一般将来时be going toPPT

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4、他今晚不打算ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu加聚会。
isn’t going to go to the party He _________________________________ this evening. 5、你愿意和我们去参观兵马佣吗? ________________________ the Terra Cotta Warriors with us? Would you like to visit 6、他有时走错路。 goes the wrong way He sometimes _____________________.
Are we all going? 我们都要去吗? I’m coming. 我就来。
Jim _______ in a few minutes. C
A. will be coming B. is going come
C. is coming
D. come
1. He likes eating _____. C He often goes _______.
Have a rest
Revision 2
trip 1. We are going to have a field ________( 旅游) next week. hometown 故乡) for your holiday 2. Do you go back to your ___________( every year? Maybe 也许) he is at home now. 3. _________( agrees 同意) to go to boating with me this Sunday. 4. My father _________( top 5. There is a lot of snow on the ________( 顶部) of the mountain. 6. She __________( hurries 赶快) to work every morning.
A. fishes, fishing B. fish, fishes C. fish, fishing C 2. What are you going to do ______ the day after tomorrow.
A. in
B. on
C. /
3. Are you going fishing ______ A East Lake tomorrow? A. at B. in C. on B 4. I’m afraid she has some problem ______ her bike. A. mend B. mending C. to mend C 5. The students of Class 1 _______ going to have a field trip next week. A. am B. is C. are
It is going to rain.
在be动词后加上not可变为否定式,把be动词提前则为 疑问式。 Are you going to see a film this weekend? Yes, we are (going to see a film).
注意:一些词如:come, go leave, start, arrive 等的现在进行时可以表示将来的意思。
be going to
be going to + 动词原形构成一般将来时,表示计划或 根据某些现象或征兆预测不久即将发生的事情。含有 “打算”之意。常与tomorrow, next Sunday, next month, the day after tomorrow等表示将来的时间状语 连用。
We are going to visit our friends next Sunday.
trips 绊倒) over here shoes. 7. Sometimes the little girl _______(
takes 花费) much time to go this way. 8. It ________( tired 9. I’m too _________( 累). Let’s have a rest. far 10. My home isn’t _________( 远的) from my school.
1、欢迎回校 back ________ to school. Welcome _______ 2、他们几点钟上课? time _______ do they ________ begin ________ classes What ______
studies hard Frank _________ English very _______. 4、我的计划与你的不同。 different _________ from My plan is _________ yours. 5、这有些花送给你,致以我们美好的祝愿。 for you _______ with Here are some flowers _____ our best wishes ___________.
a new kind of fruit He wants to try ________________________.
2、我们打算在山上野炊。 are going to have a picnic We _______________________________ on the mountain. 3、他们打算什么时候回来? When __________________________________? are they going to come back