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Unit 11 Travel旅行

A: Do you like traveling by train or by plane? 你喜欢乘什么旅行?火车还是飞机?B: I think I prefer train. It’s cheaper and safer.我觉得还是喜欢火车。火车比较便宜也比较安全。Key Words and Phrases(关键词汇)

travel ['trævl](动)旅行train [trein] (名) 火车plane[plein] (名)飞机cheap[tʃiːp](形)便宜的safe [seif] (形)安全的

Paula: Where can I call a taxi? 你到哪儿去叫出租车?Zhuw ei: There’s a taxi rank over there, right outside the gate.出租车站在那边,就在门口。Key Words and Phrases(关键词汇)

call [kɔːl](动)叫,召唤taxi['tæksi] (名)出租汽车


Yang: Is this your first time visiting Beijing? 你这是第一次来北京吗?Paula: Yes. Is it easy to get around? 是啊。市内交通方便吗?Yang: I think so. You can get anywhere by bus and taxi is not very expensive.


Paula: How about the subway? 地铁怎么样?Yang: It’s also convenient, but it’s usually crowded.地铁也方便,就是挤一些。

Key Words and Phrases(关键词汇)

get around 走动,(乘交通工具)旅行anywhere ['eniweə](副)任何地方

subway ['sʌbwei](名)地铁expensive [ik'spensiv](形)贵的,花钱多的crowded ['kraʊdid](形)拥挤的

What’s the best way to get around?怎样在城里游览最方便?Does this bus go to the Summer Palace? 这辆车去颐和园吗?How often does the bus run? 隔多长时间发一辆车?Would you tell me where to get off? 请告诉我在哪下车?Will you remind me when we get there? 到地方你叫我一下Where can I hire a car? 我到哪儿可以租到车。You’re going the wrong wa y. 您走错方向了。You have missed your stop. 你乘过站了。The subway station is just around the corner. 地铁站就在拐角处。Vocabulary(词汇)

hire ['haiə](动)租用,暂时租借miss [mis](动)错过

remind [ri'maind](动)提醒run [rʌn](动)定时行使,在两地间往来

station ['steiʃən](名)车站

Unit 12 Sightseeing 观光游览

A: What are the good sights to see in Beijing? 北京都有什么好的景点?B: Well, I know you are interested in architecture, 哦,我知道你对建筑感兴趣,so you shouldn’t miss the Temple of Heave. 所以千万不能错过天坛,And the Great Wall is a must, too. 长城也一定要去。Key Words and Phrases

sight [sait](名)值得看的东西,风景,名胜architecture ['ɑːitektʃə](名)建筑Temple of Heaven 天坛temple ['tempəl] n. 庙宇;寺院;神殿; Heaven ['hevən] n. 天堂;天空miss [m i s](动)错过Great Wall 长城must [mʌst](名)必须要做的事情

Yang: Here we are, Joan. This is the Palace Museum, 我们到了,琼,这是故宫博物院,also known as the Forbidden City. 又叫紫禁城。Joan: Oh, how splendid! Can you take a picture of me here 好雄伟呀,你能在这给我照张像么?Yang: Sure. 没问题。Key words and Phrases

Palace Museum故宫palace ['pælis]宫殿museum [mjuː'z iəm]博物馆be known as 被称作splendid ['splendid](形)雄伟的,壮丽Forbidden City紫禁城forbidden [fə'bidən] adj. 被禁止的

Paul: Shall we visit the Summer Palace tomorrow? 明天我们可以去颐和园吧?

Victoria: Good. I don’t want to leave Beijing without visiting it.好。来北京我可不能不去颐和园。

How far is it from our hotel? 离我们住的旅馆远吗?Paul: It’s about 5 kilometers.大约有5公里的路吧。

Victoria: If we start early, do we have some time for Yuanmingyuan? 要是我们早点出发,还能有时间去圆明园吗?

Paul: I think so. We can go there in the afternoon if you like.我觉得可以,你要想去我们可下午去。Key words and Phrases

Summer Palace 颐和园palace ['pælis]宫殿without [wið'aʊt](介)(用于动词前)start [stɑːt](动)出发kilometer['kilə,mitɚ](名)公里early ['ɜːl i](副)早,提早

How long will you be staying in China? 你要在中国呆几天?Is this your first visit to Beijing? 这是你第一次来北京吗?There are many places of historical interest in Beijing. 北京的历史名胜很多。It is worth seeing. (这个地方)值得去看。How much is the admission? 门票是多少?Will you tell me the schedule?你能告诉我热日程安排吗?I’d like to see as many as places as possible.我想尽量多看几个地方。I’d like to buy some souvenirs for my friends.我想给我的朋友买点纪念品。Where can I get a guidebook or a map of Beijing? 到哪儿买旅游手册或者北京地图?
