人很有一套He has a gift with the women.我跟你说过了他是个天才I told you. He's a genius.那位公爵对跳舞得心应手That Duke certainly can dance.你能对我们的小舞台剧感兴趣真是太棒了How wonderful of you to take an interest in our little show. 听起来振奋人心我很高兴能参与其中It sounds very exciting. I'd be delighted to be involved.-真的吗 -看起来你很喜欢我的所为- Really? - Assuming you like what I do.I'm sure l will.图卢兹觉得我们应该Toulouse thought we might be able to私下谈谈do it in private.-是吗 -是的一次私人的- Did he? - Yes, you know, a private诗歌♥朗诵poetry reading.一次诗歌♥朗诵A poetry reading.我喜欢在晚饭后来点诗歌♥调味I love a little "Poetry" after supper.大家准备好了Hang on to your hat!钻石Diamonds,不管是垂直切割square cut还是圆润梨花型or pear-shaped.这些岩石These rocks都不会改变其形won't lose their shape.钻石Diamonds是女孩们的are a girl's最爱best...萨婷萨婷Satine! Satine! Satine!我不知道公爵今晚是不是能赚得回本钱I don't know the Duke's gonna get his money's worth tonight. 别那么无情妮妮Don't be unkind, Nini.你们把她吓跑了You've frightened her away.但是我看到一些孤独的红磨坊舞者But I can see some lonely Moulin Rouge dancers正在寻找一两个舞伴looking for a partner or two!如果你们振臂欢呼So if you can hunk hunk,你们就可以和她们跳舞you can Hunkadola with them!别挡我路Out of my way!玛丽Oh, Marie.这些奇装异服看上去好傻Oh, these silly costumes.只是晕过去了一会Just a fainting spell.女孩们回到台前去All right, girls. Back out继续让这些绅士们流口水没问题吧front and make those gents thirsty. Problems?你不用担心Nothing for you to be worrying about.那就别围在这里了Don't stand around, then.走出花♥园♥ 宝贝Come out of the garden, baby年轻女孩们你们会在雾中得重感冒的You'll catch your death in the fog, young girls她们是钻石的拥护者They call them the Diamond Dogs.去找西德勒那女孩正等着我呢Find Zidler. The girl's waiting for me.那位脚趾闪光的公爵正拿着诱饵等你呢That twinkle-toes Duke has really taken the bait, girl. 像他那样的赞助人With a patron like him,会使你成为第二个you could be the next莎拉·伯恩哈特Sarah Bernhardt.你真的觉得我会成为莎拉那样的人吗Do you really think I could be like the great Sarah?为什么不会呢你很有天赋Why not? You got the talent.你钓上那位公爵You hook that Duke and you'll你就会照亮欧洲最棒的舞台be lighting up the great stages of Europe.我会成为一名真正的演员I'm gonna be a real actress,玛丽一个真正的演员Marie. A great actress.我会远走高飞我会走得很远很远I'm gonna fly away from here. I'm gonna fly, fly away.小宝贝你没事吧Duckling, is everything all right?我当然没事哈罗德Yes. Of course, Harold.谢天谢地Thank goodness.你在舞台上和公爵You certainly weaved your magic真是大放光彩with the Duke on the dance floor.我看起来怎么样How do I look?很妩媚妖娆吧A smoldering temptress?我的小草莓My little strawberry,他怎么能不拜倒在你的石榴裙下how could he possibly resist gobbling you up?事情进展得何其顺利Everything's going so well!我将与你在红色屋内相见I'll meet you in the red room真不敢相信直接进房♥间了Unbelievable. Straight to the elephant.这是个诵诗的绝佳地点你觉得呢This is a wonderful place for a poetry reading. Don't you think? -够诗意了吗 -是的- Poetic enough for you? - Yes.吃点晚餐吗喝点香槟吧A little supper? Maybe some champagne?我只是想I'd rather just尽快完事get it over and done with.很好Very well.那么为什么你不Then why don't you到这里来呢come down here?让我们速战速决Let's get it over and done with.我更愿意站着I prefer to do it standing.你不必站起来You don't have to stand.有时候它会Sometimes it's.... It's比较长我希望你能感觉舒服quite long and I'd like you to be comfortable.它非常现代开始也许会有点奇怪It's quite modern, what I do. And it may feel a little strange 但如果你能放开心怀你会享受其中的at first, but if you're open, you might enjoy it.我相信我会的I'm sure l will.不好意思Excuse me.那天空The sky那天空那蓝色的知更鸟The sky.... The bluebirds...别紧张别紧张Come on. Come on.我想I think也许会颤抖there might be some shaking.-有什么问题吗 -我有一点紧张- Um, is everything all right? - I'm a little nervous.有时候需要一点时间来Sometimes it takes a while for让灵感迸发inspiration to come.是的是的Oh, yes, yes.让我来帮助你Let mummy help.这样做有没有激起你的灵感Does that inspire you?-让我们亲热吧 -亲热吗- Let's make love. - Make love?-你很想的不是吗 -我是来- You want to, don't you? - Well, l came to... 说实话你感觉不到诗意吗Tell the truth. Can't you feel the poetry?来吧感受它吧Come on! Feel it.发威吧Free the tiger!真大Big boy!他有巨大的才华He's got a huge talent!-我现在就需要听你吟诗 -好吧- I need your poetry now! - All right!这有一点可笑It's a little bit funny我不是那种容易隐藏This feeling inside内心感情的人I'm not one of those who can easily hide. 这诗怎么样这是你想要的吗Is this okay? Is this what you want?诗歌♥ 是的Oh, poetry. Yes. Yes.这正是我想要的下流的语句Yes. This is what I want, naughty words.下流的语句Oh! Naughty!我没多少钱但是如果我有I don't have much money, but, if I did, I'd buy我就会买♥♥一所我们都能住大房♥子a big house where we both could live这真不幸It's so bad!如果我是雕刻家当然我不是If I were a sculptor then again, no.你这个小魔鬼You devil.或者巡回演出中的魔法师Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show.不要停Don't, don't, don't!不要停Don't stop!-我知道这并不真实 -再来- I know it's not much - Give me more!这是我所能尽力给予的It's the best I can do.下流的语句不要停Naughty! Don't stop!我的礼物就是我的歌♥曲My gift is my song.这只为你而唱And this one's for you.你可以告诉每个人And you can tell everybody.这是首为你而唱的歌♥That this is your song.它也许很简单It may be quite simple, but但是它确已写成now that it's done我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind.我用文字记下That I put down in words.现在有你在世间How wonderful life is生活多么美好now you're in the world.我坐在屋顶I sat on the roof.我踢掉苔藓And l kicked off the moss.一些诗歌♥Well, some of these verses让我痛苦Well, they got me quite cross. 但是当我写下这首歌♥时But the sun's been kind阳光温暖和煦while I wrote this song.这是为你而作的歌♥It's for people like you that让人兴奋keep it turned on.原谅我忘记了So excuse me forgetting.但这些是我所做的事情But these things I do.我忘了You see, I've forgotten它们是绿色的还是蓝色的if they're green or they're blue. 不管怎样事实是Anyway, the thing is我真正想说的是What I really mean你拥有一双yours are the sweetest eyes我见过的最漂亮的美目I've ever seen.你可以告诉每个人And you can tell everybody.这是你的歌♥This is your song.它也许很简单It may be quite simple, but但是它确已写成Now that it's done.我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind 我在文字中写下That I put down in words.现在有你在世间How wonderful life is生活多么美好now you're in the world.看起来他得到这份工作了Looks like he got the job!真不敢相信I can't believe it.我恋爱了I'm in love.我爱上一位年轻的I'm in love with a young英俊的有才华的公爵handsome, talented duke.公爵吗Duke?当然称谓并不重要Not that the title's important, of course.我不是公爵I'm not a duke.不是公爵啊Not a duke?我是一个作家I'm a writer.作家吗A writer?是的一个作家Yes, a writer.图卢兹图卢兹Toulouse... Toulouse.噢不你不是图卢兹嘴中的Oh, no. You're not another of Toulouse's那个有才华的迷人的波希米亚人oh-so-talented charmingly Bohemian,穷困的领导者吧impoverished protagonist?你可以那么说You might say that.I'm going to kill him.有个小意外I think there might be a small hitch.-公爵怎么样了 -我亲爱的公爵- What about the Duke? - My dear Duke...-是那个公爵 -公爵吗- The Duke! - The Duke?藏起来到后面去Hide! Out back!亲爱的你在为公爵的到来而精心打扮吗My dear, are you decent for the Duke?你去哪了Where were you?我正在等I.... I was waiting.最最亲爱的公爵Dearest Duke, allow me to introduce允许我介绍萨婷小姐Mademoiselle Satine!先生您能抽出百忙之时来Monsieur, how wonderful of you来这里拜访真是好极了to take time out of your busy schedule to visit.我感到万分荣幸亲爱的The pleasure, I fear, will be entirely mine, my dear.我让你们两只小松鼠单独相处一会回见I'll leave you two squirrels to get better acquainted. Ta-ta. 吻手礼很欧化A kiss on the hand may be quite continental.但是钻石是女孩最好的朋友But diamonds are a girl's best friend.经过一晚上在舞台上的折腾After tonight's pretty exertions on the stage你肯定需要吃点水果you must be in need of refreshment.不要你难道Don't! Don't you不喜欢那演出吗just love the view?很迷人我突然很想跳舞I feel like dancing.我想喝一杯香槟I should like a glass of champagne.-这有点可笑 -关于什么- It's a little bit funny. - What is?这种感觉This... feeling.内心的感觉...feeling... inside.内心的...inside.我不是那种容易I'm not one of those who can easily隐藏的人hide.我没有多少钱I don't have much money但是如果我有钱我就会买♥♥一所but if I did, I'd buy a big house我们都可以居住的大房♥子where we both could live.我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind.我希望你不要介意I hope you don't mind.我写下这些话语That I put down in words.生活How wonderful多么美妙life is现在有你在now you're in世间the world.真是动听极了That's very beautiful.这是壮美的景色里的歌♥曲It's from Spectacular Spectacular.你突然出现在这里Suddenly, with you here让我终于明白这话语真正的含义I finally understood the true meaning of the words. 有你在世间生活多么美妙"How wonderful life is now you're in the world." 那是什么意思亲爱的And what meaning is that, my dear?公爵Duke!你在玩弄我的感情Don't you toy with my emotions.你一定知道你让女人上钩后的后果You must know the effect you have on women.我们亲热吧Let's make love!你想亲热不是吗You want to make love, don't you?亲热Make love?我就知道你也是这么想的I knew you felt the same way!噢公爵Oh, Duke!你是对的我们应该等到首场演出之夜You're right. We should wait until opening night. 等着吗等等吗Wait? Wait?你有一种能量吓到了我There's a power in you that scares me.-你得走了 -我刚来啊- You should go. - I just got here.排练的时候我们每天都会见面的We'll see each other every day during rehearsal.我们必须要等等到首场演出之夜We must wait. We must wait until opening night. 出去Get out.你知道不知道如果我们被发现了Do you have any idea what would have happened 会有什么后果吗if you were found?萨婷Satine?我们来偷♥窥♥吧Let's have a little peekaboo.刚好能看到Right on target.我忘了我的帽子I forgot my hat...偷鸡摸狗Foul play?公爵啊Oh, Duke.这就是你所谓的难以隐藏内心的情感吗It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside!说得真好公爵Beautifully spoken, Duke.允许我给您介绍这位是作家Let me introduce you. The writer.-作家吗 -是的- The writer? - Yes.是啊我们正在排练Oh, yes. We were rehearsing.你是想告诉我大半夜的You expect me to believe that scantily clad...在房♥间里衣不蔽体的...in the arms of another man,躺在另一个男人in the middle of the night, inside an elephant...-的怀里排练吗 -排练的怎么样了- ...you were rehearsing? - How's the rehearsal going? 我们能不能重头在来一次呢Shall we take it from the top?希望钢琴调好音了的I hope the piano's in tune.不好意思来晚了Sorry, got held up.您要喝点什么吗Can I offer you a drink?天哪Oh, my goodness!。




babyYou know you love meI know you care你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意You shoutwhenever And Ill be there无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里You want my love You want my heart你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心And we will never ever ever be apart而我们也将永远不分离Are we an item Girl quit playing我们是一个项目吗,(我也不懂啥意思) 女孩退出/放弃游戏We re just friends what are you saying我们只是朋友,你在说什么,Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)My first love broke my heart for thefirst time我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like而我就像Baby baby baby oh likebaby baby baby no likebaby baby baby ohI thought youd always be mine mine我认为你几乎已经是我的了Baby baby baby oh likebaby baby baby no likebaby baby baby ohI thoughtyoud always be mine oh oh我认为你几乎已经是我的了For you I would have done whatever为你我无论如何都会完成应该是这样Another can’t believe we aint together如果再给我们另一个机会我们就会在一起and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you并且想要弄的酷一点不然我就会失去你I buy you anything I buy you any ring我会给你买任何东西我会给你买任何戒指and now please say baby fix me而我变成碎片的时候宝贝修理我吧比较好玩And you shake me til you wake me from this bad dream你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来Im going down down down我的情绪愈来愈失落And just cant believe my first love wont be around只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围Baby baby baby oh likebaby baby baby no likebaby baby baby ohIthought youd always be mine mine我认为你几乎已经是我的了Baby baby baby oh likebaby baby baby no likebaby baby baby ohI thought youd always be mine mine我认为你几乎已经是我的了LoudeWhen i was 13 i had my first love当我 13岁时我拥有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比Andnobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上就是家长在上管理的意思She had me goin crazy她让我疯狂Oh i wasstarstruck.oh 我就像追星族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks她每天都使我醒来不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒个人理解She made my heart pound她使我心跳加速/猛烈跳动I sking for a beat when i see her in the street当我在街上遇到她时心脏一阵跳动And in the school on the playground还有在学校和操场的时候But i really wanna see her on the weekends但我真的很想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazing她知道她使我疯狂Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking因为她是如此的引人吃惊而我正在心碎But i just keep on sayin但我还是想继续说Babybaby baby oh likebaby baby baby no likebaby baby baby ohI thought youd always bemine mine我认为你几乎已经是我的了Baby baby baby oh likebaby baby baby no likebaby baby baby ohI thought youd always be mine mine我认为你几乎已经是我的了Now I’m gone现在我走了Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahNow I’m gone现在我走了yeah yeah y eah yeah yeah yeahNow I’m gone 现在我走了yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahnow I’m all gone现在我都不见了Gone gone gone gone I’m gone走了,走了,走了,走了,我走了 Big big world-Emilia 大世界艾蜜丽娅Im a big big girl 我是个重要的女孩~In a big big world 在一个大世界里~Its not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。





歌词内容(Talking)Honey,你好吗?最近过得还好吗?对不起,我是真的真的没有想要见到你V1:知道你的眼泪你已经不需要为你守着也不会有结果知道你已经走出我的世界我也开始放下了自己我会微笑放手Back to Talking:晴天会转变阴天, 悲伤会快乐过天V2:你的过去我都不会去打听我真的不想知道你的未来已经有了新的约会至少不是我在这个城市已经没有了回忆我真的舍不得谢谢你陪我看完了快乐电影你说你很快乐你却流了泪我听你的假装没有感觉Back to Talking:晴天会转变阴天, 快乐会忧伤面对Bridge:你的脸终于进入我的梦境我的眼张开又闭上来不及再说我不能没有你你笑的好灿烂雨下整夜我的爱溢出就像雨水院子落叶跟我的思念厚厚一叠几句是非也无法打动我的坚持Back to Talking:晴天会转变阴天, 伤心会快乐过天Chorus:Honey,说好不哭, 就要微笑离开我Honey,你要幸福, 才会快乐忘了我Honey,对不起, 我这么做你会过的更好Back to Talking:晴天会转变阴天, 快乐会忧伤面对晴天会转变阴天, 伤心会快乐过天晴天会转变阴天, 悲伤会快乐过天Outro:Honey,你好吗?最近过得还好吗?对不起,我是真的真的没有想要见到你歌曲意境《晴天》是一首描写失恋的歌曲,表达了歌手对曾经美好时光的思念和祝福前任走出伤痛的心情。








九年级上册人教版英语十三单元4a翻译[ti:UNIT 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 25 What's Wrong with Danny?][0:00.487]UNIT 4 第四单元[0:02.009]Stay Healthy 保持健康[0:03.796]Lesson 25: 第二十五课:[0:05.765]What's Wrong with Danny? 丹尼怎么了?[0:08.754]THINK ABOUT IT![0:10.632]If you don't feel well, what should you do?[0:14.946]What was the worst illness you've ever had?[0:18.767]Look at the pictures in this lesson.[0:21.780]Can you guess what happened?[0:24.020]At 3:00 AM, Danny wakes up his parents. 凌晨三点,丹尼叫醒了他的父母。

[0:27.742]What's wrong, Danny? 丹尼,怎么了?[0:29.800]I don't feel well. 我感觉不舒服。

[0:31.612]My stomach hurts. 我胃疼。

[0:34.164]Of course your stomach hurts. 你当然会胃疼。

[0:36.256]You ate ten donuts for dessert! 你吃了十个油炸圈饼当餐后甜点![0:38.973]No, Dad. 不,爸爸。

[0:40.356]That isn't the problem. 那没问题。

[0:43.628]My stomach has never hurt this much before. 我的胃从来没有疼得这么厉害。



F.T Island (FT 아일랜드) –바래F.T Island 奢望하루가지나고한달이지나도一天過去了一個月過去了너에게연락이오지를않았어你卻還是沒有聯繫我눈물이흘러가슴이아파眼淚在流心在痛아니야잠시뿐야不會的只是暫時的아닐거야아닐거야不會的不會的아닐거야나를달래지마不會的不要哄我니가떠난빈자리만커져가你離開後的空位越來越空虛너를다시봐도넌넌내사랑不管怎麼看你都是我的愛수백번봐도난난네사랑琢磨數百遍我還是你的愛하늘이맺어준넌내사랑你就是月老賜予我的愛니가잠시길을잃은것뿐이야你只是暫時迷失了方向다시태어나도너만바래下一輩子我還是只想要你다시사랑해도너만바래再次相愛我也還是只想要你돌아올거야돌아올거야你會回來的你會回來的니가없는나는없으니까因為沒有了你我也將不復存在날사랑한다해놓고你說你愛我도대체어디로떠난거야나를버리고卻離開了我你到底去了哪裏잡은내두손까지도우리약속까지도曾經握緊的雙手還有我們的約定나버리고깨버리고어떻게떠나你怎麼能狠狠拋棄我離開呢꿈일거야꿈일거야這是夢這是夢꿈일거야나를속이지마這是夢不要騙我나만혼자남겨진게서러워留我一個人我會寂寞너를다시봐도넌넌내사랑不管怎麼看你都是我的愛수백번봐도난난네사랑琢磨數百遍我還是你的愛하늘이맺어준넌내사랑你就是月老賜予我的愛니가잠시길을잃은것뿐이야你只是暫時迷失了方向다시태어나도너만바래下一輩子我還是只想要你다시사랑해도너만바래再次相愛我也還是只想要你돌아올거야돌아올거야你會回來的你會回來的니가없는나는없으니까因為沒有了你我也將不復存在이모든게악몽일거라난생각했어我知道所有的一切只是噩夢아~제발이꿈에서깨기만바래啊~拜託我只希望能快點從夢中醒來오늘이지나고내일또눈뜨면過完今天明天再次睜開雙眼이모든게현실이아닌꿈이길바래Oh所有的一切都不是現實希望只是夢Oh 모든게현실보다더所有的一切只是過於真實的夢리얼했던꿈이였길나는바래널바래我希望你希望아직도너를원해還是只想要你다시돌아봐도넌넌내사랑不管怎麼看你都是我的愛수천번봐도난난네사랑琢磨數百遍我還是你的愛하늘이허락한넌내사랑你是上天允諾的我的愛우린잠시멀어졌던것뿐이야我們只是暫時分開一下다른여잘봐도너만바래再次相遇我還是只想要你다른사랑해도너만바래再次相愛我也還是只想要你돌아올거야돌아올거야你會回來的你會回來的내가없는너는없으니까因為沒有了你我也將不復存在난매일밤기도해내행복아닌불행을위해我每晚祈噸不是為了幸福而是為了不幸넌내가아닌다른사랑못하게除了我你不會愛上其他人난너아니면안되, 내심장이널말해我的心臟對你說我沒有你不行나는변함없이다시태어나도너만바래我不會變下一輩子還是只想要你다시태어나도너만바래下一輩子我還是只想要你다시사랑해도너만바래再次相愛我也還是只想要你돌아올꺼야돌아올꺼야你會回來的你會回來的니가없는나는없으니까因為沒有了你我也將不復存在一天過去了一個月過去了ha lu ga ji na guo ha dan nu ji lai duo你卻還是沒有聯系我na yi key yao na gu眼淚在流心在痛o ji lu na la suo roon mu li hu lao不會的只是暫時的ka su mi a pa a li yang jiang xi bu ya不會的不會的a nei guo ya a nei guo ya不會的不要哄我a nei guo ya na lei da lai ji ma你離開後的空位越來越空虛li ga dao nang bi qiang li man kuo jio ga不管怎麼看你都是我的愛nao lu da xi man du nuo nuo nai sa rang琢磨數百遍我還是你的愛su bu kuo man du nang nang nei sa rang你就是月老賜予我的愛ha nu li me jio jiu no nei sa rang你只是暫時迷失了方向li ga jiang xi ki li yi ruo guo pu yi ya下一輩子我還是只想要你gai xi te yao na doon ma nuo man ba dai再次相愛我也還是只想要你ta xi sa rang ai duo nuo man ba dai你會回來的你會回來的tuo la wo guo ya tuo la wo guo ya因為沒有了你我也將不複存在li ga o roon na li lao su li gaRap)你說你愛我le sa miang han de he nuo go卻離開了我你到底去了哪裏duo de qie o di duo duo na guo yang na ru bao lu kou曾經握緊的雙手qiang gu le du su ga ji duo還有我們的約定你怎麼能狠狠拋棄我離開呢wu li yang su ga ji duo na bo li gu de wo li wo duo key duo li ya 這是夢這是夢gu mi guo ya gu mi guo ya這是夢不要騙我gu mi guo ya la nu su gi ji man留我一個人我會寂寞lang man hong jiang nang kyo ji gai suo luo wo不管怎麼看你都是我的愛nao lu ga xi man du nuo nuo nai sa rang琢磨數百遍我還是你的愛su bu kuo man du nang nang nei sa rang你就是月老賜予我的愛ha nu li me jio jiu nuo li sa rang你只是暫時迷失了方向li ga jiang xi ki li yi ruo guo pu yi ya下一輩子我還是只想要你ga xi te yao na doon nuo man da dai再次相愛我也還是只想要你te xi sa rang ai duo nuo man ba dai你會回來的你會回來的tuo la wo guo ya tuo la wo guo ya因為沒有了你我也將不複存在li ga o roon na li lai su li ga我知道所有的一切只是噩夢mo doon ga an mo ni gao la la sen ga kai suo啊~拜托我只希望能快點從夢中醒來qie ma li gu me suo gai gi man ba daiRAP:過完今天明天再次睜開雙眼o roon li qin la guo le wu li nu ting guo所有的一切都不是現實希望只是夢Ohmo doon ga xi xi li a li ku mi ku ba dai o所有的一切只是過於真實的夢ku mi gu gie hin xi duo我希望你希望還是只想要你lei o hei yao he duo ku mi yao luo li pa dai ruo pa dai a ji tu duo li wan lei 不管怎麼看你都是我的愛ta xi tuo la man du nuo nuo nei sa rang琢磨數百遍我還是你的愛su qiang mu man du nang nang nen sa rang你是上天允諾的我的愛ha lv li hou le kan nuo nai sa rang我們只是暫時分開一下hu li jang xi mo ruo jiang ki miang pu yi ya再次相遇我還是只想要你ta lu niu jia guo du nuo man ba dai再次相愛我也還是只想要你ta roon sa rang e duo nuo man ba dai你會回來的你會回來的tuo la wo guo ya tuo la wo guo ya因為沒有了你我也將不複存在nai ga o roon guo roon luo su li gaRap)我每晚祈禱著不是為了幸福而是為了不幸ye ku bang ki jio he me he bom a li guo除了我你不會愛上其他人li ga mi he duo lang ga a li jiang roon sa rang mo ta gai我的心髒對你說我沒有你不行lang ruo a li mi a tue lang xi jiang mi ruo ma hae我不會變下一輩子還是只想要你la ru piang la o suo da xi te o da roon ma hae下一輩子我還是只想要你ta xi te yao na doon ma nuo man ba dai再次相愛我也還是只想要你ta xi sa rang ai duo nuo man ba dai你會回來的你會回來的tuo la wo guo ya tuo la wo guo ya因為沒有了你我也將不複存在mi ga o roon na li lao su li gaTrouble Maker羅馬拼音1! 2! 3!ni nu nul bo myonnan Trouble Makerni gyo te so myonnan Trouble Makerjo gum shik do do dogal su rok do do doi jen ne ma mu la doo jol su.. ob soni ga na rul it jimot ta geja ku ni a pe so toni mam ja ku ne gahun du robo so nal su op do rokne ip su rul to hum chi gomo li ta ra na bo ryonan Trou a a a ble!Trouble!Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!ni ma mul kemul go dom mangchil ko ya go yangi cho romnon ja ku anda ri nalgo ya ne a pu ro wao so hwa ne bo ryomne sek si hango rum ni mo ri so gebal don gul go nunun gu nan skinship ol gu re bi chinmot cha ma juk getdan ni nun bitgal su rok gi pido pa jo du roal su ro ni gado ma me du do Babya mu re don ni seng ga ge chwi e na bwa LadyI never never never stop!ni ga na rul it jimot ta geja ku ni a pe so toni mam ja ku ne gahun du robo so nal su op do rok ne ip su rul to hum chi go mo li ta ra na bo ryonan Trou a a a ble! Trouble!Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker! Trouble Maker!o tok kenol ne mam me(da ma )dul su in nun ji (Trouble Maker)gu nyang nema mi ga nun de ro, i jen I never never stop! mom chul su ob soni ga na rul it jimot ta geja ku ni a pe so toni mam ja ku ne gahun du robo so nal su op do rokne ip su rul to hum chi gomo li ta ra na bo ryonan Trou a a a ble!Trouble!Trou! Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!Trouble Maker!中韓文1!2!3!니눈을보면난trouble maker看著你的眼我是trouble maker니곁에서면난trouble maker在你的身邊我是trouble maker조금씩더더더漸漸地更更更갈수록더더더越來越越越越이젠내맘을나도어쩔수없어現在我也對我的心沒有辦法니가나를잊지못하게자꾸니앞에서또為了不讓你忘了我,總是在你面前니맘자꾸내가흔즐어벗어날수없도록你總是讓我的心動搖,讓我無法逃脫니입술을또훔치고멀리달아나버려你的嘴唇也是在腦海中怎樣也揮不走난trou a a a ble ! trouble! trou! Trouble maker 我是trou a a a ble ! trouble! trou! Trouble makerTrouble makerTrouble maker니맘을깨물고도망칠거야고양이처럼像撕咬你心髒而逃跑的貓一樣넌자꾸안달이날거야내앞으로와어서화내보렴你總是急切的飛到,在我的面前向我發火내섹시한걸음니머리속에발동을거는我性感的腳步在你的腦海中發動은근한스킨십얼굴에비친못참아죽겠단니눈빛適當的skinship 你的臉龐映出無法忍受的你的眼神갈수록깊이더빠져들어알수록나가더맘에들어baby 越是陷入地深就越能進入你的心裏baby아무래도니갱각에취했나봐lady到底還是沉醉於你的感覺ladyI never never never stop!니가나를잊지못하게자꾸니앞에서또為了不讓你忘了我, 總是在你面前니맘자꾸내가흔들어벗어날수없도록你總是讓我的心動搖,讓我無法逃脫니입술을또훔치고멀리달아버려你的嘴唇也是在腦海中怎麼都揮不走난trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!我是trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!Trouble makerTrouble maker어떻게널내맘에담아둘수있는지怎麼樣讓我在你的心裏占據그냥내맘이가는대로이젠只是這樣隨著我的心現在I never never stop!멈출수없어無法停止니가나를잊지못하게자꾸니앞에서또為了不讓你忘了我總是在你的面前니맘자꾸내가흔들어벗어날수없도록你總是讓我的心動搖,讓我無法逃脫니입술을또훔치고달아나버려你的嘴唇也是在腦海中怎麼也揮不走난trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!我是trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!少女時代:重逢的世界(Into The New World) 다시만난세계 (Into The New World)[태연] 전해주고싶어슬픈시간이다흩어진후에야들리지만想要表達悲傷的時刻雖然都散去後只聽得見[taeyeon] jeo nei ju go xi po sel peong xi gan ni ta he teo jin hu ei ya tel li ji man[서현] 눈을감고느껴봐움직이는마음너를향한내눈빛을閉上眼睛感受吧感動的心投向你的我的目光[seohyun] nu nel gam go ne kyo ba wum ji gi nen ma em neo lel hyang han nei nun bi cel[제시카]특별한기적을기다리지만눈앞에선우리의거친길은雖然在等待特別的奇跡擺在眼前的我們經曆的路[jessica] tek byeol han gi zeo gel ki da li ji man nu na pei seo nu li ei geo chin gi lel[유리] 알수없는미래라면바꾸지않아포기할수없어如果未知的未來不能更改不要放棄[yuri] arl su wom nen mi lei la meon ba gu ji a na pu gi hal su wop seo[티파니] 변치않을사랑으로지켜줘상처입은내마음까지請守護那不會改變的愛情傷口一直到我心裏[tiffany] peon chi a nel sa lang e lu ji kyo juo sang cho yi ben nei ma em ga ji[써니] 시선속에서나는필요없어멈춰져버린이시간在你的視線裏我是不重要的被停止的這個時刻[sunny] xi seon su gei co na nen pi liu wop so mom cho juo bo li ni xi gang[단체] 사랑해널이느낌이대로그려왔던헤매임의끝愛你就是這樣感受你曾描繪的彷徨戀人的經過[all] sa lang hei nol yi ne gim yi dei lu ge lio wa deon hei mei yi mei gen이세상속에서반복되는슬픔이젠안녕在這個世界上重複的悲傷現在說再見yi sei sang su gei sei ban bok tuei nen sel pem yi jen an niong수많은알수없는길속에희미한빛을난쫓아가在許多未知的道路上我追隨著那朦朧的光芒su ma nen arl su wom nen gil su gei hee mi han bi cel nan jo cha ga언제까지나너함께하는거야다시만난나의세계永遠和你在一起重逢的我的世界ong zei ga ji na neo ham gei ha nen geo ya ta xi man nan na ei cei gei[윤아] 특별한기적을기다리지만눈앞에선우리의거친길은雖然在等待特別的奇跡擺在眼前的我們經曆的路[yoona] tek byeol han gi zeo gel ki da li ji man nu na pei seo nu li ei geo chin gi lel[태연] 알수없는미래와바꾸지않아포기할수없어如果未知的未來不能更改不要放棄[taeyeon] arl su wom nen mi lei la meon ba gu ji a na pu gi hal su wop seo[수영] 변치않을사랑으로지켜줘상처입은내마음까지請守護那不會改變的愛情傷口一直到我心裏[suyeong] peon chi a nel sa lang e lu ji kyo juo sang cho yi ben nei ma em ga ji[효연] 시선속에서나는필요없어멈춰져버린이시간在你的視線裏我是不重要的被停止的這個時刻[hyu yeon] xi seon su gei co na nen pi liu wop so mom cho juo bo li ni xi gang[단체] 사랑해널이느낌이대로그려왔던헤매임의끝愛你就是這樣感受你曾描繪的彷徨戀人的經過[all] sa lang hei nol yi ne gim yi dei lu ge lio wa deon hei mei yi mei gen이세상속에서반복되는슬픔이젠안녕在這個世界上重複的悲傷現在說再見yi sei sang su gei sei ban bok tuei nen sel pem yi jen an niong수많은알수없는길속에희미한빛을난쫓아가在許多未知的道路上我追隨著那朦朧的光芒su ma nen arl su wom nen gil su gei hee mi han bi cel nan jo cha ga언제까지나너함께하는거야다시만난우리의永遠和你在一起重逢的我們ong zei ga ji na neo ham gei ha nen geo ya ta xi man nan wu li yei[서현] 이렇게까만밤홀로느끼는這樣的黑夜獨自感受你溫柔的呼吸[seo hyun] yi lo kei ga man pab hol lo ne gi nen[제시카] 그대의부드러운숨결이這瞬間溫暖的感覺襲來傳遞著我所有的顫抖[jessica] ke dei ei bu de lo wun sum keo li[태연] 이순간따스하게감겨오는모든나의떨림전할래愛你就是這樣感受你曾描繪的彷徨戀人的經過[tae yeon] yi sun gan da se ha gei kam kyo o nen mo den na ei deol lim jeo nal lei[단체] 사랑해널이느낌이대로그려왔던헤매임의끝在這個世界上重複的悲傷現在說再見[all] sa lang hei nol yi ne gim yi dei lu ge lio wa deon hei mei yi mei gen이세상속에서반복되는슬픔이젠안녕只想著你也讓我變堅強不要哭泣請幫助我yi sei sang su gei sei ban bok tuei nen sel pem yi jen an niong널생각만해도난강해져울지않게나를도와줘neol sen gak man hei du nan gang hei jyo wul ji an gei na lel tu wa juo이순간의느낌함께하는거야다시만난우리의這瞬間的感覺和你在一起重逢的我們發音yi sun gan nei ne gim ham gei ha nan go ya ta xi man nan wu li eif(x) - Mr Boogie 아찔한Top 표정은말하고있지"한번도본적없구나이멋진걸"빨간그페도라아래너무핸섬네몸짓은트위스터다부셔버려어깨위로눈가슴으로눈긴다리로눈눈이가이러다정말큰일낼거니Mr. Boogie! 네그춤이네그몸이Mr. Boogie! 불을켰지여기저기핫뜨거워너Mr. Boogie If I Want To I Can Have You알려지지않은넌새로운전사이동네가쉽진않아자신있니너?무대위에너는더욱빛나시작되는매직네세상이야어깨위로눈가슴으로눈긴다리로눈눈이가나와눈이마주칠때까지Mr. Boogie! 네그춤이네그몸이Mr. Boogie! 불을켰지여기저기핫뜨거워너바로지금이느낌이야멋져그래너바로지금이느낌이야바로지금이지금이지금이느낌이야YouMr. Boogie! 네그춤이네그몸이핫뜨거뜨뜨거워너Mr. Boogie! 불을켰지끌수없어Mr. Boogie! 네그춤이네그몸이Mr. Boogie! 불을켰지여기저기핫뜨거워너Mr. Boogie If I Want To I Can Have YouMr. Boogie If I Want To I Can Have YouMr. Boogie if I want to I can have youBaby Listen ! Ah Ah Ah Ah Mr. BoogieAjjilhan Top pyojeongeun malhago itji han beondo bon jeok eopguna i meotjin geol Ppalgan geu pedora araen neomu haenseom ne momjiseun teuwiseuteo da busyeobeoryeoEokkaewiro nun gaseumeuro nun gin dariro nun nuni gaIreoda jeongmal keun il nael geoniMr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momiMr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji yeogi jeogiHat tteugeowo neoMr. Boogie if I want to I can have youAllyeojiji anheun neon saeroun jeonsa i dongnega swipjin anha jasin inni neo ?Mudae wie neoneun deouk bitna sijakdoeneun maejik ne sesangiyaEokkaewiro nun gaseumeuro nun gin dariro nun nuni gaNawa nuni majuchil ttaekkajiMr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momiMr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji yeogi jeogiHat tteugeowo neoBaro jigeum i neukkimiya meotjyeo geurae neoBaro jigeum i neukkimiyaBaro jigeum i jigeum i jigeum i neukkimiya YouMr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momiHat tteugeo tteu tteugeowo neoMr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji kkeul su eobseoMr. Boogie ! Ne geu chumi ne geu momiMr. Boogie ! Bureul kyeotji yeogi jeogiHat tteugeowo neoMr. Boogie if I want to I can have youMr. Boogie if I want to I can have you。

《Bad And Boujee (ZHU Remix)》ZHU版歌词完整版打印下载打印

《Bad And Boujee (ZHU Remix)》ZHU版歌词完整版打印下载打印

You know, young rich niggasYou know so we ain't really never had no old money We got a whole lotta new money though, hah Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (cookie)****in' on your bitch she a thot, thot (thot) Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (pot)We came from nothin' to somethin' nigga (hey)I don't trust nobody grip the trigger (nobody) Call up the gang and they come and get you (gang) Cry me a river, give you a tissue (hey)My bitch is bad and boujeeCookin' up dope with an UziMy niggas is savage, ruthlessWe got 30's and 100 rounds tooMy bitch is bad and boujeeCookin' up dope with an UziMy niggas is savage, ruthlessWe got 30's and 100 rounds tooRackaids on rackaids, got back-ends on back-endsI'm ridin' around in a coupe (coupe)I take your bitch right from you (You)Bitch I'm a dog, roof (grr)Beat the hoe walls loose (hey)Hop in the frog, whoo (skrt)I tell that bitch to come comfort me (comfort me)I swear these niggas is under me (hey)They hate and the devil keep jumpin' me (jumpin' me) Bankrolls on me keep me company (cash)Aye, we do the mostYeah, pull up in Ghosts (whoo)Yeah, my diamonds a choker (glah)Holdin' the fire with no holster (blaow)Rick the Ruler, diamonds cooler (cooler)This a Rollie, not a Muller (hey)Dabbin' on 'em like the usual (dab)Magic with the brick, do voodoo (magic) Courtside with a bad bitch (bitch)Then I send the bitch through Uber (go)I'm young and rich and plus I'm bougie (hey)I'm not stupid so I keep the Uzi (rrah) Rackaids on rackaids, got back-ends on back-ends So my money makin' my back ache (aagh)You niggas got a low Act rate (Act)We from the Nawf, yeah, dat way (nawf)Fat Cookie blunt in the ashtray (cookie)Two bitches, just national smash day (smash) Hop in the Lamb, have a drag race (skrt)I let them birds take a bath, bae (brr)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (cookie)****in' on your bitch she a thot, thot (thot)Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (pot)We came from nothin' to somethin' nigga (hey)I don't trust nobody grip the trigger (nobody) Call up the gang and they come and get you (gang) Cry me a river, give you a tissueMy bitch is bad and boujeeCookin' up dope with an UziMy niggas is savage, ruthlessWe got 30's and 100 rounds tooMy bitch is bad and boujeeCookin' up dope with an UziMy niggas is savage, ruthlessWe got 30's and 100 rounds tooShe gon' eat your heart outMake you fall in love and knockout'Cause she's bad, she's badShe gon' make you tap outWhen the leather straps gon' come out'Cause she's bad, yeah she's badCouple thousand dollarsFor the black on black PradasWhen she's bad, she's badNever let ya mamaMeet her if you don't want drama'Cause she's bad, she's badMy bitch is bad and boujeeMy bitch is bad and boujeeMy bitch is bad and boujeeMy bitch is bad and boujeeMy bitch is bad and boujeeCookin' up dope with an UziMy niggas is savage, ruthlessWe got 30's and 100 rounds tooMy bitch is bad and boujeeCookin' up dope with an UziMy niggas is savage, ruthlessWe got 30's and 100 rounds tooUh, yeah, dat way, float on the track like a Segway (go) Yeah, dat way, I used to trap by the Subway (trappin')Yeah, dat way, young nigga trap with the AK (rrrah) Yeah, dat way, big dyke hoe, get the door, Macy Gray (hey) Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (cookie)****in' on your bitch she a thot, thot (thot)Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (pot)We came from nothin' to somethin' nigga (hey)I don't trust nobody grip the trigger (nobody)Call up the gang and they come and get you (gang)Cry me a river, give you a tissueMy bitch is bad and boujee (bad)Cookin' up dope with an Uzi (blaow)My niggas is savage, ruthless (savage)We got 30's and 100 rounds too (grrah)My bitch is bad and boujee (bad)Cookin' up dope with an Uzi (dope)My niggas is savage, ruthless (hey)We got 30's and 100 rounds too (glah)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)Raindrop, drop top (drop top)You know, young rich niggasYou know so we ain't really never had no old money We got a whole lotta new money though, hah。

【精品文档】英语问候语儿歌-易修改word版 (4页)

【精品文档】英语问候语儿歌-易修改word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! ==英语问候语儿歌英语问候语儿歌来是come 去是gocome come go go点头yes 摇头noyes yes no no我是I 你是youI I you you见面问好说hello hello hello你好吗?how are you?how are you? how are you?谢谢你!thank you!thank you!thank you!熟人见面说声hi hi hi临走分手说拜拜bye bye bye bye客人来了快请坐sit down pleasesit down please客人来了请喝茶have some tea please have some tea please早上好good morning!good morning! good morning!晚上好good eveninggood evening good evening临睡之前道晚安good night good night【扩展阅读】幼儿英语日常问候语1.wordboy 男孩boy 男孩girl 女孩girl 女孩teacher 教师teacher 教师pupil 学生pupil 学生2.sentenceI'm Tom. 我是汤姆.I'm Alice. 我是爱丽丝I'm a boy. 我是个男孩。

I'm a girl. 我是个女孩.I'm Tom,I'm a boy. 我是汤姆,我是个男孩。

You are Tom.You are a boy. 你是汤姆。


I'm Tom, you are Alice. 我是汤姆,你是爱丽丝。

I'm Alice, you are Tom. 我是爱丽丝,你是汤姆。



人教版pep小学英语三起点三年级下册UnitOneWelcomebacktoschool!第一单元欢迎回到学校!(A) Welcome!欢迎!WuYifan,thisisAmy.吴一凡,这是艾米。























-早安-早安- Good morning. - Good morning.注意十分钟后彩排范杜家的婚礼Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till Van Dort's wedding rehearsal.看着点Watch it!-今天是个好日子-的确是不错的日子- It's a beautiful day - It's a rather nice day婚礼的大喜之日A day for a glorious wedding亲爱的其实是婚礼彩排A rehearsal, my dear To be perfectly clear这可是为了盛大婚礼而准备的A rehearsal for a glorious wedding希望没有出乎我们预料外的事Assuming nothing happens that we don 't really know没有干扰彩排的不快之事That nothing unexpected interferes with the show所以说每件事情And that's why everything. Every last little thing每件细枝末节的事情都必须依计行事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing must go-按照计划-我们的儿子要结婚了- According to plan - Our son will be married-按照计划-我们家- According to plan - Our family carried就能一步跨入上流社会Elevated to the heights of society-挤进化装舞会-挤进皇庭宫殿- To the costume balls - In the hallowed halls和权贵擦肩往来Rubbing elbows with the finest和女王共进点心Having crumpets with her highness我们挤入上流社会就能成为焦点和女王一起喝茶We'll be there, we'll be seen having tea with the queen我们会扔掉低贱的身份We'll forget everything that we 've ever, ever been-啊呀我裙子钩住了-请重复一遍夫人- Blimey! It's my dress is caught. - Begging your pardon, ma' am.-快用力亲爱的-不是我卡住了是裙子- Come on, dear. - It's not me. It's my dress is caught.维克特在哪我们要迟到了Where is Victor? We might be late.Fish merchants.-真是个糟糕的日子-别这样- It's a terrible day - Now, don 't be that way今天的心情被这婚礼搞得差极了It's a terrible day for a wedding我们怎么会落得如此狼狈It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in导致我们不得不接受这婚姻That has led to this ominous wedding咱们家怎么会潦倒至此How could our family have come to this?得把女儿嫁给暴发平民To marry off our daughter to the nouveau riche-他们真庸俗-真粗鄙- They're so common - So coarse-糟得不能再糟了-不能再糟这我可不同意- Oh, it couldn 't be worse - Couldn 't be worse? I'm afraid I disagree 他们能给如你我般破产贵族They could be land-rich, Bankrupt aristocracy一文不名的贵族Without a penny to their name带来财富Just like you and me哦天啊Oh, dear.所以说每件事情And that's why everything. Every last little thing每件细枝末节的事情都必须依计行事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing must go-按照计划-我们的女儿要结婚了- According to plan - Our daughter will wed-按照计划-我们家要- According to plan - Our family led脱离贫困的深渊了From the depths of deepest poverty-重回显赫-一如先祖们那样- To the noble realm - Of our ancestry谁会想得到And who would have guessed in a million years相貌如此平庸的女儿- That our daughter with a face - Of an otter in disgrace却是送我们进天堂的钥匙Would provide our ticket to a rightful placeOh, Hildegarde.万一我和维克特彼此没有好感怎么办What if Victor and l don't like each other?哈这和婚姻有何关系As if that has anything to do with marriage.你认为你的父母彼此有好感吗Do you suppose your father and l like each other?你们当然起码有一点吧Surely you must a little?-当然没有-当然没有- Of course not. - Of course not.把衣带绑妥当了Get those corsets laced properly.看你说话连气都喘不过来I can hear you speak without gasping.这次你一定得成功维克特You've certainly hooked a winner this time, Victor.-你只要迷死那姑娘就行-我已经照着做了妈妈- Now, all you have to do is reel her in. - I'm already reeling, Mother.维多利亚·艾弗格拉为什么不嫁个门当户对的贵族或什么的Shouldn't Victoria Everglot be marrying a lord or something?噢胡说我们不比艾弗格拉家差Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Everglots.我就知道我命不该屈于一辈子做个鱼贩子I always knew I deserved better than a fish merchant's life.但我从没和她说过话But I've never even spoken to her.起码这对我们有利Well, at least we have that in our favor.梅修拜托别再咳了Mayhew! Silence that blasted coughing.婚姻不过是合伙的关系互相利用罢了Marriage is a partnership, a little tit for tat.你看她从小到大对着我们...You'd think a lifetime watching us...也该懂这个道理了吧Might have taught her that-也该懂这个道理了吧-凡事都不能出差错- Might have taught her that - Everything must be perfect-凡事都得完美-凡事都得完美- Everything must be perfect - Everything must be perfect完美所以任何事情Perfect That's why everythingEvery last little thing任何细节都必须按照Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing must go计划进行According to plan看你怎么站的Look at the way you're standing.你看起来像得了佝偻病...You look like you got rickets or something...哇天啊真是富丽堂皇太有品味啦Oh, my goodness. Oh, such grandeur! Such impeccable taste!哦很美是吧Oh, beautiful, innit?这里没我们家宽敞亲爱的It's not as big as our place, dear.-看起来有点破旧了是吧-闭嘴- Bit shabby really, isn't it? - Shut up.这是艾弗格拉侯爵与夫人...Lord and Lady Everglot...这是范杜夫妇Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort.你一定是维多利亚小姐Why, you must be Miss Victoria.我打赌你看上去绝对不超过20岁绝对是的Yes, I must say, you don't look a day over 20. No. Oh, yes.微笑亲爱的微笑Smile, darling, smile.哈啰很荣幸见到你们欢迎光临寒舍Well, hello. What a pleasure. Welcome to our home.哦呵呵谢谢您Thank you.请至西厢房♥用茶We'll be taking tea in the west drawing room.请走这边穿过这里就到了Oh, do come this way, it's just through there.噢我太喜欢你们家的装♥修♥风格了谁帮你们设计的Oh, I love what you've done with the place. Who is your decorator?瓷砖不错就是窗帘太脏Nice tiles, shame about the drapes.噢我丈夫老是疯言疯语别管他My husband says such foolish things. Ignore him.对让我自说自话比较好Yes, it's usually best.-原谅我的唐突-你弹得真好听- Do forgive me. - You play beautifully.我...我...我慎重道歉艾弗格拉小姐I... I... I do apologize, Miss Everglot.我太无礼了...How rude of me to...原谅我Excuse me.母亲不许我靠近钢琴Mother won't let me near the piano.音乐不适合年轻女士Music is improper for a young lady.她说这不够矜持Too passionate, she says.容我冒昧请问艾弗格拉小姐...If I may ask, Miss Everglot...你的女仆呢where is your chaperon?或许在这种情形下...Perhaps, in view of the circumstances...你可以叫我维多利亚you could call me Victoria.是的当然Yes, of course.-维多利亚... -嗯维克特- Victoria... - Yes, Victor.明天我们就要...Tomorrow, we are to be m...结...结...M... M...-结婚-对- Married. - Yes. Married.我从小就梦想着自己的大婚之日Since I was a child, I've dreamt of my wedding day.我一直希望能找到我深爱的人I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with.一个能和我白头偕老的人Someone to spend the rest of my life with.-有点傻是吧-是有点- Silly, isn't it? - Yes, silly.不不一点都不傻不傻No. No, not at all, no.哦天啊对不起Oh, dear. I'm sorry.这太没规矩了What impropriety is this?你们俩不能独处You shouldn't be alone together.现在差一分就五点了你们居然还没去彩排Here it is, one minute before 5, and you're not at the rehearsal.高斯威牧师在等你们马上过来Pastor Galswells is waiting. Come at once.范杜少爷从头再来一遍Master Van Dort, from the beginning. Again.用这只手我将带你走出忧伤困苦"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.你的杯永不干涸因为我就是你的琼浆玉液Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.用这蜡烛我会在黑暗中照亮你的生命With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.用这戒指你愿做我的妻子吗With this ring, I ask you to be mine."-我们再来演习一遍-是的先生- Let's try it again. - Yes. Yes, sir.用这蜡烛...With this candle...这蜡烛...This candle...这蜡烛...This candle...-要不要我去代劳-沉住气亲爱的- Shall I get up there and do it for him? - Don't get all aflutter, dear.用这蜡烛...With this candle...继续Continue!艾密尔去开门Get the door, Emil.就从蜡烛这里再开始Let's just pick it up at the candle bit.主人是巴克斯男爵[巴克斯·毕特恩]A Lord Barkis, sir.我不确定婚礼的日期I haven't a head for dates.显然我来早了一天Apparently, I'm a day early for the ceremony.-他是你家那边请来的吗-我想不起来了- Is he from your side of the family? - I can't recall.艾密尔给巴克斯男爵看坐Emil, a seat for Lord Barkis.请继续Do carry on.那我们就再来一次吧范杜少爷Let's try it again, shall we, Master Van Dort?-是是当然-好极- Yes. Yes, sir. Certainly. - Right.好噢当然好Right. Oh, right!-用这只... -手- With this... This - Hand.用这只手...With this hand...我...用...I... With...三步走三步Three steps, three!你不会算吗难道你不想结婚了吗范杜少爷Can you not count? Do you not wish to be married, Master Van Dort? -不不-你不想- No! No. - You do not?不我是说我没不想结婚No! I meant, no, I do not not wish to be married.就是说我非常想That is, I want very much to专心点儿你不会没带戒指来吧Pay attention! Have you even remembered to bring the ring?戒指是当然有The ring? Yes. Of course.-丢戒指-噢不他丢了戒指- Dropping the ring. - Oh, no, he's dropped the ring!-这孩子不想结婚-真丢人- This boy doesn't want to get married. - How disgraceful!请原谅找到啦Excuse me. Got it!滚开你这笨蛋Out of the way, you ninny.哦天啊我要晕了夫人惹火上身了救命啊Oh, dear! Oh, my! Giddy on, there's a woman on fire! Help! Emergency! -哦希望不会留下痕迹-别扇了傻瓜- Oh, I hope it doesn't stain. - Stop fanning it, you fool.-去拿水去拿水-我这就去亲爱的- Get a bucket, get a bucket. - I'm on my way, dear. Yes. Oh, dear!够了除非他完全准备好了否则这婚礼不能举♥行♥ Enough! This wedding cannot take place until he is properly prepared.年轻人背熟你的誓词Young man, learn your vows.呵瞧瞧你钓的金龟婿Well, he's quite the catch, isn't he?噢维多利亚Oh, Victoria.她一定觉得我傻透了今天真是糟糕透了She must think I'm such a fool. This day couldn't get any worse.注意注意彩排搞砸了范杜家的儿子搞得乱七八糟Hear ye, hear ye! Rehearsal in ruins as Van Dort boy causes chaos!鱼贩子出身的新郎有可能被退婚Fishy fiancécould be canned!由于范杜家搅和了彩排艾弗格拉家上下都很恼火Everglots all fired up as Van Dort disaster ruins rehearsal!其实也没有什么难的It really shouldn't be all that difficult.只是几句简单的誓词It's just a few simple vows.用这只手我要拿走你的酒With this hand, I will take your wine.错了No.用这只手...With this hand...我要帮你盛I will cup your噢天啊又错Oh, goodness, no.用这...With this...用这...With this...用这只蜡烛用我将...With this candle, I will...我将...I will...我将点燃你母亲I will set your mother on fire.噢练也白练Oh, it's no use.用这只手我将带你走出忧伤困苦With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.你的杯永不干涸因为我就是你的琼浆玉液Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.艾弗格拉夫人Mrs. Everglot.您今晚光艳照人You look ravishing this evening.您说什么艾弗格拉先生称呼您父亲如果您坚持的话What's that, Mr. Everglot? Call you "Dad"? If you insist, sir.用这蜡烛我会在黑暗中照亮你的生命With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.用这戒指...With this ring...你愿做我的妻子吗I ask you to be mine.我愿意I do.你可以吻新娘了You may kiss the bride.-新来的人-他一定晕过去了- A new arrival. - He must've fainted.-你还好吧-发生什么事了- Are you all right? - What? What happened?老天看来我们找到个活人By Jove, man. Looks like we've got ourselves a breather.-他有个死掉的哥哥吗-他身体还是软软的- Does he have a dead brother? - He's still soft.干杯A toast, then.祝福新婚夫妇To the newlyweds.新婚夫妇Newlyweds?刚在森林里你说的结婚誓言太完美了In the woods, you said your vows so perfectly.我说了I did?我真的说了I did.快醒来快醒来快醒来Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!借过借过Coming through, coming through.我叫保尔是领班My name is Paul, I am the head waiter.我来安排你的婚礼喜筵I will be creating your wedding feast.喜筵我口水都流下来了Wedding feast! I'm salivating.是蛆蛆Maggots.别靠近我Keep away!我有...我有一个侏儒I've got a... I've got a dwarf.必要时我会毫不犹豫地用他我要一些"疑问" 现在就要And I'm not afraid to use him. I want some questions. Now!-是"答案" 我想你说的是答案-谢谢是"答案"- Answers. I think you mean "answers." - Thank you, yes, answers.我要答案这里是怎么回事我在什么地方I need answers. What's going on here? Where am l?你们是谁Who are you?呃说来话长Well, that's kind of a long story.但是精彩纷呈What a story it is.充满激♥情♥ 罗曼蒂克...A tragic tale of romance, passion...和阴险的谋杀的悲情故事and murder most foul.真是精彩万分This is gonna be good.来吧孩子们Hit it, boys.嗨听我细细道来你们这些快乐的僵尸Hey, give me a listen you corpses of cheer你们如果还有耳朵就听我讲述At least those of you who still got an ear这个让骷髅都为之动容的故事I'll tell you a story make a skeleton cry是关于我们喜悦又可爱的僵尸新娘Of our own jubiliciously lovely Corpse Bride死吧死吧我们迟早都会死Die, die, we all pass away别皱眉其实也没什么But don 't wear a frown, because it's really okay你可以逃避也可以祈祷You might try and hide and you might try and pray但你终将成为一具尸骨But we all end up the remains of the day就是That's right.我们的姑娘以前是远近闻名的美人Well, our girl was a beauty known for miles around 某日一位陌生人来到镇上When a mysterious stranger came into town他英俊潇洒但却是个穷光蛋He was plenty good-looking but down on his cash 我们的可人儿很快地陷入爱河And our poor little baby. She fell hard and fast父亲却不答应她无力反抗When her daddy said no. She just couldn 't cope 所以这对恋人计划私奔So our lovers came up with a plan to elope死吧死吧我们迟早都会死Die, die, we all pass away别皱眉其实也没什么But don 't wear a frown, because it's really okay你可以逃避也可以祈祷You might try and hide and you might try and pray 但你终将成为尸骨一具But we all end up the remains of the day就是That's right.哦是这样啊好吧好耶孩子们别停Okay. Oh, yeah. Come on, boys, pick it up.耶喜欢吧Yeah. Like it.乔西该你啦Okay, Chancy, take it.耶Yeah.耶Yeah!好极啦That's nice.所以他们计划深夜碰面So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night没告诉任何人也没走漏风声They told not a soul kept the whole thing tight她穿上母亲的婚纱如手套般合身Now, her mother's wedding dress fit like a glove恋爱中的人儿有爱情就够了You don 't need much when you're really in love除了少数几样东西我是这么听说的Except for a few things or so I'm told像是家里的珠宝和一袋黄金Like the family jewels and a satchel of gold然后在一个黑雾弥漫的夜Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree2点45分来墓园旁的老橡树下On a dark foggy night, a t a quarter to 3她准备好了要私奔但他在哪儿呢She was ready to go, but where was he?然后呢And then?-她苦苦等待-然后呢- She waited - And then?-出现了一个人影是他吗-然后呢- There in the shadows, was it her man? - And then? -她的心头小鹿乱撞-然后呢- Her little heart beat so loud - And then?然后她眼前一黑And then, baby, everything went black当她张开眼睛时她的生命已灰飞湮灭Now, when she opened her eyes She was dead as dust 珠宝消失了踪影她的心已破碎Her jewels were missing and her heart was bust所以她躺在树下立誓So she made a vow lying under that tree等待真爱来给她解脱That she'd wait for her true love to come set her free 一直等着愿意执子之手的人Always waiting for someone to ask for her hand突然来了个帅小伙Then out of the blue comes this groovy young man他发誓要永远陪伴着她Who vows forever to be by her side这就是我们美丽僵尸新娘的故事And that's the story of our Corpse Bride死吧死吧我们迟早都会死Die, die, we all pass away别皱眉其实也没什么But don 't wear a frown, because it's really okay你可以逃避也可以祈祷You might try and hide and you might try and pray但你终将成为一具尸骨But we all end up the remains of the day耶Yeah.维多利亚别在窗前等Victoria, come away from the window.我想他很快就会回来Oh, I'm sure he'll be back shortly.他非常怕黑事实上他小时候...He's terrified of the dark. In fact, when he was a boy...就常常吓得尿裤子是吗威廉he used to wet his combinations regularly, didn't he, William?进来Enter.巴克斯男爵相信您对您的房♥间还感到满意Lord Barkis. I trust the room is to your liking.谢谢你是位高贵的女主人Thank you, you are a most gracious hostess.为此我感深痛苦地带给你们一个不幸的消息Which is why it pains me to be the bearer of such bad news.你能重复今晚的头条新闻吗Would you care to repeat tonight's headline for us?注意注意Hear ye, hear ye!今晚维克特·范杜和一位神秘的女子Victor Van Dort seen this night on the bridge被人看见在一座桥上手拉手in the arms of a mystery woman!然后这黑发诱人的女子和范杜少爷便消失在夜色中The dark-haired temptress and Master Van Dort slipped away into the night!再次报导气象零星的阵雨...And now, the weather. Scattered showers...停够了Enough! That will be all.神秘女子他根本不认识其他女人Mystery woman? He doesn't even know any women!你的一家之言罢了Or so you thought.如果需要我帮助随时通知我...Do call for me if you need my assistance...任何需要in any way.天啊菲尼斯我们该怎么办Good heavens, Finis, what should we do?Fetch me musket.威廉别愣着William, do something.镇上的好事之徒正唯恐天下不乱The town crier probably just had a slow news day.你也知道他们只需要一点消息就可以大做文章You know how it is, you need a little something to cry about.我不管没有新郎婚礼办不成了Regardless, we are one groom short for the wedding tomorrow.我们的经济问题姑且就不谈了Not to mention the financial implications.最令我们所有人汗颜的丑闻A most scandalous embarrassment for us all.给我们个机会让我们把他找回来求你们了Oh, give us a chance to find him, we beg of you.-只需在天亮之前-好吧天亮之前- Just give us until dawn. - Very well. Till dawn.亲爱的维克特你在哪儿Victor, darling, where are you?要我说你的男友有点儿神经兮兮的If you ask me, your boyfriend is kind of jumpy.他不是我男友是我丈夫He's not my boyfriend, he's my husband.维克特你去哪里了Victor, where have you gone?我用眼睛替你盯着他I'll keep an eye out for him.维克特Victor?他在那儿他在那儿想要逃跑There he goes, there he goes! He's getting away!快快追Quick, quick, after him!维克特Victor.谢谢Thank you.维克特Victor!你在哪儿Where are you?维克特Victor?Where have you gone?你结婚了是吧我是个寡妇Married, huh? I'm a widow.噢真粗鲁他往那边走了Oh, how rude. He went that way!维克特Victor.维克特亲爱的Victor, darling.拜托这一定是误会我还没死Please. There's been a mistake. I'm not dead.对不起对不起Excuse me. Excuse me.-对不起-对不起- Excuse me. - Excuse me.-谢谢-谢谢- Thank you. - Thank you.维克特Victor.-死胡同-维克特- Dead end. - Victor!哈啰Hello!怎么不走楼梯呢小傻瓜Could have used the stairs, silly.看这景色多美美得令我"窒息"Isn't the view beautiful? It takes my breath away.如果我有"息"可"窒"的话Well, it would if I had any.真浪漫不是吗Isn't it romantic?对于在你身上发生的一切我很同情...Look, I am terribly sorry about what's happened to you...我也很想帮你可我真的得回家and I'd like to help, but I really need to get home.-现在这儿就是你的家啦-可我连你的名字都不知道- This is your home now. - But I don't even know your name.婚姻还能这样开始啊Well, that's a great way to start a marriage.闭嘴Shut up!-是爱蜜莉-爱蜜莉- It's Emily. - Emily.啊差点忘了我有东西送你Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you.结婚礼物It's a wedding present.感谢了Thank you.小碎Scraps?小碎Scraps!我的狗狗小碎My dog, Scraps!乖狗狗小碎Oh, Scraps, what a good boy.我就知道你看到它一定高兴I knew you'd be happy to see him.谁是我的乖狗狗坐下小碎真乖Who's my good boy? Sit. Sit, Scraps, sit.乖狗狗小碎打滚打滚Good boy, Scraps. Roll over. Roll over.小碎好狗狗装死Good boy, Scraps. Play dead.对不起Sorry.哦好个小可爱Oh, what a cutie.有毛的时候更可爱You should have seen him with fur.我母亲从来不让小碎耍把戏Mother never approved of Scraps jumping up like this.其实她任何事情都不准But then again, she never approved of anything.你认为她会准我过门吗Do you think she would have approved of me?你很幸运可以不用同她打交道You're lucky you'll never have to meet her.噢事实上...Well, actually...既然你提到了我想你应该见见她now that you mention it, I think you should.事实上你看既然我们都...In fact, since we're, you know...结婚了你的确应该见见她married, you should definitely meet her.还有我父亲我们应该马上去见他们And my father too. We should go and see them right now.好主意他们埋在哪儿What a fantastic idea! Where are they buried?-怎么了-他们不在这里- What? What is it? - They're not from around here.那是在哪里Where are they?他们还活着Oh, they're still alive.-很抱歉是的-噢这倒是个问题- I'm afraid so. - Well, that is a problem.你说什么小碎What's that, Scraps?不可不能去Oh, no, we couldn't possibly.-哦如果你这么说的话-什么- Oh, well, if you put it like that. - What?骨奈克老人Elder Gutknecht.小碎Scraps.骨奈克老人...Elder Gutknecht...你在吗are you there?哈啰有人在家吗Hello? Is anyone home?哈啰Hello?你在这儿呢There you are!哦亲爱的是你吗Oh, my dear. There you are.我把我丈夫带来了维克特I've brought my husband, Victor.你说什么丈夫What's that? Husband?很荣幸认识你先生Pleasure to meet you, sir.我们得"上去" 楼上去拜访人间We need to go up. Upstairs? To visit the land of the living.人间Land of the living?不过亲爱的Oh, my dear.求你了骨奈克Please, Elder Gutknecht.为什么要上去上面的人想下来都想死了Now, why go up there, when people are dying to get down here?求你帮我们先生对我太重要了...Sir, I beg you to help. It means so much to me...-对我们-我不知道这不合自然法则- Us. - I don't know, it's just not natural.求求你啦骨奈克Please, Elder Gutknecht.你一定有办法的Surely there must be something you can do.让我想想能怎么做Let me see what I can do.那本书放哪儿了Where did I put that book?就放在这附近I left it here somewhere.就是这本There's the one.找到了I have it.乌克兰的巫咒正好派上用场A Ukrainian haunting spell. Just the thing for these quick trips. -幸好他想起来了-是啊- So glad you thought of this. - Me too.现在...Now, then...说到哪儿了where were we?乌克兰的巫咒The Ukrainian haunting spell?好啦有了准备好了吗Here we have it. Ready?记住想回来时就念咒语:"跳房♥子"Just remember, when you want to come back, say "Hopscotch." -跳房♥子-对- Hopscotch? - That's it.我在阴间待得太久...I spent so long in the darkness...我都快忘了这月色有多美I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.我想你掉了什么Hey, I think you dropped something.等一下等一下Hold on, hold on.我想在告诉父母这么大个消息前先给他们一点心理准备I think I should prepare Mother and Father for the big news.我先去而你...I'll go ahead and you...等在这儿wait here.-好极了-不会太久的- Perfect. - I won't be long.乖乖呆在这儿我马上就回来Stay right here. I'll be right back.好Okay.不许偷看哦No peeking.要再让我看到范杜家那小子...If ever I see that Van Dort boy...我要用双手掐死他I'll strangle him with my bare hands.你的手太肥他的脖子又太细Your hands are too fat, and his neck is too thin.还是用绳子吧You'll have to use a rope.我是你良心的声音听我说This is the voice of your conscience. Listen to what I say.对那个男孩我有不祥的预感你涉世太浅还不懂...I have a bad feeling about that boy. You know he is no...去给别人吹会耳边风吧Go chew someone else's ear for a while.维克特去见他父母了就像他说的一样Victor has gone to see his parents, just like he said.要不是我就住在你脑子里还会以为你得了失心疯呢If I hadn't just been sitting in it, I would say that you had lost your mind!我相信这么久没回来一定有他的理由I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason for taking so long.真的哩那你为什么不去问他I am sure he does. Why don't you go ask him?好我会的All right, I will.再说两只脚冻僵了他也跑不远After all, he couldn't get far with those cold feet.-维多利亚-维克特见到你我太高兴了- Victoria. - Victor? I'm so happy to see you.快到壁炉边来你到哪儿去了没事吧Come by the fire. Where have you been? Are you all right?我...我...I... I...噢天啊Oh, dear.你像个死人一样冰冷发生什么事啦You're as cold as death. What's happened to you?你的外套Your coat.维多利亚我承认Victoria, I confess.今天上午我本来很惧怕婚姻This morning I was terrified of marriage.但见到了你就觉得应该和你厮守...But then, on meeting you, I felt I should be with you always...恨不得我们婚礼尽早举♥行♥and that our wedding could not come soon enough.维克特我也是这么想的Victor, I feel the same.维多利亚我似乎...Victoria, I seem...被骗结了婚I seem to find myself married.你要知道那只是意外And you should know it's unexpected.亲爱的我就是想见见...My darling, I just wanted to meet...亲爱的这是Darling? Who's this?-她是谁-我是他的妻子- Who is she? - I'm his wife.-维克特-等等维多利亚你不明白- Victor? - Victoria, wait. You don't understand.她是个死人你看She's dead. Look."跳房♥子"Hopscotch.不不维多利亚No! No! Victoria!你骗我You lied to me!回去就为了找另一个女人Just to get back to that other woman.你还不明白你才是第三者Don't you understand? You're the other woman.不你娶的是我她才是第三者No! You're married to me. She's the other woman.她说得有道理She's got a point.我还以为...以为一切都进行得很顺利And I thought... I thought this was all going so well.我很抱歉可是...Look, I'm sorry, but...强扭的瓜不甜this just can't work.为什么Why not?是因为我的眼睛是不是It's my eye, isn't it?当然不是你的眼睛...No. Your eye is...很好看Lovely.如果我们换一种处境结局或许不同Listen, under different circumstances, well, who knows?可是我们太不般配了我是说你是个死人But we're just too different. I mean, you're dead.你向我求婚之前就应该想到这个You should've thought about that before you asked me to marry you.你怎么就不明白呢这都是误会我跟本不会娶你Why can't you understand? It was a mistake. I would never marry you.玫瑰代表真爱不渝Roses for eternal love.百合代表甜甜蜜蜜Lilies for sweetness.满天星(花语:爱人的呼吸)Baby's breath.为何伤心Why so blue?也许他说得对我们太不般配Maybe he's right. Maybe we are too different.也许他的脑袋需要检查一下Maybe he should have his head examined.可以让我去I could do it.或许他和那个"活人小姐" 才是天生一对Or perhaps he does belong with her. Little Miss Living.她有漂亮的脸蛋还有会跳动的心With her rosy cheeks and beating heart.那些女的算什么你的优点多得多Oh, those girls are ten a penny. You've got so much more.你有...你有...You've got... You've got...你有很好的人品You've got a wonderful personality.你哪点不比那纤瘦的小女人强What does that wispy little brat have that you don 't have double?在你灿烂的笑容前她只能自惭形秽She can 't hold a candle to the beauty of your smile那心跳呢How about a pulse?华而不实Overrated by a mile-自抬身价-过度吹嘘- Overvalued - Overblown如果他了解你和我们一样多If he only knew the you that we know那傻女孩手上没有他给的戒指And that silly little creature isn 't wearing his ring她不会弹琴跳舞和歌♥唱And she doesn 't play piano or dance, or sing她完全比不上你No, she doesn 't compare-但是她还是活人-谁在乎- But she still breathes air - Who cares?-无所谓-自抬身价- Unimportant - Overrated-过度吹嘘-只要他能看得出- Overblown - If only he could see你有多么与众不同How special you can be如果他了解你和我们一样多If he only knew the you that we know蜡烛灼烧我不觉痛楚If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain利刃割过也依然如故If you cut me with a knife It's still the same听着她的心跳好像音符And I know her heart is beating。



CONTENTSUnit 1 HOW TaIl Are You? (2)Unit 2 Whafs the Matter l Mike?——14Unit 3 LaSt WeekenCl (26)Unit 4 My HOliday (38)ReCyCIe 1 Let,s Take a Trip! --------------------------------- 50 ReCyCle 2 A FareWell Party ---------------------------------WOrdS in EaCh Unit ------------------------------------------- VOCabUlary ..................................................................................... APPe ndix 1 ---------------------------------------------------- APPendix 262 74 78 82 90WU卫f即Mr BlaCk > ang PengJ MIKe J∖s j∕∩enj∣ej HoWtelI areyou? ∣HOWheaVyafGyou? WhOttaler thanyou?(忒SChaML• ( MIkelStaIle^han Lee.Lee IS taller than SueΛ〉*SUe is taller than Aιηy. 常阳恻?R「二^AfflyfeemaIIerthanSUe ts SmaIler φanLee. ' ;∣Lee IS Smaller than Mike.Are you SmaIIer than ⅛?StrOngertallerOlderyoungerShOrterYOU l re taller than yourbrother! Γm 160 Cm tall.'s 159 Cm tall.金太阳教育社区金太阳教育社区LiSten and CirCIe eΓm51kg.l ,m 11 years OId 1. SUrVey your classmates.CJ2n 〔64Crnr>John : HOW tall are you? Wu ∖ l ,m 164 Crn tall. YOIrre ShOrter than me. JOhn : Yes. Γm 160 cm. You ,re 4 Crn taller than me. Γm 12. I'm one year Older than you : I'm 50 kg. You ,re bigger and StrOnger than me.HOW O d/ HOW tall ∖are you?Name Age HeightWU Yifan12164 Cm• ∙ ∙Γm 12 years Old2. Make a report.WU Yifan IS taller than JOhn. Amy IS Olderthan Sarah....Dad∖ WhiCh monkey do you like?Be∩∖ IliketheyeIIOW one. It is taller than the brown One・Dad∖ WhiCh monkey IS StrOn ger?Ben∖ The yellowmonkey is taller The brown monkey isStrOnger. Dad∖ I Iike the little monkey. IrS younger ItS tail is 38 Crn long.Ben∖ I think the Iittle monkey is Only 40 Cnl tai Dad∖ I think the yellow monkey is 150 Crn IallBΘ∩∖ It is ShOrtel than me.Dad∖ The monkey is Shorlnr but your∙κe funnierFiniSh the sentences.(1)The yellow monkey is. , than the brown One(2)The brown monkey isthan the yellow one.(3)Tħe Iittle monkey is Onlytall.(4)The Iittle monkey isIhan BenIOngerheavierthinnerSmallerΓm taller and heavier thanyou丿My hands are bigger thanyours:Λ(HiS tail is longer.)My arms areHiS head is SmallenIonger than yours.金太阳教育社区Listen, Write and circle.1 ・ My PenCil is ____________________ c m. It,s 5 Crn _______________________ than yours.2. Yes. It,s than yours, too.Mike: HOW heavy are you? Zhang∖Γm 48kg.Mike∖Γm thinner than you, and shorter.Zhang ∖ Yes.bigger and StrOnger than you.• HOW big areHOW IOng areyour legs? ∙∙Wear SlZe 17your feet?76 cm.V I Wear SiZe 16)1. MeaSUre your friends and yourself.HOW tall are you?HOW IOng are your legs?... Let me see....YOUr Friend YOUHair (Cm)Feet (Cm)LegS (Cm)I Weight ( kg ) -J2. Make a report.Γm taller. Mike,s feet are 'bigger. My IegS are IOnger than MikeS、一 Mike is heavier than me. -----金太阳教育社区Length: 15 meters.Weight: 35 tons.Ieeth: 50, each UP to 20 Crn long. Tail: 8 meterslong.FOOeI: SqUicl l IObSterS and Small Sharks.Skill: Can dive into the deep COld water.Weight: 3t600 kg.Teeth: 40l each UP to 20 Crn long. Tail: 6 meterslong.FoOd: FiSh f birds, SeaIS and even WhaIeSeSkiIl: GOOd swimmer; Can jump OUt Of water. FiII in the blanks.(1) A SPerm Whale is _________________________ than a killer Whale in its length.(2) A killer Whale is _______________________ than a SPerm WhaIe in its size.(3) A SPerm Whale has 50 teeth. It has ________________________________________ more teeth than aSPerm Whale KiIler Whalekiller whale.(4) The Iength Of a sperm whale,s tooth is _________________________________________ cm.金木阳教育社区HOW Iarge is your room?HOW Iong is your bed? HOW big is your table? Z My room is ... SqUare meters・My bed is ... Cm long.' table is ... Cm IOng XZ金太阳教育社区fM⅛∏gtW ≡Read and match.1/P a,r9 f tail①②11金太阳教育社区UnitS Of Iength UnitS Of WeightMillimeterS (mm)CentimeterS (Cm)KilogramS (kg)GramS (g)TbnS (t ∕tn)1 foot = 0.3048 metersA quizIf a boy is five feet tall, how tall is he in meters?l*E孑My PetSthan3 3 3 3 I 3 ■ 3 ______ 3 I 3 34 3 IMy SmaII dog is aISmaII-er. SmaIl∙er2 - I 2 2 2 2 I 2 Idog.IIS your dogIsmaller.I2 23 2 ∣ I- ∣ 3 3 3 = 3 ∣ 'SmaIl-er than mine? MyβIShOrt3・ 3 3 ∣ 3 3 4 3 I 2 ICat is a ShOrt-er, ShOrt-erIcat.IShOrt-erShOrter l2_2 IS yourmine?12金太阳釵育社区金太阳数育社区ZOOm : Oh! He ,s almost bigger than^ the gate! ZW 4 Q ZiP : Yes! He⅛ an excellent £ IO goalkeeper!Zoom : HOW tall are you?Deer ∖ l*m 180 Cm tall.ZiP : HoW heavy are you? DeQr : Γm 8β kg.Zebra : They need a new goalkeeper. Deer : I t d Iike to have a try. Giraffe : Me gDOg : I con*t wait.ZiP : He ,s 10 Cm taller than Mr Deer. ZOom : Yes. And he's Stronger.BUt he can t CatCh the ball!Giraffe : l ,m the tallest one.ZiP : Sorry. YOUr neck is too long. TheOtherS Can t reach you. FootbaII is teamwork.HiPPO : Whal S happening there?ZiP : Oh! Here's the One We Wantl ZOOm : Why? He S too heavy?ZiP : Sure! We need a big guy!te<s S tar t A hard trip in the dosert.KoW are you feeling?Rne. HOW are you?I MVe a headache.I have the flu.HOW are you reding? Fine. HOW are you? Γm feeling better.Γm as good as new.金太阳数育社区金太阳数育社区LiSten and number.∞ld. fever, headache, toothache. SOre throat, broken leg, earache, StOmaChaChe t SOre noseDOCtOr ∖ HOW do yuu (eel?Amy ∖ I feel SiCk ・ DoCtOr∖ What S the matter?Amy ∖ My throat is SOre ・ My nose hurts.1.Make n 泊e cards.2. PUt them On the desk With3. LiSten and turn OVer the cards.SOme PeOPIe feel SiCk in the winter. Many PeOPIe get the flu. HOW do you know When you have the flu? DO you have a SOre throat? DOeS your nose hurt? DO you have a headache? If you have a fever, you might have the flu.Don't worry! If you are sick, See the d∞tor. Take SOme medicine and drink hot drinks. Stay in bed for a few days・ YOU WilI feel better soon.AnSWer the questions・1 ・ HOW do you feel if you have the flu?2. What do you do if you have the flu?金太阳数育社区Ibm19No, sorry. She ,sSadHOW does LiSa feelζ) ***"**fc ^*"β—-*—■She ,s happy.金太阳扶育社区20金太阳数育社区/[took at the PiCtUrAJ HOW do I feel?^HOW do fee ? Sarah ∖ HOW are you 9 LiU Yun? YOU IOOk SO happy.Liu ∖ YeS ・ I am excited ・ I am going On a big trip. HOW are you, Sarah?YOU IOOk Sad today.Sarah : I failed the math test. LiU : Γm SOrry to hear that. 嘴'¾ELOOk at the picture. YeS l because I failed my math test.Yes, because I got a new PlCtUre-book.It's SatUrday morning. The Weather is fine. There is a football match between CIaSS 1 and CIaSS3. Many StUdents are WatChing. They are excited.NOW JOhn has the ball. He PaSSeS it to Mike. Mike kicks the ball. IfS a goal! ,二WNOW Zhang Peng has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to John's face! JOhn is a IittIe angry. BUt the ball bounces Olf his head. It flies into the gate. AnOther goal! How,s JOhn feeling now? Guess! He,s SO happy!Hooray! CIaSS 1 WOn the game. BUt CIaSS 3 is not sad. They are IaUghing at JOhrfs funny goal! AnSWer the questions・∖t⅛ _1 ・ HOW do the StUdentS feel before the f∞tball game starts?2. HOW does JOhn feel When the ball hits his head?3. HOW does CIaSS 3 feel at the end Of the game?Z My mom is going ∖ On a trip WithOUt me.) Very sad—ZZWe are going to /e a footballmatch. I,m -^Very happy—y mother IS going to buy me a new Skirt・I'm Very happy. I failed my ChineSe lest. I feelVery Sad<21金太阳扶育社区金太阳釵育社区C力卿阿/ DOn t WOrry K SleeP With y1. ReteIlthe story. (^nrSeXCiiinQTfeel boredN ' A ghost StOry I顷石匚赢〉WiIl be fun..a®/z Whafs thJ‰ matter,Zip7√∣^2. ACt OUt your story.hank you, Mom. Γm SO happy. /金太阳数育社区Read and match.z/^roSe^)COUnt Sarah is sick. What two things ShOUId Sarah NOT do? 1 ・ HaVe SOme rest. 2. Take SOme medicine. 3. See a doctor. 4. GO SWimming. 5. Ddnk SOme water. V 6. Rsad many books ・n h se ∣ d S tharo½~rr J√ /S3<>p/Amy is Very Sad ・ U ∖ΛHer dog SPot has run away. HOW Can you make her feel better?1 ・ HelP Amy to IOOk for SPOt ・ 2. Take her to See a Sad movie 3. TeIl her SPOt is a SiIIy dog.4. Tell her your hair is IOnger than hers ・5. TeIePhOne your trie nds and ask them tohelp l∞k for SPOt ・23Read and match.If you are healthy, you are in the PINK.If you are Sad l you are feeling BLUE・If you are angry, you are seeing RED・If you are Very Very sad, you are in a BLACK m∞d.6feel.kinc Of2∣l ・ 5 I 5 5 5 6 I 1 3 4 I 5 4 3•Vmad. SOme-times I feel bad. ThiS is the Way Iι∙ ±r,∙2 15∙丄I i・∖ 61 ∖feel. Ihe Way I feel. the Way I5 ・ 3 I 4 4 2 2 I I 3 4 5 I 2 4 .3feel, the Way I ・OJlI feel, the Way I feel, the Way IΓm hap-py and Γm sad. SOme ・IimeS Γm24金太阳釵育社区金太阳釵育社区Mother'. BUt you IOOk unhappy. Zoom : l ,m just bored.Zoom ; I don't know.Mother-. AnSWer the door; Z∞m Zoom.OK. Mom.Zoom. ZiP I IefS go Skating this Weekend ・Zoom; Γm bored.Mother. PIay With your CofnPUter Zoom. ZOom ∖ My COmPUter is broken.Mother '. Whynotgo sta6ng? Thatllbe fun. ZOOm ∙ SkAtBng7 IfR too Cold outside.(Ring!)Mother . Who ,s there?ZiP : Sorry. I am going on a big trip Wrth myParentS ・ l ,m SO happy.ZOOm∖ Oħ-oh. EnjOy your trip, Zip.Mother'. WhafS wrong. Zoom? DO you feel sick? Zoom: No, Mom. I ,m fine.ZOom ∖ Ohl Zip! You,re back! Why?Zip: Ifa snowing heavily at IhO airport. They CanCeIIed the flight. SO We Can goskating. Zoom.ZOOm ∖ ThafS great! Mother'.Where are you going, 2∞m? Zocm ∖l,m going Skating With Zip I'm SO exdted!Mother . Skating??? Zoom∖ Bye. Mom.金太阳釵育社区∣≡j?两眸(3}] ∙⅛¾s St a r tWhIt do you USUally do on the weekend?—OohomewortcCα∙*ι∙>∙roomw∙lcħTV PttyIOCftU@ ;3:轧C hantDMyoUgOtOM p∙r⅛? Y M. I went to thePanL MyOU 90 ∙t nλ9ht7 Y∙∙. I Rnt ・ n*gM.DMyMMettWfUn moon? Y*∙. IMW th∙ hιU moo<v 2-, OWy<*∙9θlwln⅛M?Λ 於MOjRHtlnJUnrViSited grandparentsPlayed footballWhat did ZOOrn do IaSt weekend? What did you do?金太阳釵育社区John. What did you do IaSt weekend?Wu∖ I PIayed football. HOW about you? Johm I ViSited mygrandparents.Wυ∖ Did you help them CIean their room?WatChed TVIiStened tomusic PIayed SPOnSWaShedCIOlheSCleaned myroom Zhang Peng √金太阳釵育社区< 31金太阳数育社区WU Yifan WaS busy IaSt Weekend. He ViSited his grandmother SatUrday morning. It WaS his grandma ,s birthday. They COoked noOdleS together. In the evening, they WatChed TV. SUnday morning, WU Yifan PIayed f∞tball With his trie nds. In the after noon, he WaShed ClOtheS and Cleaned his room.1. FiniSh the sentences.2. ASk and answer.I CIeaned my r∞mand PIayed footballmy room..JI CIeaned my room, Played footballand 、WatChed TV.丿I CIeaned (1) WU Yifan _____________________ his grandmaSatUrday morning.⑵ SUnday morning, he___________ With his friends ・(3) He ______________________________ and ______________________ S Unday aftem OOn.1 ・ LOOk at the table below for a few SeCOndS・2.COVer it. ----------- ---3.ASk and answer. What did Mike doWent to a Park JOh nWent hiking AfnyWenl Swimming Mikeread a book Chen JieWent fishing WU YifanWaShed CiOtheS LIU YUn金太阳釵育社区•卑⅛ETeacher. What did you do yesterday^Mike∖ I Went fishing・Teacher.Did you readbooks?Mike∖ YeSJ did.Teacher. Did you CIean your roomMike∖No, I didn t.< 31金太阳数育社区Then I Went to a Park by bike. I flew kites ・ It WaS a Windy day. SUCdenly my kite flew into the Iak€.TOday WaS a fun day. I WaIked to Mike's home in the morning. I StUdied EngliSh With him. We read funny tongue twisters together.A dog SaW the kite. He jumped into the Iake and SWam to it. FiVe minutes later, he returned the kite to me. I WaS Very grateful to him.1. FiniSh the sentences.(1)I ___________ t o Mike's home.(2)∣ __________ _________________________by bike.(3)i WaS Very grateful to the)I Went to a Park・)I flew kites.)I Went to Mike J S home.)The dog jumped into the lake. )He SWam to the kite.)The kite flew into the IakeHe returned the kite to me33 2・ NUmber the sentences.金太阳釵育社区金太阳数育社区1. ASk and answer.What did you doIaSt weekend?2. Write down the information. MeMy Part ner1234567I Wenthiking : — 一- 一7IdkL)IIe Did you CIimb'、mountain?金太阳数育社区What do the SignS mean? Where do you See them?J I l did you didyou2'] ^ ∙⅛lICrOCOdies.night. AndQ¾⅛⅛r≤At the ZOOU-4 I to thezoo. SatUrday?Ifed thebeiars andWhat youIrootoo.金太阳数育社区ZiP: What did you do SatUrday rromi∩g?Zoom∖ I WaShed my clothes. I Went to a park. * V e gS5⅛fi a<tWMt do you usually do On your holiday?OOyOUgo on trt>∙? Whefe Mv∙ yoυ b∙∙n?Wha< do you USUalIy do dιri∩g your trips?Zip '. VVhat did you do SatUrday afternoon?Zbom: I did my homework. I Went fishing.2⅝?: What did you do SUnday morning?Zoom: I Cleaned my room. I ViSited my grandparenls.ZiP: What didyoudo SUndaV afternoon? Zoom : Iplayed f∞lball. I WatChed TV.Zip '. That WaS a busy WeekendZoom ;Yes. it v∕as. NOW I need a∞ther Weekend・ΛZip ∖HOW WaS your weekend?Zoom: It WaS a busy one.⅛於⅛ bv> preWmtBtot* PIcfuM Mf Qood fondIearned ChineSeSang and danced金太阳釵育社区41金太阳数育社区LiSten and circle.Where did you go On your holiday? We Went to Canada On OUr holiday. HOW did you go On your holiday?We Went by airplane On OUr holiday What did you do On your holiday?We Skied and made a SnOWman On holida y. Did you have a good time On your holiday? We had a IOt Of fun On OUr holiday ・2 施® %≡ -Mike∖ Where did you go On your holiday? Joh∩∖ Mike∖ JOhn∖I Went to Xinjiang ・ What did you do there?I Sang and danCed With my new friends ・42金太阳数育tt 区Dear mom,HOW are you? EVery day I had fun With my COUSins. On Monday We Went to a restaura nt. We ate good food ・ On TUeSday We Went to a Park. We Sang and danced. On Wednesday We PIayed Ping-POng. On ThUrSday We Climbed a mountain. We took many PiCtUreS ・ TOmOrrOW Γll be back home! MiSS you and dad ・ Love. JOh n(3)______________________________________ OnWedneSday he ___________________________________________(4)____________________________________ O n ThUrSday he _________________________________________a(5) On Friday he _________________________________________________FiIl in the form and tell your partner.FiniSh the sentences.(1) On MOnday John ___________________ (2) On TUeSday he _____________________1 ・ Write in the WOrdS and PhraSeS・2.LiSten to your teacher.3.Il you have three in a row, Say t M Bingo!”Went Skii ngWent ice-skati ngSaW elepha ntsrowed a boatIearned Englisht∞k PiCtUreSate good foodbought PreSe ntsClimbecI a mountain< 43金太阳釵育社区Think Of four PIaCeS you have been to・ TeIl how you went.Where Zhejia ng HOW By trainIt WaS a IOng holiday・ We Ieft Beijing On FebrUary I Sl and got to Harbin On the 2nd. On the first day, I Went to a Park With my parents. On the 3,d. I Went skiing. On the 4t,f I did my homework. On the 5m, I Went ice-skating. On the 6w∖ I bought PreSents for my friends. We got back to Beijing by PlaneOn the 7m. FOr the IaSt day Of the holiday, We relaxed and PrePared to go back to WOrk Or sch∞l.Fill in the blanks.HOW did PeOPIe travel years ago? WhafS WrOng With金太阳釵育社区IVlake a POStCard.□□□□DO46<WOrdS in a dictιonary are in the alphabetical Order FOr example, the WOrd“apple” is before the WOrd■M banana”・ The WOrd M Car is before the WOrd M COat,∖LOOk UP the WOrdS below and Order金太阳数育社区金太阳数育社区HOW to Take a PiCtUre On YOUr HOIiday1. PUt in the film.2. PUt 泊 the battery.3. OPen the shutter.4. LOOk at the VieW finder.5. POint at objects Or PeOPIe ・6. Tell everyone to say. M CheeSe!w7. PreSS the button.8. CIOSe the ShUtter and PUt the Camera away.567156?,2_32 I 2 IMy trie nd Came backfrom Beijing tfrom Bei- jing. My trie nd CamebaCk from HangZh(XJ t from Hang- Zh(Xj. My friend CamebaCkfrom Urumqi, fromUrU- mqi.? ? ? , I5 6J I2 472 I l -IlHe brought With him. an OId jade ring, an OId jade ring. He brought With him, a green Silk tie, a greenSiIk tie. He brought With him,a ColoUr∙ful cap, a ∞lour∙fulCcap.O l =c ÷A TriP to China金太阳数育社区Zφ: What did you soo? Zoom: IsawChangetherabbrtandthetree. Zip; Did you take any pictures?ZOom: Yies. I cM. Ooops. Where did I PUt the pictures?ZOOnι∖ I am now On the moon.I Carn believe it! She must be Chang ,e. Oh. here is the rabbit. Zoom; It a S time to go. Good! He eCOmeS a SPaCeShip.Zip∖ HOW WaS your holiday? ZOOm ∖ ItWaSfUn ・Zip∖ Where d∙d you go? ZOom∖ I Went to the moon.Zip∖ HOW did you go there? ZoOm∖I Went by a SPaCeShip.Zoom: Oh. it's a dream.ReCyCIeZhang: Where are you going On your holiday?Mike : I am going to ViSit Kunming.Zhang: Oh. WhO are you going with?Mike : Γm going With my mom, my dad, and my SiSter Kathy. Zhang: What are you going to do there? Mike : Γm going to See folk danCeS・ l,m going to ViSit Stone FOreSt to o.Zhang: Thafs great! HOW is your family going to get there?Mike : We are going by Plane・Zhang: When are you going?Mike : We,re going this Weekend・Zhang: HaVe a good time!金太阳釵育社区。

HiHi ByeBye文本歌词

HiHi ByeBye文本歌词

王心凌- hihi byebye
我跟你说hihi 你跟我说byebye
我跟你说byebye 你跟我说hihi 你说奇不奇怪我们见怪要更怪三轮车跑得快上面坐着老太太老太太去拜拜小猴子们都好嗨你生气来像火灾我哭起来就像水灾我们两个人加起来刚好就变成无害你喜欢喝冰牛奶我喜欢喝热牛奶你的冰块加到我的牛奶就温暖起来你喜欢走左边因为你说会有安全感我喜欢走右边因为我觉得比较浪漫
我跟你说hihi 你跟我说byebye
我跟你说byebye 你跟我说hihi 你说奇不奇怪我们见怪要更怪三轮车跑得快上面坐着老太太老太太去拜拜小猴子们都好嗨
我说byebye 其实就在说hi
hihihihi oh~ byebyebye
hihihihi oh~ byebyebye
你说奇不奇怪我们见怪要更怪我跟你说hihi 你跟我说byebye
你把双手张开我就把你捆起来我跟你说byebye 你跟我说hihi 一点都不奇怪因为实在怪可爱小老鼠上灯台偷吃灯油下不来叫妈妈它走来叽哩咕噜说拜拜小老鼠上灯台偷吃灯油下不来叫妈妈它走来叽哩咕噜说拜拜。



我父母说根本没有什么倒霉日My parents say there's no such thing as a bad day.关键是在于你怎么看That it's all how you look at it.我还能说什么呢二位What can I tell you? Parents.可是据我所知Here is what I know.他们错了They're wrong.我是倒霉专家亚历山大My name is Alexander, and I'm the expert in bad days.这家伙知道我说的是什么这还没完This guy knows what I'm talking about. That's not coming off. 我有没有说过我爸爸是个不折不扣的乐观主义Did I mention my dad is a relentless optimist?我们快到家了We're in the home stretch.再看老妈And look at Mom.她总是带着"母亲般的微笑" 不会愚弄任何人She's not fooling anyone with that "Mom smile".信不信由你我们到家的时候Believe it or not, by the time we got home...我们的样子比这辆车的现状还要糟糕this van was in better shape than we were.这是我姐姐艾米丽是个演员There's my sister Emily, the actress.随时准备弯腰去吐Always ready to take a bow.安东尼我的老哥在穿衣风格上绝对是大赢家Anthony, my brother, a total winner with a great sense of style. 还有特雷弗宝宝And baby Trevor.抱歉朋友这还没有完Sorry, pal. Definitely not coming off.总之今天是个极其倒霉的日子Bottom line, today was an epic disaster.可以说是最糟糕的一天The worst day possible.这点家里每个人都会点赞Everyone in my family would agree.只是他们并不知道这都是我的错But what they don't know, is it was all my fault.而且还远没结束And it wasn't over yet.你睡过头了You overslept, bud.别吹我的迪吉里杜管Don't blow my didgeridoo!这有什么用What's it for, then?菲利普·帕克12岁了你被邀请了You're invited! Philip Parker turning 12.明天晚上Tomorrow night?别介No!他在恶作剧...早上好He's the trick to... Good morning!她来了There she is!你一定会很感动的You are going to be so impressed.我做了有名的...I made what is known as...无皮芝士蛋派和菜肉馅煎蛋饼the crustless quiche, the frittata.哇这是什么Wow. What is this?两个月前你连烤芝士三文治都不会现在...Two months ago, you couldn't even grill cheese, and now... 看起来挺好吃That looks so good.芝士和蛋Egg and cheese.太赞了Excellent.谢谢Thank you.今天你们有什么打算So, what are you gentlemen up to today?Well, let's see.今早艾米丽约了牙医Em has a dentist appointment this morning...对对Right, right.然后我们俩要去做妈咪瑜伽And then the two of us are going to Mommy and Me Yoga. -跟萨默 -对啊-With Summer? -Yes.你会告诉她我还在吧Will you tell her I still exist?我会的然后趁他睡午觉的时候I will. And then when he takes his nap,我再发一些简历I'm gonna send out some resumes.不错Good.夏天天下雨What a to-do to die today at a minute or two to two.穿绿雨衣的女小吕A thing distinctly hard to say but harder still to do.去找不&hearts;穿&hearts;绿雨衣的吕小女We'll beat a tattoo at a minute or two穿绿雨衣的女小吕and a rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tattoo...没找到不&hearts;穿&hearts;绿雨衣的吕小女and the dragon will come to the beat of the drum不&hearts;穿&hearts;绿雨衣的吕小女at a minute or two to two today...也没见着穿绿雨衣的女小吕at a minute or two to two.-我要尿尿 -你头发上有口香糖-I need to pee. -You have gum in your hair.吃西瓜不吐西瓜皮儿...A big black bug bit a big black bear...不No!安东尼亚历山大快点快点Anthony! Alexander! Accelerate. Come on!等会儿还不赖吧If it ain't broke, right?你们知道吗Guess what?菲利普·帕克明晚要开生日派对Philip Parker's having his birthday party tomorrow night.你明天也要开派对啊...That's when you're having your birthday party.我知道我刚收到邀请的I know! And I just got the invitation.老爸他邀请了所有人He's going all-out, Dad.他有能量饮料台He's getting an energy drink bar,韩式玉米卷车现场乐队a Korean taco truck, a live band.听起来挺好啊That sounds legit.他可能还有封闭的卡拉OK房&hearts;I think he's having black lights and a karaoke machine.我喜欢卡拉OK派对I love karaoke parties.我们怎么可能比得过他Look, can I compete with all of that?拜托你的生日派对也不错的Come on, your birthday's gonna be great.会很有趣的我们会有披萨It's gonna be fun. We're gonna have pizza.我还要做个蛋糕I'm gonna make a cake.可能游泳池里还有排球Maybe some volleyball in the pool.菲利普·帕克有舞台喷雾机而我们却只能吃披萨Philip Parker's having a fog machine and we're having pizza? -别担心 -你在喝咖啡-Don't worry. -You're drinking coffee?那我的派对怎么办What about my party?你啥时候开始喝咖啡了Since when did you start drinking coffee?我又不是喜欢早起的人I'm not a morning person.你看下他的尿不湿吧Can you check his diaper?你的大黄蜂掉了You just dropped Bumble Bee.-你的大黄蜂掉了 -我觉得他可能又尿了-You drop Bumble Bee? -I think he might be wet.不大黄蜂给你No. Bumble Bee. There you go.我希望我能陪你的老弟Wish I could be there, bro,但我明天晚上有舞会but I got prom tomorrow night.我以为是下个星期呢I thought that was next week.事实就是如此It is what it is.我演完彼得·潘的女主角后可能就会喝醉了...I'll probably be wiped out from my Peter Pan premiere... 不过我会很开心为你和你所有的朋友唱歌&hearts;的but I'll be happy to sing for you and all of your friends. 别别介啊No, no, no.可能是吉普森太太Probably Mrs. Gibson. Okay.甜心爸爸要带艾米丽去看牙医Honey, Dad's taking Emily to the dentist.我要去送安东尼所以你只好拼车了I've got Anthony. So you're in carpool.-拿一块煎饼吧是无皮芝士蛋派 -给你-Take a frittata. It's a crustless quiche. -There you go.你头发咋了What did you do to your hair?没咋的Nothing.跟吉普森阿姨问好礼貌点啊Say hi to Mrs. Gibson! Remember your manners.嗨贝基Hi, Becky!嘿亚历山大Hey, Alexander.你还好吗Are you okay?还好Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.我们快走吧Let's go, kids."苍蝇王"Lord of the Flies?挺恐怖吧Pretty scary, right?这书写的很美亚历山大Lord of the Flies is beautiful, Alexander.是一个寓意深刻的寓言故事It's a deep and meaningful allegory描述我们这个混乱的社会about our own messed-up society.是哈Yeah, totally.所以我说很"恐怖"That's what I meant with "scary".社会的事儿很疯狂The society stuff. Crazy.看看这个应用Check out this app.我要把你的小脸PS到一些比基尼小妞身上He puts your face on some bikini model's body.老性感了It's really gross and sexist.这一定很搞笑This is gonna be hilarious.-你干什么 -等等等一下-What are you doing? -Wait, hold on!-别 -我还没弄完呢-No, no, no. -I'm not done.嘿宝贝Hey, babe.你没事儿吧你最后一条短&hearts;信&hearts;太冷了Is everything okay? Your last text was so cold.不会啊我发了"学校见"No, I said, "See you at school"?对啊我是你女友安东尼Yeah. I'm your girlfriend, Anthony.你应该在最后发点You really should end your texts比如XXOO或者我想你什么的with "x-o-x-o" or "I heart you".你也可以发个爱心表情给我也行啊You can make a heart with the less-than sign and a three. 好我会记住的Yeah, I'll try to remember.一堆女生在聊天So, a bunch of the girls were talking,她们都要坐豪车and they're all going in limos.我们明天有豪车的对吧We are getting a limo tomorrow, right?我明天要考驾照甜心No, I am taking my driver's test tomorrow, babe.首先我想做个有证的司机The first thing I wanna do as a licensed driver可以送你去舞会is chauffeur you to the prom.会很浪漫的It'll be romantic and stuff.我的确想要浪漫Well, I do want it to be romantic.会的It will be.还有据可靠消息说...Also, I have it from a very good source who says...我们要在明晚的宫廷舞会上we're being crowned Duke and Duchess戴公爵和公爵夫人王冠at the Royal Court tomorrow night at prom.那太好了That's so tight!我知道是不是觉得这是最棒的事情I know. Isn't it like the best thing ever?这是最糟糕的事儿了This is the worst thing ever.这也太逼真了These look so real.真不敢相信埃利奥特居然把这个传遍了整个学校I can't believe Elliot text-bombed the whole school. 别担心那家伙就是个傻&hearts;逼&hearts;Don't worry about it, man. Elliot's an idiot.没人会看到这些的No one's even gonna look at these.嘿保罗Hey, Paul.菲利普哥们儿Philip, my man.咪&hearts;咪&hearts;很赞亚历山大Nice boobs, Alexander.你什么时候成了他的朋友了Since when are you friends with Philip Parker?我们的精神病药理是同一个医生We go to the same psychopharmacologist.他有儿童多动症他挺友善的He's got ADHD, too. He's super nice.他可不好No, he's not.他明天要开一个超巨派对He's throwing a huge party tomorrow,可明天也不是他生日啊and it's not even his actual birthday.他是下个星期His is next week.你会发现到时候我的派对只有你我二人You realize it's just gonna be you and me at my party. -事实上可能只有你一个人 -啊-Actually, it might just be you. -What?你得来啊你是我最好的朋友啊You've gotta come. You're my best friend.但是我觉得你该推迟你的派对Okay, but personally, I think you should just postpone. 菲利普很受欢迎大家都会去的Philip's popular and everybody's gonna be there.而且他的派对好像很过瘾Plus, his party sounds pretty dope.去年你老爸拿拐杖跳踢踏舞Dude, last year your dad tap-danced with a cane.再来一个巨糟无比的派对会毁了你名声的Another bad party could ruin your rep forever.你老爸是个好人但是相信我...Your dad's a nice guy, but trust me...你可不想把你的朋友圈毁在他手里you do not want your entire social life in his hands.真棒Great job!对啊Yeah!深呼吸你们生过孩子的你们可以的Breathe. You gave birth. You can do this.二一Two. One.让你的孩子背对着子&hearts;宫&hearts; 他们喜欢那里Take your baby back to the womb. They love it there.我觉得一个男人能做全职爸比I think that it's so cool when a guy can这太了不起了step up to be a full-time fommy.什么A what?妈咪型爸比A father-mommy.好Okay.是啊我觉得我做全职爸比挺有天赋的Yeah, I guess I'm sort of a fommy by default.我之前在航&hearts;空&hearts;公&hearts;司&hearts;上班现在我想换个工作I was in aerospace, and I got transitioned out of my job.抱歉I'm sorry.没事儿这样也不错No, that's okay.我就有更多时间陪这个小家伙儿了I get to spend more time with this little guy.失陪一下Excuse me.喂Hello?对我是本·库珀Yes, this is Ben Cooper.明天Tomorrow?好太棒了Yes, that's good.好的明天见Okay, I'll see you then.我很期待格雷格拜拜I look forward to it, Greg. Bye-bye.好消息Good news?是啊明天面试Yeah! I landed an interview.那真不错That's great.你觉得怎么样What do you think of that? What do you think of that? 爸比要面试了Fommy just landed an interview.爸比Fommy.你听到他说什么了吗Did you hear him say that?听到了Yes!他刚刚说爸比了你刚刚叫我了He just said Fommy! You just said my name!伙计们他刚刚叫我爸比了Guys, he just said Fommy.你们听到他叫爸比了吗Did you hear him say Fommy?我是爸比爸比I'm Fommy. Fommy!太酷了That was so cool.-太萌了 -我是爸比他说我是爸比-It's so adorable! -I am Fommy, and he said it.那么我们的"名人朗读"So, with our celebrity readings,我们伟大的基层营销活动our great grassroots marketing campaign...辛苦了朱莉Thank you, Julie...得到了肯定的评价and the positive reviews we have coming in...我们随时准备强力推出we are poised for a really strong roll-out.我们明天就要问问美国人Tomorrow, we are going to ask America..."有谁准备好跳上宝宝马桶了""Who is ready to jump on the potty?"而且我相当有信心我们的销量肯定会爆表的And I'm confident our sales are going to leap over expectations. 在我教我宝贝坐宝宝马桶的时候I know I would have appreciated this book我就知道我要谢谢这本书when I was potty-training my kids!这是我儿子亚历山大That's Alexander, my son.谢谢大伙儿Thank you, guys!多谢支持Thank you for all your support with this.天啊Oh, man.我希望你能觉得这次已经够了妮娜I hope that was thorough enough for you, Nina.我想要你明天Well, I'm going to need you to make竭尽全力为了"宝宝马桶"an incredible effort on "the Potty" tomorrow.为了"宝宝马桶"On "the Potty".-什么 -尽管放心-What? -You can count on me.太好了如果顺利的话我会升你做副总的Good. Because if this goes well, I'm going to make you VP.真的Really?是啊主营儿童和少儿文学Have you run Children's Lit and Young Adult.谢谢Thank you!太谢谢了Thank you.我时时刻刻I'm going to need you无时无刻都可能需要你every second of every minute of every day.-我知道 -7*24小时 365天-Got it. -24/7, 365.数字太多了That's a lot of numbers.很好笑吗Is that a joke?我有四个孩子我还需要点时间看看他们I have four kids that I'll just have to carve out a little time to see. 没问题你当然可以Right, right, of course. Of course you will.那不就有一个小宝贝在那坐着吗Isn't that one of your darling little babies right there?对没错Yeah, it is.你现在就能去啦So you're seeing him right now.好了国家报告All right, country reports.你们都知道这是这个学期的重要内容As you all know, this is your big project this semester.-所以我觉得啊 -罗格老师-So, what I think... -Mr. Rogue?说亚历山大Yeah, Alexander.我想选澳大利亚I would like to take Australia.我相当了解它I know a ton about it.而且我还有迪吉里杜管And I have my own didgeridoo.嗯我相信还有很多同学Yeah, I'm sure there a lot of students想选澳大利亚我说的没错吧here who want Australia. Am I right?所以公平起见这个学期So to be fair, this semester...由这个地球仪决定I'm going to let the globe decide what country.亚历山大从你开始We'll start with you, Alexander.准备好了吗走你You ready? Here we go.澳大利亚澳大利亚澳大利亚Australia. Australia. Australia.会是啥呢What will it be?吉布提Djibouti.非洲之角呢真棒吉布提Look at that, the Horn of Africa! All right, Djibouti!吉什么Dji... what?下一个谁来菲利普·帕克走你Who's gonna be next here? Philip Parker. Here we go. 澳大利亚Australia.这就是阿诺德·施瓦辛格出生地吗So, like, Arnold Schwarzenegger and stuff?那是奥地利不是澳大利亚That's Austria, not Australia.-能交换吗 -不行-Can we switch? -No.好了艾伯特·莫里奥Okay, Albert Morio.太赞了黎巴嫩Lebanon. That's good.大伙儿快把围裙穿上找自己的搭档Partner up, everybody! Get your aprons on. Guys.贝基...Becky...能做你搭档吗do you want to partner?好啊你来记实验笔记吧Okay. You can take lab notes.硼 0 5毫克0.5 milligrams of boron.硼...无聊Boron... Boring!贝基啊我明天晚上要开生日派对So, Becky, I'm having a birthday party tomorrow night.本来只请男生的不过我可以...It was only gonna be guys, but I can...谢谢可是我明晚要去菲利普·帕克的派对啊Thanks, but I'm going to Philip Parker's party tomorrow night. 每个人都会去I think everyone is.他那有酸奶冰淇淋机蹦床He has a frozen yogurt machine and a trampoline.我们也不差啊So do we!我们也有酸奶冰淇淋机还有跳床We have a frozen yogurt machine and a trampoline.-我的妈啊 -没错...-Oh, my God! -Well, yeah...我的实验书My lab book!快扑灭它Put it out!快灭了Put it out!谁干的Who's responsible for this?亚历山大Alexander!稍等亚历山大Alexander! Hold up.稍等Hold up!我要出个差I'm leaving for a conference可是梅尔文没人照顾了and nobody signed up to take Melvin home.我可不希望它自己过周末I can't leave him alone all weekend.那你要我&hearts;干&hearts;嘛So, what do you want me to do?有你它这个小家伙就不会太无聊了Well, you'll make a furry friend a little less lonely.难以置信Unbelievable.酷啊有一只豚鼠要寄宿我们家了Cool, we're hosting a guinea pig.太赞了All right!我们迟到了Sorry we're late.我们在超&hearts;市&hearts;出了点问题We had a little diaper trauma at Trader Joe's.哈喽Hello!-嗨 -嗨妈妈-Hi! -Hi, Mom.好宝贝儿回来了哈There's my big boy. Hi!回来了哈嗨大家伙There you are. Hi, big guy.-这是什么 -梅尔文-What is that? -Melvin.我们这周末要照顾它We're hosting Melvin this weekend.天啊Oh, boy.快去捡起来洗一洗亚历山大Alexander, would you grab that and wash it off, please? 他需要大黄蜂就跟需要空气一样He needs Bumble Bee like he needs air.我知道I know, honey pie.洗完后把豚鼠拿楼上去And after that, the pig goes upstairs.-好的 -大黄蜂去洗白白呢-It's okay. -Bumble Bee's just getting a bath.马上就飞回来了哈It will be right back.我们要用大黄蜂啦亚历山大Alexander, we could use Bumble Bee.就快飞回来啦Bumble Bee is coming right back,飞来啦飞回来啦right back, right back any second.别老爸Dad, don't!什么情况What was that?甜心大黄蜂飞没了Honey, Bumble Bee's gone.彼得·潘会相当赞的Peter Pan is going to be awesome.今天布兰德老师说啊我是最淡定优雅的彼得·潘Today, Mr. Brand said that I am the most poised and elegant Peter Pan... 他还说会有特权he's ever had the privilege of working with.不是吧哇什么时候啊记得提醒我一下No way! Wow. When is that, again? Just remind me.妈妈明天下午Mom, hello! It's tomorrow afternoon!是嘛Of course.请准时到场啊别晚了Please be on time and don't be embarrassing.瞧好吧Best behavior.亲爱的别叫我们女儿尴尬哦Honey, please don't embarrass our daughter.-你也一样老爸 -收到-Dad, that includes you. -I know.别担心啊我会到的I'll be there, honey, don't worry.猜猜明天舞会公爵的王冠要给谁加冕Guess who's getting crowned Duke at the prom tomorrow.真的恭喜哈Really? Congratulations.还没正式宣布呢但是西莉娅说很可靠Yeah, it's not official, but Celia heard from a good source.太疯狂了It's kind of crazy.我在跟我们校花拍拖I'm dating the hottest girl in school...舞会上要带王冠一旦我明天收了驾照后I'm getting crowned at prom, and once I get my license tomorrow... 我想要的就都有啦I kind of have everything I've ever wanted.-上帝保佑 -等等-Hashtag blessed, you know. -Wait.你明天要去考驾照Once you get your license tomorrow?放学后去考I'm taking my test after school.老爸说了没多大问题Dad already said it was cool.你说没问题You said it was cool?我说行没说没问题是说行I said it was doable. Not cool. I said it was doable.好的Okay.没事儿我们会考过的It will be fine. We'll make it.好了各位我也有事儿要讲Okay, guys, I have some news.妮娜说明天新书发布会一切顺利的话Nina said that if the book launch goes well tomorrow...那么你们就会看到孤山出版社的新副总啦you could be looking at the new Vice President of Lone Hill Press. 哇亲爱的Honey, wow!太赞了That's big.那样工作时间就更多了Yeah, it would be a lot more hours at work...我感觉到了I already feel like I live there some days,但是加薪还是不错的but the raise would be nice.太棒了我也有好消息Awesome. I have some news as well.我今天接个电&hearts;话&hearts;I got a call today.一家游戏设计公&hearts;司&hearts;通知我去面试I have an interview for a game design firm.招聘工程师They're looking for engineers.-等等电脑游戏真的吗 -真的-Wait, video games? Really? -Yeah. Yeah.你们航&hearts;空&hearts;工程的老爸可能要去开&hearts;发&hearts;电脑游戏啦Your aerospace engineering dad might be designing video games.-太酷了 -我知道-That's so cool. -I know. I know.最好的消息是猜猜今天谁开了尊口The best news of all... Guess who spoke his first word today?特雷弗Trevor.-不会吧 -真的-No! -Yes.你说啥了What did you say?说啥了What was it?他说爸比He said fommy.-爸比 -对-He said fommy? -Yeah.-那是什么 -妈咪型爸比-What's that? -Father-mommy.新鲜词啊I didn't know that was a word.我们今天都挺顺的啊Wow, we all had pretty big wins today.-对 -可不是嘛-Yeah. -Yeah, tell me about it.我今天可不太顺I had a crap day.这什么味儿What is that smell?澳大利亚咸味酱不喜欢就滚远点It's Vegemite. It's from Australia, and back off!明天可是你的大日子啊Easy. You're gonna have a good day tomorrow.你生日你朋友们都会来的It's your birthday. You have friends coming over,还有个大派对it's gonna be a great party.你们都别想了我决定取消派对了Actually, you can forget it, because I'm canceling my party. -你在说什么 -为什么-What are you talking about? -Why?没人想来Nobody's coming.明天晚上他们都要去菲利普·帕克的派对They're all going to Philip Parker's party tomorrow night. 谁是菲利普·帕克Who is this Philip Parker?多动症的小屁孩He's a really cool kid with a hot tub and ADHD.-我去给他妈妈打电&hearts;话&hearts; -不用-I'm gonna call his mom... -No!不不行我们不用去鸟菲利普·帕克No, no, no. We're gonna forget about Philip Parker.不管谁来啊那都不错Whoever comes to the party comes. It's gonna be great.没人会来相信我吧Trust me, nobody is coming.埃利奥特·吉普森把我Elliot Gibson texted pictures of me比基尼靓照传遍了学校in a butt thong to everyone at school.我的铁瓷突然就叛变成了菲利普的了My best friend is suddenly best friends with Philip...因为他们的医生是同一个because they go to the same dumb psychopharmacologist. 我的国家报告还没选上澳大利亚I didn't get Australia for my school report...完了我用贝基·吉普森的实验本and I burned down the science lab还烧了科学实验室with Becky Gibson's lab notes.-什么 -你把实验室烧了-What did you do? -You burned down the science lab?真赞啊所以你这一天都没顺你的意Dude, big deal. So things didn't go your way today.顺我的意Go my way?简直就是我最倒霉的一天It was a totally wrecked bad day.不单单是今天And it's not just today!每天天天如此It is every single day. Every day!你们一点都不鸟我因为你们都比我过的好You don't even care because your lives are all so perfect! 我们关心关心亲爱的No, we care. We care, honey.-什么 -甜心-What? -Sweetie.大黄蜂飞哪了Where's Bumble Bee?被亚历山大杀了他要哭一晚上咯Alexander murdered it, so now he's going to cry all night. -就不能给买&hearts;&hearts;个新的吗 -不行-Can't you just get him a new one? -No.没得选只有大黄蜂It's only Bumble Bee. It's the only one he likes.必须得是大黄蜂It's gotta be Bumble Bee.我可真受不了I can't deal with this.我得去车里练歌&hearts;I'm going to rehearse in the car.或许是时候让他把奶嘴戒了Maybe this is the time to wean him from the pacifier.亲爱的你说的倒简单Honey, easy for you to say.又不是你整天跟他一起You're not here with him all day.愿我去追寻梦想一个美丽的梦想Think of a wonderful thought Any merry little thought像云朵天上飘啊飘Think of Christmas, think of snow也像雪花飞啊飞Think of sleigh bells, off you go来啊随我一起飞Like reindeer in the sky飞啊飞飞啊飞You can fly, you can fly You can fly安东尼Anthony?我感觉没人懂我I feel like no one understands me.我啊我懂你I do. I get you.是吗You do?是啊你很不可思议Yeah. Come on, you're amazing.真的Really?你觉得我不可思议You think I'm amazing?实话说我挺爱你Honestly, I love you so much.我也爱你I love you, too.我更爱你I love you more.才不是我更爱你No, I love you more.别勾引我过去抱你的小屁屁哦And don't get me started on that cute little butt of yours. 说啥What?咋了What?为啥要对我说"咋了"Why are you "what" -ing me?你什么情况What's your problem?-你说啥 -你不知道我很讨厌你吗-Excuse me? -You know what? You're so annoying.你能不能哪怕冷静一秒钟Why can't you just chill out? For one second?你真讨厌You're exhausting.你开玩笑呢Are you kidding?西莉娅抱歉刚是我的傻&hearts;逼&hearts;弟弟Sorry, Celia. That was my idiot brother.西莉娅Celia?不会吧Seriously?她不接电&hearts;话&hearts;了Now she won't pick up!我很担心亚历山大I'm worried about Alexander.这些年他生日派对所有人都放了他鸽子I mean, of all the years for everyone to bail on his birthday. 自从有了特雷佛重新上班后他总是喜怒无常的He's been so moody since I had Trevor and started work. 他都12岁了不用担心Don't worry about it. He's 12.每个人这时候都这样Everybody's moody at that age.他都12岁了How's he already 12?对啊过得真快I know. Just happened.这就是重点一切都太快了That's the problem. Everything is just happening so fast. 是啊Yeah.这屋子就像个火车站This house is like a train station.人们进进出出Everyone's coming and going...特雷弗第一句话竟然是爸比and Trevor's first word was "Fommy."-我也许听错了 -我不那么想-Maybe I misheard that. -I don't think you did.好了亲爱的Honey, come on.家和孩子我全包了I got the kids covered. I got the house covered.你在外面赚银子You're killing it at work.还有比这更好的了Things have never been better.得了吧Oh, please.-没有比这更好的了 -是啊-Never been better? -It's true.本Ben...你都宅家7个月了you've been unemployed for the past seven months. 有压力吗Aren't you stressed out?一点Yeah. A little bit.那你为啥不紧张Why aren't you freaking out more?紧张能有什么好的What good would freaking out do?要有的话我早就紧张了Then I'd just be freaked out and unemployed.明天我会搞定面试的Tomorrow I'm gonna nail that interview.马到成功Big day tomorrow.现在是12:01 梅尔文It's 12:01, Melvin.我生日It's my birthday.你在这世上感觉到孤独吗You ever feel alone in the world?我就是想让他们明白I just wish they understood!只是想让他们知道I just wish they knew what it felt like...可怕糟糕又倒霉的一天是个什么样子to have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! 你们貌似该起床了Shouldn't you guys be up?谁把闹钟按了Who hit snooze?-现在几点了 -到底谁按的-What time is it? -Who hit snooze?-早上了 -好好快点-It's morning. It's morning. -Okay, okay. Go, go, go.-我得洗个澡 -好快去-I have to take a shower. -All right. Okay, okay.好啦没事儿All right, okay. All right.尿不湿死哪去啦Does anyone know where the diapers are?有人I'm in here!亲爱的Honey?你咋了没事吧你Wow! You look terrible. Are you okay?不我很不好彼得·潘是不能感冒的老爸No, I'm not okay. Peter Pan can't have a cold, Dad.好Okay.操Come...真糟Harsh.老弟我要冲澡Bro, I gotta take a shower.我必须去学校西莉娅不会给我打电&hearts;话&hearts;了I gotta get to school. Celia won't call me back.不别这样啊尤其是今天No! No way, not today!滚出去Get out, dude.出去Get out!为啥要今天真糟糕Why today? This is the worst day! No!我要晚了艾米丽I am so late. Emily?我要拿剃刀亲爱的I'm coming in for a razor, honey.-妈妈 -老妈-Mom! -Mom!-老妈出去啊 -对不起-Mom, get out! -I'm sorry!对不起我穿裤子好了Sorry. Sorry. I'll wear pants!操Mother!-早上好啊 -跟你自己打招呼吧-Good morning. -Speak for yourself.-老爸 -啥事-Dad? -Yeah!特雷弗在放水尿布呢Trevor's peeing! Where's his diaper?我也在找I'm looking!小寿星好啊There's the birthday boy.好来这Okay, come here.你今天得开心呢知道吗Okay, you know what? I want you to have a great day. 你又长大了You are the captain of your ship.积极开朗乐观一点Steer your ship with positivity.拜托Come on!你们到底什么情况What is wrong with you people?安东尼Anthony!老爸你没事吧Dad, are you okay?看看你都长大了Look, you're older already.抱歉我得走了今儿有个大任务I'm sorry, honey, I have to run. I have a huge event... 脚疼死了我要晚了and my foot is killing me. I'm already late.本尿不湿Ben, put a diaper on it.我们晚上一起庆祝好吗We'll celebrate tonight, okay?我在找呢I'm trying.艾米丽Emily!艾米丽艾米丽Emily? Emily!你忘了关车灯亮了一晚上You left the light on in my car all night.没电啦The battery's dead.我在车里练歌&hearts; 都冻感冒了我也是受害者I'm the one who had to rehearse in a cold car, and now I'm sick! 彼得·潘Peter Pan!-你头咋了 -我们得走了-What happened to your head? -Ben, we gotta go!长痘了难看吗It's a zit. Is it that bad?贴个创可贴吧You should put a Band-Aid on that.本我们要走了你送我去快走各位Ben! We have got to go! You are my ride. Let's go, people.亚历山大快上车啊走啦Alexander, into the car. We have got to go!大家都出去快出去Everybody, out of the house! Broom it out!别开的这么娘炮加速踩油门Get out of your comfort zone. Push it. Push it.你又想大黄蜂了You miss Bumble Bee, don't you?为啥安东尼开车Why is Anthony driving?我本来就不舒服I feel sick enough as it is.今天我要路考I need practice for my driver's test today.好吧那换首歌&hearts;总行了吧Okay! Then can we at least change the music, please?赞就这首了That's good. Leave that!。



Katy Perry:Hot n ColdYou change your mind你改变主意Like a girl changes clothes就像女孩子换衣服似的Yeah you, PMS没错你就像得了经前综合症Like a bitch像个泼妇I would know我早该知道And you over think你想得太多Always speak说话总是Cryptically神秘兮兮地I should know我应该知道That you're no good for me和你在一起没什么好处Cause you're hot then you're cold因为你时而热情时而冷淡You're yes then you're no反反复复/(摇摆不定)You're in then you're out进进出出You're up then you're down心情时好时坏(喜怒无常)You're wrong when it's right是非颠倒It's black and it's white黑白不分We fight, we break up我们吵架分手We kiss, we make up我们拥吻和好You, You don't really want to stay, no 你不是真想呆在这儿you, but You, but you don't really want to go oh 但也不是真想离开You're hot then you're cold你忽冷忽热You're yes then you're no反反复复You're in then you're out进进出出You're up and you're down心情时好时坏We used to be我们以前Just like twins就像双胞胎一样So in sync举手投足很合拍(行动一致)The same energy一样的有能量活力四射Now's a dead battery现在就像个烂电池完全不通电Used to laugh ‘bout nothing以前常常乐呵呵的Now y ou’re plain boring现在的你很闷很无趣I should know that我该知道you're not gonna change你不会有任何改变Cause you're hot then you're cold因为你时冷时热You're yes then you're no总是反反复复的You're in then you're out进进出出You're up then you're down心情时好时坏You're wrong when it's right是非颠倒It's black and it's white黑白不分We fight, we break up我们吵架分手We kiss, we make up我们拥吻和好You, You don't really want to stay, no你不是真想呆在这儿you, but You, but you don't really want to go oh 但也不是真想离开You're hot then you're cold你忽冷忽热You're yes then you're no反反复复的You're in then you're out进进出出You're up and you're down心情时好时坏Someone call the doctor快请医生来救救我Got a case of a love bipolar我处在又爱又恨的爱情之中Stuck on a roller coaster就像被困在了过山车上Can't get off this ride下不来了You change your mind你不停改变主意Like a girl changes clothes就像女孩子换衣服似的Cause you're hot then you're cold因为你时冷时热You're yes then you're no总是反反复复的You're in then you're out进进出出You're up then you're down心情时好时坏You're wrong when it's right是非颠倒It's black and it's white黑白不分We fight, we break up我们吵架分手We kiss, we make up我们拥吻和好you're hot then you're cold因为你时冷时热You're yes then you're no总是反反复复的You're in then you're out进进出出You're up then you're down心情时好时坏You're wrong when it's right是非颠倒It's black and it's white黑白不分We fight, we break up我们吵架分手We kiss, we make up我们拥吻和好You, You don't really want to stay, no你不是真想呆在这儿you, but You, but you don't really want to go 但也不是真想离开You're hot then you're cold你忽冷忽热You're yes then you're no反反复复You're in then you're out进进出出You're up and you're down心情时好时坏。

say byebye翻译中文

say byebye翻译中文

say byebye翻译中文"Byebye" 可以翻译为中文的"再见",是一种非正式的道别方式。


下面是一些例句,展示了 "byebye" 的用法和中英文对照:1. Byebye! Have a great day at work! - 再见!祝你工作愉快!2. It's time for me to go. Byebye, see you later! - 我该走了。

再见,待会儿见!3. Byebye, take care of yourself! - 再见,好好照顾自己!4. We'll miss you! Byebye and come back soon! - 我们会想念你的!再见,早点回来!5. Byebye, have a safe trip! - 再见,旅途愉快!6. It's been great catching up with you. Byebye for now! - 和你聊得很开心。

暂时再见!7. Byebye, see you in class tomorrow! - 再见,明天上课见!8. Thanks for having me over. Byebye and let's hang out again soon! - 谢谢你的款待。

再见,我们很快再聚!9. It's sad to say goodbye, but we'll keep in touch. Byebye, myfriend! - 告别总是让人伤感,但我们会保持联系。

再见,朋友!10. Byebye, don't forget to call me when you arrive! - 再见,别忘了到了之后给我打电话!希望以上内容对您有所帮助!。

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TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
有什么治疗感冒的食疗方?How to fight Mr. Cold with food? 什么治疗感冒的食疗方?
白菜萝卜汤 Chinese cabbage and radish soup
TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
HC tel:11900
Dr. Xia tel:61991
Say Bye-Bye to Mr. Cold Bye-
TI information-Selective disclosure
TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/08/2011 12/09/2011
HC waits for your visit! 你想获取哪方面的健康知识,请告诉我们健康中心! 你想获取哪方面的健康知识,请告诉我们健康中心!
Please inform Health Center What health knowledge you want to review. 健康中心 7*24 小时为您服务 电话:11900 Health Center Server Time 7*24 tel:11900 夏医生 工作时间 8:30-17:30 周一到周五 电话61991 Dr.Xia Server Time 8:30-17:30 work day tel:61991
鲜姜丝50克 1000毫升可乐 煮沸,热饮,每次100毫升,每天数次; 毫升可乐, 鲜姜丝50克,加1000毫升可乐,煮沸,热饮,每次100毫升,每天数次; 50 100毫升
Orange peel candy drink
鲜桔皮50克 加冰糖适量,用开水冲泡代茶饮用。 鲜桔皮50克,加冰糖适量,用开水冲泡代茶饮用。 50

风热型感冒 Wind-heat type of common cold 鼻塞、流涕、咳嗽、 发热重、痰液粘稠呈黄色、喉咙痛、便秘。 鼻塞、流涕、咳嗽、头痛 + 发热重、痰液粘稠呈黄色、喉咙痛、便秘。 Stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, headache + Heavy fever, sticky yellow sputum, sore throat, constipation. 暑湿型感冒Summer-wet type of common cold 暑湿型感冒
白菜心500克 切成碎末,白萝卜120克 切成薄片,加水800毫升,煮至400毫升后 白菜心500克,切成碎末,白萝卜120克,切成薄片,加水800毫升,煮至400毫升后,加红糖适 500 120 800毫升 400毫升后, 量。每次200毫升,一天2次,连服三四天; 连服三四天; 每次200毫升,一天2 200毫升

畏寒、发热、头痛、头胀、腹痛、腹泻。 畏寒、发热、头痛、头胀、腹痛、腹泻。
Chills, fevominal pain, diarrhea.
TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
感冒是个什么东东? Who is Mr. Cold? 感冒是 么东东?
• 感冒,是一种自愈性疾病,分为普通感冒和流行感冒 感冒,是一种自愈性疾病,分为普通感冒和流行感冒; Cold, is a self-healing disease, dividing into the common cold and flu; 普通感冒,是由多种病毒引起的一种呼吸道常见病 普通感冒,是由多种病毒引起的一种呼吸道常见病; The common cold, causing by a variety of viruses ,is a common respiratory disease; 普通感冒虽多发于初冬,但任何季节都可发生 普通感冒虽多发于初冬,但任何季节都可发生; The common cold is multiple in the early winter, but can also occur in any reasons; 流行性感冒,是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病 须看病 须看病)。 流行性感冒,是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病(须看病 。 Influenza ,causing by influenza virus, is a acute respiratory infectious disease(doctor needed).

注意:下文“感冒”都是指普通感冒。 注意:下文“感冒”都是指普通感冒。 Note: the following " cold" refers to the common cold.
TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
患了感冒会怎样?How is Mr. Cold? 了感冒会怎样
• 感冒起病较急; 感冒起病较急; Cold has obviously acute onset. 早期症状有咽部干痒或灼热感、喷嚏、鼻塞、流涕; 早期症状有咽部干痒或灼热感、喷嚏、鼻塞、流涕; Early symptoms are itching or burning throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose; 开始为清水样鼻涕, ~ 天后变稠 可伴有咽痛; 天后变稠; 开始为清水样鼻涕,2~3天后变稠;可伴有咽痛; Start as a water-like nose, thickening 2 ~ 3 days later; maybe sore throat accompanied; 一般无发热及全身症状,或仅有低热、头痛; 一般无发热及全身症状,或仅有低热、头痛; Usually no fever ,no systemic symptoms; or only a low fever and headache; 一般经5~ 天痊愈 天痊愈。 一般经 ~7天痊愈。 Usually self-heal after 5 to 7 days.
TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
怎样预防感冒?How to block Mr. Cold? 怎样预防感冒? 防感冒
提高自身免疫力; 提高自身免疫力; 注意保暖; 注意保暖; 合理搭配饮食; 合理搭配饮食; 减少传染机会; 减少传染机会; 接种流感疫苗。 接种流感疫苗。

TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
感冒分为哪几种? How many faces Mr. Cold has? 冒分为哪几种?
• 风寒型感冒 Wind-cold type of common cold 喷嚏、咳嗽、 低热、无汗、肌肉疼痛、流清涕、 色痰、 鼻塞、喷嚏、咳嗽、头痛 + 畏寒、低热、无汗、肌肉疼痛、流清涕、吐稀薄白 色痰、
Health Center. 健康中心 12/08/2011
一定要和感冒说拜拜呀! Please say bye-bye to Mr. Cold! bye一定要和感冒说拜拜呀!
各位同事, 各位同事, 健康中心最近发现有较多员工患有感冒。 健康中心最近发现有较多员工患有感冒。 因为冬季是感冒的高发季节 冬季是感冒的高发季节, 因为冬季是感冒的高发季节,健康中心提 醒你小心感冒哦!如果你有鼻塞、流涕、 醒你小心感冒哦!如果你有鼻塞、流涕、 打喷嚏、咽喉痒或痛的症状, 打喷嚏、咽喉痒或痛的症状,请及时到健 康中心就诊。 康中心就诊。
Dear all, Health Center find that more and more employees catch a cold recently. Because cold is a Respiratory infectious disease and easily outbreaks in winter, Health Center reminds you to be careful to catch a cold. If you have any symptoms like stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, itching or burning throat, please come to Health Center in time .
咽喉红肿疼痛。 喉红肿疼痛。
Stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, headache + Chills, fever, no sweat, muscle aches, runny, thin white sputum、 Swelling and pain in throat.
如何选用抗感冒中药? How to choose herby drugs? 何选用抗感冒中药?
TI information-Selective disclosure
Health Center. 健康中心 12/09/2011
如何选用抗感冒西药?How to choose chemical drugs? 何选用抗感冒西药?
Apple honey water
苹果5个去皮,切成小块,加水1升,煮沸5分钟,自然冷却到40℃,加少许柠檬汁和适量蜂蜜 苹果5个去皮,切成小块,加水1 煮沸5分钟,自然冷却到40℃, 40℃ 搅拌均匀,每天多次少量饮用; 搅拌均匀,每天多次少量饮用;