
20集 挽救房子:
19集 结婚纪念日:

成长的烦恼--美国大型情景喜剧片(共7季166集)影片主演:杰森·西佛艾伦·锡克迈克·西佛柯克·卡梅隆发行年份:1990年【片名】Growing Pains/成长的烦恼【地区】美国【语言】国语【类型】情景喜剧【播出】1985/09/24~1992/04/25【集数】7季共166集(每集约28分钟)主要演员◎杰森·西佛(Jason Seaver)~艾伦·锡克(Alan Thicke) 饰父亲,心理医生,对家人感情很好,对子女用启发式的教育。
◎麦琪·梅龙(Maggie Malone)~乔安娜·科恩斯(Joanna Kerns) 饰母亲,一位电视台记者,与丈夫杰森结婚后不随丈夫姓,仍用家姓梅龙。
◎迈克·西佛(Mike Seaver)~柯克·卡梅隆(Kirk Cameron) 饰长子,对未来怀有梦想,却经常把事情搞砸,对读书不在行。
◎卡罗尔·西佛(Carol Seaver)~特蕾茜·格尔德(Tracey Gold) 饰长女,读书很好,却经常出现冒傻气的想法,有点书呆子气。
◎本恩·西佛(Ben Seaver)~杰瑞米·米勒(Jeremy Miller) 饰次子,稚嫩却古灵精怪。
◎克瑞斯·西佛(Chrissy Seaver)~阿什丽·约翰逊(Ashley Johnson) 饰幼女,机灵可爱。
◎卢克·鲍尔(Luke Bower)~莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio) 饰养子,受到西佛一家人如亲人般的照顾。
主要内容本剧主要讲述住在纽约长岛的西佛一家(The Seavers)的日常生活故事,是中国大陆较早引进的国外情景喜剧,在中国从1990年一直播出至1994年。

噢Ifyoubelieve,we'vegotapicture-p erfectplan如果你相信,我们事先就有一个绝妙的计划We'vegotyoufooled那你就错了'Causeweonlydothebestwecan我们不过是在尽力而为Sometimeswemakeit有时我们会取得成功,,Andsometimeswefakeit有时我们会把事情搞砸,, Butwegetonestepclosereachandeve ryday但我们离目标一天比一天近,, We'llfigureitoutontheway我们会在途中解决所有难题,,LizzieMcGuire新成长的烦恼SE第一季第一集Rumors,,反正我不喜欢啦啦队员,,她们总是很傲慢而你,LizzieMcGuire,并不是那种人,,嗯,爸爸,没事这没什么大不了的,,完全没什么大不了的,,我只不过是把我在社交领域的无名小卒地位保持到……,,呃,我不知道……永远!,,,,,,,,Lizzie,不知道这能不能让你好受些我从来没当过啦啦队员,,我的生活不是也挺好的么,,这只是相对的看看你为你的儿子留下了什么,,到这儿来,又小又丑的Lizzie到这儿来,小姑娘,,你管那玩意儿叫什么?,,小丑,,你刚才叫它Lizzie,,你不能否认这两者之间有相似之处,,-嘿-孩子们,,噢,爸爸,这是养护指南,,嗯,不错光线,湿度,便秘……,,妈妈,我要上楼了,,读书报告明天就要交,我还没有把书读完,,呃,Lizzie,你真的没事么?,,妈妈,我真的很好,,我不是啦啦队长那种类型的,,我更像是一个……体操怪人,,LizzieMcGuire,你不是个怪人,,你很漂亮,你有不错的朋友,,Gordo和Miranda都是很好的孩子,,你很聪明,又大方,有同情心……,,让我们看看,,母女手册激励章节第条,,她说这些并没有什么不好只是我今天已经听到她说了遍了,,这简直让整个事情变得更加糟糕,,你会帮家里干活,,你忘了提她对陌生人很友善,,对,她的确是这样,,别忘了,她被管教得很好(housebroken用于动物),,哦,是Miranda,,(聊天),,我提醒你明天别做过度的破坏,,Kate当选啦啦队长了,,你知道她为什么会当上吗?,,(为什么?),,嘿,因为Kate往她的胸罩里塞满了东西,,呵呵…,,天哪,又死机了,,哈?,,(消息“Kate往他的胸罩里塞满了东西”已发送至班级花名册),,啊哦……,,你是说那条消息已经发给学校里的每一个人了?,,只是有电脑的人而已,,噢,比例绝不超过%,,我完了,Kate肯定要宰了我,,说吧,你们俩谁干的,,呃,我……我……我……啊,,你怎么了?,,我……呃……我……嗯……,,我我我我我,,是我干的,Kate,,我真的很抱歉,,Kate,有多余的纸巾么?啊哈哈,,你会为此付出代价的,,我不敢相信我就站在那儿看着Miranda替我顶罪,,我是什么做的?果冻吗?,,你怎么回事?我都说了我很抱歉,,从另一方面讲,有一个Miranda这样会处理争执的朋友还是很幸运的,,哼,“抱歉”可不够,,如果我是你,我可就要小心了,,你是在威胁我么,,也许是吧。



LIZZIE: Okay, I know what you're thinking. Me, Lizzie McGuire, cheerleader? What up with that? I mean, nothing could be more superficial(肤浅的)demeaning(贬低)and shallow.(肤浅的人) Cheerleading is like this plot(情节)to make girls feel bad about themselves. ( heavy metal guitar solo) ( heavy metal song plays) TOON LIZZIE: But I hope I make it! I hope I make it! I hope I make it! MIRANDA: You want to try out for cheerleader? Are you crazy? Do you want to risk humiliating (羞辱)yourself in front of the whole school?LIZZIE :Uh, I have a chance.GORDO: Uh, if you ask me...LIZZIE: Not gonna (会)GORDO: Any group activity that forces others to be happy is, bynature, evil.LIZZIE: And that's why I didn't ask.GORDO: I just don't understand this herd(群) mentality(心态)that, youknow, tells us what to wear what to watch, what to eat. Mmm!McNuggets!TOON LIZZIE: Look, I had no idea it was going to be thisbad. ( sheep bleating )TOON LIZZIE: All right, that's it. I am so out of here.GIRL: McGuire? Lizzie.LIZZIE: Oh, th-that's me. ( techno pop song plays )TOON LIZZIE: The only thing worse than my cheerleadingwas... ...nothing. At least I didn't try out for javelin(标枪). Ow! THEME SONG: * If you believe * * We've got a picture-perfect plan * * We've got you fooled * * 'Cause we only do the best we can * * And sometimes we make it * * And sometimes we fake it * * But we get one step closer each and every day * * We'll figure it out on the way. *SAM: I never liked cheerleaders, anyway. They were always so snooty(傲慢的). And you, Lizzie McGuire, are no snoot(用). LIZZIE: Dad, really, it's, it's no big.TOON LIZZIE: No big at all. I merely cemented my social status to that of a nobody for-- oh, I don't know-- eternity!JO: Lizzie, if it makes you feel any better I was never a cheerleader and my life turned out just fine.LIZZIE: That's relative. Look what you have for a son.MA TT: Here, ugly, little Lizzie. Here, girl.LIZZIE: What did you call that thing?MA TT: Ugly.LIZZIE:Y ou called it Lizzie.MA TT: Well, there's no denying the resemblance.JO: Hey!SAM: Children.MA TT: Oh, Dad, here's her instructions.SAM: Oh, that's cool. Look at that. Lighting, humidity constipation.LIZZIE I'm outtie. Book report due tomorrow. I haven't even finished the book.JO: Uh, Lizzie... Are you sure you're okay?LIZZIE: Mom, it's, it's fine, really. I'm not the... "cheerleader type." I'm, I'm more of a... band geek.JO: Lizzie McGuire, you are not a geek. Y ou are beautiful. Y ou have great friends. Gordo and Miranda are wonderful kids. Y ou're, you're smart. Y ou're decent. Y ou're compassionate.TOON LIZZIE: Here we go--JO: Y ou're cute, funny, talented...TOON LIZZIE: Pep talk number 243 from The Mother & Daughter Handbook.JO: ...and there's nothing geek about you...TOON LIZZIE: It's not that what she's saying is so bad.JO: ...I will not allow you to...TOON LIZZIE: It's just that I've heard it 17 times already today which makes the whole thing even more pathetic than usual. JO: A-a-and you're helpful around the house.SAM: Y ou forgot "kind to strangers."JO: Y eah, she's that, too.MA TT: And don't forget-- she's housebroken(教养). [ screen graphic: "TOP TEN REASONS WHY LIZZIE'S PERFECT" 10. Beautiful 9. Great friends 8. Gordo & Miranda are wonderful kids 7. Smart 6. Decent 5. Compassionate 4. Cute, funny, talented. 3. Helpful around the house 2. Kind to strangers 1. Housebroken ]( computer chimes )LIZZIE: Ooh, Miranda.MIRANDA:I'm telling you now to avoid major devastation tomorrow.LIZZIE: "Kate made cheerleader"? ( pouts) Well... you know why she made it, don't you? ( computer chimes )LIZZIE: ( laughs) Because Kate stuffs her bra. ( computer chimes )MIRANDA: ( giggles ) ( screen beeps )MIRANDA: Man, locked up again. Huh? Uh-oh.LIZZIE: Y ou mean the instant message went out to everyone in the whole school?MIRANDA: Just the people with computers.GORDO: Oh, that, that can't be more than, uh, 86%.LIZZIE: I'm over. Kate is going to crush me.KA TE: Okay, which one of you did it?LIZZIE: I-I... Uh... uh... I-I-I... uh...KA TE: Y ou what?LIZZIE: Uh... I... Um... um... Uh...MIRANDA: I did it, Kate. I'm really sorry.BOY: ( sneezes loudly) Hey, Kate! Got any extra tissue? ( boy guffaws )KA TE: Y ou are so going to pay for this.TOON LIZZIE: I cant believe I'm standing here letting Miranda take the rap. What am I made out of, jelly? ( squishing sound ) MIRANDA: What's your problem? I said I was sorry.TOON LIZZIE: On the other hand, how lucky to have a friend like Miranda, who handles conflict so well.KA TE: Well, "sorry" doesn't cut it. I'd watch it if I were you. MIRANDA: Is that a threat?KA TE: Could be. See you around.MIRANDA: Oh, I'll be around. ( huffing )LIZZIE: Okay, why did you do that? Why didn't you just let me tell Kate that I sent the instant message?MIRANDA: Please, you can't handle this kind of conflict. LIZZIE: Yes, I can. What are you talking about?GORDO: Y ou ate strawberry ice cream at Bethany Edelstein's birthday party even though you're allergic.MIRANDA: Y ou swelled up like a balloon. ( balloon expanding ) ( popping )LIZZIE: I was being polite. I happen to handle conflict just fine. MIRANDA: Instant replay, Lizzie. "I... I... I..."LIZZIE: Okay, so maybe I'm not the best with it but I cannot let you do this.MIRANDA: I'm not scared of Kate.LIZZIE: Oh, and, like, I am? ( howls and screams ) LIZZIE: Okay, so maybe a little.MIRANDA: I don't mind, really. Finally standing up to Kate might be... fun.TOON LIZZIE: Who am I to deny my best friend the thing that makes her happy?SAM: She was in there this morning.JO: Y ou don't think... she could have escaped, do you? ( rock song plays ) * This was all a sad mistake * * It's not my fault at all * * It wasn't meant to be this way * * Where are you now? * * Tell me, where are you now? *JO: Honey? Honey? Honey?!MIRANDA: Danny Kessler wants to talk to me?CLAIR: That's what he told me in Soc. There he is, over there. Why don't you go see what he wants?MIRANDA: What should I do?LIZZIE: Here, um, have a mint. And go talk to him. MIRANDA: Better give me two. I had the chili.LIZZIE Ugh! ( laughs )MIRANDA: Hi, Danny.DANNY: Um, hi.MIRANDA: Claire said you wanted to talk to me.DANNY: Uh... no.MIRANDA: Really?DANNY: Yeah.MIRANDA: Y ou're sure, because...KA TE / CLAIR ( laughing )MA TT: Mom! Dad!JO: Hey! Home early, huh?MA TT Y eah. Mrs. Gerber let me out early to check on Lizzie. SAM: Huh. That's cool.MA TT: Yeah, she even gave me this bag of worms to feed her as a treat.SAM: Worms? Food-- that reminds me I've got a great lunch for you. Come on.MA TT: Here, Lizzie. Here, girl. Hmm, she must be still sleeping. SAM Really?JO: Where?MA TT There.JO: Oh, I thought that was a stick. ( laughs ) Oh!MA TT: Her color's weird. She seems... grayer than usual. Hmm, colder, too. Y ou did change her water this morning, didn't you, Dad?SAM: Me? I thought you...JO: Of course he did.MA TT: Then... why is her...? Then... why is she...? She looks... dead! Do you know what this means? I'll never be able to show my face in school again. Not ever. ( yells )[ the song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" plays ] * He's giving you the blues * * Y ou want to graduate, but not in his bed * * Here's what you've got to do * * Pick up the phone, I'm always home * * Call me anytime * * Just ring 36-24-36, hey * * I lead a life of crime * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Y eah! * ( instrumental break )MIRANDA: (in LIZZIE's dream) Please, you can't handle this kind of conflict... conflict.GORDO: (in LIZZIE's dream) Lizzie, you're acoward... coward. ( instrumental break continues ) * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Y eah! * LIZZIE: Ugh! I think I'm getting an ulcer.GORDO: Big deal, so you can't handle conflict. I can't handle broccoli. So, I learned to avoid it. That's all you're doing. LIZZIE: I can't figure out which one's worse: Me feeling guilty because I'm letting Miranda fight my battle... or being petrified at the thought of telling Kate the truth.GORDO: The herd will learn to follow a new path. Y ou'll see. ( sheep bleats )LIZZIE: I don't know...MIRANDA: Good, you guys are here.LIZZIE: Please tell me you and Kate made up.KA TE: Sanchez! ( bloodcur dling scream )MIRANDA: Not exactly.GORDO: Oh, man. Y-you've taken this thing nuclear.KA TE: Y ou've really done it now.MIRANDA: Well, you know me-- I'm a big fan of color. Welcome to the club.TOON LIZZIE: I think I can, I think I can...LIZZIE: Kate, wait.KA TE: What?LIZZIE: Uh... Ni-nice manicure.KA TE: Whatever. Y ou just wait, Miranda. If it's the last thing I do I'm going to get you.TOON LIZZIE: I can't.SAM: We are gathered here today to bid adieu to Lizzie the lizard.MA TT: She was a good lizard.JO: Y es, she was.LIZZIE: Right. She was a good lizard.SAM: Matt, you wanted to say a few words?MA TT: When I think of Lizzie, the things I remember most are... ( buzzing )MA TT: ...the way she looked at me and smiled when I came home with her treat and the way... her beady little eyes shined and the way her tail wagged.Lizzie: was more than just a class project to me. She was a friend. A good friend.MA TT: ( echoing voice ) ( in LIZZIE's mind ) A good friend. MIRANDA: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) I did it Kate. I'm really sorry. KA TE: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) Y ou are so going to pay for this.MIRANDA: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) Is that a threat?KA TE: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) It could be. See you around. MIRANDA: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) Oh, I'll be around.SAM: Lizzie, the service is over.JO: Matt, what do you say we rethink bringing home the hamsters next month?MA TT Are you kidding? Like I'm even showing my face in school after this. I can't show up without Lizzie.SAM: Matt, your classmates will understand.MA TT: Two weeks ago Gina Meyerhoff accidentally stepped on the class centipede. She only sprained one of its legs. But Gina... After two days of torture she asked to be moved to another class. Nobody's heard from her since. Rumor has it... she fled the country.SAM: (to JO) Y ou know, I swear that manual didn't say a thing about changing the water.JO: Whatever. Murderer.LIZZIE: ( exasperated sigh )JO: Knock, knock.TOON LIZZIE: Please don't ask me what's wrong. Please don't ask me what's wrong. Please don't ask me what's wrong.JO: What's wrong? Come on.LIZZIE: What tipped you off?JO: Well, you seemed so sad downstairs and I know you could care less about your brother or his lizard. So... spill.LIZZIE: Okay. Did you ever let someone take the blame for something that you did?JO: Y eah. I backed my dad's car into a tree and I let my sister take the blame.TOON LIZZIE: Ha! I knew it. Mom's not perfect; she only pretends to be.LIZZIE: So... what happened?JO: Finally, I just broke down and told everybody the truth. LIZZIE: Did you get in trouble?JO: Y eah. But I felt a lot better. Honey, I don't know the details here but if it's something that you think you can fix then you should, sweetie. Because, who knows you might feel good enough to start being mean to your brother again.LIZZIE: Oh, Kate, there you are. Miranda-- she didn't start that rumor. I did. But I'd back off if I were you. Unless, of course, you want things to get ugly. So... how was that?MA TT: Who cares? My lizard's dead.LIZZIE: Matt, pay attention.LIZZIE: Okay. Kate!KA TE: Y eah?LIZZIE: I just wanted to...KA TE: Well?LIZZIE: Okay, I just wanted to tell you that...KA TE: I haven't got all day.LIZZIE: Right. I just wanted to tell you that, um... Um... Y our shoelaces are untied.KA TE: Freak.MIRANDA: Did you just call my friend a freak?KA TE: She would have to be a freak to be your friend. MIRANDA: I'm not the one with green hair.KA TE: That's it! I've gone easy on you. That little stunt with Danny Kessler and the posters all over the school-- those were nothing. I'm a cheerleader-- I can turn the whole school against you. MIRANDA: The whole school?KA TE: No. Just everyone who's going to the pep rally.JO: Poor Matt. His confidence must be so shaken. I mean, Lizzie the lizard-- alive one day dead and buried the next.SAM: Huh?JO: What?SAM: It says here, lizards hibernate. "They appear dead while they're actually... sleeping."JO: Well, that's great!SAM: Y eah.JO: Now Matt can take her back to class and...SAM: Uh-oh. Trouble!JO: Matt! ( lid squeaks )MA TT: She's really sleeping?JO: Oh, sure. Can't you hear her snoring?MA TT: They sleep on their backs with their little feet up in the air like that?SAM: There's something in here about sleeping positions.MA TT: Okay. JO Uh, honey, why don't you keep the box open 'cause she could probably use some air.SAM: Y eah, just a thought, Matt. Y ou might want to turn her back over on her little feet before you bring her back to school.MA TT: Yeah... sure.GORDO: Why is going to a pep rally required? Like the school day isn't embarrassing enough without having to sing about it? KA TE: I actually feel kind of sorry for her.CLAIR: Really?KA TE: No.LIZZIE: Okay, that's it. I can't take it anymore. I have to tell her. MIRANDA: Lizzie, don't. I can handle this.LIZZIE: I can totally handle this. Possibly. No, no. Y ou knowwhat? I can handle this. I started this whole thing and I'm finally going to take responsibility and I'm going to finish it. ( bell dinging )LIZZIE: Kate. We've got to talk.KA TE: Y eah?LIZZIE: I... Um... I-I...KA TE: Ticktock, ticktock.LIZZIE: Miranda didn't do it; I did.KA TE: Did what?LIZZIE: Um... I-I... um...KA TE: Hello? Bored.LIZZIE: Um... Hey!KA TE: Y ou touched me!LIZZIE: Yeah. I wasn't finished talking to you.KA TE: What has gotten into you?LIZZIE: Okay, listen. Miranda didn't write that instant message; I did. I was jealous that you made cheerleader and I didn't. I'm sorry about what I wrote; it was rude. And I wish I could take it back. KA TE: Wow. I have to say, Lizzie I didn't think you had it in you to stand up to me. Good for you.LIZZIE: I've been practicing. I guess that means you're not going to ruin Miranda's life?KA TE: No, of course not. That would be mean.TOON LIZZIE: Never laid a glove on me.CLAIR: Okay.KA TE: Okay.ALL: One, two, three... huh! ( up-tempo beat plays) * U-G-L-Y * * Y ou ain't got no alibi * * Y ou ugly * * Y eah, yeah, you ugly * * U-G-L-Y * * Y ou ain't got no alibi * * Y ou ugly * * Yeah, yeah, you ugly * * U-G-L-Y * * Y ou ain't go no alibi * * Y ou ugly * * Y eah, yeah, you ugly * * Two, four, six, eight * * Who's the girl we love to hate? * * Lizzie, Lizzie * * Big loser * * Loser * * Lizzie, Lizzie * * Big loser, loser * * Big loser! *ALL: All right! ( cheering and hollering )LIZZIE: This is so not good. ( cheerleaders cheering and hollering ) ( bell dings ) ( birds chirping )LIZZIE: Y ou're right, Miranda. Standing up to Kate was actually... fun.MIRANDA: But everyone's staring at you.LIZZIE: Hmm. Well... at least they know who I am now. BOY: Hey, loser!LIZZIE: I feel empowered and strong. I mean, I feel like... a huge weight's been lifted.MIRANDA: Well, I, for one, am glad it's over.LIZZIE: Yeah, and Next time I'll try to step up a little quicker. BOY: Did you guys hear? Larry Tudgemen picked his nose and had a snack, and Danny Kessler caught it on tape. ( laughing ) GORDO: Well, you're officially yesterday's news. The herd's moved on.MIRANDA: So, you guys want to go see if we can find a copy of that tape?LIZZIE: Let's go.。

成长的烦恼第一季104104 Springsteen 摇滚音乐会[01:35.30]Mike: This is it - my Springsteen tickets. [01:35.30]迈克:是我的电话,肯定是我的摇滚音乐会的票。
[01:37.90]Hello?[01:37.90]喂,[01:39.70]Maggie: When did they outgrow skateboards? [01:39.70]马吉:他们什么时候才不再去溜冰呢,[01:41.80]Jason: When you buy them a Camaro. [01:41.80]詹森:等你给他们买相机的时候。
[01:44.90]Mike: Yeah. Ok, bye.[01:44.90]迈克:好,再见~[01:49.90]Jason: Gonna see Springsteen, ah? [01:49.90]詹森:你要去听音乐会,[01:51.90]Mike: Yeah, tomorrow night. It's gonna be awesome. Ladies and gentlemen the boss…[01:51.90]迈克:对,明天晚上,肯定很精彩。
女士们先生们,演出开始了……[02:04.20]Carol: Wait, wait. I thought the Springsteen's concert was sold out.[02:04.20]卡罗尔:可是我听说花季乐队音乐会的票早就卖完了。
[02:07.50]Mike: Sold out? Carol, to a man with connections,nothing's ever sold out. That justhappened to be Seth Jameson, nephew of the man whose brother-in-law owns the hot dogconcession of the coliseum.[02:07.50]迈克:卖完了,卡罗尔,对一个有路子的男人来说,没有东西买不到。

Orn立刻传达了命令,还说Ailn才是自己的老板,气得Lom当下跑过去吵了起来,就连Lom的姐姐Nam也跑去帮腔,可这时他们的大姐Fah 却突然出现了。

儿童电影网址/s/blog_4f3715230100lv4y.html1、海底总动员: /v_show/id_XOTc0MzM1ODg=.html2、老爸夏令营: /v_show/id_XNDA4NzA5MTY=_rss.html3、了不起的狐狸爸爸(动画): /vod/movie/56/56556.shtml4、夏洛的网: /programs/view/3U_c-Yft2uM5、查理和巧克力工厂: /programs/view/EdldBrP-PSA/6、零下八度: /v_show/id_XMTcxMzI3Mzc2.html7、尼魔岛: /v_show/id_XMTM4MDU4NjA0.html8、飞屋环游记(动画): /u83/v_NTA5MDE2NDg.html9、冰河世纪3: /v_show/id_XMTc4MTI2NDU2.html10、小鸡快跑(动画): /v_show/id_XMjk0NzM3NDQ=.html11、美国女孩的秘密: /v_show/id_XNzM5NjIxODQ=.html12、绿野仙踪(动画): /v_show/id_XMTY3OTM0MTcy.html13、欢乐糖果屋(老版《查理和巧克力工厂》): /v_show/id_XMTY1NTIyOTky.html14、音乐之声: /v_show/id_XNzU2NjgzNTI=.html15、霍顿奇遇记(动画): /u66/v_MzY2OTkzOTk.html16、天生一对: /u76/v_NTI0MTk1NTM.html17、怪兽电力公司: /v_show/id_XMTgzODI5Njk2.html</FON..< font>18、ET外星人: /v_show/id_XMTc5NDQwNDQ0.html19、回来未来: /v_show/id_XMTgxNTg3OTE2.html20、基督山伯爵: /v_show/id_XMTg1ODk4NTQw.html21、星球大战: /v_show/id_XMTAzNjc2ODQ4.html22、指环王: /v_show/id_XMTY0ODgyNDIw.html23、公主新娘: /v_show/id_XODIxNDgzMTY=.html24、狮子王: /v_show/id_XMTU4NDI3ODg4.html25、怪物史莱克(动画): /v_show/id_XMTgwOTA2NTg4.html26、超人总动员(动画): /v_show/id_XMTY5MjI1NDUy.html27、钢铁巨人: /v_show/id_XNTQ4MDE4MTY=.html28、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒: /mov_play-hdmovie_20090812_7086079.html29、小鬼当家: /v_show/id_XMTczMDY4MDI4.html30、杀死一只知更鸟: /v_show/id_XNjI1MDAzNDA=.html31、小公主: /v_show/id_XMTM1NTM0MjI0.html32、罗宾汉历险记: /xiaoyinmu/film/play.aspx?ContentID=3209 &type=Film&code=A050000025&channelID=2233、傲慢与偏见: /v_show/id_XMTc2OTI4MTMy.html34、呼啸山庄: /programs/view/9YcC_OpSpmQ/35、美丽人生: /v_show/id_XMTA0OTQzNTU2.html36、小马王(动画): /v_show/id_XMTc0NTIyMzUy.html37、阿甘正传: /programs/view/_m8M_QzRTds/38、追风筝的人: /v_show/id_XMTgyMzU0NTky.html39、雾都孤儿: /v_show/id_XMTczMTc1Njcy.html40、格列佛游记: /v_show/id_XMTAxMDk0NjUy.html41、吹牛大王历险记: /v_show/id_XMzAwMjY4NTY=.html42、茶花女: /v_show/id_XMTM2MDUyMjcy.html43、鲁滨逊漂流记: /v_show/id_XNjAyNzYwOTY=.html44、一千零一夜: /u80/v_NTIyODQ5MTc.html。

Mike的从小到大的一贯的调皮和爱耍小聪明,Carol的些许书呆子气和Ben的傻气稚嫩,父亲Jason的启发式非强制教育方法时常带来的无可奈何的幽默,让人在捧腹中深思……Growing Pains was about a family of five, the Seavers, who lived on Long Island, New York. Jason Seaver was the father, a psychiatrist, who had his practice at home. (From the 1st to the 5th season) Maggie, his wife, was a journalist who worked for the Long Island newspaper in the first three seasons of the sitcom. She got a job as the news anchor for channel 19 news and worked there through the middle of the 5th season when she decided to stay at home. Jason moved his practice out of the house to an office. During the last seasons, she worked at home writing a consumer awareness column for the local newspaper.(1)出师受挫:麦琪在家呆了15年后开始外出工作了。

成长的烦恼第一季112112 Caroles Crush 想入非非[01:02.20]Ben: Here she comes and she's mad.[01:02.20]本:她来了,她疯了。
[01:05.20]Jason: Did you finish moving your science project Carol?[01:05.20]詹森:卡罗尔,你把你的自然科学课程设计都搬下来了?[01:07.50]Carol: You bet.[01:07.50]卡罗尔:对。
[01:08.90]Maggie: Oh we're sorry sweetheart but we needed the guest room.[01:08.90]马吉:哦,很抱歉,宝贝。
[01:11.60]Carol: So you throw my volcano out on the street?[01:11.60]卡罗尔:那你就要把我的这堆火山扔到大街上去吗?[01:15.60]Mike: That's wrong mom, I say keep the volcano, just throw Carol out on the street. [01:15.60]迈克:你错了,妈妈,我是说应该把卡罗尔的这堆火山留在这里,而让她到大街上去。
[01:22.80]Jason: Carol, we're all sorry, it's just that Jeff's law school interview got moved up a week. These things happen.[01:22.80]詹森:卡罗尔,我们很抱歉,就因为吉夫的法学院面试提早了一个星期。
[01:28.50]Carol: Yeah well, I've cleaned it up as best I could. If he finds any soot in his bed he can sew me.[01:28.50]卡罗尔:好吧,我已经完全打扫过了。
经典电视剧 成长的烦恼 第一季第四集剧本(英汉对照)

106 Caroles Article
Maggie: Mike, would you get your sister, please. Mike: Yo, fido ,dinner Carol: I'll be right down, fire-hydrant. Tell mom, I'm just gonna finish this paragraph. Mike: Hey, mom, fido's gonna finish her paragraph... Maggie: Thank you, I heard. And frankly, fire hydrant, I don't think it's funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido. Mike: You are right. It's a boy's name. Jason: Is she still working on that article? She's taking this try-out for the school paper very seriously. Mike: Come on. This is the Walt Witt man chronicle here, one of the world great papers. It's right up there with... Sharloman and nice and soft. Maggie: Mike, this is very important to Carol. Try to keep your snide comments to a minimum. Mike: So, like what? Three or four? Jason: You're working awfully hard, sweet heart. Carol: Yeah,I just wanna get it right, you know, so its like a best article they've ever got. Mike: Pretty tuff to beat last week scroop: Gronoly bars replace gummy bears in snack machine Ben: That's one! Carol: One what? Ben: Snide comment. Mom says Mike can make three more at you during dinner. Jason: probably that was last one, right, Mike? Mike: Why, yes, father, I believe it was. Carol: Anyway, tomorrow is the moment of truth. Tomorrow, Mr.Simmonds reads all the articles and decides who gets the job. Jason: Oh, no, no, not Simmonds. Maggie: Why? Who's Simmonds? Jason: That's the teacher who locked the kid in the closet for not closing a quote. Maggie: I don't think there's anything to worry about. Just do the best you can, I'm sure he'll be impressed. Carol: This's so exciting. The roar of the mighty press's ink, coursing through my veins. Maybe I got what it takes , Maybe I don't. But I'll never find out unless I leap into the darkness and give it my all Mike: If she sings "I gotta be me", I swear I'll throw up. Ben: That's two. Carol: Mom, do you think you can read my article tonight and tell me what you

101 Pilot[00:27。
20]Jason:Alright lady drop that spatula or you’re scrambled.[00:27。
[00:31.20]Maggie: Go ahead,make my day。
Well, I guess I showed you。
50]Jason: Show me more[00:46.50]贾森:再让我见见。
[00:47.80]Maggie: Oh Jason,the kids。
80]Jason: I can kiss the kids later。
You know I read an article that said that two career couples[00:51。
我读过一篇文章,说如果夫妻双方都有工作,[00:59.00]should really make a special effort to always remain。
50]Maggie: At breakfast?[01:06。
50]Jason: At all meals.[01:08.50]贾森:在所有用餐时间.[01:14。
40]Mike:What's the matter? You guys aren't getting' enough?[01:14。
20]Jason: Michael,alot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that[01:18.20]贾森:迈克尔,如果小孩子那样说的话,会挨揍的。

成长的烦恼01出师受挫 (译文版)

成长的烦恼 第一季分集剧情

Байду номын сангаас出生于加拿大南部安大略州柯克兰湖的一个偏陋
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JO: Honey, don't let that cloth get too close to that burner.LIZZIE: I know, Mother.JO: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know you're not a small child. ( phone ringing ) JO: Hello? Oh, hey, Debbie. Well, if you can't baby-sit tomorrow night you can't baby-sit. No, I'm not angry at you for calling me last minute. Okay. Bye-bye. ( sighs )MA TT: Why is Mom mad at the meat?JO: Oh, hi, honey. How was practice?MA TT: Zachary Greenwald accidentally fell on a sprinkler head and had to get stitches. It was really cool.SAM: And Matt came very close to actually kicking the ball. Didn't you, champ? MA TT: Oh, yeah.SAM: (mouthing) "No way."JO: Oh, Debbie Gotchalk called. She can't baby-sit tomorrow night.SAM: Well, is there someone else we can get?JO: Oh, oh, don't get that Olivia Skivin. She makes us listen to county-western non-stop. ( country music plays )MA TT: Not Mrs. Harvey. She smells dead. ( organ plays )JO: We're not going for Tammy up the street 'cause she makes more an hour than I do.SAM: No way we're going with Mrs. Jaffey. Who lets a ten-year-old boy drink an entire quart of maple syrup?MA TT: I liked her.JO: Well, we've got to find somebody.LIZZIE: Well, I was thinking... I was thinking, maybe I could...JO/SAM: Baby-sit?JO: Honey, we've talked about this. Y ou know, we just think...SAM: Y ou're too young. No.LIZZIE: When will I be old enough to trust? When I'm 50?SAM: Maybe. We'll see. Where's Mrs. Doubtfire when you need her?LIZZIE: Dad, no...SAM Hmm... this isn't cheese, is it?LIZZIE: It's candle wax.MA TT: ( laughing )----------- THEME SONG -----------* If you believe * * We've got a picture-perfect plan * * We've got you fooled * * 'Cause we only do the best we can * * And sometimes we make it * * And sometimes we fake it * * But we get one step closer each and every day * * We'll figure it out on the way. * ( school bell rings )MIRANDA: I think the perfect town would be 500 Hot Topic stores and a ten-story shopping mall.LIZZIE: "Design a model community, including housing hospitals, schools, and police and fire department."MIRANDA: "Police and fire department."LIZZIE: "Housing, hospitals and schools."MIRANDA: We'll call it Boringville, U.S.A. Where do they come up with these moronic assignments?LIZZIE: The Moronic Assignment Study Guide. It's, like, this thick.GORDO: Let me guess. That's how tall Tom Cruise is. Oh, Tom Cruise isn't short. He just has small bones. Okay, Gordo-- imagine you live in a boring suburb where all the houses look alike and everybody's predictable.GORDO: I do live in a boring suburb where all the houses look alike and everyone is predictable. Thank you.LIZZIE: Okay, but if you could pick any business you wanted on Main Street, what would it be?GORDO: A bookstore containing the works of Navajo and Greek philosophers a coffeehouse where people only discussed music and politics a thousand-foot water slide ending in a swim-up counter where they serve free deep-fried pizza and Tyra Banks would be the Mayor. I've given this a lot of thought.KA TE: Hey, Gordo, do you know where the nearest Software Shack is?GORDO: Y eah. It's over on Collins Street.KA TE: Would they have that software that designs cities and towns and stuff? GORDO: Y ou mean CyberTown Maker? They should.LIZZIE: Okay. Kate, we're supposed to do this assignment ourselves.KA TE: Whatever.LIZZIE: Y ou're supposed to use your imagination not have some computer do it foryou.LIZZIE: Gordo, why didn't you tell me there was a program like that?GORDO: Well, it cost 60 bucks. I don't think you can afford it.KA TE: Hello! I baby-sat twice last week. But my nails are wet. ( baby crying ) 20, 40, 60. Oh, look. I have more. Kate baby-sits? Since when does Kate baby-sit? Oh, why don't they just make her Queen of the World and be done with it.GORDO: Baby-sitting sounds like a pretty sweet gig. Why don't you do it? LIZZIE: I don't baby-sit. I get baby-sat. Goo, goo, goo.MIRANDA: And plus, baby-sitting jobs are hard to get. Parents want to make sure you're "mature enough."GORDO: Well, I-I guess Kate sort of does give off some visual signals, which imply a biologically nurturing capability.MIRANDA: We get it, Gordo. She's stacked.GORDO: Y es... yes, she is.LIZZIE: I don't get it. I mean, I'm just the same age as Kate. I'm just as mature as she is. I'm responsible. And I want to baby-sit!SAM: Absolutely not.LIZZIE: But Kate Sanders baby-sits.JO: She does?SAM: (shakes head "no")JO: Uh, I-I mean, she... she does, huh?LIZZIE: Yes. And you haven't found a sitter for tonight. And you expect me to ride abus to school all by myself. Why can't you trust me to baby-sit?JO: Hmm...TOON LIZZIE: I think I'm getting a nibble here.JO: (to SAM) Maybe she has a point.LIZZIE: And Miranda can help me. She watches her baby sister after school. ( baby crying ) Ugh!SAM: Sweetheart, you're just not ready yet. This is a big responsibility.LIZZIE: Y ou've always told me I can do anything if I set my mind to it, honey. And I've set my mind to this. I can do it.JO: We do say that, Sam.TOON LIZZIE: Ooh, I'm really getting a nibble here.SAM: But... Matt can be quite a handful.JO: Matt! What would you do if Lizzie baby-sat you? ( TV playing )MA TT: I don't know. Watch TV, I guess.SAM: Thank you for the help, pal. ( sighs ) All right, maybe we can give this a try. LIZZIE: ( squealing ) Thanks, Dad. It means a lot to me that you can trust me. I'll do a great job.LIZZIE: Okay, the Coco Rocks box will be City Hall.MIRANDA: I just ate the Mayor. ( giggling ):LIZZIE: It'll go right there.SAM: Lizzie, I added some numbers to the emergency phone list. Also, I've moved all the cleaners out from under the kitchen sink. And whatever you do do notopen the door for anybody.LIZZIE: And I won't follow the trail of bread crumbs to the Gingerbread Witches' house. Dad, don't worry. ( door bell rings )JO: Hey, Gordo.GORDO: Hi, Mrs. McGuire. My parents said I could come over if that's okay with you.JO: Oh, sure. But Lizzie and Miranda are baby-sitting Matt so I don't know how much fun you're going to have.GORDO: Oh, I know. I'm not about fun. I'm about the green.JO: Lizzie?LIZZIE: Money.GORDO: I'm going to earn my money indoor sitting on a sofa eating someone else's popcorn.MIRANDA: Hey, that's mine.SAM: Lizzie, Matt's bedtime is 9 o'clock.LIZZIE: Yes, Dad, I know. Dad, listen, everything's under control. I've got it all handled, okay?SAM: Okay, now, both our cell phones are charged and we're trusting you, Lizzie. LIZZIE: Whoa, can I hear that again?SAM: Both our cell phones are charged?LIZZIE: No, no, no. The other part.SAM: We're trusting you.LIZZIE: Yeah, that.TOON LIZZIE: * Ta-dah! * After 13 years-- trust.LIZZIE: Thanks, Dad.SAM: Okay.LIZZIE: ( chuckles )TOON LIZZIE: Wow, for the first time in my life, I'm in charge. I'm the ranking adult in the house. I'm Queen of the World!LIZZIE: Alone at last.MIRANDA: I don't see why you have to muscle in on baby-sitting, Gordo. This is how we make money.GORDO: Why should girls have a monopoly on baby-sitting?MIRANDA: Because boys have a monopoly on burping the Pledge of Allegiance. We deserve some kind of monopoly.MA TT: Hey, I love that game. I want to be the race car.LIZZIE: Tough luck. Y ou're going to watch Willy Wonka.MA TT: I've seen that ten times. I want to be the race car.LIZZIE: Well, we've got homework. If you'll be patient we'll maybe play later, okay? MA TT: All right.MA TT: Race car, race car race car, race car, race car, race car...LIZZIE: Anyone got any ideas?MIRANDA: Sorry.GORDO: I got nothing.MA TT: ( imitates engine revving ) Race car! Race car!MRS SHIN: There you go, Mr. and Mrs. McGuire. Y our regular table.SAM: Thank you, Mrs. Shin.MRS SHIN: Haven't seen you since the Year of the Tiger.SAM: Y eah, well, it's really hard to get a reliable baby-sitter.MRS SHIN: Well, glad to have you back. I'll be back with some wontons.JO: Thank you. Sam, would you please relax? It's one night out; Lizzie can handle it.SAM: ( sighs )JO: I mean it. Everything's going to be fine.LIZZIE: This had better come out of the carpet, Matt. (to MIRANDA) What'd you give him grape juice for? I told you ginger ale. At least ginger ale isn't purple. MIRANDA: Grape juice was the only thing that would shut him up. He won't do a thing you say.LIZZIE: Matt... go upstairs change your shirt and get cleaned up now.MA TT: No.MIRANDA: See?LIZZIE: (to MIRANDA) Zip it.MIRANDA: Why should I? He won't.LIZZIE: Matt, starting right now you do everything I tell you or I'll tell Mom and Dad.MA TT: Nuh-uh. Y ou want Mom and Dad to think you're a good baby-sitter soyou're going to say things went great.LIZZIE: Then I'll squash you like a bug instead.MA TT: Then I'll tell Mom and Dad. Face it. I'm in charge here.LIZZIE: No. I am in charge here.GORDO: Matt, what do you say we go upstairs and find you a clean shirt?MA TT: Okay.LIZZIE: ( gasps ) How come he does what you say?GORDO: Well, I'm an older male. He's impressed by me.LIZZIE: Well, I'm in charge here and he's supposed to do what I say, not what you say.GORDO: Who cares who says to do it. He needs a new shirt. He's as sticky as the floor of a movie theater.LIZZIE: Matt, don't lean there!MA TT: I'm stuck.LIZZIE: ( grunting ): Get... up... Matt!JO: Gosh, it is so nice being out just the two of us, for a change.SAM: Y ep. Nice.JO: Sam? Hmm? Y ou're turning your chopsticks into toothpicks. Want to settle down? Y ou're fidgeting.SAM: No, I'm not. Okay, look, I just think it was a mistake leaving Lizzie in charge. She's only 13.JO: Y eah, well, she's 13, but, I mean she never gets in trouble at school. She getsthere and back all by herself. I think she's the only one in the house who knows how to make the picture-in-picture work.SAM: Y eah, but she sleeps until noon on the weekends. She uses the picture-in-picture to watch MTV and cartoons at the same time. I got to go check on her.JO ( gasping): No, you do not. Do you know how much it meant to her that you trusted her?SAM: Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll just sneak in, look in a window. She'll never even know I'm there.JO: Okay. If I let you go do you promise me that you'll come right back here and eat your meal in peace?SAM: Y eah.JO: Okay. But she'd better not know you're there. I swear she will never forgive you.SAM: Okay.JO: And I won't forgive you till she does.MA TT: Look! It hold up newspaper.LIZZIE: Cut it out, Matt.MA TT: Look! It holds up Mom's cat calendar.LIZZIE: Gordo, can you get him to quit that?GORDO: Y ou're in charge; you do it.LIZZIE: Could you at least help? Y ou didn't come here to watch TV on the couch.GORDO: Fine. I'll watch TV in your room.LIZZIE: Miranda, get me more paper towels.MIRANDA: Pass. I'm building a ten-story shopping mall for Mirandaville.LIZZIE: Well, Mirandaville doesn't need a ten-story shopping mall. We need a hospital.MIRANDA: Fine. I'll go drink some orange juice and make a mall out of that. LIZZIE: Fine! Nobody help me do anything.MA TT: Look! It holds up Dad's briefcase.LIZZIE: I'll just handle everything by myself. ( electrical buzzing )LIZZIE: Um... I may need a little help here.TOON LIZZIE: ( click ) I hate it when Dad's right. ( click )MA TT: What's that? I'm scared. ( deep-voiced ): Look at me-- I'm a monster! Ha, ha, ha, ha! I see dead people.LIZZIE: Cut it out, Matt. ( doorknob rattling )MA TT: Ugh! That stinks.LIZZIE: It's vanilla. It's soothing.MIRANDA: Works like a charm.GORDO: Y uck! Who's burning garbage?LIZZIE: I'm trying to get some light in here and if you're not going to help me, you can at least hush up.MIRANDA: Don't tell us to hush up. We're not babies.LIZZIE: Y ou're acting like babies.GORDO: It's a shame there isn't a decent baby-sitter around.LIZZIE: I'm sure there'll be a decent baby-sitter around next time 'cause I obviously can't handle it.SAM: ( groans ) ( gasps )LIZZIE: What was that?MIRANDA: Do you think it's a burglar?GORDO: Nah. It-it's probably just a raccoon. They root around in... in the trash and stuff.LIZZIE: Yeah, probably just a raccoon. Let-let's make noise just in case. ( bell jingling )MIRANDA: ( off-key ): * My country, 'tis of the sweet land of liberty * ( loudly ): * Of thee I sing... *GORDO: I-I'm, I'm going to go and flip the circuit breaker so we can play some loud music. Real music.LIZZIE: ( huffing ) ( huffing )SAM: ( coughing quietly ) ( cell phone ringing )SAM: ( clears throat ) ( hoarsely ): Hello.JO: What is taking so long?SAM: Ahh... All the curtains are shut and I can't see in the house. ( coughing ) JO: Okay. Just get in there pretend you forgot your wallet make sure they're okay and get right out.SAM: Gotcha. ( coughs )JO: What's wrong with your voice?SAM: Uh... ( grunts) Lawn gnome. * And you say I think we will know now... * Y ou think it went away, right?GORDO: A raccoon wouldn't stick around through that racket. ( shrieks ) MIRANDA: A raccoon wouldn't do that either.SAM: Kids, open up! It's me.LIZZIE: It is a burglar. Matt!MA TT: Lizzie! ( yelling ) ( yelling )SAM: ( screaming in pain )GORDO: That ought to drive him away.MA TT: Lizzie! I'm really scared.LIZZIE: It's okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay? We're going to call the police.MRS SHIN: Y ou know, I have a cousin-- knows how to treat a lady.JO: Oh, Mrs. Shin, my husband didn't leave me. I mean, he left me but, you know, he didn't leave me.MRS SHIN: Oh, yeah, you're keeping your chin up. Brave... brave little soldier girl. ( Touch-Tone beeps ) ( phone ringing )LIZZIE: Hello.SAM: It's me.LIZZIE: It's him.SAM: I'm at home.LIZZIE: He knows that we're alone. ( phone clicks ) ( rattling )SAM: Come on, kids.LIZZIE/MA TT/MIRANDA: ( screaming ) ( screaming stops )MIRANDA: It's worse-- he's at the door.LIZZIE: Gordo, Miranda, get the train transformer.SAM: Hey! ( doorknob rattling ) ( pounding on door )LIZZIE: Now. ( electrical crackling) ( groaning) ( electrical crackling) ( groaning) ( electrical crackling ) ( grunting ) ( sizzling )SAM: Lawn gnome. ( latch sliding into notch) ( huffing and puffing ) ( latch sliding into notch )MA TT: Y ou can baby-sit for me anytime.LIZZIE: Let's get through tonight first, okay? ( shrieks) ( gasps) Gordo, get the train! Miranda fill the paint can with flour now. Come on, come on.SAM: ( laughing maniacally ) Y eah.LIZZIE: That was some fast popsicle eating, Matt.MA TT: Thanks. I have a major brain freeze. ( whistle blowing )SAM: Ha, ha, ha, ha!MA TT: Dad?!GORDO: Y ou guys have to trust me. Y ou have no idea how much that hurts. MIRANDA: Oh, my gosh. Y our poor father.SAM: ( groaning )MA TT: We are so in trouble. Ahh! Ohh! ( mumbling )LIZZIE: He was supposed to trust me.GORDO: Well, if he was spying on you-- and I admit it does look like he was-- I think he suffered enough. ( police sirens approaching )MAN ( on loudspeaker ): Sir, put your hands on your head and don't move. ( radio static )SAM: I'm telling you, Officer, I live here. My kids are inside. ( knocking ) SAM: I just came home to check on them.LIZZIE: Yes? MAN Hello, young lady. Is this man your father?LIZZIE: I don't know. Why would my father be sneaking around in the bushes late at night? Maybe that means he doesn't trust me.SAM: Lizzie...LIZZIE: It's my father.MAN: Good night, sir. And by the way, your lawn gnome's broken.LIZZIE: Y ou were supposed to trust me.JO: Y es, we were, and we didn't stick to our word, and we were wrong.TOON LIZZIE: They're admitting they were wrong? Ah! Call the news crew. Film at 11:00.SAM: It's not that I don't trust you, sweetheart. I guess I... still just think of you as the six-year-old girl that used to need me to chase the monsters out of her closet. I guess I have to get used to the fact that you're not that little girl anymore. Y ou're becoming a young lady and I have to let you act like one.LIZZIE: So, I can go on a real date?SAM: No.LIZZIE: Will you teach me how to drive?SAM: No.LIZZIE: Can I dye my hair?SAM: No.LIZZIE: Well, what can I do?JO: Y ou can baby-sit Matt next Saturday night.SAM: Y eah.TOON LIZZIE: So the more responsibility I ask for the more responsibility I get stuck with. That stinks, I think. We're trusting you. ( cracking up ) ( grunting ) Ow.TOON LIZZIE: Wow, for the first time in my life, I'm in charge. I'm the ranking adult in the house. I'm Queen of the World!MAN: Okay, we got it.。