实验一室内气流组织模拟实验 一、实验目的 通过室内气流组织模拟

实验一 室内气流组织模拟实验一、实验目的通过室内气流组织模拟实验,掌握常用风口、常见室内送回风口布置对室内气流分布、工作区温度速度均匀性的影响;掌握室内工作区温度和速度的测量方法、气流演示实验方法。
为此引入评价室内气流组织经济性指标——能量利用系数η:on op t t t t --=η 式中,t n 、t o 、t p 分别为室内工作区空气平均温度、送风温度及排(回)风温度。
三、实验方法1.气流组织测量方法 (1).烟雾法将棉球蘸上发烟剂(如四氯化钦、四氯化锡等)放在送风口处,烟雾随气流在室内流动。

AVI animation of particle traces from supply diffuser in a partitioned office
• Compose individual fr ames A-12
第十三页,编辑于星期五:九点 五十三分。
• Industrial air conditioning 工业空调
• Industrial ventilation 工业通
风 • Industrial hygiene 工业卫生 • Occupational health and
• Mine ventilation 矿井通风
Targeted Air flow Applications 应用
• Commercial/residential ventilation 住宅通风
• Fume hood design 排烟罩设计 • Telecommunication rooms
电讯室设计 • Clean rooms 净化间设计 • Contamination control 污染
Particle traces colored by mean age of air show sharp deflection of cold air as it exits elevated side-wall supply diffuser
Determine the best ventilation system design for the planned use of At-h1e5 facility
第八页,编辑于星期五:九点 五十三分。

f o r S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y , S h a n g h a i 2 0 0 0 9 3 , C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t :En e r g y c o n s e r v a t i o n a n d e mi s s i o s n r e d u c t i o n i s a l o n g - t e r m i mp o r t a n t s t r te a g i c t a s k i n o u r
c o u n t r y .Wi t h t h e r a p i d d e v e l o p m e n t o f m o b i l e b u s i n e s s i n C h i n a , mo r e a n d m o r e d a t a c e n t e r s a r e u s e d ,
器均 温和回风 温度基 本相 同时 , 相 对 于原始送 风 温度 1 5℃ , 冷 热通道 改进 方案 可提 高至 2 6℃ , 相 对 于原 始方 案 可节 能 4 2 . 2 7 %。
关键词: 数 据 中心机 房 ; 流动 ; 数值 模拟 ; 算法; 气流 组织 ; 节能 中图分 类号 : T K0 1 8 ; T U8 3 4 文 献标志码 : A 文章编 号 : 1 6 7 3 — 7 2 3 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 3 — 0 0 2 7 — 0 7

总766期第三十二期2021年11月河南科技Henan Science and Technology酒店大空间场所气流组织模拟分析郑宗达(厦门合立道工程设计集团股份有限公司,福建厦门361000)摘要:为研究不同形式的风口对酒店高大空间空调气流组织的影响,本文以福建省厦门市某酒店多功能厅为模型,利用气流组织模拟方法对其夏季室内工况分别采用球形喷口和双层百叶风口进行模拟,得到室内速度场、温度场、预计平均热感觉指数、预计不满意者的百分数。
关键词:多功能厅;百叶风口;球形喷口;气流组织中图分类号:TU831文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2021)32-0091-04Simulation and Analysis of Air Distribution in Large Space of Hotel byZHENG Zongda(Xiamen Helidao Engineering Design Group Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen Fujian361000)Abstract:In order to study the influence of different forms of tuyeres on the air distribution of air conditioning in large spaces of hotels,taking a multi-functional hall of a hotel in Xiamen as a model,this paper uses the air distribu⁃tion simulation method to simulate its indoor working conditions in summer by using spherical nozzle and double-lay⁃er louver tuyere respectively,and obtains the indoor velocity field,temperature field,expected average thermal sensa⁃tion index and the percentage of dissatisfied people.The results show that when the spherical nozzle is used,the hor⁃izontal temperature and velocity distribution in the personnel activity area below2m are more uniform.Based on the numerical prediction and evaluation of thermal environment based on PMV,PPD,it can be concluded that the thermal comfort of spherical nozzle is equivalent to that of louver vent.There is little difference in air age between the two.The spherical nozzle is adopted,and the air quality in the banquet hall is relatively good.Keywords:multi-function hall;louver vent;spherical vent;air distribution影响空调区域内温度、气流速度分布的因素包括:空调送风口形式和位置、送风射流的参数(送风量、出口风速、送风温度)、回风口的位置、房间几何形状、热源在室内的位置,其中送风口形式和位置以及送风射流的参数是主要影响因素[1]。

计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics 简称CFD)的发展和应用,在一定程度上解决了空调系统设计中单凭经验和感觉进行设计而造成的不足。
1 Airpak软件的主要特点CFD是运用流体动力学的基本原理进行“三传”(传热、传质、动量传递)及燃烧、多项流和化学反应研究的重要技术,广泛应用于热能动力、航空航天、机械、土木水利、环境和化工等诸多领域,其中暖通空调领域是CFD应用的主要领域之一。

室内各物体尺寸、数量及边界条件设置如下表1所示:表1 边界条件设置名称尺寸数量边界条件送风口0.5m×0.2m2个速度入口,2.5m/s 人0.4m×0.35m×1.73m2人热源,75W灯 1.2m×0.2m×0.15m3个热源,40W电脑0.4m×0.4m×0.4m2台热源,173W回风口0.5m×0.2m2个自由出口桌子 1.5m×4m×1.05m1个——北外墙————定壁温,34.2℃1.建模1)打开软件,新建工程。
2)调整房间模型尺寸:Model Room Edit可更改odject名称调整尺寸大小、坐标位置:Geometry可根据个人习惯通过输入起点/终点或起点/长度来确定坐标位置。
3)建立灯、人体、电脑等模型:Creat b locka.创建灯具模型修改block名称:lamp输入坐标尺寸定位a .创建灯具模型:在properties 中修改属性,定义热源。
将灯简化为长方体的固体block定义热源40W利用copy object 可复制灯具模型。
复制数量偏移量b.创建简易桌子模型(可无)采用固体block 创建桌子模型,因桌子并非热源散发源,桌子模型可有可无。
(这里仅作为障碍物)c.创建电脑模型步骤:◆简化为固体的block;◆修改名称为com.1;◆输入坐标定位;◆定义热源属性:173W;◆Copy object命令,设置偏移量。
d.创建人体模型步骤:◆可直接使用自带人体模型,也可将人体简化为长方体的固体block;◆修改名称为person.1;◆修改尺寸,人体为坐姿;◆定义热源属性:75W;◆Copy object命令,设置偏移量。

Airpak软件中文学习案例(含软件详细操作步骤)建筑边庭对室内环境的影响-CFD模拟分析目录01篇建模问题 (3)1.1模拟概况 (3)1.2简化模型 (5)1.3用airpak建模 (5)1.4airpak建模步骤 (6)02篇网格生成篇 (9)2.1网格生成详细步骤 (9)2.2网格检查 (11)03篇条件设置 (12)3.1边界条件设置 (12)3.2初始参数设置 (15)3.3残差和计算参数设置 (16)04篇模拟后处理 (17)05篇边庭模拟小结 (21)01篇建模问题1.1模拟概况本工程是某地区一栋坐北朝南的办公楼,东侧是贯穿一层的边庭,主要功能为通风采光,南侧是一个内部走廊。
1.2简化模型拿到二维图纸或三维图纸后,建模的思路是先熟悉图纸,二维和三维图纸都看一遍,了解图纸中的建筑和物体的布局,其次结合CFD 模拟工况的要求,对建筑模型进行必要的简化,最后依据图纸信息进行建模。

2.机房测试2.1项目概况本项目制冷系统冷冻侧冷冻供回水温度为14/20 ℃,夏天冷却供回水温度为32/37 ℃。
数据中心制冷设备共配置4套1000 RT(3517 kW)制冷单元,3用1备。
机房内有2155个标准机柜,每个机柜4.4 kW的额定功率。
2.2数据中心机房测试本次以数据中心302机房为测试对象,此模块机房面积465.65 ㎡,240个4.4 kW机柜,两侧有两个空调间,空调间配置5台水冷精密空调,四用一备,每台精密空调制冷量152 kW,额定功率为8.4 kW,风量为39400 m³/h。
表3-1 机房内的具体设置参数表名称数量/个尺寸/m模型类型主要参数图形机柜2402.2×1.2×0.6creatblocks4.4kW机柜进出风口2402.2×0.6creatopenings/精密空调12.55×0.95×1.97creatblocks152kW精密空调风机尺寸22.55×0.95creatfans13.1 kg/s送风地板2400.6×0.6creatresistances/3.1弥漫式送风方式CFD模拟机房不同切面下速度分析,机房风速的速度范围在2 m/s到4 m/s之间。

如图1.1 。
2.单击NEW选项,软件会开始一个新的任务,同时NEW project选项卡将会打开。
如果想把房间调整到默认位置,点击界面上方的选项Orient在弹出的菜单中点击Home position。

Airpak 2.0 使用指南办公室通风∙简介∙前言∙问题描述∙第一步:打开并定义一个新任务∙第二步:创建模型∙第三步:加入辐射和模型∙第四步:计算网格∙第五步:检查风状况∙第五步:将模型保存到任务文件中∙第六步:计算一个解决方案∙第七步:检查结果∙汇总∙参考文献简介这篇教程演示了如何使用Airpa k在计算机上创建有两个人工作的办公室的模型教程中你将学会:∙打开一个新任务∙包括计算机模拟相对湿度影响的分布∙创建blocks, openin gs, vents, partit ions,和 walls∙创建辐射影响的模型∙改变计算机计算的迭代次数∙计算一个结果∙检查模型表面轮廓和物体表面的矢量,以及横断面图∙空气入口的粒子流轨迹通过计算机计算检查房间里的舒适度的预测平均值(PMV)和不满百分比(PPD)必装条件这个教程假设你对air pak没有经验,但是你很熟悉接口,如果您不是,请检查第一张的用户指南问题描述这个办公室分为两个部分,每部分包含一个人,坐在电脑前工作,如图 1.1。
Table1.1:几何参数,导热性,窗户和扩散器的流动边界条件尺寸温度速度13.5 C 0.85 m/s进气口扩散0.2 m 0.3 m30.9 C ---窗户3.65 m 1.16 mTable1.2:热源的尺寸和性能热源Size Power1500 W墙挂式取暖1.2 m 0.1 m 0.2 m75 W人0.4 m 0.35 m 1.1 m108 WComput er 10.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 mComput er 2173 W0.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m34 W灯0.2 m 1.2 m 0.15 mFigure 1.1:通风问题所研究的办公室的几何参数Step 1: Open and Define a New Job1.启动airp ak,如简介1.5中说明的那样,打开任务面板将自动开启2.为你的任务取一个名字(a)In the Select the job to open text box, type /office at the end of the path.在选择任务打开文字框内,输入/office在路径的最后(b)ClickAccept. 点击接受Airpak will create a defaul t room with the dimens ions10 m 3 m 10 m, anddispla y the room in the graphi cs window.Airpak将创建一个默认的尺寸为10x3x10的房间,并放置在图形窗口内。

很多人在学了gambit 后,再来学习ICEM,大半年过去了,ICEM还是没有摸着门道,特别痛苦,回头接着学习gambit。

4.4 模型设置及计算
2个建筑室外模型搭接 (1)网格划分 (2)边界条件设置 (3)计算模型设置
4.5 室外风环境结果的对比分析
风环境模拟结果的分析 (1)并列式模型结果 (2)错列式模型结果 (3)模型结果对比分析 (4)大气边界层
PART 4 建筑室外风环境
4.1 风环境模拟知识
建筑风环境基础知识 1.为什么要做建筑室外风环境模拟? 2.建筑风环境要满足什么要求? 3.风环境模拟正式分析报告
4.1 风环境模拟知识
建筑群和高大建筑物会显著改变城市近地面层风场结构。近地风的状况与建筑物的外形、 尺寸、建筑物之间的相对位置以及周围地形地貌有着很复杂的关系。 《绿色建筑评价标准》 GB/T 50378-2014第4.2.6条针对建筑室外风环境状况提出了明确的要 求:
1.2.7 湍流方程选用原则
1.零方程模型(Chen 模型) 2.一方程模型(S-A 模型) 3.标准 k-e 模型 4.重整化群(RNG ) k-e 模型
1.2.8 导入CAD模型
操作流程 1.CAD2018版以上,绘制好图形,面区处理。 2.CAD输出为Iges格式 3.Airpak导入Iges文件 4.Airpak描点建模 5.删除辅助线和面
3.2 建立室内模型
3.3 网格处理
3.4 模拟设置
3.5 模拟结果评价
3.5 热舒适度评价参数 室内热舒适评价指标: 温度、 湿度、 风速、 PMV-PPD、 空气龄等。 民用建筑空调设计参数: (1) 夏季: 温度: 24~28℃; 相对湿度: 40%-65%; 风速: 应不大于 0.3m/s。 (2) 冬季: 温度: 18~22℃; 相对湿度: 40%-60%; 风速: 应不大于 0.2m/s。 (3) PMV-PPD: PMV: 评价室内环境冷热感, 一个客观的数字, 基本可以反映这个人当时的冷 热感。 一般遵守 ASHRAE 7 分制, 0 分中性, 3 分很热, -3 分很冷(取值范围 -3~3) -0.5~0.5 人体感觉舒适。 PPD: 公式估算出人们对该环境冷热不满意的比率, 即 PPD(取值 20%) 。 (4) 空气龄: 是指空气质点自进入房间至到达室内某点所经历的时间。 反映了 室内空气的新鲜程度, 它可以综合衡量房间的通风换气效果, 是评价室内空气品 质的重要指标。 (5) 压力: 民用建筑室内对各个功能区域压力要去不一样。 厨房、 卫生间等污 染较大的地方, 要求保持负压, 客厅、 卧室、 办公室等区域要求保持正压值
Airpak3.0 经典实例教程

Tutorial1.Office VentilationIntroduction:This tutorial demonstrates how to model an office shared by two people working at computers,using Airpak.In this tutorial,you will learn how to:•Open a new job•Include effects of relative humidity distribution in the simulation•Create blocks,openings,vents,partitions and walls•Model the effects of radiation•Change the number of solver iterations•Calculate a solution•Examine contours and vectors on object faces and cross-sections of the model•Trace particle streams from air inlets•Examine the comfort level in the room by calculating the predicted mean vote(PMV)and predicted percentage dissatisfied(PPD)Prerequisites:This tutorial assumes that you have little experience with Airpak,but that you are generally familiar with the interface.If you are not,please review the sample session in Chapter1of the User’s Guide.Problem Description:The office is partitioned into two sections,each containing one person working at a computer,as shown in Figure1.1.The office also includes six fluorescent lights,a baseboard heater,an inlet diffuser,a ventilation return,anda window.Surface temperatures and air velocity profiles are sought in order todetermine the overall comfort of the room for its occupants.Table1.0.1:Geometrical,Thermal,and Flow Boundary Conditions for the Diffuser and WindowSize Temperature VelocityInlet Diffuser0.2m×0.3m13.5◦C0.85m/sWindow 3.65m×1.16m30.9◦C—–Office VentilationTable1.0.2:Size and Capacity of the Heat SourcesHeat Source Size PowerBaseboard Heater 1.2m×0.1m×0.2m1500WPerson0.4m×0.35m×1.1m75WComputer10.4m×0.4m×0.4m108WComputer20.4m×0.4m×0.4m173WLamp0.2m×1.2m×0.15m34WFigure1.1:Geometry of the Office Ventilation ProblemOffice Ventilation Step1:Open and Define a New Job1.Start Airpak,as described in Section1.5of the User’s Guide.When Airpak starts,the New/existing panel will open automatically.2.Click New in the New/existing panel to start a new Airpak project.The New project panel will appear.(a)Specify a name for your project in the Project text box.You can enter the name office.(b)Click Create.Airpak will create a default room with dimensions10m×3m×10m,and display the room in the graphics display window.You can rotate the room around a central point using the left mouse button,or you can translate it to any point on the screen using the middle mouse button.You can zoom into and out from the room using the right mouse button.To restore the room to its default orientation,click on the Orient menu and select Home position.3.Modify the overall problem definition to include the effects of chemical speciesmixing and turn on the ideal gas las.Problem setup−→Basic parametersOffice Ventilation(a)In the Basic parameters panel,select On next to Species and click Edit.Airpak will open the Species definitions panel.i.Select the Initial concentration of h2o to50.ii.Select RH from the menu to the right of the Initial concentrationfield for h2o.RH is the relative humidity of the air in the room specified as a percentage.iii.Click Accept(b)In the Basic parameters panel,click the Advanced tab.i.Turn on the Ideal gas law option and the Operating density operation andkeep the default values for the operating pressure and density.ii.Click AcceptOffice Ventilation(c)Keep the default settings for all other parameters in the Basic parameters panel.(d)Click Accept to save the new settings.Office VentilationStep2:Build the ModelTo build the model,you willfirst resize the room to its proper size.Then you will create the features of the room,including people(2),computers(2),lights(6),tables(2),a ventilation return and input diffuser,a radiator,a partition,and walls.1.Resize the default room.Model−→Room(a)In the Room panel,enter the coordinates as shown in the followingfigure.(b)Click Done to resize the room.(c)Click from the Orient toolbar to show an isometric view of the roomscaled tofit the graphics window.Note:The walls of the room are adiabatic and do not participate in radiation,by default.To include radiation effects at the boundaries of the room,you willdefine wall objects at the boundaries later in this step.2.Create thefirst person in the workspace.Office VentilationNote:There is a Person object in Airpak;however,for this simulation,the repre-sentation of the people will be simplified,i.e.,the people will be represented by hollow blocks that are energy sources.Tutorials2and3will make use of the Person object.(a)Click in the object toolbar.Airpak will create a new hollow prism block in the center of the room.You will need to change both the size of the block and its location within the room.(b)Display the Blocks edit panel by doing one of the following:•Double click block.1in the Model manager window.•Select block.1in the Model manager window and right mouse click todisplay the context menu.Select Edit object.(c)Enter the following coordinates for thefirst person in the Geometry tab:xS 1.4xE 1.8yS0yE 1.1zS-0.6zE-0.95(d)In the Properties tab,set the Total power under Thermal specification to be75W.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name person1in the Namefield.(f)Click Update to modify the block.Click Done to close the panel.3.Create the second person.(a)Click in the object toolbar.(b)Double click block.1in the Model manager window to display the Blocks editpanel.(c)In the Geometry tab,enter the following coordinates for the second person:xS 3.6xE 4.0yS0yE 1.1zS-3.05zE-3.40(d)In the Properties tab,set the Total power under Thermal Specification to be75W.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name person2in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the block and close the panel.4.Create thefirst computer.The computers will be represented by hollow blocks in front of the people in the office.Office Ventilation(a)Click in the object toolbar.(b)Double click block.1in the Model manager window to display the Blocks editpanel.(c)Enter the following coordinates for thefirst computer:xS 1.4xE 1.8yS0.7yE 1.1zS0zE-0.4(d)In the Properties tab,set the Total power under Thermal Specification to be108W.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name computer1in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the block and close the panel.5.Create the second computer.(a)Click in the object toolbar.(b)Double click block.1in the Model manager window to display the Blocks editpanel.(c)Enter the following coordinates for the second computer:xS 3.6xE 4.0yS0.7yE 1.1zS-3.6zE-4.0(d)In the Properties tab,set the Total power under Thermal Specification to be173W.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name computer2in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the block and close the panel.6.Create the radiator.This baseboard heater is the largest heat source in the room,and its represented inthe simulation by a hollow prism block.(a)Click in the object toolbar.(b)Double click block.1in the Model manager window to display the Blocks editpanel.(c)Enter the following coordinates:xS0xE0.1yS0yE0.2zS-1.4zE-2.6Office Ventilation(d)In the Properties tab,set the Total power under Thermal Specification to be1500W.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name baseboard-heater in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the block and close the panel.7.Create thefirst overheadfluorescent lamp.(a)Click in the object toolbar.(b)Double click block.1in the Model manager window to display the Blocks editpanel.(c)Enter the following coordinates:xS 1.1xE 1.3yS 2.85yE 3.0zS-0.5zE-1.7(d)In the Properties tab,set the Total power under Thermal Specification to be34W.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name lamp in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the block and close the panel.8.Copy thefirst lamp(lamp)to create the second and third lamps(lamp.1and lamp.2),each offset by1.3m in the x direction.(a)In the Model manager window,select lamp.(b)Right mouse click to display the context menu.(c)Click copy.The Copy block lamp panel will open.Office Ventilation(d)Enter2as the Number of copies.(e)Turn on the Translate option and specify an X offset of1.3.(f)Click Apply.Airpak will create two copies of the original lamp,each offset from the previousone by1.3m in the x direction.9.Create the remaining three overhead lamps.(a)Create a group consisting of the three existing lamps.i.Select lamp in the Model manager window,hold down the<Ctrl>key andclick on lamp.1and lamp.2to select or highlight all three lamps.ii.Right mouse click to display the context menu and select Create group.iii.In the Query panel,enter lamp as the name for the new group.iv.Click Done.lamp,lamp.1and lamp.2will be added as a group under the Groups node in theModel manager window.(b)Make a copy of this group.i.Select the Groups node in the Model manager window and expand theGroups tab.ii.Select the lamp group and right mouse click to display the context menu.iii.Select Copy group to display the Copy group lamp panel.iv.Enter1as the Number of copies.v.Turn on the Translate the X offset and Y offset to0,set the Z offset to-1.8.vii.Click ApplyThe display will be updated to show all six lamps.10.Create the air inlet diffuser.(a)Click icon in the object toolbar.Airpak will create a2D opening in the center of the room.You will need tochange the size and orientation of the opening and specify the temperature andairflow information.(b)Double click opening.1in the Model manager window to display the Openingsedit panel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to Y-Z and enter the following coordi-nates for the opening:xS 5.0xE---yS 2.7yE 2.9zS-1.85zE-2.15(d)In the Properties tab,select Temperature and enter a value of13.5◦C.(e)Select X Velocity and enter a value of-0.85m/s.(f)Select Species and click Edit.Airpak will open the Species concentrations panel.i.In the Species concentrations panel,enter a value of50for the Concentra-tion of h2o.ii.Select RH from the menu to the right of the Concentrationfield for h2o.iii.Click Done to update the opening and close the panel.iv.In the Info tab of the Openings panel,enter the name air-inlet in the Namefield.v.Click Done to update the opening and close the Openings panel.11.Create the ventilation return.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.(b)Double click vent.1in the Model manager window to display the Vents editpanel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to Y-Z and enter the following coordi-nates for the vent:xS 5.0xE---yS0yE0.5zS-1.75zE-2.25(d)In the Properties tab,select Approach for the Velocity loss coefficient.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name vent-return in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the vent and close the Vents panel.12.Create the office partition.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.(b)Double click partition.1in the Model manager window to display the Partitionsedit panel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to Y-Z and enter the following coordi-nates for the partition:xS 2.87xE---yS0yE 3.0zS-2.0zE-4.0(d)In the Info tab,enter the name partition in the Namefield.(e)Click Update in the Partitions panel to modify the partition.13.Create thefirst office table.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.(b)Double click partition.1in the Model manager window to display the Partitionsedit panel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to X-Z and enter the following coordi-nates:xS 3.0xE 5.0yS0.6yE---zS-3.524zE-4.0(d)In the Info tab,enter the name table in the Namefield.(e)Click Done to update the table and close the Partitions panel.14.Copy thefirst table to create the second(table.1).The second table will be offset from thefirst table by3m in the x direction and3.524m in the z direction.(a)In the Model manager window,select table.(b)Right mouse click to display the context menu.(c)Click copy.The Copy partition table panel will open.(d)Turn on the Translate option and specify an X offset of-3m and a Z offset of3.524m.(e)Click Apply to copy the table and close the panel.15.Create the office window.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.Airpak will create a wall in the center of the room.You will need to changethe size and orientation of the wall and specify the temperature and radiationparameters.(b)Double click wall.1in the Model manager window to display the Walls editpanel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to Y-Z and enter the following coordi-nates for the window:xS0xE---yS 1.671yE 2.831zS-0.203zE-3.853(d)In the Properties tab,select Outside temp and enter a value of30.9◦C.(e)In the Info tab,enter the name window in the Namefield.(f)Click Done to update the window and close the Walls panel.16.Create thefloor for the room.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.(b)Double click wall.1in the Model manager window to display the Walls editpanel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to X-Z and enter the following coordi-nates for thefloor:xS0xE 5.0yS0yE--zS0zE-4.0(d)In the Info tab,enter the namefloor in the Namefield.(e)Click Done to update the window and close the Walls panel.17.Create the left wall of the room.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.(b)Double click wall.1in the Model manager window to display the Walls editpanel.(c)In the Geometry tab,use the default plane of X-Y and enter the followingcoordinates:xS0xE 5.0yS0yE 3.0zS0zE---(d)In the Info tab,enter the name wall-left in the Namefield.(e)Click Done to update the window and close the Walls panel.18.Create the back wall of the room.(a)Click the icon in the object toolbar.(b)Double click wall.1in the Model manager window to display the Walls editpanel.(c)In the Geometry tab,change the plane to Y-Z and enter the following coordi-nates:xS0xE---yS0yE 3.0zS0zE-4.0(d)In the Info tab,enter the name wall-back in the Namefield.(e)Click Done to update the window and close the Walls panel.19.Copy thefloor to create the ceiling.(a)In the Model manager window,selectfloor.(b)Right mouse click to display the context menu.(c)Click copy.The Copy wallfloor panel will open.(d)Turn on the Translate option and specify an X offset of0m,a Y offset of3mand a Z offset of0m.(e)Click Apply.Airpak will create a copy of thefloor(floor.1)on the top of the room.(f)Selectfloor.1in the Model manager window.(g)In the Namefield located in the Info tab,change floor.1to ceiling.(h)Click Done to update and close the panel.20.Copy the left wall to create the right wall.(a)Select wall-left in the Model manager window.(b)Right mouse click and select Copy object from the context menu.The Copy wall-left panel will open.(c)Turn on the Translate option.(d)Specify an X offset of0,Y offset of0,and a Z offset of-4.(e)Click Apply.Airpak will create a copy of the left wall(wall-left.1)on the right of the room.(f)Select wall-left.1in the Model manager window.(g)In the Info tab,change wall-left.1to wall-right in the Namefield.(h)Click Done to update the wall.21.Copy the back wall to create the front wall.(a)Select wall-back in the Model manager window.(b)Click Copy object from the context menu.The Copy wall-back panel will open.(c)Keep the Translation option turned on.(d)Specify an X offset of5,a Y offset of0,and a Z offset of0.(e)Click Apply.Airpak will create a copy of the back wall(wall-back.1)on the front of the room.(f)Select wall-back.1in the Model manager window.(g)In the Info tab,change wall-back.1to wall-front in the Namefield.(h)Click Done to update and close the panel.The completed model will look like Figure1.2.Figure1.2:Completed Model for the Office Ventilation Simulation22.Check the model to be sure that there are no problems(e.g.,objects that are tooclose together to allow for proper mesh generation).Model−→Check modelAirpak should report in the Message window that0problems were found and all tolerances are acceptable.23.Check the definition of the modeling objects to ensure that you specified themproperly.View−→Summary(HTML)Airpak will list the specifications for all modeling objects in a web browser which can be launched from selecting the View menu and clicking Summary(HTML).You can check them here and if you notice any incorrect specifications,you can change them in the object’s edit panel.Step3:Add Radiation to the ModelIn this step,you will include the effects of radiation in your model.1.Enable radiation modeling.Model−→Radiation(a)Under the Radiation enabled list,click All to select all of the objects in theroom.(b)At the bottom of the panel,select1from the menu to the right of the Reflevel.The smaller the Ref level value,the faster Airpak will compute the view factors.(c)Click Compute.Airpak will compute the form factors for the selected objects.See the User’sGuide for details about modeling radiation.Note:It will take several minutes for Airpak to complete the radiation calcu-lations.The Message window will report when it is Done computing formfactors.(d)Click Close.Step4:Generate a MeshYou will generate the mesh in three steps.First you will modify the order in which objects are meshed.Then you will create a coarse mesh and examine it to determine where further mesh refinement is required.Finally,you will refine the mesh based on your observations of the coarse mesh.1.Change the mesh priority of the room walls.You will need to change the order in which the objects in the room are meshed so that room objects in contact with the walls will receive a higher priority than the walls in the meshing process.Model−→Edit priorities(a)In the Object priority panel,enter a value of0forfloor,ceiling,wall-left,wall-right,wall-back,and wall-front.(b)Click Accept to modify the priorities and close the panel.Figure1.3:Object Priority Panel2.Generate a coarse(minimum-count)mesh.Model−→Generate Mesh(a)In the Global settings section in Mesh control panel,select Coarse in the Meshparameters drop-down list.Airpak will update the panel with the default meshing parameters for a coarse (minimum-count)mesh,shown in the panel below.Figure1.4:Mesh Control Panel(b)Deselect Max X size,Max Y size,and Max Z size.(c)Click the Generate mesh button to generate the coarse mesh.3.Examine the coarse mesh on a cross-section of the model.(a)Select the Display tab at the top of the Mesh control panel.(b)Turn on the Cut plane option.(c)Select Point and normal from the drop down list across from Set position.(d)Set(PX,PY,PZ)to(2,0,0)and set(NX,NY,NZ)to(1,0,0).These settings will result in a mesh display on a y-z plane passing through the point(2,0,0).Figure1.5:Display Tab of the Mesh Control Panel(e)Turn on the Display mesh option.The mesh display plane is perpendicular to the ceiling,and aligned with the people,computers,and tables as shown in Figure1.6.(f)Click on the two square boxes to advance the plane cut through the model.Figure1.6:Coarse Mesh on the y-z Plane4.Generate afiner mesh.(a)Select the Generate tab at the top of the Mesh control panel.The panel will be update to show the mesh generation tools again.(b)Select Normal in the Mesh parameters drop-down list.Airpak will update the panel with the default meshing parameters for a“nor-mal”(i.e.,finer than coarse)mesh.(c)Turn on Max X size,Max Y size,and Max Z size,and set each of them to0.3.(d)Change the Max O-grid height to0.001.This will restrict the tendency of the meshing algorithm to wrap O-grid type meshes around objects.(e)Select Object params and click Edit.Airpak will open the Per-object mesh parameters panel.(f)Set object-specific meshing parameters for the air-inlet opening.i.In the Per-object mesh parameters panel,highlight air-inlet.Airpak will display the object-specific meshing parameters for the opening.ii.Select Y count and Z count.iii.Under Requested,enter5for Y count and Z count.iv.Click Done to save the settings and close the panel.air-inlet will be displayed in red to indicate that meshing parameters havebeen set for this object.(g)Click the Generate Mesh button in the Mesh control panel to generate afinermesh.5.Examine the new mesh.The graphics display will be updated automatically to show the new mesh(Fig-ure1.7).You can move the two square boxes in the Display section of the Meshcontrol panel to advance the plane cut and view the mesh throughout the model.Figure1.7:Fine Mesh on the y-z Plane6.Turn offthe mesh display.(a)Select the Display tab at the top of the Mesh control panel.(b)Deselect the Display mesh option.(c)Click Close to close the Mesh control panel.Step5:Check the Flow RegimeBefore starting the solver,you willfirst review estimates of the Reynolds and Peclet numbers to check that the properflow regime is being modeled.1.Check the values of the Reynolds and Peclet numbers.Solve−→Settings−→Basic(a)Click the Reset button.(b)Check the values printed to the Message window.The Reynolds and Peclet numbers are approximately12000and9000,respec-tively,so theflow is turbulent.Since you are currently modeling turbulentflow,no changes are required.The Message window will also report that theinitial air velocity has been reset to−10−4times gravity.This modificationimproves the convergence of natural convection calculations.(c)Click Accept to save the new solver settings.Step6:Save the Model to a Job FileAirpak will save the model for you automatically before it starts the calculation,but it is a good idea to save the model(including the mesh)yourself as well.If you exit Airpak before you start the calculation,you will be able to open the job you saved and continue your analysis in a future Airpak session.(If you start the calculation in the current Airpak session,Airpak will simply overwrite your jobfile when it saves the model.)File−→Save ProjectStep7:Calculate a Solution1.Increase the Number of iterations to1000.Solve−→Settings−→Basic2.Modify the parameters for the solver.Solve−→Settings−→Advanced(a)In the Advanced solver setup panel,enter the following values for Under-relaxation:•Pressure:0.7•Momentum:0.3•Retain the defaults for Temperature,Viscosity,Body forces,and h2o.Occasionally,for low ventilationflow rates,it may be necessary to adjust theunder-relaxation factors for Pressure and Momentum to0.7and0.3,respec-tively,so that the calculation will converge more easily.Lowflow rates in thistutorial require such changes in these factors.(b)Click Accept to store the settings and close the Advanced solver setup panel.3.Start the calculation.Solve−→Run Solution(a)Keep the default settings in the Solve panel.(b)Click Start solution to start the solver.Figure1.8:Solve PanelAirpak will begin to calculate a solution for the model,and a separate window will open where the solver will print the numerical values of the residuals.Airpak will also open the Monitor graphics display and control window,where it will display the convergence history for the calculation.If you do not want to wait for the calculation tofinish,you can save time by reading in the results provided in the tutorials directory and then following the instructions(in the next step of this tutorial)for examining the results.See the preface(Using This Manual)for details.Upon completion of the calculation,your residual plot will look similar to Figure1.9.Note that the actual values of the residuals may differ slightly on different machines,so your plot may not look exactly the same as Figure1.9.In the window where the residual values are printed,the calculation will continue after the residual plot stops,as the equations for radiation and mean age of air are solved.To get a more accurate solution,it may be necessary to continue the calcula-tion until all residual plots level off.You can do this by reducing the conver-gence criteria for theflow and energy equations in the Solver setup panel and restarting the calculation.See the User’s Guide for details about restarting the calculation from an existing solution.4.When the solution is completed,as in Figure1.9,close the Monitor window byclicking Done.Figure1.9:ResidualsStep8:Examine the ResultsThe objective of this exercise is to consider the airflow patterns through out the office and the heat dissipation of the energy sources in the room.You will also examine the comfort level of the room.You will accomplish this by examining the solution using Airpak’s graphical postprocessing tools.1.Display velocity vectors on a horizontal plane cut through the office.Post−→Plane cutFigure1.10:Plane Cut Panel(a)In the Info tab,enter the name velocity-vectors in the Namefield.(b)Keep the default selection of Point and normal for the plane specification.(c)Specify the point(PX,PY,PZ)as(0,2.55,-2),and the normal(NX,NY,NZ)as(0,1,0).This defines a cross-section in the x-z plane,passing through the point(0,2.55,-2).(d)Select Show vectors.(e)Click Create.(f)Click on the Orient menu and select Positive Y.This will orient the model as shown in Figure1.11.You can see theflowdistribution of low-velocity ventilation air throughout the office on this plane.You can use the slider bar under Set plane in the Plane cut panel to move thevector plane through the model.(g)In the Plane cut panel,turn offthe Active option and click Update.This will temporarily remove the velocity vector display from the graphics win-dow,so that you can more easily view the next postprocessing object.Figure1.11:Velocity Vectors in an x-z Cross SectionHint:If the Plane cut panel is not visible on your screen,select velocity-vectors in the Post objects list in the postprocessing Edit panel to bring the Planecut panel to the foreground.2.Display the mean age of the air in the office.(a)Click New in the Plane cut panel.(b)In the Info tab,enter the name mean-age-air in the Namefield.(c)Select Point and normal for the plane specification.(d)Specify the point(PX,PY,PZ)as(0,2,0),and the normal(NX,NY,NZ)as(0,1,0).This defines a cross-section in the x-z plane,passing through the point(0,2,0).(e)Select Show contours and click Parameters.The Plane cut contours panel will open.(f)Select Mean age of air in the drop-down list.Figure1.12:Plane Cut Contours Panel(g)Click Done to update the graphics display and close the panel.(h)Click on the Orient menu and select Isometric view.The graphics display will be updated to show the mean age of air contour plot, as shown in Figure1.13.Figure1.13:Mean Age of Air Contours(i)In the Plane cut panel,turn offthe Active option and click Done.3.Display contours of temperature on the block surfaces in the office.Post−→Object face(a)In the Face namefield,enter the name temp-contours.(b)In the Object drop down list,select all block objects using the<Ctrl>key andthe left mouse button.Click Accept.(c)Keep the default Object sides.(d)Select Show contours and click Parameters.The Object face contours panel will open.。
Airpak_学习教程(翻译50页) (1)

Airpak 2.0 使用指南办公室通风•简介•前言•问题描述•第一步:打开并定义一个新任务•第二步:创建模型•第三步:加入辐射和模型•第四步:计算网格•第五步:检查风状况•第五步:将模型保存到任务文件中•第六步:计算一个解决方案•第七步:检查结果•汇总•参考文献简介这篇教程演示了如何使用Airpak在计算机上创建有两个人工作的办公室的模型教程中你将学会:•打开一个新任务•包括计算机模拟相对湿度影响的分布•创建blocks, openings, vents, partitions, 和 walls•创建辐射影响的模型•改变计算机计算的迭代次数•计算一个结果•检查模型表面轮廓和物体表面的矢量,以及横断面图•空气入口的粒子流轨迹•通过计算机计算检查房间里的舒适度的预测平均值(PMV)和不满百分比(PPD)必装条件这个教程假设你对airpak没有经验,但是你很熟悉接口,如果您不是,请检查第一张的用户指南问题描述这个办公室分为两个部分,每部分包含一个人,坐在电脑前工作,如图 1.1。
Table 1.1:几何参数,导热性,窗户和扩散器的流动边界条件尺寸温度速度13.5 C 0.85 m/s进气口扩散0.2 m 0.3 m30.9 C ---窗户3.65 m 1.16 mTable 1.2:热源的尺寸和性能热源Size Power1500 W墙挂式取暖1.2 m 0.1 m 0.2 m75 W人0.4 m 0.35 m 1.1 m108 WComputer 10.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m173 WComputer 20.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m34 W灯0.2 m 1.2 m 0.15 mFigure 1.1:通风问题所研究的办公室的几何参数Step 1: Open and Define a New Job1.启动airpak,如简介1.5中说明的那样,打开任务面板将自动开启2.为你的任务取一个名字(a)In the Select the job to open text box, type /office at the end of the path.在选择任务打开文字框内,输入/office在路径的最后(b)Click Accept. 点击接受Airpak will create a default room with the dimensions 10 m 3 m 10 m, anddisplay the room in the graphics window.Airpak将创建一个默认的尺寸为10x3x10的房间,并放置在图形窗口内。

远离 的区域不 满意 百分 比较 高. 结合 P MV 与 P P D评 价 ,
可认 为小 部分 区域满 足舒 适要 求 , 而大 部分 区域不 满足 .
3 实测 数 据 与模 拟 的对 比分 析
根据 GB / T 5 7 0 1 — 2 0 0 8《 室 内热 环境 条件 》 的要求 , 对
修 改稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 - 0 卜1 4
基金项 目: 陕西 省科 技 厅 攻 关 项 目( 2 0 0 9 K1 0 — 1 7 ) ; 西 安 工 程 大 学 研 究 生 创新 基 金 资 助 项 目 ( c h x 1 2 1 0 1 9 ) 作者简介: 狄育慧 ( 1 9 6 4 一 ) , 女, 陕西 西 安 人 , 教授 , 硕导 , 主 要 从 事 建 筑 节能 方 向 的研 究 .
壁 面边 界 : 所模 拟 的房 间位 于顶 层 , 北 向墙 壁壁 温为 3 2℃ , 北 窗为 3 2℃ ; 天花板 壁 温为 3 2℃ ; 其 他
壁 面与相 邻空调 房 相连 , 可认 为为绝 热壁面 ; 电脑 为热 流边界 , 热 流量 为 1 7 3 w; 吊灯热 流量 为 3 4 w; 人 体 模型 为坐姿 , 短袖 短裤 .
根据 某办 公室 的实 际建 筑模型 与 室 内
设备 分布 , 建 立 图 1所示 的数 值 模 拟 物 理 模型 , 该房 间 的几何 尺寸 为 : 长 ×宽 ×高 一
7 . 8 mx 7 . 4 m ×3 . 5 m. 有 五个 人在 室 内 ,
6台 电脑 和 6根荧 光 灯 , 2 0个 格 子 间办 公 桌. 图中 的负 方 向为北 方 , 正 方 向为 东
Fi g .1 Ph y s i c a l mo d e l

Airpak 2.0 案例分析∙简介∙问题描述∙第一步:打开并定义一个新任务∙第二步:创建模型∙第三步:加入辐射和模型∙第四步:计算网格∙第五步:检查风状况∙第五步:将模型保存到任务文件中∙第六步:计算一个解决方案∙第七步:检查结果简介本案例演示如何使用Airpak在计算机上创建小区通风的模型,你将学会:∙打开一个新任务∙创建blocks, openings,和 walls∙改变计算机计算的迭代次数∙计算一个结果∙检查模型表面轮廓和物体表面的矢量,以及横断面图∙通过计算机计算检查房间里的风速的预测平均值问题描述湍流模型:RNG两方程模型计算区域:上风向取5倍模型高度,下风向取5倍模型高度,高度取4倍模型高度室外风速风向:1.8m/s,南偏东30°Step 1: Open and Define a New Job1. 启动airpak,如图1中说明的那样,打开任务面板将自动开启2. 为你的任务取一个名字a)file→open,在选择任务打开文字框内,输入/uptown在路径的最后b)点击accept,接受。
新建任务面板RNG 湍流模型全局设置面板Step 2: Build the Model 创建模型创建模型,你需要调整计算区域范围,然后创建小区建筑,包括住宅楼和商业裙房,回风口(ventilation return )及输入出风口(input diffuser)1. Resize the default room. 调整默认房间尺寸Model→Room(a)在编辑(Edit)面板,输入下面的坐标(b)点击修改(Modify)来调整计算区域。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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表1 边界条件设置
送风口0.5m×0.2m2个速度入口,2.5m/s 人0.4m×0.35m×1.73m2人热源,75W
灯 1.2m×0.2m×0.15m3个热源,40W
桌子 1.5m×4m×1.05m1个——
2)调整房间模型尺寸:Model Room Edit
3)建立灯、人体、电脑等模型:Creat b lock
a .创建灯具模型:在properties 中修改属性,定义热源。
利用copy object 可复制灯具模型。
采用固体block 创建桌子模
◆Copy object命令,设置偏移量。
◆Copy object命令,设置偏移量。
◆Copy object命令,设置偏移量。
◆Copy object命令,设置偏移量。
g .创建墙体模型
wall 命令
4)检查模型:Model check model
Model Edit priorities object priority
◆取消勾选Max X size、Max Y
size、Max Z size,选择coarse可
◆Display 面板可查看模型剖面网
勾选Max X size 、Max Y size 、Max Z size ,设置网格间距,一般在0.1—0.5m 之间,具体项目尺寸具体设置。
Odject parameters 中可对计算区域的送风口及排风口进行局部加密。
4.Generate mesh 生成更好质量的网格。
◆选中某一送风口,勾选Use per-
object parameters;
勾选surface、All odject可
勾选Cut plane可查看模型
Face alignment、Quality均大于
Problem setup Basic parameters
(1)Problem setup
可设置环境温度稳态流动(1)Problem setup
(2)Solution settings
Solution settings Basic settings
(2)Solution settings
Solution settings Advanced settings
(3)Run Solution Run Solution命令
Plane cut命令