外贸函电第二版Unit 10 其他支付方式

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采用汇付方式时,应在合同中明确规定汇付的种类、时间 和金额等。汇付方式在国际贸易中通常用于预付货款或货到 付款以及分期付款、货款余额等。 e.g. The buyer should pay 100% of sales in advance by D/D to reach the seller not later than September 30. 买方不迟于9月30日将100%货款用票汇的方式预付给卖方。
rather than/ instead of
We would like you to pack the goods in wooden cases rather than cartons. = We would like you to pack the goods in wooden cases instead of cartons. 我们希望你们用木箱,而不是用纸箱包装 货物。
Will you persuade your customer to arrange for a onemonth extension of L/C No.TD168? 你们能不能劝说客户将TD168号信用证延期一个月?
The expiration date of the credit being March 8th, we request that you will arrange with your banker to extend it up to April 1, amending the said credit. 因信用证的有效期为3月8日, 希望将其有效期延长至4月1日, 并请将此情况通知你方的银行。
10.2 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 其他付款方式信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:
写作步骤 表达方式 We refer you to Contract No….(关于第……号合 同)
(1) 提示合同 Referring to …(关于……) 或相关的 With regard to our contract of …(关于……的合 货物 同)
v.t. 删除, 删去 Please delete this clause, for it doesn't comply with the terms of our contract. 请删除这一条款,因为它跟我们的合同不符。 We would like to ask you to delete “partial shipment is not allowed” from the L/C. 请把“不允许分批装运”从信用证中删除。
to ask extension of要求延长 We are cabling you today asking for a two week extension of the L/C. 我们电传通知您将信用证延期两周。
v.t. 推迟,使延期 Taking all these factors into consideration, we allow you to postpone delivering the goods. 考虑到这些因素,我们同意你方推迟交货。 If you agree to postpone the establishment of the L/C until (or to ) the next week, we shall be much appreciated. 如果贵方答应推迟到下周开立信用证,我们将不胜感 激。
n. 差异,不同,不符点 There are several discrepancies between the clauses of the L/C and the terms of the contract. 信用证条款与合同条款有几点不符之处。 to find discrepancy发现差异 We have received your L/C No 268 and on checking up the clauses, have found the following discrepancies in it. 我们收到第268号信用证后,检查里面条款发现了不 符处。
v.t. 插入,加上 Please insert the clause “Allowing transshipment ” in your L/C. 请在你方信用证中加上一条“允许转运” 。 You are required to insert the wording “about ” before the quantity of the goods. 我们要求你方在数量前加上“大约”字样。
2、跟单托收(Documents Bill for Collection)指出口商将汇 票及货运单据(含提单、商业发票、保险单、产地证明书及 商检证书等)一并交给托收行委托代收票款的托收方式。 在跟单托收方式下,依照交单条件的不同,又分为付款交单 (Documents against Payment, 缩写D/P)和承兑交单 (Documents against Acceptance, 缩写 D/A。 跟单托收又分为承兑交单(Documents Against Acceptance, D/A)和付款交单(Documents Against Payment, D/P)。
As … we shall be glad if you …(因为……,如果 你方……我们将不胜感激。)
(3) 表示希望 对方同意 We hope to receive your favorable reply.(望收到 的愿望 你方肯定的答复。)
回复其他付款方式信函的写作步骤及常见表达式: 写作步骤 表达方式
With reference to the contract of …(关于……的 合同)
(2) 提出具体 As you know…, we suggest that …(正如你所 付款的方 知……,我们建议……。) 式及理由 Owing to…, we would appreciate it if you ….(由 于……,如果你方……我们将不胜感激。) We wish you can accommodate us in this respect. (希望你方在这方面给予照顾。)
10.3 Specimen Letters(样函)
Letter 1:Ask for easier terms of payment
Dear Mr. Deng, We’ve studied the specifications and price-list of our new paints and now wish to place the enclosed order with you. As we are in urgent need of several of the items, we should be glad if you make up and ship the order as soon as you possibly can. In the past, we have dealt with you on sight credit basis. Now, we would like to propose a different way of payment, i.e.1, when the goods purchased by us are ready for shipment and the freight space booked2, you cable us and we will remit3 20 you the full amount by T/T.
二、托收(Collection)是指出口商为了收取货款,出具以 进口商为付款人的汇票,委托当地银行通过它的国外分支机 构或代理行向进口商收取货款的方式。托收方式根据使用汇 票的不同,可以分为光票托收和跟单托收。 1、光票托收(Clean Bill for Collection)指出口商不附任 何单据的汇票交给银行代收票款的托收方式。这种方式 一般用于收取佣金、样品费和贸易从属费用等方面。
表达方式 It is in view of our friendly relationship that we extend you this accommodation.(鉴于我们的友 好关系,我们才给予你方此照顾。)
(3) 说明自己 为此做出 的努力以 We sincerely hope that we can …(诚挚地希望我 及做生意 们能……。) 的意愿
should be….instead of/not is…not
开证行应是中国银行而不是花旗银行。 The issuing bank should be Bank of China instead of Citi Bank. 单价应为每公吨38英镑而不是每公吨38欧元。 The unit price should be £38 per M/T not €38 per M/T. 装运港是上海,不是大连。 The port of shipment is Shanghai not Dalian.
10.1 Introduction(简介)
目的:掌握汇付和托收两种汇款方式信函 的书写,包括如何介绍付款方式、要求更 有利的付款方式或变更付款方式等。
国际贸易中常用的支付方式如下: 一、汇付(Remittance)是指付款人主动将款项通过银行汇 交收款人的支付方式。汇付方式根据采用的支付工具不同分 为: 信汇: M/T (Mail Transfer )--由进口人将货款交给所在地 银行,由该行用信件委托出口人所在地银行把货款付给出口 人。 电汇: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) --由进口地银行发电 通知出口地银行付款给出口人。 票汇: D/D (Demand Draft )-- 进口人向当地银行购买即 期汇票,然后寄给出口人,出口人持票向汇票上指定的付款 行取货款。
Unit 10 Other Terms of Payment 其他支付方式
to amend…as 将……改为 Please amend the L/C as allowing partial shipments. 请将信用证改为可以分批装运。
to make amendment修改 Please instruct your bank to make the necessary amendments of the L/C. 请通知您方银行做必要的修改。
(1) We have received your letter of …(收到你 说明收到 方……的来信。) 信函 Thank you for your letter of …(感谢你方……的 来信。) (2) 说明自己 的意见(同 意或不同 意)并阐明 理由 We agree to …(我们同意……。) We want to make it clear that…(我方想澄清一 点……。) With regard to …, we regret being unable to accept…(关于……,很遗憾我们不能接 受……。)
付款交单又可分为即期付款交单(D/P at sight)和远期付款交 单(D/P after sight)。 国际贸易中,对出口商收款比较安全的方式应采用付款交单 14 的方式。
e.g. (1)即期付款交单方式 In view of the fact that only a few transactions have been concluded recently, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped. 鉴于最近仅成交少数几笔交易,我方准备接受凭即期的付 款交单收取所运货物的款项。 (2)承兑交单方式 As to payment, we are agreeable to draw on you at 30 days sight upon presentation and make payment at maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance only. 至于支付方式,我方同意向你方开出见票后30天付款的汇 票,呈递时承兑并于到期日予以付款,承兑后交单。