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What do you think of Mrs Weston?
What did Trudy think about herself?
So she went to Mrs. Willow’s house to have some medicine.But she broke a beautiful vase!But Mrs Willow said it doesn’t matter. Mrs Willow told Trudy that she was a swan. Then Trudy said “I was a swan” again and again, louder and louder, until she believed she wan s real swan. On the next morning, Lisa’s kite got stuck up on the tree. Trudy wanted to help Lisa to get it down. At last she got the kite and didn’t tear it after all. And she changed what other people think of her.
What did Trudy wish she was like?(P7)
get an awful cold spill it coming up the stairs bump into sharp blue eyes walk with a stick step inside see at once in case hold out holding her breath shake her head My mum’s your home help
Trudy was a clumsy girl. Her classmates laughed at her and she got another name “Trouble”. It was Friday . They had art class . Trudy made lots of troubles. She made Lisa's pitcher dirty. She broke the chair and her paintbrush caught Rob across the face. On the way home. Trudy made troubles again. When she came back, she found her mom was ill.
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leap on to… in horror from side to side get broken grow up to be clear up
跳到了……上 恐惧地 从一边到另一边 被弄坏 长大成 收拾
• When Trudy broke the vase ,what did Mrs Willow said?(P30 P31) • How did Mrs Willow make a difference to Trudy?(P35) • What do you think of Mrs Willow?
Trudy Hubble
Ugly Duck
look forward to knock thing over trip over thing move out of share with fill a jar with water take that to catch her leg on… make two…circle glance at reach out stared down at went red in face fall over backward staggered back jump to her feet
得了重感冒 弄洒 上楼时 撞到 一双蓝眼睛炯炯有神 走路拄着拐杖 踏了进去 立即明白 以免 拿出 正屏住呼吸 摇了摇头 得了重感冒
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拿出 以免 踏了进去 走路拄着拐杖 立即明白 弄洒 上楼时 撞到 一双蓝眼睛炯炯有神 摇了摇头 正屏住呼吸 我妈在你这做家政 得了重感冒
get an awful cold spill it coming up the stairs bump into sharp blue eyes walk with a stick step inside see at once in case hold out holding her breath shake her head My mum’s your home help
期盼 把东西撞倒 被什么东西绊倒 离开…… 和……共用 灌了一壶水 拿给 腿碰到……上 画了两个……圆圈 瞥了一眼 伸手 低头盯着…… 脸红了 翻了 往后踉跄了 跳起来
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• How did Trudy’s classmates and her teacher treat her at school?(P4—P6)
离开…… 期盼 画了两个……圆圈 低头盯着…… 伸手 和……共用 拿给 把东西撞倒 往后踉跄了 脸红了 翻了 腿碰到……上 灌了一壶水 被什么东西绊倒 瞥了一眼 跳起来
look forward to knock thing over trip over thing move out of share with fill a jar with water take that to catch her leg on… make two…circle glance at reach out stared down at went red in face fall over backward staggered back jump to her feet
• Do you think the swan cure had worked? • Why Lisa don’t want Trudy get the kite down?
How did Trudy feel when she had rescued the kite?(P47) What did Mrs Weston say?(P47)
• Why didn’t Trudy like school? Were you surprised that Trudy didn’t like school?Why?
Find the places that show that she knew why people didn’t want her to help.(P6 P17)
couldn’t wait to try it out glided on to for a moment got stuck up the tree flew up into the tree step on to the pavement
迫不及待地去验证 滑翔着上了 一瞬间 卡在树上了 飞到树上去了 踏在人行道上