



1--Fear, treachery, blood lust. 恐惧,背叛,杀戮。

2--Thousands of years ago these were the... 几千年前这些是...3--forces that ruled our world支配着我们的世界的力量4--A world where prey were scared of predators. 一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。

5--And predators had an uncontrollable...捕食者有一个无法控制的...6--biological urge to maim, and maul, and...生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且...7--Awww! 噢!8--Blood! Blood! Blood! 高血压!高血糖!高血脂!9--And.. death! 和..死!10--Ahhh...唉唉......11--Back then, the world was divided in two.在那时,世界分为二种。

12--Vicious predator, or meek prey. 凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。

13--But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。

14--Now predator and prey live in harmony. 现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。

15--And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. 而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。

16--Yeah, I don't have to cower in a a herd anymore. 耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。

17--Instead, I can be an astronaut. 取而代之,我可以当太空人。



疯狂动物城经典词汇英文English:One classic term from Zootopia is "savage", which is used to describe animals who have been affected by a night howler serum and have become aggressive and uncontrollable. Another iconic term is "tundratown", the snowy district where polar bears reside. The term "predator" is also highly significant in the film, referring to animals who have the capability to hunt and eat other animals. "Zootopia" itself is a made-up term combining "zoo" and "utopia" to represent a city where animals of all species can live in harmony.Chinese:《疯狂动物城》中的一个经典词汇是“野兽”,用来描述受到夜哭者血清影响的动物,变得攻击性和不可控制。





博戈局长/Chief Bogo(非洲水 牛African buffalo )
动物城警察局第1分局局长,脾气暴躁难惹的非洲水牛, 很关心这所警局。博戈勉为其难地让朱迪加入警察队伍, 似乎一直在阻扰朱迪的警官梦。
本杰明警官/Benjamin Clawhauser (猎豹cheetah )
动物城警察局里的前台招待, 本杰明只爱两件事物——超级 明星瞪羚和面包圈。在接待桌 前,它总是对每个人报以热情 的微笑。
And after we're done, you can hate me, and that'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you.
And you can walk away knowing you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny.
我不怪你,换做我,我也不会原谅我自己。但是,不能因为 我的错,让肉食动物遭受这一切。当我们解决了这个案子, 你可以继续讨厌我,没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤 害了你。到时候,你大可以大摇大摆地离开,确信自己至始 至终都是对的。我真的只是一只蠢兔子。
Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you. 生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。天性如何并不重要, 重要的是你开始改变。 It's not about how badly you want something. It's about what you are capable of! 光有志向 是不够的, 重要的是 你的能力.



疯狂动物城20句名句英文1. "In Zootopia, anyone can be anything." (《疯狂动物城》,在这里,每个人都能成为任何东西。

)2. "Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you." (生活有时会有一点乱。



)3. "I am just a dumb bunny, but we are good at multiplying." (我只是一只笨兔子,但是我们很擅长繁殖。

)4. "You know you love someone when you can't hate them for breaking your heart." (当你被某个人伤透心时仍无法恨他时,说明你深深爱上了他。

)5. "We may be evolved, but deep down we're still animals." (我们可能进化了,但本质上我们仍是动物。

)6. "Zootopia - where anyone can be anything." (疯狂动物城——在这里,每个人都能成为任何东西。

)7. "Never let them see that they get to you." (永远不要让别人看出你被他们伤害了。

)8. "I'm a cop, he's a rodent. We're solving this case together." (我是一名警察,他是一只老鼠。



推荐疯狂动物城英文作文Zootopia - A Modern Animal Metropolis;Zootopia, also known as "Zootropolis" in some regions, is a widely acclaimed animated film that takes viewers on a thrilling adventure in a modern animal metropolis. Released in 2016, this Disney masterpiece has captivated audiences of all ages with its captivating storyline, stunning animation, and meaningful messages.The story revolves around Judy Hopps, a determined and ambitious bunny who dreams of becoming the first rabbit police officer in Zootopia. Despite facing numerous challenges and stereotypes, Judy perseveres and eventually forms an unlikely partnership with a sly fox named Nick Wilde. Together, they unravel a mystery that threatens to disrupt the harmony among the city's diverse animal population.What sets Zootopia apart is its clever allegory that tackles important social issues such as prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping. The film sheds light on the consequences of preconceived notions and emphasizes the importance of acceptance, understanding, and embracing diversity. Through the engaging plot and well-developed characters, Zootopia presents valuable life lessons in a way that is accessible and relatable to both children and adults. Moreover, the film's visual appeal cannot be overstated. The detailed animation brings the bustling city of Zootopia to life, showcasing various habitats designed to accommodate animals of all shapes and sizes. From the lush rainforest district to the icy tundra town, each area reflects the unique characteristics and needs of its residents. The attention to detail is remarkable, creating a visually immersive experience for the audience.Furthermore, the voice acting in Zootopia is top-notch. Ginnifer Goodwin breathes life into the optimistic Judy Hopps, while Jason Bateman provides the perfect blend of charm and wit as the cunning fox, Nick Wilde. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, adding depth and humor to the narrative.In conclusion, Zootopia is not just an entertaining animated film; it is a thought-provoking masterpiece that tackles relevant societal issues. Its compelling story, stunning visuals, and memorable characters make it an exceptional choice for anyone seeking an English writing topic. Whether discussing the film's themes of diversity and inclusivity or analyzing the impact of its allegorical narrative, there are numerous angles to explore when writing about Zootopia. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the extraordinary world of Zootopia!Note: The above essay is a recommendation for writing about the movie "Zootopia" (or "Zootropolis") in English.。



《疯狂动物城》里Zootopia隐喻是什么?在知乎上看到有人提问,说最近大热的电影《疯狂动物城》的英文名Zootopia是zoo to pia 三个英语词汇的组合,但是不知道pia是什么意思,所以想问pia在这里是什么含义……有人回复:pia是在打你这个单身狗的脸。


utopia这个词来自于500年前托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)的著作《乌托邦》(Utopia),莫尔在书中描绘了一个犹如世外桃源的理想社会,并将这个理想社会取名为Utopia。



韦氏大学词典对utopia的解释是:1.an imaginary and indefinitely remote place2.often capitalized:a place of ideal perfection especially in laws,government,and social conditions3.an impractical scheme for social improvement那么这个乌托邦到底长什么样子?莫尔所描绘的乌托邦是个岛国——中部最宽,宽达二百英里;两头逐渐变窄,呈新月形:The island of Utopia is in the middle two hundred miles broad,and holds almost at the same breadth over a great part of it,but it grows narrower towards both ends.Its figure is not unlike a crescent.Between its horns the sea comes in eleven miles broad,and spreads itself into a great bay,which is environed with land to the compass of about five hundred miles,and is well secured from winds.In this bay there is no great current;the whole coast is,as it were,one continued harbour,which gives all that live in the island great convenience for mutual commerce.岛上共有54座城市,所有人使用共同的语言、传统、风俗和法律。



fennec fox 耳廓狐

非洲水牛 African buffalo
牦牛 yak
自然主义俱乐部 naturist club的老板,头上两朵销魂的小花,估计已经有N多年没洗澡了。。。
11. that'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you. 【翻译】 没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。 【解析】 你伤害了我,就一笑而过吧,世界上,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 【拓展】I did not mean to upset 我不是有意要使你难过。 12. It's not about how badly you want something. It's about what you are capable of! 【翻译】光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力. 【解析】努力到无能为力,拼搏到感动自己。自信源于实力,在圆梦的路上,没有一个生命是准确屈服的。 【拓展】There is light at the end of the tunnel 守得云开见月明。
2)weasel: 有臭鼬的意思,一看就不是什么好词儿。通常指靠不住的人,比较狡诈的人。 weasel第二个词性是动词,译为狡辩推诿。比如: I just paid the down payment and the landlord is trying to weasel out. 我已经交了定金了但是我的房东在尝试推诿(不愿意租给我房子)。 3)bear: 熊,也有同时让人讨厌的意思。 比如考试等。 The exam was a bear. 这个考试太难了,很讨厌。



博戈局长/Chief Bogo(非洲水 牛African buffalo )
动物城警察局第1分局局长,脾气暴躁难惹的非洲水牛, 很关心这所警局。博戈勉为其难地让朱迪加入警察队伍, 似乎一直在阻扰朱迪的警官梦。
本杰明警官/Benjamin Clawhauser (猎豹cheetah )
动物城警察局里的前台招待, 本杰明只爱两件事物——超级 明星瞪羚和面包圈。在接待桌 前,它总是对每个人报以热情 的微笑。
一只耳廓狐,喜欢戴黑超。和 狐狸尼克是行骗搭档,经常伪 装成孩童形象,尽干些坑蒙拐 骗的勾当。
闪电/Flash(三趾树懒 sloth)
一只名为“闪电”的树懒,动 物城哺乳动物车管所(DMV) 的公务员。说话时吐个字恨不 得休息五分钟,连笑起来也像 是放了慢镜头。
And after we're done, you can hate me, and that'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you.
And you can walk away knowing you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny.
I know you'll never forgive me. And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either.
But predators[p'redətəz] shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes.
大先生/Mr. Big(鼩鼱[qú jīng] shrew)



疯狂动物城故事英语作文English: Zootopia is a heartwarming story of a determined bunny named Judy Hopps who aspires to become the first rabbit police officer in the city of Zootopia, where predators and prey live together in harmony. Facing skepticism and discrimination, Judy proves herself by cracking a missing mammals case with the help ofa sly fox named Nick Wilde. Together, they unravel a conspiracy that threatens to tear the city apart, leading to a powerful message about prejudice, stereotypes, and the importance of acceptance and understanding. Through their journey, Judy and Nick learn to look beyond appearances and work together to make the world a better place for all animals.中文翻译: 《疯狂动物城》是一个温暖的故事,讲述了一个决心强烈的小兔子朱迪·霍普斯,她立志成为祖托托皮亚市的第一位兔子警官,这座城市是猎食者和猎物和谐共处的地方。




疯狂动物城梗概英语版20字Zootopia: A SynopsisIn the bustling metropolis of Zootopia, animals of all shapes and sizes live side by side in harmony. The city is a haven for diversity, where predator and prey coexist and pursue their dreams. Our story follows the spirited Judy Hopps, a small rabbit with big aspirations, who becomes the first-ever bunny cop in Zootopia Police Department.Act 1: The Dreamer's JourneyJudy Hopps, inspired by her childhood idol, the courageous police officer Judy Hopps, enrolls in the Zootopia Police Academy. Despite facing numerous challenges as the first rabbit to join, she graduates at the top of her class. Judy is determined to prove her worth and make the world a better place, even if it means facing skepticism from her colleagues.Act 2: A City in TurmoilJudy is assigned parking meter duty and initially struggles with the boredom of her job. However, fate intervenes when she encounters Nick Wilde, a sly fox and a skilled con artist. They form an unlikely partnership as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the delicate balance of Zootopia. Together, they navigate the seedy underbelly of the city, from the glitzy Sahara Square to the frigid Tundratown.Act 3: Uncovering the TruthAs Judy and Nick dig deeper, they discover that predators have been mysteriously turning savage. The city's mayor, Lionheart, is implicated inthe cover-up. Their investigation leads them to Assistant Mayor Bellwether, a seemingly innocent sheep who orchestrates the conspiracy to exploit fear and gain power. Judy and Nick must now expose the truth and restore peace to Zootopia.Act 4: The Power of UnityJudy, with her unwavering determination, rallies the animals of Zootopia against prejudice and division. She delivers an inspirational speech, reminding everyone that they should be judged as individuals, not by their species. The city comes together to expose the manipulative schemes of Bellwether, leading to her arrest and Lionheart's removal from office.Epilogue: A New BeginningJudy and Nick emerge as heroes, with Judy being promoted to a full-fledged police officer. Their friendship transcends species boundaries, proving that trust and understanding can overcome stereotypes. Zootopia embraces a new era of inclusivity, where animals of all backgrounds can live in harmony. Judy's journey from a small-town bunny to a respected officer ignites hope and inspires others to pursue their dreams, no matter how ambitious they may seem.Conclusion:In the animated film "Zootopia," we witness the incredible journey of Judy Hopps, a tenacious rabbit who breaks barriers and confronts prejudice within the diverse city. Through her partnership with the clever fox Nick Wilde, they unravel a conspiracy that tests their resilience and challenges the very fabric of Zootopia. Ultimately, the film's message of unity andacceptance resonates, reminding us that differences should be celebrated, not feared. Zootopia stands as a shining example of the power of determination, friendship, and the triumph of the human spirit – or, in this case, the animal spirit.。



狂野动物城中英文台词1. "In Zootopia, anyone can be anything." - Judy Hopps在疯狂动物城里,任何人都可以成为任何事。

2. "It's called a hustle, sweetheart." - Nick Wilde这叫做骗局,亲爱的。

3. "Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you." - Judy Hopps 生活有时很凌乱。



4. "Are you saying that because he's a sloth he can't be fast?" - Judy Hopps你是说他因为是树懒就不能跑快?现实生活很凌乱。




6. "I mean, "Zootopia" where predator and prey live in harmony and sing "Kumbaya"! We're fresh out of "Kumbaya" moments, pal." - Nick Wilde我是说在疯狂动物城里,掠食者和猎物和谐共处,唱着“坎巴亚”!我们已经没有“坎巴亚”时刻了,伙计。

7. "Life's better with friends." - Judy Hopps有朋友的生活更美好。

8. "For something to be fast, it needs to be slow. Zootopia's the perfect place to run those kind of experiments.": - Nick Wilde 要想让某物变快,它必须先变慢。



230梦想是一定要有的,它可能就实现在乌托邦——以《疯狂动物城》为例武 强 山东艺术学院传媒学院动画系摘要:《疯狂动物城》的英文名字Zootopia 英文直译为《动物园乌托邦》,乌托邦原来的意思为“好地方”或者是“没有的梦想国度”。


















拟人化:anthropomorphic哺乳动物:mammal肉食系动物:predator草食系动物:prey-predator(电影中出现);也作herbivore现在,我们的女主人公,水汪汪紫色大眼睛的兔朱迪警官登场啦!家兔rabbit为了强调她的平凡,她的设定就是一只普通rabbit,不是什么" 垂耳兔",虽然自带垂耳功能。

赤狐red fox有着邪魅狂涓霸道总裁般的眼神,狡猾smooth/sly,擅长诈骗hustle注意:"hustle"连续出现三次,分别为“快点”、“诈骗”、“欺骗”,最后这个有点“智取”的感觉,观影时候不妨细细体会。

fox 耳廓狐另一只狐狸Finnick,为耳廓狐,又称沙漠狐,是世界上最小的犬科动物;,看似小巧可爱,但开口跪系列。

树懒sloth神似“思聪老公”的闪电Flash,是一只树懒,来跟小编念,"shu lan",不是"shu ta"哦!它们在真实的动物世界里也是萌萌哒!这里还埋有一枚彩蛋,Flash的女盆友Priscilla的配音是《冰雪奇缘》里的安娜公主声优Kristen Bell!水獭otter这只楚楚怜人的水ta(不是lan),为北美水獭 North American river otter。




Zootopia, also known as Zootropolis in some countries, is an animated movie produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film tells the story of a modern city made up of various animals, where a rabbit police officer named Judy Hopps teams up with a sly fox named Nick Wilde to solve a case. Through its engaging plot and diverse animal characters, the movie explores issues of prejudice and discrimination in society, while emphasizing the importance of friendship, cooperation, and unity.







拟人化:anthropomorphic哺乳动物:mammal肉食系动物:predator草食系动物:prey-predator(电影中出现);也作herbivore现在,我们的女主人公,水汪汪紫色大眼睛的兔朱迪警官登场啦~家兔 rabbit为了强调她的平凡,她的设定就是一只普通rabbit,不是什么" 垂耳兔",虽然自带垂耳功能。

赤狐 red fox有着邪魅狂涓霸道总裁般的眼神,狡猾 smooth/sly,擅长诈骗hustle 注意:"hustle"连续出现三次,分别为“快点”、“诈骗”、“欺骗”,最后这个有点“智取”的感觉,观影时候不妨细细体会。

fox 耳廓狐另一只狐狸Finnick,为耳廓狐,又称沙漠狐,是世界上最小的犬科动物;,看似小巧可爱,但开口跪系列。

树懒 sloth神似“思聪老公”的闪电Flash,是一只树懒,来跟小编念,"shu lan",不是"shu ta"哦~它们在真实的动物世界里也是萌萌哒~这里还埋有一枚彩蛋,Flash 的女盆友Priscilla的配音是《冰雪奇缘》里的安娜公主声优Kristen Bell~水獭 otter这只楚楚怜人的水ta(不是lan),为北美水獭 North American riverotter。

鼩鼱 shrew电影迷的小伙伴们,一定会清楚这扮相及口音,咦,这不是《教父》里的马龙白兰度嘛,哦,不对,是白兰鼠。

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仓鼠 hamster ['hæmstɚ]
西装革履,蹒跚登场,到后面整齐划一啃冰棒popsicle['pɑpsɪkl], 无一不是萌点!
瞪羚 gazelle [gə'zel]
• 因为眼睛大,且瞪的像铜铃,被称为瞪羚。片中,瞪羚夏奇羊 Gazelle是动物城的大明星,而她的扮演者为“狼姐” 夏奇拉, 并献唱主题曲《Try Everything》。
More than 1.1 billion box office
英文为"Zootopia",即“动物园”的"zoo"和“乌托邦”的 "utopia "的混合体。
在《疯狂动物城》中,大概有不少于50种动物登场。 下面,让我们来认识这些毛茸茸的动物们吧!
影片中,"hustle"连续出现三次, 分别为“快点”、 “诈骗”、 “欺骗”,最后这个有点“智取” 的感觉,观影时候不妨细细体会。
树懒 sloth [sloθ] 神似“思聪老公”的闪电Flash,是一只树懒
• 这里还埋有一枚彩蛋,Flash的 女盆友Priscilla的配音是《冰雪 奇缘》里的安娜公主声优 Kristen Bell!
水獭 otter ['ɒtə] 这只楚楚怜人的水ta(不是lan) 为北美水獭 North American river otter。
鼩鼱 (qú jīng)shrew [ʃru] 电影迷的小伙伴们,一定会清楚这扮相及口音,咦,这不 是《教父》里的马龙白兰度嘛。
影片中,体型最小的它叫"Mr.Big", 雇北极熊polar ['pəʊlə] bear作 保镖。口头禅为"ice em","ice" 为黑道(underworld)中“kill(干 掉)”之意。
• 肉食系动物:predator ['predətə] • 草食系动物:prey-predator
现在,我们的女主人公,水汪汪紫色大眼睛的 兔朱迪警官登场啦!
• 小兔子 bunny
赤狐 red fox 狐尼克 ,有着邪魅狂涓霸道总裁般的眼神,狡猾 smooth 擅长诈骗hustle ['hʌs(ə)l]
Let’s enjoy the movie together!