科技英语翻译1.The power plant is the heart of a ship.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
2.Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
3.Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。
(直译)4.An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which roundsabout the nucleus of an atom.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。
(动词)5.When the war was over, it was discovered that the Germans were nowhere nearsuccess in developing nuclear weapons.第二次世界大战结束后,人们发现德国人在研制核武器方面离成功还很远。
6.Earthquakes are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions.地震对于生命的破坏通常大于火山爆发。
7.Once out of the earth’s grav ity, an astronaut is affected by still another problem ---weightlessness.一旦离开了地球的引力范围,宇航员又遇到了另一个问题——失重。
8.Studies have shown that information can be communicated to people many timesfaster in a graphic form than in written form.众多研究表明,以图形表示的信息被人们接受的速度比以文字表示的快许多倍。
科技英语翻译文稿[五篇范例]第一篇:科技英语翻译文稿Wireless Network Accurately and Inexpensively MonitorsPatients' Breathing无线网络事实上是廉价地监控着病人的呼吸状况。
A couple years ago we saw wireless technology that would allow us to see through walls.Now,几年以前我们就可以看到无线网络可以让我们看到“墙外的东西”。
现在,来自犹他州州立thesame team of researchers, from the University of Utah, is putting that motion detection大学的同一个技术团队正在把移动式检测技术technology to work monitoring breathing patterns.So not only can the network see through your 运用到检测病人的呼吸状况上因此通过网络不仅可以远程观察病人的现状,它甚至可以听到bedroom wall, it can hear you breathing.Less sinisterly, the system could help doctors keep你的呼吸。
这个系统可以帮助医生更好的监控患者睡眠时的呼吸暂停事件,急救病人或婴儿 better track of patients with sleepapnea, surgery patients or babies at risk for sudden infant 的发生突然猝死危险性就变得更低了。
death syndrome.Team leader Neal Patwari demonstrated the system by lying in a hospital bed surrounded by这个团队的带头人尼尔帕特维尔躺在一家医院的病床上,周围布置了20个工作频率为2.4G 20 wireless transceivers operating at a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz.He timed his breathing to be赫兹的无线电收发器以演示这个监控系统的工作状况。
那么,你知道爸爸的英语怎么说吗?科技的英文释义:science and technologytechnology科技的英文例句:中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。
The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation.在很多地方,计算机能做数百万人的工作,因此它被广泛地应用在各个科技领域;;核物理、电气工程、机械工程等等。
In many places a computer does the work of a million persons, and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology- nuclear physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and the like.当你谈到科技的现实意义时,就传达了品牌的科技含量价值。
You unlock the equity when you really talk about themeaning of that science.科技观察家喜欢科技产业竞赛。
Tech watchers love the horse race aspect of technology industry competition.科技观察家喜欢科技产业竞赛。
Tech watches love the horse race aspect of technology industry competition.科技术语翻译历来是令许多科技译者“头痛”却不得不面对的问题。
科技英语(English for Science and Technology)主要是 指科学家、技术人员、工程师等交换其专业意见、发明创 造、信息、数据、实验报告或实验过程等而使用的语言。为 了客观地记录自然现象的发展过程或特点,科学家、工程师 所使用的语言,即科技英语在文体上应该精确、简明、严 谨;内容上经常包括数学公式、图表;措词上常使用典型的 句式及大量的专业或半专业术语,这就使科技英语与普通英 语极为不同。
For many years people tried to make something to take its place, but they could not do it. In the end, they found a way of making artificial, manmade rubber which is in many ways better than and in some ways not as good as natural rubber. They make artificial, man-made rubber in factories by a complicated chemical process. It is usually cheaper than natural rubber.
Today, the world needs so much rubber that we use both natural and artificial rubber in large amounts.
At present, the world requirements for rubber are so great that both natural and synthetic rubber are used in quantities.
词类转化的译法 句子成分转换的译法 词序转变的译法 被动语态的译法 后置定语的译法 长句的译法
英语中有些形容词(短语)表示“愿望、心理、情感” 等一类概念,相当于汉语的动词
专 业 英 语 Specialized English
科技英语 English for Science and Technology 简称EST 是一种用英语阐述科学技术中的理论、技术、实验和现 象等的英语体系,它在词汇、语法和文体诸方面都有自 己的特点,从而形成一门专门学科。
所谓句子成分转换的译法,是把句子的 某一成分(如主语)译成另一成分(如宾语 等)。在多数情况下,词类转译必然导致句 子成分的转译,例如:当英语的动词转译为 汉语的名词或副词时,该动词的谓语成分也 就相应地转译为汉语的主语.宾语或状语等。 成分转换的目的是使译文通顺,符合汉 语习惯。
positron=positive+electron 正的+电子=正电子 medicare=medical十care 医学的+照管=医疗保障 aldehyde=alcohol十dehydrogenation 醇十脱氢=醛
符号法(signs) 字母形象法(letter symbolizing) X-ray U-pipe
后置定语是位于其所修饰的名词之后的定语,汉语常用前 置定语或多个简单句来说明某概念或某术语,而科技英语 则更多地使用后置定语。 If we now visualize a region of space filled with a tremendous number of charges separated by minute distances. We see first that the field cannot vary with y or with z, and then that the y and z components arising from differential elements of charge symmetrically located with respect to the point at which we wish the field will cancel.
Historically,“three peaks”in translation movements:东汉至唐宋的Buddhism scripture 的翻译、明末清初的科技翻译、鸦片 战争至‘五四“ 的西学翻译。( First Opium War (Britain’s invasion of China, 1840-1842) In terms of scope, quality, and contribution to the development of the nation, the current one is unprecedented.
形象生动,句式简单,强烈的审美意识, 文字生动而感人。
2. 与英语口语文体的对比 An old lady who was listening exclaimed: It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end of an egg and sucked. A young lady back home from school was explaining. “ Take an egg.” She said, “ and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex, then apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”
下面是店铺给大家整理的科技英语范文带翻译,供大家参阅!科技英语范文带翻译1As is vividly depicted by the picture above, a traveler happily starts his journey by high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Wuhan. In the year of 2009, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation, reducing travelling time from 12 hours to 3 hours, bringing much convenience to the transportation between the two cities①. No wonder the caption in the picture says “with the Wu-Guang high-speed railway, cities far away is just like a place nearby”.Science and technology are the primary productive forces② and have been playing a key role in the national economy development. On the one hand, progress in science and technology has promoted economic and social progress greatly. Take the high-speed railway as an example. Firstly, the railway becomes a new engine③ of booming of regional economic. Secondly, the railway helps to attract a lot of tourists, so that tourism in these cities flourishes. Last but not the least, the load of the existing transportation network can be released to a great extent. On the other hand, with the development of science and technology, such as the operation of high-speed transportation, video phone, webcam meeting, the world has become smaller and smaller.It has long been a tradition for Chinese government to attach great importance to the advances④ in science and technology. Science and technology has successfully shaped an entirely newimage of China on global stage via the two grand world events, 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It is strongly advised that young people should devote themselves into the study of science and technology for “better city, bet ter life”.佳作妙译如上图所示,一位旅客从广州踏上了去往武汉的高速铁路.2009年,武广高铁正式建成通车,将两地之间的行程从12小时缩短到3小时,极大地方便了两地的交通.难怪这幅漫画上写道“有了武广高铁,每个城市都在家门口”.科技是第一生产力,在国民经济发展中扮演着重要角色.一方面,科技的进步促进了经济社会的快速进步.高速铁路就是鲜活的例子.首先这条铁路成为地区经济发展新的引擎.其次铁路吸引了大量游客,这些城市的旅游业随之繁荣起来.再次这条铁路很大程度上缓解了现有线路的运输压力.另一方面,随着科技的发展,高速铁路,视频电话,视频会议等应用会越来越多,世界将变得越来越小.中国政府一直很重视科技的发展,通过2008北京奥运会和2010上海世博两件盛事,科技成功地重塑了中国在世界舞台上的国际形象.因此青少年要怀着“城市,让生活更美好”的信念,积极投身到对科技文化知识的学习上.科技英语范文带翻译2Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as hu man being’ s progress.Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s home. What could youdo? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect.We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed.[参考译文]现代科技使生活更加便捷现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑.人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树.另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话.但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行.若干年前,人们不得不查找大量资料来搜集需要的信息,最后人累得疲惫不堪,还浪费了大量时间.现在,如果使用网络,一切就都是小菜一碟了.只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应.我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷.科技英语范文The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions.Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundantinformation but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable.However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce.Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.。
科技英语翻译科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是从事科学技术活动时所使用的英语,是英语的一种变体(科技文体)。
专业术语指某一学科领域所特有或专用的语汇,其词义常不为专业外读者所明白,如cryogenics (低温学)、norepinephrine (新肾上腺素)等。
这些专业术语的特点是:a. 词形较长,大多含有源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的词根、词缀。
如:nucleonics (核子学),semisomnus (半昏迷),autoradiography (自动射线照相术),excoriation (表皮脱落)等。
b. 多复合词。
人们常常通过各种构词方法创造出一些复合词来表示科技发展中出现的新事物,如radiophotography (无线电传真),anti-armored fighting vehicle missile(反装甲车导弹)等。
c. 多缩略词。
为使用便利和节省时间,科技英语同经贸英语一样,也有许多缩略词,如cpd (compound化合物),FM (frequency modulation 调频),telesat(telecommunications satellite通讯卫星)等。
科技英语的特点与翻译一、科技英语的特点科技英语(English for science and technology,EST)指与用于科学和技术交流方面的英语口语和书面语。
另外,科技英语多用逻辑性语法词(logical grammatical operators),如表示原因的如because (of)、due (owing) to、as (a result of)、caused by、for等,表示语气转折的如but、however、nevertheless、otherwise、yet 等,表示逻辑顺序的如so、therefore、thus、furthermore、moreover、in addition to等。
关于科技的英语演讲稿—Technology带翻译(精选多篇)演讲稿一:科技改变人们的生活Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!Today, I'd like to talk about how technology has changed people's lives.As we all know, technology has brought about many profound changes in our daily lives. Thanks to the invention of smartphones, we can easily access information, communicate with friends and work remotely, among many other things. Computers and the internet have created new opportunities for businesses and education, and have revolutionized the way we think about work and learning.On the medical front, technology has also had a tremendous impact. For example, medical drones can deliver life-saving supplies to remote areas, and telemedicine allows patients to access medical consultations and treatments from the comfort of their homes. The development of advanced medical technologies, such as robotic surgery and personalized medicine, has also improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes.In addition, technology is changing the way we interact with the environment. Smart homes, for instance, can reduce energy waste and lower utility bills, and electric cars can greatly reduce air pollution caused by gas-powered vehicles.Overall, technology has greatly impacted our lives in many ways, and its influence will only continue to grow in the future. It's important for us to embrace new technologies and adapt to the changes, but always keep in mind that technology should serve humanity, not dominate it.Thank you!女士们,先生们,早上好!今天我想谈谈科技如何改变人们的生活。
科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)。
2. 科技英语翻译的标准及要求科技英语的语域特征有别于其它语篇体裁。
动词多倾向于行为动词。时态往往用一般现 在式。
大量使用动词的非限定式,即分词、不定式 和动名词。
科技英语的显著特点是重叙事逻辑上的连贯 (coherence)及表达上的明晰(clarity)与畅达 (fluency);避免行文晦涩,坐着避免表露个人感 情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技论文 总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情 作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。科技英语力求平 易、精确,因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染 力和宣传效果的各种修饰词格,忌用夸张、借喻、 讽刺、反诘、双关等修辞手段,以免使读者产生 行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。
Despite the long-standing availability of effective antibiotics, particularly penicilin, pnemococcal disease continues to take a heavy death toll, particularly among people suffering from other chronic diseases.
Scientists thought that regular orbits of such faint particles were practically nonexistent. The idea has now been rejected by facts.
科学家原来以为这样微弱的粒子实际上是 不存在有规则的轨道的。这种看法现在已 经被事实否定了。
A canning tomato 一种供做罐头的西红柿
Infected children 受到感染的儿童
科 技 英 语 翻 译
操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 原文中的两个名词“operation, knowledge”均译为 动词。
据统计,被动语态的句子在科技英语中约占1/3,比 非科技英语中被动句出现的频率高一倍左右,这是因为:
5. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。
二 科技英语构词法
词是构成句子的要素,对词意理解的 好坏直接关系到翻译的质量。
所谓构词法即词的构成方法,即词在 结构上的规律。科技英语构词特点是外来 语多(很多来自希腊语和拉丁语);第二 个特点是构词方法多。除了非科技英语中 常用的三种构词法—转化、派生及合成法 外,还普遍采用压缩法、混成法、符号法 和字母象形法。
④The moment the circuit is completed, a current will start flowing toward the coil. 电路一接通,电流就开始流向线圈。 (the moment …一…就…) (误译:电路被完成这一片刻,一个电流将开 始流向这个线圈。)
二、 科技英语的主要特点 1、语法特点 主要表现在四多,即:
(1)词类转换多 所谓词类转换,即在翻译时将英文的某种词
类译成汉语的另一词类。产生这一现象的根本原 因在于英汉两种语言在表达方式上有很差别,因 此在翻译时,应符合各自的表达习惯。
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,目的是开发出能模拟和执行类似于人类智能的技术。
2. Internet of Things (IoT)物联网是将各种物理设备、传感器和其他对象通过互联网连接在一起的概念。
3. Virtual Reality (VR)虚拟现实是一种通过计算机技术和特殊设备创造的模拟现实世界的体验。
4. Augmented Reality (AR)增强现实是一种通过计算机技术将虚拟元素叠加在现实世界中的体验。
5. Big Data大数据指的是大量复杂的数据集合,无法使用传统的数据处理工具进行处理和分析。
6. Cloud Computing云计算是一种通过网络提供计算资源和服务的模式。
7. 3D Printing3D打印是一种将数字模型转化为物理实体的技术。
8. Renewable Energy可再生能源指的是能够在自然界不断产生并且不会耗尽的能源,如太阳能、风能和水能等。
科技与技术英语作文带翻译Technology and Technology。
In today's world, technology and technology have become an integral part of our lives. From the moment we wake upin the morning to the time we go to bed at night, we are surrounded by technology and its various forms. The advancements in technology have made our lives easier, more convenient, and more efficient. In this essay, we will discuss the impact of technology and technology on our lives.Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. With the advent of smartphones and social media, we can now stay connected with our friends and family members no matter where they are in the world. We can share our thoughts, photos, and videos with them in real-time. We can also use video conferencing tools to communicate with our colleagues and business partners who are located in different parts of the world.Technology has also transformed the way we learn. With online courses and e-learning platforms, we can now gain knowledge and skills from the comfort of our homes. We can also access a vast amount of information on any topic with just a few clicks of a button. This has made learning more accessible and affordable for people from all walks of life.In the field of medicine, technology has led to significant advancements. Medical professionals can now use advanced imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases more accurately. They can also use telemedicine to provide remote consultations and monitor patients' conditions froma distance.Technology has also had a profound impact on the way we work. With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, many jobs that were once done by humans are now being done by machines. This has led to increased efficiency and productivity in many industries. However, it has also led to job losses and concerns about the future of work.Despite its many advantages, technology also has its drawbacks. The overreliance on technology can lead tosocial isolation, addiction, and other negative consequences. It can also lead to privacy concerns and the misuse of personal data.In conclusion, technology and technology have transformed our lives in many ways. They have made ourlives easier, more convenient, and more efficient. However, it is important to use technology responsibly and to be aware of its potential drawbacks. By doing so, we can ensure that technology continues to improve our lives without causing harm.。
下面店铺将为你推荐英语technology具体的中文意思,希望能够帮到你!technology的`中文意思英 [teknldi] 美 [teknɑ:ldi]第三人称复数:technologies名词科技(总称); 工业技术; 工艺学; [总称]术语例句1. Many people call the age we live in the age of technology.许多人把我们生活的时代叫做工业技术时代。
technology的词典解释1. 科技;工艺;技术Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.e.g. Technology is changing fast...科技日新月异。
e.g. They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.应该允许他们等到更廉价的技术被开发出来。
technologist...the scientists and technologists that we will need for the future.我们将来需要的科学家和技术专家。
technology的单语例句1. Those experienced in business operations replaced heads of IT divisions with technology backgrounds.2. Bayer Technology and Engineering Company Ltd signed a memorandum of understanding with the China Europe International Business School this week.3. He was also invited as an expert judge for the Global Venture Competition of the Business School of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.4. Although the trend toward home working is fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.5. Although the trend toward home working is undeniably fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.6. With the theme of Act for the Sake of Green Development, the Forum aims to build an open platform for exchanging technology and sharing information.7. I listed a few I had seen but then made the point that the most valuable technology here at Expo is " people to people " technology.8. The company has said that the donation is an act to honor its promises of serving Africa and help Rwanda develop information and technology industry.9. Cook said Mac revenue was also hurt as businesses that typically buy more expensive models continued to put off technology spending.。
科技英语原文及简单翻译How ASIMO WorksIntroduction to How ASIMO WorksWant a robot to cook your dinner, do your homework, clean your house, or get your groceries? Robots already do a lot of the jobs that we humans don't want to do, can't do, or simply can't do as well as our robotic counterparts.Honda engineers have been busy creating the ASIMO robot for more than 20 years. In this article, we'll find out what makes ASIMO the most advanced humanoid robot to date.The Honda Motor Company developed ASIMO, which stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, and is the most advanced humanoid robot in the world. According to the ASIMO Web site, ASIMO is the first humanoid robot in the world that can walk independently and climb stairs.Rather than building a robot that would be another toy, Honda wanted to create a robot that would be a helper for people -- a robot to help around the house, help the elderly, or help someone confined to a wheelchair or bed. ASIMO is 4 feet 3 inches (1.3 meters) high, This allows ASIMO to do the jobs it was created to do without being too big and menacing.ASIMO's Motion: Walk Like a HumanHonda researchers began by studying the legs of insects, mammals, and the motion of a mountain climber with prosthetic legs to better understand the physiology and all of the things that take place when we walk -- particularly in the joints. For example, the fact that we shift our weight using our bodies and especially our arms inorder to balance was very important in getting ASIMO's walking mechanism right. The fact that we have toes that help with our balance was also taken intoconsideration: ASIMO actually has soft projections on its feet that play a similar role to the one our toes play when we walk. This soft material also absorbs impact on the joints, just as our soft tissues do when we walk.ASIMO has hip, knee, and foot joints. Robots have joints that researchers refer to as \degrees of freedom.\A single degree of freedom allows movement either right and left or up and down. ASIMO has 34 degrees of freedom spread over different points of its body in order to allow it to move freely. There are three degrees of freedom in ASIMO's neck, seven on each arm and six on each leg. The number of degrees offreedom necessary for ASIMO's legs was decided by measuring human joint movement while walking on flat ground, climbing stairs and running.ASIMO also has a speed sensor and a gyroscope sensor mounted on its body. They perform the tasks of:? ?sensing the position of ASIMO's body and the speed at which it is moving relaying adjustments for balance to the central computer These sensors work similarly to our inner ears in the way they maintain balance and orientation.ASIMO also has floor surface sensors in its feet and six ultrasonic sensors in its midsection. These sensors enhance ASIMO's ability to interact with its environment by detecting objects around ASIMO and comparing gathered information with maps of the area stored in ASIMO's memory.To accomplish the job our muscles and skin do in sensing muscle power, pressure and joint angles, ASIMO has both joint-angle sensors and a six-axis force sensor.Unless you know a lot about robotics, you may not fully grasp the incredible milestone it is that ASIMO walks as we do. The most significant part of ASIMO's walk is the turning capabilities. Rather than having to stop and shuffle, stop and shuffle, and stop and shuffle into a new direction, ASIMO leans and smoothly turns just like a human. ASIMO can also self-adjust its steps in case it stumbles, is pushed, or otherwise encounters something that alters normal walking.In order to accomplish this, ASIMO's engineers had to find a way to work with the inertial forces created when walking. For example, the earth's gravity creates a force, as does the speed at which you walk. Those two forces are called the \inertial force.\ground, called the \posture has to work to make it happen. This is called the \zero moment point\(ZMP). To control ASIMO's posture, engineers worked on three areas of control:? ?Floor reaction control means that the soles of the feet absorb floor unevenness while still maintaining a firm stance.Target ZMP control means that when ASIMO can't stand firmly and its body begins to fall forward, it maintains position by moving its upper body in the direction opposite the impending fall. At the same time, it speeds up its walking to quickly counterbalance the fall.?Foot-planting location control kicks in when the target ZMP control has been activated. It adjusts the length of the step to regain the right relationship between the position and speed of the body and the length of the step.ASIMO's Motion: Smooth MovesASIMO can sense falling movements and react to them quickly; but ASIMO's engineers wanted more. They wanted the robot to have a smooth gait as well as do something that other robots can't do -- turn without stopping.When we walk around corners, we shift our center of gravity into the turn. ASIMO uses a technology called \predictive movement control,\Intelligent Real-Time Flexible Walking Technology or I-Walk, to accomplish that same thing. ASIMO predicts how much it should shift its center of gravity to the inside of the turn and how long that shift should be maintained. Because this technolgy works in real time, ASIMO can do this without stopping between steps, which other robots must do.Essentially, with every step ASIMO takes, it has to determine its inertia and then predict how its weight needs to be shifted for the next step in order to walk and turn smoothly. It adjusts any of the following factors in order to maintain the right position:? ? ? ?the length of its steps its body position its speedthe direction in which it is steppingWhile reproducing a human-like walk is an amazing achievement, ASIMO can now run at speeds up to 3.7 miles per hour (6 kilometers per hour). In order to qualify as a true running robot, ASIMO must have both feet off the ground for an instant in each step. ASIMO manages to be airborne for .08 seconds with each step while running. Honda engineers encountered an entirely new set of challenges while trying to give ASIMO the ability to run. They gave ASIMO’s torso a degree of freedom to aid in bending and twisting so that the robot could adjust its posture while airborne. Without this ability, ASIMOwould lose control while airborne, possibly spinning in the air or tripping when landing.In order to make turns smoothly while running, the engineers enhanced ASIMO's ability to tilt its center of gravity inside turns to maintain balance and counteractcentrifugal force. ASIMO could even anticipate turns and begin to lean into them before starting the turn, much like you would if you were skiing or skating.ASIMO如何工作介绍如何工作。
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结构,宜采用先总后分,讲究对称的原则。有时主从结构中 也会出现整齐对称的结构,如汉译长句时采用小句,层层推 进,就体现出一定的整齐美。 • Chinese Translation: • 与极限负荷有关的是保险系数和终极系数,保险系数是选定 用来保证即使极限负荷加在飞机上,飞机也不会受到损害; 终极系数则是用来预防结构强度可能发生的变化。
• Improved translation: (impersonal noun as the subject of the sentence)
• Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude define the subsurface geometry and give estimates of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densities.
观性和准确性,因此在翻译时译文所表达的意义一定要与原 文所表达的意义一致,做到准确无误.只有突出了科学上的" 真",才能作到"真中见美“ • e.g. • All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms. • 译文一:所有的物体都由分子和原子所组成. • 译文二:所有的物体都是由分子组成,而分子又是由原子组 成.
• EST: accurate, not ambiguous or polysemy →the authority of written discourse
• 科技文章用词要求准确,尽量避免含糊不清和一词多义, 从而烘托出书卷话语的权威气氛。
• e.g. • That the vitamin is sensitive to light was recognized only later. • 原译:维生素感光只是后来承认的。 • 改译:维生素的光敏效应( 或光敏作用) 只是后来才为人们
所认识。 • dog clutch(爪形离合器)、door to door delivery (送货上门)、
• Various meanings → choose the most suitable meaning • Context → change the meaning to cater to the context • 科技文本要体现的是自然界的内在规律,讲究所述事物的客
• 2) Associated with limit loads is the proof factor, selected to ensure that if a limit load is applied to a structure the result will not be detrimental to the functioning of the aircraft, and the ultimate factor, which is indented to provide for the possibility of variations in structural strength.
• e.g. • 1)制造方法可分为单件生产和批量生产,单件生产指小批量
的生产,批量生产指大量相同零件的生产。 • English Translation: • Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production
with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.
• e.g. • It is a common property of any matter that is expanded when
it is heated and it contracts when cooled. • 译文一:任何物质,如果遇到热,它就会膨胀,如果遇到冷,它就
会收缩,这是共性. • 译文二:热胀冷缩是所有物质的共性.
• E.g. 如果我们测得地震波的走时和振幅,我们就能确定地 下的几何形状并估算出与岩石速度和密度有关的声阻抗。
• Original translation:
• If we measure the seismic travel time and amplitude, we can define the surface geometry and give estimate of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densities.
• Nominalization in EST: 1) less subjects in sentences →objective; 2) less redundancy in sentences
• 名词化结构在科技英语中的广泛使用使句子变成名词短语, 其作用有:一、可以较少使用人称主语,从而体现科技概 念的客观性;二、可以避免结构臃肿。
• Reasonable sentences structure in EST: two unequal different concepts → 1) mail-clause construction ; 2) parallelism
• 科技英语的客观性、准确性和严密性要求采用合理的句子结 构。如果一句话里包含两个以上的不同概念,而它们又不是 同等重要时,需采用主从结构;反之,当一个句子有两个意 义对等、起相同语法功能的并列成分时,则采用并列结构。