

2006年--外文翻译--激励对 CEO 报酬与公司业绩的影响(节选)

2006年--外文翻译--激励对 CEO 报酬与公司业绩的影响(节选)

中文3740字,2336单词,13000英文字符出处:Nourayi M M, Krishnan S. The impact of incentives on CEO compensation and firm performance[J]. RivistaInternazionale di ScienzeEconomiche e Commerciali, 2006, 53(3): 402-420.毕业设计(论文)外文参考资料及译文译文题目:激励对CEO报酬与公司业绩的影响学生姓名:学号:专业:M会计学所在学院:商学院指导教师:职称:2011年12月09日RISEC,V olume53(2006),No.3,402-420THE IMPACTOFINCENTIVES ONCEOCOMPENSATIONAND FIRMPERFORMANCEBy MAHMOUD M. NOURA YI and SUDHAKRISHNAN Abstract:Asignificantcomponentofamanagementcontrolsystemistheincentivemech anismand motivational underpinning of compensation contracts. Mostexecutivesarerewardedintheformofcashandcompanystock.Ourdataindicatethatove r 82.5percent ofthe observationsinclude a bonus paytoCEOs andan evenlargerpercentage,about94.5percent,havestockoptiongrants. Ouranalysesindicatethatthemeansofmarket-basedreturnsaresignificantlylargerforcompanieswithnostockoptionincentives.However, theaccounting-basedreturnsdonotappeartobesignificantlyinfluencedbystock-basedrewards.(JEL:J30,G30,L21)Keywords:CEOcompensation;agencycontract;incentives;performance;accounting-basedincentives; market-basedincentives1.IntroductionAsignificantcomponentofamanagementcontrolsystemistheincentivemechanisman dmotivationalunderpinningofcompensationcontracts. Awell-designedincentivesystemcandealeffectivelywithbothadverseselectionandmoralhazardis suesinanagencycontract.Thedegreetowhichcompensationcontractsvaryinrelationtothem easureofperformance,determinesthelevelofself-confidenceandrisk-takingattributesoftheapplicants.Themainobjectiveofthisstudyistoidentifytheinfluenceof incentivecontractsandperformancemeasuresonexecutivecompensation.Wealsoassessthe sensitivityofCEOpaytocashincentivesascomparedtostock-basedincentives. Therelationshipbetweenexecutivecompensationandcorporateperformancehasbeenexten sivelystudiedby researchersfromvariousperspectives.Researchhasconfirmed thepositive relation betweenfirmsize andexecutivecompensationas wellastheinfluenceoffirmperformanceonexecutivepay(Abowd,1990;Conyon,Peck,andSadl er,2000;CarpenterandSanders,2002;CordeiroandVeliyath,2003;Indjejikianand Nanda, 2002; Jensen and Murphy, 1990; Murphy, 1985; and Yermack,1995).Forthemostpart,interesthasconvergedontheimplicationsofagencytheory withaconcentrationonthelinkagesbetweenexecutivecompensationandfirmperformance.Murphy(2000)indicatesthatamajorityofcompaniesusemultiplemeasuresofperforma nceinrewardingtheirexecutives.Themostpopularformsofrewardseemtobecashandcompa nystock.Majorityofpubliccompaniesofferstockoptionsorrestrictedstockinordertoassuret hecongruityofthe manager’s welfareandtheownerwealth-maximizationobjectives.Cashcompensationtoexecutiveshastwopredominantcomponent s,fixedsalaryandbonus.Bonusesaregenerallylinkedtosomeperformancemeasuresthatsign alcongruenceofmanagerialchoiceswithspecificorganizationobjectives.Inthisstudy,weco ncentrateonstockoptionsandbonusincentiveplans.Stockgrantsandstockoptiongrantsareintendedtorewardtheexecutivesforchoicesthat influencepositivechanges inthestockprices andas suchmaybeconsideredafuture-orientedrewardsystem,asopposedtobonusesthataretypicallybasedonsomeaccountingme asureofprofitability.However,ithasbeenarguedthataccounting-basedmeasuresareex-posthistoricalmeasuresofperformance,andarethusconceptuallylessrelevantfromtheshar eholder’s perspective.Conversely,marketreturnisgeneratedfromstockpricechangesandis notexplicitlydefinedinaccountingterms.Intheory,market-basedmeasuresareex-ante,forward-lookingmeasuresofperformance,astheyreflectmanagerialdecisionsthatinducefutureprofi tability.Inpractice,however,stockpricesareaverynoisysignalastheyarefrequentlysubject to significant market-wide fluctuations that mirror the determinantsofthebusinesscycleandtheconditionsoffiscalandmonetarypolicy,andhenced onotexclusivelyreflectexecutiveperformance.Priorresearch,forthemostpart,hasbeenlimitedtotheexaminationofthecashcompensa tion.Inthisstudyweanalyzetheimpactofthecompensationstructureandperformanceonbot hcashandtotalcompensations.Earlierstudieshavelookedattherelationshipsbetweensize,p erformanceandexecutivepay,wherethecompensationhasbeendefinedasonlycashcompens ation.Unlikepaststudies,byanalyzingbothcashandtotalcompensations,wenotethatthecas hcompensationisinfluencedbyboththemarketandaccountingmeasuresofperformancewhilethetotalcompensationissigni ficantlyaffectedbythemarketbasedmeasuresofperformance.Furtheranalysisafterpartition ingthedataonthebasisoftheexistenceofbonusandstockoptionplansindicatesthatthefirm size,asmeasuredbysales,isnotassignificantifthecompanyhasnobonusorstockoptionplans .Ouranalysisrevealslargermarket-basedreturnsforfirmsthatdonotofferstockoptionincentives. Theremainderofthispaperisorganizedasfollows:Section2brieflyreviewstheliteraturerele vanttoexecutiveincentivecompensationandfirmperformance.ThisisfollowedbySection3 wherewepresenttheresearchdesignandhypotheses.Section4 istheresultsofouranalyses.WepresentourconclusionsinSection5.2.Review of LiteratureManyexecutivecompensationstudieshaveanalyzedthepay-performancerelationshiputilizingamodelgenerallyspecifiedasfollows:PAYit=α+β(SIZEit)+γ(PERFORMANCE it)+εitWherePayitistheCEOcompensationoffirmi,yeart;SIZEitisthesizeoffirmi,yeart;PE RFORMANCEitisanobservableperformancemeasureoffirmi,yeart;andεitistheerrorterm.Several empiricalstudies supportthesensitivityofexecutivepay to performance(e.g.,Murphy,1985,1986;JensenandMurphy,1990;Ely,1991;BoschenandS mith,1995).Morespecifically,studieshavelookedattherelationshipbetweenthecashcompe nsationandperformancemeasuresofthefirmsuchasthereturnonequity,andaggregateearnin gs,aswellastheimpactofnon-recurringearningscomponentssuchasdiscontinuedoperationsandrestructuringcharges.E mpiricalresultshaveshownthatcompensation(definedascashcompensation)ismoreclosel yassociatedwithaccounting-basedmeasuresthanmarketreturns.Suchresultsimplythataccountingperformancemeasure sareusedtoshieldexecutivesfromthe market-widefluctuationsinfirmvaluethatarebeyondtheircontrol(LambertandLarcker,1987;Sloan ,1993).Forthemostpart,researchonexecutivecompensationhasutilizedthesumofsalaryandb onusastheproxyforthetotalcompensation(Abowd,1990;JensenandMurphy1990;Lamber tandLarker,1987;Mishra,Gobeli,andMay,2000;Murphy,1985;Sloan,1993).Manystudies haveusedcashcompensationasthedependentvariableintheireffortstoexplaintherelationsh ipbetweena firm’s performanceandexecutivepay.Othershavesuggestedtheimportanceofa stock-baseinexecutivecompensationresearch(Core,Guay,andV errecchia,2003;Griner,1999). Thechangeovertimeinthecompositionofcompensationcontractsandtheenormousincreas einnon-cashcompensation,togetherwithchangesinreportingrequirements(regardingstockoption grantsissuedtoexecutives),haveresultedinincreasedattentiontotherelevanceofstock-basedcompensationinpay-performancestudies.Theuseofcashcompensationinearlierstudies,astheonlydependentvar iableincompensationmodels,wasdeemedappropriateandjustifiedonthebasisofdataavaila bilityandtherelativemagnitudeofthecashcomponentofcompensationcontracts.However, asignificantincrease inthe number of companies that offerstockoptionstotheirexecutivesandemployees,themagnitudeofstock-basedcompensationinrelationtototalcompensation,andtheSECdisclosurerequirementsre gardingoptiongrantstoexecutives,haveinfluencedthechoiceoftotalcompensationinmorer ecentstudies(BertrandandMullainathan,2000;CordeiroandV eliyath,2003;Core,Guay,an dV errecchia,2003;Yermack,1995).Inthemostbasicform,ourregressionmodel incorporateseitheramarket-basedoranaccounting-basedmeasureofperformance.Weusethemarketrateofreturnandtheaccountingrateofretur ntoproxytheCEOperformance.Inthenextsectionwepresentourmethodologyandresearchh ypotheses.3.Research HypothesesTheamountofcompensationrealizedbytheCEOastheresultofstock-basedincentivessuchasstockoptiongrantsandrestrictedstock-grants,dependsonthecontractualrestrictionsaswellaseconomicvariablesthataffectrestrict edstockandstock optionvalues.Thestockoptions’exerciseprice,thestockpriceatthetimeof grantandexercise,thevolatilityofstockprice,competitivemarket,thefiscalandmonetarypol icies,aswellasvariablesthatinfluencethe company’s stockpricefluctuationsbetweenthegra ntdateandtheexercisedate,allinfluencethestock-basedcompensationandarenotentirelycontrollablebytheCEO.4Therefore,stock-basedcompensationintroducesasignificantamountofriskintotheagencyrelationship,anda ccordingtoAggarwalandSamwick(1999)compensationbecomeslessresponsiveasameasu reofperformance.BertrandandMullaiathan(2000)observealowersensitivityofCEOcomp ensationtotherateofreturntoshareholdersasthestockbecomesmorevolatile.Executivecompensationresearchfindings to date withrespect tothe explanatorypowerofaccounting-basedversusmarket-basedmeasuresofperformancearenotconclusive.Wehypothesizethatvariousperformancemeasuresmanifestthemselvesdiffere ntlydependingonthetypeofcompensation.Thatis,cashcomponentsinthecompensationpac kagetendtobemeasuredonthebasisofaccountingmetrics,whilestock-basedcomponentsofcompensationarelikelytobeinfluencedbystockmarketreturns(Murph y,2000;HallandMurphy,2002).Inconjunctionwithanevaluationoftherelationshipbetwee nCEOpayandfirmperformance,weexaminetheimpactofpopularincentivestructures,such asthepresenceofbonusplansorstockoptiongrants,inouranalyses.Itisexpectedthatsuchince ntiveswillhavemotivationaleffectsonthe CEO’s decisionprocessthatwillreflectinthestruct ureandcharacteristicsofthefirm.Wedivideourfirmsintodichotomiesoffirmswithandwitho utbonusplansorstockoptiongrantsandexaminetheinfluenceofsuchcomponentsonperform anceandsizeparameterestimates.5.Analyses andResultsInthissectionwedevelopspecificmodelsofCEOcompensationbasedonthegeneralexa mplepresentedearlier.Bothcashcompensation(CASHCOMP)andtotalcompensation(TO TALCOMP)areusedasthedependentvariablesinempiricalexaminations.Consistentwithp riorresearch,wewillusenetannualsalesastheproxyforfirmsizeinallofouranalyses.Weuseb othaccounting-basedandmarket-basedmeasuresofperformanceinourmodels.Morespecifically,weincludethetotalone-yearshareholderreturnoncommonstock(TRS)asourmarket-basedmeasureofperformanceandreturnonassets(ROA)astheaccounting-basedmeasure.We uselogarithmictransformationcompensationsandsalesdata inthegeneralmodelinordertoreducetheproblemofheteroscedasticityinerrorterms. Initiallyweincludeeach performancemeasurein themodelasaseparateexplanatoryvariable.Wethenincludebothmeasuresofperformanceinthemodelsandtheyeareffectwa sincludedineveryregressionintheformofdummyvariablesasshownbelow:(1)ln(CASHCOMPit)=α+βln(SALES it)+δ1TRSit+γDUMYEARt+εit(2)ln(CASHCOMPit)=α+βln(SALES it)+δ2 ROAit+γDUMYEARt+εit(3)ln(CASHCOMPit)=α+β ln(SALESit)+δ1 TRSit + δ2 ROAit+ γDUMYEARt+εit(4)ln(TOTALCOMPit)=α+βln(SALES it)+δ1TRSit+γDUMYEARt+εit(5)ln(TOTALCOMPit)=α+βln(SALES it)+δ2 ROAit+γDUMYEARt+εit(6)ln(TOTALCOMPit) = α + β ln(SALES it) + δ1TRS it + δ2ROAit+ γDUMYEAR +εTheresultsofcross-sectiontime-seriesrandomeffectregressionsoneachfullsamplemodelarepresentedinTable3.Theseresul tsindicatetheefficientforsizewasstatisticallysignificantineachandeverymodel.The market-basedmeasure of performance, TRS,issignificant asan explanatoryvariableforboth cashcompensation(CASHCOMP)andtotal compensation(TOTALCOMP)ofCEOs.Theaccounting-basedperformancemeasure,ROA,wasalsosignificantasanexplanatoryvariableforbothcas handtotalcompensationsbutatonlythe0.10levelinmodel6.However,thecoefficientofTRSi sslightlylargerinrelationtototalcompensation.TheROAcoefficient,ontheotherhand,isslig htlylargerinrelationtocashcompensation.Theseresultsareconsistentwithpriorresearchfin dings.Wecomputedthechangesinthenaturallogarithmofcompensation(dependentvariable) associatedwithaonepercentchangeintheperformanceMeasuresbasedonourestimatedcoef ficient(s)ofindependentvariablesintable3.Wethencomputedthemonetarychangeinmedia nexecutivecompensation.8OurresultsindicatethatthemedianCEOcashcompensation(CA SHCOMP)increases(decreases)by$7419asaresultofaonepercentincrease(decrease)inma rket–basedreturn(Model1)andtheincrease(decrease)is$16935foraonepercentincrease(decreas e)intheaccountingbasedreturn(Model2).SimilarcomputationsbasedonModel3producere sultsthatareveryclosetothosecomputedforModel2.6.Concluding RemarksThisstudycontributestotheliteratureonexecutivecompensationandfirmperformance inseveralways.Unlikepaststudies,weincludedbothcashcompensationandtotalcompensat ioninoursampleandanalyzedtherelationshipbetweencompensationstructureandmeasures ofperformance.Ourfull-sampleresultsindicatecashcompensationisimpactedbybothaccountingandmarketmeasur esofperformancewhiletotalcompensationismorecloselycorrelatedwiththemarket-basedmeasure.Wefindthatfirmsizeisanimportantvariableindeterminingbothcashandtotal compensation.However,theseresultsappeartobestrongerforfirmswithbonusorstockoptio nplans.Weextendpaststudiesbypartitioningthedataintosub-samplesbasedonincentivestructuressuchastheexistenceofbonusandstock-basedcompensationcomponents.WefindthatCEOcompensationcontractswithstockoptio nsaremoresignificantlyinfluencedbythemarket-basedperformancemeasurethanbytheaccounting-basedmeasure.Theresultsalsoshowthatforfirmswithnobonusorstock-basedplans,sizedoesnotseemtobeassignificantadeterminantofCEO compensation.Dataindicatethat firms withnobonusplans are markedly smaller thanthosewithbonusplans.Neitherthemarket-basedmeasure,northeaccounting-basedmeasure,seemstohaveanysignificancefortotalcompensationinfirmswithoutincenti veplans.Tobemorespecific,wefindthatfirmswithlargermarket-basedreturnsarelesslikelytooffermarket-based.Thesepointsdeservecloserattention.Studiesexaminingtheimpactofa firm’s characteri sticsandCEOtenureonincentivesandperformanceoveralongertimeperiodmayproducead ditionalinsights.ExaminationsoftherelationshipbetweenCEOcompensationandtheperfor manceofneweconomyfirms,aswellasfirmswithinregulatedindustries,couldproduceusefu linformation.激励对CEO报酬与公司业绩的影响作者:马哈茂德·M.·努拉伊和苏达·克里希南RISEC,53卷(2006年),第3期摘要:管理控制系统的重要组成部分是激励机制和激励支撑的补偿合同。



人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Performance Management: Reconciling Competing PrioritiesIan ZiskinFour HR thought leaders from academia— John Boudreau of the USC Center for Effective Organizations, Chris Collins of the Cornell Center for Advanced HR Studies, Pat Wright of the Moore College of Business at the University of South Carolina, and Dave Ulrich of University of Michigan and the RBL Group — engaged in discussions on Performance Management with Ian Ziskin, President, EXec EXcel Group LLC and Board member, HR People & Strategy. Ian asked John, Chris,Pat, and Dave to share their perspectives on topics including:• What Performance Management is?• What makes the biggest difference to effective vs. ineffective Performance Management?• What the biggest sources of debate and disagreement have been regarding Performance Management over the years, and whether we have made any progress in resolving these issues?• If they were going to fix or kill anything about Performance Management, w hat it would be and why?• What big implications there are for future required changes to Performance Management in light of future work, workforce and workplace trends?Ziskin: There is a lot of talk in organizations about whether Performance Management is working effectively or ever has. What do you think Performance Management is?Collins: This may be the question of the year. Performance Management has become everything and therefore nothing. It serves so many purposes —compensation, feedback, talent development, succession, etc. — that it may not serve any purpose very well.Boudreau: It's an ongoing relationship to balance the need to evaluate people with the need to develop them. It's not about bromides, forms, scores, tools orsystems.Wright: Performance Management is about aligning behavior in a way that increases organizational effectiveness.Ulrich: I think we need to look at Performance Management from three levels: cultural, systems and personal. At the cultural level, it's about whether the organization judges people based on meritocracy (results), hierarchy (power) or relationships (connections). At the systems level, it's about determining whether people meet or miss objectives. At the personal level, it's about assessing the individual's dedication to deliver both financial and social results.Ziskin: Given your point of view about Performance Management, what makes the biggest difference to whether it is effective vs. ineffective?Collins: It starts with having a culture of openness, honesty and real feedback —and then holding people accountable. This process begins and ends with good leaders, and all of our money should be invested in developing leaders to lead, rather than spending money on new Performance Management systems and tools.Boudreau: Effectiveness rests in the skills and motivations of the people involved, not in the Performance Management system itself. It is particularly important to create a shared framework and priorities between managers and their employees.Ulrich: The four generic steps of Performance Management have remained relatively stable over time: set standards, assess against those standards, allocate consequences and provide feedback. Improvements in the effectiveness of Performance Management have come from enabling external stakeholders to provide input on standards and performance, making the performance discussion more about the future than the past, using technology to simplify the process, tailoring the consequences to better reflect individual employee contributions and value, and accommodating both team as well as individual feedback.Wright: Bad tools, bad evaluations, bad feedback and bad links to reward systems lead to bad Performance Management.Ziskin: If you look back over the years of debate about Performance Management, what one or two things stand out in your mind as the biggest sources ofdebate and disagreement?Boudreau: The biggest debate has been about what are we trying to achieve? It's always been about development of people vs. evaluation of their performance, and whether these two different priorities can be reconciled.Collins: Do you separate performance feedback from compensation, and how do you do both? We also need to learn to separate the discussion about current performance from the future — future roles and future performance requirements.Wright: The debate continues over simplifying tools vs. customizing unique tools to specific jobs, roles, situations and individuals.Ulrich: There are a number of old debates and some new debates. The old debates include Performance Management should be used for discussing financial results or development potential (yes to both), whether we should measure results as well as behavior (yes to both), whether managers should be accountable to do performance reviews (yes), and who should own Performance Management— the line or HR (the line owns it, HR is the architect).Ziskin: Have we made any progress in resolving the debate over these issues?Boudreau: We have made progress in something, such as the growing recognition that effective Performance Management is much less about forms and much more about relationships.Collins: I am gravely disappointed in the progress we've made in the past 20 years, especially in accommodating new ways of working such as more distributed, virtual work. We also have not made enough progress in accounting for team performance instead of just individual performance.Wright: We are making progress in linking results, behaviors and rewards. I'd say we are beginning to achieve best principles in Performance Management, but we have not yet achieved best practices.Ulrich: The following new debates are more interesting to me than the old debates I mentioned above, and even though we are beginning to make some progress, we need much more: how we simplify the process, how we have meaningful personal conversations between leaders and employees and how we build a performanceculture where meritocracy is expected.Ziskin: In light of the Performance Management debates and related mixed progress we have discussed, if you were going to fix or kill one thing related to Performance Management, what it would it by and why?Collins: I would fix Performance Management by investing in better leaders giving better feedback, rather than trying to fix Performance Management by investing in better tools.Boudreau: I would kill the debate about Performance Management forms, tools and technology enhancements, and instead put more than 80 percent of our resources into teaching and developing leaders and employees to get the most out of the performance feedback discussion.Ulrich: I would kill Performance Management complexity, and simplify the process. Sometimes, the process becomes the end itself, and there is means/end inversion.Wright: I would kill the parochialism that comes from my way, my tool and my process. There is a lot to be learned from how others are doing Performance Management.Ziskin: When you consider the future of work, the workplace and the workforce —and how all these things are changing and affecting business performance — what one or two big implications are there for required changes to Performance Management in the future?Ulrich: The biggest implications for the future I see are simplification of the Performance Management process and more outside/in perspective whereby Performance Management is more connected to input from external stakeholders.Wright: We will see a greater emphasis on evaluating results, the end product, rather than behavior, because global dispersion of work will make it much more difficult to directly observe behavior.Boudreau: As a result of increasingly virtual, remote, temporary and independent work, performance assessment can no longer only be done by leaders — it will also be done by others including peers and employees themselves. PerformanceManagement will no longer be the province of leaders.Collins: Performance Management is going in the direction of more frequent, more transparent, more virtual, more raters and more team-based.Ziskin: Based on insights from our academic experts, as well as from my own experience, if you are working to reconcile the competing priorities associated with Performance Management, think about the following guidelines:• Simplify and de-emphasize forms and process in favor of improving the quality of relationships and conversation between leaders and employees• Accommodate trends toward more virtual and flexible work and changing demographics thorough Performance Management approaches that emphasize transparency, frequency and input from a broader range of internal and external constituents• Move from a relatively narrow focus on Performance Management to a broader emphasis on Performance CulturePeople & Strategy. 2013, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p24-25. 2p.译文:绩效管理:协调竞争的优先事项Ian Ziskin来自学术界的四位HR思想领袖:在南加州大学中心所研究有效组织的John Boudreau、在康奈尔大学高级人力资源研究中心工作的Chris Collins、在南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院的Pat Wright以及在密歇根大学和RBL集团工作的Dave Ulrich,与Ian总裁(掌管Excel集团有限责任公司、董事会成员、HR人员和策略)从事绩效管理事务。



薪酬管理外文文献翻译The existence of an agency problem in a corporation due to the separation of ownership and control has been widely studied in literatures. This paper examines the effects of management compensation schemes on corporate investment decisions. This paper is significant because it helps to understand the relationship between them. This understandings allow the design of an optimal management compensation scheme to induce the manager to act towards the goals and best interests of the company. Grossman and Hart (1983) investigate the principal agency problem. Since the actions of the agent are unobservable and the first best course of actions can not be achieved, Grossman and Hart show that optimal management compensation scheme should be adopted to induce the manager to choose the second best course of actions. Besides management compensation schemes, other means to alleviate the agency problems are also explored. Fama and Jensen (1983) suggest two ways for reducing the agency problem: competitive market mechanisms and direct contractual provisions. Manne (1965) argues that a market mechanism such as the threat of a takeover provided by the market can be used for corporate control. "Ex-post settling up" by the managerial labour market can also discipline managers and induce them to pursue the interests of shareholders. Fama (1980) shows that if managerial labour markets function properly, and if the deviation of the firm's actual performancefrom stockholders' optimum is settled up in managers' compensation, then the agency cost will be fully borne by the agent (manager).The theoretical arguments of Jensen and Meckling (1976) and Haugen and Senbet (1981), and empirical evidence of Amihud andLev (1981), Walking and Long (1984), Agrawal and Mandelker (1985), andBenston (1985), among others, suggest that managers' holding of common stock and stock options have an important effect on managerial incentives. For example, Benston finds that changes in the value of managers' stock holdings are larger than their annual employment income. Agrawal and Mandelker find that executive security holdings have a role in reducing agency problems. This implies that the share holdings and stock options of the managers are likely to affect the corporate investment decisions. A typical management scheme consists of flat salary, bonus payment and stock options. However, the studies, so far, only provide links between the stock options and corporate investment decisions. There are few evidences that the compensation schemes may have impacts on thecorporate investment decisions. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework to study the effects of management compensation schemes on the corporate investment decisions. Assuming that the compensation schemes consist of flat salary, bonus payment, and stock options, I first examine the effects of alternative compensation schemes on corporate investment decisions under all-equity financing. Secondly, I examine the issue in a setting where a firm relies on debt financing. Briefly speaking, the findings are consistent with Amihud and Lev's results.Managers who have high shareholdings and rewarded by intensive profit sharing ratio tend to underinvest.However, the underinvestment problem can be mitigated by increasing the financial leverage. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section II presents the model. Section HI discusses the managerial incentives under all-equity financing. Section IV examines the managerial incentives under debt financing. Section V discusses the empirical implications and presents the conclusions of the study.I consider a three-date two-period model. At time t0, a firm is established and goes public. There are now two kinds of owners in the firm, namely, the controlling shareholder and the atomistic shareholders. The proceeds from initial public offering are invested in some risky assets which generate an intermediate earnings, I, at t,. At the beginning, the firm also decides its financial structure. A manager is also hired to operate the firm at this time. The manager is entitled to hold a fraction of the firm's common stocks and stock options, a (where0<a<l), at the beginning of the first period. At time t,, the firm receives intermediate earnings, denoted by I, from the initial asset. At the same time, a new project investment is available to the firm. For simplicity, the model assumes that the firm needs all the intermediate earnings, I, to invest in the new project. If the project is accepted at t,, it produces a stochastic earnings Y in t2, such that Y={I+X, I-X}, with Prob[Y=I+X] = p and Prob[Y=I-X] = 1-p, respectively. The probability, p, is a uniform density function with an interval rangedfrom 0 to 1. Initially, the model also assumes that the net earnings, X, is less than initial investment, I. This assumption is reasonable since most of the investment can not earn a more than 100% rate of return. Later, this assumption is relaxed to investigate the effect of the extraordinarily profitable investment on the results. For simplicity, It is also assumed that there is no time value for the money and no dividend will be paid before t2. If the project is rejected at t,, the intermediate earnings, I, will be kept in the firm and its value at t2 will be equal to I. Effects of Management Compensation Schemes on Corporate Investment Decision Overinvestment versus UnderinvestmentA risk neutral investor should invest in a new project if it generates a positiexpected payoff. If the payoff is normally or symmetrically distributed, tinvestor should invest whenever the probability of making a positive earninggreater than 0.5. The minimum level of probability for making an investment the neutral investor is known as the cut-off probability. The project will generzero expected payoff at a cut-off probability. If the investor invests only in tprojects with the cut-off probability greater than 0.5, then the investor tendsinvest in the less risky projects and this is known as the underinvestment. Ifinvestor invests the projects with a cut-off probability less than 0.5, then tinvestor tends to invest in more risky projects and this is known as thoverinvestment. In the paper, it is assumed that the atomistic shareholders risk neutral, the manager and controlling shareholder are risk averse.It has been argued that risk-reduction activities are considered as managerial perquisites in the context of the agency cost model. Managers tend to engage in these risk-reduction activities to decrease their largely undiversifiable "employment risk" (Amihud and Lev 1981). The finding in this paper is consistent with Amihud and Lev's empirical result. Managers tend to underinvest when they have higher shareholdings and larger profit sharing percentage. This result is independent of the level of debt financing. Although the paper can not predict themanager's action when he has a large profit sharing percentage and the profit cashflow has high variance (X > I), it shows that the manager with high shareholding will underinvest in the project. This is inconsistent with the best interests of the atomistic shareholders. However, the underinvestment problem can be mitigated by increasing the financial leverage.The results and findings in this paper provides several testable hypotheses forfuture research. If the managers underinvest in the projects, the company willunderperform in long run. Thus the earnings can be used as a proxy forunderinvestment, and a negative relationship between earningsandmanagement shareholdings, stock options or profit sharing ratiois expected.As theunderinvestment problem can be alleviated by increasing the financialleverage, a positiverelationship between earnings and financial leverage isexpected.在一个公司由于所有权和控制权的分离的代理问题存在的文献中得到了广泛的研究。

















The Dilemma of Performance AppraisalPeter Prowse and Julie ProwseMeasuring Business Excellence,V ol.13 Iss:4,pp.69 - 77AbstractThis paper deals with the dilemma of managing performance using performance appraisal. The authors will evaluate the historical development of appraisals and argue that the critical area of line management development that was been identified as a critical success factor in appraisals has been ignored in the later literature evaluating the effectiveness of performance through appraisals.This paper willevaluatethe aims and methodsof appraisal, thedifficulties encountered in the appraisalprocess. It also re-evaluates the lack of theoretical development in appraisaland move from he psychological approachesof analysistoamorecritical realisation ofapproaches before re-evaluating the challenge to remove subjectivity and bias in judgement of appraisal.13.1IntroductionThis paper will define and outline performance management and appraisal. It will start by evaluating what form of performance is evaluated, then develop links to the development of different performance traditions (Psychological tradition, Management by Objectives, Motivation and Development).It will outline the historical development of performance management then evaluate high performance strategies using performance appraisal. It will evaluate the continuing issue of subjectivity and ethical dilemmas regarding measurement and assessment of performance. The paper will then examine how organisations measure performance before evaluation of research on some recent trends in performance appraisal.This chapter will evaluate the historical development of performance appraisal from management by objectives (MBO) literature before evaluating the debates between linkages between performance management and appraisal. It will outline the development of individual performance before linking to performance management in organizations. The outcomes of techniques to increase organizational commitment, increase job satisfaction will be critically evaluated. It will further examine the transatlantic debates between literature on efficiency and effectiveness in the North American and the United Kingdom) evidence to evaluate the HRM development and contribution of performance appraisal to individual and organizational performance.13.2 What is Performance Management?The first is sue to discuss is the difficulty of definition of Performance Management. Armstrong and Barron(1998:8) define performance management as: A strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by Improving performance of people who work in them by developing the capabilities of teams And individual performance.13.2.1 Performance AppraisalAppraisal potentially is a key tool in making the most of an organisation’s human resources. The use of appraisal is widespread estimated that 80–90%of organizations in the USA and UK were using appraisal and an increase from 69 to 87% of organisations between 1998 and 2004 reported a formalperformance management system (Armstrong and Baron, 1998:200).There has been little evidence of the evaluation of the effectiveness of appraisal but more on the development in its use. Between 1998 and 2004 a sample from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2007) of 562 firms found 506 were using performance appraisal in UK.What is also vital to emphasise is the rising use of performance appraisal feedback beyond performance for professionals and managers to nearly 95% of workplaces in the 2004 WERS survey (seeTable 13.1).Clearly the use of Appraisals has been the development and extension of appraisals to cover a large proportion of the UK workforce and the coverage of non managerial occupations and the extended use in private and public sectors.13.2.2 The Purpose of AppraisalsThe critical issue is what is the purpose of appraisals and how effective is it ?Researched and used in practice throughout organizations? The purpose of appraisals needs to be clearly identified. Firstly their purpose. Randell (1994) states they are a systematic evaluation of individual performance linked to workplace behaviour and/or specific criteria. Appraisals often take the form of an appraisal interview,usually annual,supported by standardised forms/paperwork.The key objective of appraisal is to provide feedback for performance is provided by the linemanager.The three key questions for quality of feedback:1. What and how are observations on performance made?2. Why and how are they discussed?3. What determines the level of performance in the job?It has been argued by one school of thought that these process cannot be performed effectively unless the line manager of person providing feedback has the interpersonal interviewing skills to providethat feedback to people being appraised. This has been defined as the “Bradford Approach” which places a high priority on appraisal skills development (Randell, 1994). This approach is outlined in Fig. 13.1 whichidentifies the linkages betweeninvolving,developing, rewarding and valuing people at work..13.2.3 Historical Development of AppraisalThe historical development of performance feedback has developed from a range of approaches.Formal observation of individual work performance was reported in Robert Owens’s Scottish factory inNew Lanarkin the early 1800s (Cole, 1925). Owen hung over machines a piece of coloured wood over machines to indicate the Super intendent’s assessment of the previous day’s conduct (white forexcellent, yellow, blue and then black for poor performance).The twentieth centuryled to F.W. Taylor and his measured performance and the scientific management movement (Taylor, 1964). The 1930sTraits Approaches identified personality and performance and used feedback using graphic rating scales, a mixed standard of performance scales noting behaviour in likert scale ratings.This was used to recruit and identify management potential in the field of selection. Later developments to prevent a middle scale from 5 scales then developed into a forced-choice scale which forced the judgement to avoid central ratings.The evaluation also included narrative statements and comments to support the ratings (Mair, 1958).In the 1940s Behavioural Methods were developed. These included Behavioural Anchored Rating Scales (BARS); Behavioural Observation Scales (BOS); Behavioural Evaluation Scales (BES); critical incident;job simulation. All these judgements were used to determine the specific levels of performance criteria to specific issues such as customer service and rated in factors such asexcellent,average orneeds to improve or poor.These ratings are assigned numerical values and added to a statement or narrative comment by the assessor. It would also lead to identify any potential need for training and more importantly to identify talent for careers in linemanagement supervision and future managerial potential.Post1945 developed into the Results-oriented approaches and led to the development of management by objectives (MBO). This provided aims and specific targets to be achievedand with in time frames such as pecific sales, profitability,and deadlines with feedback on previous performance (Wherry, 1957).The deadlines may have required alteration and led to specific performance rankings of staff. It also provided a forced distributionof rankingsof comparative performance and paired comparison ranking of performance and setting and achieving objectives.In the 1960s the developmentof Self-appraisal by discussion led to specific time and opportunity for the appraisee to reflectively evaluate their performance in the discussion and the interview developed into a conversation on a range of topics that the appraise needed to discuss in the interview. Until this period the success of the appraisal was dependent on skill of interviewer.In the 1990s the development of 360-degree appraisal developed where information was sought from a wider range of sources and the feedback was no longer dependent on the manager-subordinate power relationship but included groups appraising the performance of line managers and peer feedback from peer groups on individual performance (Redman and Snape, 1992). The final development of appraisal interviews developed in the 1990s with the emphasis on the linking performance with financial reward which will be discussed later in the paper.13.2.4 Measures of PerformanceThe dilemma of appraisal has always to develop performance measures and the use of appraisal is the key part of this process. Quantitative measure of performance communicated as standards in the business and industry level standards translated to individual performance. The introduction of techniques such as the balanced score card developed by Kaplan and Norton (1992).Performance measures and evaluation included financial, customer evaluation, feedback on internal processes and Learning and Growth. Performance standards also included qualitative measures Which argue that there is an over emphasis on metrics of quantitative approach above the definitions of quality services and total quality management.In terms of performance measures there has been a transformation in literature and a move in the 1990s to the financial rewards linked to the level of performance.The debates will be discussed later in the paper.13.3 Criticism of AppraisalsCritiques of appraisal have continued as appraisal shave increased in use and scope across sectors and occupations. The dominant critique is the management framework using appraisal as an orthodox technique that seeks to remedy the weakness and propose of appraisals as a system to develop performance.This “orthodox” approach argues there are conflicting pur poses of appraisal (Strebler et al, 2001). Appraisal can motivate staff by clarifying objectives and setting clear future objectives with provision for training and development needs to establish the performance objective. These conflicts withassessing past performance and distribution of rewards based on past performance (Bach, 2005:301).Employees are reluctant to confide any limitations and concerns on their current performance as this could impact on their merit related reward or promotion opportunities(Newton and Findley, 1996:43).This conflicts with performance as a continuum as appraisers are challenged with differing roles as both monitors and judges of performance but an understanding counsell or which Randell(1994)argues few manager shave not received the raining to perform.Appraisal Manager’s reluctance to criticise also stems from classic evidence fromMcGregor that managers are reluctant to make an egative judgement on an individual’s performance a sit could be demotivating,leadto accusationsoftheirown supportand contributiontoindividual poor performance and to also avoid interpersonal conflict (McGregor, 1957).One consequence of this avoidance of conflict is to rate all criterion as central and avoid any conflict known as the central tendency.In a study of senior managers by Long neckeretal.(1987),they found organisational politics influenced ratings of 60 senior executives.The findings were that politics involved deliberate attempts by individuals to enhance or protect self-interests when conflicting courses of action are possible and that ratings and decisions were affected by potential sources of bias or inaccuracy in their appraisal ratings (Longeneckeret al., 1987).There are methods of further bias beyond Longenecker’s evidence. The polit ical judgements and they have been distorted further by overrating some clear competencies in performance rather than being critical across all rated competencies known as the halo effect and if some competencies arelower they may prejudice the judgment acrossthe positive reviews known as the horns effect (ACAS, 1996).Some ratings may only cinclude recent events and these are known as the recency effects. In this case only recent events are noted compared to managers gathering and using data throughout the appraisal period .A particular concern is the equity of appraisal for ratings which may be distorted by gender ,ethnicity and the ratings of appraisers themselves .A range of studies in both the US and UK have highlighted subjectivity in terms of gender (Alimo-Metcalf, 1991;White, 1999) and ethnicity of the appraise and appraiser(Geddes and Konrad, 2003). Suggestions and solutions on resolving bias will be reviewed later.The second analysis is the radical critique of appraisal. This is the more critical management literature that argues that appraisal and performance management are about management control(Newton and Findley, 1996;Townley, 1993). It argues that tighter management control over employee behaviour can be achieved by the extension of appraisal to manual workers, professional as means to control. This develops the literature of Foucault using power and surveillance. This literature uses cases in examples of public service control on professionals such a teachers (Healy, 1997) and University professionals(Townley, 1990).This evidence argues the increased control of public services using appraisal as a method of control and that the outcome of managerial objectives ignores the developmental role of appraisal and ratings are awarded for people who accept and embrace the culture and organizational values . However, this literature ignores the employee resistance and the use of professional unions to challenge the attempts to exert control over professionals and staff in the appraisal process (Bach, 2005:306).One of the different issues of removing bias was the use of the test metaphor (Folgeretal.,1992).This was based on the assumption that appraisal ratings were a technical question of assessing “true” performance and there needed to be increased reliability and validity of appraisal as an instrument to develop motivation and performance. The sources of rater bias and errors can be resolvedby improved organisational justice and increasing reliability of appraiser’s judgement.However there were problems such as an assumption that you can state job requirements clearly and the organization is “rational” with objectives that reflect values and that the judgment by appraisers’ are value free from political agendas and personal objectives. Secondly there is the second issue of subjectivity if appraisal ratings where decisions on appraisal are rated by a “political metaphor”(Hart le, 1995).This “political view” argues that a appraisal is often done badly because there is a lack of training for appraisers and appraisers may see the appraisal as a waste of time. This becomes a process which managers have to perform and not as a potential to improve employee performance .Organisations in this context are “political” and the appraisers seek to maintain performance from subordinates and view appraises as internal customers to satisfy. This means managers use appraisal to avoid interpersonal conflict and develop strategies for their own personal advancement and seek a quiet life by avoiding censure from higher managers.This perception means managers also see appraisee seeks good rating and genuine feedback and career development by seeking evidence of combining employee promotion and pay rise.This means appraisal ratings become political judgements and seek to avoid interpersonal conflicts. The approaches of the “test” and “political” metaphors of appraisal are inaccurate and lack objec tivity and judgement of employee performance is inaccurate and accuracy is avoided.The issue is how can organisations resolve this lack of objectivity?13.3.1 Solutions to Lack of Objectivity of AppraisalGrint(1993)argues that the solutions to objectivity lies in part with McGregor’s (1957) classic critique by retraining and removal of “top down” ratings by managers and replacement with multiple rater evaluation which removes bias and the objectivity by upward performance appraisal. The validity of upward appraisal means there moval of subjective appraisal ratings.This approach is also suggested to remove gender bias in appraisal ratings against women in appraisals (Fletcher, 1999). The solution of multiple reporting(internal colleagues, customers and recipients of services) will reduce subjectivity and inequity of appraisal ratings. This argument develops further by the rise in the need to evaluate project teams and increasing levels of teamwork to include peer assessment. The solutions also in theory mean increased closer contact with individual manager and appraises and increasing services linked to customer facing evaluations.However, negative feedback still demotivates and plenty of feedback and explanation by manager who collates feedback rather than judges performance andfail to summarise evaluations.There are however still problems with accuracy of appraisal objectivity asWalker and Smither (1999)5year studyof 252 managers over 5 year period still identified issues with subjective ratings in 360 degree appraisals.There are still issues on the subjectivity of appraisals beyond the areas of lack of training.The contribution of appraisal is strongly related to employee attitudes and strong relationships with job satisfaction(Fletcher and Williams, 1996). The evidence on appraisal still remains positive in terms of reinvigo rating social relationships at work (Townley,1993)and the widespread adoption in large public services in the UK such as the national health Service (NHS)is the valuable contribution to line managers discussion with staff on their past performance, discussing personal development plans and training and development as positive issues.One further concern is the openness of appraisal related to employee reward which we now discuss.13.3.2 Linking Appraisals with Reward ManagementAppraisal and performance management have been inextricably linked to employee reward since the development of strategic human resource management in the 1980s. The early literature on appraisal linked appraisal with employee control (Randell, 1994;Grint, 1993;Townley, 1993, 1999) and discussed the use of performance related reward to appraisals. However therecent literature has substituted the chapter titles employee “appraisal” with “performance management”(Bach, 2005; Storey, 2007) and moved the focus on performance and performance pay and the limits of employee appraisal. The appraisal and performance pay link has developed into debates to three key issues:The first issue is has performance pay related to appraisal grown in use?The second issue is what type of performance do we reward?and the final issue is who judges management standards?The first discussion on influences of growth of performance pay schemes is the assumption that increasing linkage between individual effort and financial reward increases performance levels. This linkage between effort and financial reward increasing levels of performance has proved an increasing trend in the public and private sector (Bevan and Thompson, 1992;Armstrong and Baron, 1998). The drive to increase public sector performance effort and setting of targets may even be inconsistent in the experiences of some organizational settings aimed at achieving long-term targets(Kessler and Purcell, 1992;Marsden, 2007). The development of merit based pay based on performance assessed by a manager is rising in the UK Marsden (2007)reported that the: Use of performance appraisals as a basis for merit pay are used in65 percent of public sector and 69 percent of the private sector employees where appraisal covered all nonmanagerial staff(p.109).Merit pay has also grown in use as in 1998 20% of workplaces used performance related schemes compared to 32% in the same organizations 2004 (Kersley et al., 2006:191). The achievements of satisfactory ratings or above satisfactory performance averages were used as evidence to reward individual performance ratings in the UK Civil Service (Marsden, 2007).Table 13.2 outlines the extent of merit pay in 2004.The second issue is what forms of performance is rewarded. The use of past appraisal ratings as evidence of achieving merit-related payments linked to achieving higher performance was the predominant factor developed in the public services. The evidence on Setting performance targets have been as Kessler (2000:280) reported “inconsistent within organizations and problematic for certain professional or less skilled occupations where goals have not been easily formulated”. There has been inconclusive evidence from organizations on the impact of performance pay and its effectiveness in improving performance. Evidence from a number of individual performance pay schemes report organizations suspending or reviewing them on the grounds that individual performance reward has produced no effect in performance or even demotivates staff(Kessler, 2000:281).More in-depth studies setting performance goals followed by appraisal on how well they were resulted in loss of motivation whilst maintaining productivity and achieved managers using imposing increased performance standards (Marsden and Richardson, 1994). As Randell(1994) had highlighted earlier, the potential objectivity and self-criticism in appraisal reviews become areas that appraisees refuse to acknowledge as weaknesses with appraisers if this leads to a reduction in their merit pay.Objectivity and self reflection for development becomes a weakness that appraises fail to acknowledge as a developmental issue if it reduces their chances of a reduced evaluation that will reduce their merit reward. The review of civil service merit pay (Makinson, 2000)reported from 4major UK Civil Service Agencies and the National Health Service concluded that existing forms of performance pay and performance management had failed to motivate many staff.The conclusions were that employees found individual performance pay divisive and led to reduced willingness to co-operate with management ,citing managerial favorites and manipulation of appraisal scores to lower ratings to save paying rewards to staff (Marsden and French, 1998).This has clear implications on the relationship between line managers and appraises and the demotivational consequences and reduced commitment provide clear evidence of the danger to linking individual performance appraisal to reward in the public services. Employees focus on the issues that gain key performance focus by focusing on specific objectives related to key performance indicators rather than all personal objectives. A study of banking performance pay by Lewis(1998)highlighted imposed targets which were unattainable with a range of 20 performance targets with narrow short term financial orientatated goals. The narrow focus on key targets and neglect of other performance aspects leads to tasks not being delivered.This final issue of judging management standards has already highlighted issues of inequity and bias based on gender (Beyer, 1990; Chen and DiTomasio, 1996; Fletcher, 1999). The suggested solutions to resolved Iscrimination have been proposed as enhanced interpersonal skills training are increased equitable use of 360 degree appraisal as a method to evaluate feedback from colleagues as this reduces the use of the “political metaphor”(Randell, 1994;Fletcher, 1999).On measures linking performance to improvement require a wider approach to enhanced work design and motivation to develop and enhance employee job satisfaction and the design of linkages between effort and performance are significant in the private sector and feedback and awareness in the public sector (Fletcher and Williams, 1996:176). Where rises be in pay were determined by achieving critical rated appraisal objectives, employees are less self critical and open to any developmental needs in a performance review.13.4 ConclusionAs performance appraisal provides a major potential for employee feedback that could link strongly to increasing motivation ,and a opportunity to clarify goals and achieve long term individual performance and career development why does it still suffers from what Randell describes as a muddle and confusion which still surrounds the theory and practice?There are key issues that require resolution and a great deal depends on the extent to which you have a good relationship with your line manager . Barlow(1989)argued `if you get off badly with your first two managers ,you may just as well forget it (p. 515).The evidence on the continued practice of appraisals is that they are still institutionally elaborated systems of management appraisal and development is significant rhetoric in the apparatus of bureaucratic control by managers (Barlow, 1989). In reality the companies create, review, change and even abolish appraisals if they fail to develop and enhance organisational performance(Kessler, 2000). Despite all the criticism and evidence the critics have failed to suggest an alternative for a process that can provide feedback, develop motivation, identify training and potential and evidence that can justify potential career development and justify reward(Hartle, 1997).绩效考核的困境Peter Prowse and Julie Prowse摘要本文旨在用绩效考核方法来解决绩效管理的困境。



企业薪酬体系设计外文文献翻译中文字数3000多字The success of any management strategy is dependent on the people who make up an XXX any enterprise。

and the XXX。

It is essential for an XXX can attract。


and motivate employees。

XXX enterprises。

and the design of a n system is not only an effective way to XXX on the design and performance XXX'ssalary system。

with a particular XXX.2 The Importance of a Well-Designed Salary SystemA well-designed salary system XXX。

It can help attract and retain top talent。


and increase productivity。


a salary system that is XXX。

it XXX to design a salary system that aligns with their business objectives and values。

while also meeting the XXX.3 XXXEquity incentives are an essential component of a well-designed salary system。

especially for XXX incentives。

such as stock ns and restricted stock units。



绩效报酬与对高层管理的激励【外文翻译】外文翻译原文Performance Pay and Top-Management Incentives.Material Source: EBSCO Author: Michael C· Jensen The conflict of interest between shareholders of a publicly owned corporation and the corporation’s chief executive officer (CEO)is a classic example of a principal-agent problem. If shareholders had complete information regarding the CEO’s activities and the firm’s investment opportunities, they could design a contract specifying and enforcing the managerial action to be taken in each state of the world. Managerial actions and investment opportunities are not, however, perfectly observable by shareholders; indeed ,shareholders do not often know what actions the CEO can take or which of these actions will increase shareholder wealth. In these situations, agency theory predicts that compensation policy will be designed to give the manager incentives to select and implement actions that increase shareholder wealth.Shareholders want CEOs to take particular actions—for example, deciding which issue to work on, which project to pursue, and which to drop—whenever the expected return on the action exceeds the expected costs. But the CEO compares only his private gain and cost from pursuing a particular activity. If one abstracts from the effects of CEO risk aversion, compensation policy that ties the CEO’s welfare to shareholder wealth helps align the private and social costs and benefits of alternative actions and thus provides incentives for CEOs to take appropriate actions. Shareholder wealth is affected by many factors inaddition to the CEO, including actions of other executives and employees, demand and supply conditions, and public policy. It is appropriate, however ,to pay CEOs on the basis of shareholder wealth since that is the objective of shareholders.There are many mechanisms through which compensation policy can provide value-increasing incentives, including performance-based bonuses and salary revisions, stock options, and performance-based dismissal decisions. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the magnitude of the incentives provided by each of these mechanisms. Our estimates imply that each $1,000 change in shareholder wealthcorresponds to an average i ncrease in this year’s and next year’s salary and bonus of about two cents. We also estimate the CEO wealth consequences associated with salary revisions,outstanding stock options, and performance-related dismissals; our upper-bound estimate of the total change in the CEO’s wealth from these sources that are under direct control of the board of directors is about 75¢per $1,000 change in shareholder wealth.Stock ownership is another way an executive’s wealth varies with the value of the firm. In our sample CEOs hold a median of about 0.25 percent of th eir firms’ common stock, including exercisable stock options and shares held by family members or connected trusts. Thus the value of the stock owned by the median CEO changes by $2.50whenever the value of the firm changes by$1,000.Therefore,our final all inclusive estimate of the pay-performance sensitivity—including compensation Dismissal, and stockholdings—is about $3.25 per $1,000 change in shareholder wealth.In large firms CEOs tend to own less stock and have lesscompensation-based incentives than CEOs in smaller firms. In particular, our all-inclusive estimate of the pay-performance sensitivity for CEOs in firms in the top half of our sample (ranked by market value) is $1.85 per $1,000, compared to $8.05 per $1,000 for CEOs in firms in the bottom half of our sample.We believe that our results are inconsistent with the implications of formal agency models of optimal contracting. The empirical relation between the pay of top-level executives and firm performance, while positive and statistically significant, is small for an occupation in which incentive pay is expected to play an important role. In addition ,our estimates suggest that dismissals are not an important source of managerial incentives since the increases in dismissal probability due to poor performance and the penalties associated with dismissal are both small. Executive inside stock ownership can provide incentives, but these holdings are not generally controlled by the corporate board, and the majority of top executives have small personal stockholdings.Our results are consistent with several alternative hypotheses; CEOs may be unimportant inputs in the production process, for example, or their actions may be easily monitored and evaluated by corporate boards. We offer an additional hypothesis relating to the role of political forces in the contracting process that implicitly regulate executive compensation by constraining the type of contractsthat can be written between management and shareholders. These political forces, operating both in the political sector and within organizations, appear to be important but are difficult to document because they operate in informal and indirect ways. Public disapproval of high rewards seems to have truncated theupper tail of the earnings distribution of corporate executives. Equilibrium in the managerial labor market then prohibits large penalties for poor performance and as a result the dependence of pay on performance is decreased. Our findings that the pay-performance relation, the raw variability of pay changes, and inflation-adjusted pay levels have declined substantially since the 1930s are consistent with such implicit regulation.We define the pay-performance sensitivity, b, as the dollar change i n the CEO’s wealth associate d with a dollar change in the wealth of shareholders. We interpret higher b’s as indicating a closer alignment of interests between the CEO and his shareholders. Suppose, for example, that a CEO is considering a nonproductive b ut costly “pet project” th at he values at $100,000 but that will diminish the value of his firm’s equity by $10million. The CEO will avoid this project if his pay-performance sensitivity exceeds b=.01(through some combination of incentive compensation, options, stock ownership, or probability of being fired for poor stock price performance) but will adopt the project if b< .01.The pay-performance sensitivity is estimated by following all 2,213 CEOs listed in the Executive Compensation Surveys published in Forbes from 1974 to 1986. These surveys include executives serving in 1,295 corporations, for a total of 10,400 CEO-years of data. We match these compensation data to fiscal year corporate performance data obtained from the data files of the Comp stat and the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP). After observations with missing data are eliminated, the final sample contains 7,750 yearly “first differences” in compensation and includes 1,688 executives from 1,049 corporations. Fiscal year stock returns are unavailable for 219 ofthe 7,750observations; calendar-year returns are used in these cases. (Deleting these 219 observations does not affect the results.)1. On average, each $1,000 change in shareholder wealth corresponds to an increase in this year's and next year's salary and bonus of about two cents. The CEO's wealth due to his cash compensation—defined as his total compensation plus the discounted present value of the change in his salary and bonus—changes by about 30¢per $1,000 change in shareholder wealth. In addition, the value of theCEO's stock options—defined as the value of the outstanding stock options plus the gains from exercising options—changes by 15¢per $1,000. Our final upper-bound estimate of the average compensation-related wealth consequences of a $1,000 change in shareholder value is 45¢for the full sample, 40¢for large firms, and 90¢for small firms.2. Our weighted-average estimate of the CEO's dismissal-related wealth consequences of each $1,000 shareholder loss for an average-size firm with — 50 percent net-of-market returns for two consecutive years is 30¢for the full sample, 5¢for large firms, and $2.25 for small firms. Therefore, the total pay-performance sensitivity—including both pay and dismissal—is about 75¢per $1,000 change in shareholder wealth for the full sample (45¢and $3.15 per $1,000 for large and small firms, respectively).3. The largest CEO performance incentives come from ownership of their firms' stock, but such holdings are small and declining. Median 1986 inside stockholdings for 746 CEOs in the Forbes compensation survey are 0.25 percent, and 80 percent of these CEOs hold less than 1.4 percent of their firms' shares.Median ownership for CEOs of large firms is 0.14 percent and for small firms is 0.49 percent. Adding the incentives generated by median CEO stockholdings to our previous estimates gives a total change in all CEO pay- and stock-related wealth of $3.25 per $1,000 change in shareholder wealth for the full sample, $1.85 per $1,000 for large firms, and $8.05 for small firms.4. Boards of directors do not vary the pay-performance sensitivity for CEOs with widely different inside stockholdings.5. Although bonuses represent 50 percent of CEO salary, such bonuses are awarded in ways that are not highly sensitive to performance as measured by changes in market value of equity, accounting earnings, or sales.6. The low variability of changes in CEO compensation reflects the fact that in spite of the apparent importance of bonuses in CEO compensation, they are not very variable from year to year. The frequency distributions of annual percentage changes in CEO salary plus bonus and total pay are comparable to that of a sample of 10,000 randomly selected workers. Thus our results indicating a weak relation between pay and performance are not due to boards of directors using measures of managerial performance that are unobservable to us.7. Median CEO inside stockholdings for the 120 largest NYSE firms fell by an order of magnitude from 0.3 percent in 1938 to 0.03 percent in 1984.8. The average standard deviation of pay changes for CEOs in the top quartile (by value) of all NYSE firms fell from $205,000 in 1934-38 to $127,000 in 1974-86.9. The pay-performance sensitivity for top-quartile CEOs fell by an order of magnitude from 17.5¢per $1,000 in 1934-38 to 1.9¢per $1,000 in 1974-86.10. The average salary plus bonus for top-quartile CEOs (in 1986 dollars) fell from $813,000 in 1934-38 to $645,000 in 1974-86, while the average market value of the sample firms doubled.The lack of strong pay-for-performance incentives for CEOs indicated by our evidence is puzzling. We hypothesize that political forces operating both in the public sector and inside organizations limit large payoffs for exceptional performance. Truncating the upper tail of the payoff distribution requires that the lower tail of the distribution also be truncated in order to maintain levels of compensation consistent with equilibrium in the managerial labor market. The resulting general absence of management incentives in public corporations presents a challenge for social scientists and compensation practitio。



中文3860字高管薪酬状况Yazan Ramadan DamiriUniversity of Tennessee-Knoxville公司使用不同的方案来补偿高管。





薪金薪金是一个定额的薪酬方案,不会在短期内改变(Balsam 35)。



因为薪金是非常重要的吸引高管人员的薪酬组合中最无风险的成分,尤其是对于厌恶风险的人来说(Balsam 312)。



根据Balsam的著作,“An Introduction to Executive Compensation”,这些措施可以是或明或暗,客观或主观,金融或非金融。

通常,最高奖金是表示为薪金的百分比;一个员工在公司里升职,可赚取的工资的比例作为奖金经常会增加(Balsam 314)。










高管薪酬对企业绩效的影响研究国内外文献综述1 国外文献研究许多研究发现,代理问题可能会导致企业的非效率投资。


这一观点认为,代理人会由于企业的资本投资而产生私人成本(Aggarwal & Samwick,2006),这种成本可能表现为代理人需要为企业的新项目启动、现有项目改造而承担的更大责任,或需要进行更多的新知识学习以满足新投资项目的能力要求。




Jensen (1986)提出,管理层常出于自利动机,将个人利益凌驾于股东利益之上,因此不愿将剩余的自由现金流返回给所有者,而是将这部分资金滥用于在职消费、进行盲目投资来扩大企业规模等,即进行管理层的“帝国建设”行为。



Core et al.(1997)认为增加高管的报酬能够有效降低企业的代理成本,进而提高公司业绩。

对于高管薪酬与企业绩效的相关研究,最早的研究者是Taussings (1925),在他的研究中得出高管薪酬与企业绩效的相关性很弱,甚至几乎没有相关性。



Coughlan(1985) 研究150 家制造型企业在1978-1982 年间的相关数据,以公司经营绩效、公司销售收入作为因变量,CEO 的薪酬作为自变量,进行实证研究。

薪酬管理与员工激励 外文文献翻译

薪酬管理与员工激励 外文文献翻译

文献出处:Adeoye A O, Elegunde A F. Compensation Management and Motivation: Cooking utensils for Organisational Performance[J]. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014, 5(27): 88-97.第一部分为译文,第二部分为原文。

默认格式:中文五号宋体,英文五号Times New Roma,行间距1.5倍。










人们普遍认为,如果对薪酬进行适当的管理,个人可以有员工激励去执行,从而对组织绩效产生积极的影响(Tsai,2005)薪酬管理是一种全球性的现象,决定了员工的聘用和保留,以达到组织目标,以及个人雇员的目标,也被用作控制手段,是个人参与的基础(Greckhamer,2011 ; Xavier,2014)。



绩效考核外文文献及翻译外文文献1.Performance appraisals - purpose and how to make it easier Performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance, and feed into business planning. Formal performance appraisals are generally conducted annually for all staff in the organization. His or her line manager appraises each staff member. Directors are appraised by the CEO, who is appraised by the chairman or company owners, depending on the size and structure of the organization. Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards, agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. Staff performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable organizational training needs analysis and planning. Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizational annual pay and grading reviews, which commonly also coincide with the business planning for the next trading year. Performance appraisals generally review each individual's performance against objectives and standards for the trading year, agreed at the previous appraisal meeting. Performance appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning - for individuals, crucial jobs, and for the organization as a whole. Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behavior development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and staff. Performance appraisals provide a formal, recorded, regular review of an individual's performance, and a plan for future development. Job performance appraisals - in whatever form they take - are therefore vital for managing the performance of people and organizations. Managers and appraises commonly dislike appraisals and try to avoid them. To these people the appraisal is daunting and time-consuming. The process is seen as a difficult administrative chore and emotionally challenging. The annual appraisal is maybe the only time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-one discussion. No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which then defeats the whole purpose. Appraisals are much easier, and especially more relaxed, if the boss meets each of the team members individually and regularly for one-to-one discussion throughout the year. Meaningful regular discussion about work, career, aims, progress, development, hopes and dreams, life, the universe, the TV, common interests, etc., whatever, makes appraisals so much easier because people then know and trust each other - which reduces all the stress and the uncertainty. Put off discussions and of course they loom very large. So don't wait for the annual appraisal to sit down and talk. The boss or the appraises can instigate this. If you are an employee with a shy boss, then take the lead. If you are a boss who rarely sits down and talks with people - or whose people are not used to talking with their boss - then set about relaxing the atmosphere and improving relationships. Appraisals (and work) all tend to be easier when people communicate well and know each other. So sit down together and talk as often as you can, and then when the actual formal appraisals are due everyone will find the whole process to be far more natural, quick, and easy - and a lot more productive too. 2.Appraisals, social responsibility and whole-person development There is increasingly a need for performance appraisals of staff and especially managers, directors and CEO's, to include accountabilities relating to corporate responsibility, represented by various converging corporate responsibility concepts including: the “Triple Bottom Line”; corporate so cial responsibility (CSR); Sustainability; corporate integrity and ethics; Fair Trade, etc. The organization must decide the extent to which these accountabilities are reflected in job responsibilities, which would thennaturally feature accordingly in performance appraisals. More about this aspect of responsibility is in the directors’ job descriptions section. Significantly also, while this appraisal outline is necessarily a formal structure this does not mean that the development discussed with the appraises must be formal and constrained. In fact the opposite applies. Appraisals must address “whole person” development - not just job skills or the skills required for the next promotion. Appraisals must not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, etc. The UK Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, (consistent with Europe), effective from 1st October 2006, make it particularly important to avoid any comments, judgments, suggestions, questions or decisions which might be perceived by the appraises to be based on age. This means people who are young as well as old. Age, along with other characteristics stated above, is not a lawful basis for assessing and managing people, unless proper 'objective justification' can be proven. See the Age Diversity information. When designing or planning and conducting appraisals, seek to help the 'whole-person' to grow in whatever direction they want, not just to identify obviously relevant work skills training. Increasingly, the best employers recognize that growing the 'whole person' promotes positive attitudes, advancement, motivation, and also develops lots of new skills that can be surprisingly relevant to working productively and effectively in any sort of organization. Developing the whole-person is also an important aspect of modern corporate responsibility, and separately (if you needed a purely business-driven incentive for adopting these principles), whole-person development is a crucial advantage in the employment market, in which all employers compete to attract the best recruits, and to retain the best staff. Therefore in appraisals, be creative and imaginative in discussing, discovering and agreeing 'whole-person' development that people will respond to, beyond the usual job skill-set, and incorporate this sort of development into the appraisal process. Abraham Maslow recognized this over fifty years ago. If you are an employee and your employer has yet to embrace or even acknowledge these concepts, do them a favor at your own appraisal and suggest they look at these ideas, or maybe mention it at your exit interview prior to joining a better employer who cares about the people, not just the work. Incidentally the Multiple Intelligences test and V AK Learning Styles test are extremely useful tools for appraisals, before or after, to help people understand their natural potential and strengths and to help managers understand this about their people too. There are a lot of people out there who are in jobs which don't allow them to use and develop their greatest strengths; so the more we can help folk understand their own special potential, and find roles that really fit well, the happier we shall all be. 3 .Are performance appraisals still beneficial and appropriate It is sometimes fashionable in the 'modern age' to dismiss traditional processes such as performance appraisals as being irrelevant or unhelpful. Be very wary however if considering removing appraisals from your own organizational practices. It is likely that the critics of the appraisal process are the people who can't conduct them very well. It's a common human response to want to jettison something that one finds difficult. Appraisals - in whatever form, and there are various - have been a mainstay of management for decades, for good reasons. Think about everything that performance appraisals can achieve and contribute to when they are properly managed, for example: (1)performance measurement - transparent, short, medium and long term (2)clarifying, defining, redefining priorities and objectives (3)motivation through agreeing helpful aims and targets (4)motivation though achievement and feedback (5)training needs and learning desires - assessment and agreement (6)identification of personal strengths and direction - including unused hidden strengths (7)career and succession planning -personal and organizational (8)team roles clarification and team building (9)organizational training needs assessment and analysis (10)appraise and manager mutual awareness, understanding and relationship (11)resolving confusions and misunderstandings (12)reinforcing and cascading organizational philosophies, values, aims, strategies, priorities, etc (13)delegation, additional responsibilities, employee growth and development (14)counseling and feedback (15)manager development - all good managers should be able to conduct appraisals well - it's a fundamental process (16)the list goes on People have less and less face-to-face time together these days. Performance appraisals offer a way to protect and manage these valuable face-to-face opportunities. My advice is to hold on to and nurture these situations, and if you are under pressure to replace performance appraisals with some sort of (apparently) more efficient and cost effective methods, be very sure that you can safely cover all the aspects of performance and attitudinal development that a well-run performance appraisals system is naturally designed to achieve. There are various ways of conducting performance appraisals, and ideas change over time as to what are the most effective appraisals methods and systems. Some people advocate traditional appraisals and forms; others prefer 360-degree-type appraisals; others suggest using little more than a blank sheet of paper. In fact performance appraisals of all types are effective if they are conducted properly, and better still if the appraisal process is clearly explained to, agreed by, the people involved. Managers need guidance, training and encouragement in how to conduct appraisals properly. Especially the detractors and the critics. Help anxious managers (and directors) develop and adapt appraisals methods that work for them. Be flexible. There are lots of ways to conduct appraisals, and particularly lots of ways to diffuse apprehension and fear - for managers and appraises alike. Particularly - encourage people to sit down together and review informally and often - this removes much of the pressure for managers and appraises at formal appraisals times. Leaving everything to a single make-or-break discussion once a year is asking for trouble and trepidation. Look out especially for the warning signs of 'negative cascaded attitudes' towards appraisals. This is most often found where a senior manager or director hates conducting appraisals, usually because they are uncomfortable and inexperienced in conducting them. The senior manager/director typically will be heard to say that appraisals don't work and are a waste of time, which for them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. All that said, performance appraisals that are administered without training (for those who need it), without explanation or consultation, and conducted poorly will be counter-productive and is a waste of everyone's time. Well-prepared and well-conducted performance appraisals provide unique opportunities to help appraise and managers improve and develop, and thereby also the organizations for whom they work. Just like any other process, if performance appraisals aren't working, don't blame the process, ask yourself whether it is being properly trained, explained, agreed and conducted. 4. Effective performance appraisals Aside from formal traditional (annual, six-monthly, quarterly, or monthly) performance appraisals, there are many different methods of performance evaluation. The use of any of these methods depends on the purpose of the evaluation, the individual, the assessor, and the environment. The formal annual performance appraisal is generally the over-riding instrument, which gathers together and reviews all other performance data for the previous year. Performance appraisals should be positive experiences. The appraisals process provides the platform for development and motivation, so organizations should foster a feeling that performance appraisals are positive opportunities, in order to get the best out of the people and the process. In certain organizations, performance appraisals are widely regarded as something rather less welcoming('blocking sessions' is not an unusual description), which provides a basis only on which to develop fear and resentment, so never, never, never use a staff performance appraisal to handle matters of discipline or admonishment, which should instead be handled via separately arranged meetings. 5. Types of performance and aptitude assessments (1)Formal annual performance appraisals (2)Probationary reviews (3)Informal one-to-one review discussions (4)Counseling meetings (5) Observation post (6) Skills or career-related tests (7) Assignment or task to follow the review, including the secondment (8)Assessment Centre, including the observation group exercises, presentations and other tests (9)Communicate with people who investigate the views of others (10) Acts of psychological tests and other assessment (11)Handwriting analysis 外文文献译文1、考绩考核的用途和如何使其易于实现绩效考核根本上是对职员有效的管理和评估。

薪酬及绩效考核管理 英语

薪酬及绩效考核管理 英语



以下是一些相关的英语表达:1. 薪酬管理- Salary management- Compensation management- Payroll management- Wage management2. 绩效考核- Performance appraisal- Performance evaluation- Performance review- Performance assessment3. 绩效考核指标- Performance indicators- Key performance indicators (KPIs)- Metrics- Performance measures4. 薪酬结构- Salary structure- Pay structure- Compensation structure- Wage structure5. 薪酬福利- Compensation and benefits- Pay and benefits- Salary and benefits- Remuneration and benefits6. 绩效奖金- Performance bonus- Incentive bonus- Merit bonus- Performance-based pay7. 绩效改进计划- Performance improvement plan (PIP) - Performance development plan (PDP) - Performance enhancement plan- Performance growth plan8. 绩效管理流程- Performance management process- Performance appraisal process- Performance evaluation process- Performance review process以上是一些薪酬及绩效考核管理相关的英语表达,希望对大家有所帮助。



本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文:Long-term incentive schemes, executive remuneration and corporateperformance: an empirical studyIntroductionIn 1995 the Greenbury Committee Report was published as part of the wider concern with corporate governance issues beginning with the Cadbury Committee Report in 1992. The Greenbury Report recommended that companies should introduce more disclosure and transparency in their reporting of executive directors remuneration packages. As a result com- panies now provide comprehensive details of executive pay in the Remuneration Committee Report (contained in the company's main Annual Report and Accounts). Specifically, a breakdown is given for each executive by name of their salaries, benefits in kind, annual bonus and “other” payments, for example, profit share, compensation for loss of office, together with details of new and outstanding grants of options and long-term incentive plans (LTIP) grants and the money value of option/LTIP grants which have been exercised during the financial year.Previously, companies typically only published “aggregated”details of individual salaries, benefits in kind and annual bonuses, reporting individual salaries anonymously in pay “bands”while details of the money-value of option/LTIP exercises were rarely disclosed.In addition to the above, Greenbury recommended the more widespread adoption of performance-related incentive schemes (options and LTIPs). Previously most companies had operated non-performance-related option schemes, although an increasing number of them had adopted performance criteria in the run-up to Greenbury. More particularly the deployment of the recently introduced LTIP was given added impetus.In the meantime the UK government has recently become more and more concerned at the size of pay increases awarded to the executives of large companies and, in particular, the substantial payouts they have been receiving from option and LTIP schemes, seemingly not justified by equivalent improvements in company performance. In response the government is now considering amendments to the Companies' Act to make executive directors more “accountable” to their shareholders on pay issues, including a requirement that the Remuneration Committee Report be voted on by shareholders separately from the main Report and Accounts at the Annual General Meeting. Companies' counter claim to this charge is that basic salaries must reflect international pay levels in order to attract and retain top class executive directors and that the widespread use of long-term incentive schemes provides ample evidence of their desire to link executive pay rewards to corporate performance.This article presents an empirical study of the option/LTIP performance criteria used by a sample of large UK companies to illustrate current practice and provides details of the importance of performance-related remuneration of executives relative to non-performance-related pay (specifically, basic salary and benefits such as company car expenses).General features of option/LTIP schemesA substantial number of companies now operate “long-term incentive schemes” in addition to the traditional “annual bonus” as a means of motivating the executive directors of the company to improve corporate financial performance and thus align their interests more closely with those of the company's shareholders. Options have been the main instrument of long-term financial rewards but in many companies they have been augmented (or in some cases supplanted) by lLTIPs.An executive option scheme involves the grant/award of a specified number of shares in a company to its executives. Options are granted at the discretion of the company's Remuneration Committee and they are usually phased-in over a number of years. Options are mostly granted on a salary-related basis. Under Inland Revenue provisions share option grants under “approved” schemes can be awarded up to a maximum value of £30,000. Additional options may be awarded up to a maximum offour times current salary (less the outstanding value of “approved” options). Options are granted at a specified “exercise” price which is normally the market price of the company's share at the date of grant. The exercise/vesting of options typically can only occur between three and ten years after the date of grant. Most options can be exercised provided that certain pre-determined financial performance “targets” are achieved over a specified time period, usually three years.Typically, option schemes require the company's earnings per share (EPS) to grow at a rate greater than the increase in the Retail Price Index (RPI) over the same period or growth in “total shareholder return”(TSR) to exceed that of companies comprising, for example, the FTSE-100 Index.For example, Astra Zeneca's option scheme requires its EPS growth to exceed that of the increase in the RPI by at least 9 percent over three years, whilst HSBC's scheme requires its EPS growth to outstrip that of the increase in the RPI by at least 6 percent over three years; Allied Domecq's option scheme requires its TSR growth to be greater than the average TSR growth of companies comprising the FTSE-100 Index over three years. Executives secure a financial gain on the options awarded to them if at the time of vesting the market price of the company's share is greater than the designated “exercise price”.Executive LTIPs are similar to options insofar as they involve the periodic grant and vesting of shares in the company, again the vesting of shares being conditional on the attainment of specified perform ance “targets” again usually over a three year period. However, there are some notable differences.Severn Trent's LTIP targets TSR growth relative to the TSR growth of 14 peer group companies over three years. Minimum vesting occurs if the company is ranked in seventh position, rising to maximum vesting if the company is ranked in the top three.Option and LTIP payoutsAs indicated earlier the purpose of option and LTIP schemes is to motivate executives to improve corporate performance, particularly as it relates to shareholder interests. To this end most such schemes now incorporate performance requirementsto be attained in order to activate payments to the executives. Over the period of the survey (1994-2001) apart from five companies all of the companies have attained (in part) their self-selected performance requirements and thus made payments to their executives. It will be instructive therefore to examine the relative magnitude of performance-related long-term option/LTIP payments compared to (non-performance-related) basic salaries and benefits, together with those rewards (bonuses) related to short-term performance accruing from the achievement of, largely, annual profit targets. Crudely, if the size of payments under option and LTIP arrangements and annual bonuses are large relative to that of basic salaries and benefits, then it could be construed that attaining option and LTIP requirements is likely to act as a powerful influence on executive priorities.Once someone presents details of companies performance-related pay elements as a percentage of basic salaries and benefits for the period 1994-2001 . It also includes details of payments received under non-performance related option schemes given that for many companies they have only recently been terminated or phased-out to be replaced by performance-related option and LTIP arrangements. Obviously in future these will diminish and finally disappear, but for the period under review they can be seen as an important source of “extra” income without “strings attached”.A total of 28 companies (55 percent of the sample) paid annual bonuses equivalent to one- quarter to one-half of basic salaries/benefits and in the case of a further eight companies annual bonuses amounted to over one-half of basic pay/benefits. Generally, rewards to date under performance-related option and LTIP arrangements have been lower reflecting the fact that in many cases they have only recently ``kicked in''. For example, Allied Domecq's performance- related option scheme was introduced in 1996 but awards only became exercisable in 1999. Thus, such payments are expected to increase significantly in future years. Under the period under review, 15 companies, paid out awards equivalent to one-quarter and one-half of basic salaries/benefits, and seven companies paid out awards amounting to between one-half and 100 percent of basic salaries/benefits. In the case of three companies awards exceeded that of basic salaries/benefits ± WPP (111 percent), BP (187 percent)and V odafone (660 percent).Clearly, the governments' implication noted in the introduction that there appears to be little linkage between executive remuneration and corporate performance cannot be sub- stantiated. All of the 51 companies operate either a performance-related option or LTIP arrange- ment and some operate both. The link is there although subject to the caveat that self-selected performance requirements may well be too “easy”or “undemanding'”,rewarding “average”rather than “exceptional”performance.Changes in option and LTIP arrangementsAs we have seen more and more companies introduced performance-related option and LTIP arrangements in the 1990s . The whole period, especially since the publication of the Greenbury Report in 1995 can be characterized as one of experimentation. A ubstantial number of the companies included in the survey have either ``®ne-tuned'' their original schemes or introduced new ones as a replacement, including “switches” from options to LTIPs, and vice-versa, as well as running both in tandem. These changes in part reflect an attempt by the companies themselves to “suck-it-and-see”, and then (hopefully) produce a “better”, more effective reward system. In part, however, they have been subjected to outside pressure, particularly from powerful institutional investor interests, who have criticized many of the earlier schemes as being two “soft” and undemanding.Over half of the companies which originally either introduced a performance-related option scheme or LTIP have since made modifications to these schemes or introduced new ones. Generally, performance requirements have been “toughened” for many of the original option and LTIP arrangements. For example, in the case of options, BAE Systems requires EPS growth to outstrip the RPI by +10 percent over three years (previously +6 percent) and Whitbread requires EPS growth to exceed that of the RPI by +12 percent over three years (previously +6 percent). Similarly, in the case of LTIPs, BT now requires its TSR growth compared to the FTSE-100 companies to place it in the top 50 to trigger minimum awards and the top 25 to trigger maximum awards (previously the top 80 and top 40, respectively) andlikewise, Reuters now requires its TSR growth compared to the FTSE-100 companies to place it in the top 50 percent to release minimum awards and the top 26 to release maximum awards (previously, the top 75 and top 40, respectively).As noted a number of companies have introduced new schemes. Of the five new option schemes, three involved a s witch from EPS to TSR as the “target”, while of the ten new LTIP arrangements, six also involved a switch from EPS to TSR as the target and two involved a switch from share price to TSR.Changes in “comparators” have been very limited. There are no change s in comparator for the original option schemes and only four in the case of the original LTIP arrangements ±all involving a switch from the FTSE-100 to a smaller peer group. As the writer indicates later, peer groups seem a more realistic comparator than the RPI and indices of dissimilar companies in assessing performance. ConclusionsOption and LTIP schemes are aimed at aligning the objectives of company executives more closely with those of the shareholders. The rapid growth in the use of LTIPs on top of established option schemes and the potentially large rewards to executives these can give rise to, indicate a more conscious effort to link executive pay to corporate performance. The survey of current executive incentive schemes presented in this article indicates that too many companies have seemingly adopted relative undemanding financial targets, rewarding average performance rather than true excellence. Hence, the case for introducing stronger “checks” on pay schemes remains attractive.However, in the writer's view companies themselves should adopt a more stringent approach to the rewards potentially available through option and long-term incentive plans, linking such rewards more closely to excellent rather than average performance. Specifical ly, we would recommend that companies should: take “total shareholder return” as the appropriate benchmark for corporate performance; target a peer group index of at least 20 companies for comparative purposes; and aim as a minimum requirement to be placed in the top quartile of the selected peer group.Source:Christopher Pass.Long-term incentive schemes, executive remuneration and corporate performance: an empirical study.CORPORATE GOVERNANCE.Vol. 3 No. 4,,2003:P18—27.译文:长期激励方案:执行薪酬与公司绩效实证研究引言1995年, 格林伯里委员会发表的报告的一部分指出的关于企业管理更广泛关注的问题是吉百利委员会在1992年的报告开始关注的一部分。





Johnsef.Martini (2016)主要从公平理论层面展开论述,他认为企业激励并非始终有效,毕竟员工需求存在差异性,并非所有员工均对加薪感兴趣,员工往往更强调激励的公平性。





Christine Lundberg、Gorge Borland等学者(2019)在员工激励研究中主要以双因素理论为主进行分析。




Lin Fengyi(2020)主要分析了企业投资与收益之间的关系,在运用杜邦分析体系研究中得出了结论。



薪酬管理毕业论文外文翻译资料篇一:薪酬管理体系中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Enterprises salary system design andperformance evaluationAbstractAny effective way of management must rely on a basis: people, all the staff of enterprises. Compensation system as an important aspect of enterprise management system, for an enterprise to attract, retain and motivate employees have a significant impact, attract, retain and motivate key talent, has become the core of the enterprise recognized goal. The compensation system design is not only an effective way to realize the core objective, is also an important content of modern enterprise development.Key words: salary system and equity incentive, senior executives, design1 IntroductionHuman capital to the enterprise wealth maximization, the greatest degree of retaining key talent, attract potential talent, the basic principals and successful is perfect competitive compensation system. With the concept of human capital is more and more people Heart, attract, retain and motivate key talent, has become the core of enterprise determine target, compensation system for enterprises An important aspect of the system, to attract talents play an important role. Compensation system design is an effective way to reality is the core objective, but also an important content of the development of the enterprise to modernization, so the height weight by enterprises Depending on the.2 Literature reviewEarly in the traditional compensation phase, the employers always minimize workers to cut costs as much as possible, and through this method make the Labor of workers have to work harder in order to get paid enough to make a living. William. First, Quesnay’s minimum wage theory is that wages and other commodities, there is a natural value, namely maintain staff minimum standard of living life information value,the minimum wage for workers does not depend on the enterprise or the employer s subjective desire, but the result of the competition in the market. The classical economists Muller believed that certain conditions, the total capital in the enterprise salary depends on the labor force and for the purchase of labor relationship between capital and other capital; For the payment of capital wage fund is difficult to change in the short term. Wages fund quantity depends on two factors: one is a worker, directly or indirectly, in the production of products and services production efficiency; the other one is in the process of production of these goods directly or indirectly employ labor quantity. With the development of era, the simple forms of employment have already can t satisfy the demand of the workers, so some interests to share views was put forward to motivate workers. On this basis, the Gantt invented the complete tasks rewarded system to perfect the incentive measures. Represented by Americaneconomist Becker’s theory of human capital school of thought argues that human capital is determined by the human capital investment, is present in the human body to the content of knowledge, skills, etc. Martin Weizmann share of economic theory that wages should be linked to corporate profits. Increase in profits, employee wages fund, increased profits, and employee wages fund. Between enterprises and employees is the key of the labor contract is not in a fixed wage of how many, but in the division of labor both sides share proportion. In modern compensation phase, thecontents of the compensation has been changed, increased a lot of different compensation models, and more and more pay attention to employee s personal feelings and development, employees can even according to individual condition choose different salary portfolio model. Employees can be paid off on surface of the material and spiritual.3 Pay system overviewIn the past the traditional pay system, usually are business owners value orientation as the guide to carry on the design. With the continuous development of the overall market environment, in the modern enterprise management concept has also changed. They are aware of the established compensation system should adapt to the employee benefit as a starting point, the self-interest pursuit and employee demand together, to establish a set of enterprises and employees to maximize the interests of the two-way, so as to achieve win-win situation. Since the 90 s, the westerndeveloped economies in the enterprise owners and managers try to change the traditional form of compensation, relocation compensation system, the importance of also constantly try to innovate salary system of design and diversification.Performance pay system is established in accordance with the enterprise organization structure based on the results of the individual or team performance appraisal for salary distribution system. Total compensation is generally associated with individual or team performance. Now the enterprise model is used to combine individual performance and team performance. At the same time will be long term incentive and short-term incentive flexible model. In this kind of pay structure, contains a variety of forms of performance pay.Skill-based pay system on the basis of employees skill determine employee wages level, and to the improvement of skills as their employeesprogress criteria. The compensation model can encourage employees to continuously learn new knowledge, to keep up with The Times, is the industry leader, when technology and equipment upgrades to the fastest response time to complete the change, and is helpful to form the learning corporate culture. If for flat organization structure, management jobs and opportunities for advancement are less, the compensation system can be very skillful professionals to make up for in terms of compensation. But with technical compensation system with the篇二:薪酬外文文献毕业论文材料:英文文献及译文课题名称:薪酬体系专业工商管理学生姓名班级 B 工商 072学号指导教师专业系主任完成日期二零一一年三月The Changing Pattern of Pay and BenefitsTudor, Thomas R, Trumble, Robert RJournal of Compensation Benefits/May/2008Today, many companies still base their reward systems on the 1950s compensation model made popular during the brief period when U.S. companies dominated the world. With todays increasingly competitive environment, however, companies must look more closely at thecost-benefit of rewards, instead of just using them in an attempt to reduce employee dissatisfaction. Companies must provide short-term motivation and encourage employees to develop long-term skills that will aid the company. Most importantly, companies must also attract and retain highperformers, instead of alienating them with pay systems that give everyone pay increases without regard to levels of performance. For example, such new compensation approaches may include skill-based pay, gainsharing plans, and flexible benefits systems.Traditional compensation approaches are still often modeled on the centralization-based organizational model, in which decisions were made at the top and management rigidly defined tasks. However, with global competition becoming an increasingly prominent issue, companies need reward systems that match their movement to decentralized structures. Larger numbers of companies are also becoming very aware that they cannot just pass additional compensation costs onto future customers. Today, our pay systems must move in step with the participative-management trend by becoming more flexible instead of remaining fixed. This adjustment involves many factors including shorter product life cycles, a need to be more flexible, a need for workers to continually gain additional skills, and for them to think more on the job.In today s most successful companies, employee rewards and benefits are increasingly incorporated into an organization s strategic planning. Why? The rationale is that employee compensation has a substantial impact on the long-term financial position of a firm. Compensation structures should consider an organization s strategic requirements and should match organizational goals. Compensation strategic planning shouldinvolve:consideration of the internal and external environment; and creation of an organization s compensation statement, compensation goals, and the development of compensation policies.Today, one strategic compensation trend is the use of pay incentives instead of the traditional, annual “everybody gets” pay increase. The rationale is to control costs and to more closely tie performance to compensation. We can group the changing pattern of compensation into twogeneral areas: Pay Method Trends and Benefits Trends. Human Resources managers should familiarize themselves with these changing trends and determine the plan that is most suitable for their organization.PAY METHOD TRENDSThere are a number of pay methods available for use by employers, including general pay increases, cost-of-living increases, merit pay, bonuses, skill-based pay, competence-based pay, CEO compensation, gainsharing, and various types of incentive pay.General Pay IncreaseA general pay increase is a pay increase given to everyone in a company. It can be a lump-sum payment, but it is more likely to be a percentage increase in base salary. The employer s rationale for the pay increase may have been the result of a market survey, job evaluation, or just a profitable year. The trend, however, is for general increases to decline as pay-for-performance systems become increasingly dominant. In addition, giving everyone the same raise sometimes decreases morale becausehigh-performing employees see poor performers getting the same reward. Cost-of-Living IncreaseCost-of-living increases are general pay increases triggered by a rise in an inflation-sensitive index, such as the consumer price index or the producer price index. As with general pay increases, the use ofcost-of-living pay increases is decreasing among companies. The rationale for this decrease is that with lower inflation (thus little change in prices), incomes are more stable and the need for inflation adjustments is not as great as it was in the past. In addition, collective bargaining agreements are now less likely to include provisions for cost-of-living increases, so nonunion firms are not under as much pressure to provide them in an attempt to match union-negotiated compensation. Their declinecan also be attributed to the fact that employers are moving away from pay systems that are nonperformance related.Merit PayMerit pay is another generic term in which pay incentives are given for overall job performance.2 Some problems frequently encountered with merit pay plans include:? the use of subjective criteria when measuring employee performance; ? a lack of uniform standards for rating individual employees;? differences among managers in how to make individual ratings.Merit pay was the first attempt by firms to create apay-for-performance system. However, due to employer (and employee) dissatisfaction with merit pay plans, the trend is to eliminate them and instead use pay-for-performance plans that are more objective (such as bonus plans), and that use specific performance measuring criteria that aid in the performance appraisal process.3 This trend includes both the private and public sectors, because the merit pay system in the federal sector has also been inadequate.BonusA bonus is a generic term involving a type of pay-for-performance plan. Managers can give a bonus for individual or group performance, and for meeting objectives such as MBO (management by objectives). Researchers and practitioners have given these plans high marks for motivating employees, for creating loyalty, and for meeting performance objectives. In addition, bonuses reduce the turnover of high-performing employees and increase the turnover of low performers, who do not get bonuses. If the bonus system is well-designed, they also create internal equity. As such, bonus systems (pay-for-performance) are the current trend in compensation.Skill-Based PaySkill-based pay emphasizes a company s desire to increase the skills and knowledge of its workforce. It may involve classes, voluntary job rotation, or tests. Itsbenefits are many, including having trained people available to do a job if someone is absent. Skill-based pay also works well with quality circles because:? it provides employees with a better understanding of the jobs their coworkers perform;? it reduces resistance to restructuring or other needed changes; ? it leads to a more flexibleworkforce that can better adapt to new technologies or processes; and it encourages a learning environment.It does, however, require a large investment in training which can be expensive.Competence-Based PayCompetence-based pay (the grid system) is very new and does vary from plan-to-plan. The idea is not only to reward employees for how well they do a job, but for how they do the job. For example, a competence-based pay plan can be used to persuade workers to use the computers that are sitting on their desks, or to adapt to other changes that come along. The rationale behind a competence-based pay plan is to keep employee skills current.CEO CompensationThe compensation of CEOs (and other top executives) has also been changing, and now includes more pay incentives—such as stock options —to better link performance with compensation. Plans linking executive pay with performance may include stock options, cash bonuses, phantom stock, or deferred compensation, all of which are ways of making top management more accountable for company performance. Today, performance considerations are a larger part of executive compensation. TheSecurities and Exchange Commission also requires corporations to explain the rationale behind their executive compensation programs to shareholders.GainsharingGainsharing is a pay-for-performance plan in which “gains” are shared with employees for improvements in profitability orproductivity.Gainsharing plans are designed to create a partnership with employees so that both management and labor are working toward the same goals and that both groups are benefiting from the results. Gainsharing is a growing trend, and it fits well with other trends, such as participatory management, worker empowerment, and teamwork. It is also being used in many service businesses, such as banking and insurance. Gainsharing encourages employee involvement and acceptance of change, and aligns employee goals with company goals.Five Types of Pay IncentivesWhile all pay incentives can be generically coined as “gainsharing,”we will briefly mention five types:1. ESOPs. Employee Stock Ownership Plans allow the sharing of gains throughdividends and any increase in the value of company stock. ESOPs do create ownership in the company for employees that may result in additional motivation, but they do not necessarily have aparticipative-management component.2. Profit-Sharing Plans. Profit-sharing plans allow employees to share in the revenue they helped generate. This sharing can be either deferred or immediate. Some observers argue that associating rewards and performance is difficult if managersonly give rewards annually, and that perhaps employees should not share in the profits because they do not share in the risks. However, companiessuch as Lincoln Electric and Ford feel that profit sharing is a strong inducement to increase performance. The current rate of growth of these plans is significant. For best motivational results, companies should use a system that is based on some criteria that employees understand, instead of just an arbitrary amount. The advantage of profitsharing plans is that employers do not have to pay a large sum of money if the profit target is not met.3. Scanlon Plans. Scanlon plans allow employees to share in any savings in laborcost (using a ratio) that is due to their increased performance. The rationale for ScanIon plans is to help employees identify with and participate in the company. Employees participating in such plans may have access to suggestion programs, brainstorming sessions, or committees to solve production problems. The employer and the employees then share in the savings that result.4. Rucker Plans. Rucker plans allow employees to share in any improvement in theratio of employee costs to the valued added in manufacturing. This is the most complex gainsharing plan, because it deals with four variables: labor costs, sales value of production (changes in equipment, or work methods, for example), purchases of outside services such as subcontracting, or utilities, and purchases of outside materials, involving “inventory, theft, and so on”. Rucker plans are designed to give employees a stake in areas such as reducing labor costs, using raw materials, and outsourcing decisions. As such, everyone shares in the savings.5. Improshare Plans. Improshare plans allow employees to share in productivitygains that occur because of their efforts.[sup5] Following the Improshare approach, managers give bonuses when the actual hours for a specific amount of productivity are less than the standard that they created using a formula. The savings are split between the company and the workers, in a ratio such as 50?50. CHANGES IN BENEFIT PLANSChanges in benefit plans have occurred as a result of efforts to keep up with trends, to contain costs, and to meet government regulations. Employees often view benefits as an entitlement, and their cost—which has steadily increased—now averages 36 percent of total wages. The trend is to get the most out of benefits, while keeping costs down. For example, employers do not want to pay for any overlap of coverage, or to pay too much for coverage. As their costs continue to go up, employers are now starting to question how much employees value their benefits. For example: ? Do they support recruitment, motivate, and retain good employees? ? Do they support the strategic mission of the firm?? Do proposed benefits support the company s retention goals and the demographics of potential recruits?? Do they support the company culture or the culture the company now wants to promote? A movement now exists among employers for measuring benefit results and continuously evaluating benefits. A focus on Total Quality Management makes the internal employee the customer of HR departments who have the product of “benefits.” HR departments want to satisfy the篇三:企业薪酬管理外文翻译文献企业薪酬管理外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)翻译:宽带薪酬体系——薪酬模式的创新视野摘要:最近,有关“企业人力资源管理中的有效激励”的问题吸引了许多产业界和学术界的学者的关注。



1) The Management of Broadbanding Salary浅谈宽带薪酬管理2) Talking about the Salary Management薪酬管理浅谈3) Salary payment is managed宽带薪酬理论例句>>4) Broadbanding salary宽带薪酬1.Application of a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to the broadbanding salary performance evalution;模糊综合评判模型在宽带薪酬绩效评估中的应用2.The broadbanding salary system is one that can be used in horizontal organized enterprises that have good conscious of management,innovation and performance.文章指出,宽带薪酬制度适用于管理基础扎实、制度化和规范化管理较强的企业、扁平化的组织结构、团队化管理的组织和具有创新和绩效文化的企业。

3.The article presents the meaning of broadbanding salary,analyzes the characteristics and advantages of broadbanding salary,expoundsing the processes of designing broadbanding salary and points out the problems for enterprises which implement broadbanding salary.针对传统薪酬结构的弊端,提出宽带薪酬是一种适用于技术型、创新型的高科技企业的新型薪酬体系。



The Fatal Flaw in Pay for PerformanceMany corporate boards, responding to shareholder and public pressure, are designing pay-for-performance plans to hold CEOs accountable. But there is often a crucial flaw in such schemes: They don’t pay for performance with integrity.The omission—evident from compensation committee reports in top companies’ proxy statements—is striking. Corporations, after all, face unceasing pressures to make the numbers by bending the rules, and an integrity miss can have catastrophic consequences, including indictments, fines, dismissals, and collapse of market capitalization. Furthermore, performance with integrity creates the fundamental trust—inside and outside the company—on which corporate power is based.A board should explicitly base a defined portion of the CEO’s cash compensation and equity grants on his or her success in handling the foundational task of fusing high performance with high integrity at all levels of the company. Why don’t boards do that They may be uncertain about the meaning of integrity and how to assess its integration into financial performance.Step one, then, in designing pay for performance with integrity is using the following definition: Integrity is a uniform corporate culture with three elements—robust adherence to formal rules; adoption of ethical standards that are in the company’s long-term enlightened self-interest; and employee commitment to honesty, candor, fairness, trustworthiness, and reliability. Step two is for the board to assess whether the CEO has infused high performance with high integrity. The board can do that by answering the following questions, using hard analytics as well as the board members’ own ju dgment.Has the CEO established company-wide performance-with-integrity principles for which the firm’s leaders are responsible and accountable Examples of these include demonstrating committed and consistent integrityleadership; managing performance with integrity as a business process; using early-warning systems to stay ahead of global trends; providing timely, risk-assessed training; and giving employees a voice.Have the CEO and top managers implemented these principles through robust practices If leaders don’t invest time, effort, and resources in embedding key integrity practices in business processes, “tone at the top” is just window dre ssing. For examples, see the sidebar “The Practice of Performance with Integrity.”Has integrity permeated every aspect of the corporate culture One vital tool for assessing that is an annual, anonymous employee survey across all businesses and regions that asks, “Is integrity compromised by business pressures” and “Are the leaders’ verbal commitments to integrity reflected in action” The board can also have outside HR experts periodically conduct 360-degree assessments of the CEO and top executives that explore such questions.Has the CEO met annual performance-with-integrity objectives set by the board One example might be effectively handling a major miss or crisis—an environmental accident, a bribery case, or a financial restatement—and remedying the problem systematically after a candid analysis of its causes. Another objective might be hiring leaders in emerging markets such as China, Russia, and India who are skilled in integrating performance and integrity.How do business divisions rate comparatively The board should look at how integrity practices differ among divisions and how the CEO deals with laggards. It should also look at how the units rank against external peers. This may require data from news or government reports or a comparative audit by, say, a former regulatory official.The board’s standards for assessing pay for performance with integrity should also define a new set of “specs” in the company’s CEO succession planning. In evaluating candidates, the board should ask: Do they possess the knowledge, experience, and skills to drive a robust performance-with-integrity culture deep into the company’s global operations The same specsshould be used to evaluate the compensation of senior executives and set goals for leadership development programs. That’s the best way to ensure that, over the long term, the company’s top ranks are filled with managers who live by the principles and practices of performance with integrity—and thus help the company avoid debilitating risks and secure the trust that is vital to doing business.Here’s a sample list of ques tions greatly shortened because of space limits that will help boards assess a CEO’s performance-with-integrity practices. They can be answered using tools like process reviews and substantive audits and external outcomes such as environmental violations or customer complaints.LeadershipDoes the CEO...communicate to the organization that integrity must never be compromised to make the numbersdiscipline generals, not just troops, for integrity lapsesaddress difficult integrity issues regularly at staff meetingsBusiness processesDoes the CEO...build a strong integrity infrastructure—processes for preventing, detecting, and responding to lapses in all businesses and regions—and put A players in charge of itassess integrity needs realistically and provide adequate funding for those activitiesrespond promptly to early warnings on trends in legal, ethical, and country risksGiving employees a voiceDoes the CEO...encourage reporting of financial, legal, and ethical concerns through a system that prevents retaliationensure that concerns are investigated fairly and promptly, that trends are tracked, and that remedial action is taken if neededFrom the point of view of productivity, it is production or other economic activities of human labor input the monetary funds manifestations, is the final cost of the product components. In the conditions of market economy, enterprises mainly through paid to the accounting or measuring production and other economic activities of human labor consumption. Due to the pressure of competition, enterprises must consider cutting labor costs.From the point of view of the relations of production, compensation for the income distribution reflects the outcome of the staff was theallocation of shares. Under the current social system of our country, compensation is the main sources to the means of subsistence consumption of workers. It have a major impact on the level of consumption and the consumption structure , and consumption actually is the process of reproduction labor, reproduction of labor also has an important influencein the next phase of production. Therefore, the compensation’s level has great significance for sustained and stable increase production or promote other economic activities.Such a dual character of compensation, it decided that the compensation management is actually reduce expenditure and income distribution on production costs and that continued to improve pay levels of this contradiction and make an adjustment.2The function of compensationThe function of compensation may from the enterprises, workers and social aspects to inspect:①From the point of view of the enterpr ises, compensation has the following functions: First, the increment functions. Compensation is not only the costs of purchase labor by enterprises, as well as the investment of live working , it will give employers greater than expected cost benefits. The existence of such benefit, provided the impetus mechanism of labor employment and investment labor for the enterprises. Second, the promoting functions. Compensation is a evaluation of workers and operators’ performance, reflect the quality and quantity conditions of work. Therefore, the compensation can promote staff constantly improvetheir work efficiency and enthusiasm. Third, the coordination functions. While the movement of compensation, put the organization's goals and intentions of managers to employees, correspond the relationship between staff and enterprises, and promote the consistent of staff’ action and enterprises correspond. On the other hand, the reasonable of compensation’ differentials and structure can effectively mediate the conflict between the employees, and harmony the human relationships.②From the point of view of the employee, compensation has thefollowing functions: First, the reproduction of labor ensure functions. Staff through the labor and services exchange for compensation, so that they could meet the need of food, clothing, shelter, withthe basic needs of life, thereby achieving a reproduction of labor force. Second is to achieve functional value. Compensation is an evaluation for enterprises to pay for their employees, also is the recognition of staff capability and level, is the returns of the implement of individuals value, and the signal of successful promotion, it reflects the employees’ relative position and function in enterprises, it can make the staff have a sense of achievement and satisfaction, and thus inspire greater enthusiasm for the work.Third,reasonable compensation will be strong the trust of enterprise by staff ,buildup the expected increase risk of psychological sense ofsecurity and a sense of security for the staff.③From the point of view of the social, compensation has the relocate function of labor force resources for the social. Most people will bewilling to the higher compensation regions, departments and the post. As a manager can use the difference compensation to guide human resources reasonable flow, promote the effective distribution for human resources, implement the human resources development and maximize efficiency. In addition, compensation also can apply the occupational value and types of work by people, compensation level to a certain extent reflect the types of work or social values, thereby adjust the people's occupational aspirations and the flows of obtain employment.Compensation has always been an attention task, it is not merelyrelated to each person's personal interests, is involved in every organization, the whole community, and even the entire country's socio-economic development. Therefore, compensation is that foreign scholars have always been an important research subject.The Motivation theory of compensation is the basis of the compensation management theory. Motivation is the most important and most basicfunctions in compensation. How to use the compensation to motivate the staff’ efficiency and enthusiasm, is the core content of compensation study, design and compensation management. Reasonable, fair and competitive compensation is the most important factors to encourage the employees to work hard. Reasonable, and effective compensation management mechanism between prompting is a benign interaction. Effective compensation mechanism must motivate the staff use higher quantity and quality to completed tasks, and higher quantity and quality of work must bring higher compensation.Motivation is a psychology concept, in its essence, it is said that some motivation by the reasons, some occurred motive acts is produced. For example, the same person, why do their sometimes work actively, and sometimes flagging spirit and no mood to work, or even negative go slow Now, put the motivation concept into management practice, endow a new meaning. That is motivation is a spiritual power or state, the staff has stepped up, inspire and promote the role and instruction or guidance staff conduct atthe organization's goals. Therefore, not only to study some kind of motivation how is, more crucial to examine how to promote the management of a particular object have the motivation how to guide them with their full force to achieve a particular goal. Today's society, more and more motivation by many managers in the implementation guidance and leadershipis seen as an important method thus effectively integrate human, using technology to achieve reunification of all employees ,it will also make the personal ease of mind, the achievement of organizational objectives.In the understanding the basis of human, and many scholars research the needs and conduct of human, But it has the same purpose of the study, namely : how to inspire motivation, how to analyze needs, how to determine action, adopted to meet the needs of the people to achieve their basic objective, so as to achieve an effective motivation.At present, domestic and foreign scholars have recognized the main motivation theory: Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Two-factor theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy theory of motivation. This text simply introduce Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Expectancy theory of motivation.Maslow put forward the hierarchy of needs theory, it thinks that the needs of human is arisen with the arrangement form, from the junior programs need to begin to move upwards to senior needs. Maslow thinks thatit generally has five levels of needs in social life by people:physiological needs, security needs and society needs, respect needs andself-actualization needs.Maslow also considers that when a need to be met, and a higher level of need will occupy the dominant position, the individual needs of the layerto rise. From the point of motivation, no a need will be fully met, However, as long as the meeting is part of the individual will to pursue other aspects of their needs. According to Maslow's view, if we want to inspire someone, it is imperative to understand which hierarchy of needs by the person, then focused on meeting the needs of this level or above this level needs. Maslow's theory gained all-pervading recognition, especially gained the recogniztion from practice by many managers. This is mainly due to thetheory simple and clear, easy to understand the inherent logic. Its maximize usefulness lies in the fact that it points out the need for every person. As managers, in order to effectively it is necessary to understand their subordinates what is need to meet.Expectancy theory of motivation is proposed by FulumuV. H. Vroom who is the United States psychologists. The basic viewpoints of Expectancy theory of motivation is: People expect their actions will help to achieve acertain target circumstances, will be incentive to do certain things together to achieve our goals. Performance is the three function of perceived: expectations, relevance and potency.In the reform process of state-owned enterprise, the internal reform of the compensation system is always the summit concerned by all the levels of managers. The reform of enterprises compensation system throughout the entire process of state-owned enterprises reform. While managers at all levels pay great attention to design and pay system reform in China but the majority of businesses pay system still faced with many problems and shortcomings at present, and many enterprises’ employees is not high satisfaction of the compensation system, the compensation system of enterprises has failed to play the role of incentive, didn’t become the norm to workers. Like other state-owned enterprises. When the E&Y factory carry through the compensation management, also not fully understand that the compensation system of enterprises must support and services to the enterprise's strategic goals. Greater extent on the existence of compensation to compensation, distribute the Equity and reasonable into the reform and development process as a goal and not what kind of compensation system will be favorable to corporate strategy and the implement of human resource strategy, E&Y factory do not from their own strategies and the overall human resources strategy starting to reform and improve the compensation system, and do not foothold in the enterprise business strategy and human resources strategy, according to labor market, Finally formed enterprises compensation management system. Enterprises lack of management experience in professional human resources management sector in the medium and long term development strategy of Research and decompositionto the enterprise, according to the external market and the development of enterprises and work out development strategies that suit the salary management system, lack of study on compensation management. Although enterprises also pay a certain of reform for compensation system in recent years, but these reforms are not from the height of corporate strategy and the enterprise fails to reflect the strategic objectives and positioning.Due to the inference of traditional structure and the traditional concept, the existing compensation structure of enterprise is relatively average, no reasonable began gap, the price of enterprises compensation and labor market detached from the price of labor market, key positions in the compensation level below the external market compensation level and without external competition; And non-key positions in the compensation higher than the market level. The compensation of ordinary workers is higher than the market price. From the exterior, non-key positions ordinary workers of enterprise whose compensation their salary level higher than the average level in society, one side it increases the cost of human and waste the limited financial of enterprises, as ordinary employees in the labor market, especially in the large population of urban areas is a serious oversupply. There is absolutely no need to pay their high compensation, even paid high wages to stimulate all their enthusiasm, but is not worth from the inputand output view of the relative efficiency , form the internal, non-critical positions in higher compensation levels, contrast, key positionson the low compensation levels, it will increase the sense of unfairness in key positions, in the important positions of workersThe staff of some key posts and important positions of the enterprise, their compensation were lower than the prices of market compensation. As we all know, the compensation level of enterprises in the talent market, and even the whole society should certainly attractive, In order to attract and retain talent, it can be overcome competitors. For first-rate talent should be given first-class return. If the key employees and the core staff income lower than the standards of social level, external competitiveness will be relatively weak, it will make the enterprises fail to hold the human, and led to serious unreasonable human resource structure in the enterprise.From the circumstances of investigation by us, on the one hand, many employees discontent the existing compensation system in the reflected rewards; On the other hand, there are many staff can not correctly deal with the compensation gap. Staff on the compensation gap issue of love and hate, this bring a big resistance to the reform of compensation, even though the good idea is hardly to implement.As enterprise managers, are not to break the original pattern, the result is to make the large contribution of staff and Core staff lost their jobs initiative and creativity, even cause the missing of talent in the enterprises.Through the design of compensation in E&Y factory, which broke the original pattern of the compensation system, re-designing the compensation structure, recycling a compensation, under a new establishment of the guidance of modern theory of incentives, enterprise operations and staff compensation levels closely fall together, combine the income of employees and work performance closely, It will be able to maximize the mobilization of staff enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, strengthen the staff of responsibility and urgency, improve work efficiency, increase performance, make greatest contribution to meet the development goals of enterprise, to adapt the changes in the internal and external environment, protect the long-term stable and healthy development of the new compensation system.During the process of design of compensation system, and strive to achieve the following objectives: Providing a basic ideas and framework for the compensation of distribution to the enterprises, reasonable structure, strong maneuverability; give priority to efficiency and give consideration to fairness; adhere to equal compensation for equal work, embodied rewards; at the same time, appropriate increasing the total compensation, reasonable widening income gaps.绩效薪酬的致命缺陷小本杰明·海涅曼迫于股东和公众压力,许多公司董事会都在努力建立与业绩挂钩的薪酬体系,以期CEO们恪尽职守;但是,此类薪酬体系往往存在一个致命缺陷:仅关注业绩,而忽略了操守;从顶级公司股东委托书所附的薪酬委员会报告可以看出,这种忽略是显而易见的;毕竟,上市公司始终面临着完成业绩目标的巨大压力;为此,它们不惜违规违纪;然而,这种职业操守的缺失将导致各种灾难性后果,包括起诉纠纷、罚款赔付、解雇免职以及市值暴跌;殊不知,操守与业绩并重,才能在公司内外赢得最基本的信任,而公司力量也只是建立在信任的基础之上;在公司各个层面上将高尚操守和卓越业绩相融合是CEO的基本任务,董事会应该在CEO的现金和股权报酬中划出一定比例,专门与CEO在上述任务上的表现挂钩;但董事会为何没有这样做呢这可能是因为他们自己对操守的含义也并不确定,更不知道该如何考核职业操守与财务业绩的融合了;那么,董事会要设计重操守的绩效薪酬制,第一步要做的就是引入操守概念:操守是全公司的统一文化,有三个要素组成——坚决遵守正式的规章制度;采用符合公司长远利益同时又不损害他人利益的伦理标准;员工要承诺做到诚实坦率、公平公正、可信可靠;第二步,董事会需运用一些复杂的分析工具,当然也要运用他们的个人判断力,来考核CEO是否已经把高尚操守和卓越业绩相融合;董事会可根据以下问题判断:CEO是否在全公司范围内制定了操守和业绩并重的薪酬制度,且由公司领导层对此负责举例而言,CEO应该做到:领导层始终如一地恪守职业操守,把操守和业绩的结合当作一项业务流程来管理,运用预警系统抢先把握全球商业规范趋势,及时提供道德风险评估培训,并保证员工的发言权;CEO和高管们是否在实践中贯彻了这些原则如果领导层没有投入足够的时间、精力和资源,将关键的操守原则落实到公司的业务流程中,那么所谓的“高层主张”就只不过是空口白话而已;操守原则是否已渗透到公司文化的每个层面一个重要的评估工具就是覆盖公司所有业务及地区的员工匿名年度调查表,其中包括这些问题:“操守原则是否会向商业压力让步”“在恪守职业操守方面,领导是否言行一致”董事会还可以定期邀请外部的人力资源管理专家,同样就此类问题对CEO和高管进行360度评估;CEO是否完成了董事会设定的操守和业绩并重的年度目标比如说,这个目标是:CEO有效处理严重失误或危机如环境事故、贿赂案,或者财务造假,并且在对事件起因进行坦诚分析后,有条不紊地解决问题;又比如:在新兴市场如中国、俄罗斯和印度聘用善于兼顾操守与业绩的领导者;公司各事业部在职业操守方面的相对表现如何董事会要观察各事业部之间的操守差异,以及CEO是如何处理那些落后分部的;同时,董事会还要将这些事业部与公司外部的同行进行比较;这可能需要从新闻报道、政府报告或前监管机构官员的的比较审计资料中收集数据董事会在明确上述考核标准时,还应制定一套新的CEO继任“规范”;在考量候选人时,董事会应该问:他们的知识、经验、能力是否有利于推动操守和业绩并重的健康企业文化,使之深入公司在全球的每一个经营机构另外,这套规范还应当运用在高管薪酬评估,以及领导人培养项目的目标设定中;长期来看这也是确保公司高层坚持操守和业绩并重原则的最佳方式,有助于公司规避风险,获取商界成功所必需的信任;操守与业绩并重的管理实践下面列出的一份问题清单样本限于篇幅,问题数量已经大大缩减,对董事会评估CEO兼顾操守与业绩的实际行为会有所帮助;要找到这些问题的答案,可以借助流程评估、独立审计和外部影响如环境损害或客户投诉等手段;领导力CEO是否……告知组织上下,操守原则决不向像业绩目标让步不仅仅规范普通员工的操守,同时也约束高层领导的行为定期在员工会议上处理有关操守的棘手问题业务流程CEO是否……为员工恪守职业操守创造必要的基础条件——设计流程用以防范、发现并处理公司各业务、各地区内的不端行为,并安排明星员工负责此项工作现实地评估操守需求,并拨出足够的经费予以支持对法律风险、伦理风险和国家风险的变化提出预警,并及时应对让员工有发言权CEO是否……鼓励员工通过正式系统来报告财务问题、法律问题以及伦理问题,同时防止员工因此遭受打击报复确保及时公正地研究问题,跟踪问题的发展趋势,并在必要时采取补救措施从生产力角度看,它是企业生产或其他经济活动中投入的活劳动的货币资金表现形式,是产品最终成本的构成要素;在市场经济条件下,企业主要通过薪酬来核算或计量生产与其他经济活动中活劳动的消耗;由于竞争的压力,企业必须考虑不断降低活劳动的成本;从生产关系角度看,薪酬体现为收入分配的结果,是员工所获得的分配份额;在我国现行社会制度下,薪酬是劳动者获取生活资料进行消费的主要来源;它对消费水平和消费结构都有重要的影响,而消费实际上是劳动力再生产的过程,劳动力的再生产又对下一步生产具有重要影响;因此,薪酬水平的持续稳定提高对于推动生产或其他经济活动具有十分重要的意义;薪酬的这种两面性,决定了薪酬管理实际上就是对生产成本上不断降低薪酬支出与收入分配上不断提高薪酬水平的这一矛盾而作出的一种调节;①从企业方面看,薪酬具有以下功能:一是增值功能;薪酬既是企业购买劳动力的成本,也是用来交换劳动者活劳动的手段,同时还是一种对活劳动的投资,它能够给雇主带来预期大于成本的收益;这种收益的存在,为企业主雇佣劳动力、投资劳动力提供了动力机制;二是激励功能;薪酬是对劳动者和经营者工作绩效的一种评价,反映着其工作的数量和质量状况;因此,薪酬可以激励员工不断提高工作效率和工作积极性;三是协调功能;一方面薪酬额的变动,将组织的目标和管理者的意图传递给员工,协调员工与企业之间的关系,促使员工行为与企业目标相一致;另一方面,合理的薪酬差别和结构,能有效地调解雇员之间的矛盾,从而协调好人际关系;②从员工方面看,薪酬具有以下功能:一是劳动力再生产保障功能;员工通过劳动和服务行为换取薪酬,从而能满足本人及家庭的吃、穿、住、用等基本生活需求,进而实现着劳动力的再生产;二是价值实现功能;薪酬是企业对员工工作付出的一个评价,是对员工工作能力和水平的承认,也是对个人价值实现的回报,是晋升和成功的信号,它反映了员工在企业中的相对地位和作用,能使员工产生满足感和成就感,并进而激发出更大的工作热情;三是合理的薪酬能加强员工对企业的信任感,增强员工对预期风险的心理保障意识和安全感;③从社会方面看,薪酬对社会具有劳动力资源的再配置功能;人们一般都会愿意到薪酬较高的地区、部门和岗位工作,作为管理者可以利用薪酬差别可以引导人力资源的合理流向,促进人力资源的有效配置,实现人力资源开发和利用效率的最大化;另外,薪酬也调节着人们对职业和工种的评价,薪酬水平从某种程度上反映着该职业或工种的社会价值,从而调节着人们职业的愿望和就业的流向;薪酬历来都是一个倍受关注的课题,它不仅仅关系到每个人的切身利益,更是牵涉到每个组织,整个社会,乃至整个国家的社会经济发展;所以,薪酬也历来是国内外学者研究的重要课题;激励理论是薪酬管理理论的基础;激励是薪酬众多功能中最重要、最基本的功能之一;如何通过薪酬来激励员工的工作积极性和工作效率,是进行薪酬研究、设计和薪酬管理的核心内容;合理、公平和富有竞争力的薪酬是激励员工努力工作的最重要因素之一;合理、有效的薪酬管理机制与激励之间是一个良性的互动过程;有效的薪酬机制必然激励员工以更高的数量和质量完成工作任务,而更高数量和质量的工作也必然带来更高的薪酬;激励原本是一个心理学的概念,就其本质而言,它是表示某种动机所产生的原因,即发生某种行为的动机是如何产生的;例如,同样一个人,为何有时工作积极,有时却精神萎靡不振,无心做事,甚至消极怠工现在,把激励这个概念引入到管理实践中,就赋予了新的含义;也就是说激励是一种精神力量或状态,对员工起加强、激发和推动作用,并指导或引导员工行为指向组织的目标;因此,不仅要研究某种动机是如何产生的,关键更要研究如何促使被管理对象产生某种特定的动机,如何引导他们拿出自己的全部力量来为实现某一目标而努力;当今社会,激励已经越来越被许多管理者在实施指导与领导工作中被视为重要的方法,从而有效地结合人力,运用技术,达到统一全体员工的意志,又使个人心情舒畅,实现组织的目标;在对人的认识的基础上,许多学者对人的需求、行为进行了研究,但研究的目的都有一个是相同点,即:如何激发动机,如何分析需求,如何判定行为,通过人们需要的满足达到自己的基本目标,从而实现有效激励;目前国内外学者所公认的激励理论主要有:需求层次理论、双因素理论、公平理论、期望理论等;下面本文简单地对需求层次理论、期望理论作一个介绍;马斯洛提出了需要层次理论,认为人类的需要是以层次的形式出现的,由低级的需要开始逐级向上发展到高级的需要;马斯洛认为人们在社会生活中一般有五个层次的需要:生理需要、安全需要、社会需要、尊重需要、自我实现的需要;马斯洛还认为,当一种需要得到满足后,另一种更高层次的需要就会占据主导地位,个体的需要是逐层上升的;从激励的角度看,没有一种需要会得到完全满足,但只要其得到部分的满足个体就会转向追求其它方面的需要了;按照马斯洛的观点,如果希望激励某人,就必须了解此人目前所处的需要层次,然后着重满足这一层次或在此层次之上的需要;马斯洛的理论得到了普遍的认可,特别是得到了广大实践中的管理者的认可;这主要归功于该理论简单明了、易于理解、具有内在的逻辑性;其最大的用处在于它指出了每个人均有需要;身为主管人员,为了有效地激励下属,就必须要了解其下属需要满足的是什么;期望理论是美国心理学家弗鲁姆提出的;期望理论的基本观点是:人们在预期他们的行动将会有助于达到某个目标的情况下,才会被激励起来去做某些事情以达到目标;绩效是三大知觉的函数:期望、关联性和效价;从心理学的角度来考察,期望理论包含三种特定的心理联系:首先是努力付出与业绩联系,即指个人所感知的通过努力能够实现预期业绩日标的可能性;其次是业绩与薪酬的关系,它是个人对通过一定水平的努力能够取得预期薪酬的认定程度;最后是结果或薪酬的吸引力,表明实现预期结果或所获得的薪酬对个人来说重要性有多大;在国有企业改革的进程中,企业内部薪酬制度的改革一直是各级管理者普遍关注的热点;企业薪酬制度的改革贯穿于国有企业改革的全过程;虽然各级管理非常重视薪酬设计与薪酬制度的改革但是目前我国的绝大多数企业的薪酬制度还是面临着诸多的问题和不足,许多企业的员工对薪酬制度的满意度总是不高,企业的薪酬制度并没有能发挥出应有的激励作用,没有变成职工行为的规范;和其他国有企业一样;进行薪酬管理时,还没有充分地认识到企业的薪酬制度一定要支持和服务于企业的战略目标的重要性;在较大程度上存在着就薪酬论薪酬,把公平、合理地分配薪酬本身当成一种目的而不是关注什么样的薪酬制度会在企业改革与发展过程中有利于企业战略和人力资源战略的实现,没有从自身的总体战略和人力资源战略出发来改革和完善薪酬制度,并没有立足于企业的经营战略和人力资源战略,以劳动力市场为依据,最后形成企业的薪酬管理系统;企业在薪酬管理方面缺乏有经验的专业人力资源管理部门来对企业的中长期的发展战。





1. 引言在当今商业环境中,企业的财务绩效一直是管理者关注的焦点。



2. 管理层薪酬激励的定义和形式管理层薪酬激励是指通过提供合理的薪酬和其他福利激励,以达到激励管理层为企业利益最大化和股东价值创造的目的。


3. 管理层薪酬激励与企业绩效的关系管理层薪酬激励与企业财务绩效之间存在着密切的关系。


4. 管理层薪酬激励的影响机制管理层薪酬激励对企业财务绩效的影响主要通过以下几个方面的机制实现。




5. 管理层薪酬激励的实证研究为了验证管理层薪酬激励对企业财务绩效的影响,许多学者进行了大量的实证研究。



6. 管理层薪酬激励的风险和限制在实施管理层薪酬激励方案时,也存在一些风险和限制需要注意。





管理层持股和公司绩效外⽂翻译⽂献⽂献信息:⽂献标题:Managerial ownership and firm performance: evidence of listed companies in the Baltics(管理层持股和公司绩效:波罗的海上市公司的证据)国外作者:Berke-Berga A, Dovladbekova I, Abula M⽂献出处:《Polish Journal of Management Studies》,2017,15 (2):273-283 字数统计:英⽂3709单词,20051字符;中⽂6331汉字外⽂⽂献:Managerial ownership and firm performance:evidence of listed companies in the Baltics Abstract This paper focuses on the relationship between managerial ownership and firm performance, which appears to be an important issue in corporate governance literature.We conduct regression analysis employing a sample of listed companies in the stock exchanges of the Baltic States. We test whether increased managerial ownership has effect on firm performance measured by Tobin’s Q and return on assets (ROA). The results reveal that there is positive relationship between managerial ownership and internal performance measure (ROA) while it does not significantly affect the market performance measure (Tobin’s Q). We conclude that management mainly focuses on firm fundamental factors and ratios like profitability, sales growth, investment –they have positive relation with managerial ownership. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in market-related factors for companies with or without managerial ownership, as these factors in the Baltics are more influenced by other considerations like economics, politics and high liquidity premium.Keywords:managerial ownership, firm performance, Tobin’s Q, ROA, Baltic StatesIntroduction and Literature ReviewRelationship between managerial ownership and firm performance has received much attention in corporate governance literature since the mid-70-ties, when M. Jensen and W. Meckling (Jensen and Meckling, 1976) explored the principal-agent theory, ownership structure, managerialbehaviourandagencycosts.Theidea of managerial ownership was present since the Baltics regained their independence (early90-ties).Duringtheprivatizationprocessinearlynineties,thanks to favourable legislative framework, many ex-ante state-owned companies offered shares to their management or all employees on beneficial conditions. In last decades, there is a trend for international companies operating in the Baltic market to implement their global human resource policy measures. Many of them have employee share ownership plans either broad- or narrow-(i.e., management only) based. Legislative framework and taxation according to employee share ownership in the Baltics has not been supportive.The institutionalframeworkunderwhichcompaniesoperateinBalticStatesis quite similar, with some exceptions. In Latvia and Estonia there are no specialregulations regarding employee share ownership. For example, there are two obstacles in Latvian Commercial Code for implementation of employee share ownership. Firstly, it is impossible for companies registered in Latvia to acquire their own shares. Secondly, it provides for priority rights for shareholders if the share capital is increased, without exception in case of employee shares. Better situation is in Lithuania where employee share ownership is regulated in Law of Companies and the Law of the Privatisation of State-Owned and Municipal property. According to regulations companies may issue ordinary shares having the status of employee shares and employees have the same rights as regular shareholders. At the same time there is no specific regulation on profit sharing.In Estonia Commercial Code and Securities Market Law does not contain any special regulation on employee share ownership or profit-sharing. In general, legal framework on employee share ownerships in the Baltic States is complicated and does not support equal and efficient use of employee shareownership.The main goal of our research is to evaluate the impact of managerial ownership on firm performance in listedcompaniesoftheBalticStates.Thepercentage of shares of Baltic listed companies held by management varies from 0% to 94.4%, with median value of 27.1% in 2015. We can saythatitiscomparativelyhighlevelofmanagerialownership,asotherresearchershavefoundthatinAustraliait is 12.54%, 12.4% in the United States and 13.02% in the United Kingdom (Khan et al., 2014).Turning to measuring firm performance, we can see that there are different approaches of how to ascertain, define and evaluate it. Many studies researching companies listed in Anglo-Saxon markets (but not only) concentrate on ratios including firm’s market value. Companies of these countries excel with equity- based financing sources dominance over bankfinancing, rather diversified ownership structures and large number of minority shareholders. Thus, firm performance is reflected in its stock price. A common approach to analyse the link between managerial ownership and firm performance is regressing Tobin’s Q ratio on percentage share of managerial ownership (Anderson and Reeb, 2003; Florackis et al., 2009; Benson and Davidson, 2009; and others).Nevertheless, there are factors affecting share price, like economic environment, policy and indicators, market sentiment, industry performance and specifics, investor activity and other (we will call them non-managerial factors). In most cases, these are very important factors not depending of management performance. However, these factors influence the market related firm performance ratios, suc h as Tobin’s Q. Thus, in order to separate the impact of non-managerial factors on firm performance, it is useful to include other variables for performance measurement that are not affected by the share price. Other researchers use accounting profit (Demsetz and Lehn, 1985), earnings (in terms of earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation or EBITDA) and accrual adjusted earnings (Khan et al., 2014), return on assets (Anderson and Reeb, 2003; Chenget al., 2012; Peni, 2014; Wahba, 2013), return on equity (Gosh, 2006; Short and Keasey, 1999), sales to assets ratio (Singh and Davidson, 2003) and other. Manyauthors,includingtheabovementionedforfirmperformanceevaluationuse a combination of several different ratios of both types – market value b ased (like Tobin’s Q) and firm based (like profit measures and profitability ratios).Turning back to the very often used Tobin’s Q ratio –a number of empirical studies reveal non-linear relation between managerial ownership and firm performance, as this link is impacted by two opposite effects: the manager’s incentive as shareholder and entrenchment effect. Usually, at high managerial ownership levels, the latter effect overpowers the former. Morck, Schleifer and Vishny (1988) were the first ones that found the so-called “hump-shaped” or “inverted-U” relation between the mentioned variables. Other studies have also found the “hump-shaped” relationship. The findings regarding the most optimal level of managerial ownership differ across studies. Coles, Lemmon and Meschke (2012) find that the maximum point of the hump-shaped relationship between Tobin’s Q andCEOownership is20.0%. Maximum leveldiscoveredby Benson and Davidson (2009) where the ownership-performance relation turns from positive to negative 28.24%. The evidence of Florackis, Kostakis and Ozkan (2009) research reveals strong and positive link between managerial ownership and firm performance at rather low levels of managerial ownership –lower than 15%. Khan, Mather and Balachandran (2014) researched Australian companies and found that at 20%-30% of ownership level there is a relation consistent with incentive alignment. Mueller and Spitz-Oener (2006) find positive managerial ownership – firm performance relation in German SMEs up to 40% of managerial shares. However, due to non-listed status of surveyed companies, the performance measure they use is slightly different from others – net number of times the reported quarter profit has increased.Other researchers create exponential models and raising the managerial ownership to several degrees. They have found double and more hump-shaped curves of managerial ownership and firm performance relation with different turning points. Double-humped curves were found by Morck et al. (1988) at 5% and 25% level; Short and Keasey (1999) at 13% and 42% level; Faccio and Lasfer (1999) at 19.7% and 54.1% level, and others. Florackis et al. (2009) in their model with quantic level of managerial ownership find four turning points at 13%, 25%, 49% and 72% levels. These results are rather close to what Davies et al. (2005) have found – 7%, 26%, 51% and 76%.Our paper adds to existing literature by providing empirical evidence of managerial ownership on firm performance in the Baltic States.This paper has the following structure: Section 2 describes data and methodology, Section 3 presents the results of empiricaltests, and Section 4 is for discussionand conclusions.Data and MethodologyOur data were mainly taken from financial reports of companies listed on Baltic stock exchanges (Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius) Official and Second list. Total number of companies listed in these lists as of September 2016 is 70. Our sample contains information from 52 companies’ reports from 2010 until 2015. Fifteen of these companies are listed in Latvia (LV, Riga), 15 –in Estonia (EE, Tallinn), and 22 – in Lithuania (LT, Vilnius). We obtained the total sample of 312 firm-year observations.For our survey, we selected companies that comply with the following criteria: (1) the company must be quoted on at least one of the Nasdaq Baltic market stock exchanges at least since year 2010; (2) firms that did not disclose information regarding management ownership were excluded from our survey. Thus, we excluded 18 companies from our sample due to the two reasons:1)Newcomers, i.e., companies first listed after 2011, so they do not have sufficientreporteddata.Therewere7suchcompanies,1Estonian,1Latvianand 5 Lithuanian;2)Insufficient disclosed information regarding managerial ownership. Eleven companies did not include information about shareholdings of the top management in their financial reports. Ten of them are based in Latvia, and one– in Lithuania.The data from financial reports and stock exchange homepage were manually selected.Table 1 presents the sample distribution by ownership share of management,industry, and stock exchange location.Table 1. Crosstables of the dataset: managerial ownership by industry and countryWe used Tobin’s Q ratio (TQ) and return on assets as the dependent variables for corporate performance measurement. Tobin’s Q is very widely used by researchers inspecting the relation between managerial ownershipandfirmperformance.Our Tobin’s Q ratio means relation of enterprise value to the book value of assets.We find enterprise value by taking market value of equity plus book value of debt minus cash and cash equivalents. We must mention that the surveyed companies have no preference shares, thus they are excluded from the enterprise value formula. The Tobin’s Q ratio is measured for year 2015. We assume Tobin’s Qto capture both external and internal firm performance factors.The second dependent variable will be proxy for internal firm performance, more related to managerial performance and decisions. The return on assets ratio (ROA) is expressed as net profit to the book value of assets ratio. For return on assets,we will use average values over the period of 2011-2015.The independent variable - managerial ownership (Mgr_O) is expressed as sum of percentage share of total equity owned by all executive and non-executive directors [all members of Management Board and Supervisory Board ] and their close relatives (family members) and/or other companies-owners controlled by the directors. For independent and control variables, we use average values over the period of 2010-2014.In order to capture company size, we used such controlvariables [our selectionof control variables was based on information availability and variables considered inother research papers] as:-Turnover (Ln_S) expressed as natural logarithm of company’s sales;-Natural logarithm ofmarketvalue of equity (Ln_MVEq) which is expressedas natural logarithm of average share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding;-Natural logarithm of enterprise value (Ln_EV)Control variables for capturing ownership concentration are:-Ownershipconcentration[Largeshareholdershaveincentiveandabilityto monitor management (Florackis, 2009)] (O_Conc) –the cumulative amount (in percent) of shares of all shareholders having ownership stake of 5 or more percent;-Number of large shareholders (NLS) –number of shareholders having ownership stake of 5 or more percent;In order to control for other important aspects of firm financial management (level of investment, leverage, expenses and profitability) we use these variables: -Investment (INV) expressed as relation of capital expenditures to the book value of assets;-Leverage (LEV) – the ratio of book value of debt to the book value of assets;-SGA proportion (SGA) – ratio of selling, generaland administrative expenses to sales;-Payout ratio (PO_R) is for current dividend payout proportion of previous year’s net profit;-Sales growth (S_Gr) –percentage change in sales compared to previous year’s sales;-Return on capital (ROC) – the ratio is found taking earnings before interest and taxes of previous year divided by current year’s book value of equity and debt minus cash.In this paper, we are looking whether there is any relation between managerial ownershipandfirmperformanceinlistedcompaniesoftheBalticStates.In previous studies, we find quite different results of this relation, found in other countries and regions. Thus, our null hypothesis is non-directional:thereexistsno relationship between managerial ownership and firm performance in the listed companies of the Baltic States.Empirical ResultsDescriptive Statistics and CorrelationsTable 2 presents the descriptive statistics information of selected variables in our dataset. The descriptive analysis reveals that the managerial ownership variable during 2010-2014 was relatively large –on average 30.64% with a maximum and minimum value of 94.41% and 0% respectively. Our proxies for market performance are Tobin’s Q with a mean value of0.966, return on assets (mean 3.37%), sales growth (mean 4.25%) and return on capital (mean: 5.57%). Average firm size measured as natural log of enterprise value is 17.515 (equivalent to 40.4 million euro).Table 2. Descriptive statistics (N=52)Table 3 shows the Pearson correlation matrix for the dataset variables. It reveals that only a few of the selected variables correlate with managerial ownership – return on assets (ROA) and sales growth (S_GR) have low degree of positive correlation. Positive correlation among managerial ownership and ROA suggeststhat improvement the internal growth factor performance might be of more importance to management than the market value factors.Table 3. Pearson correlation matrix for the key variables in the sample (N=52)*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) **. Correlation is significant at the0.01 level (2-tailed)The correlation matrix reveals that market value related variables (Tobin’s Q, market value of equity and enterprise value) are most affected by return on assets, return on capital and payout ratio. Investment variable correlates with the internal growth ratios and payout ratio. Overall, correlations among the independent variables are rather low.Regression ResultsThis paper conducts a regression analysis using Tobin’s Q and ROA to measure firm performance. In Table 4, managerial ownership proportion serves as the main explanatory variable together with the control variables: natural logarithm of sales, leverage and investment.Table 4. OLS Regression results with Tobin’s Q and ROA as the dependent variables (N=52),unstandardized coefficientsIn the regression where Tobin’s Q serves as the dependent variable (Model 1) we can see that the variable of managerial ownership is not significantly different from zero in terms of error size together with natural logarithm of sales and leverage. The investment variable is significant. When we test the significance of the regression as a whole, the F-test indicates that we can reject the null hypothesis that jointly equal to zero at 0.05 probability level.The regression with ROA as the dependent variable (Model 2) has larger explanatory power. We reject the null hypothesis for all the independent variables of being equal to zero. The regression coefficients such as sales, investment and managerial ownership have positive influence on the return on assets, while higher level of leverage affects the return negatively.We also carried out the regression equations with squared and cubed Mgr_O variable in order to check whether the relationship between managerial ownership and firm performance might be non-linear. Nevertheless, it did not change the result, meaning that increase of ownership proportion would not have significant impact on firm performance.Results DiscussionSince 1976, when M. Jensen and W. Meckling revealed the principal-agent theory, there has developed a parallel scientific discussion about managerial ownership and employee ownership, and its features of aligning interests of managers and employees with investors’ interests and goals. From the other side, there is the entrenchment effect that, in case of comparatively large share of managerial ownership, penetrates and management avoids more profitable projects insteadof less, fearing from risk.Large portion of existing literature concerning managerial ownership and firm performance finds the mentioned two contrary impact factors ownership- performance relation. These factors induce a hump-shaped relation of the above- mentionedvariables with the highest point at 15–30 percent level of managerial ownership, depending on the study specifics (Morck et al., 1988; Coles et al., 2012; Benson and Davidson, 2009; Khan et al., 2014). The evidence mainly relies on data from listedcompanies in large developed capital markets, most of them originated in Anglo-Saxon countries (especially the UK and US). A study in German SMEs (Mueller and Spitz-Oener, 2006) reveals a 40% managerial ownership optimum promoting the best performance results. Nevertheless, this study uses different methodology.The results of our study do not support the findings regarding managerial ownership link with firm performance in other markets worldwide, measuredby Tobin’s Q. Thus, contrary to other studies, we did not detect a particular optimum of managerial ownership proportion in companies listed on the Baltic stock exchanges nor a hump-shaped ownership-performance relation. We assume that Tobin’s Q in our case is an inappropriate measure for firm performance only, as the firm’s market value is highly affected by external factors (macroeconomics, politics, investor sentiment) and highstockliquiditypremium (Lieksnis,2010) in Baltic stock markets. The management of companies – neither owners, nor non- owners – cannot directly affect these factors. For this reason, we used our datato create a parallel model using more firm-related ratios.We carried outaregressionwithROAasthedependentvariable(Model2). It showed better results with higher explanatory power. The model includes such independent variables as managerial ownership, natural logarithm of sales,leverage and investment. Managerial ownership appears to be statistically significant only in Model 2, although with a very low coefficient (0.01), and onlyat 0.05 probability level. These results are consistent with findings of other researchers as well – Khan et al. (2014) in a study of Australian companies; Cheng et al. (2012) find that in Hong Kong market firm performance is negatively related with managerial ownership if its share is less than 22.18% or more than 78.02%.Researching companies in Egypt, Wahba (2013) concludes that neither Tobin’s Q nor ROA give statistically significant relation between managerial ownership and firm performance.ConclusionsIn this paper, we estimate the managerial ownership and firm performance parameters using data from 2010–2015 financial reports of 52 companies listedon Nasdaq Riga, Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq Vilnius stock exchanges. This is the first such attempt to measure managerial ownership impact on firm performance for listed companies in the Baltics.One of the reasons why there is no significant relation between managerial ownership and firm’s market performance (Tobin’s Q) is that due to historical and sociological factors, management of the listed companies in the Baltics is not focused on the market value of stocks. The stock markets are relatively small and illiquid, and ownership is more concentrated than in the developed markets, where itismoredispersed.Rathermanagers’motivatorsandbonusesdependon fundamental results of the company and their profits.There also can be other reasons for the difference in results regarding ownership- performance relation compared to findings from other countries, such as the relatively small sample size, scope of the study, performance variables selection, regional corporate governance and culture specifics, methodological approach andmanyother.Thisleadsustoimplicationsforfurtherresearchthatshouldbe developed in theofcorporategovernancemattersintheBaltics–itcanbe focused on more detailed ownership structure including institutional owners, government and/or family ownership matters and their influence on variousbusiness performance measures. The geography of the survey can be extended including other countries located in Eastern Europe.中⽂译⽂:管理层持股和公司绩效:波罗的海上市公司的证据摘要本⽂重点介绍了管理层持股与公司绩效之间的关系,这似乎是公司治理⽂献中的⼀个重要课题。



外文文献翻译来源出处作者:Lambe r tS期刊:EuropeanManagementJournal;第2卷,第1期,pp:31-39,2016原文Theresearchofenterprisescompensationsystemdesign LambertS AbstractMany e nt e rp ri s e sinearlyinfancy,andisnotver y focusonthec om pensati on systemofenter prisemanagement,inthemeantime,businessownersandemployees together,tofocusonbusine ssimprovement,andimproveenterpriseprofitabilityis beneficialtostableaspectofthecompany, butfewforpersonalinterestsofthegainandloss.Withtheconstantdevelopmentofthecompany 'sbusiness,toenhance c or pora teprofit a bil i ty,injusti c egra dua lly i nc r e a sesoft he int e rna l empl o yees a bout pay.Toanalyzethemaincauseofthisphenomenon,theresultisalevelofcompensationm anagementdidnotkeeppacewiththedevelopmentoftheenterprise,improveemployeeturnoverr ateleadstogood,itwillseriouslyrestrictthehealthydevelopmentoftheenterprise.K eywords:Salarysyste m;Hum an r es ou r ces;Analysi s1IntroductionAtpresent,theroleofhumanresourcesinenterpriseshasbeenraisedtothe heightofthestrategi c.Insomeenterprisehumanresourcesmanagementdepartmentsaremadebytheoriginalauxili aryfunctionaldepartments,tobecometheenterprisestrategicsectors.Buttheenterprisetodisc overtalents,cultivatingtalentsandtalentto theenterprisetocreatevalue,butneedtohaveasetofsci entificcompensationsystem toprotect.Nowadayscompensationmanagementhasbecomethe corecontentof enterprisehumanresourcesmanagement,hasbeencloselyrelatedwiththeenterpris ehumanresourcesdevelopmentstrategymanagementelements.Reasonableand effectivecompe nsationsystemcannotonlyeffectivelystimulatestaff'sworkenthusiasmandinitiative,alsocan attractandretaintalentedstafftostayintheenterprise.Thefocusofmodernenterprisemanagementemphasison"people"asthe centerofenter prisemanagement,enterprisetoestablishreasonableandeffective compensationsystemcanim provethestaff'sworkenthusiasmandfundamentallytoe n s urethat t h e enterpriseh um anr e sourc e s advant a ge,a ndthenintoforeignenterprisescorecompetitiveness.Thisshowsthatthecompen sationsystemisan importantpartofenterprisedevelopment.Scientificandreasonablesalarysyste mcan fullymobilizeenthusiasmandcreativityofemployees,improvetheoverall competitivene ssofenterprises,andpromoteenterpriserapid,healthyandsustainabled e ve lopm e nt.Researchan dd is c ussesthepro ble msexis t i ng inthecompe n sationsystemandfaults,atthesametimeusingth ecompensationtheoryknowledge,combinedwiththecharacteristicsoftheenterprisemanageme ntandstrategic developmentdirectionforimprovingscheme,andcompensationsystemoptim izationdesign.2Liter at ure rev iewThestudyofcompensationmainlyfromthemacropointofview,focusonwhatdistribution,not involvedintheenterprisespecificcompensationproblemtobe solvedishowto,andmanagementis tosolvetheproblemofcompensationfromtheAngleofthemicroinmanagement,researchonco mpensationsystemoftheearliest c an b etra c ed b ac k tothe r obotsciencem a nagementtheo r y".O nthecont ra r y,le compensationfromtheperspectiveofhumanresourcemanagementresearch,andt hecompensationsystemdesignisdividedintofivesteps:salarysurvey,jobevaluation,determineth ecompensationlevel,levelpricingandtodeterminethefrequencyofpay.Intheabovefivesteps,j obevaluationandjobevaluationisanimportantworkincompensationsystemdesign,sotheres earchoncompensation,manyscholarshave focusedonthejobevaluation,likegriffinHagenputsf orwardthehierarchical classification,mindray,lotbasispointsmethodwasproposed,ArthurYa ngalignment methodwasproposed,thefundamental,putsforwardthefactorscomparisonmethoda ndsoon.However,asthechangeofTheTimes,thestudyofcompensationhasnot onlystayedontheatt entiontoimprovetheproductionefficiencyofenterprises,butbeginningthestudyofcompensat iononpromotingthedevelopmentofenterprises.So,inEdLawler,1971book"compensationandenterprisedevelopment",willpaylinked withenterpri sedevelopmentareputforward.Inrecentyears,withthechangeof businessenvironment,ontheb asisofpost,postandinternalbalanceoftheoldc o m pensat i on s yste m cannota da pttot hede velopm ent o ft hee nterp ri s e needs.So,thenewcompensationsystemneedstoemphasizetheconnection betweenthe employeesandthecompany'sperformance,toensurethatthecompensationofeach ele ment:thebasepay,variablepayandindirectsalaryfortheperformanceofthe workofenterprise.I naddition,compensationoftheroleisalsofarmorethanjuststayi ne nha nces t hee n terpri s etheprod uctyieldandqualityof t ra di tionalp e rformanc e function.Itcanalsobuildtheenterpriseculture,f ormingacommunityofinterests withemployees,strengthencustomerservice,andestablishthew orkteamandthe implementationofthestrategicshiftandsoon.Japaneseenterprisesalaryincentivesystemofannualworkisprimarilyalifetime e mploy me nt,na m e ly sen i oritysa l arymodel.L ife t i meemploym e nt s ystemo f annua lworkhasthefollow ingtwocharacteristics:oneisbelongtoakindofloanrelationshipsbetweencompaniesandemploye es.Beforetheageof40staffwilltryto lowerthesalaryoftheemployeeintheenterprise,sothesalary increaserateisfarlowerthanthegrowthoflaborproductivity,inasense,thatis,enterprisesinthe e mpl o ye e s'wage s.But onceyourea c hacerta in age,b eca u seem p loyee s afte r the laborofthebesty earsofsuchasafterage50,incontrasttothepreviouswagegrowthisfarhigherthanthelaborproducti vity,thenyoucancalculateasenterprisesinthe employeebeforetheageof50lent.ItisinJapanesec ompaniesemployeesproportionofpostwagesveryfew,butallkindsofthehumanizationofsub sidiesandbenefitsalot.Inrecentyears,theJapaneseenterprisesalaryincentivemodeappearedi nthenew change,plex salaryincentivemodeistheenterpriseaccordingtothestaffofallkindsof differencessuchas:leng thofservice,identity,education,etc,tomakedifferentcompensationmode.Positionsalarypatternb ydegree,ability,performance,andpost salaryoffourparts,thismodelrealizedbasedontheperfor manceofit,namelybasicsalaryplusperformancepay,thismodelistoenjoytheadvantagesofthe annualsalaryofemployeesformaximumplaytotheenthusiasmandeffortstoachievethe establishedobj ectives.3Theconceptandclassificationofcompensation3.1Theconceptofc om pensa t ionCompensationandthenameoftheconceptwithTheTimeschangeandthe developmentof societyandthedeepeningofenterprisemanagement,andconstantly getrich.Apay,isreferstotheor ganizationtoitsemployees,includingtheir implementationperformance,effort,time,andinsuc haspectsasknowledge,skills,e xperi e nceand c reation,enterpri s espayt h ecorresponding re ward orrecogni t ion.Itreferstotheemployeesforemployedvariousformsofeconomicincomeandta ngible servicesandbenefits.Thenatureofthecompensationisafairdealorexchange relations,isstaf ftoitsplaceunitassignmentoftherighttousetheirlabororservicestogetpaid.3.2Thecl a s s i fi ca t ionofthe c ompe ns ationFromtheperspectiveoftheoverallaccessmethodofcompensation,compensationcanbedivi dedintotwotypes:theeconomyandtheeconomy.Economy compensationreferstotheenterprise sintheformofdirectorindirectmonetarypay staff’s.Givingdirectformsincludefixedsalary,bo nusandallowance,etc.Indirectly p aidmai nly forvari ous formsofbenefits,suchasallki nds ofme dic a ltreatme nt,endowmentinsurance,itison-the-joblearning,paidvacation,etc.Theeconomicalcompensationbyenterpriseculture,workenviron mentandhonorbringsakindof spiritualrewardemployees,likechallengingandcompetitivewo rkandthesenseofmissionandsenseofaccomplishment,corporatereputationtothepromotion ofthepositionoftheemployee'ssocialimageandetc.,theeconomiccompensation,don't needto increasewhatcurrencycost,butcangiveemployeesbringspiritual achievementandhonor,tosom eextenttheeconomycompensationcanmotivate staff'sworkenthusiasm.Sotheeconomiccomp ensationisveryimportant,becausemoneyandmaterialcan'treplaceawithtrust,happy,meaningful, organizational environmentfilledwithopportunities,alsocan'tmeettheneedsofpeopletoreali zeselfvalue,sothematerialcan'tdefectsshallbythespiritofbenefitstomakeupfor.Whentheorganiccombinationofeconomiccompensationandeconomical compensationsupple menteachother,willbemultipliedcompensationfunction.But sincethenon-economiccompensationhasnofixedstandard,implementthedifficultyi sbigge r,n ee dt ohavehig h e rlevelsofma n agement.4Relatedtheories4.1IncentivetheoryWithenterprisemanagementespeciallytopayattentiontoandin-depthresearch onenterprisehumanresources,themorepeoplefeelthereasonablecompensationsy st e m for em pl oyeesofinc e ntiveeffe c t i sveryobvious,be c ausei t c a nimpr ove thestaff'sworking enthusiasm,improveworkenthusiasmandworkefficiency,atthe sametime,duetothereasonabl ecompensation,peopleindailylife,lifesafety,social recognition,selfdevelopmentandotherrequ irementsaresatisfied.Scientificandreasonablecompensationsystemanditsmanagementme chanismandtheincentiveis abe nignint er actionbetweentheprocess.D ur ingthistimethes t artin gpointof analysisandresearchofthecompensationsystemfromthedemandoftheenterprisestaffpe rspective,thisispreciselyandrelationshipsofenterprisehumanresources management,compens ationmanagementarecloselylinked.Sotheincentivetheoryisthefoundationofthecompensati onmanagementtheory.Motivationistopayoneof t hem os timportant func t i ons of many f unctio ns.Ince nt ive t heorynowa r emainly representedbyAmericanbehavioralscientistmallow’s h iera rchyofneeds,American psychologisthedualfactorstheory,Buddhalongexpectancytheory,equit ytheoryof Adams.4.2Thetrendofdevelopment(1)ThecomprehensivecompensationsystemPayisnotapureformofcurrency,italsoincludesspiritualincentives,suchas superiorworking conditions,goodworkingenvironment,trainingopportunities,promotionandsoon,andlaypart icularstressonanyonepartywillcreateadeviationcompensationmanagement.Manyenterprisesfo rmentalcompensationignoredfora longtime,andtheimplementationofthespiritualcompensat ionlacksasystemofperfectsystem.(2)BroadbandpaystructureBroadbandsalarystructureisinlinewithorganizationalflattening,thiskindof paystructur etoreducewagelevel,cancrossbetweenwageandvariousjobgrade.B roke t he t radi t io na l pa ys t ruct u r emaintainedbyhierar c hy,ishe l pful f orent e r pri s e stoguideemployeeswillfocusfrompromo tionorsalarylevelofpromotiontothe personaldevelopmentandtheimprovementofability.Tradit ional,equivalent exchangeasthecoreoftheemployeecompensationmanagementschemeisbei ng``people-oriented"humanized,toemployeeparticipationandpotentialdevelopmentast hegoa l ofthemana gementplan.Th e di f fere nc eisc om pensation de sign.Thedifferentiationofcompensationdesi gnismadebythecompensationofdifferentiation.译文企业薪酬体系设计研究LambertS摘要许多企业在初期的起步阶段,并不是很专注于企业的薪酬体系管理,在此期间,企业主与员工共同奋斗,把重点放在业务改进、提升企业的盈利水平等有利于公司稳定的方面,反而对个人利益的得失考虑的很少。

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外文翻译原文Salary affect how performanceMaterial Source:Executive Compensation; 2010/2011 Supplement, Author:ModernHealth The SEC has amended its disclosure rules to require, among other matters, a discussion about a company’s compensation policies and pra ctices for all employees if they create risks that are “reasonably likely” to have a material adverse effect on the company, taking into account program features and other factors that mitigate or counteract such risks.The SEC referred in adopting the amendments, indicates that the “reasonably likely” is higher than “possible” but lower than “more likely than not.”That said, a conclusion that the disclosure trigger is not met necessarily rests on an assessment of the balance of risk and reward implied by the company’s compensation program design and incentives, taken as a whole. As with many SEC rules in the post-SOX era, process will be key. A predicate for analyzing the disclosure question will be an inventory and review of the operation of compensation programs for all employees, which should be undertaken promptly in light of the effective date of the rules.In light of regulatory and investor interest arising out of the turbulent climate of 2009, we believe that a focus on the relationship between compensation and risk-at the executive and broad-based levels—will continue. Because this relationship may not always be obvious, even though it is implicit in virtually all significant compensation decisions, we suggest below practical considerations relevant to compensation committee deliberations about these matters.Core Compensation Committee Responsibilities and Risk Compensation committees have four principal responsibilities that intersect with risk, as discussed below.(1) Determining compensation program design.Diversity of compensation opportunities and metrics is the most effective tool to cabin risk implied by a company’s compensation program. A balanced mix of short-and long-term elements ties compensation to the company’s performance, While reflecting the perspective that near-term actions are not only important in and of themselves, but also can have material long-term consequences. A combination of incentives to reward different aspects of the company’s performance also avoids a myopic focus on a single aspect of performance at the expense of other considerations that concern and impact business risk. With in this framework, long-term compensation elements ( e.g. , plans with multi-year targets or performance vesting conditions) generally shoul d have a horizon tied to the company’s business planning cycle to ensure that the committee and management are driven by a common perspective about the company’s prospects and challenges within the context of a board-vetted business plan. In considering plan design, the compensation committee should take into account other features of the compensation program that mitigate the risk of management misconduct or inappropriately risky behavior. These include claw backs and long-term stock ownership requirements. These features of compensation programs have become common in recent years. They should be re-examined periodically and in connection with material changes in business circumstances or compensation plan design. Are the claw back triggers calibrated to th e company’s circumstances and business-rather than being a photocopy of another company’s policy or someone else’s idea of best practice? Are they clear in their operation, while preserving the committee’s ability to exercise its business judgment in deter mining whether to seek compensation recoupment? Given the level of equity incentives granted or to be granted, should stock ownership guidelines be revised to include a “hold through retirement” provision?Moreover, the committee should consider whether the categories of employees covered by specific compensation programs are appropriate in light of overall pay elements and job responsibility and function. For example, if authority to make decisions that may have material risk consequences for the business extends to a relatively broad group of employees, it may be appropriate to incorporate diverse company-wide performance criteria with respect to a similarly broad group of employees, as compared to relatively narrow business unit performance criteria, in order to mitigate the incentive of employees to take inappropriate business unit risks.The committee also should consider the role of its discretionary judgment in determining the amount of performance-based compensation to be paid, as contrasted with strict adherence to objective performance-based formulas. Focus on therequirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 generally has oriented committees towards a more formulaic approach to compensation decisions. While such an approach arguably should result in a closer correlation of pay to performance, persuasive arguments can be made that the exercise of committee discretion can be consistent with a pay-for-performance program while at the same time mitigating inappropriate business risks that might otherwise arise from certain performance based compensation programs. In many circumstances, there are approaches to Section 162(m) compliance that permit committees significant discretion to adjust payouts, upwards or downwards relative to objective formulas, to reflect subjective evaluations of performance.Committees also regularly exercise discretion to adjust final awards if the results of strictly formulaic metrics would be either too low or too high.Finally, in reviewing the risk- appropriateness of its compensation program, the committee should invite its compensation consultant and other advisors to provide perspectives about whether and how well the company’s compensation program operates to balance risk and reward and whether other design features are appropriate in light of the company’s particular circumstances and peer group practices.(2) Setting the performance matrix for incentive plans.The compensation committee may be charged with approving threshold, target, and maximum le vels of performance and payout “curves” under the company’s incentive plans, depending on their terms. Determining these plan design features is critical in translating strategic goals into incentives that are calibrated to promote the right kind, and the right amount, of risk-taking by executives. Given the significance and complexity of this responsibility, we discuss setting the performance matrix in more detail below.(3) Understanding compensation-related risk in the context of other mitigating controls and procedures.The compensation committee must refl ect on risk implied by the company’s compensation program through the lens of other risk-mitigating controls and procedures. While listed last, this may in fact be the best first step in the committee’s process, so that the overall “risk lens” is in place on an early and ongoing basis. Other mitigating controls and procedures can include the board’s own risk oversight mechanisms, whether in the form of “enterprise risk management” initiatives, an annua l strategic review or the work of the board’s other key standing committees,such as the audit committee or, if they exist, the risk, compliance, or finance committees. Also relevant are the operation and effectiveness of the company’s internal control over financial reporting, financial policies( e.g. , those addressing leverage, capital allocation, and use of derivatives), controls around areas of subjective judgment within the financial statements and dedicated management functions directed to risk.To the extent that this information is not available to the compensation committee either directly or through the work of the full board, it should consider other means to assure an appropriate ongoing understanding of these risk, such as through overlapping membership or other formal interaction among the board committees that bear responsibility for elements of risk oversight, or by those committees and the full board.译文管理层薪酬对公司绩效的研究资料来源:薪酬补偿 2010/2011 增补作者:摩登.海瑟美国证券交易委员会已修订其披露规则要求,关于一个公司的薪酬政策和做法,对所有员工进行讨论,如果他们创造的是“合理地可能”有对公司造成重大不利影响,可以同时考虑到方案特征和其他因素,减轻或抵消这种风险。
