

CE 用户手册 充气式蓄能器说明书

CE 用户手册 充气式蓄能器说明书

Accumulators - According to PED 2014/68/EU(Languages CN/CZ/DE/ES/FR/GB/IT/NL/PL/PT/RU)CE User Manual Accumulators2Parker HannifinAccumulator and Cooler Division Europe Paris, FranceCatalogue MSG10-4021/EUCE 使用手册1. 范围本手册适用于遵照 PED 2014/68/EU 指令 的 CE 充气式蓄能器。

另外,它也适用于遵照 PED 2014/68/EU 指令 第 4.3 款的蓄能器。

2. 总则本设备遵照欧盟指令 97/23/EC 设计、制造并测试。






注意:压接活塞式蓄能器(ACP 和 HCP 型)不可维修,并严禁拆解。

3. 安全装置蓄能器必须受到安全附件的保护,以免发生超出允许范围的过压(见第5章)。


4. 搬运 - 贮存原始包装适合对设备进行搬运和贮存除非另有说明。

4.1 搬运小心轻放!提供适合蓄能器重量的提升机构。


4.2 贮存贮存于凉爽、干燥处。



当以其原始包装贮存蓄能器时,除非其容量小于 4 升,否则切勿码放(码放最多 2 层)。

对于贮存 5 年以上的蓄能器,投入使用前,请务必更换所有橡胶材料部件(请联系 Parker 或 Parker 的认可代理)。



工作压力 p 500 bar AC 型液壓小型蓄能器max :额定容积 V 0 max :充气阀 p 0 max :13 或 40 cm 3250 bar© 作者 HAWE Hydraulik SE.未经明确允许,禁止转交和复制本文档,以及使用和传播其内容。





HAWE Hydraulik 在所有情况下都认可这些法律法规。

打印日期/文件生成日期: 19.03.2021目录1AC 型微型液压蓄能器概览 (4)2可提供的结构形式,主要数据 (5)3参数 (7)3.1通用 (7)4尺寸 (9)4.1微型液压蓄能器 (9)4.2加长件 (10)5安装、操作和维护提示 (11)5.1通用提示信息 (11)5.1.1安全提示 (11)5.1.2法律规定 (11)5.1.3运输与储存 (11)5.2合规使用 (12)5.3安装提示 (13)5.3.1安装和调试 (13)5.4操作提示 (16)5.5维护提示 (16)6其它信息 (17)6.1设计参数说明 (17)6.2配件、备件和单件 (19)6.2.1充气装置 (19)6.2.2加长件 (19)1AC 型微型液压蓄能器概览液压蓄能器属于压力蓄能器类。


AC 型微型液压蓄能器是隔膜式蓄能器。



由于其尺寸的缘故,AC 型微型液压蓄能器不属于欧盟压力设备指令 2014/68/EU 第 4 (3) 的适用范围。

借助不同的连接部件,AC 型液压蓄能器能够轻松集成到液压设备上。

特点和优势:■紧凑的结构设计■工作压力可达 500 bar■坚固的设计应用范围:■机床■行走液压机械■蓄能器负载系统■试验台AC 型微型液压蓄能器2可提供的结构形式,主要数据机能符号:AC ACS订货实例:表 1 基型、额定容积及接口尺寸参见章节 6.1, "设计参数说明"表 2 气体预压力有关气体预压力 p0 的信息 参见章节 6.1, "设计参数说明"表 3 截止阀调节压力表 4 加长件3参数3.1 通用通用数据尺寸特性曲线等温绝热P 液压油 2P 液压油 100 b a r150b a r 200b ar250b ar4尺寸所有尺寸为 mm,保留更改的权利.4.1 微型液压蓄能器AC 13ACS 13AC 401截止阀安装孔4.2 加长件K 1/4L 1/41螺栓密封圈 G 1/4 NBR 85 Sh A1螺栓密封圈 G 1/4 NBR 85 Sh A5安装、操作和维护提示5.1 通用提示信息5.1.1 安全提示提供了更多关于蓄能器系统技术规格的说明 DIN EN ISO 4413。



E 3.201.25/04.09HydraulicBladder Accumulator Standard1. DEscription 1.1. FunctionFluids are practically incompressible and cannot therefore store pressure energy.the compressibility of a gas is utilised in hydraulic accumulators for storing fluids. HYDAc bladder accumulators are based on this principle, using nitrogen as the compressible medium.A bladder accumulator consists of a fluid section and a gas section with the bladder acting as the gas-proof screen.The fluid around the bladder is connected to the hydraulic circuit so that thebladder accumulator draws in fluid when the pressure increases and the gas is compressed.When the pressure drops, the compressed gas expands and forces the stored fluid into the circuit.HYDAc bladder accumulators can be used in a wide variety of applications, some of which are listed below:energy storagez emergency operation z force equilibriumz leakage compensation zvolume compensation z shock absorption z vehicle suspension z pulsation damping z See catalogue section:Hydraulic Dampers z no. 3.7011.2. DeSignseal cap lock nut shellgas valve valve protection cap bladderspacer anti-extrusion ring seal ring lock nut oil valvevent screw1.2.1 Designstandard Bladder Accumulator z sB330/400/500/550HYDAc standard bladder accumulators consist of the pressure vessel, the flexible bladder with gas valve and the hydraulic connecction with check valve. the pressure vessel is seamless and manufactured from high tensile steel.Bladder accumulator z sB330nThe flow optimised design of thestandard oil valve enables the maximum possible operating fluid flow rate to increase to 25 l/s on this accumulator type.High Flow bladder accumulator z sB330HHYDAC high flow bladder accumulators, type SB330H, are high performance accumulators with a flow rate of up to 30 l/s. The fluid connection is enlarged to allow higher flow rates.1.2.2 Bladder materialthe following elastomers are available as standard:nBR (acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, z Perbunan),iiR (butyl rubber),z FKM (fluoro rubber, Viton z ®),eco (ethylene oxide epichlorohydrin z rubber).the material must be selected according to the particular operating fluid and temperature.When choosing the elastomer, allowances must be made for the fact that the gas can cool down to below the permittedelastomer temperature if there are adverse discharge conditions (high pressure ratio p 2/p 0, high discharging velocity). this can cause cold cracking in the elastomer. the gas temperature can be calculated using the HYDAc Accumulator Simulation Program ASP .1.2.3 corrosion protectionFor operation with chemically aggressive media, the accumulator shell can besupplied with corrosion protection, such as plastic coating on the inside or chemical nickel-plating. If this is insufficient, then stainless steel accumulators must be used.18E 3.201.25/04.091.3. Mounting PoSitionHYDAc bladder accumulators can be installed vertically, horizontally and at a slant. When installing vertically or at a slant, the oil valve must be at the bottom. on certain applications listed below, particular positions are preferable:energy storage: z vertical,Pulsation damping:z any position from horizontal to vertical,Maintaining constant pressure:z any position from horizontal to vertical,Volume compensation: z vertical.if the mounting position is horizontal or at a slant, the effective volume and the maximum permitted flow rate of the operating fluid are reduced.1.4. tYPe oF MountingBy using an appropriate adapter, HYDAc accumulators, up to size 1 l, can be mounted directly inline.For strong vibrations and volumes above 1 l, we recommend the use of HYDAc accumulator supports or the HYDAc accumulator mounting set.See catalogue sections:Supports for Hydraulic Accumulators z no. 3.502AccuSet SB z no. 3.5032. tEcHnicAlspEciFicAtions 2.1. eXPLAnAtoRYnoteS2.1.1 operating pressure See tables(may differ from nominal pressure for foreign test certificates)2.1.2 nominal volume See tables2.1.3 Effective gas volume See tablesbased on nominal dimensions, this differs slightly from the nominal volume and must be used when calculating the effective volume.2.1.4 Effective volumeVolume of fluid which is available between the operating pressures p 2 and p Max. flow rate of operating fluid In order to achieve the max. flow rate given in the tables, the accumulator must bemounted vertically. it must be remembered that a residual fluid volume of approx. 10% of the effective gas volume remains in the accumulator.2.1.6 Fluidsthe following sealing and bladdermaterials are suitable for the fluids listed below.Material FluidsnBR20Mineral oils (HL, HLP , HFA, HFB, HFc), water eco Mineral oiliiR Phosphate ester FKMchlorinated hydro- carbons, petrol2.1.7 permitted operating temperature the permitted operating temperatures are dependent on the application limits of the metallic materials and the bladders.the standard valve bodies, gas valves and accumulator shells are suitable for temperatures from -10 °c ... +80 °c.outside these temperatures, special material combinations must be used. the following table shows the correlation between bladder material and application temperature.Material temperature ranges nBR20-15 °c ... + 80 °c nBR21-50 °c ... + 80 °c nBR22-30 °c ... + 80 °c eco -30 °c ... +120 °c iiR -40 °c ... +100 °c FKM-10 °c ... +150 °c2.1.8 Gas chargingAlways only charge with nitrogen class 4.5, filtered to < 3 µm.if other gases are to be used, please contact HYDAc for advice.Hydraulic accumulators must only be charged with nitrogen. never use other gases. risk of explosion!2.1.9 limits for gas pre-chargepressurep 0 ≤ 0.9 • p1with a permitted pressure ratio of: p 2 : p 0 ≤ 4 : 1p 2 = max. operating pressure p 0 = gas pre-charge pressure2.1.10 Certificate codes china A9eu member states u 1)Japan P canada S1 2)Switzerland u uSAS others on request1) Alternative certificates possible 2) Approval required in the individual provinces on no account must any welding, soldering or mechanical work be carried out on the accumulator shell. After the hydraulic line has been connected it must be completely vented.Work on systems with hydraulic accumulators (repairs, connectingpressure gauges etc) must only be carried out once the pressure and the fluid have been released.please read the operating manual! no. 3.201.cE note:Application examples, accumulator sizing and extracts from approvals regulations on hydraulic accumulators can be found in the following catalogue section:Accumulators z no. 3.000E 3.201.25/04.0920E 3.201.25/04.093. DiMEnsions AnD spArE pArts 3.1. DiMenSionSDimensionsadapterfor special threadsn o m i n a l v o l u m e sV a l v eM a x . o p e r a t i n g p r e s s u r e (P e D 97/23/e c )e f f e c t i v e g a s v o l u m eW e i g h tA max.B cØ D max.J threadØ e SWQ 1)[l][bar][l][kg][mm][mm][mm][mm]iSo228[mm][mm][l/s]0.5standard4000.5 2.82705733.595.5g 3/4503241330 1.04.5302581185508.533468121g 1 67452.5330 2.41053163118g 1 1/45010550 2.513.553968121g 14544330 3.711.541963173g 1 1/4501040015.55550 4.92386768121g 14546330 5.71553163173g 1 1/45010102)3309.325728g 1 1/410standard3309.331.556810358229g 21037015n 25H 934.5603138g 2 1/2 1259030standard4009.337.5572103233g 210070155008.841585776824113standard330124366010358229g 21007015n 25H 46695138g 2 1/2 1259030standard 40049666103233g 2100701520standard33018.450.589610358229g 21007015n 25H17.553.5931138g 2 1/2 1259030standard40018.463.5896103233g 210070155001775.590177682411107524standard33023.669.0106210358229g 21007015n 25H 24721097138g 2 1/2 125903032standard33033.987141110358229g 21007015n 25H32.5901446138g 2 1/2 1259030standard40033.9104.51411103233g 2100701550033.512714467768241110755033047.5117.5193110368229g 21007015n25H 120.51966138g 2 1/2 1259030standard4001421931103233g 2100701550048.31691951772417560standard 33060182115613868356g 2 1/2 12590308085221140610010525516561301333051976160170396200640620020148523061) Q = max. flow rate of pressure fluid 2)slimline version, for confined spacesE 3.201.25/04.93.2. SPARe PARtSsB330/400/440/500/550 sB330H / sB330nDetail "X"SB330/400 – 0.5 ... 6 lSB330/400/500 – 10 ... 200 l and SB330H – 10 ... 200 l SB550 – 1 ... 5 l3.3. RePAiR KitSnBR, carbon steelnom. volume: 0.5 ... 200 litres Standard gas valve nom. volume [l] Part no. 0.5 02128169 1 02106261 2.5 02106200 4 02106204 5 02106208 6 0211210010 *)03117512 10 02106212 13 02106216 20 02106220 24 02106224 32 02106228 50 02106252 60 03117513 80 03117514 100 03117515 130 ******** 160 03117517 200 03117558*) slimline version for confined spaces others on requestDescription itemBladder kit consisting of:Bladder2gas valve insert*3Lock nut 4Seal cap5Valve protection cap 6o-ring7seal kit consisting of:o-ring 7Washer 15o-ring16Vent screw 19Support ring 23o-ring27repair kit 1) consisting of:Bladder kit (see above)Seal kit (see above)Anti-extrusion ring 14oil valve assembly consisting of:Valve assembly (items 9-13)9Anti-extrusion ring 14Washer 15o-ring 16Spacer 17Lock nut 18Vent screw 19Support ring23* available separately 1)When ordering please state smallest bladder connection port size.item 1 not available as a spare part.item 19 for nBR/carbon steel:seal ring (item 20) includeditem 25 must be ordered as an accessory (see Point 4).22E 3.201.25/04.094.AccEssoriEs For BlADDEr AccUMUlAtors4.1. ADAPteRS (gAS SiDe)to monitor the accumulator pre-charge pressure, HYDAc offers a selection of gas side adapters.these must be ordered separately4.1.1 pressure gauge model:gas side connection on the bladder accumulator for permanentmonitoring of the pre-charge pressurepressure gauge Ø63gauge indication rangegauge Part no.Adapter body*Part no.Adapterassembly Part no. ––00239275003666210 - 10 bar 00614420021084160 - 60 bar 00606886030933860 - 100 bar 00606887021047780 - 160 bar 00606888030323480 - 250 bar 00606889021002170 - 400 bar 0060689002102117* p max = 400 bargauge indication rangegauge Part no.Adapter body*Part no.Adapterassembly Part no. ––00363713021033810 - 25 bar 00631380021052160 - 60 bar 00606771021100590 - 100 bar 00606772031393140 - 160 bar 00606773032029700 - 250 bar 00606774031941540 - 400 bar 0060677502103226* p max = 400 bar4.1.2 pressure gauge model with shut-off valvegas side connection on the bladder accumulator for permanent monitoring of the pre-charge pressure with shut-off option.gauge Ø100gauge shut-off valvea p p r o x .E 3.201.25/ remote monitoring of the pre-charge pressure to monitor the pre-charge pressure in hydraulic accumulators remotely, gas side adapters with pressure gauge and mounting holes are available.in order to connect these adapters directly with the hydraulic accumulator using appropriate lines, accumulator adapters are also available for connection at the top (see diagram 1) or for side-connection (see diagram 2).gauge indication range gauge Part no.Adapter body*Part no.Adapterassembly Part no. ––02116746030376660 - 10 bar 00614420030958180 - 60 bar 00606886030958190 - 100 bar 00606887030958200 - 160 bar 00606888030958210 - 250 bar 00606889030958220 - 400 bar0060689003095823* p max = 400 barD1threaded connection D2 [mm]tAdapter body*Part no.Adapter assembly Part no.Diag.iSo228- g 1/425140023870902109481100241740021020422iSo228- g 3/8280035502102109483103280414003666072iSo228- g 1/234160211059402110636100237884003666082* p max = 400 barD1Accum. conn.*D2 D3 L1 L2 L3 SWo- ring Part no.(iSo228-BSP)[mm][mm][mm][mm][mm][mm][mm]nBR/carbon steelg 3/4g 3/8285528123217x302104346g 1/2286028143602104348g 1 1/4g 3/8285037124630x302116345g 1/2345037144602105232g 3/4445037164602104384g 1506737186502110124g 2g 1/2346044146548x302104853g 3/4446044166502104849g 1 1/4606044206502107113g 1 1/2688044227002105905* others on requestpressure gauge Ø63o-ring2 holesapprox.5. notEthe information in this brochure relates to the operating conditions and applications described. For applications and operating conditions not described, please contact the relevant technical department. Subject to technical modifications.technology GmbHD-66280 sulzbach/saar tel.: 0 68 97 / 509 - 01 Fax: 0 68 97 / 509 - 464 internet: e-Mail: speichertechnik@o-ring 11x224E 3.201.25/04.09。



Advice For Maintaining Hydraulic Accumulators液压蓄能器维护建议Gas-charged accumulators are ubiquitous on modern hydraulic systems. They carry out numerous functions, which include energy storage and reserve, leakage and thermal compensation, shock absorption, and energy recovery.充气式蓄能器在现代液压系统普遍存在,它们执行很多功能,包括能量储备和保存、泄漏和热量补偿、吸收震动、和能量恢复。

While accumulators present a number of advantages in hydraulic system operation and can provide many years of trouble-free service, they are a maintenance item.蓄能器在液压系统运行方面有很多好处,可以提供多年无故障运行服务,它们也是维护对象。

For example, the correct gas pre-charge pressure must be maintained for proper functioning and optimum service life. Also, periodic inspection, testing and certification can be required by law - accumulators are pressure vessels after all.例如,正确的充气压力能保持合适的功能和适宜的服务寿命。
































英文及译文翻译英文原文:AccumulatorsAn accumulator is found in many hydraulic systems. As the name suggests, it is a storage device. The various types of accumulators are studied in this chapter.A simple accumulator is sometimes used in household water system. It may consist of a tee with a side branch pipe that is capped. The air that is trapped in the side branch pipe is compressed, and then acts like a compressed spring. As a faucet is either opened or closed quickly, a sudden change in pressure and flow occurs. The trapped air acts as cushion, or shock absorber, to prevent water hammering in the piping system.The storage batter in a car is a typical example of an electrical or chemical accumulator. Chemical energy is stored in the batter is not in use. The stored chemical energy is converted into electricity that is used to start the engine.Hydraulic AccumulatorsA hydraulic accumulator may be used for a variety of purposes. Some of its uses are: ( 1 ) as a shock absorber; (2) to provide oil makeup in a closed system; (3) to compensate for leakage in a system; (4) to provide a source of emergency power in event of failure of the normal power supply;(5 ) to maintain steady delivery pressure over a period of time without keeping the pump operating continuously; and (6) as a transfer barrier device to separate the oil from some other fluid in the system.Types Of AccumulatorsAccumulators may be divided into three general types: ( 1 ) weight-loaded, (2) spring-load, and (3) air-or gas-type accumulators. The air-or gas-type Accumulators can be subdivided further into the separator and non-separator types.Weight Loaded or Gravity TypesThe weight-loaded or gravity-type accumulator consists of a cylinder, a movable position, a ram or plunger, and a weight. The dead weight ( which may be placed in a container) may be concrete, iron, steel, water, or other heavy material. The position should have a precision fit inside the cylinder in order to reduce leakage. The inner cylinder wall should have a honed or ground finish in order to reduce friction and wear. As hydraulic oil is pumped into the cylinder, the piston pushes the weight to a higher level. Thus the potential or stored energy of the weight is increased. The energy stored in the weight is released in the downward motion as it is required by the demands of the system. An accumulator of this type may be custom-built for a particular installation. The weight is adjusted so that the ram rises when the fluid pressure reaches a set level. The travel of the ram can be controlled by an arrangement of a cam on the plunger and limit switches. The gravity force of the piston on the oil provides a nearly constant oil pressure level forthe full stroke of the piston. By providing adequate piston area and ample length of piston stroke, a large volume of fluid can be supplied at high pressure. A single large accumulator may provide service for a number of different machines.Spring-loaded TypeA spring-loaded type of accumulator is illustrated. This device consists of a cylinder, a piston, and a spring. One or more springs may be used. The springs may be arranged to provide various adjustments by means of bolts. As the oil is pumped into the accumulator, the piston or plunger compresses the spring; The energy stored in the spring is released as it is required by the demands of the system. The pressure on the oil isnot constant for all the positions of the piston, because the spring force depends on the movement of the spring. Usually, this type of accumulator delivers only a small amount of oil at low pressure.Air or Gas TypeHydraulic fluid or oil is nearly incompressible. This means that a large increase in oil pressure results in only a small, or negligible, decrease in the volume of oil. ~ On the other hand, a large increase in air or gas pressure results in a large decrease in the volume of the air or gas. Relatively speaking, hydraulic oil is less elastic or spring-like than air. Oil cannot be used effectively to store energy by compressing it, whereas air or gas can be compressed to store energy. Thus, one general type of accumulator used gas or air, rather than a mechanical spring or a weight, to provide the spring-like action. Air or gas types of accumulators can be divided into two subdivisions: (1) the non-separator type, and (2) the separator type. In the non-separator type of accumulator, the oil is in direct contact with the air or gas. In the separator types of accumulator, either a solid or a flexible barrier is placed between the oil and the gas to separate the two different types of fluids.Non-separator TypeA non-separator type of air or gas accumulator consists of a fully enclosed cylinder, adequate ports, and a charging valve. A portion of oil must be trapped in the bottom of the cylinder before this type of accumulator can be placed in operator. Air, nitrogen, or an inert gas is then forced into the cylinder, and the accumulator precharged to the minimum pressure requirement of the system. A so-called 'free surface' exists between the oil and the air or gas. ~ As a greater quantity of oil is pumped into the accumulator, the air or gas above the oil is compressed still further. The energy is stored in the compressed gas, and it is released as required by the demands of the system.This type of accumulator should be mounted in a vertical position, because the gas must be retained in the top of the cylinder. To prevent the air or gas being exhausted into the hydraulic system, only about two-thirds of the accumulator volume can be used for the air or gas volume. Approximately one-third of the remaining accumulator volume should be reserved for the oil, to prevent the air or gas from being drawn out of the accumulator to the hydraulic system. Aeration, or mixing, of the oil or air or gas may result in diminishing the precharge of the accumulator. If the air or gas is absorbed by the oil, the accumulator requires an air or gas compressor for the precharging operation of the accumulator.Separator Type ( with piston)A separator type of accumulator with a free or floating piston acting as the barrier between the air or gas and the oil is illustrated in Figure. High-pressure air or gas is charged into the space on one side of the piston, and hydraulic oil is charged into the space on the opposite side. The tubeshould be machined with precision. The piston packing keeps the oil and gas separated.This type of accumulator may be installed in any position. The preferred position, however,is to place the cylinder axis vertically, with the gas connection at the top. The wearing action of the packing between the piston and the cylinder should be checked after extended use, because this may result in significant leakage.A floating piston within a cylindrical accumulator is illustrated in Figure. In the design, the double-shell construction provides a pressure-balanced inner shell that contains the position and serves as a separator between the precharged air or gas and the working hydraulic fluid. The outer shell serves as a gas container. Rapid decompression of the precharged air or gas, resulting from a rapid discharge of the working hydraulic fluid, provide a coolant for the entire corking area of the inner shell. Pressure balancing ports in the piston provide equal pressure to either side both rings; this prevent pressure lock between seals.Separator Type (with diaphragm)A diaphragm-type accumulator involves two hemispheres that are made from steel forgings. The hemispheres are locked together and a flexible, convoluted, rubber diaphragm is clamped around the periphery. An air or gas precharge is applied to one of the two hemispheres; oil, under pump pressure, is applied to theopposite hemispheres to compress the sir or gas charged. As the air or gas is compressed, the pressure rises; then the gas acts as a spring. Oil pressure and gas pressure are equal, because the separating member is flexible.Bag TypeThe type, or bladder, type of accumulator is a seamless steel shell that is cylindrical in shapeand spherical at both ends. A gas valve is located at one end of the shell and opens into the shell. A large opening through which the bag can be inserted is located at the opposite end. The bladder is made of synthetic rubber and is pear-shaped. The fully enclosed bladder, including a molded air stem, is fastened by means of a lock nut to the upper end of the shell. On the opposite end of the shell, a plug assembly containing the oil port and a pop pet valve is mounted. The accumulator cannot be disassembled while a gas charge is inside the bag. The accumulator should be installed with the end that contains the air at the top to avoid trapping the oil when discharging.ContaminationAs with the other components in a hydraulic system, care should be taken to avoid contamination when installing the accumulator. The accumulator should be cleaned completely before installation in the system. Since an accumulator usually forms a dead-end in the pipeline, itmay not be flushes as well as some other components during system operation.The piston-type accumulator can be studied to better understand accumulator construction. The piston may be sealed with an O-ring groove, causing wear or damage to the O-ring and allowing the gas charge to leak into the oil. An arrangement in which an O-ring seal is placed between Teflon piston rings provides a means by which the piston rings can scrape contaminants from the cylinder walls, and thus protect the O-ring seal. ~ It is a good practice to install a filter in the air or gas charging system of the accumulator.Accumulators In SystemsThe accumulator is often installed in a hydraulic system to absorb shocks. The hydraulic oil from a pump is piped to a four-way valve, which directs the oil flow to a cylinder containing a piston. If the valve is closed quickly, the sudden stoppage may result in oil shock waves, or a hammering effect. A violent hammering action may damage the fittings and piping. The accumulator is capable of absorbing the shocks, thus protecting the entire system.During periods when no flow of oil is required in the hydraulic system, pump delivery can be returned, or bypassed, to the reservoir at low pressure. This arrangement serves to reduce electric power requirement, oil heating, and wear of the moving parts.The accumulator can be used as a power-saving device. A piston provides a loading force-as for a clamping operation or a rolling mill operation, in which the force moves only a short distance. ~ After the oil pressure is built up at the piston face, the accumulator can supply the loading force for a period of time. During this period it is unnecessary to keep the pump delivering at high pressure. Therefore, an unloading valve is provide to return the pump delivery to the reservoir at low outlet pressure. During the unloading process, the pump discharge pressure is a low level, while the accumulator pressure is at a high level to provide the loading force. Thus, the accumulator is a power-saving device, and also provides for absorption of shock waves.蓄压器储压器在很多水压设备中都能发现有一个蓄压器。

液压蓄能器操作安装指导ACC 拓步-英文

液压蓄能器操作安装指导ACC 拓步-英文

OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSON TOBUL ACCUMULATORSINSTALLATION:The accumulator in a hydraulic circuit should be place as near as practical to the source of shock or potential energy need.Normally an accumulator should be installed in a vertical position with the oil connection down. If space is not available, it may be installed horizontally; however, reduced life will be incurred. Piston type accumulators will have a decrease in piston steel life. The weight of the piston will press at the 6 o’clock position increasing seal wear. By far the largest problem is contamination entering the accumulator and settling inside the bore.Bladder types have an increase risk of the bladder bag floating, which traps usable fluid inside. The bladder can be pinched by the poppet valve closing, which ruptures the bladder. Horizontal position requires more care when draining the fluid from the accumulator. When installing an accumulator using “u” bolt type clamps, care should be exercised so as not to distort the cylinder with excessive squeeze. Welding hangers to the cylinder is not recommended. Mounting brackets are available from TOBUL. The hydraulic fluid used must be kept free of foreign matter to prevent damaging the cylinder wall or the piston sealing rings. For maximum seal life, the fluid should be filtered to 10 microns or less. It is not advisable to change the hydraulic fluid from that which the accumulator was originally purchased without checking its compatibility with the seal materials.PRECHARGING PROCEDUREGENERAL INFORMATION:The condition of the accumulator is primarily determined by periodic checking of the precharge pressure. Hydraulic accumulators are pressure vessels and only qualified personnel should perform maintenance. Drain all fluid completely from accumulator before performing any maintenance. DO NOT weld or braze directly on accumulator shell. DO NOT use automotive type valve cores in high pressure accumulator gas valves. The most accurate precharge readings can be taken when fluid pressure is at “0 psig”. Always observe the maximum working pressure and operating temperature ranges.DO NOT USE OXYGEN FOR PRECHARGING ACCUMULATOR! BLADDER ACCUMULATORS:Remove valve protection guard and valve cap from accumulator. CAUTION! Be sure valve on high pressure nitrogen supply is securely closed. To charge the accumulator, use a charging hose and gauge assembly similar to TOBUL P/N GG2527F rated for 3,000 psig (higher pressures available). Attach hose assembly to nitrogen supply and the gas chuck to tank valve on gauge assembly. Attach gas cock on gauge assembly toPage 1(BLADDER ACCUM. CONTINUED)gas valve on accumulator. TOBUL accumulators are equipped with several different types of gas valves (some have a valve core, others do not). If the gas valve has a double lock nut, loosen nut by turning counter-clockwise approximately 2 turns or until nut touches gas cock fitting. SLOWLY open valve on nitrogen supply and allow the gas to flow in to accumulator. Once the desired gas precharge pressure has been reached, close valve on nitrogen supply, then turn lock nut on gas valve (if applicable) clockwise until tight. Turn T-handle on gas cock counter-clockwise. Open drain cock to relieve hose pressure; disconnect gauge assembly from accumulator. Replace gas valve cap and protective guard.NOTE: Allow accumulator to rest about 10-15 minutes after gas precharging. This will allow gas temperature to adjust and equalize. Recheck gas precharge pressure and adjust if necessary. Check accumulator gas valve for any leaks with soapy water. Always wear safety glasses.PISTON ACCUMULATORS:Consult the pressure volume curve to determine the optimum precharge setting. (It is suggested that this be 100 psig below minimum system operating pressure.) The accumulator size for any system should be of sufficient capacity to prevent the piston from bottoming during operation. TOBUL’S accumulator sizing and selection software can be used to determine the proper precharge pressure with appropriate temperature compensation. The accumulator gas valve has a guard over it which must be removed when the accumulator is to be charged or checked. Remove the (2) 3/8’’ socket head screws with and an Allen wrench. CAUTION! Be sure valve on high pressure nitrogen supply is securely closed. To charge the accumulator, use a charging hose and gauge assembly similar to TOBUL P/N GG2527F rated for 3,000 psig (higher pressures available). Attach hose assembly to nitrogen supply and the gas chuck to tank valve on gauge assembly. Attach gas cock on gauge assembly to gas valve on accumulator. TOBUL accumulators are equipped with several types of gas valves (some have valve core, some do not). If the gas valve has a double lock nut, loosen by turning counter clock wise approximately 2 turns or until nut touches gas cock fitting. Open by rotating the gas cock T-handle clockwise while holding the bottom fitting. SLOWLY open valve on nitrogen supply and allow the gas to flow in to accumulator, Once desired gas precharge pressure has been reached, close valve on nitrogen supply, then turn lock nut on gas valve (if applicable) clockwise until tight. Turn T-handle on gas cock counter-clockwise. Open drain cock to relieve hose pressure; disconnect gauge assembly from accumulator. Replace gas valve cap, guard, and 3/8’’ cap screws. Disconnect hose assembly from nitrogen supply.NOTE: Allow accumulator to rest about 10-15 minutes after gas precharging. This will allow the gas temperature to adjust and equalize. Recheck gas pressure and adjust if necessary. Check accumulator gas valve for any leaks with soapy water. Always wear safety glasses.Page 2MAINTENANCECHECKING PRECHARGE PRESSUREGENERAL INFORMATION:The condition of the accumulator is primarily determined by periodic checking of prechare pressure. Only qualified personnel should perform maintenance. Nitrogen gas precharge pressure should be checked at least once during the first week of operation. The precharge pressure and ambient temperature should be recorded at installation. If there is no loss of gas precharge pressure, it should be rechecked in approximately 4 months. Thereafter, it should be checked annually.BLADDER AND PISTON ACCUMULATORS:The same procedure applies to both types of accumulators. Be sure pressure is 0 psig on hydraulic end before checking precharge.PISTON TYPE ONLY-Generally, an increase in pressure (after allowing for any appreciable temperature variation) indicates a gradual leakage of fluid into the gas side. Conversely, a decrease in precharge pressure means leakage of gas into the fluid side. The amount of leakage will depend upon piston velocity. For very rapid cycling, check the precharge pressure monthly.1. To check or adjust precharge pressure, HYDRAULIC PRESSURE MUST BEREDUCED TO 0 PSIG. Precharge pressure should be checked periodically at regular intervals following original installation. Charging and checking should be done with an accumulator gauge assembly similar to TOBUL P/N GG2527F rated for 3,000 psig (higher pressures available).2. Remove gas guard as per precharging procedure instruction on either bladder orpiston type (whichever applies).3. Attach gauge assembly to accumulator gas valve.4. After making sure drain cock is closed, depress gas valve core by turning the T-handle on the gas cock clockwise. Gas Pressure can now be read on gauge.5. To reduce pressure, open drain cock carefully, allowing gas to escape until desiredpressure is obtained.NOTE: Allow accumulator to rest about 10-15 minutes after gas precharging. This will allow gas temperature to adjust and equalize. Recheck gas pressure and adjust if necessary. Check accumulator gas valve for any leaks with soapy water. Always wear safety glasses.Page 3DISASSEMBLYPISTON TYPE:NOTE: It is good practice to disassemble and assemble accumulators in a clean area to keep all parts free of foreign matter.1. Follow instructions for checking precharge, then release all precharge pressure.2. Drain balance of hydraulic fluid remaining in accumulator when it is disconnected from system.3. Remove gas valve.4. Remove safety rupture valve from end cap if installed.5. Remove end caps by turning cap counter-clockwise. On smaller units, there are either flat surfaces for wrenching or two tapped holes for inserting screws so that a bar can be used.6. To remove the piston, carefully tap with wooden dowel as it is guided out of the cylinder. Care should be taken not to damage piston or seals on threads of tube.7. Examine seals on piston and end caps for sign of damage. Inspect closely for score marks or cuts. Excessive cuts on seals would warrant a very through examination of metal surfaces for damage.8. Clean all metal parts with an approved cleaning solvent and dry with soft clean material.9. Inspect cylinder bore for damage due to foreign material getting into the hydraulic system. All scratches must be removed from cylinder bore.10. Inspect piston for damage due to bottoming.REASSEMBLINGPISTON:1. It is good practice to replace all seals when accumulator is completely disassembled.2. Wet seals with system fluid and assemble into piston groove. Be sure seals are not twisted.3. Insert back-up rings carefully so as not to stretch any more than necessary.Page 44. Assemble piston carefully into cylinder to avoid cocking or damage to the piston or seal on the threads. If necessary, tap the piston lightly with a soft hammer. Special care should be taken not to “pinch” the back-up rings.5. Assemble back-up ring and o-ring into end cap groove. The back-up ring should be toward the threaded side or outside of the end cap.6. Apply light grease to the threads and o-ring of the end cap and thread in to cylinder until end cap “bottoms out”.7. Accumulator is now ready to receive precharge.8. To precharge, follow “Precharging Procedure” instructions.DISASSEMBLINGBLADDER TYPE:NOTE: It is good practice to disassemble and assemble accumulators in a clean area to keep all parts free of foreign matter.1. Follow instructions for checking precharge, then release all precharge pressure.2. Drain balance of hydraulic fluid that may be remaining in accumulator when it is disconnected form system.3. Securely clamp the accumulator.4. Remove bladder stem lock nut, nameplate, and gas valve from the top of the accumulator when it is disconnected from system.5. Remove the lock nut from the bottom of the accumulator using a spanner wrench. Next remove spacer.6. Push the plug and poppet assembly into accumulator shell.7. Insert hand into accumulator shell and remove back up, o-ring and metal back-up ring from plug. Remove anti-extrusion from plug, then fold in half and slide through shell opening. Remove poppet plug assembly from shell.8. Remove poppet plug assembly shell.9. Insert hand into the bottom of the accumulator shell opening. Compress bladder byPage 5hand to eliminate as much air volume as possible.10. Pull the old or damaged bladder out of the bottom of the accumulator shell.REASSEMBLEBLADDER TYPE:1. Remove gas valve or valve core from new bladder.2. Lubricate the inside of the shell and the outside of the bladder with clean system fluid. Also pour additional amount of fluid in the shell to act as a cushion.3. Attach the bladder pull rod to the bladder system. Pull the rod and bladder through the shell fluid port. Pull bladder stem out through the valve stem opening on the opposite end of the shell.4. Slid the nameplate and lock nut over pull rod and thread on to bladder stem. Tighten lock nut. Remove the bladder pull rod.5. Slide the plug/poppet (poppet first) into the accumulator shell. Fold the anti-extrusion ring in half and slide it through the oil port opening. Place the anti-extrusion ring on the plug and poppet assemble with its stainless steel ring facing toward the shell opening.6. Pull plug through accumulator shell opening. Using both hands, pull plug hard until it seats into position on shell opening.7. Install gas valve or valve core into bladder stem. Using dry nitrogen, SLOWLY inflate the bladder bag with 5-10 psig of pressure to set and half plug and poppet assembly in place.8. Install metal washer onto plug and poppet assembly. Push into shell opening until bottomed out.9. Install o-ring over plug poppet assembly and push into shell opening until bottomed out. DO NOT ROLL OR TWIST O-RING WHEN INSTALLING. Lubricate o-ring with system fluid or grease before installation.10. Install back up and spacer with small shoulder towards the accumulator shell.11. Install lock nut on plug and poppet assembly and tighten securely with a spanner wrench.Page 612. Replace bleeder plug in to plug and poppet assembly.13. For precharging refer to “Precharging Procedure” for bladder type.NOTES:Page 7TOBUL ACCUMULATOR, INC.186 ACCUMULATOR STREETBAMBERG, SC 29003Telephone 803-245-5111Fax 803-245-2636U.S.A.O&M-720 7/95。


9. 吊装及调试维护
9.1 吊运
9.2 储存
产品长时间存放时,应放于干燥处,封闭进出口两端,在密封面涂上防锈油。临时停放时可在 外墙板位置增加辅助支承以保持平稳。半年不安装,液压系统需清洗换油。
本公司生产的液控缓闭止回蝶阀流阻系数小、自动化程度高、功能齐全、性能稳定可靠,是我 公司设计人员在广泛搜集、研究、总结国内外同类产品性能的基础上,引入阀门、液压、电气等行 业的多项研究成果,厚积而薄发,开发出来的新一代智能化高效节能产品。公司技术力量雄厚,并 可根据用户的特殊要求单独进行设计,多方位满足广大用户对该类产品的需要。
9.5 日常维护
1、出厂时各部分都已根据用户要求调节设定好,一般不得随意调节改动。 2、设备需在提供电源条件下工作,要求稳定可靠。 3、由于本系统控制阀组采用了众多螺纹插装阀,需特别注意油液的清洁度,建议三个月旁路过 滤油一次。 4、根据使用工况,24 小时连续工作制,每半年必须更换油液一次;8 小时间断工作制可按累计 使用 2400 小时后更换一次。 5、定期检查油箱液面高度。第一次加油建议加满液位计,正常工作状态下液面要求满足在液位 计 1/2 以上高度位置,底于 1/3 高度时必须加油。 6、应定期(六个月)检查蓄能器内气体压力,正常充气压力在 70 Bar,底于 60 Bar 时需充气。 7、液压装置投入运行后,需经常到工作现场观察运行情况,看是否有液位低、热过载、漏油等 异常现象发生,如有需及时处理。 8、定期进行游动操作,以防止阀门卡住。



114 604 1565
151 695 1946
189 785 2327
1. 液体端盖 2. 支撑圈 3. 密封圈 4. 壳体 5. 活塞 6. 支撑圈 7. 密封圈 8. T 型密封 9. 标牌 10. 气体端盖 11. 顶圈 12. 螺丝 13. 充气阀 14. 气阀护帽 13.3A20 系列的外径、端盖结构与上述有差异,详细请垂询代理商。
4.5A20-2 4.5A20-4
容积 升 1 2
净重 公斤 10 12
Aห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 毫米 289 397
外径 毫米
常规型号适用温度 -28 至 93 摄氏度,低温型号 -40 至 93 摄 4.5A20-8
氏度,高温型号 -28 至 210 摄氏度。
16 616 118
20 835
拓步蓄能器 EBR 皮囊式 14- 42 Mpa 系列 1、4 升容积



16315500 E-MAIL:*****************1.NXQMedium(工作介质):A: petroleum base hydraulic oil(石油基液压油)EH: phosphate ester(磷酸酯)BH: water-ethylene glycol(水-乙二醇)Nominal pressure(公称压力) MPaNominal Capacity(公称容积) LConnection type(连接型式) L: thread (螺纹连接)F: flanged (法兰连接)Structure(结构形式): 1 , 2 (A , B)Hydraulic Bladder Accumulator(液压囊式蓄能器)2.(ASME CODE)型号示意(美标ASME)B 2.5Gal /3000Psi3.φNXQ1-L NXQ1-F NXQ2Model NominalPressure(Mpa)Nominalcapacity(L)Size(mm) Weight(kg)M d Ф1Ф2Ф3Ф4n-Ф5L ФNXQ△-L0.4/*-A10 0.4M27×2 32260893NXQ△-L0.63/*-A0.63 320 3.5 NXQ△-L1/*-A 1 330 114 5.5NXQ△-L1.6/*-A 1.6M42×2 50 42 50 97 130 6-Ф17 36515212.5NXQ△-L2.5/*-A 2.5 430 15 NXQ△-L4/*-A 4 540 18.5 NXQ△-L6.3/*-A 6.3 710 25.5 NXQ△-L10/*-A10 M60×2 70 55 65 125 160 6-Ф21 650 219 48NXQ △-L16/*-A 20 31.516 870 63 NXQ △-L20/*-A 20 985 72 NXQ △-L25/*-A 25 1170 84 NXQ △-L32/*-A 32 1400 101 NXQ △-L40/*-A 40 1680 119 NXQ △-L20/*-A 20 M72×28070801502006-Ф26690 29992 NXQ △-L25/*-A 25 780 105 NXQ △-L40/*-A 40 1050 135 NXQ △-L50/*-A 50 1230 161 NXQ △-L63/*-A 63 1470 191 NXQ △-L80/*-A 80 1810 241 NXQ △-L100/*-A 100 2190 290 NXQ △-L150/*-A 150 M80×39080901702306-Ф262450 351 445 NXQ △-L125/*-A 125 M100×31001101302202558-Ф261660 426 430 NXQ △-L160/*-A 160 1985 482 NXQ △-L200/*-A 200 2355 571 NXQ △-L250/*-A25028206822. Model and Size (ASME CODE) 型号与尺寸(美标ASME )BAMDBAM DBottom Repair Construction Top Repair Construction底拆式结构 顶拆式结构Model 型号Nominal Pressure 公称压力(Psi) Nominal Capacity 公称容量(Gal)Size(inch)尺寸Weight 重量(lbs)MDABB 0.25/30003000 0.25 NPT1/4 Φ4.5010.797.48 11.2B 1/3000 1 NPT11/4 Φ6.7016.3412.40 32.4B 2.5/3000 2.5NPT2 Φ9.0021.4916.93 83.6B 5/3000 5 32.5227.95 121.9B 10/3000 10 55.3550.39 198.8B 11/3000 11 59.6854.72 214.9B 15/300015 77.59 72.638 277.1T 2.5/3000 2.5 21.85 16.53 81.0 T 5/3000 5 32.08 27.60 119.4 T 10/3000 10 55.70 50.00 196.3 T 11/3000 11 60.03 54.34 212.4 T 15/3000 15 77.95 72.44 275.3 3.Model and Size (PED STANDARD)型号与尺寸(欧标PED)BAMDCE Mark Range Construction欧标结构Model型号NominalPressure公称压力(bar)NominalCapacity公称容量(L)Size(mm)尺寸Weight重量(kg)M D A BCE 1/360360 1G3/4 Φ114325 195 5.5CE 1.5/360 1.5 385 255 6.7 CE 3/360 3 570 440 10.3 CE 5/360 5 G11/4 Φ168485 345 17.3CE 10/360 10G2 Φ219570 405 34.0CE 15/360 15 720 555 42.6CE 20/36020 880 715 52.0CE 24.5/36024.5 1045 880 61.0CE 35/36035 1395 1230 81.9CE50/36050 1905 1740 110.9Ⅴ. Installation1. Accumulator shall be installed vertically with the gas valve upright. Inspection space shall be retained near gas valve.2. Accumulator shall be fixed tightly on the supporter or wall.3. When used for buffering and absorbing the fluctuation, accumulator shall be placed near the fluctuation source.oil for the accumulator when the electric machine of pump stops working.5. Stop valve shall be placed between accumulator and pipe system to be used in gas charging, draining speed adjusting or long term stopping.6. Welding shall not be applied in fixing the accumulator.安装1.蓄能器原则上应该气阀朝上垂直安装,为便于维护和检查,气阀处应留有一定空间。



操作指南液压蓄能器依照 DGRL 97/23/EG蓄能器商标和标识1.概要 4. 本设备设计、生产、测试符合欧洲指令97/23/EC。








2. 保险装置体积超过1公升现行现场规定要求使用所有的或部分下列安全装置:-过压保护装置-- 减压装置 -CE-标识语- 压力计-鉴定机体合格的合格证号码- 压力计连接器- 隔音装置某些类型:- 等等-警告信息和安全指令(“危险”、“仅使用氮气”等或类似信息)要求操作者遵守这些规定。

-最大膨胀压力,单位: barOLAER 公司使用所有或部分以上设备(作为选件提供)。

-总净重,单位: kg铭牌损坏或缺失必须予以更换!不许不带铭牌予以操作。

3. 转运.储存如果不另外要求,原先的包装对转运和储存设备是合适的。

.5.试运行3.1转运设备试运行必须由有资质的技术员完成(联系 OLAER或 OLAER认可的代理商)。



. 致严重的事故。


严禁:3.2储存- 焊接、锡焊、钻孔或其它任何操作可能改变其机械性能!储存在凉的、干燥的地方。



Subject 9540June 8, 2015 SUMMARY OF TOPICS 主题概要The following requirements for the Standard for Energy Storage Systems and Equipment, UL9540 are being proposed for preliminary review and comment only:1. ForPreliminary Review Only: The proposed first edition of the Standard for EnergyStorage Systems and Equipment, UL 9540. These requirements cover energystoragesystemsthat are intended to store energy from power or other sources and provideelectrical orrelated to thefunctioning of the energy storage system.建议对能源储存系统和设备标准 UL9540 的以下要求进行初步审查和评论:1 。

仅供初步审查:建议的第一版“能源储存系统和设备标准” UL 9540. 这些要求涉及旨在从电力或其他来源储存 能源并向负载或电力转换设备提供电或其他类型能源的能源存储系统。

能量系统可以包括用于 充电,放电,控制,保护,通信,控制系统环境,燃料或其它流体运动和达标等的设备。

系统 可以包含与能量存储系统功能相关的其他辅助设备。

COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2015This proposal is for review and comment only (no ballot at this time).Please note thatcomments on apreliminary review document will not receive a response from the proposal author throughCSDS.Instead, the proposal author will be asked to review the comments and adjust the proposals and/orsupporting rationale as the author determines to be appropriate.The preliminary review process is aninformal mechanism that provides authors with the opportunity to refine their proposals before theyadvance to the next stage in UL ' s standardsdevelopment process.In some cases, the author of the proposals may choose to discontinue them. In this case, the authorneed not do anything after preliminary review has ended. Normally, the next step in the process is themore formal STP ballot and stakeholder review process. Only comments posted during the STP ballotand stakeholder review process will be provided with a response in CSDS.For your convenience in review, proposed additions to existing requirements are shownunderlined andproposed deletions are shown lined-out. 此提案仅供审核和评论(此时不进行投票)。
























POWER TANK 电源储能器的用户手册说明书

POWER TANK 电源储能器的用户手册说明书

POWER TANKWith Built-in Spotlight & Flashlight(plus 3V, 6V, 9V, output)Model: #18774TROUBLESHOOTINGWARNING: DC 12V OUTPUT SOCKET CURRENT OUTPUT, DO NOT EXCEED 10 AMP.STARTING AID FOR MOTOR VEHICLES- The jumper cable terminals are located at the back of the PowerTank. (Fig. 23)- Use the PowerTank as a source of a starting aid only when the vehicle battery is partially discharged.- The PowerTank is not suitable for starting a vehicle with a fully discharged battery!- Use only jumper cables of sufficient size (cross section).HOW TO USE THE POWER TANK TO START A VEHICLE:- The ON/OFF switch can be set to “ON” or “OFF” position for the starting aid function.- Connect the POSITIVE pole (+) of the PowerTank to the POSITIVE pole (+) of the vehicle battery.- Connect the NEGATIVE pole (-) of the PowerTank to the NEGATIVE pole (-) of the vehicle battery.- Leave the PowerTank connected to the vehicle battery for about 20 minutes.- After approximately 20 minutes, disconnect the jumper cable from the NEGATIVE pole (-) of the vehicle battery.- Disconnect the jumper cable from the POSITIVE pole (+) of the vehicle battery.- This partial charge should be sufficient to start the vehicle.- The PowerTank needs to be recharged after using as a starting aid.WARNING: The Fuse and Switch is a function on the connect ( + ) ( - ) pole, current flows directly from the battery. Once the jumper cables are connected, NEVER allow the cables to touch together or be left on the same metal surface, this will result in short circuit and may start a fire.WARNING : NEVER ATTEMPT TO START THE VEHICLE WITH THE POWER TANK CONNECTED.SPECIFICATIONSInternal Batteries: One Pcs. 12V/7Ah Rechargeable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery.Operation Temp.:32°F to 86°F / 0°C to 30°CModel: #18774 – DC 12V Output DC 3,6,9V OutputWeight: 8.4 lbs. / 3.8 kg. (Approx.)Dimension:288 H x 236 W x 132 D / 11.3” x 9.3” x 5.2” (Approx.)1. NO LED INDICATOR (LOW or CHARGE) WHEN SWITCH IN ‘ON’ POSITION2. NO LED INDICATOR (FULL or CHARGE) WHEN RECHARGING.3. DC-OUTPUT DOESN’T WORK.WHEN SWITCH IN ‘ON’ POSITIONCIRCUIT BREAKER BREAKS THE CIRCUITCIRCUIT BREAKER BREAKS THE CIRCUITCIRCUIT BREAKER BREAKS THE CIRCUIT RESET THE CIRCUIT BREAKERACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS RESET THE CIRCUIT BREAKERACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONSRESET THE CIRCUIT BREAKER ACCORD ING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS Copyright 2012 Celestron | All rights reserved.(Products or instructions may change without notice or obligation).This product is designed and intended for use by those 14 years of age and older.2835 Columbia Street | Torrance, CA 90503 | TEL (310) 328-9560 | FAX (310) 212-5835 | PROBLEMPOSSIBLESOLUTION。












9.对活塞式蓄能器则:预充压力Potmin≤P1-5bar(P1=系统最低工作压力)10.充气检测方法:使用HYDAC充气和检测装置FPU-1,软管的一端通过G9接头与氮气瓶连接,另一端与HYDAC检测装置连接,并将检测装置与蓄能器连接(如皮囊式蓄能器,还需通过HYDAC A3接头与蓄能器连接)。











API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Discharge出 口
Vent at
point of
the piping排 起在管线 的最高点
Cooling Water Inlet冷 水入口
Cooling Water Outlet冷 水出口
Heat exchanger 换热器
Suction 入口
Seal Flushing By-Pass from Discharge 单密封通过出口进行冲洗
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Points to Note for API Plan 13: API 冲洗方案 13 应注意的事项 - Use an orifice to restrict the flow rate if the seal chamber pressure is 3 bar higher than suction pressure.如果密封腔压力高于入口压力 3bar,需要用一个孔限制流量 - handle abrasives duty better than API plan 11 处理含有磨石性颗粒的工矿13方案好于11方案 - higher seal chamber pressure to suppress vaporisation较高的密封腔压力可抑制它的汽化
进 入 夏 天 ,少 不了一 个热字 当头, 电扇空 调陆续 登场, 每逢此 时,总 会想起 那 一 把 蒲 扇 。蒲扇 ,是记 忆中的 农村, 夏季经 常用的 一件物 品。 记 忆 中 的故 乡 , 每 逢 进 入夏天 ,集市 上最常 见的便 是蒲扇 、凉席 ,不论 男女老 少,个 个手持 一 把 , 忽 闪 忽闪个 不停, 嘴里叨 叨着“ 怎么这 么热” ,于是 三五成 群,聚 在大树 下 , 或 站 着 ,或随 即坐在 石头上 ,手持 那把扇 子,边 唠嗑边 乘凉。 孩子们 却在周 围 跑 跑 跳 跳 ,热得 满头大 汗,不 时听到 “强子 ,别跑 了,快 来我给 你扇扇 ”。孩 子 们 才 不 听 这一套 ,跑个 没完, 直到累 气喘吁 吁,这 才一跑 一踮地 围过了 ,这时 母 亲总是 ,好似 生气的 样子, 边扇边 训,“ 你看热 的,跑 什么? ”此时 这把蒲 扇, 是 那 么 凉 快 ,那么 的温馨 幸福, 有母亲 的味道 ! 蒲 扇 是 中 国传 统工艺 品,在 我 国 已 有 三 千年多 年的历 史。取 材于棕 榈树, 制作简 单,方 便携带 ,且蒲 扇的表 面 光 滑 , 因 而,古 人常会 在上面 作画。 古有棕 扇、葵 扇、蒲 扇、蕉 扇诸名 ,实即 今 日 的 蒲 扇 ,江浙 称之为 芭蕉扇 。六七 十年代 ,人们 最常用 的就是 这种, 似圆非 圆 , 轻 巧 又 便宜的 蒲扇。 蒲 扇 流 传 至今, 我的记 忆中, 它跨越 了半个 世纪, 也 走 过 了 我 们的半 个人生 的轨迹 ,携带 着特有 的念想 ,一年 年,一 天天, 流向长



Abstract提要With the rapid development of GWDC Drilling Branch's overseas market and business, more and more new employees are getting to be engaged with international drilling activities who know little about HSE or even never get in touch with HSE basic knowledge before they enter into GWDC。

As the consistent recognition and acknowledgement of all of us, GWDC,being an IADC important member,always pay extreme emphasis to its HSE performance and HSE training to its Chinese and overseas staff。

随着长城公司钻井分公司海外市场和业务的迅速发展,越来越多的新员工在加入长城公司时,对从事国际钻井作业相关的HSE 知识了解甚少,甚至从未接触.随着长城公司的声誉不断扩大,并且作为国际钻井承包商协会的重要成员,长城公司对公司旗下中国员工和海外员工HSE 实践和HSE 培训格外重视。

On the basis of being brief, easily-understandable,effective and capable of self—teaching,this manual aims at these new employees with the purpose of helping them to grasp HSE fundamental idea and being equipped with HSE common practices in order to meet HSE requirement from GWDC clients. It is a supplement to GWDC HSE Procedure Manual and Operation Manual。





























Eaton 巴斯曼电池储能应用指导手册说明书

Eaton 巴斯曼电池储能应用指导手册说明书

Eaton’s Bussmann ® seriesBattery storage application guideBUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE APPLICATION GUIDES34BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDEBUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE5BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE6Figure 1BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE7•••1.2.1 Basic selection•••••••8BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDEBUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE 91.2.2 Temperature derating K t1.2.3 Thermal connection derating Ke1.2.4 Cooling air correction Kv Array1.2.5 High altitude derating Ka1.2.6Overload•••1.2.7 Cyclic loading10BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE1.2.8 Coordination with contactors•••••without• • • • • •BodyBody Rated currentRated voltage StandardDatasheetFuse sizeFuse typeFuse basesMicroswitches Catalogue numberData sheetCatalogue number•••••••Cataloguenumber withknife bladeCataloguenumber withbolted bladeFusebody sizeRatedcurrent(Amps)Ratedvoltage(V d.c.)Pre-arcingI2tTotal I2t @1000 V d.c.Power lossat 0.7 x In(W)Power lossat In (W)Cataloguenumber withknife bladeFusebody sizeNH BasesCataloguenumber Fuse typeFusebody size Microswitches Terminal sizeRatedVoltageRatedcurrent0.010.111010010001000010100100010000P r e -a r c i n g T i m e (s )Prospective current (A)BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE 21100010000100000100010000100000P e a k C u r r e n t (A )Prospective current (A)BSF-080G-NH110BSF-063G-NH110BSF-125G-NH110BSF-100G-NH110BSF-250G-NH310BSF-200G-NH210BSF-160G-NH110BSF-400G-NH310BSF-355G-NH310BSF-315G-NH310BSF-160G-NH210BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE22Fuse extraction handle NH fuse link body sizeCurrent (Amps)Catalogue Numbers Pack QuantityShroudkitsFuse BaseFuse Current Catalogue Phase Barrier KitNH fuselink body CurrentCatalogue PackMicroswitchCatalogue Numbers PackQuantityRatingsNeutral links NH fuse link body sizeCurrent (Amps)Catalogue Numbers Pack QuantityBUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE 23BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE24• • • • •• •Catalogue numberFuse typeFusebody sizeMicroswitches Terminal sizeRated Voltage RatedcurrentCatalogue number with knife blade Catalogue number with bolted bladeFusebody sizeRated current (Amps)Rated voltage (V d.c.)Pre-arcing I 2t Total I 2t @ 1500 V d.c.Power loss at 0.7 x I n (W)Power loss at I n(W)Catalogue numberFuse typeFusebody sizeNH BasesBUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE25BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE26100010000100000100010000100000P e a k C u r r e n t (A )Prospective current (A)BSF-500G-3XL15BSF-355G-3XL15BSF-400G-3XL15BSF-450G-3XL15BSF-250G-3XL15BSF-315G-3XL15•• • •••• • • • • •• ••BUSSMANN SERIES BATTERY STORAGE FUSES APPLICATION GUIDE27• • •At Eaton, we’re energized by the challenge of powering a world that demands more. With over 100 years experience in electrical power management, we have the expertise to see beyond today. From groundbreaking products to turnkey design and engineering services, critical industries around the globe count on Eaton.We power businesses with reliable, efficient and safe electricalpower management solutions. Combined with our personal service, support and bold thinking, we are answering tomorrow’s needs today. Follow the charge with Eaton. Visit /electrical.********************Changes to the products, to the information contained in thisdocument, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.EatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland Eaton Electrical Products Limited Unit 1, Hawker Business Park Melton Road,Burton-on-the-Wolds LE12 5THUnited Kingdom© 2020 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in the United Kingdom Publication No.ca135002en June 2020Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.。

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16315500 E-MAIL:*****************1.NXQMedium(工作介质):A: petroleum base hydraulic oil(石油基液压油)EH: phosphate ester(磷酸酯)BH: water-ethylene glycol(水-乙二醇)Nominal pressure(公称压力) MPaNominal Capacity(公称容积) LConnection type(连接型式) L: thread (螺纹连接)F: flanged (法兰连接)Structure(结构形式): 1 , 2 (A , B)Hydraulic Bladder Accumulator(液压囊式蓄能器)2.(ASME CODE)型号示意(美标ASME)B 2.5Gal /3000Psi3.φNXQ1-L NXQ1-F NXQ2Model NominalPressure(Mpa)Nominalcapacity(L)Size(mm) Weight(kg)M d Ф1Ф2Ф3Ф4n-Ф5L ФNXQ△-L0.4/*-A10 0.4M27×2 32260893NXQ△-L0.63/*-A0.63 320 3.5 NXQ△-L1/*-A 1 330 114 5.5NXQ△-L1.6/*-A 1.6M42×2 50 42 50 97 130 6-Ф17 36515212.5NXQ△-L2.5/*-A 2.5 430 15 NXQ△-L4/*-A 4 540 18.5 NXQ△-L6.3/*-A 6.3 710 25.5 NXQ△-L10/*-A10 M60×2 70 55 65 125 160 6-Ф21 650 219 48NXQ △-L16/*-A 20 31.516 870 63 NXQ △-L20/*-A 20 985 72 NXQ △-L25/*-A 25 1170 84 NXQ △-L32/*-A 32 1400 101 NXQ △-L40/*-A 40 1680 119 NXQ △-L20/*-A 20 M72×28070801502006-Ф26690 29992 NXQ △-L25/*-A 25 780 105 NXQ △-L40/*-A 40 1050 135 NXQ △-L50/*-A 50 1230 161 NXQ △-L63/*-A 63 1470 191 NXQ △-L80/*-A 80 1810 241 NXQ △-L100/*-A 100 2190 290 NXQ △-L150/*-A 150 M80×39080901702306-Ф262450 351 445 NXQ △-L125/*-A 125 M100×31001101302202558-Ф261660 426 430 NXQ △-L160/*-A 160 1985 482 NXQ △-L200/*-A 200 2355 571 NXQ △-L250/*-A25028206822. Model and Size (ASME CODE) 型号与尺寸(美标ASME )BAMDBAM DBottom Repair Construction Top Repair Construction底拆式结构 顶拆式结构Model 型号Nominal Pressure 公称压力(Psi) Nominal Capacity 公称容量(Gal)Size(inch)尺寸Weight 重量(lbs)MDABB 0.25/30003000 0.25 NPT1/4 Φ4.5010.797.48 11.2B 1/3000 1 NPT11/4 Φ6.7016.3412.40 32.4B 2.5/3000 2.5NPT2 Φ9.0021.4916.93 83.6B 5/3000 5 32.5227.95 121.9B 10/3000 10 55.3550.39 198.8B 11/3000 11 59.6854.72 214.9B 15/300015 77.59 72.638 277.1T 2.5/3000 2.5 21.85 16.53 81.0 T 5/3000 5 32.08 27.60 119.4 T 10/3000 10 55.70 50.00 196.3 T 11/3000 11 60.03 54.34 212.4 T 15/3000 15 77.95 72.44 275.3 3.Model and Size (PED STANDARD)型号与尺寸(欧标PED)BAMDCE Mark Range Construction欧标结构Model型号NominalPressure公称压力(bar)NominalCapacity公称容量(L)Size(mm)尺寸Weight重量(kg)M D A BCE 1/360360 1G3/4 Φ114325 195 5.5CE 1.5/360 1.5 385 255 6.7 CE 3/360 3 570 440 10.3 CE 5/360 5 G11/4 Φ168485 345 17.3CE 10/360 10G2 Φ219570 405 34.0CE 15/360 15 720 555 42.6CE 20/36020 880 715 52.0CE 24.5/36024.5 1045 880 61.0CE 35/36035 1395 1230 81.9CE50/36050 1905 1740 110.9Ⅴ. Installation1. Accumulator shall be installed vertically with the gas valve upright. Inspection space shall be retained near gas valve.2. Accumulator shall be fixed tightly on the supporter or wall.3. When used for buffering and absorbing the fluctuation, accumulator shall be placed near the fluctuation source.oil for the accumulator when the electric machine of pump stops working.5. Stop valve shall be placed between accumulator and pipe system to be used in gas charging, draining speed adjusting or long term stopping.6. Welding shall not be applied in fixing the accumulator.安装1.蓄能器原则上应该气阀朝上垂直安装,为便于维护和检查,气阀处应留有一定空间。





6 1. 2. 3. 4.Pressure of accumulator (MPa) Model of the gascharging devicePressure gageHose inner dia.Range(MPa) Accuracy degree10 CQJ-16 0-16 1.5 Φ620 CQJ-25 0-25 1.5 Φ631.5 CQJ-40 0-40 1.5 Φ6Buffering impact :Charging pressure shall be the normal pressure of installation site or a little Absorbing fluctuation :Charging pressure shall be 60% of average pressure of fluctuation.Storage of energy :Charging pressure shall be lower than 90% of minimum working pressure Compensation for hot swelling :Charging pressure shall be the minimum pressure of close气的充装1.蓄能器在充装氮气前必须对蓄能器进行检查.2.在充装氮气时应缓慢进行,以防冲破胶囊。




用于蓄能器充气,(可根据蓄能器公称压力选用)蓄能器公称压力充气工具型号压力表软管内径(MPa)刻度范围(MPa)精度等级10 CQJ-16 0-16 1.5 Φ620 CQJ-25 0-25 1.5 Φ631.5 CQJ-40 0-40 1.5 Φ6 5.充气压力的确定:1)冲击缓冲:以蓄能器设置点的常用压力或稍高一点的压力作为充气压力;2)脉动阻尼:以脉动的平均压力的60%作为充气压力;3)能量储存:充气压力应在低于系统最低工作压力的90%(一般为60%-80%)和高于25%范围内确定;4)热膨胀补偿:以液压系统封闭回路中的最低压力或稍低一点的压力作为充气压力。

a check-valve in the oil pipe connects the accumulator oil-inlet and oil box, and installs athe check-valve slowly to let pressure oil return to oil box and watch the pressure gage gas charging device could be used to inspect pressure, but gas will be discharged a bit4. Drain the oil before demount accumulator. First let out the nitrogen with the charging device,12 34 51 2 3 4。
