

顺便分析一下本月JJ的一篇AA:“Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to ourgrocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stopshopping. // 无因果联系,可能另有他因。
The surest way to increase our profits over the next coupleof years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repairshop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurantand a garden shop, in subsequent years. // 时地全等 Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a compet itive advantage over other local stores.” // 结论无据【拓展阅读】七宗罪第一宗罪:无因果联系The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.第二宗罪样本不足 Insufficient-sampleThe evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.第三宗罪: 错误类比 (based on a false analogy )<横向>The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although thereare points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....第四宗罪时地全等 all things are equal<纵向>The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....第五宗罪二者择一 Either-Or choiceThe author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.第六宗罪可疑调查 survey is doubtfulThe poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.第七宗罪结论无据 gratuitous assumptionThe author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility下载全文。

不知道either-or choice 和gratuitous assumption又什么区别。
1. 开头In this argument, the arguer concludes/ suggests/ makes a suggestion/ makes a conclusion that…To justify this conclusion/ suggestion/ argument, the arguer points out/ cites that…The arguer also points out/ cites that…Although the argument/ conclusion/ suggestion seems plausible, after closely scruinizin g this argument, I find that this argument is logically flawed in several aspects, which render it unconvincing as it stands.2. 结尾In conclusion, despite that fact that this argument seems appealing, it has several logical flaws, and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands. To bolster his or her argument, the arguer must provide more information which can show that…To better support this argument, the arguer should also provide…To better evaluate this argument, I would also need to know that…3. 调查问题A threshold problem with this argument involves a survey/ study/ research itself. The statistical reliability of the survey/study/research/ is really dubious可疑for the reason that the speaker provide no evidence which can show that the number of the respondents( 这里建议替换成调查研究中的群体。


2-3 Split:GMAT:语法的一种排除法的做题方法,排除3个从另外两个中2选1正确答案885:987的前身,参见本文的“987”词条987:即gemj大侠所做的语法大全,一共987道考题,简称987AA:Analysis of Argument;中文翻译:问题分析AWA中的2种文章类型之一,另一种为AIAI:Analysis of Issue;中文翻译:论点论证。
AWA中的2种文章类型之一,另一种为AA AT:Admission Test的缩写,事实上AT等同于GMATAWA:Analyrical Writing Assessment;中文翻译:分析写作。
是CR题型出题方式中的一种BY:白勇编的语法精讲的缩写CAT:Computer Adopted Testing;中文翻译:计算机自适应考试。
CD:www. .com;国内较著名的英语考试学习网站CET:College English Test;中文翻译:大学英语等级考试。
CR:critical reasoning;中文翻译:逻辑。
DS:data sufficiency;中文翻译:数据充分性。
GMAT考试数学部分的一种题型ETS:Educational Testing Service;中文翻译:美国教育测验服务社的缩写。


目 I暖 6 A BP 1e 一 _ E6 — lE 0 0 G i 3
中关 村自 M D处理 嚣 转 卖
o 去 台 省 量 冒 发 现 了一 些 技 嘉 的 假 冒 主 年湾海假
货 主板用 以暇 乱真 来形 容一
点都 不 为过 .其中 包括 主板 的 做工 、用抖 ,甚 至足 防 伪
打 开 国 内 著 名 的投 诉 嘲站31 5
糕强 关于 劣质产 品
投诉 的蕊蕊 , 们 我 很遗憾地 看到 了 大量 的消费 者投 诉 信息 不 仅产 品面
较广 。其 中进波 及
3 5船目 1A
了很 多知名 晶牌 。
暂 且 不谈 山舞 、 厂儆 的 伪 劣产品 纯 粹是 赚 了觥船 , 口便是 n 某 些知 名 品牌 对于 设计 有重 六缺 陷 的产 晶采 取 了召 回或赔
不 饕 专 利 不 要 技 术 . 膈 品 翟 充 正 品 . 直 接抄 袭居 阽 原 产 品 的 商 标 出售 .说 白 了就 是 ” 障 “ t另 外 水 货 也 克
AMD微 处理 器 片 事 件 对 扳 。通过 资}显 示 .这 娄假 卷
操作 .之 后 笔记 率在 使用 中发 出 葬常 的声 音 ,怎 幺重 都 启
存 在 包括 自动 白平 衡失 效 、成 懈均 匀度 不好 、 藏晶 屏亮 度 不 够 、 自 曝 光不 准确 婷质 量 问腑 。在 经过 一 番交 涉后 . 动
襄鹰 最终宣 布停 止销售 涉索 的6 触相 机 .并开 始 为巳购 顾客
说 幕绕 不见 了。 由于W I B K& -L 购 了 .因 此 以 N OO : C 收  ̄ q 打 前 的服 务 电 话始 终 都 是 电脑 录 音 .谴 也 是 件 让人 头 簪的


jaytarring 的ARGUMENT 模板1. 开头In this argument the author comes to the conclusion that ...To justify the claim, the author points out that...The author also cites that ... .Close scrutiny of this argument reveals that it is unconvincing in several aspects.2. 中间三段过渡词First and foremost, ...In addition, ...Finally, ...3. 结尾In sum, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading.To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to substantiate that ... and that ... .Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of thisargument until the author can provide more information about (why...and whether...).4. surveyThe survey must be showed to be reliable before I can accept any conclusion the author reaches based upon it.However, the arguer fails to prove that the responses are accurate or thatthe respondents are statistically significant in number.Additionally, whether the sample is representative enough to reflect the overall attitudes in terms of ... deserves to doubt.Without evidence of the survey's reliability, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusion about ... based on the survey.5. false analogyEven assuming that (别的)...are/isattributed to the implementation of ... , the author commits a false analogy in assuming that by the samemeans AAA will achieve the same result as BBB dose.The arguer fails to consider possible differences between AAA andBBB, which might help to bring about a different result for AAA.In fact, it is entirely possible that ... Perhaps ... Or perhaps ...Without accounting for these and other possible dissimilarities any analogy between the two ... is premature and the arguer can not assume that ... would bring about the same result in XX as ... did.6. 他因The argument unfairly claims that AAA is the result of BBB-rather than some other phenomenon.The arguer ignores a host of other possible reasons for AAA.Perhaps CCC. Or perhaps DDD.In short, without ruling out all other possible explanations for AAA,the author cannot convince me that by xBBB ... -let alone ...或者Since the article fails to account for this alternative explanation forAAA, the article's author cannot make any sound inference (recommendations to ... ) based on AAA.7. Post hoc, ergo propter hocThe author commits a fallacy of "Post (Cum) hoc, ergo propter hoc"in assuming that BBB is the very cause of AAA.Although BBB occurred before (at the same time with) AAA, the only evidence is insufficient to prove a causal relationship.In order to establish a general causal relationship between BBB andAAA, other factors that might lead to AAA should be considered andeliminated.For example, CCC or DDD.The author's failure to investigate or even take into account other possible reasons for AAA renders the conclusion based upon it highly suspect.8.解决途径Even if that … may to some extent help to solve the problems, there is still another problem with the argument that the author unfairly assumes that ... is the only means of achieving the desired result.The article's author overlooks other possible means of ensuring that ...-such as ... , ... , and so forth.Without weighing the proposal against and ruling out alternative means of achieving the same goal, the author cannot convince me that needed.9.局部结论用于整体The argument assumes that the AAA reflects (are representative of) the general trend upon which the argument relies.Yet the author fails to give any evidence to justify this assumption.Perhaps ... Or perhaps ...In short, lacking evidence that AAA are typical in terms of ... the authorcannot convince me that ...10.整体规律用于个体或局部The nationwide study showing clear trends among two-income families toward dining out and eating healthily does not necessarily apply specifically to Bay City.It is quite possible that Bay City’s two-income families do not followthese general trends.For that matter, in Bay City the trend might be just the opposite.Thus, the nationwide trends that the argument cites U amount to scantevidence U that Bay City residents in particular would frequent a new seafood restaurant in their city.11.盈利问题Even if Bay City families flock to the new seafood restaurant, the restaurant would not necessarily be profitable as a result.Profitability is a function of both revenue and expense.Thus, it is entirely possible that the restaurant’s costs of obtaintinghigh-quality, healthful seafood, or of promoting the new restaurant, might render it unprofitable despite its popularity.In short, without more information about supply, demand, production costs and revenue, it is impossible to determine whether thecompany can earn a profit from …12.认为一切永恒不变The author's inference rests on the poorassumption that during ... the ...has remained unchanged.However, the arguer shows no evidence to support this assumption.It is entirely possible that ... or that ... Indeed, the fact that ... might actually portend failure for ... ,which might need to ...13.非此即彼The argument suffers from “either-or” reasoning.Based on the fact that Monroe town residents are opposed to Brown’s proposed tax cut, the author unfairly concludes that they must be infavor of Green’s proposal.However, the author overlooks the possibility that Monroe town residents are not in favor of either proposal.14.对比实验问题①要么U初态U不确定initial stateuncertain ②要么实验过程有U其他干扰因素test process has other interference factors15.其他攻击后果调查信息不完整lack of complete information缺乏比较的错误lack of comparision自相矛盾paradoxicaljaytarring 的Issue 模板1.开头:背景陈述+When 转入主题(万能句)+反问+自己立场(让步+转折)1.1Explosive development of science and technology has been made during the past one hundred years or so. When it comes to progress of the condition of humanity all over the world, there are always a host of differentopinions held by different individuals from different areas. Have,you may wonder, the technology developments or innovations contributed to promoting our humanity? Admittedly, most people would consider that there are still so many troubles with us such as poverty, violence, conflicts and even wars. However, as a whole effect in general, technology progress has in fact, tend to lead to a significant promotion of the overall condition of humanity in the world.1.2With the explosive development of science and technology, people tend to spend more time and energy dealing with their present works, in order to better live in the modern society. When it comes to the value of the study of history, there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals. Does the study ofhistory have value only to the extent that it is relevant to our lives? Admittedly, some people may claim that history is only history itself, which has nothing to do with our daily life nowadays. However, any kind of history is in fact, more or less, relevant to our daily life and can benefit us a lot. Even if those histories that seems of sense to our real life, are literally of considerable significance to human beings.1.3Due to explosive development of science and technology, so much is new and complex in our modern society. When it comes to the relationship between the socialization of children and the destiny of society, there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals in different fields. Admittedly, how children are socialized today determines, to some extent, the destiny of our society, and asa matter of fact, we have already been trying our best to raise children to help bring about a better society. However, the socialization of children is not necessarily the only factor that contributes to better construction of our society.2.结尾:in sum+让步+转折+延伸2.1In sum, even though that wars, conflicts, violence, and poverty are still with us, yet only in a small number of areas in the world. Actually, technology development has contributed a large part to the promotion of the overall condition of humanity. As a result, the present humanity conditions are far better than any other period in the past.2.2In sum, the explosive development of science and technology has more or less brought about some new challenges and problems that peoplecannot solve using only knowledge from the history. As a matter of fact, for most individuals, the study of history is to some extent relevant to their daily lives and can help them accomplish their goals more successfully in modern society. Even some history seemingly of no relevance to our daily lives, may actually plays significant roles in the development process of human beings.2.3In sum, even though that how children are socialized to some extent determines the destiny of our society, yet it is not the only factor. Literally, we have tried so much energy to socialize our children, and in order to raise children who can help bring about a better society, many other factors, such as healthiness, morality, special skills, etc., should also be taken into account. 3.从一般到特殊论证法3.1 一般性举例=〉特殊名人事例(+++)Beyond this concession, however, I cannot totally agree with the statement because it seems to recommend that every student is quite aware of their needs and interests all the time without exception. Consider, for example, a pupil who once wrote in his/her diary that his/her dream is to be an eminent composer like Beethoven, is very likely to find afterward himself/herself really interested in literature but not in music at all. Even celebrities like Pasteur, who was a chemist at the very start, then had extreme interest in microorganism and made more contributions in biology rather than in chemistry. In short, people's interests and needs are not invariable. Consequently, if we force our education to trace everyone's satisfaction in a headless way, it will surely fall into confusion. Additionally,consider a naughty boy who claims that his favorite and real dream is playing computer games day and night, can our education be "specifically designed" to meet such "needs and interests"? (from Lily)3.2 事物一般抽象原理=〉具体事例(+++)However, even though competition serves as a double-edged sward, it has more of a positive than a negative effect in most occasions. In fact,everything in general has a limit itself. If people break the limit, some damage may occur, and when people act below the limit, they benefit from it. Admittedly, some people may go to extremes to compete by lawless means, leading to competition chaos or other social problems that harm our societies. But most participants in a competition still comply with the competition rules, because thelawless competitors will fail in the long run after all. Viewed in this fashion, most people choose to compete in a licit and proper way, and a licit and proper competition will benefit more than harm the society in general. 4.类比、比喻论证4.1 类比(++)特征词:Analogy 类比similarlylikewisein the same wayin the same mannerHowever, as a double-edged sward, competition also causes in general a host of problems that may harm the societies. For example, in colleges and universities, competition for higher grades may stimulate to urge students'ambition in the process of study, but such competition increasingly exposes its negative effects on the quality of learning. Pursuing highergrades, students may pay too much attention to the score of tests or examinations which are still the main methods to check the outcome of learning, and as a result of it, they fail to practise their real ability of learning or solving problems. Moreover,heating competition for higher grades may cause extremely mental and psychological problems which will seriously undermine students' interests and learning ability. It is more or less the same with competition in other aspects in societies.4.2 比喻(+++)However, although creating appealing images is beneficial in the short term, the reality or truth behind these images reveals itself in the long run. It is just like the case of a gift with beautiful wrappers. No matter how amazing is the wrapper outside, the wrapper is destined to be torn away to show thegift inside. So is the case with appealing images. It is agreed upon that one is judged not according tohis/her apparent features, but instead, according to the content of his/her character. Viewed in this fashion, charming imagescan function as the ticket into the world that one craves for. But one's performance is evaluated by their genuine competence and capability instead of their appearances, which are more convincing than mere beautiful appearances. (from the Internet)5.排比论证(+++)5.1To begin with, competition contributes to the progress in most societies; filled with competition everywhere, the societies develop faster and better. Competition makes factories promote manufacturing efficiency;competition gives workers a higher spirit to work; competition accelerates the pace of everyday life. It is through competition that outstanding people come out of a campaign; it is through competition that higher efficiency substitutes the lower one. Competition is demanded and cannot be obviated. In light of this, competition exists and results in progress in almost every aspect and no one could deny the importance of competition, and neither could they afford the disappearance of competition in any aspect.5.2Contemporary life calls for a lot of different forms of documentation; providing vivid colorful pictures with original sound, the video camera has become increasingly popular in many aspects in our life. A journalist chooses to report most of the newsthrough video camera; A student may use a video camera to record his/her school life and bring it home tohis/her parents and friends; A professor may record his lectures with video camera and thus all the students could have the opportunity to "attend"it even if they were in fact absent from the lecture when the professor gave it. Video cameras can serve us wherever you are, whenever you are. No one could deny the increasingly popularity of video cameras in our society.5.3As for the basic freedom, everybody has the right to pursue it. You can choose your hairstyle, the color of your shirt; you can decide which restaurant to have lunch and what kind of laptop you will buy. And women should have their right to care about dress and to go to work, as well as childrenshould have their right to play together and to go to the same school. For all black people, as Martin Luther King, the great black civil rights leader said, the basic freedom to choose to stop all discrimination should not be deprived. History is always replete with such examples. Actually, in a democratic society, no one could deny your pursuit of your basic freedom of choice in your life.5.3It's true that the speaker's assertion that education catering to individual needs and interests has many merits. Needs and interests are part-and-parcel of the studying progress. They two are always referred to as the best teachers. The more useful and interesting a student finds a course, the more time and efforts he/she is willing to devote; the more time and efforts he/she devotes, the more progress he/she is likely tomake in the course; the more progress he/she make in a course, the more interested he/she is in the course. Therefore, needs and interests serve a vital part, as expected in the studying progress, as ink is to a pen or wheels are to a car(类比/比喻). Were it removed from our educational system, how can you imagine that our students would learn by heart a number of disciplines every day whichthey cannot find any interest in; how can you imagine that test-takers would remember everything they have recited after the examination is over; and how can you imagine that our teachers' feelings would not be hurt when they see their pupils just doodle the class away? (from lily)5.4The root cause behind this social phenomenon can be traced back to thelong-held belief that “Seeing is believing”; Featured by the fast pace of our contemporary society, there is literally no chance for people to get to know other people or things over the long term. Employers have to decide who to recruit after ten minutes’ interview; voters have to decide who to vote (tovote whom) after each candidate’s ten-minute speech; consumers have to decide which product to buy via comparing the colorful packages. Quick decisions are demanded. No wonder that appealing first impression plays a crucial role in this process. In light of this, no one could deny the importance of good images, and neither could they afford the damage of public images. (from the Internet)6.举例论证(+++)6.1In addition, in some areas, thesignificant progress of technology not only has resulted in little promotion in humanity, but also tends to, in the opposite direction, put the condition of humanity to an even worse level. As is known to all, cultural and political conflicts or even wars have never stopped; the problems of nuclear weapons and biochemical weapons, that severely threaten all the people in the world and concern a large number of countries become increasingly sophisticate; and terroristic raids are far more horrible and violent than ever before, due to which perhaps no American individuals would forget the day of Sep. 11 in 2001 when the highest two buildings on the Earth were damaged by terrorists, leaving all people in the USA with horrible feelings. No onecould deny that all of these problems are to a large extent connected withtechnological innovations.6.2However, as a matter of fact, those inharmonies of humanity conditions are only within a small part in the whole world, and the overall condition of humanity has literally improved at the same pace with the development of technology. Just consider the conditions of disabled individuals, for example, and you will find that, those who have lost one of his/her legs oreven both his/her two legs are still able to lead a common individual's life without that difficulty, due to a significant development of medicine technology. Also, because of the progress of space technology and computer science, it becomes increasingly convenient for different individuals from all over the world to communicate with each other more directly, deeply andthoughtfully, which to some extent, avoids some mutual cultural misunderstanding and culture conflicts, even wars. Besides, with the improvement of scientific research and medicine, people all over the world are able to strike together with severe illnesses such as SARS and Bird Flu, both of which are new widespread infectious diseases in the first several years of the 20st century. All the above shows considerably better condition of humanity resulted from the development of technology.7.引用论证法Professor ... , a famous scientist of Nanjing University, said that, "..." Just as 。


GMAT AWA写作格式(段落,标点,大小写)终极解决方案在整理过程中,参考了rio, melody2008, dianecarton, 清凉凉, 盒子, shuijing0528, bear0695, 年年初夏在ChaseDream GMAT AWA讨论区的发帖或回复,非常感谢!一、段落的区分有两种方式1)每段顶格写,段与段之间空一行;(每段都顶格,然后写完一段空一行)2)每段开头部分空四格(段首缩进),段落之间空行;推荐:第一方式“每段顶格写,段落之间空一行”原因:这种方式,段落之间区分更清楚,方便检查和计算已写的大概字数。
二、段内正文注意事项1)前一个标点符号与后一句之间要空一格2)单词字母的大小写要注意区分三、GMAT AWA考前注意事项:平时我们都习惯编辑软件为我们提供提示拼写错误和自动缩进换行之类的,在考试前要使用prep界面多练习几次,真实考试界面与prep界面相同,而这个界面差不多相当于一个纯文件编辑器(比如notepad),没有自动提示或修正,一定要注意提前适应。

本站讯2012年6月10日,记者接到 山西古县群众举报,称他的一位亲 戚5月24日死于矿难事故。事故发 生后,矿方以死者心肌梗死亡为由 拒绝赔付,且矿方威胁死者家属, 如向外界及媒体透露,矿方不予赔 付。
2012年6月18日记者接到死者亲属的举报后,赶赴该地进行了采访,由于矿方 和死者家属提前安排,不准向外界和新闻媒体透露其子死亡的真相。当记者 找到死者父亲时,其父说:人已经死了,不想再找麻烦,无奈记者来到村里 向村民了解。 这些耳熟能详的话语,不正在频频发生的矿难中体现得淋漓尽致吗?那些黑 心的矿主、贪婪的官员们到底是怎么了?一言以蔽之,是“金钱至上”在作 祟,是道德缺失,是无视法律。一旦发生事故,他们或者与矿工和矿工家属 “私了”,或者鼓着腰包一逃了之,甚或隐瞒事故继续搞生产。
身家逾百亿的香港富商林建 岳与前妻谢玲玲所生的长子 林孝贤,为了庆祝30岁生日, 竟然出动11架豪华游艇,到 大浪西湾举行海上色欲派对。 记者潜入派对当中,发现除 了林孝贤以及其弟妹林孝能、 林恬儿同林心儿外,还有杨 其龙、李民桥、赵式浩等一 班富豪二代。为了满足各富 豪二代需要,豪包过百样貌 身材都十分正点的金毛外国 妹上船任玩,作风豪放的外 国妹在船上坦荡荡裸晒,令 向来钟情外国妹的林孝贤及 杨其龙high足全程。
一向低调的石家庄人民都按加明显,据环球网 报道:日本在该问题上不断寻衅滋事挑 衅中国。8月19日,日本国会议员和右翼 团体成员150人赴钓鱼岛海域举行所谓 “慰灵”活动,其中10人于19日登上钓 鱼岛,并插日本国旗。对于中方的抗议, 日本非但“拒绝接受”,还声称要求中 国政府今后不要再允许中国人登岛。 从报道中足以看出,日本并无和解之 意。而从钓鱼岛事件的发展过程中,我 们根本看不到我国政府的实质性措施和 行动,抗议有用吗?示威有用吗?对于 一向以顽固标榜自己的日本人来说,这 些根本不会对其造成任何的压力,只会 让让他们更加的嚣张。甚至日本政界不 少人士认为,日本对于钓鱼岛问题过于 软弱,试问我亲爱的领导们,日本一直 有行动还被指为“软弱”,那我们呢?

撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙(《启示录》第十二章第三节写道:“有一条大红龙,七头,也戴着冠冕……火龙就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦,是迷惑普天下的……”),撒旦也是地狱中最大的魔王,共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦,其中最有名的莫过于路西法 (Lurifer),《失乐园》记述的其实就是路西法,其余六名被称为撒旦魔王的堕落天使是:何撒兹勒 (Azazel,电影《驱魔人》中提及的恶魔。
) 、别西人(Beelzubub)、彼列(Beliel)、亚巴顿(Abadon)、莫斯提马(Mastema)、萨麦尔 (Samael)。
到十六世纪后,基督教更直接用撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)。

开头In the given argument/plan/editorial/article,the author concludes that结论主张目标,citing 前提事实原因一.Moreover,the author points out that前提事实原因二.This argument appears to have some merits at first glance,however,it suffers some critical flaws that seriously undermine the conclusion after close scrutiny of evidence and accordingly is not thoroughly well-reasoned.过渡In the first place,In the second place,Last but not the least,攻击点1.无因果联系(因为A所以B)The claim of the arguer is a classic instance of"AFTER THIS,THEREFORE BECAUSE OF THIS"reasoning.The only evidence put forward to support the conclusion is前提事实原因A. No further demonstration linking the two events is provided in the argument,thus leaving open the possibility that前提事实原因的改写A does not serve as the exclusive prerequisite for前提事实原因的结论B.Besides,the author omits other possible causal factors that could bring about the exactly identical consequence,for instance,A导致B的另外假设原因.As a result,without accounting for these potential factors,the argument just an emotional reasoning.2.时地全等(出现时间地点照搬的情况)The arguer commits a fallacy of"ALL THINGS ARE EQUALE".The fact that前提事实原因is not a sound evidence to draw the conclusion,since it omits some respects.The arguer assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or in different locations.However,it is not clear in this argument whether the current/past conditions条件一are the same as条件二.Thus,such evidence might undermine the argument for lacking valid information.3.样本不足(用一小部分代替了整体,论证是依据调查统计数据研究实验等样本可疑)The evidence that前提事实原因is not sufficient to prove the conclusion.The statistics/study/survey/experiments小样本are/is not necessarily a good indicator of future trends and are/is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion.No evidence is shown that小样本is representative of all大样本.In fact,in face of such limited evidence,the conclusion that结论is completely unwarranted.4.类比(AB相同,A发生B发生,找不相同点)The argument rests on the assumption that A事件事物情况地点is analogous to B事件事物情况地点in all aspects.Nevertheless,it is highly doubtful that A is applicable to B.Although A and B have something in common,differences between the two may clear outweigh the similarities which make the analogy highly suspect.For example,AB间不相似的举例.Thus,it is likely much more difficult to conclude that结论.5.二者择一(多解决plan题,要么这样办要么那样办,过于绝对,取中间,中和解决方案)The arguer provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice.He or she assumes that A 这件事and B这件事are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground.However,adjusting both A and B might produce better results.6.可疑调查(调查的方式回收的方式等有效性可信度可疑)The poll/survey cited by the arguer is too vague to be informative.The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll,who responded,or when,where and how the poll was conducted.For example,被试人数和有效回复人数/时间地点不具有随意性(选一).There are no answers for these questions,and if these are the cases,the author’s implicit claim that结论would be very weak indeed.7.无根据结论The author falsely rests on gratuitous assumption that_______.However,no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption.In fact,this is not necessarily the case. For example,it is more likely that_____.Therefore,this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.结尾In sum,the argument is not persuasive as it stands because of several flaws,for example _____.Therefore,the conclusion that结论主张目标is unconvincing/doubtful.To solidify this argument,much evidence would have to provide to explain each of the flaws listed in the previous analysis,such as任举上述一二三.。


刚好七个... 有一个场面很经典,当沙摩赛走向邮车时,约翰开始挑衅一无所知的米尔斯,当沙摩赛打开盒子,他知道约翰已控制了全局,他边跑边让米尔斯放下枪,而这时,从约翰的口中,米尔斯已经知道妻子被杀,起初他表现出的是惊讶和不相信,他一遍遍问沙摩赛:盒子里是什么?语气里是透着慌张的焦急和迫切,急于求证又怕听到那个答案,而沙摩赛的沉默等同于默认,他的表情慢慢地转化为难过,而这种确认对于毫无准备的他来说,犹如突如其来的打击,他不愿相信,短短一天他的天堂已沦陷,那一刻米尔斯脸上的绝望和无助令人揪心!他用枪指着约翰的头,沙摩赛说,如果你杀了他,他就赢了。

【备考资料】语法:OG10辅导班讲过的题:大概200道,两遍(所有辅导班的东西的两遍都指一遍上课听讲做笔记,一遍约3个月后的复习);;辅导班蓝皮书讲过的题(主要是前面的专题讲解):两遍同上;白勇语法:一遍半;XY13套GWD的1-7套和第13套,ttGWD第24套:做一遍加挑出所有语法错一遍;GMATprep语法笔记一遍半阅读:杨鹏难句看了30句左右;OG10辅导班讲过的题:大概一半左右,两遍同语法;辅导班GMAT阅读补充材料:辅导班讲过的10多篇两遍,自己做了约10多篇;GWD同语法的各套; 逻辑:OG10及绿皮书ff讲过的题:两遍同语法;绿皮书内的笔试section和机考题:一遍;GWD同语法的各套; 数学:辅导班讲过的所有题包括OG,绿皮书,宝典:两遍;本月机经前130道:一遍,错题两遍; 作文:本月机经;七宗罪;AWA区的几个模板;北美GMAT范文主要看思路和好句子;辅导班的东西基本没看关于资料我想说的是,资料在精不在多,以上列出的资料都是我比较推荐的。
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模版部分:ArgumentIn this argument the author reaches the conclusion that.... The basis for this recommendation is that.... An additional reason given in support of this recommendation is that...(The author an example in support of this recommendation). At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.In the first place,In the second place,In the third place,In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for.... As it stands, the reasoning does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to provide evidence to prove that.... To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information that we can establish the conclusion whether....IssueThe issue of a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their respective angles. On the one hand, as is well-known and has often been advocated, ...; on the other hand, others probably insist that.... We do not have to look very far to see the valid standpoint of this matter. In the following analysis, I would like to reason and provide evidence favoring the former one and refuting the latter one. (The complex nature of the above issue requires us to consider it on a case-by-case basis. In my point of view, whether one has advantages over the other depends on the specific circumstances.)In the first place, the important reason that can be presented to developmy position is that.... A good example may be found in the case that.... Under this circumstance/therefore, it is obvious that....In addition, there is another reason for me to choose the former statement/consider the latter statement to be wrong. The reason is not far to seek:.... To illustrate, a case in point in this respect is that....Admittedly, there is no denying some conditions. As we know, .... However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to.... (When...of X and Y are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is obvious. To sum up, while...may be true in exceptional cases, I agree that....)Consequently, I advocate that..., because: (1) ...; (2) .... Due to the above-mentioned reasons, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion I support.严重推荐:Argument之七宗罪第一宗罪:无因果联系The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.第二宗罪Insufficient-sampleThe evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.第三宗罪: 错误类比 (based on a false analogy )<横向>The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. Forexample, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....第四宗罪all things are equal<纵向>The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....第五宗罪Either-Or choiceThe author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.第六宗罪survey is doubtfulThe poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.第七宗罪gratuitous assumptionThe author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility。