在公司管理方面,公司全面实施ERP系统及人力资源管理系统,并通过了荷 兰KEMA公司的ISO9001-2000质量管理体系认证。
江苏大全凯帆电器有限公司由大全集团有限公司(原江苏长江电气集团有限 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ司)投资组建,专业从事低压电器领域各种产品的开发、生产和销售。属江苏 省高新技术企业。
公司技术力量雄厚,设计手段先进,并与上海电器科学研究所、西安交通 大学、江苏大学等科研院所建立了良好的合作关系;集团公司博士后科研工作 站也为我们的研究、开发提供了重要的技术支持。
目前公司的主要产品有:KFW2系列智能型万能式断路器、KFW3系列智能型 万 能 式 断 路 器 、 KFM2系 列 塑 料 外 壳 式 断 路 器 、 KFM3系 列 塑 料 外 壳 式 断 路 器 、 KFM2L系列剩余电流动作断路器、KFM2E系列智能型塑壳断路器、KFQ2系列双电 源自动转换装置、KFM2Z系列直流断路器和KFC2系列交流接触器、KFB系列小型 断路器、KFR系列热继电器等。以上产品均已通过“国家强制性产品认证”,各 项技术指标均达国内领先、国际先进水平,产品已被广泛应用于电厂、化工、 钢铁等领域。
公司秉承“以顾客为中心”的理念,以“增强顾客满意度”为宗旨,以强 大的技术力量、一流的生产设备、现代化的管理手段,不断进取、不断创新, 努力为顾客提供更好的产品和服务。
创新不已 追求卓越
Jiangsu Daqo Kfine Electric Co., Ltd(KFINE)was investigated by Daqo group Co., Ltd(the former Jiangsu Changjiang Electric group Co., Ltd). The company specializes in developing, manufacturing and selling of low-voltage electric equipment, and has been given the title of "High-tech Enterprise of Jiangsu". The company has a strong technical foundation and modern design means. Here have the good cooperative membership with shanghai electrical apparatus research institute, Xi'an jiaotong University and Jiangsu University. And the postdoctoral programs in group corporation plays a vital role in researches and development. The company concentrates on the technical improvement and introduces successively various international advanced manufacturing and testing equipments from Germany, USA, Japan and Swiss. All those provide reliable guarantee for high quality products. the ACB and NCCB products are listed in "Torch High-tech item of China", and win many honors from Jiangsu province and Zhenjiang city. The company has built ERP system and Human Resource administion systerm, and has passed the ISO9001:2000 quality authentication. Now, the products designed and developed by the company include:the KFW2 and KFW3 series intelligent ACB and the KFM2 and KFM3 series MCCB,KFM2L series residual current protection,current breaker KFQ2 series Automatic trasfrer Switches , KFM2E series Intelligent MCCB ,KFM2Z series DC breaker , KFC2 series AC contactor, KFB1 series MCC and KFR1 series thermal overlod relay. All the products above have passed the China Compulsory Product Certification(3C). The breaker is in the national highest and meet the international lever, the products have been widely applyed in the fields such as electric power plant, chemical industry, iron and steel industry. The company which follows the principle of "customer first" and "customer satisfied", will advance and innovate continuously to meet the market and the users with strong technique strength, first-class manufacturing equipment and modern management methods.
KHCS-2 型系列双机双通道切换装置
![KHCS-2 型系列双机双通道切换装置](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afdcf8c60c22590102029de4.png)
2.1 装置命名
外型结构代码 装置型号代码 切换装置标识
A-2U 机箱(水平安装 3 块板)
B-3U 机箱(竖直安装 16 块板) 1-1 型机 2-2 型机
例如,KHCS-2A 所表示的是 2U 结构的切换装置 KHCS-2B 所表示的是 3U 结构的切换装置
2.2 通道板命名
3 概述
KHCS-2 型系列双机双通道切换装置是由通道接口板、切换板、电源板、总线 板(有通道防雷器)等电路插件以及标准 19″插箱组成。由于采用了软、硬件 结合的技术实现信号的处理,不但改善了整机性能,而且朝着多功能,通用型的 方向发展,大大拓宽了它的应用范围----既可以与两条模拟通道接口,也可以与 两条数字通道接口,还可以同时与一条模拟通道和一条数字通道接口,以全双工 方式传输数据信号。尤其是能在主机和通道当前运行状态发生变化的情况下,无 需人工干预也可以按照预先约定的条件自行调整、重新选择数据信号的传输路 径,进而保证系统继续正常运行。而且所配备的两路供电电源,由于可以互为备
可用于两路模拟通道、两路数字通道或者模拟、数字的组合通道 ●功能设置及参数修改极其方便
为便于用户操作,在相关的电路板上安排有跳线器组,可用来对整机的 参数和功能进行预置或者修改 ●RS-232C 数据接口特性
通道接口板的数据接口特性均符合 RS-232 标准 ●双电源供电方式
整机采用双电源供电,外加输入电压可以是两路交流电压,也可以是两路 直流电压,还可以是一路交流电压和一路直流电压 ●宽范围的输入电压
4 参数设置
在模拟信道上传输数据信息,其误码率的大小和通信设备的频带宽度以及通 路(也就是整个通信电路)的最大净衰减等技术参数是密切相关的。所以必须根 据具体工程对 MODEM 的工作参数预先进行设定。
从常用电源被检测到断相、欠电压、过电压的瞬间起至主触头闭合备用电源为止的时间(包括分闸延时 t1+合闸
延时 t2)见表:
最小转换 动作时间 (Tmin)
总转换动作时间可调 T (T=Tmin+t1+t2)
分闸延时 t1
合闸延时 t2
HQ2 R(S、F)-63~250 HQ2 R(S、F)-400
自投自复式自动切换控制器(R 型)控制功能见表。
HQ2 系列智能型双电源自动切换装置
自投自复式自动切换控制器(R 型)控制功能表
常用电源 备用电源
正常 正常 异常 恢复正常 异常 技术备注:
常用电源供电:QN 合,QR 分。
常用电源供电:QN 合,并且控制器报警备用电源有故障。
正常 正常 异常
AC380 (400)
额定短路 分断能力 Icn (有效值)
三极 50
额定短路 接通能力 Icm (峰值)kA
HQ2 系列智能型双电源自动切换装置
□ 总转换动作时间
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 201920351057.4(22)申请日 2019.03.19(73)专利权人 浙江浙能兰溪发电有限责任公司地址 321110 浙江省金华市兰溪市灵洞乡石关村(72)发明人 胡凯波 夏志凌 李博 王林刚 冯绍宁 於立峰 张嘉楠 许林波 (74)专利代理机构 北京润平知识产权代理有限公司 11283代理人 陈潇潇 陈小莲(51)Int.Cl.H02J 9/06(2006.01)(54)实用新型名称一种具备双方向自动切换功能的厂用电源快速切换装置(57)摘要本实用新型涉及电力系统安全自动化技术领域,公开了一种具备双方向自动切换功能的厂用电源快速切换装置,所述装置包括:总线背板,所述总线背板上设有若干插槽,以及插接在总线背板的对应插槽上的:人机操作接口插件、模拟量采集插件、命令及信号输出插件、信号采集插件、电源插件和CPU插件;同时还公开了一种包含有上述具备双方向自动切换功能的厂用电源快速切换装置的系统。
权利要求书1页 说明书6页 附图3页CN 209516732 U 2019.10.18C N 209516732U权 利 要 求 书1/1页CN 209516732 U1.一种具备双方向自动切换功能的厂用电源快速切换装置,其特征在于,所述装置包括:总线背板,所述总线背板上设有若干插槽,所述插槽用于提供插件的连接接口,所述连接接口包括电源接口和数据接口;还包括插接在总线背板的对应插槽上的:人机操作接口插件,提供输入设备接口和显示接口,用于提供本装置与用户之间进行互交;模拟量采集插件,提供电压输入接口或标准数据接口,用于采集电源输入端和工作母线上的电压值;命令及信号输出插件,提供信号输出接口,用于装置对外输出指令或告警;信号采集插件,提供信号输入接口,用于采集待控设备的状态和接收外部信号;电源插件,提供外接的电源接口,用于将外部工作电源,转换为装置内部需要的各等级电源;CPU插件,主要包括型号为ARM9系列的微控制器。
“设置”四键:SET 设定键、 移位键、
化偶尔产生的凝露应采取特殊的措施。 ■ 污染等级: 3级 ■ 运行地点应无强烈振动和冲击,无腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的有害气体、无严重尘埃,无导电微粒和爆炸性危险物质,无强烈电磁场干
TSQ2-63 TSQ2-100 TSQ2-225 TSQ2-400 TSQ2-630 TSQ2-800
电网-电网转换装置(R型)的控制功能: 自投不自复控制模式
正常 正常 异常 恢复正常 恢复正常 异常
正常 异常 正常 正常 异常 异常
Q1合闸、Q2分闸 Q1合闸、Q2分闸、备用电源故障报警
经一定延时后Q1分闸、Q2合闸 不返回,Q1分闸、Q2合闸
● 采用两台 NA1、NM1 断路器或 NB1小型断路器为主开关; ● 采用一套独创的机械联锁机构,实现两台断路器间电气机械联锁的双重保护,以确保两台断 路器不能同时合闸。
5 各控制类型装置的主要功能
2 型号及其含义
N Z Q 2-□/□-□
额定电流(1A~6300A) 极数: 3P: 3极 4P: 4极 壳架等级额定电流 设计序号 切换 装置 企业代号
3 使用环境条件
● 海拔高度不超过2000米; ● 没有粉尘、腐蚀性气体或雨水侵袭的户内, 在污染等级3环境中使用; ● 空气温度:-5℃~+40℃,且24小时内的平均温度不超过+35℃; ● 湿度:在最高温度+40℃时不超过50%,在较低温度时 容许有较高的相对湿度,如温度为+20℃
● 实时时钟显示;
● 具有定时开停发电机组功能,可设定单次运行、每月一次或者每周一次,且均可设定是否带
● 可控制两台发电机组循环运行,且发电机组运行时间及间隔停机时间均可设置。
● 交流输入接线端子间距大,最高可承受625V电压输入;
● 设有RS-485隔离型通讯接口,应用ModBus通讯规约,具有遥控、遥信、遥测,“三遥”功
7.2 NZQ2标准型双电源自动切换装置外形及安装尺寸
NZQ2 双电源自动切换装置
Ⅰ合BH来自4- 11型号 NZQ2-100(单电操)
极数 3 4 3 4
宽W 440 500 470 540
50/60Hz 16A 250VAC 无源输出 16A/10A 250VAC 无源输出 接地有效
二路 线电压 Uab,Ubc,Uca 相电压 Ua,Ub,Uc 频率 F2
★ 具有过压、欠压、缺相、逆相序、过频、欠频功能; ★ 设有自动/手动状态切换,在手动方式下,可强制开关合分闸; ★ 所有参数现场可编程,采用二级口令,防止非专业人员误操作; ★ 现场可设定为带载/不带载模式进行发电机组的试机操作; ★ 具有开关重合闸及断电再扣功能; ★ 合闸输出可设为脉冲或持续输出; ★ 可适用于一个分断位、两个分断位和无分段位开关; ★ 两路 N 线分离设计; ★ 实时时钟显示; ★ 具有定时开停发电机组功能,可设定单次运行、每月一次或者每周一次,且均可设定是否带载
2 性能和特点
★ 系统类型可设置为 1#市电 2#市电、1#市电 2#发电、1#发电 2#市电、1#发电 2#发电; ★ LCD 为 128x64,带背光,两种语言(简体中文、英文)显示,轻触按钮操作; ★ 采集并显示两路三相电压、频率参数;
一路 线电压 Uab,Ubc,Uca 相电压 Ua,Ub,Uc 频率 F1
CSWQ2 系列双电源自动转换控制器
1 概述......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 性能和特点............................................................................................................................. 1 3 规格......................................................................................................................................... 2 4 操作......................................................................................................................................... 3
以下是双风机双电源自动切换管理制度的内容:1. 系统设计:在双风机系统中设置双独立的电源供电装置,每个电源供电装置包括电源、自动切换装置、电源管理装置和电源监控装置。
2. 自动切换条件:当一路电源发生故障时,自动切换装置应能够实现对另一路电源的自动切换。
3. 电源管理:电源管理装置负责监测双电源的工作状态,并根据设置的优先级和条件进行自动切换。
4. 电源监控:电源监控装置负责对双电源的电压、电流、频率、功率因数等参数进行监测和记录。
5. 维护和保养:定期对双电源供电装置进行维护和保养,包括清洁、紧固、检修和更换故障部件等工作。
6. 应急处理:当双电源系统发生故障时,应及时启动备用电源,保证系统的稳定运行。
双风机双电源自动切换管理制度范文(二)1. 引言本制度旨在规范双风机双电源自动切换操作和管理,确保系统的安全、稳定运行。
2. 责任与职责2.1 系统管理员负责系统的日常运维工作,并严格执行本制度的要求。
TKQ2 双电源自动切换开关Series Dual Power Automatic Transfer Switches
![TKQ2 双电源自动切换开关Series Dual Power Automatic Transfer Switches](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ff184a4f2b160b4e767fcf4f.png)
TKQ2 Series Dual Power Automatic Transfer SwitchesⅠUsing OccasionTKQ2 Series Intellectual dual power automatic transfer switches (A.T.S for short) is one of the newest scientific technology products. It is used in 50Hz, 400V AC power supplying system, with the function of automatic transfer between the normal power supply (N) and the reserved one (R), guarantee the reliability and safety of supplying power. This product is produced according to the standard of GB/T14048.00-2002、IEC60947-6-1 《Automatic Transfer Switch Electric》and 《Water-proof Norms of Tall Residential Building》, 《Fire-proof Norms of Building Design 》, 《Urgent Lighting Design Enchiridion》, 《Electric Design Norms of Residential Building》etc. It can be used widely in the places where the power cut is not allowed, such as hospital, shopping malls, bank, chemical plant, tall building, military device, fire protection etc.ⅡCharacterTKQ2 series A.T.S is different from the previous transfer switches, such as the power-load switch which combined with load-switches, transfer switches which combined with contactors. TKQ2 series A.T.S is made of two new-generation molded case circuit breakers (MCCB), which have high breaking capacity, with its own accessories; the single electricity machinery drive with mechanical interlock and intellectual controller.It has the capacity of short circuit and over-load protection; over-voltage, under-voltage, lack of phase automatic transfer function, to guarantee the electricity distribution series operating reliably. It has the following characters:1. There is a double-protection between the two circuit breakers. One is reliable mechanical interlocking mechanism; the other is the intellectual electric interlocking which core is MOTOROLA Single Chip Micyoco (SCM).2. Over-load, under-load, lacking phase automatic transfer and intellectual alarm function.3. Electricity machinery operating protection4. The parameter can be set freely at the outside.5. Small volume, easy to fit and use.6. Energy saving, no noise running.7. The switch has electric fire fighting controller. When the fire fighting center give a control signal to the auto controller, the two circuit breakers will come to the open state.8. It has the computer interface, so it has the function of remote control, remote regulation, remote communicate and remote transport.ⅢWorking Condition1. Ambient air temperature:1) Upper limit:≤+40℃2) Lower limit:≥-10℃The average temperature in 24 hours is not exceed +35℃.2. Altitude: the altitude of install place is not exceed 2000m3. Atmosphere condition: the relative humidity of the atmosphere is not exceed 50% when theambient temperature is +40℃, and the lower temperature is, the higher humidity will be. When the lowest average temperature is 25℃ in the moistest month, the highest average humidity of this month is 90%, and the dew on the switch surface is also considered for the temperature changed.Ⅳ. Model and SignificationTK Q 2rated current of circuit breakergrade frame current of circuit breaker R: self-input and self-recover S: self-input without self-recover F: utility-generator B: combineddesign sequence number dual power Automatic Transfer Switches enterprise codeⅤ SpecificationThe main specifications are listed in sheet 1, and the special types can be communicated.Ⅵ Main technology parameter1. Rated working voltage of intellectual controller: AC 230V2. The life time of the switch (N-R-N circulation) and character parameter are listed as sheet 2.Ⅶ. Externality and Installation dimensionThe picture1 and picture2 are the externality, picture3 is the divided controller panel, and the installation dimension is list in sheet3.The externality of holistic controller and installation dimension (picture1 and sheet3).Picture1The externality of divided controller and installation dimension (picture2 and sheet3).Picture2The dimension of divided controller (picture3)Picture3ⅧMain structure and the working principleTKQ3 series dual power automatic transfer switch is made of two molded case circuit breakers (MCCB), transporting structure electricity machinery with mechanical interlocks, intellectual controller etc, all the devices are installed on one panel. And the controller interior is intellectualauto controlling circuit, made of MOTOROLA single chip micyoco (SCM) and advanced, reliable electronic component.1. Working principle of auto controllerThe auto controller tests the three phases voltage of normal and reserved power supply in the same time, when the numerical is 110% higher than the rated one, the controller views it as over-voltage, 60~85% lower than the rated one is under-voltage (the user can set the specific parameter freely). The internal circuit judges the test result of the timely phase for six voltages margin. When the result passes the relay, it drives the related relay give the open and close orders to the electricity machinery operating structure. And the above test result will be showed by some LEDs on the panel. There are four working ways (“automatic and manual”, “normal power supply”, reserved power supply”, “release <reclose>”), transfer delay time and the under-voltage numerical can be set through six push button switches. The switches are installed on the panel.2. Test and control function of auto controller2.1 self-input and self-recover auto controllerTKQ2 is used for the auto transforming between the normal power supply and reserved power supply. In usual time, the power was supplied by the normal power supply, and when it become abnormal (any single phase is over-voltage, under-voltage, interrupted phase), the reserved power supply will work after the appropriate delay; when the normal power supply refined, it will work once again automatically.Make sure the reserved power supply is no damaged. When it has some abnormal situation, the related LED on the panel will turn yellow, and the internal buzzer will offer an alarming signal to tell the user to restore.The function of the self-input and self-recover auto controller (sheet 4)2.2 自投不自复式auto controllerTKQ2 is used for the auto transforming between the normal power supply and reserved power supply. In usual time, the power was supplied by the normal power supply, and when it become abnormal (any single phase is over-voltage, under-voltage, interrupted phase), the reserved power supply will work after the appropriate delay; when the normal power supply refined, it can’t work once again automatically, unless the reserved power supply has some problem. The situation is also fit for the contrary condition.Make sure the reserved power supply is no damaged. When it has some abnormal situation, therelated LED on the panel will turn yellow, and the internal buzzer will offer an alarming signal to tell the user to restore.The function of the 自投不自复式auto controller (sheet 5)2.3 power grid generating auto controllerTKQ2 is used for the auto transforming between the normal power supply and reserved power supply. In usual time, the power was supplied by the normal power supply, and when it becomes abnormal (any single phase is over-voltage, under-voltage, interrupted phase), the intellectual controller orders to release the electricity by offering a controlling request as well as a unloading order (when the generator’s capacity is limited, user can unload the unimportant section). When the generating voltage is up to 85% of the rated one, the power of power grid will be cut automatically after some delay, and after some other delays, the generating power supply will work automatically. When the normal power supply recovers, it will work automaticallyThe function of the电网发电式auto controller (sheet 6)Q N-the normal power supply’s circuit breaker closeQ R-the reserved power supply’s circuit breaker closet1- delay for open (the longest delay is 60s, the shortest is 0.5s, producing setting 1.5s)t2- delay for close (the longest delay is 60s, the shortest is 0.5s, producing setting 1.5s)3. the wiring map of the second circuit (according to the map)TKQ2-R (S.F) second circuit wiring map (100-225 type)Notice:the picture is for the reclose-open positionQ N-the normal power supply’s circuit breakerQ R-the reserved power supply’s circuit breakerR1-normal fuseR2: reserved fuseM: operating electricity machineryPG: cable joint wireK1, K2: micro switchJX: terminals (picture a: wring map for indicator lamp)JXN: special terminals for three-phase null lineFire control and alarm control are used for R.S typeGenerating control and unload order are used for F typeN (null line) must be jointed; otherwise the intellectual controller will be damaged.Users joint the circuit showed by dotted line, the others have been jointed.When need the fire control cut the power urgently, please joint the on-off signal which showed by the fire center to the intellectual controller’s terminals.picture aNormal reservedIndicator lamp joint portTKQ2-R (S.F) second circuit wiring map (400-800 type)Notice:The picture is for reclose-open position本图在再扣分闸位置Q N-the normal power supply’s circuit breakerQ R-the reserved power supply’s circuit breakerR1-normal fuseR2: reserved fuseM: operating electricity machineryPG: cable joint wireK1, K2: micro switchJX1: terminals of exterior indicative lamp (picture b)JXN: special terminals for three-phase null lineFire control and alarm control are used for R.S typeGenerating control and unload order are used for F typeN (null line) must be jointed; otherwise the intellectual controller will be damaged.Users joint the circuit showed by dotted line, the others have been jointed.When need the fire control cut the power urgently, please joint the on-off signal which showed by the fire center to the intellectual controller’s terminals.Picture bnormal normal reserved reservedIndicator lamp joint portⅨ. Installation and Regulationinstall the switchTo protect yourself and the electric device safety, please make sure to do the following things before use the ATS:read the instruction carefully before installing and using A TS.ATS must be used in the normal working condition.Check the circuit breaker, to see if their specifications are complied with the work condition before installation.Before installing, measure the insulating resistance of the circuit breakers with 500V (Katherine Ohm meter)兆欧表(please note that, when measuring the insulating resistance, please cut the second circuit lead which jointed to the circuit breaker, otherwise the auto transfer controller will be damaged). The resistance should not be less than 10MΩ when the ambient temperature is 20℃±5℃ and relative humidity is 50%~70%. Otherwise the circuit breaker must be dryinged, to make sure the insulating resistance achieve the standard require.When installing, the safety distance of ATS must be complied with GB14048.1.When installing, make sure there is no conductive abnormal things on the circuit breaker.When installing, the conductive bus bar which connected to the ATS’s circuit breaker must be smooth. No attached mechanical strength is allowed to impose on the circuit breaker, avoiding to damage them and their motion character.After install the switch, choose the leads with suitable section to joint the circuit breaer’s output and input terminals, according to the rated current. The four-pole circuit breaker can joint no lead, only to joint the input terminal. Make sure the null line must be joint correct, otherwise the intellectual controller and motor operating structure will be damaged. As for three-pole circuit breaker, there in a N line must be jointed to the N terminal on the switch body bracket.Notice: the phase of the two circuit breakers must be coincident, and the switch body must be connected to the earth reliably.2. manual control and regulation (self-input and self-recover)When the normal, reserved and controller power supply are connected, the digital tube on the top of controller panel shows two numerical value rows; phase indicative lamps (A,B,C) flash circularly; state indicative lamps (three colors) show the normal power supply green (close), reserved power supply red (open), that means the A TS works under the good condition. If the state indicate lamps are yellow, there is a fault exist in the relative circuit. (three colors of the state indicative lamp respectively means three state: close-green; open-red; fault-yellow)Press the “normal power supply” button, Q N circuit breaker close.Press the “reserved power supply”button, Q N circuit breaker open, and Q R circuit breaker will close after delay t2.Press the “normal power supply”button, Q R circuit breaker open, and Q N circuit breaker close after delay t2. then press “cut (reclose)”button, the circuit breaker will be open instantly if it is close before electrifying.Press “auto” button, it will come to the auto controlling state according to the using power supply. And the closing indicative lamp should be lighted or put out in the operating process.The released indicative lamp can be tested if necessary. Open the transfer switch’s veil after circuit breaker is close, then press the urgent released button, the released indicative lamp on the intellectual controller will be lighted after the circuit breaker is 脱扣, and it will be put out after reclosing.Notice: when a circuit breaker is 脱扣, the controller must be transferred to mutual, press “cut (reclose)” button to make the released circuit breaker reclose, then can be transferred to auto state, let the circuit close.Ⅹ. Using methodAfter the above regulating, the normal TKQ2 system can be used. Before operating, if choose “self-input and self-recover”, only to press “auto” button, the auto indicative lamp on the panel will light, and the normal power supply is the preferential supply; if choose “self-input without self-recover”, you can select any one circuit power supply to work, only to press its button.The usage of the function key:1. power supply key: cut and connect the power supply which is on the main panel.2. set key: press this key, the system can be transferred among three states: norma l→showin g→set under-voltage percentage(A-1)→set cutting delay time(A-2)→set close delay time(A-3) →showing normally3. auto key: press this key, the indicative lamp light, the system can be set at the self-input and self-recover state.4. normal power supply key: press this key, the normal power supplier offer the power to the system, and it is at the self-input without self-recover state.5. reserved power supply key: press this key, the reserved power supplier offer the power to the system, and it is at the self-input without self-recover state.6. release key: press this key, the system will be released.7. under the set state, the normal power supply key is used to add the set numeral (+key), and the reserved power supply is used for reduce the set numeral (-key).Ⅺ. Analysis and remove the faultIf no response offered when start the switch, and the mechanical interlocking driver has no motion after pressing the indicative button, please check the power supply and connection of circuit breakers. Three-phase power supply and the N line must be jointed correctly; intellectual controller socket must be screw down, well contact.When controller was power supplied, but the mechanical interlocking driver has no motion, please check the fuse of the auto controller, to see if it is burned-up for over-current of the motor operating structure. Please retry after taking another suitable fuse.The fuse is burned-up frequently, please check the mechanical interlocking driver to see if it is locked. Please retry after some adjustment.Ⅻ. Other notice:1. Check and maintain the switch termly according to the circuit breaker and mechanical interlocking driver.2. Take the intellectual controller away before testing the switch’s frequency pressure.3. If the switch is unused for a long time, it must be humidity-proof and dust-proof. Before it works, make sure regulate it as the above using method, and guarantee it can work normally.4. Specific requests please tell the manufacturer, and note them when order.5. This product has a 18 months labor warranty after outgoing. In this time, customers must regulate, use and maintain it under the set using condition. But if it is for the product quality problem, our company guarantees to mend, change, and even take it back.ⅩⅢ. Order noticeUsers must inform us the following requests:1. name and type of the dual power transfer switch2. rated current of the dual power transfer switch3. the using way of dual power transfer switch (grid-grid or grid-generator)4. installation way of the intellectual controller (combined or divided )5. if need combined fire protect motion(消防联动) , please point it out.6. quantityExample:order TKQ2-225L (three-poles) doulb-power supply auto transferred device.rated current: 220A, grid-grid, combined controller, 60 sets. The order format should be written: TKQ2-BR 2250L-220A/3PA, 60 sets.TKQ2系列双电源自动切换开关使用说明书一. 适用范围TKQ2系列智能型双电源自动切换开关(简称A.T.S)是我公司采用最新技术开发的高新科技产品,适用于交流50HZ, 400V的双电源供电系统,可以完成常用电源(N)与备用电源(R)之间的自动切换,以保证供电的可靠性和安全性.本产品符合GB/T14048.11-2002, IEC60947-6-1《自动转换开关电器》标准, 也符合《高层民用建筑防水规范》,《建设设计防火规范》,《应急照明设计指南》,《民用建筑电气设计规范等》.广泛应用于医院,商场,银行,化工,高层建筑,军事设施,消防等不允许断电的重要场合.二. 产品特点TKQ2系列的A.T.S不同于以往的电源切换开关,如由负荷开关组成的电源负荷开关,接触器组成的电源切换开关.TKQ2系列A.T.S是由两台具有高分断能力的新一代塑壳断路器和其内部附件、带机械联锁的单电机传动机构,智能化控制器等组成.具有短路、过载保护、过压、欠压、缺相自动切换功能,以保证配电系统的高可靠性运行,其特点是:1. 两台断路器之间有可靠的机械联锁机械和以MOTOROLA单片机为核心的智能电气联锁双重保护.2. 具有过压、欠压、缺相自动切换和智能报警功能.3. 具有操作电机智能保护功能.4. 参数可在外部自由设定.5. 体积小巧, 安装使用方便.6. 节能、无噪音运行.7. 本开关备有消防控制电器,当消防控制中心给一控制信号进入自动控制器,两台断路器都进入分闸状态.8. 留有与计算机联网的接口,以备实现遥控、遥调、遥信、遥传.三. 正常工作条件周围空气温度: 上限值不超过+40℃; 下限值不超过-10℃; 24小时的平均值不超过+35℃. 海拔: 安装地点的海拔不超过2000m大气条件: 大气的相对湿度在周围最高温度+40℃时不超过50%, 在较低的温度下可以有较高的湿度,在最湿月的平均最低温度+25℃时,该月的平均最大相对湿度为90%, 并考虑到因温度变化在表面上的凝露.四. 型号及含义五. 产品规格主要规格如表1所示,特殊要求可协商供货.表1六. 主要技术参数智能控制器的额定工作电压为AC230V开关的使用寿命(N-R-N循环)及性能参数见表2.七. 外形和安装尺寸外形见图1、图2, 分体式控制器面板见图3,安装尺寸见表3. 整体式外形与安装尺寸图(见图1和表3)图1分体式外形与安装尺寸图(见图2和表3) 图2分体式控制器尺寸图(见图3)图3八. 主要结构和工作原理TKQ2双电源自动切换开关由两台塑壳断路器,带机械联锁电机传动机构、智能化控制器等组成,所有器件安装在一块金属底板上,控制器内部采用MOTOROLA单片机和先进可靠的电子元器件组成的智能化自动控制电路.1.自动控制器的工作原理简述如下:自动控制器对常用电源和备用电源的三相电同时进行检测,高于额定值的110%即判为过电压,低于60~85%(具体参数由用户自行设定)则按欠压处理.内部电路对六个电压幅值及进性相位的检测结果进行判断,处理结果通过延时后,驱动相应的指令继电器向电动操作机构发出分闸、合闸指令.上述检测结果同时用若干个发光二极管在面板上显示.通过面板上的六个按钮开关可以设定四种工作模式(“自动手动”、“常用电源”、“备用电源”、“脱扣(再扣)”)、转换延时时间及欠电压值.2.自动控制器的检测与控制功能如下:自投自复式自动控制器TKQ2用于常用电源和备用电源之间的自动切换.平时由常用电源供电,当常用电源发生异常(任一相电压过电压、欠电压、断相)时,经适当延时切换到备用电源供电;当常用电源恢复正常后,则又自动返回换接到正常电源供电.备用电源平时必须正常完好,当备用电源出现异常时,自动控制器面板上对应的发光二极管变成黄色,并由内部蜂鸣器向外部发出报警信号,提醒用户必须立即修复.自投自复式自动控制器的功能见表4表4TKQ2用于常用电源和备用电源之间的自动切换.平时由常用电源供电,当常用电源发生异常(任一相电压过电压、欠电压、断相)时,经适当延时切换到备用电源供电;当常用电源恢复正常后,不能自动返回换接到正常电源供电;除非备用电源出现异常才进行切换,反之亦然.备用电源平时必须正常完好,当备用电源出现异常时,自动控制器面板上对应的发光二极管变成黄色,并由内部蜂鸣器向外部发出报警信号,提醒用户必须立即修复.自投不自复式自动控制器的功能见表5电网发电式自动控制器TKQ2用于常用电源和备用电源之间的自动切换.平时由常用电源供电,当常用电源发生异常(任一相电压过电压、欠电压、断相)时,智能控制器发出发电控制指令请求发电,并发出卸载指令(在发电机容量不够时,由用户选择卸去部分非重要负载),当发电电压达到额定电压的85%时,经一定的延时后自动切断电网电源,再经延时自动切换到发电电源供电;当常用电源恢复正常后,则又自动返回换接到正常电源供电.电网发电式自动控制器的功能见表6表6注:Q N合表示常用电源的断路器合闸;Q R分表示备用电源的断路器分闸;t1: 分闸延时(最长延时60秒,最短延时0.5秒,出厂整定1.5秒)t2: 合闸延时(最长延时60秒,最短延时0.5秒,出厂整定1.5秒)3. 二次回路接线图(见图)TKQ2-R(S.F)二次回路接线图(100-225型)注: 本图在再扣分闸位置Q N: 常用电源断路器JX: 接线端子(指示灯接线见图形a)Q R: 备用电源断路器JXN: 三极零线专用端子R1: 常用保险丝消防控制、报警信号用于R.S型R2: 备用保险丝发电控制、卸载指令用于F型M: 操作电机N中线必须接妥,否则会对智能控制器造成损害PG: 电缆连接线虚线中由用户连接,其它导线已接好K1、K2: 微动开关需要消防控制紧急断电时,请将消控中心输出的开关信号接入智能控制器的端子.100-225型指示灯接线端图aTKQ2-R(S.F)二次回路接线图(400-800型)注: 本图在再扣分闸位置Q N: 常用电源断路器JX1: 外接指示灯接线端子(见图b)Q R: 备用电源断路器JXN: 三极零线专用端子R1: 常用保险丝消防控制、报警信号用于R.S型R2: 备用保险丝发电控制、卸载指令用于F型M: 操作电机N中线必须接妥,否则会对智能控制器造成损害PG: 电缆连接线虚线中由用户连接,其它导线已接好K1、K2: 微动开关需要消防控制紧急断电时,请将消控中心输出的开关信号接入智能控制器的端子.400-800型指示灯接线端图b九. 安装与调整1.开关的安装为了保证您的人身安全及电气设备的安全,A TS在投入运行前,请用户务必做到:1)ATS在安装使用前必须认真阅读本使用说明书2)ATS必须在正常工作条件下投入使用3)安装前先检查ATS上使用的断路器规格是否符合使用要求4)安装前先用500V兆欧表测量A TS上使用的断路器的绝缘电阻(请注意:测量绝缘电阻时,应断开连在断路器上的二次回路导线,否则将会损坏自动切换控制器),在周围空气温度20℃±5℃和相对湿度50%~70%下应不小于10MΩ. 否则断路器必须烘干,待绝缘电阻达到规定要求后方能使用.5)安装时,ATS的安全距离应符合GB14048.1国家标准6)安装时,请注意不能有导电的异物落入A TS上的断路器上7)安装时,与ATS上的断路器连接的导电母线,在连接时应平整,不能有附加的机械应力强制在断路器上,以免损坏断路器及动作特征.8)开关安装后,应根据额定电流的大小选用合适截面积的导线将断路器的输入、输出端子接好.对于四极断路器不必再另外接线,只要将断路器输入端子接妥,整个TKQ2的工作电源就接好了.但是必须注意,N线不能接错,否则将会烧坏智能控制器及电动操作机构.对于三极断路器则还需加一根N线到开关本体支架的N端子上.注意: 两个断路器输入端子的相序必须一致,开关本体的保护接地可靠接妥.2. 手动控制器调试(以自投自复为例)接通常用电源和备用电源及控制器电源,此时控制器面板上部的数码管显示两组数值;相位指示灯(A、B、C)循环闪烁;状态指示灯(三色)显示常用电源为绿色(合闸),备用电源为红色(分闸),表示智能控制器检测到六相电压均在正常范围内,A TS正常工作.若状态指示灯显示为黄色,则表明该路电源故障.(注:状态指示灯的三种颜色分别对应三种状态: a 合闸-绿色; b 分闸-红色; c 故障-黄色; 后面的说明里不再提示灯的颜色变化,请用户仔细对照) 按一下“常用电源”按钮, QN断路器合闸按一下“备用电源”按钮,QN断路器分闸,经t2延时后QR断路器合闸再按一下“常用电源”按钮,QR断路器分闸,经t2延时后QN断路器合闸.按一下“断电(再扣)”按钮,如果通电前有某个断路器处于合闸位置,则该断路器立即分闸.按一下“自动”按钮,则根据当时使用的电源进入自动控制状态.上述操作过程中合闸指示灯应正确的点亮或熄灭.必须时还可以作脱扣指示灯的测试,即断路器合闸后打开切换开关的面罩,按下该断路器的紧急脱扣按钮,断路器脱扣后智能控制器上的脱扣报警指示灯应点亮,再扣后指示灯熄灭.注意: 当一台断路器脱扣后,必须将控制器上的功能转换至手动状态,操作“断电(再扣)”按钮,使脱扣的断路器再扣,然后才可转换至自动状态将断路器合闸.十使用方法经过上述调试,工作正常的TKQ2系统即可投入使用.正式投入使用前,若是选择自投自复状态,则须按下“自动”键,面板上自动指示灯点亮,这是常用电源是优先电源;若是选择自投不自复状态,则可以选择一路电源供电,按一下该电路电源的按钮即可.功能键用途如下:1电源键: 此键可切断和打开主控板供电电源.2设定键: 按下此键,可依次使系统在三个状态之间切换正常---显示----设定欠压百分比(A-1)----设定切断延时时间(A-2)----设定合闸延时时间(A-3)----正常显示.3自动键: 按下此键,指示灯亮,可使系统设定在自投自复状态.4常用电源键: 按下此键,可使系统切换在常用电源供电,并使系统设定在自投不自复状态. 5备用电源键: 按下此键,可使系统切换在备用电源供电,并使系统设定在自投不自复状态. 6脱扣键: 按下此键,使系统供电脱扣.7在设定状态下, 常用电源用来加大设定值(+键)备用电源用来减少设定值(-键)十一故障分析与排除开机后无反应,按指令按钮后机械连锁传动机构不动作,请检查断路器的电源及接线情况.三相电源及中性线必须接妥,智能控制器上的接插件应插紧拧牢,接触良好.通电后控制器有电,但机械连锁传动机构不动作时,请检查自动控制器上的熔丝管是否因电动机构电流太大而烧毁.用合适的熔丝管更换后再试.经常烧毁熔丝请检查机械连锁传动机构是否有卡死现象,适当调整后再试.十二其他注意事项应根据所选用的断路器及机械连锁传动机构的要求定期检查与保养.若要求对开关进行工频耐压实验,请将智能控制器脱离后进行/长期不使用的产品应注意防潮,防尘,在使用前应按前述内容进行调试.正常动作后方可投入进行.用户如有特殊要求,请与制造商联系,并在定货时说明.本产品自出厂之日起18个月内实行保修,保修期内用户按本产品规定使用要求进行调整,使用与维护保养,但因产品本身质量问题而无法使用时,本厂负责修理,更换甚至退货.十三定货须知用户定货时必须说明:a)双电源切换装置的名称及型号;b)双电源切换装置的额定电流(A)c)双电源切换装置的使用方式(电网-电网或电网-发电机);d)智能型控制器的安装方式(连体式或分体式);e)若需消防联动,请说明f)数量.例: 订购TKQ2---225L(三级) 双电源自动切换装置, 额定电流200A, 电网-电网,控制器为联体式, 60台,应写为:TKQ2 B R 225L---200A/33PA 60台.。
江苏大全-KFQ2 P2系列双电源自动转换装置
![江苏大全-KFQ2 P2系列双电源自动转换装置](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0f2205397375a417866f8f2c.png)
KFQ2-H型控制器应按接线图接入9 - 35V 的直流电源,以保证自动控制器在电网停电而发电机尚未供电时发出发电机启动和卸载信号。
举例:1.KFQ2R-100SH/4300 额定工作电流为20A , 分
注: 1、接线图为电网-电网系统,若为电网-发电机系统, 控制器19号端子接DC8 ~ 35V -,20号端子接DC8 ~ 35V +,31、32号端子为发电机启动信号输出。 2、端子19,24:可接消防分闸输入,为无源触点输入。 3、对于三极断路器,1N、2N接至装置本体N极接线柱上。 4、本装置标配一组无源辅助触头(T端子)
1、3、6、 10、16、20、 25、32、40、 50、63 400
4.5 4000 φ 6000
H1 25
பைடு நூலகம்
仅当选购装置为分体式KFQ2-H型智能自动控制器时,需进行安装面板开孔。 控制器与装置本体用1.8米电缆连接,电缆长度超过1 . 8米时,请在订货时注明。
1 3 (出厂默认值) (出厂默认值) 0~9999 0~20 (用户可调) (用户可调)
10 (出厂默认值) 0~9999 (用户可调)
5 (出厂默认值) 0~9999 (用户可调)
1 (出厂默认值) 0~9999 (用户可调)
10 5 (出厂默认值) (出厂默认值) 0~9999 0~9999 (用户可调) (用户可调)
发电机停机信号发出 (发电机卸载延时时间t9)
常用电源投入供电 (转换间隔时间t5 +常用电源接通运作时间t4)
双电源自动转换开关常识HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】双电源自动转换开关常识符合标准IE60947-6-1:1998(版)《低压开关设备和控制设备第六部份、自动转换开关电器》《低压开关设备和控制设备、自动转换开关电器》名词术语双电源自动转换开关(ATSE)分为CB级和PC级两个级别。
按转换时间选择和使用ATS1? 根据国家与行业有关规范要求,对于消防设备的双电源转换,其转换时间越快越好,但考虑目前我国的供电技术条件,规定在30s以内。
2? 对于应急照明,根据目前我国设计的时间做法,一般采用城市电网的电源作为应急照明供电。
3? 当采用发电机组作为应急照明电源时,发电机的启动和转换的全部时间不应大于15s。
地址:325600 浙江省温州市乐清市柳市镇象阳工业区