

BEC higher module 6高级商务英语幻灯片课件

BEC higher module 6高级商务英语幻灯片课件
Ex.4 Online feedback
6.1 Purchasing power Online trading
Online feedback :buyers' & sellers
野生榛子:差评 [详情] 榛子壳很硬,吃完这一斤,我的牙都快掉了,为了增加重量多收 邮费,还往箱里塞一块破铁。 [解释] 你细看那块铁,中间是否有个螺丝,再往下看,是不中间有条缝 ,沿着这个缝用力分开---这块破铁就是给你夹榛子壳用的特制钳子! 旋转木马音乐盒:差评 「详情」:我这人可不是随便就给差评的,你想想你有什么问题吧! 「解释」:这人随便起来就乱给差评的,大家想想这人有什么问题吧?
insufficient, unintelligible, wrong information
credit card being stolen
risks of wrong buying
inconvennience caused by delivery
6.1 Purchasing power Managing Suppliers
1. What does quality mean to you? 1. fulfilling the customer's requirements and expectations;
2. compared with the best 3. what customers perceive it to be
6.1 Purchasing power Online trading
no commuting or standing no waiting in line to pay delivery to your door open 24 hours lower price

剑桥商务英语 商务信函写作36页PPT

剑桥商务英语 商务信函写作36页PPT

51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
剑桥商务英语 商务信函写作

6、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在 我们的 后面。
•Байду номын сангаас

8、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收 敛。

9、只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口 (蹩脚 的工人 总是说 工具不 好)。

10、只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎 能克服 任何恐 惧。因 为,请 记住, 除了在 脑海中 ,恐惧 无处藏 身。-- 戴尔. 卡耐基 。



• 比尔· 盖茨,全名威廉· 亨利· 盖茨,美国微软公司的 董事长。首屈一指科技尖才,大慈善家、环保人、 与保罗· 艾伦创办微软公司,曾任微软首席执行官和 首席软件设计师。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全 球亿万富翁排行榜中,比尔· 盖茨连续13年蝉联世界 首富。2008年6月27日正式退出微软公司,并把580 亿美元个人财产捐到比尔和梅琳达· 盖茨基金会。 《福布斯》2012年美国富豪排行榜发布,比尔· 盖茨 第19次蝉联美国首富桂冠。2009年,比尔· 盖茨超越 沃伦· 巴菲特成为世界首富,是在2008年之后首次夺 回了世界首富宝座。而在2010年至2013年,均被墨 西哥富豪卡洛斯· 斯利姆· 埃卢超越,让其成为蝉联3 年的世界首富。至今为止,比尔-盖茨以720亿美元 的净资产连续第20年蝉联美国首富宝座。
• 1. Life is not fair, get used to it. 1.生活是不公平的,你要去适应它。 • 2. The world won't care about your self2.这个世界并不会在意你的自尊,而是 esteem. The world will expect you to 要求你在自我感觉良好之前先有所成就。 accomplish something before you feel good 3.如果你认为学校里的老师过于严厉, about yourself. 那么等你有了老板再回头想一想。 • 3. If you think your teacher is tough, wait till 4.如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过 you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure. 错,不要将你理应承担的责任转嫁给他 • 4. If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, 人,而要学着从中吸取教训。 so don't whine about our mistakes, learn 5.电视不是真实的生活。真实生活中人 from them. 们不得不离开咖啡馆去工作。 • 5. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee

BEC 高级 课件 unit1

BEC 高级 课件 unit1

2. Discuss the function of present simple and present continuous.
Present simple: • To refer to permanent or long-term situations I work for the UK subsidiary of a Japanese company. • To refer to regular actions: I produce technical documents. • To refer to states: I have a lot more responsibility now. • To refer to future time in subordinate clauses: I always have to consult him before I can make even the smallest alteration. • As part of a conditional clause: If something needs doing, then I think whoever’s available should do it.
14)Assistant general manager 总经理助理(副总经理) Assist the general manager with routine work Be responsible for everything when the general manager is away 15)Manager Be responsible for the main activities of the company such as manufacturing and sales Make decisions Make plans Handle difficult situations at work Deal with problems and complaints Sign contracts Monitor expenses claims



4. Conclusion
In this part, you should reconfirm that the proposal will solve the problem and restate the benefit it will bring.
To sum up, it seems obvious that the introduction of new technology into the Marketing Department will enable the company to gain huge profits. Our position in the market will be strengthened.
recommendations. I’ll sum up by saying… I am positive that… In view of the above, we find… We’ll conclude by saying…
Writing Steps
1. Before writing 首先应认真读题,弄清题目的具体要求, 明确写作目的和写作者的身份。
show that…
There is another problem which has to be solved.
In the past several months, a number of organizational problems had surfaced.
The major problems which exist in our company can be summarized as follows: … .
2) Benefit:There is no denying that these improvements will bring vast profits to the company. Our employees will be able to work faster, more effectively and make greater use of technological innovations. Moreover, our company will be more likely to easily overcome fierce competition in the market.



Drought 干旱
Earthquake 地震
Extinction of
species 品种灭绝
Flooding 洪水
Hurricane 飓风
explosions 化学爆炸
Prepositions 经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用 介词
Proverbs 经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用 谚语
• It takes all sorts to make a world. 大千世界,无奇不有。
• You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. 不入虎穴焉得虎子或 有失才有得。
Wordlist 经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用 词汇
Neclear radiation leak
Oil spill 石油泄露
Volcanic eruption 火山喷发
Smog 雾
Landslide 山崩;山体滑坡
Wordlist 经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用 词汇
• Havoc 严重破坏 • Charity 善举,施舍行为 • Penalise 对……处罚 • Rradable 可做交易的 • Per capita 人均 • Sustainable 能承受的,可持续的 • Clutch 一群人 • Catastrophic loss 巨大的损失 • Exhaust fumes 废气,汽油油烟 • Stabilise 使稳定,使巩固 • Disposal of waste 废物处理 • Incinerate 焚烧 • Overstate 夸大,过分强调 • Recycling scheme 回收计划 • Permanent staff 固定员工


She smiled in greeting. 她微笑着打招呼。 She welcomed us with a cheerful
greeting. 她兴高采烈地打招呼欢迎我们。
1)Formal/Informal 2)Greeting by words/Greeting
Good morning
before 12am
Good afternoon between 12am to 5pm
Good evening
after 5pm
Good night when leaving at night or going to bed
Unit 1
Greetings and Introductions
How to make introductions? 1)How to introduce yourself? 2)How to introduce others? How to greet people when you
Between friends you can add dude(/dju:d/小伙 子)/man, etc. to the end
How are you? -- Pretty good. -- Fine, thank you. -- Nothing much. / Nothing special.
Miss. 小姐,用作未婚女子姓名之前 Mrs. 夫人, 太太 Ms. 女士, 用在婚姻状况不明的女子姓


拟小标题 Proposal on Introduction Current situation of internal communication Weaknesses of the present situation/communication Improvements that should be made
Introduction This proposal aims to analyse and summarise the current situation of internal communication in Sales Deparment and put forward suggestions to improve/enhance/optimize it. The proposal is based on investigation undertaken by me last week. This proposal aims to outline the current weaknesses of internal communication and propose some possible ways to improve communication efficiency and effectiveness.The facts presented are based on investigation and my observation.
3. recommending one or two improvements that should be made. To enhance the communication effect in company, it is well‐advised that we optimize means of communication. To begin with, we can develop our corporate intranet(内网). All the notices can be posted/released/issued online and each department searches for the notices related to their own work.(改善1) Everyone is encouraged to contribute his or her thoughts freely. Staff should be allowed to communicate with Managing Director directly rather than wait until the regular meeting.(改善2)Furthermore, some significant changes of our company such as management restructuring, the innovation of business strategy are supposed to be notified to employees as early as possible. It can boost staff's morale and cultivate/foster their sense of ownership(主人翁意识). (Staff should get involved in the decision‐making processes, in this way, they may feel respected and become more devoted to our company.)(改善3) At last, more team building activities should be organised which make staff know each other better and enhance the team spirit. It can also promote the relationship between supervisors and employees. (改善4)



Types of loans
▪ Secured loan: a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a car or property) as collateral(抵押物) for the loan.
▪ Eg: mortgage loan
A bank loan
▪ A loan is a type of debt. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time, between the lender and the borrower.
Money expression
▪ Money often costs too much. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essayist
1. It’s expensive to borrow money. 2. Pursuing money only makes you neglect
the more important things in life.
▪ invoice sb (for sth) | invoice sth (to sb/sth)
▪ to write or send a bill for work you have done or goods you have provided
▪ V:fund,to provide money for a project



CAMBRIDGEBUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATEHIGHERBEC高级写作讲义内部资料,仅供参考目录一.BEC考试概述二.BEC高级写作概述三.Part One写作(概述与方式) 四.Part Two写作(概述)五.Part Two (Report写作方式) 六.Part Two (Proposal写作方式) 七.Part Two (Letter 写作方式) 八.总结教科书:《剑桥BEC真题辑》第2、3辑练习资料:《剑桥BEC真题辑》第4辑一.BEC考试概述剑桥商务英语(Cambridge Business English Certificate):简称为BEC考试,是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为非英语母语国家的人员进行国际商务活动需要而设计的。






3.BEC考试分为三级,BEC1为初级语言水平考试,难度相当于我国大学英语四级,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test)和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间;BEC2介于我国大学英语四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC3介于我国大学英语六级和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。


Bec higher writing
bec writing (p 64)
• composition -- report (module 7.2, p72) -- letter (module 6.3, p 64) -- proposal (module 10.2, p102)
• describing a graph
Complaint Letter
1. Begin with a detailed description of the product or service. Give the appropriate model and serial numbers, size, quantity, color, and cost. Specify check and invoice numbers. Indicate when, where (specific address), and how (through a vendor, the Internet, at a store) you purchased it and also the remaining warranty. If you are complaining about a service, give the name of the company, the date of the service, the personnel providing it, and their exact duties.
Complaint Letter
3. Briefly describe the inconvenience you have experienced. Show that your problems were directly caused by the defective product or service. To build your case, give precise details about the time and money you lost. Don’t just say you had “numerous difficulties.” Did you have to pay a mechanic to fix your car when it was stalled on the road? Did you have to buy a new printer or DVD player? Where appropriate, refer to any previous



Report Sample
Date: 16 April 2010 Report on: Company Website Traffic and Marketing Strategy
This report aims to analyze the number of visitors to the company website in the last three months and propose a marketing strategy for the next three months.
Report Organization
• Findings
This should be the longest part of your report and contain the data you have collected—facts about prices, personnel, equipment, events, locations, incidents, or tests. Gather the data from your research; personal observations; interviews; and/or conversations with co-workers, employers, or clients. Again, remember to choose only those details that are of most importance to your reader.
Report Organization
• Recommendations
A recommendation informs readers what specific actions you think your company or client should take —market a new product, hire more staff, institute safety measures, select among alternative plans or procedures, and so on. Recommendations must be based on the data you collected and the conclusions you have reached. They need to show how all the pieces fit together.



新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版4.1The art of sellingSelling1What do these quotations suggest are the qualities of a successful salesmen?‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.’'People don't buy for logical reason. They buy for emotional reasons.''Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street’.'People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.'‘The complaining customer represent a huge opportunity for more business.'Zig Ziglar , author of Secrets of Closing the Sale2Have you ever sold anything? Do you consider yourself to be good at selling?Why?/Why not?3Complete this short article about the importance of selling using the words given below.There is so much competition in the market place today, particularly (0) price competition, that it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a (1)___selling point or a(2)___advantage with which to convince the customer. Instead he has to rely on using(3)___ benefits and/or giving (4)___value to the customer through (5) ___service. This makes the job of the seller all the more Important. What he has to do is identify the real decision (6)___in the buying process and then act quickly on a buying signal.A buying signal la when the (7)__customer gives a sign to the seller that he is open to being sold the product or service.4Look at these statements by different prospective buyers of a car. Imagine you are the sales person at a car dealer's dealing with them. What would you say or do next to try to close the sale.1 'I really like the car, but it's a bit outside my budget’.2 It's got everything I want, but silver is not the colo r I had in mind’.3 I’m really conf used about all these extra options - I just wanted to buya car, not a spaceship!'4 'Thank you for your time. I'm going to go away and think about it’.5 'I've always had VW, I don't know if this car suits my image.'Sales techniques5Work with your partner. Make a list of the main reasons for a customer deciding not to buy a product or service.6Compare your answer with Zig Ziglar’s on page 127.7 4.1 Listen to an extract from a radio series At Work where people talk about their working experiences. In this programme two sales people describe their approach to selling.1What are they selling?2What is the approach of each?3What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?8 Look at these extracts from the programme and complete the gaps .Listenagain to check your answers.1 Competition is a ______-not necessarily price competition, because in our sector , quality, ____and service are far more important factors.2 We use a sales___ that's called 'relationship selling’.3 We spend a lot of time getting to know each ____individual needs.4 I have to freely admit to people that our products may not be best___ to their particular needs.5 I'd much prefer to be doing that than using some ___technique.6 In my line of business, it's all about___ benefits.7 It’s difficult to ___any kind of technical competitive advantage for long.8 I deal only with the decision maker, who’s generally a ___for a chain of stores.9 ... the most expensive options, because this increases our __sales.10 As soon as I get a buying signal from them.... I_ __in and close the sale...11 ... by discussing quantities required, special delivery arrangement ,___payment terms.• cost• mass or niche (targeted advertising)•reach (how many see it)• success r ateAdvertising trends1Read the headline on page 39 and predict what the article will say about advertising trends.2Read the text quickly. Were you correct in your prediction? Do you agree with the author’s analysis?3Study the text again to find the best answer(A,B,C or D) to each question.1According to the author changers are occurring inA the types of television programme we watch.B the way people, especially young people, access videoC the way televisions are made.D the amount of programmes that are recorded.22005 was a significant year for television in the UK becauseA it was the year Internet use overtook television viewing.B spending on TV advertising declined.C viewing figures peaked and started to decline.D the 16 to 24 age group watched more television than before.3In the future, big global companies willA move away from TV to alternative advertising media.B still use television to establish their brands.C try to target their advertisements more precisely.D return to non-broadcast methods like direct mailing.4The growing use of PVRs means that television viewersA skip through the advertisements without looking at themB are exposed to a bigger range of advertisementsC can get advertising on demand.D can pause and rewind advertisements5The other growing area of opportunity for advertisers isA outdoor advertisingB ice dancing.C big live sporting eventsD football6The trend for on-demand viewing of programmesA represents a big threat for advertisersB means advertisers will spend a lot of money to reach a clear target audienceC will challenge search-based advertising on the InternetD will increase agencies advertising revenues7Advertisers in the future will ask their agencies to attract the youngA with arrange of new Internet-based mediaB with more friendly messagesC through chat roomsD using computer virusesTHE AD REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISEDAmong most advertisers, agencies and media companies there is a growing consensus that the old broadcast models of advertising are being eroded by the march of technology and that new models will have to be found to promote their products.Consider the growing ubiquity of broadband access and the digital revolution that is fragmenting television viewing across hundreds of channels. Then combine those trends with the upsurge in personal video recorder technology (PVR) and the tendency for younger viewers to watch less TV in favor of sharing their own words, pictures, music and movies online.In the UK, television viewing fell in 2005 for the first time in the medium’s history. The decline was most pronounced among those aged 16 to 24. In the US, where broadband penetration is even more widespread, those under 25 now spend more time on the Internet than watching television. The effect of these changing media habits is now having a material effect on advertising spending.But according to Neil Jones of media agency, Carat UK, and others at the sharp end, big companies like Coca Cola and Unilever are actively reducing the amount they spend on television in favour of boosting their Internet budgets and so-called‘direct response’ advertising – anything from online viral ads to traditional mail campaigns.Unilever, the consumer goods giant, has said that during the last five years around a fifth of its £300m ad budget was shifted out of television and into outdoor posters, online advertising and sponsorship, such a s Flora’s long-running association with the London Marathon. Meanwhile, the PVR effect is starting to make its presence felt now that the devices, which allow viewers to easily record shows as well as pause and rewind live TV, are in a meaningful number of homes. Over 1.3 million people now use the technology, with the majority fast forwarding through adverts on recorded shows.Increased broadband penetration and download speed are only likely to accelerate the trend for on-demand viewing. Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan recently forecast that by 2016 ‘the majority of all programmes will be consumed in an on-demand way, whether through personal video recorders or video-on-demand over the Internet’. As the boom in search-based advertising on the Internet has proved, if advertisers are sure that they are accurately, targeting a receptive audience they will pay a huge premium. Meanwhile event television, which viewers will tune on to watch live, and could be anything from the World Cup to Dancing on Ice will become increasingly vital.As a result of these trends the amount spent on traditional television advertising on the main channels is declining, while the amount spent on the web is booming. Advertising experts are agreed that brands will increasingly have to engage with individual consumers rather than hoping to catch their attention with traditional catch-all ads.Advertisers are demanding a more holistic view from their agencies, asking them to consider how to tap into younger consumers via blogs, social networking sites, advertiser-funded content and viral advertising. The latter, which involves making branded messages so engaging and interesting that web users feel compelled to send them on to friends, has come of age during the pas t two years. ‘We’re seeing a new wave of interest because brands are looking for new forms of media and new marketing techniques,’ says Will Jeffery, Managing Director of viral advertising agency Maverick.In the short term, Hassell , director at digital agency Ralph, believes that advertisers will increasingly release adverts on the Internet first as a means of creating a buzz around a particular clipTenses and time phrases2 A few years ago …3 At the moment...4 By the year 2050 …5 Nowadays...6 Over the past ten years...7 In the next five years...8 During the I980s...9 Sooner or later...2 Use the appropriate time phrase from exercise 1 to complete each sentence.1 _____we have seen a gradual reduction in working hours.2 _____no-one has found a satisfactory solution to the problem of the ageing population.3 _____watching television was more popular among younger age groups than using the Internet.4 _____the advertising industry enjoyed a boom.5 _____the economy will begin to recover from its recent6 _____global temperatures will have risen by 3℃.7 _____politicians pay too much attention to presentation of their policies and too little attention to their substance.3 Write some sentences of your own using the time phrases from exercise 1. ■Transitive and intransitive verbs4 Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.1 The government is going to rise /raise the school leaving age from 16 to 17.2 The price of oil has risen / raised again.3 Sales have reduced /fallen in the last two months.4 You will have to reduce/fall the price to attract ordinary working people. What are the grammatical differences between the pairs of words?in your country.1 house prices2 the gap between rich and poor3 taxes4 the cost of living in generaIn the field7 As a sales rep for a medium-sized Italian company, you are visiting shops and department stores in Denmark to persuade them to sock your designer lamps. •Work with a partner. Take the roles of sales rep and buyer for a shop. Look at the situations below and plan what each will say.•Act out the conversations following the example. Try to use at least one of the verbs [rise, lower, etc) in your conversation.0 The shop buyer only has a few Italian catalogues.Shop buyer: People drop into the shop all the time to pick up catalogues , but you've only sent us ten and th ey’re all written in Italian.Sales rep: We can certainly increase the number of catalogues we sent you, but until the volume of sales goes up, it's not economical to publish them in Danish.1 The buyer wants to place a small order (four or five) as a trial, but the prices are too high.2 The buyer loves the lamps, but wants a shorter delivery time on orders. Customers won't wait three to four weeks.3 The shop normally marks up prices by 100%, but in this case that will make the price to the customer too high.4 The buyer likes the lamps but feels very loyal to existing suppliers.5 The buyer needs more point-of-tale promotional material - displays, catalogues, etc.A sales report7During your sales trip to Denmark you receive the following email from yourUsing the framework below and expanding the notes in italics, write a sales report (200 words approx).SALES REPORT --DENMARK• Results(sales down 30% on last year; market generally flat)• Reasons (new Ikea store recently opened near Copenhagen ;no Danish brochures; biggest customer wants more commission 25%,has frozen orders)• Prospects (good--signs of recovery in consumer confidence ; possible contract with big hotel chain refurnishing twelve hotels)• Recommendations(get Danish brochures out; increase commissions across the board; more advertising, eg articles in lifestyle magazines)。


移 卡时间)
11:15 收听力答题卡和试卷
下午: 13:00 口试 大致12分钟
BEC preliminary听、说、读 和写四个部分。每一部分各 占25%,总分为100。 通过成绩有2个: 优秀 (pass with Merit)和通过 (pass) 未通过成绩有1个: 不及格 介绍通过率: 参加考试的学生会在7周后收 到成绩单。通过考试的学生 会在收到成绩单4周后得到考 试合格证书。
If you need to be exact you can say: ten a.m. or ten in the morning and ten p.m. or
ten at night You can also tell the time in this way: 1.00 one o’clock 3.10 ten past
• Have you got any money on you?
• Do you have any money on you?
4.商务英语考试注意事项、时间和 评分标准
考试注意事项、时间和评分标准: 1. 考试注意事项 BEC 考试: 1)请携带准考证、身份证。 2) 带2B或HB铅笔及橡皮,考试过程
8:40 必须进考场 8:50 考官发阅读和写作答题卡并请考生确认后签名 8:55 发阅读和写作试卷并请考生填写考生姓名、中心考号和考
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Vantage Class.
1) .本课程采用经济科学出版社出版的《新编剑 桥商务英语(初\中\高级)学生用书》(第二 版)。该书的第二版是专门针对BEC商务英语 考试大纲做出更改后专门编写的,内容既与考 试相关,更与现代商务活动息息相关,对你在 商务领域大有帮助。



1.1 Working life1What does this quotation mean to you?'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.' john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2Discuss these questions.1 How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-3 4-7 8or more2Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why ?3in fifteen years ' timdo you expect to work more or less than now ?4at what age do you expect to stop working ? 55 65 753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1 At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652 I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and have worked thereever since3 What's the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost thecontract to supply Toyota5We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6I'm going to leave/change the company at the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtime hours-9they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts are temporary/part-time ones.10I have one day off/ holiday a week to attend a course at college.4Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.Attitude to work6Do you think that people starting work now have a different attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workers Want it all, nowOh, and they’ ll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT 一Kurt Jennings, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then the radio executive opened the interview with, 'So, we call you guys theEntitlement Generation". You imagine you're entitled to everything.' There is an impression that the current generation of young workers has high expectations for salary, responsibility and job flexibility, but little appetite for hard work and little sense of loyalty to a company'A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work typically Kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification,' says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatricsprofessor. He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Many employers, from corporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.'It seems they expect to hove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn,' says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt Lake City chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply 'for his interviewee at the radio station: 'Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But "entitled" is too strong a word,' he said. 'Do we think we're deserving if we're doing to go out there and break our backs for you'? Yes..'He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that' having high expectations, and tellin}} your boss what they are, isn't necessarily a bad thing.'It's true they're not all rushing to bury themselvesin a cubicle a} t 己follow orders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they?'asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9What do the following phrases from the text mean?1little appetite for hard work2twenty-somethings3instant gratification4coddling parents and colleges5we were spoiled by your generation6break our backs for you7bury themselves in a cubicleGerund and infinitive1Which of the verbs or phrases in the box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctant havetrouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed in decide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve have be used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2Which of the following pairs of phrasesis the odd one out grammatically? Why?1be good at - be bad at2be willing 一be reluctant3succeed in - fail4enjoy 一dislike3 Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1When I retire, I plan …2I think I'm quite good at …3Before attending a job interview, it's worth …4My job involves …5When speaking English, I often have difficulty6At work I feel satisfied if I manage …7For my summer holiday this year, I am considering8If I was offered more money, I would be willing9The hardest thing about starting a new job is getting used to10I get annoyed with colleagues if they fail …4Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working lifeThe future of human resources5You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.The first time you listen, indicate which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE 一EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more positive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6You've heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hoursworking environment.pay。

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Bec higher writing
bec writing (p 64)
• composition -- report (module 7.2, p72) -- letter (module 6.3, p 64) -- proposal (module 10.2, p102) • describing a graph
Over the last three months, the number of visitors has increased by 650 from 2300 to 2950. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, we began to circulate newsletters for subscribers in March; secondly, we organized, in May, a contest on our services, which turned out to be quite popular among subscribers.
Report Organization
• Recommendations A recommendation informs readers what specific actions you think your company or client should take —market a new product, hire more staff, institute safety measures, select among alternative plans or procedures, and so on. Recommendations must be based on the data you collected and the conclusions you have reached. They need to show how all the pieces fit together.
Report Organization
• Findings This should be the longest part of your report and contain the data you have collected—facts about prices, personnel, equipment, events, locations, incidents, or tests. Gather the data from your research; personal observations; interviews; and/or conversations with co-workers, employers, or clients. Again, remember to choose only those details that are of most importance to your reader.
Complaint Letter
1. Begin with a detailed description of the product or service. Give the appropriate model and serial numbers, size, quantity, color, and cost. Specify check and invoice numbers. Indicate when, where (specific address), and how (through a vendor, the Internet, at a store) you purchased it and also the remaining warranty. If you are complaining about a service, give the name of the company, the date of the service, the personnel providing it, and their exact duties.
Fenway Software
Report Sample
With regard to costs, banners on other sites have not generated the desired result because very few people clicked those banners and got linked to our website, though we spent € 3,200 on that in May. On the other hand, the monthly newsletters I emailed to subscribers seemed to have worked very well and, more importantly, they did not cost anything save my time.
Organization of reports
Report Organization
• Introduction (Purpose)-Findings-Conclusion-Recommendations
• Introduction (Purpose) Always begin by telling readers why you are writing and bቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ alerting them to what you will discuss and why it is significant. Give your readers a summary of key events and details at the beginning to help them follow the remainder of the report quickly. When you establish the scope (or limits) of your report, you help readers zero in on specific times, places, procedures, or problems.
Report Organization
• Conclusion Your conclusion tells readers what your data means. A conclusion can summarize what has happened; review what actions were taken; or explain the outcome or results of a test, a visit, or a program.
Newsletters and contests were felt to be fairly effective in increasing visitors. I recommend that we step up our efforts in newsletter spread and contest organization and cut the budget on banner advertising or switch to search engine marketing for a trial in the three months that follow.
exercise p 72
• good points: clearly organized; address all the points requested • bad points: no clear recommendation; too informal style; no linking phrases
Complaint Letter
2. State exactly what is wrong with the product or service. Precise information will enable the reader to understand and act on your complaint. ■ How many times did the product work before it stopped? ■ What parts were malfunctioning? ■ What parts of a job were not done or were done poorly? ■ When did all this happen? How many
It was concluded that the increase in visitors is more attributable to newsletter circulation and contest organization than to banner advertising. Fenway Software
Report writing
• Format: title, date, introduction, findings, conclusion, recommendations. • Word limit: 200-250 (longer than the report we wrote last term) • Length of the report • what it should contain • who is it written for • how is it organized • style and tone
Complaint Letter
3. Briefly describe the inconvenience you have experienced. Show that your problems were directly caused by the defective product or service. To build your case, give precise details about the time and money you lost. Don’t just say you had “numerous difficulties.” Did you have to pay a mechanic to fix your car when it was stalled on the road? Did you have to buy a new printer or DVD player? Where appropriate, refer to any previous