
• introduction • self-introduction • Deepening the speech theme • case analysis • Summary and Outlook
Identify the underlying causes of the problem using tools such as the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram.
Impact Assessment
Discuss the impact of the problem on the company's operations, finances, and reputation.
English has emerged as the lingua franca of the globalized world, with over a billion speakers worldwide. It is the language of international business, diplomacy, science, technology, and popular culture, making it an essential skill for individuals seeking to participate in the global economy and cultural exchange.
Summary and Outlook
Summary of speech content
Key points covered in the speech

Presentation format
Arrange the presentation according to the page layout of the PPT to ensure that the content is easy to read and understand.
Based on the collected information and themes, create a clear outline that includes sections such as introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Build an outline
Peer evaluation
Enhance students to provide feedback on each other's speeches or presentations This helps them learn from each other and improve their critical thinking skills
Facial expressions
Use factual expressions to add emotion and emphasis to your speech Match your legal expressions to the content and emotion of what you are saying
Collect information related to the topic through reading books, articles, reports, and other means.

We are chatter with an acquaintance or friend but bite our tongue with the strangers .
We always regard the sense of humor as basis principle.
In order not to stay up late , so play game all night.
Although their success can not equal to ours, we certainly could get the dreaming position which belong to ourselves through our efforts. Because we have the same character to theirs. We can do what they do, even better. I deeply convinced that endeavor ,strenuous efforts and never-say-die spirit were essential elements to get success, but feature was top priority. Let’s do it! Now!
The temperament was volatile within short time.
We think that other people can not understand us forever. The name of MSN or QQ is changed day after day . For example “handsome boys ” and so on.

Use visual aids
Use visual aids such as slides or props to enhance your speech delivery
Time constraints
College courses often have strict timeframes, which can pressure students to quickly adapt to new content and language skills
Opportunities for English learning
Theme Introduction
The importance of English in the globalized world
02 03
The increasing interconnectivity of the world due to globalization has made English a critical language for communication and success
Main points
Summarize the key points and messages delivered in the speech, emphasizing the importance of English language skills and their impact on personal and professional development

Interactive Design
Utilizing multimedia resources
In speeches, multimedia resources can be utilized to increase interactivity. For example, using tools such as PPT, video, audio, etc., to guide the audience to participate in discussions or answer questions by displaying pictures, playing audio or video, etc.
The theme should resource students to think creatively and Lately, promoting diversity thinking and creativity
The theme should be updated regularly to keep space with the latest developments in the field of English education, allowing students to gain a footprint in the front of knowledge
Theme selection
Theme scope
The theme should be closely related to college English learning, such as literature, culture, language skills, etc
The theme should cover a wide range of topics to allow students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter

don't say any word, you can understand each other.
Smiling in adversity is a lofty quality of life.
So when you smile, the world love him, When he laughed, the world became afraid of him.
•Life is like a mirror. If we smile at life, life will smile on us in return.
•When you fail, the friend's smile means So “Have another try !” when you smile, although you
Hallo every!!!
旅游1001 张广金
When you smile…
when you smile a light shines in your eye when you smile a rainbow fills the sky
•Smile is a kind of language which cannot be heard by anyone, but persons always know its meaning.
Smile is our best friends
And it’s our good memory of childhood.
Smile is the best gift to the lovers.

and we should accept failure again and again in most cases. but once you go into further understanding of computer programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.
but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation. i love programming, because of its powerful function. i love programming, because of its abundant application. i love programming, because of its terrible challenge.
which means messy things from all the people every day. also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from information composed by programs. take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work. thus, not only is programming our tool in study,

• 自我介绍 • 英语演讲的重要性 • 英语演讲的技巧和方法 • 英语演讲的素材和内容选择 • 英语演讲的实践和提升 • 总结与展望
01 自我介绍
我是一名英语专业的学生,已 经学习了英语七年,对英语有 着深厚的兴趣和一定的专业素
我目前正在攻读英语语言文学硕 士学位,希望通过深入的学习和 研究,进一步提高我的英语水平 和语言素养。
随着全球化的发展,英语在职业发展中的重要性日益凸 显,我将探讨如何通过英语学习提升自己的职业素养和 竞争力。
02 英语演讲的重要性
通过英语演讲,学生可以更好地掌握英语语音、语调、节奏和发 音,培养英语语感。
通过准备演讲,学生可以锻炼口语表达能力,并在公众场合演讲 ,增强自信和表现力。
的观点和看法。 • 总结英语演讲的技巧方法 • 准备充分:提前准备好演讲稿,熟悉演讲内容,做到胸有成竹。 • 言简意赅:用简洁明了的语言表达观点,避免冗长和复杂的句子结构。 • 引人入胜:开篇要吸引听众的注意力,结尾要留下深刻的印象。 • 互动交流:与听众进行互动交流,让听众感受到自己的真诚和热情。
1 2 3
未来可以更加深入地学习英语演讲技巧和方法 ,通过参加各种英语演讲比赛和活动来不断提 升自己的英语演讲水平。
通过参加英语角、与外国人交流等途径来增加 实践机会,锻炼自己的口语表达能力和应变能 力。
多阅读英文原著、新闻报道等材料,了解不同 领域的知识和信息,为英语演讲提供更多素材 和思路。

Storing is a powerful way to connect with your audience and keep their interest
Building trust and credibility
Speak with authority
Back up your points with facts and statistics to demonstrate your expertise
Write a well structured and logically coherent speech, including an opening statement, main content, and conclusion.
Collect images, charts, videos, and other materials related to the theme to make the speech more convincing and visually appealing.
02 Presentation skills
Organization structure
Clear Introduction
Start with an attention grabbing introduction to set the tone for your presentation
Clear Covey Information
Use simple language
Average jargon and complex senses to ensure everyone in your audience can understand your message

Writing style
Austen's writing style is known for its realism and irony, as well as its exploration of themes like love, marriage, and social status She often writes about the lives of rural genetics
Theme analysis
Love and Wealth in Jane Austen's Era
Love and wealth are two important themes in Jane Austen's novels, reflecting the social and economic realities of her time In Pride and Prejudice, Austen explorations how the pursuit of love and the need for financial security with each other, leading to complex relationships and conflicts
Pride and Prejudice English Pre class Speech
Introduction to Price and Prediction Synopsis of the story Theme analysis Language features The influence and significance of the work Personal insights and inspirations

清晨励志英语演讲as you slowly open your eyes, look around, notice yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you aregoing to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends and take your lifeto a totally unprecedented level. you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you willshow your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. you will focusall your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. you will neversuccumb to challenges and hardships; you will never waver in your pursuit ofexcellence. after all, you are the best, and you deserve the best! as your coachand friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will opento you, but the key to that door is in your hand. you must do your part, you mustfaithfullyfollow the plan you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, youmust never fear! i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you willsucceed! now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited and yell it out: i mustdo it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!译文:当你慢慢睁开你的双眼,环顾四周,注意到阳光进入你的房间。

New York, New York...
Capital: London
Official languages:
Demonym: English
Constitutional monarchy
- Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II
approval, appoints, interpret laws, and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.
The front of the United States Supreme Court building
Parties, ideology, and politics
Washington, D. C.
formally, the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C.) is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790.
President-elect Barack Obama (right) meets with current President George W. Bush (left) in the Oval Office, November 10, 2008
The Star-Spangled Banner
remove sitting members of the government. * Executive: The president is the commander-in-chief of the military, can veto legislative bills before they become

Use questions, balls, or other interactive techniques to involve the audience in the presentation
React to audience feedback or comments to create a dynamic and
Use Gestures and Facial Expressions to enhance communication and make the presentation more engaging
Pay attention to promotion, introduction, and speaking speed
Take deep breaks or engage in relaxation techniques before the presentation to reduce nervousness
Use visual aids or slides as a reminder of key points to help overcome memory episodes
Writing a speech and practicing promotion
Write a clear and concise speech, with a beginning, middle, and end
Practice your promotion and delivery, ensuring that you speak clearly and at a comfortable space

课前五分钟英语演讲ppt课前五分钟英语演讲ppto I often take part in ativities onerning publi elfare. Besides stud and soial pratie, there are entertainments as ell. I do bod building ever da, hoping to keep health and energeti. Campus life is the most splendid time. But different people have different hoies. The majorit of students herish their beautiful season and herishthe hope that one da the'll bee outstanding. But there are indeed some students still under ignorane. The gather together for eating, drinking or plaing ards. The're bus in searhing for a girlfriend or a bofriend. The forget pletel about their mission as ollege students and the hope of their motherland. Finall, I do hope everbod an tr their best to bee a orth itizen of the ountr. I do hope everbod an bee the bakbone of our nation and make great ontributions to soiet!演讲稿四:英语课前5分钟演讲稿 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Bidding for the Olmpi Games, in a a, an image-reating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love ith the it at first sight, attrating them b its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to reate for itself one it has the opportunit to host the 201X Olmpis? It is knon to all that the Beijing Muniipal Government has alread set the theme for the future games: Ne Beijing,篇三:简单的五分钟英语演讲最好的英语演讲稿汇总 3——5分钟英语演讲稿汇总(30篇)大学生英语演讲稿i believe in our future 周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges,fello students: good afternoon! reentl, ther is a heated debate in our soiet. the ollege students are the benefiiaries of a rare privilege, ho reeive exeptional eduation at extraordinar plaes. but ill e be able to fae the hallenge and support ourselves against all odds? ill e be able to better the lives of others? ill e be able to aept the responsibilit of building the future of our ountr?the nis sa the ollege students are the dormitor, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our poket mone. the nis sa e are for nothing other than grades; and e neglet the need for harater ultivation. but again, the nis are rong. e are deepl for eah other, e herish freedom, e treasure justie, and e seek truth. last eek, thousands of m fello students had their blood tpe tested in order to make aontribution for the hildren ho suffer from blood aner. as ollege students, e are adolesents at the ritial turning point in our lives. e all fae a fundamental hoie: niism or faith, eah ill profoundl impat our future, or even the future of our ountr. i believe in all m fello lassmates. though e are still inexperiened and even a little bithildish. i believe that e have the ourage and faith to meet an hallenge and take on our responsibilities. e are preparing to assume ne responsibilities and tasks, and to use the eduation e have reeived to make our orld a better plae. i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心尊敬的评委,各位同学:下午好!最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。

Avoidance excess relationship on visual aids
Do not overshadow visual aids, as they should complete the speech rate that overshadows it
Incorporate visual aids such as slides, videos, or props to enhance
the presentation and keep the audience engaged
Organize information with clear structure and rigorous logic
Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly and guide the audience through the speech
Examples, stories, or data support viewpoints
Use real life examples or stories to illustrate key points and make them more reliable and impactful
Plan attractive and relevant content
Brainstorm ideas and select topics that are engaging, timely, and relevant to the audsonal experiences to connect with the audience and make the speech more memorable

name Goofy=stupid
extremely clumsy(笨拙的)
Phuarvein(g l纯ittle粹in的tell)igence
•Created in 1932 •By Walt Disney
A tall hat A turtle neck
•Created in 1947 •by Carl Barks •licensed by The Walt Disney Company
Scrooge= penny pincher
You know Sgrooge is not stingy at first FBirustt —wh>en he was old, he beca1m0 yeemaresaonl.dHbeodoetbaldack Swechoenndh—e >was 100 years old.13 years old America Third —> struggle……
In the America Virtual characters rich list, Scrooge is at the top of this list. And some characters who we know are:
This man has 44.1 billion dollars.
Early stage
Diligent Brave thrift …
Later stage
Mean Stubborn thrift …
typically wears
ppt展示English Speech(英语演讲)

Theodore Roosevelt, “Every new public speaker will feel nervous. Nervousness doesn’t mean cowardice, but an exceeding stimulate in nervousness.”
• I think, I feel, I am sure, Maybe, They say etc.
6)使用短句比长句更佳。 7)巧妙运用英语中的修辞手段。
• a) We left America safe, we left America secure, we left America free —— still a beacon of hope to mankind, still a light unto nations. (Ronald Reagan) • b) Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. (Martin Luther King) • c) We will be candid, consistent, and confident. (Geral Ford) • d) The task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be severe. (Winston Churchill)

Dreams have the value of creativity and imagination. Dreams can inspire people's creativity and imagination, and help them break through the limitations of reality and pursue a better life.
Dreams can be divided into two categories: nightmares and pleasant dreams. Nightmares usually cause negative emotions, while pleasant dreams usually bring positive emotions.
Learn from successful people and explore new paths to realize dreams.
Limited access to high-quality English speech materials and resources.
Lack of Resources
Shortage of time to prepare and practice English speeches.
The impact of dreams on life
Dreams have the value of inspiration and encouragement. Dreams can encourage people to pursue their goals and dreams, and help them overcome difficulties and challenges.
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The computer must has been install the MSN or QQ. It is shameful that the computer is not networked.
We 90 generations possess distinctive characteristics, then formed lots of the successful personage in kinds of domain .Let’s see them together. 我们90后一代具备与众不同的个性特 点,则产生了我们这一代各行各业的 成功人士,我们一起欣赏一下。
We bring “student” to appellate almost everyone no matter who is she . We like to play with children but distaste to foster baby .
We persist in something no matter how strange it is.
“Post 90s”
It was well-known that various of characteristics had been shaped in different era as we grow. Meanwhile, different personality contributed to the success of different professional domain. There are primary features about 90 generations, for example “non-mainstream ”, “new human being”,they refer you to their signature in Martian Languages.However,are these labels really accord with us? I will descriomnipotent once we counter the question.
Everyone are movie fans.
Never find their own pens though there are many pens .
Keen to study constellations .
Hale Waihona Puke Flat and black frames are the preferred if we wear glasses.
Never satisfied with our hairstyle forever.
There is litter interest in reading the instructions of all electrical appliances before using them. Make use of selfhelp for business as much as possible .
Hardly go travel on any holiday ,May Day or National Day.
The sleep must be one of hobbies .
We always feel that we are old though we are only twenties.
虽然他们的成功并不能代表我们,但是只要通过我们个人 的努力,就一定会取得属于我们自己的位置,因为我们和他们 具备同样的品质。他们能做到的我们也一样可以做的,甚至更 好,我深信努力,奋斗,永不言败的总和不一定成功,但努力, 奋斗,永不放弃,品质的总和一定成功,让我们赶快行动吧!
We are so young and never give up! We are twenty years old forever!
We are chatter with an acquaintance or friend but bite our tongue with the strangers .
We always regard the sense of humor as basis principle.
In order not to stay up late , so play game all night.
Although their success can not equal to ours, we certainly could get the dreaming position which belong to ourselves through our efforts. Because we have the same character to theirs. We can do what they do, even better. I deeply convinced that endeavor ,strenuous efforts and never-say-die spirit were essential elements to get success, but feature was top priority. Let’s do it! Now!
众所周知,不同的时代塑 造了不同的人物特点,而个 性特点的不同又促成了不同 的成功。 “非主流”、新新人 类、空间签名用火星文这 是对90后的特点概括。那 这些标签到底是不是符合 我们呢? 请听我一一到来!
The feature of post 90s. 90后的性格特点
It’s very accurate 真的很准哦
The temperament was volatile within short time.
We think that other people can not understand us forever. The name of MSN or QQ is changed day after day . For example “handsome boys ” and so on.