



C.f (x1)< f(x2) D.不能确定 f(x1)与 f(x2)的大小
17.( 4 分)已知函数 f(x)=

A.若 a≤0,则 f(x)≤ 1 恒成立 B.若 f( x)≥ 1 恒成立,则 a≥ 0 C.若 a<0,则关于 x 的方程 f(x)=a 有解 D.若关于 x 的方程 f(x)=a 有解,则 0< a≤ 1
第 6 页(共 19 页)
11.( 3 分)已知函数
数 a 的取值范围是 (﹣∞,﹣ ] ∪ [ 1,+∞) .
【解答】 解:若函数
则 a=1 时,显然成立, a=﹣1 时, f(x)= 若 a2﹣1≠0,
的定义域是全体实数, ,不成立,

解得: a≥1 或 a≤﹣ , 故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣ ] ∪ [ 1,+∞).
12.( 3 分)设函数 f(x), g( x)的定义域分别为 Df,Dg,且 Df? Dg.若对于任 意 x∈Df,都有 g(x)=f(x),则称函数 g( x)为 f(x)在 Dg 上的一个延拓函数. 设 f(x)=x2+2x,x∈(﹣∞, 0] ,g( x)为 f( x)在 R 上的一个延拓函数,且 g(x) 是偶函数,则 g(x)= x2﹣ 2| x| . 【解答】 解:由题意可得当 x≤0 时, g( x) =f(x)=x2+2x 由函数 g(x)为偶函数可得, g(﹣ x) =g(x) 当 x>0 时,则﹣ x<0,g(﹣ x)=x2﹣2x,则 g(x)=x2﹣2x ∴ g( x)=x2﹣2| x| 故答案为: x2﹣2| x|
( 3)是否存在自然数 a,使得函数 f (x)的值域恰为




你认为可能的原因是( )A.用排水法收集O2时,集气瓶装满水B.用向上排空气法收集O2时,导管伸入到集气瓶的底部C.用排水法收集O2时,导管口冒出气泡,立即收集D.用排水法收集O2,收集满后,在水下盖上玻璃片2.如图所示,甲是溴(Br)的原子结构示意图,乙摘自元素周期表。



下列说法正确的是( )①石墨烯是一种新型化合物②三种物质分别在足量的氧气中完全燃烧的产物相同③金刚石和石墨烯是组成相同但结构不同的两种物质④石墨烯有超强的导电性和导热性,说明石墨烯的化学性质和金属相似A.①④B.②③C.①③D.②③④4.碳12是指含6个中子的碳原子。


古丝绸之路将我国的发明和技术传送到国外,下列古代生产工艺中主要体现物理变化的是()A.粮食酿酒B.纺纱织布C.烧制瓷器D.冶炼生铁6.下列是几种粒子的结构示意图,有关它们的叙述,你认为正确的是A.②表示的是阴离子B.①②③④表示的是四种不同元素C.③属于金属元素D.①③所表示的粒子化学性质相似7.碳酸乙烯酯(C3H4O3)可用作锂电池电解液,下列有关碳酸乙烯酯的说法正确的是A.碳酸乙烯酯的相对分子质量为(12×3+1×4+16×3)gB.碳酸乙烯酯中C、H、O三种元素的质量比为12:1:16C.碳酸乙烯酯中C、H、O三种原子的个数比为3:4:3D.碳酸乙烯酯中碳元素的质量分数= ×100%8.下列滴管使用图示正确的是()A.取液时挤入空气B.代替玻璃棒进行搅拌C.向试管中滴加液体D.将残留溶液的滴管倒持9.下列有关水的说法中正确的是()A.水与冰块混合得到混合物B.水的蒸发和水通电分解都属于物理变化C.硬水是指含有较多可溶性钙、镁化合物的水D.水沸腾时可冲起壶盖,说明温度升高分子会变大10.下图是某化学反应过程的微观示意图,下列有关说法正确的是A.反应前后分子的个数不变B.生成物有三种C.反应前后汞原子和氧原子的个数不变D.汞和氧气都由分子构成11.在密闭容器中加入甲、乙、丙、丁四种物质,使之充分反应,反应前后测得有关数据如表:物质甲乙丙丁反应前质量/g181232反应后质量/g X26212下列说法中,不正确的是()A.反应后物质甲的质量为13gB.乙是反应物C.反应中乙、丁的质量比为5:4D.物质丙可能是该反应的催化剂12.已知A+3B=2C+3D中,已知2.3gA跟4.8gB恰好完全反应生成4.4gC。











最恰当的是()A 老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已B 明明如月,何时可掇?忧从中来,不可断绝。

C 山不厌高,海不厌深,周公吐哺,天下归心。

D 亭亭山上松,瑟瑟谷中风。

风声一何盛,松枝一何劲!参考答案:鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜照我罗床帏以彼径寸茎盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语结庐在人境,而无车马喧C二阅读 (52分)(一)阅读下文,完成3—6题。







上海市曹杨二中2019学年度第一学期高三年级期中考试数学试卷一、填空题,(前6期每题4分,后6题每题5分,共54分〉1. 若22z i =-(其中i 为虚数单位),则=z ___2. 函数()f x _____3. 已知向量(1,0,3)(3,1,0).a b ==,则a 与b 的夹角_____ 4. 函数1()3(0)x f x x -=<的反函数是-1()f x =.____5. 数弟{}n a 的前n 顼和21n S n n =++,则{}n a 的通项公式n a =_____6.幂函数223()()mm f x x m Z --=∈是偶函数,且在()0,+∞上单调递减,则m 的值为_____ 7.(n x+展开式的二项式系数之和为256,则展开式中2x 的系数为_____ 8. 已知函数()sin()(0,)f x x R ωϕωϕ=+>∈点(1,0)是其函数图像的对称中心,y 轴是 其函数图像的对称轴,则ω的儀小值为_____9-有5条线段,其长度分别为3,45,7,9,现从中任取3条,则能构成三角形的概率是_____10. 记[]x 为不大于x 的最大整数,设有集合[]{}{}2|2=|2A x x x B x x =-=<,,则A B ⋂=_____11 已知正整数对按如下规律排成一列:(1,1)( (1,2)、(2,1)| (1,3)^ (2,2). (3,1)|(1,4),(2,3), (3,2), (4,1),…,则第60个数对是__12. 已知实数,a b 满足:2224b a -=,则2a b -的最小值为_____二、选择题 (每小题5分,共20分〉13.抛物线28y x =的焦点坐标是A. (4,0)B. (0,4)C. (2,0)D. (0,2)14. 己知,m n "是空间中两直线,α是空间中的一个平面,则下列命题正确的是 ( )A.已知m//a ,若//n α,则//n m ,B.已知//m α,若n m ⊥,则n α⊥C.已知m α⊥,若n m ⊥,则//n αD.已知m α⊥,若//n m ,则n α⊥ .15. 己知函数()(1cos )sin f x m x x =+-,则()A 仅有有限个m ,使得()f x 有零点 B.不存在实数m,使得()f x 有零点C.对任意的实数m ,使得()f x 有零点D.对任意的实数m,使得()f x 零点个数为有限个16.已知n S 是数列{}n a 的前n 项和1,a λ=且21(1)n n n a a n ++=-,若201920192101020192019S a μ-=-,则20191+λμ的最小值A. B. 4 C. D.三、解答题:(共76分)17.(本小题满分14分,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分)如图所示,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,2AB =,BC = 2, 1CC = 4, M 为棱1CC 上 —点(1) 若11C M =,求异面直线1A M 和11C D 所成角的大小;(2) 若12C M =,求证BM⊥平面11A B M18.(本小题满分“分,第1小题满分6昇,第2小息满分8分) 已知椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的左、右焦点分别为12,F F ,左、右顶点分别为12,A A ,过1F 作斜率不为零的直线l 与椭圆交于,A B 两点,2ABF 的周长为8,椭圆上一点P 与12,A A 连线的斜率之积121.4PA PA k k =-(点P 不是左右顶点) (1)求该椭圆方程;(2)已知定点M (0,1),求椭圆上动.点N 与M 距离的最19.(本小题满分M 分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分)某兴趣小组测量电视塔AE 的高度H (单位m ),如示意图,垂直放置的标杆力BC 高度4h = m,仰角,ABE ADE αβ∠=∠=,(1)该小组已经测得一组,αβ的值,tan 1.24,tan 1.20αβ==,请据此算出H 的值j(2)该小组分析若干测得的数据'后,发现适当调整标杆到电视塔的叫离d (单位m ),使α与β之差较大,可以提高测量精确度,若电视塔实际高度为125m ,当d 为多少时,αβ-最大20.(本小題满分16分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分6分). 已知函数2()(,)f x x ax b a b R =++∈⑴若2a =时()0f x ≤的解集为[],3n 时,求实数b 的值;⑵若对任意a ∈[-1,1],存在[]2,3x ∈-,使()0f x >,求实数b 的范围⑶集合{}5|()0,|(())4A x f x B x f f x ⎧⎫=≤=≤⎨⎬⎩⎭,若A B =≠∅,求实数a 的取值范围.21.(本小题满分18分,第,1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分.8分)已知数列{}n a 和{}n b ,记()1122...m m m S a b a b a b =-+-++-,(1)若21,2n n a n b n =-=-,求S(1),S(3):(2)若12,213n n n a b n -==-,求S(m)关于m 的表达式: (3)若数列{}n a 和{}n b 均是项数为*(3,)m m m N ≥∈项的有穷数列.,现将{}n a 和{}n b 中的 项一一取出,并按照从小到大的顺序排成一列,得到1,2,3,-,2m.求证:对于给定的m ,()m S 的所有可能取值的奇偶性相同。




用2B 铅笔将试卷类型(B )填涂在答题卡相应位置上。


2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。








当第一滴水开始下落时开始计时,到第N 滴水碰到容器底部瞬间计时结束,共用时间Δt 。

用直尺测出水龙头口到容器底部的高度h ,则测得g 为( )A .22()N h t ∆B .212()N h t +∆C .222()N h t +∆D .212()N h t-∆ 2、加速度a =v t ∆∆又称“速度的变化率”,有人将a t∆∆定义为“加速度的变化率”,下列说法正确的是( )A .加速度的变化率的单位应是m/s 2B .加速度的变化率为0的运动一定是匀速直线运动C .若加速度与速度同方向,如图的a -t 图象,表示的是物体的速度在减小D .若加速度与速度同方向,如图的a -t 图象,已知物体在t =0时速度为5m/s,则2s 末的速度大小为8m/s3、关于加速度的认识,下列说法错误的是( )A .加速度是描述速度变化快慢的物理量,速度大,加速度不一定大B .速度变化得越快,加速度就越大C .物体加速度变大,则速度也一定是在变大D .加速度的方向与速度变化量的方向相同4、下列各组中的物理量,都属于矢量的是( )A .速度、加速度、温度C.速度的变化、位移、力D.加速度、时间、路程5、如图所示,一汽车装备了具有“全力自动刹车”功能的城市安全系统,系统以50Hz的频率监视前方的交通状况.当车速v≤10m/s、且与前方静止的障碍物之间的距离接近安全距离时,如果司机未采取制动措施,系统就会立即启动“全力自动刹车”,使汽车避免与障碍物相撞.在上述条件下,若该车在不同路况下的“全力自动刹车”的加速度取4~6m/s2之间的某一值,则“全力自动刹车”的最长时间为A.2.5s B.5s3C.25s3D.12.5s6、下列说法正确的是()A.甲图是高速上的指示牌,上面的“40km”“81km”指的是指位移B.乙图是高速上的指示牌,上向的“120”、“100”指的是瞬时速率C.丙图是汽车上的时速表,上面的“72”指72米/秒D.丁图是导航中的信息,上面的“26分钟”、“27分钟”指的是时刻7、如图所示,在斜面上,木块A与B的接触面是水平的.连接木块A的绳子呈水平状态,两木块均保持静止.则木块A和木块B可能的受力个数分别为()A.2个和4个B.3个和4个C.4个和5个D.4个和6个8、关于瞬时速度和平均速度,下列说法正确的是( )B.对于匀速直线运动,其平均速度跟哪段时间(或哪段位移)无关C.瞬时速度和平均速度都可以精确地描述变速运动D.瞬时速度是某时刻的速度,只有瞬时速度才能精确描述变速运动9、质点沿直线运动。








每小题均只有一个符合题意的选项)1、对于可逆反应A(g)+3B(s)C(g)+2D(g),在不同条件下的化学反应速率如下,其中表示的反应速率最快的是A.v(A)=2 mol·L-1·min-1B.v(B)=1.2 mol·L-1·s-1C.v(C)=0.1 mol·L-1·s-1D.v(D)=0.4 mol·L-1·min-12、下列说法不正确的是()A.淀粉完全水解的产物是葡萄糖B.纤维素不能发生水解反应C.蛋白质水解的最终产物是氨基酸D.油脂属于酯类3、有四种不同堆积方式的金属晶体的晶胞如图所示,下列有关说法正确的是()A.①为简单立方堆积,②为镁型,③为钾型,④为铜型B.每个晶胞含有的原子数分别为:①1个,②2个,③2个,④4个C.晶胞中原子的配位数分别为:①6,②8,③8,④12D.空间利用率的大小关系为:①<②<③<④4、某温度下,体积一定的密闭容器中进行如下可逆反应:X(g)+Y(g) 2Z(g)+W(s) ΔH >0,下列叙述正确的是A.加入少量W,逆反应速率增大B.升高温度,正反应速率增大,逆反应速率减小,平衡正向移动。




上海市曹杨第二中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期中数学试卷注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题1.设集合}{}2|0|2M x x x N x x =-=<,<,则( ) A.M N ⋂=∅B.M N M ⋂=C.M N M ⋃=D.MN R =2.设命题甲为:0<x <5,命题乙为|x -2|<3,那么甲是乙的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件[来3.函数()2f x x =,则对任意实数12x x 、,下列不等式总成立的是( )A.()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫≤⎪⎝⎭B.()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭<C.()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫≥⎪⎝⎭ D.()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭>4.对于使()f x M ≤成立的所有常数M 中,我们把M 的最小值叫做()f x 的上确界,若a 、b R +∈且1a b +=,则122a b--的上确界为( ) A.92-B.92C.D.4-第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(题型注释)5.设全集{}(){}123424U M C N ⋂=,,,,,,则N =_______.6.满足{1,2}⊈A⊆{1,2,3,4}的集合A 的个数是 ______ .7.设:14:x x m αβ≤≤≤,,若α是β的充分条件,则实数m 的取值范围是_______. 8.已知x ∈R ,命题“若25x <<,则27100x x -+<”的否命题是______.9.若()()233x x x f x g x x x-+==+,,则()()f x g x ⋅=_________. 10.已知00220x y x y +=>,>,,则xy 的最大值是_______.11.已知正实数x y 、满足31x y +=,则13xx y+的最小值为_________. 12.若关于x 的不等式ax 2+bx +c >0的解集为{x |-1<x <2},则关于x 的不等式cx 2+bx +a >0的解集是______ .13.二次函数()231y x a x =+-+的图像与x 轴的两个交点的横坐标分别为12x x 、,且1222x x <,>,则a 的取值范围是_________.14.设()f x 的定义域是[]01,,则函数()1122h x f x f x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=++- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭的定义域为_______.15.定义满足不等式|x -A |<B (A ∈R ,B >0)的实数x 的集合叫做A 的B 邻域.若a +b -t (t 为正常数)的a +b 邻域是一个关于原点对称的区间,则a 2+b 2的最小值为______.三、解答题(题型注释)16.记关于x 的不等式1101a x +-+<的解集为P,不等式11x -≤的解集为Q ,若0a P Q Q ⋂=>,,求实数a 的取值范围.17.若实数x 、y 、m 满足x m y m ->-,则称x 比y 远离m . (1)若21x -比3远离0,求x 的取值范围;(2)对任意两个不相等的正数a 、b ,证明:33+a b 比22a b ab +远离2. 18.为了在夏季降温和冬季供暖时减少能源损耗,房屋的屋顶和外墙需要建造隔热层。



上海曹杨第二中学附属学校初三化学上册期中试卷及答案一、选择题(培优题较难)1.下列实验中对水的作用解释不正确的是()A B C D实验内容空气中O2量测定铁丝在氧气中燃烧检查气密性收集氧气水的作用通过量筒中水体积变化得出O2体积。




A.A B.B C.C D.D2.下列有关燃烧和灭火说法正确的是A.油锅着火后向锅中放入菜叶目的是降低油的着火点B.家用煤加工成蜂窝煤是力了增大煤与氧气的接触面积C.高层建筑物起火立即乘电梯撤离D.不慎碰倒了酒精灯,酒精在桌面燃烧,用水来灭火3.锌是促进人体生长发育的必须微量元素。


下列说法正确的是()A.锌属于非金属元素B.锌原子的中子数为30C.锌的相对原子质量为65.38g D.锌原子在化学反应中易失去电子形成Zn2+4.已知:金属X在常温下能与空气中的氧气反应,而金属Y和Z不能;将Y 、Z分别投入稀盐酸中,Y溶解并产生气泡,Z无变化。

下列说法正确的是A.X氧化物的化学式只能表示为XO B.Y能将X从它的盐溶液中置换出来C.Z在自然界中只能以单质形式存在 D.三种金属的活动性顺序:X>Y>Z5.在进行“氧气的实验室制取与性质”实验时,某同学制得的氧气不纯。

你认为可能的原因是( )A.用排水法收集O2时,集气瓶装满水B.用向上排空气法收集O2时,导管伸入到集气瓶的底部C.用排水法收集O2时,导管口冒出气泡,立即收集D.用排水法收集O2,收集满后,在水下盖上玻璃片6.某同学制作的试剂标签如下,其中化学式书写不正确...的是( )A.B.C.D.7.已知A+3B=2C+3D中,已知2.3gA跟4.8gB恰好完全反应生成4.4gC。

又知D的相对分子质量为18,则A的相对分子质量为A.23 B.46 C.92 D.968.逻辑推理是一种重要的化学思维方法,下列推理合理的是()A.在同一化合物中,金属元素显正价,则非金属元素一定显负价B.化学变化伴随着能量变化则有能量变化的一定是化学变化C.单质含有一种元素,则含有一种元素的纯净物一定是单质D.催化剂的质量在反应前后不变,则在反应前后质量不变的物质一定是该反应的催化剂9.元素周期表是学习和研究化学的重要工具,如图是元素周期表的一部分,其中X、Y、Z 代表三种不同的元素。





下列说法正确的是()A.杯子受到向右的摩擦力B.杯子受到向左的摩擦力C.桌面受到向右的摩擦力D.桌面受到向左的摩擦力5.(单选题.3分)如图所示.下列四种情景中.物体(球或杆)均处于静止状态.它与外界的接触面(接触点)均光滑.物体所受弹力示意图正确的是()A.B.C.D.6.(单选题.3分)如图物体A、B、C叠放在水平桌面上.水平力F作用于C物体.使A、B、C 以共同速度向右匀速运动.关于物体受力的说法正确的是()A.A受6个.B受2个.C受4个B.A受5个.B受3个.C受3个C.A受5个.B受2个.C受4个D.A受6个.B受3个.C受4个7.(单选题.3分)如图所示.在同一平面内.大小分别为1N.2N.3N.4N.5N.6N的六个力共同作用于一点.其方向互成60°的角.则其合力大小为()A.0B.1NC.2ND.3N8.(单选题.3分)一物体从空中自由下落至地面.若其最后1s的位移是第1s位移的n倍.忽略空气阻力.则物体下落时间是()A.(n+1)sB.(n-1)ssC. n+12sD. n−129.(单选题.4分)小球做直线运动的频闪照片如图所示.由此可以断定小球的()A.加速度向右B.速度向右C.加速度向左D.速度向左10.(单选题.4分)如图所示.条形磁铁A、B质量均为m.C为木块.它们放在水平面上静止时.B 对A的弹力为F1.C对B的弹力为F2.则F1、F2与重力mg的大小关系正确的是()A.F l=mg.F2=2mgB.F1>mg.F2=2mgC.F l>mg.F2=mgD.F1=mg.F2>2mg11.(单选题.4分)2012年11月23日.中国航母舰载机歼-15成功降落在“辽宁号”航母的甲板上.打破了国外对航母阻拦索技术的封锁.阻拦索技术的核心是飞机尾钩钩住阻拦索的任意位置.阻拦索装置两边都能够产生合适拉力让飞机做直线减速运动.下面的有关说法正确的是()A.如果钩住靠左位置则右边的绳索拉力小B.如果钩住靠左位置则左边的绳索拉力小C.若产生的阻力恒定.在尾钩钩住阻拦索的一刹那.钢丝绳不易被拉断D.若拦阻过程中飞机所受的合力一定.则绳索被拉得越长.绳索拉力越大12.(单选题.4分)某飞机从着陆到停下来所用的时间为t.滑行的距离为x.假设飞机做加速度逐渐减小的减速直线运动.则飞机着陆时的速度应是()A. v=xtB. v=2xtC. v>2xtD. v<2xt13.(填空题.4分)弹力的方向一定与施力物体形变方向 ___ (选填“相同”或“相反”)。



上上海市曹杨二中2017学年度第一学期高一年级期中考试物理试卷命题人: 审核人: 、试卷共4页1张考生注意:1、答卷前,考生务必将姓名、班级、学号等在指定位置填写清楚。



3、如果需要,g=10m/s2一、单选题(每题只有一个正确答案,1-6题每题2分,7-10题每题3分)1. 下列几种运动中的物体,一定看作质点的是()A.计算从广州飞往北京的飞机的飞行时间B.绕地轴做自转的地球C.绕太阳公转的地球D.在平直公路上行驶的汽车2.在匀变速直线运动中,下列说法正确的是( )A.相同的时间内位移变化相同B.相同的时间内速度变化相同C.相同的时间内加速度变化相同D.相同的路程内速度鸾化相同3.几个做匀变速直线运动的物体,在t秒内位移最大的是()A.加速度最大的物体B.初速度最大的物体C.末速度最大的物体D.平均速度最大的物体4.—个物体静止在水平桌面上,下列说法正确的是()A.物体受的重力和桌面对它的支持力是一对作用力和反作用力B.物体对桌面的压力就是重力C.桌面对物体的支持力大小等于重力,这两个力是一对乎衡力D.物体受到的重力的反作用力是物体对桌面的压力5.关于物体的重心,下列说法正确的是()A.重心就是物体内最重的点B.重心是重力的作用点,所以重心一定在物体上C.任何有规则形状的物体,它的几何中心必然与重心重合D.物体的重心在物体中的位置不因物体升高、降低、倾斜而发生改变。

6、如图所示,细绳竖直拉紧,小球和光滑斜面接触并处于静止状态,小球受到的力是( )A.重力、绳的拉力B.重力、绳的拉力、斜面的弹力C.重力、斜面的弹力D.绳的拉力、斜面的弹力7.某物体沿一直线运动,其v—t图象如图所示,则下列说法错误的是( )A.第2s内和第3s内速度方向相反B.第2s内和第3s内的加速度方向相反C.第3s内速度方向与加速度方向相反D.第5s内速度方向与加速度方向相反8.为了测定某辆轿车在平直路上起动时的加速度(轿车起动时的运动可近似看作匀加速运动)。



2016-2017学年上海市普陀区曹杨二中高二(上)期中数学试卷一.填空题1.(3分)三个平面最多把空间分割成 个部分. 2.(3分)两条异面直线所成的角的取值范围是 .3.(3分)给出以下命题“已知点A 、B 都在直线l 上,若A 、B 都在平面α上,则直线l 在平面α上”,试用符号语言表述这个命题 .4.(3分)设E 、F 、G 、H 分别是空间四边形ABCD 的边AB 、BC 、CD 、DA 的中点,则四边形EFGH 的形状一定是 .5.(3分)设点A ∈平面α,点B ∈平面β,α∩β=l ,且点A ∉直线l ,点B ∉直线l ,则直线l 与过A 、B 两点的直线的位置关系 .6.(3分)数列{a n }中,设S n 是它的前n 项和,若log 2(S n +1)=n +1,则数列{a n }的通项公式a n = .7.(3分)a ,b 是不等的两正数,若=2,则b 的取值范围是 . 8.(3分)计算81+891+8991+89991+…+81= .9.(3分)已知正方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1的棱长为1,则点C 1到直线BD 的距离为 .10.(3分)我们把b 除a 的余数r 记为r=abmodb ,例如4=9bmod5,如图所示,若输入a=209,b=77,则循环体“r←abmodb”被执行了 次.11.(3分)设S n是数列{a n}的前n项和,a1=﹣1,a n+1=S n S n+1,则S n=.12.(3分)若三个数a,1,c成等差数列(其中a≠c),且a2,1,c2成等比数列,则的值为.13.(3分)在学习公理四“平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行”时,有同学进行类比,提出了下列命题:①平行于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行;②平行于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行;③垂直于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行;④垂直于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行;其中正确的有.14.(3分)在n行n列矩阵中,若记位于第i行第j列的数为a ij(i,j=1,2,…,n),则当n=9时,表中所有满足2i<j的a ij的和为.二.选择题15.(3分)如图给出的是计算的值的一个程序框图,判断其中框内应填入的条件是()A.i>10 B.i<10 C.i>20 D.i<2016.(3分)下列命题中,正确的共有()①因为直线是无限的,所以平面内的一条直线就可以延伸到平面外去;②两个平面有时只相交于一个公共点;③分别在两个相交平面内的两条直线如果相交,则交点只可能在两个平面的交线上;④一条直线与三角形的两边都相交,则这条直线必在三角形所在的平面内.A.0个 B.1个 C.2个 D.3个17.(3分)从k2+1(k∈N)开始,连续2k+1个自然数的和等于()A.(k+1)3B.(k+1)3+k3C.(k﹣1)3+k3D.(2k+1)(k+1)318.(3分)已知方程组的解中,y=﹣1,则k的值为()A.3 B.﹣3 C.1 D.﹣1三.解答题19.解关于x、y的方程组,并对解的情况进行讨论.20.如图,A是△BCD所在平面外一点,M、N为△ABC和△ACD重心,BD=6;(1)求MN的长;(2)若A、C的位置发生变化,MN的位置和长度会改变吗?21.已知长方体ABCD﹣A'B'C'D'中,AB=4,AD=3,AA'=2;(1)求出异面直线AC'和BD所成角的余弦值;(2)找出AC'与平面D'DBB'的交点,并说明理由.22.已知数列{a n}的前n项和S n满足:S n=(a n﹣1)(a为常数,且a≠0,a ≠1);(1)求{a n}的通项公式;(2)设b n=+1,若数列{b n}为等比数列,求a的值;(3)若数列{b n}是(2)中的等比数列,数列c n=(n﹣1)b n,求数列{c n}的前n 项和T n.23.设数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若对任意的正整数n,总存在正整数m,使得S n=a m,则称{a n}是“H数列”.(1)若数列{a n}的前n项和为S n=2n(n∈N*),证明:{a n}是“H数列”;(2)设{a n}是等差数列,其首项a1=1,公差d<0,若{a n}是“H数列”,求d的值;(3)证明:对任意的等差数列{a n},总存在两个“H数列”{b n}和{c n},使得a n=b n+c n (n∈N*)成立.2016-2017学年上海市普陀区曹杨二中高二(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.填空题1.(3分)三个平面最多把空间分割成8个部分.【解答】解:三个平面两两平行时,可以把空间分成4部分,三个平面有两个平行,第三个与他们相交时,可以把空间分成6部分,三个平面交于同一直线时,可以把空间分成6部分,三个平面两两相交,交线相互平行时,可以把空间分成7部分,当两个平面相交,第三个平面同时与两个平面相交时,把空间分成8部分.所以空间中的三个平面最多能把空间分成8部分.故答案为:8.2.(3分)两条异面直线所成的角的取值范围是(0°,90°] .【解答】解:由异面直线所成角的定义可知:过空间一点,分别作相应直线的平行线,两条相交直线所成的直角或锐角为异面直线所成的角故两条异面直线所成的角的取值范围是(0°,90°]故答案为:(0°,90°]3.(3分)给出以下命题“已知点A、B都在直线l上,若A、B都在平面α上,则直线l在平面α上”,试用符号语言表述这个命题已知A∈l,B∈l,若A∈α,B∈α,则l⊆α.【解答】解:用符号语言表述这个命题为:已知A∈l,B∈l,若A∈α,B∈α,则l⊆α.故答案为:已知A∈l,B∈l,若A∈α,B∈α,则l⊆α.4.(3分)设E、F、G、H分别是空间四边形ABCD的边AB、BC、CD、DA的中点,则四边形EFGH的形状一定是平行四边形.【解答】解:如图,连接BD.因为FG是△CBD的中位线,所以FG∥BD,FG=BD.又因为EH是△ABD的中位线,所以EH∥BD,EH=BD.根据公理4,FG∥EH,且FG=EH.所以四边形EFGH是平行四边形.故答案为平行四边形5.(3分)设点A∈平面α,点B∈平面β,α∩β=l,且点A∉直线l,点B∉直线l,则直线l与过A、B两点的直线的位置关系异面.【解答】解:假设l与AB不是异面直线,那么它们在同一个平面上,记这个平面为γ.∵A和l都在平面γ上,∴由它们决定的平面α在平面γ上,∴平面γ=平面α.同理γ=平面β.∴α=β,∵A∈α,∴A∈β,所以A在α与β的交线l上,与已知点A∉直线l,点B∉直线l相互矛盾.∴假设不成立,∴l与AB是异面直线.故答案为:异面.6.(3分)数列{a n}中,设S n是它的前n项和,若log2(S n+1)=n+1,则数列{a n}的通项公式a n=.【解答】解:由log2(S n+1)=n+1,得S n+1=2n+1,∴,当n=1时,a1=S1=3;当n≥2时,,当n=1时,上式不成立,∴.故答案为:.7.(3分)a,b是不等的两正数,若=2,则b的取值范围是(0,2).【解答】解:a,b是不等的两正数,且=2,须对a,b作如下讨论:①当a>b时,=0,则==a,所以,a=2,因此,b∈(0,2),②当a<b时,则=﹣b=2,而b>0,故不合题意,舍去.综合以上讨论得,b∈(0,2),故答案为:(0,2).8.(3分)计算81+891+8991+89991+…+81=10n+1﹣9n﹣10.【解答】解:原式=8×(10+102+…+10n)+(1+1+…+1)+(90+990+…+×10)=8×+n+(102﹣10)+(103﹣10)+…+(10n﹣10)=+n+﹣10(n﹣1)=10n+1﹣9n﹣10.故答案为:10n+1﹣9n﹣10.9.(3分)已知正方体ABCD﹣A1B1C1D1的棱长为1,则点C1到直线BD的距离为.【解答】解:如图所示,连接AC,BD,DC1,BC1.设AC∩BD=O,连接OC1.∵DC1=BC1,OB=OD.∴OC1⊥BD,∴OC1是点C1到直线BD的距离.OC1==.故答案为:.10.(3分)我们把b除a的余数r记为r=abmodb,例如4=9bmod5,如图所示,若输入a=209,b=77,则循环体“r←abmodb”被执行了4次.【解答】解:模拟程序的运行,可得a=209,b=77,r=55不满足条件r=0,执行循环体,a=77,b=55,r=22不满足条件r=0,执行循环体,a=55,b=22,r=11不满足条件r=0,执行循环体,a=22,b=11,r=0此时,满足条件r=0,退出循环,输出a的值为22.由此可得循环体“r←abmodb”被执行了4次.故答案为:4.11.(3分)设S n是数列{a n}的前n项和,a1=﹣1,a n+1=S n S n+1,则S n=﹣.【解答】解:∵a n=S n S n+1,∴S n+1﹣S n=S n S n+1,+1∴=﹣1,∴数列是等差数列,首项为﹣1,公差为﹣1.∴=﹣1﹣(n﹣1)=﹣n,解得S n=﹣.故答案为:.12.(3分)若三个数a,1,c成等差数列(其中a≠c),且a2,1,c2成等比数列,则的值为0.【解答】解:∵a,1,c成等差数列,∴a+c=2 ①又a2,1,c2成等比数列,∴a2c2=1 ②联立①②得:或或,∵a≠c,∴或,则a+c=2,.∴=.故答案为:0.13.(3分)在学习公理四“平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行”时,有同学进行类比,提出了下列命题:①平行于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行;②平行于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行;③垂直于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行;④垂直于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行;其中正确的有①③.【解答】解:①平行于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行,正确;②平行于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行或相交,不正确;③垂直于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行,正确;④垂直于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行或相交,不正确.故答案为①③.14.(3分)在n行n列矩阵中,若记位于第i行第j列的数为a ij(i,j=1,2,…,n),则当n=9时,表中所有满足2i<j的a ij的和为88.【解答】解:由题意可知:当i=1时,由2i<j,∴j取3,4,5,6,7,8,9当i=2时,j取5,6,7,8,9当i=3时,j取7,8,9当i=4时,j取9∴表中所有满足2i<j的a ij和为:a13+a14+a15+a16+a17+a18+a19+a25+a26+a27+a28+a29+a37+a38+a39+a49=3+4+5+6+7+8+9+6+7+8+9+1+9+1+2+3=88,故答案为:88二.选择题15.(3分)如图给出的是计算的值的一个程序框图,判断其中框内应填入的条件是()A.i>10 B.i<10 C.i>20 D.i<20【解答】解:框图首先给变量s,n,i赋值s=0,n=2,i=1.判断,条件不满足,执行s=0+,n=2+2=4,i=1+1=2;判断,条件不满足,执行s=+,n=4+2=6,i=2+1=3;判断,条件不满足,执行s=++,n=6+2=8,i=3+1=4;…由此看出,当执行s=时,执行n=20+2=22,i=10+1=11.此时判断框中的条件应满足,所以判断框中的条件应是i>10.故选:A.16.(3分)下列命题中,正确的共有()①因为直线是无限的,所以平面内的一条直线就可以延伸到平面外去;②两个平面有时只相交于一个公共点;③分别在两个相交平面内的两条直线如果相交,则交点只可能在两个平面的交线上;④一条直线与三角形的两边都相交,则这条直线必在三角形所在的平面内.A.0个 B.1个 C.2个 D.3个【解答】解:对于①,因为平面也是可以无限延伸的,故错误;对于②,两个平面只要有一个公共点,就有一条通过该点的公共直线,故错误;对于③,交点分别含于两条直线,也分别含于两个平面,必然在交线上,故正确;对于④,若一条直线过三角形的顶点,则这条直线不一定在三角形所在的平面内,故错误.故选:B.17.(3分)从k2+1(k∈N)开始,连续2k+1个自然数的和等于()A.(k+1)3B.(k+1)3+k3C.(k﹣1)3+k3D.(2k+1)(k+1)3【解答】解:从k2+1(k∈N)开始,连续2k+1个自然数的和=k2+1+k2+2+…+(k2+2k+1)=(2k+1)•k2+=2k3+3k2+3k+1=(k+1)2+k3.故选:B.18.(3分)已知方程组的解中,y=﹣1,则k的值为()A.3 B.﹣3 C.1 D.﹣1【解答】解:由已知得到,解得;故选:B.三.解答题19.解关于x、y的方程组,并对解的情况进行讨论.【解答】解:系数矩阵D非奇异时,或者说行列式D=4﹣2m2﹣2m≠0,即m≠1且m≠﹣2时,方程组有唯一的解,x==,y==.系数矩阵D奇异时,或者说行列式D=4﹣2m2﹣2m=0,即m=1或m=﹣2时,方程组有无数个解或无解.当m=﹣2时,原方程为无解,当m=1时,原方程组为,无解.20.如图,A是△BCD所在平面外一点,M、N为△ABC和△ACD重心,BD=6;(1)求MN的长;(2)若A、C的位置发生变化,MN的位置和长度会改变吗?【解答】解:(1)延长AM、AN,分别交BC、CD于点E、F,连结EF.∵M、N分别是△ABC和△ACD的重心,∴AE、AF分别为△ABC和△ACD的中线,且=,可得MN∥EF且MN=EF,∵EF为△BCD的中位线,可得EF=BD,∴MN=BD=2;(2)由(1)可得位置改变,长度不改变.21.已知长方体ABCD﹣A'B'C'D'中,AB=4,AD=3,AA'=2;(1)求出异面直线AC'和BD所成角的余弦值;(2)找出AC'与平面D'DBB'的交点,并说明理由.【解答】解:(1)建立如图所示空间直角坐标系,∵AB=4,AD=3,AA'=2;∴C'(4,3,2),B(4,0,0),D(0,3,0)则:=(4,3,2),=(﹣4,3,0)异面直线AC'和BD所成角的余弦值为:==;(2)连接BD',DB'交于点O,则点O即为AC'与平面D'DBB'的交点,根据长方体的几何特征可得:O为长方体ABCD﹣A'B'C'D'外接球的球心,AC'为长方体ABCD﹣A'B'C'D'外接球的直径,故O为AC'中点,又由BD',DB'交于点O,故O在平面D'DBB'上,故O即为AC'与平面D'DBB'的交点.22.已知数列{a n}的前n项和S n满足:S n=(a n﹣1)(a为常数,且a≠0,a ≠1);(1)求{a n}的通项公式;(2)设b n=+1,若数列{b n}为等比数列,求a的值;(3)若数列{b n}是(2)中的等比数列,数列c n=(n﹣1)b n,求数列{c n}的前n 项和T n.【解答】解:(1)当n=1时,,∴a1=a,,当n≥2时,S n=(a n﹣1)且,两式做差化简得:a n=a•a n﹣1即:,∴数列{a n}是以a为首项,a为公比的等比数列,∴.(2)b n=+1=,若数列{b n}为等比数列,则=0,即.(3)由(2)知,∴∴T n=0×3+1×32+2×33+…+(n﹣1)3n…①3T n=0×32+1×33+2×34+…+(n﹣2)×3n+(n﹣1)×3n+1…②①﹣②得:﹣2T n=32+33+34+…+3n﹣(n﹣1)×3n+1=∴.23.设数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若对任意的正整数n,总存在正整数m,使得S n=a m,则称{a n}是“H数列”.(1)若数列{a n}的前n项和为S n=2n(n∈N*),证明:{a n}是“H数列”;(2)设{a n}是等差数列,其首项a1=1,公差d<0,若{a n}是“H数列”,求d的值;(3)证明:对任意的等差数列{a n},总存在两个“H数列”{b n}和{c n},使得a n=b n+c n (n∈N*)成立.【解答】解:(1)当n≥2时,a n=S n﹣S n﹣1=2n﹣2n﹣1=2n﹣1,当n=1时,a1=S1=2.当n=1时,S1=a1.当n≥2时,S n=a n+1.∴数列{a n}是“H”数列.(2)S n==,对∀n∈N*,∃m∈N*使S n=a m,即,取n=2时,得1+d=(m﹣1)d,解得,∵d<0,∴m<2,又m∈N*,∴m=1,∴d=﹣1.(3)设{a n}的公差为d,令b n=a1﹣(n﹣1)a1=(2﹣n)a1,对∀n∈N*,b n﹣b n=﹣a1,+1c n=(n﹣1)(a1+d),对∀n∈N*,c n﹣c n=a1+d,+1则b n+c n=a1+(n﹣1)d=a n,且数列{b n}和{c n}是等差数列.数列{b n}的前n项和T n =,令T n=(2﹣m)a1,则.当n=1时,m=1;当n=2时,m=1.当n≥3时,由于n与n﹣3的奇偶性不同,即n(n﹣3)为非负偶数,m∈N*.因此对∀n∈N*,都可找到m∈N*,使T n=b m成立,即{b n}为H数列.数列{c n}的前n项和R n =,令c m=(m﹣1)(a1+d)=R n,则m=.∵对∀n∈N*,n(n﹣3)为非负偶数,∴m∈N*.因此对∀n∈N*,都可找到m∈N*,使R n=c m成立,即{c n}为H数列.因此命题得证.赠送:初中数学几何模型举例【模型四】几何最值模型:图形特征:l运用举例:1. △ABC中,AB=6,AC=8,BC=10,P为边BC上一动点,PE⊥AB于E,PF⊥AC于F,M为AP的中点,则MF的最小值为B2.如图,在边长为6的菱形ABCD中,∠BAD=60°,E为AB的中点,F为AC上一动点,则EF+BF的最小值为_________。


B.一个锑原子的质量与12C原子的质量的 的比值,为该锑原子的相对原子质量,选项B错误;
【点睛】阳离子核外电子数 核电荷数 离子所带电荷数,阴离子核外电子数 核电荷数 离子所带电荷数。
【详解】2g甲烷的物质的量为: = ,22g二氧化碳的物质的量为: =0.5mol,根据N=nNA可知,甲烷和二氧化碳的物质的量与含有的分子数成正比,则 mol:0.5mol=X:N(CO2),解得:N(CO2)=4X,故选A。



装…………○………姓名:___________班级:_______装…………○………绝密★启用前上海市曹杨二中2015-2016学年高一上学期期中数学试题试卷副标题注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、单选题1.设U 是全集,,,M P S 是U 的三个子集,则阴影部分所示的集合为( )A .()M P S I IB .)()U M P C S ⋂⋂( C .()M P S I UD .)()U M P C S ⋂⋃( 2.下列各式中,最小值为2的是( ) A .1x x+ BC .+y y x xD .3-+x3.设()f x 是R 上的偶函数,且在(–∞,0)上为减函数,若1120,0x x x <+>,则 A .()()12f x f x > B .()()12f x f x =C .()()12f x f x <D .不能确定f (x 1)与f (x 2)的大小关系4.已知函数f(x)=|x|−a|x−a|,则下列说法中正确的是( )………○……※※请※………○……B .若f(x)≥1恒成立,则a ≥0C .若a <0,则关于x 的方程f(x)=a 有解D .若关于x 的方程f(x)=a 有解,则0<a ≤1第II 卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II 卷的文字说明 二、填空题5.设全集U R =.若集合{}1,2,3,4A =,{}|23x x B =≤≤,则U A C B ⋂= .6.不等式1021x x -≤+的解集是____. 7.命题“若2x >且3y >,则5x y +>”的否命题是__________命题.(填入“真”或“假”)8.已知x y R ∈,,且41x y +=,则xy 的最大值为__________. 9.已知函数()240222x x f x x x ⎧+≤≤=⎨>⎩,,,若()08f x =,则0x =__________.10.若00x y >>,,且191x y+=,则2x y +的最小值为__________. 11.已知函数()223f x x ax =+-在[]23,上单调,则实数a 取值范围是__________. 12.定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 在[)0,+∞上的图像如图所示,则不等式()0xf x <的解集是______.13.已知集合(){}22112|2103x P x Q x x x m ⎧-⎫=-=-+-⎨⎬⎩⎭≤,≤,其中m >0,全集U =R .若“U x P ∈ð”是“∈ðU x Q ”的必要不充分条件,则实数m 的取值范围为__________.14.若关于x 的不等式12+--≤x x a 的解集为∅,则实数a 的取值范围是__________. 15.已知函数()f x ,那么实数a 的取值范围是__________.16.设函数()f x ,()g x 的定义域分别为Df ,Dg ,且Df Dg ⊆.若对于任意x Df ∈,都有()()g x f x =,则称函数()g x 为()f x 在Dg 上的一个延拓函数.设2()2f x =x x +,(,0]x ∈-∞,()g x 为()f x 在R 上的一个延拓函数,且()g x 是偶函数,则()g x =_____.17.定义区间()[)(][],,,,,,,a d a d a d a d 的长度为()->d a d a ,已知a b >,则满足111x a x b+≥--的x 构成的区间的长度之和为__________. 三、解答题18.已知集合(){}2|1320=-+-=A x m x x .(1)若集合A 为两个元素的集合,试求实数m 的范围;(2)是否存在这样的实数m ,使得集合A 有且仅有两个子集?若存在,求出所有的m 的值组成的集合M ;若不存在,请说明理由.19.对于集合A 、B ,我们把集合{|x x A ∈且x B ∉}叫做集合A 与B 的差集,记作A B -.(1)若集合{{}2||1M x y N y y x ===-,,求M N -;(2)若集合{}|015=<-≤A x ax ,1|22⎧⎫=-<⎨⎬⎩⎭≤B y y ,且A B -=∅,求实数a 的取值范围.20.为了在夏季降温和冬季供暖时减少能源损耗,房屋的屋顶和外墙需要建造隔热层.某幢建筑物要建造可使用20年的隔热层,每厘米厚的隔热层建造成本为6万元.该建筑物每年的能源消耗费用C (单位:万元)与隔热层厚度x (单位:cm )满足关系:()()4001035=+≤≤C x x x .设()f x 为隔热层建造费用与20年的能源消耗费用之和. (1)求()f x 的表达式;(2)隔热层修建多厚时,总费用()f x 达到最小,并求出最小值.21.设函数()1g x =,函数()1h x =,(]3,x a ∈-,其中a 为常数,且0a >,令函数()f x 为函数()g x 和()h x 的积函数. (1)求函数()f x 的表达式,并求其定义域; (2)当14a =时,求函数()f x 的值域 (3)是否存在自然数a ,使得函数()f x 的值域恰好为11,32⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦?若存在,试写出所有满足条件的自然数a 所构成的集合;若不存在,试说明理由.参考答案1.B 【解析】 【分析】由图象可知阴影部分对应的集合的元素一定不在集合S 中,因此在∁U S ,且在集合M 与集合P 的交集中,因此应是∁U S 与M ∩P 的交集. 【详解】解:由图象可知:阴影部分对应的集合的元素x ∉S ,∴x ∈∁U S ,且x ∈M ∩P , 因此x ∈(∁U S )∩(M ∩P ). 故选:B . 【点睛】本题考查了集合与韦恩图的对应关系,分析元素的特点是关键,属于基础题. 2.D 【解析】 【分析】根据基本不等式结合勾型函数即可判断ABC 都不满足最小值为2,利用配方法可得3-x 的最小值为2.【详解】 当0x <时,10x x+<不合题意,所以A 错误;4≥,当x =B 错误;当0xy <时,0y yx x+<不合题意,所以C 错误; )2312x -=+1=时,取得最小值2.故选:D 【点睛】此题考查函数最值的辨析,涉及基本不等式与勾型函数和二次函数讨论最值问题. 3.C 【解析】 【分析】由题意可得()f x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,因为1120,0x x x <+>,得210x x >->,利用函数的单调性,即可求解. 【详解】由题意可得()f x 在(0,+∞)上单调递增.因为1120,0x x x +,所以210x x >->, 从而有()()()211f x f x f x >-=. 【点睛】本题主要考查了函数的单调性与奇偶性的应用,其中根据函数的奇偶性,得到函数()f x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增是解答的关键,着重考查了推理与运算能力.4.D 【解析】试题分析:绝对值不等式||a|-|b||≤|a±b|≤|a|+|b|,由题,a≤0,则|x-a|≤|x|-a,f(x)≥1,A 错误;f(x)≥1恒成立,则a≤0,x≥0,B 错误,a<0,则0≤|x -a|≤|x|-a,方程f(x)=a,左边是正数,右边是负数,无解,所以C 错误,方程f(x)=a 有解,则两边同号,即|x|-a 与a 同号,可解得0<a≤1,选D. 考点:函数与绝对值不等式. 5.{}1,4 【解析】 【详解】因为{32}U C B x x x =<或,所以{}4,1U A C B ⋂= 考点:集合运算 6.1,12⎛⎤-⎥⎝⎦【解析】 【分析】将分式型不等式转化为二次不等式求解,结合定义域将在分式中无意义的值去除. 【详解】由题意知:原不等式可化为:()()1210x x -+≤且12x ⎛⎫≠- ⎪⎝⎭.解得:112x -<≤. 【点睛】本题考查分式型不等式的求法,可将分式不等式化为二次不等式求解,但要注意分式不等式与二次不等式的定义域上的区别,注意将无意义的值去除. 7.假 【解析】 【分析】写出否命题,即可判断命题的真假. 【详解】命题“若2x >且3y >,则5x y +>”的否命题:“若2x ≤或3y ≤,则5x y +≤”是假命题,例如1,9x y ==,满足2x ≤或3y ≤,但不能推出5x y +≤. 故答案为:假 【点睛】此题考查根据已知命题写出否命题,并判断真假,涉及含有逻辑联结词的命题的否定. 8.116【解析】 【分析】根据已知得14x y =-,24xy y y =-+利用二次函数求最大值. 【详解】由题:x y R ∈,,且41x y +=,14x y =- 则()2144xy y y y y =-=-+,根据二次函数性质:当18y =时,()2144xy y y y y =-=-+取得最大值, 最大值为116. 故答案为:116【点睛】此题考查根据已知条件求代数式的最值,形式简单可以直接根据二次函数求解,也可以构造基本不等式求解. 9.2或4 【解析】 【分析】根据分段函数解析式,分段代入解析式求解即可. 【详解】由题:函数()240222x x f x x x ⎧+≤≤=⎨>⎩,,,若()08f x =,当002x ≤≤时,2048x +=,解得02x =;当02x >时,028x =,解得04x =, 所以02x =或4. 故答案为:2或4 【点睛】此题考查分段函数,根据分段函数的函数值,求自变量的取值,代入解析式准确求解即可. 10.19+【解析】 【分析】处理代数式()192922118y xx y x y x y x y ⎛⎫+=++=+++ ⎪⎝⎭,根据基本不等式求最小值.【详解】由题:00x y >>,,且191x y+=, 则()1929221181919y x x y x y x y x y ⎛⎫+=++=+++≥+=+⎪⎝⎭当29y xx y=时取得等号,此时33x ==+即19x y =+=时,取得最小值19+故答案为:19+【点睛】此题考查根据基本不等式求最小值,关键在于恰当地处理题目中出现的“1”,对于最小值要注意讨论最小值取得的条件. 11.2a ≥-或3a ≤- 【解析】 【分析】二次函数在[]23,上单调,即2a -≤或3a -≥,求解即可. 【详解】函数()223f x x ax =+-对称轴为x a =-在[]23,上单调,即2a -≤或3a -≥, 即:2a ≥-或3a ≤-. 故答案为:2a ≥-或3a ≤- 【点睛】此题考查根据二次函数在某一区间的单调性求参数范围,关键在于根据对称轴准确讨论. 12.()(),22,-∞-+∞U 【解析】 【分析】解不等式组00()0()0x x f x f x ><⎧⎧⎨⎨<>⎩⎩或得解.【详解】因为函数f(x)是奇函数, 所以函数的图像为因为()0xf x <,所以函数的第二、四象限的图像满足题意, 所以x >2或x <-2.所以不等式的解集为()(),22,-∞-+∞U . 故答案为()(),22,-∞-+∞U 【点睛】本题主要考查奇函数的图像和性质,意在考查学生对这些知识的理解掌握水平. 13.9m ≥ 【解析】 【分析】解出集合P ,Q ,根据充分条件和必要条件关系得出两个集合的包含关系即可求出范围. 【详解】由题:“U x P ∈ð”是“∈ðU x Q ”的必要不充分条件, U QðU P ð,即P Q ,解不等式1123x --≤,12123x --≤-≤, 646x -≤-≤,210x -≤≤所以[]1122,103x P x ⎧-⎫=-=-⎨⎬⎩⎭≤, (){}()()()(){}22|210|110Q x x x m x x m x m =-+-=-+--≤≤,m >0,PQ ,所以11012m m +≥⎧⎨-≤-⎩,解得:9m ≥. 故答案为:9m ≥【点睛】此题考查根据充分条件和必要条件判断集合的包含关系求解参数范围,关键在于准确判断两个集合的包含关系,列出不等式组求解.14.3a <-【解析】【分析】 根据绝对值三角不等式求出12x x +--的最小值,即可求解.【详解】根据绝对值三角不等式有:()()1212x x x x +--≤+--即:()()()()121212x x x x x x -+--≤+--≤+--, 所以3123x x -≤+--≤,当1x ≤-时,123x x +--=-,关于x 的不等式12+--≤x x a 的解集为∅,即3a <-.故答案为:3a <-【点睛】此题考查根据不等式恒成立求参数范围,关键在于找准解题所需要的最值.15.[)5,1,3⎛⎤-∞-+∞ ⎥⎝⎦U 【解析】【分析】将题目转化为()()221110a x a x ---+≥对于x 取一切实数恒成立,求实数a 的取值范围. 【详解】函数()=f x 的定义域是全体实数,即()()221110a x a x ---+≥对于x 取一切实数恒成立, 当210a -=时,不是二次不等式:当1a =时,20010x x ⨯-⨯+≥对于x 取一切实数恒成立,满足题意;当1a =-时,20210x x ⨯++≥不能对于x 取一切实数恒成立,舍去;当210a -≠时,()()222101410a a a ⎧->⎪⎨---≤⎪⎩,解得:()5,1,3a ⎛⎤∈-∞-+∞ ⎥⎝⎦U , 综上所述:[)5,1,3a ⎛⎤∈-∞-+∞ ⎥⎝⎦U 故答案为:[)5,1,3⎛⎤-∞-+∞ ⎥⎝⎦U 【点睛】此题考查根据函数定义域求参数范围,其本质是根据二次不等式恒成立求参数范围,容易漏掉讨论非二次不等式的情况.16.22||x x -【解析】【分析】由题意可知当(],0x ∈-∞时,()22g x x x =+,再根据()g x 是偶函数,求0x >时的解析式,合并一起求()g x .【详解】由题意可知当(],0x ∈-∞时,()22g x x x =+ 设0x >,0x -<,又Q ()g x 是偶函数,()()()()2222g x g x x x x x ∴=-=-+⋅-=-, ()2222x x g x x x ⎧-∴=⎨+⎩ 00x x >≤ ,整理为:()22g x x x =-. 故答案为:22x x -【点睛】本题考查函数的新定义题型,本题的关键是读懂题意,正确理解题意.17.2【解析】【分析】解出分式不等式的解集,结合韦达定理,即可求得区间长度之和.【详解】 由题:111x a x b+≥--,所以()()21x a b x a x b --≥-- ()()210x a b x a x b ---≥-- ()()()220x a b x ab a b x a x b -+++++≤--, 考虑函数()()22f x x a b x ab a b =-+++++, ()()220f b b a b b ab a b a b =-+++++=->,()()220f a a a b a ab a b b a =-+++++=-<所以函数()()22f x x a b x ab a b =-+++++一定存在两个零点设为12x x <, 即()220x a b x ab a b -+++++=的根为12x x <, 122x x a b +=++,()f x 其对称轴为22a b x b ++=>,且202a b f ++⎛⎫< ⎪⎝⎭, 可得:12b x a x <<<()()()220x a b x ab a b x a x b -+++++≤--即()()()()120x x x x x a x b --≤--, 结合数轴穿根,所以不等式的解集为(](]12,,b x a x U ,区间长度之和为12122x b x a x x a b -+-=+--=.故答案为:2【点睛】此题考查求解分式不等式,涉及根的分布问题,利用高次不等式的解法求解不等式.18.(1)()1,11,8m ⎛⎫∈-+∞ ⎪⎝⎭U ;(2)存在,1,18M ⎧⎫=-⎨⎬⎩⎭【解析】【分析】(1)讨论方程()21320m x x -+-=有两个不等实根即可求解;(2)只需集合里面恰有一个元素,即()21320m x x -+-=只有一个实数根.【详解】(1)集合A 为两个元素的集合,所以方程()21320m x x -+-=有两个不等实根,即()109810m m -≠⎧⎪⎨∆=+->⎪⎩, 得:()1,11,8m ⎛⎫∈-+∞ ⎪⎝⎭U ; (2)存在这样的实数m ,使得集合A 有且仅有两个子集,即集合里面恰有一个元素,即()21320m x x -+-=只有一个实数根,当1m =时,2320,3x x -==符合题意; 或()109810m m -≠⎧⎪⎨∆=+-=⎪⎩即18m =-,所以1,18M ⎧⎫=-⎨⎬⎩⎭. 【点睛】此题考查根据集合中的元素个数求参数范围,关键在于对方程的根的个数进行准确判断. 19.(1)()1,+?;(2)()[){},123,0a ∈-∞-+∞U U . 【解析】【分析】(1)求出集合,M N 即可得到M N -;(2){|x x A ∈且x B ∉}为空集,即A 是B 的子集,即可求解参数的范围.【详解】(1)由题:{1|,2M x y ⎡⎫===+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭, {}(]2|1,1N y y x ==-=-∞,所以()1,M N -=+∞;(2)集合{}|015=<-≤A x ax ,1|22⎧⎫=-<⎨⎬⎩⎭≤B y y , A B -=∅,即A B ⊆,当0a =时,{}|0015A x x =<⨯-=∅≤,符合题意;当0a >时,{}16|015,A x ax a a ⎛⎤=<-= ⎥⎝⎦≤,011262a aa⎧⎪>⎪⎪≥-⎨⎪⎪≤⎪⎩,解得:3a ≥; 当0a <时,{}61|015,A x ax a a ⎡⎫=<-=⎪⎢⎣⎭≤,012612a aa⎧⎪<⎪⎪≤⎨⎪⎪>-⎪⎩,解得:12a <-; 综上所述:()[){},123,0a ∈-∞-+∞U U【点睛】此题考查集合相关新定义问题,其本质在于根据集合之间的关系求解参数范围,涉及分类讨论,注意不可遗漏,尤其是特殊情况的考虑.20.(1)()()8006,01035x x x f x ++=≤≤;(2)隔热层修建5cm 厚时,总费用最小70万元.【解析】【分析】 (1)建造成本加上能源消耗就是费用总和;(2)根据函数关系讨论单调性求出最小值.【详解】(1)每年能源消耗费用为()()4001035=+≤≤C x x x , 建造费用为6x ,所以()()()80066,0103520C f x x x x x x +==++≤≤; (2)由(1)()()80061010,01035f x x x x ++-+=≤≤,令[]35,5,35t x t =+∈ ()f x 的最小值即求800210y t t=+-,[]5,35t ∈的最小值, 根据勾型函数性质800210y t t=+-,[]5,20t ∈单调递减,在[]20,35t ∈单调递增, 所以最小值为当20t =时,80040107020y =+-=, 所以当隔热层修建5cm 厚时,总费用最小70万元.【点睛】此题考查函数模型的应用,关键在于读懂题目,根据题意得出函数关系,根据函数的性质求解最值,实际应用问题注意考虑定义域.21.(1)()x f =定义域为[]0,a ;(2)16,313⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦;(3)存在,{}1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 【解析】【分析】(1)根据题意得的()()()13f xg xh x x =⋅+=,再计算定义域得到答案. (2)311,2t t ⎡⎤=∴∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,化简得到()142x t y f t=+-=,根据函数单调性得到值域.(3)计算当2t =时12y =,且4t =时13y =,根据单调性得到不等式214≤+,计算得到答案.【详解】 (1)()()())113f x g x h x x =⋅=+⋅=,定义域为[]0,a (2)()11,0,34f x x x ⎡⎤=∈⎢⎥+⎣⎦311,2t t ⎡⎤=∴∈⎢⎥⎣⎦ ()()221424132tt x t t y tf t t ===-+-++-= 根据双勾函数性质知函数在31,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦单调递增,故max min 61,133y y ==,故值域为16,313⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦(3)存在;根据(2)知142t ty =+-,1,1t ⎡∈⎣, 根据双勾函数性质知函数142t t y =+-在()1,2单调递增,()2,+∞上单调递减. 当2t =时12y =,且4t =时13y =,函数()f x 的值域恰好为11,32⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦故21419a ≤+≤∴≤≤,构成的集合为{}1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9【点睛】本题考查了函数的解析式,值域,意在考查学生对于函数知识的综合应用.。



13.密度为 1.84g / cm3 浓度为 98% 的 H 2SO 物质的量浓度是(
) mol / L
A . 18.4
B. 0.0184
D. 1.84
14.实验室里需用 480mol 0.1mol / L 的 CuSO4 溶液,现选用 500mL 容量瓶进行配制,以下操作正确的
是( )已知胆矾的化学式 CuSO4 5H 2 O

A . 4 克固体溶解后立即用玻璃棒引流到容量瓶中 B.用量筒取水加到容量瓶中,直到凹液面恰好与刻度线相切
D .用胶头滴管定容时,如果液面超过刻度线,宣布实验失败,只能重做
18.在 RO3n 离子中共有 X 个核外电子, R 原子的质量数为 A ,则 R 的原子核内含有的中子数目为 ( )
8. 定 义 在 R 上 的 奇 函 数 f x 在 0, __________.
上 的图像 如图所 示,则 不等式 x f x 0 的 解集是
y 2
9.已知集合 P
x 1 x 1 ≤ 2 ,Q 3
x | x 2 2 x 1 m2 ≤ 0 ,其中 m 0,全集 U R .若“ x eU Q ”
B.若 f x ≥ 1恒成立,即 a ≥ 0
C.若 a 0 ,则关于 x 的方程 f x a 有解
D.若关于 x 的方程 f x a 有解,则 0 a ≤1
三、解答题( 10 分 +10 分 +12 分 +13 分) 18.已知集合 A x | m 1 x2 3x 2 0 . ( 1)若集合 A 为两个元素的集合,试求实数 m 的范围; ( 2)是否存在这样的实数 m ,使得集合 A 且具仅有两个子集?若存在,求出所有的



上海市曹杨二中2007学年高一第一学期期中考试命题人审核人Part OneI.Listening ( 20%)Part A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Teacher and student. B. Policeman and driver.C. Boss and secretary.D. Doctor and patient.2. A. In a restaurant. B. At the airport.C. At the railway station.D. In the post office.3. A. 2:30 B. 2:45 C. 2:15 D. 3:154. A. Ask Alan for the Smiths’ addressB. Have a party for the Smiths.C. Give the Smiths presents.D. Visit the Smiths immediately.5. A. Because he lost his way. B. Because he met with traffic jam.C. Because his car was broken.D. Because the meeting started earlier.6. A. Canada B. Italy C. Turkey D. Kentucky7. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five8. A. $20 B. $25 C. $30 D. $359. A. At home. B. At the riverside.C. At the health center.D. At his office.10. A. Having an interview. B. Filling out a form.C. Talking with his friend.D. Asking for information.Part B PassagesQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. He spent all his pocket money on the things he needed.B. He spent all his pocket money in the things he didn’t need.C. He wasted a lot of his pocket money on the things he didn’t need.D. He paid a lot of his pocket money on the notebooks he needed.12. A. Save some of his pocket money.B. Not to spend any more of his pocket money on the things he didn’t need.C. Write down the names and prices of the things he had bought.D. Not to waste so much pocket money.13. A. He thought if he could spell the word of the thing he would buy.B. He thought if his mother would be pleased with him.C. He thought if he could save some of his pocket money.D. He thought how he wouldn’t waste his pocket money any more.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. October17 B. October 18 C. October 19 D. October 2815. A. 28 B. 36 C. 37 D. 3216. A. 4 B. 36 C. 33 D. 28Part C Longer ConversationsBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.I.Grammar and vocabulary ( 20%)21. My shorter hair always looked healthy. _________ now it seems to break more easily whengrowing longer.A. SoB. ButC. BecauseD. If22. By this time next month, I ___________ the task given to me last week.A. have finishedB. will have finishedC. will finishD. am to finish23. The tired boy preferred to stay at home rather than _________ to the cinema.A. goB. goingC. to goD. went24. In learning something you ________ not succeed but you __________ spare no efforts.A. must, canB. must, mayC. may, mustD. can, can25. With GPS installed in my car, I have no ____________________ the places I’d like to visit inthe east of China.A. difficulties in findingB. difficulty in findingC. difficulty to findD. difficulty find26. ---- Oh, it’s you! I ________ you.----- I’ve just had my hair cut, and I’m wearing glasses.A. didn’t recognizeB.hadn’t recognizedC. haven’t recognizedD. don’t recognize27. The way _______ you speak to your teacher is right for you.A. whichB. thatC. howD. in that28. Improper food can damage your hair, ___________________.A. so can the stress in lifeB. and the stress in life canC. and can the stress in lifeD. so the stress in life29. Constantly smoking can secretly _______________.A. rob health of youB. steal you from healthC. rob yours of healthD. steal health from you30. Good news: the new chain store near the Rose Garden Estate is ______ from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.A. openingB. openC. openedD. being opened31. I’ll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ________ if we leave it here.A. would be finedB. will be finedC. will being finedD. will have been fined32. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ______ Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy thecommon cold.A. have takedB. have been takenC. have been takingD. has been taking33. The kid was told to _________ the cream every day over the skin after washing his face.A. supplyB. applyC. replyD. imply34. The _______ for a race to start is often the firing of a gun.A. sighB. signC. signatureD. signal35. One of the best ways to ______ food on hot summer days is to keep your food in the fridge.A. reserveB. deserveC. preserveD. serve36. The government of Shanghai has taken _____ action to clean Suzhou River, whose waterquality has improved a lot.A. effectiveB. effectC. effectivelyD. affect37.The teacher ________ at the test paper and immediately recognized David’s handwriting.A. skimmedB. scannedC. glaredD. glanced38. The 2007 Special Olympics Summer World Games ________ a great success.A. turned upB. turned overC. turned outD. turn down39. She always enjoys her ________ in the mirror.A. collectionB. destinationC. reflectionD. relation40. It is necessary for us to have some background knowledge of the ______ development of theEnglish language.A. historicalB. historyC. historicD. historianIII. Cloze ( 10%)The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are drawing near. Are you eager to enjoy watching the matches or start serving as a _41___? First, you need to know about audience manners.The behavior of courtside (场边的)audiences is __42___ to be an important part of sporting culture. In 2004, after world champion Stephen Hendry lost to Ding Junhui in the China Open Snooker Championships, he __43___ of the noise from Chinese spectators(观众). Perhaps you and your classmates could __44__ how to behave while in the audience at the Olympic Games.Most sporting arenas(竞技场)have rules for spectators written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you arrive. Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of the event and don’t leave when a game is in progress. When you leave, remember to _45___ your soft drink bottles and other trash.During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don’t criticize the _46___ of players and coaches(教练).__47__is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players. But you should do it properly. When players first appear, clap your hands together to _48____ them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, applaud warmly. If someone __49____, your applause will help encourage them.To be a good spectator, you should take __50___ to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event.41. A. judge B. volunteer C. reporter D. player42. A. advised B. agreed C. hoped D. considered43. A. blamed B. impressed C. complained D. praised44. A. explain B. settle C. teach D. discuss45. A. throw B. take C. set D. hold46.A. judgment B. action C. performance D. experience47. A. Applause B. Scream C. Movement D. Nodding48. A. lead B. welcome C. congratulate D. help49. A. beats B. wins C. fails D. succeeds50. A. time B. lessons C. rules D. placeIV. Reading ( 18%)( A)51. Where can you spend the night in a tour?A. Cook's Cottage.B. Westfield Centrepoint.C. Sydney Tower:D. Sovereign Hill.52. What is the time that Cook's Cottage is open on Saturday in the summer?A. 11:00 am--2:00 pm.B. 5:00 pm--10:30 pm.C. 9:00 am--5:30 pm.D. 9:00 am--5:00 pm.53. The Anchorage Restaurant is_______________________.A. in WilliamstownB. in the centre of the cityC. in AnchorageD. in a Cantonese fishing port(B)Here is a poster on a middle school web site. Read the web-site poster.Going, Going, Gone!The Haynes Middle School Parent-Teacher organizationInvites you to attend our latest fund-raiser,The Fourth Annual Haynes School Auction(拍卖)!Saturday, May 106:00 p.m.-11: p.m.in the school hall6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. :All items for auction are previewed.6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. : Silent auction begins.7:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. : Highest bidders(出价人)from silent auction are determined. 7:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m. : Main auction begins.Items up for bid in the silent auction range in value from $ 5.00 to $ 30.00. Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:●Airline tickets to a place of your choice●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game●$ 50 gift tickets to local gift shops, restaurants, and salonsDon’t miss the boat! Book your tickets today.Last year, tickets sold out in five days!Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.$ 15.00 per personAll the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.54. Which of the following is not mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?A. A movie pass to the local cinema.B. A weekend stay at a hotel.C. A ticket to a restaurant.D. Airline tickets.55. Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year’s auction?A. The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.B. All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.C. More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.D. Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.56. The phrase “first-come, first-served” tells you that __________.A. people can buy the tickets on the first day onlyB. the person who is first to arrive will receive a ticket at no chargeC. food and drinks will be served at the auctionD. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them(C)No country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA. There are almost 2,000 of them, as compared with 180 in Japan, 164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain. The quality of some American papers is extremely high and their views are quoted all over the world. Distinguished dailies like the Washington Post or the New York Times exert a powerful influence all over the country. However the Post and the Times are not national newspapers in the sense that the Times is in Britain or Le Monde is in France, since each American city has its own daily newspaper. The best of these present detailed accounts of national and international news, but many tend to limit themselves to state or city news.Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the “sensational”, which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events. But with few exceptions American newspapers try to entertain as well as give information, for they have to compete with the lure of television.Just as American newspapers cater to all tastes, so do they also try and appeal to readers of all political persuasions. A few newspapers support extremist groups on the far right and on the far left, but most daily newspapers attempt to attract middle-of-the-road Americans who are essentially moderate. Many of these papers print columns by well-known journalists of different political and social views, in order to present a balanced picture.As in other democratic countries American newspapers can be either responsible or irresponsible, but it is generally accepted that the American press serves its country well and that it has more than once courageously exposed political scandals or crimes, for instance, the Watergate Affair. The newspapers drew the attention of the public to the horrors of the Vietnam War.57. Most American newspapers try hard to entertain their readers because _____.A. they have to keep up a good relation with themB. they have to compete with televisionC. they have to write about crime, sex and gossipD. they have to give factual news in an interesting way58. Many American newspapers attract readers of different political inclination by _____.A. supporting extremist groups from time to timeB. inviting middle-of-the-road Americans to write articles for themC. avoiding carrying articles about extremistsD. printing articles representing different political viewpoints59. The passage is mainly about _____.A. the characteristics of American newspapersB. the development of American newspapersC. the functions of American newspapersD. the merits and shortcomings of American newspapersPart TwoI. write out the word according to the English meaning ( 7%)1. a person who works for someone else e___________2. the feeling of not understanding clearly c___________3. a piece of printed paper for advertising l____________4. a chemical necessary for good health, which is found inMeat, beans and dairy products p____________5. a group of people and their culture c____________6. a work of art made by shaping wood, stone, metal, etc. s_____________7. ( of a small thing that is) difficult to describe or see s_____________II.Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases in proper forms. (10%)1.Talking with full mouth _______________ in some traditional Chinese families.2.How you __________ your hair depends on the type of hair you have , your lifestyle, and howyou style your hair.3.How to improve the hair _______________ several factors. Heredity is a key element.4.When he got the news that his best friend got into trouble, he was going to do a favour_____________.5.Although the problem is rather tough, there are a number of possible _____ to it.6.The increase in crime is a bad ___________________ our society today.7.They all avoided ________ that name in front of her, or she would fly into a rage.8.The Great Wall _________ in the 3rd century B.C., and it _______ as a historic monumenttoday.9.One of the most colorful and _________ ceremonies to be seen in London is the ChangingGuard, which takes place every day in the Palace forecourt.III. Translations (10%)1. 他正在考虑买一台新的电脑。

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上海市曹杨二中2007学年高一第一学期期中考试命题人审核人Part OneI.Listening ( 20%)Part A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Teacher and student. B. Policeman and driver.C. Boss and secretary.D. Doctor and patient.2. A. In a restaurant. B. At the airport.C. At the railway station.D. In the post office.3. A. 2:30 B. 2:45 C. 2:15 D. 3:154. A. Ask Alan for the Smiths’ addressB. Have a party for the Smiths.C. Give the Smiths presents.D. Visit the Smiths immediately.5. A. Because he lost his way. B. Because he met with traffic jam.C. Because his car was broken.D. Because the meeting started earlier.6. A. Canada B. Italy C. Turkey D. Kentucky7. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five8. A. $20 B. $25 C. $30 D. $359. A. At home. B. At the riverside.C. At the health center.D. At his office.10. A. Having an interview. B. Filling out a form.C. Talking with his friend.D. Asking for information.Part B PassagesQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. He spent all his pocket money on the things he needed.B. He spent all his pocket money in the things he didn’t need.C. He wasted a lot of his pocket money on the things he didn’t need.D. He paid a lot of his pocket money on the notebooks he needed.12. A. Save some of his pocket money.B. Not to spend any more of his pocket money on the things he didn’t need.C. Write down the names and prices of the things he had bought.D. Not to waste so much pocket money.13. A. He thought if he could spell the word of the thing he would buy.B. He thought if his mother would be pleased with him.C. He thought if he could save some of his pocket money.D. He thought how he wouldn’t waste his pocket money any more.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. October17 B. October 18 C. October 19 D. October 2815. A. 28 B. 36 C. 37 D. 3216. A. 4 B. 36 C. 33 D. 28Part C Longer ConversationsBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.I.Grammar and vocabulary ( 20%)21. My shorter hair always looked healthy. _________ now it seems to break more easily whengrowing longer.A. SoB. ButC. BecauseD. If22. By this time next month, I ___________ the task given to me last week.A. have finishedB. will have finishedC. will finishD. am to finish23. The tired boy preferred to stay at home rather than _________ to the cinema.A. goB. goingC. to goD. went24. In learning something you ________ not succeed but you __________ spare no efforts.A. must, canB. must, mayC. may, mustD. can, can25. With GPS installed in my car, I have no ____________________ the places I’d like to visit inthe east of China.A. difficulties in findingB. difficulty in findingC. difficulty to findD. difficulty find26. ---- Oh, it’s you! I ________ you.----- I’ve just had my hair cut, and I’m wearing glasses.A. didn’t recognizeB.hadn’t recognizedC. haven’t recognizedD. don’t recognize27. The way _______ you speak to your teacher is right for you.A. whichB. thatC. howD. in that28. Improper food can damage your hair, ___________________.A. so can the stress in lifeB. and the stress in life canC. and can the stress in lifeD. so the stress in life29. Constantly smoking can secretly _______________.A. rob health of youB. steal you from healthC. rob yours of healthD. steal health from you30. Good news: the new chain store near the Rose Garden Estate is ______ from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.A. openingB. openC. openedD. being opened31. I’ll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ________ if we leave it here.A. would be finedB. will be finedC. will being finedD. will have been fined32. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ______ Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy thecommon cold.A. have takedB. have been takenC. have been takingD. has been taking33. The kid was told to _________ the cream every day over the skin after washing his face.A. supplyB. applyC. replyD. imply34. The _______ for a race to start is often the firing of a gun.A. sighB. signC. signatureD. signal35. One of the best ways to ______ food on hot summer days is to keep your food in the fridge.A. reserveB. deserveC. preserveD. serve36. The government of Shanghai has taken _____ action to clean Suzhou River, whose waterquality has improved a lot.A. effectiveB. effectC. effectivelyD. affect37.The teacher ________ at the test paper and immediately recognized David’s handwriting.A. skimmedB. scannedC. glaredD. glanced38. The 2007 Special Olympics Summer World Games ________ a great success.A. turned upB. turned overC. turned outD. turn down39. She always enjoys her ________ in the mirror.A. collectionB. destinationC. reflectionD. relation40. It is necessary for us to have some background knowledge of the ______ development of theEnglish language.A. historicalB. historyC. historicD. historianIII. Cloze ( 10%)The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are drawing near. Are you eager to enjoy watching the matches or start serving as a _41___? First, you need to know about audience manners.The behavior of courtside (场边的)audiences is __42___ to be an important part of sporting culture. In 2004, after world champion Stephen Hendry lost to Ding Junhui in the China Open Snooker Championships, he __43___ of the noise from Chinese spectators(观众). Perhaps you and your classmates could __44__ how to behave while in the audience at the Olympic Games.Most sporting arenas(竞技场)have rules for spectators written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you arrive. Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of the event and don’t leave when a game is in progress. When you leave, remember to _45___ your soft drink bottles and other trash.During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don’t criticize the _46___ of players and coaches(教练).__47__is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players. But you should do it properly. When players first appear, clap your hands together to _48____ them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, applaud warmly. If someone __49____, your applause will help encourage them.To be a good spectator, you should take __50___ to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event.41. A. judge B. volunteer C. reporter D. player42. A. advised B. agreed C. hoped D. considered43. A. blamed B. impressed C. complained D. praised44. A. explain B. settle C. teach D. discuss45. A. throw B. take C. set D. hold46.A. judgment B. action C. performance D. experience47. A. Applause B. Scream C. Movement D. Nodding48. A. lead B. welcome C. congratulate D. help49. A. beats B. wins C. fails D. succeeds50. A. time B. lessons C. rules D. placeIV. Reading ( 18%)( A)51. Where can you spend the night in a tour?A. Cook's Cottage.B. Westfield Centrepoint.C. Sydney Tower:D. Sovereign Hill.52. What is the time that Cook's Cottage is open on Saturday in the summer?A. 11:00 am--2:00 pm.B. 5:00 pm--10:30 pm.C. 9:00 am--5:30 pm.D. 9:00 am--5:00 pm.53. The Anchorage Restaurant is_______________________.A. in WilliamstownB. in the centre of the cityC. in AnchorageD. in a Cantonese fishing port(B)Here is a poster on a middle school web site. Read the web-site poster.Going, Going, Gone!The Haynes Middle School Parent-Teacher organizationInvites you to attend our latest fund-raiser,The Fourth Annual Haynes School Auction(拍卖)!Saturday, May 106:00 p.m.-11: p.m.in the school hall6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. :All items for auction are previewed.6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. : Silent auction begins.7:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. : Highest bidders(出价人)from silent auction are determined. 7:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m. : Main auction begins.Items up for bid in the silent auction range in value from $ 5.00 to $ 30.00. Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:●Airline tickets to a place of your choice●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game●$ 50 gift tickets to local gift shops, restaurants, and salonsDon’t miss the boat! Book your tickets today.Last year, tickets sold out in five days!Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.$ 15.00 per personAll the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.54. Which of the following is not mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?A. A movie pass to the local cinema.B. A weekend stay at a hotel.C. A ticket to a restaurant.D. Airline tickets.55. Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year’s auction?A. The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.B. All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.C. More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.D. Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.56. The phrase “first-come, first-served” tells you that __________.A. people can buy the tickets on the first day onlyB. the person who is first to arrive will receive a ticket at no chargeC. food and drinks will be served at the auctionD. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them(C)No country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA. There are almost 2,000 of them, as compared with 180 in Japan, 164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain. The quality of some American papers is extremely high and their views are quoted all over the world. Distinguished dailies like the Washington Post or the New York Times exert a powerful influence all over the country. However the Post and the Times are not national newspapers in the sense that the Times is in Britain or Le Monde is in France, since each American city has its own daily newspaper. The best of these present detailed accounts of national and international news, but many tend to limit themselves to state or city news.Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the “sensational”, which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events. But with few exceptions American newspapers try to entertain as well as give information, for they have to compete with the lure of television.Just as American newspapers cater to all tastes, so do they also try and appeal to readers of all political persuasions. A few newspapers support extremist groups on the far right and on the far left, but most daily newspapers attempt to attract middle-of-the-road Americans who are essentially moderate. Many of these papers print columns by well-known journalists of different political and social views, in order to present a balanced picture.As in other democratic countries American newspapers can be either responsible or irresponsible, but it is generally accepted that the American press serves its country well and that it has more than once courageously exposed political scandals or crimes, for instance, the Watergate Affair. The newspapers drew the attention of the public to the horrors of the Vietnam War.57. Most American newspapers try hard to entertain their readers because _____.A. they have to keep up a good relation with themB. they have to compete with televisionC. they have to write about crime, sex and gossipD. they have to give factual news in an interesting way58. Many American newspapers attract readers of different political inclination by _____.A. supporting extremist groups from time to timeB. inviting middle-of-the-road Americans to write articles for themC. avoiding carrying articles about extremistsD. printing articles representing different political viewpoints59. The passage is mainly about _____.A. the characteristics of American newspapersB. the development of American newspapersC. the functions of American newspapersD. the merits and shortcomings of American newspapersPart TwoI. write out the word according to the English meaning ( 7%)1. a person who works for someone else e___________2. the feeling of not understanding clearly c___________3. a piece of printed paper for advertising l____________4. a chemical necessary for good health, which is found inMeat, beans and dairy products p____________5. a group of people and their culture c____________6. a work of art made by shaping wood, stone, metal, etc. s_____________7. ( of a small thing that is) difficult to describe or see s_____________II.Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases in proper forms. (10%)1.Talking with full mouth _______________ in some traditional Chinese families.2.How you __________ your hair depends on the type of hair you have , your lifestyle, and howyou style your hair.3.How to improve the hair _______________ several factors. Heredity is a key element.4.When he got the news that his best friend got into trouble, he was going to do a favour_____________.5.Although the problem is rather tough, there are a number of possible _____ to it.6.The increase in crime is a bad ___________________ our society today.7.They all avoided ________ that name in front of her, or she would fly into a rage.8.The Great Wall _________ in the 3rd century B.C., and it _______ as a historic monumenttoday.9.One of the most colorful and _________ ceremonies to be seen in London is the ChangingGuard, which takes place every day in the Palace forecourt.III. Translations (10%)1. 他正在考虑买一台新的电脑。
