植物生理学英文课件:chapter10 stress

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Chapter 10 Stress Physiology
• Stress: • Stress in physics is any force applied to an
object. Stress in biology is any change in environmental conditions that might reduce or adversely change a plant’s growth or development.
• a well-developed aerenchyma in hydrophytes, • a pattern for stomata movement in CAM plant.
• Lotus and its special tissue for adaptation to submerging condition
• Resistance includes adaptation, avoidance and
tolerance. • Adaptation is permanent resistance to stress in
morphology and structure, physiology and biochemistry under long-term stress condition.
• Adaptations involve genetic modifications The genetic changes in entire population fixed by natural selection over many generations for adaptation to the environment.Example In southwestern Endland,populations of Yorkshire fog grass contain a specific genetic modification that reduces the uptake of arsenate,allowing the plants to avoid arsenic toxicity abd thrive on contaminated mine sites.In contrast,populations growing on uncontaminated soils are less likely to contain this genetic modifications.
• Phenotypic plasticity: Plants respond to fluctuations in environment by directly altering their morphology and physiology.This change requires no new genetic modifications, and many changes are reversible.
• 逆境(environmental stress)是指对植物生 存与发育不利的各种环境因素的总称。 逆境可分为自然逆境(natural stress)和人 为逆境(anthropogenic stress).根据环境的 种类又可将逆境分为生物因素逆境和理 化因素逆境等类型(图)植物对逆境的 抵抗和忍耐能力叫植物抗逆性,简称抗 性(resistance,hardiness)。
• 抗性是植物在对环境的逐步适应过程中 形成的。由于植物没有动物那样的运动 机能和神经系统,基本上是生长在固定 的位置上,因此常常遭受不良环境的侵 袭。但植物可用多种方式来适应逆境, 以求生存与发展。植物适应逆境的方式 主要表现在三个方面。
• 1.避逆性 指植物通过对生育周期的调整来避开逆境的干扰,在相 对适宜的环境中完成其生活史。这种方式在植物进化上是十分重 要的。例如夏季生长的短命植物,其渗透势比较低,且能随环境 而改变自己的生育期。 2.御逆性 指植物处于逆境时,其生理过程不受或少受逆境的 影响,仍能保持正常的生理活性。这主要是植物体营造了适宜生 活的内环境,免除了外部不利条件对其的危害。这类植物通常具 有根系发达,吸水、吸肥能力强,物质运输阻力小,角质层较厚, 还原性物质含量高,有机物质的合成快等特点。如仙人掌,其一 方面在组织内贮藏大量的水分;另一方面,在白天关闭气孔,降 低蒸腾,这样就避免干旱对它的影响。 3.耐逆性 指植物处于不利环境时,通过代谢反应来阻止、降 低或修复由逆境造成的损伤,使其仍保持正常的生理活动。例如 植物遇到干旱或低温时,细胞内的渗透物质会增加,以提高细胞 抗性。
• Such as freeze, chilling, heat, drought, flood, salty, pest and air pollution etc.
• Resistance: resistance is the ability adaptive or tolerant to stress.
• Avoidance is a manner to avoid facing with stress using neither metabolic process nor energy.
• Very short-life cycle plants in desert. Dormancy during the cool, hot, and drought conditions.
• Tolerance is a resistant reaction to reduce or repair injury with morphology , structure, physiology, biochemien plant counters with stresses.